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QLD Former Members of Parliament

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name Party and Political Activities Career Notes Religion Appointments Party Positions Marriage Birth Date Parents Sources Education Parliamentary Representation id Occupation Publications Death Date Other Seats Contested
Country-National (CN)
["Grazier", "Premier Nicklin's Campaign Manager"]
["Interests include theatre, ballet, tennis, walking and gardening.", "Member of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Scientists and Tropical Grasslands Society and the Paul Harris Fellowship Rotary Foundation.", "Awarded the Centenary Medal in 2003 and the Medal of the Order of Australia in 2007.", "Served on the Board of Governors of the ATSE Clunies Ross Foundation.", "Won the seat of Landsborough at a by-election on 16 March 1968.", "Premier Ahern introduced a number of social reforms including protection from domestic violence, confiscation of the profits of crime and the redevelopment of the Expo 88 site.", "Premier Ahern promised to implement all recommendations of the Fitzgerald Inquiry into police corruption. In an effort to introduce accountability to the Queensland Government, he reformed Corrective Services and the Public Service. He also introduced ministerial guidelines, the Member's Register of Interests and legislation to establish the Electoral and Administrative Review Commission.", "A final public sector initiative made by Ahern was the replacement of the Queensland Government Development Authority with the Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC). The QTC Act placed Treasury's borrowing and investing roles at arm's-length from governmental decision making.", "Russell Cooper twice challenged Premier Ahern for leadership of the party and was successful in the second challenge, ousting Ahern on 25 September 1989, eight weeks before the general election which Labor won, ending 32 years of conservative politics in Queensland.1", "Ahern resigned from parliament on 16 May 199", "He began a successful business career before the Beattie Labor government appointed him international trade commissioner in December 1999."]
[[["Description", "Minister for State Development"], ["From", "19 Jan 1989"], ["To", "25 Sep 1989"]], [["Description", "Treasurer"], ["From", "09 Dec 1987"], ["To", "25 Sep 1989"]], [["Description", "Premier (and eight other portfolios during the interim Ahern ministry)"], ["From", "01 Dec 1987"], ["To", "09 Dec 1987"]], [["Description", "Minister for Industry, Small Business and Technology"], ["From", "07 Nov 1983"], ["To", "01 Dec 1986"]], [["Description", "Chairman, Select Committee on Education"], ["From", "04 Apr 1978"], ["To", "31 Jan 1980"]], [["Description", "Chairman, Select Committee on Punishment of Crimes of Violence"], ["From", "1974"], ["To", ""]]]
["Secretary of the Parliamentary Party, 1972 ", "Junior Vice-President, Australian Country Party, 1968 ", "State President, Young Australian Country Party (Qld), 1968 ", "Federal President, Young Australian Country Party, 1967 to 1969 ", "Member, Government Party Committees: Primary Industries; Conservation; Marine and Aboriginal Affairs; Police"]
Married - Andrea Mary Louise Meyer on 17 April 1971, 1 son, 4 daughters.
02 Jun 1942 (Maleny, Queensland, Australia)
John James Ahern and Gwendoline May (nee Thornton)
["Who's Who in Queensland, 2007 (Melbourne: Crown Content Pty Ltd)", "Murphy, Denis, et al, eds, 'Michael John Ahern', The Premiers of Queensland, 3rd edition (St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2003)"]
["Conondale State Primary School", "Downlands College, Toowoomba", "Bachelor of Agricultural Science, University of Queensland", "Hon. DUniv (QUT), MAIAS, FTSE, FQIMR, FAMI, FAIM"]
[[["House", "Assembly"], ["Party", "CN"], ["Electorate", "LANDSBOROUGH"], ["From", "16 Mar 1968"], ["To", "16 May 1990"], ["Departure Reason", "Resigned"]]]
Australian Labor Party (ALP)
["Vice Mayor, 1982 to 1985", "Alderman, Brisbane City Council, Mar 1973 to Mar 1985", "Vice-Chair, Brisbane Music Advisory Committee, 1973 to 1985", "Chairman, Planning and Traffic, Transport, Finance and Environment Committees"]
["Interests include the environment, transport, local government and local community affairs, history, music and education."]
[[["Description", "State Government Representative, Gurulmundi Landfill Committee"], ["From", "1994"], ["To", "1996"]], [["Description", "Member, Public Works Committee"], ["From", "20 Apr 1989"], ["To", "02 Nov 1989"]]]
["Member, Ministerial Legislative Committee: Environment and Heritage, Dec 1989 to Jul 1995 ", "Member, Ministerial Legislative Committee: Transport, Dec 1989 to Feb 1996 ", "Member, Ministerial Legislative Committees: Education; Lands, Sep 1995 to Feb 1996"]
Married - 3 children.
15 Mar 1931 (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
["Waterson, DB,\u00c2 Biographical Register of the Queensland Parliament: 1981-1992, (Sydney: Casket Publications, 1993)"]
[[["House", "Assembly"], ["Party", "ALP"], ["Electorate", "SALISBURY"], ["From", "01 Nov 1986"], ["To", "19 Sep 1992"], ["Departure Reason", ""]]]
Australian Labor Party (ALP)
["Interests include economics and trade development, health, local government, housing, criminal law reform, transport, heritage, town planning, urban planning and inner-city development.", "Community activity included being the President of Australia Day Council and Vice-President of the English Speaking Union (Qld Branch) and the Burleigh Heads/Mowbray Park Surf Life Saving Club.", "Member of Tattersall's Club, Greek Club, Lions Club of the Queensland Parliament,\u00c2 Australian Workers Heritage Centre, Windsor and Districts Historical Society Inc., Grange Bowls Club, Society of St Andrew of Scotland (Qld), New Farm Neighbourhood Centre and The Thirty Club. ", "Former member of the Governing Council of Queensland University of Technology. ", "Patron, Vice-Patron and Honorary Member of many associations, organisations and clubs."]
[[["Description", "Member, Standing Orders Committee"], ["From", "11 Oct 2006"], ["To", "13 Sep 2007"]], [["Description", "Minister for Sport"], ["From", "28 Jul 2005"], ["To", "02 Feb 2006"]], [["Description", "Minister for Trade"], ["From", "22 Feb 2001"], ["To", "28 Jul 2005"]], [["Description", "Premier (and eight other ministries during the transition period 26-29 June 1998)"], ["From", "26 Jun 1998"], ["To", "13 Sep 2007"]], [["Description", "Deputy Chair, Estimates Committee A"], ["From", "03 Sep 1996"], ["To", "08 Oct 1996"]], [["Description", "Shadow Minister for Industry and Small Business"], ["From", "27 Feb 1996"], ["To", "17 Dec 1996"]], [["Description", "Minister for Health"], ["From", "31 Jul 1995"], ["To", "19 Feb 1996"]], [["Description", "Chairman, Parliamentary Criminal Justice Committee"], ["From", "21 Mar 1990"], ["To", "25 Aug 1992"]]]
["State Secretary, Queensland Branch, 1981 to 1988 ", "Ex Officio Member, National Executive, 1981 to 1988 ", "Member, National Campaign Committee", "Delegate, National Conference, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1998", "Member, National Executive's Appeals Committee", "Member, National Infrastructure Policy Committee", "Queensland State Campaign Director for 16 different elections, 1981 to 1988 ", "Member, Administrative Committee, 1980 to 1988 and from 1996", "Former company secretary and director of various Labor companies"]
Married - 2 sons, 1 daughter.
18 Nov 1952 (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia)
["BA, LLB University of Queensland", "MA (Research), Queensland University of Technology", "Honorary Doctor of the University Degree, Bond University", "Honorary Doctor of the University Degree, Griffith University"]
[[["House", "Assembly"], ["Party", "ALP"], ["Electorate", "BRISBANE CENTRAL"], ["From", "02 Dec 1989"], ["To", "13 Sep 2007"], ["Departure Reason", "Did not contest"]]]
["PD Beattie: In the Arena: Memories of an ALP State Secretary in Queensland, (Brisbane: 1990)", "PD Beattie: The Year of the Dangerous Ones, (Brisbane: 2009)"]
National Party (NP)
["Chairman of a coach company"]
["Interests include fishing, boating and rock'n'roll dancing.", "Patron, Coomera Hope Island Cricket Club.", "Member of the following organisations:\u00c2 Upper Coomera Progress Association; Studio Village Community Support Group Inc.; Beenleigh Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Rotary Club of Coomera Valley; and Coomera Chamber of Commerce."]
[[["Description", "Opposition Whip"], ["From", "30 Jul 1998"], ["To", "23 Jan 2001"]], [["Description", "Member, Estimates Committee F"], ["From", "03 Sep 1996"], ["To", "08 Oct 1996"]], [["Description", "Member, Select Committee on Travelsafe"], ["From", "15 Sep 1995"], ["To", "18 Apr 1996"]]]
["Member, Oxenford Hope Island Branch", "Member, National Party Transport Policy Committee", "Member, Coalition Transport Policy Committee", "Member, Ministerial Legislative Committees: Emergency Services and Sport; Transport and Main Roads; Education, Apr 1996 to Jun 1998"]
Married - 4 children.
12 Oct 1942 (Southport, Queensland, Australia)
[[["House", "Assembly"], ["Party", "NP"], ["Electorate", "ALBERT"], ["From", "15 Jul 1995"], ["To", "17 Feb 2001"], ["Departure Reason", "Did not contest"]]]
Not Specified
Liberal Party (LIB)
["Deputy Mayor of Brisbane, 1985 to 1986", "Alderman, Brisbane City Council, 1976 to 1986", "Historian", "Bank officer, National Bank of Australasia"]
["Interests include horse racing, tennis, reading, football (all codes), basketball and cricket.", "President, Royal Historical Society of Queensland.", "Chairman, Brisbane City Council's Heritage Advisory Committee.", "Member, Brisbane City Council's City Hall Restoration Project Executive Group.", "Member, National Trust of Queensland."]
[[["Description", "Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs"], ["From", "19 Jun 2000"], ["To", "17 Feb 2001"]], [["Description", "Member, Estimates Committee D"], ["From", "15 Sep 1998"], ["To", "19 Oct 1998"]], [["Description", "Member, Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee"], ["From", "30 Jul 1998"], ["To", "23 Jan 2001"]], [["Description", "Shadow Minister for Families, Youth and Community Care, and Disability Services"], ["From", "02 Jul 1998"], ["To", "17 Feb 2001"]], [["Description", "Deputy Leader of the Parliamentary Liberal Party"], ["From", "31 Jul 1995"], ["To", "23 Jun 1998"]], [["Description", "Member, Estimates Committee B"], ["From", "28 Apr 1994"], ["To", "23 Jun 1994"]], [["Description", "Coalition Shadow Minister for Justice and Attorney-General"], ["From", "Nov 1992"], ["To", "19 Feb 1996"]], [["Description", "Member, Parliamentary delegation to new Guinea, Indonesia, Singapore and Hong Kong"], ["From", "1992"], ["To", ""]], [["Description", "Member, Parliamentary Service Commission"], ["From", "29 May 1990"], ["To", "Aug 1992"]], [["Description", "Leader of the Parliamentary Liberal Party"], ["From", "13 May 1990"], ["To", "11 Nov 1991"]], [["Description", "Member, Electoral and Administrative Review Committee"], ["From", "Mar 1990"], ["To", "May 1990"]], [["Description", "Member, Public Works Committee"], ["From", "Apr 1988"], ["To", "Nov 1989"]], [["Description", "Former Liberal Party Spokesman on Primary Industries; Land Management; Sport and Racing; Environment and Heritage; Local Government; Transport; Small Business; Water Resources; and the Arts"], ["From", ""], ["To", ""]]]
["Former member, State Executive", "Former member, Central Campaign Committee", "Former member, Policy Committee"]
Married - 1 son, 1 daughter.
26 Jan 1945 (Kilcoy, Queensland, Australia)
["BA Honours (first class) in the field of history, University of Queensland", "Doctor of Philosophy, University of Queensland"]
[[["House", "Assembly"], ["Party", "LIB"], ["Electorate", "TOOWONG"], ["From", "01 Nov 1986"], ["To", "19 Sep 1992"], ["Departure Reason", ""]]]
["Article, `Judicial Principle Shattered by Class-War', Supreme Court History Program Yearbook 2007, pp. 1-21.", "A Court Apart: The History of the District Court of Queensland, launched by the Governor-General, Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC, in the Banco Court on 19 June 2009."]
Liberal Party (LIB)
["Labourer, Mount Isa Mines Ltd", "Primary and secondary school teacher", "Personnel Officer, Mount Isa Mines Ltd", "Justice of the Peace"]
["Interests include all sports, theatre, current events, history, travel and family.", "Involved in administration and support of many sporting, social, educational and cultural organisations in Mount Isa and Brisbane.", "Beard was the chairman of Mount Isa Mines Employees Health Society and a trustee of MIM Wages Employees Superannuation Plan.", "Secretary, local branch of Queensland Teachers Union.", "Beard is probably best known in Mount Isa for announcing, compering and hosting a wide range of social, sporting and charitable events and for the occasional TV and radio guest appearances.", "Mr Beard's grandfather, George Alfred Beard, was the first mine manager in Mount Isa. His grandfather and uncle, A P Beard, were mentioned in Geoffrey Blainey's Mines in the Spinifex: the story of Mount Isa Mines."]
[[["Description", "Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party"], ["From", "31 Jan 1988"], ["To", "02 Dec 1989"]], [["Description", "Liberal Party Spokesman on Mines and Energy, Northern Development and Primary Industry"], ["From", ""], ["To", ""]]]
Married - Gayle Patricia McGarry on 10 December 1959, 3 sons, 1 daughter.
22 May 1935 (Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia)
Francis James and Phyllis Mabel Beard (nee Fisher)
["Blainey, Geoffrey, Mines in the spinifex: the story of Mount Isa Mines, Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1960", "Beard, Peter, Courier-Mail, 'Former PoW encouraged home ownership in Mt Isa', 9 October 2003"]
["Attended numerous primary schools", "All Souls' Charters Towers", "B.A., A.Ed University of Queensland"]
[[["House", "Assembly"], ["Party", "LIB"], ["Electorate", "MOUNT ISA"], ["From", "01 Nov 1986"], ["To", "02 Dec 1989"], ["Departure Reason", "Defeated"]]]
Teacher and personnel officer
Independent (IND)
["Gold Coast City Councillor, 1994 to 2001", "Awarded Medal of the Order of Australia, 26 January 1993", "Mayor, Gold Coast City Council, 1988 to 1994", "Alderman, 1985 to 1988", "Solicitor"]
["Chancellor, Anglican Catholic Church in Australia.", "Chairman, St Stephen's Colleges Coomera, Pimpama and Gladstone.", "Vice-chairman, Radio Station 4CRB.", "President, Alliance Franchise on the Gold Coast.", "Director, Gold Coast Arts Centre Pty Ltd.", "Member, Lions Club of Surfers Paradise for 35 years.", "Policy interest: public transport."]
[[["Description", "Member, Estimates Committee B"], ["From", "30 Apr 2003"], ["To", "18 Aug 2003"]], [["Description", "Member, Estimates Committee G"], ["From", "18 Apr 2002"], ["To", "30 Jul 2002"]]]
Not Specified
13 Jul 1945 (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
["Master of Laws (with Distinction), Bond University", "Bachelor of Laws, University of Queensland", "Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland"]
[[["House", "Assembly"], ["Party", "IND"], ["Electorate", "SURFERS PARADISE"], ["From", "05 May 2001"], ["To", "07 Feb 2004"], ["Departure Reason", "Defeated"]]]
National Party (NP)
["Managing Director, Clive Berghofer Constructions", "Mayor of Toowoomba, 1982 to 1992", "Alderman, Toowoomba City Council, 1973 to 1982; Chairman of Works, 1979 to 1982; Deputy Mayor, 1982", "Owner/builder/operator of the Wilsonton Hotel, 1972 to 1986", "Land developer - has developed over 8,000 housing blocks", "Building contractor and constructor, from 1959", "National Service, 1954"]
["Interests include community involvement, fishing, gardening and rugby league.", "Patron of numerous charity, welfare and sporting organisations.", "Former member of the Toowoomba Show Committee. He is a member of Newtown RLFC, Clydesdales RLFC and Toowoomba Turf Club and he is also an honorary member of Rotary.", "Served on South West Queensland Electricity Board, Toowoomba Hospital Board, Local Government Air Pollucation Committee of Queensland.", "Recipient of the Member of the Order (AM) on 12 June 2006 for his service to the community through philanthropic support for medical research, health, sporting and educational organisations in Queensland.", "Recipient of the Centenary Medal on 1 January 2001 for his distinguished service to the community through funding research. ", "Awarded the Australian Sports Medal on 30 August 2000 for his support of many clubs.", "Awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia on 26 January 1994 in recognition of his service to local government and to the community.", "On 23 March 1991 his seat of Toowoomba South was declared vacant on Mr Berghofer's re-election as Mayor of Toowoomba. 1", "Mr Berghofer has donated more than $10 million to a vast range of organisations and a long list of major Toowoomba projects bearing his name, such as the Student Guild Recreation Centre at the University of Southern Queensland, the former Athletic Oval (now a stadium), an events centre at the Toowoomba Showgrounds, and intensive care facilities at St Vincent's Hospital etc. 1", "His biggest single donation was the $5 million he pledged in 2002 to the Queensland Institute of Medical Research, which has named its $60 million Cancer Research Centre in Brisbane after him."]
[[["Description", "Member, Parliamentary Committee of Public Works"], ["From", "06 Mar 1990"], ["To", ""]]]
["Member, Government Party Committees: Public Works, Main Roads, Expo and Police; Transport; Land Management; Local Government and Racing; Industry, Small Business, Communications and Technology"]
Married - Evon Margaret Erbacher on 12 September 1959, 4 daughters.
04 Mar 1935 (Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia)
Jack and Evelyn Grace Berghofer
["Who's Who in Queensland, State Edition, Inaugural Edition, 2007 (Crown Content Pty Ltd)", "`Clive: a hands-on millionaire', Now and Then, October 2004, p. 19", "`Lending a hand', Sunday Mail, 13 October 2002, p. 84", "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clive_Berghofer"]
["Cambooya, Toowoomba East, Wellcamp state schools"]
[[["House", "Assembly"], ["Party", "NP"], ["Electorate", "TOOWOOMBA SOUTH"], ["From", "01 Nov 1986"], ["To", "23 Mar 1991"], ["Departure Reason", "Seat declared vacant"]]]
Company director and hotelier
Australian Labor Party (ALP)
["Antique dealer and costume restorer", "Lifeline telephone counsellor and community development worker", "Councillor, Pioneer Shire Council, 1985 to 1991", "Member, Standing Committee for Town Planning/Building", "Member, Standing Committee for Water, Sewerage and Health", "Member, Standing Committee for Division 1 works", "Member, Standing Committee for Policy and Coordination", "Member, special purpose committees"]
["Former Toastmaster.", "Mrs Bird has a special interest in performing arts and film.", "Interests include preservation and protection of environment and heritage, collecting historical gowns, support centres for rural women, support for mentally ill and deaf people.", "Mrs Bird was featured in Women Members of the Queensland Parliament 1929-1994."]
[[["Description", "Member, Estimates Committee C"], ["From", "04 Jun 1997"], ["To", "08 Jul 1997"]], [["Description", "Member, Estimates Committee D"], ["From", "03 Sep 1996"], ["To", "08 Oct 1996"]], [["Description", "Member, Members' Ethics and Parliamentary Privileges Committee"], ["From", "15 Sep 1995"], ["To", "02 Apr 1996"]], [["Description", "Member, Estimates Committee B"], ["From", "23 Apr 1994"], ["To", "23 Jun 1994"]], [["Description", "Member, Public Accounts Committee"], ["From", "06 Mar 1990"], ["To", "25 Aug 1992"]], [["Description", "Member, Premier's Rural Task Force"], ["From", "1990"], ["To", "1995"]]]
["Member of ALP, since 1979", "Dawson Delegate to State Conference", "Dawson Delegate to State Council"]
Married - 2 children.
[[["House", "Assembly"], ["Party", "ALP"], ["Electorate", "WHITSUNDAY"], ["From", "02 Dec 1989"], ["To", "13 Jun 1998"], ["Departure Reason", "Defeated"]]]
Antique dealer

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