henare / g0v_summit_2016_speakers

Details of all the speakers at g0v Summit 2016

Contributors henare

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Shigeomi Shibata
柴田 重臣
Code for Japan, Code for Ibaraki
Currently working as a self-employed network engineer. Co-captain of Code for Japan. A member of Code for Ibaraki. Joined Code for Japan as a member of research team when it was established in 2013. And also, organize a weekly civic hack meetup event named “Idobata Kaigi”, water cooler talking in Japanese, over 100 times last 2 years. Now a project leader for Civic tech cafe of Code for Ibaraki, monthly talking meeting over open data and civic tech. Live in Tokyo, Have two kids (4 years boy and 3 years girl) and one wife. Specialties: Networking, Information security, Cloud computing, Voice over IP, Project management, Community organizing
目前為自由接案的網路工程師。Code for Japan 社群的共同領導人。Code for Ibaraki 成員。在 2013 年 Code for Japan 成立時加入了研究組。過去兩年間,發起並舉辦了超過 100 次,稱為「井戸端会議」的每週公民駭客小聚。目前是 Code for Ibaraki 推動公民科技咖啡館的專案領頭羊,每個月舉辦與開放資料、公民科技相關的講座。與太太居住在東京,有兩個小孩(四歲的男孩與三歲的女孩)。專長:網路、資訊安全、雲端運算、VoIP、專案管理、社群經營
Jen Bramley
Jen is the International Projects Manager at mySociety. If you email international@mysociety.org, Jen will be the one who responds to you first. She lives in London and works directly with organisations anywhere in the world, helping them with the practicalities of deploying our code and maintaining the resulting websites. With a background as a working on media development and broadcasting reform projects in the Middle East and North Africa for BBC Media Action, she’s used to pitching in wherever needed for all sorts of projects. Jen travels widely to meet our partners on their home ground: it’s always helpful to see our projects in the places where they’ll be deployed, and meet the people who will be using them. She’s passionate about ensuring that projects meet local needs and spending time with groups in their own countries helps her start to understand their motivations.
Julia Kloiber
Open Knowledge Foundation Germany /Code for All
Julia is an activist who’s passionate about growing open communities. Since 2013, she has put her background in design and media studies to use as a project lead for the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany and as a consultant for The Engine Room. Julia has been running multiple community projects that foster the reuse of open data, such as Germany’s first Civic Tech Incubator and a series of hackathons. Code for Germany, her latest project, is a civic tech community with 25 labs and more than 350 members. Julia leads open data projects in close collaboration with companies and governments alike. In 2015 she co-organized the international Code for All Summit in New York, a two-day conference that brought together leading experts and practitioners in civic tech. In 2016 she will be kicking off a prototype fund for civic tech projects in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany.
作為一個社會運動者,茱莉雅對發展中的開放社群投注了許多熱情。從 2013 年起,她將自己在設計與媒體研究的訓練用在擔任 Open Knowledge Foundation Germany 的專案經理以及 The Engine Room 的顧問角色。茱莉雅組織了許多促進開放資料運用的社群計畫,包括德國的第一個公民科技孵化器以及一系列的黑客松。他最新的計劃是 Code for Germany,這個公民技術社群包含二十五個實驗室以及超過三百五十名成員。茱莉雅所帶領的開放資料計畫與民間公司以及政府部門都有密切的協作關係。2015 年她共同組織了在紐約舉辦的 International Code for All Summit,許多公民科技專家與從業人員都參加了這兩天的會議。2016 年她將與德國聯邦教育與研究部合作,啟動一個針對公民科技計畫的原型基金。
Colin Megill
Colin is founder of Seattle based startup http://pol.is, a web app that leverages the real time web, interactive data visualization and machine learning to gather sentiment in an organic, emergent way. Colin's primary focus is user product design, information architecture and interactive data visualization. He has also designed, architected and built client side applications for some of the largest brands in the world. He speaks regularly in the United States and abroad at meetups and conferences, including appearances at Reactive2015 in Slovakia, By the Crowd in Korea, and CSSConf in NYC. Colin lives on Whidbey Island, near Seattle, with his wife Christie and two wonderful little boys.
Colin 是西雅圖新創公司 Polis Technology Inc.的創辦人。Pol.is 是一個網路應用程式,專門利用網路的即時特性、互動資訊視覺化以及機器學習,讓蒐集情緒變得更有機而自然。Colin的主要工作是使用者商品設計、資訊架構以及互動式資訊視覺化。他同時也替一些世界知名品牌設計、規劃、打造客戶端的應用程式。他經常在美國及世界各地的聚會與會議中演講,包括在斯洛伐克的 Reactive 2015、韓國的 By the Crowd 以及紐約的 CSSConf。Colin 與其配 偶Christie 和兩個可愛的兒子住在靠近西雅圖的 Whidbey Island。
JK Suh
I'm a data journalist/civic hacker at WAGL, a civic tech incubator in Korea. I have a passion for data-driven checks on political power. My recent projects include a parliamentary monitoring/civic involvement site and a Voter Advice Application (VAA) for the Korean general elections.
我是一個數據記者也是一個公民駭客,參與韓國公民科技孵化器 WAGL(We All Govern Lab)。我的熱衷於用數據檢驗政治權力。我最近的專案包括監督議會的公民參與網站以及為韓國大選所做的選民諮詢應用平台(Voter Advice Application)。
Uk-Jin Yang
Hi! I’m Uk-Jin, Yang.I’m full-stack programmer at WAGL, a political start-up based in South Korea. I’m developing several services with our members for this 2016 election.My vision is to “make positive social impact through my programming skills”. Lastly, my favorite framework is Django. I welcome all your questions!
嗨!我是 Uk-Jin Yang,韓國政治新創團隊 WAGL 的全端工程師,我與團隊成員為了今年韓國大選開發了數個服務。我想運用我的程式設計技術對社會造成正面的影響。最後,我最喜歡的開發架構是 Django,歡迎大家來聊聊!
Felipe Heusser
Harvard Berkman Center
Felipe is a long time Civic Tech activist and Entrepreneur. He is the founder of the Latin American NGO Ciudadanointeligente.org, and the crowd source video platform Rhinobird.tv , among other projects in which he has explored the role of civic participation and new media in the public space. Felipe is also an Ashoka Fellow, advisor for several NGO’s in Chile and the USA, and a member of the ‘Democratic Revolution’ civic movement in Chile.Felipe studied Law in the P. Universidad Catolica of Chile, and Public Policy at the London School of Economics. He is currently a Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University in the United States.
身為 Ciudadano Inteligente 的創辦人和前總監,以及 Rhinobird.tv 的共同創辦人,菲力培是資深的公民科技推動者和企業家。他創辦了 Ciudadanointeligente.org:一個位於拉丁美洲的 NGO 以及 Rhinobird.tv:一個群眾外包的影音平台,也活躍於其他專案,談討公民參與與新媒體在公共空間中的角色。同時,菲力培也是 Ashoka 研究員,並擔任數個智利及美國 NGO 的顧問。在智利,菲力培也是該國公民運動「Democratic Revolution」的成員。菲力培曾於智利天主教大學研讀法律,並於倫敦政治經濟學院研讀公共政策。他目前在美國哈佛大學的貝克曼網路及社會中心擔任研究員。
James Mckinney
James McKinney regularly contributes to civil society initiatives relating to government, legislative and corporate transparency. He is currently focusing on Popolo (a set of legislative data specifications, used by parliamentary monitoring organizations and members of Poplus.org) and on Influence Mapping (a group of organizations that draw the networks of relations between politically exposed people and organizations). James is especially interested in how data standards can facilitate cooperation between organizations and individuals.James previously founded Open North, a Canadian nonprofit that creates websites to promote government transparency and public participation. He is co-lead of the Open Government Partnership’s Open Data Working Group’s Standards Stream. He was a member of the Open Contract Data Standard core team and of the W3C Government Linked Data Working Group. He has presented on open government and open data, most recently at the International Open Data Conference, Canadian Open Data Summit, and Spaghetti Open Data.
Miguel Arana Catania
Madrid City Council
Director of the Madrid city council participation project
Director of the Madrid City Council participation project. Designing the new open government strategy for the city of Madrid, and its new free software platform for direct democracy and collective intelligence http://decide.madrid.es Defining also the national strategy for smart cities together with other major Spanish cities as Barcelona, Zaragoza, A Coruña among others. Has been actively involved in the 15M movement in Spain since its beginning, with an emphasis in the digital tools and the connection of the movement with other countries. Currently working with different participation projects worldwide, and networks as D-CENT, including countries as Iceland, Finland or Brazil.
Yago Bermejo Abati
Founder of LaboDemo.net, a Lab made to learn how to use new digital tools to change democracy. Advising Podemos party, Ahora Madrid and now Madrid Council. Involved in D-Cent Project to design new collective intelligence algorithms to manage distributed policymaking. Promoting open source democracy tools and processes to set up a new direct and deliberative democracy using Internet all around the globe.


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