timgdavies / uk_contracts_finder2_ocds

Data from the UK Contracts Finder

Contributors timgdavies practicalparticipation

Last run failed with status code 1.

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... Injecting scraper and running... {'searchCriteria': {'type': 'Contract', 'statuses': ['Open', 'Closed', 'Withdrawn', 'Awarded'], 'publishedFrom': '2017-04-12'}} /app/.heroku/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py:852: InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings InsecureRequestWarning) Traceback (most recent call last): File "scraper.py", line 30, in <module> print "Total results found: " + str(contract_list['hitsCount']) KeyError: 'hitsCount'


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ocid id release
{"publicationPolicyUri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/", "publishedDate": "2015-05-29T08:28:50Z", "license": "https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/", "publisher": {"scheme": "GB-GOVUK-crown_commercial_service", "uid": null, "name": "Contracts Finder", "uri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/"}, "uri": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/getOCDS?noticeId=dc3acdb5-b2e4-4771-95a4-6c32c0a17d33", "releases": [{"awards": null, "buyer": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "National Heritage Memorial Fund", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-national_heritage_memorial_fund"}, "address": {"locality": "London", "region": null, "postalCode": "SW1W 8NR", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "7 Holbein Place"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "ben.greener@hlf.org.uk", "url": null, "name": "Ben Greener", "telephone": null, "faxNumber": null}}, "id": "dc3acdb5-b2e4-4771-95a4-6c32c0a17d33-1", "tender": {"id": "0000000109", "eligibilityCriteria": null, "items": [{"quantity": null, "id": "1", "unit": null, "description": "See description of related tender.", "classification": {"scheme": "CPV", "description": "Research services", "uri": "http://purl.org/cpv/2008/code-73110000", "id": "73110000"}, "additionalClassifications": null, "location": {"region": "Any region", "longitude": null, "latitude": null}}], "description": "However, we have not received either the quantity or quality of Heritage Enterprise applications to deliver projects like this that we would like to see (given the potential for historic buildings to house creative industries uses). \n\nWe aim to understand why this might be, and to identify any barriers preventing creative industries projects from progressing. We need to develop an understanding of these issues which goes beyond the anecdotal.", "awardPeriod": null, "minValue": {"amount": 15000.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "enquiryPeriod": null, "procurementMethod": "open", "status": "active", "hasEnquiries": null, "milestones": [{"dueDate": "2015-07-06T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "1", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract start date", "title": "Contract start"}, {"dueDate": "2015-11-01T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "2", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract end date", "title": "Contract end"}], "procuringEntity": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "National Heritage Memorial Fund", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-national_heritage_memorial_fund"}, "address": {"locality": "London", "region": null, "postalCode": "SW1W 8NR", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "7 Holbein Place"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "ben.greener@hlf.org.uk", "url": null, "name": "Ben Greener", "telephone": null, "faxNumber": null}}, "value": null, "documents": [{"documentType": "x_other", "id": "9478a0a1-ac4c-45f4-ab31-177fb1d75020", "datePublished": null, "language": null, "dateModified": null, "url": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/downloadAttachment?noticeId=dc3acdb5-b2e4-4771-95a4-6c32c0a17d33&id=9478a0a1-ac4c-45f4-ab31-177fb1d75020", "description": "Creative Industries and Historic Buildings research", "title": "109 Creative Industries and Historic Buildings research - ITT.docx", "format": null}], "awardCriteria": null, "submissionMethodDetails": "Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided.", "xClassifications": {"ojeuContractType": "Services", "isSuitableForSme": true, "isSuitableForVco": true}, "procurementMethodRationale": null, "submissionMethod": ["x_viewNoticeForDetails"], "amendment": null, "tenderPeriod": {"startDate": "2015-05-29T08:28:50Z", "endDate": "2015-06-22T00:00:00Z"}, "title": "Creaative Industries and Historic Buildings research", "awardCriteriaDetails": null}, "planning": null, "ocid": "ocds-b5fd1701-dc3acdb5-b2e4-4771-95a4-6c32c0a17d33", "initiationType": "tender", "language": "en", "tag": ["tender"], "date": "2015-05-29T08:28:50Z"}]}
{"publicationPolicyUri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/", "publishedDate": "2015-05-29T08:43:03Z", "license": "https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/", "publisher": {"scheme": "GB-GOVUK-crown_commercial_service", "uid": null, "name": "Contracts Finder", "uri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/"}, "uri": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/getOCDS?noticeId=52888969-28dc-4d2d-b2e2-21f984094b0c", "releases": [{"awards": null, "buyer": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "NORTH WALES POLICE", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-north_wales_police"}, "address": {"locality": "Colwyn Bay", "region": null, "postalCode": "LL29 8AW", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "FHQ, Glanydon"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "procurement@nthwales.pnn.police.uk", "url": null, "name": null, "telephone": null, "faxNumber": null}}, "id": "52888969-28dc-4d2d-b2e2-21f984094b0c-1", "tender": {"id": "NWP/20296", "eligibilityCriteria": null, "items": [{"quantity": null, "id": "1", "unit": null, "description": "See description of related tender.", "classification": {"scheme": "CPV", "description": "IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support", "uri": "http://purl.org/cpv/2008/code-72000000", "id": "72000000"}, "additionalClassifications": null, "location": {"region": "Wales", "longitude": null, "latitude": null}}], "description": "THE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER FOR NORTH WALES INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE PROVISION OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) & MOBILE DATA FORENSIC SERVICES OF FOR AN INITIAL PERIOD OF 2 YEARS WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF BEING EXTENDED FOR A FURTHER 2 YEARS IN MULTIPLES OF NO MORE THAN 12 MONTHS COMMENCING AUGUST 2015. \n\nREFERENCE: NWP/20296 ICT & MOBILE DATA FORENSIC SERVICES\n\nPurpose of this contract - For Information\n\nThe purpose of this contract is for companies to deliver a Digital Forensic Service to North Wales Police.\n\nThe contract is required to provide a flexible service to support the North Wales Police High Tech Crime Unit during periods of high demand for the interrogation of digital devices including, but not limited to:\n\n\u2022\tTower Computers\n\u2022\tDesk Top Computers\n\u2022\tLaptops\n\u2022\tMobile Phones\n\u2022\tSmart Phones and Tablets\n\u2022\tData Storage/Multi Media i.e. USB, CD, DVD, SD\n\u2022\tSatellite Navigation Systems\n\nThe service must be flexible with the ability to meet increased demand at short notice.\n\nOnly those suppliers that can meet the all of the requirements within the Specification will be considered, this opportunity is being tendered through the EU Supply e tendering portal at \nhttps://bluelight.eu-supply.com\nhttps://uk.eu-supply.com/login.asp?B=BLUELIGHT and you are requested to register at this site free of charge after which expressions of interest can be made and any relevant documents can be downloaded.\n\nPlease note that no correspondence whatsoever will be made outside of the system and questions should be raised within the Q&A facility\n\nDocuments available until 1st July 2015\n\nLast date for questions: 3rd July 2015\n\nClosing date for the return of completed tenders is 10.00 Wednesday 8th July 2015 \n\nPolice forces in the North West Region are fully supportive of all aspects of diversity including ethnicity, race, religion, age, gender, disability and sexual orientation. In this respect, police forces welcome expressions of interest from the ethnic minority, disabled and other diverse business communities and the voluntary sector.", "awardPeriod": null, "minValue": {"amount": 90000.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "enquiryPeriod": null, "procurementMethod": "open", "status": "active", "hasEnquiries": null, "milestones": [{"dueDate": "2015-08-31T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "1", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract start date", "title": "Contract start"}, {"dueDate": "2017-08-30T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "2", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract end date", "title": "Contract end"}], "procuringEntity": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "NORTH WALES POLICE", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-north_wales_police"}, "address": {"locality": "Colwyn Bay", "region": null, "postalCode": "LL29 8AW", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "FHQ, Glanydon"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "procurement@nthwales.pnn.police.uk", "url": null, "name": null, "telephone": null, "faxNumber": null}}, "value": null, "documents": null, "awardCriteria": null, "submissionMethodDetails": "Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided.", "xClassifications": {"ojeuContractType": "Services", "isSuitableForSme": true, "isSuitableForVco": false}, "procurementMethodRationale": null, "submissionMethod": ["x_viewNoticeForDetails"], "amendment": null, "tenderPeriod": {"startDate": "2015-05-29T08:43:03Z", "endDate": "2015-07-08T00:00:00Z"}, "title": "Outsourced ICT & Mobile Data Forensic Services", "awardCriteriaDetails": null}, "planning": null, "ocid": "ocds-b5fd1701-52888969-28dc-4d2d-b2e2-21f984094b0c", "initiationType": "tender", "language": "en", "tag": ["tender"], "date": "2015-05-29T08:43:03Z"}]}
{"publicationPolicyUri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/", "publishedDate": "2015-05-29T08:23:47Z", "license": "https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/", "publisher": {"scheme": "GB-GOVUK-crown_commercial_service", "uid": null, "name": "Contracts Finder", "uri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/"}, "uri": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/getOCDS?noticeId=a6cdefea-60c7-45c8-960e-35feedbdab3b", "releases": [{"awards": null, "buyer": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "NORTH WALES POLICE", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-north_wales_police"}, "address": {"locality": "Colwyn Bay", "region": null, "postalCode": "LL29 8AW", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "FHQ,, Glanydon"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "procurement@nthwales.pnn.police.uk", "url": null, "name": null, "telephone": null, "faxNumber": null}}, "id": "a6cdefea-60c7-45c8-960e-35feedbdab3b-1", "tender": {"id": "NWP/20606", "eligibilityCriteria": null, "items": [{"quantity": null, "id": "1", "unit": null, "description": "See description of related tender.", "classification": {"scheme": "CPV", "description": "Automobile emergency road services", "uri": "http://purl.org/cpv/2008/code-50118000", "id": "50118000"}, "additionalClassifications": null, "location": {"region": "North West", "longitude": null, "latitude": null}}], "description": "We are seeking a Managed Vehicle Recovery Service.\nThe Recovery Operators will be responsible for providing suitable resources to achieve a professional, efficient recovery service. The Police will pass to the Contractor the essential details of any incident with location, vehicles(s) involved and the reason for recovery. The Contractor will return the Police call confirming which Recovery Operator is attending and the estimated time of arrival on scene.\n\nThis contract if for:\n\nNorth Wales Police\n\nLancashire Constabulary\n\nCumbria constabulary \n\nLincolnshire Police", "awardPeriod": null, "minValue": {"amount": 250000.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "enquiryPeriod": null, "procurementMethod": "open", "status": "active", "hasEnquiries": null, "milestones": [{"dueDate": "2016-01-04T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "1", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract start date", "title": "Contract start"}, {"dueDate": "2018-01-03T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "2", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract end date", "title": "Contract end"}], "procuringEntity": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "NORTH WALES POLICE", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-north_wales_police"}, "address": {"locality": "Colwyn Bay", "region": null, "postalCode": "LL29 8AW", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "FHQ,, Glanydon"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "procurement@nthwales.pnn.police.uk", "url": null, "name": null, "telephone": null, "faxNumber": null}}, "value": null, "documents": null, "awardCriteria": null, "submissionMethodDetails": "Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided.", "xClassifications": {"ojeuContractType": "Services", "isSuitableForSme": true, "isSuitableForVco": false}, "procurementMethodRationale": null, "submissionMethod": ["x_viewNoticeForDetails"], "amendment": null, "tenderPeriod": {"startDate": "2015-05-29T08:23:47Z", "endDate": "2015-06-22T00:00:00Z"}, "title": "Managed Vehicle Recovery Service", "awardCriteriaDetails": null}, "planning": null, "ocid": "ocds-b5fd1701-a6cdefea-60c7-45c8-960e-35feedbdab3b", "initiationType": "tender", "language": "en", "tag": ["tender"], "date": "2015-05-29T08:23:47Z"}]}
{"publicationPolicyUri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/", "publishedDate": "2015-05-29T08:45:00Z", "license": "https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/", "publisher": {"scheme": "GB-GOVUK-crown_commercial_service", "uid": null, "name": "Contracts Finder", "uri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/"}, "uri": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/getOCDS?noticeId=d0a43adb-fd02-482b-a407-753dcc89fbeb", "releases": [{"awards": null, "buyer": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "Fire Support Network", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-fire_support_network"}, "address": {"locality": "Liverpool", "region": null, "postalCode": "L30 4YD", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service Headquarters, Bridle Road"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "traceyganly@merseyfire.gov.uk", "url": "www.merseyfire.gov.uk", "name": "Tracey Ganly", "telephone": null, "faxNumber": null}}, "id": "d0a43adb-fd02-482b-a407-753dcc89fbeb-1", "tender": {"id": "T/06/15", "eligibilityCriteria": null, "items": [{"quantity": null, "id": "1", "unit": null, "description": "See description of related tender.", "classification": {"scheme": "CPV", "description": "IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support", "uri": "http://purl.org/cpv/2008/code-72000000", "id": "72000000"}, "additionalClassifications": null, "location": {"region": "North West", "longitude": null, "latitude": null}}], "description": "Type of procedure: Competitive Procedure with Negotiation.\n\nTo provide ICT Managed Services across the Authority\u2019s Estate across a range of services. The Authority will require that the ICT Managed Service Contractor has a minimum level of experience of supporting either Emergency Services or other critical systems with a proven track record of performance that can be referenced, and who can deliver a comprehensive service. \nThe Authority intends to use an e-Tendering system in this procurement exercise.\n\nTo provide for the integration, management, ongoing development, support and retirement of the Authority\u2019s ICT Infrastructure, whose assets are currently owned by the Authority. As well as provision of Service Integration and Management (SIAM) services, the Principal Contractor will be the Principal Contractor in any solution.\n\nAcross the Authority, Information Communication & Technology (ICT) can be split into to 3 key delivery areas:\n\n\u2022The ICT Infrastructure (Data, Voice & Radio Networks, Personal Devices, Servers, Printers etc.) including the ICT Service Desk\n\n\u2022Commodity Applications that run on the ICT Infrastructure (Microsoft Office & E-Mail etc.)\n\n\u2022Corporate Applications that run on the ICT Infrastructure (Capita Vision FX Computer Aided Despatch, Capita Vision BOSS, E-Financials & Moore Stephens S.t.A.R.S. etc.)\n\nThe ICT Infrastructure comprises of the Administration ICT Infrastructure and the Fire Control ICT Infrastructure with the core of both being connected via a firewall. A Service Desk provision, managed network, managed servers, managed devices and professional services are provided to both the Administration and the Fire Control ICT Infrastructures. \n\nFor more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at: \nhttps://www.delta-esourcing.com/tenders/UK-UK-Liverpool:-IT-services:-consulting%2C-software-development%2C-Internet-and-support./N2TG962HY3\n\nTo respond to this opportunity, please go to: \nhttps://www.delta-esourcing.com/respond/N2TG962HY3\n\nor\n\nwww.supply4nwfire.gov.uk\n\nOnly responses submitted via the Authority's e-tendering portal will be accepted.\n\nNote the contract start date stated is indicative. \r\n\r\n Note that all responses to this opportunity must be made via the Authority's e-tendering portal.\r\n\r\nThe published OJEU Contract Notice reference is: 2015/S 102-185924", "awardPeriod": null, "minValue": {"amount": 9500000.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "enquiryPeriod": null, "procurementMethod": "open", "status": "active", "hasEnquiries": null, "milestones": [{"dueDate": "2016-04-09T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "1", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract start date", "title": "Contract start"}, {"dueDate": "2021-04-08T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "2", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract end date", "title": "Contract end"}], "procuringEntity": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "Fire Support Network", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-fire_support_network"}, "address": {"locality": "Liverpool", "region": null, "postalCode": "L30 4YD", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service Headquarters, Bridle Road"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "traceyganly@merseyfire.gov.uk", "url": "www.merseyfire.gov.uk", "name": "Tracey Ganly", "telephone": null, "faxNumber": null}}, "value": null, "documents": [{"documentType": "x_other", "id": "22ef96ec-70fb-4967-8896-1865ef4a88f5", "datePublished": null, "language": null, "dateModified": null, "url": "www.supply4nwfire.gov.uk", "description": "Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority e-tendering portal", "title": "Merseyside Fire & Rescue Authority e-tendering portal", "format": "text/html"}, {"documentType": "x_other", "id": "bf7f81a1-c0df-4341-8af2-c46e8a84282e", "datePublished": null, "language": null, "dateModified": null, "url": "https://www.delta-esourcing.com/respond/N2TG962HY3", "description": "Link to respond to this opportunity", "title": "Link to respond to this opportunity", "format": "text/html"}], "awardCriteria": null, "submissionMethodDetails": "Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided.", "xClassifications": {"ojeuContractType": "Services", "isSuitableForSme": true, "isSuitableForVco": false}, "procurementMethodRationale": null, "submissionMethod": ["x_viewNoticeForDetails"], "amendment": null, "tenderPeriod": {"startDate": "2015-05-29T08:45:00Z", "endDate": "2015-06-26T00:00:00Z"}, "title": "ICT Managed Services", "awardCriteriaDetails": null}, "planning": null, "ocid": "ocds-b5fd1701-d0a43adb-fd02-482b-a407-753dcc89fbeb", "initiationType": "tender", "language": "en", "tag": ["tender"], "date": "2015-05-29T08:45:00Z"}]}
{"publicationPolicyUri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/", "publishedDate": "2015-05-29T09:32:35Z", "license": "https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/", "publisher": {"scheme": "GB-GOVUK-crown_commercial_service", "uid": null, "name": "Contracts Finder", "uri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/"}, "uri": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/getOCDS?noticeId=6cfd2c5d-22d9-43c1-b81f-18cb519963fa", "releases": [{"awards": null, "buyer": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD & RURAL AFFAIRS", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-department_for_environment,_food_&_rural_affairs"}, "address": {"locality": "Peterborough", "region": null, "postalCode": "PE1 1NG", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "Natural England"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "Supplier.enquiries@naturalengland.org.uk", "url": null, "name": null, "telephone": null, "faxNumber": null}}, "id": "6cfd2c5d-22d9-43c1-b81f-18cb519963fa-1", "tender": {"id": "22191", "eligibilityCriteria": null, "items": [{"quantity": null, "id": "1", "unit": null, "description": "See description of related tender.", "classification": {"scheme": "CPV", "description": "Research and development services and related consultancy services", "uri": "http://purl.org/cpv/2008/code-73000000", "id": "73000000"}, "additionalClassifications": null, "location": {"region": "East Midlands", "longitude": null, "latitude": null}}], "description": "Defra procuring on behalf of Natural England. \nWater Quality (mainly Phosphate and suspended solids) monitoring on the river Wye, Derbyshire, part of the Wye Valley SSSI and Peak District Dales SAC . \r\n\r\n Please note that Defra procurement uses e-tendering, provided by Bravosolutions. In order to access the Bravo system you will need to be registered.\r\nCould I therefore request that you register on the Bravo portal for Defra.\r\nIf you\u2019re already registered on the Bravo portal please check that your registration includes Defra, as you have to specify us in order to correctly receive the tender documents.\r\nIf you have any problems with the registration process, please contact the Bravo helpline on 0800 368 4850 or alternatively email them at help@bravosolution.co.uk. The link you require for new registration/amendments to registrations is -\r\nhttps://defra.bravosolution.co.uk", "awardPeriod": null, "minValue": {"amount": 10000.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "enquiryPeriod": null, "procurementMethod": "open", "status": "active", "hasEnquiries": null, "milestones": [{"dueDate": "2015-07-01T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "1", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract start date", "title": "Contract start"}, {"dueDate": "2016-03-15T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "2", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract end date", "title": "Contract end"}], "procuringEntity": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD & RURAL AFFAIRS", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-department_for_environment,_food_&_rural_affairs"}, "address": {"locality": "Peterborough", "region": null, "postalCode": "PE1 1NG", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "Natural England"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "Supplier.enquiries@naturalengland.org.uk", "url": null, "name": null, "telephone": null, "faxNumber": null}}, "value": {"amount": 40000.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "documents": null, "awardCriteria": null, "submissionMethodDetails": "Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided.", "xClassifications": {"ojeuContractType": "Services", "isSuitableForSme": true, "isSuitableForVco": false}, "procurementMethodRationale": null, "submissionMethod": ["x_viewNoticeForDetails"], "amendment": null, "tenderPeriod": {"startDate": "2015-05-29T09:32:35Z", "endDate": "2015-06-23T00:00:00Z"}, "title": "Water Quality Monitoring on the River Wye, Derbyshire", "awardCriteriaDetails": null}, "planning": null, "ocid": "ocds-b5fd1701-6cfd2c5d-22d9-43c1-b81f-18cb519963fa", "initiationType": "tender", "language": "en", "tag": ["tender"], "date": "2015-05-29T09:32:35Z"}]}
{"publicationPolicyUri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/", "publishedDate": "2015-05-29T09:26:28Z", "license": "https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/", "publisher": {"scheme": "GB-GOVUK-crown_commercial_service", "uid": null, "name": "Contracts Finder", "uri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/"}, "uri": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/getOCDS?noticeId=c0b461c0-049a-4acf-b609-2ab85d97ba13", "releases": [{"awards": null, "buyer": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD & RURAL AFFAIRS", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-department_for_environment,_food_&_rural_affairs"}, "address": {"locality": "Peterborough", "region": null, "postalCode": "PE1 1NG", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "Natural England"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "Supplier.enquries@naturalengland.org.uk", "url": null, "name": null, "telephone": null, "faxNumber": null}}, "id": "c0b461c0-049a-4acf-b609-2ab85d97ba13-1", "tender": {"id": "NECM_18319", "eligibilityCriteria": null, "items": [{"quantity": null, "id": "1", "unit": null, "description": "See description of related tender.", "classification": {"scheme": "CPV", "description": "Research and development services and related consultancy services", "uri": "http://purl.org/cpv/2008/code-73000000", "id": "73000000"}, "additionalClassifications": null, "location": {"region": "South West", "longitude": null, "latitude": null}}], "description": "Defra procuring on behalf of Natural England. \nNatural England is seeking to commission a National Vegetation Classification (NVC) survey of defined areas within the Mid Cornwall Moors, to provide a sound evidence base for the proposed SSSI notification of key areas of semi-natural habitat. In addition the survey contract will also require Common Standards Monitoring (CSM) of SSSI qualifying habitats within the survey areas.\n The objective of this project is for the contractor to undertake an NVC survey of the defined survey areas (shaded blue) shown in the maps at Annex 1 and Common Standards Monitoring (CSM) of SSSI qualifying habitats within the survey area. The total survey area is approximately 433 ha. This is to provide baseline data on the extent, location and condition of each notified feature. The project also requires collection of some additional information on ecohydrological features and records of boundary features. \n The survey data gathered under this contract will be used by Natural England in the identification and selection of additional areas of land which fulfil SSSI selection criteria and to inform revisions to existing SSSI boundaries and subsequently to extend the boundary of the existing Special Area of Conservation (SAC). The selected sites will be amalgamated to form a single Mid Cornwall Moors proposed SSSI for submission to the Natural England Executive Board for their approval to notify as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). \r\n\r\n Please note that Defra procurement uses e-tendering, provided by Bravosolutions. In order to access the Bravo system you will need to be registered.\r\nCould I therefore request that you register on the Bravo portal for Defra.\r\nIf you\u2019re already registered on the Bravo portal please check that your registration includes Defra, as you have to specify us in order to correctly receive the tender documents.\r\nIf you have any problems with the registration process, please contact the Bravo helpline on 0800 368 4850 or alternatively email them at help@bravosolution.co.uk. The link you require for new registration/amendments to registrations is -\r\nhttps://defra.bravosolution.co.uk", "awardPeriod": null, "minValue": {"amount": 10000.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "enquiryPeriod": null, "procurementMethod": "open", "status": "active", "hasEnquiries": null, "milestones": [{"dueDate": "2015-07-01T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "1", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract start date", "title": "Contract start"}, {"dueDate": "2015-09-13T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "2", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract end date", "title": "Contract end"}], "procuringEntity": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, FOOD & RURAL AFFAIRS", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-department_for_environment,_food_&_rural_affairs"}, "address": {"locality": "Peterborough", "region": null, "postalCode": "PE1 1NG", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "Natural England"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "Supplier.enquries@naturalengland.org.uk", "url": null, "name": null, "telephone": null, "faxNumber": null}}, "value": {"amount": 40000.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "documents": null, "awardCriteria": null, "submissionMethodDetails": "Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided.", "xClassifications": {"ojeuContractType": "Services", "isSuitableForSme": true, "isSuitableForVco": false}, "procurementMethodRationale": null, "submissionMethod": ["x_viewNoticeForDetails"], "amendment": null, "tenderPeriod": {"startDate": "2015-05-29T09:26:28Z", "endDate": "2015-06-16T00:00:00Z"}, "title": "Mid Cornwall Moors NVC and Condition Assessment Survey 2015", "awardCriteriaDetails": null}, "planning": null, "ocid": "ocds-b5fd1701-c0b461c0-049a-4acf-b609-2ab85d97ba13", "initiationType": "tender", "language": "en", "tag": ["tender"], "date": "2015-05-29T09:26:28Z"}]}
{"publicationPolicyUri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/", "publishedDate": "2015-05-29T09:51:23Z", "license": "https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/", "publisher": {"scheme": "GB-GOVUK-crown_commercial_service", "uid": null, "name": "Contracts Finder", "uri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/"}, "uri": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/getOCDS?noticeId=6b470584-82a2-4cf7-9a1f-ca0254aeb18c", "releases": [{"awards": null, "buyer": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "Eastbourne Borough Council", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-eastbourne_borough_council"}, "address": {"locality": "Eastbourne", "region": null, "postalCode": "BN21 4TW", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "1 Grove Road"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "alan.wetton@eastbourne.gov.uk", "url": null, "name": "Alan Wetton", "telephone": "01323415668", "faxNumber": null}}, "id": "6b470584-82a2-4cf7-9a1f-ca0254aeb18c-1", "tender": {"id": "EBC-CEC-3015", "eligibilityCriteria": null, "items": [{"quantity": null, "id": "1", "unit": null, "description": "See description of related tender.", "classification": {"scheme": "CPV", "description": "Construction work", "uri": "http://purl.org/cpv/2008/code-45000000", "id": "45000000"}, "additionalClassifications": null, "location": {"region": "BN21 1TL", "longitude": null, "latitude": null}}], "description": "NON-OJEU CONTRACT\n\nEastbourne Borough Council requires a contractor to carry out repair works to Ocklynge Chapel in Eastbourne over the summer 2015.\n\nThe work comprises the re-roofing of 2 no. Chapels and associated repairs, partial replacement of the external stonework, renewal of all external plumbing etc. where described or provided by way of specified items or sums.\n\nInterested parties should register their interest with the council or on the south east business portal (website) and DOWNLOAD the attached documents. Please read them carefully and follow the instructions for submitting your application.", "awardPeriod": null, "minValue": {"amount": 100000.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "enquiryPeriod": null, "procurementMethod": "open", "status": "active", "hasEnquiries": null, "milestones": [{"dueDate": "2015-07-27T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "1", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract start date", "title": "Contract start"}, {"dueDate": "2015-10-02T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "2", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract end date", "title": "Contract end"}], "procuringEntity": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "Eastbourne Borough Council", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-eastbourne_borough_council"}, "address": {"locality": "Eastbourne", "region": null, "postalCode": "BN21 4TW", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "1 Grove Road"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "alan.wetton@eastbourne.gov.uk", "url": null, "name": "Alan Wetton", "telephone": "01323415668", "faxNumber": null}}, "value": null, "documents": [{"documentType": "x_other", "id": "cf4acb26-38eb-402e-ab9f-1d57cecb4d50", "datePublished": null, "language": null, "dateModified": null, "url": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/downloadAttachment?noticeId=6b470584-82a2-4cf7-9a1f-ca0254aeb18c&id=cf4acb26-38eb-402e-ab9f-1d57cecb4d50", "description": "Appendix C - Survey", "title": "APPENDIX C - Ocklynge Specification.pdf", "format": null}, {"documentType": "x_other", "id": "9fbc201e-6338-479c-8a44-51f429d621cf", "datePublished": null, "language": null, "dateModified": null, "url": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/downloadAttachment?noticeId=6b470584-82a2-4cf7-9a1f-ca0254aeb18c&id=9fbc201e-6338-479c-8a44-51f429d621cf", "description": "Invitation to Tender", "title": "ITT - Ocklynge.doc", "format": null}, {"documentType": "x_other", "id": "84394b71-c427-468b-be18-feb2666b3066", "datePublished": null, "language": null, "dateModified": null, "url": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/downloadAttachment?noticeId=6b470584-82a2-4cf7-9a1f-ca0254aeb18c&id=84394b71-c427-468b-be18-feb2666b3066", "description": "Specification + Ts & Cs", "title": "SPECIFICATION - Ocklynge.pdf", "format": null}], "awardCriteria": null, "submissionMethodDetails": "Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided.", "xClassifications": {"ojeuContractType": "NotApplicable", "isSuitableForSme": false, "isSuitableForVco": false}, "procurementMethodRationale": null, "submissionMethod": ["x_viewNoticeForDetails"], "amendment": null, "tenderPeriod": {"startDate": "2015-05-29T09:51:23Z", "endDate": "2015-06-19T00:00:00Z"}, "title": "Re-Roofing & Stone Repairs - Ocklynge Chapel, Eastbourne", "awardCriteriaDetails": null}, "planning": null, "ocid": "ocds-b5fd1701-6b470584-82a2-4cf7-9a1f-ca0254aeb18c", "initiationType": "tender", "language": "en", "tag": ["tender"], "date": "2015-05-29T09:51:23Z"}]}
{"publicationPolicyUri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/", "publishedDate": "2015-05-29T09:47:30Z", "license": "https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/", "publisher": {"scheme": "GB-GOVUK-crown_commercial_service", "uid": null, "name": "Contracts Finder", "uri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/"}, "uri": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/getOCDS?noticeId=b97363b4-e092-4af6-917e-a578408b4c7d", "releases": [{"awards": null, "buyer": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "University of Birmingham", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-university_of_birmingham"}, "address": {"locality": "Edgbaston", "region": null, "postalCode": "B15 2TT", "countryName": "United Kingdom", "streetAddress": "Edgbaston, Edgbaston"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "j.a.colbourne@bham.ac.uk", "url": "", "name": "Jane Colbourne", "telephone": "0121 414 5957", "faxNumber": null}}, "id": "b97363b4-e092-4af6-917e-a578408b4c7d-1", "tender": {"id": "FRAM157/15", "eligibilityCriteria": null, "items": [{"quantity": null, "id": "1", "unit": null, "description": "See description of related tender.", "classification": {"scheme": "CPV", "description": "Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories", "uri": "http://purl.org/cpv/2008/code-18100000", "id": "18100000"}, "additionalClassifications": null, "location": {"region": "West Midlands", "longitude": null, "latitude": null}}], "description": "A wide variety of uniforms and work wear for staff in a range of different occupations and working in a large number of departments of the University. Garments will normally be purchased in small quantities. The majority of garments will need to bear the University logo in the form of embroidery, screen-printing or tax tab.\n \r\n\r\n Tender documents can be downloaded from In-Tend https://in-tendhost.co.uk/universityofbirmingham. \r\n\r\nDelivery Notes\r\n\r\nGoods must be delivered and invoiced to individual departments\r\n\r\nIs a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No", "awardPeriod": null, "minValue": {"amount": 300000.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "enquiryPeriod": null, "procurementMethod": "open", "status": "active", "hasEnquiries": null, "milestones": [{"dueDate": "2015-09-01T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "1", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract start date", "title": "Contract start"}, {"dueDate": "2017-08-31T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "2", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract end date", "title": "Contract end"}], "procuringEntity": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "University of Birmingham", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-university_of_birmingham"}, "address": {"locality": "Edgbaston", "region": null, "postalCode": "B15 2TT", "countryName": "United Kingdom", "streetAddress": "Edgbaston, Edgbaston"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "j.a.colbourne@bham.ac.uk", "url": "", "name": "Jane Colbourne", "telephone": "0121 414 5957", "faxNumber": null}}, "value": {"amount": 320000.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "documents": [{"documentType": "x_other", "id": "dc6d7053-42d6-4fbd-8d0d-2d0e53fde721", "datePublished": null, "language": null, "dateModified": null, "url": "https://in-tendhost.co.uk/universityofbirmingham/aspx/", "description": "Additional information on how to apply for this contract", "title": "Additional information on how to apply for this contract", "format": "text/html"}], "awardCriteria": null, "submissionMethodDetails": "Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided.", "xClassifications": {"ojeuContractType": "Products", "isSuitableForSme": true, "isSuitableForVco": false}, "procurementMethodRationale": null, "submissionMethod": ["x_viewNoticeForDetails"], "amendment": null, "tenderPeriod": {"startDate": "2015-05-29T09:47:30Z", "endDate": "2015-06-25T00:00:00Z"}, "title": "Uniforms and Work Wear.", "awardCriteriaDetails": null}, "planning": null, "ocid": "ocds-b5fd1701-b97363b4-e092-4af6-917e-a578408b4c7d", "initiationType": "tender", "language": "en", "tag": ["tender"], "date": "2015-05-29T09:47:30Z"}]}
{"publicationPolicyUri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/", "publishedDate": "2015-05-29T10:52:33Z", "license": "https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/", "publisher": {"scheme": "GB-GOVUK-crown_commercial_service", "uid": null, "name": "Contracts Finder", "uri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/"}, "uri": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/getOCDS?noticeId=802376d7-d9f3-428c-a5c5-c800e65c9d8e", "releases": [{"awards": null, "buyer": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "Nhs Blood & Transplant", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-nhs_blood_&_transplant"}, "address": {"locality": "Bristol", "region": null, "postalCode": "BS34 7QH", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "500 Northway, North Bristol Park"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "damian.probert@nhsbt.nhs.uk", "url": null, "name": "Damian Probert", "telephone": "0117 921 7235", "faxNumber": null}}, "id": "802376d7-d9f3-428c-a5c5-c800e65c9d8e-1", "tender": {"id": "NHSBT0778", "eligibilityCriteria": null, "items": [{"quantity": null, "id": "1", "unit": null, "description": "See description of related tender.", "classification": {"scheme": "CPV", "description": "Management-related services", "uri": "http://purl.org/cpv/2008/code-79420000", "id": "79420000"}, "additionalClassifications": [{"scheme": "CPV", "description": "Business and management consultancy and related services", "uri": "http://purl.org/cpv/2008/code-79400000", "id": "79400000"}], "location": {"region": "North East,North West,East Midlands,West Midlands,London,South East,South West", "longitude": null, "latitude": null}}], "description": "You must refer to the attached draft Specification for full information, for example, locations of work and contract period.\n\nNote that this Specification is subject to change prior to invitations to tender being issued, for example commencement date of the contract may change.\n\nObjective\n\nThe objective of this independent CI diagnostic is to make recommendations to NHSBT covering the organisation\u2019s future CI Framework (including training, methodology, structure) and the capability required to support that framework and directorate strategy.\n\nSpecific areas that need to be included in these diagnostics include: current CI capability; directorate CI strategies; NHSBT CI framework and the future CI provision and structure. \n\nThis diagnostic will be done in collaboration with all directorates and CI teams.\n\nService\n\nThe service required by NHSBT is expected to cover the following areas by meeting with each directorate lead:\n\na)\tAssessing current capability and capacity across each directorate and corporately\nb)\tUnderstanding individual directorate strategies and how best to apply CI / Lean to specific directorate requirements\nc)\tAssessment of Framework and methodology to be used in NHSBT with recommendations on future application\nd)\tRecommendation on embedded capability vs. corporate capability including remit, skill set and where capably should reside\ne)\tA draft report of findings\nf)\tA final report including all of the above. \r\n\r\n Request to participate must be submitted by email to Damian Probert no later than 10.00am Friday 5th June 2015.\r\n\r\nAny requests received after the deadline may not be considered.", "awardPeriod": null, "minValue": {"amount": 0.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "enquiryPeriod": null, "procurementMethod": "open", "status": "active", "hasEnquiries": null, "milestones": [{"dueDate": "2015-07-31T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "1", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract start date", "title": "Contract start"}, {"dueDate": "2015-08-31T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "2", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract end date", "title": "Contract end"}], "procuringEntity": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "Nhs Blood & Transplant", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-nhs_blood_&_transplant"}, "address": {"locality": "Bristol", "region": null, "postalCode": "BS34 7QH", "countryName": "England", "streetAddress": "500 Northway, North Bristol Park"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "damian.probert@nhsbt.nhs.uk", "url": null, "name": "Damian Probert", "telephone": "0117 921 7235", "faxNumber": null}}, "value": null, "documents": [{"documentType": "x_other", "id": "5cdd8f41-1187-4842-bf56-5dfa2dca52d2", "datePublished": null, "language": null, "dateModified": null, "url": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/downloadAttachment?noticeId=802376d7-d9f3-428c-a5c5-c800e65c9d8e&id=5cdd8f41-1187-4842-bf56-5dfa2dca52d2", "description": "Draft Specification", "title": "CI Diagnostics - Specification Contracts Finder Draft 290515.doc", "format": null}], "awardCriteria": null, "submissionMethodDetails": "Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided.", "xClassifications": {"ojeuContractType": "NotApplicable", "isSuitableForSme": true, "isSuitableForVco": true}, "procurementMethodRationale": null, "submissionMethod": ["x_viewNoticeForDetails"], "amendment": null, "tenderPeriod": {"startDate": "2015-05-29T10:52:33Z", "endDate": "2015-06-05T00:00:00Z"}, "title": "Continuous Improvement Diagnostics", "awardCriteriaDetails": null}, "planning": null, "ocid": "ocds-b5fd1701-802376d7-d9f3-428c-a5c5-c800e65c9d8e", "initiationType": "tender", "language": "en", "tag": ["tender"], "date": "2015-05-29T10:52:33Z"}]}
{"publicationPolicyUri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/", "publishedDate": "2015-05-29T11:33:41Z", "license": "https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/", "publisher": {"scheme": "GB-GOVUK-crown_commercial_service", "uid": null, "name": "Contracts Finder", "uri": "https://beta-api.contractfinder2.com/"}, "uri": "https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Notice/getOCDS?noticeId=3018480d-4cda-4865-89fe-39d7426c1d54", "releases": [{"awards": null, "buyer": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "SE Shared Services", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-se_shared_services"}, "address": {"locality": "Berkshire", "region": null, "postalCode": "SL1 3UF", "countryName": "United Kingdom", "streetAddress": "51 Bath Road, Slough"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "Robin.Annexstein@slough.gov.uk", "url": "https://www.slough.gov.uk", "name": "Robin Annexstein (SBC)", "telephone": "01753 787594", "faxNumber": null}}, "id": "3018480d-4cda-4865-89fe-39d7426c1d54-1", "tender": {"id": "SBC - 001388", "eligibilityCriteria": null, "items": [{"quantity": null, "id": "1", "unit": null, "description": "See description of related tender.", "classification": {"scheme": "CPV", "description": "Catering services", "uri": "http://purl.org/cpv/2008/code-55520000", "id": "55520000"}, "additionalClassifications": null, "location": {"region": "South East", "longitude": null, "latitude": null}}], "description": "Slough Borough Council invites quotations for the provision of Catering for meetings at various sites located within the areas of Slough Borough Council and the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead. \n\nThe Council reserves the right to cancel the procurement process at any point. The Council is not liable for any costs resulting from any cancellation of this procurement process or for any other costs incurred by those participating. \n \nThe Bidder shall be expected to agree to Terms and Conditions prior to commencement of services. \n\nIf the Council wishes to accept your quotation, you will be contacted by the named Officer and a Purchase Order will be issued. The Purchase Order number must be quoted on all subsequent correspondence, including order acknowledgements, delivery notes and invoices. \n\nIf you are not an existing supplier to the Council, you will be asked to complete a new supplier form prior to being issued a Purchase Order, so that you can be set-up on our database. \r\n\r\n Tender documentations can be found at:\r\nSouth East Shared Services Portal at http://www.sesharedservices.org.uk/esourcing\r\n\r\nInformation on how to register is provided on the portal, including a number of support pages. Please note that Surrey County Council provides the portal support service to new suppliers, so if you do require help with your registration please email myhelpdeskfinance@surreycc.gov.uk or call 0300 200 1011.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nIs a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No", "awardPeriod": null, "minValue": {"amount": 0.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "enquiryPeriod": null, "procurementMethod": "open", "status": "active", "hasEnquiries": null, "milestones": [{"dueDate": "2015-08-03T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "1", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract start date", "title": "Contract start"}, {"dueDate": "2018-08-02T00:00:00Z", "documents": null, "id": "2", "dateModified": null, "status": null, "description": "Anticipated contract end date", "title": "Contract end"}], "procuringEntity": {"additionalIdentifiers": null, "name": "SE Shared Services", "identifier": {"scheme": "Name Based", "uri": null, "legalName": null, "id": "MISC-UKCF-se_shared_services"}, "address": {"locality": "Berkshire", "region": null, "postalCode": "SL1 3UF", "countryName": "United Kingdom", "streetAddress": "51 Bath Road, Slough"}, "contactPoint": {"email": "Robin.Annexstein@slough.gov.uk", "url": "https://www.slough.gov.uk", "name": "Robin Annexstein (SBC)", "telephone": "01753 787594", "faxNumber": null}}, "value": {"amount": 50000.0, "currency": "GBP"}, "documents": [{"documentType": "x_other", "id": "34e70366-2923-4e82-a6d7-dcafea5a099d", "datePublished": null, "language": null, "dateModified": null, "url": "https://in-tendhost.co.uk/sesharedservices/aspx/", "description": "Additional information on how to apply for this contract", "title": "Additional information on how to apply for this contract", "format": "text/html"}], "awardCriteria": null, "submissionMethodDetails": "Please apply directly to the buyer using the contact details provided.", "xClassifications": {"ojeuContractType": "Services", "isSuitableForSme": false, "isSuitableForVco": false}, "procurementMethodRationale": null, "submissionMethod": ["x_viewNoticeForDetails"], "amendment": null, "tenderPeriod": {"startDate": "2015-05-29T11:33:41Z", "endDate": "2015-06-10T00:00:00Z"}, "title": "SBC RA Request for Quotation Catering Provision for Meetings", "awardCriteriaDetails": null}, "planning": null, "ocid": "ocds-b5fd1701-3018480d-4cda-4865-89fe-39d7426c1d54", "initiationType": "tender", "language": "en", "tag": ["tender"], "date": "2015-05-29T11:33:41Z"}]}

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