robert23 / Apotheken_Berlin


Arztsuche Kliniksuche Apothekensuche im Gesundheitsportal: Medizinportal mit ICD10 Diagnoseschluessel, medizinischer Ratgeber und Lexikon, Arzneimittel

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'plz': '13347', 'telefon': '030/4652145', 'location': 'Lessing-Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.5422483', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.3701997', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin', 'adresse': 'Reinickendorfer Str. 12', 'plz': '13347', 'telefon': '030 / 465 21 45', 'location': 'Lessing-Apotheke Berlin', 'latitude': '52.5422483', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.2956205', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin', 'adresse': 'Drakestr. 44', 'plz': '12205', 'telefon': '030/8331905', 'location': 'Lichterfelder Adler-Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.4439145', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.3846154', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin Tempelhof', 'adresse': 'Friedrich-Wilhelm-Str. 13', 'plz': '12099', 'telefon': '030/219 600 30', 'location': 'Lotus Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.4581445', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.287325', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin Frohnau', 'adresse': 'Ludolfingerplatz 8', 'plz': '13465', 'telefon': '030 / 401 10 33', 'location': 'Ludolfinger Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.632470', 'detail_url': 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Rainer Jacobi', 'latitude': '52.515846', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.4593147', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin Weisensee', 'adresse': 'Rennbahnstr. 22-23', 'plz': '13086', 'telefon': '030/9253104', 'location': 'Rennbahn Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.5601133', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.434242', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin Weissensee Pankow', 'adresse': 'Gustav-Adolf-Str. 14', 'plz': '13086', 'telefon': '030/9263148', 'location': 'Reseda-Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.553400', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.3825262', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin', 'adresse': 'Manfred-von-Richthofen-Str. 15', 'plz': '12101', 'telefon': '030/7852793', 'location': 'Richthofen Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.4832145', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.583337', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin', 'adresse': u'M\xfcggelheimer Str. 17B', 'plz': '12555', 'telefon': '08 00 / 6 54 70 27', 'location': 'Santorio - Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.442046', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.498118', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin', 'adresse': 'Siegfriedstr. 9', 'plz': '10365', 'telefon': '0 30 / 5 58 88 44', 'location': 'Siegfried-Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.513874', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.302084', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin Hermsdorf', 'adresse': 'Fellbacher Str. 17', 'plz': '13467', 'telefon': '0 30 / 4 04 74 72', 'location': 'Spitzweg', 'latitude': '52.617143', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.282491', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin', 'adresse': 'Alt-Tegel 5', 'plz': '13507', 'telefon': '0 30 / 4 33 97 85', 'location': 'Spree-Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.589702', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.304367', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin Charlottenburg', 'adresse': 'Kantstr. 107', 'plz': '10627', 'telefon': '030/324 33 21', 'location': 'Stern-Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.506688', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.488987', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin', 'adresse': 'Baumschulenstr. 96', 'plz': '12437', 'telefon': '0 30 / 53 02 78 66', 'location': 'Stern-Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.467170', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.337965', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin', 'adresse': 'Hauptstr. 76', 'plz': '12159', 'telefon': '0 30 / 8 51 20 31', 'location': 'Stier-Apotheke Dr. Elke Langner', 'latitude': '52.473840', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.300903', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin Hermsdorf', 'adresse': 'Schulzendorfer Str. 70', 'plz': '13467', 'telefon': '0 30 / 4 31 32 04', 'location': 'Storchen', 'latitude': '52.611229', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.3979694', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin Mariendorf', 'adresse': 'Albulaweg 29', 'plz': '12107', 'telefon': '030/7411234', 'location': 'Tauern-Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.4237752', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.419756', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin', 'adresse': 'Nahariyastr. 27', 'plz': '12309', 'telefon': '0 30 / 7 45 60 07', 'location': 'Teltow Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.393247', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.526284', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin', 'adresse': 'Ehrenfelsstr. 46', 'plz': '10318', 'telefon': '0 30 / 50 01 26 14', 'location': 'Treskow-Apotheke Inh. Thorsten Alm', 'latitude': '52.482300', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.313384', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin Hermsdorf', 'adresse': 'Berliner Str. 41', 'plz': '13467', 'telefon': '030 / 404 10 45', 'location': 'Waldsee-Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.620841', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.543778', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin', 'adresse': 'Ehrenfelder Str. 30', 'plz': '12524', 'telefon': '0 30 / 67 89 06 06', 'location': 'Weiden-Apotheke am Ehrenfelderplatz', 'latitude': '52.402143', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.3395606', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin Friedenau', 'adresse': 'Bahnhofstr. 1', 'plz': '12159', 'telefon': '030/8522859', 'location': 'Wieland-Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.4700576', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.587347', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin', 'adresse': 'Pablo-Neruda-Str. 2', 'plz': '12559', 'telefon': '0 30 / 65 49 99 19', 'location': 'Wilhelm Voigt Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.441076', 'detail_url': ''}, {'longitude': '13.3453800', 'url': '', 'ort': 'Berlin Reinickendorf', 'adresse': 'Gotthard Str. 27', 'plz': '13407', 'telefon': '030-4959979', 'location': 'Wilhelm-Tell-Apotheke', 'latitude': '52.5665300', 'detail_url': ''}]


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rows 10 / 838

location adresse plz ort telefon longitude latitude detail_url url uid
Berliner Allee 196
Amsterdamer Apotheke,
Amsterdamer Str. 25
0 30 / 4 55 86 65
Amtsfeld Apotheke
Salvador Allende Str. 2-8
Berlin Köpenick
030 / 6 54 00 51
Apotheke - am Bundesplatz 3
Bundesplatz 3
0 30 / 85 40 56 70
Apotheke - des Westens
Tauentzienstr. 2
0 30 / 21 91 29-0
Apotheke - Zum Elefanten
Karl-Marx-Str. 150
0 30 / 6 87 50 79
Apotheke - Zum Phönix
Hermannstr. 164
0 30 / 6 25 70 29
Apotheke - zur Sonne Inh. Stefanie Ziemdorf
Prinzenstr. 96
0 30 / 61 60 94 50
Apotheke Alt Buckow
Alt-Buckow 9
0 30 / 6 25 90 26
Apotheke am Amtsgericht
Kantstr. 80
030 / 31 80 34 19


Average successful run time: 13 minutes

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