Contributors paulbradshaw

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The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4' , '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', ' 11', '12', '13' , '14', '15', '16 ', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21' , '22', '23', '24' , '25', '26', '27', '28 ', '29', '30', '31', '3 2', '33', '34', '3 5', '36', '37', '3 8', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44 ', '45', '46', '47', '48 ', '49', ' 50', '51', '52', '53' , '54', '55 ', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', ' 61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70 ', '71', '72', '73', '74', ' 75', '76', '77', ' 78', '79', '80', '81' , '82', '83', '84' , '85', '86', '87', '88' , '89', '9 0', '91', '92', ' 93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 455 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '674'} 128 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 23% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '674'} 21 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '691'} 1,005 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 384 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 38% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 71 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 1,460 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 512 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 92 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '83', 'font': '21', 'left': '1054', 'top': '811'} Avon & Somerset {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '268', 'top': '485'} a f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '320', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '339', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '359', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '384', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '456', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '494', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '637', 'top': '367'} ha {'height': '10', 'width': '17', 'font': '21', 'left': '662', 'top': '367'} g f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '699', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '750', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '768', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '836', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '630', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '649', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '677', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '706', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '604'} e g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '812', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rat es</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detect ion rate for sexua l offences in the f orce and how does this compare wi th others?', '< b>MSG</b>\n', '<b >Avg</b>\n', 'Rape ', '455', '128', '28%', '23%', '21', 'Other sexual offenc es', '1,005', '3 84', '38%', '31% ', '71', '<b>Sexu al offences</b>\n', '1 ,460', '51 2', '35%', '29%', '92', '<i>Source: Home Off ice Detect ions Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime S tatistics 2012/13 (Crime )</i>\n', 'Avon & S omerset', '* Net difference in the number of ou tcomes (sanction dete ctions) compared to if the forc e had the MSG rate. A positive diff erence indicates a ', 'higher number of sa nction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b> Offences</b >\n', '<b>SDs</b> \n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'a f', 'h', 'c', 'g', 'e', 'b', 'd', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'ha', 'g f', 'e', 'c', 'b', 'd', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'a', 'f', 'c', 'h', 'e g', 'b', 'd', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '455', '128', '28%', '23%', '21', 'Other sexual offences', '1,005', '384', '38%', '31%', '71', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,460', '512', '35%', '29%', '92', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Avon & Somerset', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'a f', 'h', 'c', 'g', 'e', 'b', 'd', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'ha', 'g f', 'e', 'c', 'b', 'd', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'a', 'f', 'c', 'h', 'e g', 'b', 'd', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '29%', 'rapeMSG': '23%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '71', 'rapeSDs1213': '128', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '1,460', 'otherSexOff1213': '1,005', 'SexOffencesExp': '92', 'otherSD': '384', 'SexOffencesPerc': '35%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '38%', 'OtherMSG': '31%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '512', 'rapeOffences1213': '455', 'rapePerc': '28%', 'forceurl': 'avon-and-somerset', 'rapeDiff': '21', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 132 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 29 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 22% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 23% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '674'} -1 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 330 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '691'} 97 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '691'} -4 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 462 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 126 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '708'} -5 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '61', 'font': '21', 'left': '1076', 'top': '811'} Bedfordshire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '279', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '305', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '357', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '11', 'font': '21', 'left': '384', 'top': '485'} f b {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '415', 'top': '485'} ac {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '42', 'font': '21', 'left': '662', 'top': '367'} e dbh f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '743', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '762', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '836', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '647', 'top': '604'} dh {'height': '10', 'width': '34', 'font': '21', 'left': '725', 'top': '604'} f ceb a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '132', '29', '22%', '23%', '-1', 'Other sexual offences', '330', '97', '29%', '30%', '-4', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '462', '126', '27%', '28%', '-5', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Bedfordshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'd', 'h', 'e', 'f b', 'ac', 'g', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e dbh f', 'a', 'c', 'g', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'dh', 'f ceb a', 'g', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '132', '29', '22%', '23%', '-1', 'Other sexual offences', '330', '97', '29%', '30%', '-4', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '462', '126', '27%', '28%', '-5', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Bedfordshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'd', 'h', 'e', 'f b', 'ac', 'g', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e dbh f', 'a', 'c', 'g', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'dh', 'f ceb a', 'g', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '28%', 'rapeMSG': '23%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-4', 'rapeSDs1213': '29', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '462', 'otherSexOff1213': '330', 'SexOffencesExp': '-5', 'otherSD': '97', 'SexOffencesPerc': '27%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '29%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '126', 'rapeOffences1213': '132', 'rapePerc': '22%', 'forceurl': 'bedfordshire', 'rapeDiff': '-1', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3' , '4', '5', '6', '7', '8 ', '9', '10' , '11', '12 ', '13', '1 4', '15', ' 16', '17', '18', '19' , '20', '21 ', '22', '2 3', '24', '25', '26', '2 7', '28 ', '29', ' 30', '31', ' 32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37' , '38', '3 9', '40', ' 41', '42', '43', '44 ', '45', '4 6', '47', ' 48', '49', '50', ' 51', '52', '53', ' 54', '55', ' 56', '57', '58', '59', '6 0', '6 1', '62', ' 63', '64', ' 65', '66', '67', ' 68', '69', '70', '71' , '72', '73', ' 74', '75', '76', '77 ', '78', '79', '8 0', '81 ', '82', '8 3', '84', ' 85', '86', '87', '88' , '89', '90 ', '91', '9 2', '93', ' 94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 198 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 60 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '674'} 13 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 412 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 113 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '691'} -7 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 610 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 173 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '708'} 6 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '77', 'font': '21', 'left': '1060', 'top': '811'} Cambridgeshire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '247', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '268', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '402', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '21', 'left': '435', 'top': '485'} cdhg {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '480', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '588', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '17', 'font': '21', 'left': '631', 'top': '367'} a f {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '737', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '755', 'top': '367'} d g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '805', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '618', 'top': '604'} e f {'height': '10', 'width': '53', 'font': '21', 'left': '777', 'top': '604'} had c g b {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '198', '60', '30%', '24%', '13', 'Other sexual offences', '412', '113', '27%', '29%', '-7', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '610', '173', '28%', '27%', '6', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Cambridgeshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'cdhg', 'b', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e', 'a f', 'c', 'd g', 'h', 'b', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'e f', 'had c g b', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '198', '60', '30%', '24%', '13', 'Other sexual offences', '412', '113', '27%', '29%', '-7', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '610', '173', '28%', '27%', '6', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Cambridgeshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'cdhg', 'b', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e', 'a f', 'c', 'd g', 'h', 'b', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'e f', 'had c g b', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '27%', 'rapeMSG': '24%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-7', 'rapeSDs1213': '60', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '610', 'otherSexOff1213': '412', 'SexOffencesExp': '6', 'otherSD': '113', 'SexOffencesPerc': '28%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '27%', 'OtherMSG': '29%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '173', 'rapeOffences1213': '198', 'rapePerc': '30%', 'forceurl': 'cambridgeshire', 'rapeDiff': '13', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 240 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 42 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 18% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 22% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '674'} -10 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 569 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 162 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '691'} -7 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 809 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 204 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '708'} -17 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '43', 'font': '21', 'left': '1093', 'top': '811'} Cheshire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '247', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '266', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '338', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '428', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '11', 'font': '21', 'left': '449', 'top': '485'} f d {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '473', 'top': '485'} b h {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '588', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '643', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '750', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '768', 'top': '367'} dh {'height': '10', 'width': '17', 'font': '21', 'left': '793', 'top': '367'} a f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '824', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '618', 'top': '604'} e g {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '677', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '765', 'top': '604'} a f {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '806', 'top': '604'} bd {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '835', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '240', '42', '18%', '22%', '-10', 'Other sexual offences', '569', '162', '28%', '30%', '-7', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '809', '204', '25%', '27%', '-17', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Cheshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'e', 'g', 'c', 'a', 'f d', 'b h', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e', 'g', 'c', 'dh', 'a f', 'b', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'e g', 'c', 'a f', 'bd', 'h', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '240', '42', '18%', '22%', '-10', 'Other sexual offences', '569', '162', '28%', '30%', '-7', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '809', '204', '25%', '27%', '-17', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Cheshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'e', 'g', 'c', 'a', 'f d', 'b h', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e', 'g', 'c', 'dh', 'a f', 'b', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'e g', 'c', 'a f', 'bd', 'h', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '27%', 'rapeMSG': '22%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-7', 'rapeSDs1213': '42', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '809', 'otherSexOff1213': '569', 'SexOffencesExp': '-17', 'otherSD': '162', 'SexOffencesPerc': '25%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '28%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '204', 'rapeOffences1213': '240', 'rapePerc': '18%', 'forceurl': 'cheshire', 'rapeDiff': '-10', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7' , '8', '9', '1 0', '11', '12' , '13', '14', '15', '16', ' 17', '18', '19', '20', '2 1', '22', '2 3', '24', '25 ', '26', '27' , '28', '2 9', '30', '31 ', '32 ', '33', ' 34', '35', '36', '37', '38', ' 39', '40', '4 1', '42', '43', ' 44', '45 ', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '5 1', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56' , '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '6 7', '68', '69', '7 0', '71', '72' , '73', '74' , '75', '76 ', '77', '78', '79' , '80', '81', '82', '83', ' 84', '85', '8 6', '87', '88 ', '89', '9 0', '91', '92', '9 3', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '313', 'top': '674'} 8 {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '362', 'top': '674'} 3 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 38% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 38% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '674'} 0 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '307', 'top': '691'} 34 {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '362', 'top': '691'} 7 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 21% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 21% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '691'} 0 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '307', 'top': '708'} 42 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '708'} 10 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '708'} 0 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '69', 'font': '21', 'left': '1068', 'top': '811'} City of London {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '450', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '587', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '832', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others ?', '<b>MSG</ b>\n', '<b>Av g</b>\n', 'Rape', '8', '3', '3 8%', '38%', '0' , 'Other sexual offenc es', '34', '7', '21%', ' 21%', '0', '<b>Sexual offences</b >\n', '42', '10', '24 %', '24%', '0', '< i>Source: Home Office Det ections Statistics 201 2/13 (SDs), ONS Crime S tatistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Ci ty of London', '* Ne t diffe rence in the numbe r of outcomes (sanc tion detections) compa red to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive diffe rence indicates a ', 'higher n umber of sanction detections for thi s force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Off ences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', ' <b>Diff* </b> \n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual of fences</b>\n ', '0%', '5%', '10 %', '15%', '20%' , '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'a', '< b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15% ', '20%', '25%', '3 0%', '35%', ' 40%', 'a', '<b>Other sexual offences</b> \n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'a ', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SD s) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '8', '3', '38%', '38%', '0', 'Other sexual offences', '34', '7', '21%', '21%', '0', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '42', '10', '24%', '24%', '0', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'City of London', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'a', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'a', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'a', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '24%', 'rapeMSG': '38%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '0', 'rapeSDs1213': '3', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '42', 'otherSexOff1213': '34', 'SexOffencesExp': '0', 'otherSD': '7', 'SexOffencesPerc': '24%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '21%', 'OtherMSG': '21%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '10', 'rapeOffences1213': '8', 'rapePerc': '38%', 'forceurl': 'city-of-london', 'rapeDiff': '0', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 175 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 60 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 34% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '674'} 17 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 381 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 120 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '691'} 0 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 556 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 180 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 32% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 18 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '48', 'font': '21', 'left': '1089', 'top': '811'} Cleveland {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '254', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '485'} ad {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '397', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '460', 'top': '485'} eb {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '594', 'top': '367'} ac {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '668', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '780', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '17', 'font': '21', 'left': '800', 'top': '367'} f b {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '636', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '665', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '690', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '718', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '794', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '818', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '175', '60', '34%', '24%', '17', 'Other sexual offences', '381', '120', '31%', '31%', '0', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '556', '180', '32%', '29%', '18', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Cleveland', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c', 'ad', 'f', 'eb', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'ac', 'd', 'e', 'f b', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'a', 'e', 'b', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '175', '60', '34%', '24%', '17', 'Other sexual offences', '381', '120', '31%', '31%', '0', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '556', '180', '32%', '29%', '18', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Cleveland', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c', 'ad', 'f', 'eb', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'ac', 'd', 'e', 'f b', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'a', 'e', 'b', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '29%', 'rapeMSG': '24%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '0', 'rapeSDs1213': '60', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '556', 'otherSexOff1213': '381', 'SexOffencesExp': '18', 'otherSD': '120', 'SexOffencesPerc': '32%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '31%', 'OtherMSG': '31%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '180', 'rapeOffences1213': '175', 'rapePerc': '34%', 'forceurl': 'cleveland', 'rapeDiff': '17', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 103 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 16 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 16% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '674'} -5 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 251 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '691'} 93 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 37% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '691'} 6 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 354 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 109 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '708'} 1 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '41', 'font': '21', 'left': '1096', 'top': '811'} Cumbria {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '312', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '331', 'top': '485'} a b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '363', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '695', 'top': '367'} c d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '788', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '820', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '642', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '17', 'font': '21', 'left': '659', 'top': '604'} b c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '712', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '103', '16', '16%', '20%', '-5', 'Other sexual offences', '251', '93', '37%', '35%', '6', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '354', '109', '31%', '30%', '1', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Cumbria', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c', 'a b', 'd', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'c d', 'b', 'a', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'a', 'b c', 'd', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '103', '16', '16%', '20%', '-5', 'Other sexual offences', '251', '93', '37%', '35%', '6', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '354', '109', '31%', '30%', '1', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Cumbria', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c', 'a b', 'd', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'c d', 'b', 'a', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'a', 'b c', 'd', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '30%', 'rapeMSG': '20%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '6', 'rapeSDs1213': '16', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '354', 'otherSexOff1213': '251', 'SexOffencesExp': '1', 'otherSD': '93', 'SexOffencesPerc': '31%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '37%', 'OtherMSG': '35%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '109', 'rapeOffences1213': '103', 'rapePerc': '16%', 'forceurl': 'cumbria', 'rapeDiff': '-5', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', ' 9', '10', '11', '12' , '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', ' 19', '20', '21', ' 22', '23', '24', '2 5', '26', '27', '28', '29' , '30', '3 1', '32', '33', '34 ', '35', '36', '37', '3 8', '39', '40', '41 ', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '4 8', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54' , '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60 ', '61', '62', '63 ', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68' , '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', ' 79', '80', ' 81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 259 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 56 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 22% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 22% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '674'} -2 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 543 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 186 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 34% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 22 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 802 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 242 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 20 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '52', 'font': '21', 'left': '1084', 'top': '811'} Derbyshire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '247', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '267', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '337', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '357', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '428', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '454', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '473', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '494', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '588', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '644', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '662', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '749', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '768', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '793', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '17', 'font': '21', 'left': '824', 'top': '367'} e f {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '618', 'top': '604'} h c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '677', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '735', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '765', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '806', 'top': '604'} eb {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '831', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Off ences and outcomes - Sexual offen ces - Sanction de tection rates </b>\n', 'What is the sanctio n detection rat e for sexual of fences in the fo rce and how does th is compare with othe rs?', '<b >MSG</b>\n', '<b> Avg</b>\n', 'Rape ', '259', '56', ' 22%', '22%', '-2 ', 'Other sexual offences ', '543', '186', '34%', '30 %', '22', '<b>Se xual offences</b>\n', ' 802', '242 ', '30%', '28%', '20', '<i>Source : Home Office Detections Statistics 2012 /13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Derbyshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'h', 'c', 'a', 'g', 'd', 'b', 'e', 'f', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'h', 'c', 'g', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'e f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'h c', 'a', 'g', 'd', 'eb', 'f', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '259', '56', '22%', '22%', '-2', 'Other sexual offences', '543', '186', '34%', '30%', '22', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '802', '242', '30%', '28%', '20', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Derbyshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'h', 'c', 'a', 'g', 'd', 'b', 'e', 'f', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'h', 'c', 'g', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'e f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'h c', 'a', 'g', 'd', 'eb', 'f', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '28%', 'rapeMSG': '22%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '22', 'rapeSDs1213': '56', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '802', 'otherSexOff1213': '543', 'SexOffencesExp': '20', 'otherSD': '186', 'SexOffencesPerc': '30%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '34%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '242', 'rapeOffences1213': '259', 'rapePerc': '22%', 'forceurl': 'derbyshire', 'rapeDiff': '-2', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 675 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '674'} 112 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 17% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 23% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '674'} -44 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '691'} 1,252 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 349 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '691'} -28 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 1,927 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 461 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '708'} -72 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '86', 'font': '21', 'left': '1051', 'top': '811'} Devon & Cornwall {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '247', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '312', 'top': '485'} g h {'height': '10', 'width': '17', 'font': '21', 'left': '363', 'top': '485'} e f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '447', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '480', 'top': '485'} dc {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '588', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '651', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '693', 'top': '367'} g e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '775', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '805', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '618', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '671', 'top': '604'} g h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '712', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '749', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '777', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '823', 'top': '604'} d c {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '675', '112', '17%', '23%', '-44', 'Other sexual offences', '1,252', '349', '28%', '30%', '-28', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,927', '461', '24%', '28%', '-72', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Devon & Cornwall', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'b', 'g h', 'e f', 'a', 'dc', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'b', 'f', 'g e', 'h', 'c', 'a', 'd', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'b', 'g h', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'd c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '675', '112', '17%', '23%', '-44', 'Other sexual offences', '1,252', '349', '28%', '30%', '-28', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,927', '461', '24%', '28%', '-72', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Devon & Cornwall', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'b', 'g h', 'e f', 'a', 'dc', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'b', 'f', 'g e', 'h', 'c', 'a', 'd', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'b', 'g h', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'd c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '28%', 'rapeMSG': '23%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-28', 'rapeSDs1213': '112', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '1,927', 'otherSexOff1213': '1,252', 'SexOffencesExp': '-72', 'otherSD': '349', 'SexOffencesPerc': '24%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '28%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '461', 'rapeOffences1213': '675', 'rapePerc': '17%', 'forceurl': 'devon-and-cornwall', 'rapeDiff': '-44', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 187 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 42 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 22% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '674'} -4 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 382 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 129 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 34% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 11 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 569 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 171 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '708'} 7 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '31', 'font': '21', 'left': '1105', 'top': '811'} Dorset {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '234', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '318', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '350', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '376', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '402', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '434', 'top': '485'} ed {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '481', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '37', 'font': '21', 'left': '619', 'top': '367'} b cg h {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '731', 'top': '367'} ae {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '755', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '831', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '600', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '694', 'top': '604'} a g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '747', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '23', 'font': '21', 'left': '783', 'top': '604'} cd e {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '825', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '187', '42', '22%', '25%', '-4', 'Other sexual offences', '382', '129', '34%', '31%', '11', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '569', '171', '30%', '29%', '7', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Dorset', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'b', 'g', 'a', 'h', 'c', 'ed', 'f', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'b cg h', 'ae', 'd', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'b', 'a g', 'h', 'cd e', 'f', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '187', '42', '22%', '25%', '-4', 'Other sexual offences', '382', '129', '34%', '31%', '11', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '569', '171', '30%', '29%', '7', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Dorset', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'b', 'g', 'a', 'h', 'c', 'ed', 'f', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'b cg h', 'ae', 'd', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'b', 'a g', 'h', 'cd e', 'f', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '29%', 'rapeMSG': '25%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '11', 'rapeSDs1213': '42', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '569', 'otherSexOff1213': '382', 'SexOffencesExp': '7', 'otherSD': '129', 'SexOffencesPerc': '30%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '34%', 'OtherMSG': '31%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '171', 'rapeOffences1213': '187', 'rapePerc': '22%', 'forceurl': 'dorset', 'rapeDiff': '-4', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 123 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 41 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 33% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '674'} 10 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 245 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 115 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 47% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 30 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 368 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 156 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 42% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 40 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '1098', 'top': '811'} Durham {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '240', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '273', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '370', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '396', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '473', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '606', 'top': '367'} ad {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '656', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '799', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '824', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '606', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '624', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '689', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '771', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '806', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '123', '41', '33%', '25%', '10', 'Other sexual offences', '245', '115', '47%', '35%', '30', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '368', '156', '42%', '31%', '40', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Durham', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'c', 'e', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'ad', 'b', 'c', 'e', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '123', '41', '33%', '25%', '10', 'Other sexual offences', '245', '115', '47%', '35%', '30', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '368', '156', '42%', '31%', '40', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Durham', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'c', 'e', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'ad', 'b', 'c', 'e', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '31%', 'rapeMSG': '25%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '30', 'rapeSDs1213': '41', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '368', 'otherSexOff1213': '245', 'SexOffencesExp': '40', 'otherSD': '115', 'SexOffencesPerc': '42%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '47%', 'OtherMSG': '35%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '156', 'rapeOffences1213': '123', 'rapePerc': '33%', 'forceurl': 'durham', 'rapeDiff': '10', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', ' 8', '9', '10', '11', '12 ', '13', '14', '15', ' 16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22' , '23', '24', '25', '2 6', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31 ', '32', '33' , '34', '35', '36', '3 7', '38', '39', '40', '4 1', '42', '43', '44', '4 5', '46', '47', '48', '4 9', '50', '51', '52', ' 53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58' , '59', '60', '61', '62 ', '63', '64', '65', ' 66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', ' 72', '73', ' 74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '8 5', '86', '87', '88', ' 89', '90', '91', '92' , '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 111 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 26 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 23% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '674'} 4 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 257 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 106 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 41% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 37% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 11 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 368 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 132 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 36% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 32% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 15 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '63', 'font': '21', 'left': '1074', 'top': '811'} Dyfed-Powys {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '260', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '312', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '331', 'top': '485'} c b {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '693', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '718', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '786', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '818', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '642', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '659', 'top': '604'} b d {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Of fences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>M SG</b>\n', '< b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', ' 111', '26', '23%', '2 0%', '4', 'Other sex ual offences', '257 ', '106', '41%', '37%', '11' , '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '3 68', '132', '36%', '3 2%', '15', '<i>Sourc e: Home Office De tections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ON S Crime Statistics 2012/ 13 (Crime) </i>\n', 'Dyfed-Powy s', '* Net difference i n the number of outcomes (sanc tion detections ) compared to if the force h ad the MSG rat e. A positive d ifference indi cates a ', 'hi gher number of sanction detections f or this force t han expected b ased on the det ections reporte d by MSG forces .', '<b>Offence s</b>\n', '<b>SDs </b>\n', '<b>Diff * </b>\n', '<b>% </b> \n', '<b>S exual offences </b>\n', '0%', ' 5%', '10%', '15%' , '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40% ', '45%', 'a', 'd' , 'c b', '<b>Ra pe</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '2 5%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'd' , 'a', 'b', 'c', '<b>O ther sexual off ences</b>\n', '0%' , '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '5 0%', '60%', 'a', 'c', 'b d', 'S anction detection rate (%) refers to the number of s anction detections (SDs) i n ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorde d offence s for 2012/13. For important ', 'infor mation on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '111', '26', '23%', '20%', '4', 'Other sexual offences', '257', '106', '41%', '37%', '11', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '368', '132', '36%', '32%', '15', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Dyfed-Powys', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'a', 'd', 'c b', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'd', 'a', 'b', 'c', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'a', 'c', 'b d', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '32%', 'rapeMSG': '20%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '11', 'rapeSDs1213': '26', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '368', 'otherSexOff1213': '257', 'SexOffencesExp': '15', 'otherSD': '106', 'SexOffencesPerc': '36%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '41%', 'OtherMSG': '37%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '132', 'rapeOffences1213': '111', 'rapePerc': '23%', 'forceurl': 'dyfed-powys', 'rapeDiff': '4', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 455 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 53 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 12% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 23% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '674'} -52 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 987 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 214 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 22% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '691'} -93 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 1,442 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 267 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 19% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '483', 'top': '708'} -146 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '29', 'font': '21', 'left': '1108', 'top': '811'} Essex {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '268', 'top': '485'} c b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '319', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '339', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '9', 'font': '21', 'left': '384', 'top': '485'} df {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '455', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '494', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '637', 'top': '367'} gc {'height': '10', 'width': '11', 'font': '21', 'left': '674', 'top': '367'} b f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '699', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '749', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '768', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '836', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '630', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '647', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '677', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '706', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '743', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '812', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '455', '53', '12%', '23%', '-52', 'Other sexual offences', '987', '214', '22%', '31%', '-93', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,442', '267', '19%', '29%', '-146', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Essex', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c b', 'g', 'h', 'df', 'e', 'a', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'gc', 'b f', 'd', 'h', 'e', 'a', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'c', 'b', 'h', 'g', 'd', 'f', 'e', 'a', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '455', '53', '12%', '23%', '-52', 'Other sexual offences', '987', '214', '22%', '31%', '-93', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,442', '267', '19%', '29%', '-146', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Essex', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c b', 'g', 'h', 'df', 'e', 'a', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'gc', 'b f', 'd', 'h', 'e', 'a', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'c', 'b', 'h', 'g', 'd', 'f', 'e', 'a', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '29%', 'rapeMSG': '23%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-93', 'rapeSDs1213': '53', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '1,442', 'otherSexOff1213': '987', 'SexOffencesExp': '-146', 'otherSD': '214', 'SexOffencesPerc': '19%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '22%', 'OtherMSG': '31%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '267', 'rapeOffences1213': '455', 'rapePerc': '12%', 'forceurl': 'essex', 'rapeDiff': '-52', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 167 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 35 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 21% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '674'} -4 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 342 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '691'} 88 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 26% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '691'} -9 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 509 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 123 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '708'} -14 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '75', 'font': '21', 'left': '1062', 'top': '811'} Gloucestershire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '248', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '325', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '376', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '402', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '441', 'top': '485'} ag {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '480', 'top': '485'} ch {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '589', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '631', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '650', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '755', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '774', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '805', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '619', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '683', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '747', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '777', 'top': '604'} gea {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '824', 'top': '604'} c h {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '167', '35', '21%', '24%', '-4', 'Other sexual offences', '342', '88', '26%', '28%', '-9', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '509', '123', '24%', '27%', '-14', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Gloucestershire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'f', 'd', 'b', 'e', 'ag', 'ch', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'f', 'e', 'b', 'd', 'a', 'h', 'g', 'c', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'f', 'd', 'b', 'gea', 'c h', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '167', '35', '21%', '24%', '-4', 'Other sexual offences', '342', '88', '26%', '28%', '-9', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '509', '123', '24%', '27%', '-14', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Gloucestershire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'f', 'd', 'b', 'e', 'ag', 'ch', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'f', 'e', 'b', 'd', 'a', 'h', 'g', 'c', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'f', 'd', 'b', 'gea', 'c h', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '27%', 'rapeMSG': '24%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-9', 'rapeSDs1213': '35', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '509', 'otherSexOff1213': '342', 'SexOffencesExp': '-14', 'otherSD': '88', 'SexOffencesPerc': '24%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '26%', 'OtherMSG': '28%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '123', 'rapeOffences1213': '167', 'rapePerc': '21%', 'forceurl': 'gloucestershire', 'rapeDiff': '-4', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 960 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '674'} 261 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 26% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '674'} 10 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '691'} 1,812 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 622 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 34% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 63 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 2,772 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 883 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 32% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 73 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '94', 'font': '21', 'left': '1042', 'top': '811'} Greater Manchester {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'he ight': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '255', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '485'} eag {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '370', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '408', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '460', 'top': '485'} dc {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '21', 'left': '594', 'top': '367'} e f h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '669', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '687', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '712', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '781', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '812', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '637', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '653', 'top': '604'} g a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '718', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '759', 'top': '604'} b h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '794', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '818', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '960', '261', '27%', '26%', '10', 'Other sexual offences', '1,812', '622', '34%', '31%', '63', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '2,772', '883', '32%', '29%', '73', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Greater Manchester', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'f', 'eag', 'h', 'b', 'dc', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e f h', 'a', 'g', 'b', 'd', 'c', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'f', 'g a', 'e', 'b h', 'd', 'c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '960', '261', '27%', '26%', '10', 'Other sexual offences', '1,812', '622', '34%', '31%', '63', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '2,772', '883', '32%', '29%', '73', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Greater Manchester', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'f', 'eag', 'h', 'b', 'dc', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e f h', 'a', 'g', 'b', 'd', 'c', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'f', 'g a', 'e', 'b h', 'd', 'c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '29%', 'rapeMSG': '26%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '63', 'rapeSDs1213': '261', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '2,772', 'otherSexOff1213': '1,812', 'SexOffencesExp': '73', 'otherSD': '622', 'SexOffencesPerc': '32%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '34%', 'OtherMSG': '31%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '883', 'rapeOffences1213': '960', 'rapePerc': '27%', 'forceurl': 'greater-manchester', 'rapeDiff': '10', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 198 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 55 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '674'} 2 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 315 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 124 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 39% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 14 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 513 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 179 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 32% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 16 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '31', 'font': '21', 'left': '1106', 'top': '811'} Gwent {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '17', 'font': '21', 'left': '241', 'top': '485'} c f {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '273', 'top': '485'} a e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '305', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '370', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '395', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '473', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '29', 'font': '21', 'left': '601', 'top': '367'} f cd e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '656', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '687', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '799', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '824', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '606', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '624', 'top': '604'} a f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '653', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '688', 'top': '604'} b e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '771', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '806', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '198', '55', '28%', '27%', '2', 'Other sexual offences', '315', '124', '39%', '35%', '14', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '513', '179', '35%', '32%', '16', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Gwent', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c f', 'a e', 'h', 'd', 'b', 'g', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'f cd e', 'a', 'h', 'b', 'g', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'c', 'a f', 'h', 'b e', 'd', 'g', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '198', '55', '28%', '27%', '2', 'Other sexual offences', '315', '124', '39%', '35%', '14', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '513', '179', '35%', '32%', '16', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Gwent', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c f', 'a e', 'h', 'd', 'b', 'g', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'f cd e', 'a', 'h', 'b', 'g', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'c', 'a f', 'h', 'b e', 'd', 'g', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '32%', 'rapeMSG': '27%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '14', 'rapeSDs1213': '55', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '513', 'otherSexOff1213': '315', 'SexOffencesExp': '16', 'otherSD': '124', 'SexOffencesPerc': '35%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '39%', 'OtherMSG': '35%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '179', 'rapeOffences1213': '198', 'rapePerc': '28%', 'forceurl': 'gwent', 'rapeDiff': '2', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', ' 7', '8', '9 ', '10', ' 11', '12', '13' , '14', '15', '16', ' 17', '18', '19 ', '20', '21' , '22', '2 3', '24', '25' , '26', ' 27', '28', ' 29', '30', '31 ', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36 ', '37', '38 ', '39', '40' , '41', '42', '43', ' 44', '45', '4 6', '4 7', '48', ' 49', '50', '51 ', '52', ' 53', '54' , '55', '56 ', '57', '58 ', '59', '60' , '61', '62', ' 63', '64', '6 5' , '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', ' 72', '73', '74 ', '75', '76', '77', ' 78', '79', '8 0', '81', '82', '8 3', '84' , '85', '86', ' 87', '88', '89', '90 ', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 481 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '674'} 115 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 23% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '674'} 3 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '691'} 1,177 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 363 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '691'} 9 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 1,658 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 478 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 13 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '52', 'font': '21', 'left': '1084', 'top': '811'} Hampshire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '266', 'top': '485'} g b {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '318', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '382', 'top': '485'} ae {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '436', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '454', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '638', 'top': '367'} cg {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '674', 'top': '367'} be {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '699', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '738', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '768', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '836', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '630', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '647', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '706', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '741', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '802', 'top': '604'} f h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '481', '115', '24%', '23%', '3', 'Other sexual offences', '1,177', '363', '31%', '30%', '9', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,658', '478', '29%', '28%', '13', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Hampshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'g b', 'c', 'ae', 'f', 'h', 'd', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'cg', 'be', 'a', 'f', 'h', 'd', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'e', 'f h', 'd', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '481', '115', '24%', '23%', '3', 'Other sexual offences', '1,177', '363', '31%', '30%', '9', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,658', '478', '29%', '28%', '13', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Hampshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'g b', 'c', 'ae', 'f', 'h', 'd', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'cg', 'be', 'a', 'f', 'h', 'd', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'e', 'f h', 'd', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '28%', 'rapeMSG': '23%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '9', 'rapeSDs1213': '115', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '1,658', 'otherSexOff1213': '1,177', 'SexOffencesExp': '13', 'otherSD': '363', 'SexOffencesPerc': '29%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '31%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '478', 'rapeOffences1213': '481', 'rapePerc': '24%', 'forceurl': 'hampshire', 'rapeDiff': '3', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 173 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 46 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 23% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '674'} 6 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 495 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 182 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 37% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 33 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 668 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 228 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 34% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 39 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '62', 'font': '21', 'left': '1075', 'top': '811'} Hertfordshire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '268', 'top': '485'} f a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '318', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '382', 'top': '485'} bd {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '434', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '454', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '11', 'font': '21', 'left': '637', 'top': '367'} e f {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '674', 'top': '367'} ad {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '699', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '737', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '768', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '836', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '631', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '647', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '706', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '741', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '800', 'top': '604'} h g {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '173', '46', '27%', '23%', '6', 'Other sexual offences', '495', '182', '37%', '30%', '33', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '668', '228', '34%', '28%', '39', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Hertfordshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'f a', 'e', 'bd', 'h', 'g', 'c', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e f', 'ad', 'b', 'h', 'g', 'c', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'f', 'a', 'e', 'b', 'd', 'h g', 'c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '173', '46', '27%', '23%', '6', 'Other sexual offences', '495', '182', '37%', '30%', '33', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '668', '228', '34%', '28%', '39', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Hertfordshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'f a', 'e', 'bd', 'h', 'g', 'c', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e f', 'ad', 'b', 'h', 'g', 'c', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'f', 'a', 'e', 'b', 'd', 'h g', 'c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '28%', 'rapeMSG': '23%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '33', 'rapeSDs1213': '46', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '668', 'otherSexOff1213': '495', 'SexOffencesExp': '39', 'otherSD': '182', 'SexOffencesPerc': '34%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '37%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '228', 'rapeOffences1213': '173', 'rapePerc': '27%', 'forceurl': 'hertfordshire', 'rapeDiff': '6', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 369 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 63 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 17% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '674'} -37 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 808 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 274 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 34% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '691'} -10 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 1,177 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 337 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 32% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '708'} -46 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '59', 'font': '21', 'left': '1078', 'top': '811'} Humberside {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '242', 'top': '485'} f e {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '273', 'top': '485'} b d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '305', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '370', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '395', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '460', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '31', 'font': '21', 'left': '600', 'top': '367'} e f c d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '656', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '687', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '780', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '799', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '607', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '624', 'top': '604'} b e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '653', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '688', 'top': '604'} a d {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '771', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '794', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '369', '63', '17%', '27%', '-37', 'Other sexual offences', '808', '274', '34%', '35%', '-10', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,177', '337', '29%', '32%', '-46', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Humberside', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'f e', 'b d', 'g', 'c', 'a', 'h', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e f c d', 'b', 'g', 'h', 'a', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'f', 'b e', 'g', 'a d', 'c', 'h', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '369', '63', '17%', '27%', '-37', 'Other sexual offences', '808', '274', '34%', '35%', '-10', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,177', '337', '29%', '32%', '-46', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Humberside', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'f e', 'b d', 'g', 'c', 'a', 'h', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e f c d', 'b', 'g', 'h', 'a', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'f', 'b e', 'g', 'a d', 'c', 'h', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '32%', 'rapeMSG': '27%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-10', 'rapeSDs1213': '63', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '1,177', 'otherSexOff1213': '808', 'SexOffencesExp': '-46', 'otherSD': '274', 'SexOffencesPerc': '29%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '34%', 'OtherMSG': '35%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '337', 'rapeOffences1213': '369', 'rapePerc': '17%', 'forceurl': 'humberside', 'rapeDiff': '-37', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offe nces in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 408 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '674'} 113 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 21% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '674'} 26 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '691'} 1,020 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 305 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '691'} -3 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 1,428 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 418 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 23 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '1115', 'top': '811'} Kent {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '268', 'top': '485'} e h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '339', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '359', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '423', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '456', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '475', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '494', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '643', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '662', 'top': '367'} a h {'height': '10', 'width': '24', 'font': '21', 'left': '749', 'top': '367'} g bd {'height': '10', 'width': '17', 'font': '21', 'left': '825', 'top': '367'} f c {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '630', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '647', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '677', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '730', 'top': '604'} ba {'height': '10', 'width': '11', 'font': '21', 'left': '807', 'top': '604'} f d {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '408', '113', '28%', '21%', '26', 'Other sexual offences', '1,020', '305', '30%', '30%', '-3', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,428', '418', '29%', '27%', '23', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Kent', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'e h', 'g', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'f', 'c', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e', 'a h', 'g bd', 'f c', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'e', 'h', 'g', 'ba', 'f d', 'c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '408', '113', '28%', '21%', '26', 'Other sexual offences', '1,020', '305', '30%', '30%', '-3', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,428', '418', '29%', '27%', '23', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Kent', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'e h', 'g', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'f', 'c', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e', 'a h', 'g bd', 'f c', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'e', 'h', 'g', 'ba', 'f d', 'c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '27%', 'rapeMSG': '21%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-3', 'rapeSDs1213': '113', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '1,428', 'otherSexOff1213': '1,020', 'SexOffencesExp': '23', 'otherSD': '305', 'SexOffencesPerc': '29%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '30%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '418', 'rapeOffences1213': '408', 'rapePerc': '28%', 'forceurl': 'kent', 'rapeDiff': '26', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 419 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '674'} 127 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '674'} 21 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '691'} 1,228 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 412 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 34% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 32% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 21 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 1,647 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 539 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 33% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 41 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '53', 'font': '21', 'left': '1084', 'top': '811'} Lancashire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '253', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '286', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '305', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '357', 'top': '485'} g b {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '397', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '421', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '460', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '31', 'font': '21', 'left': '600', 'top': '367'} d b a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '662', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '687', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '762', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '780', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '800', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '636', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '654', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '690', 'top': '604'} f a {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '730', 'top': '604'} eg {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '771', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '794', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '419', '127', '30%', '25%', '21', 'Other sexual offences', '1,228', '412', '34%', '32%', '21', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,647', '539', '33%', '30%', '41', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Lancashire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'd', 'a', 'c', 'g b', 'f', 'e', 'h', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'd b a', 'g', 'c', 'e', 'h', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'd', 'c', 'f a', 'eg', 'b', 'h', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '419', '127', '30%', '25%', '21', 'Other sexual offences', '1,228', '412', '34%', '32%', '21', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,647', '539', '33%', '30%', '41', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Lancashire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'd', 'a', 'c', 'g b', 'f', 'e', 'h', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'd b a', 'g', 'c', 'e', 'h', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'd', 'c', 'f a', 'eg', 'b', 'h', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '30%', 'rapeMSG': '25%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '21', 'rapeSDs1213': '127', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '1,647', 'otherSexOff1213': '1,228', 'SexOffencesExp': '41', 'otherSD': '412', 'SexOffencesPerc': '33%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '34%', 'OtherMSG': '32%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '539', 'rapeOffences1213': '419', 'rapePerc': '30%', 'forceurl': 'lancashire', 'rapeDiff': '21', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 250 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 64 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 26% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 23% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '674'} 6 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 733 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 218 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '691'} -3 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 983 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 282 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '708'} 3 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '67', 'font': '21', 'left': '1070', 'top': '811'} Leicestershire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '279', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '318', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '357', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '383', 'top': '485'} ca {'height': '10', 'width': '11', 'font': '21', 'left': '416', 'top': '485'} f g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '637', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '21', 'left': '662', 'top': '367'} h ba {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '700', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '744', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '762', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '836', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '647', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '706', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '33', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '604'} cgha f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previo usly {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '250', '64', '26%', '23%', '6', 'Other sexual offences', '733', '218', '30%', '30%', '-3', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '983', '282', '29%', '28%', '3', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Leicestershire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'b', 'd', 'h', 'ca', 'f g', 'e', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'd', 'h ba', 'c', 'f', 'g', 'e', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'b', 'd', 'cgha f', 'e', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '250', '64', '26%', '23%', '6', 'Other sexual offences', '733', '218', '30%', '30%', '-3', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '983', '282', '29%', '28%', '3', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Leicestershire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'b', 'd', 'h', 'ca', 'f g', 'e', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'd', 'h ba', 'c', 'f', 'g', 'e', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'b', 'd', 'cgha f', 'e', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '28%', 'rapeMSG': '23%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-3', 'rapeSDs1213': '64', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '983', 'otherSexOff1213': '733', 'SexOffencesExp': '3', 'otherSD': '218', 'SexOffencesPerc': '29%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '30%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '282', 'rapeOffences1213': '250', 'rapePerc': '26%', 'forceurl': 'leicestershire', 'rapeDiff': '6', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', ' 7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '1 6', '17', '18', '19', ' 20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31 ', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '4 4', '45', '46', '47', ' 48', '49', '50', '51' , '52', '53', '54', '55', ' 56', '57', '58', '59', '60' , '61', '62', '63', '6 4', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '7 1', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '8 2', '83', '84' , '85', '86', ' 87', '88', '89' , '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 153 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 27 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 18% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 21% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '674'} -5 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 408 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 142 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 15 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 561 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 169 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 10 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '58', 'font': '21', 'left': '1079', 'top': '811'} Lincolnshire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '38', 'font': '21', 'left': '312', 'top': '485'} b ch a {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '363', 'top': '485'} d e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '447', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '488', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '651', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '695', 'top': '367'} b d {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '726', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '776', 'top': '367'} f a {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '807', 'top': '367'} g h {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '641', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '30', 'font': '21', 'left': '659', 'top': '604'} a b c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '712', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '747', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '777', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '837', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the san ction detection rate for sexual offences i n the force and how does this c ompare with others?', '<b>M SG</b>\n', '<b >Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', ' 153', '27', ' 18%', '21%', '-5', ' Other sexual offences', '408', ' 142', '35%', ' 31%', '15', '<b>Sexu al offences</b>\n', '561', '169', '30%', '28%', '10', '<i>Source: H ome Office Detections S tatistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Lincolnshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'b ch a', 'd e', 'g', 'f', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e', 'b d', 'c', 'f a', 'g h', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'h', 'a b c', 'd', 'e', 'g', 'f', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '153', '27', '18%', '21%', '-5', 'Other sexual offences', '408', '142', '35%', '31%', '15', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '561', '169', '30%', '28%', '10', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Lincolnshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'b ch a', 'd e', 'g', 'f', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e', 'b d', 'c', 'f a', 'g h', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'h', 'a b c', 'd', 'e', 'g', 'f', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '28%', 'rapeMSG': '21%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '15', 'rapeSDs1213': '27', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '561', 'otherSexOff1213': '408', 'SexOffencesExp': '10', 'otherSD': '142', 'SexOffencesPerc': '30%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '35%', 'OtherMSG': '31%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '169', 'rapeOffences1213': '153', 'rapePerc': '18%', 'forceurl': 'lincolnshire', 'rapeDiff': '-5', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 378 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 61 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 16% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '674'} -35 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 909 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 225 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '691'} -59 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 1,287 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 286 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 22% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '708'} -94 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '55', 'font': '21', 'left': '1082', 'top': '811'} Merseyside {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '253', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '485'} bcg {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '408', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '11', 'font': '21', 'left': '462', 'top': '485'} f a {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '594', 'top': '367'} be {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '669', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '687', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '712', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '782', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '811', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '636', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '653', 'top': '604'} g c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '718', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '759', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '796', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '818', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '378', '61', '16%', '25%', '-35', 'Other sexual offences', '909', '225', '25%', '31%', '-59', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,287', '286', '22%', '29%', '-94', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Merseyside', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'e', 'bcg', 'd', 'f a', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'be', 'c', 'g', 'd', 'f', 'a', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'e', 'g c', 'b', 'd', 'f', 'a', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '378', '61', '16%', '25%', '-35', 'Other sexual offences', '909', '225', '25%', '31%', '-59', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,287', '286', '22%', '29%', '-94', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Merseyside', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'e', 'bcg', 'd', 'f a', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'be', 'c', 'g', 'd', 'f', 'a', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'e', 'g c', 'b', 'd', 'f', 'a', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '29%', 'rapeMSG': '25%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-59', 'rapeSDs1213': '61', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '1,287', 'otherSexOff1213': '909', 'SexOffencesExp': '-94', 'otherSD': '225', 'SexOffencesPerc': '22%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '25%', 'OtherMSG': '31%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '286', 'rapeOffences1213': '378', 'rapePerc': '16%', 'forceurl': 'merseyside', 'rapeDiff': '-35', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '674'} 3,042 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '674'} 644 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 21% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 22% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '674'} -38 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '691'} 6,602 {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '340', 'top': '691'} 1,662 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '483', 'top': '691'} -223 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 9,644 {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '340', 'top': '708'} 2,306 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '483', 'top': '708'} -261 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '91', 'font': '21', 'left': '1046', 'top': '811'} Metropolitan Police {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '297', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '404', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '448', 'top': '485'} a d {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '667', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '709', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '751', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '782', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '664', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '755', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '790', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '807', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '3,042', '644', '21%', '22%', '-38', 'Other sexual offences', '6,602', '1,662', '25%', '29%', '-223', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '9,644', '2,306', '24%', '27%', '-261', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Metropolitan Police', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c', 'b', 'a d', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'c', 'b', 'a', 'd', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'c', 'b', 'd', 'a', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '3,042', '644', '21%', '22%', '-38', 'Other sexual offences', '6,602', '1,662', '25%', '29%', '-223', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '9,644', '2,306', '24%', '27%', '-261', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Metropolitan Police', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c', 'b', 'a d', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'c', 'b', 'a', 'd', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'c', 'b', 'd', 'a', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '27%', 'rapeMSG': '22%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-223', 'rapeSDs1213': '644', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '9,644', 'otherSexOff1213': '6,602', 'SexOffencesExp': '-261', 'otherSD': '1,662', 'SexOffencesPerc': '24%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '25%', 'OtherMSG': '29%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '2,306', 'rapeOffences1213': '3,042', 'rapePerc': '21%', 'forceurl': 'metropolitan', 'rapeDiff': '-38', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 214 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 52 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '674'} 2 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 560 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 192 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 34% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 16 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 774 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 244 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 32% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 17 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '34', 'font': '21', 'left': '1103', 'top': '811'} Norfolk {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10 ', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '247', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '312', 'top': '485'} a d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '344', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '363', 'top': '485'} b e {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '449', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '487', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '588', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '650', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '693', 'top': '367'} a b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '775', 'top': '367'} c g {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '807', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '618', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '30', 'font': '21', 'left': '659', 'top': '604'} g a d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '712', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '747', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '778', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '836', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '214', '52', '24%', '24%', '2', 'Other sexual offences', '560', '192', '34%', '31%', '16', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '774', '244', '32%', '29%', '17', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Norfolk', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'h', 'a d', 'g', 'b e', 'f', 'c', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'h', 'e', 'a b', 'd', 'c g', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'h', 'g a d', 'b', 'e', 'f', 'c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '214', '52', '24%', '24%', '2', 'Other sexual offences', '560', '192', '34%', '31%', '16', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '774', '244', '32%', '29%', '17', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Norfolk', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'h', 'a d', 'g', 'b e', 'f', 'c', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'h', 'e', 'a b', 'd', 'c g', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'h', 'g a d', 'b', 'e', 'f', 'c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '29%', 'rapeMSG': '24%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '16', 'rapeSDs1213': '52', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '774', 'otherSexOff1213': '560', 'SexOffencesExp': '17', 'otherSD': '192', 'SexOffencesPerc': '32%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '34%', 'OtherMSG': '31%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '244', 'rapeOffences1213': '214', 'rapePerc': '24%', 'forceurl': 'norfolk', 'rapeDiff': '2', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 284 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 67 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 23% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '674'} 1 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 552 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 177 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 32% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 11 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 836 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 244 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 12 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '59', 'font': '21', 'left': '1077', 'top': '811'} North Wales {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '247', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '312', 'top': '485'} c h {'height': '10', 'width': '17', 'font': '21', 'left': '363', 'top': '485'} a f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '447', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '480', 'top': '485'} gb {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '588', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '651', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '694', 'top': '367'} c a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '774', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '805', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '618', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '671', 'top': '604'} c h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '712', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '749', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '777', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '823', 'top': '604'} g b {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '284', '67', '24%', '23%', '1', 'Other sexual offences', '552', '177', '32%', '30%', '11', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '836', '244', '29%', '28%', '12', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'North Wales', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'e', 'c h', 'a f', 'd', 'gb', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e', 'f', 'c a', 'h', 'b', 'd', 'g', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'e', 'c h', 'a', 'f', 'd', 'g b', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '284', '67', '24%', '23%', '1', 'Other sexual offences', '552', '177', '32%', '30%', '11', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '836', '244', '29%', '28%', '12', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'North Wales', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'e', 'c h', 'a f', 'd', 'gb', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'e', 'f', 'c a', 'h', 'b', 'd', 'g', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'e', 'c h', 'a', 'f', 'd', 'g b', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '28%', 'rapeMSG': '23%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '11', 'rapeSDs1213': '67', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '836', 'otherSexOff1213': '552', 'SexOffencesExp': '12', 'otherSD': '177', 'SexOffencesPerc': '29%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '32%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '244', 'rapeOffences1213': '284', 'rapePerc': '24%', 'forceurl': 'north-wales', 'rapeDiff': '1', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 185 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 42 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 23% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 22% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '674'} 2 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 435 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 149 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 34% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 20 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 620 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 191 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 22 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '74', 'font': '21', 'left': '1063', 'top': '811'} North Yorkshire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '312', 'top': '485'} c a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '344', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '363', 'top': '485'} g b {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '441', 'top': '485'} dh {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '488', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '650', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '694', 'top': '367'} c g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '755', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '17', 'font': '21', 'left': '776', 'top': '367'} f e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '805', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '30', 'font': '21', 'left': '659', 'top': '604'} e c a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '712', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '747', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '777', 'top': '604'} h d {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '837', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '185', '42', '23%', '22%', '2', 'Other sexual offences', '435', '149', '34%', '30%', '20', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '620', '191', '31%', '27%', '22', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'North Yorkshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c a', 'e', 'g b', 'dh', 'f', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'b', 'c g', 'a', 'd', 'f e', 'h', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'e c a', 'g', 'b', 'h d', 'f', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '185', '42', '23%', '22%', '2', 'Other sexual offences', '435', '149', '34%', '30%', '20', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '620', '191', '31%', '27%', '22', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'North Yorkshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n' , '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c a', 'e', 'g b', 'dh', 'f', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'b', 'c g', 'a', 'd', 'f e', 'h', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'e c a', 'g', 'b', 'h d', 'f', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '27%', 'rapeMSG': '22%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '20', 'rapeSDs1213': '42', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '620', 'otherSexOff1213': '435', 'SexOffencesExp': '22', 'otherSD': '149', 'SexOffencesPerc': '31%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '34%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '191', 'rapeOffences1213': '185', 'rapePerc': '23%', 'forceurl': 'north-yorkshire', 'rapeDiff': '2', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 271 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 42 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '674'} -13 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 515 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 130 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '691'} -20 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 786 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 172 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 22% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 26% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '708'} -33 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '86', 'font': '21', 'left': '1051', 'top': '811'} Northamptonshire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '268', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '338', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '357', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '421', 'top': '485'} hb {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '454', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '473', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '645', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '662', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '24', 'font': '21', 'left': '750', 'top': '367'} c hd {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '793', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '824', 'top': '367'} a g {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '631', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '677', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '730', 'top': '604'} he {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '765', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '806', 'top': '604'} ad {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '271', '42', '15%', '20%', '-13', 'Other sexual offences', '515', '130', '25%', '29%', '-20', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '786', '172', '22%', '26%', '-33', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Northamptonshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'f', 'c', 'e', 'hb', 'd', 'a', 'g', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'f', 'e', 'c hd', 'b', 'a g', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'f', 'c', 'he', 'b', 'ad', 'g', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '271', '42', '15%', '20%', '-13', 'Other sexual offences', '515', '130', '25%', '29%', '-20', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '786', '172', '22%', '26%', '-33', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Northamptonshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'f', 'c', 'e', 'hb', 'd', 'a', 'g', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'f', 'e', 'c hd', 'b', 'a g', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'f', 'c', 'he', 'b', 'ad', 'g', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '26%', 'rapeMSG': '20%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-20', 'rapeSDs1213': '42', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '786', 'otherSexOff1213': '515', 'SexOffencesExp': '-33', 'otherSD': '130', 'SexOffencesPerc': '22%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '25%', 'OtherMSG': '29%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '172', 'rapeOffences1213': '271', 'rapePerc': '15%', 'forceurl': 'northamptonshire', 'rapeDiff': '-13', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7' , '8', '9', '10', '11' , '12', '13', '14 ', '15', '16', '17 ', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22 ', '23', '24', '25 ', '26', '27', '28 ', '29', '30', '3 1', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36' , '37', '38', '39 ', '40', '41', '42', '43 ', '44', '45', '46', '47', ' 48', '49', '50', '51', '52 ', '53', '54', ' 55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61' , '62', '63', '64 ', '65', '66', ' 67', '68', '69' , '70', '71', '72', ' 73', '74', '75' , '76', '77', '78' , '79', '80', '8 1', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86 ', '87', '88', '89', '90' , '91', '9 2', '93', '94' ] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 313 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '674'} 105 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 34% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '674'} 20 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 551 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 210 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 38% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 33% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 27 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 864 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 315 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 36% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 47 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '60', 'font': '21', 'left': '1077', 'top': '811'} Northumbria {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '253', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '38', 'font': '21', 'left': '273', 'top': '485'} g dh e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '370', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '397', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '461', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '37', 'font': '21', 'left': '594', 'top': '367'} ha b d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '656', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '687', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '781', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '800', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '624', 'top': '604'} g a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '653', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '690', 'top': '604'} f d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '718', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '771', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '795', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '313', '105', '34%', '27%', '20', 'Other sexual offences', '551', '210', '38%', '33%', '27', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '864', '315', '36%', '31%', '47', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Northumbria', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'a', 'g dh e', 'b', 'f', 'c', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'ha b d', 'g', 'e', 'c', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'g a', 'e', 'f d', 'h', 'b', 'c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '313', '105', '34%', '27%', '20', 'Other sexual offences', '551', '210', '38%', '33%', '27', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '864', '315', '36%', '31%', '47', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Northumbria', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'a', 'g dh e', 'b', 'f', 'c', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'ha b d', 'g', 'e', 'c', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'g a', 'e', 'f d', 'h', 'b', 'c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '31%', 'rapeMSG': '27%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '27', 'rapeSDs1213': '105', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '864', 'otherSexOff1213': '551', 'SexOffencesExp': '47', 'otherSD': '210', 'SexOffencesPerc': '36%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '38%', 'OtherMSG': '33%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '315', 'rapeOffences1213': '313', 'rapePerc': '34%', 'forceurl': 'northumbria', 'rapeDiff': '20', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 319 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 64 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '674'} -11 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 657 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 200 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '691'} -2 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 976 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 264 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '708'} -14 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '79', 'font': '21', 'left': '1058', 'top': '811'} Nottinghamshire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '279', 'top': '485'} hd {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '307', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '357', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '389', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '415', 'top': '485'} ca {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '625', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '29', 'font': '21', 'left': '662', 'top': '367'} b hg f {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '743', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '762', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '836', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '647', 'top': '604'} h f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '700', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '29', 'font': '21', 'left': '730', 'top': '604'} abg c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '319', '64', '20%', '24%', '-11', 'Other sexual offences', '657', '200', '30%', '31%', '-2', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '976', '264', '27%', '29%', '-14', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Nottinghamshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'hd', 'f', 'b', 'g', 'ca', 'e', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'd', 'b hg f', 'c', 'a', 'e', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'h f', 'd', 'abg c', 'e', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '319', '64', '20%', '24%', '-11', 'Other sexual offences', '657', '200', '30%', '31%', '-2', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '976', '264', '27%', '29%', '-14', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Nottinghamshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'hd', 'f', 'b', 'g', 'ca', 'e', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'd', 'b hg f', 'c', 'a', 'e', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'h f', 'd', 'abg c', 'e', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '29%', 'rapeMSG': '24%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-2', 'rapeSDs1213': '64', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '976', 'otherSexOff1213': '657', 'SexOffencesExp': '-14', 'otherSD': '200', 'SexOffencesPerc': '27%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '30%', 'OtherMSG': '31%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '264', 'rapeOffences1213': '319', 'rapePerc': '20%', 'forceurl': 'nottinghamshire', 'rapeDiff': '-11', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 344 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '674'} 108 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '674'} 21 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 812 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 229 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 33% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '691'} -39 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 1,156 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 337 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '708'} -19 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '61', 'font': '21', 'left': '1075', 'top': '811'} South Wales {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '254', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '274', 'top': '485'} f b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '305', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '370', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '395', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '421', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '460', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '30', 'font': '21', 'left': '600', 'top': '367'} c a b {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '658', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '687', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '762', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '780', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '799', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '625', 'top': '604'} f c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '653', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '688', 'top': '604'} d b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '730', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '771', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '794', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '344', '108', '31%', '25%', '21', 'Other sexual offences', '812', '229', '28%', '33%', '-39', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,156', '337', '29%', '30%', '-19', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'South Wales', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c', 'f b', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'h', 'g', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'c a b', 'f', 'e', 'h', 'g', 'd', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'f c', 'e', 'd b', 'h', 'a', 'g', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '344', '108', '31%', '25%', '21', 'Other sexual offences', '812', '229', '28%', '33%', '-39', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,156', '337', '29%', '30%', '-19', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'South Wales', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'c', 'f b', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'h', 'g', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'c a b', 'f', 'e', 'h', 'g', 'd', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'f c', 'e', 'd b', 'h', 'a', 'g', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '30%', 'rapeMSG': '25%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-39', 'rapeSDs1213': '108', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '1,156', 'otherSexOff1213': '812', 'SexOffencesExp': '-19', 'otherSD': '229', 'SexOffencesPerc': '29%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '28%', 'OtherMSG': '33%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '337', 'rapeOffences1213': '344', ' rapePerc': '31%', 'forceurl': 'south-wales', 'rapeDiff': '21', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 307 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 78 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 26% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '674'} -2 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 542 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 190 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 20 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 849 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 268 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 32% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 19 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '76', 'font': '21', 'left': '1061', 'top': '811'} South Yorkshire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '253', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '286', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '305', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '357', 'top': '485'} h e {'height': '10', 'width': '11', 'font': '21', 'left': '415', 'top': '485'} g f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '460', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '31', 'font': '21', 'left': '600', 'top': '367'} d e c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '662', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '687', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '743', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '763', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '780', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '636', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '653', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '701', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '731', 'top': '604'} f h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '753', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '771', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '794', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '307', '78', '25%', '26%', '-2', 'Other sexual offences', '542', '190', '35%', '31%', '20', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '849', '268', '32%', '30%', '19', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'South Yorkshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'd', 'c', 'a', 'h e', 'g f', 'b', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'd e c', 'h', 'a', 'g', 'f', 'b', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'd', 'a', 'c', 'f h', 'g', 'e', 'b', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '307', '78', '25%', '26%', '-2', 'Other sexual offences', '542', '190', '35%', '31%', '20', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '849', '268', '32%', '30%', '19', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'South Yorkshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'd', 'c', 'a', 'h e', 'g f', 'b', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'd e c', 'h', 'a', 'g', 'f', 'b', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'd', 'a', 'c', 'f h', 'g', 'e', 'b', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '30%', 'rapeMSG': '26%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '20', 'rapeSDs1213': '78', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '849', 'otherSexOff1213': '542', 'SexOffencesExp': '19', 'otherSD': '190', 'SexOffencesPerc': '32%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '35%', 'OtherMSG': '31%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '268', 'rapeOffences1213': '307', 'rapePerc': '25%', 'forceurl': 'south-yorkshire', 'rapeDiff': '-2', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 329 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 63 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 19% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 21% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '674'} -4 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 695 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 174 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '691'} -35 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 1,024 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 237 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 23% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '708'} -39 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '61', 'font': '21', 'left': '1076', 'top': '811'} Staffordshire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '17', 'font': '21', 'left': '266', 'top': '485'} b f {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '338', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '382', 'top': '485'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '428', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '454', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '473', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '643', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '676', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '699', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '750', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '768', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '793', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '824', 'top': '367'} g d {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '630', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '649', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '677', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '765', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '806', 'top': '604'} ga {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '329', '63', '19%', '21%', '-4', 'Other sexual offences', '695', '174', '25%', '30%', '-35', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,024', '237', '23%', '27%', '-39', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Staffordshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'b f', 'c', 'e', 'h', 'a', 'g', 'd', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'b', 'f', 'e', 'c', 'a', 'h', 'g d', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'b', 'f', 'c', 'e', 'h', 'ga', 'd', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '329', '63', '19%', '21%', '-4', 'Other sexual offences', '695', '174', '25%', '30%', '-35', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,024', '237', '23%', '27%', '-39', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Staffordshire', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'b f', 'c', 'e', 'h', 'a', 'g', 'd', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'b', 'f', 'e', 'c', 'a', 'h', 'g d', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'b', 'f', 'c', 'e', 'h', 'ga', 'd', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '27%', 'rapeMSG': '21%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-35', 'rapeSDs1213': '63', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '1,024', 'otherSexOff1213': '695', 'SexOffencesExp': '-39', 'otherSD': '174', 'SexOffencesPerc': '23%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '25%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '237', 'rapeOffences1213': '329', 'rapePerc': '19%', 'forceurl': 'staffordshire', 'rapeDiff': '-4', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 202 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 38 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 19% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 23% {'height': '10', 'width': '10', 'font': '21', 'left': '495', 'top': '674'} -9 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 511 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 100 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '691'} -54 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 713 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 138 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 19% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '708'} -63 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '33', 'font': '21', 'left': '1104', 'top': '811'} Suffolk {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '247', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '312', 'top': '485'} e h {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '364', 'top': '485'} c g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '447', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '11', 'font': '21', 'left': '481', 'top': '485'} f a {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '588', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '650', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '693', 'top': '367'} e c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '774', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '805', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '831', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'widt h': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '618', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '671', 'top': '604'} e h {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '712', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '747', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '777', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '825', 'top': '604'} f a {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '202', '38', '19%', '23%', '-9', 'Other sexual offences', '511', '100', '20%', '30%', '-54', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '713', '138', '19%', '28%', '-63', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Suffolk', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'd', 'e h', 'c g', 'b', 'f a', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'd', 'g', 'e c', 'h', 'a', 'b', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'd', 'e h', 'c', 'g', 'b', 'f a', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '202', '38', '19%', '23%', '-9', 'Other sexual offences', '511', '100', '20%', '30%', '-54', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '713', '138', '19%', '28%', '-63', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Suffolk', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'd', 'e h', 'c g', 'b', 'f a', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'd', 'g', 'e c', 'h', 'a', 'b', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'd', 'e h', 'c', 'g', 'b', 'f a', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '28%', 'rapeMSG': '23%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-54', 'rapeSDs1213': '38', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '713', 'otherSexOff1213': '511', 'SexOffencesExp': '-63', 'otherSD': '100', 'SexOffencesPerc': '19%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '20%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '138', 'rapeOffences1213': '202', 'rapePerc': '19%', 'forceurl': 'suffolk', 'rapeDiff': '-9', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 169 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 53 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '499', 'top': '674'} 8 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 378 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 181 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 48% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 34% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 54 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 547 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 234 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 43% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 62 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '32', 'font': '21', 'left': '1105', 'top': '811'} Surrey {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '234', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '350', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '402', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '435', 'top': '485'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '619', 'top': '367'} a d {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '731', 'top': '367'} bc {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '600', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '694', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '782', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '800', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '169', '53', '31%', '27%', '8', 'Other sexual offences', '378', '181', '48%', '34%', '54', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '547', '234', '43%', '31%', '62', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Surrey', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'c', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'a d', 'bc', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '169', '53', '31%', '27%', '8', 'Other sexual offences', '378', '181', '48%', '34%', '54', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '547', '234', '43%', '31%', '62', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Surrey', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'c', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'a d', 'bc', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'c', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '31%', 'rapeMSG': '27%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '54', 'rapeSDs1213': '53', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '547', 'otherSexOff1213': '378', 'SexOffencesExp': '62', 'otherSD': '181', 'SexOffencesPerc': '43%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '48%', 'OtherMSG': '34%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '234', 'rapeOffences1213': '169', 'rapePerc': '31%', 'forceurl': 'surrey', 'rapeDiff': '8', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 480 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '674'} 138 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 23% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '674'} 26 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '691'} 1,076 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 351 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 33% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '691'} 28 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 1,556 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 489 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 31% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '493', 'top': '708'} 54 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '35', 'font': '21', 'left': '1102', 'top': '811'} Sussex {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '266', 'top': '485'} g c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '318', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '382', 'top': '485'} be {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '434', 'top': '485'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '454', 'top': '485'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '494', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '637', 'top': '367'} ag {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '675', 'top': '367'} ce {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '699', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '737', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '768', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '838', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '630', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '648', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '706', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '741', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '800', 'top': '604'} d h {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '831', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '480', '138', '29%', '23%', '26', 'Other sexual offences', '1,076', '351', '33%', '30%', '28', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,556', '489', '31%', '28%', '54', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Sussex', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'g c', 'a', 'be', 'd', 'h', 'f', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'ag', 'ce', 'b', 'd', 'h', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'g', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'e', 'd h', 'f', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '480', '138', '29%', '23%', '26', 'Other sexual offences', '1,076', '351', '33%', '30%', '28', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,556', '489', '31%', '28%', '54', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Sussex', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'g c', 'a', 'be', 'd', 'h', 'f', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'ag', 'ce', 'b', 'd', 'h', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'g', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'e', 'd h', 'f', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '28%', 'rapeMSG': '23%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '28', 'rapeSDs1213': '138', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '1,556', 'otherSexOff1213': '1,076', 'SexOffencesExp': '54', 'otherSD': '351', 'SexOffencesPerc': '31%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '33%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '489', 'rapeOffences1213': '480', 'rapePerc': '29%', 'forceurl': 'sussex', 'rapeDiff': '26', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1' , '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', ' 12', '13', '14', '15', '16 ', '17', '1 8', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24' , '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33' , '34', '35', '36 ', '37', '38', '3 9', '40', '41', '42 ', '43', '44', '45' , '46', '47', '48 ', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53 ', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61' , '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67 ', '68', '69', ' 70', '71', '72' , '73', '74', ' 75', '76', '77', '78' , '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84 ', '85', '86', '87', ' 88', '89', '90', '91', ' 92', '93' , '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 512 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '674'} 114 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 22% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '674'} -12 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '691'} 1,473 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '691'} 375 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '691'} -72 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '21', 'left': '292', 'top': '708'} 1,985 {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '349', 'top': '708'} 489 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 29% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '708'} -84 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '71', 'font': '21', 'left': '1066', 'top': '811'} Thames Valley {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '266', 'top': '485'} g e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '318', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '21', 'left': '383', 'top': '485'} ch d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '434', 'top': '485'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '494', 'top': '485'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '631', 'top': '367'} dbg {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '674', 'top': '367'} eh {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '700', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '737', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '838', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '630', 'top': '604'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '647', 'top': '604'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '706', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '724', 'top': '604'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '741', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '782', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '800', 'top': '604'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '831', 'top': '604'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '381', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '118'} Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in {'height': '10', 'width': '378', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '132'} 2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important {'height': '10', 'width': '298', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '146'} information on understanding sanction detections see page 59. {'height': '10', 'width': '355', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '174'} SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably {'height': '10', 'width': '370', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '188'} restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously {'height': '10', 'width': '387', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '202'} recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on {'height': '10', 'width': '44', 'font': '21', 'left': '127', 'top': '216'} SD rates. {'height': '10', 'width': '39', 'font': '21', 'left': '612', 'top': '859'} page 70 {'height': '8', 'width': '29', 'font': '26', 'left': '82', 'top': '859'} HMIC p71data so far: ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '512', '114', '22%', '25%', '-12', 'Other sexual offences', '1,473', '375', '25%', '30%', '-72', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,985', '489', '25%', '29%', '-84', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Thames Valley', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'g e', 'b', 'ch d', 'a', 'f', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'dbg', 'eh', 'c', 'a', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'g', 'e', 'b', 'c', 'h', 'd', 'a', 'f', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] returned data ['<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n', 'What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others?', '<b>MSG</b>\n', '<b>Avg</b>\n', 'Rape', '512', '114', '22%', '25%', '-12', 'Other sexual offences', '1,473', '375', '25%', '30%', '-72', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '1,985', '489', '25%', '29%', '-84', '<i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i>\n', 'Thames Valley', '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces.', '<b>Offences</b>\n', '<b>SDs</b>\n', '<b>Diff* </b>\n', '<b>% </b>\n', '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', '45%', 'g e', 'b', 'ch d', 'a', 'f', '<b>Rape</b>\n', '0%', '5%', '10%', '15%', '20%', '25%', '30%', '35%', '40%', 'dbg', 'eh', 'c', 'a', 'f', '<b>Other sexual offences</b>\n', '0%', '10%', '20%', '30%', '40%', '50%', '60%', 'g', 'e', 'b', 'c', 'h', 'd', 'a', 'f', 'Sanction detection rate (%) refers to the number of sanction detections (SDs) in ', '2012/13 divided by the number of recorded offences for 2012/13. For important ', 'information on understanding sanction detections see page 59.', 'SDs do not cover all types of outcomes used by some forces, most notably ', 'restorative justice, taken into considerations (TICs) from crimes not previously ', "recorded and community resolutions. Differences in forces' policies will impact on ", 'SD rates.', 'page 70', 'HMIC'] {'SexOffencesMsg': '29%', 'rapeMSG': '25%', 'source': '', 'otherDiff': '-72', 'rapeSDs1213': '114', 'Police force': '* Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a ', 'SexOffencesTotal1213': '1,985', 'otherSexOff1213': '1,473', 'SexOffencesExp': '-84', 'otherSD': '375', 'SexOffencesPerc': '25%', 'offence2': 'Other sexual offences', 'offence3': '<b>Sexual offences</b>\n', 'offence1': 'Rape', 'otherPerc': '25%', 'OtherMSG': '30%', 'SexOffencesSDs': '489', 'rapeOffences1213': '512', 'rapePerc': '22%', 'forceurl': 'thames-valley', 'rapeDiff': '-12', 'pagetitle': '<b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b>\n'} The first 30 characters are: <?xml version="1.0" encoding=" The pages are numbered: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', '32', '33', '34', '35', '36', '37', '38', '39', '40', '41', '42', '43', '44', '45', '46', '47', '48', '49', '50', '51', '52', '53', '54', '55', '56', '57', '58', '59', '60', '61', '62', '63', '64', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '72', '73', '74', '75', '76', '77', '78', '79', '80', '81', '82', '83', '84', '85', '86', '87', '88', '89', '90', '91', '92', '93', '94'] {'height': '13', 'width': '444', 'font': '5', 'left': '112', 'top': '63'} <b>Offences and outcomes - Sexual offences - Sanction detection rates</b> {'height': '11', 'width': '564', 'font': '15', 'left': '112', 'top': '81'} What is the sanction detection rate for sexual offences in the force and how does this compare with others? {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '419', 'top': '640'} <b>MSG</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '20', 'font': '20', 'left': '421', 'top': '657'} <b>Avg</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '26', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '674'} Rape {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '674'} 137 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '674'} 20 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '674'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '674'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '674'} -12 {'height': '10', 'width': '103', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '691'} Other sexual offences {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '691'} 290 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '691'} 70 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '691'} 24% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '691'} 28% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '691'} -12 {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '150', 'top': '708'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '301', 'top': '708'} 427 {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '355', 'top': '708'} 90 {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '385', 'top': '708'} 21% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '429', 'top': '708'} 27% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '489', 'top': '708'} -24 {'height': '10', 'width': '466', 'font': '28', 'left': '150', 'top': '794'} <i>Source: Home Office Detections Statistics 2012/13 (SDs), ONS Crime Statistics 2012/13 (Crime)</i> {'height': '10', 'width': '65', 'font': '21', 'left': '1072', 'top': '811'} Warwickshire {'height': '10', 'width': '664', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '741'} * Net difference in the number of outcomes (sanction detections) compared to if the force had the MSG rate. A positive difference indicates a {'height': '10', 'width': '541', 'font': '21', 'left': '150', 'top': '755'} higher number of sanction detections for this force than expected based on the detections reported by MSG forces. {'height': '10', 'width': '46', 'font': '20', 'left': '271', 'top': '648'} <b>Offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '21', 'font': '20', 'left': '336', 'top': '648'} <b>SDs</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '25', 'font': '20', 'left': '473', 'top': '648'} <b>Diff* </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '15', 'font': '20', 'left': '382', 'top': '648'} <b>% </b> {'height': '10', 'width': '82', 'font': '20', 'left': '412', 'top': '328'} <b>Sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '469'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '209', 'top': '453'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '437'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '421'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '404'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '388'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '372'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '355'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '339'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '203', 'top': '323'} 45% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '247', 'top': '485'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '19', 'font': '21', 'left': '363', 'top': '485'} h d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '402', 'top': '485'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '11', 'font': '21', 'left': '442', 'top': '485'} f c {'height': '10', 'width': '12', 'font': '21', 'left': '480', 'top': '485'} ae {'height': '10', 'width': '27', 'font': '20', 'left': '806', 'top': '211'} <b>Rape</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '351'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '563', 'top': '333'} 5% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '315'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '297'} 15% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '279'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '260'} 25% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '242'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '224'} 35% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '557', 'top': '206'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '588', 'top': '367'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '631', 'top': '367'} g {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '650', 'top': '367'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '706', 'top': '367'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '3', 'font': '21', 'left': '757', 'top': '367'} f {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '774', 'top': '367'} e {'height': '10', 'width': '5', 'font': '21', 'left': '805', 'top': '367'} c {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '830', 'top': '367'} a {'height': '10', 'width': '113', 'font': '20', 'left': '711', 'top': '447'} <b>Other sexual offences</b> {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '576', 'top': '588'} 0% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '564'} 10% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '540'} 20% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '516'} 30% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '491'} 40% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '467'} 50% {'height': '10', 'width': '22', 'font': '21', 'left': '570', 'top': '443'} 60% {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '618', 'top': '604'} b {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '712', 'top': '604'} h {'height': '10', 'width': '6', 'font': '21', 'left': '747', 'top': '604'} d {'height': '10', 'width': '16', 'font': '21', 'left': '777', 'top': '604'} cg f {'height': '10', 'width': '18', 'font': '21', 'left': '823', 'top': '604'} a e {'height'