mo4ko4 / 1



Welcome to the Burdekin, sugar capital of Australia and one of the most prosperous rural communities in the country. It's also one of the prettiest districts along the Queensland coast and boasts a stable population of warm, friendly and down-to-earth residents.

Last run completed successfully .

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... [1G [1G-----> PHP app detected [1G-----> Bootstrapping... [1G-----> Installing platform packages... [1G NOTICE: No runtime required in composer.lock; using PHP ^5.5.17 [1G - php (5.6.25) [1G - ext-gd (bundled with php) [1G - ext-mbstring (bundled with php) [1G - ext-pdo_sqlite (bundled with php) [1G - ext-sqlite3 (bundled with php) [1G - apache (2.4.20) [1G - nginx (1.8.1) [1G-----> Installing dependencies... [1G Composer version 1.1.3 2016-06-26 15:42:08 [1G Loading composer repositories with package information [1G Installing dependencies from lock file [1G - Installing openaustralia/scraperwiki (dev-morph_defaults e996fe0) [1G Cloning e996fe0253bb50330690f5d2bafb66f094dbacb8 [1G [1G Generating optimized autoload files [1G-----> Preparing runtime environment... [1G-----> Checking for additional extensions to install... [1G [1G-----> Discovering process types [1G Procfile declares types -> scraper Injecting scraper and running...


Average successful run time: less than 20 seconds

Total run time: less than 20 seconds

Total cpu time used: less than 5 seconds

Total disk space used: 21.7 KB


  • Manually ran revision 3510b000 and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
    2 pages scraped
  • Created on

Scraper code