nik3daz / canterbury_development_applications

City of Canterbury Development Applications


DA Track

Last run failed with status code 1.

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... [1G-----> Ruby app detected [1G-----> Compiling Ruby [1G-----> Using Ruby version: ruby-2.0.0 [1G-----> Installing dependencies using 1.7.12 [1G Running: bundle install --without development:test --path vendor/bundle --binstubs vendor/bundle/bin -j4 --deployment [1G Fetching gem metadata from [1G Fetching [1G Installing httpclient [1G Installing mime-types 2.5 [1G Installing net-http-digest_auth 1.4 [1G Installing net-http-persistent 2.9.4 [1G Installing mini_portile 0.6.2 [1G Installing ntlm-http 0.1.1 [1G Installing webrobots 0.1.1 [1G Using bundler 1.7.12 [1G Installing unf_ext [1G Installing unf 0.1.4 [1G Installing domain_name 0.5.24 [1G Installing http-cookie 1.0.2 [1G Installing sqlite3 1.3.10 [1G Installing sqlite_magic 0.0.3 [1G Using scraperwiki 3.0.1 from (at morph_defaults) [1G Installing nokogiri [1G Installing mechanize 2.7.3 [1G Your bundle is complete! [1G Gems in the groups development and test were not installed. [1G It was installed into ./vendor/bundle [1G Bundle completed (28.76s) [1G Cleaning up the bundler cache. [1G [1G-----> Discovering process types [1G Procfile declares types -> scraper [1G Default process types for Ruby -> rake, console Injecting scraper and running... Scraping scraper.rb:15:in `+': no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String (TypeError) from scraper.rb:15:in `scrape_table' from scraper.rb:46:in `<main>'


Average successful run time: 12 minutes

Total run time: 24 minutes

Total cpu time used: less than a minute

Total disk space used: 23.7 KB


  • Manually ran revision 3f2608c2 and failed .
    nothing changed in the database
    1 page scraped
  • Manually ran revision 112828e1 and completed successfully .
    9503 records added in the database
    988 pages scraped
  • Manually ran revision 182c9838 and completed successfully .
    10 records added in the database
    1 page scraped
  • Created on