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<p>Asylum seekers and staff at the Australian-run Nauru immigration detention centre evacuated after construction workers raise the alarm </p><p>Asylum seekers and staff at the Nauru detention centre were evacuated after construction workers found unexploded ordnance at the site of a new building for refugees.</p><p>Guardian Australia understands that a device was discovered by one of the contractors tasked to build the new refugee settlement at refugee processing centre 3 (RPC3). Asylum seekers and staff at RPC3 were evacuated on Tuesday while the risks were assessed.</p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>
["asylum" "seekers" "seeker" "staff" "australian" "run" "nauru" "immigration" "detention" "centre" "evacuated" "construction" "workers" "worker" "raise" "alarm" "found" "unexploded" "ordnance" "site" "new" "building" "" "australia" "australium" "understands" "understand" "device" "discovered" "one" "contractors" "contractor" "tasked" "build" "refugee" "settlement" "processing" "3" "rpc3" "tuesday" "risks" "risk" "assessed" "continue" "reading" "asylum seekers" "asylum seeker" "australian run" "run nauru" "nauru immigration" "immigration detention" "detention centre" "centre evacuated" "construction workers" "construction worker" "workers raise" "worker raise" "alarm asylum" "nauru detention" "workers found" "worker found" "found unexploded" "unexploded ordnance" "new building" " australia" " australium" "australia understands" "australium understand" "contractors tasked" "contractor tasked" "new refugee" "refugee settlement" "refugee processing" "processing centre" "centre 3" "3 rpc3" "rpc3 asylum" "assessed continue" "continue reading" "australian run nauru" "run nauru immigration" "nauru immigration detention" "immigration detention centre" "detention centre evacuated" "construction workers raise" "construction worker raise" "alarm asylum seekers" "alarm asylum seeker" "nauru detention centre" "construction workers found" "construction worker found" "workers found unexploded" "worker found unexploded" "found unexploded ordnance" " australia understands" " australium understand" "new refugee settlement" "refugee processing centre" "processing centre 3" "centre 3 rpc3" "3 rpc3 asylum" "rpc3 asylum seekers" "rpc3 asylum seeker" "assessed continue reading"]
<p>Report by No Business in Abuse says operator paid $1.4m a day and point to 47 violations of international law at the detention centres since Transfield took over</p><p>Transfield Services has received $1.5bn from the federal government since being contracted in October 2012 to manage Australia’s detention centres on Manus Island and Nauru, a report has found. </p><p>There have been 47 violations of international law at the centres since Transfield took on the contract three years ago, according to the report by not-for-profit group <a href="">No Business in Abuse</a>.</p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>
["report" "business" "abuse" "says" "say" "operator" "paid" "$1.4m" "day" "point" "47" "violations" "violation" "international" "law" "detention" "centres" "centre" "since" "transfield" "took" "overtransfield" "services" "service" "received" "$1.5bn" "federal" "government" "contracted" "october" "2012" "manage" "australia's" "australia'" "manus" "manu" "island" "nauru" "found" "contract" "three" "years" "year" "ago" "according" "profit" "group" "continue" "reading" "abuse says" "abuse say" "says operator" "say operator" "operator paid" "paid $1.4m" "47 violations" "47 violation" "international law" "detention centres" "detention centre" "centres since" "centre since" "since transfield" "transfield took" "took overtransfield" "overtransfield services" "overtransfield service" "received $1.5bn" "federal government" "government since" "october 2012" "manage australia's" "manage australia'" "australia's detention" "australia' detention" "manus island" "manu island" "contract three" "three years" "three year" "years ago" "year ago" "ago according" "profit group" "abuse continue" "continue reading" "abuse says operator" "abuse say operator" "says operator paid" "say operator paid" "operator paid $1.4m" "detention centres since" "detention centre since" "centres since transfield" "centre since transfield" "since transfield took" "transfield took overtransfield" "took overtransfield services" "took overtransfield service" "federal government since" "manage australia's detention" "manage australia' detention" "australia's detention centres" "australia' detention centre" "contract three years" "contract three year" "three years ago" "three year ago" "years ago according" "year ago according" "abuse continue reading"]
<p>For more than 40 days the transit zone has been home to Khasan Aman Ando and his children as they attempt to claim Russian asylum. <a href="">Meduza</a> paid them a visit</p><p>For more than 40 days a family of Iraqi Kurdish refugees have come to call a glass box in the transit area of Moscow’s Sheremetyevo airport home.</p><p>Khasan Aman Ando, his wife, Gulistan, and their four children (aged between three and 13) are attempting to claim asylum in Russia after fleeing from their hometown in Iraq, currently under siege from Islamic State (Isis).<br tabindex="-1" /></p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>
["40" "days" "day" "transit" "zone" "home" "khasan" "aman" "ando" "children" "child" "attempt" "claim" "russian" "asylum" "meduza" "paid" "visitfor" "family" "iraqi" "kurdish" "refugees" "refugee" "come" "call" "glass" "box" "area" "moscow's" "moscow'" "sheremetyevo" "airport" "home.khasan" "wife" "gulistan" "four" "aged" "three" "13" "attempting" "russia" "russium" "fleeing" "hometown" "iraq" "currently" "siege" "islamic" "state" "isis" "isi" "continue" "reading" "40 days" "40 day" "transit zone" "khasan aman" "aman ando" "claim russian" "russian asylum" "asylum meduza" "meduza paid" "iraqi kurdish" "kurdish refugees" "kurdish refugee" "glass box" "transit area" "moscow's sheremetyevo" "moscow' sheremetyevo" "sheremetyevo airport" "airport home.khasan" "home.khasan aman" "wife gulistan" "four children" "four child" "children aged" "child aged" "claim asylum" "iraq currently" "islamic state" "state isis" "state isi" "isis continue" "isi continue" "continue reading" "khasan aman ando" "claim russian asylum" "russian asylum meduza" "asylum meduza paid" "iraqi kurdish refugees" "iraqi kurdish refugee" "moscow's sheremetyevo airport" "moscow' sheremetyevo airport" "sheremetyevo airport home.khasan" "airport home.khasan aman" "home.khasan aman ando" "four children aged" "four child aged" "islamic state isis" "islamic state isi" "state isis continue" "state isi continue" "isis continue reading" "isi continue reading"]
<p>The former Australian PM has been criticised by Christian leaders, the Labor party and the Greens for his advice to Europe on handling the refugee crisis</p><p>Tony Abbott did Australia proud during a major speech in London, in which he urged European leaders to ignore a core tenet of the Bible to enact tougher border protection measures, the Liberal backbencher Cory Bernardi has said.</p><p>Abbott, who was training to be a priest before switching to politics and becoming prime minister, gave the <a href="">second Margaret Thatcher Lecture in London</a> on Tuesday night. In it, he urged European leaders to adopt Australia’s hardline approach to asylum seekers.</p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>
["former" "australian" "pm" "criticised" "christian" "leaders" "leader" "labor" "party" "greens" "green" "advice" "europe" "handling" "refugee" "crisistony" "abbott" "australia" "australium" "proud" "major" "speech" "london" "urged" "european" "ignore" "core" "tenet" "bible" "enact" "tougher" "border" "protection" "measures" "measure" "liberal" "backbencher" "cory" "bernardi" "" "training" "priest" "switching" "politics" "politic" "becoming" "prime" "minister" "gave" "second" "margaret" "thatcher" "lecture" "tuesday" "night" "adopt" "australia's" "australia'" "hardline" "approach" "asylum" "seekers" "seeker" "continue" "reading" "former australian" "australian pm" "christian leaders" "christian leader" "labor party" "refugee crisistony" "crisistony abbott" "australia proud" "australium proud" "major speech" "urged european" "european leaders" "european leader" "core tenet" "enact tougher" "tougher border" "border protection" "protection measures" "protection measure" "liberal backbencher" "backbencher cory" "cory bernardi" "becoming prime" "prime minister" "minister gave" "second margaret" "margaret thatcher" "thatcher lecture" "tuesday night" "adopt australia's" "adopt australia'" "australia's hardline" "australia' hardline" "hardline approach" "asylum seekers" "asylum seeker" "seekers continue" "seeker continue" "continue reading" "former australian pm" "refugee crisistony abbott" "urged european leaders" "urged european leader" "enact tougher border" "tougher border protection" "border protection measures" "border protection measure" "liberal backbencher cory" "backbencher cory bernardi" "becoming prime minister" "prime minister gave" "second margaret thatcher" "margaret thatcher lecture" "adopt australia's hardline" "adopt australia' hardline" "australia's hardline approach" "australia' hardline approach" "asylum seekers continue" "asylum seeker continue" "seekers continue reading" "seeker continue reading"]
<div class="content__article-body from-content-api js-article__body" itemprop="articleBody" data-test-id="article-review-body"> <p><a href="" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" data-component="auto-linked-tag" class=" u-underline">Tony Abbott</a> did Australia proud during a major speech in London, in which he urged European leaders to ignore a core tenet of the Bible to enact tougher border protection measures, the Liberal backbencher Cory Bernardi has said.</p> <p>Abbott, who was training to be a priest before switching to politics and becoming prime minister, gave the <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">second Margaret Thatcher Lecture in London</a> on Tuesday night. In it, he urged European leaders to adopt Australia’s hardline approach to asylum seekers.</p> <p>“Implicitly or explicitly, the imperative to love your neighbour as you love yourself is at the heart of every western polity,” he told the conservative crowd. “But right now this wholesome instinct is leading much of <a href="" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" data-component="auto-linked-tag" class=" u-underline">Europe</a> into catastrophic error.”</p> <p>Bernardi said he put forward Abbott’s name to give the speech in the first place.</p> <p> “Tony Abbott did us proud last night,” he told Sky News on Wednesday.</p> <aside class="element element-rich-link element--thumbnail element-rich-link--not-upgraded" data-component="rich-link" data-link-name="rich-link-1 | 1"> <p> <span>Related: </span><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">EU and Balkans agree plan for 100,000 places in reception centres for refugees</a> </p> </aside> <p>But many Christian leaders disagreed, saying Australia should be advocating for a more compassionate response to the <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">refugee crisis</a>.</p> <p>“I’m ashamed that a former Australian PM would be putting out a message like this,” retired bishop <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Pat Power told Fairfax</a>. “People will make their own judgments but that’s completely at odds with what’s at the heart of Christianity. I’m certainly offended.”</p> <p>The Australian Christian Lobby, one of the most conservative Christian groups in the country, has advocated for a doubling of the humanitarian intake, focusing on persecuted minorities and family groups.</p> <p>“We probably could be a little bit more generous,” the ACL acting director, Martyn Iles, told Guardian Australia. “It’s a Christian value to be generous even when it costs you something.</p> <p>“The government ought to be very generous with what it does [with asylum seekers], while still looking after its flock. “Both [tenets] should be exercised at the same time.”</p> <p>The opposition leader, <a href="" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" data-component="auto-linked-tag" class=" u-underline">Bill Shorten</a>, said Abbott was lecturing world leaders. “I am not sure European leaders grappling with a scale and a dimension of a problem which we don’t have in Australia are necessarily going to benefit by Tony Abbott’s advice,” he told reporters on Wednesday.</p> <aside class="element element-pullquote"> <span class="inline-quote inline-icon inline-tone-fill"> <svg width="17" height="10" viewbox="0 0 33 20"> <path d="M9.002 20c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553C4.065 2.97 7.415.937 11.004 1l-1-1C3.98 0 .098 4.447.003 10.006c-.098 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994zm17 0c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553.064-3.53 3.414-5.563 7.003-5.5l-1-1c-6.022 0-9.904 4.447-10 10.006-.097 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994z"/> </svg> </span> <blockquote> <p class=" pullquote-paragraph">I am not sure Tony Abbott on a victory lap ... is exactly what Europe needs to solve its problems</p> <footer> <cite class=" pullquote-cite">Bill Shorten, opposition leader</cite> </footer> </blockquote> <span class="inline-quote inline-icon closing inline-tone-fill"> <svg width="17" height="10" viewbox="0 0 33 20"> <path d="M9.002 20c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553C4.065 2.97 7.415.937 11.004 1l-1-1C3.98 0 .098 4.447.003 10.006c-.098 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994zm17 0c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553.064-3.53 3.414-5.563 7.003-5.5l-1-1c-6.022 0-9.904 4.447-10 10.006-.097 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994z"/> </svg> </span> </aside> <p>“I am not sure Tony Abbott on a victory lap giving a Margaret Thatcher lecture is exactly what Europe needs to solve its problems.”</p> <p>Malcolm Turnbull, who ousted Abbott last month to take the prime ministership, downplayed Abbott’s speech.</p> <p>“He has obviously had a remarkable career in public life, including two years as PM. We owe him a great debt for that,” Turnbull said on Wednesday. “His views are in hot demand everywhere in the world.”</p> <p>The Greens leader, Richard Di Natale, rejected that, arguing that even Australians did not want to hear his views.</p> <p>“It’s not a healthy thing for a recently deposed PM to be strutting the world stage and giving his view on foreign policy at a time when he was very clear that the Australian community didn’t support his view of many things, including his view of foreign policy and our approach towards what are some very complex international issues,” he told reporters.</p> <p>“The only catastrophic error that Europe has made is giving Tony Abbott a platform to speak. To give a failed prime minister a platform to espouse his hateful and insular views of the world,” he said.</p> </div>
["tony" "abbott" "australia" "australium" "proud" "major" "speech" "london" "urged" "european" "leaders" "leader" "ignore" "core" "tenet" "bible" "enact" "tougher" "border" "protection" "measures" "measure" "liberal" "backbencher" "cory" "bernardi" "said" "training" "priest" "switching" "politics" "politic" "becoming" "prime" "minister" "gave" "second" "margaret" "thatcher" "lecture" "tuesday" "night" "adopt" "australia’s" "australia’" "hardline" "approach" "asylum" "seekers" "seeker" "“implicitly" "explicitly" "imperative" "love" "neighbour" "heart" "every" "western" "polity,&#x201d" "told" "conservative" "crowd" "“but" "right" "now" "wholesome" "instinct" "leading" "much" "europe" "catastrophic" "error.&#x201d" "put" "forward" "abbott’s" "abbott’" "name" "give" "first" "place" "“tony" "us" "u" "last" "night,&#x201d" "sky" "news" "wednesday" "related" "eu" "balkans" "balkan" "agree" "plan" "100,000" "places" "reception" "centres" "centre" "refugees" "refugee" "many" "christian" "disagreed" "saying" "advocating" "compassionate" "response" "crisis" "“i’m" "ashamed" "former" "australian" "pm" "putting" "message" "like" "this,&#x201d" "retired" "bishop" "pat" "power" "fairfax" "“people" "“person" "will" "make" "judgments" "judgment" "that’s" "that’" "completely" "odds" "odd" "what’s" "what’" "christianity" "i’m" "certainly" "offended.&#x201d" "lobby" "one" "groups" "group" "country" "advocated" "doubling" "humanitarian" "intake" "focusing" "persecuted" "minorities" "minority" "family" "“we" "probably" "little" "bit" "generous,&#x201d" "acl" "acting" "director" "martyn" "iles" "ile" "guardian" "“it’s" "“it’" "value" "generous" "generou" "even" "costs" "cost" "something" "“the" "government" "[with" "seekers]" "still" "looking" "flock" "“both" "[tenets]" "exercised" "time.&#x201d" "opposition" "bill" "shorten" "lecturing" "world" "“i" "sure" "grappling" "scale" "dimension" "problem" "don’t" "necessarily" "going" "benefit" "advice,&#x201d" "reporters" "reporter" "victory" "lap" "exactly" "needs" "need" "solve" "problems" "giving" "problems.&#x201d" "malcolm" "turnbull" "ousted" "month" "take" "ministership" "downplayed" "“he" "obviously" "remarkable" "career" "public" "life" "including" "two" "years" "year" "owe" "great" "debt" "that,&#x201d" "“his" "“hi" "views" "view" "hot" "demand" "everywhere" "world.&#x201d" "greens" "green" "richard" "di" "natale" "rejected" "arguing" "australians" "want" "hear" "healthy" "thing" "recently" "deposed" "strutting" "stage" "foreign" "policy" "time" "clear" "community" "didn’t" "support" "things" "towards" "toward" "complex" "international" "issues,&#x201d" "error" "made" "platform" "speak" "failed" "espouse" "hateful" "insular" "world,&#x201d" "tony abbott" "australia proud" "australium proud" "major speech" "urged european" "european leaders" "european leader" "core tenet" "enact tougher" "tougher border" "border protection" "protection measures" "protection measure" "liberal backbencher" "backbencher cory" "cory bernardi" "said abbott" "becoming prime" "prime minister" "minister gave" "second margaret" "margaret thatcher" "thatcher lecture" "tuesday night" "adopt australia’s" "adopt australia’" "australia’s hardline" "australia’ hardline" "hardline approach" "asylum seekers" "asylum seeker" "seekers “implicitly" "seeker “implicitly" "every western" "western polity,&#x201d" "conservative crowd" "crowd “but" "“but right" "right now" "wholesome instinct" "leading much" "catastrophic error.&#x201d" "error.&#x201d bernardi" "bernardi said" "put forward" "forward abbott’s" "forward abbott’" "abbott’s name" "abbott’ name" "first place" "“tony abbott" "us proud" "u proud" "proud last" "last night,&#x201d" "told sky" "sky news" "related eu" "balkans agree" "balkan agree" "agree plan" "100,000 places" "100,000 place" "reception centres" "reception centre" "many christian" "christian leaders" "christian leader" "leaders disagreed" "leader disagreed" "disagreed saying" "saying australia" "saying australium" "compassionate response" "refugee crisis" "crisis “i’m" "“i’m ashamed" "former australian" "australian pm" "message like" "like this,&#x201d" "this,&#x201d retired" "retired bishop" "bishop pat" "pat power" "power told" "told fairfax" "fairfax “people" "fairfax “person" "“people will" "“person will" "will make" "that’s completely" "that’ completely" "christianity i’m" "i’m certainly" "certainly offended.&#x201d" "australian christian" "christian lobby" "lobby one" "conservative christian" "christian groups" "christian group" "humanitarian intake" "intake focusing" "persecuted minorities" "persecuted minority" "family groups" "family group" "groups “we" "group “we" "“we probably" "little bit" "acl acting" "acting director" "director martyn" "martyn iles" "martyn ile" "iles told" "ile told" "told guardian" "guardian australia" "guardian australium" "australia “it’s" "australium “it’" "christian value" "generous even" "generou even" "something “the" "“the government" "[with asylum" "asylum seekers]" "still looking" "flock “both" "“both [tenets]" "opposition leader" "leader bill" "bill shorten" "shorten said" "lecturing world" "world leaders" "world leader" "leaders “i" "leader “i" "sure european" "leaders grappling" "leader grappling" "necessarily going" "tony abbott’s" "tony abbott’" "abbott’s advice,&#x201d" "abbott’ advice,&#x201d" "told reporters" "told reporter" "sure tony" "victory lap" "europe needs" "europe need" "shorten opposition" "lap giving" "problems.&#x201d malcolm" "malcolm turnbull" "ousted abbott" "abbott last" "last month" "prime ministership" "ministership downplayed" "downplayed abbott’s" "downplayed abbott’" "abbott’s speech" "abbott’ speech" "speech “he" "remarkable career" "public life" "life including" "including two" "two years" "two year" "great debt" "that,&#x201d turnbull" "turnbull said" "wednesday “his" "wednesday “hi" "“his views" "“hi view" "hot demand" "demand everywhere" "greens leader" "green leader" "leader richard" "richard di" "di natale" "natale rejected" "even australians" "even australian" "views “it’s" "view “it’" "healthy thing" "recently deposed" "deposed pm" "world stage" "foreign policy" "australian community" "community didn’t" "didn’t support" "many things" "many thing" "things including" "thing including" "approach towards" "approach toward" "complex international" "international issues,&#x201d" "reporters “the" "reporter “the" "catastrophic error" "giving tony" "failed prime" "insular views" "insular view" "urged european leaders" "urged european leader" "enact tougher border" "tougher border protection" "border protection measures" "border protection measure" "liberal backbencher cory" "backbencher cory bernardi" "becoming prime minister" "prime minister gave" "second margaret thatcher" "margaret thatcher lecture" "adopt australia’s hardline" "adopt australia’ hardline" "australia’s hardline approach" "australia’ hardline approach" "asylum seekers “implicitly" "asylum seeker “implicitly" "every western polity,&#x201d" "conservative crowd “but" "crowd “but right" "“but right now" "catastrophic error.&#x201d bernardi" "error.&#x201d bernardi said" "put forward abbott’s" "put forward abbott’" "forward abbott’s name" "forward abbott’ name" "us proud last" "u proud last" "proud last night,&#x201d" "told sky news" "balkans agree plan" "balkan agree plan" "many christian leaders" "many christian leader" "christian leaders disagreed" "christian leader disagreed" "leaders disagreed saying" "leader disagreed saying" "disagreed saying australia" "disagreed saying australium" "refugee crisis “i’m" "crisis “i’m ashamed" "former australian pm" "message like this,&#x201d" "like this,&#x201d retired" "this,&#x201d retired bishop" "retired bishop pat" "bishop pat power" "pat power told" "power told fairfax" "told fairfax “people" "told fairfax “person" "fairfax “people will" "fairfax “person will" "“people will make" "“person will make" "christianity i’m certainly" "i’m certainly offended.&#x201d" "australian christian lobby" "christian lobby one" "conservative christian groups" "conservative christian group" "humanitarian intake focusing" "family groups “we" "family group “we" "groups “we probably" "group “we probably" "acl acting director" "acting director martyn" "director martyn iles" "director martyn ile" "martyn iles told" "martyn ile told" "iles told guardian" "ile told guardian" "told guardian australia" "told guardian australium" "guardian australia “it’s" "guardian australium “it’" "something “the government" "[with asylum seekers]" "flock “both [tenets]" "opposition leader bill" "leader bill shorten" "bill shorten said" "shorten said abbott" "lecturing world leaders" "lecturing world leader" "world leaders “i" "world leader “i" "sure european leaders" "sure european leader" "european leaders grappling" "european leader grappling" "tony abbott’s advice,&#x201d" "tony abbott’ advice,&#x201d" "sure tony abbott" "bill shorten opposition" "shorten opposition leader" "victory lap giving" "problems.&#x201d malcolm turnbull" "ousted abbott last" "abbott last month" "prime ministership downplayed" "ministership downplayed abbott’s" "ministership downplayed abbott’" "downplayed abbott’s speech" "downplayed abbott’ speech" "abbott’s speech “he" "abbott’ speech “he" "public life including" "life including two" "including two years" "including two year" "that,&#x201d turnbull said" "wednesday “his views" "wednesday “hi view" "hot demand everywhere" "greens leader richard" "green leader richard" "leader richard di" "richard di natale" "di natale rejected" "recently deposed pm" "australian community didn’t" "community didn’t support" "many things including" "many thing including" "complex international issues,&#x201d" "told reporters “the" "told reporter “the" "giving tony abbott" "failed prime minister"]
Tony Abbott did Australia proud in UK speech on refugees, Cory Bernardi says
<p>Extension of Transfield Services contract to manage Australia’s offshore detention centres announced shortly before shareholders’ gathering</p><p>Protesters have disrupted Transfield Services’ annual general meeting, calling on the company to cut its ties to Australia’s offshore detention centres.</p><p>Two protesters from Divest from Detention network interrupted Transfield’s chair Diane Smith-Gander’s opening speech to present a letter signed by 844 asylum seekers and refugees on Manus Island and Nauru.<br /></p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>
["extension" "transfield" "services" "service" "contract" "manage" "australia's" "australia'" "offshore" "detention" "centres" "centre" "announced" "shortly" "shareholders" "shareholder" "gatheringprotesters" "gatheringprotester" "disrupted" "annual" "general" "meeting" "calling" "company" "cut" "ties" "ty" "centres.two" "protesters" "protester" "divest" "network" "interrupted" "transfield's" "transfield'" "chair" "diane" "smith" "gander's" "gander'" "opening" "speech" "present" "letter" "signed" "844" "asylum" "seekers" "seeker" "refugees" "refugee" "manus" "manu" "island" "nauru" "continue" "reading" "transfield services" "transfield service" "services contract" "service contract" "manage australia's" "manage australia'" "australia's offshore" "australia' offshore" "offshore detention" "detention centres" "detention centre" "centres announced" "centre announced" "announced shortly" "shareholders gatheringprotesters" "shareholder gatheringprotester" "disrupted transfield" "services annual" "service annual" "annual general" "general meeting" "meeting calling" "detention centres.two" "centres.two protesters" "centres.two protester" "detention network" "network interrupted" "interrupted transfield's" "interrupted transfield'" "transfield's chair" "transfield' chair" "chair diane" "diane smith" "smith gander's" "smith gander'" "gander's opening" "gander' opening" "opening speech" "letter signed" "844 asylum" "asylum seekers" "asylum seeker" "manus island" "manu island" "nauru continue" "continue reading" "transfield services contract" "transfield service contract" "manage australia's offshore" "manage australia' offshore" "australia's offshore detention" "australia' offshore detention" "offshore detention centres" "offshore detention centre" "detention centres announced" "detention centre announced" "centres announced shortly" "centre announced shortly" "disrupted transfield services" "disrupted transfield service" "transfield services annual" "transfield service annual" "services annual general" "service annual general" "annual general meeting" "general meeting calling" "offshore detention centres.two" "detention centres.two protesters" "detention centres.two protester" "detention network interrupted" "network interrupted transfield's" "network interrupted transfield'" "interrupted transfield's chair" "interrupted transfield' chair" "transfield's chair diane" "transfield' chair diane" "chair diane smith" "diane smith gander's" "diane smith gander'" "smith gander's opening" "smith gander' opening" "gander's opening speech" "gander' opening speech" "844 asylum seekers" "844 asylum seeker" "nauru continue reading"]
<div class="content__article-body from-content-api js-article__body" itemprop="articleBody" data-test-id="article-review-body"> <p>Protesters have disrupted Transfield Services’ annual general meeting, calling on the company to cut its ties to Australia’s offshore detention centres.</p> <p>Two protesters from Divest from Detention network interrupted Transfield’s chair Diane Smith-Gander’s opening speech to present a letter signed by 844 asylum seekers and refugees on <a href="" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" data-component="auto-linked-tag" class=" u-underline">Manus Island</a> and Nauru.<br></p> <p>The company announced shortly before the meeting that it has signed a four-month extension to its contract with the immigration department to manage Australia’s offshore detention centres on the islands.</p> <p>Smith-Gardner asked the two protesters to leave, and they were escorted out by security guards. A police officer gave one of the protesters, Angela Mitropoulos, a move-on direction and she was ordered to leave the CBD.</p> <figure class="element element-tweet" data-canonical-url=""> <blockquote class="js-tweet tweet"> <img src="" alt="" rel="nofollow" class=" js-tweet-main-image tweet-main-image"> <span class="tweet-user">— Brynn O'Brien (@brynnobrien)</span> <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class="tweet-date">October 28, 2015</a> <p lang="en" dir="ltr" class="tweet-body">Chair <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">@DianeSmithG</a> just faced protests in the Transfield AGM <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline"></a></p> <a href="" style="display: none;"></a> </blockquote> </figure> <p>“We interrupted with the banner during Diane’s introduction, and she kept personally asking me to leave,” Mitropoulos said. “Then security dragged us out and the police gave me the move on order.<br></p> <p>The messages from the group said: “We will continue to target Transfield Services, no matter what, until they stop running detention centres. We will continue to target any detention contractors, as we have done by throwing Transfield Services out of the Sydney Biennale and by chasing them from superannuation funds like Hesta.”</p> <figure class="element element-tweet" data-canonical-url=""> <blockquote class="js-tweet tweet"> <img src="" alt="" rel="nofollow" class=" js-tweet-main-image tweet-main-image"> <span class="tweet-user">— Paul Farrell (@FarrellPF)</span> <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class="tweet-date">October 28, 2015</a> <p lang="en" dir="ltr" class="tweet-body">Protesters flanked by police outside Transfield AGM chanting "free free the refugees" <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline"></a></p> <a href="" style="display: none;"></a> </blockquote> </figure> <p>Around 100 other protesters chanted outside the Sydney building the AGM was held in. A heavy police and security presence prevented a number of protesters attempting to enter the meeting. Inside the meeting no recording was allowed. <br></p> <figure class="element element-tweet" data-canonical-url=""> <blockquote class="js-tweet tweet"> <span class="tweet-user">— Brynn O'Brien (@brynnobrien)</span> <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class="tweet-date">October 28, 2015</a> <p lang="en" dir="ltr" class="tweet-body">I have just been informed that no recording is allowed and that I'll be asked to leave if I continue to record. Sorry guys!</p> <a href="" style="display: none;"></a> </blockquote> </figure> <p>Smith-Gander was re-elected to the board of Transfield.</p> <p>The company announced shortly before the meeting that it has has signed a four-month extension to its contract with the immigration department to manage Australia’s offshore detention centres on Manus Island and <a href="" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" data-component="auto-linked-tag" class=" u-underline">Nauru</a>.</p> <p>The extension of Transfield’s contract for Manus and Nauru is a surprise because the company was named as the preferred tenderer for the next four-year contract with the immigration department.</p> <aside class="element element-rich-link element--thumbnail element-rich-link--not-upgraded" data-component="rich-link" data-link-name="rich-link-1 | 1"> <p> <span>Related: </span><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Transfield given $1.5bn over three years to manage Nauru and Manus centres</a> </p> </aside> <p><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">A statement from the company said</a>: “The deed extends the company’s current contract for a further four month period allowing for the progressive transition to any new contract arrangements entered into by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. Any such new contract is expected to take effect from March 2016.”</p> <p><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">The Australian National Audit Office</a> (ANAO) has announced a review into procurement and contract procedures on Nauru and Manus Island, due to be tabled in autumn next year. </p> <p>The No Business in Abuse lobby group – <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">which launched in partnership with GetUp in September</a> – has been working to to persuade investors to put pressure on Transfield over its role managing Australia’s asylum seeker processing centres on Nauru and Manus Island by divesting, and encouraging local businesses not to contract with the company.</p> <p><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">On Tuesday it released a report</a> that was highly critical of the company’s involvement with the offshore detention regime. </p> <p></p> </div>
["protesters" "protester" "disrupted" "transfield" "services&#x2019" "annual" "general" "meeting" "calling" "company" "cut" "ties" "ty" "australia’s" "australia’" "offshore" "detention" "centres" "centre" "two" "divest" "network" "interrupted" "transfield’s" "transfield’" "chair" "diane" "smith" "gander’s" "gander’" "opening" "speech" "present" "letter" "signed" "844" "asylum" "seekers" "seeker" "refugees" "refugee" "manus" "manu" "island" "nauru" "announced" "shortly" "four" "month" "extension" "contract" "immigration" "department" "manage" "islands" "gardner" "asked" "leave" "escorted" "security" "guards" "guard" "police" "polouse" "officer" "gave" "one" "angela" "mitropoulos" "mitropoulo" "move" "direction" "ordered" "cbd" "&#x2014" "brynn" "o'brien" "@brynnobrien" "october" "28" "2015" "@dianesmithg" "just" "faced" "protests" "protest" "agm" "" "pqwgimsz4b" "“we" "banner" "diane’s" "diane’" "introduction" "kept" "personally" "asking" "leave,&#x201d" "said" "“then" "dragged" "us" "u" "order" "messages" "message" "group" "will" "continue" "target" "services" "service" "matter" "stop" "running" "contractors" "contractor" "done" "throwing" "sydney" "biennale" "chasing" "superannuation" "funds" "fund" "like" "hesta.&#x201d" "paul" "farrell" "@farrellpf" "flanked" "outside" "chanting" ""free" "free" "refugees&quot" "udreduvq2r" "around" "100" "chanted" "building" "held" "heavy" "presence" "prevented" "number" "attempting" "enter" "inside" "recording" "allowed" "informed" "i'll" "record" "sorry" "guys" "guy" "gander" "re" "elected" "board" "surprise" "named" "preferred" "tenderer" "next" "year" "related" "given" "$1.5bn" "three" "years" "statement" "“the" "deed" "extends" "extend" "company’s" "company’" "current" "period" "allowing" "progressive" "transition" "new" "arrangements" "arrangement" "entered" "border" "protection" "expected" "take" "effect" "march" "2016.&#x201d" "australian" "national" "audit" "office" "anao" "review" "procurement" "procedures" "procedure" "due" "tabled" "autumn" "business" "abuse" "lobby" "&#x2013" "launched" "partnership" "getup" "september" "working" "persuade" "investors" "investor" "put" "pressure" "role" "managing" "processing" "divesting" "encouraging" "local" "businesses" "tuesday" "released" "report" "highly" "critical" "involvement" "regime" "disrupted transfield" "transfield services&#x2019" "services&#x2019 annual" "annual general" "general meeting" "meeting calling" "australia’s offshore" "australia’ offshore" "offshore detention" "detention centres" "detention centre" "centres two" "centre two" "two protesters" "two protester" "detention network" "network interrupted" "interrupted transfield’s" "interrupted transfield’" "transfield’s chair" "transfield’ chair" "chair diane" "diane smith" "smith gander’s" "smith gander’" "gander’s opening" "gander’ opening" "opening speech" "letter signed" "844 asylum" "asylum seekers" "asylum seeker" "manus island" "manu island" "company announced" "announced shortly" "four month" "month extension" "immigration department" "manage australia’s" "manage australia’" "islands smith" "island smith" "smith gardner" "gardner asked" "security guards" "security guard" "police officer" "polouse officer" "officer gave" "gave one" "protesters angela" "protester angela" "angela mitropoulos" "angela mitropoulo" "&#x2014 brynn" "brynn o'brien" "o'brien @brynnobrien" "@brynnobrien october" "october 28" "28 2015" "2015 chair" "chair @dianesmithg" "@dianesmithg just" "just faced" "faced protests" "faced protest" "transfield agm" "agm" " pqwgimsz4b" "“we interrupted" "diane’s introduction" "diane’ introduction" "kept personally" "personally asking" "leave,&#x201d mitropoulos" "leave,&#x201d mitropoulo" "mitropoulos said" "mitropoulo said" "said “then" "“then security" "security dragged" "dragged us" "dragged u" "police gave" "polouse gave" "group said" "said “we" "“we will" "will continue" "target transfield" "transfield services" "transfield service" "stop running" "running detention" "detention contractors" "detention contractor" "throwing transfield" "sydney biennale" "superannuation funds" "superannuation fund" "funds like" "fund like" "like hesta.&#x201d" "&#x2014 paul" "paul farrell" "farrell @farrellpf" "@farrellpf october" "2015 protesters" "2015 protester" "protesters flanked" "protester flanked" "police outside" "polouse outside" "outside transfield" "agm chanting" "chanting "free" ""free free" "refugees&quot" " udreduvq2r" "around 100" "protesters chanted" "protester chanted" "chanted outside" "sydney building" "heavy police" "heavy polouse" "security presence" "presence prevented" "protesters attempting" "protester attempting" "meeting inside" "record sorry" "sorry guys" "sorry guy" "smith gander" "re elected" "transfield’s contract" "transfield’ contract" "preferred tenderer" "next four" "four year" "year contract" "related transfield" "transfield given" "given $1.5bn" "three years" "three year" "manage nauru" "manus centres" "manu centre" "company said" "said “the" "“the deed" "deed extends" "deed extend" "company’s current" "company’ current" "current contract" "month period" "period allowing" "progressive transition" "new contract" "contract arrangements" "contract arrangement" "arrangements entered" "arrangement entered" "border protection" "take effect" "march 2016.&#x201d" "australian national" "national audit" "audit office" "office anao" "contract procedures" "contract procedure" "island due" "autumn next" "next year" "abuse lobby" "lobby group" "group &#x2013" "september &#x2013" "persuade investors" "persuade investor" "put pressure" "role managing" "managing australia’s" "managing australia’" "australia’s asylum" "australia’ asylum" "seeker processing" "processing centres" "processing centre" "encouraging local" "local businesses" "local business" "highly critical" "company’s involvement" "company’ involvement" "detention regime" "disrupted transfield services&#x2019" "transfield services&#x2019 annual" "services&#x2019 annual general" "annual general meeting" "general meeting calling" "australia’s offshore detention" "australia’ offshore detention" "offshore detention centres" "offshore detention centre" "detention centres two" "detention centre two" "centres two protesters" "centre two protester" "detention network interrupted" "network interrupted transfield’s" "network interrupted transfield’" "interrupted transfield’s chair" "interrupted transfield’ chair" "transfield’s chair diane" "transfield’ chair diane" "chair diane smith" "diane smith gander’s" "diane smith gander’" "smith gander’s opening" "smith gander’ opening" "gander’s opening speech" "gander’ opening speech" "844 asylum seekers" "844 asylum seeker" "company announced shortly" "four month extension" "manage australia’s offshore" "manage australia’ offshore" "islands smith gardner" "island smith gardner" "smith gardner asked" "police officer gave" "polouse officer gave" "officer gave one" "protesters angela mitropoulos" "protester angela mitropoulo" "&#x2014 brynn o'brien" "brynn o'brien @brynnobrien" "o'brien @brynnobrien october" "@brynnobrien october 28" "october 28 2015" "28 2015 chair" "2015 chair @dianesmithg" "chair @dianesmithg just" "@dianesmithg just faced" "just faced protests" "just faced protest" "transfield agm" "agm pqwgimsz4b" "kept personally asking" "leave,&#x201d mitropoulos said" "leave,&#x201d mitropoulo said" "mitropoulos said “then" "mitropoulo said “then" "said “then security" "“then security dragged" "security dragged us" "security dragged u" "group said “we" "said “we will" "“we will continue" "target transfield services" "target transfield service" "stop running detention" "running detention centres" "running detention centre" "throwing transfield services" "throwing transfield service" "superannuation funds like" "superannuation fund like" "funds like hesta.&#x201d" "fund like hesta.&#x201d" "&#x2014 paul farrell" "paul farrell @farrellpf" "farrell @farrellpf october" "@farrellpf october 28" "28 2015 protesters" "28 2015 protester" "2015 protesters flanked" "2015 protester flanked" "police outside transfield" "polouse outside transfield" "outside transfield agm" "transfield agm chanting" "agm chanting "free" "chanting "free free" "refugees&quot udreduvq2r" "protesters chanted outside" "protester chanted outside" "security presence prevented" "record sorry guys" "record sorry guy" "next four year" "four year contract" "related transfield given" "transfield given $1.5bn" "company said “the" "said “the deed" "“the deed extends" "“the deed extend" "company’s current contract" "company’ current contract" "four month period" "month period allowing" "new contract arrangements" "new contract arrangement" "contract arrangements entered" "contract arrangement entered" "australian national audit" "national audit office" "audit office anao" "manus island due" "manu island due" "autumn next year" "abuse lobby group" "lobby group &#x2013" "role managing australia’s" "role managing australia’" "managing australia’s asylum" "managing australia’ asylum" "australia’s asylum seeker" "australia’ asylum seeker" "asylum seeker processing" "seeker processing centres" "seeker processing centre" "encouraging local businesses" "encouraging local business" "offshore detention regime"]
Protesters disrupt Transfield meeting over Manus and Nauru contract
<p>Responding to calls for greater access to the country, David Adeang says the Australian media approaches reporting on Nauru ‘with an air of racial superiority’</p><p>The Nauru government has launched an attack on Australian journalists, accusing them of approaching reporting in the country with “an air of racial superiority”.</p><p>David Adeang, the Nauru justice minister, was responding to calls for greater access to the country. <a href="">Nauru allowed Chris Kenny, </a> <a href="">associate editor of the Australian</a><a href="">, on to the island earlier this month</a>, the first visit by a foreign reporter for 18 months. Kenny acknowledged his support for offshore detention may have helped secure his visit.</p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>
["responding" "calls" "call" "greater" "access" "country" "david" "adeang" "says" "say" "australian" "media" "medium" "approaches" "approach" "reporting" "nauru" "air" "racial" "superiority'the" "government" "launched" "attack" "journalists" "journalist" "accusing" "approaching" "superiority”.david" "justice" "minister" "allowed" "chris" "chri" "kenny" "associate" "editor" "island" "earlier" "month" "first" "visit" "foreign" "reporter" "18" "months" "acknowledged" "support" "offshore" "detention" "may" "helped" "secure" "continue" "reading" "greater access" "country david" "david adeang" "adeang says" "adeang say" "australian media" "australian medium" "media approaches" "medium approach" "approaches reporting" "approach reporting" "racial superiority'the" "superiority'the nauru" "nauru government" "australian journalists" "australian journalist" "journalists accusing" "journalist accusing" "approaching reporting" "racial superiority”.david" "superiority”.david adeang" "nauru justice" "justice minister" "country nauru" "nauru allowed" "allowed chris" "allowed chri" "chris kenny" "chri kenny" "associate editor" "island earlier" "first visit" "foreign reporter" "18 months" "18 month" "months kenny" "month kenny" "kenny acknowledged" "offshore detention" "detention may" "helped secure" "visit continue" "continue reading" "country david adeang" "david adeang says" "david adeang say" "australian media approaches" "australian medium approach" "media approaches reporting" "medium approach reporting" "racial superiority'the nauru" "superiority'the nauru government" "australian journalists accusing" "australian journalist accusing" "racial superiority”.david adeang" "nauru justice minister" "country nauru allowed" "nauru allowed chris" "nauru allowed chri" "allowed chris kenny" "allowed chri kenny" "18 months kenny" "18 month kenny" "months kenny acknowledged" "month kenny acknowledged" "offshore detention may" "visit continue reading"]
<div class="content__article-body from-content-api js-article__body" itemprop="articleBody" data-test-id="article-review-body"> <p>The <a href="" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" data-component="auto-linked-tag" class=" u-underline">Nauru</a> government has launched an attack on Australian journalists, accusing them of approaching reporting in the country with “an air of racial superiority”.</p> <p>David Adeang, the Nauru justice minister, was responding to calls for greater access to the country. <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Nauru allowed Chris Kenny, </a> <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">associate editor of the Australian</a><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">, on to the island earlier this month</a>, the first visit by a foreign reporter for 18 months. Kenny acknowledged his support for offshore detention may have helped secure his visit.</p> <aside class="element element-rich-link element--thumbnail element-rich-link--not-upgraded" data-component="rich-link" data-link-name="rich-link-3 | 1"> <p> <span>Related: </span><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">This is Abyan's story, and it is Australia's story</a> </p> </aside> <p>“Many <a href="" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" data-component="auto-linked-tag" class=" u-underline">Australian media</a> outlets and journalists have no respect for Nauru or our culture or people,” Adeang said.</p> <p>“Nauru has no obligation to answer to Australian media.</p> <p>“The Australian media approaches us with great arrogance and an air of racial superiority, which is highly offensive to us.<br> <br>“They do not show us the respect of a sovereign nation and in return we have little respect for them.”</p> <p>Adeang accused journalists of failing to question the claims of “refugee advocates and Australian lawyers”.</p> <aside class="element element-rich-link element--thumbnail element-rich-link--not-upgraded" data-component="rich-link" data-link-name="rich-link-3 | 2"> <p> <span>Related: </span><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Nauru police raids on Save the Children sparked by detention centre's manager</a> </p> </aside> <p>“The truth is that despite the difficulties many refugees face and the lack of certainty they feel about the future – and we acknowledge that – Nauru is safe, refugees are not being raped, they have freedom, many are happy and making the best of their situation, and life on Nauru is peaceful with locals and refugees living, in the main, harmoniously.<br> <br>“But this truth doesn’t suit the activist journalists. They need to paint a different picture to justify their political agendas and their own lack of fact-checking and poor journalism.”</p> <p>On Wednesday Peter Dutton, the immigration minister, said that Abyan, the refugee who is pregnant after an alleged rape on Nauru, <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">would return to Australia for medical treatment</a>.</p> <p>On the same day, the annual general meeting in Sydney of Transfield Services, which manages Australia’s offshore detention centres on Manus and Nauru, <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">was disrupted by protesters</a> opposing the company’s work in the centres.</p> <aside class="element element-rich-link element-rich-link--not-upgraded" data-component="rich-link" data-link-name="rich-link-3 | 3"> <p> <span>Related: </span><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Chris Kenny the first foreign news reporter in 18 months to be granted Nauru visa</a> </p> </aside> <p>Guardian Australia has been repeatedly refused access to the island. <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Nauru police have twice raided the offices of Save the Children at the Nauru detention centre</a> after the government was <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">angered by a report in Guardian Australia quoting an email from the operations manager at the centre</a>.</p> <p>Save the Children said there was no evidence the leaked email had come from any of their staff.</p> </div>
["nauru" "government" "launched" "attack" "australian" "journalists" "journalist" "accusing" "approaching" "reporting" "country" "“an" "air" "racial" "superiority&#x201d" "david" "adeang" "justice" "minister" "responding" "calls" "call" "greater" "access" "allowed" "chris" "chri" "kenny" "associate" "editor" "island" "earlier" "month" "first" "visit" "foreign" "reporter" "18" "months" "acknowledged" "support" "offshore" "detention" "may" "helped" "secure" "related" "abyan's" "abyan'" "story" "australia's" "australia'" "“many" "media" "medium" "outlets" "outlet" "respect" "culture" "people,&#x201d" "said" "“nauru" "obligation" "answer" "“the" "approaches" "approach" "us" "u" "great" "arrogance" "superiority" "highly" "offensive" "“they" "show" "sovereign" "nation" "return" "little" "them.&#x201d" "accused" "failing" "question" "claims" "claim" "“refugee" "advocates" "advocate" "lawyers&#x201d" "police" "polouse" "raids" "raid" "save" "children" "child" "sparked" "centre's" "centre'" "manager" "truth" "despite" "difficulties" "difficulty" "many" "refugees" "refugee" "face" "lack" "certainty" "feel" "future" "&#x2013" "acknowledge" "safe" "raped" "freedom" "happy" "making" "best" "situation" "life" "peaceful" "locals" "local" "living" "main" "harmoniously" "“but" "doesn’t" "suit" "activist" "need" "paint" "different" "picture" "justify" "political" "agendas" "agenda" "fact" "checking" "poor" "journalism.&#x201d" "wednesday" "peter" "dutton" "immigration" "abyan" "pregnant" "alleged" "rape" "australia" "australium" "medical" "treatment" "day" "annual" "general" "meeting" "sydney" "transfield" "services" "service" "manages" "manage" "australia’s" "australia’" "centres" "centre" "manus" "manu" "disrupted" "protesters" "protester" "opposing" "company’s" "company’" "work" "news" "granted" "visa" "guardian" "repeatedly" "refused" "twice" "raided" "offices" "office" "angered" "report" "quoting" "email" "operations" "operation" "evidence" "leaked" "come" "staff" "nauru government" "australian journalists" "australian journalist" "journalists accusing" "journalist accusing" "approaching reporting" "“an air" "racial superiority&#x201d" "superiority&#x201d david" "david adeang" "nauru justice" "justice minister" "greater access" "country nauru" "nauru allowed" "allowed chris" "allowed chri" "chris kenny" "chri kenny" "associate editor" "island earlier" "first visit" "foreign reporter" "18 months" "18 month" "months kenny" "month kenny" "kenny acknowledged" "offshore detention" "detention may" "helped secure" "abyan's story" "abyan' story" "australia's story" "australia' story" "“many australian" "australian media" "australian medium" "media outlets" "medium outlet" "people,&#x201d adeang" "adeang said" "said “nauru" "media “the" "medium “the" "“the australian" "media approaches" "medium approach" "approaches us" "approach u" "great arrogance" "racial superiority" "highly offensive" "us “they" "u “they" "show us" "show u" "sovereign nation" "little respect" "them.&#x201d adeang" "adeang accused" "accused journalists" "accused journalist" "“refugee advocates" "“refugee advocate" "australian lawyers&#x201d" "related nauru" "nauru police" "nauru polouse" "police raids" "polouse raid" "children sparked" "child sparked" "detention centre's" "detention centre'" "centre's manager" "centre' manager" "“the truth" "difficulties many" "difficulty many" "many refugees" "many refugee" "refugees face" "refugee face" "future &#x2013" "&#x2013 nauru" "safe refugees" "safe refugee" "freedom many" "refugees living" "refugee living" "main harmoniously" "harmoniously “but" "truth doesn’t" "doesn’t suit" "activist journalists" "activist journalist" "different picture" "political agendas" "political agenda" "fact checking" "poor journalism.&#x201d" "wednesday peter" "peter dutton" "immigration minister" "minister said" "alleged rape" "medical treatment" "annual general" "general meeting" "transfield services" "transfield service" "manages australia’s" "manage australia’" "australia’s offshore" "australia’ offshore" "detention centres" "detention centre" "protesters opposing" "protester opposing" "company’s work" "company’ work" "related chris" "related chri" "first foreign" "foreign news" "news reporter" "granted nauru" "nauru visa" "guardian australia" "guardian australium" "repeatedly refused" "refused access" "island nauru" "twice raided" "nauru detention" "australia quoting" "australium quoting" "operations manager" "operation manager" "centre save" "children said" "child said" "leaked email" "australian journalists accusing" "australian journalist accusing" "racial superiority&#x201d david" "superiority&#x201d david adeang" "nauru justice minister" "country nauru allowed" "nauru allowed chris" "nauru allowed chri" "allowed chris kenny" "allowed chri kenny" "18 months kenny" "18 month kenny" "months kenny acknowledged" "month kenny acknowledged" "offshore detention may" "“many australian media" "“many australian medium" "australian media outlets" "australian medium outlet" "people,&#x201d adeang said" "adeang said “nauru" "australian media “the" "australian medium “the" "media “the australian" "medium “the australian" "“the australian media" "“the australian medium" "australian media approaches" "australian medium approach" "media approaches us" "medium approach u" "them.&#x201d adeang accused" "adeang accused journalists" "adeang accused journalist" "related nauru police" "related nauru polouse" "nauru police raids" "nauru polouse raid" "detention centre's manager" "detention centre' manager" "difficulties many refugees" "difficulty many refugee" "many refugees face" "many refugee face" "main harmoniously “but" "truth doesn’t suit" "wednesday peter dutton" "immigration minister said" "annual general meeting" "manages australia’s offshore" "manage australia’ offshore" "australia’s offshore detention" "australia’ offshore detention" "offshore detention centres" "offshore detention centre" "related chris kenny" "related chri kenny" "first foreign news" "foreign news reporter" "granted nauru visa" "repeatedly refused access" "island nauru police" "island nauru polouse" "nauru detention centre" "guardian australia quoting" "guardian australium quoting"]
Nauru justice minister attacks 'arrogant' Australian journalists
<p>Peter Dutton, the immigration minister, says woman who had requested abortion after alleged rape will come back to Australia</p><p>Abyan, the pregnant refugee who was brought to Australia for an abortion and then controversially flown back to Nauru, is to return to Australia for medical treatment.</p><p>The woman, originally from Somalia, alleges that she was raped on Nauru. She will return to Australia for medical advice on seeking an abortion, and also for mental health support, the Australian immigration minister, Peter Dutton, announced on Wednesday.</p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>
["peter" "dutton" "immigration" "minister" "says" "say" "woman" "requested" "abortion" "alleged" "rape" "will" "come" "back" "australiaabyan" "pregnant" "refugee" "brought" "australia" "australium" "controversially" "flown" "nauru" "return" "medical" "treatment.the" "originally" "somalia" "somalium" "alleges" "allege" "raped" "advice" "seeking" "also" "mental" "health" "support" "australian" "announced" "wednesday" "continue" "reading" "peter dutton" "immigration minister" "minister says" "minister say" "says woman" "say woman" "requested abortion" "alleged rape" "rape will" "will come" "come back" "pregnant refugee" "controversially flown" "flown back" "medical treatment.the" "treatment.the woman" "woman originally" "somalia alleges" "somalium allege" "will return" "medical advice" "mental health" "health support" "australian immigration" "minister peter" "dutton announced" "wednesday continue" "continue reading" "immigration minister says" "immigration minister say" "minister says woman" "minister say woman" "alleged rape will" "rape will come" "will come back" "controversially flown back" "medical treatment.the woman" "treatment.the woman originally" "mental health support" "australian immigration minister" "immigration minister peter" "minister peter dutton" "peter dutton announced" "wednesday continue reading"]
<div class="content__article-body from-content-api js-article__body" itemprop="articleBody" data-test-id="article-review-body"> <p>Abyan, the pregnant refugee who was brought to Australia for an abortion and then controversially flown back to <a href="" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" data-component="auto-linked-tag" class=" u-underline">Nauru</a>, is to return to Australia for medical treatment.</p> <p>The woman, originally from Somalia, alleges that she was raped on Nauru. She will return to Australia for medical advice on seeking an abortion, and also for mental health support, the Australian immigration minister, Peter Dutton, announced on Wednesday.</p> <aside class="element element-rich-link element--thumbnail element-rich-link--not-upgraded" data-component="rich-link" data-link-name="rich-link-2 | 1"> <p> <span>Related: </span><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">This is Abyan's story, and it is Australia's story</a> </p> </aside> <p>The 23-year old was brought to Australia for an abortion earlier this month, but was returned to Nauru less than a week later. She is nearly 15 weeks’ pregnant.</p> <p>Dutton insisted earlier this month that she changed her mind, a claim he reiterated on Wednesday. Both <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">the young woman and her Australian lawyers</a> deny that claim.</p> <p>Since returning to Nauru, the refugee has told the Australian newspaper that she still wants an abortion, but does not wish to return to Australia.</p> <p>Dutton said that she has now changed her mind about returning to Australia.</p> <p>“She will travel to Australia and will seek some expert assistance from medical staff in Australia, and that’s as it should be, and we’ve said all along we would do what was in the best interest of this particularly lady,” Dutton told Sky News on Wednesday. </p> <aside class="element element-rich-link element--thumbnail element-rich-link--not-upgraded" data-component="rich-link" data-link-name="rich-link-2 | 2"> <p> <span>Related: </span><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">United Nations calls on Nauru and Australia to resolve Abyan case urgently</a> </p> </aside> <p>“The medical experts have spoken with the lady, and she’s accepted the advice she should come to Australia, not only to speak to a doctor in terms of the termination, but also to seek mental health services.”<br></p> <p>The immigration minister said that the discussions over bringing Abyan to Australia have been ongoing for a number of days, though he would not be drawn as to when she would leave Nauru.<br></p> <p>“I don’t want this to be some sort of media spectacle,” he said. “It’s important that we respect her privacy.”</p> <p>Labor leader Bill Shorten called for an assurance that the young woman’s best interests would be prioritised.</p> <p>“This is a distressing and complex case and Abyan’s privacy must be respected. Labor is deeply concerned that the Liberal government has mismanaged this case and the impact that this has had on this young woman,” he said.</p> <p>The Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young reiterated her call for better oversight of the offshore detention system. “By appointing an independent advocate, we can be confident that there will always be someone with Abyan who is acting in her best<br>interests,” she said.</p> <p>“This young woman asked us for help in putting her life back together and we failed her,” she said. </p> <p>The announcement comes shortly after the United Nations urged the government to find a <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">“decent option” for Abyan</a> (not her real name).</p> <p>“Abyan is in a very fragile mental and physical condition and is deeply traumatised by her experiences since the day of the alleged rape,” <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Rupert Colville, spokesman for the UN office of the high commissioner for human rights, said</a>.</p> <p>“She has refused to give information to the Nauru police about her attacker because she is understandably afraid of reprisals. She does not feel safe, given that her alleged attacker lives on Nauru, which is a very small island.”</p> <p>Accessing an abortion on Nauru is highly restricted, requiring the consent of both the mother and the father before the procedure can be carried out. Papua New Guinea, where asylum seekers on Nauru are often sent for medical treatment, prohibits abortions after 14 weeks.</p> <p>Ian Rintoul from the Refugee Action Coalition, who has been in regular contact with Abyan, said news of her imminent move back to Australia was “welcome” but overdue.</p> <p>“Peter Dutton and this government have put her through three weeks of unnecessary mental anguish. This decision should have been made at the end of August.”</p> <p>Rintoul warned Abyan - who fled Somalia in 2007 and after her family was killed in a rocket attack - was deeply affected by the events of recent months, and her recovery from the trauma of her assault would be significantly longer than simply the termination procedure.</p> <p>“The treatment of Abyan is emblematic of the treatment of refugee and asylum seekers in general on Nauru,” he said.</p> <p>“The action that the government has taken now is because of significant public pressure that has shone a light on her situation. But the way they have treated Abyan is the way all asylum seekers and refugees in offshore processing are treated, and the government surrounds their actions with secrecy, a total lack of transparency and accountability, so the public cannot know.”</p> </div>
["abyan" "pregnant" "refugee" "brought" "australia" "australium" "abortion" "controversially" "flown" "back" "nauru" "return" "medical" "treatment" "woman" "originally" "somalia" "somalium" "alleges" "allege" "raped" "will" "advice" "seeking" "also" "mental" "health" "support" "australian" "immigration" "minister" "peter" "dutton" "announced" "wednesday" "related" "abyan's" "abyan'" "story" "australia's" "australia'" "23" "year" "old" "earlier" "month" "returned" "less" "week" "later" "nearly" "15" "weeks&#x2019" "insisted" "changed" "mind" "claim" "reiterated" "young" "lawyers" "lawyer" "deny" "since" "returning" "told" "newspaper" "still" "wants" "want" "wish" "said" "now" "“she" "travel" "seek" "expert" "assistance" "staff" "that’s" "that’" "we’ve" "along" "best" "interest" "particularly" "lady,&#x201d" "sky" "news" "united" "nations" "nation" "calls" "call" "resolve" "case" "urgently" "“the" "experts" "spoken" "lady" "she’s" "she’" "accepted" "come" "speak" "doctor" "terms" "term" "termination" "services.&#x201d" "discussions" "discussion" "bringing" "ongoing" "number" "days" "day" "though" "drawn" "leave" "“i" "don’t" "sort" "media" "medium" "spectacle,&#x201d" "“it’s" "“it’" "important" "respect" "privacy.&#x201d" "labor" "leader" "bill" "shorten" "called" "assurance" "woman’s" "woman’" "interests" "prioritised" "“this" "“thi" "distressing" "complex" "abyan’s" "abyan’" "privacy" "must" "respected" "deeply" "concerned" "liberal" "government" "mismanaged" "impact" "woman,&#x201d" "greens" "green" "senator" "sarah" "hanson" "better" "oversight" "offshore" "detention" "system" "“by" "appointing" "independent" "advocate" "can" "confident" "always" "alway" "someone" "acting" "bestinterests,&#x201d" "asked" "us" "u" "help" "putting" "life" "together" "failed" "her,&#x201d" "announcement" "comes" "shortly" "urged" "find" "“decent" "option&#x201d" "real" "name" "“abyan" "fragile" "physical" "condition" "traumatised" "experiences" "experience" "alleged" "rape,&#x201d" "rupert" "colville" "spokesman" "un" "office" "high" "commissioner" "human" "rights" "right" "refused" "give" "information" "police" "polouse" "attacker" "understandably" "afraid" "reprisals" "reprisal" "feel" "safe" "given" "lives" "small" "island.&#x201d" "accessing" "highly" "restricted" "requiring" "consent" "mother" "father" "procedure" "carried" "papua" "new" "guinea" "asylum" "seekers" "seeker" "often" "sent" "prohibits" "prohibit" "abortions" "14" "weeks" "ian" "rintoul" "action" "coalition" "regular" "contact" "imminent" "move" "“welcome&#x201d" "overdue" "“peter" "put" "three" "unnecessary" "anguish" "decision" "made" "end" "august.&#x201d" "warned" "fled" "2007" "family" "killed" "rocket" "attack" "affected" "events" "event" "recent" "months" "recovery" "trauma" "assault" "significantly" "longer" "simply" "emblematic" "general" "nauru,&#x201d" "taken" "significant" "public" "pressure" "shone" "light" "situation" "way" "treated" "refugees" "processing" "surrounds" "surround" "actions" "secrecy" "total" "lack" "transparency" "accountability" "know.&#x201d" "pregnant refugee" "controversially flown" "flown back" "medical treatment" "woman originally" "somalia alleges" "somalium allege" "will return" "medical advice" "mental health" "health support" "australian immigration" "immigration minister" "minister peter" "peter dutton" "dutton announced" "abyan's story" "abyan' story" "australia's story" "australia' story" "23 year" "year old" "abortion earlier" "nauru less" "week later" "nearly 15" "15 weeks&#x2019" "weeks&#x2019 pregnant" "pregnant dutton" "dutton insisted" "insisted earlier" "young woman" "australian lawyers" "australian lawyer" "lawyers deny" "lawyer deny" "claim since" "since returning" "australian newspaper" "still wants" "still want" "australia dutton" "australium dutton" "dutton said" "now changed" "australia “she" "australium “she" "“she will" "will travel" "will seek" "expert assistance" "medical staff" "we’ve said" "best interest" "particularly lady,&#x201d" "lady,&#x201d dutton" "dutton told" "told sky" "sky news" "related united" "united nations" "united nation" "nations calls" "nation call" "resolve abyan" "abyan case" "case urgently" "“the medical" "medical experts" "medical expert" "she’s accepted" "she’ accepted" "seek mental" "health services.&#x201d" "minister said" "bringing abyan" "days though" "day though" "leave nauru" "nauru “i" "“i don’t" "don’t want" "media spectacle,&#x201d" "medium spectacle,&#x201d" "said “it’s" "said “it’" "“it’s important" "“it’ important" "privacy.&#x201d labor" "labor leader" "leader bill" "bill shorten" "shorten called" "young woman’s" "young woman’" "woman’s best" "woman’ best" "best interests" "prioritised “this" "prioritised “thi" "complex case" "abyan’s privacy" "abyan’ privacy" "privacy must" "respected labor" "deeply concerned" "liberal government" "young woman,&#x201d" "greens senator" "green senator" "senator sarah" "sarah hanson" "hanson young" "young reiterated" "better oversight" "offshore detention" "detention system" "system “by" "“by appointing" "independent advocate" "will always" "will alway" "said “this" "said “thi" "“this young" "“thi young" "woman asked" "asked us" "asked u" "life back" "back together" "failed her,&#x201d" "announcement comes" "announcement come" "comes shortly" "come shortly" "nations urged" "nation urged" "“decent option&#x201d" "real name" "name “abyan" "fragile mental" "physical condition" "deeply traumatised" "experiences since" "experience since" "alleged rape,&#x201d" "rape,&#x201d rupert" "rupert colville" "colville spokesman" "un office" "high commissioner" "human rights" "human right" "rights said" "right said" "said “she" "give information" "nauru police" "nauru polouse" "understandably afraid" "feel safe" "safe given" "alleged attacker" "attacker lives" "attacker life" "small island.&#x201d" "island.&#x201d accessing" "highly restricted" "restricted requiring" "procedure can" "papua new" "new guinea" "asylum seekers" "asylum seeker" "often sent" "treatment prohibits" "treatment prohibit" "prohibits abortions" "prohibit abortion" "14 weeks" "14 week" "weeks ian" "week ian" "ian rintoul" "refugee action" "action coalition" "regular contact" "abyan said" "said news" "imminent move" "move back" "overdue “peter" "“peter dutton" "three weeks" "three week" "unnecessary mental" "mental anguish" "august.&#x201d rintoul" "rintoul warned" "warned abyan" "fled somalia" "fled somalium" "rocket attack" "deeply affected" "recent months" "recent month" "significantly longer" "termination procedure" "procedure “the" "“the treatment" "said “the" "“the action" "taken now" "significant public" "public pressure" "treated abyan" "offshore processing" "government surrounds" "government surround" "total lack" "controversially flown back" "mental health support" "australian immigration minister" "immigration minister peter" "minister peter dutton" "peter dutton announced" "23 year old" "nearly 15 weeks&#x2019" "15 weeks&#x2019 pregnant" "weeks&#x2019 pregnant dutton" "pregnant dutton insisted" "dutton insisted earlier" "australian lawyers deny" "australian lawyer deny" "claim since returning" "australia dutton said" "australium dutton said" "australia “she will" "australium “she will" "“she will travel" "particularly lady,&#x201d dutton" "lady,&#x201d dutton told" "dutton told sky" "told sky news" "related united nations" "related united nation" "united nations calls" "united nation call" "resolve abyan case" "abyan case urgently" "“the medical experts" "“the medical expert" "seek mental health" "mental health services.&#x201d" "immigration minister said" "leave nauru “i" "nauru “i don’t" "“i don’t want" "said “it’s important" "said “it’ important" "privacy.&#x201d labor leader" "labor leader bill" "leader bill shorten" "bill shorten called" "young woman’s best" "young woman’ best" "woman’s best interests" "woman’ best interest" "abyan’s privacy must" "abyan’ privacy must" "greens senator sarah" "green senator sarah" "senator sarah hanson" "sarah hanson young" "hanson young reiterated" "offshore detention system" "detention system “by" "system “by appointing" "said “this young" "said “thi young" "“this young woman" "“thi young woman" "young woman asked" "woman asked us" "woman asked u" "life back together" "announcement comes shortly" "announcement come shortly" "united nations urged" "united nation urged" "real name “abyan" "alleged rape,&#x201d rupert" "rape,&#x201d rupert colville" "rupert colville spokesman" "human rights said" "human right said" "rights said “she" "right said “she" "feel safe given" "alleged attacker lives" "alleged attacker life" "small island.&#x201d accessing" "highly restricted requiring" "papua new guinea" "medical treatment prohibits" "medical treatment prohibit" "treatment prohibits abortions" "treatment prohibit abortion" "14 weeks ian" "14 week ian" "weeks ian rintoul" "week ian rintoul" "refugee action coalition" "abyan said news" "imminent move back" "overdue “peter dutton" "unnecessary mental anguish" "august.&#x201d rintoul warned" "rintoul warned abyan" "termination procedure “the" "procedure “the treatment" "said “the action" "significant public pressure"]
Abyan, pregnant refugee on Nauru, will return to Australia for medical treatment
<p>Immigration minister says Australia will not ‘water down’ policies despite Amnesty International claims officials engaged in people smuggling </p><p>The federal government will not be “bullied” into watering down its hardline border protection policies by advocates such as Amnesty International, the immigration minister, Peter Dutton, said, after the human rights group criticised border force staff for paying people smugglers to turn asylum boats around.</p><p>Amnesty International investigated claims from May this year that <a href="">Australian government officials paid people smugglers</a> $45,000 (US$32,000) to return the vessel and the 65 asylum seekers aboard it to Rote Island in Indonesia.</p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>
["immigration" "minister" "says" "say" "australia" "australium" "will" "water" "policies" "policy" "despite" "amnesty" "international" "claims" "claim" "officials" "official" "engaged" "people" "person" "smuggling" "federal" "government" "bullied" "watering" "hardline" "border" "protection" "advocates" "advocate" "peter" "dutton" "said" "human" "rights" "right" "group" "criticised" "force" "staff" "paying" "smugglers" "smuggler" "turn" "asylum" "boats" "boat" "around.amnesty" "investigated" "may" "year" "australian" "paid" "$45,000" "us$32,000" "return" "vessel" "65" "seekers" "seeker" "aboard" "rote" "island" "indonesia" "indonesium" "continue" "reading" "immigration minister" "minister says" "minister say" "says australia" "say australium" "australia will" "australium will" "policies despite" "policy despite" "despite amnesty" "amnesty international" "international claims" "international claim" "claims officials" "claim official" "officials engaged" "official engaged" "people smuggling" "person smuggling" "federal government" "government will" "hardline border" "border protection" "protection policies" "protection policy" "minister peter" "peter dutton" "dutton said" "human rights" "human right" "rights group" "right group" "group criticised" "criticised border" "border force" "force staff" "paying people" "paying person" "people smugglers" "person smuggler" "turn asylum" "asylum boats" "asylum boat" "boats around.amnesty" "boat around.amnesty" "around.amnesty international" "international investigated" "investigated claims" "investigated claim" "australian government" "government officials" "government official" "officials paid" "official paid" "paid people" "paid person" "smugglers $45,000" "smuggler $45,000" "$45,000 us$32,000" "65 asylum" "asylum seekers" "asylum seeker" "seekers aboard" "seeker aboard" "rote island" "indonesia continue" "indonesium continue" "continue reading" "immigration minister says" "immigration minister say" "minister says australia" "minister say australium" "says australia will" "say australium will" "policies despite amnesty" "policy despite amnesty" "despite amnesty international" "amnesty international claims" "amnesty international claim" "international claims officials" "international claim official" "claims officials engaged" "claim official engaged" "federal government will" "hardline border protection" "border protection policies" "border protection policy" "immigration minister peter" "minister peter dutton" "peter dutton said" "human rights group" "human right group" "rights group criticised" "right group criticised" "group criticised border" "criticised border force" "border force staff" "paying people smugglers" "paying person smuggler" "turn asylum boats" "turn asylum boat" "asylum boats around.amnesty" "asylum boat around.amnesty" "boats around.amnesty international" "boat around.amnesty international" "around.amnesty international investigated" "international investigated claims" "international investigated claim" "australian government officials" "australian government official" "government officials paid" "government official paid" "officials paid people" "official paid person" "paid people smugglers" "paid person smuggler" "people smugglers $45,000" "person smuggler $45,000" "smugglers $45,000 us$32,000" "smuggler $45,000 us$32,000" "65 asylum seekers" "65 asylum seeker" "asylum seekers aboard" "asylum seeker aboard" "indonesia continue reading" "indonesium continue reading"]
<div class="content__article-body from-content-api js-article__body" itemprop="articleBody" data-test-id="article-review-body"> <p>The federal government will not be “bullied” into watering down its hardline border protection policies by advocates such as <a href="" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" data-component="auto-linked-tag" class=" u-underline">Amnesty International</a>, the immigration minister, Peter Dutton, said, after the human rights group criticised border force staff for paying people smugglers to turn asylum boats around.</p> <p>Amnesty International investigated claims from May this year that <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Australian government officials paid people smugglers</a> $45,000 (US$32,000) to return the vessel and the 65 asylum seekers aboard it to Rote Island in Indonesia.</p> <p>It found that “all of the available evidence points to Australian officials having committed a transnational crime”, and <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">that officials effectively engaged in people smuggling</a>.</p> <p>“People smuggling is a crime usually associated with private individuals, not governments – but here we have allegations that Australian officials are not just involved, but directing operations,” an Amnesty UK researcher, Anna Shea, said. “When it comes to its treatment of those seeking asylum, Australia is becoming a lawless state.”</p> <aside class="element element-rich-link element--thumbnail element-rich-link--not-upgraded" data-component="rich-link" data-link-name="rich-link-1 | 1"> <p> <span>Related: </span><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Australian officials paid asylum seeker boat crew, Amnesty investigation alleges</a> </p> </aside> <p>Dutton was undeterred by the criticism, vowing to stick by the policy of turning back asylum seeker boats. <br tabindex="-1"></p> <p>“Amnesty International and others don’t like Operation Sovereign Borders and the fact that we’ve stopped the boats,” Dutton told Macquarie Radio on Thursday. “We’re not going to be bullied into some watering down of that.”</p> <p>Dutton said Amnesty International had a history of criticising the Coalition’s border protection policies, stretching as far back as the Howard era.<br></p> <p>“They don’t like Operation Sovereign Borders, they try to attack border force staff, naval staff, and I think it’s a disgrace,” he said. “I think at the end you can take the word of people smugglers, or you can take the word of our staff at Australian border force.”</p> <p>Dutton said that Operation Sovereign Borders will remain under Malcolm Turnbull, who ousted Tony Abbott in a leadership spill last month.<br></p> <p>“We’re not going to take a backwards step,” he said. “We’re not going to water down our policies.”</p> <p>Labor’s decision to reverse elements of the Coalition’s border protection policies had led to a greater number of deaths at sea.</p> <p>“We’re not going back to those crazy days.” <br></p> <p>The Greens have vowed to pursue the matter of payments to people smugglers in a Senate inquiry.</p> <p>“This report contains evidence that contradicts an official submission from the government to this Senate inquiry,” the Greens immigration spokeswoman, Sarah Hanson-Young, said. “If they are found to have misled the Senate there will be serious consequences.”</p> <p>The Greens leader, Richard Di Natale, said: “This report is serious and the government can’t just sweep it under the carpet or attack the messenger like it’s done so many times in the past on this issue.</p> <p>“There has been far too much secrecy in this area ever since the <a href="" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" data-component="auto-linked-tag" class=" u-underline">Coalition</a> came to power, and evidence of criminal activity on the high seas cannot be ignored.”</p> <p>The foreign affairs minister, Julie Bishop, rejected the Amnesty report without directly rejecting the claims of payment.</p> <p>“Australian officials are acting in accordance with Australian domestic law and in accordance with Australia’s international obligations,” she said on Thursday.</p> </div>
["federal" "government" "will" "“bullied&#x201d" "watering" "hardline" "border" "protection" "policies" "policy" "advocates" "advocate" "amnesty" "international" "immigration" "minister" "peter" "dutton" "said" "human" "rights" "right" "group" "criticised" "force" "staff" "paying" "people" "person" "smugglers" "smuggler" "turn" "asylum" "boats" "boat" "around" "investigated" "claims" "claim" "may" "year" "australian" "officials" "official" "paid" "$45,000" "us$32,000" "return" "vessel" "65" "seekers" "seeker" "aboard" "rote" "island" "indonesia" "indonesium" "found" "“all" "available" "evidence" "points" "point" "committed" "transnational" "crime&#x201d" "effectively" "engaged" "smuggling" "“people" "“person" "crime" "usually" "associated" "private" "individuals" "individual" "governments" "&#x2013" "allegations" "allegation" "just" "involved" "directing" "operations,&#x201d" "uk" "researcher" "anna" "shea" "“when" "comes" "come" "treatment" "seeking" "australia" "australium" "becoming" "lawless" "state.&#x201d" "related" "crew" "investigation" "alleges" "allege" "undeterred" "criticism" "vowing" "stick" "turning" "back" "“amnesty" "others" "other" "don’t" "like" "operation" "sovereign" "borders" "fact" "we’ve" "stopped" "boats,&#x201d" "told" "macquarie" "radio" "thursday" "“we’re" "going" "bullied" "that.&#x201d" "history" "criticising" "coalition’s" "coalition’" "stretching" "far" "howard" "era" "“they" "try" "attack" "naval" "think" "it’s" "it’" "disgrace,&#x201d" "“i" "end" "can" "take" "word" "force.&#x201d" "remain" "malcolm" "turnbull" "ousted" "tony" "abbott" "leadership" "spill" "last" "month" "backwards" "backward" "step,&#x201d" "water" "policies.&#x201d" "labor’s" "labor’" "decision" "reverse" "elements" "element" "led" "greater" "number" "deaths" "death" "sea" "crazy" "days.&#x201d" "greens" "green" "vowed" "pursue" "matter" "payments" "payment" "senate" "inquiry" "“this" "“thi" "report" "contains" "contain" "contradicts" "contradict" "submission" "inquiry,&#x201d" "spokeswoman" "sarah" "hanson" "young" "“if" "misled" "serious" "seriou" "consequences.&#x201d" "leader" "richard" "di" "natale" "can’t" "sweep" "carpet" "messenger" "done" "many" "times" "time" "past" "issue" "“there" "much" "secrecy" "area" "ever" "since" "coalition" "came" "power" "criminal" "activity" "high" "seas" "ignored.&#x201d" "foreign" "affairs" "affair" "julie" "bishop" "rejected" "without" "directly" "rejecting" "“australian" "acting" "accordance" "domestic" "law" "australia’s" "australia’" "obligations,&#x201d" "federal government" "government will" "hardline border" "border protection" "protection policies" "protection policy" "amnesty international" "immigration minister" "minister peter" "peter dutton" "dutton said" "human rights" "human right" "rights group" "right group" "group criticised" "criticised border" "border force" "force staff" "paying people" "paying person" "people smugglers" "person smuggler" "turn asylum" "asylum boats" "asylum boat" "boats around" "boat around" "around amnesty" "international investigated" "investigated claims" "investigated claim" "australian government" "government officials" "government official" "officials paid" "official paid" "paid people" "paid person" "smugglers $45,000" "smuggler $45,000" "$45,000 us$32,000" "65 asylum" "asylum seekers" "asylum seeker" "seekers aboard" "seeker aboard" "rote island" "available evidence" "evidence points" "evidence point" "australian officials" "australian official" "transnational crime&#x201d" "officials effectively" "official effectively" "effectively engaged" "people smuggling" "person smuggling" "smuggling “people" "smuggling “person" "“people smuggling" "“person smuggling" "crime usually" "usually associated" "private individuals" "private individual" "governments &#x2013" "government &#x2013" "just involved" "directing operations,&#x201d" "amnesty uk" "uk researcher" "researcher anna" "anna shea" "shea said" "said “when" "seeking asylum" "asylum australia" "asylum australium" "lawless state.&#x201d" "related australian" "paid asylum" "seeker boat" "boat crew" "crew amnesty" "amnesty investigation" "investigation alleges" "investigation allege" "criticism vowing" "turning back" "back asylum" "seeker boats" "“amnesty international" "others don’t" "other don’t" "don’t like" "like operation" "operation sovereign" "sovereign borders" "sovereign border" "we’ve stopped" "boats,&#x201d dutton" "dutton told" "told macquarie" "macquarie radio" "thursday “we’re" "that.&#x201d dutton" "said amnesty" "coalition’s border" "coalition’ border" "policies stretching" "policy stretching" "far back" "howard era" "era “they" "“they don’t" "attack border" "staff naval" "naval staff" "think it’s" "think it’" "said “i" "“i think" "can take" "australian border" "border force.&#x201d" "force.&#x201d dutton" "borders will" "border will" "will remain" "malcolm turnbull" "ousted tony" "tony abbott" "leadership spill" "spill last" "last month" "month “we’re" "backwards step,&#x201d" "backward step,&#x201d" "said “we’re" "policies.&#x201d labor’s" "policies.&#x201d labor’" "labor’s decision" "labor’ decision" "reverse elements" "reverse element" "greater number" "sea “we’re" "going back" "crazy days.&#x201d" "senate inquiry" "inquiry “this" "inquiry “thi" "“this report" "“thi report" "report contains" "report contain" "contains evidence" "contain evidence" "official submission" "senate inquiry,&#x201d" "greens immigration" "green immigration" "immigration spokeswoman" "spokeswoman sarah" "sarah hanson" "hanson young" "young said" "said “if" "serious consequences.&#x201d" "seriou consequences.&#x201d" "greens leader" "green leader" "leader richard" "richard di" "di natale" "natale said" "said “this" "said “thi" "government can’t" "can’t just" "just sweep" "messenger like" "like it’s" "like it’" "it’s done" "it’ done" "many times" "many time" "issue “there" "much secrecy" "area ever" "ever since" "coalition came" "criminal activity" "high seas" "high sea" "foreign affairs" "foreign affair" "affairs minister" "affair minister" "minister julie" "julie bishop" "bishop rejected" "amnesty report" "report without" "without directly" "directly rejecting" "payment “australian" "“australian officials" "“australian official" "australian domestic" "domestic law" "australia’s international" "australia’ international" "international obligations,&#x201d" "federal government will" "hardline border protection" "border protection policies" "border protection policy" "immigration minister peter" "minister peter dutton" "peter dutton said" "human rights group" "human right group" "rights group criticised" "right group criticised" "group criticised border" "criticised border force" "border force staff" "paying people smugglers" "paying person smuggler" "turn asylum boats" "turn asylum boat" "asylum boats around" "asylum boat around" "boats around amnesty" "boat around amnesty" "around amnesty international" "amnesty international investigated" "international investigated claims" "international investigated claim" "australian government officials" "australian government official" "government officials paid" "government official paid" "officials paid people" "official paid person" "paid people smugglers" "paid person smuggler" "people smugglers $45,000" "person smuggler $45,000" "smugglers $45,000 us$32,000" "smuggler $45,000 us$32,000" "65 asylum seekers" "65 asylum seeker" "asylum seekers aboard" "asylum seeker aboard" "available evidence points" "available evidence point" "officials effectively engaged" "official effectively engaged" "people smuggling “people" "person smuggling “person" "smuggling “people smuggling" "smuggling “person smuggling" "crime usually associated" "amnesty uk researcher" "uk researcher anna" "researcher anna shea" "anna shea said" "shea said “when" "seeking asylum australia" "seeking asylum australium" "related australian officials" "related australian official" "australian officials paid" "australian official paid" "officials paid asylum" "official paid asylum" "paid asylum seeker" "asylum seeker boat" "seeker boat crew" "boat crew amnesty" "crew amnesty investigation" "amnesty investigation alleges" "amnesty investigation allege" "turning back asylum" "back asylum seeker" "asylum seeker boats" "others don’t like" "other don’t like" "don’t like operation" "like operation sovereign" "operation sovereign borders" "operation sovereign border" "boats,&#x201d dutton told" "dutton told macquarie" "told macquarie radio" "that.&#x201d dutton said" "dutton said amnesty" "said amnesty international" "coalition’s border protection" "coalition’ border protection" "protection policies stretching" "protection policy stretching" "howard era “they" "era “they don’t" "“they don’t like" "attack border force" "force staff naval" "staff naval staff" "said “i think" "australian border force.&#x201d" "border force.&#x201d dutton" "force.&#x201d dutton said" "sovereign borders will" "sovereign border will" "borders will remain" "border will remain" "ousted tony abbott" "leadership spill last" "spill last month" "last month “we’re" "policies.&#x201d labor’s decision" "policies.&#x201d labor’ decision" "senate inquiry “this" "senate inquiry “thi" "inquiry “this report" "inquiry “thi report" "“this report contains" "“thi report contain" "report contains evidence" "report contain evidence" "greens immigration spokeswoman" "green immigration spokeswoman" "immigration spokeswoman sarah" "spokeswoman sarah hanson" "sarah hanson young" "hanson young said" "young said “if" "greens leader richard" "green leader richard" "leader richard di" "richard di natale" "di natale said" "natale said “this" "natale said “thi" "said “this report" "said “thi report" "government can’t just" "can’t just sweep" "messenger like it’s" "messenger like it’" "like it’s done" "like it’ done" "area ever since" "foreign affairs minister" "foreign affair minister" "affairs minister julie" "affair minister julie" "minister julie bishop" "julie bishop rejected" "amnesty report without" "report without directly" "without directly rejecting" "payment “australian officials" "payment “australian official" "australian domestic law" "australia’s international obligations,&#x201d" "australia’ international obligations,&#x201d"]
Coalition will not be 'bullied' on border protection, says Peter Dutton
Shalailah Medhora
<p>All of the available evidence points to a transnational crime, says Amnesty International, but immigration minister attacks report as ‘slur’ </p><p>Australian government officials may have engaged in people smuggling, by allegedly paying the crew of an asylum seeker boat to return its passengers to Indonesia, an <a href="">Amnesty International</a> investigation has found.</p><p>In May this year, the 65 passengers and six crew of an asylum seeker boat bound for New Zealand said they were intercepted by an Australian naval ship and an Australian Border Force vessel in international waters.</p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>
["available" "evidence" "points" "point" "transnational" "crime" "says" "say" "amnesty" "international" "immigration" "minister" "attacks" "attack" "report" "slur" "australian" "government" "officials" "official" "may" "engaged" "people" "person" "smuggling" "allegedly" "paying" "crew" "asylum" "seeker" "boat" "return" "passengers" "passenger" "indonesia" "indonesium" "investigation" "" "year" "65" "six" "bound" "new" "zealand" "said" "intercepted" "naval" "ship" "border" "force" "vessel" "waters" "water" "continue" "reading" "available evidence" "evidence points" "evidence point" "transnational crime" "crime says" "crime say" "says amnesty" "say amnesty" "amnesty international" "immigration minister" "minister attacks" "minister attack" "attacks report" "attack report" "slur australian" "australian government" "government officials" "government official" "officials may" "official may" "people smuggling" "person smuggling" "allegedly paying" "asylum seeker" "seeker boat" "international investigation" " may" "65 passengers" "65 passenger" "six crew" "boat bound" "new zealand" "zealand said" "australian naval" "naval ship" "australian border" "border force" "force vessel" "international waters" "international water" "waters continue" "water continue" "continue reading" "available evidence points" "available evidence point" "transnational crime says" "transnational crime say" "crime says amnesty" "crime say amnesty" "says amnesty international" "say amnesty international" "immigration minister attacks" "immigration minister attack" "minister attacks report" "minister attack report" "slur australian government" "australian government officials" "australian government official" "government officials may" "government official may" "asylum seeker boat" "amnesty international investigation" "seeker boat bound" "new zealand said" "australian naval ship" "australian border force" "border force vessel" "international waters continue" "international water continue" "waters continue reading" "water continue reading"]
<div class="content__article-body from-content-api js-article__body" itemprop="articleBody" data-test-id="article-review-body"> <p>Australian government officials may have engaged in people smuggling, by allegedly paying the crew of an asylum seeker boat to return its passengers to Indonesia, an <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Amnesty International</a> investigation has found.</p> <p>In May this year, the 65 passengers and six crew of an asylum seeker boat bound for New Zealand said they were intercepted by an Australian naval ship and an Australian Border Force vessel in international waters.</p> <p>Australian <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">government officials on board reportedly paid the crew</a> of the vessel $32,000 – in US $100 bills – and instructed them to return the asylum seekers to Indonesia, directing them to Rote Island.</p> <p>After interviewing all 65 passengers who were on board the ship, as well as the six crew and Indonesian officials, the Amnesty report press release concluded “all of the available evidence points to Australian officials having committed a transnational crime”.</p> <p>On Thursday the immigration minister Peter Dutton said the government had already rejected the report’s allegations.<br></p> <p>“To suggest otherwise, as Amnesty has done, is to cast a slur on the men and women of the Australian Border Force and Australian Defence Force.” </p> <p>Anna Shea, a researcher on refugee and migrant rights with Amnesty UK, said evidence showed government officials were allegedly paying a boat crew, providing fuel and materiel, and giving instructions on where the boat should be sailed.<br></p> <p>“People smuggling is a crime usually associated with private individuals, not governments – but here we have allegations that Australian officials are not just involved, but directing operations.</p> <aside class="element element-pullquote"> <span class="inline-quote inline-icon inline-tone-fill"> <svg width="17" height="10" viewbox="0 0 33 20"> <path d="M9.002 20c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553C4.065 2.97 7.415.937 11.004 1l-1-1C3.98 0 .098 4.447.003 10.006c-.098 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994zm17 0c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553.064-3.53 3.414-5.563 7.003-5.5l-1-1c-6.022 0-9.904 4.447-10 10.006-.097 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994z"/> </svg> </span> <blockquote> <p class=" pullquote-paragraph">When it comes to its treatment of those seeking asylum, Australia is becoming a lawless state</p> <footer> <cite class=" pullquote-cite">Anna Shea, Amnesty researcher</cite> </footer> </blockquote> <span class="inline-quote inline-icon closing inline-tone-fill"> <svg width="17" height="10" viewbox="0 0 33 20"> <path d="M9.002 20c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553C4.065 2.97 7.415.937 11.004 1l-1-1C3.98 0 .098 4.447.003 10.006c-.098 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994zm17 0c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553.064-3.53 3.414-5.563 7.003-5.5l-1-1c-6.022 0-9.904 4.447-10 10.006-.097 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994z"/> </svg> </span> </aside> <p>“When it comes to its treatment of those seeking asylum, Australia is becoming a lawless state.”<br></p> <p>Australian officials reportedly intercepted the asylum seeker boat twice, on 17 May and 22 May.</p> <p>Those on board said the ship was well-equipped and that no distress signal was sent at any time. The crew said the boat never entered Australian waters and had enough food and fuel on board to reach New Zealand.</p> <p>In the second interdiction, the majority of asylum seekers boarded the Australian Border Force ship after allegedly being told they could bathe on board.</p> <p>Once on board, however, they said they were held in cells for several days, before they were transferred to two smaller boats and instructed to sail for the island of Rote. One boat ran out of fuel, forcing all of its passengers onto the other. That boat foundered on a reef at Landu Island, near Rote, from where locals rescued the passengers.</p> <p>On the original boat, the six crew claimed Australian officials gave them $32,000 – two of the men received $6,000, four $5,000 – in exchange for the crew agreeing to pilot the boat back to <a href="" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" data-component="auto-linked-tag" class=" u-underline">Indonesia</a>.</p> <p>One asylum seeker told Amnesty he allegedly witnessed a transaction between Australian officials and the ship’s captain in the kitchen of the boat, and saw the captain put a white envelope in his shorts pocket. </p> <p>Shea told the Guardian the 62 passengers from the vessel were interviewed, as a group, on three separate occasions in Indonesian immigration detention in Kupang in West Timor, where they are currently being held.</p> <p>The six crew, who are in police custody on Rote Island, were interviewed separately to the passengers.<br></p> <p>“What was really remarkable was the degree of correlation and consistency in the testimony of the asylum seekers and the crew, who were held in different locations, and who were not in communication,” Shea said.</p> <p>Indonesian police have reported they found $32,000 is US $100 bills on the crew. Amnesty researchers photographed the money confiscated.</p> <p>After initially refusing to comment on the allegations, citing secrecy over “on-water matters”, the Australian government denied making payments to people smugglers, and said Australian officials acted to save life at sea.</p> <p>Questioned about the allegation, the then <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">prime minister Tony Abbott</a> said: “There’s really only one thing to say here and that is that we have stopped the boats.”</p> <p>The boat turnback is the subject of a <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Senate inquiry</a>, due to report in January next year. In its submission, Operation Sovereign Borders’ joint action taskforce stated the asylum seeker vessel was observed “in poor weather conditions, which were rapidly deteriorating”.</p> <p>“The master of the vessel indicated they were experiencing difficulty and requested assistance. Border Protection Command assets rendered immediate assistance in accordance with our international safety at [sic] life at sea obligations and assisted the safe return of the people to Indonesia,” <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Major General Andrew Bottrell</a> wrote to the inquiry.</p> <p>“I believe our actions to assist this vessel were necessary to preserve the safety of life of those on board. The officers on board the Border Protection Command vessels operated in dangerous sea conditions to render assistance to the distressed vessel.”</p> <p>The Department of Immigration and Border Protection has consistently maintained all elements of Operation Sovereign Borders were “conducted consistent with Australian domestic law and Australia’s obligations under international law”.</p> <p>The Indonesian government has said it believes Australia paid the ship’s crew.</p> <p>“We asked for clarification and for further information on this issue,” a foreign ministry spokesman, Arrmanatha Nasir, said. “We did not receive this, so in that context we cannot be blamed for believing that there was an illicit payment.”</p> <figure class="element element-video fig--has-shares fig--narrow-caption" data-canonical-url="" data-short-url="" data-show-ads="true" data-video-id="2319034" data-video-name="Tony Abbott doesn't rule out paying smugglers to turn back asylum-seeker boats – audio" 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2.2-.8-.3.8-.8 1.5-1.5 1.9.7-.1 1.4-.3 2-.5-.4.4-1 1-1.7 1.5z"/> </svg> </span> <span class="u-h">Twitter</span> </a> <a class="rounded-icon block-share__item block-share__item--pinterest js-blockshare-link u-underline" href="" target="_blank" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link"> <span class="inline-share-pinterest inline-icon "> <svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M16.363 8C12.133 8 10 11.13 10 13.74c0 1.582.58 2.988 1.823 3.512.204.086.387.003.446-.23.04-.16.136-.568.18-.737.06-.23.036-.312-.128-.513-.36-.436-.588-1-.588-1.802 0-2.322 1.684-4.402 4.384-4.402 2.39 0 3.703 1.508 3.703 3.522 0 2.65-1.135 4.887-2.82 4.887-.93 0-1.63-.795-1.406-1.77.268-1.165.786-2.42.786-3.262 0-.752-.39-1.38-1.2-1.38-.952 0-1.716 1.017-1.716 2.38 0 .867.284 1.454.284 1.454l-1.146 5.005c-.34 1.487-.05 3.31-.026 3.493. 1.223-1.562 1.61-3.006.108-.41.625-2.526.625-2.526.31.61 1.216 1.145 2.177 1.145C20.06 19.56 22 16.87 22 13.264 22 10.54 19.764 8 16.364 8"/> </svg> </span> <span class="u-h">Pinterest</span> </a> </div> <figcaption class=" caption caption--img"> <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Tony Abbott speaks to 3AW’s Neil Mitchell in June about the payment claims.</a> </figcaption> </figure> <p>The Amnesty report also investigated an incident in July where a second payment to crew may have been made.</p> <p>Asylum seekers on board that boat reported that after being interdicted by Australian vessels and put onto a new boat, the crew were in possession of two new bags, which they were warned repeatedly not to open.</p> <p>That new boat, piloted by the crew under instruction from Australia, was also returned to Rote.</p> <p>The Guardian revealed in March <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Australia has a multimillion-dollar contract</a> with a Vietnamese ship-builder to manufacture fishing boat-style vessels to be used to return asylum seekers to their countries of departure, usually Indonesia or Sri Lanka. </p> <p>Amnesty argues Australia’s boat turnback policy is a breach of the country’s non-refoulement obligations under the Refugees Convention, which requires Australia not to return a refugee to a place where their life or liberty could be threatened.</p> <p>In London on Tuesday, Abbott – since deposed as prime minister – said Europe would be fundamentally weakened by the <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">“misguided altruism”</a> of failing to stop the flow of migrants across its borders.</p> <p>“The imperative to ‘love your neighbour as you love yourself’ is at the heart of every Western polity ... it’s what makes us decent and humane countries as well as prosperous ones. But – right now – this wholesome instinct is leading much of Europe into catastrophic error.”</p> </div>
["australian" "government" "officials" "official" "may" "engaged" "people" "person" "smuggling" "allegedly" "paying" "crew" "asylum" "seeker" "boat" "return" "passengers" "passenger" "indonesia" "indonesium" "amnesty" "international" "investigation" "found" "year" "65" "six" "bound" "new" "zealand" "said" "intercepted" "naval" "ship" "border" "force" "vessel" "waters" "water" "board" "reportedly" "paid" "$32,000" "&#x2013" "us" "u" "$100" "bills" "bill" "instructed" "seekers" "directing" "rote" "island" "interviewing" "well" "indonesian" "report" "press" "release" "concluded" "“all" "available" "evidence" "points" "point" "committed" "transnational" "crime&#x201d" "thursday" "immigration" "minister" "peter" "dutton" "already" "rejected" "report’s" "report’" "allegations" "allegation" "“to" "suggest" "otherwise" "done" "cast" "slur" "men" "man" "women" "woman" "defence" "force.&#x201d" "anna" "shea" "researcher" "refugee" "migrant" "rights" "right" "uk" "showed" "providing" "fuel" "materiel" "giving" "instructions" "instruction" "sailed" "“people" "“person" "crime" "usually" "associated" "private" "individuals" "individual" "governments" "just" "involved" "operations" "operation" "comes" "come" "treatment" "seeking" "australia" "australium" "becoming" "lawless" "state" "“when" "state.&#x201d" "twice" "17" "22" "equipped" "distress" "signal" "sent" "time" "never" "entered" "enough" "food" "reach" "second" "interdiction" "majority" "boarded" "told" "bathe" "however" "held" "cells" "cell" "several" "days" "day" "transferred" "two" "smaller" "boats" "sail" "one" "ran" "forcing" "onto" "foundered" "reef" "landu" "near" "locals" "local" "rescued" "original" "claimed" "gave" "received" "$6,000" "four" "$5,000" "exchange" "agreeing" "pilot" "back" "witnessed" "transaction" "ship’s" "ship’" "captain" "kitchen" "saw" "put" "white" "envelope" "shorts" "short" "pocket" "guardian" "62" "interviewed" "group" "three" "separate" "occasions" "occasion" "detention" "kupang" "west" "timor" "currently" "police" "polouse" "custody" "separately" "“what" "really" "remarkable" "degree" "correlation" "consistency" "testimony" "different" "locations" "location" "communication,&#x201d" "reported" "researchers" "photographed" "money" "confiscated" "initially" "refusing" "comment" "citing" "secrecy" "“on" "matters&#x201d" "denied" "making" "payments" "payment" "smugglers" "smuggler" "acted" "save" "life" "sea" "questioned" "prime" "tony" "abbott" "“there’s" "“there’" "thing" "say" "stopped" "boats.&#x201d" "turnback" "subject" "senate" "inquiry" "due" "january" "next" "submission" "sovereign" "borders&#x2019" "joint" "action" "taskforce" "stated" "observed" "“in" "poor" "weather" "conditions" "condition" "rapidly" "deteriorating&#x201d" "“the" "master" "indicated" "experiencing" "difficulty" "requested" "assistance" "protection" "command" "assets" "asset" "rendered" "immediate" "accordance" "safety" "[sic]" "obligations" "obligation" "assisted" "safe" "indonesia,&#x201d" "major" "general" "andrew" "bottrell" "wrote" "“i" "believe" "actions" "assist" "necessary" "preserve" "officers" "officer" "vessels" "operated" "dangerous" "dangerou" "render" "distressed" "vessel.&#x201d" "department" "consistently" "maintained" "elements" "element" "borders" "“conducted" "consistent" "domestic" "law" "australia’s" "australia’" "law&#x201d" "believes" "beliefe" "“we" "asked" "clarification" "information" "issue,&#x201d" "foreign" "ministry" "spokesman" "arrmanatha" "nasir" "receive" "context" "blamed" "believing" "illicit" "payment.&#x201d" "sorry" "browser" "unable" "play" "video" "facebook" "twitter" "pinterest" "speaks" "speak" "3aw’s" "3aw’" "neil" "mitchell" "june" "claims" "claim" "also" "investigated" "incident" "july" "made" "interdicted" "possession" "bags" "bag" "warned" "repeatedly" "open" "piloted" "returned" "revealed" "march" "multimillion" "dollar" "contract" "vietnamese" "builder" "manufacture" "fishing" "style" "used" "countries" "country" "departure" "sri" "lanka" "argues" "argue" "policy" "breach" "country’s" "country’" "non" "refoulement" "refugees" "convention" "requires" "require" "place" "liberty" "threatened" "london" "tuesday" "since" "deposed" "europe" "fundamentally" "weakened" "“misguided" "altruism&#x201d" "failing" "stop" "flow" "migrants" "across" "imperative" "‘love" "neighbour" "love" "yourself&#x2019" "heart" "every" "western" "polity" "it’s" "it’" "makes" "make" "decent" "humane" "prosperous" "prosperou" "ones" "now" "wholesome" "instinct" "leading" "much" "catastrophic" "error.&#x201d" "australian government" "government officials" "government official" "officials may" "official may" "people smuggling" "person smuggling" "allegedly paying" "asylum seeker" "seeker boat" "amnesty international" "international investigation" "65 passengers" "65 passenger" "six crew" "boat bound" "new zealand" "zealand said" "australian naval" "naval ship" "australian border" "border force" "force vessel" "international waters" "international water" "waters australian" "water australian" "board reportedly" "reportedly paid" "vessel $32,000" "$32,000 &#x2013" "us $100" "u $100" "$100 bills" "$100 bill" "bills &#x2013" "bill &#x2013" "asylum seekers" "indonesia directing" "indonesium directing" "rote island" "indonesian officials" "indonesian official" "amnesty report" "report press" "press release" "release concluded" "concluded “all" "available evidence" "evidence points" "evidence point" "australian officials" "australian official" "transnational crime&#x201d" "immigration minister" "minister peter" "peter dutton" "dutton said" "already rejected" "report’s allegations" "report’ allegation" "allegations “to" "allegation “to" "“to suggest" "suggest otherwise" "australian defence" "defence force.&#x201d" "anna shea" "migrant rights" "migrant right" "amnesty uk" "uk said" "said evidence" "evidence showed" "showed government" "boat crew" "crew providing" "providing fuel" "giving instructions" "giving instruction" "sailed “people" "sailed “person" "“people smuggling" "“person smuggling" "crime usually" "usually associated" "private individuals" "private individual" "governments &#x2013" "government &#x2013" "just involved" "directing operations" "directing operation" "seeking asylum" "asylum australia" "asylum australium" "lawless state" "shea amnesty" "amnesty researcher" "lawless state.&#x201d" "state.&#x201d australian" "officials reportedly" "official reportedly" "reportedly intercepted" "boat twice" "17 may" "22 may" "board said" "well equipped" "distress signal" "crew said" "boat never" "never entered" "entered australian" "australian waters" "australian water" "enough food" "reach new" "second interdiction" "seekers boarded" "seeker boarded" "force ship" "board however" "several days" "several day" "two smaller" "smaller boats" "smaller boat" "rote one" "one boat" "boat ran" "fuel forcing" "passengers onto" "passenger onto" "boat foundered" "landu island" "island near" "near rote" "locals rescued" "local rescued" "original boat" "crew claimed" "claimed australian" "officials gave" "official gave" "&#x2013 two" "men received" "man received" "received $6,000" "$6,000 four" "four $5,000" "$5,000 &#x2013" "crew agreeing" "boat back" "indonesia one" "indonesium one" "one asylum" "seeker told" "told amnesty" "allegedly witnessed" "ship’s captain" "ship’ captain" "captain put" "white envelope" "shorts pocket" "short pocket" "shea told" "62 passengers" "62 passenger" "three separate" "separate occasions" "separate occasion" "indonesian immigration" "immigration detention" "west timor" "police custody" "polouse custody" "interviewed separately" "passengers “what" "passenger “what" "really remarkable" "different locations" "different location" "communication,&#x201d shea" "shea said" "said indonesian" "indonesian police" "indonesian polouse" "found $32,000" "crew amnesty" "amnesty researchers" "researchers photographed" "researcher photographed" "money confiscated" "initially refusing" "allegations citing" "allegation citing" "citing secrecy" "“on water" "water matters&#x201d" "government denied" "denied making" "making payments" "making payment" "people smugglers" "person smuggler" "said australian" "officials acted" "official acted" "save life" "sea questioned" "prime minister" "minister tony" "tony abbott" "abbott said" "said “there’s" "said “there’" "“there’s really" "“there’ really" "one thing" "boat turnback" "senate inquiry" "inquiry due" "january next" "next year" "submission operation" "operation sovereign" "sovereign borders&#x2019" "borders&#x2019 joint" "joint action" "action taskforce" "taskforce stated" "seeker vessel" "observed “in" "“in poor" "poor weather" "weather conditions" "weather condition" "rapidly deteriorating&#x201d" "deteriorating&#x201d “the" "“the master" "vessel indicated" "experiencing difficulty" "requested assistance" "assistance border" "border protection" "protection command" "command assets" "command asset" "assets rendered" "asset rendered" "rendered immediate" "immediate assistance" "international safety" "[sic] life" "sea obligations" "sea obligation" "safe return" "indonesia,&#x201d major" "major general" "general andrew" "andrew bottrell" "bottrell wrote" "inquiry “i" "“i believe" "command vessels" "command vessel" "vessels operated" "vessel operated" "dangerous sea" "dangerou sea" "sea conditions" "sea condition" "render assistance" "distressed vessel.&#x201d" "consistently maintained" "sovereign borders" "sovereign border" "“conducted consistent" "australian domestic" "domestic law" "australia’s obligations" "australia’ obligation" "international law&#x201d" "indonesian government" "believes australia" "beliefe australium" "australia paid" "australium paid" "ship’s crew" "ship’ crew" "crew “we" "“we asked" "foreign ministry" "ministry spokesman" "spokesman arrmanatha" "arrmanatha nasir" "nasir said" "said “we" "illicit payment.&#x201d" "abbott speaks" "abbott speak" "3aw’s neil" "3aw’ neil" "neil mitchell" "payment claims" "payment claim" "report also" "also investigated" "second payment" "crew may" "made asylum" "boat reported" "australian vessels" "australian vessel" "put onto" "new boat" "two new" "new bags" "new bag" "warned repeatedly" "boat piloted" "also returned" "guardian revealed" "march australia" "march australium" "multimillion dollar" "dollar contract" "vietnamese ship" "ship builder" "manufacture fishing" "fishing boat" "boat style" "style vessels" "style vessel" "return asylum" "departure usually" "usually indonesia" "usually indonesium" "sri lanka" "amnesty argues" "amnesty argue" "argues australia’s" "argue australia’" "australia’s boat" "australia’ boat" "turnback policy" "country’s non" "country’ non" "non refoulement" "refoulement obligations" "refoulement obligation" "refugees convention" "refugee convention" "requires australia" "require australium" "tuesday abbott" "abbott &#x2013" "&#x2013 since" "since deposed" "minister &#x2013" "&#x2013 said" "said europe" "fundamentally weakened" "“misguided altruism&#x201d" "migrants across" "migrant across" "borders “the" "border “the" "“the imperative" "love yourself&#x2019" "every western" "western polity" "makes us" "make u" "us decent" "u decent" "humane countries" "humane country" "prosperous ones" "prosperou one" "&#x2013 right" "right now" "now &#x2013" "wholesome instinct" "leading much" "catastrophic error.&#x201d" "australian government officials" "australian government official" "government officials may" "government official may" "asylum seeker boat" "amnesty international investigation" "seeker boat bound" "new zealand said" "australian naval ship" "australian border force" "border force vessel" "international waters australian" "international water australian" "waters australian government" "water australian government" "board reportedly paid" "vessel $32,000 &#x2013" "us $100 bills" "u $100 bill" "$100 bills &#x2013" "$100 bill &#x2013" "amnesty report press" "report press release" "press release concluded" "release concluded “all" "available evidence points" "available evidence point" "immigration minister peter" "minister peter dutton" "peter dutton said" "report’s allegations “to" "report’ allegation “to" "allegations “to suggest" "allegation “to suggest" "“to suggest otherwise" "australian defence force.&#x201d" "amnesty uk said" "uk said evidence" "said evidence showed" "evidence showed government" "showed government officials" "showed government official" "boat crew providing" "crew providing fuel" "sailed “people smuggling" "sailed “person smuggling" "crime usually associated" "seeking asylum australia" "seeking asylum australium" "anna shea amnesty" "shea amnesty researcher" "lawless state.&#x201d australian" "state.&#x201d australian officials" "state.&#x201d australian official" "australian officials reportedly" "australian official reportedly" "officials reportedly intercepted" "official reportedly intercepted" "seeker boat twice" "boat never entered" "never entered australian" "entered australian waters" "entered australian water" "reach new zealand" "asylum seekers boarded" "asylum seeker boarded" "border force ship" "two smaller boats" "two smaller boat" "rote one boat" "one boat ran" "landu island near" "island near rote" "six crew claimed" "crew claimed australian" "claimed australian officials" "claimed australian official" "australian officials gave" "australian official gave" "$32,000 &#x2013 two" "men received $6,000" "man received $6,000" "received $6,000 four" "$6,000 four $5,000" "four $5,000 &#x2013" "indonesia one asylum" "indonesium one asylum" "one asylum seeker" "asylum seeker told" "seeker told amnesty" "three separate occasions" "three separate occasion" "indonesian immigration detention" "communication,&#x201d shea said" "shea said indonesian" "said indonesian police" "said indonesian polouse" "crew amnesty researchers" "crew amnesty researcher" "amnesty researchers photographed" "amnesty researcher photographed" "allegations citing secrecy" "allegation citing secrecy" "“on water matters&#x201d" "australian government denied" "government denied making" "denied making payments" "denied making payment" "said australian officials" "said australian official" "australian officials acted" "australian official acted" "prime minister tony" "minister tony abbott" "tony abbott said" "abbott said “there’s" "abbott said “there’" "said “there’s really" "said “there’ really" "senate inquiry due" "january next year" "submission operation sovereign" "operation sovereign borders&#x2019" "sovereign borders&#x2019 joint" "borders&#x2019 joint action" "joint action taskforce" "action taskforce stated" "asylum seeker vessel" "observed “in poor" "“in poor weather" "poor weather conditions" "poor weather condition" "rapidly deteriorating&#x201d “the" "deteriorating&#x201d “the master" "requested assistance border" "assistance border protection" "border protection command" "protection command assets" "protection command asset" "command assets rendered" "command asset rendered" "assets rendered immediate" "asset rendered immediate" "rendered immediate assistance" "indonesia,&#x201d major general" "major general andrew" "general andrew bottrell" "andrew bottrell wrote" "inquiry “i believe" "protection command vessels" "protection command vessel" "command vessels operated" "command vessel operated" "dangerous sea conditions" "dangerou sea condition" "operation sovereign borders" "operation sovereign border" "australian domestic law" "believes australia paid" "beliefe australium paid" "ship’s crew “we" "ship’ crew “we" "crew “we asked" "foreign ministry spokesman" "ministry spokesman arrmanatha" "spokesman arrmanatha nasir" "arrmanatha nasir said" "nasir said “we" "tony abbott speaks" "tony abbott speak" "3aw’s neil mitchell" "3aw’ neil mitchell" "amnesty report also" "report also investigated" "made asylum seekers" "made asylum seeker" "two new bags" "two new bag" "new boat piloted" "multimillion dollar contract" "vietnamese ship builder" "manufacture fishing boat" "fishing boat style" "boat style vessels" "boat style vessel" "return asylum seekers" "return asylum seeker" "departure usually indonesia" "departure usually indonesium" "amnesty argues australia’s" "amnesty argue australia’" "argues australia’s boat" "argue australia’ boat" "australia’s boat turnback" "australia’ boat turnback" "boat turnback policy" "country’s non refoulement" "country’ non refoulement" "non refoulement obligations" "non refoulement obligation" "tuesday abbott &#x2013" "abbott &#x2013 since" "&#x2013 since deposed" "prime minister &#x2013" "minister &#x2013 said" "&#x2013 said europe" "borders “the imperative" "border “the imperative" "every western polity" "makes us decent" "make u decent" "&#x2013 right now" "right now &#x2013"]
Australian officials paid asylum seeker boat crew, Amnesty investigation alleges
Ben Doherty
<p>The private details of a refugee who asked for an abortion after an alleged rape on Nauru have thrown into sharp focus divisions over Australia’s hardline detention regime</p><p>For all the unwelcome intrusion into her private life, for all the angry public debate, for all the wasted expense and the time spent just waiting: nothing, for Abyan, has changed.<br /></p><p>She is still on Nauru, still scarred by the trauma of an alleged rape, and still bearing a pregnancy she doesn’t want.</p> <a href="">Continue reading...</a>
["private" "details" "detail" "refugee" "asked" "abortion" "alleged" "rape" "nauru" "thrown" "sharp" "focus" "focu" "divisions" "division" "australia's" "australia'" "hardline" "detention" "regimefor" "unwelcome" "intrusion" "life" "angry" "public" "debate" "wasted" "expense" "time" "spent" "just" "waiting" "nothing" "abyan" "changed.she" "still" "scarred" "trauma" "bearing" "pregnancy" "want" "continue" "reading" "private details" "private detail" "alleged rape" "sharp focus" "sharp focu" "focus divisions" "focu division" "australia's hardline" "australia' hardline" "hardline detention" "detention regimefor" "unwelcome intrusion" "private life" "angry public" "public debate" "wasted expense" "time spent" "spent just" "just waiting" "waiting nothing" "nauru still" "still scarred" "still bearing" "want continue" "continue reading" "sharp focus divisions" "sharp focu division" "australia's hardline detention" "australia' hardline detention" "hardline detention regimefor" "angry public debate" "time spent just" "spent just waiting" "just waiting nothing" "nauru still scarred" "want continue reading"]
<div class="content__article-body from-content-api js-article__body" itemprop="articleBody" data-test-id="article-review-body"> <p>For all the unwelcome intrusion into her private life, for all the angry public debate, for all the wasted expense and the time spent just waiting: nothing, for Abyan, has changed.<br></p> <p>She is still on <a href="" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" data-component="auto-linked-tag" class=" u-underline">Nauru</a>, still scarred by the trauma of an alleged rape, and still bearing a pregnancy she doesn’t want.</p> <p>This month, <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">the 23-year-old Somali refugee was flown to Australia for a termination she had begged for weeks for</a>, only to be secretly spirited back on a private charter flight without the operation when she asked for more time, for counselling, and for an explanation of the procedure.</p> <p>Her private circumstance has become the stuff of newspaper headlines, her image the front page picture of some newspapers, her distress the political fodder of parliament.</p> <p>She is unwell, deeply traumatised, and desperately concerned for her future. </p> <aside class="element element-rich-link element--thumbnail element-rich-link--not-upgraded" data-component="rich-link" data-link-name="rich-link-3 | 1"> <p> <span>Related: </span><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">United Nations calls on Nauru and Australia to resolve Abyan case urgently</a> </p> </aside> <p>But Abyan’s tortuous case has come to represent more than her own unhappy circumstance.</p> <p>While the former prime minister, Tony Abbott, was<a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline"> only too eager to bang the drum for the Australian government’s hardline stand </a>in his Margaret Thatcher lecture on Wednesday, Abyan’s story betrays unease in Canberra and elsewhere on the mainland. Questions have been asked in parliament. Campaigners have demonstrated on her behalf. The United Nations in Geneva <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">urged Nauru and Australia to find “a decent option” for the “deeply traumatised” woman</a>. </p> <p>On Wednesday afternoon, Peter Dutton, the Australian immigration minister, announced that Abyan would <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">return to Australia for medical treatment</a>.</p> <p>Abyan’s situation has become emblematic of <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Australia’s serious questioning </a>of a policy of sending asylum seekers to its tiny, impoverished client state in the middle of the Pacific. She has become the symbol of the calculated cruelty, of the contradictions and of the unsustainability of Australia’s $3bn offshore detention regime.</p> <p>Abyan (not her real name) fled her home in Somalia in 2007. She was 15, and her country was caught in a brutal civil conflict between the government the Islamist terrorist network al-Shabaab. She survived the rocket attack which struck her home and killed her family. She fled.</p> <p>Her journey was ad hoc and inchoate. Eventually she found a people-smuggling network that could get her to south-east Asia and, from there, a place on board a boat to Australia.</p> <p>She arrived in Australia, on Christmas Island, on 21 October 2013. She was taken to Nauru two days later.</p> <p>A little more than a year later, in November 2014, Nauruan authorities determined she was officially a refugee: that is, she has a <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">well-founded fear of persecution</a> in her home country and could not be returned there.</p> <p>She was moved into accommodation “in the community”, outside the detention centre on Nauru. But life in the community, while better than detention, is hard. Abyan is alone. She is poor, food is expensive and the market a long way from where she lives. And she is fearful.</p> <p>On 18 July this year, Abyan says she was raped by an unknown man.</p> <aside class="element element-pullquote"> <span class="inline-quote inline-icon inline-tone-fill"> <svg width="17" height="10" viewbox="0 0 33 20"> <path d="M9.002 20c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553C4.065 2.97 7.415.937 11.004 1l-1-1C3.98 0 .098 4.447.003 10.006c-.098 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994zm17 0c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553.064-3.53 3.414-5.563 7.003-5.5l-1-1c-6.022 0-9.904 4.447-10 10.006-.097 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994z"/> </svg> </span> <blockquote> <p class=" pullquote-paragraph">Abyan does not want a baby born of her assault and is growing increasingly anxious</p> </blockquote> <span class="inline-quote inline-icon closing inline-tone-fill"> <svg width="17" height="10" viewbox="0 0 33 20"> <path d="M9.002 20c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553C4.065 2.97 7.415.937 11.004 1l-1-1C3.98 0 .098 4.447.003 10.006c-.098 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994zm17 0c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553.064-3.53 3.414-5.563 7.003-5.5l-1-1c-6.022 0-9.904 4.447-10 10.006-.097 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994z"/> </svg> </span> </aside> <p>She told caseworkers and fellow refugees what happened to her. But she has not filed a report with police over the assault, saying she fears retribution from her assailant or others.</p> <p>Now doctors say she is approaching 15 weeks’ pregnant. She does not want a baby born of her assault and she is growing increasingly anxious about having the termination she first requested nearly two months ago.</p> <p>Nauru is a deeply conservative, Christian country. Restrictive abortion laws there mean she cannot have a termination in that country.</p> <p>Nor can she have it in Papua New Guinea, the other Pacific country where Australia runs an “offshore detention centre”.</p> <p>There is nowhere in Australia’s “offshore detention” network that can provide Abyan the medical service she has asked for. Only Australia remains.</p> <p>Abyan first asked for a termination on 1 September. But it was more than five weeks before she was brought to Australia on a scheduled commercial flight on 11 October.</p> <p>What happened to Abyan in Australia is fiercely contested.</p> <h2>Abyan, the minister and the reporter</h2> <p><a href="" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" data-component="auto-linked-tag" class=" u-underline">Peter Dutton</a>, the Australian immigration minister, has said Abyan was afforded extensive medical care while in Australia but that after extensive consultation she decided she did not want to terminate her pregnancy.<br></p> <p>“We’re talking about four or five days of medical consultations and all through that period we had interpreters present, mental health nurses, GPs, doctors ... At the end of it the advice to us was that she had decided against the abortion,” Dutton said.</p> <p>Abyan says that is untrue.<br></p> <p>“I was raped on Nauru,” she said in a written statement given to the Guardian. “I have been very sick. I have never said that I did not want a termination. I never saw a doctor. I saw a nurse at the clinic but there was no counselling.</p> <p>“I saw a nurse at Villawood but there was no interpreter.”</p> <aside class="element element-rich-link element--thumbnail element-rich-link--not-upgraded" data-component="rich-link" data-link-name="rich-link-3 | 2"> <p> <span>Related: </span><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Decline in press freedom prevents reporters from joining Kenny on Nauru | Paul Farrell</a> </p> </aside> <p>Abyan has maintained in interviews since that she wants to terminate her pregnancy. (Even those interviews have proven controversial: foreign journalists are, in effect, banned from Nauru. The only reporter allowed on the island in the past 18 months has been Chris Kenny, from the government-allied Australian newspaper, who flew to Nauru last week. He has been accused by some advocates of harassing Abyan, and arriving at her accommodation in the company of police. He denies this. He is the former chief-of-staff of the prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, and an avowed “strong supporter” of offshore detention, and acknowledged this support may have helped him get access.)</p> <p>Inside Canberra’s byzantine bureaucracy, it was ruled Abyan had chosen not to have the termination.</p> <p>Dutton had previously railed against refugees exercising their rights in courts, seeking injunctions against their removals to offshore detention: “<a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">The racket that’s been going on here</a> is that people at the margins come to Australia from Nauru, the government’s then injuncted, we can’t send them back to Nauru,” Dutton said that week.</p> <p>Anxious to avoid a court order that would keep Abyan in Australia, the government chartered a private jet, at a cost of more than $100,000, to secretly fly her back to Nauru via the Solomon Islands.</p> <p>Beyond the cost, its circumstance was even more controversial. Abyan was moved, against her will, before she could tell refugee advocates or her lawyers what was happening.<br></p> <p>A series of frantic phone calls bounced around Australia on Friday 16 October between advocates and lawyers and friends of Abyan. She was not in the Villawood detention centre any more, and she could not be contacted. The government would not say where she was being held.</p> <p>The first Abyan’s lawyers knew of her location was when they appeared in the federal court that afternoon seeking an order that she not be removed from the country. They were told by lawyers for the government she had already left Australian soil.</p> <p>Abyan was in the air, and out of the court’s jurisdiction. She landed in Nauru that night. </p> <p>Since being back on the island, Abyan has fallen ill again, according to those in contact with her. She remains adamant that she wants to terminate her pregnancy, a pregnancy she never wanted, that was forced on her by violence.</p> <h2>Riches to poverty</h2> <p>Australia’s deal with Nauru is a caustic realpolitik, a reflection of Australia’s Melian attitude to its weaker Pacific neighbours, and the power of its regional economic strength. </p> <p>Nauru is a once-wealthy country now poor, a riches-to-rags story of resource curse.</p> <figure itemprop="associatedMedia image" itemscope="" itemtype="" data-component="image" class="element element-image img--landscape fig--narrow-caption fig--has-shares " data-media-id="ff3756d409fbc6db0fd9826ba2d05de0fdc013e2" id="img-2"> <a href="#img-2" class="article__img-container js-gallerythumbs" data-link-name="Launch Article Lightbox" data-is-ajax=""> <div class="u-responsive-ratio" style="padding-bottom: 60.09%"> <img src="" srcset=" 620w, 605w, 445w" sizes="(min-width: 660px) 620px, (min-width: 480px) 605px, 445px" class="gu-image" itemprop="contentUrl" alt="Nauru has about 1,000 people in Australia’s detention centres in a population of 10,000."> </div> <span class="inline-expand-image inline-icon centered-icon rounded-icon article__fullscreen modern-visible"> <svg width="22" height="22" viewbox="0 0 22 22"> <path d="M3.4 20.2L9 14.5 7.5 13l-5.7 5.6L1 14H0v7.5l.5.5H8v-1l-4.6-.8M18.7 1.9L13 7.6 14.4 9l5.7-5.7.5 4.7h1.2V.6l-.5-.5H14v1.2l4.7.6"/> </svg> </span> </a> <div class="block-share block-share--article hide-on-mobile" data-link-name="block share"> <a class="rounded-icon block-share__item block-share__item--facebook js-blockshare-link" href="" target="_blank" data-link-name="social facebook"> <span class="inline-share-facebook inline-icon "> <svg width="32" height="32" viewbox="-2 -2 32 32"> <path d="M17.9 14h-3v8H12v-8h-2v-2.9h2V8.7C12 6.8 13.1 5 16 5c1.2 0 2 .1 2 .1v3h-1.8c-1 0-1.2.5-1.2 1.3v1.8h3l-.1 2.8z"/> </svg> </span> <span class="u-h">Facebook</span> </a> <a class="rounded-icon block-share__item block-share__item--twitter js-blockshare-link" href="'s%20story%2C%20and%20it%20is%20Australia's%20story&" target="_blank" data-link-name="social twitter"> <span class="inline-share-twitter inline-icon "> <svg width="32" height="32" viewbox="-2 -2 32 32"> <path d="M21.3 10.5v.5c0 4.7-3.5 10.1-9.9 10.1-2 0-3.8-.6-5.3-1.6.3 0 . 1.6 0 3.1-.6 4.3-1.5-1.5 0-2.8-1-3.3-2.4.2 0 . 1 .4 1.6.4-.9-.6-1.6-1.7-1.6-2.9 0-.6.2-1.3.5-1.8 1.7 2.1 4.3 3.6 7.2 3.7-.1-.3-.1-.5-.1-.8 0-2 1.6-3.5 3.5-3.5 1 0 1.9.4 2.5 1.1.8-.1 1.5-.4 2.2-.8-.3.8-.8 1.5-1.5 1.9.7-.1 1.4-.3 2-.5-.4.4-1 1-1.7 1.5z"/> </svg> </span> <span class="u-h">Twitter</span> </a> <a class="rounded-icon block-share__item block-share__item--pinterest js-blockshare-link" href="" target="_blank" data-link-name="social pinterest"> <span class="inline-share-pinterest inline-icon "> <svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M16.363 8C12.133 8 10 11.13 10 13.74c0 1.582.58 2.988 1.823 3.512.204.086.387.003.446-.23.04-.16.136-.568.18-.737.06-.23.036-.312-.128-.513-.36-.436-.588-1-.588-1.802 0-2.322 1.684-4.402 4.384-4.402 2.39 0 3.703 1.508 3.703 3.522 0 2.65-1.135 4.887-2.82 4.887-.93 0-1.63-.795-1.406-1.77.268-1.165.786-2.42.786-3.262 0-.752-.39-1.38-1.2-1.38-.952 0-1.716 1.017-1.716 2.38 0 .867.284 1.454.284 1.454l-1.146 5.005c-.34 1.487-.05 3.31-.026 3.493. 1.223-1.562 1.61-3.006.108-.41.625-2.526.625-2.526.31.61 1.216 1.145 2.177 1.145C20.06 19.56 22 16.87 22 13.264 22 10.54 19.764 8 16.364 8"/> </svg> </span> <span class="u-h">Pinterest</span> </a> </div> <figcaption class="caption caption--img caption caption--img" itemprop="description"> Nauru has about 1,000 people in Australia’s detention centres in a population of 10,000. </figcaption> </figure> <p>The island was rich once in guano, bird manure. For decades in the 20th century, massive deposits of the valuable phosphate were mined almost to exhaustion for huge profits.</p> <p>In the years after Nauru gained its independence in 1968, the tiny island was one of the richest places on Earth. But the days of plenty are historical ones.</p> <p>The phosphate is almost all gone, and the billions it brought in have been siphoned off by a succession of corrupt, wasteful governments.</p> <p>A series of scandals, and almost-comically disastrous financial mismanagement (including funding a London musical based on the life of Leonardo da Vinci) bankrupted the country. Nauru’s central bank went broke, its real estate assets in other countries were taken and sold, its airlines’ planes seized.</p> <p>Nauru spent years in desperate penury. The outpost nation became a haven for money-laundering – a billion dollars of Russian mafia money is estimated to have been washed through the country – and its officials reduced to selling passports.</p> <p>Nauru even used its membership of the UN general assembly as a money-making exercise, accepting tens of millions of dollars in exchange for “recognising” countries, such as Russian-backed breakaway republics Abkhazia and South Ossetia.</p> <p>Its government was debased, but it was Nauru’s people who suffered. </p> <p>Unemployment hit <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">90%</a>, the <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">school system collapsed</a> almost entirely, cruelling the futures of a generation. Mining has left much of Nauru’s tiny landmass hollowed out and unusable, and its people have been left unwell – they suffer extreme levels of diabetes, heart disease and obesity. </p> <p>Nauru’s economy has slowly improved. But no industry has emerged to replace mining.</p> <p>The country remains almost wholly dependent on aid, and that, now, comes with strings attached, conditions that demonstrate the old problems are not entirely resolved.<br></p> <aside class="element element-pullquote"> <span class="inline-quote inline-icon inline-tone-fill"> <svg width="17" height="10" viewbox="0 0 33 20"> <path d="M9.002 20c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553C4.065 2.97 7.415.937 11.004 1l-1-1C3.98 0 .098 4.447.003 10.006c-.098 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994zm17 0c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553.064-3.53 3.414-5.563 7.003-5.5l-1-1c-6.022 0-9.904 4.447-10 10.006-.097 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994z"/> </svg> </span> <blockquote> <p class=" pullquote-paragraph">On Nauru there are few places to run, and certainly nowhere to hide</p> </blockquote> <span class="inline-quote inline-icon closing inline-tone-fill"> <svg width="17" height="10" viewbox="0 0 33 20"> <path d="M9.002 20c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553C4.065 2.97 7.415.937 11.004 1l-1-1C3.98 0 .098 4.447.003 10.006c-.098 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994zm17 0c3.85.068 6.932-3.104 7-6.994.068-3.892-3.15-6.937-7-7.006-2.016-.036-3.59.694-4.888 2.053-.07-.48-.122-1.04-.113-1.553.064-3.53 3.414-5.563 7.003-5.5l-1-1c-6.022 0-9.904 4.447-10 10.006-.097 5.557 3.35 9.892 9 9.994z"/> </svg> </span> </aside> <p>Earlier this year, New Zealand suspended all aid to Nauru’s justice sector because of what it described as a “diminishing rule of law”, citing among other failures, the seizure of an opposition MP’s passport, and the sacking of the country’s judiciary.</p> <p>The Nauru government almost “<a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">ran out of money</a>” as recently as last year. <br></p> <p>So Australia’s decision in 2012 to reopen its detention centre on Nauru – and the influx of jobs and money that that decision represented – was gratefully welcomed (the first iteration of Australia’s detention centre ran between 2001 and 2007, including at one stage housing just two refugees).</p> <p>The three years since the centre was reopened (and substantially extended) has re-established Australia as Nauru’s principal and pre-eminent benefactor, and Nauru as Australia’s supine subordinate.<br></p> <p>Today Australian direct aid makes up about <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">15% of the country’s domestic economy</a>, and the Australian-run immigration detention centre is the second-largest employer on the island, after the Nauruan government.<br></p> <p>Nauru is a client state in every sense, kept functioning, just, by its wealthy neighbour.</p> <p>But its dependence on Australian largesse makes its government entirely beholden to its benefactor’s interests, even at the expense of its own people.<br></p> <p>And Australia’s generosity does not come without quid pro quo.</p> <p>The 1,000-odd asylum seekers and refugees imposed upon Nauru by Australia represent more than 10% of the entire country. Per capita, Nauru is now the <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">third-highest refugee-hosting country in the world</a>, because of Australia’s forced transfer.</p> <p>It is an ill-disguised secret that significant sections of the Nauruan community resent the presence of refugees within its formerly monocultural Islander society.</p> <p>auru is barely more than 20 sq km and has a population of fewer than 10,000. There are few places to run, and certainly nowhere to hide.</p> <p>Young men, particularly the teenage boys who are on Nauru without parents, have been targeted for violence, especially if they are out at night.</p> <p>Women, like Abyan, fear sexual predators outside and inside the camp. Between September 2012 and April 2015, 33 sexual assault incidents were logged by camp management, including nine judged critical or major. And that figure is believed to be significantly under-reported. (Abyan’s was not reported.)</p> <p>But Abyan’s case – among others – has highlighted the systemic, calculated cruelties which benight Australia’s offshore detention regime, and given rise to new debate over the policies’ fairness, and morality.<br></p> <figure itemprop="associatedMedia image" itemscope="" itemtype="" data-component="image" class="element element-image img--portrait element--thumbnail fig--narrow-caption fig--has-shares " data-media-id="f7081fe9ac63fa41deb14e44d2f84f6142471b82" id="img-3"> <a href="#img-3" class="article__img-container js-gallerythumbs" data-link-name="Launch Article Lightbox" data-is-ajax=""> <div class="u-responsive-ratio" style="padding-bottom: 150.30%"> <img src="" srcset=" 140w, 120w" sizes="(min-width: 740px) 140px, 120px" class="gu-image" itemprop="contentUrl" alt="Peter Dutton, the Australian immigration minister, said he was advised that Abyan had chosen not to have an abortion when she was brought to Australia."> </div> <span class="inline-expand-image inline-icon centered-icon rounded-icon article__fullscreen modern-visible"> <svg width="22" height="22" viewbox="0 0 22 22"> <path d="M3.4 20.2L9 14.5 7.5 13l-5.7 5.6L1 14H0v7.5l.5.5H8v-1l-4.6-.8M18.7 1.9L13 7.6 14.4 9l5.7-5.7.5 4.7h1.2V.6l-.5-.5H14v1.2l4.7.6"/> </svg> </span> </a> <div class="block-share block-share--article hide-on-mobile" data-link-name="block share"> <a class="rounded-icon block-share__item block-share__item--facebook js-blockshare-link" href="" target="_blank" data-link-name="social facebook"> <span class="inline-share-facebook inline-icon "> <svg width="32" height="32" viewbox="-2 -2 32 32"> <path d="M17.9 14h-3v8H12v-8h-2v-2.9h2V8.7C12 6.8 13.1 5 16 5c1.2 0 2 .1 2 .1v3h-1.8c-1 0-1.2.5-1.2 1.3v1.8h3l-.1 2.8z"/> </svg> </span> <span class="u-h">Facebook</span> </a> <a class="rounded-icon block-share__item block-share__item--twitter js-blockshare-link" href="'s%20story%2C%20and%20it%20is%20Australia's%20story&" target="_blank" data-link-name="social twitter"> <span class="inline-share-twitter inline-icon "> <svg width="32" height="32" viewbox="-2 -2 32 32"> <path d="M21.3 10.5v.5c0 4.7-3.5 10.1-9.9 10.1-2 0-3.8-.6-5.3-1.6.3 0 . 1.6 0 3.1-.6 4.3-1.5-1.5 0-2.8-1-3.3-2.4.2 0 . 1 .4 1.6.4-.9-.6-1.6-1.7-1.6-2.9 0-.6.2-1.3.5-1.8 1.7 2.1 4.3 3.6 7.2 3.7-.1-.3-.1-.5-.1-.8 0-2 1.6-3.5 3.5-3.5 1 0 1.9.4 2.5 1.1.8-.1 1.5-.4 2.2-.8-.3.8-.8 1.5-1.5 1.9.7-.1 1.4-.3 2-.5-.4.4-1 1-1.7 1.5z"/> </svg> </span> <span class="u-h">Twitter</span> </a> <a class="rounded-icon block-share__item block-share__item--pinterest js-blockshare-link" href="" target="_blank" data-link-name="social pinterest"> <span class="inline-share-pinterest inline-icon "> <svg viewbox="0 0 32 32"> <path d="M16.363 8C12.133 8 10 11.13 10 13.74c0 1.582.58 2.988 1.823 3.512.204.086.387.003.446-.23.04-.16.136-.568.18-.737.06-.23.036-.312-.128-.513-.36-.436-.588-1-.588-1.802 0-2.322 1.684-4.402 4.384-4.402 2.39 0 3.703 1.508 3.703 3.522 0 2.65-1.135 4.887-2.82 4.887-.93 0-1.63-.795-1.406-1.77.268-1.165.786-2.42.786-3.262 0-.752-.39-1.38-1.2-1.38-.952 0-1.716 1.017-1.716 2.38 0 .867.284 1.454.284 1.454l-1.146 5.005c-.34 1.487-.05 3.31-.026 3.493. 1.223-1.562 1.61-3.006.108-.41.625-2.526.625-2.526.31.61 1.216 1.145 2.177 1.145C20.06 19.56 22 16.87 22 13.264 22 10.54 19.764 8 16.364 8"/> </svg> </span> <span class="u-h">Pinterest</span> </a> </div> <figcaption class="caption caption--img caption caption--img" itemprop="description"> Peter Dutton, the Australian immigration minister, said he was advised that Abyan had chosen not to have an abortion when she was brought to Australia. Photograph: Lukas Coch/AAP </figcaption> </figure> <p>The policy is posited by the Australian government as a deterrent, a disincentive for asylum seekers searching for a new country to pay people smugglers to board boats bound for Australia.</p> <p>It is credited in large part with “stopping the boats” arriving in Australian waters, while they still continue in large numbers to be piloted around the waters of south-east Asia and Europe.</p> <p>Australia’s prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, concedes the policies are “<a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">harsh</a>” and “<a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">cruel</a>” but says they are justified in the circumstances because they deter others from trying to make similar journeys.</p> <p>Critics of the policies – a noisy, sizeable, and growing minority – argue offshore processing ignores the human cost of a detention regime designed to be brutal in order to deter others. <br></p> <p>Successive <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">parliamentary inquiries</a> and the <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">government’s own investigations</a> have found allegations of systemic sexual abuse of women and children, violence against men and boys, inadequate medical care and neglect on Nauru.</p> <p>Instances of attempted suicide and self-harm are common. Caseworkers report children constantly <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">banging their heads against walls</a> in frustration. Dozens of people have sewn their lips together. Rape victims refuse food for days and weeks.</p> <h2>Nothing permanent</h2> <p>Australia’s other offshore detention centre, on PNG’s <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">Manus Island</a>, which now houses only men, is even more violent. <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">One asylum seeker was killed</a> when more than a dozen guards reportedly beat him to death during riots last year, while others have been shot, <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">tied up and tortured</a>. And one died from a lack of medical intervention after a <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">minor leg wound turned septic</a>.<br></p> <p>But there is massive financial imposition to Australia’s policies, too.</p> <p>The <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">government’s auditor says</a> it costs more than $400,000 a year to house a single person in offshore detention, nearly double the figure for detention within Australia, and 10 times the cost to taxpayer of an asylum seeker or refugee living in the Australian community on a bridging visa.<br></p> <aside class="element element-rich-link element--thumbnail element-rich-link--not-upgraded" data-component="rich-link" data-link-name="rich-link-3 | 3"> <p> <span>Related: </span><a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">There's no decency in how Australia has treated Abyan. No matter what the truth is | Richard Ackland</a> </p> </aside> <p>The total cost of Australia’s offshore detention regime is upwards of $3bn a year. It is more than five times the budget for all of the UNHCR’s operations across south-east Asia, but handles <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">just 2,000 people</a>.</p> <p>Australia has also paid Cambodia <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">more than $55m</a> so far under a “regional resettlement program” that seeks to relocate refugees to a third country permanently. So far that country has taken five people.</p> <p>But even beyond the human costs and the financial imposition, Nauru, by the concession of its own and the Australian government, can never be a solution. <br></p> <p>The development of international refugee law has, for decades, identified as a priority the establishment of <a href="" data-link-name="in body link" data-component="in-body-link" class=" u-underline">“durable solutions”</a> for those displaced from their homelands: a long-term settlement plan that won’t enforce on them another move.</p> <p>Nauru will not offer permanent resettlement to refugees. At this point, none will be allowed to stay in the country any longer than 10 years.</p> <p>Then they will again be looking for a new country in which to restart already-interrupted lives.</p> <p>For Abyan, finding a new home again in a decade, after nearly a decade of displacement already, is beyond contemplation.</p> <p>She is unwell again and troubled too greatly by her immediate future.</p> <p><br></p> </div>
["unwelcome" "intrusion" "private" "life" "angry" "public" "debate" "wasted" "expense" "time" "spent" "just" "waiting" "nothing" "abyan" "changed" "still" "nauru" "scarred" "trauma" "alleged" "rape" "bearing" "pregnancy" "doesn’t" "want" "month" "23" "year" "old" "somali" "refugee" "flown" "australia" "australium" "termination" "begged" "weeks" "week" "secretly" "spirited" "back" "charter" "flight" "without" "operation" "asked" "counselling" "explanation" "procedure" "circumstance" "become" "stuff" "newspaper" "headlines" "headline" "image" "front" "page" "picture" "newspapers" "distress" "political" "fodder" "parliament" "unwell" "deeply" "traumatised" "desperately" "concerned" "future" "related" "united" "nations" "nation" "calls" "call" "resolve" "case" "urgently" "abyan’s" "abyan’" "tortuous" "tortuou" "come" "represent" "unhappy" "former" "prime" "minister" "tony" "abbott" "eager" "bang" "drum" "australian" "government’s" "government’" "hardline" "stand" "margaret" "thatcher" "lecture" "wednesday" "story" "betrays" "betray" "unease" "canberra" "elsewhere" "mainland" "questions" "question" "campaigners" "campaigner" "demonstrated" "behalf" "geneva" "urged" "find" "“a" "decent" "option&#x201d" "“deeply" "traumatised&#x201d" "woman" "afternoon" "peter" "dutton" "immigration" "announced" "return" "medical" "treatment" "situation" "emblematic" "australia’s" "australia’" "serious" "seriou" "questioning" "policy" "sending" "asylum" "seekers" "seeker" "tiny" "impoverished" "client" "state" "middle" "pacific" "symbol" "calculated" "cruelty" "contradictions" "contradiction" "unsustainability" "$3bn" "offshore" "detention" "regime" "real" "name" "fled" "home" "somalia" "somalium" "2007" "15" "country" "caught" "brutal" "civil" "conflict" "government" "islamist" "terrorist" "network" "al" "shabaab" "survived" "rocket" "attack" "struck" "killed" "family" "journey" "ad" "hoc" "inchoate" "eventually" "found" "people" "person" "smuggling" "get" "south" "east" "asia" "asium" "place" "board" "boat" "arrived" "christmas" "christma" "island" "21" "october" "2013" "taken" "two" "days" "day" "later" "little" "november" "2014" "nauruan" "authorities" "authority" "determined" "officially" "well" "founded" "fear" "persecution" "returned" "moved" "accommodation" "“in" "community&#x201d" "outside" "centre" "community" "better" "hard" "alone" "poor" "food" "expensive" "market" "long" "way" "lives" "fearful" "18" "july" "says" "say" "raped" "unknown" "man" "baby" "born" "assault" "growing" "increasingly" "anxious" "anxiou" "told" "caseworkers" "caseworker" "fellow" "refugees" "happened" "filed" "report" "police" "polouse" "saying" "fears" "retribution" "assailant" "others" "other" "now" "doctors" "doctor" "approaching" "weeks&#x2019" "pregnant" "first" "requested" "nearly" "months" "ago" "conservative" "christian" "restrictive" "abortion" "laws" "law" "mean" "can" "papua" "new" "guinea" "runs" "run" "“offshore" "centre&#x201d" "nowhere" "detention&#x201d" "provide" "service" "remains" "remain" "1" "september" "five" "brought" "scheduled" "commercial" "11" "fiercely" "contested" "reporter" "said" "afforded" "extensive" "care" "consultation" "decided" "terminate" "“we’re" "talking" "four" "consultations" "period" "interpreters" "interpreter" "present" "mental" "health" "nurses" "nurse" "gps" "gp" "end" "advice" "us" "u" "abortion,&#x201d" "untrue" "“i" "nauru,&#x201d" "written" "statement" "given" "guardian" "sick" "never" "saw" "clinic" "villawood" "interpreter.&#x201d" "decline" "press" "freedom" "prevents" "prevent" "reporters" "joining" "kenny" "|" "paul" "farrell" "maintained" "interviews" "interview" "since" "wants" "even" "proven" "controversial" "foreign" "journalists" "journalist" "effect" "banned" "allowed" "past" "chris" "chri" "allied" "flew" "last" "accused" "advocates" "advocate" "harassing" "arriving" "company" "denies" "deny" "chief" "staff" "malcolm" "turnbull" "avowed" "“strong" "supporter&#x201d" "acknowledged" "support" "may" "helped" "access" "inside" "canberra’s" "canberra’" "byzantine" "bureaucracy" "ruled" "chosen" "previously" "railed" "exercising" "rights" "right" "courts" "court" "seeking" "injunctions" "injunction" "removals" "removal" "“the" "racket" "that’s" "that’" "going" "margins" "margin" "injuncted" "can’t" "send" "avoid" "order" "keep" "chartered" "jet" "cost" "$100,000" "fly" "via" "vium" "solomon" "islands" "beyond" "will" "tell" "lawyers" "lawyer" "happening" "series" "frantic" "phone" "bounced" "around" "friday" "16" "friends" "friend" "contacted" "held" "knew" "location" "appeared" "federal" "removed" "already" "left" "soil" "air" "court’s" "court’" "jurisdiction" "landed" "night" "fallen" "ill" "according" "contact" "adamant" "wanted" "forced" "violence" "riches" "rich" "poverty" "deal" "caustic" "realpolitik" "reflection" "melian" "attitude" "weaker" "neighbours" "neighbour" "power" "regional" "economic" "strength" "wealthy" "rags" "rag" "resource" "curse" "facebook" "twitter" "pinterest" "1,000" "centres" "population" "10,000" "guano" "bird" "manure" "decades" "decade" "20th" "century" "massive" "deposits" "deposit" "valuable" "phosphate" "mined" "almost" "exhaustion" "huge" "profits" "profit" "years" "gained" "independence" "1968" "one" "richest" "places" "earth" "plenty" "historical" "ones" "gone" "billions" "billion" "siphoned" "succession" "corrupt" "wasteful" "governments" "scandals" "scandal" "comically" "disastrous" "disastrou" "financial" "mismanagement" "including" "funding" "london" "musical" "based" "leonardo" "da" "vinci" "bankrupted" "nauru’s" "nauru’" "central" "bank" "went" "broke" "estate" "assets" "asset" "countries" "sold" "airlines&#x2019" "planes" "plane" "seized" "desperate" "penury" "outpost" "became" "haven" "money" "laundering" "&#x2013" "dollars" "dollar" "russian" "mafia" "mafium" "estimated" "washed" "officials" "official" "reduced" "selling" "passports" "passport" "used" "membership" "un" "general" "assembly" "making" "exercise" "accepting" "tens" "ten" "millions" "million" "exchange" "“recognising&#x201d" "backed" "breakaway" "republics" "republic" "abkhazia" "abkhazium" "ossetia" "ossetium" "debased" "suffered" "unemployment" "hit" "90%" "school" "system" "collapsed" "entirely" "cruelling" "futures" "generation" "mining" "much" "landmass" "hollowed" "unusable" "suffer" "extreme" "levels" "level" "diabetes" "diabete" "heart" "disease" "obesity" "economy" "slowly" "improved" "industry" "emerged" "replace" "wholly" "dependent" "aid" "comes" "strings" "string" "attached" "conditions" "condition" "demonstrate" "problems" "problem" "resolved" "certainly" "hide" "earlier" "zealand" "suspended" "justice" "sector" "described" "“diminishing" "rule" "law&#x201d" "citing" "among" "failures" "failure" "seizure" "opposition" "mp’s" "mp’" "sacking" "country’s" "country’" "judiciary" "“ran" "money&#x201d" "recently" "decision" "2012" "reopen" "influx" "jobs" "job" "represented" "gratefully" "welcomed" "iteration" "ran" "2001" "stage" "housing" "three" "reopened" "substantially" "extended" "re" "established" "principal" "pre" "eminent" "benefactor" "supine" "subordinate" "today" "direct" "makes" "make" "15%" "domestic" "second" "largest" "employer" "every" "sense" "kept" "functioning" "dependence" "largesse" "beholden" "benefactor’s" "benefactor’" "interests" "interest" "generosity" "quid" "pro" "quo" "odd" "imposed" "upon" "10%" "entire" "per" "capita" "capitum" "third" "highest" "hosting" "world" "transfer" "disguised" "secret" "significant" "sections" "section" "resent" "presence" "within" "formerly" "monocultural" "islander" "society" "auru" "barely" "20" "sq" "km" "fewer" "young" "men" "particularly" "teenage" "boys" "boy" "parents" "parent" "targeted" "especially" "women" "like" "sexual" "predators" "predator" "camp" "april" "2015" "33" "incidents" "incident" "logged" "management" "nine" "judged" "critical" "major" "figure" "believed" "significantly" "reported" "highlighted" "systemic" "cruelties" "benight" "rise" "policies&#x2019" "fairness" "morality" "advised" "photograph" "lukas" "luka" "coch" "aap" "posited" "deterrent" "disincentive" "searching" "pay" "smugglers" "smuggler" "boats" "bound" "credited" "large" "part" "“stopping" "boats&#x201d" "waters" "water" "continue" "numbers" "number" "piloted" "europe" "concedes" "concede" "policies" "“harsh&#x201d" "“cruel&#x201d" "justified" "circumstances" "deter" "trying" "similar" "journeys" "critics" "critic" "noisy" "sizeable" "minority" "argue" "processing" "ignores" "ignore" "human" "designed" "successive" "parliamentary" "inquiries" "inquiry" "investigations" "investigation" "allegations" "allegation" "abuse" "children" "child" "inadequate" "neglect" "instances" "instance" "attempted" "suicide" "self" "harm" "common" "constantly" "banging" "heads" "head" "walls" "wall" "frustration" "dozens" "dozen" "sewn" "lips" "lip" "together" "victims" "victim" "refuse" "permanent" "png’s" "png’" "manus" "manu" "houses" "house" "violent" "guards" "guard" "reportedly" "beat" "death" "riots" "riot" "shot" "tied" "tortured" "died" "lack" "intervention" "minor" "leg" "wound" "turned" "septic" "imposition" "auditor" "costs" "$400,000" "single" "double" "10" "times" "taxpayer" "living" "bridging" "visa" "there's" "there'" "decency" "treated" "matter" "truth" "richard" "ackland" "total" "upwards" "upward" "budget" "unhcr’s" "unhcr’" "operations" "across" "handles" "handle" "2,000" "also" "paid" "cambodia" "cambodium" "$55m" "far" "“regional" "resettlement" "program&#x201d" "seeks" "seek" "relocate" "permanently" "concession" "solution" "development" "international" "identified" "priority" "establishment" "“durable" "solutions&#x201d" "displaced" "homelands" "homeland" "term" "settlement" "plan" "won’t" "enforce" "another" "move" "offer" "point" "none" "stay" "longer" "looking" "restart" "interrupted" "finding" "displacement" "contemplation" "troubled" "greatly" "immediate" "unwelcome intrusion" "private life" "angry public" "public debate" "wasted expense" "time spent" "spent just" "just waiting" "waiting nothing" "nauru still" "still scarred" "alleged rape" "still bearing" "doesn’t want" "23 year" "year old" "old somali" "somali refugee" "secretly spirited" "spirited back" "private charter" "charter flight" "flight without" "private circumstance" "newspaper headlines" "newspaper headline" "front page" "page picture" "political fodder" "unwell deeply" "deeply traumatised" "desperately concerned" "related united" "united nations" "united nation" "nations calls" "nation call" "resolve abyan" "abyan case" "case urgently" "abyan’s tortuous" "abyan’ tortuou" "tortuous case" "tortuou case" "unhappy circumstance" "former prime" "prime minister" "minister tony" "tony abbott" "australian government’s" "australian government’" "government’s hardline" "government’ hardline" "hardline stand" "margaret thatcher" "thatcher lecture" "wednesday abyan’s" "wednesday abyan’" "abyan’s story" "abyan’ story" "story betrays" "story betray" "betrays unease" "betray unease" "mainland questions" "mainland question" "parliament campaigners" "parliament campaigner" "geneva urged" "urged nauru" "find “a" "“a decent" "decent option&#x201d" "“deeply traumatised&#x201d" "traumatised&#x201d woman" "wednesday afternoon" "afternoon peter" "peter dutton" "australian immigration" "immigration minister" "minister announced" "medical treatment" "treatment abyan’s" "treatment abyan’" "abyan’s situation" "abyan’ situation" "become emblematic" "australia’s serious" "australia’ seriou" "serious questioning" "seriou questioning" "sending asylum" "asylum seekers" "asylum seeker" "tiny impoverished" "impoverished client" "client state" "calculated cruelty" "australia’s $3bn" "australia’ $3bn" "$3bn offshore" "offshore detention" "detention regime" "regime abyan" "real name" "name fled" "brutal civil" "civil conflict" "islamist terrorist" "terrorist network" "network al" "al shabaab" "rocket attack" "ad hoc" "inchoate eventually" "people smuggling" "person smuggling" "smuggling network" "south east" "east asia" "east asium" "christmas island" "christma island" "21 october" "october 2013" "nauru two" "two days" "two day" "days later" "day later" "year later" "november 2014" "2014 nauruan" "nauruan authorities" "nauruan authority" "authorities determined" "authority determined" "well founded" "founded fear" "home country" "accommodation “in" "community&#x201d outside" "detention centre" "hard abyan" "poor food" "long way" "18 july" "year abyan" "abyan says" "abyan say" "unknown man" "baby born" "growing increasingly" "increasingly anxious" "increasingly anxiou" "told caseworkers" "told caseworker" "fellow refugees" "fellow refugee" "assault saying" "fears retribution" "fear retribution" "others now" "other now" "now doctors" "now doctor" "doctors say" "doctor say" "approaching 15" "15 weeks&#x2019" "weeks&#x2019 pregnant" "first requested" "requested nearly" "nearly two" "two months" "two month" "months ago" "month ago" "ago nauru" "deeply conservative" "conservative christian" "christian country" "country restrictive" "restrictive abortion" "abortion laws" "abortion law" "papua new" "new guinea" "pacific country" "australia runs" "australium run" "“offshore detention" "detention centre&#x201d" "australia’s “offshore" "australia’ “offshore" "“offshore detention&#x201d" "detention&#x201d network" "can provide" "provide abyan" "medical service" "australia remains" "australium remain" "remains abyan" "remain abyan" "abyan first" "first asked" "1 september" "five weeks" "five week" "scheduled commercial" "commercial flight" "11 october" "fiercely contested" "contested abyan" "reporter peter" "said abyan" "afforded extensive" "extensive medical" "medical care" "extensive consultation" "pregnancy “we’re" "“we’re talking" "five days" "five day" "medical consultations" "medical consultation" "interpreters present" "interpreter present" "present mental" "mental health" "health nurses" "health nurse" "nurses gps" "nurse gp" "gps doctors" "gp doctor" "abortion,&#x201d dutton" "dutton said" "untrue “i" "written statement" "statement given" "guardian “i" "never said" "never saw" "counselling “i" "“i saw" "related decline" "press freedom" "freedom prevents" "freedom prevent" "prevents reporters" "prevent reporter" "joining kenny" "nauru |" "| paul" "paul farrell" "interviews since" "interview since" "pregnancy even" "proven controversial" "controversial foreign" "foreign journalists" "foreign journalist" "effect banned" "reporter allowed" "past 18" "18 months" "18 month" "chris kenny" "chri kenny" "government allied" "allied australian" "australian newspaper" "nauru last" "last week" "harassing abyan" "former chief" "minister malcolm" "malcolm turnbull" "avowed “strong" "“strong supporter&#x201d" "support may" "get access" "access inside" "inside canberra’s" "inside canberra’" "canberra’s byzantine" "canberra’ byzantine" "byzantine bureaucracy" "ruled abyan" "termination dutton" "previously railed" "refugees exercising" "refugee exercising" "courts seeking" "court seeking" "seeking injunctions" "seeking injunction" "detention “the" "“the racket" "racket that’s" "racket that’" "margins come" "margin come" "can’t send" "nauru,&#x201d dutton" "week anxious" "week anxiou" "court order" "keep abyan" "government chartered" "private jet" "secretly fly" "nauru via" "nauru vium" "solomon islands" "solomon island" "islands beyond" "island beyond" "controversial abyan" "tell refugee" "refugee advocates" "refugee advocate" "frantic phone" "phone calls" "phone call" "calls bounced" "call bounced" "bounced around" "around australia" "around australium" "friday 16" "16 october" "villawood detention" "first abyan’s" "first abyan’" "abyan’s lawyers" "abyan’ lawyer" "lawyers knew" "lawyer knew" "federal court" "afternoon seeking" "already left" "left australian" "australian soil" "soil abyan" "court’s jurisdiction" "court’ jurisdiction" "island abyan" "fallen ill" "remains adamant" "remain adamant" "never wanted" "violence riches" "violence rich" "poverty australia’s" "poverty australia’" "australia’s deal" "australia’ deal" "caustic realpolitik" "australia’s melian" "australia’ melian" "melian attitude" "weaker pacific" "pacific neighbours" "pacific neighbour" "regional economic" "economic strength" "wealthy country" "country now" "now poor" "rags story" "rag story" "resource curse" "1,000 people" "1,000 person" "australia’s detention" "australia’ detention" "detention centres" "guano bird" "bird manure" "20th century" "century massive" "massive deposits" "massive deposit" "valuable phosphate" "mined almost" "huge profits" "huge profit" "nauru gained" "tiny island" "richest places" "richest place" "historical ones" "historical one" "corrupt wasteful" "wasteful governments" "wasteful government" "almost comically" "comically disastrous" "comically disastrou" "disastrous financial" "disastrou financial" "financial mismanagement" "mismanagement including" "including funding" "london musical" "musical based" "leonardo da" "da vinci" "vinci bankrupted" "country nauru’s" "country nauru’" "nauru’s central" "nauru’ central" "central bank" "bank went" "went broke" "real estate" "estate assets" "estate asset" "airlines&#x2019 planes" "airlines&#x2019 plane" "planes seized" "plane seized" "seized nauru" "nauru spent" "spent years" "spent year" "desperate penury" "outpost nation" "nation became" "money laundering" "laundering &#x2013" "billion dollars" "billion dollar" "russian mafia" "russian mafium" "mafia money" "mafium money" "country &#x2013" "officials reduced" "official reduced" "selling passports" "selling passport" "passports nauru" "passport nauru" "nauru even" "even used" "un general" "general assembly" "money making" "making exercise" "exercise accepting" "accepting tens" "accepting ten" "“recognising&#x201d countries" "“recognising&#x201d country" "russian backed" "backed breakaway" "breakaway republics" "breakaway republic" "republics abkhazia" "republic abkhazium" "south ossetia" "south ossetium" "nauru’s people" "nauru’ person" "unemployment hit" "hit 90%" "school system" "system collapsed" "collapsed almost" "almost entirely" "entirely cruelling" "generation mining" "left much" "nauru’s tiny" "nauru’ tiny" "tiny landmass" "landmass hollowed" "left unwell" "unwell &#x2013" "suffer extreme" "extreme levels" "extreme level" "diabetes heart" "diabete heart" "heart disease" "nauru’s economy" "nauru’ economy" "slowly improved" "replace mining" "country remains" "country remain" "remains almost" "remain almost" "almost wholly" "wholly dependent" "now comes" "now come" "strings attached" "string attached" "attached conditions" "attached condition" "old problems" "old problem" "entirely resolved" "certainly nowhere" "year new" "new zealand" "zealand suspended" "nauru’s justice" "nauru’ justice" "justice sector" "“diminishing rule" "law&#x201d citing" "citing among" "opposition mp’s" "opposition mp’" "mp’s passport" "mp’ passport" "country’s judiciary" "country’ judiciary" "nauru government" "government almost" "almost “ran" "last year" "australia’s decision" "australia’ decision" "nauru &#x2013" "decision represented" "represented &#x2013" "gratefully welcomed" "first iteration" "centre ran" "2007 including" "one stage" "stage housing" "housing just" "just two" "two refugees" "two refugee" "three years" "three year" "years since" "year since" "substantially extended" "re established" "established australia" "established australium" "nauru’s principal" "nauru’ principal" "pre eminent" "eminent benefactor" "australia’s supine" "australia’ supine" "supine subordinate" "subordinate today" "today australian" "australian direct" "direct aid" "aid makes" "aid make" "country’s domestic" "country’ domestic" "domestic economy" "australian run" "run immigration" "immigration detention" "second largest" "largest employer" "nauruan government" "government nauru" "every sense" "sense kept" "kept functioning" "functioning just" "wealthy neighbour" "australian largesse" "largesse makes" "largesse make" "government entirely" "entirely beholden" "benefactor’s interests" "benefactor’ interest" "interests even" "interest even" "australia’s generosity" "australia’ generosity" "come without" "without quid" "quid pro" "pro quo" "1,000 odd" "odd asylum" "refugees imposed" "refugee imposed" "imposed upon" "upon nauru" "australia represent" "australium represent" "entire country" "country per" "per capita" "per capitum" "capita nauru" "capitum nauru" "third highest" "highest refugee" "refugee hosting" "hosting country" "australia’s forced" "australia’ forced" "forced transfer" "ill disguised" "disguised secret" "significant sections" "significant section" "nauruan community" "community resent" "refugees within" "refugee within" "formerly monocultural" "monocultural islander" "islander society" "society auru" "20 sq" "sq km" "hide young" "young men" "young man" "men particularly" "man particularly" "teenage boys" "teenage boy" "nauru without" "without parents" "without parent" "violence especially" "night women" "night woman" "women like" "woman like" "like abyan" "abyan fear" "fear sexual" "sexual predators" "sexual predator" "predators outside" "predator outside" "september 2012" "april 2015" "2015 33" "33 sexual" "sexual assault" "assault incidents" "assault incident" "camp management" "management including" "including nine" "nine judged" "judged critical" "reported abyan’s" "reported abyan’" "abyan’s case" "abyan’ case" "case &#x2013" "&#x2013 among" "among others" "among other" "others &#x2013" "other &#x2013" "systemic calculated" "calculated cruelties" "benight australia’s" "benight australia’" "australia’s offshore" "australia’ offshore" "given rise" "new debate" "policies&#x2019 fairness" "minister said" "australia photograph" "australium photograph" "photograph lukas" "photograph luka" "lukas coch" "luka coch" "coch aap" "australian government" "seekers searching" "seeker searching" "new country" "pay people" "pay person" "people smugglers" "person smuggler" "board boats" "board boat" "boats bound" "boat bound" "large part" "boats&#x201d arriving" "australian waters" "australian water" "still continue" "large numbers" "large number" "piloted around" "europe australia’s" "europe australia’" "australia’s prime" "australia’ prime" "turnbull concedes" "turnbull concede" "deter others" "deter other" "make similar" "similar journeys" "similar journey" "journeys critics" "journey critic" "policies &#x2013" "policy &#x2013" "noisy sizeable" "growing minority" "minority &#x2013" "&#x2013 argue" "argue offshore" "offshore processing" "processing ignores" "processing ignore" "human cost" "regime designed" "successive parliamentary" "parliamentary inquiries" "parliamentary inquiry" "found allegations" "found allegation" "systemic sexual" "sexual abuse" "children violence" "child violence" "boys inadequate" "boy inadequate" "inadequate medical" "nauru instances" "nauru instance" "attempted suicide" "self harm" "common caseworkers" "common caseworker" "caseworkers report" "caseworker report" "report children" "report child" "children constantly" "child constantly" "constantly banging" "frustration dozens" "frustration dozen" "lips together" "lip together" "together rape" "rape victims" "rape victim" "victims refuse" "victim refuse" "refuse food" "weeks nothing" "week nothing" "nothing permanent" "permanent australia’s" "permanent australia’" "png’s manus" "png’ manu" "manus island" "manu island" "now houses" "now house" "violent one" "one asylum" "dozen guards" "dozen guard" "guards reportedly" "guard reportedly" "reportedly beat" "riots last" "riot last" "shot tied" "one died" "medical intervention" "minor leg" "leg wound" "wound turned" "turned septic" "massive financial" "financial imposition" "australia’s policies" "australia’ policy" "government’s auditor" "government’ auditor" "auditor says" "auditor say" "single person" "detention nearly" "nearly double" "detention within" "within australia" "within australium" "10 times" "10 time" "refugee living" "australian community" "bridging visa" "related there's" "related there'" "treated abyan" "| richard" "richard ackland" "total cost" "five times" "five time" "unhcr’s operations" "unhcr’ operation" "operations across" "operation across" "across south" "handles just" "handle just" "just 2,000" "2,000 people" "2,000 person" "people australia" "person australium" "also paid" "paid cambodia" "paid cambodium" "“regional resettlement" "resettlement program&#x201d" "relocate refugees" "relocate refugee" "third country" "country permanently" "taken five" "five people" "five person" "even beyond" "human costs" "imposition nauru" "government can" "can never" "international refugee" "refugee law" "decades identified" "decade identified" "“durable solutions&#x201d" "long term" "term settlement" "settlement plan" "won’t enforce" "another move" "move nauru" "nauru will" "offer permanent" "permanent resettlement" "point none" "none will" "10 years" "10 year" "restart already" "already interrupted" "interrupted lives" "interrupted life" "abyan finding" "new home" "displacement already" "beyond contemplation" "immediate future" "angry public debate" "time spent just" "spent just waiting" "just waiting nothing" "nauru still scarred" "23 year old" "year old somali" "old somali refugee" "secretly spirited back" "private charter flight" "charter flight without" "front page picture" "unwell deeply traumatised" "related united nations" "related united nation" "united nations calls" "united nation call" "resolve abyan case" "abyan case urgently" "abyan’s tortuous case" "abyan’ tortuou case" "former prime minister" "prime minister tony" "minister tony abbott" "australian government’s hardline" "australian government’ hardline" "government’s hardline stand" "government’ hardline stand" "margaret thatcher lecture" "wednesday abyan’s story" "wednesday abyan’ story" "abyan’s story betrays" "abyan’ story betray" "story betrays unease" "story betray unease" "geneva urged nauru" "find “a decent" "“a decent option&#x201d" "“deeply traumatised&#x201d woman" "wednesday afternoon peter" "afternoon peter dutton" "australian immigration minister" "immigration minister announced" "medical treatment abyan’s" "medical treatment abyan’" "treatment abyan’s situation" "treatment abyan’ situation" "australia’s serious questioning" "australia’ seriou questioning" "sending asylum seekers" "sending asylum seeker" "tiny impoverished client" "impoverished client state" "australia’s $3bn offshore" "australia’ $3bn offshore" "$3bn offshore detention" "offshore detention regime" "detention regime abyan" "real name fled" "brutal civil conflict" "islamist terrorist network" "terrorist network al" "network al shabaab" "people smuggling network" "person smuggling network" "south east asia" "south east asium" "21 october 2013" "nauru two days" "nauru two day" "two days later" "two day later" "november 2014 nauruan" "2014 nauruan authorities" "2014 nauruan authority" "nauruan authorities determined" "nauruan authority determined" "well founded fear" "year abyan says" "year abyan say" "growing increasingly anxious" "growing increasingly anxiou" "others now doctors" "other now doctor" "now doctors say" "now doctor say" "approaching 15 weeks&#x2019" "15 weeks&#x2019 pregnant" "first requested nearly" "requested nearly two" "nearly two months" "nearly two month" "two months ago" "two month ago" "months ago nauru" "month ago nauru" "deeply conservative christian" "conservative christian country" "christian country restrictive" "country restrictive abortion" "restrictive abortion laws" "restrictive abortion law" "papua new guinea" "“offshore detention centre&#x201d" "australia’s “offshore detention&#x201d" "australia’ “offshore detention&#x201d" "“offshore detention&#x201d network" "can provide abyan" "australia remains abyan" "australium remain abyan" "remains abyan first" "remain abyan first" "abyan first asked" "scheduled commercial flight" "fiercely contested abyan" "reporter peter dutton" "afforded extensive medical" "extensive medical care" "pregnancy “we’re talking" "interpreters present mental" "interpreter present mental" "present mental health" "mental health nurses" "mental health nurse" "health nurses gps" "health nurse gp" "nurses gps doctors" "nurse gp doctor" "abortion,&#x201d dutton said" "dutton said abyan" "said abyan says" "said abyan say" "written statement given" "counselling “i saw" "press freedom prevents" "press freedom prevent" "freedom prevents reporters" "freedom prevent reporter" "nauru | paul" "| paul farrell" "proven controversial foreign" "controversial foreign journalists" "controversial foreign journalist" "past 18 months" "past 18 month" "government allied australian" "allied australian newspaper" "nauru last week" "prime minister malcolm" "minister malcolm turnbull" "avowed “strong supporter&#x201d" "get access inside" "access inside canberra’s" "access inside canberra’" "inside canberra’s byzantine" "inside canberra’ byzantine" "canberra’s byzantine bureaucracy" "canberra’ byzantine bureaucracy" "courts seeking injunctions" "court seeking injunction" "offshore detention “the" "detention “the racket" "“the racket that’s" "“the racket that’" "nauru,&#x201d dutton said" "solomon islands beyond" "solomon island beyond" "tell refugee advocates" "tell refugee advocate" "frantic phone calls" "frantic phone call" "phone calls bounced" "phone call bounced" "calls bounced around" "call bounced around" "bounced around australia" "bounced around australium" "friday 16 october" "villawood detention centre" "first abyan’s lawyers" "first abyan’ lawyer" "abyan’s lawyers knew" "abyan’ lawyer knew" "already left australian" "left australian soil" "australian soil abyan" "poverty australia’s deal" "poverty australia’ deal" "australia’s melian attitude" "australia’ melian attitude" "weaker pacific neighbours" "weaker pacific neighbour" "regional economic strength" "wealthy country now" "country now poor" "australia’s detention centres" "australia’ detention centre" "guano bird manure" "20th century massive" "century massive deposits" "century massive deposit" "corrupt wasteful governments" "corrupt wasteful government" "almost comically disastrous" "almost comically disastrou" "comically disastrous financial" "comically disastrou financial" "disastrous financial mismanagement" "disastrou financial mismanagement" "financial mismanagement including" "mismanagement including funding" "london musical based" "leonardo da vinci" "da vinci bankrupted" "country nauru’s central" "country nauru’ central" "nauru’s central bank" "nauru’ central bank" "central bank went" "bank went broke" "real estate assets" "real estate asset" "airlines&#x2019 planes seized" "airlines&#x2019 plane seized" "planes seized nauru" "plane seized nauru" "seized nauru spent" "nauru spent years" "nauru spent year" "outpost nation became" "money laundering &#x2013" "russian mafia money" "russian mafium money" "selling passports nauru" "selling passport nauru" "passports nauru even" "passport nauru even" "nauru even used" "un general assembly" "money making exercise" "making exercise accepting" "exercise accepting tens" "exercise accepting ten" "russian backed breakaway" "backed breakaway republics" "backed breakaway republic" "breakaway republics abkhazia" "breakaway republic abkhazium" "unemployment hit 90%" "school system collapsed" "system collapsed almost" "collapsed almost entirely" "almost entirely cruelling" "nauru’s tiny landmass" "nauru’ tiny landmass" "tiny landmass hollowed" "left unwell &#x2013" "suffer extreme levels" "suffer extreme level" "diabetes heart disease" "diabete heart disease" "country remains almost" "country remain almost" "remains almost wholly" "remain almost wholly" "almost wholly dependent" "strings attached conditions" "string attached condition" "year new zealand" "new zealand suspended" "nauru’s justice sector" "nauru’ justice sector" "law&#x201d citing among" "opposition mp’s passport" "opposition mp’ passport" "nauru government almost" "government almost “ran" "decision represented &#x2013" "australia’s detention centre" "detention centre ran" "one stage housing" "stage housing just" "housing just two" "just two refugees" "just two refugee" "three years since" "three year since" "re established australia" "re established australium" "pre eminent benefactor" "australia’s supine subordinate" "australia’ supine subordinate" "supine subordinate today" "subordinate today australian" "today australian direct" "australian direct aid" "direct aid makes" "direct aid make" "country’s domestic economy" "country’ domestic economy" "australian run immigration" "run immigration detention" "immigration detention centre" "second largest employer" "nauruan government nauru" "every sense kept" "sense kept functioning" "kept functioning just" "australian largesse makes" "australian largesse make" "government entirely beholden" "benefactor’s interests even" "benefactor’ interest even" "come without quid" "without quid pro" "quid pro quo" "1,000 odd asylum" "odd asylum seekers" "odd asylum seeker" "refugees imposed upon" "refugee imposed upon" "imposed upon nauru" "entire country per" "country per capita" "country per capitum" "per capita nauru" "per capitum nauru" "third highest refugee" "highest refugee hosting" "refugee hosting country" "australia’s forced transfer" "australia’ forced transfer" "ill disguised secret" "nauruan community resent" "formerly monocultural islander" "monocultural islander society" "islander society auru" "20 sq km" "hide young men" "hide young man" "young men particularly" "young man particularly" "nauru without parents" "nauru without parent" "night women like" "night woman like" "women like abyan" "woman like abyan" "like abyan fear" "abyan fear sexual" "fear sexual predators" "fear sexual predator" "sexual predators outside" "sexual predator outside" "april 2015 33" "2015 33 sexual" "33 sexual assault" "sexual assault incidents" "sexual assault incident" "camp management including" "management including nine" "including nine judged" "nine judged critical" "abyan’s case &#x2013" "abyan’ case &#x2013" "case &#x2013 among" "&#x2013 among others" "&#x2013 among other" "among others &#x2013" "among other &#x2013" "systemic calculated cruelties" "systemic calculated cruelty" "benight australia’s offshore" "benight australia’ offshore" "australia’s offshore detention" "australia’ offshore detention" "immigration minister said" "australia photograph lukas" "australium photograph luka" "photograph lukas coch" "photograph luka coch" "lukas coch aap" "luka coch aap" "asylum seekers searching" "asylum seeker searching" "pay people smugglers" "pay person smuggler" "board boats bound" "board boat bound" "europe australia’s prime" "europe australia’ prime" "australia’s prime minister" "australia’ prime minister" "malcolm turnbull concedes" "malcolm turnbull concede" "make similar journeys" "make similar journey" "similar journeys critics" "similar journey critic" "growing minority &#x2013" "minority &#x2013 argue" "&#x2013 argue offshore" "argue offshore processing" "offshore processing ignores" "offshore processing ignore" "detention regime designed" "successive parliamentary inquiries" "successive parliamentary inquiry" "systemic sexual abuse" "boys inadequate medical" "boy inadequate medical" "inadequate medical care" "common caseworkers report" "common caseworker report" "caseworkers report children" "caseworker report child" "report children constantly" "report child constantly" "children constantly banging" "child constantly banging" "lips together rape" "lip together rape" "together rape victims" "together rape victim" "rape victims refuse" "rape victim refuse" "victims refuse food" "victim refuse food" "weeks nothing permanent" "week nothing permanent" "nothing permanent australia’s" "nothing permanent australia’" "offshore detention centre" "png’s manus island" "png’ manu island" "violent one asylum" "one asylum seeker" "dozen guards reportedly" "dozen guard reportedly" "guards reportedly beat" "guard reportedly beat" "riots last year" "riot last year" "minor leg wound" "leg wound turned" "wound turned septic" "massive financial imposition" "government’s auditor says" "government’ auditor say" "offshore detention nearly" "detention nearly double" "detention within australia" "detention within australium" "| richard ackland" "unhcr’s operations across" "unhcr’ operation across" "operations across south" "operation across south" "across south east" "handles just 2,000" "handle just 2,000" "just 2,000 people" "just 2,000 person" "2,000 people australia" "2,000 person australium" "also paid cambodia" "also paid cambodium" "“regional resettlement program&#x201d" "third country permanently" "taken five people" "taken five person" "financial imposition nauru" "australian government can" "government can never" "international refugee law" "long term settlement" "term settlement plan" "another move nauru" "move nauru will" "offer permanent resettlement" "point none will" "restart already interrupted" "already interrupted lives" "already interrupted life"]
This is Abyan's story, and it is Australia's story
Ben Doherty


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