ianheggie-oaf / multiple_masterview

Scrapes multiple authorities that have a masterview system

This is a scraper that runs on Morph. To get started see the documentation

Add any issues to https://github.com/planningalerts-scrapers/issues/issues

To run the scraper

bash bundle exec ruby scraper.rb

To run the tests

bash bundle exec rake


bash bin/rake

Running under morph.io

Some of the authorities require an Australia proxy otherwise they either timeout or error out. They are tagged australian_proxy: true.

I have created the down_under project for my own australian proxy. You are free to use my project, but you will need to pay for your own linode VPS.

Set MORPH_AUSTRALIA_PROXY to the proxy setting reported by bin/status

To force testing using fresh cache of external sites

Testing is performed using a cached copy of the external sites. Clobber the cache to force testing against recent copies of external site results.

bash bundle exec rake clobber_cache


bash bin/rake clobber_cache

Report on morph.io dev/test and live status pages

bash bin/rake morph_status:report

Produces a table report by authority of:

  • Week, Month, Population, Warning - from Morph.io Live Status Page
  • Test - local spec/expected/AUTHORITY.yml record count
  • Morph - records collected by test of this repo on Morph.io

And then a Summary by Status detailing recommended Actions to Take

You will need to set an environment variable (eg via .envrc file and direnv command):

  • MORPHAPIKEY - so the report can query the database updated on morph.io by your local repository

To run style and coding checks

bash bundle exec rubocop

Available filters

Optionally set the following ENV variables before running scraper.rb or tests:

  • LIMIT=5 - to limit the number of records to 5 (for example) for quick test (different cache files used)
  • AUTHORITIES=name,name - to run/test with a subset of authorities
  • DEBUG=1 - to show the GET and POST calls to the external site
  • FAIL_FAST=1 - to make spec stop on first failure
  • UNKNOWN_IS_NOT_FATAL=1 - for when you get sick of adding all the new determinations one test run at a time

What a Masterview website looks like

Sign up

(To update this screenshot run bundle exec rake screenshots)

Bundle Configuration

GLIBC Compatibility

This scraper runs on heroku-18 which has older GLIBC versions. The Gemfile has been configured to use compatible gem versions like nokogiri 1.15.x and sqlite3 1.6.x.

If you encounter GLIBC version errors when deploying (e.g. GLIBC_2.29 not found), try forcing gem compilation from source by creating .bundle/config:



Then rebuild:

bash rm Gemfile.lock script/bundle install # Uses the same bundler version (2.3.10) as morph.io

This will compile gems from source rather than using pre-built binaries, which may help with compatibility at the cost of longer installation times.

Contributors mlandauer njenkins ianheggie-oaf

Last run failed with status code 1.

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... [1G [1G-----> Ruby app detected [1G-----> Installing bundler 2.3.10 [1G-----> Removing BUNDLED WITH version in the Gemfile.lock [1G-----> Compiling Ruby [1G-----> Using Ruby version: ruby-3.2.2 [1G-----> Installing dependencies using bundler 2.3.10 [1G Running: BUNDLE_WITHOUT='development:test' BUNDLE_PATH=vendor/bundle BUNDLE_BIN=vendor/bundle/bin BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT=1 bundle install -j4 [1G Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/......... [1G Fetching https://github.com/openaustralia/scraperwiki-ruby.git [1G Fetching concurrent-ruby 1.3.5 [1G Fetching minitest 5.25.4 [1G Fetching public_suffix 6.0.1 [1G Fetching base64 0.2.0 [1G Installing base64 0.2.0 [1G Installing public_suffix 6.0.1 [1G Using bundler 2.4.10 [1G Installing minitest 5.25.4 [1G Fetching connection_pool 2.5.0 [1G Installing concurrent-ruby 1.3.5 [1G Installing connection_pool 2.5.0 [1G Fetching domain_name 0.6.20240107 [1G Fetching httpclient 2.8.3 [1G Installing domain_name 0.6.20240107 [1G Fetching logger 1.6.5 [1G Installing httpclient 2.8.3 [1G Installing logger 1.6.5 [1G Fetching mime-types-data 3.2025.0204 [1G Fetching net-http-digest_auth 1.4.1 [1G Installing net-http-digest_auth 1.4.1 [1G Installing mime-types-data 3.2025.0204 [1G Fetching racc 1.8.1 [1G Fetching webrick 1.9.1 [1G Installing racc 1.8.1 with native extensions [1G Installing webrick 1.9.1 [1G Fetching webrobots 0.1.2 [1G Fetching sqlite3 1.6.9 (x86_64-linux) [1G Installing webrobots 0.1.2 [1G Fetching rubyntlm 0.6.5 [1G Fetching addressable 2.8.7 [1G Installing rubyntlm 0.6.5 [1G Installing addressable 2.8.7 [1G Fetching http-cookie 1.0.8 [1G Fetching net-http-persistent 4.0.5 [1G Installing http-cookie 1.0.8 [1G Installing net-http-persistent 4.0.5 [1G Fetching mime-types 3.6.0 [1G Installing mime-types 3.6.0 [1G Fetching i18n 1.14.7 [1G Fetching tzinfo 2.0.6 [1G Installing i18n 1.14.7 [1G Installing tzinfo 2.0.6 [1G Fetching activesupport [1G Installing sqlite3 1.6.9 (x86_64-linux) [1G Installing activesupport [1G Fetching sqlite_magic 0.0.6 [1G Installing sqlite_magic 0.0.6 [1G Using scraperwiki 3.0.1 from https://github.com/openaustralia/scraperwiki-ruby.git (at morph_defaults@fc50176) [1G Fetching nokogiri 1.15.7 (x86_64-linux) [1G Installing nokogiri 1.15.7 (x86_64-linux) [1G Fetching mechanize 2.8.5 [1G Installing mechanize 2.8.5 [1G Bundle complete! 13 Gemfile dependencies, 27 gems now installed. [1G Gems in the groups 'development' and 'test' were not installed. [1G Bundled gems are installed into `./vendor/bundle` [1G Bundle completed (4.29s) [1G Cleaning up the bundler cache. [1G Removing bundler (2.3.10) [1G-----> Detecting rake tasks [1G [1G [1G [1G-----> Discovering process types [1G Procfile declares types -> scraper Injecting scraper and running... Scraping authorities: albury, ballina, bega_valley, broken_hill, bundaberg, byron, cessnock, dubbo, fairfield, gympie, lismore, maranoa, muswellbrook, port_stephens, shoalhaven, singleton, strathfield, upper_hunter at 2025-02-09 21:30:05 +0000 Collecting feed data for albury with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 21:30:05 +0000 ... Public IP: albury: ERROR: Failed to open TCP connection to eservice.alburycity.nsw.gov.au:443 (execution expired) after 45.1 seconds /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1271:in `initialize' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1271:in `open' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1271:in `block in connect' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/timeout.rb:189:in `block in timeout' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/timeout.rb:196:in `timeout' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1269:in `connect' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1248:in `do_start' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1243:in `start' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/net-http-persistent-4.0.5/lib/net/http/persistent.rb:711:in `start' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/net-http-persistent-4.0.5/lib/net/http/persistent.rb:641:in `connection_for' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/net-http-persistent-4.0.5/lib/net/http/persistent.rb:941:in `request' Collecting feed data for ballina with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 21:30:50 +0000 ... /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/http/agent.rb:284:in `fetch' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize.rb:465:in `get' /app/lib/masterview_scraper/authority_scraper.rb:59:in `scrape_api_period' /app/lib/masterview_scraper/authority_scraper.rb:30:in `scrape_period' /app/lib/masterview_scraper/authority_scraper.rb:9:in `scrape' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:60:in `scrape_authority' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:38:in `block in run' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:33:in `each' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:33:in `run' scraper.rb:17:in `<main>' Saving record 2024/135.1 - 15 Kellie-Ann Cr, Lennox Head NSW 2478 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 2024/261.1 - 22 Sunhaven Ave, Skennars Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/369.1 - 125 Riverside Dr, West Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/5017.1 - 11 Eyles Dr, East Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/34.1 - 485 Pearces Creek Rd, Alstonvale NSW 2477 Saving record 2024/257.1 - 75 Pacific Heights Dr, Cumbalum NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/507.1 - 1/41 Habitat Wy, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/24.1 - 50 Fenwick Dr, East Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2021/862.1 - 28 Jameson Ave, East Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/263.1 - 131 Tuckombil La, Tuckombil NSW 2477 Saving record 2025/5016.1 - 11 Cove Ave, Skennars Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2022/300.1 - 1 Norlyn Ave, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/537.1 - 1/107 Tamar St, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/5121.2 - 4 Sunhaven Ave, Skennars Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2022/6.2 - 9 Henderson Pl, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/5015.1 - 20 Mcevoy St, Cumbalum NSW 2478 Saving record 2018/517.2 - 8 Mackney La, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/20.1 - 11 Rutherford St, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/5227.1 - 8 Acreage St, Cumbalum NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/23.1 - 20 Kellie-Ann Cr, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/173.1 - 20 Bangalow Rd, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/17.1 - 2 South St, Alstonville NSW 2477 Saving record 2024/5468.1 - 31-35 Cherry St, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/5179.2 - 19 Offshore Ave, Skennars Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/384.1 - 23 Friday Hut Rd, Tintenbar NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/384.1 - 23 Friday Hut Rd, Tintenbar NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/5014.1 - 84 Kerr St, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2010/453.3 - 57 Rifle Range Rd, Wollongbar NSW 2477 Saving record 2024/201.1 - 48 Habitat Wy, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/14.1 - 45 Habitat Wy, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/169.1 - 51B Greenfield Rd, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2022/632.4 - 10 Martins La, Knockrow NSW 2479 Saving record 2025/1.1 - 114 Stoneyhurst Dr, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2021/482.2 - 65B Habitat Wy, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2022/137.1 - 14 Barnwall St, Cumbalum NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/11.1 - 21 Cargelligo Cr, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/19.1 - 13 Edward Pl, Knockrow NSW 2479 Saving record 2017/600.1 - 1/19 Northcott Cr, Alstonville NSW 2477 Saving record 2023/107.1 - 26 Boeing Ave, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/256.1 - 18 Sunhaven Ave, Skennars Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/117.1 - 254 Old Byron Bay Rd, Newrybar NSW 2479 Saving record 2025/11.1 - 21 Cargelligo Cr, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/431.1 - 2/26 Westland Dr, West Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/298.2 - 6 Alston Ave, Alstonville NSW 2477 Saving record 2022/463.1 - 8 Bentwing Pl, Tintenbar NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/538.1 - 93 Burnet St, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/180.1 - 137 Riverside Dr, West Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/410.1 - 67 Carroll Ave, Skennars Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/343.1 - 52 Northumberland Dr, East Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/12.1 - 40 Pacific Pde, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/15.1 - 195 Cumbalum Rd, Cumbalum NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/37.2 - 337 Empire Vale Rd, Empire Vale NSW 2478 Saving record 2022/231.1 - 11 Sand St, Skennars Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2022/683.1 - 17 Hartigan St, Cumbalum NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/106.1 - 312 North Creek Rd, Skennars Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2021/719.1 - 23 Habitat Wy, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/5013.1 - 15 Foley Ave, Cumbalum NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/5012.1 - 5 Dune Ave, Skennars Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/6.1 - 61 Eden Valley Dr, Alstonville NSW 2477 Saving record 2025/6.1 - 61 Eden Valley Dr, Alstonville NSW 2477 Saving record 2025/5009.1 - 13 Dune Ave, Skennars Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2019/597.2 - 38 Ballina St, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/13.1 - 40 Horizon Dr, West Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/10.1 - 283 Empire Vale Rd, Empire Vale NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/10.1 - 283 Empire Vale Rd, Empire Vale NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/417.1 - 551 Wardell Rd, Dalwood NSW 2477 Saving record 2025/5011.1 - 1 Alston Ave, Alstonville NSW 2477 Saving record 2025/5007.1 - 18 Grandview St, East Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/5010.1 - 8 Condon Dr, East Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/166.1 - 7 Admiral Vsta, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2021/55.2 - 462 Pacific Hwy, West Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/354.1 - 6 Mahogany Pl, East Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/333.1 - 1/34 Redford Dr, Skennars Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/140.1 - 8 Verna Cl, Skennars Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/5395.1 - 2/58 Bayview Dr, East Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/105.1 - 8/5-7 Tresise Pl, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/5003.1 - 3 Southern Cross Dr, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/5003.1 - 3 Southern Cross Dr, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2021/194.1 - 9 Darcey Ave, Cumbalum NSW 2478 Saving record 2018/747.1 - 17 Millbrook Tce, Wollongbar NSW 2477 Saving record 2024/359.1 - 67 Carroll Ave, Skennars Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2021/997.2 - 1 Cronulla St, East Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/411.1 - 3 Teven Rd, Alstonville NSW 2477 Saving record 2021/278.2 - 7 Marine St, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2020/525.1 - 21 Kellie-Ann Cr, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/5005.1 - 1 Fern St, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/5005.1 - 1 Fern St, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2020/591.4 - 25 Boeing Ave, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/5008.1 - 3 Seaward St, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/77.1 - 92 Weis La, Rous NSW 2477 Saving record 2025/5006.1 - 6 Diversity Ave, Cumbalum NSW 2478 Saving record 2021/831.1 - 11 Sandbreak Cr, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/26.1 - 84 Eyles Dr, East Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/5414.1 - 4 Elliott Ave, Alstonville NSW 2477 Saving record 2017/501.1 - 287 North Teven Rd, Teven NSW 2478 Saving record 2022/601.2 - 171 Ballina Heights Dr, Cumbalum NSW 2478 Saving record 2022/371.1 - 32 Youngmans Rd, Marom Creek NSW 2480 Saving record 2023/322.1 - 34 Killen Falls Dr, Tintenbar NSW 2478 Saving record 2015/223.1 - 37 Anderson St, East Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2023/5109.1 - 194 Ballina Heights Dr, Cumbalum NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/428.1 - 11 Wave Break Cct, Skennars Head NSW 2478 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 2024/433.1 - 12 Willie Wagtail Pl, Alstonville NSW 2477 Saving record 2025/3.1 - 1/34 Silver Gull Dr, East Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/5.1 - 5 Skinner St, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2025/5.1 - 5 Skinner St, Ballina NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/5369.1 - 65 Salt Air Cct, Lennox Head NSW 2478 Saving record 2024/164.1 - 1 Azure St, East Ballina NSW 2478 Collecting feed data for bega_valley with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 21:30:53 +0000 ... bega_valley: ERROR: Failed to open TCP connection to datracker.begavalley.nsw.gov.au:443 (execution expired) after 45.0 seconds /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1271:in `initialize' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1271:in `open' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1271:in `block in connect' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/timeout.rb:189:in `block in timeout' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/timeout.rb:196:in `timeout' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1269:in `connect' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1248:in `do_start' Collecting feed data for broken_hill with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 21:31:38 +0000 ... /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1243:in `start' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/net-http-persistent-4.0.5/lib/net/http/persistent.rb:711:in `start' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/net-http-persistent-4.0.5/lib/net/http/persistent.rb:641:in `connection_for' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/net-http-persistent-4.0.5/lib/net/http/persistent.rb:941:in `request' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/http/agent.rb:284:in `fetch' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize.rb:465:in `get' /app/lib/masterview_scraper/authority_scraper.rb:59:in `scrape_api_period' /app/lib/masterview_scraper/authority_scraper.rb:30:in `scrape_period' /app/lib/masterview_scraper/authority_scraper.rb:9:in `scrape' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:60:in `scrape_authority' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:38:in `block in run' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:33:in `each' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:33:in `run' scraper.rb:17:in `<main>' Saving record 10 - 2025 - 5 - 1 - 253 Chapple St, Broken Hill NSW 2880 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 10 - 2025 - 2 - 1 - 308 Jamieson St, Broken Hill NSW 2880 Saving record 10 - 2025 - 3 - 1 - 220 Racecourse Rd, Broken Hill NSW 2880 Saving record 10 - 2024 - 112 - 1 - 687 Beryl St, Broken Hill NSW 2880 Collecting feed data for bundaberg with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 21:31:39 +0000 ... bundaberg: ERROR: 403 => Net::HTTPForbidden for https://da.bundaberg.qld.gov.au/ -- unhandled response after 0.1 seconds /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/http/agent.rb:333:in `fetch' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize.rb:465:in `get' /app/lib/masterview_scraper/authority_scraper.rb:59:in `scrape_api_period' /app/lib/masterview_scraper/authority_scraper.rb:30:in `scrape_period' /app/lib/masterview_scraper/authority_scraper.rb:9:in `scrape' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:60:in `scrape_authority' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:38:in `block in run' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:33:in `each' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:33:in `run' scraper.rb:17:in `<main>' Collecting feed data for byron with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 21:31:40 +0000 ... /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 10.2025.8.1 - 22 Teak Cct, Suffolk Park 2481 NSW Saving record 10.2022.523.2 - 19 Childe St, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 10.2023.382.3 - 44 Carlyle Ln, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 11.2022.255.3 - Da Unknown Parcels St, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 11.2021.310.2 - 7 Torakina Rd, Brunswick Heads 2483 NSW Saving record 10.2024.260.2 - 345 Goremans Rd, Eureka 2480 NSW Saving record 11.2023.468.2 - 41 Kingsley Ln, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 11.2019.448.3 - 48 Myocum Ridge Rd, Myocum 2482 NSW Saving record 11.2023.258.2 - 2 Shearwater Ln, Mullumbimby 2482 NSW Saving record 10.2025.5.1 - 13 Luan Crt, Byron Bay 2481 NSW /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 10.2022.150.3 - 125 Alcorn St, Suffolk Park 2481 NSW Saving record 10.2025.15.1 - 142 Bangalow Rd, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 10.2025.14.1 - 38A New City Rd, Mullumbimby 2482 NSW Saving record 10.2024.504.1 - 804 Main Arm Rd, Main Arm 2482 NSW Saving record 10.2023.194.2 - 150 Tandys Ln, Brunswick Heads 2483 NSW Saving record 16.2025.9.1 - 131 Mafeking Rd, Goonengerry 2482 NSW Saving record 11.2024.137.1 - 44 Coopers Shoot Rd, Coopers Shoot 2479 NSW Saving record 13.2018.79.2 - 12 Laurel Ave, Mullumbimby 2482 NSW Saving record 13.2024.2233.1 - 69 Burringbar St, Mullumbimby 2482 NSW Saving record 10.2024.512.1 - 28 Bougainvillea Drv, Federal 2480 NSW /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 16.2025.4.1 - 82 Tuckeroo Ave, Mullumbimby 2482 NSW Saving record 13.2014.693.1 - 16 Goondooloo Drv, Ocean Shores 2483 NSW Saving record 13.2019.624.1 - 33 Brushbox Drv, Mullumbimby Creek 2482 NSW Saving record 13.2024.2319.1 - 10-12 Shirley St, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 13.2020.117.1 - 12 Omega Cct, Brunswick Heads 2483 NSW Saving record 10.2024.480.1 - 52 Butler St, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 11.2022.350.1 - 5 Hanlon Crt, Bangalow 2479 NSW Saving record 11.2022.104.1 - 11 Jackwood Crt, Suffolk Park 2481 NSW Saving record 11.2024.8.1 - 45 Narooma Drv, Ocean Shores 2483 NSW Saving record 11.2024.440.1 - 34 Bayview Drv, Goonengerry 2482 NSW /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 10.2025.1.1 - 17/31 Hayters Drv, Suffolk Park 2481 NSW Saving record 13.2022.2119.1 - 4 Scott St, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 10.2025.2.1 - 403 Federal Drv, Federal 2480 NSW Saving record 10.2023.286.2 - 1/42 Macgregor St, Suffolk Park 2481 NSW Saving record 10.2021.451.2 - 31 Pacific Vista Drv, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 10.2023.287.2 - 144 Bayshore Drv, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 11.2019.449.1 - 42 Bilin Rd, Myocum 2482 NSW Saving record 10.2014.636.3 - 25 Paterson St, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 10.2024.467.1 - 15 Bonanza Drv, Billinudgel 2483 NSW Saving record 11.2022.565.2 - 45 Tennyson St, Byron Bay 2481 NSW /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 10.2024.507.1 - 23 Marine Pde, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 11.2021.73.3 - 186 Coopers Shoot Rd, Coopers Shoot 2479 NSW Saving record 11.2019.403.3 - 38 New City Rd, Mullumbimby 2482 NSW Saving record 10.2024.468.1 - 12 Keats St, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 10.2024.495.1 - 57 The Tunnell Rd, Billinudgel 2483 NSW Saving record 10.2014.753.10 - 2 Tanner Ln, Tyagarah 2481 NSW Saving record 10.2024.502.1 - 80 Midgen Flat Rd, Broken Head 2481 NSW Saving record 11.2022.505.1 - 56 Shirley Ln, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Saving record 13.2020.309.1 - 5 Fern Pl, Byron Bay 2481 NSW Collecting feed data for cessnock with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 21:32:25 +0000 ... /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 8/2025/67/1 - 26 Lodge Rd, Lovedale NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2025/42/1 - 32 Harrow Cct, Greta NSW 2334 Saving record 8/2022/987/3 - 3868 Great North Rd, Laguna NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2022/828/2 - 3 Lindsay St, East Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 12/2021/21684/1 - 11 Barnhill Priv, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 110/2025/6/1 - 15 Second St, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/57/1 - 27 Majesty St, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/46/1 - 17 Cessnock St, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 10/2024/393/1 - 15 Cheetham Cr, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 8/2025/49/1 - 89 Casuarina Dr, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 12/2024/3041/1 - 4 Farmgate Row, East Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/47/1 - 16 Bell St, Greta NSW 2334 Saving record 8/2025/63/1 - 7 Grape St, East Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 12/2023/582/1 - 12 Condon Av, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/45/1 - 83 Rosehill Rd, Millfield NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2020/210/2 - 20 Colliery St, Aberdare NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/42/1 - 28 Lancaster Vsta, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/37/1 - 31 Merion Cct, Heddon Greta NSW 2321 Saving record 12/2023/2117/2 - 11 Wetland View, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 10/2024/422/1 - 17 Cessnock St, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/40/1 - 68 Abbotsford St, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 4/2022/1144/1 - 148 Aberdare Rd, Aberdare NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2024/148/1 - 22 Liquid Amber Priv, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 44/2025/36/1 - 11 Flagstone Way, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 8/2025/65/1 - 2/18 Farmgate Row, East Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 8/2025/45/1 - 11 Flagstone Way, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 110/2025/5/1 - 54 High St, Greta NSW 2334 Saving record 15/2024/53/1 - 1 Dickson Rd, Loxford NSW 2326 Saving record 8/2023/843/2 - 103 Coolalta Dr, Nulkaba NSW 2325 Saving record 9/2025/2044/1 - 13 Treesbank Pl, Nulkaba NSW 2325 Saving record 52/2025/4/1 - 1134 John Renshaw Dr, Black Hill NSW 2322 Saving record 9/2025/2043/1 - 25 Prosecco St, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2023/608/2 - 356 Lovedale Rd, Lovedale NSW 2325 Saving record 10/2025/22/1 - 158 Wilderness Rd, Lovedale NSW 2325 Saving record 46/2025/2/1 - 2144 Broke Rd, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 44/2025/56/1 - 41 Pillar St, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/55/1 - 5 Urquhart Way, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/54/1 - 12 Mcduff Av, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/53/1 - 10 Mcduff Av, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/52/1 - 42 Cheetham Cr, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/51/1 - 20 Camargo Cct, Heddon Greta NSW 2321 Saving record 44/2025/50/1 - 18 Camargo Cct, Heddon Greta NSW 2321 Saving record 44/2025/49/1 - 16 Camargo Cct, Heddon Greta NSW 2321 Saving record 44/2025/48/1 - 14 Camargo Cct, Heddon Greta NSW 2321 Saving record 12/2024/489/1 - 12 First St, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2025/62/1 - 73 Maitland St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Saving record 44/2025/38/1 - 1F West St, Greta NSW 2334 Saving record 44/2025/39/1 - 1D West St, Greta NSW 2334 Saving record 8/2020/20604/5 - 22 Birkdale Blvd, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2022/611/3 - 443 Sandy Creek Rd, Mount Vincent NSW 2323 Saving record 8/2025/60/1 - 23 Butler Pde, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Saving record 8/2025/54/1 - 10 Miller St, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2025/46/1 - 39 Paperbark Dr, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 8/2025/34/1 - 69 Macquarie Av, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2025/29/1 - 29 West Av, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2025/53/1 - 2 Creek St, Weston NSW 2326 Saving record 8/2025/52/1 - 18 Abbey Cct, Weston NSW 2326 Saving record 44/2025/43/1 - 29 Wildflower Cct, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 10/2024/607/1 - 12 Clift St, Greta NSW 2334 Saving record 44/2025/44/1 - 15 Decanter St, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 10/2024/628/1 - 1769 Wine Country Dr, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 8/2025/17/1 - 46 Bridge St, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2025/20/1 - 259 Averys Lane, Buchanan NSW 2323 Saving record 10/2024/391/2 - 29 Cessnock Rd, Weston NSW 2326 Saving record 12/2024/571/1 - 48 Stanford St, Kitchener NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2024/578/1 - 35 Mackellar St, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 15/2024/67/1 - 113 Wilderness Rd, Lovedale NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2023/2698/1 - 64 Abbey Cct, Weston NSW 2326 Saving record 12/2024/2804/1 - 11 Zinfandel Cct, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2022/420/3 - 27 Kurrajong Way, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 44/2025/31/1 - 9 Mcdonald Av, Paxton NSW 2325 Saving record 15/2025/4/1 - 55 Charles St, Abermain NSW 2326 Saving record 14/2015/467/10 - Averys Lane, Heddon Greta NSW 2321 Saving record 8/2024/602/2 - 145 Aberdare St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Saving record 10/2024/839/1 - 15 Pillar St, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 10/2024/602/2 - 145 Aberdare St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Saving record 12/2024/29/1 - 88 Vulture St, Ellalong NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/41/1 - 17 Lilly Pl, Abermain NSW 2326 Saving record 44/2025/33/1 - 90 Abberton Pwy, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/34/1 - 4 Kelso St, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 8/2025/32/1 - 37 Rigby Dr, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 10/2025/50/1 - 36 First St, Weston NSW 2326 Saving record 8/2025/50/1 - 36 First St, Weston NSW 2326 Saving record 8/2025/23/1 - 21 Lilly Pl, Abermain NSW 2326 Saving record 15/2022/118/2 - 356 Lovedale Rd, Lovedale NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2025/35/1 - 32 Talbot Pwy, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2024/721/2 - 24 Wermol St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Saving record 8/2025/55/1 - 5 Dalwood Rd, East Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/35/1 - 3 Decanter St, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 15/2024/69/1 - 540 Wilderness Rd, Lovedale NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2023/579/2 - 10 Maher St, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 8/2025/38/1 - 122 Alexandra St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Saving record 8/2025/37/1 - 5 Foster St, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2024/63/1 - 1D West St, Greta NSW 2334 Saving record 44/2025/32/1 - 31 Stanford St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Saving record 12/2024/61/1 - 1F West St, Greta NSW 2334 Saving record 12/2017/631/1 - 8 Tenth Av, Millfield NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/27/1 - 27 Brooker Dr, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/13/1 - 39 Pikewood Rd, Heddon Greta NSW 2321 Saving record 44/2025/25/1 - 3 Tallowood Dr, Nulkaba NSW 2325 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 12/2022/1119/1 - 8 Waratah St, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2024/60/2 - 178 Wollombi Rd, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2025/12/1 - 21 Government Rd, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 10/2024/828/1 - 30 King St, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 9/2025/2042/1 - 9 Grevillea St, Cliftleigh NSW 2321 Saving record 8/2025/3/1 - 43 Kearsley Selections, Kearsley NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2024/718/3 - 34 Third St, Weston NSW 2326 Saving record 10/2024/806/1 - 31 O'Shea Cct, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 10/2024/755/1 - 16 Trader St, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 18/2025/1/1 - 963 Wine Country Dr, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 10/2024/753/1 - 57 Washery Rd, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 9/2025/2040/1 - 28 Pikewood Rd, Heddon Greta NSW 2321 Saving record 9/2025/2013/2 - 2 Saxonvale Gr, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 9/2013/1/2 - 76 James Lane, Bishops Bridge NSW 2326 Saving record 9/2025/2037/1 - 100 Abberton Pwy, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 12/2022/420/2 - 27 Kurrajong Way, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 110/2025/4/1 - 175 Marrowbone Rd, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 10/2024/479/1 - 356 Lovedale Rd, Lovedale NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2023/2521/2 - 55 Arnott Loop, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 8/2024/803/1 - 701 Lovedale Rd, Lovedale NSW 2325 Saving record 14/2019/657/3 - Averys Lane, Heddon Greta NSW 2321 Saving record 14/2024/291/1 - 1693 Broke Rd, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 8/2025/5/1 - 6 Urquhart Way, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 8/2024/856/1 - 62 Maitland St, Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 8/2025/19/1 - 6 Kempe St, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 110/2025/3/1 - 21 Allworth St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Saving record 12/2024/674/2 - 12 Lancaster Vsta, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 8/2025/31/1 - 15 Una Rd, Bucketty NSW 2250 Saving record 8/2025/22/1 - 158 Wilderness Rd, Lovedale NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2022/2203/2 - 79 Coolalta Dr, Nulkaba NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2021/21158/22 - 97 Kesterton Rise, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 4/2015/268/46 - 1823 Wine Country Dr, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/29/1 - 25 Abbey Cct, Weston NSW 2326 Saving record 8/2025/33/1 - 101A New England Hwy, Greta NSW 2334 Saving record 8/2025/27/1 - 166 Bathurst St, Abermain NSW 2326 Saving record 12/2024/113/1 - 8 Drayton Gr, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/30/1 - 206 Averys Lane, Buchanan NSW 2323 Saving record 12/2024/514/1 - 24 Lilly Pl, Abermain NSW 2326 Saving record 44/2025/28/1 - 16 Pikewood Rd, Heddon Greta NSW 2321 Saving record 44/2025/26/1 - 40 Cliften Av, Cliftleigh NSW 2321 Saving record 10/2024/194/1 - 149 Vincent St, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 18/2025/2/1 - 455 Wine Country Dr, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 8/2025/16/1 - Bimbadeen Rd, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 10/2025/14/1 - 58A Gillies St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Saving record 8/2025/41/1 - 26 Camargo Cct, Heddon Greta NSW 2321 Saving record 8/2025/28/1 - 429 Swans Lane, Quorrobolong NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/23/1 - 5 Vintner Av, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/22/1 - 37 Treesbank Pl, Nulkaba NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/24/1 - 13 Treesbank Pl, Nulkaba NSW 2325 Saving record 110/2025/1/1 - 1 Palmer St, Mulbring NSW 2323 Saving record 4/2023/870/1 - 1 Palmer St, Mulbring NSW 2323 Saving record 44/2024/562/2 - 94 Nord Gr, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2024/563/2 - 96 Nord Gr, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/17/1 - 48 Bouquet Dr, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/16/1 - 32 Lilly Pl, Abermain NSW 2326 Saving record 44/2025/15/1 - 37 Wildflower Cct, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2023/2320/1 - 20 Fitzgerald Av, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 8/2025/10/1 - Maitland St, Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 12/2020/20821/1 - 37 Baileys Lane, Abermain NSW 2326 Saving record 15/1999/176/3 - 108 Hayes Rd, Millfield NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/18/1 - 23 Crossing St, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2024/383/1 - 15 Oxley Rd, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 8/2025/11/1 - 71 Lang St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Saving record 110/2025/2/1 - 135 Rawson St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Saving record 9/2025/2023/1 - 85 Maitland St, Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 9/2025/2022/1 - 87 Maitland St, Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/14/1 - 17 Aria Ent, Rothbury NSW 2320 Saving record 44/2025/20/1 - 69 Palmers Lane, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 12/2024/2798/1 - 129 Radford St, Cliftleigh NSW 2321 Saving record 12/2023/2228/2 - 9 Jewell Rd, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2024/702/1 - 22 Mcduff Av, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 12/2020/20876/1 - 2 Cessnock St, Kearsley NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/1/1 - 11 Treesbank Pl, Nulkaba NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2023/843/2 - 103 Coolalta Dr, Nulkaba NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/19/1 - 87 Wollombi Rd, Millfield NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/21/1 - 2 Aria Ent, Rothbury NSW 2320 Saving record 44/2025/5/1 - 25 Fitzgerald Av, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/7/1 - 23 Fitzgerald Av, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 15/2024/62/1 - 317 Sawyers Gully Rd, Sawyers Gully NSW 2326 Saving record 10/2024/640/1 - 38 Kendall St, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2025/14/1 - 58A Gillies St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Saving record 10/2024/319/1 - 42 Lewis Rd, Millfield NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2025/9/1 - 9 Swinton Pwy, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 10/2025/9/1 - 9 Swinton Pwy, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/12/1 - 20 Majesty St, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2016/394/21 - 790 Mcdonalds Rd, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 10/2024/531/1 - 95 Crossing St, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2024/826/1 - 42 Tuckers Lane, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 15/2024/28/2 - 104 Stanford St, Kitchener NSW 2325 Saving record 8/2024/817/1 - 9 O'Connors Rd, Nulkaba NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2024/103/1 - 10 Harrow Cct, Greta NSW 2334 Saving record 12/2023/859/1 - 1/140 Averys Lane, Heddon Greta NSW 2321 Saving record 8/2025/15/1 - 27 Harris St, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2022/2503/2 - 10 Mountain Rdge, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2021/22177/2 - 9 Earl Park Ct, Kitchener NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/6/1 - 21 Greenlink St, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/10/1 - 2 Oak St, Cliftleigh NSW 2321 Saving record 44/2025/11/1 - 8 Decanter St, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2022/1143/1 - 155 Deakin St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 8/2024/820/1 - 36 Nelson St, Greta NSW 2334 Saving record 15/2024/70/1 - 71 Charles St, Abermain NSW 2326 Saving record 14/2015/225/1 - 57 Deakin St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327 Saving record 8/2024/847/1 - 11 St Andrews Cl, Heddon Greta NSW 2321 Saving record 8/2025/7/1 - 1032 Watagan Creek Rd, Watagan NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2022/2565/2 - 28 Coolalta Dr, Nulkaba NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/8/1 - 99 Rigby Dr, North Rothbury NSW 2335 Saving record 44/2025/9/1 - 6 Saxonvale Gr, Cessnock NSW 2325 Saving record 12/2024/150/1 - 12 Fig Tree Cr, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 12/2023/2497/1 - 79 Coolalta Dr, Nulkaba NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/3/1 - 29 Wildflower Cct, Bellbird NSW 2325 Saving record 44/2025/4/1 - 21 Lilly Pl, Abermain NSW 2326 Saving record 4/2023/389/1 - 1023 Wine Country Dr, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 4/2006/676/1 - 366 Whitings Lane, Quorrobolong NSW 2325 cessnock: ERROR: Encountered 1 Unprocessable Records: ScraperUtils::RecordUnprocessableError: Unknown value of determination type: "Portal / API Error" after 2452.2 seconds /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:40:in `block in run' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:33:in `each' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:33:in `run' scraper.rb:17:in `<main>' Collecting feed data for dubbo with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 22:13:17 +0000 ... Saving record 14.2024.410.1 - 24 Freshwater Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 10.2023.154.2 - 42 Waterfall Cres, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2023.154.2 - 42 Waterfall Cres, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2016.442.3 - 1 Tony Mcgrane Pl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2023.13.2 - 29 Bushrangers Creek Rd, Mount Arthur 2820 NSW Saving record 10.2025.43.1 - 51 Delta Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2020.126.1 - 9 Andrew Pl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.45.1 - 43 Sea Cres, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.45.1 - 43 Sea Cres, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.15.1 - 54 Delta Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.43.1 - 51 Delta Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.23.1 - 8 Federation St, Ballimore 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.23.1 - 8 Federation St, Ballimore 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.47.1 - 15 Crossroads Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2023.625.2 - 22 Violet Crct, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.40.1 - 24 Mcguinn Cr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2021.777.3 - 15 Ferrier Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.13.1 - 47 Falls Rd, Wellington 2820 NSW Saving record 15.1998.396.2 - 2 Whylandra St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2017.653.2 - 36 Sovereign St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2023.518.1 - 315 Macquarie St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2017.653.2 - 36 Sovereign St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2024.153.1 - 40 Freshwater Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.37.1 - 24 Nagle Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.41.1 - 13 Percy St, Wellington 2820 NSW Saving record 10.2025.41.1 - 13 Percy St, Wellington 2820 NSW Saving record 10.2025.35.1 - 43 Palmer St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2007.102.2 - 33 Namoi Cres, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.35.1 - 43 Palmer St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.39.1 - 2R Desert Star Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2019.4.2 - 2B Alexandrina Ave, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.19.1 - 68 Delta Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.39.1 - 2R Desert Star Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2024.46.1 - 84-86 Macquarie St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.34.1 - 6 Bellinger Pl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2024.546.1 - 10 Tide Cr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2020.293.1 - 25 Lindsay Pl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.37.1 - 24 Nagle Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.7.1 - 1 Energy Pl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.20.1 - 16 Lawson St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.28.1 - 4L Marrington Rd, Brocklehurst 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.20.1 - 16 Lawson St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.36.1 - 12/267 Cobra St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.34.1 - 6 Bellinger Pl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.36.1 - 12/267 Cobra St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2006.9.2 - 34 Cormorant Cres, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.30.1 - 44 Cove Crct, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2000.463.1 - 21 Waverly Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.1985.751.1 - 1 Maple Ct, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2003.162.2 - 7 Poidevin Pl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2000.1053.1 - 6 Charmere Pl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2019.254.1 - 27 Waterfall Cres, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.1996.741.3 - 26 Allandale Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.38.1 - 5L Beemery Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.19.1 - 68 Delta Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.38.1 - 5L Beemery Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.8.1 - 337 Fitzroy St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2024.114.1 - 1 Equity Ave, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.33.1 - 25 Paterson Crct, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.33.1 - 25 Paterson Crct, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2024.344.1 - 10 Bellinger Pl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2018.261.1 - 5 Dalton St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2019.329.1 - 8R Burrabadine Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2007.6.2 - 12 Gosse Ave, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.15.1 - 54 Delta Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.14.1 - 10 Azure Ave, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.14.1 - 10 Azure Ave, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2024.148.1 - 3L Trilby Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 16.2025.3.1 - Dalton St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2013.183.1 - 12 Timgarlen Ave, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 16.2025.2.1 - 5 Allison St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.29.1 - 3L Riverbend Dr, Terramungamine 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.29.1 - 3L Riverbend Dr, Terramungamine 2830 NSW Saving record 15.1984.579.1 - 6 Gundarra St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.24.1 - 4 Ocean Ct, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.24.1 - 4 Ocean Ct, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2003.840.1 - 76 Dalton St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.12.1 - 45 Sunningdale Cl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.12.1 - 45 Sunningdale Cl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.21.1 - 69-71 Fitzroy St, Geurie 2818 NSW Saving record 10.2025.21.1 - 69-71 Fitzroy St, Geurie 2818 NSW Saving record 15.2004.662.1 - 7 Brian Hambly Pl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.16.1 - 76R Bunglegumbie Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2024.328.1 - 2 Furlong St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.4.1 - 14 Turon Cr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2023.663.2 - 2 Capstan Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.4.1 - 14 Turon Cr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2024.583.1 - 8 Federation St, Ballimore 2830 NSW Saving record 13.2023.49.1 - 30 O'donnell St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 13.2022.570.1 - 1 Leavers St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2024.176.1 - 44R Whitewood Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2024.483.1 - 9R Buddens Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 13.2022.666.1 - 106 Cass St, Geurie 2818 NSW Saving record 10.2025.17.1 - 21 Potter Cl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2024.502.1 - 33 Gisborne St, Wellington 2820 NSW Saving record 15.2001.810.2 - 30 Thorby Ave, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2024.575.1 - 15 Bourke St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2002.537.2 - 29 St Andrews Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2023.313.1 - 133R Obley Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2023.349.1 - 6 Fiscal Wy, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2024.582.1 - 188 Macquarie St, Dubbo 2830 NSW /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 11.2025.10.1 - 19 Boberah St, Wongarbon 2831 NSW Saving record 10.2025.10.1 - 19 Boberah St, Wongarbon 2831 NSW Saving record 11.2025.5.1 - 22 Tide Cr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.5.1 - 22 Tide Cr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.9.1 - 9 King St, Montefiores 2820 NSW Saving record 10.2025.9.1 - 9 King St, Montefiores 2820 NSW Saving record 11.2025.1.1 - 3 Briarwood Cl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.1.1 - 3 Briarwood Cl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2024.562.1 - 123 Yaruga St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2024.562.1 - 123 Yaruga St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2021.744.2 - 71A Tamworth St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2024.501.1 - 145 Bourke St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2023.259.3 - 99-103 Macquarie St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2024.571.1 - 36 Hazelwood Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2024.571.1 - 36 Hazelwood Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2021.634.2 - 14 Ferrier Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2024.272.2 - 85 Macleay St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2012.30.1 - 7 Harrison Pl, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2023.129.1 - 72 Lincoln Pky, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2024.514.1 - 16 Torryburn Wy, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.1985.776.4 - 64 Birch Ave, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 15.2003.82.4 - 108 Sheraton Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2025.2.1 - 7 Targa Ave, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2024.13.1 - 19 Asset Wy, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2024.579.1 - 130 Champagne Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2025.2.1 - 7 Targa Ave, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2024.351.1 - 7 Alam St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2024.573.1 - 22 Cavelle Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 10.2024.573.1 - 22 Cavelle Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2024.579.1 - 130 Champagne Dr, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 11.2024.543.1 - 138 Whiteley St, Wellington 2820 NSW Saving record 10.2024.581.1 - 20 Depot Rd, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2024.427.1 - 18 Tamworth St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Saving record 14.2023.621.1 - 41 Tamworth St, Dubbo 2830 NSW Collecting feed data for fairfield with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 22:13:23 +0000 ... Saving record DA - 4.1/2025 - 59 St Kilda ST ST JOHNS PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 5.1/2025 - 68 Pritchard ST MOUNT PRITCHARD, NSW Saving record DA - 6.1/2025 - 12/442-446 Victoria ST WETHERILL PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 7.1/2025 - 9 Northumberland ST BONNYRIGG HEIGHTS, NSW Saving record DA - 8.1/2025 - 376-384 Victoria ST WETHERILL PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 9.1/2025 - 28 Chadderton ST CABRAMATTA, NSW Saving record DA - 10.1/2025 - 45 Chelsea DR CANLEY HEIGHTS, NSW Saving record DA - 11.1/2025 - 8 Maxwell PL ABBOTSBURY, NSW Saving record DA - 12.1/2025 - 19 Elva ST CABRAMATTA WEST, NSW Saving record DA - 13.1/2025 - 2-8 Elizabeth ST WETHERILL PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 14.1/2025 - 7 Cathcart ST FAIRFIELD, NSW Saving record DA - 15.1/2025 - 7 Cathcart ST FAIRFIELD, NSW Saving record DA - 16.1/2025 - 7 Cathcart ST FAIRFIELD, NSW Saving record DA - 17.1/2025 - 39 Hassall ST SMITHFIELD, NSW Saving record DA - 18.1/2025 - 32 Edensor RD CABRAMATTA WEST, NSW Saving record DA - 19.1/2025 - 23-25 Fairfield ST OLD GUILDFORD, NSW Saving record DA - 20.1/2025 - 12-19 Gregorace PL BONNYRIGG, NSW Saving record DA - 21.1/2025 - 85 Stella ST FAIRFIELD HEIGHTS, NSW Saving record DA - 22.1/2025 - 96 Seville ST FAIRFIELD EAST, NSW Saving record DA - 23.1/2025 - 217 Horsley RD HORSLEY PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 24.1/2025 - 92 McBurney RD CABRAMATTA, NSW Saving record DA - 25.1/2025 - 896 Woodville RD VILLAWOOD, NSW Saving record DA - 26.1/2025 - 1 Villawood PL VILLAWOOD, NSW Saving record DA - 27.1/2025 - 22 Tuncurry ST BOSSLEY PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 28.1/2025 - 1111-1141 Elizabeth DR CECIL PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 29.1/2025 - 7 Jindabyne ST BOSSLEY PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 30.1/2025 - 9 Church ST CABRAMATTA, NSW Saving record DA - 31.1/2025 - 123 Quarry RD BOSSLEY PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 32.1/2025 - 24 Hollywood DR LANSVALE, NSW Saving record DA - 33.1/2025 - 96-98 Hemphill AVE MOUNT PRITCHARD, NSW Saving record DA - 34.1/2025 - 15 Humphries RD WAKELEY, NSW Saving record DA - 36.1/2025 - 43B Quarry RD BOSSLEY PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 35.1/2025 - 25/272-274 Victoria ST WETHERILL PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 37.1/2025 - 9 Cook AVE CANLEY VALE, NSW Saving record DA - 38.1/2025 - 41 Salter RD BOSSLEY PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 39.1/2025 - 3 Lalor ST CABRAMATTA, NSW Saving record DA - 40.1/2025 - 49 Water ST CABRAMATTA WEST, NSW Saving record DA - 41.1/2025 - 3/21-23 Redfern ST WETHERILL PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 42.1/2025 - 7 Saxonvale CRES EDENSOR PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 43.1/2025 - 138 The Horsley DR CARRAMAR, NSW Saving record DA - 44.1/2025 - 26A Bougainville AVE BOSSLEY PARK, NSW Saving record DA - 45.1/2025 - 61 The Avenue CANLEY VALE, NSW Collecting feed data for gympie with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 22:14:02 +0000 ... /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 7.2025.277.1 - 2226 Gympie Woolooga Rd, Widgee 4570 QLD Saving record 8.2025.268.1 - 259 Old Gympie Rd, Theebine 4570 QLD Saving record 15.2025.266.1 - 129 Groundwater Rd, Southside 4570 QLD Saving record 7.2025.201.1 - 58 Clarkson Dr, Curra 4570 QLD Saving record 7.2025.105.1 - 6651 Burnett Hwy, Goomeri 4601 QLD Saving record 14.2025.172.1 - 21 Caledonian Hill, Gympie 4570 QLD Saving record 7.2025.229.1 - 22 Red Gum Dve, Marys Creek 4570 QLD Saving record 8.2025.163.1 - 104 Old Maryborough Rd, Gympie 4570 QLD Saving record 7.2025.139.1 - 15 Eugene St, Southside 4570 QLD Saving record 7.2025.207.1 - 23 Excelsior Rd, Gympie 4570 QLD Saving record 15.2025.200.1 - 11 Smith Rd, Monkland 4570 QLD Saving record 8.2025.118.1 - 184 Rossmore Rd, Kilkivan 4600 QLD Saving record 7.2025.177.1 - 15 Habitat Cct, Cooloola Cove 4580 QLD Saving record 22.2023.2844.1 - East Deep Creek Rd, East Deep Creek 4570 QLD Saving record 7.2025.164.1 - 14 Benian Rd, The Palms 4570 QLD Saving record 15.2025.69.1 - 499 Eel Creek Rd, Pie Creek 4570 QLD Saving record 7.2025.138.1 - 31-33 Edwin Campion Dve, Monkland 4570 QLD Saving record 22.2020.769.1 - 10 Kyarne Ct, Imbil 4570 QLD Saving record 7.2025.109.1 - 145 Kelly Rd, Amamoor Creek 4570 QLD Saving record 22.2023.1811.1 - 10 Heritage La, Southside 4570 QLD Collecting feed data for lismore with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 22:14:20 +0000 ... /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 10.2024.122.1 - 10 Elliott Rd, South Lismore NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2023.331.1 - 5 Foleys Rd, South Lismore NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.19.1 - 326 Bice Rd, Leycester NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2024.59.1 - 143 Arthur Rd, Corndale NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.15.1 - 8 Banksia Ct, Lismore Heights NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.18.1 - 13 Sawyers Ave, Goonellabah NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2024.313.1 - 44 Uralba St, Lismore NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.3.1 - 12 Canary Dr, Goonellabah NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.11.1 - 5 Jansan Cl, Lismore Heights NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2023.283.2 - 75A Conway St, Lismore NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2003.1062.2 - 64 Conway St, Lismore NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.6.1 - 125 Mckinnon Rd, Boat Harbour NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2024.208.3 - 1 John O'Neill Cct, Goonellabah NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2024.226.3 - 46 Evergreen Dr, Goonellabah NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2024.247.2 - 1 Georgi Pl, Nimbin NSW 2480 Saving record 13.2024.105.1 - 137 Grennan Rd, Tregeagle NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2024.88.1 - 116 Woodlark St, Lismore NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.12.1 - 15 Grace Rd, Bexhill NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.13.1 - 1 Stewarts Way, Nimbin NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2024.117.1 - 591 Ballina Rd, Goonellabah NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2024.194.1 - 1112 Bruxner Hwy, Mckees Hill NSW 2480 Saving record 8.2025.4.1 - 14 Belleridge Rd, Nimbin NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2024.332.1 - 1 Mckenzie Rd, Eltham NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2024.272.1 - 80 Ballina Rd, Lismore NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2021.452.1 - 1112 Bruxner Hwy, Mckees Hill NSW 2480 Saving record 8.2024.62.2 - 6 Oak Dr, Goonellabah NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.14.1 - 4 Jennifer Pl, Goonellabah NSW 2480 Saving record 8.2024.48.2 - 36 Hidden Valley Cct, Chilcotts Grass NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2024.324.1 - 21A Elton St, Girards Hill NSW 2480 Saving record 8.2025.2.1 - 5 Barr Scott Dr, Lismore Heights NSW 2480 Saving record 13.2024.9.1 - 26 Spurfield Rd, Mcleans Ridges NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2022.348.1 - 13 Simeoni Dr, Goonellabah NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2024.273.1 - 34 Greengate Rd, Bexhill NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2024.142.1 - 102 Fredericks Rd, Caniaba NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.9.1 - 117 Lockton Rd, Bexhill NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2021.496.4 - 313 Wyrallah Rd, Monaltrie NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.10.1 - 4 Sunny Valley Pl, Modanville NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.2.1 - 37 Wyrallah Rd, Girards Hill NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.7.1 - 3 Eleanor Pl, Mcleans Ridges NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.8.1 - 70 Hillcrest Ave, Goonellabah NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2005.650.4 - 463 Tuntable Creek Rd, Tuntable Creek NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2025.5.1 - 14 Pinecrest Dr, Goonellabah NSW 2480 Saving record 13.2022.22.1 - 114 Pelican Creek Rd, South Gundurimba NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2024.338.1 - 17 Keoghan Dr, Goonellabah NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2024.337.1 - 180 Wilson St, South Lismore NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2024.337.1 - 180 Wilson St, South Lismore NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2024.333.1 - 27 Haywood Lane, Lagoon Grass NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2024.331.1 - 22 Barrys Rd, Modanville NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2024.334.1 - 25 Uralba St, Lismore NSW 2480 Saving record 10.2024.47.1 - 130 Cameron Rd, Mcleans Ridges NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2024.335.1 - 18 Pamela Dr, Chilcotts Grass NSW 2480 Saving record 5.2024.291.1 - 10/104A Molesworth St, Lismore NSW 2480 Collecting feed data for maranoa with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 22:16:23 +0000 ... /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 23 - 2025 - 21369 - 1 - Roma Southern Rd, Bungil 4455 QLD Saving record 22 - 2025 - 21359 - 1 - 47 Elmer St, Roma 4455 QLD Saving record 22 - 2025 - 21360 - 1 - 5 Coronation St, Injune 4454 QLD Saving record 30 - 2025 - 21368 - 1 - 65 Arthur St, Roma 4455 QLD Saving record 30 - 2025 - 21363 - 1 - 43 Howard St, Roma 4455 QLD Saving record 22 - 2025 - 21367 - 1 - Roma Southern Rd, Bungil 4455 QLD Saving record 23 - 2025 - 21366 - 1 - 44346 Warrego Hwy, Roma 4455 QLD Saving record 22 - 2025 - 21365 - 1 - 6 Lomandra Ave, Roma 4455 QLD Saving record 30 - 2025 - 21364 - 1 - 44670 Warrego Hwy, Roma 4455 QLD Saving record 22 - 2025 - 21364 - 1 - 44670 Warrego Hwy, Roma 4455 QLD Saving record 23 - 2024 - 21337 - 1 - 2A King St, Surat 4417 QLD Saving record 30 - 2023 - 20838 - 3 - 5960 Mt Abundance Rd, Mount Abundance 4455 QLD Saving record 23 - 2025 - 21358 - 1 - 197-235 Mcdowall St, Roma 4455 QLD Saving record 23 - 2025 - 21362 - 1 - 103 Mary St, Mitchell 4465 QLD Saving record 22 - 2025 - 21362 - 1 - 103 Mary St, Mitchell 4465 QLD Saving record 22 - 2025 - 21361 - 1 - 219-223 Raglan St, Roma 4455 QLD Saving record 30 - 2023 - 21012 - 3 - Roma Southern Rd, Wycombe 4455 QLD Saving record 22 - 2025 - 21356 - 1 - 119 Clayton Rd, Roma 4455 QLD Saving record 22 - 2025 - 21357 - 1 - 30 May St, Wallumbilla 4428 QLD Collecting feed data for muswellbrook with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 22:24:57 +0000 ... Saving record 63/2024 - 19 Northview Cct, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 1/2025 - 30 Stockyard Pde, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 2/2025 - 67 Stockyard Pde, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 8/2025 - 4 Palace St, Denman 2328 NSW Saving record 5/2025 - 13 Mataro Ave, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 1/2025 - 16 Northview Cct, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 3/2025 - 95-107 Maitland St, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 151/2022 - 60 Stockyard Pde, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 2/2025 - 32 Jillaroo Wy, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 76/2024 - 168-170 Bridge St, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 75/2024 - 54 Shiraz St, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 124/2022 - 17-19 Maitland St, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 54/2024 - Wybong Rd, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 71/2024 - 9 Stockyard Pde, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 99/2018/2 - Turner St, Denman 2328 NSW Saving record 32/2024 - 8 Sunline St, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 92/2024 - 75 Bridge St, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 29/2023/2 - 6 Stable Cl, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 47/2024 - 11 Isobella St, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 9/2025 - New England Hwy, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Saving record 90/2024 - 222-224 Queen St, Muswellbrook 2333 NSW Collecting feed data for port_stephens with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 22:25:09 +0000 ... port_stephens: ERROR: Failed to open TCP connection to datracker.portstephens.nsw.gov.au:443 (execution expired) after 45.0 seconds /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1271:in `initialize' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1271:in `open' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1271:in `block in connect' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/timeout.rb:189:in `block in timeout' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/timeout.rb:196:in `timeout' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1269:in `connect' /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1248:in `do_start' Collecting feed data for shoalhaven with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 22:25:55 +0000 ... /app/vendor/ruby-3.2.2/lib/ruby/3.2.0/net/http.rb:1243:in `start' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/net-http-persistent-4.0.5/lib/net/http/persistent.rb:711:in `start' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/net-http-persistent-4.0.5/lib/net/http/persistent.rb:641:in `connection_for' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/net-http-persistent-4.0.5/lib/net/http/persistent.rb:941:in `request' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/http/agent.rb:284:in `fetch' /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize.rb:465:in `get' /app/lib/masterview_scraper/authority_scraper.rb:59:in `scrape_api_period' /app/lib/masterview_scraper/authority_scraper.rb:30:in `scrape_period' /app/lib/masterview_scraper/authority_scraper.rb:9:in `scrape' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:60:in `scrape_authority' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:38:in `block in run' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:33:in `each' /app/lib/masterview_scraper.rb:33:in `run' scraper.rb:17:in `<main>' Saving record DA25/1127 - 25 Gemini Way, NARRAWALLEE, NSW Saving record PCD25/1007 - 22 Spica St, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1008 - 15 Spica St, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1009 - 20 Gordon St, MILTON, NSW Saving record PCD25/1010 - 26 Downwind St, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1011 - 35 Manyana Dr, MANYANA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1012 - 2 Kallaroo Rd, EROWAL BAY, NSW Saving record PCD25/1013 - 378 Elizabeth Dr, VINCENTIA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1014 - 52 Parma Rd, FALLS CREEK, NSW Saving record PCD25/1015 - 19 Spica St, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1016 - 176 Matron Porter Dr, MOLLYMOOK BEACH, NSW Saving record PCD25/1017 - 13 Edwin Av, LAKE CONJOLA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1018 - 109B Browns Mountain Rd, TAPITALLEE, NSW Saving record PCD25/1019 - 46 Clissold St, MOLLYMOOK, NSW Saving record PCD25/1020 - 17 Myrtle Drive, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1021 - 14 Altitude St, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1022 - 321 Stringybark Rd, NOWRA HILL, NSW Saving record PCD25/1023 - 16 Kardella Av, NOWRA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1024 - 33 St Georges Rd, ST GEORGES BASIN, NSW Saving record PCD25/1025 - 8 Ravenscliffe Rd, SHOALHAVEN HEADS, NSW Saving record PCD25/1026 - 25 Willandra Way, NOWRA HILL, NSW Saving record PCD25/1027 - 36 Corymbia Way, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1028 - 35 Corymbia Way, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1029 - 102 Paradise Beach Rd, SANCTUARY POINT, NSW Saving record PCD25/1030 - 38 Parkinson St, NARRAWALLEE, NSW Saving record PCD25/1031 - 54 Flamingo Av, SANCTUARY POINT, NSW Saving record PCD25/1032 - 10 Gadu St, DOLPHIN POINT, NSW Saving record PCD25/1033 - 5 Mussel Ct, HUSKISSON, NSW Saving record PCD25/1034 - 17 Cocos Palm Dr, BOMADERRY, NSW Saving record PCD25/1035 - 33 Hayward Rd (Priv), WANDANDIAN, NSW Saving record PCD25/1036 - 10 Gipsy Moth St, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1037 - Gipsy Moth St, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1038 - 263 Woollamia Rd, WOOLLAMIA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1039 - 10 Wedgetail St, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1040 - Myrtle Drive, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1041 - 14 Wirraway Bvd, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1042 - 1002A Sussex Inlet Rd, SUSSEX INLET, NSW Saving record PCD25/1043 - 1/137 Princes Hwy, ULLADULLA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1044 - 22 Wirraway Bvd, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1045 - 8 Bowen St, HUSKISSON, NSW Saving record PCD25/1046 - 122 Worrigee Rd, WORRIGEE, NSW Saving record PCD25/1047 - 39A Berry St, NOWRA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1048 - 77 Elizabeth Dr, VINCENTIA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1049 - 18 Wedgetail St, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1050 - 640B Beach Rd, BERRY, NSW Saving record PCD25/1051 - 28 Wedgetail St, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1052 - 8 Bamarook Pl, NORTH NOWRA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1053 - 15 Royal St, WORRIGEE, NSW Saving record PCD25/1054 - 21 Spitfire St, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1055 - 213 Princes Hwy, MILTON, NSW Saving record PCD25/1056 - 23 Ormonde Cr, ORIENT POINT, NSW Saving record PCD25/1057 - 34 Nurrawallee St, ULLADULLA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1058 - 67 Bendalong Mountain Rd, CONJOLA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1059 - 5 Philip Dr, NORTH NOWRA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1060 - 104A Lyndhurst Dr, BOMADERRY, NSW Saving record PCD25/1061 - 33 Leumeah St, SANCTUARY POINT, NSW Saving record PCD25/1062 - 72 Windward Way, MILTON, NSW Saving record PCD25/1063 - 30 Elder Cr, NOWRA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1064 - 21 Northaven Av, BAWLEY POINT, NSW Saving record PCD25/1065 - 15 Budawang Dr, ULLADULLA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1066 - 3 The Terrace, CAMBEWARRA VILLAGE, NSW Saving record PCD25/1067 - 90 Wirraway Bvd, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1068 - 383 Hawken Rd, TOMERONG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1069 - 88 Wirraway Bvd, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1070 - 29 Corymbia Way, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1071 - 59 Patrina Cct, ST GEORGES BASIN, NSW Saving record PCD25/1072 - 10 Racemosa Av, WEST NOWRA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1073 - 7 Bara Pde, DOLPHIN POINT, NSW Saving record PCD25/1074 - 4 Pretty Beach Rd, KIOLOA, NSW Saving record PCD25/1075 - 27 Hogbin Cr, SANCTUARY POINT, NSW Saving record PCD25/1076 - 14 Altitude St, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1077 - 9 Patrina Cct, ST GEORGES BASIN, NSW Saving record PCD25/1078 - 13 Alpha Road, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record PCD25/1079 - 11 Alpha Road, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record SFH2025/1002 - 18 Glasford Cr, KIOLOA, NSW Saving record SFH2025/1003 - 18 Hickory Cr, BANGALEE, NSW Saving record SFH2025/1004 - 10 Gardenia Cr, BOMADERRY, NSW Saving record SFH2025/1005 - 4 Buttonwood Cl, SUSSEX INLET, NSW Saving record SFH2025/1006 - 17 Grey Gum Cl, NOWRA HILL, NSW Saving record DA25/1026 - 129 Wallace St, NOWRA, NSW Saving record DA25/1035 - 15 Lockhart Av, MOLLYMOOK BEACH, NSW Saving record DA25/1044 - 22 Leo Dr, NARRAWALLEE, NSW Saving record MA25/1011 - 7 Nethercote St, MOLLYMOOK, NSW Saving record DA25/1021 - 41 Island Point Rd, ST GEORGES BASIN, NSW Saving record DA25/1030 - 102 Greenwell Point Rd, GREENWELL POINT, NSW Saving record DA25/1042 - 313 Princes Hwy, BOMADERRY, NSW Saving record DA25/1016 - 12 Seascape Cl, NARRAWALLEE, NSW Saving record DA25/1020 - Sagewood Row, CALLALA BEACH, NSW Saving record DA25/1023 - 70 Kings Point Dr, KINGS POINT, NSW Saving record DA25/1032 - 8 Spotted Quoll Cl, NORTH NOWRA, NSW Saving record DA25/1036 - 76 Basin View Pde, BASIN VIEW, NSW Saving record DA25/1050 - 4 Palm Lilly Cl, WORRIGEE, NSW Saving record MA25/1008 - 14 Jay St, CULBURRA BEACH, NSW Saving record DA25/1019 - 57 St George Av, VINCENTIA, NSW Saving record DA25/1034 - 26 Broadview Av, CULBURRA BEACH, NSW Saving record DA25/1039 - 34 Manyana Dr, MANYANA, NSW Saving record MA25/1014 - 20 Calala St, HUSKISSON, NSW Saving record DA25/1025 - 2 Sandhurst Cr, MOLLYMOOK BEACH, NSW Saving record DA25/1028 - 30 Tallowa Dam Rd, KANGAROO VALLEY, NSW Saving record DA25/1033 - 11 Woodhill St, CALLALA BAY<br>Woodhill St, CALLALA BAY, NSW Saving record DA25/1073 - 41 Lochaven Dr, BANGALEE, NSW Saving record MA25/1009 - 41A Main Rd, BADAGARANG, NSW Saving record MA25/1015 - 92 Burrill St, HUSKISSON, NSW Saving record DA25/1051 - 24 Bowen St, HUSKISSON, NSW Saving record DA25/1063 - 15 Spinnaker St, VINCENTIA, NSW Saving record DA25/1076 - 80 Shoalhaven St, NOWRA, NSW Saving record DA25/1077 - 2 Serenity Rdge, BERRY, NSW Saving record DA25/1084 - 23 Wason St, ULLADULLA, NSW Saving record DA25/1088 - 17 Koloona Dr, TAPITALLEE, NSW Saving record MA25/1017 - 21 Turner St, MOLLYMOOK, NSW Saving record MA25/1027 - 89 South Pacific Cr, ULLADULLA, NSW Saving record DA25/1017 - 104 Princes Hwy, SOUTH NOWRA, NSW Saving record DA25/1060 - 77 Albatross Rd, WEST NOWRA, NSW Saving record DA25/1065 - 21 Bayswater St, VINCENTIA, NSW Saving record MA25/1016 - 59 Mitchell Rd, CALLALA BAY<br>59B Mitchell Rd, CALLALA BAY, NSW Saving record DA25/1061 - 226 Illaroo Rd, NORTH NOWRA, NSW Saving record DA25/1062 - 3 Danantonio Cl, SOUTH NOWRA, NSW Saving record DA25/1086 - 181 Naval Pde, EROWAL BAY, NSW Saving record DA25/1052 - 422 Back Forest Rd, FAR MEADOW, NSW Saving record DA25/1081 - 12 Malibu Dr, BAWLEY POINT, NSW Saving record MA25/1021 - The Wool Rd, WORROWING HEIGHTS, NSW Saving record DA25/1064 - 80 Brushbox Dr, ULLADULLA, NSW Saving record DA25/1080 - 24 Serenity Rdge, BERRY, NSW Saving record DA25/1087 - 142 Woodhill Mountain Rd, BROUGHTON VALE, NSW Saving record DA25/1095 - 43 Walmer Av, SANCTUARY POINT, NSW Saving record DA25/1096 - 7 Nethercote St, MOLLYMOOK, NSW Saving record DA25/1103 - 19 Bayswater St, VINCENTIA, NSW Saving record DA25/1079 - 10 Holden St, VINCENTIA, NSW Collecting feed data for singleton with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 22:30:14 +0000 ... /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 8.2025.25.1 - 15 Maybon Cl, Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 8.2025.23.1 - 37 Broughton St, Singleton NSW 2330 Saving record 10.2024.292.1 - 20A Willcox Ave, Singleton Heights NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2025.19.1 - 25 Bourke St, Singleton NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2024.331.1 - 658 Hermitage Rd, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 15.2025.5.1 - Blue Bonnet Rd, Lambs Valley NSW 2335 Saving record 8.2025.22.1 - 9 Carroll St, Singleton NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2025.20.1 - 1 Kelso St, Singleton NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2025.16.1 - 42 Green Gr, Sedgefield NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2025.21.1 - 10 Lifestyle Dr, Wattle Ponds NSW 2330 Saving record 15.2023.46.2 - 51 Green Gr, Sedgefield NSW 2330 Saving record 15.2025.4.1 - 51 Green Gr, Sedgefield NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2025.18.1 - 139 Kirkton Rd, Lower Belford NSW 2335 Saving record 8.2024.163.2 - 635 Dalwood Rd, Dalwood NSW 2335 Saving record 8.2024.284.2 - 3 Carley Cl, Hunterview NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2025.15.1 - 8 Emblem Ct, Wattle Ponds NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2025.5.1 - 22 Pistacia Gr, Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 10.2024.237.1 - 35-49 Boundary St, Singleton NSW 2330 Saving record 12.2024.33.1 - 10 Nicholas Conoly Dr, Singleton Heights NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2025.14.1 - 181A Roughit Lane, Roughit NSW 2330 Saving record 12.2022.31.2 - 294B Retreat Rd, Wattle Ponds NSW 2330 Saving record 10.2024.286.1 - 27 Robertson Cct, Sedgefield NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2017.8.4 - 15B Boonal St, Singleton NSW 2330 Saving record 12.2023.187.1 - 6 Pistacia Gr, Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 8.2024.14.2 - 8 Big Ridge Saving record 8.2025.8.1 - 48 Pin Oak Cct, Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 10.2024.1.2 - 219 Maison Dieu Rd, Maison Dieu NSW 2330 Saving record 10.2024.316.1 - 12 Radford Pwy, Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 12.2024.26.1 - 1205 Glendonbrook Rd, Glendon Brook NSW 2330 Saving record 12.2022.518.1 - 42 Dimmock St, Hunterview NSW 2330 Saving record 15.2025.3.1 - 56 Gresford Rd, Clydesdale NSW 2330 Saving record 10.2024.130.1 - Bimbadeen Rd, Stanhope NSW 2335 Saving record 10.2024.165.1 - 74C Range Rd, Whittingham NSW 2330 Saving record 12.2023.48.1 - 16 Hawk Cres, Lower Belford NSW 2335 Saving record 9.2025.3.1 - 653A Hermitage Rd, Pokolbin NSW 2320 Saving record 12.2023.417.1 - 5 Ka Wal, Wattle Ponds NSW 2330 Saving record 10.2019.247.1 - Road 1 Off Cranky Cnr Rd, Glendon Brook NSW 2330 Saving record 15.2025.2.1 - 7 Dyrring Rd, Fern Gully NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2025.9.1 - 41 Dimmock St, Hunterview NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2025.6.1 - 1 Fitz St, Singleton NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2023.487.2 - 283A Putty Rd, Glenridding NSW 2330 Saving record 12.2023.570.1 - 23 Nowlan Cres, Singleton Heights NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2025.7.1 - 24 Francis Pl, Singleton Heights NSW 2330 Saving record 10.2024.299.1 - 12 Hawk Cres, Lower Belford NSW 2335 Saving record 12.2022.15.2 - 15 Mcguigans Way, Branxton NSW 2335 Saving record 8.2024.321.1 - 85 John St, Singleton NSW 2330 Saving record 12.2023.617.1 - 923 Mirannie Rd, Reedy Creek NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2023.288.2 - 657B Milbrodale Rd, Fordwich NSW 2330 Saving record 8.2025.4.1 - 53 Long Gully Rd, Wattle Ponds NSW 2330 Collecting feed data for strathfield with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 22:30:44 +0000 ... Saving record 10.2025.5.1 - 1 Cameron St, Strathfield 2135 NSW /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 18.2025.7011.1 - 1-5 Underwood Rd, Homebush 2140 NSW Saving record 10.2025.7.1 - 10 Rickard Rd, Strathfield 2135 NSW Saving record 18.2025.7010.1 - 14 Llandilo Ave, Strathfield 2135 NSW Saving record 11.2017.21.11 - 14-26 Telopea Ave, Homebush West 2140 NSW Saving record 18.2025.7007.1 - 32 Karuah St, Strathfield 2135 NSW Saving record 18.2025.7006.1 - 13 Pomona St, Greenacre 2190 NSW Saving record 10.2025.8.1 - 19 Dickson St, Strathfield 2135 NSW Saving record 10.2025.4.1 - 104-106 Burlington Rd, Homebush 2140 NSW Saving record 11.2017.187.1 - 5 Elva St, Strathfield 2135 NSW Saving record 18.2025.7009.1 - 185 Parramatta Rd, Homebush West 2140 NSW Saving record 18.2025.7008.1 - 179-181 Parramatta Rd, Homebush West 2140 NSW Saving record 10.2016.170.11 - 3-5 Bridge Rd, Homebush 2140 NSW Saving record 18.2025.7005.1 - 1-5 Underwood Rd, Homebush 2140 NSW Saving record 10.2024.169.1 - 10 Abbotsford Rd, Homebush 2140 NSW Saving record 11.2023.34.1 - 14 Bates St, Homebush 2140 NSW Saving record 10.2024.174.1 - 12 Wilson St, Strathfield 2135 NSW Saving record 18.2025.7004.1 - 13 Mintaro Ave, Strathfield 2135 NSW Saving record 11.2024.18.1 - 19 Therry St, Strathfield South 2136 NSW Saving record 11.2023.100.1 - 58 Myrna Rd, Strathfield 2135 NSW Saving record 11.2024.6.1 - 1-5 Underwood Rd, Homebush 2140 NSW Saving record 18.2025.7003.1 - 44 Dean St, Strathfield South 2136 NSW Saving record 10.2024.170.1 - 4 Woodward Ave, Strathfield 2135 NSW Saving record 11.2024.65.1 - 43 Newton Rd, Strathfield 2135 NSW Saving record 10.2024.165.1 - 20 Karuah St, Strathfield 2135 NSW Collecting feed data for upper_hunter with use_proxy=true at 2025-02-09 22:30:48 +0000 ... Saving record 72/2019 - 5 - 2345 Middlebrook Rd, Middle Brook NSW 2337 /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/mechanize-2.8.5/lib/mechanize/pluggable_parsers.rb:107:in `new': MIME::Type.MIME::Type.new when called with a String is deprecated. Saving record 18/2025 - 1 - 1 Golden Slipper Pl, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 15/2024 - 2 - 2A Roach St, Parkville NSW 2337 Saving record 25/2022 - 1 - 2912 New England Hwy, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 5/2025 - 1 - 23 Wareemba St, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 118/2024 - 2 - 192 Yarrandi Rd, Moobi NSW 2337 Saving record 137/2024 - 2 - 44 Prices La, Merriwa NSW 2329 Saving record 2/2025 - 1 - 135 Halls Rd, Dartbrook NSW 2336 Saving record 112/2024 - 1 - 8 Cockatoo Cl, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 103/2024 - 1 - 70 High St, Bunnan NSW 2337 Saving record 3/2025 - 1 - 8 Cockatoo Cl, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 33/2025 - 1 - 85 Macqueen St, Aberdeen NSW 2336 Saving record 14/2025 - 1 - 46 Barton St, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 2962/2025 - 1 - New England Hwy, Murulla NSW 2337 Saving record 59/2023 - 1 - 120 Graeme St, Aberdeen NSW 2336 Saving record 17/2025 - 1 - 7 Cockatoo Cl, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 4/2025 - 1 - 60 Smiths Rd, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 100/2024 - 1 - 139 Little St, Murrurundi NSW 2338 Saving record 13/2025 - 1 - 32 Bakewell Cct, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 11/2025 - 1 - 266 Nandowra Rd, Moobi NSW 2337 Saving record 4/2025 - 1 - 116 Haydon St, Murrurundi NSW 2338 Saving record 2956/2025 - 1 - 26 Church St, Gundy NSW 2337 Saving record 16/2025 - 1 - 6 Cockatoo Cl, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 15/2025 - 1 - 198 Susan St, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 35/2025 - 1 - 3/225 Yarrandi Rd, Moobi NSW 2337 Saving record 147/2024 - 1 - 5 Dodd St, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 12/2025 - 1 - 26 Church St, Gundy NSW 2337 Saving record 2/2025 - 1 - 120 Graeme St, Aberdeen NSW 2336 Saving record 146/2024 - 1 - 102 Perth St, Aberdeen NSW 2336 Saving record 158/2023 - 3 - 100 Mackenzie St, Merriwa NSW 2329 Saving record 2961/2025 - 1 - 5388 Hunter Rd, Moonan Flat NSW 2337 Saving record 2960/2025 - 1 - 5388 Hunter Rd, Moonan Flat NSW 2337 Saving record 2958/2025 - 1 - 225 Tomalla Rd, Tomalla NSW 2337 Saving record 151/2024 - 1 - 1 Bhima Dr, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 5/2025 - 1 - Guernsey St, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 27/2024 - 2 - 75 Allan Cunningham Rd, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 3/2025 - 1 - 150 Moobi Rd, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 89/2024 - 1 - Guernsey St, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 8/2025 - 1 - Vinegaroy Rd, Cassilis NSW 2329 Saving record 133/2024 - 1 - 516 Nandowra Rd, Moobi NSW 2337 Saving record 34/2025 - 1 - 1 Lighthorse Pde, Glenbawn NSW 2337 Saving record 128/2024 - 1 - 266 Nandowra Rd, Moobi NSW 2337 Saving record 2957/2025 - 1 - 4 Maccallum St, Moonan Flat NSW 2337 Saving record 1/2025 - 1 - 266 Nandowra Rd, Moobi NSW 2337 Saving record 97/2024 - 1 - 63 Scott St, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 10/2025 - 1 - Bunnan Rd, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 7/2025 - 1 - Golden Hwy, Merriwa NSW 2329 Saving record 2/2025 - 1 - 45 Kingdon St, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 6/2025 - 1 - 63 Scott St, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 144/2024 - 1 - 87 St Aubins St, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 9/2025 - 1 - 150 Moobi Rd, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 142/2024 - 1 - 700 Halls Rd, Dartbrook NSW 2336 Saving record 143/2024 - 1 - 13 Guernsey St, Scone NSW 2337 Saving record 127/2024 - 1 - 5 Koala St, Scone NSW 2337 scraper.rb:18:in `block in <main>': uninitialized constant UnprocessableError (NameError) unprocessable = exceptions.select { |_a, e| e.is_a? UnprocessableError }.keys ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ from scraper.rb:18:in `select' from scraper.rb:18:in `<main>'


Downloaded 37 times by ianheggie-oaf

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rows 10 / 1279

council_reference address description info_url date_scraped date_received authority_label
39/2024 - 1
70 Oxford Rd, Scone NSW 2337
Dwelling extension
504 Saunders Av, East Albury NSW 2640
Alterations and Additions to Existing Dwelling
5 Enid La, Albury NSW 2640
Retaining Walls
1072 Table Top Rd, Table Top NSW 2640
Open Bay Colorbond Shed
27 Liverpool Av, Ettamogah NSW 2640
Construction of a colorbond shed
595 Mudge St, Hamilton Valley NSW 2641
Two (2) Colorbond Sheds
550 Ebden St, South Albury NSW 2640
Demolition of Dwelling, Colorbond Shed & Vegetation Removal
28 Bennett Rd, Thurgoona NSW 2640
Colorbond Shed & Awning
30 Strand Tce, Ettamogah NSW 2640
Colorbond Shed
78 Huntington Gr, Thurgoona NSW 2640
Dwelling & Garage

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rows 10 / 36

run_at authority records_scraped use_proxy seconds error_message
undefined method `public_ip' for ScraperUtils::MechanizeUtils:Module
undefined method `public_ip' for ScraperUtils::MechanizeUtils:Module
undefined method `public_ip' for ScraperUtils::MechanizeUtils:Module
undefined method `public_ip' for ScraperUtils::MechanizeUtils:Module
undefined method `public_ip' for ScraperUtils::MechanizeUtils:Module
undefined method `public_ip' for ScraperUtils::MechanizeUtils:Module
undefined method `public_ip' for ScraperUtils::MechanizeUtils:Module
undefined method `public_ip' for ScraperUtils::MechanizeUtils:Module
undefined method `public_ip' for ScraperUtils::MechanizeUtils:Module
undefined method `public_ip' for ScraperUtils::MechanizeUtils:Module


Average successful run time: about 1 hour

Total run time: about 18 hours

Total cpu time used: 2 minutes

Total disk space used: 93.6 MB


  • Manually ran revision 26645979 and failed .
    922 records added, 890 records removed in the database
  • Manually ran revision 54c0cb35 and failed .
    18 records added in the database
  • Manually ran revision f4e15d01 and failed .
    nothing changed in the database
  • Manually ran revision 6181cd27 and failed .
    nothing changed in the database
  • Auto ran revision 2a9a7eb7 and failed .
    740 records added, 740 records removed in the database
  • ...
  • Created on morph.io

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Scraper code


multiple_masterview / scraper.rb