Injecting configuration and compiling...
Injecting scraper and running...
php:1 scraping question: /questions/60174/how-can-i-prevent-sql-injection-in-php
-- already got
php:1 scraping question: /questions/3737139/reference-what-does-this-symbol-mean-in-php
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php:1 scraping question: /questions/201323/using-a-regular-expression-to-validate-an-email-address
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-- already got
php:1 scraping question: /questions/151969/when-to-use-self-vs-this
-- already got
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-- already got
php:1 scraping question: /questions/2283937/how-should-i-ethically-approach-user-password-storage-for-later-plaintext-retrie
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php:1 scraping question: /questions/8028957/how-to-fix-headers-already-sent-error-in-php
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php:1 scraping question: /questions/4361553/php-public-private-protected
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php:1 scraping question: /questions/3003145/how-to-get-the-client-ip-address-in-php
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-- already got
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-- already got
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-- already got
php:1 scraping question: /questions/1361340/how-to-insert-if-not-exists-in-mysql
-- already got
php:1 scraping question: /questions/804045/preferred-method-to-store-php-arrays-json-encode-vs-serialize
-- already got
php:1 scraping question: /questions/6768793/get-the-full-url-in-php
-- already got
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-- already got
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-- already got
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-- already got
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php:1 scraping question: /questions/378959/is-there-a-static-code-analyzer-like-lint-for-php-files
-- already got
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-- already got
php:1 scraping question: /questions/1028668/get-first-key-in-a-possibly-associative-array
-- already got
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-- already got
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-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/1075534/cant-use-method-return-value-in-write-context
-- already got
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-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/768431/how-to-make-a-redirect-in-php
-- already got
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-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/3446216/what-is-the-difference-between-single-quoted-and-double-quoted-strings-in-php
-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/920353/can-i-bind-an-array-to-an-in-condition
-- already got
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php:2 scraping question: /questions/1032161/what-is-the-use-of-symbol-in-php -- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/592322/php-expects-t-paamayim-nekudotayim -- already got
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php:2 scraping question: /questions/139474/how-can-i-capture-the-result-of-var-dump-to-a-string -- already got
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php:2 scraping question: /questions/8684609/dude-wheres-my-php-ini -- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/1532618/is-there-a-function-to-make-a-copy-of-a-php-array-to-another
-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/1206105/what-does-php-keyword-var-do
-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/4345554/convert-php-object-to-associative-array
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php:2 scraping question: /questions/168214/pass-a-php-string-to-a-javascript-variable-and-escape-newlines
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php:2 scraping question: /questions/1442411/when-should-i-use-memcache-instead-of-memcached
-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/576908/how-to-create-a-simple-hello-world-module-in-magento
-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/712392/send-email-using-the-gmail-smtp-server-from-a-php-page
-- already got
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-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/80646/how-do-the-php-equality-double-equals-and-identity-triple-equals-comp
-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/24675/tactics-for-using-php-in-a-high-load-site
-- already got
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-- already got
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-- already got
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-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/2487921/convert-date-format-yyyy-mm-dd-dd-mm-yyyy
-- already got
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-- already got
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-- already got
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-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/6249707/check-if-php-session-has-already-started
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php:2 scraping question: /questions/1290318/php-constants-containing-arrays
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php:2 scraping question: /questions/1065188/in-php-5-3-0-what-is-the-function-use-identifier
-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/128560/when-do-i-use-the-php-constant-php-eol
-- already got
php:2 scraping question: /questions/2821061/facebook-api-how-do-i-get-a-facebook-users-profile-image-through-the-facebook
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/2109325/how-to-strip-all-spaces-out-of-a-string-in-php
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/561066/fatal-error-allowed-memory-size-of-134217728-bytes-exhausted-codeigniter-xml
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/778564/phpdoc-type-hinting-for-array-of-objects
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/4616159/is-there-a-php-sandbox-something-like-jsfiddle-is-to-js
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/12916539/simplest-php-example-for-retrieving-user-timeline-with-twitter-api-version-1-1
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/1179874/what-is-the-difference-between-bindparam-and-bindvalue
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/5741187/sql-injection-that-gets-around-mysql-real-escape-string
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/73947/what-is-the-best-way-to-stop-people-hacking-the-php-based-highscore-table-of-a-f
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/1634782/what-is-the-most-accurate-way-to-retrieve-a-users-correct-ip-address-in-php
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/5647461/how-do-i-send-a-post-request-with-php
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/4064444/returning-json-from-a-php-script
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/910793/detect-encoding-and-make-everything-utf-8
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/3542243/doctrine2-best-way-to-handle-many-to-many-with-extra-columns-in-reference-table
-- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/1289061/best-way-to-use-php-to-encrypt-and-decrypt-passwords
php:3 Saving user to list NikiC
-- already got
php:3 Saving user to list jiexi
php:3 Saving user to list Scott Arciszewski
php:3 Saving user to list Alix Axel
-- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Community
-- already got
php:3 Saving user to list wilsonpage
php:3 Saving user to list stasl
php:3 Saving user to list Sebastian Paaske Tørholm
php:3 Saving user to list blackStar
-- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Martin
php:3 Saving user to list Josh Rice
php:3 Saving user to list Ants Aasma
php:3 Saving user to list Nikos Tsirakis
php:3 Saving user to list mcandre
-- already got
php:3 Saving user to list stolsvik
-- already got
php:3 Saving user to list haknick
php:3 Saving user to list BasTaller
php:3 Saving user to list wired00
-- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Alix Axel
-- already got
php:3 Saving user to list ircmaxell
-- already got
php:3 Saving user to list ircmaxell
-- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Josh
-- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Briganti
php:3 Saving user to list Maarten Bodewes
-- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Francisco Presencia
-- already got
php:3 Saving user to list ircmaxell -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Maarten Bodewes -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Maarten Bodewes -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Matt Connolly -- already got
php:3 Getting Briganti
php:3 Getting BasTaller
php:3 Getting haknick
php:3 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:3 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:3 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:3 Geocoding Aldekein at Kharkov -- 49.9935-36.230383
php:3 Geocoding diEcho at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fedir at Toulon, France -- 43.124228-5.928
php:3 Geocoding Jon at Berlin -- 52.5200066-13.404954
php:3 Geocoding Adam Ramadhan at Indonesia -- -0.789275-113.921327
php:3 Geocoding El Yobo at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hammerite at Sheffield, United Kingdom -- 53.381129--1.470085
php:3 Geocoding Adam at US -- 37.09024--95.712891
php:3 Geocoding frymaster at Edinburgh, United Kingdom -- 55.953252--3.188267
php:3 Geocoding Meer at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shahid at Lahore, Pakistan -- 31.5546061-74.3571581
php:3 Geocoding JDelage at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding J.Steve at Maryland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Josiah at Vermont -- 44.5588028--72.5778415
php:3 Geocoding Serjas at Kochi, India -- 9.9312328-76.2673041
php:3 Geocoding Earlz at Cleveland, OH -- 41.49932--81.6943605
php:3 Geocoding krishna at hyderabad -- 17.385044-78.486671
php:3 Geocoding Roy Leban at Redmond, WA -- 47.6739881--122.121512
php:3 Geocoding Nidhin David at Kerala -- 10.8505159-76.2710833
php:3 Geocoding Fabrício Matté at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kendall Hopkins at Berrien Springs, MI -- 41.9464342--86.338905
php:3 Geocoding gladsocc at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding matejkramny at ~ -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Ismael Miguel at Portimão, Portugal -- 37.13617--8.5376926
php:3 Geocoding Overv at Delft, The Netherlands -- 52.0115769-4.3570677
php:3 Geocoding thenetimp at Kashiwa-shi, Japan -- 35.8676124-139.9758505
php:3 Geocoding Borislav Sabev at Sofia, Bulgaria -- 42.6977082-23.3218675
php:3 Geocoding Josef Sábl at Pilsen, Czech Republic -- 49.7384314-13.3736371
php:3 Geocoding Syntax Error at Richmond, VA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt H. at Eagle Mountain, UT -- 40.3141169--112.006882
php:3 Geocoding B Seven at Los Angeles, CA -- 34.0522342--118.2436849
php:3 Geocoding Gerry at Perth, Australia -- -31.9535132-115.8570471
php:3 Geocoding w3d at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding redreinard at CA, US -- 36.778261--119.4179324
php:3 Geocoding Yamiko at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding T0xicCode at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Elvis Ciotti at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alfabravo at Colombia -- 4.570868--74.297333
php:3 Geocoding Bug Magnet at Beijing, China
-- 39.904211-116.407395
php:3 Geocoding mateusza at Warsaw, Poland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alexander Malfait at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding VladFr at Bucharest, Romania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Charles at Washington, DC
-- 38.9071923--77.0368707
php:3 Geocoding Tex at Vienna, Austria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeff Ferland at Redwood City, CA
-- 37.4852152--122.2363548
php:3 Geocoding tlrobinson at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robert Hurst at Vancouver, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Gent at Waltham, MA
-- 42.3764852--71.2356113
php:3 Geocoding barrymac at London
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dVaffection at Vancouver, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding xl-t at Göttingen, Germany
-- 51.5412804-9.9158035
php:3 Geocoding Antony at Houston, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Hughes at Canberra, Australia
-- -35.2819998-149.1286843
php:3 Geocoding Rudie at Eindhoven, Netherlands
-- 51.441642-5.4697225
php:3 Geocoding Martin Abraham at Lübeck, Germany
-- 53.8654673-10.6865593
php:3 Geocoding GWW at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding XSaint32 at Florida
-- 27.6648274--81.5157535
php:3 Geocoding Surreal Dreams at Waynesboro, VA
-- 38.0684692--78.8894682
php:3 Geocoding zeusakm at Moscow, Russia
-- 55.755826-37.6173
php:3 Geocoding slf at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthew Vines at Blue Springs, MO
-- 39.0169509--94.2816148
php:3 Geocoding eldarerathis at North Carolina
-- 35.7595731--79.0192997
php:3 Geocoding lonesomeday at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding cjk at Nottingham, United Kingdom
-- 52.9547832--1.1581086
php:3 Geocoding cartbeforehorse at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ChrisR at Peer, Belgium
-- 51.1329-5.4536
php:3 Geocoding simone at London
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin Dimitrov at Bulgaria
-- 42.733883-25.48583
php:3 Geocoding zmonteca at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mamdouh alramadan at NYC, NY
-- 40.7127837--74.0059413
php:3 Geocoding IcanDivideBy0 at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dennis Jamin at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zenexer at Massachusetts
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mason81 at Michigan
-- 44.3148443--85.6023643
php:3 Geocoding J. Bruni at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tgr at Hungary
-- 47.162494-19.503304
php:3 Geocoding Kumar Sanket aka Sanket Sahu at Bangalore, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding qasimzee at Lahore, Pakistan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jon at Nashville, TN
-- 36.1626638--86.7816016
php:3 Geocoding Carlos Goce at Spain
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jon B at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding cale_b at Denver, CO
-- 39.7392358--104.990251
php:3 Geocoding g . at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jai at New Delhi
-- 28.6139391-77.2090212
php:3 Geocoding dbasnett at Jefferson City, MO
-- 38.5767017--92.1735164
php:3 Geocoding Parixit at Ahmedabad, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cole Johnson at Southern California
-- 34.9592083--116.419389
php:3 Geocoding Suresh Kamrushi at Hyderabad, India
-- 17.385044-78.486671
php:3 Geocoding Jon Cram at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arno at Paris, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding systemovich at Pretoria, South Africa
-- -25.746111-28.188056
php:3 Geocoding feeela at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kapil gopinath at Kochi, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding PhoneixS at Segovia, Spain
-- 40.9429032--4.1088069
php:3 Geocoding rdlowrey at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States
-- 33.6890603--78.8866943
php:3 Geocoding Stephen Harris at Edinburgh, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anders Abel at Stockholm, Sweden
-- 59.3293235-18.0685808
php:3 Geocoding toon81 at Eindhoven, The Netherlands
-- 51.441642-5.4697225
php:3 Geocoding aksu at Finland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding bungdito at Jakarta, Indonesia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sirber at Quebec City, Canada
-- 46.8032826--71.242796
php:3 Geocoding Nimit Dudani at India/UK
-- 30.066753-79.0192997
php:3 Geocoding Bibhas at Kolkata, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex V at Florida
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Toni Michel Caubet at Deia
-- 39.7479394-2.6483743
php:3 Geocoding Rich at London / Lyndhurst
-- 51.5528537--0.1698101
php:3 Geocoding Robin at Paris, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Simon at Melbourne, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Эџad Дьdulяңмaи at Salt Lake City, UT
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Janoszen at Vienna, Austria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding SiKni8 at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ussama Dahnin at Brussels
-- 50.8503396-4.3517103
php:3 Geocoding Camilo Martin at Sao Paulo, Brazil
-- -23.5505199--46.6333094
php:3 Geocoding jnhghy - Jantea Alexandru at Romania
-- 45.943161-24.96676
php:3 Geocoding slaver113 at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding R. Martinho Fernandes at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding flussence at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jondavidjohn at Springfield, MO
-- 37.2089572--93.2922989
php:3 Geocoding dreftymac at Earth, TX
-- 34.2331373--102.4107493
php:3 Geocoding Aweb at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding moose at Karlsruhe, Germany
-- 49.0068901-8.4036527
php:3 Geocoding Yann Sagon at Geneva, Switzerland
-- 46.1983922-6.1422961
php:3 Geocoding dave1010 at Poole, United Kingdom
-- 50.71505--1.987248
php:3 Geocoding Sorpigal at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jan P. at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding atjoshi at Lucknow
-- 26.8466937-80.946166
php:3 Geocoding Alex Yaroshevich at Moscow, Russia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark Story at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding AdamJonR at Michigan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Petr Peller at Prague, Czech Republic
-- 50.0755381-14.4378005
php:3 Geocoding Chris at Switzerland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding NexusRex at Farmington, UT
-- 40.9804999--111.8874392
php:3 Geocoding jamolkhon at Tashkent, Uzbekistan
-- 41.3125-69.390274
php:3 Geocoding Furkan Mustafa at Tokyo, Japan
-- 35.7090259-139.7319925
php:3 Geocoding Bruno De Barros at Weston-Super-Mare, United Kingdom
-- 51.347405--2.977255
php:3 Geocoding nortron at Sunnyvale, CA
-- 37.36883--122.0363496
php:3 Geocoding TeKa at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shabbyrobe at Melbourne, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Donal Fellows at Manchester, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding devios at Vancouver, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thomas Daugaard at Copenhagen, Denmark
-- 55.6760968-12.5683371
php:3 Geocoding vbence at Budapest, Hungary
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding DWright at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sharique Abdullah at Karachi, Pakistan
-- 24.8614622-67.0099388
php:3 Geocoding szgal at Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding svandragt at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fred -ii- at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fancyPants at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pratik at Ahmadabad, India
-- 23.022505-72.5713621
php:3 Geocoding Phil at Melbourne, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sulthan Allaudeen at Chennai, India
-- 13.0826802-80.2707184
php:3 Geocoding justin at Malta
-- 35.937496-14.375416
php:3 Geocoding Josh Pinter at Calgary, Canada
-- 51.0486151--114.0708459
php:3 Geocoding Rob at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dirk Hartzer Waldeck at Pretoria, South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shane Reustle at Manhattan, NY
-- 40.7830603--73.9712488
php:3 Geocoding Jimbo at Poulton le Fylde, United Kingdom
-- 53.843964--2.986281
php:3 Geocoding hitautodestruct at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dana at Bucharest, Romania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mate64 at Cyberspace
-- 38.6221919--90.2365869
php:3 Geocoding Olaf Erlandsen at Chile
-- -35.675147--71.542969
php:3 Geocoding Mihaela at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AlexMorley-Finch at Nottingham
-- 52.9547832--1.1581086
php:3 Geocoding Tomáš Fejfar at Czech Republic
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tareck117 at Quebec
-- 52.9399159--73.5491361
php:3 Geocoding Dan at Beirut, Lebanon
-- 33.8886289-35.4954794
php:3 Geocoding Sec at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding siliconrockstar at Denton, TX
-- 33.2148412--97.1330683
php:3 Geocoding Brad at New York, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joshua Kersey at Dallas, TX
-- 32.7766642--96.7969879
php:3 Geocoding altermativ at Columbus, OH
-- 39.9611755--82.9987942
php:3 Geocoding DisgruntledGoat at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arvind K. at Chandigarh, India
-- 30.7333148-76.7794179
php:3 Geocoding Artem Russakovskii at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jdelator at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding markus_p at Amsterdam
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding salathe at Edinburgh, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Luc at The Netherlands
-- 52.132633-5.291266
php:3 Geocoding vaske at Žednik, Serbia
-- 45.95-19.633333
php:3 Geocoding Christopher Chase at Adelaide, Australia
-- -34.9286212-138.5999594
php:3 Geocoding matthias at Hamburg / Germany
-- 53.5510846-9.9936818
php:3 Geocoding Bhavik Shah at Ahmedabad
-- 23.022505-72.5713621
php:3 Geocoding Mario Johnathan at Madagascar
-- -18.766947-46.869107
php:3 Geocoding Maxwell's Demon at Melbourne, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Abe Petrillo at Ireland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joe at New Hope, PA
-- 40.3642728--74.9512785
php:3 Geocoding Koen. at Utrecht, Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Synetech at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding George Katsanos at Brussels, Belgium
-- 50.8503396-4.3517103
php:3 Geocoding Flavius at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric Cope at Maricopa, AZ
-- 33.0581063--112.0476423
php:3 Geocoding wom at Pittsburgh, PA
-- 40.4406248--79.9958864
php:3 Geocoding Platinum Azure at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jurik at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding j08691 at New Jersey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thousand at Boston, MA
-- 42.3600825--71.0588801
php:3 Geocoding tobyink at Lewes, GB-ESX
-- 50.873872-0.00878
php:3 Geocoding Brade at Greenville, SC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Manachi at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kremchik at Moscow, Russia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding hek2mgl at Berlin -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mārtiņš Briedis at Riga, Latvia
-- 56.9496487-24.1051864
php:3 Geocoding Alex Barker at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tinybyte at Mashhad, Iran
-- 36.2604623-59.6167549
php:3 Geocoding Emilio Gort at Miami, FL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding flu at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jurgemaister at Norway
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding d.raev at Bulgaria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mauro at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Frederik Krautwald at Reykjavik, Iceland
-- 64.133333--21.933333
php:3 Geocoding David Harkness at California
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ilija at Novi Sad, Serbia
-- 45.2671352-19.8335496
php:3 Geocoding Nate at Virginia
-- 37.4315734--78.6568942
php:3 Geocoding Bob Fanger at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding deweydb at Vancouver BC
-- 49.2827291--123.1207375
php:3 Geocoding Raisch at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Simon André Forsberg at Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Don Cruickshank at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Szymon at Seattle
-- 47.6062095--122.3320708
php:3 Geocoding Samuel at Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding robbmj at Waterloo, ON, Canada
-- 43.4642578--80.5204096
php:3 Geocoding pavium at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Timeless at Singapore
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alph.Dev at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rizier123 at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gunslinger_ at Indonesia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jashwant at Gwalior, India -- 26.2182871-78.1828308
php:3 Geocoding David Murdoch at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cbednarski at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SystemParadox at England -- 52.3555177--1.1743197
php:3 Geocoding landons at Overland Park, KS -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mediaslave at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Janis Veinbergs at Latvia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding scrowler at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PhpMyCoder at Good Ol' USA -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Eddie B at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kyslik at Europe Union -- 35.1520397-33.4058335
php:3 Geocoding Nathan at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AyexeM at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marco Del Valle at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding arslan at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Midway Media at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rhez Jovovich at Cebu City -- 10.3156992-123.8854366
php:3 Geocoding TravisO at Syracuse, New York United States -- 43.0481221--76.1474244
php:3 Geocoding Saneem at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brian Ortiz at North Carolina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cruachan at Scotland, United Kingdom -- 56.4906712--4.2026458
php:3 Geocoding Peter K. at CT, USA -- 41.6032207--73.087749
php:3 Geocoding Jon Winstanley at Nottingham, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ninja at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Edd Twilbeck at La Mirada, CA -- 33.9172357--118.0120086
php:3 Geocoding SolidSmile at Maastricht, Netherlands -- 50.8513682-5.6909725
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GloryFish at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding The Pixel Developer at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robert Audi at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yarin at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yitzhak at Minsk, Belarus -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vicenteherrera at Seville, Spain -- 37.3890924--5.9844589
php:3 Geocoding Chris at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ciantic at Jyväskylä, Finland -- 62.244747-25.7472184
php:3 Geocoding Deebster at Reading, United Kingdom -- 51.4542645--0.9781303
php:3 Geocoding collimarco at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bill Karwin at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nullability at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ian Brindley at Taunton, United Kingdom -- 51.015344--3.106849
php:3 Geocoding cjm at Dallas, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MikeMurko at Toronto -- 43.653226--79.3831843
php:3 Geocoding StaticVariable at Bikaner, India -- 28.01-73.3
php:3 Geocoding nico gawenda at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam -- 10.8184631-106.6588245
php:3 Geocoding Rob Forrest at Bristol, United Kingdom -- 51.454513--2.58791
php:3 Geocoding Félix Gagnon-Grenier at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ZiggyTheHamster at Tulsa, OK -- 36.1539816--95.992775
php:3 Geocoding StormByte at Alicante -- 38.3459963--0.4906855
php:3 Geocoding alecail at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sjsam at Manchester, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Echt Einfach TV at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sp0T at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BLaZuRE at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ajax333221 at Mexico -- 23.634501--102.552784
php:3 Geocoding Gregor at Vienna, Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rubo77 at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wim at Ghent, Belgium -- 51.0543422-3.7174243
php:3 Geocoding yuttadhammo at Ontario, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rmontagud at Valencia, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kuldeep Daftary at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jared at Perth, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Volomike at Myrtle Beach, SC -- 33.6890603--78.8866943
php:3 Geocoding Mr. JavaScript at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ultrageek at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robert Went at Nottingham, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JaseC at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ƊŗęДdϝul Ȼʘɗɇ at Cincnnati, OH -- 39.1031182--84.5120196
php:3 Geocoding arlomedia at Portland, Oregon, USA -- 45.5230622--122.6764816
php:3 Geocoding Smith at Ng -- 9.081999-8.675277
php:3 Geocoding andho at Maldives -- already got
php:3 Geocoding at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Punchlinern at Katrineholm, Sweden -- 58.9955511-16.2054756
php:3 Geocoding dennismonsewicz at Nashville, TN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Sampson at Redmond, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ajacian81 at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rvighne at The Internet!
-- 15.1219947-105.8021808
php:3 Geocoding Mark at Maryland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Calvin at Billings, MO
-- 37.0675544--93.5521411
php:3 Geocoding MarioVilas at Madrid, Spain
-- 40.4167754--3.7037902
php:3 Geocoding robertodecurnex at Buenos Aires, Argentina
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kuroki Kaze at St. Petersburg, Russia
-- 59.9342802-30.3350986
php:3 Geocoding josh at Louisville, KY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ripper234 at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding MikeSchinkel at Atlanta, GA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ShayneStatzell at Portland, Oregon
-- 45.5230622--122.6764816
php:3 Geocoding Milan at Victoria
-- 48.4284207--123.3656444
php:3 Geocoding ars265 at Indiana
-- 40.2671941--86.1349019
php:3 Geocoding Ólafur Waage at Malmö, Sweden
-- 55.604981-13.003822
php:3 Geocoding Gucho Ca at Colombia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex at Ukraine
-- 48.379433-31.16558
php:3 Geocoding user7116 at North Carolina
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rikki at Southampton, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding toxalot at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding levhita at Guadalajara, Mexico
-- 20.6596988--103.3496092
php:3 Geocoding Mere Development at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding AsTeR at Earth
-- 34.2331373--102.4107493
php:3 Geocoding Boris Šuška at Brno, Czech Republic
-- 49.1950602-16.6068371
php:3 Geocoding Loftx at Oxford, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wolfgang Fahl at Dusseldorf, Germany
-- 51.2277411-6.7734556
php:3 Geocoding Tom at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding machineaddict at Location
-- 33.9835818--79.1534295
php:3 Geocoding Matti Virkkunen at Finland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Don't Panic at Oklahoma City, OK
-- 35.4675602--97.5164276
php:3 Geocoding Jeach at Montreal, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding lolmaus - Andrey Mikhaylov at Moscow, Russia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Philibert Perusse at Laval, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Clarence at Bangalore, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kilian Lindberg at Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding foochow at Ontario, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom at Austria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding nischayn22 at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Angad at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding GuruBob at Dunedin, New Zealand
-- -45.8787605-170.5027976
php:3 Geocoding blasteralfred Ψ at Kerala, India
-- 10.8505159-76.2710833
php:3 Geocoding Oki Erie Rinaldi at Jakarta, Indonesia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding DarkMukke at Nottingham, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding BruceHill at Cape Town, South Africa
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan at Eugene, OR
-- 44.0520691--123.0867536
php:3 Geocoding Jochem Kuijpers at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gajus Kuizinas at London
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brynner Ferreira at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Valentin Flachsel at Timisoara, Romania
-- 45.759722-21.23
php:3 Geocoding Erik at Denmark
-- 56.26392-9.501785
php:3 Geocoding gcb at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding gts at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mr_Chimp at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike McFarland at Rochester, NY
-- 43.16103--77.6109219
php:3 Geocoding Ionuț G. Stan at Bucharest, Romania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding BrassApparatus at Oregon
-- 43.8041334--120.5542012
php:3 Geocoding Tom Auger at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding cincodenada at Portland, OR
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding alecwhardy at Stockton, CA
-- 37.9577016--121.2907796
php:3 Geocoding JustAnil at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Josh from Qaribou at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim Keating at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Host at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding JMTyler at Waterloo, Ontario
-- 43.4642578--80.5204096
php:3 Geocoding itsproject at Norway
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason Gennaro at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding willasaywhat at Orlando, FL
-- 28.5383355--81.3792365
php:3 Geocoding Ekim at Istanbul
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding wenbert at Auckland, New Zealand
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Charles Ma at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ozgur Ozcitak at Istanbul, Turkey
-- 41.0082376-28.9783589
php:3 Geocoding geedew at Chicago
-- 41.8781136--87.6297982
php:3 Geocoding Rick Mac Gillis at Strongsville, OH
-- 41.3144966--81.83569
php:3 Geocoding David Gladfelter at Colorado
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mtk at Mumbai, India
-- 19.0759837-72.8776559
php:3 Geocoding Radu Murzea at Cluj-Napoca, Romania
-- 46.766667-23.583333
php:3 Geocoding AlanChavez at Charlotte, NC
-- 35.2270869--80.8431267
php:3 Geocoding Val at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christopher Mahan at Los Angeles, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dmnc at Czech Republic
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Innuendo at Russia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tufan Barış Yıldırım at Istanbul, Turkey
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding FruitBreak at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sisir at Bangladesh -- 23.684994-90.356331
php:3 Geocoding Faytraneozter at Yogyakarta -- -7.7955798-110.3694896
php:3 Geocoding Jamie Hutber at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stefano at Sophia Antipolis, France -- 43.6163539-7.0552218
php:3 Geocoding Marc Bollinger at Oakland, CA -- 37.8043637--122.2711137
php:3 Geocoding Tivie at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Manu at New Delhi, India -- 28.6139391-77.2090212
php:3 Geocoding Rico Sonntag at Leipzig, Germany -- 51.3396955-12.3730747
php:3 Geocoding SpYk3HH at Gainesville, FL -- 29.6516344--82.3248262
php:3 Geocoding Matthew T. Baker at Bournemouth, Dorset -- 50.719164--1.880769
php:3 Geocoding The Surrican at vienna -- 48.2081743-16.3738189
php:3 Geocoding mattkgross at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MacroMan at Littlehampton, United Kingdom -- 50.811057--0.5386609
php:3 Geocoding Bryan Agee at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BigName at Earth, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sics at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cesar Bielich at Las Vegas, NV -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yaroslav at Palma de Mallorca,Spain -- 39.5696005-2.6501603
php:3 Geocoding nikoskip at Chile -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zain Shaikh at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Xavi at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yoosuf at Sri Lanka -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pispirulito at Mexico -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Armando Freire at Santos, Brazil -- -23.9678823--46.3288865
php:3 Geocoding Anshuman Jasrotia at Chandigarh, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rimu Atkinson at Wellington, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daren Schwenke at Tampa, FL -- 27.950575--82.4571776
php:3 Geocoding Talvi Watia at Boise, ID -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Evan Plaice at San Diego, CA -- 32.715738--117.1610838
php:3 Geocoding BlaM at Heidelberg, Germany -- 49.3987524-8.6724335
php:3 Geocoding Alister Bulman at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stano at Prievidza, Slovakia -- 48.7707098-18.6209537
php:3 Geocoding suther at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam at Kent, United Kingdom -- 51.2787075-0.5217254
php:3 Geocoding Pierre de LESPINAY at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan at San Antonio, TX -- 29.4241219--98.4936282
php:3 Geocoding Tim Visée at -- 44.3652646-24.0712672
php:3 Geocoding Andrea Moro at Letchworth -- 51.979074--0.226624
php:3 Geocoding Moak at Global -- 31.9524799--102.1732882
php:3 Geocoding regilero at Nantes, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Philip Morton at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew at Pensacola, FL -- 30.421309--87.2169149
php:3 Geocoding Tim at Munich, Bavaria -- 48.1351253-11.5819806
php:3 Geocoding Andrew at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Layke at Leiculeşti, Romania -- 45.1817-26.5819
php:3 Geocoding Socce at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alastair at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zeckdude at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Justin Johnson at Moreno Valley, CA -- 33.9424658--117.2296717
php:3 Geocoding Maarten Bodewes at Netherlands / Haarlem -- 52.3873878-4.6462194
php:3 Geocoding Herr at Frankfurt Am Main, Germany -- 50.1109221-8.6821267
php:3 Geocoding Nathan J. Brauer at Hayward, CA -- 37.6688205--122.0807964
php:3 Geocoding NDM at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding thejh at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding faazshift at Riverton, UT -- 40.521893--111.9391023
php:3 Geocoding Marcel Korpel at Utrecht, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding remus at Victoria, BC -- 48.4284207--123.3656444
php:3 Geocoding Rémi Breton at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shanimal at Hollister, CA -- 36.8524545--121.4016021
php:3 Geocoding m93a at Hradec Králové, Czech Republic -- 50.2103605-15.825211
php:3 Geocoding Zaheer Ahmed at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Raithlin at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pim Jager at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rob Stevenson-Leggett at Manchester, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Leandro López at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Thomas at Cambridge, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gahooa at Altoona, PA -- 40.5186809--78.3947359
php:3 Geocoding Henrik Erlandsson at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jazzerus at New Haven, CT -- 41.308274--72.9278835
php:3 Geocoding jason at Victoria, Canada -- 48.4284207--123.3656444
php:3 Geocoding Danny Staple at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding holms at Lithuania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JSmyth at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tkolar at Vienna, Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul Biggar at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Victor Farazdagi at Stavropol, Russia -- 45.05-41.983333
php:3 Geocoding gradbot at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Izkata at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex at Rotterdam, Netherlands -- 51.9244201-4.4777325
php:3 Geocoding ts. at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marc B at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Subie at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sander Marechal at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wayne at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Antonio at Surabaya, Indonesia -- -7.2574719-112.7520883
php:3 Geocoding Jaap Haagmans at Nieuw-Vennep, Netherlands -- 52.2640283-4.6318006
php:3 Geocoding Darren at Perth, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mathias Bynens at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Will Morgan at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jimbo at Zimbabwe
-- -19.015438-29.154857
php:3 Geocoding Iiridayn at Utah
-- 39.3209801--111.0937311
php:3 Geocoding Paul at Belfast, United Kingdom
-- 54.597285--5.93012
php:3 Geocoding andrew at Sechelt, Canada
-- 49.4741736--123.7545601
php:3 Geocoding Sven B at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Domenic at New York, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Josh at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Jasper at Ogden, UT
-- 41.223--111.9738304
php:3 Geocoding dbme at Scottsdale, AZ
-- 33.4941704--111.9260519
php:3 Geocoding hello_there_andy at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gökhan Barış Aker at Istanbul
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding andrewtweber at Lake Bluff, IL
-- 42.2791365--87.8443151
php:3 Geocoding anuj arora at jaipur, rajasthan, india
-- 26.9124336-75.7872709
php:3 Geocoding AcroYogi at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding user1914292 at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dader at Paris, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding SteveK at Washington DC, United States
-- 38.9071923--77.0368707
php:3 Geocoding brianreavis at Cody, WY
-- 44.5263422--109.0565308
php:3 Geocoding Gregory Lewis at Fort Lauderdale, FL
-- 26.1224386--80.1373174
php:3 Geocoding Parag Tyagi -morpheus- at Mumbai, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cylindric at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Lutz at North Carolina
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dominic Rodger at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Török Gábor at Hungary
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding frak at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mpm at France / Canada / Eire
-- XXX
php:3 Geocoding mugur at Bucharest, Romania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding grapefrukt at Malmö, Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding muerte at Zagreb, Croatia
-- 45.8150108-15.981919
php:3 Geocoding Ludwig Weinzierl at Munich, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kerrek SB at West of house
-- 53.6007505--1.7974144
php:3 Geocoding Luke at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding bzlm at Malmö, Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom Ritter at New York, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Garrett at Pleasant Valley, NY
-- 41.7445382--73.8212439
php:3 Geocoding aehiilrs at Medicine Hat, Canada
-- 50.0405486--110.6764258
php:3 Geocoding mkto at Indonesia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding PHPst at Persian Gulf
-- 26.7505337-51.6834275
php:3 Geocoding usoban at Slovenia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kal Zekdor at Fort Washington, PA
-- 40.1416782--75.1926937
php:3 Geocoding ziGi at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding GateKiller at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gregoire at Lille, France
-- 50.62925-3.057256
php:3 Geocoding Felipe Schenone at Argentina
-- -38.416097--63.616672
php:3 Geocoding Andreas Bergström at Stockholm, Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Akoi Meexx at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Con Antonakos at New Jersey
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Drellgor at San Diego, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mario Awad at Lebanon
-- 33.854721-35.862285
php:3 Geocoding Ian Dunn at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding nohat at San Jose, CA
-- 37.3382082--121.8863286
php:3 Geocoding Jamie Kitson at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dmitriy at Kiev, Ukraine
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding contrebis at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thom Porter at Indiana
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mgroves at Columbus, OH
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Juan Mendes at San Diego, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding MPV at Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tangocoder at Paris, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding XzenTorXz at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wirone at Radom, Poland
-- 51.4027236-21.1471333
php:3 Geocoding Bob Kruithof at Zutphen, The Netherlands
-- 52.142736-6.1960584
php:3 Geocoding Ben Rowe at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding lilbyrdie at New Hampshire
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sizzling Code at Peshawar, Pakistan.
-- 34.0149748-71.5804899
php:3 Geocoding jharrell at usa
-- 37.09024--95.712891
php:3 Geocoding james.garriss at USA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dawg at La Jolla, CA
-- 32.8328112--117.2712717
php:3 Geocoding 0x499602D2 at NY
-- 40.7127837--74.0059413
php:3 Geocoding Jason Morgan at Nottingham, UK
-- 52.9547832--1.1581086
php:3 Geocoding Nate at Red Lodge, MT
-- 45.1857782--109.2468211
php:3 Geocoding Peter Olson at Fort Worth, Texas -- 32.7554883--97.3307658
php:3 Geocoding MSalters at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Devin Lane at Arlington, MA -- 42.4153925--71.1564729
php:3 Geocoding Miguel Prz at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Qtax at Linköping, Sweden -- 58.410807-15.6213727
php:3 Geocoding shawnhcorey at The Great White North -- 32.1479725--110.9749821
php:3 Geocoding Magnuss at Latvia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steve McLeod at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yousha Aleayoub at Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christian Davén at Västerås, Sweden -- 59.6099005-16.5448091
php:3 Geocoding Vivo at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Esailija at Helsinki, Finland -- 60.1733244-24.9410248
php:3 Geocoding fschmengler at Aachen, Germany -- 50.7753455-6.0838868
php:3 Geocoding CAD bloke at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Neil Masters at Scotland -- 56.4906712--4.2026458
php:3 Geocoding RCNeil at Wilmington, DE -- 39.7390721--75.5397878
php:3 Geocoding Aamir Afridi at London, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding joren at Akron, OH -- 41.0814447--81.5190053
php:3 Geocoding James Krawczyk at Scotland, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding KryptoniteDove at Leeds, UK -- 53.8007554--1.5490774
php:3 Geocoding Oliver at Worthing, United Kingdom -- 50.81787--0.372882
php:3 Geocoding Barno at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Theo at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding martinedwards at Brighton -- 50.82253--0.137163
php:3 Geocoding Ricardo at Madrid, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cerbrus at The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yury Pliashkou at Minsk, Belarus -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Igor Lacik at Bratislava, Slovakia -- 48.1458923-17.1071373
php:3 Geocoding canadiancreed at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joey at Tübingen, Germany -- 48.5216364-9.0576448
php:3 Geocoding Peter Perháč at Brighton, United Kingdom -- 50.82253--0.137163
php:3 Geocoding AntonioCS at Lisbon, Portugal -- 38.7222524--9.1393366
php:3 Geocoding Matt at Milwaukee, WI -- 43.0389025--87.9064736
php:3 Geocoding Alex L at Washington, DC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MZB at Ottawa, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MatBailie at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zerkms at Wellington, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Theodore R. Smith at Houston, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding asprin at Asia -- 34.047863-100.6196553
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Day at Adelaide, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jezen Thomas at Gothenburg, Sweden -- 57.70887-11.97456
php:3 Geocoding Enrique at San Juan, Argentina -- -31.5351074--68.5385941
php:3 Geocoding foxybagga at Adelaide, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sobin Augustine at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TheNoble-Coder at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matteo Bononi 'peorthyr' at Florence, Italy -- 43.7695604-11.2558136
php:3 Geocoding James Socol at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pyrite at Texas -- 31.9685988--99.9018131
php:3 Geocoding Esolitos at Bologna & Lake Garda -- 45.6049385-10.6351414
php:3 Geocoding Jasper Kennis at Rotterdam, The Netherlands -- 51.9244201-4.4777325
php:3 Geocoding Prozi at Poland, Warsaw -- 52.2296756-21.0122287
php:3 Geocoding Jeff Davis at Wadsworth, OH
-- 41.0256101--81.7298519
php:3 Geocoding YumYumYum at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alberto Gaona at Mexico
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding FLY at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding imperium2335 at UK
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding nageeb at Hamilton, Ontario Canada
-- 43.2500208--79.8660914
php:3 Geocoding Richard Harrison at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nicolò Martini at London
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding drewm at Bristol, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding LeonardChallis at England, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Darren Cook at Tokyo, Japan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding CoR at
-- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Anthony Hatzopoulos at Montreal, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paulocoghi at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding k-den at Madison, WI
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Elliot Chance at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding m02ph3u5 at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bombe at Hamburg, Germany
-- 53.5510846-9.9936818
php:3 Geocoding John Strickler at Richmond, VA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thomas Eding at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding givanse at America
-- 37.09024--95.712891
php:3 Geocoding Talha Ahmed Khan at Karachi, Pakistan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom Hawtin - tackline at Edinburgh, Scotland
-- 55.953252--3.188267
php:3 Geocoding Quantum7 at San Diego, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding pioto at Pittsburgh, PA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding maiwald at Hamburg, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding toolbear at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding cantera at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding m14t at Oakland, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Spontifixus at Hanover, Germany
-- 52.3758916-9.7320104
php:3 Geocoding Isuru at Colombo, Sri Lanka
-- 6.9270786-79.861243
php:3 Geocoding Brian Wigginton at Austin, TX, USA
-- 30.267153--97.7430608
php:3 Geocoding 웃웃웃웃웃 at Kerala,India
-- 10.8505159-76.2710833
php:3 Geocoding Greg at Milpitas, CA
-- 37.4323341--121.8995741
php:3 Geocoding Adam Hopkinson at Oxford, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding yegor256 at Sunnyvale, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mattygabe at Pennsylvania
-- 41.2033216--77.1945247
php:3 Geocoding Brad Hein at Philadelphia, PA
-- 39.9525839--75.1652215
php:3 Geocoding Gal Bracha at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cory Danielson at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ollie Glass at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kirzilla at St Petersburg, FL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Clox at Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding babonk at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding buggedcom at Helsinki, Finland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dennis Haarbrink at Utrecht, Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adrian Heine at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Richard H at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrzej Doyle at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding JamesHalsall at England, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Endophage at California
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark Tomlin at Levittown, NY
-- 40.7259336--73.5142921
php:3 Geocoding Marco Luglio at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding RonLugge at California
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding amarillion at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zloy Smiertniy at Lyon, France
-- 45.764043-4.835659
php:3 Geocoding shgnInc at Iran
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding DannyG at Venezuela
-- 6.42375--66.58973
php:3 Geocoding Highly Irregular at Napier, New Zealand
-- -39.4928444-176.9120178
php:3 Geocoding Alex.Designworks at Melbourne, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding secretlm at Vietnam
-- 14.058324-108.277199
php:3 Geocoding Luca Fagioli at Rome, Italy
-- 41.9027835-12.4963655
php:3 Geocoding The Wobbuffet at Houston, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Patrick at Wales, United Kingdom
-- 52.1306607--3.7837117
php:3 Geocoding Pino at Italy
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding deadlock at Egypt
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding CommentLuv at Lancaster, United Kingdom
-- 54.046575--2.8007399
php:3 Geocoding Dayron Gallardo at Lausanne, Switzerland
-- 46.5199617-6.6335971
php:3 Geocoding varun at Kerala
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding EaterOfCode at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding how at Ukraine
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hafiz at Lahore, Pakistan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding codefin at Salt Lake City, UT
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Armstrongest at Vancouver, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding TecBrat at Florida
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Coyote at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ShiningLight at Ohio
-- 40.4172871--82.907123
php:3 Geocoding Marcel Ennix at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding gumuruh at Indonesia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason Punyon♦ at Buffalo, NY
-- 42.8864468--78.8783689
php:3 Geocoding mattbasta at Mountain View, CA
-- 37.3860517--122.0838511
php:3 Geocoding Cam at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chandrew at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Guilherme Blanco at Sao Paulo, Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ozzy at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding John at Sarasota, FL
-- 27.3364347--82.5306527
php:3 Geocoding Kimble at Oslo, Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Primoz Rome at Slovenia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding shadyyx at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding paulj at Virginia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Awemo at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pospi at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gonçalo Queirós at Porto, Portugal -- 41.1579438--8.6291053
php:3 Geocoding Lamy at Sofia, Bulgaria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gman at Panama -- 8.537981--80.782127
php:3 Geocoding Memochipan at Somewhere in America -- 35.0238888--89.205
php:3 Geocoding ArtOfWarfare at Seabrook, NH -- 42.8909615--70.8655074
php:3 Geocoding jgivoni at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark at New York -- 40.7127837--74.0059413
php:3 Geocoding Alexxandar at Belgrade, Serbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding celwell at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding shealtiel at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kraxor at Szeged, Hungary -- 46.2530102-20.1414253
php:3 Geocoding Kaiesh at Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding peledies at Indiana -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tjorriemorrie at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kostanos at Cabarete, Dominican Republic -- 19.7509228--70.4144209
php:3 Geocoding Chu-Siang Lai at Taiwan -- 23.69781-120.960515
php:3 Geocoding Skatox at Venezuela -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sergey P. aka azure at Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SparK at Curitiba, Brazil -- -25.4289541--49.267137
php:3 Geocoding brasofilo at Brasil/España -- 37.1581115--3.5280208
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Azulay at Stockholm -- 59.3293235-18.0685808
php:3 Geocoding Ikke at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sébastien at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Louis at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dtbarne at Long Island, NY -- 40.7891424--73.1349605
php:3 Geocoding Pichan at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniele Brugnara at Scurelle, Italy -- 46.0647636-11.5105196
php:3 Geocoding Jichao at China -- 35.86166-104.195397
php:3 Geocoding maraspin at Udine, Italy -- 46.0710668-13.2345794
php:3 Geocoding Matt Huggins at Louisville, CO -- 39.977763--105.1319296
php:3 Geocoding Charleston Software Associates at Charleston, SC -- 32.7764749--79.9310512
php:3 Geocoding Anonymous Type at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding powtac at Heidelberg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Emrah Mehmedov at Macedonia -- 41.608635-21.745275
php:3 Geocoding Alexei Tenitski at Auckland, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Seiji Manoan at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eugine Joseph at Ernakulam -- 9.9816358-76.2998842
php:3 Geocoding Daniel at Germany, Mönchengladbach -- 51.1804572-6.4428041
php:3 Geocoding leemes at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marcel at Nova Scotia -- 44.6819866--63.744311
php:3 Geocoding marcio at Brasil -- -14.235004--51.92528
php:3 Geocoding Alejandro Salamanca Mazuelo at La Paz, Bolivia -- -16.5--68.15
php:3 Geocoding Cristik at Cluj-Napoca, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DocRattie at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mina at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding user457015 at World -- 33.873601-130.8118512
php:3 Geocoding Supernovah at Bali, Indonesia -- -8.4095178-115.188916
php:3 Geocoding xkcd150 at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding quano at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cengiz Can at Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Shields at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dland at In front of a screen
-- XXX
php:3 Geocoding borkencode at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding EJTH at Denmark
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Harikrishnan at Kochi, Kerala, India
-- 9.9312328-76.2673041
php:3 Geocoding cbrandolino at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fedearne at Denmark
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Heroselohim at Buenos Aires, Argentina
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jan P. at Hanover, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jamie Schembri at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gregor McKelvie at London
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jackyalcine at Brooklyn, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Debiprasad at Cuttack, India
-- 20.462521-85.8829895
php:3 Geocoding wired00 at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Calkins at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mahdi.Pishguy at Qom, Iran
-- 34.6399443-50.8759419
php:3 Geocoding imkingdavid at Virginia, USA
-- 37.4315734--78.6568942
php:3 Geocoding Brett at Boston
-- 42.3600825--71.0588801
php:3 Geocoding Foxinni at Cape Town, South Africa
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding kayfun at Nigeria
-- 9.081999-8.675277
php:3 Geocoding user852916 at Manila, Philippines
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lauren at Essex, UK
-- 51.7668369-0.4757762
php:3 Geocoding Bryan Rayner at Ottawa, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding fanbondi at Hsinchu County
-- 24.8387226-121.0177246
php:3 Geocoding Cedric at Kearney, NE
-- 40.6993303--99.0816784
php:3 Geocoding deltree at Florida
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding bgosalci at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding sircapsalot at Ann Arbor, MI
-- 42.2808256--83.7430378
php:3 Geocoding Nathan Arthur at Arkansas, United States
-- 35.20105--91.8318334
php:3 Geocoding Asped at slovakia
-- 48.669026-19.699024
php:3 Geocoding Tyler Carter at San Diego, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Augie Gardner at Maryland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Horst at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mikepote at South Africa
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robin Winslow at Nottingham, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peeeech at NYC, NY, USA
-- 40.7127837--74.0059413
php:3 Geocoding KDawg at 900 Market Street, San Francisco, CA
-- 37.7840296--122.4082238
php:3 Geocoding khunshan at Lahore, Pakistan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding binaryLV at Latvia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding sehe at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding JRaymond at Portland, OR
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding StarNamer at Derbyshire, United Kingdom
-- 53.122322--1.5136821
php:3 Geocoding hydroparadise at Florida
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pascal Rosin at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthew at Illinois
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt Fletcher at Bristol, UK
-- 51.454513--2.58791
php:3 Geocoding nfplee at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding shadowhand at Minnesota
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding txwikinger at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding lucian303 at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tony at Atlanta
-- 33.7489954--84.3879824
php:3 Geocoding Frank Crook at Mililani, HI
-- 21.4513314--158.0152807
php:3 Geocoding TachyonVortex at UK
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Phileo99 at Vancouver, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding bagonyi at London
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Koper at Detroit, MI
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding CallMeLaNN at Malaysia
-- 4.210484-101.975766
php:3 Geocoding ilyo at Tel Aviv, Israel
-- 32.0852999-34.7817676
php:3 Geocoding kmike at Poland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dagon at Liverpool, United Kingdom
-- 53.4083714--2.9915726
php:3 Geocoding Decor at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mladen Mihajlovic at South Africa
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding SeanKendle at Pittsburgh, PA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim Withers at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Drewdin at Boston, MA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding pHelics at Vermont
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding guy mograbi at Tel Aviv, Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Narretz at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Liad Livnat at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lea Hayes at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jake Sellers at Denver, CO
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding JonaPkr at Battice, Belgium
-- 50.6474662-5.8207169
php:3 Geocoding martindilling at Denmark
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aaron Miller at Baltimore, MD
-- 39.2903848--76.6121893
php:3 Geocoding Eineki at Italy
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding chrisjlee at Dallas, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Mrozek at Indiana
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding leonbloy at Buenos Aires, Argentina
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Xethron at South Africa
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding István Ujj-Mészáros at Balatonalmádi, Hungary
-- 47.0317027-18.0086997
php:3 Geocoding mblackwell8 at Melbourne, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jenea at Chisinau, Moldova
-- 47-28.916667
php:3 Geocoding Edward Potter at USA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding AbsoluteƵERØ at US
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding MattiSG at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding sapatos at Sydney Australia
-- -33.8674869-151.2069902
php:3 Geocoding Paolo Stefan at Padua, Italy -- 45.4064349-11.8767611
php:3 Geocoding soupdiver at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Octopus at Calgary -- 51.0486151--114.0708459
php:3 Geocoding Dominik at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kriem at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding siddhusingh at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adamski at Bristol -- 51.454513--2.58791
php:3 Geocoding neokio at Bali -- -8.4095178-115.188916
php:3 Geocoding Gustav at Gothenburg, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric at -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wiliam at Zaragoza, Spain -- 41.6488226--0.8890853
php:3 Geocoding Ben Fortune at Bradford, UK -- 53.795984--1.759398
php:3 Geocoding Jeremy J Starcher at Cuyahoga Falls, OH -- 41.1339449--81.4845585
php:3 Geocoding lol at Aruba -- 12.52111--69.968338
php:3 Geocoding Andrey at Mountain View, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kakoma at Kampala -- 0.313611-32.581111
php:3 Geocoding SuperJer at Minnesota -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rob Baillie at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding whiskeysierra at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Etienne Dupuis at Sherbrooke, Canada -- 45.4009928--71.8824288
php:3 Geocoding pinouchon at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ian Lewis at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Linus Unnebäck at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sergey Brunov at localhost -- 47.66894--122.1976369
php:3 Geocoding KLVTZ at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kyle at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding falko at Belgorod -- 50.5997134-36.5982621
php:3 Geocoding aqm at Scotland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kiranvj at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Voitcus at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kip at Raleigh, NC -- 35.7795897--78.6381787
php:3 Geocoding Qwerty at Vysočina -- 49.4490052-15.6405934
php:3 Geocoding Ryan Amos at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding San at Coimbatore, India -- 11.0168445-76.9558321
php:3 Geocoding JasonSmith at Bangkok, Thailand -- 13.7563309-100.5017651
php:3 Geocoding edgerunner at Istanbul, Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding new123456 at Southern Pines, NC -- 35.1740471--79.3922539
php:3 Geocoding Mitch Wheat at Stranded on Earth! -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding F. Randall Farmer at Oakland, California -- 37.8043637--122.2711137
php:3 Geocoding Shinhan at Serbia -- 44.016521-21.005859
php:3 Geocoding Marshall Sontag at Berkeley, CA -- 37.8715926--122.272747
php:3 Geocoding Jason Jong at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sari Rahal at Grand Rapids, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pspahn at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Omar Abid at Safaqis, Tunisia -- 34.733333-10.766667
php:3 Geocoding Liam Newmarch at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding oldergod at 神戸 -- 34.679526-135.178021
php:3 Geocoding Petruza at Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding KOGI at Utah -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bryan Petty at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Legionar at Slovakia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adriano Varoli Piazza at Chile -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Edson Medina at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ray at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nicolas Zozol at Toulouse, France -- 43.604652-1.444209
php:3 Geocoding Shane H at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Palec at Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Diana at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Natalia at Kelowna, BC -- 49.8879519--119.4960106
php:3 Geocoding rodrigo-silveira at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Elbek at Nanay, Namangan, Uzbekistan
-- 41.50668-71.7006229
php:3 Geocoding Fake Code Monkey Rashid at St. Petersburg, FL
-- 27.773056--82.64
php:3 Geocoding sschuberth at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Raúl Ferràs at Barcelona, Spain
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fred Haslam at Vancouver, WA
-- 45.6387281--122.6614861
php:3 Geocoding codeling at Kingsport
-- 36.548434--82.5618186
php:3 Geocoding scottcarmich at Alabama
-- 32.3182314--86.902298
php:3 Geocoding Seza at Rio de Janeiro
-- -22.9068467--43.1728965
php:3 Geocoding Lou Terrailloune at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Evan Donovan at Boston, MA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding janaspage at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding CrisDeBlonde at Greece
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding smathy at San Diego, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding nealmcb at Boulder, CO
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fábio Antunes at Portugal
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding sipwiz at Hobart, Australia
-- -42.8819032-147.3238148
php:3 Geocoding Neil Aitken at England, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding macbirdie at Poznan, Poland
-- 52.406374-16.9251681
php:3 Geocoding ekerner at Canberra, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding anonymous coward at Memphis, TN
-- 35.1495343--90.0489801
php:3 Geocoding mente at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ambidex at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kris Selbekk at Oslo, Norway
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding J.-B. C. at Paris, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Petter Soderlund at Lund, Sweden
-- 55.7046601-13.1910073
php:3 Geocoding mr-sk at Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei
-- 4.890278-114.942222
php:3 Geocoding CTS_AE at Bend Oregon
-- 44.0581728--121.3153096
php:3 Geocoding noisebleed at Portugal
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Artemix at Kiev, Ukraine
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jeffkee at Vancouver, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Valentin Mercier at Paris, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding el.pescado at Cracow, Poland
-- 50.0646501-19.9449799
php:3 Geocoding Eckstein at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding SUMIT KUMAR SINGH DIXIT at Bangalore, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding rosh3000 at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding SgtPooki at Omaha, NE
-- 41.2523634--95.9979883
php:3 Geocoding aefxx at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sygmoral at Flemish Region
-- 51.0338547-4.1904752
php:3 Geocoding Grumpy at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding inorganik at Denver, CO
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding danielson317 at Colorado Springs, Colorado
-- 38.8338816--104.8213634
php:3 Geocoding Richard at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sgoettschkes at Vienna, Austria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Milen A. Radev at Bulgaria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thomas McCabe at Brooklyn, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aldry Wijaya at Indonesia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding JoeCortopassi at Murrieta, CA
-- 33.5539143--117.2139232
php:3 Geocoding Sherif elKhatib at Lebanon
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Seshu Vinay at Hyderabad
-- 17.385044-78.486671
php:3 Geocoding Guillaume Boudreau at Montreal, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sushil Kandola at Gurgaon
-- 28.4594965-77.0266383
php:3 Geocoding tasomaniac at Istanbul
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ezraspectre at Worcester, MA, United States
-- 42.2625932--71.8022934
php:3 Geocoding David at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pieter Vogelaar at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding andrew at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Julien at Paris, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding baloo at Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding naitsirch at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding WonderLand at Poznan, Poland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Prix at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding imdadhusen at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ajax at Czech Republic
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding kleopatra at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding hitesh at Bhilai Nagar, India
-- 21.1938475-81.3509416
php:3 Geocoding Nirmal at Dubai, United Arab Emirates
-- 25.2048493-55.2707828
php:3 Geocoding barfoon at Ottawa, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding roldifion at Paris, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul T. Rawkeen at Earth (planet)
-- 53.3570177--2.0853567
php:3 Geocoding Giovanne Afonso at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Keet at Ireland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vijay at Hyderabad, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kenton de Jong at Regina, Canada
-- 50.454722--104.606667
php:3 Geocoding Eduardo at Earth
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marcio Simao at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding pdwalker at Hong Kong, Hong Kong
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sébastien Gicquel at Nantes
-- 47.218371--1.553621
php:3 Geocoding kajyr at Bologna, Italy
-- 44.494887-11.3426163
php:3 Geocoding Pies at Sopot, Poland
-- 54.441581-18.5600956
php:3 Geocoding chhameed at Lahore, Pakistan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason S at Arizona
-- 34.0489281--111.0937311
php:3 Geocoding Cypher at California, USA
-- 36.778261--119.4179324
php:3 Geocoding t31os at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Schaffer at Portland, OR
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joseph Lust at Boston
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Ribeiro at Dubai, UAE
-- 25.2048493-55.2707828
php:3 Geocoding chrisallenlane at Gainesville, FL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Leonid Mamchenkov at Limassol, Cyprus
-- 34.7071301-33.0226174
php:3 Geocoding James Butler at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Syrinek at Dallas, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding catgofire at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Cinelli at Palo Alto, CA
-- 37.4418834--122.1430195
php:3 Geocoding chmac at Nomadic
-- 40.3572844--74.4714409
php:3 Geocoding howanghk at Hong Kong, Hong Kong
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jon at Leamington Spa, United Kingdom
-- 52.2851905--1.5200789
php:3 Geocoding spikyjt at Cheltenham, United Kingdom
-- 51.8993855--2.0782533
php:3 Geocoding Eric at Houston, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding andyjdavis at Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Clement Herreman at Lille, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding BlackDivine at Pakistan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding kryger at Edinburgh, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ankr at Denmark
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding AshBrad at Long Beach, CA -- 33.7700504--118.1937395
php:3 Geocoding Nelson at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bainternet at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Benjamin Paap at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding arminrosu at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Swivel at Dallas, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mbinette at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mrjrdnthms at Santa Rosa, CA -- 38.440429--122.7140548
php:3 Geocoding Mark Fox at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jmadsen at Kobe/Osaka, Japan -- 34.7316307-135.1560691
php:3 Geocoding Kulgar at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding marverix at Wroclaw, Poland -- 51.1078852-17.0385376
php:3 Geocoding Jānis Gruzis at Riga, Latvia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding danherd at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding web2kx at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GTodorov at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aaron Harun at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding braden at Ottawa, Ontario, Canada -- 45.4215296--75.6971931
php:3 Geocoding Adam F at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeff Atwood♦ at El Cerrito, CA -- 37.9161326--122.310765
php:3 Geocoding Jarrod Dixon♦ at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding johnc at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AlexW at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Typo at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding webbiedave at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nilesh patel at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael.M at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mann at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding maliayas at Istanbul -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ivo Renkema at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthew Scharley at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kay at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding themis at Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sEver at Cracow, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Niels R. at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding afarazit at Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ymakux at Ukraine, Kyiv -- 50.4501-30.5234
php:3 Geocoding Joel Murphy at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding matt2000 at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arielle Phan at Orange County, CA -- 33.7174708--117.8311428
php:3 Geocoding Raheel Khan at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Travis Weston at Maine -- 45.253783--69.4454689
php:3 Geocoding Shehi at Istanbul, Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jstats at Silicon Valley -- already got
php:3 Geocoding brucekaushik at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding marcvangend at Amsterdam, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Erik Aronesty at Durham, NC -- 35.9940329--78.898619
php:3 Geocoding aef at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding moala at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thor A. Pedersen at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Charlie Rudenstål at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dgig at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jonaguera at Castro-Urdiales -- 43.3688221--3.2156354
php:3 Geocoding funforums at Salerno, Italy -- 40.6824408-14.7680961
php:3 Geocoding Kristian J. at Molde, Norway -- 62.7372352-7.1607306
php:3 Geocoding bob-the-destroyer at Sumter, SC -- 33.9204354--80.3414693
php:3 Geocoding Tim at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TheLQ at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rmooney at Loganville, GA -- 33.8389977--83.9007382
php:3 Geocoding Mohammad Faisal at Delhi -- already got
php:3 Geocoding clauziere at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nam G VU at Vietnam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding usumoio at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bruno Belotti at Nottingham, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding neemzy at Lille, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Richard Clayton at Arlington, VA -- 38.8799697--77.1067698
php:3 Geocoding ramiromd at La Plata, Argentina -- -34.9204948--57.9535657
php:3 Geocoding mlantz at Ontario -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sjas at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding singles at Poznan, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Garet Claborn at Long Beach, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding quickshiftin at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cleong at Kraków, Poland -- 50.0646501-19.9449799
php:3 Geocoding Brian D'Astous at District of Columbia -- 38.9071923--77.0368707
php:3 Geocoding Eno at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rao at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Raiden at Kitchener, Canada -- 43.4129238--80.4771472
php:3 Geocoding Junaid Atari at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Muhammad Irfan at Karachi, Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cheery at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Userpassword at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Petr at Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding xorinzor at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pisu at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cmc at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pelle ten Cate at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Amil Waduwawara at Sri Lanka -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Scott Herbert at Aberdeen, United Kingdom -- 57.149717--2.094278
php:3 Geocoding Steve Claridge at Oxford, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Olivier Pons at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Programster at Woking, United Kingdom -- 51.316774--0.5600349
php:3 Geocoding Alex Shesterov at Ukraine / Germany -- 48.8105513-9.2468657
php:3 Geocoding Peter at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding moopet at Scotland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding piyush at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding method at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kapeels at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Charles Duffy at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kaii at Hanover, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Julien at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Guss at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sємsєм at Cairo -- 30.0444196-31.2357116
php:3 Geocoding PKeidel at Hesse -- 50.6520515-9.1624376
php:3 Geocoding Stephen at Ansonia, CT
-- 41.3462078--73.0789969
php:3 Geocoding sjagr at Hamilton, Ontario
-- 43.2500208--79.8660914
php:3 Geocoding Brad Kent at Jenks, OK
-- 36.0228734--95.9683278
php:3 Geocoding harto at San Francisco
-- 37.7749295--122.4194155
php:3 Geocoding bobince at Cambridge, UK
-- 52.205337-0.121817
php:3 Geocoding keithics at Philippines
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding DiMono at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding thomasrutter at Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Knyri at Macon, GA
-- 32.8406946--83.6324022
php:3 Geocoding Brendan Kidwell at New York, United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rocky at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding rbwhitaker at Utah, USA
-- 39.3209801--111.0937311
php:3 Geocoding Adam Lynch at Cork, Ireland
-- 51.8968917--8.4863157
php:3 Geocoding Harry at Poland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Serge - appTranslator at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan the Man at Earth
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding bjb568 at Here
-- 43.552293-0.0007429
php:3 Geocoding castarco at Barcelona
-- 41.3850639-2.1734035
php:3 Geocoding max4ever at Rome, Italy
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding TiMESPLiNTER at Switzerland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding StringsOnFire at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding pythonian29033 at Cape Town, South Africa
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lightbulb1 at UK
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Luis Melgratti at Rosario, Argentina
-- -32.9442426--60.6505388
php:3 Geocoding David Hobs at North Carolina
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding namratha at bangalore
-- 12.9715987-77.5945627
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Jantzer at Oregon
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim Dearborn at La Grange, IL
-- 41.8050314--87.8692254
php:3 Geocoding Katrin Raimond at Earth
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Kurlak at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Momin Al Aziz at Dhaka
-- 23.810332-90.4125181
php:3 Geocoding Ghanshyam K Dobariya at Bangalore
-- 12.9715987-77.5945627
php:3 Geocoding Matt Ellen at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Derek Kurth at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Langel at Ann Arbor, MI
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kev at Perthshire, Scotland
-- 56.44--3.37166
php:3 Geocoding jameshfisher at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding geoff at Seattle
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sagi Mann - TROPHiT at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Khawer Zeshan at Pakistan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding tomaszs at Poland / UK
-- 51.6736318--0.7888229
php:3 Geocoding Oliver at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nathan Reed at Milpitas, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Seb at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding sun at Karlsruhe, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding JToland at Minneapolis, MN
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Harrison at Singapore
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kamran Ahmed at Mumbai, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mirko Brunner at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding nad2000 at Auckland, New Zealand
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mlvljr at St. Petersburg, Russia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding flungabunga at Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding edorian at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding valk at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jsh at Brooklyn, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Franco at Vermont
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding nuqqsa at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Russell Davis at Sunnyvale, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dhpratik at mumbai
-- 19.0759837-72.8776559
php:3 Geocoding o_O at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding PurplePilot at Nottingham, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ThomasK at Norway
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding joshuahedlund at St. Louis, MO
-- 38.6270025--90.1994042
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan at brazil
-- -14.235004--51.92528
php:3 Geocoding lucifurious at Atlanta, GA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding zeboidlund at Washington
-- 38.9071923--77.0368707
php:3 Geocoding FractalizeR at Moscow, Russia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mitja Gustin at Ljubljana, Slovenia
-- 46.0569465-14.5057515
php:3 Geocoding Stefan Mai at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Taryn East at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Franz at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Paynter at Dallas, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jcolebrand at Plano, LA -- 43.7511629-1.614712
php:3 Geocoding The Wavelength at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jared Farrish at Flower Mound, Texas -- 33.0145673--97.0969552
php:3 Geocoding Scott Mitchell at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Partack at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding itsmequinn at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aaron Kreider at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MaxVT at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding user3091530 at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jordan Arseno at Vancouver, BC, Canada -- 49.2827291--123.1207375
php:3 Geocoding ralfe at Ethekwini, South Africa -- -29.5723246-31.0449768
php:3 Geocoding heiglandreas at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding spoulson at Middletown, DE -- 39.449556--75.7163207
php:3 Geocoding paul_sns at Philippines -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ivanhoe at Belgrade, Serbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding philjohn at England, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bart at Utrecht, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Solomon Closson at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding D.Shawley at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Josh at Seattle -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Johnson at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Manuel at Graz, Austria -- 47.070714-15.439504
php:3 Geocoding Anti Veeranna at Estonia -- 58.595272-25.013607
php:3 Geocoding Potherca at Overyssel, Netherlands -- 52.4387814-6.5016411
php:3 Geocoding Johan at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cheung Tat Ming at Hong Kong -- 22.396428-114.109497
php:3 Geocoding user93341 at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding conny at Cambodia -- 12.565679-104.990963
php:3 Geocoding stunti at Hong Kong -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Domuta Marcel at Baia Mare, Romania -- 47.666667-23.583333
php:3 Geocoding Satya at Hyderabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arne at Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DotMat at Sassuolo, Italy -- 44.54433-10.7847741
php:3 Geocoding Mahesh at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding schellmax at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding icco at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding niconic at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nick Retallack at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding toscho at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hobbs at New Jersey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Luis Lobo Borobia at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris DaMour at Boise, ID -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pavel at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Munim at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RicardoE at Guatemala -- 15.783471--90.230759
php:3 Geocoding xilef at Kenya -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mikeytown2 at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Attila Fulop at Transylvania, Romania -- 46.4691675-24.4167009
php:3 Geocoding Jeff at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave Drager at Coatesville, PA -- 39.9831616--75.8238355
php:3 Geocoding Patrick Forget at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Justin at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding WernerCD at Delaware -- 38.9108325--75.5276699
php:3 Geocoding Nic Cottrell at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mustafa at Ankara, Turkey -- 39.9333635-32.8597419
php:3 Geocoding Ken V.H. at Haarlem, The Netherlands -- 52.3873878-4.6462194
php:3 Geocoding at Oregon -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Amelia at Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom -- 54.978252--1.61778
php:3 Geocoding Gary S. Weaver at Raleigh, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jobwat at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan Burton at Oakland, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Garrett Albright at Boise, ID -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jmeas at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RobertAKARobin at Washington, DC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding maddob at Dresden, Germany -- 51.0504088-13.7372621
php:3 Geocoding Ecropolis at Virginia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kayvar at Orange County, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Muhammad Ashikuzzaman at Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brian Leishman at Orlando, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Oriol at Catalonia -- 41.5911589-1.5208624
php:3 Geocoding Jonathon Wisnoski at Ontario -- already got
php:3 Geocoding EBGreen at St Louis, MO -- 38.6270025--90.1994042
php:3 Geocoding Sethunath at Kochi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Casebash at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eddie Jaoude at Surrey, United Kingdom -- 51.3147593--0.5599501
php:3 Geocoding fijiaaron at Cuenca, Ecuador -- -2.9001285--79.0058965
php:3 Geocoding mewm at copenhagen -- 55.6760968-12.5683371
php:3 Geocoding willdanceforfun at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding daveaspinall at Manchester, UK -- 53.4807593--2.2426305
php:3 Geocoding Grawl at Vladivostok, Russia -- 43.133333-131.9
php:3 Geocoding Ketri at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sinan Eldem at Bursa / Türkiye -- 40.1885281-29.0609636
php:3 Geocoding kennytm at Hong Kong -- already got
php:3 Geocoding abimelex at Dresden, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andy Lobel at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Luke at Genoa, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roman Newaza at Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nikhil George at Kerala -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vdbuilder at Osterburg, PA -- 40.1695228--78.5202946
php:3 Geocoding nico at Edinburgh, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding FryGuy at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding exhuma at Luxembourg City, Luxembourg -- 49.611621-6.1319346
php:3 Geocoding Dave Archer at Edinburgh, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nelson at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding freespace at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nbolton at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mathias Bak at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding veljkoz at Serbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding felix021 at China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adelphia at Clearwater, FL -- 27.9658533--82.8001026
php:3 Geocoding Oleg V. Volkov at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vee at Thailand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ggutenberg at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roman M. Kos at L'viv, Ukraine -- 49.839683-24.029717
php:3 Geocoding Inuka at Sri Lanka -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yoshi at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul Phillips at Nottingham, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wandering Zombie at Sussex, England -- 51.4946288--0.1612657
php:3 Geocoding Carpetsmoker at Eindhoven, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cb0 at Leipzig, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Severo Raz at Costa Rica -- already got
php:3 Geocoding i.ngen-io-us at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gaurav Sharma at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding João Cunha at Dubai, United Arab Emirates -- already got
php:3 Geocoding wordman at Las Vegas, NV -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SchweizerSchoggi at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kelly at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding EOL at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aris at Europe -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fishcake at Derby, United Kingdom -- 52.9225301--1.4746186
php:3 Geocoding Junior M at Rio De Janeiro, Brazil -- -22.9068467--43.1728965
php:3 Geocoding Myster at Auckland, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Maxim Egorushkin at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alexandre C. at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding erkanyildiz at Istanbul, Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding IWIH at Iraq -- 33.223191-43.679291
php:3 Geocoding Geotarget at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding miCRoSCoPiC_eaRthLinG at Bangkok, Thailand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sevki at Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jamie Keeling at Nottingham, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding spokane-dude at Spokane, WA -- 47.6587802--117.4260466
php:3 Geocoding Somesh Mukherjee at Computer -- 14.7053319-121.0625613
php:3 Geocoding Shef at Albania -- 41.153332-20.168331
php:3 Geocoding Francois Deschenes at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Cheong at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding andrewww at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brian Ramsay at Berea, KY -- 37.568694--84.2963223
php:3 Geocoding SublymeRick at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding l0b0 at Oxford, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jwoolard at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding liori at Wroclaw, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rimian at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hortitude at Palo Alto, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hobs at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding boisvert at Sheffield, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mahmoud Al-Qudsi at Chicago, USA -- 41.8781136--87.6297982
php:3 Geocoding SimplGy at Chiang Mai, Thailand -- 18.787747-98.9931284
php:3 Geocoding LionHeart at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mołot at Warsaw, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding William Isted at Aberdeen, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ReX357 at Grande Prairie, Canada
-- 55.1699396--118.7986152
php:3 Geocoding Blair McMillan at Brisbane, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding detj at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nicholas Decker at Cape Coral, FL
-- 26.5628537--81.9495331
php:3 Geocoding Marek at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Er. Anurag Jain at jaipur
-- 26.9124336-75.7872709
php:3 Geocoding Artelius at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dariusz Walczak at Poland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Raveren at Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania
-- 54.6871555-25.2796514
php:3 Geocoding Sharpless512 at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding erjiang at Indiana
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding JoeCoder at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Awal Garg at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sean McSomething at Portland, OR
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Sinclair at Gold Coast
-- -28.0172605-153.4256987
php:3 Geocoding wes.hysell at Chattanooga, TN
-- 35.0456297--85.3096801
php:3 Geocoding MECU at Colorado -- already got
php:3 Geocoding 0x7fffffff♦ at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Liam W at Cumbria, United Kingdom
-- 54.5772323--2.7974835
php:3 Geocoding metrobalderas at Alabama -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ARUN at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anis Hikmat Abu-hmiad at Az Zarqa', Jordan
-- 31.7515118-36.8680791
php:3 Geocoding Ben D at Portland, OR
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding MatthewLee at Jackson Hole, WY
-- 43.4799291--110.7624282
php:3 Geocoding jamesnotjim at Fayetteville, AR
-- 36.0625795--94.1574263
php:3 Geocoding TCB13 at Lisbon, Portugal
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Elzo Valugi at Montijo, Portugal
-- 38.7055652--8.9741183
php:3 Geocoding Morgan Tocker at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Forbidden Overseer at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding kiamlaluno at Brescia, Italy
-- 45.5415526-10.2118019
php:3 Geocoding aaaidan at Dunedin, New Zealand
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding brutuscat at Buenos Aires, Argentina
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ethan at Silicon Valley, CA
-- 37.362517--122.03476
php:3 Geocoding Bokw at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding nickgrim at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Osama ALASSIRY at Qatar
-- 25.354826-51.183884
php:3 Geocoding psp at Finland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding TheVillageIdiot at Melbourne, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark Schultheiss at Iowa
-- 41.8780025--93.097702
php:3 Geocoding Niels Abildgaard at Denmark
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bart Burg at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eugene at Tallinn, Estonia
-- 59.4369608-24.7535746
php:3 Geocoding evolquez at
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding AshwinP at Ahmadabad, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vic at Stamford, CT
-- 41.0534302--73.5387341
php:3 Geocoding Josh Holloway at Andover, United Kingdom
-- 51.2111975--1.4919233
php:3 Geocoding HddnTHA at localhost
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding deewilcox at Nashville, TN
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding rgin at Philippines
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roshan Wijesena at Colombo, Sri Lanka
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Purefan at Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Beardsley at San Luis Obispo, CA
-- 35.2827524--120.6596156
php:3 Geocoding HoboBen at Swansea, IL
-- 38.5339392--89.9889936
php:3 Geocoding Tech4Wilco at Fort Lauderdale
-- 26.1224386--80.1373174
php:3 Geocoding John Lindal at Los Angeles, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding MadMax at Pakistan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding smentek at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brett Santore at North Wales, Pa
-- 40.2109404--75.2782317
php:3 Geocoding nus at kalampushiar
-- XXX
php:3 Geocoding analytik at Tallinn, Estonia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding benmarks at Isle of Palms, SC
-- 32.8194131--79.7343791
php:3 Geocoding Eirik at Louisville, KY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul D. Eden at Utah
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding vimdude at Ottawa, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding txyoji at Texas
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding elias at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt Gibson at Bristol, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Francesco at New York -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kamil Szot at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bakhtiyor at Santiago, Spain
-- 42.8782132--8.5448445
php:3 Geocoding Frank Shearar at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pablo at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding KitsuneYMG at Huntsville, AL
-- 34.7303688--86.5861037
php:3 Geocoding Mattis at Stockholm, Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding corrodedmonkee at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding doublejosh at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sandeepan Nath at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding xtofl at Herent, Belgium
-- 50.9092247-4.6768701
php:3 Geocoding Paul Sheldrake at Surrey, Canada
-- 49.183333--122.85
php:3 Geocoding soulseekah at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jordan Lev at St. Louis, MO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tek at Dallas, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steve Fenton at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding pathros at Mexico City, Mexico
-- 19.4326077--99.133208
php:3 Geocoding Narek at Armenia
-- 40.069099-45.038189
php:3 Geocoding Vijay at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding zaphod1984 at Erlangen, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Diego Favero at Florianopolis - SC - Brazil -- -27.5953778--48.5480499
php:3 Geocoding George D. at Pireas, Greece -- 37.9429857-23.6469832
php:3 Geocoding Ruwantha at Colombo -- 6.9270786-79.861243
php:3 Geocoding Brian Dillingham at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ThaDafinser at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike Hordecki at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Evernoob at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding General Redneck at Dallas, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alejandro Iván at Concepcion, Chile -- -36.8201352--73.0443904
php:3 Geocoding IEnumerator at Beverly Hills, CA -- 34.0736204--118.4003563
php:3 Geocoding Ing. Michal Hudak at Prešov, Slovakia -- 48.9979058-21.2396073
php:3 Geocoding pollux1er at Cameroon -- 7.369722-12.354722
php:3 Geocoding sathia at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Allen Gingrich at Cincinnati, OH -- 39.1031182--84.5120196
php:3 Geocoding nocash at Columbus, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding duality_ at Slovenia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan Smart at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Abishek R Srikaanth at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeff Hubbard at San Bruno, CA -- 37.6304904--122.4110835
php:3 Geocoding jbranchaud at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Frank at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vladkras at Southeast Asia -- 8.7197676-116.607154
php:3 Geocoding Denees at -- already got
php:3 Geocoding satheeshwaran at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fredrik Wendt at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding shamittomar at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding symbolicConstant at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding EricLaw at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mikeschuld at Bozeman, MT -- 45.6769979--111.0429339
php:3 Geocoding dotNetSoldier at Karachi , Pakistan -- 24.8614622-67.0099388
php:3 Geocoding scipilot at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kim Prince at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kemo at Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina -- 43.8562586-18.4130763
php:3 Geocoding Dave at Knoxville, TN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nicorellius at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding OZ_ at St. Petersburg, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gerben Jacobs at Arnhem, The Netherlands -- 51.9851034-5.8987296
php:3 Geocoding Kavi Siegel at Milford, MA -- 42.1398577--71.5163049
php:3 Geocoding JSchaefer at St Paul, MN -- 44.9537029--93.0899578
php:3 Geocoding Mat at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Parris at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dgavey at Medicine Hat, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rsk82 at European Union -- 40.7496988--73.9737561
php:3 Geocoding wdm at Palo Alto, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Uncle Code Monkey at Virginia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jimmie Lin at Lisbon, Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anurag at Sunnyvale, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Argelbargel at Baden-Baden, Germany -- 48.76564-8.2285242
php:3 Geocoding Alex Weinstein at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Annan at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding elviejo at Zacatecas, Mexico -- 22.7709249--102.5832539
php:3 Geocoding Owen Beresford at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alexar at Melbourne -- 28.0836269--80.6081089
php:3 Geocoding b01 at Detroit, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Davorin at Split, Croatia -- 43.5081323-16.4401935
php:3 Geocoding jensgram at Aarhus, Denmark -- 56.162939-10.203921
php:3 Geocoding s3m3n at Warsaw, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Manwal at Dehradun, India -- 30.3164945-78.0321918
php:3 Geocoding Grijesh Chauhan at New Delhi -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Istvan Chung at Cambridge, United States -- 42.3736158--71.1097335
php:3 Geocoding Alvin Wong at Hong Kong -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jondinham at Hanoi -- 21.0277644-105.8341598
php:3 Geocoding zneak at Hyrule -- 30.6991277--91.1503309
php:3 Geocoding Ben Schwehn at Edinburgh, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Billy ONeal at Redmond, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding notJim at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sonny at Jensen Beach, FL -- 27.2544906--80.2297697
php:3 Geocoding norabora at Colorado -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Horn at Texas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Victor D. at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding samuel at Agadir, Morocco -- 30.4277547--9.5981072
php:3 Geocoding blackhawk at Indiana -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Abhijeet Kasurde at Pune -- 18.5204303-73.8567437
php:3 Geocoding emfi at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mr. Tea at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Warface at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Circle B at Texas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding arslaan ejaz at Islamabad, Pakistan -- 33.7293882-73.0931461
php:3 Geocoding charlie at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Razor Storm at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mladen Jablanović at Belgrade, Serbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Altreus at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Browne at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rm-vanda at Georgia -- 32.1656221--82.9000751
php:3 Geocoding Jay at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding giannis christofakis at Hellas -- 39.074208-21.824312
php:3 Geocoding Will Bickford at Lincoln, NE -- 40.8257625--96.6851982
php:3 Geocoding Alan at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Para at Rm. Valcea, Valcea, Romania -- 45.104722-24.375556
php:3 Geocoding RustyTheBoyRobot at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yugal Jindle at Delhi -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Umar Farooq Khawaja at Huntingdon, United Kingdom -- 52.33146--0.182552
php:3 Geocoding D_4_ni at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding KennyV at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Ernst at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ed S. at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nathan Long at Athens, Georgia, United States -- 33.9519347--83.357567
php:3 Geocoding Henrik Opel at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arild at Gothenburg, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding curtisdf at Fallbrook, California -- 33.3764196--117.2511466
php:3 Geocoding L0j1k at Carlsbad, CA -- 33.1580933--117.3505939
php:3 Geocoding Gordon at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding StasM at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jim Martens at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marvo at Alameda, California -- 37.7652065--122.2416355
php:3 Geocoding hdvianna at Nova Santa Rita, Brazil
-- -29.8507647--51.2741089
php:3 Geocoding Random User at Eastbourne, England
-- 50.768035-0.290472
php:3 Geocoding Keith Twombley at Iowa
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Petrov at Kiev, Ukraine
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris KL at Perth, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robert Rossmann at Prague, Czech Republic
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hubro at Norway
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roger at Sao Paulo, Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Darrell Brogdon at Denver, CO
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jp2code at Longview, TX
-- 32.5007037--94.7404891
php:3 Geocoding Muthu Ganapathy Nathan at Chennai, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin Barker at Leeds, UK
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lothar at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding artur at Washington, DC
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim Gostony at Pasadena, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding András Szepesházi at Budapest, Hungary
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ITS Alaska at Wasilla, AK
-- 61.5813889--149.4394444
php:3 Geocoding Guidouil at Caen, France
-- 49.182863--0.370679
php:3 Geocoding gcphost at Austin, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Helen Neely at Indiana
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Edmond Meinfelder at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alireza Rahmani at Sausalito, CA
-- 37.8590937--122.4852507
php:3 Geocoding Dan LaManna at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Liuti at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Edward Stumperd at Flanders, Belgium
-- 51.0338547-4.1904752
php:3 Geocoding Marco Mariani at Paris, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding stormwild at Philippines
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding patrick at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding vidstige at Stockholm, Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding DOOManiac at Edmond, OK
-- 35.6528323--97.4780954
php:3 Geocoding chlkbumper at Montpellier, France
-- 43.610769-3.876716
php:3 Geocoding Jayapal Chandran at Chennai, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Siqi Lin at Berkeley, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pavel Minaev at North Bend, WA
-- 47.4956579--121.7867775
php:3 Geocoding Oddthinking at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding John McCollum at Glasgow, United Kingdom
-- 55.864237--4.251806
php:3 Geocoding Juraj Blahunka at Bratislava, Slovakia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mrbinky3000 at Ohio
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Salman at Bangladesh
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adrian Macneil at New Zealand
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ricardo Martins at Santos, Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alan at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Prinzhorn at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ComFreek at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aura at Rochester, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Slicedpan at Ireland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding hyde at Europe
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Richard Keller at Durban, South Africa
-- -29.8586804-31.0218404
php:3 Geocoding ajon at San Francisco Bay Area
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding misterich at Statenice, Czech Republic
-- 50.1425769-14.3185421
php:3 Geocoding pts at Zurich, Switzerland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bobo at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding antik at Alexandria, VA
-- 38.8048355--77.0469214
php:3 Geocoding Niels Bom at Amsterdam, Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ghostfly at San Francisco, CA, United States
-- 37.7749295--122.4194155
php:3 Geocoding Roni at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chadwick Meyer at Walnut Creek, CA
-- 37.9100783--122.0651819
php:3 Geocoding crmpicco at Mauchline, East Ayrshire, Scotland
-- 55.515888--4.3777549
php:3 Geocoding Luis Milanese at São Paulo, Brazil
-- -23.5505199--46.6333094
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Pryden at Silicon Valley
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mr. Smee at Los Angeles, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding MKN Web Solutions at Troy, MI
-- 42.6064095--83.1497751
php:3 Geocoding RodeoClown at New South Wales, Australia
-- -33.864174-151.2052868
php:3 Geocoding bruno.braga at Brisbane, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding TML at Orem, UT
-- 40.2968979--111.6946475
php:3 Geocoding habnabit at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding aboveyou00 at Rye, CO
-- 37.9236194--104.9302662
php:3 Geocoding Mark Richards at Boston, MA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding turncoat at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding netsmertia at Jaipur, India
-- 26.9124336-75.7872709
php:3 Geocoding Waqas at Lahore, Pakistan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sandesh Damkondwar at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dark Wish at Faisalabad, Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jackflash at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kim Stacks at Singapore, Singapore -- 1.2800945-103.8509491
php:3 Geocoding dove at Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pedro Lobito at Lisbon, Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kyle at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eonil at Seoul, South Korea -- 37.566535-126.9779692
php:3 Geocoding Mike Spross at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Funky Dude at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding anyulled at Venezuela -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Quamis at Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marty McGee at Danville, CA -- 37.8215929--121.9999606
php:3 Geocoding Andris at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding derekdreery at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Guillermo Phillips at Tunbridge Wells, United Kingdom -- 51.132377-0.263695
php:3 Geocoding the_drow at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding acSlater at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding coryj at Colonia, NJ, United States -- 40.584867--74.3039227
php:3 Geocoding Shamoon at Anywhere, USA -- 33.9073807--84.3589087
php:3 Geocoding Epiphany at Oregon -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sivann at Athens,Greece -- 37.983917-23.7293599
php:3 Geocoding the0ther at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding HMR at Shanghai, China -- 31.230416-121.473701
php:3 Geocoding Eduardo at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Freddy at Puerto Rico -- 18.220833--66.590149
php:3 Geocoding Gabriel Sosa at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ErichBSchulz at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Rodrigues at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding elbachata at Canton of Graubunden, Switzerland -- 46.6569871-9.5780257
php:3 Geocoding woninana at Philippines -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Danjah at Wellington, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nathan Dunn at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Relequestual at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Harold at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Htbaa at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike Moore at Baltimore, MD -- already got
php:3 Geocoding arbales at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shane at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shawn Rebelo at Grants Pass, OR -- 42.4390069--123.3283925
php:3 Geocoding Vlasec at Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pragnesh Rupapara at Ahmadabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding strangerstudios at Reading, PA -- 40.3356483--75.9268747
php:3 Geocoding Brice Favre at Montpellier, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sazzad Tushar Khan at Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding eapo at Odorheiu Secuiesc, Transylvania, Romania -- 46.3049996-25.2926479
php:3 Geocoding edduvs at Vaslui, Romania -- 46.638333-27.729167
php:3 Geocoding Shiva Kumar Avula at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Darrell Duane at Washington, DC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Harish Kurup at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jeremejazz at Philippines -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anther at Canton, MI -- 42.3086444--83.482116
php:3 Geocoding dkloke at Albuquerque, NM -- 35.0853336--106.6055534
php:3 Geocoding amitchhajer at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Seer at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding derobert at Virginia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tùng Đỗ at Việt Nam -- 14.058324-108.277199
php:3 Geocoding Dylan Valade at Michigan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Raza Ahmed at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Polo at Russian -- 41.5537959--72.6545225
php:3 Geocoding Matt at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Antonio at Bari, Italy -- 41.1171432-16.8718715
php:3 Geocoding tubaguy50035 at Kansas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Dennett at Liverpool, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joe Lencioni at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Corgalore at Illinois -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kasper Souren at Benelux -- 19.3225307--69.5310966
php:3 Geocoding Krishna Raj K at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dejv at Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kouton at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Darragh at Cork, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding targnation at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JustinP at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding riotera at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dereckson at Brussels, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kolypto at Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding doug65536 at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding knoxxs at Gurgaon, India -- 28.4594965-77.0266383
php:3 Geocoding Oddman at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding FantasticJamieBurns at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Justus Romijn at Woerden, Netherlands -- 52.0798287-4.8627239
php:3 Geocoding Mathias Lykkegaard Lorenzen at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Error 404 at Errorland -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Yogu at Stuttgart, Germany -- 48.7758459-9.1829321
php:3 Geocoding aknatn at Fresno, CA -- 36.7468422--119.7725868
php:3 Geocoding Alex at Boca Raton, FL -- 26.3683064--80.1289321
php:3 Geocoding rooney at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DeaconDesperado at New Haven, CT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sakkeer Hussain at Kozhikode, India -- 11.2587531-75.78041
php:3 Geocoding Pete at Pacific NW -- 46.5180824--123.8264512
php:3 Geocoding David Barker at Reading, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim Banks at Missouri -- 37.9642529--91.8318334
php:3 Geocoding ryabenko-pro at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SSH This at Nowhere, OK -- 35.1592256--98.4422802
php:3 Geocoding Jon at Sweet Home, OR -- 44.3976247--122.7361959
php:3 Geocoding Mbarry at Algeria -- 28.033886-1.659626
php:3 Geocoding Amit Kriplani at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tcurvelo at João Pessoa, Brazil -- -7.1194958--34.8450118
php:3 Geocoding kdubb at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zadam at Connecticut
-- 41.6032207--73.087749
php:3 Geocoding Man Vs Code at Hollywood, FL
-- 26.0112014--80.1494901
php:3 Geocoding Akash Kava at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding gdw2 at Gilbert, Az
-- 33.3528264--111.789027
php:3 Geocoding Stefan at Amsterdam, Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark Lalor at New Jersey
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mansoorkhan Cherupuzha at Kochi, Kerala, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding bikey77 at Athens, Greece
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joseph Cheek at New York, NY, United States
-- 40.7127837--74.0059413
php:3 Geocoding Dziamid at Minsk, Belarus
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rex M at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul Beckingham at Boston, MA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding hop at Austria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cebjyre at Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding talereader at Romania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jim at New Hampshire, USA
-- 43.1938516--71.5723953
php:3 Geocoding Milan Maharjan at Kathmandu, Nepal
-- 27.7-85.333333
php:3 Geocoding doubleJ at Branson, MO
-- 36.6436731--93.2185144
php:3 Geocoding macjohn at girona
-- 41.9794005-2.8214264
php:3 Geocoding Brett Widmeier at Cambridge, MA
-- 42.3736158--71.1097335
php:3 Geocoding OnethingSimple at Taunton, MA USA
-- 41.900101--71.0897674
php:3 Geocoding shufler at British Columbia
-- 53.7266683--127.6476206
php:3 Geocoding jrockway at Brooklyn, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martijn at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding crdunst at Shrewsbury
-- 52.7073029--2.7553268
php:3 Geocoding Hendry Tanaka at Medan, Indonesia
-- 3.5951956-98.6722227
php:3 Geocoding ocanal at Turkey
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robbiegod at Maryland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding danhere at New Haven, CT
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex W at Raleigh, NC
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Vandersluis at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Z at Orosi, CA
-- 36.5449499--119.2873384
php:3 Geocoding activeDev at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding erikb85 at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Luis Dalmolin at Novo Hamburgo, Brazil
-- -29.6880479--51.1333376
php:3 Geocoding di3sel at Lithuania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Luc Wollants at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding abelito at Hagerstown, MD
-- 39.6417629--77.7199932
php:3 Geocoding Mladen Janjetović at Belgrade, Serbia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding AntonSack at Cabana, Spain
-- 43.2117031--8.9117738
php:3 Geocoding djn at Italy
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding murko at Slovenia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding twiz at Pennsylvania. So much snow... :-(
-- 41.2033216--77.1945247
php:3 Geocoding cgeisel at Vancouver, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kani at CrabWorld
-- 34.2548355--117.1088853
php:3 Geocoding Joris Timmermans at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding kontur at Helsinki, Finland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt Cruikshank at Minneapolis, MN
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding shawnwall at Pittsburgh, PA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zorayr at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ivan Nevostruev at Mountain View, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding maazza at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding c2theg at New Jersey
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ZeWaren at Lyon, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lucanos at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding atmon3r at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Damien at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding skobaljic at Vienna, Austria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hobo at Switzerland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chausser at Provo, UT
-- 40.2338438--111.6585337
php:3 Geocoding bchhun at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding TaylorOtwell at Arkansas
-- 35.20105--91.8318334
php:3 Geocoding Mahesh.D at Hyderabad, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Drew at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jterry at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alexander Jardim at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tyler Collier at Phoenix, AZ
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding George Langley at Calgary, AB
-- 51.0486151--114.0708459
php:3 Geocoding Jasper at Truckee, CA
-- 39.327962--120.1832533
php:3 Geocoding Andreas Hultgren at Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Julien at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stephan Weinhold at Salzburg, Austria -- 47.80949-13.05501
php:3 Geocoding Noishe at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BabyAzerty at Paris -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joost at Burgum, Netherlands -- 53.1936901-5.9913642
php:3 Geocoding mopoke at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding masakielastic at Tokyo, Japan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding B4NZ41 at Thailand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Newman at Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom -- 53.002668--2.179404
php:3 Geocoding Asenar at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paschalis at Edinburgh -- 55.953252--3.188267
php:3 Geocoding DrCord at Eugene, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jDoughty at Berlin, NJ -- 39.7912261--74.9290536
php:3 Geocoding ravisoni at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RibeiroBreno at Belo Horizonte, Brazil -- -19.9166813--43.9344931
php:3 Geocoding youanden at Aventura, FL -- 25.9564812--80.1392121
php:3 Geocoding Shreef at Egypt -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ferdynator at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aktau at Antwerp, Belgium / Barcelona, Spain -- 41.297445-2.0832941
php:3 Geocoding pleasedontbelong at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Carlos at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jakobud at Fort Collins, CO -- 40.5852602--105.084423
php:3 Geocoding Kamil Tomšík at Brno, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Janci at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Evan Purkhiser at Akron Ohio -- 41.0814447--81.5190053
php:3 Geocoding codecowboy at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rupesh Patel at Ahmadabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Reinsbrain at South America -- -8.783195--55.491477
php:3 Geocoding Mihael Isaev at Samara, Russia -- 53.202778-50.140833
php:3 Geocoding T4NK3R at Copenhagen, Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joeri Minnekeer at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding od3n at Toa Payoh, Singapore -- 1.3343035-103.8563265
php:3 Geocoding Spudley at England, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CD001 at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aalex Gabi at Paris -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hari K T at Kozhikode, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding davidosomething at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pat at Missoula, MT -- 46.8787176--113.996586
php:3 Geocoding ggfan at Virginia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yasen Zhelev at Nottingham, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MathieuK at Amsterdam, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dhaval at Rajkot -- 22.3038945-70.8021599
php:3 Geocoding Dinesh Nagar at Greater Noida, India -- 28.4743879-77.5039904
php:3 Geocoding Problematic at -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Luke Adamczewski at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ant at Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Vassallo at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Russell at Adelaide, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding 9kSoft at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fix_moeller at Nuremberg, Germany -- 49.45203-11.07675
php:3 Geocoding Sparr at Medford, MA -- 42.4184296--71.1061639
php:3 Geocoding huitseeker at Orsay, France -- 48.697161-2.189617
php:3 Geocoding John Scipione at Rochester, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Graham T at Ottawa, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vamin at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cesar at Caracas, Venezuela -- 10.4696404--66.8037185
php:3 Geocoding Benji XVI at Brighton, UK -- 50.82253--0.137163
php:3 Geocoding Yzmir Ramirez at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding andrewbadera at Albany, NY -- 42.6525793--73.7562317
php:3 Geocoding incidence at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pgee70 at Hobart, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gert Arnold at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jamil at New York City -- 40.7127837--74.0059413
php:3 Geocoding Tom at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding joshkrz at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding J-Dizzle at Berkeley, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pat at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Alfvin at Manhattan Beach, CA -- 33.8847361--118.4109089
php:3 Geocoding Dykam at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nickh at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tomas at Amsterdam, The Netherlands -- 52.3702157-4.8951679
php:3 Geocoding Paul Dragoonis at Scotland, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric Holmes at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Acyra at Arlington, VA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam at Liverpool, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MikeSW at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding danharper at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gagarine at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Krunal Panchal at Nadiad, India -- 22.7-72.87
php:3 Geocoding Marco Matarazzi at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding qris at Cambridge, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marci-man at Mannheim, Germany -- 49.4874592-8.4660395
php:3 Geocoding furins at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Timmy at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SkaJess at Rodez, France -- 44.349389-2.575986
php:3 Geocoding Graham Lea at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sdolgy at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kyle at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Precious at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lexalizer at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dietrich Epp at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Thomas at Southampton, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding giripp at Bandung, Indonesia -- -6.9174639-107.6191228
php:3 Geocoding parker.sikand at Mansfield, CT -- 41.788489--72.2292913
php:3 Geocoding womd at Tyrol/Austria
-- 47.2537414-11.601487
php:3 Geocoding Stan Rogers at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vlad Balmos at Iasi, Romania
-- 47.156944-27.590278
php:3 Geocoding Step To Install at Bangalore, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt Connolly at Brisbane, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Substantial at Minneapolis, MN
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daenarys at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeffrey Blake at Jenks, Oklahoma
-- 36.0228734--95.9683278
php:3 Geocoding BigHomie at Detroit, MI
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding at Poland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fabricio PH at Planet Earth
-- 53.3570177--2.0853567
php:3 Geocoding OM The Eternity at Pune, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding drewish at Boulder
-- 40.0149856--105.2705456
php:3 Geocoding Adam Tolley at Frederick, MD
-- 39.4142688--77.4105409
php:3 Geocoding Matthijs Bierman at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding konsolenfreddy at Zurich, Switzerland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding colares at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Domenic at New Jersey
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Darren Newton at Brooklyn, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding circusdei at Pennsylvania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding good4m at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
-- 49.2827291--123.1207375
php:3 Geocoding Joshua - Pendo at Maastricht, Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ReactiveRaven at Yorkshire
-- 38.7931699--77.4477662
php:3 Geocoding Xnoise at Bucharest, Romania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding AmbiguousTk at Damascus, Syria
-- 33.513-36.292
php:3 Geocoding h2ooooooo at Copenhagen, Denmark
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eray at Turkey
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding EnigmaCurry at New Hampshire
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Isaac Waller at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding farinspace at Fresno, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding bueltge at Jena, Germany
-- 50.927054-11.5892372
php:3 Geocoding SsouLlesS at Armenia - Quindío - Colombia
-- 4.5350004--75.6756888
php:3 Geocoding Igor at Trieste, Italy
-- 45.6495264-13.7768182
php:3 Geocoding Tony Chiboucas at Portland, OR
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding treeface at Irvine, CA
-- 33.6839473--117.7946942
php:3 Geocoding mloskot at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Droidzone at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave Hilditch at Edinburgh, Scotland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Suhail Gupta at Pathankot, India
-- 32.2643375-75.6421121
php:3 Geocoding David Heffernan at Ulverston, United Kingdom
-- 54.195138--3.09267
php:3 Geocoding Artjom Kurapov at Tallinn, Estonia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ravz at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Frederik Wordenskjold at Copenhagen, Denmark
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ninj at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Susan at Boston, MA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Damien at Paris, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Limon at Argentina
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Olivier - interfaSys at Switzerland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Lively at Dallas, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding MrMisterMan at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andres Jaan Tack at Tallinn, Estonia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hernán Eche at Argentina
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rob Allen at Boston, MA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jordan at Pennsylvania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jarrod at Wellington, New Zealand
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Hunt at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthew Mitchell at England, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul Tomblin at Rochester, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding RobS at Canberra, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding tstenner at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding justinhj at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joeri Sebrechts at Antwerp, Belgium
-- 51.2194475-4.4024643
php:3 Geocoding Giles Roberts at England, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yanki Twizzy at Vancouver, BC, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jerseyboy at Rolesville, NC
-- 35.9232073--78.4574996
php:3 Geocoding Seiti at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding yuval at Tel Aviv, Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mathew Foscarini at Markham, Ontario, Canada
-- 43.8561002--79.3370188
php:3 Geocoding zPuls3 at Athens, Greece
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Warren Rumak at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dragoste at Wroclaw, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rohit Chopra at Avenel, NJ -- 40.5803818--74.2851469
php:3 Geocoding Eli at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mercsen at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding thehpi at Enschede, Netherlands -- 52.2215372-6.8936619
php:3 Geocoding jolt at Riga, Latvia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding shaunhusain at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Abela at Eureka, CA -- 40.8020712--124.1636729
php:3 Geocoding davidjbullock at Oceanside, CA -- 33.1958696--117.3794834
php:3 Geocoding teodron at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding HoLyVieR at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dmitry at St. Petersburg, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Juan Carlos Coto at Costa Rica -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jacob Hume at Point Arena, CA -- 38.908798--123.6930726
php:3 Geocoding Fnatte at Linköping, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding IlludiumPu36 at Perth, Western Australia -- -31.9535132-115.8570471
php:3 Geocoding Raiyan at Ontario -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Simon Adcock at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JYL at Lyon, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CharlieTuna at Queens, NY -- 40.7282239--73.7948516
php:3 Geocoding Aajahid at Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jon Story at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cees Timmerman at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ssg at istanbul, turkey -- 41.0082376-28.9783589
php:3 Geocoding Electric Jesus at Cebu, Philippines -- 10.3156992-123.8854366
php:3 Geocoding Jan Goyvaerts at Thailand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding forgottenbas at Yekaterinburg, Russia -- 56.8389261-60.6057025
php:3 Geocoding Ben Scott at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stefan Reich at New Germany -- 44.8841291--93.9705254
php:3 Geocoding thedjaney at Philippines -- already got
php:3 Geocoding phirschybar at Ellicott City, MD -- 39.2673283--76.7983067
php:3 Geocoding King Julien at Tbilisi, Georgia -- 41.716667-44.783333
php:3 Geocoding LauraNMS at Pittsburgh -- 40.4406248--79.9958864
php:3 Geocoding Al_ at in the office -- -27.3653692-29.8738259
php:3 Geocoding sirwilliam at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thinking Web at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sara at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mrtsherman at Lexington, MA -- 42.4430372--71.2289641
php:3 Geocoding Jim D at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Damiqib at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeromy French at Falls Church, VA -- 38.882334--77.1710914
php:3 Geocoding rkj at Sunnyvale, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sirlancelot at ~/ -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Сухой27 at Беговой, а иногда и Хорватия -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Mansfield at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Val Redchenko at Oxford, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stephen J. Fuhry at Cleveland, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding omouse at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Impulss at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Qualcuno at Waterloo, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding simonbs at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rob at Stockport, United Kingdom -- 53.4106316--2.1575332
php:3 Geocoding bokor at Redwood City, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Danny Herran at Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cronoklee at Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding João Nunes at Helsinki, Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris James Champeau at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding spedley at NYC -- 40.7127837--74.0059413
php:3 Geocoding AlienWebguy at Brentwood, CA -- 37.931868--121.6957863
php:3 Geocoding driechel at Hamburg -- 53.5510846-9.9936818
php:3 Geocoding David Zapata at Colombia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gurehbgui at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding channa ly at Cambodia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jchapa at Colorado -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Duncan at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nurp at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MrChrister at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding peter at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mattias Åslund at Enköping, Sweden -- 59.6356909-17.0778228
php:3 Geocoding Konstantin Pereyaslov at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Emanuele Del Grande at Milan, Italy -- 45.4654219-9.1859243
php:3 Geocoding GoodSp33d at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hilojack at China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Slavic at Moldova -- 47.411631-28.369885
php:3 Geocoding brendo at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Abijeet Patro at Hyderabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Louie at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Charlie Martin at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dwza at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Doug at Baltimore, MD -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adi at Agra, India -- 27.1766701-78.0080745
php:3 Geocoding Michael C. at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Scott Evernden at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mantriur at Chile -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ross at VA -- 37.4315734--78.6568942
php:3 Geocoding Matt Potts at Lancaster, England -- 54.046575--2.8007399
php:3 Geocoding Robert Grant at Nottingham, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding etc at Addison, TX -- 32.96179--96.8291685
php:3 Geocoding meze at Russia, Moscow -- 55.755826-37.6173
php:3 Geocoding Nathan H at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jprofitt at Columbus, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ken Li at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ryan Kinal at Warren, PA -- 41.8439486--79.1450445
php:3 Geocoding DanielM at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jms at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Landon at Oakland, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Erstelle at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding michaellindahl at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding handuel at Sheffield, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dixus at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding latvian at Minneapolis, MN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jamie Barker at England -- already got
php:3 Geocoding owenmarshall at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steven Oxley at Oak Park, IL -- 41.8850317--87.7845025
php:3 Geocoding Stephen O'Flynn at Valencia, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jhourlad Estrella at Philippines -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tomer W at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vic at Raleigh, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MightyPork at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark at Orlando, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding EvilChookie at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding xximjasonxx at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cheok Yan Cheng at Malaysia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Czar Pino at Palo, Philippines
-- 11.1583835-124.9918883
php:3 Geocoding Framework at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jfreak53 at Toledo, OH
-- 41.6639383--83.555212
php:3 Geocoding Andomar at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding w5m at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wiseguy at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding millimoose at Bratislava, Slovakia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Moshe Katz at Silver Spring, MD
-- 38.9906657--77.026088
php:3 Geocoding GolezTrol at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joel Berger at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding thaJeztah at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding engineerX at Europe
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Squig at England, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding cherouvim at Athens, Greece
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Legend at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Motin at Stockholm, Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Teemu Tapanila at Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Skalli at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cocowalla at Scotland, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anze at Italy
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fraggle at Connecticut
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Todd Lehman at Boston, MA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tracker1 at Phoenix, AZ
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding berkes at Nijmegen, The Netherlands
-- 51.8125626-5.8372264
php:3 Geocoding smack0007 at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yoshiyahu at Minnesota
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric Herlitz at Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding bstoney at Perth, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thomas Hansen at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding EminezArtus at Texas
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding adi rohan at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding PeerBr at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeroen Moons at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Patrick at Atlanta, GA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding simbabque at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lukman at Malaysia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dimitris mistriotis at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding GusDeCooL at Bali, Indonesia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding threed at Provo, UT
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding RMiranda at Portugal
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding brian_d at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shawn Khameneh at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Phil Sturgeon at Bristol, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding WarmWaffles at Texas
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bob Baddeley at Madison, WI
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding JohnP at Colombo, Sri Lanka
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kermit at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wingblade at Switzerland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mave at Netherlnads
-- 52.132633-5.291266
php:3 Geocoding kcdwayne at Tennessee
-- 35.5174913--86.5804473
php:3 Geocoding Arjan at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding alfasin at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding n3rd at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim Ebenezer at Belfast, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding toneplex at Nashville, TN
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dnls at Switzerland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding sourcerebels at Barcelona, Spain
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding user2060451 at California
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding HeartBeat at Dhaka, Bangladesh
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jegesh at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Meep3D at Canterbury, United Kingdom
-- 51.280233-1.0789089
php:3 Geocoding peirix at Trondheim, Norway
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding JCharette at Gatineau, Canada
-- 45.4765446--75.7012723
php:3 Geocoding Jaka Jančar at Ljubljana, Slovenia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joel at St Louis, MO
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding arleslie at Middleburg, FL
-- 30.0688512--81.8603778
php:3 Geocoding Ryaner at Ireland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding a_horse_with_no_name at Munich, Bavaria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lennart at Umea, Sweden -- 63.8258471-20.2630354
php:3 Geocoding StefanNch at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding realmfoo at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rahul at Amritsar -- 31.6339793-74.8722642
php:3 Geocoding this. __curious_geek at Ahmadabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Danish Iqbal at Karachi, Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding baash05 at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Masi at Northern Europe -- 62.2786475-12.3401708
php:3 Geocoding Serj Sagan at Boise, ID -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Crescent Fresh at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding akaihola at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding flavour404 at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding adeneo at Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding OMA at Madrid, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mario Ruiz at Mexico -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Benjam at Utah -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wolfsblvt at Solingen, Germany -- 51.1702072-7.0831408
php:3 Geocoding djleop at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fahid Mohammad at Hyderabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ahmed Samy at Egypt -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lomse at Accra, Ghana -- 5.55--0.2
php:3 Geocoding Stony at China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Beal at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding podijobs at Massachusetts -- already got
php:3 Geocoding freerunner at Nepal -- 28.394857-84.124008
php:3 Geocoding at Karachi, Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vgraur at Chisinau, Moldova -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sam at Scotland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wold at localhost -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zaf at Athens, Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ryan at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Ford at Provo, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gareth at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christofer Eliasson at Gothenburg, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bart Verkoeijen at Hong Kong, Hong Kong -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Oriol at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding andrebruton at Johannesburg, South Africa -- -26.2041028-28.0473051
php:3 Geocoding kitimenpolku at Oulu, Finland -- 65.0126148-25.4714526
php:3 Geocoding Deadlock at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bruce Lim at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Josan Iracheta at LA -- 19.85627-102.495496
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Burke at Alamo, CA -- 37.8502032--122.032184
php:3 Geocoding paislee at Pasadena, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthew Carriere at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mehmet Otkun at Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Legendary at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rajkamal at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jack Viers at Ankeny, IA -- 41.7317884--93.6001278
php:3 Geocoding Christopher Harris at Allen, TX -- 33.1031744--96.6705503
php:3 Geocoding Alex at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JohnnySoftware at Maryland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robert at Germany / Italy -- 46.2186288-13.2041947
php:3 Geocoding fool4jesus at Leesburg, VA -- 39.1156615--77.5636015
php:3 Geocoding roland at Brussels, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Spencer Carnage at Echo Park, CA -- 34.0781593--118.2605574
php:3 Geocoding Nate-Wilkins at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brandon at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding joshperry at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jani at Tehran, Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding timbrown at Montrose, CO -- 38.4783198--107.8761738
php:3 Geocoding Jeremy Moritz at Shawnee, KS -- 39.0228485--94.7151865
php:3 Geocoding iNfinity at Milwaukee, WI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bram at The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding suzanshakya at Nepal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Flavien Volken at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lodo at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sotomajor at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding riffraff at rome, milan, budapest -- 47.497912-19.040235
php:3 Geocoding orian at Olsztyn, Poland -- 53.778422-20.4801193
php:3 Geocoding aug at Seattle -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Earwicker at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nate Bundy at St Louis, MO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thorgeir at Reykjavik, Iceland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Scott Silvi at Minneapolis, MN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mithon at Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nobita at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eliseu Monar at Sao Paulo, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JonathanHayward at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rituraj ratan at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave Everitt at Melton Mowbray, United Kingdom -- 52.766404--0.887126
php:3 Geocoding Akarienta at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dduft at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding leviathan at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mirko at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mahbub at Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Wilson at California, USA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding marksyzm at Oxford, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DMac the Destroyer at Tacoma, WA -- 47.2528768--122.4442906
php:3 Geocoding Drew R at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aznim at Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mik-T at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding devundef at Parma, Italy -- 44.801485-10.3279036
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan. at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Greg at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zlatko at Zagreb, Croatia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Oran Dennison at Anchorage, AK -- 61.2180556--149.9002778
php:3 Geocoding leticia at Uruguay -- -32.522779--55.765835
php:3 Geocoding jusopi at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Filip Sobczak at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ericbae at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding digger69 at Loveland, CO -- 40.3977612--105.0749801
php:3 Geocoding Bryan Hong at Manila, Philippines -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jens at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sergey Panfilov at Russia, Irkutsk -- 52.2685014-104.3833366
php:3 Geocoding Gleeb at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sam at Luxembourg -- 49.815273-6.129583
php:3 Geocoding colllin at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Schmuli at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ronag at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christoph at New York -- already got
php:3 Geocoding NREZ at Ahmedabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mattblang at Mississippi -- 32.3546679--89.3985283
php:3 Geocoding Nicolas McCurdy at Rochester, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason Goemaat at Des Moines, IA -- 41.6005448--93.6091064
php:3 Geocoding Tyler Rick at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding raphinesse at Karlsruhe, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PHearst at Copenhagen, Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tnajdek at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Rivers at Arlington, VA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bjorke at San Francisco Bay Area -- already got
php:3 Geocoding A-Dubb at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gillesruppert at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Federico Elles at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave Nichol at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marco Godínez at México -- 19.2601265--99.0073135
php:3 Geocoding jmort253 at Clackamas, OR -- 45.4076205--122.5703692
php:3 Geocoding juliocesar at Cuba -- 21.521757--77.781167
php:3 Geocoding Sai Gudigundla at Pittsburgh, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Leandro at La Plata, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JabberwockyDecompiler at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tamakisquare at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christophe Augier at Vannes, France -- 47.658236--2.760847
php:3 Geocoding Trantor Liu at New Taipei City, Taiwan -- 25.0169826-121.4627868
php:3 Geocoding Matt M. at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dumbledad at Cambridge, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bruno Finger at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Onur Yıldırım at Istanbul, Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roy Truelove at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding anddoutoi at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marek at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason More at Minneapolis, MN, United States -- 44.977753--93.2650108
php:3 Geocoding Spencer Alger at Phoenix, AZ -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tzafrir at Haifa, Israel -- 32.7940463-34.989571
php:3 Geocoding Zouzias at Zurich, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ariscris at Clifton, NJ -- 40.8584328--74.1637553
php:3 Geocoding djmarquette at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding João Martins at Coimbra, Portugal -- 40.2033145--8.4102573
php:3 Geocoding Benjamin Wheeler at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roy M J at Thiruvananthapuram, India -- 8.5241391-76.9366376
php:3 Geocoding linojon at New Hampshire -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tschiela at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding atconway at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lycha at China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christoph at Hanover, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding calmbird at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Les Hazlewood at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nKn at Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain -- 28.4636296--16.2518467
php:3 Geocoding earthmeLon at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding naikus at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Imre at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding stian at Oslo, Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Egg at Colorado -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JeyTheva at Sri Lanka -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cristiano Fontes at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding unludo at Rennes, France -- 48.117266--1.6777926
php:3 Geocoding whitehat101 at Santa Cruz, California -- 36.9741171--122.0307963
php:3 Geocoding Kai Mattern at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding alexk at Athens, Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vignesh at Tirupur -- 11.1085242-77.3410656
php:3 Geocoding charliepage88 at Decatur, GA -- 33.7748275--84.2963123
php:3 Geocoding benvds at Eindhoven, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anand at Fremont
-- 37.5482697--121.9885719
php:3 Geocoding Artem Andreev at Taganrog, Russia
-- 47.216667-38.916667
php:3 Geocoding Trip at Barcelona, Spain
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding bitsMix at Beijing, China
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding devric at Sydney Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding climboid at New York, United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding webblover at Cardiff, United Kingdom
-- 51.481581--3.17909
php:3 Geocoding Sean Thompson at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding erdimeola at Istanbul, Turkey
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan Atkinson at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pavel Nikolov at Sofia, Bulgaria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alexey F at Russia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sunil D. at ~
-- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Brown at Orlando, FL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shimon Rachlenko at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ade at Stamford, United Kingdom
-- 52.651282--0.480216
php:3 Geocoding Adam Nofsinger at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eugene Fidelin at Amsterdam, Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan at New York, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thilo at Singapore
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding miliu at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Edwin Dalorzo at Costa Rica
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vel Murugan S at Chennai, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mxa055 at Athens, Greece
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding smajl at Prague, Czech Republic
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kenneth at Palma, Spain
-- 39.5696005-2.6501603
php:3 Geocoding Bennett McElwee at Auckland, New Zealand
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding citizenslave at Delaware
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding patbaker82 at Connecticut
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Greg at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Neikos at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding kyleroche at Denver, CO
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding TimPietrusky at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mr H at Ballarat, Australia
-- -37.5636495-143.8671868
php:3 Geocoding eggplantbr at Sydney
-- -33.8674869-151.2069902
php:3 Geocoding CodingWithoutComments at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding malcolmhall at Glasgow, Scotland
-- 55.864237--4.251806
php:3 Geocoding Askdesigners at Prague, Czech Republic
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding enigment at Boston, MA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding fauverism at Moorestown, NJ
-- 39.9688817--74.948886
php:3 Geocoding Matsemann at Norway
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Cull at Brisbane, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding snumpy at Canton, GA
-- 34.2367621--84.4907621
php:3 Geocoding jan.vdbergh at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bema at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jack Slingerland at Raleigh, NC
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Max Favilli at Milan, Italy
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lucas Lazaro at Sao Paulo, Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jaanus at Estonia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding BradGreens at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jim Raden at Cleveland, OH
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aaronius at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding drt at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Felipe Castro at Brasil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Collin Allen at Novato, CA
-- 38.1074198--122.5697032
php:3 Geocoding jorrebor at Amsterdam, Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeremy Zerr at Boise, ID
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric B. at Montreal, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jonathanconway at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ibrahim at California
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Den at Europe
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt DeKrey at Cincinnati, OH
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Aquino at Surrey, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tony Ennis at Louisville, KY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joe Dyndale at Oslo, Norway
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding sscarduzio at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding KajMagnus at Gothenburg, Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aamir Shah at Bangalore
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brian Noah at Los Angeles, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mattia Franchetto at Borgaro Torinese, Italy
-- 45.1517706-7.6548472
php:3 Geocoding daveoncode at Italy
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steren at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding amccausl at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thomas Bratt at Cambridge, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hlo at Chicago -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Moffatt at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Impero at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding WatchSteveDrum at Rancho Santa Margarita, CA -- 33.640855--117.603104
php:3 Geocoding maksbd19 at Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan Cancro at Berlin -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike Anthony at ZA -- -30.559482-22.937506
php:3 Geocoding windmaomao at Raleigh, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stephan Ryer at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bfontaine at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan M at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Federico Nafria at Córdoba, Argentina -- -31.4200833--64.1887761
php:3 Geocoding turtlemonvh at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding edhedges at Olathe, KS -- 38.8813958--94.8191285
php:3 Geocoding YardenST at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding wmil at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fraccus at Odense, Denmark -- 55.403756-10.40237
php:3 Geocoding Capaj at Brno, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nate Abele at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vially at Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Laurent at Seoul, South Korea -- already got
php:3 Geocoding beret at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wind Up Toy at Roanoke, VA -- 37.2709704--79.9414266
php:3 Geocoding chovy at Capitola, CA -- 36.9752283--121.953293
php:3 Geocoding Sam Barnum at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zeronone at Seoul, South Korea -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brice Stacey at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding yourfriendzak at Venice, CA -- 33.9850469--118.4694832
php:3 Geocoding gion_13 at Iasi, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding duckegg at Guangzhou, China -- 23.12911-113.264385
php:3 Geocoding Thomas at Vienna, Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding toxaq at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GuillaumeA at Québec -- 52.9399159--73.5491361
php:3 Geocoding Mart at Zagreb, Croatia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RachelD at Capital Region, NY -- 43.1313628--73.7671233
php:3 Geocoding Anirudhan J at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding milanpanchal at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding julianFresco at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric Burdo at Bangor, ME -- 44.8011821--68.7778138
php:3 Geocoding heneryville at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vpiTriumph at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding andyczerwonka at Calgary, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jan-Terje Sørensen at Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding HaveAGuess at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sebastian at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding code-sushi at San Francisco Bay Area -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sumit at Stuttgart, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding btford at Mountain View, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marc at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stewie at Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Simon Dufour at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gonzofish at Toms River, NJ -- 39.9537358--74.1979458
php:3 Geocoding Phix at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roland at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BigDong at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding david004 at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hypery2k at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ivarni at Oslo, Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding noomz at Bangkok, Thailand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jesse at Washington, DC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding oma at Porsgrunn, Norway -- 59.1385567-9.6555147
php:3 Geocoding Charlie Martin at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vincent at Brussels, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Richard Szalay at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Neil at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bilal Mirza at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stirling at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TerryTate at Massachusetts -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jornare at Oslo, Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wim Deblauwe at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Krut at Roseville, CA -- 38.7521235--121.2880059
php:3 Geocoding czerasz at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wilhelm Murdoch at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fractaliste at Toulouse, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding IamStalker at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vinesh at india -- 20.593684-78.96288
php:3 Geocoding ram at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding suraj rawat at india -- already got
php:3 Geocoding shajin at Kerala, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christophe Roussy at Luxembourg -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tristanm at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Atticus at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GFoley83 at Living in Wellington, New Zealand. From Dublin, Ireland -- 53.3498053--6.2603097
php:3 Geocoding Gepsens at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason Spick at Wisconsin -- 43.7844397--88.7878678
php:3 Geocoding Alex Okrushko at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pratyush at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christoph Ha at Germany | Hamburg -- 53.5510846-9.9936818
php:3 Geocoding highpost at San Francisco -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adrian Lopez at Malaga, Spain -- 36.721261--4.4212655
php:3 Geocoding stackuser at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding idursun at Istanbul, Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Liyanage at Baltimore, MD -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Games Brainiac at Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Che at Minsk, Belarus -- already got
php:3 Geocoding coding_idiot at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding abettermap at Michigan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fabio at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Seiyria at Wisconsin -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Abris at Linköping -- 58.410807-15.6213727
php:3 Geocoding Xesued at Utah -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Splaktar at Melbourne, FL -- 28.0836269--80.6081089
php:3 Geocoding rekordboy at Port Coquitlam, Canada -- 49.2628382--122.7810708
php:3 Geocoding Connor Leech at Oakland, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Evan at Shanghai -- 31.230416-121.473701
php:3 Geocoding Kumar Sambhav at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Uli Köhler at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Smarty Twiti at Tunisia -- 33.886917-9.537499
php:3 Geocoding FlavorScape at Portland. -- 45.5230622--122.6764816
php:3 Geocoding Jesse Carter at London, Canada -- 42.9869502--81.243177
php:3 Geocoding devshorts at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roger at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Antonio Max at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pius Uzamere at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric Drechsel at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eldelshell at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nicolas Janel at Nancy, France -- 48.692054-6.184417
php:3 Geocoding tedwards947 at SF Bay, CA -- 37.6213129--122.3789554
php:3 Geocoding nathan at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Maarten at The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rob at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding redben at Morocco -- 31.791702--7.09262
php:3 Geocoding Martin Wawrusch at West Hollywood, CA -- 34.0900091--118.3617443
php:3 Geocoding Nate Barbettini at Kansas City, MO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pakman at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kristo Aun at Tallinn, Estonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding James G at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dmitri Algazin at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mvw at Cologne area, Germany -- 50.937531-6.9602786
php:3 Geocoding François Wahl at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Concrete Gannet at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Frye at Pullman, WA -- 46.7297771--117.1817377
php:3 Geocoding StenW at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Clarkson Jey at Seoul, South Korea -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nezo at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rob Juurlink at Arnhem, Netherlands -- 51.9851034-5.8987296
php:3 Geocoding dvdmn at Orlando, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mr. S at Washington, DC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding markmarijnissen at Nymegen, Netherlands -- 51.8125626-5.8372264
php:3 Geocoding Shibbir Ahmed at Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jasny - Arnold Daniels at Amsterdam, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jakob Stoeck at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Craig Myles at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fmquaglia at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Blaise at Charleston, WV -- 38.3498195--81.6326234
php:3 Geocoding Nabarun at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tony Lâmpada at São José dos Campos - SP -- -23.223701--45.9009074
php:3 Geocoding xyonme at Indonesia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shaz at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nathancahill at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Saike at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding epeleg at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Valentyn Shybanov at Kiev, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding punund at Riga, Republic of Latvia -- 56.9496487-24.1051864
php:3 Geocoding gatoatigrado at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tinchou at Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Magne at Oslo, Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nandin at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan Tao at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding K. Carpenter at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jago at Madrid, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kumar_harsh at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul D. Waite at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shekhar at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding robert king at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding eomeroff at Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lex82 at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding James Wilkins at Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada -- 43.8828401--79.4402808
php:3 Geocoding Pierre Henry at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding reformed at East Coast -- -41.698801-147.9145089
php:3 Geocoding mono68 at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Timbergus at Madrid, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sven Hecht at Karlsruhe, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ngure Nyaga at Nairobi, Kenya -- -1.2920659-36.8219462
php:3 Geocoding patelsan at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paulo Oliveira at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paulo Scardine at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mikerennick at Ohio -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gabuzo at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding om471987 at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Masonoise at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bastian at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Pell at North Carolina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Todd at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jbustamovej at Yad Binyamin, Israel -- 31.796685-34.82037
php:3 Geocoding Chris at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding diosney at Cuba -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dormouse at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GraemeF at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam at Charlotte, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Oliver Joseph Ash at England -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ljs at Guildford, United Kingdom -- 51.23622--0.570409
php:3 Geocoding ThisLanham at Orange, CA -- 33.7877944--117.8531119
php:3 Geocoding Mohamed Hussain at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan at Logan, UT -- 41.7369803--111.8338359
php:3 Geocoding Brian Park at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding brykneval at web -- 30.0938247--94.1875666
php:3 Geocoding Robin Andersson at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Elise at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave Alperovich at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andypandy at Reno, NV -- 39.5296329--119.8138027
php:3 Geocoding Nick Radford at Bowling Green, OH -- 41.3747744--83.6513229
php:3 Geocoding Bill at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JayKay at Kochi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ian at Columbus, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding merlin at Chengdu, China
-- 30.572269-104.066541
php:3 Geocoding John Culviner at Minneapolis, MN, USA
-- 44.977753--93.2650108
php:3 Geocoding Derek Adair at Dallas, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Neil S at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding tehaaron at Portland, OR
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stein G. Strindhaug at Norway
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nathan Bunney at Modesto, CA
-- 37.6390972--120.9968782
php:3 Geocoding Yair Nevet at Tel Aviv, Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lukas at Springville, UT
-- 40.1652335--111.6107526
php:3 Geocoding HeberLZ at Mendoza, Argentina
-- -32.8894587--68.8458386
php:3 Geocoding Gaurav_soni at Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
-- 25.3575-55.390833
php:3 Geocoding Breck421 at Truckee, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding JoeCool at Boston, MA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Foster at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrei V at Can't really pin it...
-- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Organiccat at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Francesc Rosàs at Barcelona
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding 0xc0de at Mumbai, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ajkochanowicz at New York, United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hartley Brody at USA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chandermani at Hyderabad, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben W at Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding MushinNoShin at Maryland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sentient at Los Angeles, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ed Norris at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Noypi Gilas at Philippines
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jetcom at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding rjdmello at Mumbai, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding OhadR at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gery at Indonesia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark at Dublin, Ireland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding sms at Chennai, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding picciano at Stoneham, CO
-- 40.6056903--103.6656458
php:3 Geocoding Tarnschaf at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thanh Nguyen at San Diego, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding hcvst at Johannesburg, South Africa
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anurag at Legden, Germany
-- 52.0350059-7.1002126
php:3 Geocoding Martin at Prague, Czech Republic
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding m.e.conroy at Buffalo, NY USA
-- 42.8864468--78.8783689
php:3 Geocoding pootzko at Nerdvana
-- XXX
php:3 Geocoding krillgar at Philadelphia, PA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ville at Euless, TX
-- 32.8370727--97.0819541
php:3 Geocoding Rizwan Yahya at Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
-- 24.8614622-67.0099388
php:3 Geocoding Aamir Shahzad at Islamabad, Pakistan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pete Martin at Lancashire, United Kingdom
-- 53.9690089--2.6276908
php:3 Geocoding oliholz at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cornelius at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dalinaum at The Peach Blossom Spring
-- 41.8385659--80.3838111
php:3 Geocoding Martin at Dublin, Ireland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding GraehamF at Los Angeles
-- 34.0522342--118.2436849
php:3 Geocoding BlaShadow at Dominican Republic
-- 18.735693--70.162651
php:3 Geocoding Joseph Zhao at Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steffi at Paris, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Konstantin Tarkus at New York ✈ St. Petersburg
-- 27.773056--82.64
php:3 Geocoding CWSpear at Spokane, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Designermonkey at Peterborough/London, United Kingdom
-- 52.6374086--0.4719544
php:3 Geocoding pherris at Twin Cities
-- 44.9374831--93.2009998
php:3 Geocoding dplass at New York, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding breez at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding MattSidor at Davis, CA
-- 38.5449065--121.7405167
php:3 Geocoding aarong at District of Columbia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding foolshat at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Guilhem Soulas at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dheeraj V.S. at Bangalore, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding aendrew at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Per Quested Aronsson at Stockholm, Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ibrahim Apachi at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ravimallya at Mangalore, India
-- 12.9141417-74.8559568
php:3 Geocoding Andy Hayden at San Francisco Bay Area
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding George Jempty at Fort Worth, TX
-- 32.7554883--97.3307658
php:3 Geocoding trunks175 at Hyderabad
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding genuinefafa at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding trushkevich at Minsk, Belarus -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jasonflaherty at NorCal -- 38.8375215--120.8958242
php:3 Geocoding Casey at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding eduardobursa at Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil -- -30.0346471--51.2176584
php:3 Geocoding Campbeln at Canberra, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Julian at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Re Captcha at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Derrick at Indiana -- already got
php:3 Geocoding EMuentes at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding at Shenzhen, China -- 22.543099-114.057868
php:3 Geocoding Plantface at Leeuwarden, Netherlands -- 53.2012334-5.7999133
php:3 Geocoding Hoto at Krakow, Poland -- 50.0646501-19.9449799
php:3 Geocoding kvetis at Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jorge Nunez Newton at Caracas, Venezuela -- already got
php:3 Geocoding super9 at Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dax Fohl at Houston, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vieenay at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jrista at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jfroom at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Manuel Bitto at Vienna, Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zx1986 at Taipei, Taiwan. -- 25.0329694-121.5654177
php:3 Geocoding Dustin at Alpine, UT -- 40.4532833--111.7779865
php:3 Geocoding ThomasReggi at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dashmug at Philippines -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ascherer at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding aidan at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding at Bruxelles (Belgium) -- 50.8503396-4.3517103
php:3 Geocoding Pnct at Planet X -- 34.2475--113.96417
php:3 Geocoding DOM at Ahmedabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sebastialonso at Vina del Mar, Chile -- -33.0153481--71.5500276
php:3 Geocoding Lucia at Uruguay -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kmcnamee at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Riccitelli at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jake Huang at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ivan Ferrer Villa at Granada, Spain -- 37.1773363--3.5985571
php:3 Geocoding AsadYarKhan at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Goran Radulovic at Novi Sad, Serbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dasper at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rych at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding felix at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding yorch at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mladen Danic at Novi Sad, Serbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Rapadas at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pate at Cape Town, South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding wmock at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zyphrax at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding stevuu at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding d1jhoni1b at Costa Rica -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BrianS at Washington, DC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Danger14 at Texas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding satish kumar V at Hyderabad -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Osborn at Auckland, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nevster at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric Steinborn at Albany, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brent Washburne at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrea Turri at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zorgatone at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ed Spencer at Worcester, United Kingdom -- 52.193636--2.221575
php:3 Geocoding mcpDESIGNS at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Barth Zalewski at Dresden, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mainguy at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rob J at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brett at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ronnie at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jhonny Everson at Maceió, Brazil -- -9.6498487--35.7089492
php:3 Geocoding Agzam at San Francisco Bay Area -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fungku at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kevin M at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Craig at St. Louis MO USA -- 38.6270025--90.1994042
php:3 Geocoding Adam Waselnuk at Ottawa, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding snajahi at Morocco -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ant Kutschera at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aaron Wagner at Houston, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jmbertucci at Wisconsin -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Patrick J Collins at Montpellier, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Strille at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ivan Fioravanti at Milan, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding erichrusch at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ingó Vals at Iceland -- 64.963051--19.020835
php:3 Geocoding Dida at Singapore, Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Victor at Russia, Moscow -- already got
php:3 Geocoding darkyndy at Cluj-Napoca, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding NimChimpsky at Peterborough, United Kingdom -- 52.5694985--0.2405299
php:3 Geocoding tmaximini at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding eddywashere at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rakslice at Kelowna, BC, Canada -- 49.8879519--119.4960106
php:3 Geocoding holographix at Turin, Italy -- 45.070312-7.6868565
php:3 Geocoding darklow at Riga, Latvia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Likwid_T at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Muhammad Adeel Zahid at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jackdbernier at Quebec -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Moin Haidar at Delhi -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Silvio Troia at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding maurits at Rotterdam, The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael A. Jackson at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aaron Kabashi at Malmö -- 55.604981-13.003822
php:3 Geocoding kdazzle at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ajay Nadathur at Sunnyvale, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RavenHursT at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding luchosrock at Santiago, Chile -- -33.4488897--70.6692655
php:3 Geocoding Steven Xu at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hajpoj at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Morgan at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gontard at Montpellier, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan Pantry at Wales -- 52.1306607--3.7837117
php:3 Geocoding Gil Moshayof at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Che at Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steve Kehlet at Southern California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jimmont at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thomas Cremers at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sridhar at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding reaper_unique at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jiggneshh Gohel at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jackvsworld at Los Angeles -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Guntram at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chad DeShon at Olathe, KS -- already got
php:3 Geocoding EnigmaRM at USA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shawn Lauzon at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aaron Gray at Birmingham, AL -- 33.5206608--86.80249
php:3 Geocoding Tom at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vineet Reynolds at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hector Correa at State College, PA -- 40.7933949--77.8600012
php:3 Geocoding Design by Adrian at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dema at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BLSully at New Glarus, WI -- 42.8144473--89.6351217
php:3 Geocoding Quinn Wilson at internet -- 15.1219947-105.8021808
php:3 Geocoding Simen Echholt at Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jcstritt at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lanoxx at China, Germany, Austria -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Brandon at Johnson City, TN -- 36.3134397--82.3534727
php:3 Geocoding Paul Taylor at Brighton, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding for3st at Vienna -- 48.2081743-16.3738189
php:3 Geocoding Cole Chamberlain at Irvine, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ntownsend at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jsuddsjr at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ByScripts at Verdun, France -- 49.1598764-5.3844231
php:3 Geocoding dmcqu314 at Mount Prospect, IL -- 42.0664167--87.9372908
php:3 Geocoding zeroriku at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding php-jquery-programmer at Michigan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PachinSV at Nueva San Salvador, El Salvador -- 13.6757837--89.2894733
php:3 Geocoding dmackerman at Washington, DC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ggalmazor at San Sebastián, Spain -- 43.318334--1.9812313
php:3 Geocoding Jay Shukla at Rajkot, India -- 22.3038945-70.8021599
php:3 Geocoding zack at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Prancer at Michigan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chancho at Lima -- -12.046374--77.0427934
php:3 Geocoding Ir1sh at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alp at Kassel, Germany -- 51.3127114-9.4797461
php:3 Geocoding Fred Lackey at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Frankie Loscavio at Cumming, GA -- 34.2073196--84.1401926
php:3 Geocoding Adam Zerner at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding markdsievers at Auckland, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ArjaaAine at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sander at Bruges, Belgium -- 51.209348-3.2246995
php:3 Geocoding Han Dijk at Enschede, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Murray Smith at Calgary, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Quinn Strahl at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GioPan at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding OAC Designs at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mutmatt at Saint Paul, MN -- 44.9537029--93.0899578
php:3 Geocoding aelor at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding origin1tech at CA -- 36.778261--119.4179324
php:3 Geocoding Juha Palomäki at Esbo, Finland -- 60.2054911-24.6559001
php:3 Geocoding qwwqwwq at San Francisco, CA, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David at Venezuela -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yiling Lu at Victoria, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eugenio Cuevas at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sfletche at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gru at london -- 51.5073509--0.1277583
php:3 Geocoding Walter Stabosz at Wilmington, DE -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fer at Amsterdam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jepser Bernardino at Guatemala -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ekus at Raleigh, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dinesh P.R. at Bangalore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steve Black at au -- -25.274398-133.775136
php:3 Geocoding Leblanc Meneses at Dallas, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike Desjardins at Portland, ME -- 43.661471--70.2553259
php:3 Geocoding stephenbayer at Alameda, CA -- 37.7652065--122.2416355
php:3 Geocoding Langdon at Chesapeake, VA -- 36.7682088--76.2874927
php:3 Geocoding Robba at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Carl G at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hgoebl at Rosenheim, Germany -- 47.8571272-12.1181047
php:3 Geocoding Filippo De Luca at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mbdev at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Beez at Grand Rapids, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Levitt at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adrien Giboire at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vittore at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CJ Ramki at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jupo at Helsinki, Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding IttayD at -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding thorn at Kiev, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike Crittenden at Greenville, SC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mircobabini at Ravenna, Italy -- 44.4183598-12.2035294
php:3 Geocoding cpburnz at Grand Rapids, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding code90 at Izmir, Turkey -- 38.423734-27.142826
php:3 Geocoding Ajay Beniwal at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steve at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dihedral at Massachusetts -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jjperezaguinaga at Mexico -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dvidsilva at Berkeley -- 37.8715926--122.272747
php:3 Geocoding whitebox at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Blowsie at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Lidström at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SunnyRed at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zach L at Norwalk, CT -- 41.117744--73.4081575
php:3 Geocoding saiyancoder at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JoshGough at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Erin Drummond at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SRachamim at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ViniciusPires at Brasilia, Brazil -- -15.7942287--47.8821658
php:3 Geocoding Marcel Gwerder at Bern, Switzerland -- 46.9479222-7.4446085
php:3 Geocoding tliokos at Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ramon de Klein at Enschede, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding row1 at New Zealand / Singapore -- 1.3018673-103.8384496
php:3 Geocoding Abdelouahab at Algeria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Objelean at Cluj-Napoca, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Snekse at Omaha, NE -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ryan J. McDonough at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding drjimmie1976 at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RAC at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Austin Lovell at Orem Utah -- 40.2968979--111.6946475
php:3 Geocoding Certs at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mikermcneil at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding matmancini at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeroen Ingelbrecht at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John P at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thang Nguyen at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding icfantv at Superior, CO -- 39.9527634--105.1685977
php:3 Geocoding Umut Seven at Istanbul -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark B at Orange County CA -- 33.7174708--117.8311428
php:3 Geocoding cornflakes24 at Ontario, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Will Hitchcock at Palo Alto, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DomenicDatti at New Jersey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fireydude at Manchester, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yablargo at USA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding selvakumar.esra at Singapore, Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Soviut at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding alonisser at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kbrimington at Utah -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arun P Johny at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding A. Wolff at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kilhoffer at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nilesh at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Josue Ibarra at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mattdlockyer at Vancouver
-- 45.6387281--122.6614861
php:3 Geocoding Estelle Chvl at Paris
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Grant at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daryn at Vancouver, BC (Canada)
-- 49.2827291--123.1207375
php:3 Geocoding Paul at England
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Casey at Massachusetts
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding juanluisrp at Seville, Spain
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Amin Meyghani at New York, United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Regent at Russia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding thathurtabit at Manchester, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jtsan at Richmond, VA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding PPPaul at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Amin Ariana at California
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dominic Watson at England, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hairgami_Master at EastCoast, US
-- 33.5941227--117.8677399
php:3 Geocoding AngeloS at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Red2678 at Valencia, CA
-- 34.4560447--118.5713357
php:3 Geocoding xzegga at El Salvador
-- 13.794185--88.89653
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Liuzzi at Barcelona -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Will at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roy at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding IsidroGH at Madrid (Spain)
-- 40.4167754--3.7037902
php:3 Geocoding Joshua Powell at Pittsburgh, PA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding codesnooker at Bangalore
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Henning at Tromsø
-- 69.6492047-18.9553238
php:3 Geocoding mdierker at Champaign, IL
-- 40.1164204--88.2433829
php:3 Geocoding adam8810 at Oklahoma City, OK
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Xan at Bern, Switzerland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave Gordon at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Leandro De Mello Fagundes at Joinville, Brazil
-- -26.3044084--48.8463832
php:3 Geocoding perrygeo at Portland, OR
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alojz Janez at Leeds, United Kingdom
-- 53.8007554--1.5490774
php:3 Geocoding Pureferret at Gloucester, United Kingdom
-- 51.8642449--2.238156
php:3 Geocoding sysfault at Bucharest, Romania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andi at Bern, Switzerland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding rodmjay at Tamarindo, Costa Rica
-- 10.299167--85.84
php:3 Geocoding Vladimir Starkov at Stockholm, Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding cnlevy at Jerusalem, Israel
-- 31.768319-35.21371
php:3 Geocoding Alkaline at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave Edelhart at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding DiwasP8 at Kathmandu
-- 27.7-85.333333
php:3 Geocoding Domi at Taipei City, Taiwan
-- 25.0329694-121.5654177
php:3 Geocoding remarsh at Gibraltar
-- 36.140751--5.353585
php:3 Geocoding wroniasty at Poland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding cdmckay at New York City
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding danikoren at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Don Barry at Normal, Illinois State
-- 40.5142026--88.9906312
php:3 Geocoding Aakil Fernandes at New Brunswick, NJ
-- 40.4862157--74.4518188
php:3 Geocoding Akash Agrawal at Lucknow, India
-- 26.8466937-80.946166
php:3 Geocoding federubin at Montreal, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding matchdav at Victoria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Wilde at Austin, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding svarog at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding levi at Venezuela
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris at Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Gruszczyk at Manchester, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stefanos Chrs at Cyprus
-- 35.126413-33.429859
php:3 Geocoding zonabi at Austin, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding airtonix at Adelaide, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adrian Carr at Knoxville, TN
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Max Strater at Portland, OR
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Marshall at Barton under Needwood, United Kingdom
-- 52.7646717--1.7232078
php:3 Geocoding Roman K at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brian Ogden at San Diego -- already got
php:3 Geocoding keepitreal at Birmingham, Alabama
-- 33.5206608--86.80249
php:3 Geocoding abbood at Beirut, Lebanon
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding rryter at Switzerland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Cremin at Ireland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nick Devereaux at Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brian Scott at Glasgow, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding René Stalder at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hunterloftis at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Lehmann at Richardson, TX -- 32.9483335--96.7298519
php:3 Geocoding santiagobasulto at Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ryan Montgomery at Grand Rapids, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jwize at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding alfonsob at Brighton, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Puce at Berlin -- already got
php:3 Geocoding op1ekun at London, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ivan Demchenko at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mr_Pouet at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pierre Broucz at Praha, Czech Republic
-- 50.0755381-14.4378005
php:3 Geocoding xil3 at Fort Lauderdale, FL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding AlexStack at Stockholm, Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Judah Himango at Savage, MN
-- 44.7647329--93.3591147
php:3 Geocoding mcv at Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding RushPL at Poland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mac at Copenhagen, Denmark
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Manoj G at Bangalore, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pathsofdesign at Alaska -- 64.2008413--149.4936733
php:3 Geocoding Jeff Ancel at St Louis, MO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Maciej Gurban at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mtasic85 at Leskovac, Serbia -- 42.9963758-21.944034
php:3 Geocoding Grief Coder at The Earth Planet -- 53.3570177--2.0853567
php:3 Geocoding Sandy Gifford at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marko Dumic at Belgrade, Serbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eran Medan at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding threeFourOneSixOneThree at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SiddharthP at Canterbury, UK -- 51.280233-1.0789089
php:3 Geocoding Viral Jain at New Delhi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adrian Rodriguez at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Elise Chant at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ErikAGriffin at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mWillis at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BenCr at Manchester, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kristianlm at Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Guilherme Cardoso at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding basarat at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dani Barca Casafont at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding aclave1 at Baton Rouge, LA -- 30.4582829--91.1403196
php:3 Geocoding Matthew Payne at Willow Grove, PA -- 40.1439985--75.1157286
php:3 Geocoding Evgeniy Gryaznov at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan de M. at London, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ehtesh Choudhury at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding LVarayut at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding egermano at Sao Paulo, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nicolae Surdu at Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tomraithel at Wiesbaden Germany -- 50.0782184-8.2397608
php:3 Geocoding snez at Bristol, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jere.Jones at Jacksonville, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding NicolasMoise at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nomis at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TWiStErRob at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Semicolon at Massachusetts -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eddie Monge Jr at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark K Cowan at Tallinn, Estonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Max Hodges at Tokyo, Japan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding raina77ow at Dnipropetrovs'k, Ukraine -- 48.464717-35.046183
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Palumbo at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JJ Zabkar at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ryan Walls at Park City, UT -- 40.6460622--111.4979729
php:3 Geocoding Mattl at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mortsahl at Colorado -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Baldy at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cerd at Northern California -- 38.8375215--120.8958242
php:3 Geocoding bmoeskau at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding agpt at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Moshii at Dhaka, Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Filip Kis at Stockholm -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Simona Adriani at Milan, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nicholas Kreidberg at Minnesota -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom Toms at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MilkyWayJoe at Toronto, Ontario, Canada -- 43.653226--79.3831843
php:3 Geocoding uriDium at Cape Town, South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding daniellmb at Greater Seattle Area -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding ashish at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Simple Psycho at Madison, WI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mahemoff at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding T. Rex at Accra, Ghana -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike_K at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JaredMcAteer at Calgary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding wjin at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding brianvaughn at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Quibblesome at Iceland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dev_doctor at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TopDev at Malta -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vincent at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sten Muchow at Breukelen, Netherlands -- 52.1710222-5.001329
php:3 Geocoding pbojinov at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Melbourne2991 at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bomboca at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lwalden at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding StuR at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jesus Rodriguez at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding beardedlinuxgeek at Edinburgh, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding remigio at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding frictionlesspulley at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nikos Paraskevopoulos at Athens, Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Morris A. Singer at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eduard Gamonal at Barcelona, Catalonia -- 41.3850639-2.1734035
php:3 Geocoding Ufuk Hacıoğulları at Istanbul, Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding giosakti at Jakarta, Indonesia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom Harrison Jr at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vipul at Chandigarh, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nahn at Romania / USA -- 37.3924737--79.2247387
php:3 Geocoding Larry at Johannesburg, South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mcranston18 at Toronto -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jess at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ProxyTech at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jack M. at Flagstaff, AZ -- 35.1982836--111.651302
php:3 Geocoding zairwolf at NYC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding csg at Iasi, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding iandotkelly at Michigan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding comecme at Noordbergum, Netherlands -- 53.2252228-6.0034093
php:3 Geocoding Chris Nicola at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Samuel at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris W at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Blake Niemyjski at Wisconsin -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Astravagrant at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Edward Brey at Sheboygan Falls, WI -- 43.7291617--87.8106439
php:3 Geocoding Stephen Collins at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim at Ohio -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shmiddty at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gecco at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Abraham P at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jim Wooley at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Markus Hay at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding derrylwc at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Craig Morgan at Isle of Man -- 54.236107--4.548056
php:3 Geocoding FlamesoFF at Czech -- 49.817492-15.472962
php:3 Geocoding DzeryCZ at CZ -- 49.817492-15.472962
php:3 Geocoding Mital Pritmani at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jpmorin at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Venkat at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Braulio at Malaga, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ilya Palkin at Kyiv, Ukraine -- 50.4501-30.5234
php:3 Geocoding adrianboimvaser at Parana, Argentina -- -31.7413197--60.5115471
php:3 Geocoding Ryan Q at Washington -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nre at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DominikGuzei at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rogier21 at Calgary, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yaroslav at Kiev, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rcdmk at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding thinice at Minnesota -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wintamute at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shaun Luttin at Salt Spring Island -- 48.8166622--123.5088755
php:3 Geocoding nembleton at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding grenade at Basel, Switzerland -- 47.5674422-7.5975507
php:3 Geocoding Ryan Tuck at nyc -- 40.7127837--74.0059413
php:3 Geocoding Piioo at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Precastic at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MikeSmithDev at Northeast -- 38.9097608--76.9758274
php:3 Geocoding Narayana at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sean at Cape Town, South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tomato at Kazakhstan -- 48.019573-66.923684
php:3 Geocoding Treur at Arnhem, The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peanut at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Visgean Skeloru at Prague -- 50.0755381-14.4378005
php:3 Geocoding Jakob Løkke Madsen at Århus, Denmark -- 56.162939-10.203921
php:3 Geocoding Scottux at Davidson, NC -- 35.4993031--80.8486846
php:3 Geocoding febeling at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marco Ramires at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ryan at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding coryvb123 at Grand Rapids, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rodrigo Zurek at Barranquilla, Colombia -- 11.0041072--74.8069813
php:3 Geocoding Namal at Sri Lanka -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thakhani Tharage at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Lank at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bebraw at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ismail at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt Roberts at Lancaster, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Russ Matney at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Julian Hollmann at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding reflog at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding 7hi4g0 at Manaus, Brazil -- -3.1190275--60.0217314
php:3 Geocoding Amogh Talpallikar at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cornel Masson at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tfmontague at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding incutonez at Washington -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Malkus at Pittsburgh, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding thaspius at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nithin Emmanuel at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rhys van der Waerden at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kris Jenkins at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sam at Scotland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding surfitscrollit at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vrunoa at Rosario, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sym3tri at San Francisco Bay Area -- already got
php:3 Geocoding e.gluhotorenko at Minsk, Belarus -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tobias at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Sanders at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bob Jarvis at Akron, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Krishna at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tonejac at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RetroCoder at Los Angeles -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lee at Winston-Salem, NC -- 36.0998596--80.244216
php:3 Geocoding BetaCoder at Iceland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Faraz Hassan at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aleksandr Bratashov at L'viv, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CrazyGeek at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gilad Peleg at Tel Aviv, Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CJ Thompson at 32547 -- 30.4960651--86.6308759
php:3 Geocoding KingOfHypocrites at Orlando, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jim Clouse at Providence, RI -- 41.8239891--71.4128343
php:3 Geocoding Nick Spacek at Fredericton, Canada -- 45.9635895--66.6431151
php:3 Geocoding deW1 at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding duma at Minneapolis, MN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding itghisi at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding incarnate at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding under5hell at Indonesia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave Mackintosh at Chichester -- 50.83761--0.774936
php:3 Geocoding danielrvt at Venezuela -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ward at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding blackjid at Santiago, Chile -- already got
php:3 Geocoding A.K. at Indore, India -- 22.7195687-75.8577258
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Lyndem at Shillong, India -- 25.5787726-91.8932535
php:3 Geocoding shankbond at Object Ville -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Spain Train at Washington, DC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding adavea at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Hoffman at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AndreM96 at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mik378 at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Atav32 at San Francisco -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jack.the.ripper at El Salvador -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zilupe at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding clopez at Santiago, Chile -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mylescc at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding craigb at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jay at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding veritas at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ganders at Iowa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike_Laird at Pittsford, NY -- 43.0906186--77.5149969
php:3 Geocoding Lorenzo at Geneva, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dominik Jungowski at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PW Kad at Texas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andy at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Park Soon Wai at Singapore, Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding NiloVelez at Seville, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ohgodwhy at California, USA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding thescientist at Rhode Island -- 41.5800945--71.4774291
php:3 Geocoding AndyPerlitch at Santa Cruz, CA -- 36.9741171--122.0307963
php:3 Geocoding alainvd at Brussels -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sorx00 at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding J.P. ten Berge at Ede, Netherlands -- 52.0401675-5.6648594
php:3 Geocoding Barnabas Kendall at Issaquah, WA -- 47.5301011--122.0326191
php:3 Geocoding Ricardo Velhote at Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal -- 41.1238759--8.6117851
php:3 Geocoding johannestroeger at Vienna, Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nikola at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris at Dallas, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nzifnab at Colorado -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Nguyen at Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wim at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Deividi Cavarzan at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Simon H at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tyler at Peachtree City, GA -- 33.3968557--84.5963432
php:3 Geocoding Harry Oosterveen at The Hague, Netherlands -- 52.0704978-4.3006999
php:3 Geocoding connorbode at Space! -- 39.14936--123.21183
php:3 Geocoding Пуя at Tehran, Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dennis Smolek at Deep Ellum Texas -- 32.7843924--96.7801849
php:3 Geocoding Seregwethrin at Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding LukeP at Denver. CO -- 39.7392358--104.990251
php:3 Geocoding NilsH at Trondheim, Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Răzvan Panda at Multiverse -- 55.3798907--3.9329338
php:3 Geocoding pmc at Canberra, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Simon Belanger at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding wulftone at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding trisweb at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Dumaine at Arizona -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Reto Koradi at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Mills at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rossipedia♦ at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rene Groeschke at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dude0001 at Indianapolis, IN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lightning3 at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding LJ Wilson at Arkansas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ismael Hamed at Seville, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Raúl Otaño at Havana, Cuba -- 23.159167--82.271056
php:3 Geocoding virtualandy at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Micheal Mouner Mikhail Youssif at Alexandria, Egypt -- 31.2000924-29.9187387
php:3 Geocoding eggonlegs at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Léo Lam at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ChrisW at San Luis Obispo, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Knu at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Honzajscz at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tyson at Coffs Harbour, Australia -- -30.2963121-153.1156722
php:3 Geocoding Ilya Schukin at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dis Shishkov at Russia, Taganrog -- 47.216667-38.916667
php:3 Geocoding Drew Noakes at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dag at Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MANCHUCK at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rohit at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kasperwf at Copenhagen, Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Katana24 at Belfast, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Artiom at Cyprus -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Budick at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wildhoney at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MFB at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Xerosigma at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jan Molak at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Heinrich at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MGot90 at Birmingham, AL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marc at Angers, France -- 47.478419--0.563166
php:3 Geocoding StefanoCudini at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding imanis_tn at Tunisia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sushain97 at Sugar Land, TX -- 29.6196787--95.6349463
php:3 Geocoding JB Nizet at Saint-Etienne, France -- 45.439695-4.3871779
php:3 Geocoding dtabuenc at Riverside, CA -- 33.9533487--117.3961564
php:3 Geocoding ray at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada -- 44.6488625--63.5753196
php:3 Geocoding Keith at Columbia, MD -- 39.2037144--76.8610462
php:3 Geocoding shangxiao at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding alalonde at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding KFunk at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hugo at CABA, Argentina
-- -34.6036844--58.3815591
php:3 Geocoding Drew Beck at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Travesty3 at Ann Arbor, MI
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Dn at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding FelixM at Atlanta, GA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Labib Ismaiel at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steve Lorimer at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding NuclearGhost at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding lulu88 at Cape Town, South Africa
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sani Yusuf at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeremy Thille at Geneva, Switzerland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding przno at Slovakia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nighto at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Addoteye at Ghana
-- 7.946527--1.023194
php:3 Geocoding Max Felker at Portland, ME
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jahller at Munich, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Victorio Berra at Springfield, MO
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ArtoAle at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nathan Taylor at California
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nick at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shadaez at Port Orchard, WA
-- 47.5403732--122.6362492
php:3 Geocoding Ash Clarke at Reading, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mario at Guadalajara, Mexico
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brad Martin at Nashville, TN
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Juan at Mar del Plata, Argentina
-- -38.0054771--57.5426106
php:3 Geocoding metric152 at Washington, United States
-- 38.9071923--77.0368707
php:3 Geocoding Nikolay Golub at St. Petersburg, Russia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding PeterG at Hollywood, CA
-- 34.0928092--118.3286614
php:3 Geocoding Abu Hamzah at Earth, Planet
-- 53.3570177--2.0853567
php:3 Geocoding Mike McLin at Clermont, FL
-- 28.5494447--81.7728543
php:3 Geocoding bodine at Salt Lake City, UT
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tri Vuong at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding vikki at Nairobi, Kenya
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding TommyMac at St. Louis, MO
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aldie at Dallas, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mikey at England, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jake A. Smith at Stillwater, OK / Dulles, VA
-- 38.9558546--77.4478193
php:3 Geocoding Julian Lloyd at Los Angeles
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding GeenHenk at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mohammad Sepahvand at Melbourne, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding AD.Net at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mikhail Orlov at Poznań, Poland
-- 52.406374-16.9251681
php:3 Geocoding Alexandre Santos at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding VsMaX at Warsaw, Poland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dubilla at New York, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ecoologic at Brisbane, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding christang at New York, United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Will Keeling at Oxford, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mikker at Copenhagen, Denmark
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding maxdec at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris B at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kamran Adil at Dubai, United Arab Emirates
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt Coubrough at Auckland, New Zealand
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ted Pennings at Portsmouth, NH
-- 43.0717552--70.7625532
php:3 Geocoding Shawn at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Erik Olson at Norfolk, VA
-- 36.8507689--76.2858726
php:3 Geocoding Offirmo at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding squadwuschel at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding HaukurHaf at Reykjavik, Iceland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding SET at Sumy, Ukraine
-- 50.9077-34.7981
php:3 Geocoding Sean Clark Hess at SLC, UT
-- 40.7607793--111.8910474
php:3 Geocoding Eric at Toledo, OH
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding iamdash at Manchester, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding nates at Salt Lake City, UT
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Edwards at Cardiff, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Allen at Hong Kong -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniël W. Crompton at Amsterdam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yahya KACEM at tunisia -- 33.886917-9.537499
php:3 Geocoding kentcdodds at Utah -- already got
php:3 Geocoding stolsvik at Oslo, Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GordyD at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding merqlove at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fettereddingoskidney at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Illia Ratkevych at Kiev, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sheharyar at Lahore, Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kevins at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pepijn at Amsterdam, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding C Fairweather at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave Merwin at Eugene, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thomas Fankhauser at Stuttgart, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JellicleCat at Roseville, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Trialcoder at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RedactedProfile at Burnaby, Canada -- 49.266667--122.966667
php:3 Geocoding Matt Greer at Cupertino, CA -- 37.3229978--122.0321823
php:3 Geocoding Chris Montgomery at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bent Cardan at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bitshiftcop at Antwerp, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gouravtiwari21 at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ye Liu at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding line-o at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jwimmer at North Carolina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TalentTuner at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SoluableNonagon at Chicago -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Juri at South Tyrol, Italy -- 46.7340955-11.2888015
php:3 Geocoding KreepN at Kansas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MR.ABC at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mahesh at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Johny at Kraków, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steven Almeroth at Chiapas, México -- 16.7569318--93.1292353
php:3 Geocoding Derek Perkins at Utah -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Josh Buchea at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TheLostBrain at Orlando, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Satpal at New Delhi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Moser at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stephen at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Justin Lovero at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthijs at Rotterdam, The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pokono at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding James Gentes at Bend, OR -- 44.0581728--121.3153096
php:3 Geocoding shaneveeg at Wisconsin -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Thomas at Birmingham, AL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Charles Hamel at Shawinigan, Canada -- 46.5618559--72.7435254
php:3 Geocoding newbie at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding NeedHack at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding FDisk at Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Florian Loch at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding screenm0nkey at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zack Argyle at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rashmin Javiya at Ahmadabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vincent at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ses at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding chmurson at Poland, Wrocław -- 51.1078852-17.0385376
php:3 Geocoding Saeed Neamati at Tehran, Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rwheadon at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Learner_DjangoRest at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jan Aagaard at Copenhagen, Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kumar at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding doodeec at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Hedberg at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding martin at Auckland, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MassivePenguin at Cambridge, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Droogans at San Antonio, Texas, USA -- 29.4241219--98.4936282
php:3 Geocoding Justin McCandless at San Francisco, California -- 37.7749295--122.4194155
php:3 Geocoding Benjamin at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shaunak at Charleston, SC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthew Harwood at San francisco -- 37.7749295--122.4194155
php:3 Geocoding rooftop at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zach Snow at MPLS / SF, CA -- 37.7749295--122.4194155
php:3 Geocoding Ricardo Pedroni at Curitiba, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PSL at South Brunswick, NJ -- 40.3806901--74.5316938
php:3 Geocoding Stevo at Huddersfield, United Kingdom -- 53.645792--1.785035
php:3 Geocoding Jess Telford at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peeja at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roylee at Malaysia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Gunawardena at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dropped.on.Caprica at Columbia, MO -- 38.9517053--92.3340724
php:3 Geocoding Pablo Ezequiel Leone Signetti at Newbury, UK -- 51.401409--1.3231139
php:3 Geocoding bob at New York -- already got
php:3 Geocoding paulcpederson at Portland -- 45.5230622--122.6764816
php:3 Geocoding koleror at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zmilojko at Oulu, Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Romanulus at Victoria, BC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Angel Gao at Toronto -- already got
php:3 Geocoding flowerborn at Beijing, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roamer-1888 at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steve Jansen at Charlotte, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lukas at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding eflat at Sacramento, CA -- 38.5815719--121.4943996
php:3 Geocoding Sumit Malik at Amritsar, India -- 31.6339793-74.8722642
php:3 Geocoding Nicholas Piasecki at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anton S at Estonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding What at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kannu at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bobek at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rápli András at Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding alekwisnia at Warsaw, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Balaji Perumal at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Keenora Fluffball at Rhede, Germany -- 51.8374545-6.6989532
php:3 Geocoding 1800 INFORMATION at Auckland, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Josh Kodroff at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Askar Kalykov at Kazakhstan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joe Mills at Little Elm, TX -- 33.1626193--96.9375051
php:3 Geocoding leon at Piracicaba, Brazil -- -22.7342864--47.6480644
php:3 Geocoding Jiří Chmiel at Orlová, Czech Republic -- 49.8701377-18.4250078
php:3 Geocoding Ken at Derbyshire, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Maciej Paprocki at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding matthewpavkov at Ohio -- already got
php:3 Geocoding arekstasiewicz at Gdansk, Poland -- 54.3520252-18.6466384
php:3 Geocoding Needhi Agrawal at Indore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Minesh at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AnimalsAreNotOursToEat at Lucknow, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding femtoRgon at Medford, Oregon -- 42.3265152--122.8755949
php:3 Geocoding Arvind Bhardwaj at Gurgaon, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding philwinkle at West Palm Beach, FL -- 26.7153424--80.0533746
php:3 Geocoding uɐɥʇɐᴎ at Texas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gowri at Erode, India -- 11.3410364-77.7171642
php:3 Geocoding jsims281 at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jon at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Krunal at Surat, India -- 21.1702401-72.8310607
php:3 Geocoding Tim Reynolds at Cleveland, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Diego at Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nikhil_K_R at india -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mathias at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Neil at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ColoradoRockie at Colorado -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mr Axilus at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hayden Thring at New South Wales, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding altafhussain at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joe Fletcher at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding iJeep at Springfield, MO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris at Rochester, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Louis Bataillard at Zurich, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mr Coder at India (Delhi) -- 28.6139391-77.2090212
php:3 Geocoding Nick at Bath, United Kingdom -- 51.375801--2.3599039
php:3 Geocoding Jevgeni Bogatyrjov at Tallinn, Estonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zyava at Wiesbaden, Germany -- 50.0782184-8.2397608
php:3 Geocoding khAn at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Balaji Kandasamy at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Meogi at Minnesota -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gabrielem at Rome -- 41.9027835-12.4963655
php:3 Geocoding meta at Cracow, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cljk at North Rhine-Westphalia -- 51.4332367-7.6615938
php:3 Geocoding Paul Sandel at Jacksonville, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anna Völkl at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Thompson at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Phuc at Vietnam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BrianVPS at Saratoga Springs, NY -- 43.0831301--73.7845651
php:3 Geocoding zuzuleinen at Cluj-Napoca, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Josua Marcel Chrisano at Bandung, ID -- -6.9174639-107.6191228
php:3 Geocoding Ariel Allon at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rick Kuipers at The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ime at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lucek at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jruzafa at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kailash Yadav at New Delhi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ananth at Madurai -- 9.9252007-78.1197754
php:3 Geocoding ehartwell at Waterloo, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steve Robbins at Orange, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gerard de Visser at The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding grok_in_full at Cedar Park, TX -- 30.505198--97.8202888
php:3 Geocoding Sonhja at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Naoise Golden at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ivan Ivanić at Novi Sad, Serbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bensnider at Columbus, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding LuFFy at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sukeshini at Sri Lanka -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christopher at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ShaunOReilly at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fabian Blechschmidt at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PhilB at Columbus, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jeremy.bass at Lewiston, ID -- 46.4004089--117.0011889
php:3 Geocoding Abbey at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JSC at Thodupuzha, India -- 9.8929802-76.7221082
php:3 Geocoding dmanners at Frankfurt am Main -- 50.1109221-8.6821267
php:3 Geocoding scottydelta at Tiruchirappalli, India -- 10.7904833-78.7046725
php:3 Geocoding watcher at Raleigh, NC, USA -- 35.7795897--78.6381787
php:3 Geocoding input at London, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ray at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jérôme at Brussels, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding deeperDATA at Savannah, GA -- 32.0835407--81.0998342
php:3 Geocoding Ivo Pereira at Lisbon, Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding E. Gunyar at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Amit Bera at Kolkata, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding beingalex at Manchester, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BornKillaz at New Orleans, LA -- 29.9510658--90.0715323
php:3 Geocoding 42droids at Bristol, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hanky 웃 Panky at Somewhere in this World -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Metropolis at Texas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chiragit007 at Ahmedabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tomis at Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marcin Rogacki at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JuLy at Oulu, Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zachary Schuessler at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthew Haworth at Manchester, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding huzefam at Mumbai -- 19.0759837-72.8776559
php:3 Geocoding Josh at New Jersey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Magefast at Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding deanpodgornik at Slovenia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kaspar L. Palgi at London, Spain & Estonia -- 51.5073509--0.1277583
php:3 Geocoding rclai89 at Miramar, FL -- 25.9860762--80.3035602
php:3 Geocoding Paul Hachmang at Roelofarendsveen, Netherlands -- 52.2018801-4.6312247
php:3 Geocoding unforgiven3 at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding KennyDs at @kennydeckers -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding rahijain at New Delhi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sean at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding justinkoh at Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TheBlackBenzKid at Manchester, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding James at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gabriel Queiroz Silva at Brasilia, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kalenjordan at Oxnard, CA -- 34.1975048--119.1770516
php:3 Geocoding tvgemert at Eindhoven, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MatW at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bosworth99 at Olympia, WA -- 47.0378741--122.9006951
php:3 Geocoding loeffel at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chintan at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mischa Leiss at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ashfame at Delhi, India -- 28.6139391-77.2090212
php:3 Geocoding andnil at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Harsimran Singh at Ludhiana -- 30.900965-75.8572758
php:3 Geocoding Aaron Cole at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kamal at Ahmadabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ermannob at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Josh Ribakoff at West Palm Beach, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding swl1020 at Raleigh, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding KhorneHoly at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zigojacko at Plymouth -- 50.3754565--4.1426565
php:3 Geocoding atif at Islamabad, Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Niloct at Sao Paulo, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding orique at Terrassa, Catalunya -- 41.563211-2.0088747
php:3 Geocoding Crisfole at Syracuse, NY -- 43.0481221--76.1474244
php:3 Geocoding Alex at Camberley, United Kingdom -- 51.3353899--0.742856
php:3 Geocoding Peter Hamilton at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AtroxMavenia at Maryland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sebastien at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shan at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Supplement at Oceanside, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mooddha at Guatemala -- already got
php:3 Geocoding alexanderpas at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding segfault at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chester at Cluj-Napoca, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dushyant Joshi at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JNDPNT at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zzapper at Oxford, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding A. Sallai at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeff Kaufman at Medford, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding theMayer at Orlando, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding FlorinelChis at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Giel Berkers at Eindhoven, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding teemitzitrone at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bassplayer7 at Kansas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MrUpsidown at Geneva, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nic at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pavel Novitsky at Belarus -- 53.709807-27.953389
php:3 Geocoding Guerra at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Rasys at Charleston, SC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rahul RD at Udaipur, India -- 24.58-73.68
php:3 Geocoding Hashid Hameed at Kerala, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Harmen at Groningen, The Netherlands -- 53.2193835-6.5665018
php:3 Geocoding prateek at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding urig at Tel Aviv, Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Klevis Miho at Albania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding KTastrophy at Minneapolis, MN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mononym at Harrogate, TN -- 36.5823046--83.6568579
php:3 Geocoding l0lander at Petrovgrad, Serbia -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Steve P at Cinderford, United Kingdom -- 51.825303--2.5009579
php:3 Geocoding Ian at Arizona -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jordan Gray at England, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding runamok at Mountain View, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mahdi.Montgomery at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nikitas at Athens, Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RST at Long Beach, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sujith Wayanad at Kerala -- already got
php:3 Geocoding KD. at Terminal -- 20.5228802--86.9258944
php:3 Geocoding Milind R at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding musicliftsme at California, US -- 36.778261--119.4179324
php:3 Geocoding KuKu at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Razcou at Aarhus, Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vinod at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding apfelbox at Ludwigsburg, Germany
-- 48.8940624-9.195464
php:3 Geocoding Christopher Stock at Würzburg, Germany
-- 49.7913044-9.9533548
php:3 Geocoding pguardiario at Philippines
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Durgaprasad at Warangal, India
-- 17.9689008-79.5940544
php:3 Geocoding DavidL at Los Angeles, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding CCoder at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding cyclotrojan at Bangalore, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding bouke at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Oliver M Grech at Malta
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rohan Patil at Pune, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding risnandar at Indonesia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin at Czech Republic
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding CCBlackburn at Brisbane, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jyoseph at St Louis, MO
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dustin Graham at Grass Valley, CA
-- 39.2190608--121.0610606
php:3 Geocoding arvindwill at Chennai, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Travis at California
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike D at Atlanta, GA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Phil Factor at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mattalxndr at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mindeh at Lithuania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sc0ttyD at Birmingham, United Kingdom
-- 52.486243--1.890401
php:3 Geocoding KPheasey at Westchester, NY
-- 41.1220194--73.7948516
php:3 Geocoding chanz at Kolkata, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sven at Estonia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mateo at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lubomur Marshal at Ukraine
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim Bezhashvyly at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joshua Pack at Charlotte, NC
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul Farry at Brisbane, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dzuelke at Munich, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alessandro Ronchi at Italy
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding statenjason at Salt Lake City, UT
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Remees M Syde at Kerala,India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Femaref at Kiel, Germany
-- 54.3232927-10.1227652
php:3 Geocoding Setiaji at Jakarta, Indonesia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Looneystar at Brisbane, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Klaaz at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Theodores at Earth
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rick at Barcelona, Spain
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Harshal Patil at Pune, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jan Tomka at Melbourne, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Prashant at Ahmadabad, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding kjy112 at Atlanta, GA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nathan Fitzgerald - Fitzgenius at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nickparsa at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew at New York, United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stephanie at North Carolina
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Guus at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding AndrewBramwell at Leeds, UK
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding danilodeveloper at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Leonardo Constantino at Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding designer84 at California
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding davidalger at Springfield, MO
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Damodar Bashyal at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike at Saskatoon, Canada
-- 52.1332144--106.6700458
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Lang at Austria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jeruki at Costa Rica
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Allan MacGregor at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben at Adelaide, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bilal Akil at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding philipp at Munich, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Guillaume Moigneu -Niels at Paris, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gab at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Angshuman Agarwal at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding shellscape at Detroit, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding clime at Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joe M. at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding aki at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SAM at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding thindery at Missouri, USA -- 37.9642529--91.8318334
php:3 Geocoding Stephanie at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nick Rolando at Meridian, ID -- 43.6121087--116.3915131
php:3 Geocoding Becky at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bijal Bhavsar at Ahmedabad -- already got
php:3 Geocoding scy at Frankfurt, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rahul Tripathi at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kalpesh at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex at Perth, Western Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding wlvrn at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Carey at Alton, United Kingdom -- 51.150719--0.973177
php:3 Geocoding pravat231 at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MAK at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pete Belford at Orlando, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roland Franssen at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tareq at Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jwogrady at Dallas, Texas -- 32.7766642--96.7969879
php:3 Geocoding Xerkus at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cwallenpoole at Highland Lakes, NJ -- 41.1767623--74.4565453
php:3 Geocoding Alireza Fallah at Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pankaj at Noida, India -- 28.5355161-77.3910265
php:3 Geocoding shivam at Ahemdabad, India -- 23.022505-72.5713621
php:3 Geocoding Tadeu Luis at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Rikowski at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding awaage at Santa Monica, CA -- 34.0194543--118.4911912
php:3 Geocoding Adam Hall at Eastbourne -- 50.768035-0.290472
php:3 Geocoding William Contestabile at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mujtaba Haider at Hong Kong -- already got
php:3 Geocoding logic-unit at Manchester, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JoshDM at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fbtb at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Blair Conrad at Waterloo, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pooch at Danville, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shivanshu Srivastava at Lucknow, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cillosis at Columbia, SC -- 34.0007104--81.0348144
php:3 Geocoding complex at Tashkent -- 41.266667-69.216667
php:3 Geocoding Raphael Rafatpanah at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding underscorePez at Portsmouth, United Kingdom -- 50.816667--1.083333
php:3 Geocoding johnsnails at Sydney -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ScottSB at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marek Maurizio at Valdobbiadene, Italy -- 45.9012514-11.9958811
php:3 Geocoding nickspiel at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mu is too short at Whistler, Canada -- 50.1163196--122.9573563
php:3 Geocoding VIVEK-MDU at Madurai, India -- 9.9252007-78.1197754
php:3 Geocoding Aaron Hinni at St Louis, MO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt Dunbar at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brian Gordon at Virginia, United States -- 37.4315734--78.6568942
php:3 Geocoding Hubert Perron at Québec -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JesseC at Baton Rouge, LA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding joao_house at Sao Paulo -- -23.5505199--46.6333094
php:3 Geocoding Alive Developer at Sant'Elpidio a Mare, Italy -- 43.2319055-13.6838931
php:3 Geocoding nethead at Kraków, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Antonino Bonumore at Milan, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul Brown at Scotland, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shivanand at Hyderabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shiki at EU -- 50.04887-1.419597
php:3 Geocoding suraj mishra at Mumbai -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nick Mc at Colorado -- already got
php:3 Geocoding i3arnon at Tel Aviv, Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kae Verens at Monaghan, Ireland -- 54.2492046--6.9683132
php:3 Geocoding Siddharajsinh Jadeja at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Wilkins at Maine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vipul_vj at new delhi -- 28.6139391-77.2090212
php:3 Geocoding Gabriel Lupu at Braşov, Romania -- 45.666667-25.616667
php:3 Geocoding Richard at Cape Town, South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robert Onslow at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zéychin at Virginia Beach, VA -- 36.8529263--75.977985
php:3 Geocoding Vikas at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris S at Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom -- 54.978252--1.61778
php:3 Geocoding miles at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robin at Amsterdam, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Xunnamius at USA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SQLiteNoob at Ottawa, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel M at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding michaelbn at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RockyFord at Phoenix, AZ -- already got
php:3 Geocoding markdrake at Zapopan, Mexico -- 20.6719563--103.416501
php:3 Geocoding Kees Schepers at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Wooster at Oakville Ontario Canada -- 43.467517--79.6876659
php:3 Geocoding MonkeyMonkey at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dualmon at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yada at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ruben at Irvine, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dpk at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andy0708 at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andreas at Athens, Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sharikov Vladislav at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jay at Singapore, Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ujjwal Ojha at Nepal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Saeven at Ottawa, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Diemuzi at Pensacola, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gregory Burns at Cave Junction, OR -- 42.1628912--123.6481235
php:3 Geocoding Rajat Modi at Ahmadabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gmaliar at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Apollo Clark at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ilya Suzdalnitski at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ufk at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ian Warner at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding KalenGi at Nairobi, Kenya -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stefano Torresi at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andre at Brisbane -- -27.4710107-153.0234489
php:3 Geocoding Katya S at Belfast, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vinigarcia87 at Curitiba, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paulraj at Coimbatore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joe T at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Clarissa at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zeliboba at Russia, Saint-Petersburg -- 59.9342802-30.3350986
php:3 Geocoding Mark T at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris O'Connell at Phoenix, AZ -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Savas Vedova at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ficuscr at Minnesota -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kathiravan at Puducherry -- 11.9138598-79.8144722
php:3 Geocoding phpisuber01 at Orlando, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kingdaemon at Croatia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt Setter at Nuremberg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dKen at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Remi Thomas at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Teodor Talov at Sarasota, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mart Coul at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Garry at Colchester, United Kingdom -- 51.895927-0.891874
php:3 Geocoding Dmytro Dzyubak at Kharkiv, Ukraine -- 49.9935-36.230383
php:3 Geocoding Edson Horacio Junior at Brazil, São Paulo -- -23.5505199--46.6333094
php:3 Geocoding Muhammad Cahya at Indonesia, Jawa Barat, Bandung Barat, Batujajar Timur -- -6.913891-107.5120556
php:3 Geocoding haim770 at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cptnk at Koblenz Germany -- 50.3569429-7.5889959
php:3 Geocoding AlexMA at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding imel96 at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Piotr Uchman at Rzeszow, Poland -- 50.0411867-21.9991196
php:3 Geocoding spetz83 at Wisconsin -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chip Dean at Lake Forest, CA -- 33.6469661--117.689218
php:3 Geocoding Bineet Chaubey at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bilal at Dubai, United Arab Emirates -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Lumbroso at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jmalloc at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ololo at Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Purple Hexagon at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bram Gerritsen at Wageningen, Netherlands -- 51.9691868-5.6653948
php:3 Geocoding Tinou at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gabriel Baker at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dénes Papp at Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kormik at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding thelastshadow at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Janis Peisenieks at Latvia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Poonam Bhatt at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ziyan Junaideen at Sri Lanka -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Erik at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tomek Kobyliński at Warsaw -- 52.2296756-21.0122287
php:3 Geocoding code-jaff at Sri Lanka -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Guillemo Mansilla at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brock at Minsk, Belarus -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Greg Sherwood at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alexandre T at Nancy, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dhairya Vora at Ahmadabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding aserwin at Dallas, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding atodd at Charlotte, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding LazyOne at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeet at Bhubaneswar, India -- 20.2960587-85.8245398
php:3 Geocoding Vijay at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fatmuemoo at Washing DC Metro Area -- 38.9140485--76.9986273
php:3 Geocoding Konrad Dzwinel at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RelaXNow at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ex3v at Warsaw, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding peterpeterson at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Khan at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ortomala Lokni at Europe -- already got
php:3 Geocoding b.b3rn4rd at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bummi at Augsburg, Germany -- 48.3705449-10.89779
php:3 Geocoding Jamie Sutherland at Edinburgh, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vimal at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lauris at Riga, Latvia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MrNorm at Portsmouth, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding amenadiel at Santiago, Chile -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Julio Marins at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding shevron at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding m.Torkashvand at Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Benno at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sequoia mcdowell at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yaronius at Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bksi at Bulgaria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vikas Umrao at New Delhi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brian Kessler at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zoop - Josh at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Herbert at Groningen, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chopchop at Nice, France -- 43.7101728-7.2619532
php:3 Geocoding Deepanshu at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Xardas at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding markus at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vic at Umeå, Sweden -- 63.8258471-20.2630354
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Brown at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Curtis Kelsey at Kirksville, MO -- 40.1947539--92.5832496
php:3 Geocoding SimonV at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding karim_fci at Dhaka, Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vlr at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vortex at Targoviste, Romania -- 44.924167-25.456667
php:3 Geocoding CharlesB at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Svetlio at Sofia, Bulgaria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom Hart at South Yorkshire, United Kingdom -- 53.4696968--1.3259683
php:3 Geocoding CaspNZ at Wellington, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding shfx at Wroclove / Poland -- 51.1078852-17.0385376
php:3 Geocoding emolah at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ins0 at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dragon Warrior at Zend World -- 36.189883--115.3383475
php:3 Geocoding Szerémi Attila at Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Idan Gozlan at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding qisho at Georgia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pradeep at Houston, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dirk McQuickly at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding InsaurraldeAP at Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding camdaochemgio at Vietnam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Laurynas Tretjakovas at Lithuania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paulo Bu at Amsterdam, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Oyeme at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Johnny at Illinois -- already got
php:3 Geocoding afilina at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anh Nguyen at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding geca at Maribor, Slovenia -- 46.479049-15.686566
php:3 Geocoding Andy Baird at Minneapolis, MN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pierre at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jenechka at Moldova -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nicom974 at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding luiges90 at Hong Kong -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Charlie at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Darek Wędrychowski at Krakow, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding linuxatico at Genoa, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding orourkedd at Temecula, CA -- 33.4936391--117.1483648
php:3 Geocoding maSnun at Khulna, Bangladesh -- 22.816667-89.55
php:3 Geocoding jmoz at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Edd at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Darmen at Astana, Kazakhstan -- 51.0223575-71.4670034
php:3 Geocoding skrilled at calabasas, california -- 34.1367208--118.6614809
php:3 Geocoding Dimitry K at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding steampowered at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sleep-er at Manchester, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sathish at Coimbatore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael at Portsmouth, New Hampshire -- 43.0717552--70.7625532
php:3 Geocoding maectpo at L'viv, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mikhail at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Inoryy at Estonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Massimiliano Arione at Rome, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anyone at The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding skoop at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DomingoSL at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CappY at Gorna Orqhovitza, Bulgaria -- 43.1208016-25.6896757
php:3 Geocoding Eugene at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sofia at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Patrick James McDougle at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fabien Papet at Grenoble, France -- 45.188529-5.724524
php:3 Geocoding Aaron Belchamber at Jacksonville, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gilden at Tallinn, Estonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding iarroyo at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Max Małecki at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JackalopeZero at London, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mr.Student at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kinghfb at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kid Binary at Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding room13 at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pratik Butani at Rajkot, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Victor Sergienko at Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Naytzyrhc at Japan -- 36.204824-138.252924
php:3 Geocoding Squazic at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Luciano Mammino at Rome, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Craig at Auckland, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Morslamina at Silver Spring, MD -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tomazahlin at Slovenia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ruudy at madrid -- 40.4167754--3.7037902
php:3 Geocoding Carlos Granados at Pontevedra, Spain -- 42.4298846--8.6446202
php:3 Geocoding bumerang at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zoot at Wisconsin -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Permana at Indonesia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ksimon at Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tokam at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding adridev at Guadalajara, Spain -- 40.632489--3.16017
php:3 Geocoding Anjana Silva at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mr Pablo at Liverpool, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ivoba at Cologne, Germany -- 50.937531-6.9602786
php:3 Geocoding Ramy Nasr at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding k0pernikus at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marcel Burkhard at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Drarok at Oxford, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tyjkenn at Clovis, California, USA -- 36.8252277--119.7029194
php:3 Geocoding mmitchell at Vancouver -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vitaliy Zurian at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding catchamonkey at Sussex/Surrey -- 43.1450157--88.2873154
php:3 Geocoding yitwail at Big Island -- 19.5429151--155.6658568
php:3 Geocoding althaus at Braunschweig, Germany -- 52.2688736-10.5267696
php:3 Geocoding Nils Luxton at Oxford, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ajay Patel at Vadodara, India -- 22.3071588-73.1812187
php:3 Geocoding phpguru at Tempe, AZ -- 33.4255104--111.9400054
php:3 Geocoding Mac_Cain13 at Zwolle, Netherlands -- 52.5167747-6.0830219
php:3 Geocoding Harold at Amsterdam, Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ashok Raj at Chennai
-- 13.0826802-80.2707184
php:3 Geocoding guy_fawkes at Bangalore
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Reza S at Vancouver, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rick Slinkman at Breda, Netherlands
-- 51.58307-4.7769505
php:3 Geocoding Zero at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ssmusoke at Kampala, Uganda
-- 0.313611-32.581111
php:3 Geocoding Sam Selikoff at Burlington, VT
-- 44.4758825--73.212072
php:3 Geocoding ManseUK at Southampton
-- 50.9097004--1.4043509
php:3 Geocoding Manuel Gutierrez at Cuba
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding theunraveler at Minneapolis, MN
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew at Melbourne, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jon L. at North Carolina
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan Green at Tel Aviv, Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Melvin at Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anton Babenko at Norway
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding bad_boy at Europe
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nat Naydenova at Sofia, Bulgaria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aldo Stracquadanio at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Al Jey at Ukraine
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lighthart at Portland, OR
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cvuorinen at Finland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fidan Hakaj at Brussels, Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mcriecken at Boston
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ke20 at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Czechnology at Prague, Czech Republic
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Doug at England, Chesterfield
-- 53.235048--1.421629
php:3 Geocoding pamil at Poland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ncrocfer at Lille, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ddtpoison777 at South Africa
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding binarious at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sasa at Vienna, Austria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Emilie at Quebec City, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jberger at Berlin
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding timhc22 at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris at Dorset, United Kingdom
-- 50.7390661--2.3382346
php:3 Geocoding S.Thiongane at Senegal
-- 14.497401--14.452362
php:3 Geocoding fd8s0 at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tautrimas Pajarskas at Vilnius, Lithuania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pavel Dubinin at Belarus
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vera at Taganrog, Russia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nanocom at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Félix at Havana, Cuba
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Flukey at Grenoble, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding grim at New York, United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brewal at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eugene at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding numerah at Islamabad, Pakistan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Markus Kottländer at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Batandwa at South Africa
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding DoubleYo at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Geert at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rowan at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding scribu at Romania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding gmourier at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding r4. at Östersund, Sweden
-- 63.1766832-14.6360681
php:3 Geocoding Kevin at Earth, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding PutzKipa at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding geoB at 1980m in the Sierra Nevada Mtns
-- 36.0200928--115.2225032
php:3 Geocoding Jessica at Dallas, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding qwertzguy at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dev-yashraj at Gandhidham, India
-- 23.08-70.13
php:3 Geocoding jsalvata at Barcelona, Spain
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ziiweb at Guadalajara, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MatsRietdijk at Rijswijk, Netherlands -- 52.0376977-4.3219738
php:3 Geocoding insertusernamehere at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bob F. at Hamilton, Canada -- 43.2500208--79.8660914
php:3 Geocoding frank_neff at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michaël Perrin at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vekah at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sergekv at Belarus -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Feras at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JavierIEH at Chile -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Orbling at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan Grossman at Pennsylvania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding juanmf at Corrientes, Argentina -- -27.4692131--58.8306349
php:3 Geocoding PhilippeGeek at Valbonne, France -- 43.64152-7.009186
php:3 Geocoding joe42 at Minneapolis, MN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding L. Wartel at Paris -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Francis Angelino Gonzales Tell at Lima, Peru -- -12.046374--77.0427934
php:3 Geocoding dsomnus at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding maxwell2022 at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dreen at Kraków / London -- 51.5073509--0.1277583
php:3 Geocoding crudolf at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tejaswi Sharma at Noida, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brayden Williams at British Columbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mikl at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding psylosss at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding redbirdo at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pikachu0 at Hokkaido, Japan -- 44-143
php:3 Geocoding Andrzej Ośmiałowski at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tuxone at Rome, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding 1ed at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding iizno at Colmar, France -- 48.0793589-7.358512
php:3 Geocoding Anticom at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom T at Ithaca, NY -- 42.4439614--76.5018807
php:3 Geocoding kratos at Houston, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Manu at Toulouse, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steven Rosato at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Renan Ivo at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding domguinard at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding concept at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Xocoatzin at Bristol, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sverri M. Olsen at Copenhagen, Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding José Cabo at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding chrishanson at Rotherham, United Kingdom -- 53.4326035--1.3635009
php:3 Geocoding sickelap at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shivaas at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Loren at KY, USA -- 37.8393332--84.2700179
php:3 Geocoding Serge Velikanov at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gp2mv3 at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David at Vacaville, CA -- 38.3565773--121.9877444
php:3 Geocoding Francisco de la Peña at Costa Rica -- already got
php:3 Geocoding caponica at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt Welander at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tvlooy at Beerse, Belgium -- 51.31949-4.85482
php:3 Geocoding Gildas at Nantes, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aaron Hathaway at Arizona -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben at Virginia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wils at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ypercube at Athens, Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SMT at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sergio Costa at Brasil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding NoScope at Antwerp, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lander at Washington -- already got
php:3 Geocoding httpete at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding codingrogue at Vienna, Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben_hawk at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sergi at Catalonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding senK at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Touki at Lyon, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anis at Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jorge Sampayo at Mexico -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Espilon at Draper, UT -- 40.5246711--111.8638226
php:3 Geocoding saamorim at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding at Slovakia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding FelipeZavan at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hades at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonas Wouters at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nikans at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Prisoner at England -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TodStoychev at Bulgaria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hiphip at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Voitek Zylinski at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AaL at Cologne, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sobit Akhmedov at Dushanbe, Tajikistan -- 38.536667-68.78
php:3 Geocoding Machiel at Amsterdam, The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tirithen at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding antoine129 at Montpellier, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding alexw at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jcroll at Toronto, ON -- 43.653226--79.3831843
php:3 Geocoding Anton Valqk at Bulgaria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Onema at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SoldierCorp at Mexico -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gabriel Gcia Fdez at Barcelona -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Manne W at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding iLikeBreakfast at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding joonty at Birmingham, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding OrganicPanda at Brighton, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rob Lang at Berkshire, United Kingdom -- 51.4659863--1.2814014
php:3 Geocoding n1te at Sydney -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Udhayakumar at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Loïc Chardonnet at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yako at Toulon, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jérémie Astori at Cambridge, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Potter at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Banjer at Wilmington, NC -- 34.2257255--77.9447102
php:3 Geocoding zeflasher at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rico Leuthold at Zürich -- 47.3686498-8.5391825
php:3 Geocoding AdrienBrault at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Harry Chow at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Benjamin Lazarecki at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ziumin at Kiev, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nico at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding doNotCheckMyBlog at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joël Salamin at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding llange at Luxembourg -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ryan Shillington at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MikeGA at Puerto Vallarta, Mexico -- 20.653407--105.2253316
php:3 Geocoding tanGee at Northern Ireland -- 54.7877149--6.4923145
php:3 Geocoding khaled_webdev at Safaqis, Tunisia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lifo at Silver Spring, MD -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Im0rtality at Lithuania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alberto Fernández at Alicante, Spain -- 38.285483--0.560056
php:3 Geocoding dod at Grenoble, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steve at Bristol, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GBRocks at Kochi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan at Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Servani at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding geerlingguy at St Louis, MO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ahmed Siouani at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jcbwlkr at Wichita, KS -- 37.688889--97.336111
php:3 Geocoding Alf Eaton at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Colour Dalnet at Indonesia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ezrepotein4 at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hugofcampos at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Flask at Lucerne, Switzerland -- 47.0500376-8.3089295
php:3 Geocoding M Khalid Junaid at Karachi, Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding coma at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rubén Fanjul Estrada at Zurich, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Js Lim at Malaysia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aurel at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Oscar Pérez at Girona -- 41.9794005-2.8214264
php:3 Geocoding Oswin at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tntu at Edinburgh, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Giannis at Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sejanus at Kaunas, Republic of Lithuania -- 54.8985207-23.9035965
php:3 Geocoding Buddy at -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Dan Revah at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arsham at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding at Europe -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Igor Timoshenko at Kiev, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SpartakusMd at Moldova -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mmoreram at Barcelona, Catalonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bastien Libersa at Grenoble, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dirk at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kamil Adryjanek at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Scott Sherwood at Scotland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MHakvoort at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ElPiter at Badajoz, Spain -- 38.8794495--6.9706535
php:3 Geocoding Maxime Picard at Auxerre, France -- 47.798202-3.573781
php:3 Geocoding noetix at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mpeters at Raleigh, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mitchel Verschoof at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding crafter at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yoann Augen at Santiago, Chile -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rauni at Estonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding totas at Vienna -- already got
php:3 Geocoding StampyCode at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding paul.ago at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding smottt at Slovenia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brais Gabin at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bekay at Erfurt, Germany -- 50.9847679-11.0298799
php:3 Geocoding yitznewton at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RubberDuck at Ohio, USA -- 40.4172871--82.907123
php:3 Geocoding Olav at Bonn, Germany -- 50.73743-7.0982068
php:3 Geocoding Vineet1982 at Chandigarh, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding iiddaannyy at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gregor at Slovenia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding yogee at Zurich, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daskul at Philippines -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ROLO at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Blauesocke at Markdorf, Germany -- 47.7193839-9.3925019
php:3 Geocoding Tobias Schittkowski at Ingolstadt, Germany -- 48.7665351-11.4257541
php:3 Geocoding nni6 at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding g.annunziata at Salerno -- 40.6824408-14.7680961
php:3 Geocoding Leto at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding acrobat at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mohammad AbuShady at Egypt -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zennichimaro at Indonesia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding aybarscengaver at İzmir, Turkey -- 38.423734-27.142826
php:3 Geocoding drskullster at Liège, Belgium -- 50.6325574-5.5796662
php:3 Geocoding chuber50 at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kirill Fuchs at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding KnF at Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lance Caraccioli at Louisiana -- 30.9842977--91.9623327
php:3 Geocoding nmenego at Philippines -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pitt at Europe -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Geoffrey Brier at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nealio at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dcow at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Graczyk at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding VSOverFlow at San Francisco Bay Area -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Luis Colorado at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tullo at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ydroneaud at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adrian McCarthy at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adisak at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jyaif at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tall.b.lo at Milwaukee, WI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kris Vandermotten at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Leeor at Haifa -- 32.7940463-34.989571
php:3 Geocoding Mooing Duck at Washington, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Doug Hauf at Pierre South Dakota -- 44.3683156--100.3509665
php:3 Geocoding Doug Luce at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Costi Ciudatu at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arno at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding phtrivier at Toulouse, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding adam kim at Huntsville, AL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sune Rasmussen at Copenhagen, Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark Mann at Santa Clara, CA -- 37.3541079--121.9552356
php:3 Geocoding Nick Bastin at Waialua, HI -- 21.5766667--158.1302777
php:3 Geocoding taiganaut at Pacific NW -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lukasz1985 at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding spraff at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding izb at Scotland, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Esko Luontola at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dhackner at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Beska at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Comptrol at Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jörg W Mittag at Karlsruhe, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DaveM at Home -- 42.3396813--92.8828453
php:3 Geocoding Mr D at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike Braun at York, United Kingdom -- 53.9599651--1.0872979
php:3 Geocoding dpp at Philippines -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Carlos Heuberger at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ScArcher2 at Jackson, MS -- 32.2987573--90.1848103
php:3 Geocoding Derek Mahar at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding at .au -- -25.274398-133.775136
php:3 Geocoding SQLDiver at Southampton, UK -- 50.9097004--1.4043509
php:3 Geocoding hexafraction at A galaxy far, far away -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Akshat Agarwal at Waterloo, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sajal Dutta at Makati City, Philippines -- 14.554729-121.0244452
php:3 Geocoding Bogdan Alexandru at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Romain at Metz, France -- 49.1193089-6.1757156
php:3 Geocoding Sarge Borsch at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Luke at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Highland Mark at Newtonmore, United Kingdom -- 57.066379--4.121542
php:3 Geocoding Richard at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Scott at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MetroidFan2002 at Birch Tree, MO -- 36.9911648--91.4926376
php:3 Geocoding imaginaryboy at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SnOrfus at Bellevue, WA -- 47.610377--122.2006786
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Brock at Georgia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding amn at Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding charstar at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Boris Terzic at Karlsruhe, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ogre Psalm33 at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rob at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Hardy at Bay Area, CA -- 37.9994669--122.174605
php:3 Geocoding Oliver Watkins at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steven Benitez at Tallahassee, FL -- 30.4382559--84.2807329
php:3 Geocoding Cory Kendall at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Angelo Fuchs at Freiburg i.Br., Germany -- 47.9935441-7.8459496
php:3 Geocoding Stuart Marks at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Grinberg at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthias Meid at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MatrixFrog at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GGB667 at Orlando, Florida -- 28.5383355--81.3792365
php:3 Geocoding auselen at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding martindale at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thomas at Denmark, Odense -- 55.403756-10.40237
php:3 Geocoding penguat at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding greenie at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CupOfTea696 at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Angelo.Hannes at Ulm, Germany -- 48.4010822-9.9876076
php:3 Geocoding Aracem at Madrid, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gerry Coll at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding st0le at Redmond, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cowls at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pedro Oliveira at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bob Cross at Rhode Island -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mac at Hobart, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bhushan at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Darthenius at Mordor, Middle-earth -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Chris Kaminski at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding telebog at Timisoara, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Love Hasija at Bangalore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stephen C at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pankaj at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding f1sh at Aachen, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christoffer Hammarström at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MartinVonMartinsgrün at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dalewking at Carmel, IN -- 39.978371--86.1180435
php:3 Geocoding CFL_Jeff at Central Florida -- 35.076253--106.573036
php:3 Geocoding earcam at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding landon9720 at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sean Patrick Floyd at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Per Wiklander at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Guillaume Coté at mtl -- -32.7047968-151.4890067
php:3 Geocoding Chris at Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Délawen at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding andras at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vorrtex at Irvine, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Torben Kohlmeier at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gengkev at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Trengot at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ragunath Jawahar at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stavros at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ehabkost at Curitiba, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Recore at Cambridge, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ian McLaird at Westerville, OH -- 40.1261743--82.9290696
php:3 Geocoding Kanagavelu Sugumar at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DaveC at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hardwareguy at Tulsa, OK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rds at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding anstarovoyt at Saint-Petersburg -- 27.773056--82.64
php:3 Geocoding Fabian Barney at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Falmarri at Tucson, AZ
-- 32.2217429--110.926479
php:3 Geocoding Kyle at Little Rock, AR
-- 34.7464809--92.2895948
php:3 Geocoding assylias at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom Cammann at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Calum at Edinburgh, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pool at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Code Jockey at Woodbridge, VA
-- 38.6581722--77.2497049
php:3 Geocoding Adam at Melbourne, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding lbalazscs at Budapest, Hungary
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding damned at Mountain View, US
-- 37.3860517--122.0838511
php:3 Geocoding Paul Bellora at New York, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding afsantos at Braga, Portugal
-- 41.5454486--8.426507
php:3 Geocoding Mikezx6r at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding monksy at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding PaulMurrayCbr at Canberra
-- -35.2819998-149.1286843
php:3 Geocoding Shotgun Ninja at Milwaukee, WI
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vardhan at Hyderabad, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Benjamin Wootton at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chad Okere at Ames, IA
-- 42.034722--93.62
php:3 Geocoding DaMainBoss at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding sactiw at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding KNU at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fortega at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ComputerEngineer88 at New Jersey, USA
-- 40.0583238--74.4056612
php:3 Geocoding dogbane at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark Peters at Waterloo, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mnementh at Potsdam
-- 52.3905689-13.0644729
php:3 Geocoding SnakeDoc at California
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan Neely at Johnstown, PA
-- 40.3267407--78.9219698
php:3 Geocoding kingdango at Grand Rapids, MI
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tinman at Australia, Melbourne
-- -37.814107-144.96328
php:3 Geocoding Groo at Croatia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kakarot at New York, United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Barmar at Arlington, MA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding JockM at Portland, OR
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding evaipar at Noida, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Rosenfield at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding polygenelubricants at Palo Alto, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Rodríguez - dribeas at New York, United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ryan Cox at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Heath Hunnicutt at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Turner at Leeds, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Malcolm at New York, United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ingyhere at Pasadena, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding kachanov at Japan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anony-Mousse at North Pole
-- 90-0
php:3 Geocoding Centril at Sweden, Gothenburg / Chalmers University of Technology
-- 57.6891181-11.9786903
php:3 Geocoding Stan R. at Brooklyn, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding leventov at Moscow, Russia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ziggy at Vancouver, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom Anderson at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chander Shivdasani at Sunnyvale,CA
-- 37.36883--122.0363496
php:3 Geocoding Ashutosh Jindal at Cardiff, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Gardner at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kranthi Sama at Hyderabad, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kirby at Mountain View, California
-- 37.3860517--122.0838511
php:3 Geocoding M_M at Bristol, UK
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Backer at Qingdao, China
-- 36.067117-120.382612
php:3 Geocoding Doorknob at Texas
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jmoreno at Juneau, AK
-- 58.3019444--134.4197222
php:3 Geocoding dmckee at Duchy of Grand Fenwick
-- XXX
php:3 Geocoding osdamv at Chihuahua, Mexico
-- 28.6329957--106.0691004
php:3 Geocoding dan04 at Houston, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thomas at Wellington, New Zealand
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Lee at New York, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dason at Ames, IA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Edward Falk at California
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Patrick Kafka at Denver, CO
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding David at Silicon Valley
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Hofmann at Asuncion, Paraguay
-- -25.282197--57.6351
php:3 Geocoding Arhimed at Wroclaw, Poland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Surya at Hyderabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Piefel at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dainius at Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Snicolas at Quebec / Montreal, Canada -- 45.5016889--73.567256
php:3 Geocoding andygavin at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rick Minerich at Hoboken, NJ -- 40.7439905--74.0323626
php:3 Geocoding Rob at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mr. Shiny and New 安宇 at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Trumpi at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sleske at Düsseldorf, Germany -- 51.2277411-6.7734556
php:3 Geocoding AlexWien at Vienna, Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ngreen at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding skia.heliou at Detroit metro area, MI; USA -- 41.6368788--87.070776
php:3 Geocoding oxbow_lakes at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding luis.espinal at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jordan Medlock at Albuquerque, NM -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Maksim Dmitriev at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zhomart at San Francisco Bay Area -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eponymous at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Naga R at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anand at New Delhi -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ChuckKelly at Rochester Hills, MI -- 42.6583661--83.1499322
php:3 Geocoding Steve Pomeroy at Cambridge, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kyle Clegg at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Carl at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ohhorob at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jack at LA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding chrisdowney at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin at Berne, Switzerland -- 46.9479222-7.4446085
php:3 Geocoding userSeven7s at Earth, 12.978715,77.59165 -- -26.0033819-28.227042
php:3 Geocoding David Given at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tosa at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding m0skit0 at Madrid, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Luca Spiller at England, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brill Pappin at Ontario, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ted Hopp at Gaithersburg, MD -- 39.1434406--77.2013705
php:3 Geocoding Lee Louviere at Texas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dah at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rodrigo at Chile -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jose Rui Santos at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding yohm at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rohit Jain at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nadeem Iqbal at Karachi, Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding S. Buda at Laramie, Wyoming -- 41.3113669--105.5911007
php:3 Geocoding Michael at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PapaFreud at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Georgy Gobozov at St. Petersburg, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MahmoudS at Cairo, Egypt -- 30.0444196-31.2357116
php:3 Geocoding Derek at Cork, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RockyMM at Serbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Lehmann at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alexandre L Telles at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ruhsuzbaykus at Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chadwick at NY, NY -- 40.7127837--74.0059413
php:3 Geocoding nawroth at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hai Minh Nguyen at Vietnam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Koray Tugay at Istanbul -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sheldon R. at Boca Raton, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Denis Murphy at Internet -- 15.1219947-105.8021808
php:3 Geocoding stepanian at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Karna at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding WarFox at London, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Volodymyr Levytskyi at Ukraine, Lviv region -- 49.839683-24.029717
php:3 Geocoding Roalt at Nieuwegein, Netherlands -- 52.0248208-5.0918192
php:3 Geocoding jpredham at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Premraj at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding StudioWorks at Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Natix at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeff Olson at Bloomington, MN -- 44.840798--93.2982799
php:3 Geocoding masT at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rytek at Geneva, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Taylor Leese at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding knb at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gavenkoa at Dnipropetrovs'k, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding amit at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Barett at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding HDave at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Péter Török at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jon.airey at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joel Purra at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Edwin Buck at Houston, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding meurer at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hdost at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brian White at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hans Nowak at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lazarus at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark at Europe -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Spidy at Hillsboro, OR -- 45.5228939--122.989827
php:3 Geocoding Greg at North America -- 54.5259614--105.2551187
php:3 Geocoding Ibn Saeed at United Arab Emirates -- 23.424076-53.847818
php:3 Geocoding Julian Higginson at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding burrows111 at Leicester, United Kingdom -- 52.6368778--1.1397592
php:3 Geocoding Zach at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vintharas at Linköping, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ian Newson at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding IronicMuffin at Massachusetts -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wasswa Samuel at Uganda -- 1.373333-32.290275
php:3 Geocoding Anthony Johnston at West Sussex, United Kingdom -- 50.9280143--0.4617075
php:3 Geocoding Zack at Arizona -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pursuit at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nyerguds at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alastor Moody at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason at Noblesville, IN -- 40.0455917--86.0085955
php:3 Geocoding GuiSim at Quebec, Canada -- 52.9399159--73.5491361
php:3 Geocoding Buffalo at - -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Erik at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thor84no at Wales -- already got
php:3 Geocoding skiwi at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Skylar Saveland at Bay Area -- 37.9994669--122.174605
php:3 Geocoding Will Sherwood at Texas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ataylor at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding msrd0 at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lazlo at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin Schröder at Duisburg, Germany -- 51.4344079-6.7623293
php:3 Geocoding Nate C-K at Madison, WI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tc. at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ADG at Jaipur, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JoD. at Pleasanton, CA -- 37.6624312--121.8746789
php:3 Geocoding bakoyaro at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DJClayworth at Waterloo, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mani deepak at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hooknc at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding 7SpecialGems at England, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zEro at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding porcoesphino at Seoul, South Korea -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Don Roby at Gloucester, MA -- 42.6159285--70.6619888
php:3 Geocoding RichieHH at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding akash746 at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding winterblood at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Noon Silk at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dlamblin at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding iank at Calgary, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Murali VP at Sunnyvale, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dominicbri7 at Montréal, Canada -- 45.5016889--73.567256
php:3 Geocoding John Meagher at San Francisco -- already got
php:3 Geocoding iHearGeoff at Seattle -- already got
php:3 Geocoding 2Dee at Brussels, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steve314 at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gandalf at Frankfurt am Main -- already got
php:3 Geocoding orbfish at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ryandenki at Tokyo, Japan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vefthym at Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ahugenerd at St. John's, Canada -- 47.5605413--52.7128315
php:3 Geocoding Surendhar at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yajli Maclo at Traveller -- 29.485385--95.134514
php:3 Geocoding aioobe at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jon Coombs at Dallas, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vadzim at Gomel, Belarus -- 52.4411761-30.9878462
php:3 Geocoding Panther at Pune -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marcin Erbel at Lodz, Poland -- 51.7592485-19.4559833
php:3 Geocoding AmitG at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JAVA at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jacob Schoen at Chalmette, LA -- 29.942783--89.9635162
php:3 Geocoding Khaled A Khunaifer at Saudi Arabia -- 23.885942-45.079162
php:3 Geocoding Christian B. Almeida at Vila Velha, Brazil -- -20.3477821--40.2949528
php:3 Geocoding gsingh2011 at Ann Arbor, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ali at Lahore, Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding koppor at Stuttgart, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding oagostinho at Lisbon, Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anand Sunderraman at New Jersey, USA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Krauklis at Rochester, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding aditya_gaur at Hyderabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding J.Romero at Dallas, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave Cameron at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eddie at Illinois -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lawrence Dol at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Splash at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bohemian♦ at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Geert Weening at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TheSteve0 at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Leo Holanda at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jesper at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Koushik at Bengaluru,India -- 12.9715987-77.5945627
php:3 Geocoding melwil at Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Camilo Díaz Repka at Paraguay -- -23.442503--58.443832
php:3 Geocoding RoboAlex at Somerville, MA -- 42.3875968--71.0994968
php:3 Geocoding Mansoor Siddiqui at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lorenzo Dematté at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brad Cupit at Orlando, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Erik Allik at Tallinn, Estonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mipadi at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tomer Gabel at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Angel O'Sphere at Karlsruhe, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tapas Bose at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ion Todirel at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason C at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PeterAllenWebb at Ann Arbor, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding finnw at Bristol, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hugh Allen at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tadmas at College Station, TX -- 30.627977--96.3344068
php:3 Geocoding Brent.Longborough at Abersychan, United Kingdom -- 51.724084--3.0629
php:3 Geocoding mR_fr0g at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Maxy-B at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Olivier Cailloux at Amsterdam, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TraderJoeChicago at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Doug at Redwood City, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Erel Segal-Halevi at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding seinecle at Lyon, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pihentagy at Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jacob Raihle at Gothenburg, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding supercat at Illinois -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Blaisorblade at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding herman at Leuven, Belgium -- 50.883333-4.7
php:3 Geocoding pablosaraiva at Brasília - DF, Brazil -- -15.7942287--47.8821658
php:3 Geocoding weisjohn at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Szalay at Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ejain at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Somatik at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gary Rowe at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Naftuli Tzvi Kay at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AlikElzin-kilaka at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yura at Lviv, Ukraine -- 49.839683-24.029717
php:3 Geocoding Zippoxer at Netanya, Israel -- 32.321458-34.853196
php:3 Geocoding hfontanez at Fort Worth, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding chillysapien at Bath, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ray Hulha at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding user unknown at -- 52.5200066-13.404954
php:3 Geocoding Mike S. at Lowell, MA -- 42.6334247--71.3161718
php:3 Geocoding android developer at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding James at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding prolink007 at Huntsville, AL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Austin Henley at Memphis, TN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CyprUS at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Warren P at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ashish Panery at Udaipur -- 24.58-73.68
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Thompson at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alphaaa at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sam at Beijing, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding WChargin at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding damienix at Gdansk, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nterry at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rajeev Motha at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris at Dayton, OH -- 39.7589478--84.1916069
php:3 Geocoding SkylarMT at Drowning in Java, but it's taking a while. -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding wener at China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding stuXnet at Vienna, Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeroen Vannevel at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anti Earth at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Celeritas at B.C., Canada -- 53.7266683--127.6476206
php:3 Geocoding giulio at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Karol S at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nagabhushan Baddi at IIT Roorkee -- 29.8628132-77.8975818
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Allen at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gili at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roopesh Shenoy at Mangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MilesHampson at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Darron at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hhafez at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Schmitt at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Dean at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding martinatime at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SSpoke at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jatin at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Erwin Bolwidt at Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Trey at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Technik Empire at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ADTC at Behind the scenes -- 51.2288813-4.4047402
php:3 Geocoding Martin Spamer at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding anthropomorphic at Sacramento, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kapil at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mikera at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BrainSlugs83 at Kirkland, WA -- 47.6814875--122.2087353
php:3 Geocoding Clashsoft at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AdamC at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Slartibartfast at Belgrade, Serbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom Brito at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lorenzo Boccaccia at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bancer at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Krsna Chaitanya at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arnaud P at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bhathiya at Sri Lanka -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Xyene at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nivas at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Bourrillion at Mountain View, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alfredo Osorio at Monterrey, Mexico -- 25.6866142--100.3161126
php:3 Geocoding Joel at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jilles van Gurp at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MonoThreaded at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ricardo Rivaldo at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ankit at Noida, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark McKenna at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Biman Tripathy at Bangalore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hstoerr at Delaware -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Deep at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Wright at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sébastien Nussbaumer at Mulhouse, France -- 47.750839-7.335888
php:3 Geocoding Joonas Pulakka at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bobndrew at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cyrille Ka at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Guillaume at FR -- 46.227638-2.213749
php:3 Geocoding Tarski at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wei Yang at Champaign, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ruffin at South Carolina -- 33.836081--81.1637245
php:3 Geocoding Thorn at Long Island, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Istvan at Santa Monica, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Wippermann at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike Adler at Erndtebrück, Germany -- 50.9891483-8.254518
php:3 Geocoding Esko at Helsinki, Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding anticafe at HCMC, Vietnam -- 10.8060357-106.7068185
php:3 Geocoding Boris the Spider at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthias at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mona Jalal at Madison, WI, USA -- 43.0730517--89.4012302
php:3 Geocoding Nepoxx at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Scooter at Western United States -- 36.6371434--121.09191
php:3 Geocoding while at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bobulous at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tony at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MightyE at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ryan at Lodi, CA -- 38.1341477--121.2722194
php:3 Geocoding Jaap at The Hague, The Netherlands -- 52.0704978-4.3006999
php:3 Geocoding Ondrej Kvasnovsky at Czech Republic, Ostrava -- 49.8209226-18.2625243
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Spencer at Geneva, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Laila Agaev at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Male at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cory Klein at Pleasant Grove, UT -- 40.3641184--111.73854
php:3 Geocoding Rich Seller at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rlc at Recife, Brazil -- -8.0578381--34.8828969
php:3 Geocoding apoorv020 at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cayhorstmann at San Francisco -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kommradHomer at Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dijkgraaf at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MrWiggles at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding raisercostin at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Oh Chin Boon at Singapore, Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Artem Oboturov at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bacar at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MJafar Mash at Tehran, Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin Trummer at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason Thompson at Missouri -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rodney Gitzel at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eddie at New Hampshire -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Airduster at Austin,TX -- 30.267153--97.7430608
php:3 Geocoding Tom at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Trejkaz at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vineet Bhatia at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding heinrich5991 at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Josiah at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding home at Europe -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Phil Street at Wollongong, Australia -- -34.4250728-150.8931494
php:3 Geocoding JasonM1 at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding will at Newcastle, Australia -- -32.926689-151.7789205
php:3 Geocoding Jeff at Mansfield, TX -- 32.5631924--97.1416768
php:3 Geocoding Adrian Mouat at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Glassmyer at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Greg Haskins at Ann Arbor, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steven Wolfe at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding aldridmc at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding youri at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mohit at Delhi -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hutingung at Malaysia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vijay at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dheeraj Bhaskar at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vikingsteve at Hell, Norway -- 63.4451715-10.9052167
php:3 Geocoding Ahmet at Istanbul, Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding asgs at Chennai, India.
-- 13.0826802-80.2707184
php:3 Geocoding overshadow at Malaysia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vimal Bera at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding 1355 at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vladimir Dyuzhev at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding AndaP at Edinburgh
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hanfeng at Shanghai -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pixelbeat at Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Johan Norén at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dacongy at Columbus, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding landry at shanghai
-- 31.230416-121.473701
php:3 Geocoding mahe madhi at Tamil Nadu, India
-- 11.1271225-78.6568942
php:3 Geocoding ThomasW at Japan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rajkamal at Chennai
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding user01 at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Oliver Hanappi at Austria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom Carchrae at Vancouver, British Columbia
-- 49.2827291--123.1207375
php:3 Geocoding Panthro at Lleida
-- 41.6175899-0.6200146
php:3 Geocoding Peter Fortuin at Eindhoven, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Leonel at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peymankh at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jasonmp85 at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Luke at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mluisbrown at Lisbon, Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jordan at Massachusetts -- already got
php:3 Geocoding crunchdog at Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding nbarraille at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Patrick at Palo Alto, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding eliocs at Madrid, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Felipe Micaroni Lalli at Campinas, Brazil
-- -22.9099384--47.0626332
php:3 Geocoding Dan Barowy at Amherst, MA
-- 42.3732216--72.5198537
php:3 Geocoding Traubenfuchs at Vienna, Austria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding iuiz at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Spider at Cape Town, South Africa
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Spidey at Barueri, SP, Brazil
-- -23.5113691--46.872942
php:3 Geocoding Blaze Tama at Indonesia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding EpicPandaForce at Hungary
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nilzor at Oslo, Norway
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave.B at Lehi, UT
-- 40.3916172--111.8507662
php:3 Geocoding Dawid Drozd at Poland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cedric Simon at Nicaragua
-- 12.865416--85.207229
php:3 Geocoding Régis Jean-Gilles at France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding NickT at Liverpool, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding r.bhardwaj at India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brian Knoblauch at Sylvania, OH
-- 41.7189392--83.7129935
php:3 Geocoding Clocker at Sterling, VA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robert Rowntree at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chitrang at Surat, Gujarat, India
-- 21.1702401-72.8310607
php:3 Geocoding Sean at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding barkside at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hugo at Berlin, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding OAEI at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
-- 23.022505-72.5713621
php:3 Geocoding jsanmarb at San Antonio, Chile
-- -33.5922807--71.6055123
php:3 Geocoding Bruno Bieri at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding seanpj at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding aaronmarino at Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding chteuchteu at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Souvik Ghosh at Kolkata, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andreas Petersson at Vienna, Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Triton Man at Omaha, NE
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding specializt at somewhere over the rainbow
-- 40.7844774--80.1486417
php:3 Geocoding Louis Wasserman at Mountain View, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Finglas at Birmingham, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Grimm at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Juliet at Omaha, NE
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stephen P at Sacramento-ish, CA
-- 36.778261--119.4179324
php:3 Geocoding Stimul8d at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tikhon Jelvis at Berkeley, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Justin R. at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding retronym at Brisbane, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Seun Osewa at Africa
-- -8.783195-34.508523
php:3 Geocoding hreinn1000 at Iceland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adrian at England, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Tillemans at Antwerp, Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding CaptainCasey at Melbourne, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Carl Manaster at San Diego, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding atamanroman at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding T.K. at South Africa
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding tomdemuyt at New York, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Conrad at Ann Arbor, MI
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dsmith at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joe Enos at Phoenix, AZ
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ganesh Katikar at Pune
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding nLL at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Louis Morda at San Diego
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding piavgh at Vietnam
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nirav Mehta at Rajkot, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding naXa at Belarus
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom at Würzburg, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding espertus at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eyad Ebrahim at Zurich
-- 47.3686498-8.5391825
php:3 Geocoding Giovanni Funchal at Ireland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding simo.379209 at Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding TheIronKnuckle at Sydney Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sam Harwell at Helotes, TX -- 29.5780056--98.6897451
php:3 Geocoding Cheeso at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Scooterville at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sesispla at Valencia, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bytebender at Spokane, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kizzx2 at Hong Kong -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Khurram Majeed at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pubby at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Wright at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vivek_jonam at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike Brown at Houston, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ZirconCode at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding madlep at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eddified at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gokhan Arik at Omaha, NE -- already got
php:3 Geocoding joaquin at Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kaskelotti at -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lyth at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding djjeck at Mountain View, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Renato Lochetti at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lawrence at Luxemburg -- 49.815273-6.129583
php:3 Geocoding Jon at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric Cosky at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Uncle Iroh at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mopo922 at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding IlyaEremin at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Unome at Utah -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Conrad Frix at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Scott Chamberlain at Oshkosh, WI -- 44.0247062--88.5426136
php:3 Geocoding sidewaysmilk at Santa Barbara, CA -- 34.4208305--119.6981901
php:3 Geocoding ErikE at Washington -- already got
php:3 Geocoding p.campbell at Kelowna, Canada -- 49.8879519--119.4960106
php:3 Geocoding Petar Minchev at Bulgaria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mike at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sagar V at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding szegedi at Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hussain Akhtar Wahid 'Ghouri' at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding okwap at Hualien City, Taiwan -- 23.9499886-121.5518908
php:3 Geocoding Nathan Voxland at Moorhead, MN -- 46.8737648--96.7678039
php:3 Geocoding 3yanlis1bos at Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Salain at Houston, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike Tunnicliffe at Southampton, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nawfal at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding user387184 at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gaurav Arora at Sonipat, India -- 28.9287735-77.091281
php:3 Geocoding h3xStream at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mohammad Banisaeid at Tehran, Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jaco Van Niekerk at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin Clemens Bloch at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hamid at Kabul, Afghanistan -- 34.533333-69.166667
php:3 Geocoding Etienne Neveu at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Edd at Guildford, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lunchbox at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Didier L at Brussels, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding IcedDante at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthias Braun at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hamish at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Coffee at Coffee, TN -- 35.4576849--86.0529604
php:3 Geocoding Rodrigo at Águas Claras, Brazil -- -30.1381217--50.8720896
php:3 Geocoding momo at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding OrangeDog at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Iván Pérez at Logroño, Spain -- 42.4627195--2.4449852
php:3 Geocoding chx at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeb at Panama City, FL -- 30.1588129--85.6602058
php:3 Geocoding Instance Hunter at USA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rogério at Curitiba, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding chiastic-security at Guildford, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Samir Mangroliya at Rajkot, Gujarat -- 22.3038945-70.8021599
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Boyd at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arslan at Lahore, Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zainodis at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding darkheir at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding twobob at online -- 32.9066839--96.6049468
php:3 Geocoding Julien Chastang at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Panagiotis Korros at Athens, Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Friedryk at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kenster at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Volksman at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeremy Stein at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ian Varley at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GreenKiwi at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding KJW at Burnaby, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JesperE at Storvreta, Sweden -- 59.9596517-17.7038487
php:3 Geocoding Adam Crume at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding HipsterZipster at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding smackfu at Naugatuck, CT -- 41.485921--73.0506972
php:3 Geocoding Mike Clark at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vsizikov at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MasterScrat at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding haansn08 at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tfinniga at Cambridge, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex B at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sargas at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nikita Rybak at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michał Zieliński at Krakow, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jogojapan at Yokohama-shi, Japan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Raúl at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tiago at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Doctoror Drive at Lviv, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fabspro at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MouseEvent at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JourneyMan at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TheDDestroyer12 at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aaron McDaid at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ingo at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Cox at Ottawa, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Easter at Charlottetown, Canada -- 46.23824--63.1310704
php:3 Geocoding Tirtha at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Curtis Tai at Hong Kong -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kungphu at Minnesota -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Darrell at Moncton NB, Canada -- 46.0878165--64.7782313
php:3 Geocoding Blaze-Core at Ahmedabad -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ashwin at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shashank Kadne at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nandkumar Tekale at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jsight at Charlotte, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jaguar at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eugene Bosikov at Port Washington, NY -- 40.8256561--73.6981858
php:3 Geocoding Fred Ondieki at Nairobi, Kenya -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeremy Edwards at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bjarke Freund-Hansen at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Warpzit at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Noman Hamid at Lahore, Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hasmukh at Ahmedabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding amitsharma at India Noida -- 28.5355161-77.3910265
php:3 Geocoding Tushar at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PaulProgrammer at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin Nuc at Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding osundblad at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ymajoros at Ligny, Belgium -- 50.51228-4.57702
php:3 Geocoding Matt McHenry at Pittsburgh, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Trisha at Seville, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding avandeursen at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding seanf at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Alexiuc at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marc von Renteln at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding REACHUS at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding worked at West Chester, PA -- 39.9606643--75.6054882
php:3 Geocoding Kshitiz Sharma at Delhi -- already got
php:3 Geocoding chrispy at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding stviper at Vienna, Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tiny at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rick at Milpitas, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cbmeeks at Hixson, TN -- 35.137265--85.2368219
php:3 Geocoding Luffy at Chandigarh, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Black Panther at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ivan_ivanovich_ivanoff at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gabriel Llamas at Sant Cugat Del Vallès, Spain -- 41.4720702-2.0865154
php:3 Geocoding Alexis Dufrenoy at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrii Polunin at Odesa, Ukraine -- 46.482526-30.7233095
php:3 Geocoding Dave Ray at CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PlagueHammer at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hemant at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding platzhirsch at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jatanp at Fremont, CA -- 37.5482697--121.9885719
php:3 Geocoding riship89 at Woodside, CA -- 37.4299388--122.2538557
php:3 Geocoding tgkprog at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nicholas at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Barlow at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding subsub at Lausanne, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nicolas Mommaerts at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding shanyangqu at Jiaozuo, China -- 35.215893-113.241823
php:3 Geocoding P.M at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ftrujillo at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kan at London, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding manolowar at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bcat at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hmartinezd at Columbus, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tlwhitec at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Iain Elder at Edinburgh, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Covar at Raleigh, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marlon Abeykoon at Sri Lanka -- already got
php:3 Geocoding YankeeWhiskey at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ashes999 at Canada. Please don't stalk me. -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Dan Temple at Leeds, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ralph at Dresden, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nate at Melbourne Beach, FL -- 28.0683496--80.5603303
php:3 Geocoding Miquel at Heidelberg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sorin at Cambridge, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David J. Liszewski at Sharon, MA -- 42.1236499--71.1786237
php:3 Geocoding Epaga at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ilkka at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeff Axelrod at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hontvári Levente at Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ravi Thapliyal at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Teflon Ted at Hollywood, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Philip Crow at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding EvilGeniusJamie at England -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom at Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Mountford at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding danigonlinea at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Baby at Sabah, Malaysia -- 5.9788398-116.0753199
php:3 Geocoding nikhil at Goa -- 15.2993265-74.123996
php:3 Geocoding David Titarenco at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wubao Li at Beijing, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding EricLarch at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding NayAnesh Gupte at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dellasavia at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ramon Fincken at Diemen, Netherlands -- 52.3389926-4.9591888
php:3 Geocoding gb96 at Adelaide, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wayne at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding toc777 at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ewall at Portland, ME -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bruno conde at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Olga at Europe -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Feinman at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Blindy at Laval, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ernestas Gruodis at Lithuania, EU -- 54.684818-25.2834039
php:3 Geocoding Nishant at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kit Ramos at Orlando, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sunit Kumar Gupta at Gurgoan, India -- 28.4594965-77.0266383
php:3 Geocoding Jesse van Assen at The Hague, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Felix at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sver at Tokyo, Japan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gubatron at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Igor Ganapolsky at Fort Lee, NJ -- 40.8509333--73.9701381
php:3 Geocoding Ragnar at Kattegat, Scandinavia -- 62.2786475-12.3401708
php:3 Geocoding Binoy Babu at Kerala -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeffro at Santa Cruz, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joe Blow at Europe -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pieter Willaert at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Magnus Smith at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ChssPly76 at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding liltitus27 at Columbus, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding chzbrgla at Innsbruck, Austria -- 47.2692124-11.4041024
php:3 Geocoding David Moles at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Silviu Burcea at Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding 12rad at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Mark at Winchester, TN -- 35.1859163--86.1122071
php:3 Geocoding Abimaran Kugathasan at Colombo, Sri Lanka -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Waldheinz at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sanjay T. Sharma at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gyabraham at Budapest -- 47.497912-19.040235
php:3 Geocoding Stefan L at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Smiles in a Jar at New Delhi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pramodc84 at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vinze at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding onejigtwojig at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Abdullah Shaikh at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hengxin at Nanjing, China -- 32.060255-118.796877
php:3 Geocoding steffen at berlin -- 52.5200066-13.404954
php:3 Geocoding Rafik991 at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ordiel at Seattle WA -- 47.6062095--122.3320708
php:3 Geocoding rob at I'm lost. -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding IlDan at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Crash at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rick Hodgin at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nbrooks at Minnesota -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Uri Agassi at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kennet at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding magiconair at Amsterdam, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bas at Utrecht, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sebastian Ganslandt at Malmö, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin Konicek at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kaan Yy at Türkiye -- 38.963745-35.243322
php:3 Geocoding chaostheory at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding n1r3 at Geneva, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gautam at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Oscar Castiblanco at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chii at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding demongolem at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ubuntudroid at Dresden, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Thurley at Southampton, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeff Mercado at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adrien Be at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding W.K.S at United Arab Emirates -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gmale at Colorado -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dertoni at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fortran at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AsheeshR at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Phil K at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Neil T. at Sylmar, CA -- 34.3058279--118.4571974
php:3 Geocoding arshajii at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alexander Ljungberg at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Carman at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding eitanfar at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michel at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding matiasg at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cuga at Charles Town, WV -- 39.2889903--77.8597175
php:3 Geocoding JosephH at Glasgow, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding slim at Warwick, United Kingdom -- 52.282316--1.584927
php:3 Geocoding David Mason at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mina Gabriel at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Avrom at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vikram Bodicherla at Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stealth Rabbi at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sean Allred at Maryland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Konstantin Weitz at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding herau at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Craig Otis at Rochester, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shervin Asgari at Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alexis Leclerc at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lajcik at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Richard Watson at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Atmocreations at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MikePatel at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PomCompot at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Buddhika Ariyaratne at Colombo, Sri Lanka -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Topley at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eero at Tallinn, Estonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gaffi at Arizona -- already got
php:3 Geocoding marcospereira at Rio De Janeiro, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding blacharnia at Warsaw, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Karol Krol at Warsaw, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sai Dubbaka at Woodbridge, NJ -- 40.5575986--74.2846022
php:3 Geocoding David d C e Freitas at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding michaelok at Minneapolis, MN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ondrej Bozek at Brno, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Axel Fontaine at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul Brewczynski at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pendor at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Juozas Kontvainis at Lithuania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding inquisitive at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthew Piziak at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Freakyuser at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ToolmakerSteve at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Exception Al at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Max at Jordan -- 30.585164-36.238414
php:3 Geocoding Tirumudi at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marouane at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeff at Maryland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pascal Cuoq at EU -- already got
php:3 Geocoding linuxuser27 at Redmond, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Isaac Rabinovitch at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Falco at Cologne, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Desmond Zhou at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Darren at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marius Žilėnas at Lithuania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roland Pihlakas at Estonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Holger at Berlin -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Hayes at Bellevue, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom W at Reading, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ntoskrnl at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric Jablow at Herndon, VA -- 38.9695545--77.3860976
php:3 Geocoding Narayan Yerrabachu at Wolfgsburg,Germany -- 52.4226503-10.7865461
php:3 Geocoding Grodriguez at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nicolas at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding A.s. Bhullar at Chandigarh, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eva at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeremy Goodell at San Antonio, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Younkin at Woodbine, MD -- 39.3738173--77.0569038
php:3 Geocoding L.Butz at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding D Coetzee at Berkeley, California -- 37.8715926--122.272747
php:3 Geocoding crush at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kirkland at Rochester, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul Lammertsma at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andersson Melo at Recife, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding James Goodwin at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding at Kitchener, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Limited Atonement at Indiana -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GreenGiant at Colorado -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bulltorious at North Carolina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Saurabh Jain at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding miracle2k at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kris at PA -- 41.2033216--77.1945247
php:3 Geocoding Roland Tepp at Estonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding saxman at Mountain View, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stuart Golodetz at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MikiJ at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding karmakaze at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding poitroae at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding oldrinb at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dma_k at The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding YShinkarev at Smolensk, Russia -- 54.7903112-32.0503663
php:3 Geocoding marcolopes at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Is7aq at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Kofler at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Julien Nicoulaud at Grenoble, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Débora at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bob Herrmann at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin Dow at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding FireLizzard at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Varun Mehta at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mmatloka at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Patrick Niedzielski at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Xonatron at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada -- 43.8374576--66.117382
php:3 Geocoding Emmanuel Bourg at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joshua Burns at Grand Rapids, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Svetlin Zarev at Bulgaria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding d'alar'cop at Oz -- 39.1646672--94.7686779
php:3 Geocoding Chetan Bhasin at New Delhi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding James at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SubOptimal at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David at Bielefeld, Germany -- 52.0302285-8.5324708
php:3 Geocoding MRalwasser at Frankfurt, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Inversus at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rob I at Albuquerque, NM -- already got
php:3 Geocoding beldaz at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BornToCode at Indonesia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rafael Eyng at Porto Alegre, Brazil -- -30.0346471--51.2176584
php:3 Geocoding Nishanthi Grashia at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AmanS at Punjab, India -- 31.1471305-75.3412179
php:3 Geocoding JuanZe at La Plata, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lars Grammel at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gtrak at Baltimore, MD -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Simon Gibbs at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sky Kelsey at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dori at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding linski at Umago, Croatia -- 45.4372062-13.5257205
php:3 Geocoding blong at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ThomasS at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Maurício Linhares at João Pessoa, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arne at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Justin Morgan at Washington, D.C. area -- 38.9537307--77.03894
php:3 Geocoding TrueWill at Iowa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding André Caron at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dicenice at Ortigas Center -- 14.5810833-121.0593087
php:3 Geocoding Noldorin at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Floegipoky at Boston -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jared Updike at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Kelley at Canberra, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mikbanUtah at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Keval Trivedi at Gujrat, India -- 22.258652-71.1923805
php:3 Geocoding Kristopher Johnson at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding shams at Dubai, United Arab Emirates -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steve g at Carmel, IN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Niels Bech Nielsen at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Tinker at Cape Town, South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yaneeve at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rick Barkhouse at Ottawa, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paaske at Trondheim, Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sunny at Noida, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shawn at Sunnyvale, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chiron at Some where between this world and the other -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Jim Arment at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding oferei at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Orion Edwards at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stephan Windmüller at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Karthic Raghupathi at Buffalo, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Timothy Petrakis at LIC, NY -- 40.744679--73.9485424
php:3 Geocoding Lars Blumberg at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding akauppi at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Graham Perrin at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Deepscorn at St. Petersburg, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding wmorrison365 at Bristol, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim Kuipers at Utrecht, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding William Price at Houston, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Damian Leszczyński - Vash at Poznan, Warsaw, Krakow, Poland -- 50.0646501-19.9449799
php:3 Geocoding Lorne Laliberte at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tanyehzheng at Singapore, Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lvella at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Oehlert at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TumbleCow at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shoaib Chikate at Hyderabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeff at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arnab Chakraborty at Hyderabad -- already got
php:3 Geocoding adnans at Amsterdam, The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ignacio Rubio at Seville, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Piyush at USA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding import this at Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding titusn at Amsterdam, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nilesh at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding corlettk at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cacho at Asuncion, Paraguay -- already got
php:3 Geocoding waynecolvin at Olympia, KY -- 38.0981359--83.6957484
php:3 Geocoding jiggy at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JPM at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Luigi Plinge at England -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ritesh Gune at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pohl at Fremont, NE -- 41.4333909--96.4981467
php:3 Geocoding sethu at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Laur Ivan at Luxembourg City, Luxembourg -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ktulinho at Switzerland / Portugal -- 46.2388068-6.1236646
php:3 Geocoding friederbluemle at Mountain View, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Timo at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding LB-- at Richardson, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stobor at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Prasad Kharkar at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jon Taylor at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David T. at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nader Hadji Ghanbari at Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur -- 3.139003-101.686855
php:3 Geocoding Broken_Window at Perú -- -9.189967--75.015152
php:3 Geocoding x4u at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chibueze Opata at Nigeria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding arun at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Guillaume at Rennes, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding brindy at Falkirk, United Kingdom -- 56.0018775--3.7839131
php:3 Geocoding Redsandro at The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jnt30 at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christoffer Soop at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Scott Biggs at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonas Kongslund at Dubai, United Arab Emirates -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rene Dohan at Bratislava, Slovakia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding atas at Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rosdi Kasim at Malaysia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tbroberg at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kitokid at Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Raphael Oliveira at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Esben Skov Pedersen at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin Vysny at Slovakia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Becker at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lluis Martinez at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Goode at Pittsburgh, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JodaStephen at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Glyn Normington at England, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SamStephens at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Galghamon at Earth, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aaron Digulla at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nicholi at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Donz at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mP. at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding schwiz at Lawrence, KS -- 38.9716689--95.2352501
php:3 Geocoding Damian at Oxford, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding chrisjleu at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Per Alexandersson at Zurich, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rekha at Nagpur, India -- 21.1458004-79.0881546
php:3 Geocoding danny117 at Michigan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tech Trip at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Treb at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding D4ddy-LiLd4rk at Karlsruhe, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sereda at St. Petersburg, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JHarris at London, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lapo at Milan, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JAnderton at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding eckes at Karlsruhe, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding orangechicken at Issaquah, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cbare at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jan Vladimir Mostert at Cape Town, South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christopher Frost at Southampton, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bob at Minnesota USA -- 46.729553--94.6858998
php:3 Geocoding Mayur Nagekar at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding duy at Vietnam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ashoor at Bahrain -- 26.0667-50.5577
php:3 Geocoding Luccas at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding chris at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Ramos at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pankaj Kumar at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hemant at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding recursive at Davis, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel B. Chapman at Monmouth, IL -- 40.9114271--90.6473576
php:3 Geocoding Berguiga.M.Amine at Tunis, Tunisia
-- 36.8064948-10.1815316
php:3 Geocoding merveotesi at Istanbul, Turkey
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding pubsy at Lviv, Ukraine
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arun Kumar at Mohali, India
-- 30.7046486-76.7178726
php:3 Geocoding Azat Martirosyan at Munich, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding lux at Boston, MA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Blankman at blankville
-- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Kieveli at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding HxH.Robb at Shenzhen, China
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jasonw at Malaysia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeshurun at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding MikeFHay at Glasgow, Scotland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding sghill at Sunnyvale, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pascal at Boston MA
-- 42.3600825--71.0588801
php:3 Geocoding Geoffrey Wiseman at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding IanGilham at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Flynn at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding helpermethod at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alexey Ivanov at St. Petersburg, Russia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Abel Morelos at Mexico
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sam at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Blevins at Santa Monica, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Enno Shioji at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adrian Smith at Vienna, Austria
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jjmontes at Spain
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lee Meador at Texas
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding kodmanyagha at Izmir, Turkey
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ruslan at USA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Will Glass at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding maximdim at Toronto, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding BeepDog at Texas
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jpdaigle at Ottawa, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ed Griebel at Rochester, NY
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding MartinSVK at Bratislava, Slovakia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shane Rowatt at Brisbane, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric Towers at Oklahoma
-- 35.4675602--97.5164276
php:3 Geocoding joeytwiddle at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ssube at Minneapolis, MN
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Raven Dreamer at Raleigh, NC
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthieu Bertin at Paris, France
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Igor Rodriguez at Birkenhead, United Kingdom
-- 53.389991--3.023009
php:3 Geocoding Cemre at Istanbul, Turkey
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jesse O'Brien at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding AndyD273 at Michigan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding superkinhluan at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jai Sharma at Delhi
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding mammadalius at Iran
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alberto Rubini at Piacenza, Italy
-- 45.0526206-9.6929845
php:3 Geocoding iAnum at Pakistan
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vince Panuccio at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ecnepsnai at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brandon Bloom at New York, United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Maxim Veksler at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Karu at New Zealand
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding loshad vtapkah at Russia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Caspar at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dmon at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding helios at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding simPod at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Naresh Sharma at Chandigarh ,India -- 30.7333148-76.7794179
php:3 Geocoding zarpio at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CodeMonkey at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding George Baker at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding caiocpricci2 at Bauru, Brazil -- -22.314459--49.0586951
php:3 Geocoding Paul McKenzie at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bluefoot at Natal, Brazil -- -5.7792569--35.200916
php:3 Geocoding elias at Florianópolis, Brazil -- -27.5953778--48.5480499
php:3 Geocoding mjaggard at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Isaac at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anil Sharma at New Delhi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Goatcat at Lund, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jan groth at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JoeG at Burlington, MA -- 42.5047161--71.1956205
php:3 Geocoding David at Northampton, United Kingdom -- 52.240477--0.902656
php:3 Geocoding Zack Jannsen at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Seth M. at Rochester, MN -- 44.0121221--92.4801989
php:3 Geocoding Dogweather at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Carles Sala at Palma, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding adamjmarkham at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Baldwin at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding shintoZ at Coimbatore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bakuriu at Montereale Valcellina (Italy) -- 46.1628864-12.6612142
php:3 Geocoding Grady Player at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Fido at Cordoba, Argentina -- -31.4200833--64.1887761
php:3 Geocoding rojanu at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pcx at Hyderabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Art at Utah -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jonhopkins at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wudong at Cambridge, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nick Russler at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rshahriar at Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Toughy at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Working Hard.. at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Buhb at Malmö, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vik at Hyderabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim Cooper at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Susheel Javadi at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jon Schneider at Michigan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hamza at Morocco -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DerMike at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JeremyP at Reading, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adeel Ansari at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Libor Jelinek at Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Borys at Kiev, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Iravanchi at Tehran, Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Riduidel at Lille, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding James Moore at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Patrick Kiernan at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding aspdeepak at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kong at Auckland, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Usman Ismail at Ontario -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brady Zhu at Shanghai, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jared at Joplin, MO -- 37.0842271--94.513281
php:3 Geocoding Ben Voigt at Houston, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dino Fancellu at Epsom, United Kingdom -- 51.336036--0.267382
php:3 Geocoding pjz at Great Falls, VA -- 38.9981652--77.2883157
php:3 Geocoding Bathsheba at Mayfair, London -- 51.5116269--0.147806
php:3 Geocoding T30 at Crema, Italy -- 45.3643375-9.6824841
php:3 Geocoding ChrisForrence at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mankarse at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zsolt Török at Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Trap at Madrid, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matteo Mosca at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wayne Hartman at San Antonio, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MarkJ at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MikeB at Mercer Island, WA -- 47.5706548--122.2220673
php:3 Geocoding serg.nechaev at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim at New Hampshire -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Janik Zikovsky at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sweetfa at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RenniePet at Copenhagen, Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding William Leara at Texas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matteo Italia at Milan, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MByD at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Strahlee at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roger Keays at Nomad -- 40.7446072--73.9874105
php:3 Geocoding trashgod at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mmalone at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Amir Raminfar at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthias at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding markvgti at Ludhiana, India -- 30.900965-75.8572758
php:3 Geocoding Benedikt Waldvogel at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Spencer Kormos at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Guillaume Massé at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Saghar at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JDPeckham at Merriam, KS -- 39.0236165--94.6935701
php:3 Geocoding Paul Nikonowicz at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jodes at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fedesilva at Montevideo, Uruguay -- -34.9011127--56.1645314
php:3 Geocoding Lachlan at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CK Lee at Malaysia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Dupuy at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding madCode at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mukus at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gomyes at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jacob Phillips at Ohio -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kowser at Dhaka, Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Saša Šijak at Belgrade, Serbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mathias Ghys at Aalst, Belgium -- 50.9378101-4.0409517
php:3 Geocoding skaz at Heidelberg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Balázs Mária Németh at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding OrhanC1 at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding usr at Frankfurt Am Main, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GreenAsJade at Adelaide, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SolutionYogi at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Stanley at Manassas, VA -- 38.7509488--77.4752667
php:3 Geocoding Cameron Tinker at Greater Atlanta Area -- 53.3690609--2.2815254
php:3 Geocoding Tanner Swett at Grand Rapids, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yoh at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Max at Vilnius, Lithuania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chad at Peoria, IL -- 40.6936488--89.5889864
php:3 Geocoding Brandon Bearden at Grand Junction, CO -- 39.0638705--108.5506486
php:3 Geocoding Meryovi at Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic -- 18.466667--69.95
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Lazarus at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding queueoverflow at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eliseo Ocampos at Paraguay -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom Lianza at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding NikkyD at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Svend Hansen at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Cross at Edinburgh, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding datakey at command not found -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Adrian at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steve Powell at Southampton, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding oschrenk at Dusseldorf, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jubbat at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dimitrisli at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adrian at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeryl Cook at Washington, D.c United States -- 38.9071923--77.0368707
php:3 Geocoding Hobo Spider at Durham, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lew Bloch at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adil Malik at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chisx at Nashville, TN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mickeymoon at Gurgaon, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kaj at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris at Denver -- 39.7392358--104.990251
php:3 Geocoding jeremyjjbrown at Milwaukee, WI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bartzilla at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonas Eicher at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding qualidafial at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding twelve17 at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mads Mobæk at Oslo, Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Liam at Gainesville, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding seth at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tamas Czinege at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PP. at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthieu at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JaredPar at Redmond, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Helin Wang at Pittsburgh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bytebuster at Bangkok, Thailand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Desolator at Egypt -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jakeboxer at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CITBL at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason Orendorff at Nashville, TN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SK9 at Tokyo, Japan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding geekido at istanbul -- 41.0082376-28.9783589
php:3 Geocoding sgussman at Stanford,CA -- 37.424106--122.1660756
php:3 Geocoding Ayyappa at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding OKGimmeMoney at USA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shajo at Kolkata, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kirti avaiya at Surat, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Antoine Rosset at Geneva, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dinis Cruz at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christian Vielma at San Luis Obispo, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding João Rocha da Silva at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding devsnd at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mtrc at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JBA at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ATorras at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Riccardo Cossu at Bologna, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding FeelGood at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Trevor Robinson at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lopsided98 at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rudolfson at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Judge Mental at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding altCognito at Ann Arbor, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pradeep Simha at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aniket at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding syb0rg at On my -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding pjp at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bigwheels at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding acdcjunior at Brasília, Brazil -- -15.7942287--47.8821658
php:3 Geocoding Sulthan at Praha, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eran at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding biziclop at England, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Johan Sjöberg at Gothenburg, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mauhiz at Tokyo, Japan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding limc at Antarctica -- -82.8627519-135
php:3 Geocoding Rigo Vides at Mexico -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hans Westerbeek at Amsterdam, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding didibus at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding yanokwa at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim Bender at Livermore, CA -- 37.6818745--121.7680088
php:3 Geocoding Ankit at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding danihp at Catalonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Laurence Gonsalves at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding araqnid at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Casey at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding javadba at Mountain View, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stefan Thyberg at Linköping, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shaquil Hansford at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anirudha at Navi Mumbai, India -- 19.0330488-73.0296625
php:3 Geocoding JesseTG at Long Island -- 40.7891424--73.1349605
php:3 Geocoding ruakh at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bmargulies at Massachusetts -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mohamed Faramawi at Egypt -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jbecwar at Houston, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding madoke at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding neo at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vocaro at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Archer at Ternopil', Ukraine -- 49.553517-25.594767
php:3 Geocoding Peter Di Cecco at Mississauga, Canada -- 43.5890452--79.6441198
php:3 Geocoding Paolo M at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding draw at Winnipeg, Canada -- 49.8997541--97.1374937
php:3 Geocoding Rishi Dua at New Delhi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mahm00d at Tehran, Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding aldo.roman.nurena at Lima, Peru -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DThought at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daryl Spitzer at Scotts Valley, CA -- 37.0510595--122.0146841
php:3 Geocoding Sankalp at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lamostreta at Ankara, Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding theMarceloR at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Knut Herrmann at Dresden, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DNA at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Young Belkin at Tartarus -- 37.4166005--122.0785625
php:3 Geocoding NPE at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding wrick at Mountain View, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anupam Saini at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jayen at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mparaz at Philippines -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AndroidGecko at Cracow -- 50.0646501-19.9449799
php:3 Geocoding ferdystschenko at Zurich, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris.Jenkins at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mabac at Gothenburg, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding StErMi at Lucca, Italy -- 43.8376211-10.4950609
php:3 Geocoding Ben at Carlsbad, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gerald Kaszuba at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding philgiese at Potsdam, Germany -- 52.3905689-13.0644729
php:3 Geocoding MartinGrotzke at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Subin Sebastian at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tomrozb at Warsaw, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Craig Day at Perth, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding James Roper at Canberra, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GKislin at St. Petersburg, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding harschware at Livermore, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TVK at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Federico Culloca at Venice, Italy -- 45.4408474-12.3155151
php:3 Geocoding Scott David Tesler at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gorky at Sydney -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jherico at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joffrey at Antibes, France -- 43.580418-7.125102
php:3 Geocoding Philip Murphy at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Code-Apprentice at Idaho -- 44.0682019--114.7420408
php:3 Geocoding RicardoBalda at The Earth -- 34.2331373--102.4107493
php:3 Geocoding Bohn at KS -- 39.011902--98.4842465
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Garcia Sanchez at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wasif Hossain at Dhaka, Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Janning at Düsseldorf -- 51.2277411-6.7734556
php:3 Geocoding subes at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dennis Meng at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adrian Shum at Hong Kong -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Amaresh Pattanayak at Bangalore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sameer Kazi at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CodeReaper at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike G at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wildling at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MyPasswordIsLasercats at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jplandrain at Luxembourg City, Luxembourg -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Raman at Ottawa, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chatterjee at Hamilton, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding xi.lin at Beijing, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ambigram_maker at West Bengal, India -- 22.9867569-87.8549755
php:3 Geocoding Zarathustra at Leipzig, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ArtemGr at St. Petersburg, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Malkocoglu at Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nIcE cOw at Chandigarh, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mor Eru at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Philippe Carriere at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roberto Linares at El Salvador -- already got
php:3 Geocoding 2rs2ts at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Thielen at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Haider Ali at Lahore pakistan -- 31.5546061-74.3571581
php:3 Geocoding Cupidvogel at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arjun K P at Kannur, India -- 11.8744775-75.3703662
php:3 Geocoding Alberto de Paola at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Amir Pashazadeh at Tehran, Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jvdbogae at Ghent, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Acour83 at Ottawa, Ontario -- 45.4215296--75.6971931
php:3 Geocoding Paolo Fulgoni at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Rhouma Zied at Tunisia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Betti at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ridcully at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Maverick at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jerry Tian at Shanghai, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Abhijit at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania -- 40.4406248--79.9958864
php:3 Geocoding Korcholis at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pyus13 at Mumbai -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Patrick Boos at Tokyo, Japan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dwbrito at Lisbon -- 38.7222524--9.1393366
php:3 Geocoding Sander Versluys at Ghent, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding HXCaine at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding yjo at Bristol, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sangdol at South Korea -- 35.907757-127.766922
php:3 Geocoding TT. at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ozan Atmar at Varna, Bulgaria -- 43.231944-27.825278
php:3 Geocoding Shudy at Sabadell, Spain -- 41.5462745-2.1086131
php:3 Geocoding Chinmoy at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding farheen at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding reshma at pune -- 18.5204303-73.8567437
php:3 Geocoding David Tonhofer at Luxembourg -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike Nakis at Athens, Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kaz Dragon at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SChepurin at Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Douglas Leeder at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Dickison at Washington, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding migu at Hanover, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rpr at Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kaadzia at Stuttgart, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding yingted at Waterloo, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MindWire at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Basavaraj Hampali at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alin at Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dharmendra at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tamilnad at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dart at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pavel Vlasov at St. Petersburg, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ZeroTek at Berlin -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Maciej Miklas at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mgaert at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Groxx at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding danb at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jose_GD at Corrientes, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RRTW at Taiwan, Republic Of China (not PRC) -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Bernard at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MrMaffen at North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany -- 51.4332367-7.6615938
php:3 Geocoding Keith at Baltimore, MD -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jaysqrd at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PrashantAdesara at Rajkot, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding K.L. at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adam Parkin at Victoria, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rae at Tilbubrg, Netherlands -- 51.560596-5.0919143
php:3 Geocoding noob at Indore -- 22.7195687-75.8577258
php:3 Geocoding Indigo at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Saidi at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding k3b at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mohayemin at Dhaka, Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding El Mac at Zurich, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Menefee at Kentucky -- 37.8393332--84.2700179
php:3 Geocoding danielricci at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MichaelBlume at Santa Clara, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David DeMar at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rajesh J Advani at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mathk at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chandru at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gimby at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Scrubbie at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Baiyan Huang at Shanghai, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding OldPeculier at Texas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dinesh Babu at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lưu Vĩnh Phúc at Vietnam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andras Balázs Lajtha at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hải Phong at Vietnam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DeepNightTwo at Shanghai, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrei Bârsan at Brasov, Romania -- 45.666667-25.616667
php:3 Geocoding Ed Orsi at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lostiniceland at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cmptrgeekken at Minneapolis, MN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Oleg Razgulyaev at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding at Kailua-Kona, WA -- 19.639994--155.9969261
php:3 Geocoding Vikram at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding valin077 at Mexico -- already got
php:3 Geocoding user3543449 at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Neet at Bonn, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pontus Backlund at Gothenburg, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AZ. at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pietro at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding niccolo m. at Philippines -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bagzerg at Russia, Moscow -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Y_Y at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JonK at Nottingham, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mrec at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kelly S. French at Texas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dagang at Chengdu, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zardosht at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shahzeb at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joshua at Orlando, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Amir Moghimi at Tehran, Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding theglauber at United States (Chicago) -- 41.8781136--87.6297982
php:3 Geocoding Jay at Oxford, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding LaceCard at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Niranjan Subramanian at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alvin at Vancouver -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tavian Barnes at Waterloo, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ajeesh at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cᴏʀʏ at Milwaukee, WI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rais Alam at Gurgaon -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ron at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding spaaarky21 at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Harmeet Singh Taara at india -- already got
php:3 Geocoding moin at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding agnul at Milan, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ShabbyDoo at Cleveland, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Dolberg at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robert Massaioli at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eildosa at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Danosaure at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding huff at Espirito Santo -- -19.1834229--40.3088626
php:3 Geocoding rupps at global -- 31.9524799--102.1732882
php:3 Geocoding zapl at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pawel Veselov at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Richard at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gordon at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MozenRath at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Santosh at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John K at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding glenneroo at Vienna, Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Android Killer at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Paulett at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding alfonx at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Williams at Washington, DC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paramesh Korrakuti at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding djangofan at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex at London, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin V. at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rikkit at Bath, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Timothy Walters at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dave - gbs at Gloucester, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rhys Ulerich at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cogwheel at Santa Rosa, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding felickz at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DanM7 at Connecticut -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zar Shardan at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jared Kells at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rajaraman at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Navigatron at Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nick at Sparta, Greece -- 37.074461-22.430264
php:3 Geocoding CuriousMarc at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fleur at Philippines -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Csaba_H at Szeged, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mazzy at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nakilon at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cam Jackson at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BingeBoy at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Viktor Lexington at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ecmanaut at Mountain View, CA, USA -- 37.3860517--122.0838511
php:3 Geocoding pilcrowpipe at Japan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mehran at Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joe Atzberger at Columbus, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding 亚历山大 at Nuremberg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jermobileqa at Marina Del Rey, CA -- 33.9802893--118.4517449
php:3 Geocoding maths at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pepijn at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding psubsee2003 at Pennsylvania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding yoyo at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding James at Glasgow, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Olivier Jacot-Descombes at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Veselin Romic at Serbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matteo Gobbi at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lucy at Alabama, USA -- 32.3182314--86.902298
php:3 Geocoding joeslice at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding opyate at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Xantix at Utah -- already got
php:3 Geocoding James McNellis at Redmond, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SuperStar at AnyCoffeeShop -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding screenmutt at Ohio -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ian Campbell at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul Hadfield at Worthing, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Philip Helger at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roboprog at Sacramento, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hace at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Borat Sagdiyev at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nuno at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding digitaljoel at Utah -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gus at Massachusetts, USA -- 42.4072107--71.3824374
php:3 Geocoding NSjonas at Jackson, WY, United States -- 43.4799291--110.7624282
php:3 Geocoding eigil at Oslo -- 59.9138688-10.7522454
php:3 Geocoding D.N. at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding avanderw at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zack Macomber at Maine, USA -- 45.253783--69.4454689
php:3 Geocoding Shiva Komuravelly at Hyd -- 25.3016058-68.4770183
php:3 Geocoding Saksham at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom Duckering at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jim Garrison at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim Parenti at Pittsburgh, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Srikanth Kandalam at Stony Brook, NY -- 40.9256538--73.1409429
php:3 Geocoding Veger at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Riggy at Cincinnati, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MRA at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany -- 49.5306715-6.8986536
php:3 Geocoding Josh Hemann at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Goran Jovic at Belgrade, Serbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hanno Fietz at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nowaker at Gdansk, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rpetrich at Edmonton, Canada -- 53.544389--113.4909267
php:3 Geocoding Cristian Vrabie at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dhaag23 at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rafa.ferreira at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dongshengcn at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Deqing at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stephen Chung at Hong Kong, Hong Kong -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kvb at Cambridge, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Carl at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Newmuis at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Charith at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rajan at Kathmandu, Nepal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark Butler at Preston, UK -- 53.763201--2.70309
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Mackenzie at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michał Pękała at Warsaw, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pconcepcion at Madrid -- 40.4167754--3.7037902
php:3 Geocoding Nathaniel Waisbrot at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hemantvc at Vaodara -- 22.3071588-73.1812187
php:3 Geocoding Saad Farooq at Medford, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pqn at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Talha at Turkey / Istanbul -- 41.0082376-28.9783589
php:3 Geocoding Flo Ajir at Montpellier, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding OldCurmudgeon at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kapep at ~ -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding HyperLink at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fabian at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding The111 at Mountain View, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben McCann at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding László van den Hoek at Amsterdam, The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stanley at Malaysia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Magno C at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Damian at Cordoba, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding digz6666 at Ulan Bator, Mongolia -- 47.92-106.92
php:3 Geocoding CodeBender at Thrissur, India -- 10.5276416-76.2144349
php:3 Geocoding DmitryTsechoev at Russia, Moscow -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jlh at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Timuçin at Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TJ Ellis at Cincinnati, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mazyod at Dubai, United Arab Emirates -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Emre Yazıcı at Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zulaxia at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Timothy Lee Russell at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rehno Lindeque at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Terry Jan Reedy at Delaware -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aleks G at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MalcolmOcean at Waterloo, ON -- 43.4642578--80.5204096
php:3 Geocoding Brian Rogers at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hoffmann at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jmg at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bjorn Tipling at Albany, CA -- 37.88687--122.2977475
php:3 Geocoding Smaug at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding beetree at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben H at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Syed Raza Mehdi at Lahore, Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonathan Muller at Paris -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mat at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nimrod007 at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jay at King of Prussia, PA -- 40.1012856--75.3835525
php:3 Geocoding tster at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding splungebob at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jwj at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding raxod502 at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tomislav Nakic-Alfirevic at Europe -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jjNford at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cytinus at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kishore at Hyderabad -- already got
php:3 Geocoding InfernalRapture at Bowie, MD -- 39.0067768--76.7791365
php:3 Geocoding NonExistent at El Salvador -- already got
php:3 Geocoding salocinx at Zurich, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Humphreys - w00te at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andy at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding devuxer at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Larry Silverman at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding B. Clay Shannon at Monterey, California -- 36.6002378--121.8946761
php:3 Geocoding Jess at Lawrence, KS -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Das at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin McNulty at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding markthegrea at Illinois -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rafa Romero at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel G. R. at Medellin, Colombia -- 6.2530408--75.5645737
php:3 Geocoding WW. at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GargantuChet at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Malax at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jon Homan at Mankato, MN -- 44.1635775--93.9993996
php:3 Geocoding Elazaron at Everywhere -- 37.6658757--91.8479332
php:3 Geocoding Softlion at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding LearnCocos2D at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rafaesp at Seville, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding wenbo qiu at Shanghai, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chandranshu at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kenny Wyland at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding akarnokd at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding shiouming at Singapore, Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding amischiefr at Jacksonville, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jona Christopher Sahnwaldt at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DustinDavis at socal -- 48.9522909-2.9125783
php:3 Geocoding sholsinger at Providence, RI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tae-Sung Shin at Georgia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anthony Pegram at Charlotte, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gustav Carlson at Uppsala, Sweden -- 59.8585638-17.6389267
php:3 Geocoding bdonlan at Seattle -- already got
php:3 Geocoding honeyp0t at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jonas N at Stockholm, Uppsala -- 59.8585638-17.6389267
php:3 Geocoding Paarth at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Valentin Rocher at Toulouse, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Hart at Cincinnati, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brandon at Rochester, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Portabella at Lausanne, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Craig McQueen at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jens Tandstad at Oslo, Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Neha Choudhary at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bhushankumar Lilapara at Gandhinagar, India -- 23.2156354-72.6369415
php:3 Geocoding George Mays at Minsk, Belarus -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sdesciencelover at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hartmut at Ulm (Germany) -- 48.4010822-9.9876076
php:3 Geocoding Nick at Chicago -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Logan at Ahmadabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jprete at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Xetius at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zdd at Beijing, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Leo at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nosid at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Smutje at Marburg, Germany -- 50.8021728-8.7667933
php:3 Geocoding Ezequiel at Malaga Spain
-- 36.721261--4.4212655
php:3 Geocoding jackr at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding AgostinoX at Italy
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Amarok at Los Angeles, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dansalmo at 92011
-- 33.105162--117.2970026
php:3 Geocoding Rudi Kershaw at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yang Meyer at Stockholm
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Artur at Planet Earth
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Colin Pickard at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steven Shaw at Brisbane, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bananeweizen at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding claj at Sweden
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vlad Nicula at Romania
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric at Florida
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding CullenJ at Victoria, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding P Marecki at Mulheim-on-Ruhr, Germany
-- 51.4185682-6.8845226
php:3 Geocoding Erik Schierboom at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lews Therin at Ireland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sandeep Poonia at Noida, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Maciej Piechotka at Bay Area, California
-- 37.9994669--122.174605
php:3 Geocoding olyv at Ukraine
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding StackOverflowed at Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding GaZ at Oslo, Norway
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jophde at Santa Cruz, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding lyomi at Seoul, South Korea
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eelco at Mount Pleasant, SC
-- 32.8323225--79.8284258
php:3 Geocoding Reza Goodarzi at Sydney, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris at Seattle, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Steven Noto at Chicago suburbs
-- 42.371614--88.125016
php:3 Geocoding Dave at around
-- 33.4293125--79.9539377
php:3 Geocoding Florian F at Geneva, Switzerland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding juzzlin at Finland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Theraot at Barranquilla, Colombia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Connell Watkins at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jarekczek at Katowice, Poland
-- 50.2648919-19.0237815
php:3 Geocoding manocha_ak at Gurgaon, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gavriel at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding arcamax at Bangalore, India
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Xv. at Barcelona, Spain
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Beach at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Carighan Maconar at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding webworm at Remote Alaska
-- 61.7212441--150.192997
php:3 Geocoding Demiurg at Tel Aviv, Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Xiè Jìléi at China
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding abb at Brussels, Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sarel Botha at Lakeland, FL
-- 28.0394654--81.9498042
php:3 Geocoding Makky at Dunfermline, United Kingdom
-- 56.071741--3.452151
php:3 Geocoding Eduard Wirch at Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aaron at Maryland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brabster at United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ShiDoiSi at Oslo, Norway
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding dhiller at Warendorf, Germany
-- 51.9538685-7.9908987
php:3 Geocoding srisar at Batticaloa, Sri Lanka
-- 7.7309971-81.6747295
php:3 Geocoding Arjan at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shivan Dragon at Forgotten Realms
-- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Mason240 at Minnesota
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tommy Herbert at Glasgow, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jake Walsh at Pleasanton, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rui Marques at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Petr Gladkikh at Novosibirsk, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding loungerdork at Singapore, Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Danny Lo at Trier, Germany -- 49.749992-6.6371433
php:3 Geocoding Nate at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ReneS at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding aglassman at Milwaukee, WI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robin Davies at Ottawa, Canada. -- 45.4215296--75.6971931
php:3 Geocoding Peter Schmitz at Münster(Westf.), Germany -- 51.96059-7.62429
php:3 Geocoding duelin markers at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Teja Kantamneni at Florida -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Atul Goyal at Delhi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Carlos P at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hong at MA, USA -- 42.4072107--71.3824374
php:3 Geocoding Michaeldcooney at Dayton, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Snowwire at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rynardt at Cape Town, South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pedro Náñez at Vigo, Spain -- 42.2405989--8.7207268
php:3 Geocoding jmrodrigg at Tarragona, Spain -- 41.1188827-1.2444909
php:3 Geocoding slm at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding wds at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Leonard at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Lakey at WA -- 47.7510741--120.7401386
php:3 Geocoding Dirk at Cologne, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding davs at Kharkiv, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chief Two Pencils at Sacramento, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shatu at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mohitum007 at Chandigarh, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kuldeep Jain at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding medopal at Dubai, United Arab Emirates -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrea Ligios at Turin, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sinuhepop at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Mills at Los Altos, CA -- 37.3852183--122.1141298
php:3 Geocoding Sujal Mandal at Currently in Bangalore,India - from Malda, West Bengal, India. -- 25.0108408-88.1410967
php:3 Geocoding William T. Mallard at Phoenix, AZ -- already got
php:3 Geocoding crm at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding a fair player at Egypt -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stefano Mtangoo at Tanzania -- -6.369028-34.888822
php:3 Geocoding Christophe De Troyer at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Geoffrey at Kisumu, Kenya -- -0.085278-34.729722
php:3 Geocoding Rafael Winterhalter at Oslo, Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding OJVM at Mexico -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ngeek at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Serkan Arıkuşu at Istanbul, Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eugen at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Geoffrey De Smet at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kartoch at Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France -- 50.6232523-3.1442651
php:3 Geocoding Chris Ruffalo at Ladson, SC -- 32.9857275--80.1098123
php:3 Geocoding Ztranger at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tovare at Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Petteri Hietavirta at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brett Hannah at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tuukka Mustonen at Oulu, Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rakesh Waghela at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ninad Pingale at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matteo at Zurich, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mstrthealias at Colorado -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hypercube at Sibiu, Romania -- 45.792784-24.152069
php:3 Geocoding Zeemee at Freiburg, Germany -- 47.9990077-7.8421043
php:3 Geocoding mschenk74 at Karlsruhe, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mhaller at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jan at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Arun Sangal at Denver -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Manu343726 at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ani at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding herenvardo at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding wowest at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ShuggyCoUk at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mihkel L. at Estonia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Somu at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding luksmir at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Azee at St. Petersburg, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Czar at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding prefabSOFT at Maasmechelen, Belgium -- 50.9797558-5.7018474
php:3 Geocoding JamesC at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt Jordan at Huntsville, AL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jacob at Taiwan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Cassidy at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding uthark at Rockville, MD, US -- 39.0839973--77.1527578
php:3 Geocoding Forhad at Dhaka, Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding avgvstvs at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric des Courtis at Ottawa, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Griwes at Wrocław, Poland -- 51.1078852-17.0385376
php:3 Geocoding Brian at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lucas Gabriel Sánchez at Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding yuudachi at Riverside, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shekhar_Pro at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Dalke at Gothenburg, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sergio Acosta at Mexico -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rsenna at Porto Alegre, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding QBziZ at Hollow Creek, Belgium -- 40.358857--80.2840182
php:3 Geocoding alestanis at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Radu Gasler at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rekire at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paramaeleon at 48° 30' N 009° 0' E -- 43.250479--123.776721
php:3 Geocoding David Medinets at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Olivier at Brussels, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thomas at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Augusto at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding halfdan at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael McGowan at Newark, DE -- 39.6837226--75.7496572
php:3 Geocoding Joe at Arlington, VA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stargazer712 at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dhananjay at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pradhan at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding janwen at Beijing, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DavidZemon at Omaha, NE -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mvreijn at NL -- 52.132633-5.291266
php:3 Geocoding Narayan at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christian Achilli at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding elduff at Arlington, VA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Scarlett at Shenzhen, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Emil Lundberg at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Anderson at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kenj0418 at St Louis, MO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Doug Moscrop at Ontario, CA -- 34.0633443--117.6508876
php:3 Geocoding quantum at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding prateek at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kaustav datta at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding M. Manivasagam at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Photodeus at Cleckheaton, United Kingdom -- 53.723048--1.707525
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Janke at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chetan at Pune -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt Briançon at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding paskos at Montréal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding abarnert at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ruX at London, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Titi Wangsa bin Damhore at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Henridv at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Justin Lawrence at London | Johannesburg -- -26.2177284-28.040259
php:3 Geocoding Andy at New York -- already got
php:3 Geocoding twister_void at New Delhi -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mondkin at Colombia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ilya at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding yjsoon at Singapore, Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding khyox at Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dirk at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding futureelite7 at Hong Kong -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tmarthal at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dm76 at Oxford, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MikeNereson at New Hampshire -- already got
php:3 Geocoding eLRuLL at Arequipa, Peru -- -16.4090474--71.537451
php:3 Geocoding Salem Sayed at Egypt -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sakamoto Kazuma at Alpharetta, GA -- 34.0753762--84.2940899
php:3 Geocoding Ankur Loriya at Rajkot, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CommonsWare at Inside a New Profile -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Cjames at Mars -- 41.9191667--87.7944444
php:3 Geocoding Alex Semeniuk at Kharkiv, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Archana at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Deepak Sharma at Delhi -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vickey at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Taymon at Worcester, MA -- 42.2625932--71.8022934
php:3 Geocoding Joren at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thomas15v at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lukas Knuth at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hector at Santiago, Chile -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BonanzaDriver at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rfornal at Columbus, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jammus at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dseibert at New Orleans, LA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Phil at NZ -- -40.900557-174.885971
php:3 Geocoding Benoît at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mo. at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sidi Mohamed at Morocco -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jesse Barnum at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Terry Wilcox at Calgary, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yashima at Karlsruhe, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sjkm at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Taylor at Calgary, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roel Storms at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Glenn Nelson at Charleston, SC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kpentchev at Sofia, Bulgaria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matyas at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding djsumdog at Wellington, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding VogonPoet at near Washington, DC -- 38.9071923--77.0368707
php:3 Geocoding AmanicA at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding oskarae at Latvia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Q Boiler at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ashley Frieze at uk -- 55.378051--3.435973
php:3 Geocoding sidgate at Pune -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ziggy at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Randolph at Woodinville, WA -- 47.7542651--122.1634582
php:3 Geocoding Grouchal at Saarburg, Germany -- 49.6058048-6.556151
php:3 Geocoding Tuelho at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben L. at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Franky at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding James at Michigan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hiral Jhaveri at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mureinik at Tel Aviv, Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Karl Damgaard Asmussen at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dimitar Dimitrov at Sofia, Bulgaria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Uchenna Nwanyanwu at Nigeria, Lagos -- 6.5243793-3.3792057
php:3 Geocoding Nico Haase at Darmstadt, Germany -- 49.8728253-8.6511929
php:3 Geocoding Alderath at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike 'Pomax' Kamermans at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding igrossiter at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason Axelson at Hawaii -- 19.8967662--155.5827818
php:3 Geocoding Almas Adilbek at Almaty, Kazakhstan -- 43.2220146-76.8512485
php:3 Geocoding simao at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding muthu at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ctpenrose at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Artur Czajka at Lodz, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nicolas Bousquet at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding xanatos at Bologna, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding valderman at Gothenburg, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stefan Kendall at Raleigh, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Günay Gültekin at Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeremy List at China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RDC at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Cottrell at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sjoerd at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RCIX at Sahuarita, AZ -- 31.9575818--110.955646
php:3 Geocoding Winston Ewert at Waco, TX -- 31.549333--97.1466695
php:3 Geocoding Hagen von Eitzen at Bonn, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thebluefish at Phoenix, AZ -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris at Mittelerde -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Dave DuPlantis at Indiana -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hans Doggen at Antwerp, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chrizzz at Utrecht, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Manheim at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding stk at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jengelsma at Grand Rapids, MI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anonymous Mohit at Allahabad, India -- 25.4358011-81.846311
php:3 Geocoding vikiiii at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mmcrae at Illinois USA -- 40.6331249--89.3985283
php:3 Geocoding Blauhirn at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding WonderCsabo at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SBerg413 at NJ -- 40.0583238--74.4056612
php:3 Geocoding Mike Partridge at Minneapolis, MN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bludream at Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AndroidRaji at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ernesto at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt H at Lombard, IL -- 41.8800296--88.0078435
php:3 Geocoding FrankieTheKneeMan at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding louism at Montréal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding wim at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding uDaY at IND, Boston -- 39.7411601--84.8519034
php:3 Geocoding Aristos at Athens, Greece -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Willemse at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Williams at Burnaby, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zwol at Pittsburgh, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hawkeye at Earth, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Evin Ugur at Hollis, NH -- 42.7425166--71.5895344
php:3 Geocoding saberduck at Geneva, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Accollativo at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Simon B at Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding murdoch at Birmingham, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ismail Marmoush at Egypt -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JSK at Gurgaon, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Athanor at Nantes, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hexium at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nick Coelius at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Winters at Pittsburgh, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kailash at Gurgaon, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gmoore at Baltimore, MD -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ravindranath Akila at Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Oskar Kjellin at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Su Zhang at Waterloo, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dystroy at Lyon, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris K at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SoftwareCarpenter at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JB King at Calgary, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Clark Gaebel at Waterloo, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cyclone at Antarctica -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JUST MY correct OPINION at Wuhan, China -- 30.593099-114.305393
php:3 Geocoding Shirish at Pune -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mmhasannn at Delhi -- already got
php:3 Geocoding corydoras at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Honig at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Suma at Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding puneet at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding impeto at Akron, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding M410 at Iran -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tarrasch at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gili Nachum at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dandre Allison at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding brunsgaard at Copenhagen -- 55.6760968-12.5683371
php:3 Geocoding Bumptious Q Bangwhistle at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rhavin at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding missingfaktor at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BCS at West, MS -- 33.1970719--89.7773051
php:3 Geocoding Marenz at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bbqchickenrobot at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Quonux at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kevin at Spokane, MO -- 36.8625982--93.3061608
php:3 Geocoding Alexander Malakhov at Russia, Western Siberia -- 53-94
php:3 Geocoding Germán Diago at Castello de la Plana, Spain -- 39.9863563--0.0513246
php:3 Geocoding marsbear at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jklp at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lena Schimmel at Brunswick, Germany -- 52.2688736-10.5267696
php:3 Geocoding Filipe Carvalho at Lisbon, Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Idolon at Lviv, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter V at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mateusz Kowalczyk at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Varun at Delhi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tomasz Dziurko at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mist at Sofia, Bulgaria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gmustudent at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ric Jafe at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Denis Kniazhev at Kharkiv, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason Baker at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dapeng at Singapore, Singapore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding opsb at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Montdidier at Perth, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding topchef at Dallas, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bruno Reis at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wilduck at Pittsburgh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Amos M. Carpenter at Perth, Western Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gangnus at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding waqaslam at Göteborg, Sweden -- 57.70887-11.97456
php:3 Geocoding Ben C. R. Leggiero at Georgia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shywim at Amiens, France -- 49.894067-2.295753
php:3 Geocoding Dmitry Zaitsev at Bonn, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Slamice at Tokyo -- 35.6894875-139.6917064
php:3 Geocoding Marius Ion at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Madeyedexter at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Panu Haaramo at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andy Lynch at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding 5gon12eder at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chan at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding t.pimentel at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mlathe at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jigar Shah at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robert at Atlanta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nappy at Münster, Germany -- 51.9606649-7.6261347
php:3 Geocoding lacroix1547 at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ajay at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vlad Gudim at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sruly at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Emil at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ATG at United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland -- 54.7877149--6.4923145
php:3 Geocoding chaotic3quilibrium at Irving, TX -- 32.8140177--96.9488945
php:3 Geocoding Jonathon Faust at Michigan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shimmy at Jerusalem, Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MKod at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding HighCommander4 at Ontario, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TheSoftwareJedi at Maryland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Murplyx at Here -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Morteza at England -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zach Langley at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gonzobrains at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding vickirk at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jabbslad at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Torres at Madrid, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeremy at Kelowna, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ggauravr at Columbus, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding avalancha at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul at Maryland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hilikus at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Torsten at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Siu Ching Pong -Asuka Kenji- at Hong Kong -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mailmindlin at Inside the intertubes! -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Zefnus at Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Manu at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Glenn Lawrence at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ianaya89 at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marcus at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Marshall at Somewhere up north, in the cold -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Sebastien Lorber at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding OneWorld at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kroiz at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Martin Thurau at Lübeck, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Henk Holterman at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Morwenn at Brittany -- 48.2020471--2.9326435
php:3 Geocoding JohnL at Reading, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Petr Mensik at Brno, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeppe Stig Nielsen at Copenhagen, Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Petro Semeniuk at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ProfVersaggi at Hauppauge, NY -- 40.8256536--73.2026138
php:3 Geocoding Zombies at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Todd Owen at Perth, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mitaksh Gupta at New Delhi, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding drigoangelo at Brasil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Angelina at Jacksonville, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Simeon at Sofia, Bulgaria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kirk Wylie at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jen S. at Minneapolis, MN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robin at Antwerp, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Irfan Zulfiqar at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Russell at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Markus Jevring at Brussels, Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TREE at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Roussel at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding yetanothercoder at Russia, Dedovsk -- 55.8628407-37.1217052
php:3 Geocoding Aurélien Ribon at Bordeaux, France -- 44.837789--0.57918
php:3 Geocoding Alexander Taylor at California -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rick-Rainer Ludwig at Dresden, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Johannes Barop at Hamburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RTBarnard at North Carolina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pwdr at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Ivasyuv at Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding James at Minneapolis, MN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AieshaDot at St. Louis, MO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sam at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RobH at British Columbia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding snemarch at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding wj32 at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding LoveRight at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gergely Orosz at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nuno Gonçalves at Lisbon, Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ssedano at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brady at Neither here nor there -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Simon at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dediqated at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding marcog at Mountain View, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bartosz Radaczyński at Łódź, Poland -- 51.7592485-19.4559833
php:3 Geocoding orokusaki at Jupiter, FL -- 26.9342246--80.0942087
php:3 Geocoding selig at Manchester, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dimadima at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mjn at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Gerson at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rahul Verma at Sector 41 Chandigarh -- 30.7318399-76.7389255
php:3 Geocoding AbeLinkon at USA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PK' at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bonCodigo at Class -- 34.0499242--117.8150741
php:3 Geocoding Martin Andersson at Gothenburg, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding xdl at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding smttsp at UAE -- 23.424076-53.847818
php:3 Geocoding Zach at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kaleb Pederson at Provo, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Quasaur at North Carolina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Satyendra at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jake Wharton at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding CHAKRAVARTHI at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding VenoM at Thiruvananthapuram, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding clu at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ankushg at Cambridge, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hamid at England, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jiduvah at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding XAleXOwnZX at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AloneInTheDark at Istanbul -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Deardeuff at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SingleShot at Coronado, CA -- 32.6858853--117.1830891
php:3 Geocoding shambhu at Pune -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Barend at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding santiagozky at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding benjamin at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cloudymusic at AZ -- 34.0489281--111.0937311
php:3 Geocoding JulianR at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding KSchmidt at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ross at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JP Alioto at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding back2dos at LE City - Germany -- 34.0508741--118.5574103
php:3 Geocoding ChaosPandion at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MMJZ at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cbeuker at Calgary, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Gotow at Nashville, TN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding LiraNuna at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Josh Johnson at Manistee, MI -- 44.2444473--86.324253
php:3 Geocoding Martin James at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sa_ddam213 at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt Fellows at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason D at New York -- already got
php:3 Geocoding John Lockwood at Sacramento, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Konza at Cochin -- 9.9312328-76.2673041
php:3 Geocoding user3123690 at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gstackoverflow at internet -- already got
php:3 Geocoding joadha at Pittsburgh, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dotjoe at Wisconsin -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nathan at Minneapolis, MN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anders Hansson at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthew Farwell at Lausanne, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Simon Guo at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jon Freedman at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brian DiCasa at Ontario, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Curtis Miller at Phoenix, AZ -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ResourceReaper at West Virginia -- 38.5976262--80.4549026
php:3 Geocoding Kaushik Gopal at Kuwait -- 29.31166-47.481766
php:3 Geocoding Sazid at Bangladesh -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave Kirby at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anthony Accioly at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark at Johannesburg, South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Triptych at NYC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniyar at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Axarydax at Slovakia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ismael Abreu at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Victor at Guatemala -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ricalsin at San Diego, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rhb123 at Texas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sebastian Wramba at Essen, Germany -- 51.4556432-7.0115552
php:3 Geocoding MartinodF at Milan, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding oscar at Japan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sly7_7 at Besançon, France -- 47.237829-6.0240539
php:3 Geocoding Michael Johnston at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding soundar at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jmcd at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding darkyen00 at Somwhere Inside India -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding lajarre at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Backus at Stanford, CA -- 37.424106--122.1660756
php:3 Geocoding DelphiLynx at Zeeland, Netherlands -- 51.4940309-3.8496815
php:3 Geocoding Seth at Massachusetts -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ali Gangji at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PeteLe at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Walt Stoneburner at Ashburn, VA -- 39.0437567--77.4874416
php:3 Geocoding mdrozdziel at Warsaw, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mauvis Ledford at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gabriel G. Roy at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pjmorse at Natick, MA -- 42.2775281--71.3468091
php:3 Geocoding Fabio at Madrid, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding daemonsy at New York -- already got
php:3 Geocoding yorbro at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mateusz Nowak at Poznań, Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Duncan Walker at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding dineth at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jakub Arnold at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Damian Walczak at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jsHero at Everywhere -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marcio Junior at Jaragua do Sul, Brazil -- -26.4822209--49.073477
php:3 Geocoding genkilabs at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jawad Al Shaikh at Dubai, United Arab Emirates -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Panagiotis Panagi at Cyprus -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lance Pollard at Berkeley, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bazzel at Oisterwijk, Netherlands -- 51.5788944-5.19241
php:3 Geocoding jonnii at NYC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zach Riggle at Maryland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pedalpete at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Viliam at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sabithpocker at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kevin Ansfield at Eastbourne, United Kingdom -- 50.768035-0.290472
php:3 Geocoding adam smith at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Calvin L at New York, NY, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Onik at at laptop -- 47.2632326-11.384115
php:3 Geocoding Mars at San Francisco, CA, US -- 37.7749295--122.4194155
php:3 Geocoding Nick Ragaz at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding RyanJM at Colorado Springs, CO -- 38.8338816--104.8213634
php:3 Geocoding gshilin at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rob Whelan at Le Chalard, France -- 45.5495019-1.13185
php:3 Geocoding Eduárd Moldován at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joel at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding marcoow at Munich, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding PDXIII at Berlin – Europe – Earth – Solar System – Milky Way -- 52.5200066-13.404954
php:3 Geocoding bosgood at Chicago, USA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jakecraige at Houston, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sevenseacat at Perth, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Georgi-it at Bulgaria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pascal at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Philip Giuliani at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding david.duncan at Kansas City -- 39.0997265--94.5785667
php:3 Geocoding
Bamboo at Taiwan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ToddSmithSalter at Alberta -- 53.9332706--116.5765035
php:3 Geocoding Nikita at Minsk, Belarus -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andrew Gee at England, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ajoy at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding albertjan at Groningen, The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Grapho at Vermont -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeffrey Knight at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ginty at Glasgow, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bfcoder at Logan, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding zigomir at Slovenia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kevnk at Springfield, MO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brad Harris at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ManoHaran at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bax at México -- already got
php:3 Geocoding chopper at Palo Alto -- 37.4418834--122.1430195
php:3 Geocoding Brandon at Tucson, AZ -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Greg W at Indianapolis, IN -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GJK at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Duke at Sao Paulo, Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding northben at Tampa, Florida -- 27.950575--82.4571776
php:3 Geocoding Daniel at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding louiscoquio at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SciSpear at Cincinnati, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ajbraus at Madison, WI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gevious at South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Oleksandr_DJ at Vinnytsya, Ukraine -- 49.233083-28.468217
php:3 Geocoding graup at Berlin -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Paul at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bernard Notarianni at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mads Hansen at Oakton, VA -- 38.8809451--77.3008172
php:3 Geocoding torazaburo at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Darryl Young at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding andrei1089 at Cluj-Napoca, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Brandon J McKay at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding motoxer4533 at Toledo, OH -- already got
php:3 Geocoding aceofspades at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding woz at Fort Wayne -- 41.079273--85.1393513
php:3 Geocoding Miguel Madero at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sris at Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jomido at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Emerson at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding thekingoftruth at Los Angeles -- already got
php:3 Geocoding K.. at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding thecodethinker at Florida International University, FL -- 25.7581198--80.376174
php:3 Geocoding sheriffderek at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeevi at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Morgan Delaney at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mehulkar at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mirko Froehlich at Palo Alto, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Francis at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MMeah at Chicago, IL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding GSP at Baltimore, MD -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthew Blancarte at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding kmurph79 at San Luis Obispo, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bill Dami at New York -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jsetting32 at Petaluma, CA -- 38.232417--122.6366524
php:3 Geocoding adambullmer at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TheBrockEllis at Fremont -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Samuraisoulification at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jon Koops at Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Karl Glaser at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nont at Philadelphia PA -- 39.9525839--75.1652215
php:3 Geocoding wbyoung at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jevon at New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Amiel Martin at Bellingham, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gman at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aaron Brethorst at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ThomasDurin at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sergio Tulentsev at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding chrishough at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding chuckg at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DexterW at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Damir Zekić at Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding matteo at Venice, Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding silvesterprabu at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sami Samhuri at Victoria, BC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ruben Martinez Jr. at Brunswick, ME -- 43.9140162--69.9669961
php:3 Geocoding Nelu Malancea at Dallas, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding iX3 at Ham Lake, MN -- 45.2502429--93.2499507
php:3 Geocoding zentralmaschine at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding nbsp at Auckland, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jakub at Prague, Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eric D. Johnson at Michigan, USA -- 44.3148443--85.6023643
php:3 Geocoding Vinay at San Francisco Bay Area -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Rushi at Dubai, United Arab Emirates -- already got
php:3 Geocoding three-cups at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding iqnivek at Somerville, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding icemelt7 at Karachi, Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nexus at Shiraz, Iran -- 29.5917677-52.5836982
php:3 Geocoding Daniel at Sydney -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Michael Lang at St Louis, MO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Denzo at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Backeus at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Helmut Granda at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mailo at Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Adib at Toronto, CA -- 43.653226--79.3831843
php:3 Geocoding morgoth at Gilowice, Poland -- 49.7122409-19.3085572
php:3 Geocoding tigrish at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding WallMobile at Marina del Rey, CA -- 33.9802893--118.4517449
php:3 Geocoding Warren Seine at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding benzkji at Biel Bienne -- 47.1401866-7.2437727
php:3 Geocoding hourback at Washington, DC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding polianych at Kiev, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ryan at Whittier, CA
-- 33.9791793--118.032844
php:3 Geocoding steve.hanson at Dallas, TX
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding elsurudo at Waterloo, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zachary Nicoll at Orlando, FL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding JanD at Weimar, Germany
-- 50.9794934-11.3235439
php:3 Geocoding Veebs at Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jsalonen at Tampere, Finland
-- 61.4981508-23.7610254
php:3 Geocoding Nic at Nuremberg, Germany
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding film42 at Provo, UT
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jim at Quebec, Canada
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding i0n at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding engma at Cairo, Egypt
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lucas at Krakow, Poland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matthew Boston at Denver, CO
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding FabioCosta at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ian Steffy at Boston
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nonconformist at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jack Casey at Perth, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Joe at Pittsburgh, PA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jeremyosborne at California
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jim Hall at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ernesto at Havana, Cuba
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding davekaro at United States
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding gdub at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding jan267 at Milan, Italy
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Sh. at Buenos Aires, Argentina
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Deif at UK
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding JoshYates1980 at Alexander City, AL
-- 32.944012--85.9538532
php:3 Geocoding Hoetmaaiers at Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lucas Pottersky at Brazil
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding DavidVII at Los Angeles, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bluu at Los Angeles, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding michaellee at Cary, NC
-- 35.79154--78.7811169
php:3 Geocoding artburkart at Middletown, CT
-- 41.5623209--72.6506488
php:3 Geocoding silvenon at Zagreb, Croatia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Simon B. at Europe
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tim O at San Francisco, CA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding flynfish at Boulder, CO
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding marco-fiset at Victoriaville, Canada
-- 46.0556724--71.9589559
php:3 Geocoding Zólyomi István at Hungary
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding runspired at Chicago, IL
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andri at Copenhagen, Denmark
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Salvatore Iovene at Espoo, Finland
-- 60.2054911-24.6559001
php:3 Geocoding Rudi at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding aemxdp at Ukraine
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding ninty9notout at West Midlands, United Kingdom
-- 52.4750743--1.829833
php:3 Geocoding Sébastien Barbieri at Brussels, Belgium
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Shluch at Israel
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Craicerjack at Ireland
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Eru Penkman at Brisbane, Australia
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding zeppelin at Budapest, Hungary
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding denis.peplin at Volgograd, Russia
-- 48.7-44.516667
php:3 Geocoding Alexandros Vellis at Athens, Greece
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nick Franceschina at Cincinnati, OH
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lennard Fonteijn at Netherlands
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding sync at Ukraine
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lance Harper at Kirkland, WA
-- already got
php:3 Geocoding Johnny at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thomas Junk at Osnabruck, Germany -- 52.2799112-8.0471788
php:3 Geocoding mbfisher at Hebden Bridge, United Kingdom -- 53.743304--2.013021
php:3 Geocoding Steven Herod at Wollongong, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ianstarz at Denver, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding bargar at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Parzifal at Salzburg, Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding andy at Essex, United Kingdom -- 51.7668369-0.4757762
php:3 Geocoding Ford Guo at Shanghai, China -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Edy Bourne at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ajey at Bangalore -- already got
php:3 Geocoding blessenm at Kerala, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding redbmk at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jipiboily at Alma, Quebec, Canada -- 48.5504607--71.6527704
php:3 Geocoding Ryan_IRL at Alberta, Canada -- 53.9332706--116.5765035
php:3 Geocoding jskulski at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Galen at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pointy at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jevakallio at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Colby R Meier at Kansas City, MO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Josh Padnick at Phoenix, AZ -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yoh Suzuki at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tyson at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jaketrent at Salt Lake City, UT -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mbseid at Washington, DC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gucki at Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Roel at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Abhaya at Kathmandu, Nepal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kiffin at Guoda, Netherlands -- 52.0115205-4.7104633
php:3 Geocoding LaceySnr at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Inquisitive at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Christopher Marshall at Chicago -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SoonDead at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vincent Gauthier at Montreal,Canada -- 45.5016889--73.567256
php:3 Geocoding Nuck at Modesto, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding roberkules at Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding twmills at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeppe Liisberg at Copenhagen, Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ErikN at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Feugy at Lyon, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Lex at Auckland, New Zealand -- already got
php:3 Geocoding EmptyArsenal at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fabien at Paris -- already got
php:3 Geocoding fpauser at Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding alexlafroscia at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bilal Budhani at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Patrik Affentranger at Perth -- -31.9535132-115.8570471
php:3 Geocoding JcFx at London, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason Denizac at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Lynham at Manchester, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Bosco at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ash Blue at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding DRobinson at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Stefan Penner at New York, New York -- 40.7127837--74.0059413
php:3 Geocoding Stobbej at Amsterdam, The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robert Carter Mills at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sbauch at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sblair at United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Lang at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Frédéric Hamidi at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding j bee at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mariano Alvira at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Watts at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jim at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding carter at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Constant M at Stellenbosch, South Africa -- -33.9321045-18.860152
php:3 Geocoding mkelley33 at Raleigh, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding korCZis at Brno, Czech Republic, Europe, Planeth Earth -- 49.1950602-16.6068371
php:3 Geocoding Ryan Rapp at San Francisco -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Run Loop at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding davidjnelson at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding NilColor at Moscow, Russia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding eAbi at Bucharest, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding 0x80 at Utrecht, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding manalang at Oakland, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Hyra at Amsterdam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jeremy D at San Diego -- already got
php:3 Geocoding oligofren at Oslo -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jim-Y at Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding TylerW at Tampa, FL -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rattray at Philadelphia, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding justingordon at Paia, HI -- 20.9033333--156.3694444
php:3 Geocoding Seth Ladd at Mountain View, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mr Lister at Europe, somewhere -- 53.9807737--6.7148821
php:3 Geocoding lightblade at San Jose, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tosh at Amsterdam -- already got
php:3 Geocoding caleb at Milwaukee, WI -- already got
php:3 Geocoding marman at Medellin, Colombia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jacob Oscarson at Gothenburg, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Edward M Smith at Minnesota -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding hugomg at Brazil -- already got
php:3 Geocoding uberllama at Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding scttnlsn at Ithaca, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding tkone at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nils Magne Lunde at Bergen, Norway -- 60.3912628-5.3220544
php:3 Geocoding Daniel Miladinov at Reading, Pennsylvania -- 40.3356483--75.9268747
php:3 Geocoding vasa at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave at Johannesburg, South Africa -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mark Lundin at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding alanning at Connecticut -- already got
php:3 Geocoding cesarferreira at Portugal -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pgreen2 at Pittsburgh, PA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pwray at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding edoloughlin at Dublin, Ireland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alastair Maw at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben McCormick at Durham, NC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding liammclennan at Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Kyle Hotchkiss at Virginia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Bendlas at Vienna, Austria -- already got
php:3 Geocoding prgmrDev at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding go-oleg at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tom Fenech at Bristol, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gabriel Florit at Boston, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding limscoder at Boulder, CO -- already got
php:3 Geocoding srph at PH -- 12.879721-121.774017
php:3 Geocoding nilgun at Istanbul, Turkey -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mindeavor at Austin, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding David Hu at Earth -- already got
php:3 Geocoding earthsmurf at New York, New York -- already got
php:3 Geocoding potench at Santa Monica, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding peterjmag at Berlin, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Cethy at Paris -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Wex at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dan Esparza at Alpharetta, GA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Protron at Buenos Aires, Argentina -- already got
php:3 Geocoding calbertts at Colombia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jed Watson at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jan Rudovsky at Ostrava, Czech Republic -- 49.8209226-18.2625243
php:3 Geocoding Robin Luiten at Brisbane, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Munter at Denmark -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Derek 朕會功夫 at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ed Heal at Earth at this moment -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding Jorge Bucaran at Tokyo, Japan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding MrRioku at Beaumont, CA -- 33.9294606--116.977248
php:3 Geocoding Lukas Bünger at Zurich, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Daniele Cruciani at Italy -- already got
php:3 Geocoding FiSH GRAPHICS at Columbia, SC -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jasongonzales at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nathaniel at Leeds, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding grammar at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding robbles at Vancouver, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mike Driver at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alan H. at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding gerryster at Mchenry, IL -- 42.333355--88.2667534
php:3 Geocoding Felix Tjandrawibawa at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Andy Ford at Sacramento, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Morhaus at Paris, France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding joews at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Sergiu Paraschiv at Cluj-Napoca, Romania -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Yogesh Mangaj at Bangalore, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding swennemen at Amsterdam, Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dave at The Netherlands -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jhn at Davao City, Philippines -- 7.190708-125.455341
php:3 Geocoding DavidM at Cambridge, MA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Jason Whitehorn at The Grid -- 45.7334-23.1049
php:3 Geocoding E.J. Brennan at New England -- 43.9653889--70.8226541
php:3 Geocoding user2943490 at Melbourne, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Tacomanator at Los Angeles, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Deerloper at Barcelona, Spain -- already got
php:3 Geocoding badsyntax at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding sebastien.b at Albany -- 42.6525793--73.7562317
php:3 Geocoding Dimitar Christoff at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding limelights at Stockholm, Sweden -- already got
php:3 Geocoding prikha at St.Petersburg -- 27.773056--82.64
php:3 Geocoding TJ. at Zurich, Switzerland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding JuliaCesar at Saratov, Russia -- 51.533333-46.016667
php:3 Geocoding Meglio at Kiev, Ukraine -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ivanoats at United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Charlie Kilian at Omaha, NE -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Houghton at London, UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Civilian at Seattle, WA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ricardo Magalhães at London -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Matt Ball at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Chris Hawkes at Fredericksburg Virginia -- 38.3031837--77.4605399
php:3 Geocoding Matt Styles at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ruddy at Luton, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dhiraj Bodicherla at Indiana, USA -- 40.2671941--86.1349019
php:3 Geocoding trekforever at San Francisco Bay Area -- already got
php:3 Geocoding eqbridges at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lobati at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pyrho at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding benno at Sydney, Australia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Dmitry Polushkin at Canary Islands, Spain -- 28.2915637--16.6291304
php:3 Geocoding YPCrumble at Da Nang, Vietnam -- 16.0544068-108.2021667
php:3 Geocoding thefourtheye at Chennai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Pete TNT at Finland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Thomas Clowes at UK -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Anirugu at C#, Microsoft -- 18.9605673-72.8294089
php:3 Geocoding vsync at Israel -- already got
php:3 Geocoding myguidingstar at Ha Noi, Viet Nam -- 21.0277644-105.8341598
php:3 Geocoding kunigami at San Francisco Bay Area -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Nik Graf at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Frank van Puffelen at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Amida at Budapest, Hungary -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Peter Burns at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Vadim Chumel at Sevastopol', Ukraine -- 44.61665-33.525367
php:3 Geocoding Gordon at New York, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Gaurav at Mumbai, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding ladislas at Paris -- already got
php:3 Geocoding knowbody at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rdnewman at Meridian, ID -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Robert Moskal at Brooklyn, NY -- already got
php:3 Geocoding mudasobwa at Spain, Barcelona -- 41.297445-2.0832941
php:3 Geocoding Blair Anderson at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Victor at Belarus -- already got
php:3 Geocoding SiKing at Bedlam -- 52.6275904-1.2977091
php:3 Geocoding Dan Ross at Doha, Qatar -- 25.2916097-51.5304368
php:3 Geocoding Muhammad at Pakistan -- already got
php:3 Geocoding patricK at Blumenau, SC - Brazil -- -26.9165792--49.0717331
php:3 Geocoding Matti John at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jhnns at Augsburg, Germany -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Akay at Dubai -- 25.2048493-55.2707828
php:3 Geocoding Hatsjoem at Belgium -- already got
php:3 Geocoding m01 at Poland -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Ben Grunfeld at Boulder, USA -- 40.0149856--105.2705456
php:3 Geocoding Pedro at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding jiyinyiyong at Hangzhou, China -- 30.274085-120.15507
php:3 Geocoding Dan at Portland, OR -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Mathletics at San Francisco, CA -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex Guerra at San Antonio, TX -- already got
php:3 Geocoding realchaseadams at Las Vegas, NV -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alex York at Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Palak Bhansali at Gandhinagar -- 23.2156354-72.6369415
php:3 Geocoding perror at France -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Alexander Suraphel at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia -- 8.9806034-38.7577605
php:3 Geocoding Deryck at Texas -- already got
php:3 Geocoding pashaplus at Hyderabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Just code at India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding lpiepiora at Szczecin, Poland -- 53.4285438-14.5528116
php:3 Geocoding QuyNguyen2013 at None -- 48.2575849-124.7792302
php:3 Geocoding Becojo at Quebec City, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding AgnosticDev at Belvidere, IL -- 42.2639098--88.8442674
php:3 Geocoding arcadeRob at Burlington, Ontario -- 43.3255196--79.7990319
php:3 Geocoding frasnian at @frasnian -- XXX
php:3 Geocoding pdoherty926 at New York, United States -- already got
php:3 Geocoding skillet-thief at Pau, France -- 43.2951--0.370797
php:3 Geocoding Brian R. Bondy at Ontario, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Spoeken at Oslo, Norway -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Marcelo Bezerra at Brasília , Brasil -- -15.7942287--47.8821658
php:3 Geocoding Sreejith Ramakrishnan at Pune, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Aleš Roubíček at Czech Republic -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Antony Koch at Brighton, United Kingdom -- already got
php:3 Geocoding rekans at Cayman Islands -- 19.3133--81.2546
php:3 Geocoding Dipali Vasani at Ahmadabad, India -- already got
php:3 Geocoding Zam at Latvia -- already got
php:3 Geocoding haknick at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:3 Geocoding BasTaller at undefined -- 39.9129412--104.7956055
php:3 Geocoding Briganti at Miercurea Ciuc, Romania -- 46.358-25.804
php:3 scraping question: /questions/113829/how-to-convert-date-to-timestamp-in-php -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/18046347/unexpected-results-when-working-with-very-big-integers-on-interpreted-languages -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/1515437/java-function-for-arrays-like-phps-join -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/676677/how-to-add-elements-to-an-empty-array-in-php -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/1070244/how-to-determine-the-first-and-last-iteration-in-a-foreach-loop -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/3797239/insert-new-item-in-array-on-any-position-in-php -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/13228306/in-php-why-does-script-not-show-a-parse-error -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/323517/is-there-an-equivalent-for-var-dump-php-in-javascript -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/4410704/why-would-one-omit-the-close-tag -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/2708237/php-mysql-transactions-examples -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/383631/json-encode-mysql-results -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/3210935/difference-between-isset-and-array-key-exists -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/3432257/difference-between-array-map-array-walk-and-array-filter -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/16830405/laravel-requires-the-mcrypt-php-extension -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/239136/fastest-way-to-convert-string-to-integer-in-php -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/2473989/list-of-big-o-for-php-functions -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/2180460/setting-up-a-deployment-build-ci-cycle-for-php-projects -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/6815520/cannot-use-object-of-type-stdclass-as-array -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/23740548/how-to-pass-variables-and-data-from-php-to-javascript -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/42/best-way-to-allow-plugins-for-a-php-application -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/5197300/new-self-vs-new-static -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/2184513/php-change-the-maximum-upload-file-size -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/4260086/php-how-to-use-array-filter-to-filter-array-keys -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/4810806/cached-php-generated-thumbnails-load-slow-how-to-find-problem-solution-from-wa -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/6054033/pretty-printing-json-with-php -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/1995562/now-function-in-php -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/907806/php-mysql-using-an-array-in-where-clause -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/70855/how-can-one-use-multi-threading-in-php-applications -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/1699796/best-way-to-do-multiple-constructors-in-php -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/21133/simplest-way-to-profile-a-php-script -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/45953/php-execute-a-background-process -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/240660/in-php-how-do-you-change-the-key-of-an-array-element -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/1408/make-xampp-apache-serve-file-outside-of-htdocs -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/732832/php-exec-vs-system-vs-passthru -- already got
php:3 scraping question: /questions/16765158/date-it-is-not-safe-to-rely-on-the-systems-timezone-settings
php:3 Saving user to list jww -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list user1852837 -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Peter Mortensen -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list CtrlX -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Babatunde Adeyemi -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Peter Mortensen -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Justis Matotoka -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Chris -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Susan Taunton -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list nocturnalact -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list escopecz -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Shaiful Islam -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Elise Oertli -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list M Graham -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Ryan -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Sergey Brunov -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list master_gracey -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list KLVTZ -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list jross -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list kyle -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list Babatunde Adeyemi -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list falko -- already got
php:3 Saving user to list aqm -- already got
php:3 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:3 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:3 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:3 scraping question: /questions/15445285/how-can-i-connect-to-a-tor-hidden-service-using-curl-in-php -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/2939820/how-to-enable-curl-installed-ubuntu-lamp-stack -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/2348205/how-to-get-last-key-in-an-array -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/2185320/how-to-enable-php-short-tags -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/1241728/can-i-try-catch-a-warning -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/1372147/check-whether-a-request-is-get-or-post -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/12313423/difference-between-and -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/4219970/warning-mysql-connect-2002-no-such-file-or-directory-trying-to-connect-vi -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/10939248/php-curl-not-working-wamp-on-windows-7-64-bit -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/23443398/nginx-error-connect-to-php5-fpm-sock-failed-13-permission-denied
php:4 Saving user to list ketan
php:4 Saving user to list peter
php:4 Saving user to list rynop
php:4 Saving user to list Xander
php:4 Saving user to list Chris Burgess
php:4 Saving user to list artooro
php:4 Saving user to list Eric C
php:4 Saving user to list CRHenkie
php:4 Saving user to list phalconeer
php:4 Saving user to list JellicleCat -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list LiveWireBT
php:4 Saving user to list Ted Phillips
php:4 Saving user to list Çağatay Gürtürk -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list Adrian Stride
php:4 Saving user to list Matt Cooper
php:4 Saving user to list kukipei
php:4 Saving user to list Shadur -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list Chris Burgess -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list SamGoody -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list Xander -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list Chris Burgess -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list SamGoody -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list Reality Extractor
php:4 Saving user to list Giel Berkers -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list jschorr
php:4 Saving user to list Chris Burgess -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list Brad -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list Diego Castro -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list phalconeer -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list jeppeb
php:4 Saving user to list Rety
php:4 Saving user to list Bukashk0zzz -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list MURATSPLAT
php:4 Saving user to list Chris
php:4 Getting Chris
php:4 Getting MURATSPLAT
php:4 Getting Rety
php:4 Getting jeppeb
php:4 Getting jschorr
php:4 Getting Reality Extractor
php:4 Getting kukipei
php:4 Getting Matt Cooper
php:4 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:4 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:4 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:4 Geocoding Matt Cooper at Wellington, New Zealand -- already got
php:4 Geocoding kukipei at Nish, Serbia -- 43.3209022-21.8957589
php:4 Geocoding jschorr at United States -- already got
php:4 Geocoding jeppeb at Netherlands -- already got
php:4 Geocoding Rety at Curitiba, Brazil -- already got
php:4 Geocoding MURATSPLAT at Turkey -- already got
php:4 Geocoding Chris at Colorado, United States -- 39.5500507--105.7820674
php:4 scraping question: /questions/1397036/how-to-convert-array-to-simplexml -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/2681786/how-to-get-the-last-char-of-a-string-in-php -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/3264889/how-to-check-for-null-in-twig -- already got
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php:4 scraping question: /questions/292926/robust-and-mature-html-parser-for-php -- already got
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php:4 scraping question: /questions/13840429/what-is-the-difference-between-client-side-and-server-side-programming -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/3406171/php-var-dump-vs-print-r -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/1252693/using-str-replace-so-that-it-only-acts-on-the-first-match -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/17224798/how-to-use-php-opcache -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/273516/how-do-you-implement-a-good-profanity-filter -- already got
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php:4 scraping question: /questions/4279282/set-http-header-to-utf-8-using-php -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/1686724/how-to-find-the-last-day-of-the-month-from-date -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/659025/how-to-remove-non-alphanumeric-characters -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/11242743/gcm-with-php-google-cloud-messaging -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/217424/create-a-csv-file-for-a-user-in-php -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/3687358/best-way-to-get-last-element-of-an-array-w-o-deleting-it -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/815041/memcached-vs-apc-which-one-should-i-choose -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/1248952/php-5-disable-strict-standards-error -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/5425891/how-do-i-check-with-php-if-directory-exists -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/415801/allowed-memory-size-of-33554432-bytes-exhausted-tried-to-allocate-43148176-byte -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/2750580/how-to-find-the-php-ini-file-used-by-the-command-line -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/1005857/how-to-call-php-function-from-string-stored-in-a-variable -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/1581610/how-can-i-store-my-users-passwords-safely -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/3172332/convert-seconds-to-hourminutesecond -- already got
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php:4 scraping question: /questions/124462/asynchronous-php-calls -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/4483540/php-show-a-number-to-2-decimal-places -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/425692/what-is-your-preferred-php-deployment-strategy -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/6400300/https-and-ssl3-get-server-certificatecertificate-verify-failed-ca-is-ok -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/1814821/interface-or-an-abstract-class-which-one-to-use -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/784539/how-do-i-replace-all-line-breaks-in-a-string-with-br-tags
php:4 Saving user to list Beetle 952580
php:4 Saving user to list Jin Yong -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list eyelidlessness -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list paulslater19
php:4 Saving user to list WSkinner
php:4 Saving user to list Dmitry Dzygin
php:4 Saving user to list Jethro Larson
php:4 Saving user to list Michele Ongaro
php:4 Saving user to list AaronD
php:4 Saving user to list harto -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list alex -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list eyelidlessness -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list nickf -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list Serge S.
php:4 Saving user to list Ritesh
php:4 Saving user to list EleventyOne -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list eyelidlessness -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list eyelidlessness -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list CrowderSoup
php:4 Saving user to list paulslater19 -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list Aley
php:4 Saving user to list paulslater19 -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list Barth Zalewski -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list kheya
php:4 Saving user to list eyelidlessness -- already got
php:4 Saving user to list nick
php:4 Saving user to list Daniel Fortunov
php:4 Getting Daniel Fortunov
php:4 Getting nick
php:4 Getting kheya
php:4 Getting Aley
php:4 Getting CrowderSoup
php:4 Getting Ritesh
php:4 Getting Serge S.
php:4 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:4 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:4 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:4 Geocoding Serge S. at Brest, Belarus -- 52.0976214-23.7340503
php:4 Geocoding Ritesh at Norwalk, CT -- already got
php:4 Geocoding CrowderSoup at West Jordan, UT -- 40.6096698--111.9391031
php:4 Geocoding kheya at California -- already got
php:4 Geocoding Daniel Fortunov at London, United Kingdom -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/35301/what-is-the-difference-between-the-and-or-operators -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/1408417/can-you-compile-php-code -- already got
php:4 scraping question: /questions/1354999/keep-me-logged-in-the-best-approach -- already got
php:5 scraping question: /questions/9205083/traits-vs-interfaces
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php:5 Saving user to list datguywhowanders -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Alec Gorge -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list rdlowrey -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Troy Alford -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list J. Bruni -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Jon Kloske -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list PeeHaa -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Benj -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Rajesh Paul -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list user2782756 -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list hakre -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list rdlowrey -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list quickshiftin -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Alec Gorge -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list ircmaxell -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Shahid -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list cleong -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Brian D'Astous -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list datguywhowanders -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Alec Gorge -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Eno -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list johnny -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list rdlowrey -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list BoltClock♦ -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Troy Alford -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list BoltClock♦ -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Matthew -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list J. Bruni -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Anthony -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list chx101 -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list Jon Kloske -- already got
php:5 Saving user to list player-one -- already got
php:5 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:5 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:5 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:5 scraping question: /questions/189113/how-can-i-get-the-current-pages-full-url-on-a-windows-iis-server -- already got
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php:5 scraping question: /questions/232736/is-there-a-code-obfuscator-for-php -- already got
php:5 scraping question: /questions/574691/mysql-great-circle-distance-haversine-formula -- already got
php:5 scraping question: /questions/249664/best-practices-to-test-protected-methods-with-phpunit -- already got
php:5 scraping question: /questions/584960/whats-better-at-freeing-memory-with-php-unset-or-var-null -- already got
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php:5 scraping question: /questions/961074/how-do-i-compare-two-datetime-objects-in-php-5-2-8 -- already got
php:5 scraping question: /questions/13577041/php-string-contains -- alr
eady got
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php:5 scraping question: /questions/4103480/really-php-argument-1-passed-to-my-function-must-be-an-instance-of-string-s -- already got
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php:5 scraping question: /questions/2202999/why-is-textarea-filled-with-mysterious-white-spaces -- already got
php:5 scraping question: /questions/3219383/why-do-some-scripts-omit-the-closing-php-tag -- already got
php:6 scraping question: /questions/4238433/php-how-to-create-a-newline-character -- already got
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php:6 scraping question: /questions/5576619/php-redirect-with-post-data -- already got
php:6 scraping question: /questions/15813490/php-type-juggling-and-strict-greater-lesser-than-comparisons -- already got
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php:6 scraping question: /questions/1532693/weird-php-error-cant-use-function-return-value-in-write-context -- already got
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php:6 scraping question: /questions/1912599/is-there-any-particular-difference-between-intval-and-casting-to-int-int-x
php:6 Saving user to list Vladislav Rastrusny -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list Sarfraz -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list Amber -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list t-dub -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list Dominic Rodger -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list Pascal MARTIN -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list user900469 -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list deceze -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list moose -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list t-dub -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list moose -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list jave.web -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list Lightness Races in Orbit -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list Lightness Races in Orbit -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list t-dub -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list JSchaefer -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list Gerry -- already got
php:6 Saving user to list Zsub -- already got
php:6 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:6 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:6 Getting chrisramonpage not found
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php:6 scraping question: /questions/431912/way-to-get-all-alphabetic-chars-in-an-array-in-php -- already got
php:6 scraping question: /questions/79960/how-to-truncate-a-string-in-php-to-the-word-closest-to-a-certain-number-of-chara -- already got
php:6 scraping question: /questions/186338/why-is-require-once-so-bad-to-use -- already got
php:6 scraping question: /questions/398237/how-to-use-the-csv-mime-type -- already got
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php:7 scraping question: /questions/6101956/generating-a-random-password-in-php
php:7 Saving user to list nunos
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php:7 Saving user to list henningda
php:7 Saving user to list user3260409
php:7 Saving user to list Neal -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list BSQ
php:7 Saving user to list la_chouette
php:7 Saving user to list Scott Arciszewski -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list PeeHaa -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Madara Uchiha -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list phihag -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list jeteon
php:7 Saving user to list Explosion Pills
php:7 Saving user to list Askarel
php:7 Saving user to list srcspider -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Sanjeev
php:7 Saving user to list bideowego
php:7 Saving user to list Scott Arciszewski -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Jeremy Banks♦ -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Jimbo -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Neal -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Shadow Wizard -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Matthew -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list CodesInChaos -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list CodesInChaos -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Sorry-Im-a-N00b
php:7 Saving user to list Scott Arciszewski -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list willbradley
php:7 Saving user to list Scotty C.
php:7 Saving user to list Hobo -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Programster -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Steel Brain -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list nickdnk
php:7 Saving user to list Jeremy Banks♦ -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Hatef
php:7 Saving user to list CodesInChaos -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list willbradley -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list CodesInChaos -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Scott Arciszewski -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Cerbrus -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Scott Arciszewski -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Deduplicator -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Jeremy Banks♦ -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Malvineous
php:7 Saving user to list CodesInChaos -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Scott Arciszewski -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list Bob Gregor
php:7 Saving user to list Benubird -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list willbradley -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list srcspider -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list srcspider -- already got
php:7 Saving user to list jeteon -- already got
php:7 Getting Bob Gregor
php:7 Getting Malvineous
php:7 Getting Hatef
php:7 Getting nickdnk
php:7 Getting Scotty C.
php:7 Getting willbradley
php:7 Getting Sorry-Im-a-N00b
php:7 Getting Peter Horne
page not found
php:7 Getting Kevin Ortman
page not found
php:7 Getting chrisramon
page not found
php:7 Geocoding willbradley at Phoenix, AZ
-- already got
php:7 Geocoding Scotty C. at Washington, United States
-- already got
php:7 Geocoding Hatef at Turin, Italy
-- already got
php:7 Geocoding Malvineous at Brisbane, Australia
-- already got
php:7 Geocoding Bob Gregor at Orlando, FL
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/2040240/php-function-to-generate-v4-uuid
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/408405/easy-way-to-test-a-url-for-404-in-php
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/209774/does-php-have-threading
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/8900701/creating-default-object-from-empty-value-in-php
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/1386593/why-use-sprintf-function-in-php
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/2141585/a-more-pretty-informative-var-dump-alternative-in-php
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/4595964/is-there-a-use-case-for-singletons-with-database-access-in-php
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/14062055/composer-warning-openssl-extension-is-missing-how-to-enable-in-wamp
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/1175096/how-to-find-out-if-youre-using-https-without-serverhttps
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/9021425/how-to-check-if-mod-rewrite-is-enabled-in-php
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/21975334/precedence-and-bitmask-operations
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/3275258/tetris-ing-an-array
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/1883421/removing-array-item-by-value
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/1418193/how-to-get-file-name-from-full-path-with-php
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/4401949/whats-the-use-of-ob-start-in-php
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/110575/do-htmlspecialchars-and-mysql-real-escape-string-keep-my-php-code-safe-from-inje
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/676846/do-ajax-requests-retain-php-session-info
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/1996122/how-to-prevent-xss-with-html-php
-- already got
php:7 scraping question: /questions/7959247/php-test-if-number-is-odd-or-even
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/4165195/mysql-query-to-get-column-names
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/6328535/on-delete-cascade-with-doctrine2
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/2235158/sha1-vs-md5-vs-sha256-which-to-use-for-a-php-login
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/15623967/should-i-mix-angularjs-with-a-php-framework
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/2867575/get-value-from-simplexmlelement-object
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/3958615/import-file-size-limit-in-phpmyadmin
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/8318914/how-to-render-a-datetime-object-in-a-twig-template
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/2142497/whats-wrong-with-using-request
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/2280394/how-can-i-check-if-a-url-exists-via-php
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/7931204/what-is-normalized-utf-8-all-about
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/12684765/twitter-api-returns-error-215-bad-authentication-data
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/138313/how-to-extract-img-src-title-and-alt-from-html-using-php
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/307674/how-to-remove-duplicate-values-from-a-multi-dimensional-array-in-php
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/535020/tracking-the-script-execution-time-in-php
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/1019076/how-to-search-by-key-value-in-a-multidimensional-array-in-php
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/813487/how-to-post-json-to-php-with-curl
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/454635/where-are-session-variables-stored
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/9262109/php-simplest-two-way-encryption
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/182287/can-php-pdo-statements-accept-the-table-name-as-parameter
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/3455456/what-kinds-of-patterns-could-i-enforce-on-the-code-to-make-it-easier-to-translat
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/589549/php-vs-operator
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/22534183/do-i-have-to-guard-against-sql-injection-if-i-used-a-dropdown
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/686155/remove-a-cookie
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/15966812/user-recognition-without-cookies-or-local-storage
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/8328983/check-whether-an-array-is-empty
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/2326125/remove-multiple-whitespaces
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/559363/matching-a-space-in-regex
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/663350/whats-the-deal-with-a-leading-underscore-in-php-class-methods
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/16176990/proper-repository-pattern-design-in-php
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/2431763/how-to-debug-variables-in-smarty-like-in-php-var-dump
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/4348802/how-can-i-output-a-utf-8-csv-in-php-that-excel-will-read-properly
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/3062324/what-is-curl-in-php
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/1334613/how-to-recursively-zip-a-directory-in-php
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/9611676/is-apc-compatible-with-php-5-4-or-php-5-5
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/3017684/what-is-the-difference-between-is-a-and-instanceof
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/2510434/format-bytes-to-kilobytes-megabytes-gigabytes
-- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/1998449/include-css-javascript-file-in-yii-framework
php:8 Saving user to list Moe Far
php:8 Saving user to list viji
-- already got
php:8 Saving user to list Alexander Hramov
php:8 Saving user to list Fabrício Matté
-- already got
php:8 Saving user to list ysing
php:8 Saving user to list Onkar Janwa
php:8 Saving user to list Igor Dymov
php:8 Saving user to list Knito Auron
php:8 Saving user to list Mohammad Anini
php:8 Saving user to list Eye
php:8 Saving user to list Truongnq
php:8 Saving user to list felipe.zkn
-- already got
php:8 Saving user to list Wasim Pathan
php:8 Saving user to list Abudayah
php:8 Saving user to list Ram Krishna Chaulagai
php:8 Saving user to list gSorry
php:8 Saving user to list HabeebPerwad
-- already got
php:8 Saving user to list Beginner
php:8 Saving user to list Elango Mani
php:8 Saving user to list trai bui
-- already got
php:8 Saving user to list Victorbs
php:8 Saving user to list Rogin Thomas
php:8 Saving user to list user1077220
php:8 Saving user to list Alexander Hramov
-- already got
php:8 Saving user to list hasMobi - Android Apps
-- already got
php:8 Saving user to list Alexander Hramov
-- already got
php:8 Saving user to list Alexander Hramov
-- already got
php:8 Saving user to list Novica89
php:8 Saving user to list Knito Auron
-- already got
php:8 Saving user to list Samuel Liew
php:8 Saving user to list Compaq LE2202x
php:8 Saving user to list chapskev
php:8 Getting chapskev
php:8 Getting Compaq LE2202x
php:8 Getting Samuel Liew
php:8 Getting Novica89
php:8 Getting user1077220
php:8 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:8 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:8 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:8 Geocoding Novica89 at Serbia -- already got
php:8 Geocoding Samuel Liew at Singapore -- already got
php:8 Geocoding chapskev at Kenya -- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/5217721/how-to-remove-array-element-and-then-re-index-array -- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/2480179/anonymous-recursive-php-functions -- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/1960509/isset-and-empty-make-code-ugly -- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/3075577/convert-mysql-datetime-stamp-into-javascripts-date-format -- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/3126072/what-are-the-best-php-input-sanitizing-functions -- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/11321491/when-to-use-single-quotes-double-quotes-and-backticks -- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/4361459/php-pdo-charset-set-names -- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/879/are-php-variables-passed-by-value-or-by-reference -- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/294355/php-yaml-parsers -- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/1385346/what-are-differences-between-pecl-and-pear -- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/527703/how-can-i-get-stock-quotes-using-google-finance-api -- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/1972006/json-encode-is-returning-null -- already got
php:8 scraping question: /questions/3349753/delete-directory-with-files-in-it -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/4915753/how-can-i-remove-3-characters-at-the-end-of-a-string-in-php -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/708140/php-fatal-error-cannot-redeclare-class -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/2113940/php-compare-date -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/9215588/break-out-of-if-and-foreach -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/514943/php-mysql-order-by-two-columns -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/3353745/how-to-insert-element-into-array-to-specific-position -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/16753105/problems-with-lib-icu-dependency-when-installing-symfony-2-3-x-via-composer -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/586129/create-subdomains-on-the-fly-with-htaccess-php -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/2215354/php-date-format-when-inserting-into-datetime-in-mysql -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/1045845/how-to-call-a-javascript-function-from-php -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/1985967/codeigniter-activerecord-retrieve-last-insert-id -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/9802788/call-a-rest-api-in-php -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/1013493/coalesce-function-for-php -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/409999/getting-the-location-from-an-ip-address -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/3290424/set-a-cookie-to-never-expire -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/173851/what-is-the-canonical-way-to-determine-commandline-vs-http-execution-of-a-php-s -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/188414/best-xml-parser-for-php -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/13198131/how-to-save-a-html5-canvas-as-image-on-a-server -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/409496/prevent-direct-access-to-a-php-include-file -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/206059/php-validation-regex-for-url -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/3292044/php-merge-two-arrays-while-keeping-keys-instead-of-reindexing -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/4554758/how-to-read-if-a-checkbox-is-checked-in-php -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/2810124/how-to-add-a-php-page-to-wordpress -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/1685922/php5-const-vs-static -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/5580342/windows-xampp-vs-wampserver-vs-easyphp-vs-alternative -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/1483497/how-to-put-string-in-array-split-by-new-line -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/2476876/how-do-i-convert-an-object-to-an-array -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/1260134/optimizing-kohana-based-websites-for-speed-and-scalability -- already got
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php:9 scraping question: /questions/5966746/best-way-to-initialize-empty-array-in-php -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/301536/what-is-the-java-equivalent-of-php-var-dump -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/1786322/in-php-with-pdo-how-to-check-the-final-sql-parametrized-query -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/12994282/php-mysql-google-chart-json-complete-example -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/207002/how-to-use-a-switch-case-or-in-php -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/1168175/is-there-a-pretty-print-for-php -- already got
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php:9 scraping question: /questions/1987579/remove-warning-messages-in-php -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/1557608/how-do-i-get-a-php-class-constructor-to-call-its-parents-parents-constructor -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/6794782/definitive-way-to-get-user-ip-address-php -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/999066/why-does-php-5-2-disallow-abstract-static-class-methods -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/183928/how-to-let-php-to-create-subdomain-automatically-for-each-user -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/381265/better-way-to-check-variable-for-null-or-empty-string -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/12151997/why-does-1234-1234-test-evaluate-to-true -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/1369936/check-to-see-if-a-string-is-serialized -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/2140419/how-do-i-make-a-request-using-http-basic-authentication-with-php-curl -- already got
php:9 scraping question: /questions/1525784/mysql-check-if-a-table-exists-without-throwing-an-exception -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/210564/getting-raw-sql-query-string-from-pdo-prepared-statements -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/4559925/why-check-both-isset-and-empty
php:10 Saving user to list Dan Lugg -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list silow
php:10 Saving user to list deceze -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list samaYo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list GreenMatt -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Breezer -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Alexander Yancharuk -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list rajmohan
php:10 Saving user to list szahn
php:10 Saving user to list diEcho -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list madlopt
php:10 Saving user to list karim79 -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list deceze -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list karim79 -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list deceze -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Amil Waduwawara -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Amil Waduwawara -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list deceze -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list diEcho -- already got
php:10 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:10 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:10 scraping question: /questions/3967515/how-to-convert-image-to-base64-encoding -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/3531703/how-to-log-errors-and-warnings-into-a-file
php:10 Saving user to list Gorep
php:10 Saving user to list Dave Jarvis -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Aman
php:10 Saving user to list Edward
php:10 Saving user to list Gordon -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Amal Murali -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Frxstrem
php:10 Saving user to list tazo todua -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list hakre -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Matthieu
php:10 Saving user to list Tommy
php:10 Saving user to list Coulton
php:10 Saving user to list Supuhstar -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Guido Hendriks
php:10 Saving user to list Shabbyrobe -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Pihhan
php:10 Getting Pihhan
php:10 Getting Guido Hendriks
php:10 Getting Coulton
php:10 Getting Tommy
php:10 Getting Matthieu
php:10 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:10 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:10 Geocoding Matthieu at France -- already got
php:10 Geocoding Tommy at Sweden -- already got
php:10 Geocoding Coulton at United Kingdom -- already got
php:10 Geocoding Guido Hendriks at Westervoort, Netherlands -- 51.963807-5.9689837
php:10 Geocoding Pihhan at Czechia -- XXX
php:10 scraping question: /questions/9612166/how-do-i-pass-parameters-into-a-php-script-through-a-webpage
php:10 Saving user to list Erick Robertson -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Nick
php:10 Saving user to list Jason
php:10 Saving user to list Ap.Muthu
php:10 Saving user to list zerkms -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list SenorAmor
php:10 Saving user to list Christopher Pelayo
php:10 Saving user to list Nick -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list zerkms -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Jason -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Tim S.
php:10 Saving user to list Jason -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list CasualT
php:10 Getting CasualT
php:10 Getting Tim S.
php:10 Getting Christopher Pelayo
php:10 Getting SenorAmor
php:10 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:10 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:10 Geocoding SenorAmor at Wisconsin -- already got
php:10 Geocoding Christopher Pelayo at Davao City, Philippines -- already got
php:10 Geocoding Tim S. at Netherlands -- already got
php:10 Geocoding CasualT at Canada -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/9093609/can-i-use-hashes-for-comments-in-php -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/4679756/show-a-pdf-files-in-users-browser-via-php-perl -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/5444249/unable-to-find-the-wrapper-https-did-you-forget-to-enable-it-when-you-config -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/3079153/why-do-you-not-use-c-for-your-web-apps -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/2994758/what-is-function-overloading-and-overriding-in-php -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/1528717/phpunit-require-once-error -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/1526688/get-table-column-names-in-mysql
php:10 Saving user to list OMG Ponies
php:10 Saving user to list An employee
php:10 Saving user to list SalmanPK -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Greg -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list OMG Ponies -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Philip
php:10 Saving user to list thewebguy
php:10 Saving user to list leeladharan acharya -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Andy Hume
php:10 Saving user to list dannysauer
php:10 Saving user to list James Goodwin -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Pascal MARTIN -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list AnthonyS
php:10 Saving user to list Wolf Metzner
php:10 Saving user to list svens -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Greg -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Kibbee -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Ali
php:10 Saving user to list Alfonso Pérez
php:10 Saving user to list Pacerier -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list WAF
php:10 Saving user to list Pacerier -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Pacerier -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list bdsl
php:10 Saving user to list Pacerier -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list dannysauer -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Pacerier -- already got
php:10 Getting bdsl
php:10 Getting WAF
php:10 Getting Alfonso Pérez
php:10 Getting Ali
php:10 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:10 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:10 Geocoding Ali at Manchester, United Kingdom -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/883365/row-count-with-pdo -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/5673269/what-is-the-advantage-of-using-heredoc-in-php -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/7753584/flow3-action-parameters-and-arrays-of-objects -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/4312439/php-return-all-dates-between-two-dates-in-an-array
php:10 Saving user to list gAMBOOKa -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list RobertPitt -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list ViNce
php:10 Saving user to list alioygur
php:10 Saving user to list Haim Evgi -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list drolex
php:10 Saving user to list Maxime
php:10 Saving user to list Gazler
php:10 Saving user to list Lukas Liesis -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Gareth Daine
php:10 Saving user to list HappyApe -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list cubaguest
php:10 Saving user to list ashu joshi
php:10 Saving user to list Glavić -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list johndavedecano
php:10 Saving user to list wynshaft -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list p.s.w.g
php:10 Saving user to list user3123243
php:10 Saving user to list gAMBOOKa -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list manix -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Tarek
php:10 Saving user to list Aaron Adams
php:10 Saving user to list Aaron Adams -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list cmnajs
php:10 Saving user to list trante -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Marais Rossouw
php:10 Saving user to list rrubiorr81
php:10 Saving user to list Maxime -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list alioygur -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list jocken
php:10 Saving user to list Peavey
php:10 Saving user to list drolex -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Chronial -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Maxime -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Chronial -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Maxime -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Glavić -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Maxime -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list RobertPitt -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list HappyApe -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Glavić -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list kkuilla
php:10 Saving user to list ashu joshi -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list kkuilla -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list ashu joshi -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list wynshaft -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list wynshaft -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list hgwhittle
php:10 Getting hgwhittle
php:10 Getting kkuilla
php:10 Getting Peavey
php:10 Getting jocken
php:10 Getting rrubiorr81
php:10 Getting Marais Rossouw
php:10 Getting cmnajs
php:10 Getting Aaron Adams
php:10 Getting Tarek
php:10 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:10 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:10 Geocoding Tarek at Canada -- already got
php:10 Geocoding Aaron Adams at Toronto, Canada -- already got
php:10 Geocoding cmnajs at Islamabad, Pakistan -- already got
php:10 Geocoding Marais Rossouw at Gold Coast -- already got
php:10 Geocoding rrubiorr81 at Montreal, Canada -- already got
php:10 Geocoding hgwhittle at Mississippi -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/871858/php-pass-variable-to-next-page -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/1972100/getting-the-first-character-of-a-string-with-str0 -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/263392/handling-data-in-a-php-json-object -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/137487/null-vs-false-vs-0-in-php -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/1459739/php-serverhttp-host-vs-serverserver-name-am-i-understanding-the-ma -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/115563/best-php-ide-for-mac-preferably-free
php:10 Saving user to list anant kumar singh
php:10 Saving user to list corpo
php:10 Saving user to list Jon Winstanley -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list kkathman
php:10 Saving user to list Alex Weinstein -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Jim Ford
php:10 Saving user to list Gafitescu Daniel
php:10 Saving user to list Andrew -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Benjamin
php:10 Saving user to list GusDeCooL -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list GusDeCooL -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list jaycp
php:10 Saving user to list pkaeding -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list neobie
php:10 Saving user to list Simon M
php:10 Saving user to list Peminator
php:10 Getting Peminator
php:10 Getting Simon M
php:10 Getting neobie
php:10 Getting jaycp
php:10 Getting Benjamin
php:10 Getting Gafitescu Daniel
php:10 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:10 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:10 Geocoding Gafitescu Daniel at Iasi, Romania -- already got
php:10 Geocoding Benjamin at Philippines -- already got
php:10 Geocoding jaycp at Boston, MA -- already got
php:10 Geocoding Simon M at 01000001 01010101 01010011 -- XXX
php:10 scraping question: /questions/2437144/opening-closing-tags-performance -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/603201/using-comet-with-php -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/3392993/php-regex-to-get-youtube-video-id -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/1319903/how-to-flatten-a-multidimensional-array
php:10 Saving user to list BoltClock -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Alix Axel -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list VolkerK -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list too much php -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list M1K1O
php:10 Saving user to list Prasanth Bendra -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list hakre -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list BoltClock -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list nilamo
php:10 Saving user to list Warbo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Rick Garcia
php:10 Saving user to list too much php -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Alexei
php:10 Saving user to list ryanve
php:10 Saving user to list woru
php:10 Saving user to list Arsham -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Gajus Kuizinas -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list A.L -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list حسین شکرزاده
php:10 Saving user to list Gellweiler
php:10 Saving user to list JorenB
php:10 Saving user to list cletus -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Michael Madsen -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Alix Axel -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list nilamo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list VolkerK -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list hakre -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Alix Axel -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list hakre -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Alix Axel -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Brendon-Van-Heyzen
php:10 Saving user to list Alex
php:10 Saving user to list Tim Seguine
php:10 Saving user to list Sebastian Piskorski -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Alix Axel -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Prasanth Bendra -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list JAL -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list goat -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Baba -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Waldermort -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Alix Axel -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Tiberiu-Ionuț Stan -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list trejder -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Alix Axel -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Alix Axel -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list atamur
php:10 Saving user to list Warbo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Warbo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Todd Owen -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list deceze -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list nilamo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Alix Axel -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Arsham -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Alix Axel -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Gajus Kuizinas -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Alix Axel -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Gajus Kuizinas -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Gellweiler -- already got
php:10 Getting atamur
php:10 Getting Tim Seguine
php:10 Getting Alex
php:10 Getting Brendon-Van-Heyzen
php:10 Getting JorenB
php:10 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:10 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:10 Geocoding JorenB at Utrecht, Netherlands -- already got
php:10 Geocoding Brendon-Van-Heyzen at Florida -- already got
php:10 Geocoding Tim Seguine at Wernau, Germany -- 48.688611-9.422222
php:10 Geocoding atamur at Zurich, Switzerland -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/5438060/showing-all-errors-and-warnings
php:10 Saving user to list oshirowanen
php:10 Saving user to list hichris123 -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list txyoji -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list mcs
php:10 Saving user to list John Magnolia -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list salathe -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list oshirowanen -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list salathe -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list oshirowanen -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list salathe -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list oshirowanen -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Charles -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Elangovan -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list jave.web -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Ravi Dhoriya ツ
php:10 Getting Ravi Dhoriya ツ
php:10 Getting Peter Horne
page not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortman
page not found
php:10 Getting chrisramon
page not found
php:10 Geocoding Ravi Dhoriya ツ at Hyderabad, India
-- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/5762439/how-to-trim-white-spaces-of-array-values-in-php
-- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/190421/caller-function-in-php-5
-- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/2203943/include-constant-in-string-without-concatenating
-- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/1388025/how-to-get-id-of-the-last-updated-row-in-mysql
-- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/2030906/are-arrays-in-php-passed-by-value-or-by-reference
-- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/468642/is-it-possible-to-create-static-classes-in-php-like-in-c
-- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/3820666/grabbing-the-href-attribute-of-an-a-element
-- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/2167916/convert-one-date-format-into-another-in-php
php:10 Saving user to list NikiC
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Tom
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Pekka 웃
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list ceiroa
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list John Conde
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Sarfraz
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list middaparka
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Rifat
php:10 Saving user to list Jelle de Fries
php:10 Saving user to list chotesah
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list de_nuit
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Rituraj ratan
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Tom
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Pekka 웃
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Tom
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Arham
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Tom
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list ceiroa
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Barjas
php:10 Saving user to list Mark Baker
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Pekka 웃
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Sarfraz
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list VishwaKumar
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Tom
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Half Crazed
php:10 Saving user to list Jelle de Fries
-- already got
php:10 Getting Half Crazed
php:10 Getting Barjas
php:10 Getting Peter Horne
page not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortman
page not found
php:10 Getting chrisramon
page not found
php:10 Geocoding Barjas at Dubai, United Arab Emirates
-- already got
php:10 Geocoding Half Crazed at Boston, MA
-- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/432454/how-does-do-something-or-die-work-in-php
-- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/4809194/convert-svg-image-to-png-with-php
-- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/2159434/set-names-utf8-in-mysql
php:10 Saving user to list Alan Moore
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list JasonDavis
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Vinko Vrsalovic
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list karim79
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Ondra Žižka
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list j0k
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list usama sulaiman
php:10 Saving user to list user1783273
php:10 Saving user to list user3162905
php:10 Saving user to list masakielastic
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list broadband
php:10 Saving user to list masakielastic
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Tim
php:10 Saving user to list NexusRex
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Vinko Vrsalovic
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Erik Čerpnjak
php:10 Saving user to list David
php:10 Saving user to list karim79
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list André Figueira
php:10 Getting André Figueira
php:10 Getting David
php:10 Getting Erik Čerpnjak
php:10 Getting Tim
php:10 Getting broadband
php:10 Getting Peter Horne
page not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortman
page not found
php:10 Getting chrisramon
page not found
php:10 Geocoding André Figueira at London, United Kingdom
-- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/1825256/memcache-vs-memcached
-- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/19249159/best-practice-multi-language-website
php:10 Saving user to list Anthony
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list tereško
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Silent Echo
php:10 Saving user to list Yaroslav
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Shushant
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Remy
php:10 Saving user to list Laurynas Mališauskas
php:10 Saving user to list texnic
php:10 Saving user to list user3749746
php:10 Saving user to list JG Estiot
php:10 Saving user to list Dr. Dama
php:10 Saving user to list tazo todua
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list user3445130
php:10 Saving user to list menardmam
php:10 Saving user to list Francois Bourgeois
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo
-- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Silent Echo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Silent Echo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Yaroslav -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Shushant -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Remy -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Dr. Dama -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Dr. Dama -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Joshua - Pendo -- already got
php:10 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:10 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:10 scraping question: /questions/4192653/best-way-to-code-achievements-system -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/2006626/installing-phpunit-via-pear -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/6238992/converting-string-to-date-and-datetime
php:10 Saving user to list Mark -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Chris Pinski
php:10 Saving user to list Ibu -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Matthew -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list N.B. -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list user2707671
php:10 Saving user to list Matthew -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Ibu -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Manuel Bitto -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list jzimmerman2011 -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Ankur Kumar -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Diego Alcántara
php:10 Saving user to list Matthew -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Matthew -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Diego Alcántara -- already got
php:10 Getting Diego Alcántara
php:10 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:10 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:10 scraping question: /questions/1445385/how-to-remove-index-php-in-codeigniters-path -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/1727077/generating-a-drop-down-list-of-timezones-with-php -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/5772769/how-to-copy-a-file-from-one-directory-to-another-using-php -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/3307409/php-pass-by-reference-in-foreach
php:10 Saving user to list Macmade -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Centurion
php:10 Saving user to list Boaz -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Macmade -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list 1nflktd
php:10 Saving user to list M S
php:10 Saving user to list TaeL
php:10 Saving user to list Rupert Madden-Abbott
php:10 Saving user to list TTT
php:10 Saving user to list Chang
php:10 Saving user to list bpile
php:10 Saving user to list shadyyx -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list dejavu
php:10 Saving user to list Wrikken -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Centurion -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Hurix
php:10 Saving user to list Mark Amery -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Centurion -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Macmade -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Centurion -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Eduardo -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list jamador
php:10 Saving user to list Vodaldrien
php:10 Saving user to list liamvictor -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Rupert Madden-Abbott -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list dejavu -- already got
php:10 Getting Vodaldrien
php:10 Getting jamador
php:10 Getting Hurix
php:10 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:10 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:10 Geocoding Hurix at Augsburg, Germany -- already got
php:10 Geocoding jamador at Austin, TX -- already got
php:10 Geocoding Vodaldrien at Romania -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/2596837/curly-braces-in-string-in-php
php:10 Saving user to list Keith Pinson -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list redcoder
php:10 Saving user to list cletus -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Elijah Lynn -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Kredo900
php:10 Saving user to list SubstanceD -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Obiware
php:10 Saving user to list user1232972
php:10 Saving user to list user187291 -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Your Common Sense -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Tech4Wilco -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Gabriel Magana
php:10 Saving user to list BobStein-VisiBone -- already got
php:10 Saving user to list Fge -- already got
php:10 Getting Gabriel Magana
php:10 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
php:10 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
php:10 Getting chrisramonpage not found
php:10 Geocoding Gabriel Magana at Walnut Creek, CA, USA -- 37.9100783--122.0651819
php:10 scraping question: /questions/393603/php-uml-generator -- already got
php:10 scraping question: /questions/10149554/are-there-any-php-implementations-of-scrypt -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/15666048/service-vs-provider-vs-factory -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/9682092/databinding-in-angularjs -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/7792652/what-is-the-best-way-to-conditionally-apply-a-class -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/14324451/angular-service-vs-angular-factory -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/14049480/what-are-the-nuances-of-scope-prototypal-prototypical-inheritance-in-angularjs -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/14502006/working-with-scope-emit-and-on -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/13743058/how-to-access-the-angular-scope-variable-in-browsers-console -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/15112584/using-scope-watch-and-scope-apply -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/11605917/this-vs-scope-in-angularjs-controllers -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/12863663/complex-nesting-of-partials-and-templates -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/18089075/what-is-the-difference-between-polymer-elements-and-angularjs-directives -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/12729122/prevent-error-digest-already-in-progress-when-calling-scope-apply -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/13499040/how-do-search-engines-deal-with-angularjs-applications -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/12529083/does-it-make-sense-to-use-require-js-with-angular-js -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/14050195/what-is-the-difference-between-and-in-directive-scope -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/12139152/how-to-set-the-value-property-in-angularjs-ng-options
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Sebastian Zartner
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Jukka Puranen -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Umur Kontacı -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list frm.adiputra -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Bruno Gomes -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list neemzy -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Philip Bulley -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Joshcodes -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Liko -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Archna -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list KthProg -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Jesse -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list timestopper -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list miukki -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Jeffrey A. Gochin
angularjs:1 Saving user to list EpokK -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Majix -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Itzco -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Aleks -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Ricardo Huertas -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Muhammed Athimannil -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Sam Jha -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Yegya -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list anjum121 -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list techguy2000 -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list ethanneff -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list blue
angularjs:1 Saving user to list benvds -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Majix -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Yegya -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Anand -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Artem Andreev -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Artem Andreev -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Umur Kontacı -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Ezekiel Victor -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Ian Warburton -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Mark Rajcok -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Trip -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list TsenYing -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list bitsMix -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list devric -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list climboid -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Niner -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Uku Loskit -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list webblover -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Sean Thompson -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list erdimeola -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Dan Atkinson -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list neemzy -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list user1206480 -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list FireDragon -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Joshcodes -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list DrCord -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Joshcodes -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Ian Lewis -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Ian Lewis -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Mark Rajcok -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Pavel Nikolov -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Noishe -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Alexey F -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list KthProg -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Kildareflare
angularjs:1 Saving user to list mhenry1384
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Jeffrey A. Gochin -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list PHPst -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list mggSoft
angularjs:1 Getting mggSoft
angularjs:1 Getting mhenry1384
angularjs:1 Getting Kildareflare
angularjs:1 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
angularjs:1 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
angularjs:1 Getting chrisramonpage not found
angularjs:1 Geocoding Kildareflare at Auckland, New Zealand -- already got
angularjs:1 Geocoding mhenry1384 at Ann Arbor, MI -- already got
angularjs:1 Geocoding mggSoft at Cordoba, Spain -- 37.8881751--4.7793835
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/11442632/how-can-i-post-data-as-form-data-instead-of-a-request-payload -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/14833326/how-to-set-focus-on-input-field -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/9381926/insert-html-into-view-using-angularjs -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/21023763/difference-between-angular-route-and-angular-ui-router -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/13762228/confused-about-service-vs-factory -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/11541695/redirecting-to-a-certain-route-based-on-condition -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/9293423/can-one-controller-call-another -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/14514461/how-can-angularjs-bind-to-list-of-checkbox-values -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/11252780/whats-the-correct-way-to-communicate-between-controllers-in-angularjs -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/11112608/where-to-put-model-data-and-behaviour -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/12654631/why-does-angularjs-include-an-empty-option-in-select -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/15535336/combating-angularjs-executing-controller-twice -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/18287482/angularjs-1-2-injectormodulerr -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/15810278/if-else-statement-in-angularjs-templates -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/14302267/how-to-use-a-filter-in-a-controller -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/12419619/whats-the-difference-between-ng-model-and-ng-bind -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/16286605/initialize-angularjs-service-with-asynchronous-data -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/11972026/delaying-angularjs-route-change-until-model-loaded-to-prevent-flicker -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/13047923/working-with-select-using-angulars-ng-options -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/11952579/watch-multiple-scope-attributes
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Blackhole -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Greg -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Paolo Moretti -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Răzvan Panda -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Andrew Joslin -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Karl Zilles -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Trevor Senior -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list guyk
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Erik Aigner -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Artem Andreev -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list vinculis
angularjs:1 Saving user to list wacamo
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Arthur
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Akash Shinde
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Greg -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list reaper_unique -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Design by Adrian -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Kamil Tomšík -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Paolo Moretti -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Greg -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list MK Safi -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list AdityaSaxena
angularjs:1 Saving user to list reaper_unique -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Mattygabe -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Greg -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list XMLilley -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Andrew Joslin -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list mb21 -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Dave Edelhart -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Calvin Cheng
angularjs:1 Saving user to list null -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Karl Zilles -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list abottoni
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Serge van den Oever -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list John Doe
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Erik Aigner -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list John Doe -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Erik Aigner -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list bingles -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Peter V. Mørch -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list RevNoah -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Arthur -- already got
angularjs:1 Saving user to list Akash Shinde -- already got
angularjs:1 Getting
angularjs:1 Getting John Doe
angularjs:1 Getting abottoni
angularjs:1 Getting Calvin Cheng
angularjs:1 Getting AdityaSaxena
angularjs:1 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
angularjs:1 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
angularjs:1 Getting chrisramonpage not found
angularjs:1 Geocoding AdityaSaxena at Gurgaon, India -- already got
angularjs:1 Geocoding Calvin Cheng at Singapore, Singapore -- already got
angularjs:1 Geocoding abottoni at Norway -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/13760070/angularjs-passing-data-to-http-get-request -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/16296670/angular-ng-repeat-error-duplicates-in-a-repeater-are-not-allowed -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/15127834/how-can-i-iterate-over-the-keys-value-in-ng-repeat-in-angular -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/12506329/how-to-dynamically-change-header-based-on-angularjs-partial-view -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/8302928/angularjs-with-django-conflicting-template-tags -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/14876112/difference-between-the-observe-and-watch-methods -- already got
angularjs:1 scraping question: /questions/13329485/mvw-what-does-it-stand-for -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/15316363/how-to-display-length-of-filtered-ng-repeat-data -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/11938380/global-variables-in-angularjs -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/23199392/difference-between-mean-js-and-mean-io -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/12340095/angular-js-ng-repeat-handle-empty-list-case -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/24615103/angular-directives-when-and-how-to-use-compile-controller-pre-link-and-post -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/14914213/when-writing-a-directive-how-do-i-decide-if-a-need-no-new-scope-a-new-child-sc -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/12866447/prevent-double-curly-brace-notation-from-displaying-momentarily-before-angular-j -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/11522151/typical-angular-js-workflow-and-project-structure-with-python-flask -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/12371159/how-to-get-evaluated-attributes-inside-a-custom-directive -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/11985863/how-to-use-ng-repeat-for-dictionaries-in-angularjs -- already got
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angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/16199418/how-do-i-implement-the-bootstrap-navbar-active-class-with-angular-js -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/11063673/whats-the-most-concise-way-to-read-query-parameters-in-angularjs -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/14523679/can-you-pass-parameters-to-an-angularjs-controller-on-creation -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/14712223/how-to-handle-anchor-hash-linking-in-angularjs -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/12008908/how-can-i-pass-variables-between-controllers -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/21869283/when-to-favor-ng-if-vs-ng-show-ng-hide -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/14115701/angularjs-create-a-directive-that-uses-ng-model -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/15417125/submit-form-on-pressing-enter-with-angularjs -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/13813254/how-do-i-conditionally-apply-css-styles-in-angularjs -- already got
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angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/16648669/what-is-the-difference-between-required-and-ng-required -- already got
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angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/10961963/how-to-access-cookies-in-angularjs -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/16935095/correct-way-to-integrate-jquery-plugins-in-angular-js -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/17470790/how-to-use-a-keypress-event-in-angularjs -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/14712089/how-to-deep-watch-an-array-in-angularjs -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/17039926/adding-parameter-to-ng-click-function-inside-ng-repeat-seems-not-to-work -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/12346690/is-there-a-way-to-make-angularjs-load-partials-in-the-beginning-and-not-at-when -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/18939709/when-to-use-service-instead-of-factory -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/11850025/recommended-way-of-getting-data-from-the-server -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/18871277/adding-multiple-class-using-ng-class -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/20087627/how-to-create-separate-angularjs-controller-files -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/14771091/removing-the-hashtag-from-angularjs-urls-symbol -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/12008580/a-ternary-in-templates -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/19415394/with-ng-bind-html-unsafe-removed-how-do-i-inject-html -- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/16824853/way-to-ng-repeat-defined-number-of-times-instead-of-repeating-over-array
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Daksh Shah
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Malcr001 -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list sh0ber -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Polaris878 -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list jeffmayeur
angularjs:2 Saving user to list akonsu -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Mark Roach
angularjs:2 Saving user to list miguelr
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Michael A. Jackson -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list sheelpriy
angularjs:2 Saving user to list DrogoNevets
angularjs:2 Saving user to list connorbode -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list JellicleCat -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list vonwolf
angularjs:2 Saving user to list adswebwork
angularjs:2 Saving user to list elceka
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Nik Dow -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Ivan Ferrer Villa -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Ken
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Malcr001 -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Malcr001 -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list sh0ber -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Racing Tadpole
angularjs:2 Saving user to list sh0ber -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list afternoon
angularjs:2 Saving user to list bmkorkut
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Polaris878 -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list nameEqualsPNamePrubeGoldberg
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Matt -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Cody -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list sh0ber -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list drzaus -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list aditya menon -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Neara
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Rick -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list jedd.ahyoung -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Jeremy Moritz -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list tomazahlin -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list connorbode -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list connorbode -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Alex Weinstein -- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Ivan Ferrer Villa -- already got
angularjs:2 Getting Neara
angularjs:2 Getting nameEqualsPNamePrubeGoldberg
angularjs:2 Getting bmkorkut
angularjs:2 Getting afternoon
angularjs:2 Getting Racing Tadpole
angularjs:2 Getting Ken
angularjs:2 Getting Peter Horne
page not found
angularjs:2 Getting Kevin Ortman
page not found
angularjs:2 Getting chrisramon
page not found
angularjs:2 Geocoding Ken at Portland, OR
-- already got
angularjs:2 Geocoding Racing Tadpole at Australia
-- already got
angularjs:2 Geocoding afternoon at United Kingdom
-- already got
angularjs:2 Geocoding bmkorkut at İzmir
-- 38.423734-27.142826
angularjs:2 Geocoding Neara at Israel
-- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/12505760/processing-http-response-in-service
-- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/12599637/angularjs-ng-show-ng-hide
-- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/16339595/how-do-i-configure-different-environments-in-angular-js
-- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/10490570/call-angular-js-from-legacy-code
-- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/19177732/what-is-the-difference-between-ng-if-and-ng-show-ng-hide
-- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/14201753/angular-js-how-when-to-use-ng-click-to-call-a-route
-- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/15458609/execute-function-on-page-load
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Rahil Wazir
-- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Duke Dougal
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Dmitry Evseev
angularjs:2 Saving user to list finishingmove
-- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list CodeOverRide
-- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list adam0101
angularjs:2 Saving user to list guico
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Leo Lanese
angularjs:2 Saving user to list ANeves
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Karly
angularjs:2 Saving user to list charlietfl
-- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Mark Rajcok
-- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Jason Capriotti
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Dmitry Evseev
-- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Dmitry Evseev
-- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Dmitry Evseev
-- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Duke Dougal
-- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list finishingmove
-- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list Olga Gnatenko
-- already got
angularjs:2 Saving user to list csahlman
angularjs:2 Saving user to list taco
angularjs:2 Getting taco
angularjs:2 Getting csahlman
angularjs:2 Getting Jason Capriotti
angularjs:2 Getting Peter Horne
page not found
angularjs:2 Getting Kevin Ortman
page not found
angularjs:2 Getting chrisramon
page not found
angularjs:2 Geocoding Jason Capriotti at Milwaukee, WI
-- already got
angularjs:2 scraping question: /questions/16529825/angularjs-ngclass-conditional
-- already got
angularjs:3 scraping question: /questions/12164138/what-is-the-difference-between-compile-and-link-function-in-angularjs
-- already got
angularjs:3 scraping question: /questions/17900201/how-to-access-parent-scope-from-within-a-custom-directive-with-own-scope-in-an
angularjs:3 Saving user to list colllin
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Mark Rajcok
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list MYN...
angularjs:3 Saving user to list STEVER
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list ANewcomer
angularjs:3 Saving user to list colllin
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Mark Rajcok
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list iamdash
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list JeyKeu
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Mark Rajcok
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list colllin
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list colllin
-- already got
angularjs:3 Getting Peter Horne
page not found
angularjs:3 Getting Kevin Ortman
page not found
angularjs:3 Getting chrisramon
page not found
angularjs:3 scraping question: /questions/19254029/angularjs-http-post-does-not-send-data
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Spencer Mark
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Felipe Miosso
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Don F
angularjs:3 Saving user to list jonprasetyo
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list dluz
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list ericson.cepeda
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Rômulo Collopy
angularjs:3 Saving user to list alknows
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Renaud
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Esten
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Berguiga.M.Amine
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Nis
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list IgorBeaz
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Viraj
angularjs:3 Saving user to list D. Kermott
angularjs:3 Saving user to list msoliman
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Kevin Brown
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list tom_w
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Madan Sapkota
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list pixparker
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list fmquaglia
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Spencer Mark
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Arul Sidthan
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Billy Blaze
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Jon
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Zalaboza
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Don F
-- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Develop Smith
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Spencer Mark -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Edgar Martinez -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list gSorry -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Ben Guthrie
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Daan
angularjs:3 Saving user to list blue-sky
angularjs:3 Saving user to list IgorBeaz -- already got
angularjs:3 Getting blue-sky
angularjs:3 Getting Daan
angularjs:3 Getting Ben Guthrie
angularjs:3 Getting Develop Smith
angularjs:3 Getting Zalaboza
angularjs:3 Getting Billy Blaze
angularjs:3 Getting Arul Sidthan
angularjs:3 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
angularjs:3 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
angularjs:3 Getting chrisramonpage not found
angularjs:3 Geocoding Billy Blaze at Utrecht, Netherlands. -- 52.0907374-5.1214201
angularjs:3 Geocoding Zalaboza at Egypt -- already got
angularjs:3 Geocoding Ben Guthrie at Dallas, TX -- already got
angularjs:3 Geocoding Daan at France -- already got
angularjs:3 Geocoding blue-sky at Ireland -- already got
angularjs:3 scraping question: /questions/19032249/angular-js-vs-knockout-js-vs-backbone-js -- already got
angularjs:3 scraping question: /questions/10816073/how-to-do-paging-in-angularjs -- already got
angularjs:3 scraping question: /questions/19455501/watch-an-object-in-angular
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Vladimir Sidorenko
angularjs:3 Saving user to list rossipedia -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Jason -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list ilia choly -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Tarun
angularjs:3 Saving user to list sol4me
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Ramesh Papaganti
angularjs:3 Saving user to list lort
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Jason -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list rossipedia♦ -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Vladimir Sidorenko -- already got
angularjs:3 Getting lort
angularjs:3 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
angularjs:3 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
angularjs:3 Getting chrisramonpage not found
angularjs:3 Geocoding lort at Krakow, Poland -- already got
angularjs:3 scraping question: /questions/15557151/ngclass-style-with-dash-in-key -- already got
angularjs:3 scraping question: /questions/11003916/how-do-i-switch-views-in-angularjs-from-a-controller-function
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Coleman -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list The_Brink
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Ferruccio -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list ganaraj -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list PW Kad -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Mark Coleman -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Cody -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list beauXjames
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Gavin Palmer
angularjs:3 Saving user to list The_Brink -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list The_Brink -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list The_Brink -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list ganaraj -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Misko Hevery -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Zach L -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list PW Kad -- already got
angularjs:3 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
angularjs:3 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
angularjs:3 Getting chrisramonpage not found
angularjs:3 scraping question: /questions/16677528/location-switching-between-html5-and-hashbang-mode-link-rewriting -- already got
angularjs:3 scraping question: /questions/14898296/how-to-unsubscribe-to-a-broadcast-event-in-angularjs-how-to-remove-function-reg
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Hitesh.Aneja
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Ben Lesh -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Liviu T. -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list XMLilley -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Рустем Мусабеков
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Ben Lesh -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Hitesh.Aneja -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list long2know
angularjs:3 Saving user to list XMLilley -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list neaumusic
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Fagner Brack
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Hitesh.Aneja -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Liviu T. -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Ben Lesh -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Ben Lesh -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Hitesh.Aneja -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list XMLilley -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Jay Shukla -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list shovavnik
angularjs:3 Saving user to list aimiliano
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Rick -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Ben Lesh -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Hitesh.Aneja -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Ben Lesh -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Hitesh.Aneja -- already got
angularjs:3 Getting aimiliano
angularjs:3 Getting shovavnik
angularjs:3 Getting Fagner Brack
angularjs:3 Getting neaumusic
angularjs:3 Getting Peter Hornepage not found
angularjs:3 Getting Kevin Ortmanpage not found
angularjs:3 Getting chrisramonpage not found
angularjs:3 Geocoding neaumusic at San Francisco, California -- already got
angularjs:3 scraping question: /questions/15812203/angularjs-show-popups-the-most-elegant-way -- already got
angularjs:3 scraping question: /questions/11854514/is-it-possible-to-make-a-tree-view-with-angular
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Jon Abrams
angularjs:3 Saving user to list ganaraj -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Nick Perkins
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Mark Lagendijk -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list moskiteau
angularjs:3 Saving user to list savagepanda
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Kalyanaraman Santhanam
angularjs:3 Saving user to list GFoley83 -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Jens -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Nguyễn Thiện Hùng
angularjs:3 Saving user to list TGH -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Oleksandr Knyga
angularjs:3 Saving user to list tilgovi -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Janus Troelsen -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list KajMagnus -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Aidan Feldman
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Ajax3.14 -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list ganaraj -- already got
angularjs:3 Saving user to list Nick Perkins -- alre