Contributors macsch

Last run completed successfully .

Console output of last run

{'Overheid': 'Gemeenten' } {'Overheid': 'Provincies'} {'Overheid': 'Waterschappen'} {'Overheid': 'Regionale samenwerkingsorganen'} {'Overheid': 'Openbare lichamen voor beroep en bedrijf'} {'Overheid': 'Staten-Generaal'} {'Overheid': 'Hoge Colleges van Staat'} {'Overheid': 'Ministeries'} {'Overheid': 'Adviescolleges'} {'Overheid': 'Rechterlijke macht'} {'Overheid': 'Politie en brandweer'} {'Overheid': 'Caribisch Nederland (BES-eilanden)'} {'Overheid': u'Aruba, Cura\xe7ao en Sint Maarten'}


Average successful run time: less than 5 seconds

Total run time: less than 10 seconds

Total cpu time used: less than 5 seconds

Total disk space used: 20 KB


  • Manually ran revision 282693c4 and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
  • Manually ran revision c57e2bea and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
  • Manually ran revision bb1a65f3 and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
  • Created on