ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': u'SME, milj\xf6, innovation, h\xe5llbar utveckling.'
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national'
'countries': 'ALAND ISLANDS',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'01/2014\r\n - \r\n 11/2014',
'goals': u'\xc5lands Teknologicentrum (\xc5TC) \xe4r en utvecklingsenhet f\xf6r innovation och tillv\xe4xt vid \xc5lands landskapsregerings n\xe4ringsavdelning. Verksamheten syftar till att fr\xe4mja och utveckla innovationer och aff\xe4rsid\xe9er med f\xf6ruts\xe4ttningar att skapa tillv\xe4xt i samh\xe4llet.'
'head_office_address': u'10\xa0Elverksgatan\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Mariehamn\xa0AX-22100\r\n ALAND ISLANDS',
'id': '590028612414-77'
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'VI - Organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'Local, regional and municipal authorities (at sub-national level)',
'name': u'\xc5lands Teknologicentrum',
'num_natural_members': '0'
'num_org_members': '0',
'10/12/13 12:42:04',
'telephone': u'(+358)\xa018 25000',
'27/11/14 12:37:01'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'o\tIPA Cross border project Shkoder (Albania) \u2013 Bar (Montenegro), not selected o\tProject proposal under the EACEA Call from the \u2018Europe for citizens\u2019 program, 2013; in partnership with Belgium NGO \u2018Mobiel 21\u2019\u2026 not selectedo\tTIDE Project proposal on Bike racks in Shkodra City \u2018European Project for the Champion Cycling Cities in Europe\u2019 \u2026 not selected o\tProject Proposal in Partnership with Mediterranean Countries \u2018EuroVelo8\u2019 \u2026 in processo\tPartnerships in European Proposals (Los HIPPODAMOS, CLUSTER) \u2026 in process',
'area_of_interest': 'European'
'countries': 'BELGIUM',
'GO2 is founded since one year and a half, and it was just the most difficult year of economic crisis and the political campaign in Albania. We have applied in a lot of national, European and trans-national (regional)projects, but it was not selected...There are even some projects in process...',
'fax_number': ''
'10/2013\r\n - \r\n 11/2013',
u'1. Raise awareness about the values and opportunities of a sustainable (urban) travel lifestyle in general and walking and cycling for all and for all purposes in particular.2. Develop programs, operations, activities and services that fit best with a sustainable (urban) travel life style in general and walking and cycling in particular.Based on the above and on the commitment of its goals, \u2018GO2\u2019 shall pursue a successful path in sustainable (urban) mobility for the Albanian society.',
u'1\xa0Gjergj Fishta, Nd. 60, H.3, Ap. 27\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Tirana\xa01023\r\n ALBANIA',
'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
'board member',
'GO2_Sustainable Urban Mobility Organization',
u'ECF (European Cyclists\u2019 Federation) is an umbrella federation for national cycling organizations (organizations which promote bike for urban mobility in Europe). \u2018GO2\u2019 is the first Albanian organization accepted as membership.',
'num_org_members': ''
'org_members': ''
'10/01/14 13:47:02'
'telephone': u'(+35569)\xa05590290'
'10/01/14 13:47:48'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'At the moment we have not had any EU related funding / project involvement.'
'countries': 'ALBANIA',
'fax_number': '',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 01/2014',
'SEDA Institute is a non-profit research organization incorporated in Albania aiming to promote sustainable social and economic development ideas, approaches, models, for Southeast Europe. Through our research and development of approaches / models we intend to guide policy makers into well-informed decision making.Our main topics of interest relate to the overall development of communities and societies in the SEE region: Employment & Skills, Smart Energy, Evidence-based Policy Making, Money & Financial Literacy, Urban development, Public & private Governance.We focus mainly on the youth, as they are the perfect target group in building a sustainable and long-term approach. Furthermore, we kepp a special attention toward vulnerable groups and communities and the effect socioeconomic development of the society as a whole is having on them.',
u'ap.21\xa0Rr. M. Gjollesha, p.67, sh.3\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Tirana\xa01001\r\n ALBANIA',
'id': '567699814020-46',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions'
'lobbying_subsection': 'Think tanks and research institutions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Executive Director'
'name': 'SEDA Institute',
'networking': '',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': ''
'19/07/14 02:59:20',
'telephone': u'(+355)\xa0672551283'
'update_date': '19/07/14 03:47:45'
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': u'GESTO SOLIDARIO NAVIDADEl s\xe1bado 14 de diciembre la Presidencia y Gran Maestrazgo organiz\xf3 una merienda especial para las ni\xf1as internas del Hogar Santa Celina (Hermanas Trinitarias, Di\xf3cesis de San Miguel). La jornada comenz\xf3 a las 16.30 h con el show de ilusionismo que brind\xf3 el mago Dar\xedo Metri; una hora de asombro e ilusi\xf3n juntoa reflexiones y moralejas dej\xf3 tanto a ni\xf1as como adultos emocionados. Luego lleg\xf3 el momento del parque de la Casa en donde Se\xf1oras Miembros de la Asociaci\xf3n organizaron la merienda y refrigerio; simult\xe1neamente las ni\xf1as se encontraron con los obsequios y regalos que estaban preparados para ellas. Lueo fue el turno de Monita, Purpurina y Brilloso Saez, encantadores clown que hicieron bailar y jugar a las nenas del Hogar. Los Miembros de la Asociaci\xf3n ayudaron y amenizaron la bella tarde compartida que finaliz\xf3 pasadas las 19.30 h. La OSMBA dej\xf3 donaciones de alimentos para la mesa de Navidad.'
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Representaci\xf3n en Italia: Caballero Fernando Antonio Toma, v\xeda Giuseppe Verdi n\xba 22, 73020, Nociglia, Lecce',
'financial_year': '06/2012\r\n - \r\n 06/2013',
'goals': u'La Asociaci\xf3n Civil sin fines de lucro es filantr\xf3pica. Esta basada en la deontolog\xeda cristiana, con car\xe1cter ecum\xe9nico, fraterno y solidaria en su fuero interno y externo. Su labor es realizar obras de caridad, apoyo y difusi\xf3n de la tradici\xf3n, culturas universales en preservaci\xf3n de los valores ciudadanos.Promueve la gloria de Dios, de su Sant\xedsima Madre en la advocaci\xf3n de Nuestra Se\xf1ora de Buenos Aires, y de San Mart\xedn de Tours. Consagra el trabajo y el esfuerzo societario en defensa, apoyo y ayuda a todos los necesitados, independientemente de su raza, sexo, religi\xf3n, condici\xf3n social y opini\xf3n ideol\xf3gica y pol\xedtica, sin solicitar retribuci\xf3n alguna.Perpet\xfaa y testimonia el ideal de la caballer\xeda cristiana (lealtad, cortes\xeda, honestidad, vocaci\xf3n de servicio por el pr\xf3jimo especialmente por los ni\xf1os y ancianos, y todos los que sufren esclavitud, marginaci\xf3n, tortura, violencia f\xedsica y/o moral, menesterosos y todo tipo de necesidades, dedic\xe1ndose especialmente a la asistencia de los enfermos y personas con capacidades diferentes, seg\xfan los dict\xe1menes que regula y consagra la caballer\xeda y hospitalidad cristiana).Propicia y colabora con el crecimiento espiritual de la humanidad. Consagra la confraternidad entre los Miembros de la Asociaci\xf3n y entre \xe9stos y otras Asociaciones de igual naturaleza. Defiende la integridad del individuo Desarrolla un ambiente de cordialidad y solidaridad entre sus asociados y propende al mejoramiento intelectual y cultural de los mismos'
'head_office_address': u'N\xb0 4552\xa0Repubblica del Libano 4552\xa0Villa Lynch\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n SAN MARTIN - PROVINCIA DE BUENOS AIRES\xa01672\r\n ARGENTINA',
'id': '526997612690-03',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Principe Gran Maestro',
'name': u'Asociaci\xf3n Civil Orden de Caballeros de Nuestra Se\xf1ora Santa Maria de Buenos Aires',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '42',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': ''
'registration_date': '22/01/14 20:09:37',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:04:57.177196',
'telephone': u'(+5411)\xa047120147',
'update_date': '22/01/14 20:11:22'
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': u'Gestionar servicios para el barrio que carece de los mismos.Colaborar con las familias para que satisfagan sus necesidades b\xe1sicas insatisfechas.Conseguir un local para realizar mayor n\xfamero de actividades.Asesorar jur\xeddicamenbte a las familias del barrio.Realizar mediaciones entre los vecinos.Inteceder entre los vecinos y las autoridades municipales, provinciales y nacionales.Representar a los vecinos cuando lo requieran.',
'countries': '',
'05/2012\r\n - \r\n 05/2013'
u'Lograr el desarrollo sostenido de la zona catastral 5 de la ciudad de Funes, Santa Fe, Argentina.Mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas, en especial ni\xf1os y pobres.Apoyar el desarrollo democr\xe1tico de las instituciones.Bregar por la igualdad de oportunidad para todos.'
u'446\xa0Avila\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Funes\xa02132\r\n ARGENTINA'
'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
u'Asociaci\xf3n Vecinal Barrio Villa del Sol'
'26/01/11 17:18:14'
'30/12/13 16:30:23'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'La Soberana Casa Real e Imperial de Rurikovich cumple sus funciones y servicios para la noble causa de mantener la paz y los conflictos entre las naciones, los grupos de individuos y organizaciones nacionales e internacionales.',
'extra_financial_info': '50000 Euros'
'fax_number': u'Papel AdministrativoJunto con los ministros, el o la Jefe/a de Gobierno constituye el gobierno central. En el a\xf1o 2006 se estableci\xf3 que el Jefe de Gobierno y los Ministros, ser\xedan los responsables de los actos que competen a Nuestra Entidad. El Jefe de Gobierno tiene un poder limitado; aunque goza de inmunidad, el poder de verdad lo ejercen los del Gran Consejo y Ministros. El Jefe de Gobierno es neutral y no opina sobre temas pol\xedticos. Las Leyes y Decretos aprobados por el Gran Consejo y Ministros van firmadas tanto por el Jefe de Gobierno, como por el Ministro responsable en tal acci\xf3n. Sin embargo, cuando se llega a un acuerdo de cambio sobre el nuevo gabinete, el Jefe de Gobierno toma juramento a los nuevos miembros del Gran Consejo, Ministros y Secretario de Gobierno.',
'10/2012\r\n - \r\n 10/2013',
u'Nosotros, influidos por el Esp\xedritu Noble y Humanista de Desarrollo GlobalNos comprometemos a utilizar la tecnolog\xeda y el desarrollo cient\xedfico para el bien de la Humanidad, como \xfanico fin para conservar la Raza Humana, y los dem\xe1s recursos Naturales.Creemos, y valoramos la Diplomacia como la fuerza inteligente, garante de los Derechos de los necesitados. Como Vos de la Conciencia Internacional, que debe de estar en manos de personas capaces en diversos campos, tantos tecnol\xf3gicos, como humanos. Luchamos por una diplomacia anti-globalizaci\xf3n, de conocimiento de las personas, sus culturas y sus pueblos.Nos reafirmamos en la dignidad de las Mujeres y de los Hombres, pero m\xe1s en la de los ni\xf1os y ancianos, en sus Derechos de justicia y el respeto, emanadas de los tratados de otras fuentes del Derecho Internacional.Creemos en una Justicia imparcial, que haga promover el equilibrio social, y a elevar el nivel de igualdad entre los Seres.Creemos que se deben aunar fuerzas para el mantenimiento de la Paz, sin entrar en la Crisis de la Guerra, buscar la Seguridad Internacional, a trav\xe9s del respeto de los pueblos, dejara que las mentes claras y l\xfacidas de cient\xedficos, literatos, estudiosos, jueces, madres, tengan capacidad de decisi\xf3n en lo que afecta a sus vidas.Lucharemos contra el materialismo, la impiedad y la tiran\xeda en el mundo. Defenderemos la Santidad del individuo y afirmaremos la basa de la espiritualidad humana.Aunamos por una defensa colectiva y medidas positivas y econ\xf3micas para erradicar la pobreza y las injusticias que amenazan la Paz en todo el Mundo.-Reconocemos a todos los seres humanos como hijos de Dios, sin relaci\xf3n a raza o sexo y que tienen el derecho a buscar su bienestar material y desarrollo espiritual en condiciones de dignidad, de seguridad econ\xf3mica y de igualdad de oportunidades. La consecuci\xf3n del marco de referencia para que esto sea posible debe construir el objetivo central de toda pol\xedtica internacional.Entendemos que la felicidad y la dignidad no solo dependen del bienestar f\xedsico, sino de cosas en las cuales a las personas les sea posible tomar un inter\xe9s vivo y profundo m\xe1s all\xe1 de sus propias vidas privadas.Creemos en pol\xedticas claras y pr\xe1cticas, siendo aquellas las que aseguren una vivienda decente, atenci\xf3n sanitaria, fomentando que todos tengan la oportunidad de vivir una vida total y activa, pudiendo desarrollar sus talentos naturales en fomentar el patriotismo, expresado en el orgullo hacia la propia tierra y sus logros y el reconocimiento del lugar que le corresponde entre las naciones y sus deberes para con la humanidad. Sostenemos adem\xe1s la idea de que cada naci\xf3n debe establecer los mecanismos apropiados para vigilar y aconsejar la mejor utilizaci\xf3n de los recursos naturales, en vista de la crisis que se producir\xe1 en la larga de minerales esenciales, petr\xf3leo, agua, etc., como tambi\xe9n la agricultura y la forestaci\xf3n.Entendemos que la educaci\xf3n es probablemente la responsabilidad m\xe1s importante que tienen aquellos encargados de la administraci\xf3n para proveer de instrucci\xf3n adecuada a nuestras futuras civilizaciones. Se estima que la \xfanica pol\xedtica educacional realista es la que se dirija a asegurar los requerimientos que exige la era tecnol\xf3gica, debiendo tambi\xe9n respetarse la persona humana y su derecho y deber de hacer una elecci\xf3n justa, sin comprometer la capacidad del individuo de reflexionar y decidir.',
'head_office_address': u'367\xa0Suligoy\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Machagai - Dpto. 25 de Mayo - Chaco\xa03534\r\n ARGENTINA'
'id': '919268512059-72',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'50000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'VI - Organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Embajadora Itineraria y Plenipotenciaria'
'name': 'Soberana Casa Real e Imperial de Rurikovich',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '3,000',
'num_org_members': ''
'org_members': '',
'registration_date': '09/10/13 20:19:26'
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:04:58.863518'
'telephone': u'(+54373)\xa04471061',
'12/09/14 14:52:18'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'01/2011\r\n - \r\n 01/2012',
u'1481\xa0PASO\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n LOMAS DE ZAMORA-BUENOS AIRES\xa01832\r\n ARGENTINA',
'id': '13360869146-65'
'lobbying_expenditure': u'50000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups'
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'PRESIDENT-EXPORTER-IMPORTER',
'12/07/12 19:10:02',
'14/07/14 03:54:04'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'The formulation of policy and legislation concerning the mining and energy industries.',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'fax_number': 'BHP Billiton PlcNeathouse PlaceLondon SW1V 1BHUnited KingdomPhone: (44 20) 7802 4000Fax: (44 20) 7802 4111'
'07/2013\r\n - \r\n 06/2014',
u'We are a leading global resources company. Our purpose is to create long-term shareholder value through the discovery, acquisition, development and marketing of natural resources. We are among the world\u2019s largest producers of major commodities, including aluminium, copper, energy coal, iron ore, manganese, metallurgical coal, nickel, silver and titanium minerals, and uranium along with substantial interests in oil and gas. We are a global organisation and with over 100 locations throughout the world, our success is underpinned by over 120,000 employees and contractors that work at BHP Billiton. We have an unrivalled portfolio of high quality growth opportunities that will ensure we continue to meet the changing needs of our customers and the resources demand of emerging economies at every stage of their growth. We have a proven record of delivering superior shareholder returns. We do this through the disciplined execution of our unchanged strategy of owning and operating large, long-life, low-cost, expandable, upstream assets diversified by commodity, geography and market.Our assets are operated under a simple and scalable organisational structure supported by standardised and controlled processes allowing our people to focus on what is important. Our Charter, which defines our values, purpose and how we measure success, together with our Code of Business Conduct, are the foundation documents of our Company.We are committed to the health and safety of our people, the environment and the communities in which we operate. The long term nature of our operations allow us to establish long lasting relationships with our host communities where we work together to make a positive contribution to the lives of people who live near our operations and to society more generally. Our ability to grow our organisation safely and in an environmentally responsible way is essential. As a globally significant producer, exporter and consumer of energy, we are committed to managing the risks of climate change. We actively seek to reduce water usage and carbon emissions across our business, monitoring and reporting on these annually in our Sustainability Report.',
u'171\xa0Collins Street\xa0Melbourne Victoria\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Melbourne\xa03000\r\n AUSTRALIA',
'id': '063208210070-07',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'50,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of Government Affairs, Europe',
'name': 'BHP Billiton'
'BHP Billiton is a member of the Confederation of British Industry, Eurometaux, Business in the Community and the International Chamber of Commerce UK.',
'registration_date': '07/11/12 13:06:11'
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:04.353133'
'telephone': u'(+613)\xa096093333',
'10/11/14 12:48:53'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Matters impacting our business and our clients in the areas of share registration, employee equity plans, proxy solicitation and other specialised financial, governance and communication services.'
'extra_financial_info': '',
'07/2013\r\n - \r\n 06/2014'
'goals': u'The Computershare group, including Georgeson, is a global provider of share registration, employee equityplans, proxy solicitation and other specialised financial, governance and communication services. Many ofthe world\u2019s largest companies employ our services and solutions to manage their relationships withinvestors, employees, and other stakeholders. Computershare employs over 12,000 employees worldwide.It services more than 17,000 clients and 100 million shareholder and employee accounts, from itsinternational network spanning 17 countries on five continents. Within Europe, our businesses are locatedin the Channel Islands, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and theUK.'
'head_office_address': u'452\xa0Johnston Street\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Abbotsford\xa03067\r\n AUSTRALIA'
'id': '76027731998-38'
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Companies & groups'
'President, Global Capital Markets'
'Computershare Limited',
'ICSA Registrars Group (UK & Ireland)International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)'
'14/07/09 18:47:19'
u'(+613)\xa09415 5000',
'09/07/14 16:19:40'
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Enproc is yet to undertake any EU activity.'
"Other than the UNFCCC, all of Enproc's income has been from Australian and USA based clients.",
'fax_number': '',
'07/2013\r\n - \r\n 06/2014',
'Enproc is a consultancy and its aim is to provide cost effective and high quality advice on climate change actions, greenhouse gas monitoring, reporting and abatement, energy efficiency and climate change risk management.'
'head_office_address': u'3/54-60\xa0Albany Street\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Crows Nest\xa02065\r\n AUSTRALIA'
'id': '509342114024-12'
'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants'
'Professional consultancies'
'Managing Director',
'Enproc Pty Limited',
'Enproc does belong to any association or federation but Arek Sinanian has established, and is the administrator of the LinkedIn Group; Climate Change Professionals which has over 7,500 members from more than 160 countries.',
'21/07/14 04:32:00'
'21/07/14 04:32:43'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
u"The European Australian Business Council (EABC) is one of Australia\u2019s most active and high profile business forums which brings together Australian and European business and government leaders and officials in dialogue on economic and public policy developments affecting the trade, commerce and investment relationship between Australia and Europe. The Council's membership includes senior corporate and policy figures, including chairmen and CEOs of major public companies, former ministers, diplomats, and senior officials. The European Union as a whole is Australia\u2019s largest economic partner with annual trade close to $70 billion and an investment relationship valued at over $1 trillion. The EABC is an independent, private sector organisation which works co-operatively with the Australian Government, and the institutions of the European Union and its Member States."
'head_office_address': u'43\xa0Phillip Street\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n SYDNEY\xa02000\r\n AUSTRALIA'
'id': '56953548578-36',
'lobbying_expenditure': ''
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Trade, business & professional associations',
'13/04/12 00:06:09',
'24/03/14 07:34:36'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Fact-based advocacyThe Institute positions and promotes the critical role of CCS in a low-carbon economy. We do this by connecting and advising key domestic and international influencers on the overall benefits of CCS.We also raise the profile of CCS as a vital, safe and clean energy technology through ongoing media and public awareness campaigns. Greater understanding of the technology advances the development, demonstration, and deployment of CCS and leads to the formation of appropriate incentives, funding, financing and risk solutions.Knowledge sharingThe Institute generates, collects and shares information, experiences and lessons learnt by connecting people and networks. This enables government and industry to accelerate the uptake of technology, improve public awareness, reduce costs and drive innovation.Strengthening capacity for CCS implementationThe Institute helps Members to build capability for implementing CCS demonstration across people, technology and policy matters.We do this by working directly with stakeholders to support the development of appropriate policies and programs, building understanding of financial and commercial issues as they affect projects, and deploying capability development programs.As a result, we are able to make progress on a range of complex challenges that have an impact on the demonstration of CCS.',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': 'the Global CCS Institute financial report is provided annually to Members',
'fax_number': 'Europe, the Middle East and Africa emeaoffice@globalccsinstitute.comLevel 21, Bastion Tower, 5 Place du Champs de Mars,B-1050, Bruxelles, Brussels, BelgiumThe Americas \tamericasoffice@globalccsinstitute.com5425 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 600Chevy Chase MD 20815 United StatesJapan \tjapanoffice@globalccsinstitute.com14F Hibiya Central Building 1-2-9 Nishisimbashi, Minato-kuTokyo 105-0003 JapanChina \tchinaoffice@globalccsinstitute.comSuite 1311, Level 13, Building 1East Area, Qinghejiayuan, Haidian DistrictBeijing China 100085',
'financial_year': '07/2012\r\n - \r\n 06/2013',
'The Institute accelerates the development, demonstration and deployment of CCS globally through our knowledge sharing activities, fact-based influential advice and advocacy, and work to create favourable conditions to implement CCS.Our vision for CCS:CCS is an integral part of a low-carbon futureOur mission:To accelerate the development, demonstration and deployment of CCS globallyOur objectivesAuthoritative knowledge sharingFact-based influential advice and advocacyCreate favourable conditions to implement CCSOur outcomesIncreased public understanding and acceptance of CCSIncreased commercial opportunities for CCSEqual treatment of CCS with other clean energy technologies in energy and climate change policy'
'head_office_address': u'707\xa0Level 6, Collins Street\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa023335\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Docklands\xa0VIC 3008\r\n AUSTRALIA',
'id': '378142414263-73',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'250000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 300000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Think tanks and research institutions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'General Manager EMEA',
'name': 'Global CCS Institute Ltd',
'networking': 'Zero Emission Technology Platform (ZEP), Climate Technology Centre Network (CTCN)',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '25/08/14 17:03:46',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:07.254896',
'telephone': u'(+61)\xa03 8620 7300',
'update_date': '26/08/14 11:44:37'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Directive on Professions - Green Paper'
'The balance sheet of the ICEC can be found on the ICEC website'
'The confederation has members in almost all European countries. The associations worldwide are divided into 4 regions, out of which REGION 2 is relevant to Europe and Middle East. Further information can be found at ICEC website.'
'07/2013\r\n - \r\n 06/2014',
'The ICEC is a non profit, non political, organisation founded in 1976, aiming at promoting cooperation between national and international cost engineering, quantity surveying and project management organisations worldwide. Region 2 council is in charge for Europe and Middle East.The ICEC has been registered as NGO at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.'
u'6/65\xa0York Street\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Sydney NSW\xa02000\r\n AUSTRALIA',
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Trade, business & professional associations'
'ICEC Region 2 Director & Delegate for the Italian Association AICE'
'International Cost Engineering Council',
'09/01/12 09:10:36',
'06/11/14 04:37:26'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Submissions to: ECB public consultation on Security of Internet PaymentsEC Green Paper on mobile and online payments'
'extra_financial_info': ''
'fax_number': '',
'07/2011\r\n - \r\n 03/2012',
"Payer Authentication for card not present credit card transactionsStrong Customer Authentication to ECB 'Security of Internet Payments'Identity Managemente-mandate authenticatione-contract signingRemote, dynamic, online AML KYC for non banking online service providers"
u'PO Box 429\xa0Richmond\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa0429\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Richmond\xa03121\r\n AUSTRALIA',
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Companies & groups'
'name': 'iSignthis Ltd'
'networking': ''
'15/03/12 10:50:10'
u'(+61)\xa03 8640 0990'
'26/02/14 12:39:03'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Design, Consulting, URBAN Systems for Efficiency development in URBAN CITIES.',
'fax_number': u'Smart City Entwicklung mit Ber\xfccksichtigung der Infrastruktur einbezogen in die umliegenden (Vor-)Orte.',
'01/2014\r\n - \r\n 08/2014',
'Design, Development URBAN Environment. ICT, Energy Systems.'
u'61\xa0Schleinbacherstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Ulrichskirchen\xa02122\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '025475014255-64'
'lobbying_expenditure': ''
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Companies & groups'
'AICO EDV-Beratung GmbH'
'22/08/14 18:07:35'
u'(+43)\xa02245 82448'
'22/08/14 18:08:52'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Schaffung gesetzlicher Rahmenbedingungen durch gezielte legistische InitiativenErleichterter Produkt- und Marktzugang'
'fax_number': '',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
u'- F\xf6rderung Alternativer Investments in \xd6sterreich- Interessenvertretung von Alternative Investmentsfonds Managern, die in \xd6sterreich ihren Firmensitz oder eine Niederlassung haben und innerhalb der Europ\xe4ischen Union t\xe4tig sind bzw. von anderen EU- und von Drittstaaten aus am \xf6sterreichischen Markt aktiv sind. - Steigerung der Bekanntheit und Attraktivit\xe4t von Alternativen Investment Produkten- Permanente Verbesserung des AnlegerschutzesErh\xf6hte Markttransparenz',
u'1/16\xa0Neuer Markt\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '07879611199-77',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Other similar organisations',
'AIFM Federation Austria',
'networking': ''
'20/02/09 16:00:57',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0664 401 42 76'
'update_date': '19/02/14 10:11:54'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Scientific coordination in EU-projects. Partner in FP7 projects, 6 proposals submitted in the last 2 years, one positively valued, recently in the ENV Water Inno&Demo. Title: demEUAmed',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': 'Institute for innovative phytochemistry & closed loop processes',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
u'Alchemia-nova is a SME with competences in future-oriented project studies with inherent longterm social concern. Alchemia-nova took part as a partner and on occasion as science-leader in several EU (HELICAS) and national research-projects. The core ventures involve analysis, development, evaluation and implemention of new technologies and products for a more sustainable economy and everyday culture in theory and practice. Alchemia-nova were laureates of the OGUT-Environment Award 2007 and the Energy Globe Award Lower Austria 2010.Further on they are involved in cooperation on numerous research projects in partnership with private enterprises with the aim to substitute conventional synthetic and objectionable chemical ingredients with harmless natural substances (plastics, detergents, preservatives, insulating material, rubber gloves, epoxy resins, etc.).The specialization involves exploitation of renewable resources and their clean processing as well as the design of biodegradable or perfectly recyclable products (\u201eCradle to Cradle\u201c\xae projects). Alchemia-nova developed the concept of the cascaded utitlization of renewables (short Biocascading), with the focus on utilizing complex natural chemical molecules (naturally formed in plants via photosynthesis) in applications with highest possible value creation.',
'head_office_address': u'93\xa0Baumgartenstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01140\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '174549611338-89',
'lobbying_expenditure': ''
'lobbying_section': 'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Think tanks and research institutions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'CEO',
'name': 'alchemia-nova OG',
'networking': 'CSR circle Austria memberISWA memberEco-Cluster Vienna memberPermaculture Austria member',
'num_natural_members': '2',
'num_org_members': ''
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '12/06/13 21:45:34'
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:12.694784',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa018101000',
'16/05/14 12:38:37'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': u'Richtlinie 2013/36/EU des Europ\xe4ischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 26. Juni 2013 \xfcber den Zugang zur T\xe4tigkeit von Kreditinstituten und die Beaufsichtigung von Kreditinstituten und Wertpapierfirmen, zur \xc4nderung der Richtlinie 2002/87/EG und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinien 2006/48/EG und 2006/49/EG Text von Bedeutung f\xfcr den EWR'
'Unsere Bearatungsleistung bezieht sich im Allgemeinen zum Erhalt der regionalen Bankstrukturen. In diesem Bereich sind wir non-profit ausgerichtet.',
'fax_number': '',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'Interessenschwerpunkte: Beratung von Banken und SparkassenBeratung von InsolvenzverwalternBeratung von Leasinggesellschaften',
u'68\xa0Grabenweg\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Innsbruck\xa06020\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '01460679080-67',
'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrer der ALFA AUKTION GmbH'
'name': u'ALFA AUKTION GmbH und ALFA ASSET RECOVERY Gesellschaft f\xfcr Restrukturierung und Verwertung mbH',
'networking': '',
'03/07/12 12:52:39',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:13.415934'
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa051236102810',
'04/07/14 10:00:44'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'\xdcberblick und Darstellung der forcierten T\xe4tigkeiten des amcAUSTRIA in 2013: \xb7Vereinsangelegenheiten: Abstimmungen, Anpassungen, \xb7europ\xe4isches Transparenzregister (Anpassung der Daten, \u2026) \xb7Homepage: Laufende Anpassung und Wartung, Einrichtung Downloadbereich VO und wichtige Unterlagen zur GMO\xb72 Infoevents (= GV): Mai und Dezember 2013\xb732 Infoaussendungen zu relevanten Themen\xb7Aktiver Beitrag zur Bewertung, Anpassung der GMO\xb7Reisen zu relevanten Copa Cogeca Meetings (2 \xfcber amcAUSTRIA M\xe4rz und Sept.), Lobbying und Weitergabe von Infos dieser Treffen\xb7Sichtung und Feedback zu GMO / EO-relevanten Unterlagen der Copa Cogeca\xb7Laufende Verfolgung der Einschaltungen der EK zu branchenrelevanten Themen und Verfassung entsprechender Stellungnahmen (VO-\xc4nderungen, -erweiterungen, GAP / GMO neu\u2026)\xb7Input und Feedback zu Nationale Strategie / Nationaler Rahmen neu an F\xf6rderstellen \xb7Verarbeitungsurteil EUGH: Sichtung Unterlagen und Information Mitglieder \xfcber Entwicklung in Br\xfcssel\xb7Thementage: Thementag Umweltma\xdfnahmen und Nachbereitung (Ma\xdfnahmenkatalog)\xb7Organisation amcAUSTRIA-Exkursion nach Polen 19.-21.8.2013 inkl. Nachbericht \xb7amcAUSTRIA HIT-Seminar 21.11.2013'
'extra_financial_info': '',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
u'Der amcAUSTRIA - agrar management club Austria e.V. - ist die Interessensvertretung der \xf6sterreichischen Erzeugerorganisationen (EOs) f\xfcr Obst und Gem\xfcse.Die Mitglieder des amcAUSTRIA sind die \xf6sterreichischen Erzeugerorganisationen f\xfcr Obst und Gem\xfcse. Ziel von Erzeugerorganisationen ist eine B\xfcndelung des Angebots und eine damit einhergehende Verbesserung der Position der landwirtschaftlichen Produzenten am Markt. Sie sind wesentliche Akteure, die die St\xe4rkung der Verhandlungsposition der Erzeuger gegen\xfcber der wachsenden Konzentration auf Handelsseite und das Erzielen von Mehrwert durch die Erzeuger anstreben.Eine umfassende Repr\xe4sentation und Unterst\xfctzung der Anliegen der Erzeugerorganisationen nach au\xdfen hin sowie der st\xe4ndige Informations- und Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen den Mitgliedern stehen im Fokus der Aufgaben des amcAUSTRIA.Obmann des amcAUSTRIA ist Ing. Josef Peck, MBA - Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrer der Erzeugerorganisation Sonnengem\xfcse Vertriebs GmbH. Die Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrung hat die gfa-consulting gmbh mit Sitz in Weiz in der Steiermark ( inne.'
'head_office_address': u'15\xa0Franz-Bruckner-Gasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Weiz\xa08160\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '89339439558-44',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations'
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrung',
u'amcAUSTRIA-Interessensvertretung der \xf6sterreichischen Erzeugerorganisationen f\xfcr Obst und Gem\xfcse e.V.',
'networking': '',
'07/09/12 09:08:40'
'11/08/14 08:37:54'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': u'Europ\xe4ische SaatgutgesetzgebungPatenteGentechnik'
'extra_financial_info': ''
'fax_number': ''
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
'goals': u'Erhaltung, Verbreitung und Entwicklung pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen ex situ sowie in situ / on farmBildungsarbeit, \xd6ffentlichkeitsarbeit, Beratung, Advocacy'
'head_office_address': u'40\xa0Obere Stra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Schiltern\xa03553\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '50668704394-89'
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'name': 'Arche Noah'
'networking': '',
'22/10/10 14:35:47',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa027348626'
'03/10/14 14:15:20'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
u'The society ARGE DATEN registered in Austria is examining the interaction between the usage of computer science, information law and society. The society is a non profit making non governmental organization.The organization wants to achieve that information technology and telecommunication are used in a human way with social responsibility and under protection of privacy. Information is provided to achieve these aims. ARGE DATEN\xb4s effort is to have a close cooperation with research institutions, universities, the industry and related authorities.We believe that effective privacy rights are the best guarantee for meaningful and beneficial spread of information technologies.',
'head_office_address': u'20\xa0Redtenbachergasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01160\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
'13/01/11 09:26:26'
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0676 91 07 032'
'31/12/13 11:11:02'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Leonardo da Vinci Development of innovation project ECVision. Cooperation with EUROCADRES.'
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'Most of the costs are connected to the realisation of the ECVision project results and cooperation with EUROCADRES.',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
'The goals of the organisations are:To promoteexchange of information between national organisations and training institutes;exchange of experiences between experts of counselling;and disseminate supervision and coaching;quality assurance of supervision and coaching (standards).To supportfounding of national organisations for supervision and coaching;the development of their own culture of supervision and coaching;training initiatives in European countries;research and to accord study initiatives to develop theories and methodologies for supervision and coaching.ANSE promotes the learning about cultural diversities and supports cooperation.'
'head_office_address': u'4/8\xa0Heinrichgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '270188313855-71'
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'vice president',
'name': 'Association of national organisations for supervision in Europe'
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '9,000'
'num_org_members': '22',
u'Austra \xd6VS\xa0(1,229\xa0members);Association for supervision in Bosnia and Herzegovina\xa0(30\xa0members);Croatia HDSOR\xa0(68\xa0members);Germany DGSv\xa0(3,757\xa0members);Hungary MSZCT\xa0(95\xa0members);Ireland SAI\xa0(25\xa0members);Italy BSC/ASC\xa0(44\xa0members);Latvia\xa0(25\xa0members);Netherlands LVSC\xa0(2,078\xa0members);Slovenia DS\xa0(33\xa0members);Norway NOSCO\xa0(22\xa0members);Spain ISPA\xa0(38\xa0members);Switzerland BSO\xa0(1,173\xa0members);Lithuania LPSKA\xa0(38\xa0members);Estonia ESCU\xa0(26\xa0members);Slovakia ASSP\xa0(15\xa0members);Finland PIAF\xa0(20\xa0members);Great Britain BASPR\xa0(50\xa0members);Romania ASSR\xa0(24\xa0members);Sweden FHIN and SHPA\xa0(60\xa0members);Iceland HANDIS\xa0(22\xa0members);Greece ASG\xa0(5\xa0members)',
'registration_date': '26/06/14 15:42:37',
'telephone': u'(+386)\xa040230376',
'26/06/14 15:45:35'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': u'Finanzm\xe4rkte, Steuersystem, Handelspolitik, Landwirtschaftspolitik, EU-Politik, Transparenz \xf6ffentlicher Verwaltung, Sozialsystem, Alterantive Wege aus der Krise'
'countries': 'AUSTRIA'
'extra_financial_info': '',
'01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012'
u'Attac (\u201eAssociation pour une Taxation des Transactions financi\xe8res pour I Aide aux Citoyens\u201c, zu Deutsch: Vereinigung zur Besteuerung von Finanztransaktionen im Interesse der B\xfcrgerInnen) ist Teil einer weltweiten globalisierungskritischen Bewegung, die sich f\xfcr eine demokratische und sozial gerechte Gestaltung der weltweiten Wirtschaft einsetzt. Attac ist \xfcberparteilich und dem Grundsatz der Gewaltfreiheit verpflichtet.Attac \xd6sterreich wurde 2000 gegr\xfcndet und finanziert sich ausschlie\xdflich aus Mitgliedsbeitr\xe4gen, Spenden und Projekt-bezogenen Subventionen. Die Aktivit\xe4ten von Attac \xd6sterreich umfassen eine breit angelegte Bildungs- und \xd6ffentlichkeitsarbeit: Kampagnen, Veranstaltungen, Vortr\xe4ge, Publikationen, Stra\xdfenaktionen, Pressearbeit auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene.'
u'166/3/25\xa0Margaretenstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01050\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrer'
'name': 'Attac Austria',
u'europ\xe4isches und internationales Netzwerk der Attac Organisationen',
'15/04/11 15:20:20'
'22/04/14 14:41:12'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'bisher noch keine Beteiligung'
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
u'Medienbildung, F\xf6rderung der Kompetenz zur Medienkommunikation, Audio-Archivierung von Literatur der Gegenwart als Beitrag zur F\xf6rderung junger AutorInnen (',
u'17\xa0Haindorferstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n langenlois\xa03550\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': ''
'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
u'Verband Freier Radios \xd6sterreichIG Kultur \xd6sterreichInitiative "Medienbildung jetzt!"'
'05/02/14 10:07:33'
'update_date': '05/02/14 10:08:12'}
Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'EU-Richtlinie zur Umsetzung des Nagoya-Protokolls der Convention on Biological Diversity'
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
u'Allf\xe4llige Kosten (z.B. Reise- oder Veranstaltungskosten) werden derzeit von den Mitgliederorganisationen direkt \xfcbernommen, so dass die Arbeitsgemeinschaft selbst kein eigenes Budget ben\xf6tigt.',
'fax_number': ''
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
'Founded in 1998, the Austrian Botanic Gardens Working group (ABGW) today comprises 18 members. They represent different types of Botanic Gardens (federal, state, public university, private) as well as different collection sizes (from less than 400 species in a specialized university garden to more than 25.000 species in the Austrian Federal Gardens). One aim of the ABGW is to coordinate and optimize seed exchange and conservation programs (incl. seed banking) in accord with CBD-regulations incl. ABS issues and in line with Target 8 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation of the CBD, e.g. by looking into seed collection activities.More information about the ABGW (in German) can be found at the ABGW-homesite:'
'head_office_address': u'14\xa0Rennweg\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n WIEN\xa01030\r\n AUSTRIA'
'id': '59846467501-19',
'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions'
'Academic institutions'
'elected representative',
'Austrian Botanic Gardens Working Group'
'EU Consortium of Botanical GardensIABG International Association of Botanical Gardens'
'19/12/11 17:54:23',
u'(+43)\xa01 4277 54198',
'24/11/14 09:40:56'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u"Veranstaltungen zum Thema ECI, Workshops in Br\xfcssel zum Thema 'Ziviler Dialog zwischen EU-Institutionen und B\xfcrgern'"
'countries': 'AUSTRIA'
'extra_financial_info': '',
'The Institute is borne by an Association under Austrian law provisions; run by the Republic of Austria and by the Austrian Federal Chancellery. The President of the Institute is the attendant Minister of Science and Research.The Director of the Institute since 1986:Chair Professor Dr. Johannes W. Pichler, Professor for European Legal Developments at the University of Graz, Austriaany further information of importance is displayed on',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
'goals': u'Research institution working on European law related issues,actual issues are inter alia:EU + direct democracy + Civil Dialogues ( Art 11(1) and (2) TEU nv ) + EU Human Rights + EU Citizens\xb4Rights * EU Referendum'
'head_office_address': u'2a\xa0M\xf6nchsberg\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Salzburg\xa05020\r\n AUSTRIA'
'id': '06983483687-02'
'lobbying_expenditure': ''
'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions'
'Think tanks and research institutions',
'Austrian Institute for European Law and Policy',
u'Republik \xd6sterreich, Bundesministerium f\xfcr Wissenschaft und Forschung\xa0(2\xa0members);Austrian Federal Chancellery\xa0(2\xa0members);Verein F\xf6rderer Institut f\xfcr Rechtspolitik\xa0(2\xa0members)',
'30/05/10 23:00:02',
'19/05/14 09:18:42'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'Europ\xe4isches Infrastrukturpaket - Netzprojekte von europ\xe4ischem Interesse; Energieeffizienz-Richtlinie; Entwicklung Network Codes'
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
u'Die Austrian Power Grid AG (APG) ist \xd6sterreichs \xdcbertragungsnetzbetreiber und sorgt mit einem Team von 450 Spezialistinnen und Spezialisten und in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Verteilnetzbetreibern daf\xfcr, dass die Republik \xd6sterreich rund um die Uhr das ganze Jahr mit Strom versorgt wird. Im Jahr 2013 erwirtschaftete die APG einen Umsatzerl\xf6s von rund 573.710 TEUR.'
u'19\xa0Wagramer Stra\xdfe, IZD-Tower\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01220\r\n AUSTRIA',
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Companies & groups',
'European Affairs',
'Austrian Power Grid AG'
u'Oesterreichs Energie, Industriellenvereinigung, ENTSO-E, Forschungsinstitut f\xfcr Regulierungs\xf6konomie, Wirtschaftskammer'
'10/12/13 16:11:53',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:20.376958'
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0503200'
'18/11/14 09:28:14'
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'The Confederation of European Senior Expert Services a.i.s.b.l., known as CESES, is an international not-for-profit association of 21 organisations from the member states of the European Union. The first such legal entity of its kind in Europe, it encompasses the skills of over 24,000 volunteers. Combining the vast resources of these organisations, CESES offers professional, voluntary, short-term assistance and advice to enterprises and institutions.InquiriesCESES is pleased to receive your comments and to answer any questions you may have, using the email address - info@ceses.netImportant Note:CESES is ready to serve your needs from the rich resources of its 21 Member Organisations in 14 countries. Should you, however, wish to limit your request to a given country or Member organisation, you are kindly asked to limit such requests to one CESES Member Organisation only.'
'Jacques Van EgtenCESES - PresidentBoulevard du Souverain, 53, bte17B-1160 Brussels, BelgiumTel : +32 2 219 7318mobile : +32 475660491'
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
u'ASEP ist ein unabh\xe4ngiger Non-Profit-Verein.Wir, die Senior Experts, kommen aus vielen Bereichen der Industrie, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft und stehen UnternehmerInnen und Unternehmen zur Verf\xfcgung beiUnternehmensgr\xfcndungenUnternehmensentwicklungenNachfolgeregelungenWir sind F\xfchrungskr\xe4fte ausHandel, Gewerbe, Industrie, Dienstleistungen, Agrarbereich, \xf6ffentlicher Verwaltung sowie Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen, die sich aus dem aktiven Berufsleben zur\xfcckgezogen haben.Wir geben unser Wissen und unsere langj\xe4hrige Erfahrung an die nachfolgende Generation weiter.Wir beraten fachkompetent, praxisbezogen und verantwortungsbewusst, verf\xfcgen \xfcber ein breit gef\xe4chertes Know How, arbeiten effizient und ergebnisorientiert in flexiblen Teams.',
u'14/Top 23\xa0Getreidemarkt\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
'Vorsitzender BEKO (Beratungs und Kontrollausschuss'
'Austrian Senior Experts Pool',
u'Verb\xe4ndeConfederation of European Senior Expert Services ( CESES ) Br\xfcsselSenior Experten Service ( SES ) BonnAktivsenioren Bayern ( ABS ) BayernChina Association for International Experts Programme ( CAIEP ) PekingEuropean Service f\xfcr Personalvermittlung & Unternehmensgr\xfcndung (EUSPUG)UNIDOBundes- und Landesbeh\xf6rdenBundesministerium f\xfcr Unterricht Kunst und KulturBundesministerium f\xfcr Land- , Forst- , Umwelt und WasserwirtschaftBundesministerium f\xfcr Wirtschaft, Familie und JugendBundesministerium f\xfcr Arbeit, Soziales und KonsumentenschutzStaatssekretariat f\xfcr IntegrationArbeitsmarktservice ( AMS )Amt der N\xd6. LandesregierungAmt der O\xd6. LandesregierungAmt der Steierm\xe4rkischen LandesregierungKammern und Verb\xe4ndeWirtschaftskammer \xd6sterreich ( WKO )Au\xdfenwirtschaft \xd6sterreich ( AWO )Industriellenvereinigung ( IV )Junge Wirtschaft \xd6sterreich ( JW\xd6 )Wirtschaftsagentur Wien (WAW)Austria Wirtschaftsservice (AWS)ZIT \u2013 Die Technologieagentur der Stadt Wien\xd6komanagementBankenUnicreditErste BankRaiffeisenbankOesterreichische NationalbankBawagTechnologiezentren, Gr\xfcnder und ForschungseinrichtungenAustrian Foundation for Quality Management ( AFQM )INiTS Universit\xe4res Gr\xfcnderservice WienScience Park GrazTech2b LinzBusiness Creation Center Salzburg ( BCCS )ZAT Zentrum f\xfcr angewandte Technologie Leobenaccent Gr\xfcnderserviceDiverseAustrian Task Management Group ( ATMG )Wirtschaftsforum der F\xfchrungskr\xe4fte ( WdF )Seniors4successCONWORKS \u2013 Unternehmerverbund'
'num_natural_members': '170'
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': ''
'24/05/13 12:13:56'
u'(+43)\xa01 7131318',
'29/05/14 09:09:34'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Beantwortung von Konsultationen'
'countries': ''
'extra_financial_info': ''
'fax_number': ''
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
u'Initiierung technologiepolitischer Infrastrukturprojekte und Unterst\xfctzung technologiepolitischer Ma\xdfnahmen, die zur Erneuerung/Verbesserung der technologischen Wettbewerbsf\xe4higkeit \xd6sterreichs beitragen.Durchf\xfchrung und Abwicklung technologiepolitischer Projekte mit strategischer Bedeutung, insbesondere bez\xfcglich Vernetzung von Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft.Beratung und Unterst\xfctzung des Eigent\xfcmers in nationalen und internationalen technologiepolitischen Fragen insbesondere im Bereich der Verkehrstelematik und Logistik.Stimulierung der koordinierten Entwicklung und Implementierung neuer Telematiktechnologien im \xf6sterreichischen Verkehrssystem.Durchf\xfchrung von und Beteiligung an strategischen Technologieprojekten zum Nutzen der \xf6sterreichischen Forschung und Technologieentwicklung.',
u'1\xa0Raimundgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01020\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '565949014377-26',
'lobbying_section': 'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions',
'Think tanks and research institutions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrer'
'name': u'AustriaTech - Gesellschaft des Bundes f\xfcr technologiepolitische Ma\xdfnahmen GmbH',
'num_natural_members': '45',
'num_org_members': ''
'org_members': '',
'12/09/14 11:47:22',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa012633444'
'12/09/14 11:47:38'}
Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': 'no EU - Initiatives registered within this Register',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA;GERMANY',
'extra_financial_info': 'Umsatz 2012: 237 MEuro',
'01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
u'11\xa0Schnirchgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01030\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'VI - Organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, etc.'
'Other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'Director Corporate Strategy and International Affairs',
u'Austro Control \xd6sterreichische Gesellschaft f\xfcr Zivilluftfahrt mit beschr\xe4nkter Haftung',
'Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO);Functional Airspace Block Central Europe (FAB CE) ANSP Cooperation;SESAR (as NORACON consortium partner)COOPANS'
'num_natural_members': '1,023'
'num_org_members': '',
'13/02/14 12:22:56',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0517030'
'update_date': '17/02/14 14:42:58'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'COM_2011_144_White Paper_TransportDirective_1996_53_EC_Weights and dimensionsDirective_2010_40_EU_Framework for the deployment of ITS in the field of road transport etcDirective_1999_62_EC_Charging of heavy goods vehicles for the use of certain infrastructuresDirective_2004_52_EC_Interoperability of electronic road toll systems in the CommunityTEN-TRoad SafetyClean Power for TransportHorizon 2020'
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European'
'extra_financial_info': u'Die Zusch\xfcsse setzen sich aus F\xf6rdergeldern f\xfcr unterschiedliche Projekte zusammen und spiegeln die Zahlungseing\xe4nge 2013 von EU-Institutionen an die ASFINAG wider.',
'ASFINAG Liaison Office BrusselsRond-Point Schuman, 11B-1040 BrusselsPhone: +32 2 256 75 74Fax: +43 50108 910431'
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
u'Die ASFINAG betreibt, erh\xe4lt und bemautet das gesamte \xf6sterreichische Autobahnen- und Schnellstra\xdfennetz mit einer Streckenl\xe4nge von 2.178 km (Stand 31.12.2013). Ebenso plant, koordiniert und finanziert die ASFINAG s\xe4mtliche Neu- und Ausbauma\xdfnahmen.Als kunden- und serviceorientierter, ausschlie\xdflich nutzerfinanzierter Autobahnbetreiber ist es f\xfcr die ASFINAG zentral, die Erwartungen ihrer Kunden im Einklang mit den wirtschaftlichen M\xf6glichkeiten bestm\xf6glich zu erf\xfcllen. Dazu z\xe4hlen ein bedarfsgerecht ausgebautes Netz mit hohem Sicherheitsniveau, ein optimales Ereignis- und Verkehrsmanagement sowie ein hoher Kundenservice. Unser integriertes Nachhaltigkeitsverst\xe4ndnis sichert eine Ausgewogenheit zwischen wirtschaftlichen, gesellschaftlichen und \xf6kologischen Anspr\xfcchen.Vision der ASFINAG ist es, 2020 im europ\xe4ischen Vergleich zu den f\xfchrenden Autobahnbetreibern zu z\xe4hlen, insbesondere hinsichtlich Verf\xfcgbarkeit, Verkehrssteuerung, Verkehrsinformation, Verkehrssicherheit, Technologischen Neuerungen und der Vernetzung mit dem \xf6ffentlichen Verkehr.',
u'5-9\xa0Rotenturmstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
u'100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac'
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups'
'Manager International Relations and Innovation'
'ASECAP (European Association of Tolled Motorways, Bridges and Tunnels)IBTTA (International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association) ERTICO (network of Intelligent Transport Systems and Services stakeholders in Europe)PIARC (World Road Association)CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads)'
'08/11/12 15:27:38'
'31/10/14 13:27:40'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Many projects in the healthcare policy and market access arena at large including the following EU legislative files:- Crossborder Healthcare- MDD recast- Information to Patients- REACH- Falsified Medicines / Counterfeiting- RoHS- GPP- Packaging- E-Health- E-Commerce / E-procurement'
'fax_number': ''
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
u"Baxter manufactures and markets products that save and sustain the lives of people with hemophilia, immune disorders, infectious diseases, kidney disease, trauma, and other chronic and acute medical conditions. As a global, diversified healthcare company, Baxter applies a unique combination of expertise in medical devices, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology to create products that advance patient care worldwide.Baxter employs about 47,600 employees.One of Baxter's competitive strengths is its diverse technological expertise and commitment to scientific innovation. The company's unique combination of capabilities in medical devices, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, including specialty biologics, sets it apart from other companies in the healthcare industry.Goals:\u2022 Baxter interacts with the EU Institutions on the legislation which has an impact on the healthcare industry through its participation in debates and public consultations\u2022 Ensure equal access to treatment and innovative medicines to patients\u2022 Apply innovative science to develop specialty therapeutics and medical products that save and sustain patients\u2019 lives\u2022 Improve conditions for prevention, treatment and care to address unmet needs\u2022 Raise awareness and support the voice of patients suffering from chronic and life threatening diseases \u2022 Support policy development aiming at improving regulatory processes for the healthcare sector and the competitiveness of research and industry"
'head_office_address': u'67\xa0Industriestrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01221\r\n AUSTRIA'
'id': '266088011230-27'
'lobbying_expenditure': ''
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Companies & groups'
'Senior Manager Industry Affairs Europe'
'Baxter AG'
'registration_date': '29/05/13 12:43:11'
u'(+43 1)\xa020100 0',
'06/05/14 11:19:02'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Public Consultation on the review of the EU copyright rules'
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'fax_number': '',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 01/2014',
u'Die Bildrecht1977 wurde die Bildrecht, damals noch VBK, als gemeinn\xfctziger, unpolitischer und \xfcberparteilicher Verein von \xf6sterreichischen K\xfcnstlern und K\xfcnstlerinnen ins Leben gerufen.Die Bildrecht ist zudem eine staatlich genehmigte Urheberrechtsgesellschaft. Sie vertritt BildurheberInnen gegen\xfcber \xf6ffentlichen und privaten Stellen, um Einnahmen aus der Nutzung kreativer Leistungen zu Gunsten der K\xfcnstlerInnen zu erzielen. Die Bildrecht k\xfcmmert sich um die Einhebung und Verteilung der Einnahmen f\xfcr die Nutzung der Werke an ihre Mitglieder. Sie nimmt kollektive Rechte wahr, die man aus praktischen oder gesetzlichen Gr\xfcnden nicht individuell wahrnehmen kann. Die Bildrecht unterh\xe4lt Partnerschaften mit drei\xdfig internationalen Urheberrechtsgesellschaften. Neben 2.400 inl\xe4ndischen Kunstschaffenden vertritt sie stellvertretend an die 80.000 K\xfcnstler und K\xfcnstlerinnen aus aller Welt. Die Bildrecht verfolgt keine eigenen wirtschaftlichen Interessen. Die Ertr\xe4ge aus der Lizenzvergabe und kollektiven Rechtewahrnehmung werden - nach Abzug der im Durchschnitt bei 10 Prozent liegenden Verwaltungskosten \u2013 vollst\xe4ndig an den/die UrheberIn ausbezahlt. Wir sind von der Bedeutung modernen Kunstschaffens f\xfcr eine positive Gesellschaftsentwicklung \xfcberzeugt. Deshalb unterst\xfctzt die Bildrecht K\xfcnstlerInnen in finanziellen Notlagen und jene, die noch am Anfang ihrer Karriere stehen. Auch stellen wir unseren Mitgliedern kostenlos die Ausstellungsfl\xe4chen Bildraum 01 und Bildraum 07 zur Verf\xfcgung.Die Bildrecht will sicher gehen, dass ein fairer und respektvoller Umgang mit geistigem Eigentum auch zuk\xfcnftig gewahrt wird. Folglich setzt sich die Bildrecht f\xfcr eine Balance zwischen den Interessen ihrer Mitglieder und den Interessen ihrer Partner, den Kulturinstitutionen, ein. Dar\xfcber hinaus engagiert sie sich f\xfcr die Gestaltung eines zeitgem\xe4\xdfen Urheberrechts. Die T\xe4tigkeit der Bildrecht wird j\xe4hrlich von mehreren Stellen gepr\xfcft - der Jahresabschluss von einem Wirtschaftspr\xfcfer, die Ordnungsm\xe4\xdfigkeit der wirtschaftlichen Unternehmungen von einem Rechnungspr\xfcfer und die Einhaltung der Bestimmungen des Verwertungsgesellschaftengesetzes von der Aufsichtsbeh\xf6rde.'
'head_office_address': u'7-9/6\xa0Burggasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01070\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'1,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other similar organisations'
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrer',
'Bildrecht GmbH Gesellschaft zur Wahrnehmung visueller Rechte',
'networking': u'Die Bildrecht unterh\xe4lt Partnerschaften mit drei\xdfig internationalen Urheberrechtsgesellschaften. Auf europ\xe4ischer Ebene ist die Bildrecht Mitglied der European Visual Artists (EVA) und auf globaler Ebene der International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (Cisac)und OLA (Online Art).Gemeinsam wollen die Urherberechtsgesellschaften sicher gehen, dass ein fairer und respektvoller Umgang mit geistigem Eigentum auch zuk\xfcnftig gewahrt wird.Ein weiteres Hauptziel dieser Verbindung ist es die Zusammenarbeit unter den Urheberrechtsgesellschaften st\xe4ndig zu verbessern und das Service f\xfcr die Kunstschaffenden zu erh\xf6hen.'
'03/03/14 10:30:41',
'update_date': '03/03/14 10:31:33'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Energy and climate policies / Emissions trading Scheme, Environment policy (chemicals/REACH), trade defence instruments/anti-dumping, Competition policy, M&A.'
'extra_financial_info': '',
'EU and Sustainability AffairsBorealis AGIZD TowerWagramer Strasse 171220 WienAustria Tel. +43 (0) 1 22 400 708'
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
u'Borealis is a leading provider of chemical and innovative plastics solutions solutions that create value for society. Focusing on the infrastructure, automotive and advanced packaging markets. Borealis also develops a base chemicals and plant nutirents business and has production facilities, innovation centres and service centres across Europe (Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Italy, Sweden), in the Americas (US and Brazil) and operates together with joint-venture partnerships in the Middle East and Asia Pacific. Working with customers in more than 170 countries around the world, Borealis is committed to the principles of Responsible Care\xae and to high ethical standards. (See )',
u'17-19\xa0Wagramerstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01220\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'1750000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 2000000\r\n \xa0\u20ac'
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Companies & groups',
'Head of EU & Sustainability Affairs'
'Borealis AG',
'Borealis is amongst other an active member of- PlasticsEurope - the European Association fo Plastics Manufacturers- CEFIC - the European Chemicals Industry Council- APPE - The Association of Petrochemicals Producers in Europe- Fertilizers Europe - the European Fertilizers Manufacturers Association- EMPA - the European Melamine Producers Association- WBCSD - the World Business Council for Sustainable Development- FROCC - European Association of Producers of Flame Retardant Olefinic Cable Compounds- FSEU - Fire safe Europe- EUROPEN - European Organization for Packaging and the Environment- EUROPACABLE - The voice of the wire and cable manufacturers in Europe'
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '06/03/09 16:31:43',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:26.254898',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01 22 400 300',
'update_date': '18/02/14 15:48:15'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'zusammenarbeit mit HELPING HANDS NGO'
'area_of_interest': 'global'
'extra_financial_info': '',
'Office in Sierra Leone: 7B Seaside Drive / Juba Hill / FreetownCooperation with HELPING PEOPLE NGO in Sierra Leone / Registrierung in Guinea Bissa / Zusammenarbeit im Kosovo mit UNESKUM (NVO)'
'01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012'
u'Die internationale Hilfsorganisation "Bruderschaft der Drachen" wurde in Wien gegr\xfcndet und ist seit 2009 t\xe4tig. Es gibt eine gratis Mitgliedschaft und auch finanziell unterst\xfctzende Mitgliedschaften. Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht in den \xe4rmsten L\xe4ndern Westafrikas, Kinderpatenschaften, Krankenh\xe4user, Schulen, Kinderg\xe4rten, medizinische Versorgung und noch einiges mehr zu finanzieren. Wir kooperieren ebenso mit anderen Hilfsorganisationen, auch in \xd6sterreich. Auch wollen wir die speziell in afrikanischen L\xe4ndern vorhandene Sportbegeisterung unterst\xfctzen und f\xf6rdern.',
u'2\xa0Sterngasse 3\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
'name': 'Bruderschaft der Drachen internationale Hilfsorganisation'
'networking': ''
'num_natural_members': '3',
'07/07/11 11:46:58',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:27.109149',
'update_date': '10/06/14 09:29:21'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'Gem\xe4\xdf ihrem gesetzlichen Auftrag (\xa7 1 Arbeiterkammergesetz) setzt sich die Bundesarbeitskammer daf\xfcr ein, die \u201esozialen, wirtschaftlichen, beruflichen und kulturellen Interessen der Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitnehmerinnen zu vertreten und zu f\xf6rdern\u201c. Gem\xe4\xdf \xa7 93 AK-Gesetz umfasst dies ausdr\xfccklich auch \u201eVorhaben betreffend die Rechtsetzung im Rahmen der Europ\xe4ischen Union\u201c, insbesondere \u201eStellungnahme(n) zu Entw\xfcrfen von Richtlinien, Verordnungen oder Empfehlungen der EU\u201c.Vor diesem Hintergrund befasste sich die BAK insbesondere mit folgenden Themen:Institutionell:Neuausrichtung der Eurozone unter spezieller Beachtung sozilpolitischer und demokratischer Fortschritte, Entgegenwirken dem eklatanten Ungleichgewicht der Interessen zwischen Wirtschaft und Arbeit auf europ\xe4ischer Ebene Soziales und Bildung:Wei\xdfbuch Pensionen, Strategie zur Gleichstellung 2010-2015, Erh\xf6hung des Frauenanteils in Aufsichtsr\xe4ten, Antidiskriminierung, der Mutterschutzrichtlinie, der Arbeitszeitrichtlinie, der EU-Richtlinie \xfcber die Arbeitszeit von LenkerInnen, der wissenschaftlichen Kooperation im Bereich sozialer Sicherung auf europ\xe4ischer Ebene, der EU-Erweiterung, der\tAnwendung der \xdcbergangsfristen auf den Arbeitsmarkt auf die Arbeitskr\xe4fte\xfcberlassung, der Entsenderichtlinie, der Bek\xe4mpfung von Lohn- und Sozialdumping, der Saisonarbeiterrichtlinie und innerbetriebliche Entsenderichtlinie, dem\teinheitliches Antragsverfahren f\xfcr eine kombinierte Erlaubnis zum Aufenthalt und zur Arbeit im Gebiet eines Mitgliedstaaten, der EU-Kampagne \u201eGesunde Arbeitspl\xe4tze \u2013 sichere Instandhaltung\u201c,dem Europ\xe4isches Kollisionsrecht mit Relevanz f\xfcr die ArbeitnehmerInnen, sozialen Dienstleistungen, der 2. Qualit\xe4tsnetzwerkkonferenz, dem QualifikationsrahmenWirtschaftspolitik:EU-Wirtschaftrspolitik und deren soziale Folgen, Finanzmarktregulierung, Economic Governance, EU 2020 Strategie, Kampagne f\xfcr die Einf\xfchrung einer Finanztransaktionssteuer auf europ\xe4ischer Ebene, ManagerInnengeh\xe4lter und Wirtschaftskrise, Vergaberecht, Dienstleistungskonzessionen, Umsetzung 3. Energie-Binnenmarktpaket, Bek\xe4mpfung des Steuerwettbewerbs, dem EU-Haushalt ab 2014, Binnenmarktpolitik \u2013 Monti-Bericht, arbeitsrelevante Menschenrechte und Wirtschaft, einem Nachhaltigkeitskapitel in bilateralen Freihandelsabkommen, der Mitteilung \u201eHandel, Wachstum und Weltgeschehen \u2013 Handelspolitik als Kernbestandteil der EU-Strategie Europa 2020\u201c, diversen bilateralen Freihandelsabkommen, dem Assoziationsabkommen mit Kolumbien & gewerkschaftlichen Grundrechten, dem Schwerpunktland China, der Europ\xe4ischen Investitionspolitik, dem EU-GlobalisierungsfondsVerbraucherschutz:EU-Kaufrecht, Richtlinie \xfcber Rechte der Verbraucher, Nachhaltiger Konsum und nachhaltige Produktion, EU-Verordnung zur Lebensmittelkennzeichnung, Umsetzung Verbraucherkreditrichtlinie, Konsultationen und Stellungnahmen an die EU-Kommission im Bereich Finanzdienstleistungen, Recht auf ein Girokonto, Einlagensicherung Banken, Anlegerentsch\xe4digung Wertpapierfirmen, Einlagensicherung \u2013 Versicherungen, Packaged Retail Investment Products, Umsetzung des EU-Telekomrichtlinienpaketes, Umsetzung der RL Vorratsdatenspeicherung, Datenschutz in sozialen Netzwerken,\tUmwelt- und Verkehrspolitik:Feinstaub und Luftreinhaltepolitik, Green Jobs, Anlagenrecht, Wasserwirtschaft, Gentechnik, Abfallpolitik, L\xe4rmpolitik, Klimaschutz, Energieeffizienz und erneuerbare Energien, Chemikalienpolitik, Verankerung von Sozial- und Qualit\xe4tskriterien im \xd6ffentlichen Verkehr, Kostenwahrheit im G\xfcterverkehr, Die k\xfcnftige Politik f\xfcr das transeurop\xe4ische Verkehrsnetz, Binnenschifffahrt, EU-Eisenbahnpolitik \u2013 Recast der Eisenbahnpakete.'
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': u'Alle \xf6sterreichischen ArbeitnehmerInnen sind per Gesetz Mitglied der Arbeiterkammern. Die Mitgliedsbeitr\xe4ge sind gesetzlich geregelt und betragen 0,5 Prozent des Bruttoeinkommens (maximal bis zur H\xf6chstbemessungsgrundlage in der Sozialversicherung). 560.000 (ua Arbeitslose, Eltern in Karenz, Pr\xe4senz- und Zivildiener) der rund 3,4 Millionen Mitglieder sind von der Zahlung des Mitgliedsbeitrages befreit, haben aber Anspruch auf das volle AK-Leistungsangebot. Als gesetzliche berufliche Interessenvertretung unterliegt die Gebarung der AK der Kontrolle des \xf6sterreichischen Rechnungshofes.'
'fax_number': u'B\xfcro in Br\xfcssel:AK EUROPASt\xe4ndige Vertretung \xd6sterreichs bei der EUAvenue de Cortenbergh 301040 Br\xfcsselBELGIENTel. Nr.: +32 2 2306254',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die Bundesarbeitskammer ist die gesetzliche Interessenvertretung von rund 3,4 Millionen ArbeitnehmerInnen und KonsumentInnen in \xd6sterreich. Sie vertritt ihre Mitglieder in allen sozial-, bildungs-, wirtschafts- und verbraucherpolitischen Angelegenheiten auf nationaler als auch auf EU-Ebene. Dar\xfcber hinaus ist die Bundesarbeitskammer Teil der \xf6sterreichischen Sozialpartnerschaft. Die Bundesarbeitskammer \xd6sterreichs bildet die Dachorganisation von neun Arbeiterkammern auf Bundesl\xe4nderebene, die gemeinsam den gesetzlichen Auftrag haben, die Interessen ihrer Mitglieder zu vertreten. Im Rahmen ihrer Aufgaben beraten die Arbeiterkammern ihre Mitglieder unter anderem in Fragen des Arbeitsrechts, des Konsumentenschutzes, in Sozial- und Bildungsangelegenheiten. Mehr als drei Viertel der rund 2 Millionen Beratungen j\xe4hrlich betreffen arbeits-, sozial- und insolvenzrechtliche Fragestellungen. Dar\xfcber hinaus nimmt die Bundesarbeitskammer im Rahmen von legislativen Begutachtungsverfahren die Aufgabe wahr, die Positionen der ArbeitnehmerInnen und der KonsumentInnen gegen\xfcber dem Gesetzgeber in \xd6sterreich als auch auf EU-Ebene einzubringen.Das AK EUROPA B\xfcro in Br\xfcssel wurde 1991 errichtet, um die Interessen aller Mitglieder der Bundesarbeitskammer gegen\xfcber den Europ\xe4ischen Institutionen vor Ort einzubringen.'
'head_office_address': u'20-22\xa0Prinz-Eugen-Stra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01040\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '23869471911-54',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'300000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 350000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade unions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of AK Europa'
'name': u'Bundesarbeitskammer \xd6sterreich',
'networking': u'Die BAK ist beobachtendes Mitglied in der BEUC (Bureau Europ\xe9en des Unions de Consommateurs).Die BAK ist Mitglied bei ALTER EU (Allianz f\xfcr Lobbying Transparenz und Ethik Regulierung).Die BAK ist Mitglied bei Finance Watch.'
'26/06/09 15:24:56'
'13/06/14 16:35:13'
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'Stellungnahmen, Vorschl\xe4ge in den f\xfcr Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten relevanten Bereichen der EU Politik auf nationaler und europ\xe4ischer Ebene'
u'Gesamtbudget: 2.047.388 \u20ac\xf6ffentliche Finanzierung 0 \u20ac- aus EU Mitteln- aus nationalen Mitteln- aus subnationalen MittelnMitgliedsbeitr\xe4ge 2.047.388 \u20ac',
'01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012'
'goals': u'Die Bundeskammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten ist die gesetztlich eingerichtete berufliche Vertretung der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten in \xd6sterreich und als solche zur Wahrung der gemeinsamen beruflichen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten berufen.'
'head_office_address': u'9/2\xa0Karlsgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01040\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': ''
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Trade, business & professional associations'
'EU Referentin',
'Bundeskammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten',
'ACE - Architects Council of EuropeEFAP - European Forum of Architectural PoliciesECEC - European Council of Engineers ChambersEFCA - Eurpean Federation of Engineering Consultancy AssociationsFIDIC - International Federation of Consulting EngineersCLGE - Council of European Geodetic Surveyors'
'20/05/10 11:58:00'
u'(+43 1)\xa05055807',
'23/04/14 09:26:09'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': u'Active aging Aktivit\xe4ten im Rahmen ASEP (\xd6sterreich)und CESES (EU)'
'extra_financial_info': u'Weitgehend ehrenamtliche T\xe4tigkeiten, nur Kostenersatz.'
'CESES (Confederation of European Senior Expert Services aisbl)Boulevard du Souverain, 53, bte17B-1160 Brussels, BelgiumTelephone: +32 2 219 7318Telefax: +32 2 219 7078e-mail: info@ceses.netwww.ceses.netTVA: BE 440 143 141'
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
'goals': u'Beratung bei der Einf\xfchrung neuer Technolgien im Bereich der Kabel und Drahtherstellung sowie Kunststoffverarbeitung'
'head_office_address': u'21\xa0Peter Roseggerstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n K\xf6ngstetten\xa03433\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '16356985590-80'
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'Self-employed consultants',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'eigent\xfcmer',
'networking': 'Mitglied bei ASEP - Austrian senior experts pool',
'registration_date': '01/04/11 09:09:35'
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:29.572117'
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa02273 7441',
'29/05/14 08:48:43'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': u'AbfallwirtschaftDigitale AgendaEnergieeffizienzGesundheit\xd6ffentliche BeschaffungTelekommunikationUrheberrechtVerbraucherschutz'
'extra_financial_info': ''
'fax_number': '',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
u'communication matters unterst\xfctzt Unternehmen, Verb\xe4nde und NGOs beim Management ihrer Stakeholder, der Beobachtung und Analyse politischer Vorg\xe4nge, der Beziehungspflege zu Politik und Verwaltung sowie der Einflussnahme auf politische Entscheidungen.',
'head_office_address': u'15/14\xa0Kolschitzkygasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01040\r\n AUSTRIA'
'id': '043063314596-74'
'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'Professional consultancies',
'Senior Public Affairs Beraterin',
'communication matters Kollmann & Partner Public Relations GmbH',
'networking': ''
'09/10/14 09:56:47',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa015032303'
'update_date': '09/10/14 09:57:16'
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'\xd6ffentlichen Konsultation zur \xdcberarbeitung der Leitlinien der Gemeinschaft f\xfcr die Anwendung der Vorschriften \xfcber staatliche Beihilfen im Zusammenhang mit dem schnellen Breitbandausbau'
'countries': 'AUSTRIA'
u'CMG-AE erh\xe4lt keine F\xf6rderungen oder sonstige Finanzierugen aus \xf6ffentlichen Mitteln.',
'The Computer Measurement Group is a not-for-profit, worldwide organization of IT professionals committed to sharing information and best practices focused on ensuring the efficiency and scalability of IT service delivery to the enterprise through measurement, quantitative analysis and forecasting. CMG-AE e.V. is the Austrian chapter of this organisation. One of its major activities is to support the principle of Open Access Networks, opening up new ways of funding fibre for the last mile, ad facilitating a boost of competitive services available for the user.'
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'MISSION: CMG-AE ist eine nicht auf Gewinn gerichtete Gruppe von Personen, die der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) gegen\xfcber aufgeschlossenen ist, und die ein Interesse daran hat, den Zugang zu dieser Technologie und deren Anwendung zu erleichtern.ZIELGRUPPE sind Personen in professionellen Organisationen, IKT-Nutzer gleicherma\xdfen wie IKT-Organisatoren, sowie Personen in Forschung und Lehre.WERTE: Wir sehen IKT als ein Mittel, um wirksam Prosperit\xe4t und Sicherheit f\xfcr die Menschen zu schaffen, und gleichzeitig die Ressourcen des Planeten bestm\xf6glich, effizient und nachhaltig zu nutzen.VISION: Eine bessere Welt durch ma\xdfvolle Schritte in Richtung auf die Wissensgesellschaft. Abbau der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen H\xfcrden beim Zugang zu Information.STRATEGIE: Einladung zur Teilnahme an der Vereinst\xe4tigkeit, aktiv (gestaltend) oder passiv (konsumierend). Idee ist eine Community, die sich aktiv mit aktuellen Fragen der IKT auseinandersetzt, und deren Mitglieder untereinander Erfahrungen austauschen. Es gibt keine Ausgrenzung, da die meisten Aktivit\xe4ten (wie Veranstaltungen) \xf6ffentlich zug\xe4nglich sind. F\xfcr die Mitgliedschaft im Verein wird allerdings geworben, da diese die Grundlage der Finanzierung ist. Vereinsmitglieder erhalten Bonifikationen bei bestimmten Aktivit\xe4ten. Au\xdferdem kann der Verein nach au\xdfen (z.B. im Transparenzregister) nur die Interessen der Mitglieder vertreten.',
'head_office_address': u'5/14\xa0Museumstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa0A-1070\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '63050036442-29'
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Vice-President',
'name': 'Computer Measurement Group Austria and Eastern Europe',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '144',
'num_org_members': ''
'org_members': '',
'17/08/11 18:26:42'
u'(+43 1)\xa01 71894760'
'07/08/14 16:53:37'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': u'2012 KOO\u2019s main activities:As a member organisation of CIDSE we are supporting CIDSE on EU level: - Support of the Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) in order to avoid future crises and ensure contribution from the financial sector; - International tax issues: Fight against tax evasion and profit shifting of multinational companies (country by country reporting in the transparency and accounting directive) and automatic exchange of information - Work on the European Union budget for 2014-2020- Contribution to the EU and global reflection on Growth and Development - Submission to the EP Public Consultation: \u201cTowards a post-2015 development framework\u201d In particular we contributed to the Aid Watch Report which is published annually by the European NGO umbrella organization CONCORD. The Aid Watch Report deals critically with Official Development Assistance.'
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global'
'countries': '',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': ''
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'The Coordination Office is a specialised institution of the Austrian Bishop\'s Conference having 27 member organisations and cooperating with 68 missionary congregations. These members promote cooperation for development and pastoral work as well as relief and rehabilitation in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Some of the members are running fund raising campaigns or receiving funds through diocesan budgets in order to finance projects in developing countries. Other members send experts to countries in the Global South, while others supporte students from the Global South who come to Austria for the purpose of education. These scholarships are funded by member organisations as well as by the Austrian State. The Coordination Office is promoting and coordinating the commitment of the Austrian Catholic Church for development and missionary work as a universal church. It aims at awareness raising and solidarity action of people in Austria. The concerns and principles of the Catholic Church regarding development policy and universality of the Church are represented by the Coordination Office vis a vis the holders of economic and political power in Austria, the EU and International organisations such as UN, WTO, IFIs. The member organisations of the Coordination Office are working together in the field of basic guidelines, project policy, development education and public relations as well as advocacy. The activities realised by the Coordination Office and its members are founded upon the "Guidelines for the Cooperation of the Austrian Catholic Church with her partners in the Global South. The Coordination Office is a member of an international umbrella organisation of Catholic agencies: CIDSE International Cooperation for Development and Solidarity with headquarters in Brussels. In Austria the Coordination Office is also closely cooperating with Global Responsibility (Austrian NGO-platform and member of CONCORD).The main areas of our work are:Consulting, giving Information, development of guidelines and standards for church based development work (from fundraising to project cooperation), advocacy and lobbying in cooperation with member organizations and international networks. Thematic focus areas are: Development policy including official development assistance (ODA), food, agriculture & sustainable trade; climate justice, tax policy.',
'head_office_address': u'3\xa0T\xfcrkenstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01090\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'V - Organisations representing churches and religious communities',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Organisations representing churches and religious communities',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Director',
u'Coordination Office of the Austrian Bishop\u2019s Conference',
'networking': 'KOO is a member of CIDSE and EURODAD',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'org_members': u'Organisationen auf der Website\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members);x\xa0(0\xa0members)',
'registration_date': '04/12/13 09:29:39',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0131703210',
'07/11/14 09:52:56'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'Brussels Conversations 201216.-17.11.2012Contribution to the Commission\u2019s public consultationon the review of EU copyright rules, 18.2.2014'
'extra_financial_info': ''
'06/2013\r\n - \r\n 06/2014'
u'Der Verein verfolgt den Zweck der Wahrung der beruflichen (kulturpolitischen, rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen) Interessen der \xf6sterreichischen Filmschaffenden sowie die F\xf6rderung der \xf6sterreichischen Film- und Kinokultur und des Ansehens des \xf6sterreichischen Films im In- und Ausland.',
u'3\xa0Spittelberggasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01070\r\n AUSTRIA',
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Trade, business & professional associations'
'name': u'Dachverband der \xd6sterreichischen Filmschaffenden'
u'Kulturrat \xd6sterreichUnesco Arge Kulturelle VielfaltIMAGOFERACulture Action Europe',
'18/11/11 12:42:24'
'22/10/14 12:55:06'
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'1. Revision der bestehenden F-Gas Regulierung mit Vorschlag der Kommission vom 07.11.2012, Vorschlag des EP-ENVI-Committees vom 06/2013 und Vorschlag des Council vom 09/2013.2. ECO Design ENTR lot6',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'04/2013\r\n - \r\n 03/2014',
'goals': u'Daikin ist ein marktf\xfchrender, gobal agierender Hersteller von Klima-, K\xe4lte- und Heizungssystemen. In Europa ist Daikin unangefochtener Marktf\xfchrer bei Direktverdampfungs-Klimasystemen. \xdcber 85% der in Europa vertriebenen Klima-, K\xe4lte- und Heizungssysteme werden in europ\xe4ischen Fabriken der Daikin Gruppe mit \xfcber 5.000 Besch\xe4ftigten hergestellt. Diese Werke befinden sich in Belgien, England, Tschechien und Italien. DACE ist eine 100%ige Tochtergesellschaft von Daikin Europe NV, Zandvoordestraat 300, B-8400 Oostende. DACE betreut als Vertriebsorganisation die L\xe4nder A, AL, BG, BiH, CZ, H, HR, KS, MD, MK, MNE, RO, SK, SLO, SRB. In CZ, H, HR, RO und SK hat DACE lokale Tochtergesellschaften.Umwelt- und Klimaschutz haben in allen Daikin Aktivit\xe4ten h\xf6chste Priorit\xe4t.',
u'F12/402\xa0Europaring\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brunn am Gebirge\xa02345\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '24946537011-10',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'10,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Corporate Advisor',
'name': 'Daikin Airconditioning Central Europe HandelsgmbH',
'networking': u'EPEE - European Partnership for Energy and the Environmentehpa - european heat pump association \xd6KKV - \xd6sterreichischer Klima- und K\xe4ltetechnischer VereinWKO - Wirtschaftskammer \xd6sterreich'
'register_url': ''
'registration_date': '25/10/11 11:25:46',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0223632557',
'30/10/14 14:07:11'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'Sozialpolitisches Lobbying in \xd6sterreich, u.a. rund um die Bedarfsorientierte Mindestsicherung und generell zur Bek\xe4mpfung und Vermeidung von Armut, sozialer Ausgrenzung und sozial-\xf6konomischer Ungleichheit'
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
u'Die Armutskonferenz versteht sich als Lobby derer die keine Lobby haben. Sie vernetzt \xfcber 40 Organisationen, die im Kampf gegen Armut und Ausgrenzung in \xd6sterreich engagiert sind. Sie will Armutsrealit\xe4ten thematisieren und sichtbar machen und zur Verbesserung der Lebenssituation von Menschen mit Armutserfahrungen beitragen. Sie engagiert sich f\xfcr die umfassende gesellschaftliche, \xf6konomische, kulturelle und politische Teilhabe von Menschen mit Armutserfahrungen und tr\xe4gt mit dem Partizipationsprojekt "Sichtbar machen" zur Vernetzung von Selbstorganisation von Menschen mit Armutserfahrungen bei.'
u'21\xa0Herklotzgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01150\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '01899093062-43'
'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
'EAPN ExCo-Member'
'Die Armutskonferenz',
'Die Armutskonferenz ist Mitglied im European Anti Poverty Network EAPN'
'15/01/10 17:42:25',
'09/01/14 12:13:28'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'EU-Consultation Urheberrecht EU Handelsabkommen mit USA, Ausnahme f\xfcr Film'
'extra_financial_info': ''
'fax_number': '',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 01/2014'
u'Zweck des Vereines ist (Auszug aus den Statuten):- die Wahrnehmung und F\xf6rderung der k\xfcnstlerischen, wirtschaftlichen, rechtlichen und kulturellen Interessen der \xf6sterreichischen DrehbuchautorInnen;- deren Interessenvertretung gegen\xfcber den Rundfunk- und Fernsehanstalten, Verlagen, der Filmwirtschaft, den Gewerkschaften und Ministerien, gesetzgebenden K\xf6rperschaften und allen nationalen wie internationalen Institutionen- F\xf6rderung des \xf6sterreichischen Films, aktive Beteiligung der DrehbuchautorInnen am kulturellen Leben sowie auf allen Gebieten der Film- und Fernsehpolitik.',
'head_office_address': u'6\xa0Stiftgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01070\r\n AUSTRIA'
'id': '609330612778-39',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'2,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrerin',
'Drehbuchverband Austria',
u'Dachverband der \xd6sterreichischen FilmschaffendenFSE \u2013 Federation of Screenwriters in Europe',
'30/01/14 11:42:36',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa05268503'
'30/01/14 12:23:45'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID),Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and the Fuel Quality Directive (FQD), EU initiative on responsible sourcing of minerals, allgemeine Themen der EU-Entwicklungszusammenarbeit'
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
u'Unsere VisionDas \u201eLeben in F\xfclle\u201c (Joh 10,10), das Gott den Menschen zugesagt hat, gilt f\xfcr alle Menschen dieser Erde. Unsere Vision ist eine Welt, in der alle Menschen ein gutes und sicheres Leben f\xfchren k\xf6nnen, unabh\xe4ngig von Hautfarbe, Religion oder ethnischer Zugeh\xf6rigkeit.Unser AuftragAls kirchliches Hilfswerk umfasst unser Auftrag das solidarische Engagement zugunsten benachteiligter Menschen. Die Option f\xfcr die Armen wurzelt in der Gewissheit, Christus in den Armen zu begegnen. So muss die Kirche mit der Botschaft des Evangeliums ihre prophetische Stimme erheben und Alternativen aufzeigen, die \u201eUngleichheiten abtragen, Diskriminierungen beseitigen, den Menschen aus Versklavungen befreien und ihn so f\xe4hig machen, in eigener Verantwortung sein materielles Wohl, seinen sittlichen Fortschritt und seine geistige Entfaltung in die Hand zu nehmen.\u201c (Paul VI, Enzyklika Populorum Progressio, 34)Unsere PrinzipienAuf Grundlage der Katholischen Soziallehre und der Menschenrechte messen wir in unseren konkreten Arbeitsfeldern folgenden Prinzipien besondere Bedeutung zu:\u2022\tSolidarisch mit ausgebeuteten und marginalisierten Menschen\u2022\tDialogisch mit unseren Projektpartnern/innen\u2022\tGanzheitlich in der Sichtweise auf Menschen, Gruppen und Gesellschaften\u2022\tGemeinschaftsorientiert f\xfcr eine gerechte Verteilung von Ressourcen\u2022\tNachhaltig im Umgang mit den nat\xfcrlichen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Ressourcen\u2022\tPartizipativ durch die aktive Einbeziehung der Betroffenen\u2022\tAchtsam in der Begegnung unterschiedlicher Kulturen, Generationen und in Genderfragen\u2022\tWirkungsorientiert hinsichtlich langfristiger Ver\xe4nderung von Armuts- und Unrechtssituationen'
'head_office_address': u'91/IIf\xa0Wilhelminenstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01160\r\n AUSTRIA'
'id': '093160312164-25',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'V - Organisations representing churches and religious communities',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Organisations representing churches and religious communities'
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Koordinator Anwaltschaft',
u'Dreik\xf6nigsaktion - Hilfswerk der Katholischen Jungschar',
'networking': u'Die Dreik\xf6nigsaktion ist Mitglied bei der Koordinierungsstelle der \xd6sterreichischen Bischofskonferenz f\xfcr Entwicklung und Mission (KOO, Diese wiederum ist Mitglied im internationalen Netzwerk katholischer EntwicklungsorganisationenCoop\xe9ration Internationale pour le D\xe9veloppement et la Solidarit\xe9 (CIDSE, Weiters ist die Dreik\xf6nigsaktion Mitglied der Dachorganisation GLOBALE VERANTWORTUNG - Arbeitsgemeinschaft f\xfcr Entwicklung und Humanit\xe4re Hilfe ( Diese wiederum ist Mitglied des europ\xe4ischen Dachverbandes European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development (CONCORD,'
'num_natural_members': '102,000',
'num_org_members': ''
'org_members': '',
'30/10/13 10:21:10',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01481 09 91'
'09/10/14 12:00:59'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Ecodesign Richtlinie LOT 15 und 20Ecolabel'
'extra_financial_info': ''
'fax_number': '',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
u'\xdcbernahme der Interessensvertreung von Organisationen und Unternehmen in \xd6sterreich, Deutschland, Schweiz und der Europ\xe4ischen Union - insbesondere im Bereich der Haustechnik und W\xe4rmeerzeuger.'
u'14a/26\xa0Viktoriagasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01150\r\n AUSTRIA',
'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants'
'Self-employed consultants'
'Dr.Elisabeth Berger'
u'Vertetung der V\xd6K, welche Mitgleid der EHI ist sowie Kooperation mit AEBIOM'
'04/11/13 13:49:12'
'08/10/14 09:32:48'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': u'Steigerung der Qualit\xe4t von Kultur- und Kunstprojekten'
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'countries': ''
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'eeza. bietet Service fu\u0308r Kultur & Kunst, Pr\xe4senz und Pr\xe4sentation im \xf6ffentlichen, musealen und realen Raum. Wir unterst\xfctzen bei der Realisation Ihrer Kultur- und Kunstprojekte.Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei in der handwerklichen und technischen Realisation sowie in der Qualit\xe4tssicherung der Produktion von Projekten, Kunstwerken und Kulturprojekten.Dar\xfcber hinaus bietet eeza. alle Schritte der Planung, Beratung und Entwicklung bis zur Produktion, transparente Budgetplanung sowie Museums- und Ausstellungstechnik.eeza. bringt Inhalt in Form.',
u'31\xa0Schillerstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Graz\xa08010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '31737673710-59',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'name': u'eeza. Entwicklung und Erforschung zeitgen\xf6ssischer Ausdrucksmittel |\xa0Development and Exploration of Contemporary Means of Expression',
'networking': u'\xd6sterreichischer MuseumsbundForum StadtparkMUSIS',
'num_natural_members': '3',
'num_org_members': ''
'org_members': '',
'register_url': ''
'registration_date': '07/06/10 19:54:41',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa06504411024',
'12/05/14 08:23:37'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Die Anmeldung zum Transparenzregister erfolgt, damit unsere Antwort auf die "Public Consultation on Sustainable Buildings" nicht als Privatmeinung, sondern als fundierte Meinung einer kompetenten Organisation aufscheint.'
u'Gesellschafter der GmbH ist das Land Nieder\xf6sterreich',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
u'Die Energie- und Umweltagentur N\xd6 (eNu) ist die Anlaufstelle f\xfcr B\xfcrgerinnen und B\xfcrger, Gemeinden, Betriebe sowie Verwaltung und Politik in Nieder\xf6sterreich.Dabei verfolgen wir klare Ziele:- 100 % Strom aus erneuerbaren Quellen bis 2015- 50 % des Gesamtenergiebedarfs aus erneuerbaren Energien bis 2020- Umfangreicher Schutz der Naturr\xe4ume- Hohe Umwelt- und Lebensqualit\xe4t in Nieder\xf6sterreichWir informieren und beraten zu folgenden Themen:- Energie & Klima- Umwelt & Leben- Natur & RessourcenUnser kompetentes Team an sieben Standorten in allen Vierteln des Landes schafft Bewusstsein f\xfcr einen umsichtigen Umgang mit unseren Ressourcen, einen bewussten Konsum und eine nachhaltige Lebensweise. Regionale Kreisl\xe4ufe stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt.Wir bieten nicht nur Fachberatung sondern verstehen uns auch als Ideenschmiede - in unserem Zukunftslabor werden Projekte f\xfcr die zukunftsf\xe4hige Entwicklung Nieder\xf6sterreichs geboren.Damit wir m\xf6glichst viele Menschen langfristig mit unseren Inhalten erreichen, wird in der Energie- und Umweltagentur N\xd6 Fachwissen zu Umwelt- und Energiefragen, Beratungskompetenz und Know-how \xfcber Wissensvermittlung vereint. Dabei greift die Agentur auf die jahrelange Erfahrung von Experten-Organisationen und Initiativen zur\xfcck.'
'head_office_address': u'10\xa0Grenzgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n St. P\xf6lten\xa03100\r\n AUSTRIA'
'id': '398252611934-35'
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
u'Energie- und Umweltagentur N\xd6',
'Mitglied bei Fedarene'
'registration_date': '23/09/13 09:46:39'
u'(+0043)\xa02742 21919'
'10/09/14 14:20:07'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'The ENERGY GLOBE Award distinguishes sustainable projects in the area of resource efficiency and renewable energy. With annually ca. 1000 projects submitted from 100 nations, over 1000 hours of TV broadcasting time worldwide and participation of VIPs from around the world, it is held since 1999 and is today\u2019s most prominent environmental award.The ENERGY GLOBE Portal is an online platform on energy efficiency that is unique worldwide. It provides free interactive Online Checks for energy optimization and for use of renewable energy for apartments, homes, businesses and municipalities.'
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'countries': ''
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'01/2014\r\n - \r\n 12/2014',
'Energy Globe Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Austrian energy pioneer, Wolfgang Neumann. Building on 30 years of experience in the area of energy efficiency and renewable energies, Energy Globe Foundation is a global leader in the area of sustainability.The primary objective of Energy Globe Foundation is to create a higher level of awareness all over the world concerning the necessity of using resources in a sustainable manner, especially as far as energy is concerned, and, on the other hand, by planning specific projects aimed at creating a more sustainable future for coming generations and improving living conditions in developing countries.',
'head_office_address': u'14\xa0Hessenberg\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Neukirchen\xa04814\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '507002215087-61'
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'CEO'
'name': 'Energy Globe Foundation GmbH'
'networking': ''
'num_natural_members': '12'
'registration_date': '02/12/14 09:57:54'
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa06641826580',
'02/12/14 09:58:16'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'Der Verein Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universit\xe4t Linz ist derzeit an einem europ\xe4ischen Forschungsprojekt beteiligt:- SESASME - Securing the European Electricity Supply Against Malicious and Accidental Threats (Grant agreement no: 261696, Call identifier SEC-2010.2.3-2)Zur Information: Die Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universit\xe4t Linz GmbH arbeitet ebenfalls an einem europ\xe4ischen Forschungsprojekt mit:- ChiBio - Development of an integrated biorefinery for processing chitin rich biowaste to specialty and fine chemicals (Grant agreement no: 289284, Call identifierFP7-KBBE-2011-5)',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
u'Der Verein Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universit\xe4t Linz hat bisher noch keine Lobbyt\xe4tigkeiten bei den Europ\xe4ischen Institutionen durchgef\xfchrt.',
'fax_number': '',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
'goals': u'Das Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universit\xe4t Linz hat als interdisziplin\xe4re Forschungseinrichtung umfassende Kompetenz in den Bereichen Energierecht, Energiewirtschaft und Energietechnik. Der Verein wird durch die Beitr\xe4ge der Mitglieder sowie durch Forschungsf\xf6rderungen finanziert und f\xfchrt Forschungsarbeiten mit energiewirtschaftlichem, energietechnischem und/oder energierechtlichem Inhalt durch. Aufgrund dieser Ausrichtung vermag das Energieinstitut nicht nur wichtige Beitr\xe4ge f\xfcr die tagespolitische Diskussion zu liefern, sondern leistet auch dort Pionierarbeit, wo die Fragen in der Fach\xf6ffentlichkeit erst im Entstehen sind. Dies geschieht in enger Zusammenarbeit mit \xf6ffentlichen Institutionen, wissenschaftlichen Instituten und Unternehmen.'
'head_office_address': u'69\xa0Altenberger Strasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Linz\xa04040\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions',
'Think tanks and research institutions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'CEO'
'name': 'Energy Institute at the Johannes Kepler University Linz'
'networking': u'Der Verein Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universit\xe4t Linz tauscht sich regelm\xe4\xdfig mit esaia (European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance, aus.',
'num_org_members': '10',
u'Amt der O\xd6 Landesregierung\xa0(8,500\xa0members);Energie AG\xa0(5,000\xa0members);Linz AG\xa0(2,600\xa0members);O\xd6 Ferngas AG\xa0(245\xa0members);Wirtschaftskammer O\xd6\xa0(1,100\xa0members);Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Beurle-Oberndorfer-Mitterlehner\xa0(25\xa0members);Haslinger, Nagele & Partner Rechtsanw\xe4lte GmbH\xa0(41\xa0members);Saxinger, Chalupsky & Partner Rechtsanw\xe4lte GmbH\xa0(150\xa0members);KPMG Alpen-Treuhand AG\xa0(1,000\xa0members);Allgemeine Sparkasse Kapitalanlage GmbH\xa0(1,500\xa0members)',
'register_url': ''
'registration_date': '22/05/13 09:38:01',
'telephone': u'(+43732)\xa024685656'
'update_date': '09/05/14 11:47:50'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': 'Keine'
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global'
'fax_number': '',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
u'Die Vermittlung von Themen der zentralasiatischen Republiken in Bezug auf Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft bei den EU-Institutionen. Einen Schwerpunkt bilden Menschenrechte, Presse- und Meinungsfreiheit, Bek\xe4mpfung der Korruption.',
'head_office_address': u'133/70\xa0Margaretenstr.\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01050\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'name': 'Eurasian Transition Group',
'networking': u'International Crisis Group, Human Rights Watch, International League for Human Rights, Deutsche Gesellschaft f\xfcr Ausw\xe4rtige Politik, Deutsch-Kasachische Gesellschaft, \xd6sterreichisch-Kasachische Gesellschaft'
'num_natural_members': '125',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'registration_date': '28/10/14 12:23:37',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:41.417126'
'telephone': u'(+43664)\xa01540614',
'28/10/14 12:46:45'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Participation in EU Conferences and workshops',
'extra_financial_info': ''
'Office for Central and Eatern Europe:1026 Garas uta 22Tel.: 361-315 10 59mailto: eivhgi@europe.comHead of Office: Prof. Dr. Norbert W. Knoll-Dornhoff',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'The association, whose activity is a non-profit , aims to promote mutual support and assistance to the members and the perception of occupational and professional interests of its members.Other main task is to protect the rights , interests and competitiveness of small and medium-sized companies in the areas of trade, crafts and industry , on the Austrian and European level and in less developed economies around the world. Of particular importance is the promotion of women entrepreneurs and young entrepreneurs.Services for this purpose in particular:( 1) The advice and support of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in information management, Project financing , provision of equity and Borrowing at the stage of internationalization and globalization.( 2) The organization of access for members and supporters of the club to promotion programs of the United Nations organizations , the World Bank and the European Union.(3 ) the achievement of the "Special Consultative Status " with the UN ECOSOC .( 4) Advisory assistance of members requesting promotions of SMEs by the European Union Programmes.( 5) conducting market investigations against cost-covering financial contributions and / or benefits in kind.Organization of trade fairs and exhibitions',
'head_office_address': u'13\xa0Bujattigasse 13\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01014\r\n AUSTRIA'
'id': '721826413576-68',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
'Member of the Board of Directors',
u'EUROWIF Europaeisches Institut fuer Wirtschaftsfoerderung\xa0(180\xa0members);Hungarian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce\xa0(300\xa0members);Hungarian Association of Women in Agriculture\xa0(50\xa0members)'
'01/05/14 14:19:11'
u'(+43664)\xa0330 4104',
'01/05/14 14:22:36'
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'Landeshauptmann Dr. Erwin Pr\xf6ll ist der Vorsitzende der Europ\xe4ischen ARGE Landentwicklung und Dorferneuerung. Erreichbar ist er unter: Nieder\xf6sterreichische Landesregierung, Landhausplatz 1, Haus 1a, 3109 St. P\xf6lten, \xd6sterreich,'
'01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012'
u'Die Europ\xe4ische ARGE Landentwicklung und Dorferneuerung wurde 1989 als eine Plattform des \xd6kosozialen Forums \xd6sterreich gegr\xfcndet. Seit Februar 2007 ist sie ein eigenst\xe4ndiger Verein, dessen vorrangiges Ziel es ist, ein effizientes B\xfcrgerInnen- und MultiplikatorInnen-Netzwerk auf- und auszubauen, das ma\xdfgeblich dazu beitr\xe4gt,\u2022\tden Know-how-Transfer und die Know-how-Bildung im Bereich einer nachhaltigen d\xf6rflichen und regionalen Entwicklung zu unterst\xfctzen,\u2022\tden Erfahrungsaustausch und die Begegnung auf vertikaler Ebene zwischen Entscheidungstr\xe4gerInnen, MultiplikatorInnen und B\xfcrgerInnen sowie auf horizontaler Ebene zwischen europ\xe4ischen Staaten, L\xe4ndern, Regionen, Gemeinden und D\xf6rfern zu f\xf6rdern,\u2022\teine Regionen und Staaten \xfcbergreifende B\xfcrgerbewegung f\xfcr die Hebung der Lebensqualit\xe4t im unmittelbaren Lebensbereich sowie im l\xe4ndlichen Raum insgesamt zu entwickeln,\u2022\tdie Motivation der LandbewohnerInnen zur Beteiligung an Entscheidungsprozessen und ihr Engagement f\xfcr eine eigeninitiative Mitgestaltung des eigenen Lebensraumes zu heben,\u2022\tdas Selbstwertgef\xfchl der l\xe4ndlichen Bev\xf6lkerung und ihre Identit\xe4t als lokal verwurzelte Europ\xe4er mit gemeinsamen Werten, gemeinsamer Geschichte und gemeinsamer Kultur zu st\xe4rken, \u2022\tdie Wahrnehmung der gesamtgesellschaftlichen Bedeutung des l\xe4ndlichen Raumes und der Anliegen seiner BewohnerInnen durch \xd6ffentlichkeit, Medien und Politik zu forcieren und somit\u2022\tdie l\xe4ndlichen R\xe4ume in Europa als zukunftsf\xe4hige Lebens-, Erholungs- und Wirtschaftsr\xe4ume zu st\xe4rken.Davon ausgehend wurde eine F\xfclle von Aktivit\xe4ten in verschiedenen europ\xe4ischen Regionen gesetzt, die sich schwerpunktm\xe4\xdfig auf \xf6kologische, \xf6konomische, soziologische und kulturelle Fragen des Dorflebens konzentriert haben. Neben internationalen Kongressen, Fachtagungen und Diskussionsveranstaltungen, zahlreichen Publikationen und regelm\xe4\xdfigen Exkursionen sind hier vor allem die Wettbewerbe um einen Europ\xe4ischen Dorferneuerungspreis, die seit 1990 im Zwei-Jahres-Rhythmus durchgef\xfchrt werden, zu nennen.',
u'4/2/16\xa0Domgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n St. P\xf6lten\xa03100\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '13857881394-50',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrerin'
'name': u'Europ\xe4ische ARGE Landentwicklung und Dorferneuerung'
'networking': ''
'18/03/09 13:21:27'
'update_date': '20/02/14 09:44:04'
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'fax_number': '',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
'goals': u'Der Europ\xe4ische Kartellverband besteht als \u201cVerband der Verb\xe4nde\u201d und versteht sich als Kommunikations-, Netzwerk- und Arbeitsplattform der in Europa existierenden christlichen Sch\xfcler-, Studenten- und Akademikerverb\xe4nde.'
'head_office_address': u'14\xa0Lerchenfelderstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01080\r\n AUSTRIA'
'id': '67225369250-95'
'lobbying_expenditure': ''
'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
u'Europ\xe4ischer Kartellverband christlicher Studentenverb\xe4nde',
u'Akkreditiertes Mitglied der Konferenz der INGOs im EuroparatMitglied der European Sunday AllianceMitglied der Allianz f\xfcr den freien Sonntag \xd6sterreichMitglied der Allianz f\xfcr den freien Sonntag Deutschland',
u'Cartellverband der katholischen deutschen Studentenverbindungen (CV)\xa0(32,000\xa0members);Mittelsch\xfcler-Kartell-Verband ... (MKV)\xa0(20,000\xa0members);Kartellverband katholisch deutscher Studentenvereine (KV)\xa0(16,000\xa0members);\xd6sterreichische Cartellverband (\xd6CV)\xa0(13,000\xa0members);Schweizerische Studentenverein (SchStV)\xa0(8,000\xa0members);Verband d. Wissenschaftlichen Katholischen Studentenvereine Unitas (UV\xa0(5,200\xa0members);Katholiek Vlaams Hoogstudenten Verbond (KVHV)\xa0(5,000\xa0members);Akademischer Bund katholisch \xf6sterreichischer Landsmannschaften (K\xd6L)\xa0(2,000\xa0members);Kartellverband kath. nichtfarbentragender akad. Vereinigen \xd6sterreichs\xa0(2,000\xa0members);Ring Katholisch Akademischer Burschenschaften in \xd6sterreich (RKAB)\xa0(2,000\xa0members);Ring Katholisch Akademischer Burschenschaften in \xd6sterreich (RKDB)\xa0(2,000\xa0members);Vereinigung christl. farbentragender Studentinnen in \xd6sterreich (VCS)\xa0(2,000\xa0members);Verband farbentragender M\xe4dchen (VfM)\xa0(2,000\xa0members);Kurie der freien Vereinigungen im EKV\xa0(2,000\xa0members);Technischer Cartell-Verband ... (TCV)\xa0(1,000\xa0members)',
'31/07/12 12:42:48',
'telephone': u'(+43 1)\xa0405 16 22 0'
'18/07/14 12:31:05'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'EC Task Force Smart GridsLondon ForumEC Regulation on trans-European Energy InfrastructureWaterframe DirectiveEcological Flow'
'Brussels Office:Avenue Chazal 1471030 BruxellesTel.: +32 2 808 01 89Fax.: +32 2 808 21 05'
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
'The European Association of medium-sized energy companies (EVME) was founded on 2nd July 2008. It is an umbrella organization of interest groups that represent Austrian, Bavarian, Hessian and South Tyrolean medium-sized energy companies. EVME combines the interests of these companies and operates throughout Europe.This newly founded association understands itself as an interest group that operates in addition to the traditional interest groups. Its goal is to represent medium-sized energy companies in Brussels.The constitution of a European association was necessary as it became obvious that Brussels was not sufficiently informed about the excellent services which medium-sized energy companies provide in their local communities. Especially medium-sized companies most often satisfy their customers in terms of efficiency, reliability and service. Furthermore, they are locally rooted important regional employers, and they heavily contribute to regional value creation.'
'head_office_address': u'20\xa0Augasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Graz\xa08020\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '71153116524-62'
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'Trade, business & professional associations'
u'Mitglied des Vorstandes, Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrer',
u'Europ\xe4ischer Verband Mittelst\xe4ndischer Energieunternehmen',
'31/08/11 18:47:03',
'19/08/14 16:36:40'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'EU iniatives on overidebtedness and financial exclusion, espedially on:-Prevention,-Debt advice,-Consumer bankruptcy and debt settlement.'
'area_of_interest': 'national;European'
'fax_number': u"Coordinator's office:Mr Mariusz M\xf3wkaSociety for Promotion of Financial Education (SKEF) 126, Legionow Street, 81-472 Gdynia, Polandmobile: +48 691400091 fax: +48 58 624 98 75"
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
'The European Consumer Debt Network (ecdn) is a European level civil society network built on the experiences and activities of key actors in the fight against over-indebtedness and financial exclusion from across Europe, such as debt advice services, educational organisations, consumer agencies, research institutes, etc.The establishment of the European Consumer Debt Network ecdn in 2007 is financially supported by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities).ecdn aims to be a key force in bringing forward a social Europe that promotes and safeguards the financial inclusion and well-being of all its inhabitants while at the same time taking seriously its responsibility for and contributing to a social world.'
'head_office_address': u'2b\xa0Bockgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Linz\xa04020\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretary'
'We are members of:European Social Platform,European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN)European Financial Inclusion Network (EFIN)'
'num_org_members': '3'
'org_members': u'EKPIZO-Consumers Association The quality of life\xa0(3,000\xa0members);Association for Responsible Personal Finance Managment "Plus"\xa0(50\xa0members);SKEF-Stowarzyszenie Krzewienia Edukacji Finansowej\xa0(10,000\xa0members)',
'27/02/14 12:34:52',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:45.528632',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0732 65 65 99',
'update_date': '27/02/14 12:35:10'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Internal Market, Professional Recognition, Mobility, Provision of Services, Public Procurement etc'
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
'Representing the professional interests of academic Chartered engineers, who are members of national Engineers chambers.'
u'9/2\xa0Karlsgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01040\r\n AUSTRIA'
'id': '52510694541-69'
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'name': 'European Council of Engineers Chambers'
'networking': '',
'16/11/10 17:02:35',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa0505580751'
'update_date': '03/11/14 10:58:21'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'The EGTL does not perform lobbying activities. Its purpose and activities are purely academic.'
'Lacking legal personality, the European Group on Tort Law does not have a budget of its own. Its members are invited by host institutions individually to conferences, at which occasion the Group meets. The Group is therefore indirectly supported by local organisers of conferences (universities or research funding institutions). It also receives indirect support for its work (but not as a legal person) from the European Centre of Tort and Insurance Law, the Institute for European Tort Law of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of European and Comparative Private Law of the University of Girona (Spain).'
"The above address is NOT the Group's head office, but solely the office address of the individual researcher who is in charge of the administration of Group affairs."
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
u'The European Group on Tort Law is a group of scholars in the area of tort law established at their own initiative in 1992. Ever since, the Group has been and still is meeting regularly to discuss fundamental issues of tortious liability as well as recent developments and the future directions of the law of torts. Apart from a series of comparative studies on several fundamental aspects of tort law, the Group in 2005 has published its \u201ePrinciples of European Tort Law\u201c (PETL). The Group is not registered as an association in any jurisdiction and therefore does not have legal personality.',
u'17/2\xa0Reichsratsstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions'
'Think tanks and research institutions'
'Member of Managing Committee'
'European Group on Tort Law',
'org_members': '',
'17/01/11 17:36:16',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa04012729660'
'update_date': '24/12/13 01:36:17'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'Derzeit keine Aktivit\xe4ten'
u'Derzeit keine Aktivit\xe4ten'
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
'The European Institute of Health (EIH) was established in 2001 to promote modern medicine and the equal delivery of health care to all European citizens.In concept it is the counterpart of the National Institute of Health of the United States.The mission of the EIH is to ensure and promote Health for All. In our changing environment, medicine and the delivery of health care must constantly adapt to serve the evolving needs of our population.Our endeavors are patient centered and strive to identify, establish and promote state-of-the-art standards in health care.The European Institute of Health represents a unique network:-to increase the visibility of the needs of our patients-to raise awareness of the European Parliament and Member States-to express in a unified manner the standards and quality control-to evaluate the financial magnitude of necessary health care-to realize the potential gains of a European Lead Market in Health Care through the 2020 timeframe.'
u'10\xa0St.-Peter-Bezirk\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Salzburg\xa05020\r\n AUSTRIA'
'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions'
'Think tanks and research institutions'
'European Institute of Health of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts'
'08/09/11 15:55:34'
'update_date': '09/09/14 16:36:00'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '- Proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law- Proposal for a Regulation on the Statute for a European Foundation',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': 'The Secretariat/headquarters of the European Law Institute is hosted by the University of Vienna under a four-year contract (2011 - 2015) worth roughly 1 million euro. This money has not been transferred directly to the ELI, but rather the Secretariat can finance its staff and expenses through the University up to this amount. The expenses for the year 2013 paid from the University of Vienna for mainly staff, rent and other administrative costs amounts to 316,167.26 euro. The remaining University budget on 31/12/2013 amounted to 432,332.05 euro, which needs to cover the year 2014 as well as nine months of 2015.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'The European Law Institute (ELI) is an independent non-profit organisation established to initiate, conduct and facilitate research, make recommendations and provide practical guidance in the field of European legal development. Building on the wealth of diverse legal traditions, its mission is the quest for better law-making in Europe and the enhancement of European legal integration. By its endeavours, the ELI seeks to contribute to the formation of a more vigorous European legal community, integrating the achievements of the various legal cultures, endorsing the value of comparative knowledge, and taking a genuinely pan-European perspective. As such its work covers all branches of the law: substantive and procedural; private and public. Among ELI\u2019s core tasks are: to evaluate and stimulate the development of EU law, legal policy and practice, and in particular to make proposals for the further development of the acquis and for the enhancement of EU law implementation by the Member States;to identify and analyse legal developments in areas within the competence of Member States which are relevant at EU level;to study EU approaches regarding international law and enhance the role EU law could play globally, for instance in drafting international instruments or model rules; to conduct and facilitate pan-European research, in particular to draft, evaluate or improve principles and rules which are common to the European legal systems; andto provide a forum for discussion and cooperation between jurists (irrespective of their vocation or occupation), inter alia academics, judges, lawyers and other legal professionals, who take an active interest in European legal development and together represent a broad range of legal traditions.To accomplish its tasks, the ELI operates on its own initiative. It is also, however, available for consultation with institutions involved in the development of law on a European, international or national level. As its perspective is not limited to the European experience, the ELI is ready to seek cooperation with non-European or international organisations such as the American Law Institute or UNIDROIT. The ELI is committed to the principles of comprehensiveness and collaborative working, and strives to bridge the oft-perceived gap between the different legal cultures, between public and private law, as well as between scholarship and practice. To further that commitment it seeks to involve a diverse range of personalities, reflecting the richness of the legal traditions, legal disciplines and vocational frameworks found throughout Europe. The ELI is also open to the use of different methodological approaches and to canvassing insights and perspectives from as wide an audience as possible of those who share its vision.',
'head_office_address': u'14\xa0Schottenring\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '455458212010-50',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Think tanks and research institutions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'President',
'name': 'European Law Institute',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '1,007',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '03/10/13 10:31:29',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:49.022678',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01 4277 221 01',
'update_date': '03/10/14 09:49:13'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'EU Directive on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings --> dissemination of information among the stakeholders (lawyers, judges, prosecutors, ministries of justice, legal interpreters and translators in EU member states and beyond). EULITA is currently working on an EU project - TRAFUT (Training for the Future) - dedicated to assisting EU member states in implementing the Directive.Monitoring the development of EU initiatives under the Stockholm Roadmap, as well as the further development of the European Arrest Warrant.EULITA also submitted comments in connection with the planned modernisation of the EU Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications.EULITA also takes part in activities by DG Translation and DG Interpretation.',
'area_of_interest': 'European;global',
'extra_financial_info': 'EULITA receives its income from membership fees. The attendance of certain EU-funded meetings was financed from EU sources. EULITA finished working as a partner on an EU project (TRAFUT - Training for the Future) which coordinated with Lessius University College which handles the financial administration of the project.',
'fax_number': 'EULITA is an aisbl under Belgian law and has its registered office at:KU Leuven, Antwerp CampusJozef De Bomstraat 11, B-2018 Antwerp, Belgium',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'EULITA is committed to promoting the quality of justice, ensuring access to justice across languages and cultures and thus, ultimately, guaranteeing the fundamental principles of human rights as enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. EULITA aims to bring together in its membership as full members the professional associations of legal translators and spoken or sign language legal interpreters in the EU member states as well as the general associations that include legal translators and spoken or sign language legal interpreters among their membership. As associate members EULITA welcomes all interested organisations, institutions and individuals that are committed to the improvement of quality in legal interpreting and translation.EULITA aims to support the interests and concerns of the national associations of legal interpreters and translators and to represent the interests and concerns of these associations vis-\xe0-vis European and international organizations and institutions; to promote the establishment of associations of legal interpreters and translators in member states where as yet they do not exist; to promote close cooperation with academic institutions in the field of training and research and to encourage the establishment of national and EU-wide registers of qualified legal interpreters and translators, while at all times respecting the diversity of judicial systems and cultures.EULITA is further committed to promoting quality in legal interpreting and translation through the recognition of the professional status of legal interpreters and translators, the exchange of information and best practices in training and continuous professional development and the organisation of events on issues such as training, research, professionalism, etc. thus promoting judicial cooperation and mutual trust by the member states in each other\u2019s systems of legal interpreting and translation.EULITA, finally, aims to promote cooperation and best practices in working arrangements with the legal services and legal professionals.',
'head_office_address': u'59\xa0Scheibenbergstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01180\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '14566177047-72',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'President of EULITA',
'name': 'European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association',
'networking': u'EULITA is a member of the EU Justice Forum and on several groupings of EU DG TRanslation.EULITA has also given several presentations to the e-justice portal committee.EULITA maintains contacts with FIT (International Federation of Translators), AIIC (International Conference Interpreters Association), CCBE (Council of Bars and Law Societies in Europe), FTI (Fair Trial International), ECBA (European Criminal Bar Association), CIUTI (Conf\xe9rence Internationale Permanente d\u2019Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interpr\xe8tes)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '29/10/11 10:38:58',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:49.872093',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa014709819',
'update_date': '02/10/14 09:07:18'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'- Revision of the Directive on protecting workers from electromagnetic fields (EMF Directive)- Revision of the Professional Qualifications Directive (2005/36/EC)- Revision of the Data Protection legislation- Revision of the Clinical Trials legislation- Revision of the Medical Devices legislation- Revision of the Euratom Directives (BSS Directive)- eHealth Action Plan and further EU initiatives in the field of eHealth, telemedicine- Horizon 2020, EU research framework programme- EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)- European Partnership: Action against Cancer (EPAAC)- Personalised Medicine: Commission SWD on the use of \u2018-omics\u2019 technologies in the development of personalised medicine - EU Health for Growth Programme- EU Joint Action on Health Workforce',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u"The European Society of Radiology (ESR) is the European body representing the radiology profession with over 58,000 individual members and acts as the umbrella organisation of all national radiological societies in Europe as well as Europe\u2019s subspecialty organisations in the field of radiology. The ESR is an apolitical, non-profit organisation, dedicated to promoting and coordinating the scientific, philanthropic, intellectual and professional activities of radiology in all European countries. The Society's mission at all times is to serve the health care needs of the general public through the support of science, teaching and research and the quality of service in the field of radiology.For more information see:",
'head_office_address': u'9 / 2a\xa0Neutorgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '478131313572-40',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'50000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of European and International Affairs Department',
'name': 'European Society of Radiology',
'networking': u'- Founding member of the Alliance for MRI- Member of the European Commission\u2019s eHealth Stakeholder Group- Member of the European Commission\u2019s Medical Software Working Group- Member of the Alliance for biomedical research in Europe (BioMed Alliance)- Member of the European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering & Science (EAMBES)- Member of the European Brain Council (EBC)- Member of the European Medicines Agency Healthcare Professionals\u2019 Organisations Working Group (EMA HCP WG)- Member of IHE Europe \u2013 Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise- Member of the International Society of Radiology (ISR)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '30/04/14 10:09:35',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:50.576147',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01 533 40 64 0',
'update_date': '30/04/14 10:43:21'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'verification of management effectiveness of wilderness protected areascommunicating the values and benefits of wilderness to the wider societygenerating further funding for improving wilderness protection in Europeidentifying wilderness areas across EUropeinitiating restoration projects to enlarge the coverage of wilderness in Europe',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': 'We are cooperating with Lumina COnsult a Brussels based lobby organisation',
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 05/2014',
'goals': 'The European Wilderness Society is Pan-European, wilderness and environmental advocacy organisation whose mission is to identify, designate, manage and promote European wilderness.The engaged and very experienced team behind the European Wilderness Society works highly ambitious to achieve this goal. But together with you we can reach even more! In case you have anything to publish, further information concerning the European Wilderness or a comment to our European Wilderness Society Webpage, please let us know!Our website is a one-stop-shop for information about the European Wilderness. If you are interested in being notified about the European Wildernesss in many facets please register for our Wilderness Newsletter or follow us on FB, and Twitter, or join our open Linkedin group!We are happy to publish your articles, blogs and wilderness related research results.',
'head_office_address': u'5\xa0Dechant Franz Fuchs Str\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Tamsweg\xa05580\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '706136913777-83',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Chairman',
'name': 'European Wilderness Society',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '3',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '10/06/14 22:25:32',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:51.472613',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa06474270290',
'update_date': '10/06/14 22:44:26'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'Organisation von Gespr\xe4chsrunden zu aktuellen umweltpolitischen Themen und Diskussion mit \xf6sterreichischen MEPs und NGO-VertreterInnenVersenden von Abstimmungsempfehlungen zu umweltpolitischen Amendments an \xf6sterreichische PolitikerInnen (z.B. Ab\xe4nderungsantrag zu CITES an MEP Kadenbach, Ab\xe4nderungsantrag zur Finanzierung von LIFE an MEP Kadenbach)Organisation und Durchf\xfchrung von de-briefings von den EU-Umweltministerratssitzungen mit MinisteriumsvertreterInnen und NGOs in \xd6sterreichOrganisation und Durchf\xfchrung einer Exkursion von NGO VertreterInnen nach Br\xfcssel auf Einladung von MEP KadenbachArbeitstreffen mit MEP Schultes zum Thema Klima und EnergieVorstellungsbrief EU-Umweltb\xfcro und allgemeine Informationen zu unserer Arbeit an die neuen EU-Abgeordneten Ewald Stadler und Josef WeidenholzerArbeitsgruppenbesprechung sowie EEB-Koordination f\xfcr Treffen mit MEP Swoboda in Br\xfcssel'
'countries': '',
'extra_financial_info': ''
'fax_number': ''
'01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012'
u'Das EU Umweltb\xfcro in Wien wurde 1994 als Kompetenzzentrum f\xfcr Europ\xe4ische Umweltpolitik und -gesetzgebung gegr\xfcndet und ist im Umweltdachverband \u2013 der gr\xf6\xdften \xf6sterreichischen Dachorganisation von Umweltschutzorganisationen \u2013 angesiedelt. Die Kernkompetenz des EU-Umweltb\xfcros liegt in umfassenden Kenntnissen des politischen Gesetzwerdungsprozesses auf europ\xe4ischer Ebene und \xfcber derzeitige und zuk\xfcnftige Entwicklungen im Bereich EU-Umweltpolitik. Das Umweltb\xfcro vertritt die \xf6sterreichischen Mitglieder im Vorstand des europ\xe4ischen Dachverbands European Environmental Bureau (EEB). Das Umweltb\xfcro ist auf europ\xe4ischer und internationaler Ebene gut vernetzt und arbeitet in Deutsch und Englisch. Das EU-Umweltb\xfcro beteiligt sich nicht an \xf6ffentlichen Kampagnen.',
u'10/7-9\xa0Strozzigasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01080\r\n AUSTRIA',
'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
u'EU Umweltb\xfcro',
'Umweltdachverband; European Environmental Bureau (EEB)'
'num_natural_members': '4'
'num_org_members': ''
'org_members': '',
'07/12/10 13:02:57',
'11/11/13 14:01:12'
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'Aufgrund der Breite der Aktivit\xe4ten sind viele EU-Politikbereiche f\xfcr die EV Group von Interesse. Dazu geh\xf6ren insbesondere die Forschungspolitik, Ma\xdfnahmen zum Schutz geistigen Eigentums sowie die Aussenhandelspolitik.'
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'10/2012\r\n - \r\n 09/2013',
u'EVG ist seit \xfcber 30 Jahren anerkannter Technologie- und Marktf\xfchrer f\xfcr Pr\xe4zisionsanlagen zur Waferbearbeitung. Mit unserer technologischen Kompetenz und ausgereiften Prozessl\xf6sungen f\xfcr spezifische Anwendungen produzieren weltweit namhafte Industrie- und Produktionsunternehmen in Bereichen wie Automobilindustrie, Bio-, Informationstechnologie und Medizintechnik innovative Mikro- und Nanobauteile. Gerade in neuen M\xe4rkten kann EVG auf Basis des Technologie-vorsprungs und der hohen Investition in F&E nicht nur die Marktf\xfchrerschaft erreichen, sondern es werden weltweite Industriestandards gesetzt.Mit der Vision \u201eThe triple i company: invent \u2013 innovate \u2013 implement\u201c definiert EV Group nicht nur die zentralen Schritte der Leistungserstellung, sondern auch die wesentlichen Elemente des Wettbewerbsansatzes und -vorteils. EV Group setzt seinen Focus mit einem hohen Aufwand in Forschung und Entwicklung in neue Anwendungsbereiche und Technologien. Dies erm\xf6glicht den Kunden die erfolgreiche Umsetzung ihrer Produktideen und sichert EVG nachhaltiges Wachstum und wirtschaftliche St\xe4rke. Gemeinsam mit namhaften Produktionskunden werden dabei konstant neue Technologien entwickelt. Unsere Forschungsaufwendungen betragen j\xe4hrlich ca. 20 % des Umsatzes und die Exportquote liegt im Schnitt der Wirtschaftsjahre stets deutlich \xfcber 95 %.'
'head_office_address': u'1\xa0DI Erich Thallner Stra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n St. Florian\xa04782\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': ''
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'Companies & groups',
'Executive Financial & Operations Director',
'EV Group GmbH',
'23/04/12 11:11:25',
'14/04/14 08:15:59'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Konsultation Kunststoffabfall'
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
u'Der Fachverband hat im eigenen Wirkungsbereich die fachlichen Interessen der Mitglieder der gleichartigen Fachgruppen und Fachvertretungen zu vertreten. In fachlichen Angelegenheiten ist der Fachverband berechtigt, Informationen der Bundeskammer, die im Wege der zust\xe4ndigen Bundessparte zu erfolgen hat, selbst\xe4ndig Antr\xe4ge an staatliche Organe und an internationale Organisationen zu stellen.Zu den vom Fachverband zunehmenden fachlichen Angelegeneheiten geh\xf6rt auch die Pflege der Beziehungen zu entsprechenden Interessenvertretungen.',
u'63\xa0Wiedner Hauptstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01040\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '01523296397-60',
'lobbying_expenditure': ''
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Trade, business & professional associations'
'Fachverband der chemischen Industrie'
'09/08/11 08:56:42'
u'(+43)\xa0590900 3371'
'14/07/14 10:16:27'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Produktionsstandort: * Wettbewerbsrecht * Binnenmarkt * F&E - Key Enabling Technologies'
'01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
u'Der FEEI - Fachverband der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie vertritt in \xd6sterreich die Interessen von rund 300 Industrie-Unternehmen mit knapp 59.000 Besch\xe4ftigten und einem Produktionswert von \xfcber 11,5 Mrd. EUR im Jahr 2010, die elektrotechnische Produkte herstellen bzw. Systeml\xf6sungen und Dienstleistungen anbieten.Das vorrangige Ziel des FEEI als gesamt\xf6sterreichische Interessensvertretung f\xfcr die Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie ist die ma\xdfgebliche Mitgestaltung der wirtschaftlichen und rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen, um die Position der Unternehmen im weltweit gef\xfchrten Standortwettbewerb zu st\xe4rken. Inhaltlich deckt der FEEI alle Bereiche ab, die f\xfcr die Unternehmen der Branche von Interesse sind, wie z. B. Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Wirtschaftspolitik, Infrastrukturpolitik, Forschung- und Entwicklung, Technik und Technologie, Umweltpolitik oder auch Aus- und Weiterbildung. Auf europ\xe4ischer Ebene geht der FEEI Kooperationen und Allianzen ein und arbeitet mit europ\xe4ischen Arbeitgeber- und Wirtschaftsverb\xe4nden zusammen.',
u'37-39\xa0Mariahilfer Strasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01060\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '54228767435-01',
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Trade, business & professional associations'
'Fachverband der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie'
'14/12/11 14:42:04'
u'(+43)\xa001 58839 0',
'18/11/13 08:44:42'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Teilnahme an Konsultationen im Bereich Energie und Umwelt.'
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2010\r\n - \r\n 01/2011',
'goals': u'Der Fachverband der Gas- und W\xe4rmeversorgungsunternehmungen (FGW) ist die unabh\xe4ngige gesetzliche Interessenvertretung der \xf6sterreichischen Gas- und W\xe4rmewirtschaft.Dem FGW sind folgende Unternehmen zugeordnet: Erdgasunternehmen, Unternehmen der Nah- und Fernw\xe4rmeversorgung, Unternehmen der Fernk\xe4lteversorgung.Der FGW vertritt im eigenen Wirkungsbereich die fachlichen Interessen der Mitglieder. Die Aktivit\xe4ten des FGW sind durch ausgepr\xe4gten Service-Charakter und durch Nutzung von Synergien mit verwandten Verb\xe4nden und Organisationen gekennzeichnet.',
'head_office_address': u'14\xa0Schubertring\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '04011446819-63',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Referent',
'name': u'Fachverband der Gas- und W\xe4rmeversorgungsunternehmungen',
'networking': 'EHP, NGVA, Eurogas',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '29/09/11 11:12:48',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:56.484331',
'telephone': u'(+43 1)\xa05131588 0',
'update_date': '16/09/14 09:39:27'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Industriepolitik,Binnenmarkt,Technische Harmonisierung,Forschung und Entwicklung,Au\xdfenhandel,Umwelt und Energie,Bildung,EU-Wirtschaftsrecht,',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die \xf6sterreichische Maschinen & Metallwaren Industrie ist im Fachverband FMMI organisiert, um damit die Interessen aller Unternehmen aus den Industriezweigen Maschinenbau, Anlagenbau, Stahlbau und Metallwaren bestm\xf6glich zu vertreten.Der FMMI vertritt in \xd6sterreich etwa 1200 Betriebe. Die Maschinen- und Metallwarenindustrie besch\xe4ftigt derzeit rund 120000 Personen und spielt damit eine Schl\xfcsselrolle bei der industriellen Besch\xe4ftigung in \xd6sterreich. Im Jahr 2012 hat die Branche rund 39,6 Milliarden Euro erwirtschaftet und damit 6,5 Prozent zum \xf6sterreichischen BIP beigetragen.Oberstes Ziel des FMMI ist die Mitwirkung an der Gestaltung von ma\xdfgeblichen rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen, um den erfolgreichen Fortbestand der Unternehmen der Maschinen- und Metallwarenindustrie im internationalen Wettbewerb zu sichern.Zudem verhandelt der FMMI mit den Gewerkschaften Kollektivvertr\xe4ge f\xfcr alle Mitgliedsbetriebe und schlie\xdft diese auch ab.Der FMMI agiert vornehmlich als- Interessensvertretung- Informations- und Servicestelle- Unterst\xfctzung bei individuellen Anliegen und FragenAuf europ\xe4ischer Ebene geht der FMMI Kooperationen und Allianzen ein und arbeitet mit europ\xe4ischen Arbeitgeber- und Wirtschaftsverb\xe4nden zusammen, insbesondere ORGALIME/The European Engineering Industries Association (siehe Punkt Netzwerke). Der FMMI tritt auch selbst als stakeholder auf.',
'head_office_address': u'63\xa0Wiedner Hauptstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01045\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '08290427831-34',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'EU Affairs Manager, Vertreter des FMMI bei Orgalime',
'name': 'Fachverband der Maschinen & Metallwarenindustrie',
'networking': 'Orgalime,CECIMO,CEMA,CEEMET,CIMAC,CECOF,CEETB,ManuFuture, EFFRA',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '24/01/12 19:02:12',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:57.307341',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa05 909 00 3482',
'update_date': '08/01/14 13:23:16'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'* Gesetzliche Interessenvertretung (Zugang zu den Rohstoffen, Umweltfragen, Energie- und Klimapolitik, Verkehrsleistungen),* Sozialpartner (Abschluss von Kollektivvertr\xe4gen, Gestaltung arbeitsrechtlicher Rahmenbedingungen),* Lobbyingorganisation (EU, Bund und L\xe4nder) und * Serviceeinrichtung f\xfcr die Mitgliedsfirmen',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der Fachverband hat im eigenen Wirkungsbereich die fachlichen Interessen der Mitglieder der gleichartigen Fachgruppen und Fachvertretungen zu vertreten. In fachlichen Angelegenheiten ist der Fachverband berechtigt, nach Information der Bundeskammer, die im Wege der zust\xe4ndigen Bundessparte zu erfolgen hat, selbst\xe4ndig Antr\xe4ge an staatliche Organe und an internationale Organisationen zu stellen. Zu den vom Fachverband wahrzunehmenden fachlichen Angelegenheiten geh\xf6rt auch die Pflege der Beziehungen zu entsprechenden ausl\xe4ndischen Interessenvertretungen. Eine Berechtigung, welche die Kammermitgliedschaft begr\xfcndet, f\xfchrt zu einer Mitgliedschaft bei einem Fachverband oder zur Mitgliedschaft bei mehreren Fachverb\xe4nden.Der Fachverband gilt mit dem In-Kraft-Treten der Fachorganisationsordnung als errichtet.',
'head_office_address': u'63\xa0Wiedner Hauptstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01045\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '35832214158-18',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Referent',
'name': 'Fachverband der Stein- und keramischen Industrie',
'networking': 'UEPG, CEPMC, ILA, EuLA, CERAMUNIE, PRE, EuroGypsum, EMO, FEPA, FEPF',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '12/09/10 17:11:23',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:58.140802',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0590900 3532',
'update_date': '18/08/14 10:21:56'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Gegenstand der wichtigsten Lobbyt\xe4tigkeiten unserer Organisation:\u201eDie F.U.E.C.H. vertritt europaweit die Interessen der ihr angeh\xf6renden, ehrenamtlicht\xe4tigen Honorarkonsuln gegen\xfcber den zust\xe4ndigen Institutionen der EU und\xf6ffentlichen Institutionen in den Mitgliedsstaaten. Sie setzt sich ein f\xfcr die Wahrungund Pflege ihrer Rechte und Pflichten auf der Basis der Wiener Konvention \xfcber konsularische Beziehungen aus 1963. Dar\xfcber hinaus setzt sich die F.U.E.C.H. in Zeiten steigenden Anforderungen an die Aufgaben der Honorarkonsuln f\xfcr einheitliche Arbeitsbedingungen innerhalb der Europ\xe4ischen Union sowie f\xfcr die Einhaltung eines eigens geschaffenen \u201eVerhaltens-kodex f\xfcr Honorarkonsuln\u201c ein.Die F.U.E.C.H. versteht sich zudem als Mittlerin zwischen den Kulturen zurF\xf6rderung der V\xf6lkerverst\xe4ndigung und Integration und schafft durch Beratungund Austausch von Erfahrungen und Interessen ein europaweites Netzwerkf\xfcr ihre Mitglieder\u201c',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Der Sitz der F.U.E.C.H. ist an das Pr\xe4sidentenamt gebunden. Die Ehrenpr\xe4sidentin Ann-Katrin Bauknecht ist Honorargeneralkonsulin von Nepal mit Sitz in Stuttgart/BRD und gleichzeitig Pr\xe4sidentin des Konsularischen Korps Deutschland H(C.C.D.)mit Sitz in Berlin: Postfach 141603 \u2013 D-10149 Berlin. Pr\xe4sident der F.U.E.C.H. ist Hon. Generalkonsul Dr. Wolfgang Breitenthaler, 1150 Wien (Anschrift s.o.).Die Adresse der F.U.E.C.H.-Vertretung in Br\xfcssel lautet wie folgt: c/o Vertretung des Landes Baden-W\xfcrttemberg bei der Europ\xe4ischen Union - Rue Belliard 60 \u2013 62 B-1040 Br\xfcssel T.: 0032 2 741 770',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die F.U.E.C.H. ist die europ\xe4ische Vereinigung der Honorarkonsuln. Die Mitgliederdieser F\xf6deration, die sich als Interessenvertretung der in Europa akkreditierten Honorarkonsuln versteht, sind die nationalen konsularischen Vereinigungen. DieF.U.E.C.H. wurde am 17. April 2004 offiziell in Grenoble von den MitgliedsvereinigungenBelgien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Niederlande, \xd6sterreich und Slovenien gegr\xfcndet.Zu den Zielen der F.U.E.C.H. geh\xf6ren die Unterst\xfctzung und der Ausbau der Beziehungenzwischen den Entsendel\xe4ndern und der Europ\xe4ischen Union sowie ihrer verschiedenenInstitutionen auf wirtschaftlicher, kultureller und sozialer Ebene. Die Honorarkonsuln inEuropa verstehen sich ferner als ehrenamtliche Dienstleister und Mittler zwischen denKulturen auf zwischenstaatlicher Ebene.',
'head_office_address': u'11 Suite 7\xa0Talgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01150\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '2401666440-09',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Ehrenpr\xe4sidentin F.U.E.C.H.',
'name': u'F\xe9d\xe9ration de l\u2019Union Europ\xe9enne des Consuls Honoraires (F.U.E.C.H.)',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '1,413',
'num_org_members': '13',
'org_members': u'CC Deutschland\xa0(240\xa0members);CC Belgien\xa0(140\xa0members);CC Malta\xa0(60\xa0members);CC \xd6sterreich\xa0(130\xa0members);CC Italien\xa0(100\xa0members);CC Slowenien\xa0(48\xa0members);CC Spanien\xa0(100\xa0members);CC Ungarn\xa0(60\xa0members);CC Niederlande\xa0(220\xa0members);CC Rum\xe4nien\xa0(8\xa0members);CC Litauen\xa0(52\xa0members);CC Liechtenstein\xa0(35\xa0members);Frankreich\xa0(220\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '29/09/08 17:03:04',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:58.997499',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa0894 058 220',
'update_date': '03/09/14 15:29:17'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Member of CEPI (The European Coordination of Independent Producers), FIAT (International Federation of Film Distributors\u2019 Associations) and FIAPF (F\xe9d\xe9ration Internationale des Associations de Producteurs de Films)',
'area_of_interest': 'national',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'The "Fachverband der Film- und Musikindustrie" (Film and Music Austria) represents the interests of enterprises operating in the film and music industry throughout Austria. The association is a corporation under public law and is an independent specialist organisation with its own sphere of influence within the chambers of commerce. All companies dealing with the manufacture of moving pictures on video carriers of all kinds (film/video production and multimediaproduction), incl. programming companies as defined by the law on cable and satellite broadcasting, film distributing companies, video distribution companies are members of the professional association; in addition, the membership includes copying and reversal shops, studios, sound studios, video finishing firms and the manufacturers and copiers of sound recordings onto sound carriers of all kinds. Firms involved in record pressing and CD manufacture are also members of our professional association.',
'head_office_address': u'63\xa0Wiedner Hauptstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01045\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '293640312756-23',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'General Manger',
'name': 'Film and Music Austria',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '28/01/14 14:43:24',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:05:59.844387',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa05909003012',
'update_date': '28/01/14 14:48:47'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Vertretung der Flughafen Wien AG gegen\xfcber europ\xe4ischen Institutionen in Br\xfcssel mit dem Schwerpunkt Verkehr und Infrastruktur',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'Gegenstand des Unternehmens ist der Bau und der Betrieb des Flughafens mit allen damit in Zusammenhang stehenden Nebeneinrichtungen.',
'head_office_address': u'1\xa0Office Park\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien Flughafen\xa01300\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '606518612244-15',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Public Affairs Manager',
'name': 'Flughafen Wien AG',
'networking': u'ADV (Arbeitsgemeinschaft deutscher Verkehrsflugh\xe4fen)ACI Europe (Airports Council International Europe)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '12/11/13 10:39:18',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:00.691800',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01700722470',
'update_date': '16/10/14 10:48:54'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Europ\xe4isches LebensmittelmodellERIRisikoatlasR\xfcckverfolgungAktionsplan Ern\xe4hrung',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA;GERMANY',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die FGL ist eine interdisziplin\xe4re, offene Plattform des Netzwerkes Nahrungsmittel im Handelsverband Wien, zust\xe4ndig f\xfcr Fragen und Aufgaben entlang der gesamten LM-Herstellungskette, mit dem Ziel, aktiv an der Verwirklichung der Vorgaben der EU - Kommissionen und der subsidi\xe4ren Einrichtungen mittels Interpretation der Erw\xe4gungsgr\xfcnde und Schaffung von Umsetzungshilfen mitzuwirken.Bisherige Arbeiten sind :Erstellung des \xd6sterreichischen HACCP - HandbuchesStudien der Auswirkungen des Konsums von Rindfleisch"Fleischkonsum als Leistungsgarantie "Feststellung des Ern\xe4hrungsbewu\xdftseins , F\xfctterungsversuche zur Verbessrung der Inhaltsstoffe.usw.Siehe',
'head_office_address': u'10\xa0Falkenweg\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Kirchberg-Thening\xa04062\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '7574597868-95',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Think tanks and research institutions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Kooordinator und Schriftf\xfchrer',
'name': 'Forschungsgruppe Lebensmittelsicherheit',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '8',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '24/12/08 10:25:05',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:01.591624',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa06642564609',
'update_date': '27/11/14 10:14:04'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'EU Danube Strategy, Civil Society in the Danube Basin, Minorities and Regions in Europe, Regionalisation and Dezentralisation in Europe, Rural Developemnt in Europe',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 01/2014',
'goals': u'Foster Europe, Foundation for strong European Regions is an independent, non partisan, private, and charitable Austrian Foundation to further regional decentralisation, rural development and federalism in Europe.While working in a pan-European framework, Foster Europe has its main emphasis in the area of Central and Eastern Europe. Founded in 2009 in Eisenstadt, Austria, by a group of dedicated people Foster Europe\u2019s purpose is to enhance knowledge, debate and research on regionalism, federalism and rural development, to broach new topics of European relevance and to forge international connections among scholars, intellectuals, practitioners, and institutions from different societies and fields.',
'head_office_address': u'1\xa0Schloss Esterh\xe1zy\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Eisenstadt\xa07000\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '44037733681-91',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Direktor',
'name': 'Foundation for strong European Regions',
'networking': u'Danube Civil Society Forum, www.danubestrategy.euNetzwerk, Europ\xe4isches Zentrum f\xfcr F\xf6deralismusforschung, T\xfcbingen',
'num_natural_members': '3',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '27/05/10 10:50:45',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:02.469057',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa026826342610',
'update_date': '05/05/14 13:01:58'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'SESAR - Single European Sky; IDIRA - Interoperability of data and procedures in large-scalemultinational disaster response actions; ESA - Iris; D-MILS - Distributed Multiple Independent Levels of Security',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'Frequentis is an international supplier of communication and information systems to two core markets: air traffic management (civil and military applications) and public safety and transport (police, fire & ambulance services, inland and maritime shipping, rail). Fail-safe connectivity, connection set-up in milliseconds and user-friendly design are core elements of Frequentis products.The systems and products developed and sold by Frequentis are key components of a control centre solution. "Control centre" is a generic term applied to operational command and control facilities charged with the support, coordination and observation tasks involved in safety-relevant situations and incidents. The primary goal of a control centre is to ensure the protection of individuals and goods from harm or injury. Appropriate solutions are therefore particularly important for customers working in safety-relevant sectors.Frequentis, founded back in 1947, has installed about 25,000 operator positions throughout the world and can draw on enormous reserves of project know-how built through numerous international engagements. About 250 customers in about 115 countries rely on the know-how and experience of Frequentis. The company focuses on technology and innovation, particularly on the design of optimized human-machine interfaces. Frequentis is the world\'s leading producer of voice communication systems in air traffic management, with a dominant 30% share of the market.The company\'s international success is reflected in an export rate of 90%. Frequentis has a network of subsidiaries, branch offices and representatives with locations in over 50 countries. Local sales offices manage the successful on-site implementation of projects, helped by their particularly close relationships with customers. Frequentis is headquartered in Vienna and has about 1110 employees around the world. Operating income (EBIT) in 2012 was EUR 8,9 million, with a total operating performance of EUR 183.4 million.',
'head_office_address': u'1\xa0Innovationsstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01100\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '878884412932-63',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Director European ATM Programs',
'name': 'Frequentis AG',
'networking': u"ASD (Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe); AAI (Austrian Aerospace Industries); AAA (Austrian Aviation Association); BAPCO - British Associated Public Safety Communications Officials; Canso - Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation; CIRM - Comite International Radio-Maritime (The International Association for Marine Electronics Companies); DGON - Deutsche Gesellschaft f\xfcr Ortung und Navigation E.V.; EENA - European Emergency Number Association (112 SOS); EUROCAE - The European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment; IALA - International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities; IFAIMA - International Federation of Aeronautical Information Management Associations; IFATCA - International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations; IFATSEA - International Federation of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Associations; IRSE - Institution of Railway Signal Engineers; ISSA - Information Systems Security Association; OGC - Open Geospatial Consortium Inc.; Verband der \xf6sterreichischen Bahnindustrie;",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '12/02/14 14:16:06',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:03.331265',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01 81150 0',
'update_date': '12/02/14 14:17:46'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'GAP 2014-2020',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die Gr\xfcnen B\xe4uerinnen und Bauern setzen sich f\xfcr eine \xf6kologische und gerechte Agrarpolitik ein. Wir sind ein unabh\xe4ngiger Verein, sehen uns aber durch die gemeinsamen Grundwerte (\xf6kologisch, solidarisch, selbstbestimmt, basisdemokratisch, gewaltfrei, feministisch) den politischen Anliegen der Gr\xfcnen verbunden.Schwerpunkte unserer Bem\xfchungen sind die \xd6kologisierung der Land- und Forstwirtschaft, die Absicherung der kleinb\xe4uerlichen Betriebe und der Erhalt der Arbeitspl\xe4tze im l\xe4ndlichen Raum. Unsere Ziele wollen wir durch Bildung, \xd6ffentlichkeitsarbeit, Aktionen und die Einflussnahme auf politische Entscheidungen durchsetzen.',
'head_office_address': u'17\xa0Landgutstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Linz\xa04040\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '70605975096-59',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Vorstandsmitglied ohne spezifische Funktion',
'name': u'Gr\xfcne B\xe4uerinnen und Bauern \xd6sterreich',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '320',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '26/01/11 00:34:22',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:04.195639',
'telephone': u'(+43732)\xa0739400524',
'update_date': '02/01/14 15:34:03'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'keine',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der Hauptverband des \xd6sterreichischen Buchhandels vertritt die Interessen der Buchbranche. Er ist parteiunabh\xe4ngig und als Verein auf Basis freiwilliger Mitgliedschaft organisiert.',
'head_office_address': u'4\xa0Gruenangergasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '718988812812-02',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrerin',
'name': u'Hauptverband des \xd6sterreichischen Buchhandels',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '01/02/14 13:20:54',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:04.892548',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa015121535',
'update_date': '04/02/14 10:09:41'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'derzeitig keine Aktivit\xe4ten auf EU Ebene, jedoch f\xfcr 2015 und 2016 Projekte in Umsetzungsplanung',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 11/2014',
'goals': u'Beratende T\xe4tigkeit f\xfcr und von Interessensvertretungen',
'head_office_address': u'58a\xa0M\xfchlgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Baden bei Wien\xa02500\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '217001114936-35',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Self-employed consultants',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrender Gesellschafter',
'name': 'HCM Christoph Salmhofer',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '17/11/14 14:52:39',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:05.577912',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa06641581584',
'update_date': '17/11/14 14:53:38'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': 'Entwicklung Roma-Projekt Bulgarien 2013Internationale Konferenz Malta 2012'
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': u'Finanzierung durch Spenden und Mitgliedsbeitr\xe4ge Projektbezogene F\xf6rderungen',
'fax_number': ''
'07/2013\r\n - \r\n 07/2014',
u'Der Hospitalische Orden des Heiligen Lazarus (der Vereinigten Gro\xdfpriorate) ist eine unabh\xe4ngige, private Hilfsorganisation nach den Idealen und im Geiste des Hl. Lazarus. Die Mitglieder verbindet die Aufgabe, anderen Menschen Freude zu bereiten, Katastrophenhilfe zu leisten, behinderte Mitmenschen zu betreuen und Obdachlosen zu helfen. Wir sind ehrenamtlich t\xe4tig, kommen aus allen Altersgruppen und Berufen und unterschiedlichem sozialem Hintergrund.Der Hospitalische Orden des Heiligen Lazarus (der Vereinigten Gro\xdfpriorate) ist offen f\xfcr alle Menschen, egal welcher Rasse und ethnischen Zugeh\xf6rigkeit, welcher Religion, welchem gesellschaftlichen Stand, welchen Geschlechts, welchen Alters und welchen Zugeh\xf6rigkeiten zu Vereinen, Gesellschaften und Orden auch immer, solange diese den Prinzipien der \xf6kumenischen, humanit\xe4ren N\xe4chstenliebe nach dem Vorbild des Hl. Lazarus folgen. Jeder der sich diesen Zielen verbunden f\xfchlt und f\xfcr diese Ziele bereit ist zu arbeiten, wird daher herzlich willkommen sein. Der Verein verpflichtet sich zum Ausgleich, zur Toleranz und zur N\xe4chstenliebe.'
'head_office_address': u'1a/4\xa0Lavantgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n WIEN\xa01210\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Vorstand'
'name': u'Hospitalischer Orden des Heiligen Lazarus von Jerusalem der Vereinigten Gro\xdfpriorate',
'networking': u'Dachverband: Vereinigte Gro\xdfpriorate des Hospitalischen Orden des Heiligen Lazarus von Jerusalem (MALTA)Lazarus Union (Corps Saint Lazarus International CSLI)'
'num_natural_members': '50',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': ''
'register_url': ''
'registration_date': '07/08/12 21:00:18',
'telephone': u'(+43680)\xa01414288',
'25/07/14 07:31:47'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': 'None. Activities regarding EU starting this year.'
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'ICAN Austria was established in 2012 as a national association with the general aim to support and foster international peace and security through strengthening global multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation regimes and especially to promote nuclear disarmament. With Austria being at the forefront of nuclear disarmament, its role is to promote the progressive positions of the parliament, government and civil society world wide and motivate others to join for a global ban on nuclear weapons.',
u'25\xa0Edelhofgasse\xa0Top 10\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01180\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '425283714221-63',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Director',
'name': 'ICAN Austria',
'We are a member of ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons,',
'num_natural_members': '16',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'registration_date': '20/08/14 13:27:07',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:07.399882'
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa06769766760',
'update_date': '20/08/14 13:27:35'
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'\u2022\tCommission Consultation on Copyright\u2022\tDirective on Collective Management. \u2022\tData Protection \u2022\tNet Neutrality.\u2022\tReport on Private Copying Levies. \u2022\tEU Mediator Antonio Vitorino\u2019s Recommendations on private copying. \u2022\tReport on the Commission Communication on Cloud Computing. \u2022\tReport on the Commission Communication on Promoting Cultural and Creative sectors. \u2022\tReport on Organised Crime, Corruption and Money Laundering. \u2022\tCommission Communication on Cloud Computing. \u2022\tInternal Market Working Group on E-Commerce \u2022\tResolution on Completing the Digital Single Market. \u2022\tCommission Proposal on Common EU Sales Law (CSL). \u2022\tComparative Study on the contractual arrangements applicable to creators in Europe. \u2022\tResolution on EU-China negotiations for a bilateral investment agreement. \u2022\tFriends of Music-Events in the European Parliament\u2022\tStudy on the perceptions of IP in Europe \u2022\tTransatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and US.'
'countries': '',
'extra_financial_info': ''
'fax_number': ''
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
u'Der Verband der \xf6sterreichischen Musikwirtschaft \u2013 IFPI Austria vertritt die Interessen seiner Mitglieder in allen firmen\xfcbergreifenden Fragen. Zu den Mitgliedsfirmen z\xe4hlen \xf6sterreichische Independents ebenso wie die Tochterfirmen der weltweit t\xe4tigen Musikunternehmen; sie repr\xe4sentieren rund 90 % des \xf6sterreichischen Musikmarktes. Die \xf6sterreichische Musikwirtschaft z\xe4hlt mit einer j\xe4hrlichen Wertsch\xf6pfung von mehr als zwei Milliarden Euro und \xfcber 42.000 Besch\xe4ftigten zu den zehn wichtigsten Wirtschaftssektoren \xd6sterreichs.Unsere Aufgabe ist die F\xf6rderung von wirtschaftlichen, rechtlichen und kulturellen Rahmenbedingungen, die es unseren Mitgliedern erm\xf6glichen, ihre vielf\xe4ltigen Musikproduktionen einem m\xf6glichst breiten Publikum n\xe4her zu bringen.',
'head_office_address': u'18-20\xa0Seilerst\xe4tte\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa0-\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '808781214497-53'
'lobbying_expenditure': u'200000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 250000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
'IFPI Austria'
'26/09/14 10:49:22'
'26/09/14 10:53:46'
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'\xd6ffentliche Konsultation zur \xdcberpr\xfcfung der Regeln zum EU-Urheberrecht'
'fax_number': ''
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
u'Die Interessengemeinschaft \xf6sterreichischer Autorinnen und Autoren (IG Autorinnen Autoren) wurde 1971 als gemeinsame Verhandlungsdelegation \xf6sterreichischer Schriftstellerverb\xe4nde gegr\xfcndet und 1981 als eigenst\xe4ndige Organisation mit derzeit rund 3.500 Mitgliedern und 70 Mitgliederverb\xe4nden neu aufgebaut.Die IG Autorinnen Autoren ist unter anderem in folgenden Bereichen aktiv:\u2022F\xf6rderung und Wahrung der beruflichen, rechtlichen und sozialen Interessen der \xf6sterreichischen Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller - insbesonders Vertragspartnern und Beh\xf6rden gegen\xfcber\u2022Generelle und individuelle soziale und rechtliche Beratung und Information\u2022Beratung und Unterst\xfctzung in vertraglichen Angelegenheiten und in allen F\xe4llen von Zensur\u2022Initiativen auf dem Gebiet des Steuer-, Sozial- und Urheberrechts\u2022Entwicklung und Begutachtung von f\xfcr schriftstellerisches Arbeiten relevanten Gesetzen und generellen vertraglichen Regelungen\u2022Gemeinschaftsausstellungen und -pr\xe4sentationen \xf6sterreichischer Kunst-, Kultur- und Autorenverlage auf den internationalen Buchmessen in Leipzig, Frankfurt sowie auf der Buch Wien. Seit 2001 in Kooperation mit LiteRadio auch Buchpr\xe4sentationen, Lesungen, Diskussionen etc. am Buchmessenstand in Frankfurt, seit 2006 auch in Leipzig.'
'head_office_address': u'13\xa0Seidengasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01070\r\n AUSTRIA'
'id': '192527912753-95'
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations'
'Trade, business & professional associations',
'IG Autorinnen Autoren',
'28/01/14 13:18:46',
u'(+43)\xa01 526204413'
'28/01/14 15:11:32'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Cultural Policy'
u'Die Interessengemeinschaft f\xfcr autonome Kulturarbeit in Vorarlberg ist die Interessenvertretung von fast 40 Kulturinitiativen in Vorarlberg. Sie ist kulturpolitisch mitgestaltende Kraft und agiert im eigenen Namen wie im Namen ihrer Mitglieder, um die Arbeitsbedingungen f\xfcr Freie Kulturarbeit zu verbessern. Ihre T\xe4tigkeit beruht auf drei S\xe4ulen.KulturpolitikAktives Mitgestalten der Kulturpolitik auf Landesebene und gemeinschaftlich mit den Schwestervereinen in den anderen Bundesl\xe4ndern und auf der Bundesebene auch dar\xfcber hinaus. Ziel ist die Weiterentwicklung der Vielfalt der Freien Kulturinitiativen und der Kulturarbeit im Allgemeinen.GewerkschaftDie IG Kultur Vorarlberg fordert angemessenen Rahmenbedingungen f\xfcr die Kulturarbeit, auch entsprechende Bezahlung. An legislativen Ver\xe4nderungen f\xfcr den Kulturbereich arbeitet sie zumindest im Rahmen der Begutachtung mit. Die sozialen Kontexte selbstbestimmter Kulturarbeit sind zentral im Blickfeld.Service und BeratungDie IG Kultur Vorarlberg gibt ihre Expertise in allen Fragen der Kulturarbeit an die Mitgliedsinitiativen weiter. Durch Vernetzungsarbeit wird dieses Wissen st\xe4ndig erweitert und erneuert. Die Mitglieder k\xf6nnen sich darauf verlassen, \xfcber rechtliche \xc4nderungen zeitgerecht informiert zu werden.',
'01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013'
'Cultural policyRepresentation of cultural workersConsultancy for cultural workers'
u'6/2\xa0Bahnhofstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Feldkirch\xa06800\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrung',
'name': u'IG Kultur Vorarlberg - Interessengemeinschaft f\xfcr autonome Kulturarbeit',
'networking': u'IG Kultur \xd6sterreichKultur OnlineEuropean Network of Cultural Centers',
'num_natural_members': '41',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '23/11/10 13:29:52',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:11.216706',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa05522 35383',
'update_date': '30/10/14 11:49:32'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Kulturprogramm',
'area_of_interest': 'national',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 01/2014',
'goals': u'Interessengemeinschaft der literarischen und wissenschaftlichen \xdcbersetzerInnen in \xd6sterreich. Vertritt die Mitglieder mit dem Ziel, ihre rechtliche und soziale Situation sowie die Anerkennung ihrer Arbeit bzw. des gesamten Berufes zu verbessern.',
'head_office_address': u'13\xa0Seidengasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01070\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '557097412682-29',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Vorsitzender',
'name': u'IG \xdcbersetzerinnen \xdcbersetzer',
'networking': u'Kulturrat \xd6sterreichIG Autorinnen Autoren (\xd6sterreich)CEATL - Conseil Europ\xe9en des Associations de Traducteurs Litt\xe9rairesEWC - European Writers CouncilFIT - International Federation of Translators',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '22/01/14 18:08:47',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:12.063453',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa0526204418',
'update_date': '22/01/14 18:15:19'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Lobbying f\xfcr die Anerkennung der online - Wissensvermittlung an Aufsichtsr\xe4te betreffend den Nachweis der Qualifizierung bzw Weiterbildung;Lobbying f\xfcr die Anerkennung der Wissensvermittlung an Aufsichtsr\xe4te durch INARA - gepr\xfcfte Lehrg\xe4nge.Lobbying f\xfcr die Interessen der \xd6sterreichischen Aufsichtsr\xe4te.Lobbying f\xfcr das Image der \xd6sterreichischen Aufsichtsr\xe4te.',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u'INARA Initiative Aufsichtsr\xe4te Austria vertritt die Interessen ihrer Mitglieder, welche durchwegs Aufsichtsr\xe4te in \xd6sterreich sind.Aufgabe von INARA ist die Aktualisierung des Wissens der Aufsichtsr\xe4te aus Recht und Wirtschaft ( knowledge base) , sowie Information und Service f\xfcr Aufsichtsr\xe4te auf - nationaler und internationaler Ebene.INARA sammelt Meinungen und Anregungen der Mitgleder und setzt sich f\xfcr deren Umsetzung ein.',
'head_office_address': u'28\xa0Neulinggasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01030\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '32270424882-28',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrerin',
'name': u'INARA Initiative Aufsichtsr\xe4te Austria',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '1',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '03/01/11 14:18:32',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:12.922078',
'telephone': u'(+43664)\xa01012050',
'update_date': '07/01/14 12:59:12'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'# Enge Verbindungen zu Universit\xe4ten# Intensive Kontakte zum Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) und zu der European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditing (ECIIA)# Internationale Kontakte zu Revisionsinstituten der Nachbarl\xe4nder (insb. DIIR , SVIR )# Beteiligung an Meinungsbildungsprozessen im nationalen und europ\xe4ischen Bereich zur F\xf6rderung der Ziele von Internen Revisionen in Unternehmen und deren Position in Unternehmen.# Die Interne Revision erbringt unabh\xe4ngige und objektive Pr\xfcfungs-(\u201eassurance-\u201c) und Beratungsleistungen, welche darauf ausgerichtet sind, Mehrwerte zu schaffen und die Gesch\xe4ftsprozesse zu verbessern. Sie unterst\xfctzt die Organisation bei der Erreichung ihrer Ziele, indem sie mit einem systematischen und zielgerichteten Ansatz die Effektivit\xe4t des Risikomanagements, der Kontrollen und der F\xfchrungs- und \xdcberwachungsprozesse bewertet und diese verbessern hilft.# Die Interne Revision unterst\xfctzt die Unternehmens- bzw. Organisationsleitung in ihrer Kontrollfunktion im Rahmen ihrer Steuerungsaufgabe durch unabh\xe4ngige Pr\xfcfungen.# Interne Revisionen sind somit eine wesentliche Verteidigungslinie der Unternehmen gegen Wirtschaftskriminalit\xe4t sowie jeglicher Form von Mi\xdfwirtschaft und nachteiliger Entwicklungen in Unternehmen# In wichtigen Wirtschaftsbereichen (zB Finanzsektor) und ab bestimmten Unternehmensgr\xf6\xdfen sind Interne Revisionen gesetzlich vorgeschrieben# Das IIA-Austria bringt sich daher in entsprechende Konsultationsprozesse ein, wenn es um Regelungsbereiche geht, welche auch das Arbeitsfeld von Internen Revisionen betrifft.',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': u'Das IIA-Austria ist ein gemeinn\xfctziger, nicht gewinnorientierter Verein. Wir finanzieren uns \xfcber die Mitgliedsbeitr\xe4ge unserer Mitglieder, vereinzelten Veranstaltungen und der Publikation von Unterlagen f\xfcr unsere Mitglieder.Wir unterhalten eine IIA-Akademie GmbH als Suborganisatin, welche mit der Abhaltung von Weiterbildungsseminaren f\xfcr unsere Mitglieder betraut ist.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Das Institut f\xfcr Interne Revision \xd6sterreich \u2013 IIA Austria, dessen T\xe4tigkeit nicht auf Gewinn gerichtet ist, handelt gemeinn\xfctzig und unpolitisch; es bezweckt die F\xf6rderung und Entwicklung der Internen Revision in \xd6sterreich durch * Erarbeitung von Revisionsgrunds\xe4tzen und -methoden und deren laufende Anpassung an die betriebswirtschaftlichen, organisatorischen und technischen Entwicklungen * wissenschaftliche und praktische Weiterbildung von Mitarbeitern der Internen Revision * Information \xfcber die Interne Revision * Intensivierung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis der Internen Revision * F\xf6rderungen von wissenschaftlichen und anderen fachorientierten Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Internen Revision * Anbahnung und Aufrechterhaltung von Beziehungen * zu \xe4hnlichen Institutionen des Auslandes * zu f\xfcr die Interne Revision relevanten BerufsgruppenDiese Aufgaben werden erf\xfcllt durch * Bildung von Arbeitskreisen, Fachaussch\xfcssen und Beir\xe4ten * Veranstaltung von Erfahrungsaustauschtreffen, Seminaren, Kursen, Vortr\xe4gen und Tagungen * Ver\xf6ffentlichung und Herausgabe von Informationen und Schriften * Erstellung und Pflege einer FachbibliographieDas Institut f\xfcr Interne Revision \u2013 IIA Austria ist die Interessensvertretung des Berufsstandes der Internen Revisorinnen und Revisoren in \xd6sterreich.Unser Ziel ist die F\xf6rderung und Entwicklung der Internen Revision in \xd6sterreich.Das erreichen wir durch * Professionelle Aus- und Weiterbildung im Rahmen der Akademie Interne Revision . * Aktuelle Informationen \xfcber alle Belange der Internen Revision, insb. \xfcber Revisionsgrunds\xe4tze und \u2013methoden (Internationale Standards \xfcber die berufliche Praxis der Internen Revision, Praktische Ratschl\xe4ge, Ethikkodex) . * Wissenstransfer, insb. durch Erfahrungsaustausch bei den regelm\xe4\xdfig stattfindenden nationalen und internationalen Treffen * Bildung von Arbeitskreisen . * Ver\xf6ffentlichung von Publikationen . * Kommunikation und Kontakte der Mitglieder * Enge Verbindungen zu Universit\xe4ten * Intensive Kontakte zum Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) und zu der European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditing (ECIIA) * Internationale Kontakte zu Revisionsinstituten der Nachbarl\xe4nder (insb. DIIR , SVIR ).Definition \u201eInterne Revision\u201c und gesetzliche GrundlagenDie Interne Revision erbringt unabh\xe4ngige und objektive Pr\xfcfungs-(\u201eassurance-\u201c) und Beratungsleistungen, welche darauf ausgerichtet sind, Mehrwerte zu schaffen und die Gesch\xe4ftsprozesse zu verbessern. Sie unterst\xfctzt die Organisation bei der Erreichung ihrer Ziele, indem sie mit einem systematischen und zielgerichteten Ansatz die Effektivit\xe4t des Risikomanagements, der Kontrollen und der F\xfchrungs- und \xdcberwachungsprozesse bewertet und diese verbessern hilft.Die Interne Revision unterst\xfctzt die Unternehmens- bzw. Organisationsleitung in ihrer Kontrollfunktion im Rahmen ihrer Steuerungsaufgabe durch unabh\xe4ngige Pr\xfcfungen.Gesetzliche Grundlagen f\xfcr die Einrichtung einer Internen Revision liegen in \xd6sterreich im \xa740 KWG f\xfcr Kreditinstitute und \xa717b VAG f\xfcr Versicherungsunternehmen (unabh\xe4ngig von ihrer Rechtsform). Bei Kreditinstituten, Versicherungsunternehmen und Pensionskassen werden die Aufgaben der IR dar\xfcber hinaus in den Mindestanforderungen an die Interne Revisionder Finanzmarktaufsicht (FMA) genauer beschrieben. Die Einf\xfchrung einer Internen Revision sieht auch der Art. 18 des \xf6sterreichischen Code of Corporate Governance vor.Auch wenn keine gesetzliche Vorschrift die Einrichtung einer Internen Revision vorgibt, so empfiehlt sich dennoch die Schaffung einer derartigen Funktion im Unternehmen.',
'head_office_address': u'3.OG\xa0Sch\xf6nbrunnerstra\xdfe 218-220\xa0U4 Center/Stiege B,\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01120\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '32272714365-81',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Vorstandsmitglied',
'name': u'Institut f\xfcr Interne Revision \xd6sterreich - IIA Austria',
'networking': u'Das IIA-Austria ist Mitglied beim ECIIA, der europ\xe4ischen Dachorganisation und beim IIA, der weltweiten Vereinigung aller Institute f\xfcr Interne Revision.',
'num_natural_members': '450',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '19/10/10 01:10:03',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:13.815780',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa0817 02 91',
'update_date': '25/09/14 13:36:44'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Stellungnahmen zum Kommunalen Haushalts- und Rechnungswesen4. Eisenbahnpaket',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;European',
'countries': '',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Das Institut f\xfcr Kommunalwissenschaften IKW Linz wurde 1969 vom ersten Rektor der Universit\xe4t Linz gegr\xfcndet und hat inzwischen 125 B\xe4nde mit kommunalwissenschaftlichen Themen herausgegeben',
'head_office_address': u'14\xa0Pfarrgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Linz\xa0A 4020\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '021030812588-96',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'VI - Organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Local, regional and municipal authorities (at sub-national level)',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Institutsleiter',
'name': u'Institut f\xfcr Kommunalwissenschaft, A 4020 Linz',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '7',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '10/01/14 11:11:07',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:14.686589',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa00732 77 16 70',
'update_date': '10/01/14 12:11:58'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Several information activities implemented in cooperation with the European Commission DG Regional and urban policy, in forms of events and information publications, targeting Managing Authorities of the ETC programmes.Information activities about ETC programmes, targeting the general public and EU institutions, such as the European Parliament.',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': 'INTERACT is a programme of the European Territorial Cooperation co-financed by the ERDF and the Member States.',
'fax_number': u'INTERACT Programme Managing AuthorityBratislava Self Governing RegionSabinovsk\xe1 16 | P.O. Box 106 | 820 05 Bratislava 25 | Slovakiat: +421 2 48 264 130f: +421 2 48 264 165m: +421 911 450 266Contact person:Petra Mas\xe1cov\',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'INTERACT is the platform of European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) programmes. European Territorial Cooperation is the Objective 3 of the Structural Funds and presently more than 70 ETC programmes exist in Europe. ETC programmes provide grants to co-finance cooperation projects across national borders.',
'head_office_address': u'33\xa0Kirchberggasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01070\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '409986711089-93',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'800000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 900000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'VI - Organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Project manager',
'name': 'INTERACT Point Vienna',
'networking': 'ETC cooperation programme',
'num_natural_members': '8',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '06/05/13 13:00:20',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:15.571978',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa089080882386',
'update_date': '10/04/14 09:12:07'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Der Verein bezweckt die F\xf6rderung und Vertretung der Interessen von Aufsichtsr\xe4ten in Unternehmen mit Sitz in \xd6sterreich.F\xf6rderung der Bildung.Nationaler und internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch von Aufsichtsr\xe4ten \xfcber Aufgaben und Stellung des Aufsichtsrates.Erarbeitung, Pr\xe4sentation und Ver\xf6ffentlichung von Stellungnahmen zu Themen, die die Interessen von Aufsichtsr\xe4ten ber\xfchren, auch im Bereich der Legistik.Mitarbeit in internationalen Berufsverb\xe4nden und Fachgremien.Herstellung und Pflege von Kontakten zu Repr\xe4sentanten von Politik und Gesetzgebung, Lobbying, \xd6ffentlichkeitsarbeit sowie aktive Mitarbeit bei der Meinungsbildung.',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '12/2011\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u'Der Verein bezweckt die F\xf6rderung und Vertretung der Interessen von Aufsichtsr\xe4ten in Unternehmen mit Sitz in \xd6sterreich.Unterst\xfctzung einschl\xe4giger wissenschaftlicher Forschung, Organisation von Veranstaltungen.F\xf6rderung der Bildung.Nationaler und internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch von Aufsichtsr\xe4ten \xfcber Aufgaben und Stellung des Aufsichtsrates.Erarbeitung, Pr\xe4sentation und Ver\xf6ffentlichung von Stellungnahmen zu Themen, die die Interessen von Aufsichtsr\xe4ten ber\xfchren, auch im Bereich der Legistik.Mitarbeit in internationalen Berufsverb\xe4nden und Fachgremien.Herstellung und Pflege von Kontakten zu Repr\xe4sentanten von Politik und Gesetzgebung, Lobbying, \xd6ffentlichkeitsarbeit sowie aktive Mitarbeit bei der Meinungsbildung.',
'head_office_address': u'28\xa0Neulinggasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01030\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '00504794883-75',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Vorstand',
'name': u'Interessensvertretung \xd6sterreichischer Aufsichtsr\xe4te',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '3',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '03/01/11 14:43:07',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:16.438827',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa07121911',
'update_date': '07/01/14 12:32:59'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Environmental protectionWater quality Reconstruction of the impacted habitatsSpecies conservation (especially sturgeons)Mitigation of the anthropogenic impact (navigation, constructions, land use change, over-exploitation, hydromorphological alterations) on natural ecosystemscontribution to several priotity areas of EUSDRDanube Sturgeon Task Force',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': 'The main sources of support come from member countries and individual members. Furthermore some Eu funded network activities were started in 2011.The relevant fields of activities are up to now 39 international biannual conferences (eg. 2008 Chishinau, 2010 Dresden, 2012 Szentendre), grants for scientists, travel costs for the participation of officers in the expert groups of the International Commission for the Protection of the River Danube, the European Danube Strategy and other cooperation instruments. BAsic costs are connected with the office activities, maintainance of the website and the production of the IAD Bulletin "Danube News".',
'fax_number': u'President OfficeAssoc. Prof. Dr. Thomas HeinScientific Managing Dir.WasserCluster LunzDr. Carl-Kupelwieser-Prom. 53293 Lunz/Seephone: +43-7486-20060-40fax: +43-7486-20060-20University for Natural Resources and Life Sciences, ViennaInstitute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem ManagementMax Emanuelstr. 171180 Vienna, Austriaphone: +43-1-47654-5229fax: +43-1-47654-5217email: OfficeDr Ivana Teodorovic, associate professor University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics Department of Biology and Ecology LECOTOX \u2013 Laboratory for Ecotoxicology Trg Dositeja Obradovica 2 21000, Novi SadSerbiaPhone: +381-21-485-2690 Fax: +381-21-450-620 Mobile ++381-60-0244-711 Skype ivana.teodorovic E-mail: and SecretaryDr. Harald KutzenbergerAm Zunderfeld 12, A-4073Wilhering, AustriaMobile: +436763283312E-mail:',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'The International Association for Danube Research (IAD) was founded in 1956 with the goal of promoting and coordinating activities in the fields of limnology, water management, and water protection in the Danube River Basin.With about 400 members, IAD encompasses almost all Danube countries, with 3 National Committees (Austria, Serbia and Romania) and 12 Expert Groups.The main research topics focus on the following aspects:- Development of ecological river concepts and models - Hydro-morphological mapping of the River Danube and its tributaries to identify areas needing restoration - Habitats and species conservation- Fish-ecology to ensure sustainable fishery practices - Interactions between river system, floodplains, and wetland areas - Identification of additional chemical parameters for water quality monitoring - Mapping the sapro-biological quality of water bodies- Long-term studies on the development of invertebrate stocks of Danube ecosystems - Microbiological and hygienic assessment of the rivers - Definition of quality targets for local uses of river water on the Middle and Lower Danube - Nutrient content and trophic state of the River Danube with special reference to the delta and the adjacent part of the Black Sea - Inventory of aquatic vegetation in the delta, in the main channel, and in the floodplain waters of the River Danube - Concentrations and ecotoxicity of contaminants in sediments and suspended solids - Application of ecological short-term and long-term tests for monitoring contaminant concentrations and investigation of lethal and chronic impacts on organisms (bio-accumulation) - Implementation of automatic bioassay systems for the protection of biocoenoses and early recognition of pollution spills- Contribution to the implementation of the Sturgeon Action Plan and the DSTF initiative',
'head_office_address': u'12\xa0Am Zunderfeld\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wilhering\xa0A-4073\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '49920343441-85',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Expert Group Leader',
'name': 'International Association for Danube Research',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '400',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '12/04/10 17:03:54',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:17.335391',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa06763283312',
'update_date': '06/04/14 09:08:12'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG)Over the past decade the European Health Forum Gastein has developed into an indispensable institution in the scope of European health policy. It has made a decisive contribution to the development of guidelines and above all the cross-border exchange of experience, information and cooperation. The annual European Health Forum Gastein congress is a platform for discussion, information exchange and networking by including leading country- and EU-level representatives from the areas of health policy, administration, science, business and patient organisations.The European Health Forum Gastein is the most important health-related event in the European Union and a meeting point for experts from different fields within the health system. In doing so the EHFG is taking part in the way in which the Commission launches legislative initiatives, with standardised inter-services consultation procedures, new comitology rules, and dialogue with civil society and experts.This year\u2019s conference is about:The European Parliament elections, the elections for the President of the European Commission and the new College of Commissioners in 2014 will earmark an important year for European politics in general and for health policy in Europe in particular. In order to meet visions of a social and prosperous Europe, we need politicians and stakeholders who will champion smart, sustainable and inclusive policies while maintaining strong values such as universality, access to good quality care, equity and solidarity. However there are concerns about an increased eurosceptic presence in the new European Parliament and what that could entail for health. The EHFG 2014 will reflect on the opportunities and risks for health in light of the outcome of the European elections, and will discuss how to maintain and improve the health of European citizens.European Health AwardThe European Health Award honours initiatives aiming to improve public health or healthcare in Europe. It was established in 2007 to promote cross-border cooperation, multi-country working and the development of sustainable, innovative and transferable initiatives which address current challenges such as disparities in health status, access to services and the provision of treatment within Europe.Young Forum GasteinA joint project of the International Forum Gastein, the European Commission Directorate Generals SANCO (Health and Consumers) and CONNECT (Communications Networks, Content and Technology) and the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. It is aimed at young professionals from across Europe who are working in the field of health to:\u2022Learn about the latest health developments in Europe\u2022Develop important public health competencies\u2022Network and make new contacts with an enthusiastic young international, inter-cultural and inter-professional peer group as well as senior experts\u2022Have privileged access to senior policy-makers and academics in special closed workshop sessions\u2022Participate in tasks related to the EHFG, such as undertaking interviews, writing session reports, social media activities, compiling the Gastein Health Outcomes or acting as a speaker.',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Second office in Salzburg:Internationales Forum GasteinIgnaz-Harrer-Stra\xdfe 775020 SalzburgAustriaTelephone number: (+43662)42 24 00Fax number: (+43662)42 24 00-15',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u'The main objective of the EHFG is to facilitate the establishment of a framework for advising and developing European health policy while recognising the importance of national and regional authorities and decision-making bodies.\u2028By focusing on key issues in the European health arena the Forum considers in particular the following areas, tasks and challenges: Discussion of the main short-term and long-term objectives of the working programme of the European Community, the member states, accession candidate countries and the regions as well as their implementation, and the further development of European health policy.\u2028 Detailed discussion of opportunities for integration of health policy across different policy areas.\u2028 Analysis and discussion of the impact of European integration, in particular the Common Market and Economic and Monetary Union on health systems, services and policies.\u2028 Evaluation of current developments and their effects on society, health systems, and services, and in particular the changing role of citizens and patients.\u2028 The exchange of national and regional experience in health policy development and implementation.The Forum produces a catalogue of recommendations and observations \u2013 the Gastein Health Outcomes - for those with responsibility in health policy development and implementation. These are communicated to the national and European institutions. The recommendations are supported by the subsequent publication of a full scientific report of the proceedings.',
'head_office_address': u'1\xa0Tauernplatz\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bad Hofgastein\xa05630\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '022328713595-61',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Policy Officer',
'name': 'International Forum Gastein',
'networking': u'\xd6GPH (\xd6sterreichische Gesellschaft f\xfcr Public Health)',
'num_natural_members': '17',
'num_org_members': '2',
'org_members': u'Kur- und Tourismusverband Bad Hofgastein\xa0(12\xa0members);Paracelsus Private Medical University of Salzburg\xa0(15\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '28/05/14 18:42:17',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:18.413116',
'telephone': u'(+06432)\xa03393270',
'update_date': '11/06/14 13:18:10'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'EU-project CELAN;CEN/WS/eCAT;Business Platform for Multilingualism;',
area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Mission:Infoterm promotes and supports the cooperation of existing and the establishment of new terminology centres and networks with the general aim to improve domain communication, knowledge transfer and provision of content with a view to facilitating the participation of all in the global multilingual knowledge society.In order to achieve this objective, Infoterm Members cooperate in organizing a world-wide network of centres for terminology, language and content resources with a view to: \u2022disseminating information on terminological activities as well as raising awareness of the importance of terminology in all walks of life, \u2022furthering the preparation of reusable terminologies by subject-field specialists in cooperation with terminologists, \u2022sharing expertise regarding harmonized methods and guidelines for terminology management, the management of terminology centres, and for the use of terminological data, methods and tools in all other applications where specialized information and knowledge are involved. In discharging its functions, Infoterm is cooperating with pertinent international, regional and national organizations/institutions/networks and their respective members.',
'head_office_address': u'50\xa0Gymnasiumstr.\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01190\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '97653128762-13',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Director',
'name': 'International Information Centre for Terminology',
'networking': 'FITDTTRaDTEAFTEAFTermIITFGTWTAHKJapan Terminology Association (JTA)TermNetIAOAEMF',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '48',
'org_members': u'Association for Terminology and Knowledge Transfer\xa0(200\xa0members);European Association for Terminology (EAFT)\xa0(200\xa0members);European Multimedia Forum\xa0(10\xa0members);International Federation of Translators (FIT)\xa0(500\xa0members);International Institute for Terminology Research (IITF)\xa0(100\xa0members);International Network for Terminology (TermNet)\xa0(5\xa0members);Kamusi Project International (KPI)\xa0(300\xa0members);Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament (TermCoord)\xa0(50\xa0members);Universal Esperanto Association (UEA)\xa0(5,000\xa0members);African Association for Lexicography (AFRILEX)\xa0(300\xa0members);Institute of Kiswahili Studies, University of Dar es Salaam (IKS)\xa0(10\xa0members);National Institute for Standardization and Industrial Property, Tunis\xa0(100\xa0members);Pan South African Language Board (PanSALB)\xa0(50\xa0members);Argentinian Terminology Group (TermAr)\xa0(50\xa0members);Terminology and Translation Research Group (GITT)\xa0(25\xa0members);Colombian network of Terminology (COLTERM)\xa0(25\xa0members);Translation Bureau (BtB), Public Works and Government Services Canada\xa0(150\xa0members);Academy of Persian Language and Literature (APLL)\xa0(50\xa0members);China National Committee for Terms in Sciences and Technologies (CNCTS\xa0(200\xa0members);China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS)\xa0(50\xa0members);East Asia Forum on Terminology (EAFTerm)\xa0(25\xa0members);Iranian Research Institute for Scientific Information and Documentati\xa0(15\xa0members);Korea Terminology Research Center for Language and Knowledge Engineer\xa0(30\xa0members);Terminology Association of Hong Kong (TAHK)\xa0(50\xa0members);All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI\xa0(25\xa0members);\xc1rni Magn\xfasson Institute for Icelandic Studies\xa0(10\xa0members);Basque Centre for Terminology and Lexicography (UZEI)\xa0(10\xa0members);Basque Institute of Public Administration (IVAP)\xa0(10\xa0members);Council for German-Language Terminology (RaDT)\xa0(50\xa0members);Croatian Standards Institute (HZN)\xa0(15\xa0members);German Association for Terminology (DTT)\xa0(250\xa0members);German Terminology Information and Documentation Centre (Deuterm)\xa0(15\xa0members);Terminology Service, Prime Minister\u2019s Office, Finland\xa0(5\xa0members);Hellenic Society for Terminology (ELETO)\xa0(25\xa0members);Institute for Specialised Communication and Multilingualism of the Eu\xa0(15\xa0members);Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics (IHJJ)\xa0(15\xa0members);Institute of Information and Library Science, Jagiellonian University\xa0(5\xa0members);Institute of the Lithuanian Language (LKI)\xa0(15\xa0members);International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA)\xa0(50\xa0members);Irish Terminology Committee (TC)\xa0(25\xa0members);Language Institute of the Austrian Armed Forces (SIB/LVAk)\xa0(15\xa0members);Language Council of Norway (Spr\xe5kr\xe5det)\xa0(15\xa0members);Standards Norway (SN)\xa0(25\xa0members);hnical Committee of Scientific and Technical Terminology Standardizati\xa0(25\xa0members);Catalan Terminology Centre (TERMCAT)\xa0(15\xa0members);The Russian Scientific and Technical Centre for Information on Standa\xa0(50\xa0members);The Swedish Centre for Terminology (TNC)\xa0(15\xa0members);UNESCO-Chair for Multilingual, Transcultural Communication in the Dig\xa0(5\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '13/05/12 18:11:53',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:19.437043',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa066473131771',
'update_date': '21/04/14 12:40:34'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Meeting in July and Septmber 2013',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'ISWA \u2013 the International Solid Waste Association \u2013 is a global, independent and non-profit making association, working in the public interest and is the only worldwide association promoting sustainable, comprehensive and professional waste management. ISWA is open to individuals and organisations from the scientific community, public institutions and public and private companies from all over the world working in the field or interested in waste management. ISWA is the only worldwide waste association, which allows you to net-work with professionals, companies and institutional representatives. ISWA\u2019s declared mission is: \u201cTo Promote and Develop Sustainable and Professional Waste Management Worldwide\u201d. ISWA achieves its mission through:\u2022\tPromoting resource efficiency through sustainable production and consumption\u2022\tSupport to developing and emerging economies\u2022\tAdvancement of waste management through education and training\u2022\tPromoting appropriate and best available technologies and practices\u2022\tProfessionalism through its programme on professional qualifications.Objectives and ImplementationISWA works to protect human health and the environment as well as to ensure sustainable resource management and provides the following scientific, economic and social instruments:\u2022\tInternational network, to share knowledge and experience in sustainable waste management and climate change mitigation\u2022\tExpert working groups to advance knowledge and expertise\u2022\tAll kinds of professional events for the dissemination of information\u2022\tEducation and training courses tailored to the trainees needs including a qualification and certification programme\u2022\tProfessional publications including high quality research journals and magazines, up to date studies and developments from all over the world \u2022\tCooperation with all stakeholders in waste management, particularly the National Members of ISWA as well as with International Organisations and Institutions \u2022\tProjects in developing economies to establish sustainable waste management practices\u2022\tRaising the level of international awareness of the global waste emergency and finding funding instruments to combat this especially in developing economies\u2022\tEnsuring international fora recognise the importance of good waste management for health, economic, social and overall environmental progress towards a more sustainable society',
'head_office_address': u'15/41\xa0Auerspergstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01080\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '038641911095-59',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Chair of ISWA European Group',
'name': 'International Solid Waste Association',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '1,373',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '13/05/13 16:50:25',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:20.323140',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa012536001',
'update_date': '12/05/14 14:50:59'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Digital Agenda',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': u'Zusch\xfcsse f\xfcr Projektpartnerschaft im EU-kofinanzierten Projekt ( Projektpartner www.stopline.atProjektkoordinator: \xd6IAT',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2010\r\n - \r\n 12/2010',
'goals': u'ISPA - Der Verband der \xf6sterreichischen Internet Service ProviderISPA Mission StatementDie ISPA ist die Dachorganisation der Internet-Wirtschaft und vertritt deren Interessen. Ihr Anliegen ist die Gestaltung der optimalen wirtschaftlichen und rechtlichen Bedingungen f\xfcr die Entwicklung des Internets. Die ISPA betrachtet die Nutzung des Internets als entscheidende Kulturtechnik und nimmt die sich daraus ergebende gesellschaftspolitische Verantwortung wahr. Die ISPA repr\xe4sentiert die \xf6sterreichische Internet-WirtschaftDie ISPA \u2013 Internet Service Providers Austria \u2013 ist der Dachverband der \xf6sterreichischen Internet Service-Anbieter und wurde im Jahr 1997 als eingetragener Verein gegr\xfcndet. Ziel des Verbandes ist die F\xf6rderung des Internets in \xd6sterreich und die Unterst\xfctzung der Anliegen und Interessen von rund 200 Mitglieder aus Bereichen wie etwa Access, Services, Hosting und Content. Die ISPA versteht sich als Sprachrohr der \xf6sterreichischen Internet-Wirtschaft gegen\xfcber Regierung, Beh\xf6rden und anderen Institutionen, Verb\xe4nden und Gremien und f\xf6rdert die Kommunikation der Markt-Teilnehmer untereinander.',
'head_office_address': u'3/18\xa0W\xe4hringer Stra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa0A-1090\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '56028372438-43',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Generalsekret\xe4r',
'name': 'Internet Service Providers Austria',
'networking': 'EuroISPA ( (',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '02/10/09 16:02:33',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:21.006989',
'telephone': u'(+43 1)\xa04095576',
'update_date': '05/09/14 18:54:13'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Organisation of events directed at stakeholders from the EU institutions.',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE is a European Union cohesion policy programme, managed by the City of Vienna. Since 2007 the programme has encouraged transnational cooperation among regions of nine central European countries. Between 2014 and 2020, CENTRAL EUROPE will be able to co-finance new projects with a total budget of EUR 231 million from the European Regional Development Fund. After funding 124 cooperation projects between 2007 and 2013, Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE will continue to be a relevant instrument for tackling common challenges and needs among cities and regions of Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Fresh funds are provided for transnational cooperation projects with a focus on building capacities through exchanging good practices and testing new, innovative approaches through small-scale Investments.More information on the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE funding priorities as well as rules of participation can be found in the leaflet \u201cPORTRAIT of the CENTRAL EUROPE 2020 Programme\u201d at or other documents on the new cooperation programme available on On the programme website the free-of-charge CENTRAL EUROPE Community also gathers more than 1.300 organisations and offers access to a project idea database with already more than 70 cooperation proposals searching for partners.',
'head_office_address': u'33-35/11\xa0Kirchberggasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01070\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '48952257453-32',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'VI - Organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of Communication Unit',
'name': 'Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme',
'networking': 'European CommissionCommittee of RegionsEuropean Parliament',
'num_natural_members': '18',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '15/12/11 14:03:04',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:21.875600',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa089080882403',
'update_date': '27/11/14 17:16:46'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'keine',
'area_of_interest': 'national',
'countries': '',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 12/2014',
'goals': u'staatlich anerkannte Religionsgemeinschaft, K\xf6rperschaft \xf6ffentlichen Rechts',
'head_office_address': u'4\xa0Seitenstettengasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '680684015088-57',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'V - Organisations representing churches and religious communities',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Organisations representing churches and religious communities',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Generalsekret\xe4r',
'name': 'Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien',
'networking': 'European Jewish Congress',
'num_natural_members': '7,766',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '02/12/14 10:02:15',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:22.744690',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa053104180',
'update_date': '02/12/14 10:02:53'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Transport Policy; Environmental Policy, Regulatory Questions',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '03/2013\r\n - \r\n 03/2014',
'goals': u'Kapsch is one of Austria\u2019s most successful technology corporations, specialized in the future-oriented market segments of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Railway and Public Operator Telecommunications as well as Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Kapsch is organized as a group company with the entities Kapsch TrafficCom, Kapsch CarrierCom and Kapsch BusinessCom. As a family-owned company headquartered in Vienna, Kapsch has been dedicated to the continuous development and implementation of new technologies for the benefit of its customers since 1892. With a wide range of innovative solutions and services, Kapsch makes a valuable contribution toward responsible approaches to a mobile and networked world. The companies of the Kapsch Group employ about 5,000 people at subsidiaries and branch offices around the world. Kapsch.',
'head_office_address': u'2\xa0Europlatz\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01120\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '71160189926-80',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 200000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Senior Expert EU Affairs',
'name': 'Kapsch',
'networking': 'ERTICO, ASECAP, Intergroup Urban, GSM-R Industry Group',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '19/10/12 15:18:01',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:23.590338',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa050 8110',
'update_date': '06/10/14 09:13:21'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'keine',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '11/2012\r\n - \r\n 11/2013',
'goals': 'The Austrian Cultural Council is a consortium of the associations representing the interests of art, cultural and media workersis a platform for shared cultural policy concerns and objectivesrepresents common? interests to politics, media and administrationconnects to European and global organizations and networks (e.g. European Council of Artists, UNESCO)The Austrian Cultural Councilopens, promotes and publishes debates on cultural, educational, media and social policiesprovides space for differentiated positions and content promotes a diversity of opinions and emancipatory participation in art, culture and media as a cultural policy principletakes an active part in the formation of cultural policy positions and strategy development',
'head_office_address': u'63b\xa0Gumpendorfer Str.\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01060\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '84382424691-65',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'chairwoman',
'name': u'Kulturrat \xd6sterreich',
'networking': 'Culture Action Europe (CAE)',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '10',
'org_members': u'ASSITEJ Austria\xa0(150\xa0members);Dachverband der Filmschaffenden\xa0(700\xa0members);IG Bildende Kunst\xa0(1,400\xa0members);IG Freie Theaterarbeit\xa0(1,400\xa0members);IG Kultur \xd6sterreich\xa0(400\xa0members);konsortium.Netz.kultur\xa0(100\xa0members);\xd6sterreichischer Musikrat\xa0(400\xa0members);\xdcbersetzergemeinschaft\xa0(250\xa0members);Verband Freier Radios \xd6sterreich\xa0(2,000\xa0members);VOICE - Verband der Sprecher und Darsteller\xa0(250\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '07/12/10 09:39:27',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:24.485341',
'telephone': u'(+681)\xa0106 41 735',
'update_date': '26/11/13 08:37:08'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Stellungnahmen zu folgenden EU-Initiativen:* EK-Gr\xfcnbuch Waldschutz und Waldinformation* Rolle des EU-Agrar- und Forstsektors bei der Umsetzung der EU-Klimaschutzverpflichtungen* Zuk\xfcnftige EU-Kofinanzierung von Natura 2000* Additional sustainability measures at EU level for solid and gaseous biomass used in electricity, heating and cooling',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Vertretung und F\xf6rderung der wirtschaftlichen und berufsst\xe4ndischen Interessen der Eigent\xfcmer und P\xe4chter land- und forstwirtschaftlicher Betriebe samt Nebenbetriebe; Eintreten f\xfcr die Wahrung der Eigentumsinteressen an Grund und Boden; Herantragen von Informationen \xfcber Fragen der Land- und Forstwirtschaft an die Mitglieder und an die \xd6ffentlichkeit bzw. an \xf6ffentliche Rechtstr\xe4ger; F\xf6rderung des Verst\xe4ndnisses f\xfcr land- und forstwirtschaftliche Anliegen und Problemstellungen in der \xd6ffentlichkeit;',
'head_office_address': u'6\xa0Schauflergasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien / Vienna\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '94490373966-61',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Generalsekret\xe4r / secretary general',
'name': u'Land&Forst Betriebe \xd6sterreich / Association of Austrian Land and Forest Owners',
'networking': u'LFB\xd6 is a member of:ELO - European Landowner\xb4s OrganizationCEPF - Confederation of European Forest OwnersIFFA - International Family Forestry AllianceUEHHA - Union of European Historic Houses Associations',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '30/07/10 13:51:04',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:25.322456',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa001 533 02 27 10',
'update_date': '18/07/14 08:47:38'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'\xdcbermittlung von Stellungnahmen zu legislativen und nichtlegislativen Vorhaben der EU betreffend die Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik und verwandte Politikbereiche wie Forst, Tier- und Pflanzenschutz, Umwelt- und Klimaschutz sowie Handel und Wettbewerb.Mitwirkung bei der Erarbeitung gemeinsamer Positionen der COPA-COGECA.Mitgliedschaft beim Europ\xe4ischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss (EWSA).',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': u'Bez\xfcglich Mitgliedschaft bei der COPA und Angaben zu finanziellem Umfang und Inhalt der Lobbyingt\xe4tigkeit bei europ\xe4ischen Institutionen siehe Registrierung der COPA.',
'fax_number': u'LK\xd6 B\xfcro Br\xfcsselSt\xe4ndige Vertretung \xd6sterreichs bei der EUAvenue de Cortenbergh 301040 Br\xfcssel+32 2 285 4670',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die Betreuung der Mitglieder, die Vertretung gegen\xfcber dem Staat und anderen Berufsgruppen sowie die Mitwirkung an Staatsaufgaben sind die wesentlichen Aufgaben der Landwirtschaftskammer \xd6sterreich. Zum umfassenden T\xe4tigkeitsbereich z\xe4hlen unter anderem: \u2022 Erstellung von Vorschl\xe4gen und Gutachten an Beh\xf6rden, insbesondere zu Gesetzes-Entw\xfcrfen und Verordnungen sowie die Beratung der Beh\xf6rden \u2022 Entsendung von Vertretern in Organisationen und Erstellung von Vorschl\xe4gen f\xfcr Postenbesetzungen \u2022 F\xf6rderung der Zusammenarbeit der Landwirtschaftskammern untereinander sowie der Beziehungen zum landwirtschaftlichen Genossenschaftswesen \u2022 Einrichtung von Fortbildungsinstituten f\xfcr Kammermitglieder und Genossenschaftsmitarbeiter \u2022 Organisation gemeinsamer Veranstaltungen \u2022 \xdcbernahme von Verwaltungsaufgaben, die der Staat an die L\xe4nder abgibt (z.B. die formale Abwicklung der F\xf6rderma\xdfnahmen) \u2022 Zusammenarbeit mit land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Interessenvertretungen anderer Staaten. Einerseits nimmt die LK \xd6sterreich damit jene Aufgaben wahr, die alle Kammern und ihre Mitglieder in gleicher Weise ber\xfchren, etwa bundesrechtliche Angelegenheiten wie Steuerrecht oder Sozialversicherung. In diese Kategorie fallen auch jene T\xe4tigkeiten, die die Kammern im Zusammenhang mit der Mitgliedschaft \xd6sterreichs in der Europ\xe4ischen Union zus\xe4tzlich zu erf\xfcllen haben. Andererseits muss sie gem\xe4\xdf dem Koordinierungsauftrag auch jene Aufgaben erf\xfcllen, die zwar in erster Linie die einzelnen Kammern und ihre Mitglieder betreffen, wo aber grunds\xe4tzlich gleiche Interessenlage gegeben ist. Das betrifft u.a. die Flurverfassung, den Grundverkehr, das landwirtschaftliche Schulwesen, die Tierzucht und den Naturschutz. Als ein fundamentales Recht zur Erf\xfcllung ihrer Aufgaben hat die land- und forstwirtschaftliche Berufsvertretung per Bundesgesetz (BGBI. Nr. 259/1924, 222/1931) das Recht Gesetz- und Verordnungsentw\xfcrfe der Ministerien zu begutachten, wovon j\xe4hrlich bis zu 200 Mal Gebrauch gemacht wird. Seit Bestehen der 2. Republik hat der Bundesgesetzgeber der Pr\xe4sidentenkonferenz auch in \xfcber 40 Bundesgesetzen Mitwirkungsrecht, namentliche Entsendungsrecht f\xfcr Beir\xe4te und Kommissionen und besondere Anh\xf6rungsrechte einger\xe4umt. Die Landwirtschaftskammer \xd6sterreich ist damit in der Rechtsordnung des Bundes fest verankert. Standespolitische T\xe4tigkeit der LK \xd6sterreich Die standespolitische Vertretung der Kammermitglieder erfolgt auf der Basis von demokratischen Wahlen. Bei dieser treten Parteien oder Parteiorganisationen als wahlwerbende Gruppen auf. Die Legislaturperiode der Landeskammern ist aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Landesgesetze verschieden lang. Der Auftrag zur Interessenvertretung beinhaltet daher auch Kontakte zu politischen Parteien und ihren Mandataren, um diese wirksam von der Notwendigkeit von gesetzlichen Ma\xdfnahmen im Interesse der Bauern zu \xfcberzeugen.',
'head_office_address': u'6\xa0Schauflergasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa0124\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01014\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '66690371529-15',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'50000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Abteilungsleiter',
'name': u'Landwirtschaftskammer \xd6sterreich',
'networking': u'Die LK\xd6 ist Mitglied der COPA-COGECA, dem europ\xe4ischen Verband der land- und forstwirtschaftlichen beruflichen Interessenvertretungen und Genossenschaften. Die COPA-COGECA erarbeitet gemeinsame Positionen und organisiert Seminare und andere Veranstaltungen f\xfcr die Mitgliedsorganisationen.',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '16/04/09 10:28:26',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:26.169674',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa001 53441 8500',
'update_date': '20/03/14 08:01:22'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'bisher keine, erstmalige Bewerbung als Mitglied der VAT Expert Group.',
'extra_financial_info': u'Es wurden keine Lobbyt\xe4tigkeiten bei EU-Institutionen f\xfcr Klienten durchgef\xfchrt. Es ist beabsichtigt als Mitglied der EU VAT Expert Group t\xe4tig zu werden, dies erfolgt nicht im Auftrag eines/von Klienten.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '02/2013\r\n - \r\n 01/2014',
'goals': u'Steuerberater und Wi
rtschaftspr\xfcfer mit Schwerpunkt im CEE-Bereich. Bewerbung als Mitglied der VAT Expert Group.',
'head_office_address': u'32\xa0Ottensheimer Stra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Linz\xa04040\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '505423513889-17',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Partner',
'name': 'LeitnerLeitner',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '02/07/14 16:06:20',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:27.016821',
'telephone': u'(+732)\xa070930',
'update_date': '02/07/14 16:06:43'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'LFW provided feedback to the European Commission\u2019s Communication on post-2015 (\u201cA Decent Life For All: ending poverty and giving the world a sustainable future\u201d). Participated in the EU consultations \u2018Ensuring Sustainable Development Globally: EU Follow-up to Rio + 20\u2019. Attended the launch of the report from the post 2015 High Level Panel Participated in the process of drafting the official Beyond 2015 European Task Force position and recommendations for the post-2015. In view of the UN High Level Meetings in September (UN High Level Meeting on Disability and Development and the UN Special Event to follow-up on Efforts towards Achieving the MDGs), the EULO, on behalf of IDDC and in collaboration with the European Disability Forum (EDF), organized a High Level Exchange on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the Post-MDGs.Advocated the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the European budget\u2019s Heading 4 (\u201cEU as a global player\u201d), especially in the Instrument for Development Cooperation (DCI); Instrument for the Promotion of Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR); and the Common Regulations for the External Instruments, as well as in the European Development Fund. As IDDC members, and in collaboration with IDA\u2019s Alexandre Cote, worked on a stocktaking of the situation of social protection for persons with disabilities. Expected report: February 2014Member of the European Working Group on Decent Work and Social Protection in Development Cooperation.European Commission, DG DEVCO, Unit B3 was preparing a publication on Inclusive Education (not only on disability but more in general about often excluded groups) and asked for our feedback. This was discussed with Nafisa Baboo, the Light for the World Senior Advisor on Inclusive Education. Attended EU - ACP JPA that took place in June 2013 in the European Parliament in Brussels. IDDC stand at the event and staff from the EULO attended the meetings. Put an item on disability and development on the agenda of the JPA Social Affairs and the Environment Committee that took place in September 2013 in Brussels. In November 2013, the 26th session of the EU ACP Joint Parliamentary took place in Addis Ababa, Ehtiopia. A field trip was organized in cooperation with CBM EU office, CBM Ethiopia, Light for the World Ethiopia and Handicap International Ethiopia. Light for the World EULO is a member (observer status) of the Concord Cotonou Working Group. The EULO followed a report from MEP Patrice Tirolien (EP, DEVE) on the financing of EU cooperation in ACP countries for the 2014-2020 period (11th European Development Fund), and ensured the inclusion of the interests of persons with disabilties in said report Organized a screening of the documentary Body and Soul in the EU DEVCO - EuropeAid Infopoint. \u2018Say yes to inclusion\u2019 message by Commissioner Piebalgs was recorded. Organized, in close cooperation with DG Devco, a lunch-time conference at the European Commission external cooperation infopoint. LFW, on behalf of IDDC, has been involved in the 2-year process of review and update of the World Bank\u2019s Social and Environmental Safeguard Policies. Light For the World EU liaison office is still co-chair of the EU Task GroupThe main focus of Light For the World EU liaison office within the Task Group has been involvement in the preparation and implementation of the IDDC Election Strategy, including the drafting of a Statement for Members of and candidates to the European Parliament, outlining their support to our cause.Participated in the meetings. In the context of the 2014 European elections, HRDN produced an election statement and LFW took the responsibility to do the Dutch translation.',
'area_of_interest': 'European;global',
'extra_financial_info': u'Following the guidelines of the EU Civil Society Contact Group and the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation in the EU, LIGHT FOR THE WORLD has calculated that it spent an estimated \u20ac 90.000 in 2011 on activities carried out with the objective of influencing the policy formulation and decision-making processes of the European institutions.',
'fax_number': 'EU Liaison OfficeRue Washington 38-40B-1050 BrusselsBelgiumTel.: + 32 2 275 00 85Fax : + 32 2 275 09 93',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 01/2013',
'goals': "Note: this covers activities for the year 2013.LIGHT FOR THE WORLD is one of the leading European NGOs dedicated to restoring eyesight, preventing blindness, providing rehabilitation and access to inclusive education, and promoting the human rights of people with disabilities. LIGHT FOR THE WORLD provides access to treatment and rehabilitation for persons with disabilities by supporting local partner organisations. We also commit ourselves to the task of creating new opportunities for persons with disabilities, to increase mobility with the help of devices, to start initiatives that will provide education and income, and to support people with disabilities to exercise their rights.In addition, LIGHT FOR THE WORLD is committed to raising awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities within their family, communities and national contexts, as well as within the wider development agenda. LIGHT FOR THE WORLD is committed to transparency about EU interest representation. LIGHT FOR THE WORLD is committed to transparency about EU lobbying. LIGHT FOR THE WORLD believes that the Transparency Register fails basic transparency standards and does not yet live up to its name. We support ALTER-EU's demand for a mandatory nature of the register, safeguards against underreporting, and publication of the names of interestrepresentatives.When registering, we have therefore chosen to provide additional information that we consider necessary and relevant for lobbying transparency. A credible EU lobbying transparency register should include names of individual lobbyists and the issues that they try to influence, provide precise and comparable financial information on lobbying, and have effective monitoring and sanctions to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed. In an effort to arrive at a more objective way of calculating lobbying expenditures, we follow guidelines that result from consultations with public interest organisations, professionals working on lobby transparency as well as experts of US lobby disclosure legislation. Our registration is therefore providing a more comprehensive calculation of our expenses for activities that aim to influence the policy formulation and decision-making processes of the European institutions, and a list of those who, on behalf of LIGHT FOR THE WORLD, carry out such activities.Our registration is based on the guidelines for transparent registration developed by the Civil Society Contact Group and ALTER-EU. Find the guidelines on or",
'head_office_address': u'26/3\xa0Niederhofstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01120\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '74313108109-71',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'EU Liaison Officer',
'name': 'Light For The World',
'networking': ' - International Agency for the Prevention of Blindess (IAPB) - VISION 2020 - The Right to Sight - International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC) - International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) - Global Campaign for Education - International Coalition for Trachoma Control/ICTC - End Exclusion Project',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '4',
'org_members': u'Licht F\xfcr die Welt\xa0(9\xa0members);Light For The World Belgium\xa0(3\xa0members);Light For The World Netherlands\xa0(7\xa0members);Svetlo Pro Svet\xa0(4\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '20/02/12 11:38:33',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:27.902923',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa018101300',
'update_date': '27/01/14 16:11:43'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'\xd6ffentliche Konsultation zur \xdcberpr\xfcfung der Regeln zum EU-Urheberrecht',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die Literar-Mechana Wahrnehmungsgesellschaft f\xfcr Urheberrechte Gesellschaft m.b.H. hat eine Betriebsgenehmigung der \xf6sterreichischen Aufsichtsbeh\xf6rde f\xfcr Verwertungsgesellschaften, um die Rechte an Sprachwerken kollektiv wahrzunehmen.Sie hebt als Treuh\xe4nder der Rechteinhaber Entgelte und Verg\xfctungsanspr\xfcche f\xfcr Nutzungen urheberrechtlich gesch\xfctzter Werke ein und leitet sie an \xfcber 16.000 \xf6sterreichische Bezugsberechtigte wie Schriftsteller, Drehbuchautoren, Journalisten, wissenschaftliche Autoren und \xdcbersetzer sowie deren Rechtsnachfolger und Verleger weiter.Die Literar-Mechana schlie\xdft dazu aufgrund der ihr einger\xe4umten Rechte Gesamtvertr\xe4ge mit Nutzerorganisationen und Einzelvertr\xe4ge mit Werknutzern, sie verwaltet soziale und kulturelle Einrichtungen und setzt sich f\xfcr ein modernes Urheberrechtsgesetz ein.',
'head_office_address': u'18\xa0Linke Wienzeile\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01060\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '399272912673-60',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrerin',
'name': u'Literar-Mechana Wahrnehmungsgesellschaft f\xfcr Urheberrechte GesmbH',
'networking': 'CISAC, IFRRO, SAA',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '21/01/14 14:02:33',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:28.601937',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01 5872161',
'update_date': '21/01/14 14:03:44'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'\xd6ffentliche Konsultation zur \xdcberpr\xfcfung der Regeln zum EU-Urheberrecht',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der Verein bezweckt den Schutz der ihm angeh\xf6renden Autorinnen, Autoren, Verlegerinnen und Verleger sowie deren Rechtsnachfolgerinnen und Rechtsnachfolger gegen alle Eingriffe in deren Urheberrechte bzw. Werknutzungsrechte, und es obliegen ihm die Vertretung der k\xfcnstlerischen sowie die Wahrnehmung der wirtschaftlichen Interessen seiner Mitglieder.',
'head_office_address': u'18\xa0Linke Wienzeile\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01060\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '511237812757-11',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrerin der Literar-Mechana',
'name': 'LVG Literarische Vereinigung zur Wahrung der Urheberrechte',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '28/01/14 15:22:10',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:29.270211',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01 5872161',
'update_date': '28/01/14 15:22:26'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': "The purpose of MED-EL's activities, falling within the scope of the Transparency Register, is presenting and representing the positions of MED-EL to the different EU institutions and stakeholders.",
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '12/2013\r\n - \r\n 11/2014',
'goals': u'Austria-based MED-EL Medical Electronics is a leading provider of hearing implant systems with 29 subsidiaries worldwide. The family-owned business is one of the pioneers in the industry. The two Austrian scientists Ingeborg and Erwin Hochmair developed the world\u2019s first microelectronic-multichannel Cochlear-Implant in 1977. The cochlear implant was and remains the first replacement of a human sense, the sense of hearing. In 1990 they laid the foundation for the successful growth of the company when they hired their first employees. To date, the company has grown to more than 1500 employees around the world.Today MED-EL offers the widest range of implantable solutions worldwide to treat various degrees of hearing loss: cochlear and middle ear implant systems, EAS (combined Electric Acoustic Stimulation) hearing implant system and auditory brainstem implants as well as the world\xb4s first active bone conduction implant. People in over 100 countries enjoy the gift of hearing with the help of a product from MED-EL.',
'head_office_address': u'77a\xa0Fuerstenweg\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Innsbruck\xa06020\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '687718313929-22',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Corporate Director of Awareness and Public Affairs',
'name': u'MED-EL Elektromedizinische Ger\xe4te GmbH',
'networking': 'MED-EL is member of numerous business associations including EUCOMED and EURO-CIU',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '07/07/14 14:51:34',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:29.982770',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0577885237',
'update_date': '27/11/14 15:51:45'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Carbon Market Watch:The Carbon Market Watch initiative scrutinises carbon markets and advocates for fair and effective climate protection. With it we are active on three levels \u2013 at the UN level, within Europe and the Global South.It was formerly called CDM Watch and set up in 2009 as an initiative of several international NGOs to provide an independent perspective on individual Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects and to critically assess the political decision-making process affecting wider carbon market developments.With CDM Watch we successfully advocated for stronger civil society participation, major policy changes at the UN and EU level and uncovered unprecedented scandals in the CDM.Since 2012, Carbon Market Watch now continues these activities and is expanding its work to other carbon market initiatives, including new market mechanisms, the EU-ETS, Joint Implementation, Emissions Trading and mechanisms to reduce emissions from degradation and deforestation (REDD).For further information visit this initiative\u2019s website at Market Watch Network:The Carbon Mareket Watch Network is an initiative started by Carbon Market Watch in 2010. Currently it connects more than 800 NGOs and academics from the Global North and South to share information and concerns about carbon offset projects and policies.Its purpose is to strengthen the voice of civil society in carbon market developments and wider environmental policy-making.The Network enables people and groups to keep informed about carbon market developments, share concerns with peers and seek support and advice for advocacy efforts at the international policy level. Through our Capacity Building initiative we have provided our Network a much broader understanding of the obstacles that inhibit people, governments, international organisations and non-governmental organisations from realizing their developmental goals while enhancing the abilities that will allow them to achieve measurable and sustainable results.For further information visit the webpage at',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': "Brussels Office:Rue d'Albanie 117B-1060 BrusselsBelgium+32 233 53 664",
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Nature Code is a non-profit organisation with global reach.In accordance with our objectives and purpose, per our Statutes:The Association aims at\u2026\u2022\tContributing to promoting the principle of sustainable development and an environmentally sound economy as key pillars of society, politics and business;\u2022\tConserving biological diversity and protecting and restoring nature and all its components as well as halting the destruction and degradation of nature and the environment;\u2022\tSupporting civil society groups in developing countries to protect themselves against the impact of climate change and to adapt to the requirements of a sustainable energy system;\u2022\tOpposing activities of society, politics and business that impair the quality of life and the environment; and\u2022\tPromoting models and best practice examples for sustainable ways of living and working, both in developed and developing countries.The Activities of the Association are for\u2026\u2022\tPublication and dissemination of information\u2022\tCapacity building for civil society groups in developing countries\u2022\tAwareness raising for sustainable lifestyles\u2022\tEstablishing contacts to other groups in societyNature Code\u2019s mission is to ensure that the wellbeing of the people, plants and creatures living on Planet Earth constitutes the guiding principle of environmental policy making. Our values\u2022\tHealthy ecosystems are the foundation of life on the planet. As a consequence, they must be safeguarded, not commoditised.\u2022\tWe believe sound policy making should always be based on the precautionary principle.\u2022\tWe are committed to promoting participation in the policy process, transparency, and access to information for all, regardless of status or location.\u2022\tDriven by our commitment to secure accountability at all levels of socio-environmental decision making, we pledge to combat incompetence and double standards wherever they existOur work\u2022\tNature Code advocates for well thought-out policy solutions that promote sustainable development, environmental integrity and good governance. We work at national, regional and international levels to ensure that these concerns remain at the heart of policymaking.\u2022\tWe provide decision makers around the world with fact-based analysis of the issues we cover and, through targeted outreach and training, give a voice to communities affected by climate change and environmental destruction.\u2022\tWe achieve this by fighting for greater civil society participation in environmental and developmental decision making, while interpreting complexities in policy, process and practice.More information is at:',
'head_office_address': u'41\xa0Aug\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Mattsee\xa05163\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '75365248559-90',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Policy Officer',
'name': 'Nature Code',
'networking': u'Nature Code is also a member of the Climate Action Network Europe (CAN) \u2013 Europe (',
'num_natural_members': '24',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '11/04/12 19:24:11',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:30.873154',
'telephone': u'(+32-2)\xa03353664',
'update_date': '26/03/14 16:01:45'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'During this period, Seda Orhan Defranceschi and Christian Baumgartner have had contacts with members or officials of the EU institutions with the objective of influencing the policy development and decision-making processes of the European institutions ( including meetings, sending position papers and advocacy letters):Sustainable Development in general and regional development: EU Strategy for the Danube Region, upcoming EU Strategy for the Alpine RegionSustainable Tourism: EU Tourism Policy and initiativesClimate Change: EU action for fighting climate change; EU climate and energy policies; tourism policies including support for sustainable transportEnergy: Exit from nuclear energy in Europe; support for renewable energies and energy savings and efficiency; environmental, social and health risks of shale gas and fracking',
'area_of_interest': 'European;global',
'extra_financial_info': 'We support the improvement of the current register with giving the names of individual lobbyists and providing precise and comparable financial information on lobbying.we believe that this register fails basic transparency standards and does not provide EU lobbying transparency. For a start, to provide real transparency, the register should be mandatory rather than voluntary .',
'fax_number': "EU Policy Office Rue d'Edimbourg 26B-1050 BrusselsTel:+32 2 893 10 56",
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 10/2014',
'goals': u'NFI is an umbrella organisation of Naturefriends with 500\u2019000 members in approximately 50member and/or partner organisations throughout the globe, the Naturefriends movement \u2013 which was founded in 1895 \u2013 is one of the largest non-governmental organisations (NGOs) worldwide. Our members are active in local groups and are represented in regional, national and federal associations. Environmental protection and social justice are the causes espoused by the Naturefriends movement, which is global in character and democratic in structure. The focus of Naturefriends activities is on designing and implementing sustainability schemes for the environment and for the society at regional, national and international level. Naturefriends stand for *tourism and leisure activities that are socially equitable and in tune with nature *the protection, preservation and dynamic interpretation of our natural and cultural heritage *the promotion of sustainable mobility as a contribution to climate protectionNaturefriends champion: nature interpretation: Inspiring people to connect with and to preserve the natural environment and to introduce them to biodiversity have been major concerns of the Naturefriends movement from its very inception. respectful sustainable tourism:Naturefriends advocate a socially, culturally and ecologically benign development of tourism. climate protection:Naturefriends are actively engaged in environment and climate protection, organising pertinent campaigns and projects. sustainable regional development: Naturefriends activities are designed to support regions in opting for sustainable tourism. political commitment: Naturefriends are engaged in lobbying and educational activities as well as in intensive networking with a view to popularising issues relating to the environment, to the climate and to social policy at regional, national and international level. worldwide solidarity: Naturefriends put in train intercultural projects and encounters and demand fair and respectful behaviour vis-a\u0300-vis all people, irrespective of their ethnicity, sex or religious beliefs.',
'head_office_address': u'36\xa0Diefenbachgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa0A-1150\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '88140777010-24',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of Brussels Office',
'name': 'Naturefriends International',
'networking': 'Green10, EEB, VISIT - Voluntary Initiatives for Sustainability in Tourism,Danube Competence Centre (DCC, EARTH Network for Sustainable Tourism, TEN Tourism Network',
'num_natural_members': '27',
'num_org_members': '27',
'org_members': u'Naturefriends Austria\xa0(150,000\xa0members);Naturefriends Belgium-Flanders\xa0(3,900\xa0members);Union Francophone \u201cLes Amis de la Nature\xa0(2,000\xa0members);Naturefriends Germany\xa0(85,000\xa0members);Naturefriends Finnland\xa0(2,000\xa0members);Naturefriends Danemark\xa0(100\xa0members);Naturefriends France\xa0(12,000\xa0members);Naturefriends Greece\xa0(750\xa0members);Naturefriends Italy\xa0(2,000\xa0members);Naturefriends Netherlands\xa0(30,000\xa0members);Naturefriends Romania\xa0(150\xa0members);Naturefriends Hungary\xa0(15,000\xa0members);Naturefriends Czech Republic\xa0(5,000\xa0members);Naturefriends Cyprus\xa0(250\xa0members);Young Naturefriends IYNF\xa0(22\xa0members);Naturefriends Togo\xa0(2,500\xa0members);Naturefriends Senegal\xa0(23,850\xa0members);Naturefriends Slovakia\xa0(3,000\xa0members);Naturefriends Switzerland\xa0(25,000\xa0members);Naturefriends Sweden\xa0(250\xa0members);Naturefriends Sudtirol\xa0(750\xa0members);Naturefriends Lihuania\xa0(250\xa0members);Naturefriends Portugal\xa0(250\xa0members);Naturefriends USA\xa0(1,200\xa0members);Naturefriends Cameroon\xa0(1,250\xa0members);Naturefriends Mali\xa0(1,000\xa0members);Naturefriends Burkina Faso\xa0(1,000\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '25/10/11 11:20:05',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:31.738477',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01 892 38 77',
'update_date': '16/10/14 10:24:04'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '- Licenses for Europe- European Dialogue on Internet Governance',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': 'NERDY is an informal network providing educational services to international youth organisations',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '08/2013\r\n - \r\n 02/2014',
'goals': 'NERDY is a pan-European network of young net activists promoting Digital Rights and youth participation in Internet Governance processes.',
'head_office_address': u'-\xa0-\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n .\xa0-\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '850942913073-46',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': '-',
'name': 'Network of EuRopean Digital Youth',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '10',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '26/02/14 19:31:44',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:32.636044',
'telephone': u'(+-)\xa00',
'update_date': '26/02/14 19:32:29'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'- Revision des ersten Eisenbahnpakets- Zusammenarbeit mit der ERA bei technischer Standardisierung, Interoperabilit\xe4t und Sicherheitsthemen- TEN-T Revision- Shift2Rail- Open Data/ Ticketing- 4. Eisenbahnpaket',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': u'Summe 2013 an \xd6BB ausbezahlt: Rund 34,3 MEUR davon:-Rund 638.000 EUR an die Express-Int
erfracht GmbH aus dem ERP-Fonds als Zuschuss f\xfcr ein Projekt gem. Programm f\xfcr die F\xf6rderung des kombinierten G\xfcterverkehrs Strasse-Schiene-Fracht des BMVIT - Rund 135.000 EUR ausbezahlt an die \xd6BB-PV-AG im Rahmen des MICOTRA-Projekts; ausbezahlt durch EAGFL.- Rund 360.000 EUR f\xfcr CSAD-Autobusy f\xfcr die Anschaffung neuer Linienebusse. Zugesagt \xf6FFG, ausbezahlt durch EFRE.-Rund 300.000 EUR f\xfcr die Rekonstruktion die Busbahnhofe Vimperk, Pisek. Zugesagt EU-KOM/ INEA, ausbezahlt durch EFRE-Rund 7.000 EUR an die Rail Cargo Hungary im Rahmen des Eg\xe9szs\xe9gfejleszt\u0151 programok a Rail Cargo Hungaria Zrt. Munkav\xe1llal\xf3i sz\xe1m\xe1ra; ausbezahlt durch EAGFL.-Rund 47.000 EUR an die \xd6BB-Postbus-GmbH f\xfcr das Projekt GreMo Pannonia.Zusage durch das Amt d. bgl. Landesregierung; ausbezahlt durch EFRE.-Rund 32 MEUR f\xfcr Infrastrukturprojekte/ TEN-T an \xd6BB-Infra-AG. Zugesagt und genehmigt durch EU-KOM/ INEA--Rund 30.000 an die \xd6BB-Infra-AG f\xfcr F&E im Rahmen des 7. RP f\xfcr F&E; Zugesagt und ausbezahlt von der Europ\xe4ischen Kommission.- Rund 773.000 EUR an die TS Hungaria Kft. im Rahmen des Projektes GOP-1.3.1.-11/A-2011-0143. Zugesagt und ausbezahlt durch NF\xdc-GOP (uni\xf3s fejleszt\xe9s).-Rund 22.000 EUR an die TS Hungaria Kft. im Rahmen des Projektes T\xc1MOP-6.1.2-11/1-2012-0415 zugesagt und ausbezahlt durch NF\xdc-TAMOP.- Rund 57.000 EUR an die RCA-AG im Rahmen des FFG "Multimodale Sch\xfcttgut und Palettenbeh\xe4lter"-Projekets. Aubezahlt durch EAGFL.',
'fax_number': u'Leiterin des \xd6BB-Verbindungsb\xfcros Br\xfcsselIrina MichalowitzAvenue des Arts 531000 Br\xfcsselBelgienTelefon: +32 2 2130',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Als umfassender Mobilit\xe4tsdienstleister sorgt der \xd6BB-Konzern \xf6sterreichweit f\xfcr die umweltfreundliche Bef\xf6rderung von Personen und G\xfctern. Mit rd. 39.000 MitarbeiterInnen (inkl. Lehrlinge) und Gesamtertr\xe4gen von rd. 6,3 Mrd. EUR ist der \xd6BB-Konzern ein wirtschaftlicher Impulsgeber des Landes. Im Jahr 2012 wurden von den \xd6BB 464 Mio. Fahrg\xe4ste und 113 Mio. Tonnen G\xfcter transportiert. Strategische Leitgesellschaft des Konzerns ist die \xd6BB-Holding AG.',
'head_office_address': u'11\xa0Wienerbergstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01100\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '36636102190-34',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Teamleiterin European and International Affairs',
'name': u'\xd6BB-Holding AG',
'networking': 'unter anderem in: CER, UIRR, UIC, CIT/CIV, RNE, Rail Forum Europe, Florence School of Regulation',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '27/08/09 18:38:48',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:33.485649',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01 93000 0',
'update_date': '25/08/14 17:21:45'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '-\tETS-\tFuels Quality Directive-\tEnergy Infrastructure-\tSouthern Corridor-\tOffshore Safety-\tShale Gas-\tInternal Energy Market-\tEnergy Efficiency Directive-\tREMIT, MiFID II, EMIR-\tRefining-\tBiofuels/ILUC-\tRenewables -\tPost-2020 Climate and Energy Policy-\tEuropean External Energy Policy-\tEnergy Roadmap 2050',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': 'The costs declared herein stand for the annual budget of the OMV Representation Office in Brussels towards the EU institutions (essentially office and staff expenditures). The direct lobbying costs towards the EU institutions are taken into account; this estimate does not include costs associated with membership fees of interest groups, federations, think-tanks and consultancies which are to be accounted for by the organizations themselves.',
'fax_number': 'OMV Brussels Representation52, Avenue de Cortenbergh1000 BrusselsBELGIUMtel. +32 2 7337 107fax. +32 2 7337 106',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'With Group sales of EUR 42.65 bn and a workforce of around 29,000 employees in 2012, OMV Aktiengesellschaft is Austria\u2019s largest listed industrial company. In Exploration and Production, OMV is active in two core countries Romania and Austria and holds a balanced international portfolio. OMV had proven oil and gas reserves of approximately 1.12 bn boe as of year-end 2012 and a production of around 303,000 boe/d in 2012. In Gas and Power, OMV sold approximately 437 TWh of gas in 2012. In Austria, OMV operates a 2,000 km long gas pipeline network with a marketed capacity of around 103 bcm in 2012. With a trading volume of around 528 TWh, OMV\u2019s gas trading platform, the Central European Gas Hub, is amongst the most important hubs in Continental Europe. In Refining and Marketing, OMV has an annual refining capacity of 22 mn t and as of the end of 2012 approximately 4,400 filling stations in 13 countries including Turkey. OMV further strengthened its position through the ownership of a 97% stake in Petrol Ofisi, Turkey\u2019s leading company in the retail and commercial business.OMV is committed to enhancing the security of supply for Europe, particularly the central and eastern regions. OMV promotes sustainability and funds renewable innovative projects, while ensuring the safety of its employees, consumers and business partners.OMV has codified its corporate values in a code of conduct based on the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact - also signed by OMV - , covering the following key areas: labor relations, human rights, the environment and anti-corruption. In its code of conduct, OMV expresses its strong commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility as understood by the UNGC.As a rapidly growing integrated oil and gas company operating in over 25 countries throughout the world, OMV is fully aware of its Corporate Social Responsibility and has all its employees well instructed to have all their day-to-day conducts aligned with these values. OMV\u2019s suppliers must also undertake to comply with OMV\u2019s code of conduct.For further information please refer to our website:',
'head_office_address': u'6-8\xa0Trabrennstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01020\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '94274031992-65',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'250000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 300000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of OMV Representation Brussels',
'name': 'OMV Aktiengesellschaft',
'networking': u"OMV is a member of the following organisations relevant to this register:EUROPIA - European Petroleum Industry AssociationCONCAWE - Oil Companies' European Organization for Environment Health and Safety in Refining and DistributionGIE - Gas Infrastructure EuropeEUROGAS - European Union of the Natural Gas IndustryOGP - International Association of Oil & Gas Producers OMV is also member of relevant national federations: IV - Industriellenvereinigung (Federation of Austrian Industries)WK\xd6 - Wirtschaftskammern \xd6sterreichs (Austrian Federal Economic Chamber)As well as the following think-tanks: CEPS - Centre for European Policy StudiesCERA - Cambridge Energy Research AssociateEPC - European Policy CentreEEF - European Energy Forum",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '14/07/09 12:04:00',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:34.333676',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01404400',
'update_date': '26/06/14 16:35:32'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Der \xd6sterreichische Generikaverband sucht den konstruktiven Dialog mit allen Beteiligten im Gesundheitswesen, um Rahmenbedingungen zu schaffen, die einen gesunden Wettbewerb erm\xf6glichen. Der Generikaverband bekennt sich zur optimalen Versorgung der \xf6sterreichischen PatientInnen mit hochwertigen Arzneimitteln. Dazu z\xe4hlt der rasche und unb\xfcrokratische Zugang zu innovativen Pr\xe4paraten genauso wie der verst\xe4rkte Einsatz von Generika.',
'area_of_interest': 'national',
'extra_financial_info': 'The activity is conducted by unpaid volunteers without any reimbursement of expenditures.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der \xf6sterreichische Generikaverband ist ein Zusammenschluss von mehreren Generika-Produzenten, die ihre Arzneimittel in \xd6sterreich anbieten. Alle Mitgliedsunternehmen des \xd6sterreichischen Generikaverbandes produzieren und vertreiben ausschlie\xdflich qualitativ erstklassige Arzneimittel zu g\xfcnstigen Preisen. Der \xd6sterreichische Generikaverband sucht den konstruktiven Dialog mit allen Beteiligten im Gesundheitswesen, um Rahmenbedingungen zu schaffen, die einen gesunden Wettbewerb erm\xf6glichen. Der Generikaverband bekennt sich zur optimalen Versorgung der \xf6sterreichischen PatientInnen mit hochwertigen Arzneimitteln. Dazu z\xe4hlt der rasche und unb\xfcrokratische Zugang zu innovativen Pr\xe4paraten genauso wie der verst\xe4rkte Einsatz von Generika. Gemeinsam repr\xe4sentieren die Mitgliedsunternehmen \xfcber 90 Prozent des \xf6sterreichischen Generikamarktes.',
'head_office_address': u'90-92/1/12\xa0Wiedner Hauptstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01050\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '22044375915-04',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'0\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'President',
'name': u'\xd6stereichischer Generikaverband',
'networking': 'National Association Member of European Generics Association (EGA)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '25/05/11 19:24:29',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:35.166416',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0650 544 92 92',
'update_date': '28/04/14 14:10:52'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'HealthAgricultureFood SafetyAnimals HealthTWINNINGBTSFHorizon 2020',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Die Agentur f\xfcr Gesundheit und Ern\xe4hrungssicherheit (AGES) ist ein Unternehmen der Republik \xd6sterreich. Die Eigent\xfcmerrechte werden vom Bundesministerium f\xfcr Gesundheit (BMG) und vom Bundesministerium f\xfcr Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (BMLFUW) wahrgenommen. Der AGES sind 2 Bundes\xe4mter (Beh\xf6rden) zugeordnet. Die AGES stellt diesen die notwendigen Ressourcen zur Verf\xfcgung.',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die Agentur f\xfcr Gesundheit und Ern\xe4hrungssicherheit(AGES) unterst\xfctzt das Bundesministerium f\xfcr Gesundheit (BMG) und das Bundesministerium f\xfcr Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (BMLFUW) und die ihr zugeordneten Bundes\xe4mter (Bundesamt f\xfcr Ern\xe4hrungssicherheit - BAES; Bundesamt f\xfcr Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen - BASG) in Fragen der \xd6ffentlichen Gesundheit, Tiergesundheit, Lebensmittelsicherheit, Strahlenschutz Arzneimittelsicherheit, Ern\xe4hrungssicherung und des VerbraucherInnenschutzes fachlich und unabh\xe4ngig mit wissenschaftlichen Expertisen.Der T\xe4tigkeitsbereich der AGES umfasst die Bewertung landwirtschaftlicher Betriebsmittel (Saatgut, Pflanzenschutzmittel, Futtermittel usw.)Bodenschutz, Lebensmitteluntersuchungen, die Diagnostik und \xdcberwachung von Tierkrankheiten und von Infektionskrankheiten beim Menschen sowie die Bewertung von Arzneimitteln und Medizinprodukten. Die AGES bewertet und kommuniziert diese und erarbeitet Empfehlungen zur Risikominimierung f\xfcr das Bundesministerium f\xfcr Gesundheit (BMG) und f\xfcr das Bundesministeriums f\xfcr Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (BMLFUW). Die Aufgaben ergeben sich aus den Anforderungen des \xd6sterreichischen Gesundheits- und Ern\xe4hrungssicherheitsgesetzes (GESG)den diesem zugeordneten Materiengesetzen (u.a. Lebensmittelsicherheits- und Verbraucherschutzgesetz LMSVG) und einschl\xe4gigen europ\xe4ischen Regelungen. Die der AGES zugeordneten Bundes\xe4mter (Beh\xf6rden) haben folgende Aufgaben:Das Bundesamt f\xfcr Ern\xe4hrungssicherheit (BAES) ist f\xfcr die Zulassung und Kontrolle von Saatgut, Futtermitteln, D\xfcngemitteln sowie Pflanzenschutzmitteln zust\xe4ndig. Zulassungen erfolgen auf Grundlage von Bewertungen der AGES. Neben der Registrierung, Autorisierung und \xdcberwachung von Erzeugungsbetrieben f\xfchrt das BAES u.a. die Export- und Importkontrolle von Pflanzen bzw. pflanzlichen Erzeugnissen sowie Saatgut durch. Au\xdferdem \xfcberwacht das BAES Erzeugnisse der Fischerei und von Aquakulturen auf die korrekte VerbraucherInnen-Information.Das Bundesamt f\xfcr Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen (BASG) ist f\xfcr die Zulassung und Kontrolle von Arzneimitteln und Medizinprodukten zust\xe4ndige. Zulassungen erfolgen auf Grundlage von Bewertungen der AGES.',
'head_office_address': u'191\xa0Spargelfeldstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01220\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '560693115075-38',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other similar organisations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Bereichsleiter Wissenstransfer & Forschung',
'name': u'\xd6sterreichische Agentur f\xfcr Gesundheit und Ern\xe4hrungssicherheit GmbH',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '01/12/14 17:17:54',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:36.005847',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0505550',
'update_date': '01/12/14 17:35:42'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Natura 2000 and ForestsEU Forest StrategyRural DevelopmentSustainability Forest Management Criteria&Indicators',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Die \xd6sterreichische Bundesforste AG tr\xe4gt Verantwortung f\xfcr das Naturland \xd6sterreich. Mit der Betreuung und Bewirtschaftung von 10% der Staatsfl\xe4che ist die \xd6Bf AG gr\xf6\xdfter Naturraumbetreuer und -manager, gr\xf6\xdfter Forstbetrieb und gr\xf6\xdfter Jagdfl\xe4chen- und Fischereigew\xe4sserinhaber. Beim Umgang mit der Natur bildet das Prinzip der Nachhaltigkeit die Pr\xe4misse: Der Natur wird nur jener Rohstoff entnommen, den sie auch nachproduziert. Hand in Hand mit diesem \xf6kologischen Ansatz geht auch die \xf6konomische Perspektive: Die j\xe4hrlich erwirtschafteten \xdcbersch\xfcsse kommen einerseits dem Staatshaushalt und andererseits der Substanz des Unternehmens zugute. Die Standbeine Forstwirtschaft, Immobilien und Dienstleistungen bilden das Fundament f\xfcr ein unternehmerisches Streben, das stets um den Ausgleich zwischen drei Spannungsfeldern bem\xfcht ist: \xf6kologische Ziele, gesellschaftliche Interessen und wirtschaftliches Bewusstsein m\xfcssen permanent in ihrem Verh\xe4ltnis zueinander neu bewertet werden - darin liegt die unternehmerische Herausforderung der \xd6sterreichischen Bundesforste AG.',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Das Ziel der \xd6sterreichischen Bundesforste ist die verawortungsvolle Bewirtschaftung der Nat\xfcrlichen Ressourcen und Lebensr\xe4ume, soweit sie von der Republik \xd6sterreich zur Bewirtschftung in den Verantwortungsbereich der \xd6Bf AG \xfcbergeben wurden. Dazu soll die Ertragskraft des Unternehmens langfristig und partnerschaftlich abgesichert werden, die anvertrauten nat\xfcrlichen Ressourcen und die Vielfalt des Lebens erhalten und verbessert werden und die \xd6Bf AG als ein verantwortungsvoller Partner f\xfcr Mensch und Region sein.Die Aufgaben ergeben sich aus dem Bundesforstegesetz 1. die Fortf\xfchrung des Betriebes ,,\xd6sterreichische Bundesforste``,2. die Durchf\xfchrung von Liegenschaftstransaktionen und 3. die Verwaltung des Liegenschaftsbestandes die Republik \xd6sterreich',
'head_office_address': u'10-12\xa0Pummergasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Purkersdorf\xa03002\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '80344854371-08',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'International Relations',
'name': u'\xd6sterreichische Bundesforste AG',
'networking': u"European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR)Forest Technology Plattform (Int'l and national)diverse lokale und nationale Interessensverb\xe4nde",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '19/10/10 15:41:15',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:37.771481',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa02231 600 0',
'update_date': '01/10/14 12:33:17'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'COM(2010) 352, European Tourism Day 2010',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': 'The Budget comprises membership fees and earnings by "Touristik Service GmbH"',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u"The Austrian Hotel Association (\xd6HV) has shaped the framework conditions for modern entrepreneurship as the voluntary and independent representative of the interests of Austria\u2019s leading hotels since 1953. More than 1,200 member establishments generate a turnover of approx. EUR 3 billion more than 153,000 beds and about 40,000 employees. \xd6HV's goals are to bring forward Austrian and European tourism policy and to provide SME like hotels better framework conditions in fields like labour, taxes or infrastructure/mobility.",
'head_office_address': u'Hofburg\xa0Gottfried-von-Einem-Stiege\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '52292916107-96',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of Public Affairs & PR',
'name': u'\xd6sterreichische Hoteliervereinigung - Austrian Hotel Association',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '28/06/11 12:49:31',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:38.595577',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa015330952',
'update_date': '30/06/14 10:26:46'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Kontaktpflege in den Bereichen:Europ\xe4ischer Rechtsraum in Zivil- und HandelssachenBinnenmarktInformationsgesellschaftUnternehmenVerbraucherWettbewerb',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': u'B\xfcro Br\xfcssel',
'fax_number': u'B\xfcro Br\xfcsselAvenue de Cortenbergh 1721000 Br\xfcsselTel: +32 2 737 90 00Fax: +32 2 737 90 09E-mail:',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Wahrung der Rechte und Angelegenheiten des \xf6sterreichischen Notariats und seine Vertretung nach au\xdfen;',
'head_office_address': u'20\xa0Landesgerichtsstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '6475183729-37',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Repr\xe4sentant',
'name': u'\xd6sterreichische Notariatskammer',
'networking': u"Conseil des Notariats de l'Union europ\xe9enne (CNUE)",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '04/12/08 20:33:17',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:39.278562',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0140245090',
'update_date': '07/11/14 09:31:50'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '-Green Paper on E-Commerce-Union Customs Code',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Rechtsform: Aktiengesellschaft Firmenbuchnummer: 180219d DVR-Nummer: 100 88 03 Firmenbuchgericht: Handelsgericht Wien Umsatzsteuer-ID: ATU46674503 Kammerzugeh\xf6rigkeit: Wirtschaftskammer Gr\xfcndungsjahr: 1999 Eigent\xfcmer: 52,8% \xd6IAG, 47,2% Streubesitz Regulierungsbeh\xf6rden: Telekom-Control-Kommission, Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH Anwendbare Vorschriften: Bundesgesetz \xfcber die Regulierung des Postmarktes (Postmarktgesetz-PMG) - siehe BGBl. I 2009/123',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Unternehmensgegenstand:1.Die Erbringung von Leistungen und Schaffung der daf\xfcr erforderlichen Voraussetzungen auf dem Gebiet a.des Postdienstes im Sinne des Postmarktgesetz (BGBL I 2009/123) in seiner jeweils geltenden Fassung; b.des Paketdienstes; c.des Gelddienstes; d.anderer kommerzieller Leistungen, soweit dadurch die unter lit a) bis c) angef\xfchrten Aufgaben nicht beeintr\xe4chtigt werden, insbesondere Finanzdienstleistungen im Sinne des Postsparkassengesetzes (BGBL 458/1969) in seiner jeweils geltenden Fassung, die Bef\xf6rderung von G\xfctern mit Kraftfahrzeugen des Stra\xdfenverkehrs, der Handel mit und der Vertrieb von Waren aller Art sowie die Vermarktung von Werbefl\xe4chen. 2.Die Erbringung von Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Kommunikations- und Informationstechnologie in der automatischen Datenverarbeitung und Informationstechnik. 3.Die Planung, die Errichtung sowie die Wartung und der Betrieb von Infrastruktureinrichtungen zu den unter Abs. 1 und 2 genannten Zwecken.',
'head_office_address': u'1\xa0Haidingergasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01030\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '726916114945-91',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'100,001\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Leitung Unternehmenskommunikation',
'name': u'\xd6sterreichische Post AG',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '25/11/14 13:03:48',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:39.974918',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa057767',
'update_date': '25/11/14 13:13:18'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'activities': u'Der \xd6AMTC vetritt die Interessen seiner Mitglieder in allen Belangen der Mobilit\xe4t. Er k\xfcmmert sich um in diesem Zusammenhang schwerpunktm\xe4\xdfig um Verbraucherbeschwerden betreffend Fahrzeugkauf und -reparatur, Versicherungen, Reisem\xe4ngel, Probleme mit Beh\xf6rden, etc.'
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'01/2011\r\n - \r\n 12/2011',
u'Der \xd6sterreichische Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touring Club (\xd6AMTC) ist mit \xfcber 1,8 Millionen Mitgliedern die gr\xf6\xdfte Kraftfahrervereinigung \xd6sterreichs. Als Verein organisiert, geh\xf6rt es zu seinen statutarischen Pflichten, bei der Wahrung der Interessen seiner Mitglieder deren Schutz als Konsumenten besonders zu ber\xfccksichtigen. Zu seinem Servicespektrum geh\xf6rt auch die unentgeltliche Beratung seiner Mitglieder in verbraucherrechtlichen Angelegenheiten. In seiner Eigenschaft als Interessenvertretung mobiler Konsumenten werden seine Experten immer wieder in ministerielle Arbeitsgruppen berufen sowie in Begutachtungs- und Konsultationsverfahren einbezogen. Dar\xfcber hinaus ist er Mitglied der F\xe9d\xe9ration Internationale de l\u2019Automobile (F.I.A.), welche die Wahrung der Kraftfahrer- und Verbraucherinteressen auf europ\xe4ischer bzw. globaler Ebene verfolgt.',
'head_office_address': u'1-3\xa0Schubertring\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa0A-1010\r\n AUSTRIA'
'id': '21689673146-84',
'lobbying_expenditure': ''
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations'
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
u'\xd6sterreichischer Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touring Club',
'networking': u'FIA - F\xe9d\xe9ration Internationale de l\u2019Automobile'
'num_org_members': ''
'org_members': '',
'registration_date': '29/01/10 13:30:22'
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:40.837299',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01 711 99 0',
'15/01/14 10:22:36'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
'Invasive Species Legislation, Bird Directive, Animal Health issues'
'extra_financial_info': ''
'fax_number': u'\xd6sterreichischer Zentralverband f\xfcr Falknerei, Greifvogelschutz und Greifvogelkunde, Gr\xfcndungsjahr 1950Mitglied der IAF - The International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of PreyMitglied im CIC - Internationaler Jagdrat zur Erhaltung des Wildes'
'01/2011\r\n - \r\n 12/2011',
u'Zentralverband f\xfcr Falknerei, Greifvogelschutz und GreifvogelkundeDie Falknerei hat in \xd6sterreich den Status eines immateriellen Kulturerbes der UNESCO.Der \xd6FB setzt sich seit 1950 f\xfcr die langfristige Erhaltung der Falknerei in \xd6sterreich ein, wo die Falknerei eine \xfcber 1000 j\xe4hrige Geschichte hat und ist Vorreiter in Sachen Greifvogelschutz, Ausbildung und falknerische \xd6ffentlichkeitsarbeit.Dies manifestiert sich vor allem in unserer Arbeit zur \xf6ffentlichen Bewusstseinsbildung in Sachen Greifv\xf6gel und deren Schutz, als auch in verschiedensten Zucht und Auswilderungsprogrammen, die der \xd6FB selbst durchf\xfchrt bzw. auf internationaler Ebene auch finanziell unterst\xfctzt.Das Hauptziel ist den Auftrag der UNESCO entsprechend der Eintragung in die nationale Liste des immateriellen Kulturerbes zu erf\xfcllen.'
'head_office_address': u'18\xa0G\xf6riach\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Pischeldorf\xa09064\r\n AUSTRIA',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar'
'IAF Delegierter / CIC Delegierter',
u'\xd6sterreichischer Falknerbund',
'Mitglied der IAF - The International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of PreyMitglied im CIC - Internationaler Jagdrat zur Erhaltung des Wildes',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': ''
'01/02/12 10:06:53',
'07/01/14 17:57:59'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
u'Als Teil der europ\xe4ischen Gewerkschaftsbewegung vertritt der \xd6GB auch gegen\xfcber den europ\xe4ischen Institutionen die Anliegen der ArbeitnehmerInnen in allen relevanten Politikbereichen. Dies betrifft vor allem die Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik und Themen wie insbesondere das Soziale Europa und die Rechte der ArbeitnehmerInnen, Mitbestimmung, Europ\xe4ische Betriebsr\xe4te, Entsendung von ArbeitnehmerInnen, Arbeitszeit, St\xe4rkung sozialer Grundrechte, Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz, Gestaltung des Binnenmarktes, Finanzmarktregulierung, Gesellschaftsrecht, \xf6ffentliche Dienstleistungen, Chancengleichheit und Antidiskriminierung.',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': u'Der \xd6GB finanziert sich vor allem aus Mitgliedsbeitr\xe4gen.',
'fax_number': u'Vertretung in Br\xfcssel:\xd6GB-Europab\xfcroSt\xe4ndige Vertretung \xd6sterreichs bei der EUAvenue de Cortenbergh 301040 Br\xfcsselBELGIENWebsite: www.oegb-eu.atTel.: +32 2 2307463',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der \xd6sterreichische Gewerkschaftsbund ist die \xfcberparteiliche Interessenvertretung unselbstst\xe4ndig Erwerbst\xe4tiger mit rund 1,2 Millionen Mitgliedern. Der \xd6GB und seine Einzelgewerkschaften vertreten die wirtschaftlichen, politischen, sozialen und kulturellen Interessen aller ArbeitnehmerInnen gegen\xfcber Arbeitgebern, Staat und Parteien. Der \xd6GB ist Teil der \xf6sterreichischen Sozialpartnerschaft.Der \xd6GB gliedert sich in folgende Gewerkschaften:1. Gewerkschaft der Privatangestellten, Druck, Journalismus,Papier www.gpa-djp.at2. Gewerkschaft \xd6ffentlicher Dienst www.goed.at3. Gewerkschaft der Gemeindebediensteten-Kunst, Medien,Sport, freie Berufe www.gdg-kmsfb.at4. Gewerkschaft Bau-Holz www.bau-holz.at5. Gewerkschaft vida www.vida.at6. Gewerkschaft der Post- und Fernmeldebediensteten www.gpf.at7. Gewerkschaft www.proge.atZu den wichtigsten Aufgaben des \xd6GB und seiner Gewerkschaften z\xe4hlen:\u2022 Die Wahrnehmung der Interessen aller ArbeitnehmerInnen durch Initiativen f\xfcr Generalkollektivvertr\xe4ge und rechtliche Regelungen sowie Stellungnahmen zur Sozialpolitik und zu Gesetzesentw\xfcrfen;\u2022 Der Abschluss von Einzel-, Betriebs- und Kollektivvertr\xe4gen mit den ArbeitgeberInnen oder ihren Vertretungen;\u2022 Die \xfcberbetriebliche Mitbestimmung im Rahmen der Wirtschafts- und Sozialpartnerschaft;\u2022 Durchsetzung sozialer Verbesserungen, Absicherung und Ausweitung der sozialen Sicherheit;\u2022 Wiedererlangung der Vollbesch\xe4ftigung, Sicherung der Reall\xf6hne, Bem\xfchungen um Preisstabilit\xe4t und Wirtschaftswachstum;\u2022 Bem\xfchungen zur Humanisierung der Arbeitswelt;\u2022 Mindestlohntarife und die Erkl\xe4rung von Kollektivvertr\xe4genzu Satzungen;\u2022 Gewerkschaftliche Aktionen zur Herbeif\xfchrung g\xfcnstigsterArbeits-, Einkommens- und Sozialbedingungen;\u2022 Die Initiierung von Gesetzen und Verordnungen sowiedie Mitwirkung an deren Vorbereitung;\u2022 Betreuung der Mitglieder in Fragen des Arbeitslebens.Das \xd6GB-Europab\xfcro in Br\xfcssel vertritt die Interessen des \xd6GB und seiner Gewerkschaften gegen\xfcber den EU-Institutionen, damit die Anliegen der \xf6sterreichischen ArbeitnehmerInnen optimal in den europ\xe4ischen Entscheidungsgremien und -prozessen ber\xfccksichtigt werden. Das vorrangige Ziel ist die St\xe4rkung der sozialen Dimension Europas.',
'head_office_address': u'1\xa0Johann-B\xf6hm-Platz\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01020\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '43246044354-41',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'200000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 250000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade unions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Head of \xd6GB Brussels',
'name': u'\xd6sterreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund',
'networking': u'Der \xd6GB ist Mitglied des Europ\xe4ischen Gewerkschaftsbundes (EGB) und des Internationalen Gewerkschaftsbundes (IGB). Er vertritt die Rechte der ArbeitnehmerInnen bei der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO) und im gewerkschaftlichen Beratungsausschuss (TUAC) der OECD.',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '17/10/10 18:31:30',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:42.577175',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01534440',
'update_date': '06/10/14 11:13:38'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Stellungnahmen zu Gesetzesentw\xfcrfen und Projekten, Gespr\xe4che mit Entscheidungstr\xe4gern',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u'Natur- und Umweltschutz durch Lobbying, Projekte sowie Bewusstseinsbildung und \xd6ffentlichkeitsarbeit',
'head_office_address': u'7\xa0Schulgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Dornbirn\xa06850\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '22463024254-93',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrerin',
'name': u'\xd6sterreichischer Naturschutzbund, Landesgruppe Vorarlberg',
'networking': u'\xd6sterreichischer Naturschutzbund',
'num_natural_members': '1,000',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '24/09/10 14:43:45',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:43.459596',
'telephone': u'(+05572)\xa029650',
'update_date': '19/09/14 10:54:42'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Vertretung der Rechtsanw\xe4lte in \xd6sterreich. Erstattung von Gesetzesvorschl\xe4gen und Stellungnahmen zu Gesetzesentw\xfcrfen sowie die Anzeige von M\xe4ngeln der Rechtspflege und Verwaltung bei der zust\xe4ndigen Stelle und die Erstattung von Vorschl\xe4gen zur Verbesserung von Rechtspflege und Verwaltung.',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA;BELGIUM',
'extra_financial_info': u'B\xfcro Br\xfcssel',
'fax_number': u'B\xfcro Br\xfcsselAvenue des Nerviens 85 (9)1040 Br\xfcsselBELGIENT: 0032 2 732 19 72F: 0032 2 732 25 38E:',
'financial_year': '09/2012\r\n - \r\n 09/2013',
'goals': u'Der \xd6sterreichische Rechtsanwaltskammertag ist die gesetzlich eingerichtete Vertretung der Rechtsanw\xe4lte in \xd6sterreich und als solche zur Wahrung der Rechte und Angelegenheiten sowie zur Vertretung der \xf6sterreichischen Rechtsanw\xe4lte auf nationaler, europ\xe4ischer und internationaler Ebene berufen. Als solcher obliegen ihm besonders die Erstattung von Gesetzesvorschl\xe4gen und Stellungnahmen zu Gesetzesentw\xfcrfen sowie die Anzeige von M\xe4ngeln der Rechtspflege und Verwaltung bei der zust\xe4ndigen Stelle und die Erstattung von Vorschl\xe4gen zur Verbesserung von Rechtspflege und Verwaltung.',
'head_office_address': u'1 - 3\xa0Wollzeile\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '29642463540-93',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'VI - Organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Leiter des Br\xfcsseler B\xfcros',
'name': u'\xd6sterreichischer Rechtsanwaltskammertag',
'networking': u'Rat der europ\xe4ischen Anwaltschaften (CCBE)International Bar Association (IBA)Union internationale des avocats (UIA)',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '9',
'org_members': u'Rechtsanwaltskammer f\xfcr K\xe4rnten\xa0(336\xa0members);Rechtsanwaltskammer Burgenland\xa0(84\xa0members);Rechtsanwaltskammer Nieder\xf6sterreich\xa0(517\xa0members);Ober\xf6sterreichische Rechtsanwaltskammer\xa0(819\xa0members);Salzburger Rechtsanwaltskammer\xa0(509\xa0members);Steierm\xe4rkische Rechtsanwaltskammer\xa0(668\xa0members);Tiroler Rechtsanwaltskammer\xa0(647\xa0members);Vorarlberger Rechtsanwaltskammer\xa0(275\xa0members);Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien\xa0(3,750\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '04/05/10 09:28:28',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:44.342802',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa05351275',
'update_date': '07/04/14 16:24:40'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Aufkl\xe4rung der Dienststellen und Entscheidungstr\xe4ger \xfcber m\xf6gliche Auswirkungen von europ\xe4ischen Rechtsakten auf die Gesch\xe4ftst\xe4tigkeit der Sparkassen, deren Kunden und insgesamt auf die Verbraucher und die wirtschaftliche Lage als Ganzes.Hinweis auf Anpassungsbedarf von Rechtsakten, um negative Auswirkungen auf die regionalverankerte und finanzmarktstabilisierende Sparkassenstruktur zu vermeiden.Sicherstellung, dass die Nahversorgung der Verbraucher und KMU mit Bankdienstleistungen nicht durch regulative Ma\xdfnahmen beeintr\xe4chtigt wird.Alle Themen, die im Zusammenhang mit den oben genannten Punkten stehen, sind von Relevanz.',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'EU B\xfcro Br\xfcsselRue Marie-Th\xe9r\xe8se 111000 Br\xfcsselTel: 0032 2 2188521',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der \xd6sterreichische Sparkassenverband ist die Interessenvertretung der \xf6sterreichischen Sparkassen und hat den Zweck, als Gesamtvertretung des \xf6sterreichischen Sparkassenwesens, dessen Interessen sowohl im Verh\xe4ltnis der Mitglieder zueinander als auch nach au\xdfen hin jederzeit wahrzunehmen und die hierzu erforderlichen Ma\xdfnahmen zu treffen.Zugleich nimmt der \xd6sterreichische Sparkassenverband die Funktionen des Fachverbandes der Sparkassen wahr. Der Fachverband der Sparkassen konstituierte sich am 17.7.1947 auf Grund des Bundesgesetzes vom 24.7.1946 BGBl 182, betreffend die Errichtung von Kammern der gewerblichen Wirtschaft \u2013 Handelskammergesetz.Der \xd6sterreichische Sparkassenverband wurde am 2. Juni 1905 gegr\xfcndet. Ordentliche Mitglieder des Sparkassenverbandes sind alle Sparkassen \xd6sterreichs und die Landesverb\xe4nde der Sparkassen. Au\xdferordentliche Mitglieder sind vor allen die f\xfcr Finanzdienstleistungen gegr\xfcndeten Tochterunternehmen der Sparkassen.Der \xd6sterreichische Sparkassenverband vertritt die Sparkassen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene nach au\xdfen und ist die Kontaktstelle zu Beh\xf6rden und anderen \xf6sterreichischen und EU-Interessensvertretungen.Der \xd6sterreichische Sparkassenverband sieht sich als aktive und kreative Plattform, die der Diskussion und F\xf6rderung des Interessensausgleiches und Umsetzung der Ergebnisse innerhalb der Sparkassengruppe dient. Er ist der Vertreter der Sparkassen als Arbeitgeber und schlie\xdft Kollektivvertr\xe4ge mit dem Gewerkschaftsbund als Arbeitnehmer-Vertreter ab. Der \xd6sterreichische Sparkassenverband sieht sich als Dienst-und Serviceleister auf den Gebieten Recht und Datenmanagement und steht den Sparkassen f\xfcr Ausk\xfcnfte und Beratungen auf den Gebieten des Dienst-, Steuer- und Bankenrechtes zur Verf\xfcgung. Dar\xfcber hinaus ist der \xd6sterreichische Sparkassenverband f\xfcr die Presse- und \xd6ffentlichkeitsarbeit der Sparkassengruppe zust\xe4ndig und unterst\xfctzt die regionale Pressearbeit der Sparkassen.',
'head_office_address': u'1\xa0Grimmelshausengasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01030\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '22115995998-08',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'415,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Abteilungsleiter European Affairs',
'name': u'\xd6sterreichischer Sparkassenverband',
'networking': u'European Savings Banks Association (ESBG), World Savings Banks Institute (WSBI), European Banking Industry Committee (EBIC), Kangaroo Group im Europ\xe4ischen Parlament',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '08/06/11 14:18:13',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:45.223983',
'telephone': u'(+0043)\xa005010028069',
'update_date': '28/05/14 16:33:00'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Medienpolitik, Werbung, Urheberrecht, Online, Media Literacy',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der Verband hat den Zweck, die gemeinsamen unternehmerischen, verlegerischen und herausgeberischen Interessen zu vertreten und nach besten Kr\xe4ften zu f\xf6rdern.Zu den Aufgaben z\xe4hlen vor allem:- Die Vertretung aller gemeinsamen beruflichen, wirtschaftlichen und Standesinteressen gegen\xfcber den Organen des Staates, der L\xe4nder, der Gemeinden sowie gegen\xfcber allen Beh\xf6rden, den Kammern, der Wirtschaft und der gesamten \xd6ffentlichkeit. Besonderes Ziel des Verbandes ist es, die Zeitschriften, Wochenzeitungen und Gratiszeitungen und die elektronischen Fachmedien als integrierenden Bestandteil der Presse und Medienlandschaft im gesellschaftlichen Bewusstsein zu verankern;- Stellungnahmen, Gutachten und Vorschl\xe4ge zu Rechts- und Verwaltungsakten (Gesetze, Verordnungen, Verf\xfcgungen etc.) welche die Mitglieder und deren Nebenbetriebe und/oder die gesamte Presse und/oder sonstige Medien betreffen;- Einsatz f\xfcr die politische und \xf6konomische Freiheit der Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenpresse \xd6sterreichs und der in \xd6sterreich verbreiteten elektronischen Fachmedien, insbesondere durch Erleichterung der Steuerlast und Verg\xfcnstigungen bei Inanspruchnahme staatlicher Einrichtungen;- Beratung und Information der Mitglieder in allen Fragen des Verlagswesens, Aussendung vonVerbandsrundschreiben;- Veranstaltung von Tagungen, Organisation von Vortr\xe4gen und fachlichen Diskussionsveranstaltungen;- Ausgabe von Presselegitimationen an Mitglieder und deren Dienstnehmer und freie Mitarbeiter;- J\xe4hrliche Stiftung eines Preises f\xfcr Fachzeitschriften- und Fachmedien-Journalisten;- Der Abschluss von Kollektivvertr\xe4gen zur Regelung der Arbeitsbedingungen der Arbeitnehmer der Verbandsmitglieder und der Abschluss von Gesamtvertr\xe4gen zur Regelung der Vertragsbeziehungen zwischen st\xe4ndigen freien Mitarbeitern und den Verbandsmitgliedern.',
'head_office_address': u'15\xa0Wipplingerstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '528191712826-75',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrer',
'name': u'\xd6sterreichische Zeitschriften- und Fachmedienverband (\xd6ZV)',
'networking': "European Newspaper Publishers' Association (ENPA)European Magazine Media Association (EMMA)",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '03/02/14 13:22:23',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:46.089138',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa03197001',
'update_date': '03/02/14 13:22:43'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Energie, Klima, Luftreinhaltung, Wasser, Abfall/Wettbewerb, Konsumentenschutz, Retailm\xe4rkte, Netze, Binnenmarkt, Erneuerbare Energietr\xe4ger, Smart Grids, F\xf6rderungen, staatliche Beihilfen, Energieeffizienz, Energiewirtschaft, Energiepolitik, Organisation der E-Wirtschaft, 2030 Klima- und Energierahmen, Vollendung Energiebinnenmarkt',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Br\xfcssel-Vertretung:221, Rue de la LoiB-1040 BruxellesBelgien',
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 11/2014',
'goals': u'Oesterreichs Energie, previously Verband der Elektrizit\xe4tsunternehmen \xd6sterreichs (VE\xd6), is an independent advocacy group for the Austrian electricity industry. Since its establishment in 1953, Oesterreichs Energie has represented the jointly developed sector interests in political, administrative and public contexts. Oesterreichs Energie currently represents over 140 member companies with around 21,000 employees. These companies generate more than 90% of Austria\u2019s electricity and operate the Austrian transport and distribution networks. In representing its members\u2019 interests with regard to energy policies, Oesterreichs Energie works in close cooperation with national and international political decision makers. The legal, regulatory, technical and economic framework conditions of the deregulated electricity market are jointly developed in working groups with the responsible ministries and regulatory authorities. Oesterreichs Energie conducts the regular collective agreement negotiations with the employee representatives and concludes the collective agreements for the electricity companies\u2019 employees and workers with the employers.',
'head_office_address': u'3\xa0Brahmsplatz\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01040\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '80966174852-38',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Europ\xe4ische Angelegenheiten',
'name': u'\xd6sterreichs E-Wirtschaft',
'networking': u'EURELECTRIC, WEC-World Energy Council, Cired, \xd6NORM-Austrian Standards Institute, \xd6VE, Geode',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '22/12/10 16:44:02',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:46.938101',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01501980',
'update_date': '25/11/14 10:36:55'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'ETS, Klima- und EnergiepolitikPharmapaketDatenschutzIntegrierter PaketmarktEnergiebinnenmarkt',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Vertretung in Br\xfcssel:Rue de Pascale 321040 Br\xfcssel',
'financial_year': '08/2013\r\n - \r\n 08/2014',
'goals': u'Beratung von Unternehmen und Verb\xe4nden in den Bereichen europ\xe4ische Politik, Interessensvertretung und Kommunikation. Beobachtung und Monitoring relevanter politischer Entwicklungen auf EU-Ebene und Organisation des Stakeholderdialogs zwischen Klienten und politischen Institutionen.',
'head_office_address': u'7\xa0Lugeck\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '21877126545-33',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Managing Partner',
'name': 'pantarhei advisors europe',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '02/09/11 11:10:16',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:47.774977',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa088656350',
'update_date': '17/10/14 11:15:01'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Auf EU-Ebene geht es der RZB um Beobachtung der Aktivit\xe4ten der EU-Institutionen hinsichtlich eventueller Auswirkungen auf die RBG. Weiters die Bildung von Netzwerken und Interessengemeinschaften, sowie gezielte Informationsbeschaffung und -aufbereitung zu RBG-relevanten Initiativen und Ma\xdfnahmen der EU im Finanzdienstleistungsbereicht (z.B. Basel 3, Einlagensicherung, Corporate Governance, Abwicklungsmechanismen).',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die Raiffeisen Zentralbank \xd6sterreich AG (RZB) ist das Spitzeninstitut der Raiffeisen Bankengruppe \xd6sterreich (RBG) und agiert als Konzernspitze f\xfcr die gesamte RZB-Gruppe, einschlie\xdflich der Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI). Die RZB fungiert als Drehscheibe zwischen RBG und der RBI mit ihrem Netzwerk in CEE. Die RZB \xfcbernimmt daneben auch f\xfcr die RBG die Interessenvertretung im In&Ausland, sowie auf EU-Ebene war.',
'head_office_address': u'9\xa0Am Stadtpark\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01030\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '33858106461-10',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 200000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Leiterin RZB EU-B\xfcro',
'name': u'Raiffeisen Zentralbank \xd6sterreich AG',
'networking': u'Europ\xe4ische Vereinigung der Genossenschaftsbanken; Fachverband der Raiffeisenbanken.',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '23/08/11 10:40:13',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:48.779786',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa0262160',
'update_date': '01/12/14 18:53:54'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '...we want to be heared',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': 'Guenter Loibl, CEO,',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'digital music distribution, artist accounting,',
'head_office_address': u'23\xa0Gutenbergstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Tulln\xa03430\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '501026012862-91',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'450000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 500000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'CEO',
'name': 'Rebeat Digital GmbH',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '5,000',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '05/02/14 15:48:01',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:49.689583',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa069913131399',
'update_date': '05/02/14 15:48:09'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'a',
'extra_financial_info': u'derzeit werden keine Kosten verrechnet, die nicht tarifm\xe4ssig gem\xe4ss RATG (FL) erfasst werden',
'fax_number': u'EWR - Rechtsanwaltskanzlei in \xd6sterreich. Hauptsitz im F\xfcrstentum Liechtenstein, Feldkircherstrasse 50, FL-9494 Schaan. Zust\xe4ndige Rechtsanwaltskammer: Liechtensteinische Rechtsanwaltskammer.',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Anwaltliche und treuh\xe4nderische Vertretung von Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen aus dem EWR-Raum und Drittstaaten.',
'head_office_address': u'21\xa0Montfortstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Dornbirn\xa06850\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '46864329475-46',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Law firms',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'CEO',
'name': 'Rechtsanwalt Dr. Anton Schaefer',
'networking': 'Rechtsanwaltskammer Liechtenstein (LIRAK)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '02/09/12 15:43:31',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:50.538084',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa05572222010',
'update_date': '06/08/14 07:12:34'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Klimaschutz, Emissionshandelssystem (ETS), Energieeffizienzrichtlinie; Industrieemissionsrichtlinie',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der RHI Konzern ist ein weltweit f\xfchrender Hersteller von Feuerfestprodukten mit 33 Produktions- und 70 Vertriebsstandorten. Die wesentlichen Abnehmerindustrien der RHI sind die Stahl, Zement, Kalk-, Glas- und Nichteisenmetallehersteller sowie der Energie-, Umwelt und Chemiesektor.',
'head_office_address': u'9\xa0Wienerbergstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01100\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '138083013988-72',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'150,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Corporate Energy, Environment, Health & Safety',
'name': 'RHI AG',
'networking': 'PRE, Ceramie Unie, Euromines',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '16/07/14 16:15:30',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:51.396895',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0502136200',
'update_date': '16/07/14 16:17:26'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Fachverband Gas W\xe4rme',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der RAG sorgen seit der Gr\xfcndung 1935 mit ihrer Erfahrung, ihrem ausgezeichneten Wissen und gro\xdfem Engagement f\xfcr die nachhaltige Bereitstellung der nat\xfcrlichen inl\xe4ndischen Energieressourcen Erd\xf6l und Erdgas. Ausgehend von unserem Heimatmarkt \xd6sterreich setzen wir unser Know-how mittlerweile auch in anderen europ\xe4ischen L\xe4ndern ein. Die Speicherung von Erdgas ist ein weiteres bedeutendes Gesch\xe4ftsfeld. Dank unserer mehr als 30-j\xe4hrigen Erfahrung sowie dem massiven Ausbau der Aktivit\xe4ten in den letzten und den kommenden Jahren z\xe4hlt die RAG nun zu den f\xfchrenden Speicheranbietern Europas. Mit unseren Erdgasspeichern bedienen wir nationale und internationale Kunden. Wir leisten damit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Versorgungssicherheit \xd6sterreichs und ganz Mitteleuropas. Die Bevorratung von Erd\xf6l als Pflichtnotstandsreserve f\xfcr \xf6sterreichische Kunden, der Erdgashandel und Transport sowie Projekte im Bereich erneuerbarer Energie, wie z. B. Geothermie, Biogas sowie "Power to Gas" runden das Portfolio ab.Unsere jahrzehntelange Erfahrung, die technologische Expertise, das hoch spezialisierte Wissen und das gro\xdfe Engagement unserer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sowie die international h\xf6chsten sicherheits- und umwelttechnischen Standards haben die RAG zu einem der erfolgreichsten Unternehmen \xd6sterreichs gemacht.',
'head_office_address': u'16\xa0Schwarzenberg Platz\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01015\r\n AUSTRIA',
: '98438514686-68',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'50,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Prokuristin',
'name': u'Roh\xf6l-Aufsuchungs Aktiengesellschaft',
'networking': u'Fachverband Gas W\xe4rme (\xd6), Fachverband der Mineral\xf6lwirtschaft (\xd6), DVGW',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '06/12/10 16:47:19',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:52.237038',
'telephone': u'(+0043)\xa0507240',
'update_date': '04/12/13 14:56:13'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Richtlinien \xfcber unlautere Gesch\xe4ftspraktiken bzw. irref\xfchrende und vergleichende Werbung',
'area_of_interest': 'national',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': u'Der Schutzverband gegen unlauteren Wettbewerb ist einer der wichtigsten Ansprechpartner in Fragen des Wettbewerbsrechts. Als nicht gewinnorientierter Verein agiert er im Interesse seiner Mitglieder. Das sind mehr als 600 Fachorganisationen aller Wirtschaftskammern \xd6sterreichs und deren Unternehmer sowie weitere Interessensvertretungen von selbstst\xe4ndig T\xe4tigen. Wir sehen uns daher als Vertreter von Brancheninteressen, nicht von Einzelinteressen.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u'Der Schutzverband gegen unlauteren Wettbewerb setzt sich im Interesse der Wirtschaft f\xfcr einen fairen Wettbewerb und die Chancengleichheit aller Unternehmer ein. Er interveniert bei Wettbewerbsverst\xf6\xdfen und tr\xe4gt durch die F\xfchrung von Wettbewerbsprozessen bis zum OGH zur Rechtsfortbildung bei.Weiters informiert er \xfcber die Neuerungen des Wettbewerbsrechts. Seine erstmals im April 1955 herausgegebene Mitgliederzeitschrift Recht und Wettbewerb erscheint regelm\xe4\xdfig mit bisher mehr als 150 Ausgaben. Weiters wird auf der Webseite ein \xdcberblick \xfcber die Rechtsprechung zum Wettbewerbsrecht geboten, regelm\xe4\xdfig \xfcber die aktuelle Judikatur zu diesem Thema und auch \xfcber diesbez\xfcgliche Neuigkeiten auf dem Laufenden gehalten. Schlie\xdflich gibt er auch die Wettbewerbsfibel heraus.',
'head_office_address': u'14\xa0Schwarzenbergplatz\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa045\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01040\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '32749607164-66',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Managing Director',
'name': 'Schutzverband gegen unlauteren Wettbewerb',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '16/11/11 14:14:23',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:53.105661',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01501970',
'update_date': '20/10/14 09:53:12'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Different activities in the context of the EU and its institutions to promote the Carpathians, notably in the context of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region that also covers part of the Carpathians. Engagement with EU stakeholders incl. EC in various sectors. Implementing various activities in different sectors co-financed by the European Union (e.g. ERDF funding) such as "BIOREGIO Carpathians", "AKK", "C3ALPS", "ALPSTAR"etc. Further information on the Convention on',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': 'IMPORTANT: See please the recent COP4 decisions, Annex 1 (DECISION COP4/14) Budget and Countrapart Contribution of the Trust Fund of the Carpathian Convention , available at: Please visit also the following link for the period 2012-2013-2014:',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'The Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians (Carpathian Convention) was adopted and signed by the seven Parties (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Ukraine) in May 2003 in Kyiv, Ukraine, and entered into force in January 2006. It is the only multi-level governance mechanism covering the whole of the Carpathian area and besides the Alpine Convention the second sub-regional treaty-based regime for the protection and sustainable development of a mountain region worldwide.The common vision of the Parties to the Carpathian Convention is to pursue comprehensive policy and cooperation in order to guarantee protection and sustainable development of the Carpathians. The improvement of the quality of live, the strengthening of local economies and communities, and the conservation of natural values and cultural heritage should go hand in hand in the Carpathian area.The Convention provides a framework for cooperation and multi-sectoral policy coordination, a platform for joint strategies for sustainable development, and a forum for dialogue between all stakeholders involved \u2013 from the local community and various NGO\u2019s up to the regional and national Governments, Institutions of the European Union and the United Natio',
'head_office_address': u'4\xa0Wagramerstrasse\xa0UNEP Vienna\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa0500\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01400\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '793758014937-64',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'VI - Organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of Office',
'name': 'Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '7',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '17/11/14 15:21:22',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:54.007794',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa0260604545',
'update_date': '17/11/14 15:29:46'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'None',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 01/2013',
'goals': ' is a cultural network-based initiative in Linz, Austria. We are an association of artists, with over 250 Members - 40 of them associations themself - who join for network-centric arts projects and for running an autonomous network service provider for their needs.',
'head_office_address': u'4\xa0Kirchengasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Linz\xa04040\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '202853613115-54',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Manager',
'name': '',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '250',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '03/03/14 13:28:26',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:54.909054',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0732731209',
'update_date': '03/03/14 13:29:58'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Positionierung der Thematik "Investmentpolitik internationaler Finanzinstitutionen im Bereich der Nutztierhaltung"; Kommunikation der Problematik, dass \xf6ffentliche Mittel seitens von EU-Mitgliedsstaaten via IFIs in Tierhaltebetriebe in Drittstaaten investiert werden, die nicht EU-Standards erf\xfcllen;Mehr Informationen unter: der Notwendigkeit von Umweltvertr\xe4glichkeitspr\xfcfungen vor der Durchf\xfchrung seismischer Aktivit\xe4ten in europ\xe4ischen Gew\xe4ssern im Rahmen der \xdcberarbeitung der UVP-Richtlinie;Mehr Informationen unter:',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Postal Address is:Shifting Values e.U.Mooslackeng. 171190 ViennaAustriaT. + 43 (0) 1 23060 \u2013 4040F. + 43 (0) 1 23060 - 4041',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Shifting Values e.U. ist ein Einzelunternehmen, PR-AGentur, das als Berater f\xfcr Non Profit Organisations im Bereich des Tier-, Arten- und Umweltschutzes agiert. Einige der Schwerpunktthemen sind u.a.:Erhaltung und Schutz von Wildtieren, inklusive marine Arten;TierschutzUnterwasserl\xe4rm und Meeresschutzgebieteinternationale und regionale Investmentpolitik im Agro-Business-Bereich (Nutztierhaltung)',
'head_office_address': u'45\xa0Scheidlstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01180\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '109753310769-82',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Self-employed consultants',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Unternehmer',
'name': 'Shifting Values e.U.',
'networking': u'Zusammenarbeit mit NGOs und Verb\xe4nden erfolgt regelm\xe4\xdfig, jedoch stets themenspezifisch. Enge Zusammenarbeit besteht u.a. zu Humane Society International, OceanCare, NRDC, VIER PFOTEN, der Eurogroup for Animals und anderen.',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '07/03/13 16:11:38',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:55.729514',
'telephone': u'(+43660)\xa02119963',
'update_date': '10/02/14 11:06:52'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Financial Services; Financial Education;',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u'EU-Monitoring, Agenda Setting, Strategieberatung insbesondere f\xfcr Interessenvertretungen, -verb\xe4nde etc.;',
'head_office_address': u'5/3/17\xa0Widerhofergasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01090\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '16023423959-94',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Managing Director',
'name': 'Solutions in PR e.U.',
'networking': 'Public Relations Verband Austria (PRVA)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '30/07/10 09:03:24',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:56.576097',
'telephone': u'(+43699)\xa010439161',
'update_date': '03/07/14 11:01:01'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Advocacy activities focusing on:- EU Strategy of the Rights of the Child- Social inclusion of young people- De-institutionalisation- EU budget for children and young persons- Development cooperation (Beyond 2015)',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'countries': '',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': "EU Office/ SOS Children's Villages InternationalRue des Deux Eglises 37-391000 BrusselsBelgiumTel: +32 2 235 07 70Fax: +32 2 235 07 71",
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 10/2012',
'goals': "SOS Children's Villages International (SOS-Kinderdorf International) is the umbrella organisation of more than 130 affiliated national SOS Children's Village associations worldwide. SOS Children's Villages is a non-governmental and non-denominational child-focused organisation that provides direct services in the areas of care, education and health for children at risk of losing parental care, and those who have lost parental care. The organisation also builds the capacity of the children's caregivers, their families and communities to provide adequate care.SOS Children's Villages advocates for the rights of children without parental care and those at risk of losing parental care. Founded in 1949, its operations are guided by the spirit of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.",
'head_office_address': u'51\xa0Hermann-Gmeiner-Str\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Innsbruck\xa06020\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '75014529893-97',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'200000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 250000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'EU Representative',
'name': 'SOS Kinderdorf-International',
'networking': 'SOS-Kinderdorf International is accredited with the following bodies:- ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council of the United Nations)- UN DPI (UN Department of Public Information)- Council of Europe- ECHO (Humanitarian Aid Office of the European Commission)SOS-Kinderdorf International is member of the following networks:- EUROCHILD- CRAG (Child Rights Action Group)- VOICE (Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies)- Beyond 2015- Better Care Network (BCN)- IFCO (International Foster Care Organisation)- ISPCAN (International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect)- Keeping Children Safe (KCS)- Global Initiative to end corporal punishment- International Action for Child Rights- NGO Committee on UNICEF- HDCA (Human Development and Capability Association)- CoNGO (Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations)- AG Globale Verantwortung- Berlin Civil Society Center- NetHope',
'num_natural_members': '8',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '23/10/12 21:22:45',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:57.457031',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa051233100',
'update_date': '26/09/14 10:31:37'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Issues in connection to mobile and fixed telecommunications services, such as Digital Agenda, Broadband activities, universal service, net neutrality, roaming',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': 'Telekom Austria GroupAvenue de Cortenbergh 521000 Bruxelles',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'The Telekom Austria Group is the largest communications company in Austria and is successfully positioned on international markets.The Telekom Austria Group, which is listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange, is a leading communication provider serving approximately 23 million customers in eight countries in Central and Eastern Europe: Austria (A1 Telekom Austria), Bulgaria (Mobiltel), Croatia (Vipnet), Belarus (velcom), Slovenia (Si.mobil), the Republic of Serbia (Vip mobile), the Republic of Macedonia (Vip operator) and Liechtenstein (mobilkom liechtenstein).In 2013, the Telekom Austria Group employed about 16,045 people, generating turnover of approximately 4,183 million Euro.The broad portfolio of fixed line and mobile communication products and services includes voice telephony, broadband Internet, multimedia services, IPTV, data and IT services, wholesale and payment solutions.',
'head_office_address': u'9\xa0Lassallestrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01020\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '99255639490-47',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'230,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of Brussels office',
'name': 'Telekom Austria Group',
'networking': u'Telekom Austria Group and its operating companies are inter alia member of ETNO, GSMA (incl. GSMA-Europe), Industriellenvereinigung, Wirtschaftskammer \xd6sterreich and a number of regional associations.',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '03/09/12 18:03:28',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:58.318666',
'telephone': u'(+00436)\xa06646639142',
'update_date': '30/09/14 14:41:17'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Das Umweltbundesamt GmbH ist aktiv auf allen Ebenen der EU Umweltpolitik.',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': 'Zu Frage 3 werden die genaue Informationen nachgereicht!',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u'Das Umweltbundesamt ber\xe4t Institutionen der Europ\xe4ischen Union, neue und k\xfcnftige EU-Mitgliedstaaten und L\xe4nder der EU-Nachbarschaftspolitik im Osten und im Mittelmeerraum beim Aufbau von Verwaltung und nationaler Gesetzgebung im Umweltbereich. \xdcber 25 Jahre Erfahrung machen das umweltbundesamt GmbH zur f\xfchrenden Institution im Umweltconsulting f\xfcr nationale und internationale Auftraggeber.',
'head_office_address': u'5\xa0Spittelauer L\xe4nde\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01090\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '840436411868-20',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Leiter Internationale Angelegenheiten, Head of International Affairs',
'name': u'Umweltbundesamt Gesellschaft mit beschr\xe4nkter Haftung',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '13/09/13 14:07:01',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:06:59.161812',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01313045427',
'update_date': '09/09/14 13:30:24'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Gemeinsame AgrarpolitikVertragsverletzungsverfahren um die Nominierung von Natura 2000 Gebieten in \xd6sterreichUmsetzung der WRRL speziell Art. 9Energieeffizienz-Richtlinie, Energie und Klimapolitik 2030',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u'Der Umweltdachverband (UWD) mit Sitz in Wien ist f\xfcr 39 Umwelt- und Naturschutzorganisationen bzw. Alpine Vereine aus ganz \xd6sterreich und rund 1,3 Millionen Mitglieder eine \xfcberparteiliche Plattform. Gegr\xfcndet wurde die Umwelt-Interessenvertretung, der 39 Mitgliedsorganisationen angeh\xf6ren, 1973 als \xd6sterreichische Gesellschaft f\xfcr Natur- und Umweltschutz (\xd6GNU). Im Zentrum der Arbeit des Umweltdachverbandes stehen aktuell der nachhaltige Schutz der Lebensressource Wasser, der volle Einsatz f\xfcr Klimaschutz und erneuerbare Energien, das Engagement f\xfcr heimische Schutzgebiete und die Erhaltung der Vielfalt an Genen, Arten und \xd6kosystemen sowie die Weiterentwicklung der \xd6sterreichischen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.Im Zentralbereich des UWD arbeitet ein junges, engagiertes Team. Zu seinen Aufgaben z\xe4hlen u.a. Projekt- und \xd6ffentlichkeitsarbeit, Verbandsmanagement sowie Lobbying. Der Umweltdachverband wird von einem ehrenamtlich t\xe4tigen Vorstand geleitet.Wesentlich f\xfcr den UWD sind weiters seine Bereiche CIPRA \xd6sterreich mit dem Alpenkonventionsb\xfcro, das EU-Umweltb\xfcro und das FORUM Umweltbildung.',
'head_office_address': u'10/7-9\xa0Strozzigasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01080\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '730024411461-80',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Director - EU Environmental Bureau',
'name': 'Umweltdachverband',
'networking': u'World Conservation Union IUCNWorld Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE)Green Budget Europe (GBE)IUAPPA (International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations)F\xf6deration der Natur- & Nationalparke Europas (EUROPARC)Verein zum Schutz der Bergwelt e.V.Europ\xe4ische Umweltb\xfcro (EEB)\xd6sterreichische UNESCO-Kommission',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '39',
'org_members': u'Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Berg- und Naturwachten \xd6sterreichs (ABN\xd6)\xa0(9\xa0members);Arche Austria - Verein zur Erhaltung seltener Nutztierrassen\xa0(1,300\xa0members);Austrian Biologist Association (ABA\xa0(3\xa0members);Biene \xd6sterreich\xa0(26,500\xa0members);BirdLife \xd6sterreich - Gesellschaft f\xfcr Vogelkunde\xa0(500\xa0members);Forum Wissenschaft und Umwelt\xa0(244\xa0members);IG Passivhaus \xd6sterreich\xa0(299\xa0members);IG Windkraft\xa0(1,700\xa0members);Kuratorium Wald\xa0(3\xa0members);Land&Forst Betriebe \xd6sterreich\xa0(7,000\xa0members);Landjugend \xd6sterreich\xa0(40,881\xa0members);Menschen f\xfcr Solidarit\xe4t, \xd6kologie und Lebensstil (SOL)\xa0(2,000\xa0members);Naturfreunde \xd6sterreich\xa0(150,000\xa0members);Naturfreunde Jugend \xd6sterreich\xa0(49,813\xa0members);Naturschutzbund \xd6sterreich\xa0(80,000\xa0members);\xd6sterreichische Naturschutzjugend\xa0(4,600\xa0members);Oesterreichischer Alpenverein\xa0(450,000\xa0members);Oesterreichische Alpenvereinsjugend (OeAV-Jugend)\xa0(116,457\xa0members);\xd6kosoziales Forum \xd6sterreich\xa0(0\xa0members);\xd6sterreichischer Biomasse-Verband\xa0(1,200\xa0members);\xd6sterreichische Kinderfreunde\xa0(97,000\xa0members);\xd6sterreichische Wasserschutzwacht (\xd6WSW)\xa0(9\xa0members);\xd6sterreichischer Alpenschutzverband (\xd6ASV)\xa0(2,700\xa0members);\xd6sterreichischer Arbeitsring f\xfcr L\xe4rmbek\xe4mpfung (\xd6AL)\xa0(0\xa0members);\xd6sterreichischer Fischereiverband (\xd6FV)\xa0(9\xa0members);\xd6sterreichischer Forstverein\xa0(4,400\xa0members);\xd6sterreichischer Touristenklub (\xd6TK)\xa0(25,000\xa0members);\xd6sterreichische Touristenklub-Jugend\xa0(0\xa0members);\xd6sterreichische Gesellschaft f\xfcr Landschaftsplanung und Landschaftsa\xa0(252\xa0members);\xd6sterreichisches Jugendrotkreuz (\xd6JRK)\xa0(0\xa0members);Photovoltaic Austria\xa0(263\xa0members);Plattform Mobilfunk-Initiativen (PMI)\xa0(0\xa0members);Transitforum Austria-Tirol (tfA)\xa0(100\xa0members);Umwelt Management Austria\xa0(20\xa0members);Umweltsp\xfcrnasen-Club\xa0(0\xa0members);Verband der Arbeiter-Fischerei-Vereine \xd6sterreichs (V\xd6AFV)\xa0(11,000\xa0members);Verband der Naturparke \xd6sterreichs (VN\xd6)\xa0(43\xa0members);Verband \xd6sterreichischer H\xf6hlenforscher (V\xd6H)\xa0(2,279\xa0members);Zentralstelle \xd6sterreichischer Landesjagdverb\xe4nde\xa0(110,000\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '02/07/13 13:57:11',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:00.054377',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0140113',
'update_date': '10/06/14 14:00:54'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'noch keine',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': u'eigene Lobbying-T\xe4tigkeit, keine Fremdkosten',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '07/2012\r\n - \r\n 06/2013',
'goals': 'Musikverlag',
'head_office_address': u'6\xa0Karlsplatz\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '559110212796-79',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'0\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Copyright Department',
'name': 'Universal Edition AG',
'networking': u'Musikverleger Union \xd6sterreich, Deutscher Musikverleger Verband, ICMP',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '03/02/14 10:36:46',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:00.895112',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa0337230',
'update_date': '03/02/14 10:37:07'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'In the form of studies and factsheets, VC\xd6 provides background knowledge and research, which is sent to decision makers in Austria and the EU. Our publication almost always touch on EU-aspects of transport policy. VC\xd6 also organises different types of events such as the yearly \u201cMobilit\xe4tspreis\u201d (Mobility Award), Roundtables with experts, Background Information Evenings (e.g. to airquality, low emission zones, smart mobility and public transport) or bigger workshops. Furthermore, VC\xd6 makes active media work also covering topics such as CO2-limit for cars and vans, Eurovignette directive, fuel quality directive, renewable energy target for transport (biofuels, e-mobility) and airquality issues.',
'area_of_interest': 'national',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 01/2014',
'goals': u'VC\xd6 - Mobilit\xe4t mit Zukunft is a non governmental organisation. The vision of VC\xd6 - Mobilit\xe4t mit Zukunft is a transport policy, which ensures mobility without having negative effects on health, safety or the environment.Founded in 1988 as a non-profit organisation, VC\xd6 is supported by more than 6.000 individuals as well as a wide range of organisations and companies as supporters and sponsors. In the form of studies and factsheets, VC\xd6 provides background knowledge and research. VC\xd6 furthermore organises differnt types of events such as the yearly \u201cMobilit\xe4tspreis\u201d (Mobility Award), Roundtables with experts, Background Information Evenings or bigger workshops.',
'head_office_address': u'7-9\xa0Br\xe4uhausgasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01050\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '44572424693-53',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Policy Officer',
'name': u'VC\xd6 - Mobilit\xe4t mit Zukunft',
'networking': u'VC\xd6 is a member of the European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E)',
'num_natural_members': '20',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '07/12/10 10:26:39',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:01.780403',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa018932697',
'update_date': '21/11/14 10:41:16'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Private Copying/LeviesCRM-DirectiveGreen paper Online Uses of AV-worksLicences for Europe',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Verwertungsgesellschaft nach dem VerwGesG 2006Treuh\
xe4ndige Wahrnehmung von Rechten und Anspr\xfcchen nach dem UrhGTantiemenzahlungen an FilmschaffendeKultur- und Sozialf\xf6rderung im FilmbereichInteressenvertretung f\xfcr Flimschaffende',
'head_office_address': u'4/12\xa0Boesendorferstr.\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '360330812680-02',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'3,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other similar organisations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrer',
'name': 'VDFS - Verwertungsgesellschaft der Filmschaffenden GenmbH',
'networking': 'SAACISAC',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '21/01/14 18:06:52',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:02.629853',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa015047620',
'update_date': '21/01/14 18:07:40'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Participation to the consultaion process in connection to the Digital Agenda 2020.',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der VAT setzt sich f\xfcr die Herstellung eines chancengleichen und nachhaltigen Wettbewerbs am \xf6sterreichi-schen Telekom-Markt zum Wohle der Kundinnen und Kunden und zur St\xe4rkung des Wirtschaftsstandortes \xd6sterreich.Der VAT unterst\xfctzt den unternehmerischen Erfolg seiner Mitglieder, indem er f\xfcr eine St\xe4rkung des Wirtschaftsstandortes \xd6sterreich und f\xfcr Investitionsanreize f\xfcr die IKT-Industrie auftritt, und kommuniziert gegen\xfcber Entscheidungstr\xe4gern und der \xd6ffentlichkeit den positiven Beitrag der Alternativen Telekom-Netzbetreiber zur Erh\xf6hung des Kundennutzens.',
'head_office_address': u'37-39\xa0Mariahilferstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01060\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '23877726509-75',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrer',
'name': 'Verband Alternativer Telekom-Netzbetreiber',
'networking': 'ECTA - Affiliate Member',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '30/08/11 16:34:31',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:03.319941',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa015883930',
'update_date': '05/08/14 09:34:33'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'\xd6ffentliche Konsultation zur \xdcberpr\xfcfung der Regeln zum EU-Urheberrecht',
'area_of_interest': 'national',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der Zweck des Vereines ist der Schutz, die Wahrung, die F\xf6rderung und die Vertretung der k\xfcnstlerischen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen von Dramatikern und Dramatikerinnen und deren Rechtsnachfolgern.',
'head_office_address': u'18\xa0Linke Wienzeile\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01060\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '696751212755-90',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrerin der Literar-Mechana',
'name': 'Verband der Dramatiker und Dramatikerinnen',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '28/01/14 14:29:27',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:04.162351',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01 5872161',
'update_date': '28/01/14 14:57:31'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'keine Angabe',
'area_of_interest': 'national',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der Verband Freier Radios \xd6sterreich (VFR\xd6) ist die Interessenvertretung der Freien nichtkommerziellen Radios in \xd6sterreich\xdcber 4 Millionen Menschen in \xd6sterreich k\xf6nnen Freies Radio empfangen\xdcber 2500 aktive RadiomacherInnen gestalten regelm\xe4\xdfig Sendungen\xdcber 40 bezahlte MitarbeiterInnen arbeiten bei Freien Radios25 verschiedene Sprachen sind in Freien Radios zu h\xf6ren15 Freie Radios und Radio-Initiativen sind Mitglieder des VFR\xd6',
'head_office_address': u'15/13\xa0Gumpendorferstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01060\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '898973212735-08',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Obmann',
'name': u'Verband der freien Radios \xd6sterreich',
'networking': u'Der VFR\xd6 ist Mitglied im Kulturrat \xd6sterreich, einem Dachverband von Interessenvertretungen im Bereich Kultur und Medien.Auf internationaler Ebene ist der VFR\xd6 Mitglied im CMFE - Community Media Forum Europe und im AMARC - World Association of Community Media Broadcasters',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '14',
'org_members': u'Radio Proton\xa0(250\xa0members);Freirad Innsbruck\xa0(250\xa0members);Radio Agora\xa0(250\xa0members);Radio Freequenns\xa0(250\xa0members);Radio Helsinki\xa0(250\xa0members);Radiofabrik Salzburg\xa0(250\xa0members);Freier Rundfunk Ober\xf6stereich Gmbh\xa0(9\xa0members);Freier Rundfunk Freistadt GmbH\xa0(18\xa0members);Freies Radio Salzkammergut\xa0(250\xa0members);Radio B138\xa0(250\xa0members);Campus- und Cityradio St. P\xf6lten\xa0(50\xa0members);Radio Orange\xa0(300\xa0members);Radio Y\xa0(200\xa0members);Radio OP/Mora\xa0(200\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '27/01/14 15:42:54',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:05.016485',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0680236889',
'update_date': '27/01/14 15:46:19'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Stellungnahmen zu Gesetzesentw\xfcrfen bez\xfcglich des Gesch\xe4ftsmodells der Mitgliedsfirmen',
'area_of_interest': 'national',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Vertretung der rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen des pharmazeutischen Vollgro\xdfhandels in \xd6sterreich',
'head_office_address': u'25\xa0T\xfcrkenstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01090\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '31847581792-16',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'20,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Vice-President',
'name': u'Verband der \xf6sterreichischen Arzneimittelvollgro\xdfh\xe4ndler',
'networking': 'member of GIRP (groupement international de la repartition pharmaceutique), Brussels:',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '03/06/09 17:28:43',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:05.867025',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa04094486',
'update_date': '15/05/14 14:57:50'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Binnenmarkt: Konzessionen, Beihilfen und Vergaberecht.',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '10/2010\r\n - \r\n 10/2011',
'goals': u'Absicherung der DAWI, unterst\xfctzung der kommunalen Unternehmen',
'head_office_address': u'6-8\xa0stadiongasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '16441688074-96',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'VI - Organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'generalsekret\xe4rin',
'name': u'Verband \xf6ffentlicher Wirtschaft',
'networking': 'ceep, ciriec, cedec',
'num_natural_members': '5',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '14/02/12 16:26:44',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:06.725014',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa04082204',
'update_date': '27/01/14 12:46:21'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Medienpolitik, Werbung, Urheberrecht, Online, Media Literacy',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der \u201cVerband \xd6sterreichischer Zeitungen\u201d hat den Zweck, die gemeinsamen herausgeberischen und verlegerischen Interessen der \xf6sterreichischen Zeitungen zu vertreten und zu f\xf6rdern.Im Besonderen hat der Verband folgende Aufgaben zu erf\xfcllen:a. \tdie Zeitungsherausgeber und Zeitungsverleger in allen gemeinsamen Angelegenheiten gegen\xfcber den Organen des Staates, der L\xe4nder und Gemeinden, gegen\xfcber den Beh\xf6rden, den Kammern, der Wirtschaft und der \xd6ffentlichkeit zu repr\xe4sentieren;b. \tStellungnahmen, Gutachten und Vorschl\xe4ge zu Gesetzen, Verordnungen und Verf\xfcgungen, welche die Presse und deren Nebenbetriebe betreffen, auszuarbeiten;c.\tdie Arbeitsbedingungen f\xfcr die Angestellten und Arbeiter seiner Verbandsmitglieder durch den Abschluss von Kollektivvertr\xe4gen zu regeln;d. \tdie \xf6ffentliche Aufgabe und die gesellschaftspolitische Bedeutung der Presse in \xd6sterreich zu vertreten;e. \tgegebenenfalls eigene wirtschaftliche Unternehmungen im gemeinsamen Interesse der Mitglieder zu errichten und zu f\xfchren.',
'head_office_address': u'15/19\xa0Wipplingerstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa0144\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01013\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '8526236159-63',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other similar organisations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrer',
'name': u'Verband \xd6sterreichischer Zeitungen',
'networking': u"European Newspaper Publishers' Association (ENPA)European Magazine Media Association (EMMA; vormals F\xe9d\xe9ration Europ\xe9enne d\u2019Editeurs de P\xe9riodiques (FAEP))",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '08/07/08 13:54:31',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:07.417305',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa0533 79 79',
'update_date': '18/06/14 10:37:31'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Klimaschutz, erneuerbare Energien, Energieeffizienz, Emissionsshandelssystem, Energieeffizienzrichtlinie f\xfcr Geb\xe4ude, Bauprodukteverordnung, Standardisation, Abfallrecht, Industriemissionsrichtlinie',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der Verband \xd6sterreichischer Ziegelwerke ist die bundesweite freiwillige Interessensvertretung der \xf6sterreichischen Ziegelindustrie.',
'head_office_address': u'11\xa0Wienerbergstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01100\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '57762696918-41',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'7,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrer',
'name': u'Verband \xd6sterreichischer Ziegelwerke',
'networking': 'TBE, Cerame Unie, CEPMC',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '10/10/11 14:43:08',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:08.110880',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01 587 33 46',
'update_date': '15/09/14 10:55:58'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Richtlinie zu Verwertungsgesellschaften',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Vertretung der branchen- und betriebsbezogenen Interessen der Mitglieder in der \xd6ffentlichkeit sowie gegen\xfcber der Legislative, Beh\xf6rden und anderen Verb\xe4nden \xd6ffentlichkeitsarbeit und Pr\xe4senz des Verbandes bei relevanten Veranstaltungen und Anl\xe4ssen im Bereich der Musikwirtschaft Fortbildung und Beratung Verbesserung der \xf6konomischen Bedingungen F\xf6rderung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Mitgliedern Kontaktpflege zu in- und ausl\xe4ndischen Verb\xe4nden und Institutionen',
'head_office_address': u'11/12\xa0Sterngasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '905837413224-78',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'1,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Sprecher des Leitungsteams',
'name': u'Verband unabh\xe4ngiger Tontr\xe4gerunternehmen, Musikverlage und MusikproduzentInnen \xd6sterreichs',
'networking': u'\xd6sterreichischer Musikrat (\xd6MR)Worldwide Independent Network (WIN)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '05/03/14 19:04:08',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:08.960199',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0664 2560600',
'update_date': '05/03/14 19:19:48'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '- Green paper on Framing 2030 climate and energy policy - Communication on Energy Technologies and Innovation in a future European Energy Policy, including Intelligent Energy Europe III- Communication on carbon capture and storage- State aid modernisation in key sectors- Communication on an Alternative Fuel Strategy (Clean Power for Transport Package)- Communication from the Commission: delivering the internal electricity market: making the most of public intervention - with accompanying guidance documents- Communication and accompanying staff working documents with guidance for the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive- Proposal for a Financial Transaction Tax- Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID)- Directive amending Council Directives 78/660/EEC and 83/349/EEC as regards disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by certain large companies and groups- Regulation on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts- Legislative proposal for Infrastructure Development (Clean Power for Transport Package)- Proposal for a Regulation concerning the notification to the Commission of investment projects in energy infrastructure within the European Union- Communication and Recommendation on general principles of the EU framework for collective redress- Proposal to amend Annex of Electricity Regulation - fundamental data transparency- Establishment of the annual priority lists for the development of network codes and guidelines for 2014 and beyond- Delegated act on the Union-wide list of projects of common interest- Report: implementation of 2010 infrastructure Communication',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': 'The amount of funding received does not include potential funding received by Austrian Power Grid AG for the reasons stated above.',
'fax_number': 'Verbund EU-Representation OfficeRond Point Schuman 9B-1040 BrusselsTel.: +32 2 286 85 90',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'VERBUND is Austria\'s leading electricity company and one of the largest producers of electricity from hydropower in Europe. In 2013, VERBUND achieved an annual turnover of 3.270 billion Euro with 3256 employees. VERBUND covers all sectors of energy supply \u2013 from the production and transportation of electricity through international sales and marketing. More than four fifths of the electricity generation originates from climate friendly hydropower. VERBUND\u2019s hydropower plants in Austria and Bavaria produce a capacity of 7,700 megawatt (MW). The production portfolio is supplemented by wind power and thermal power plants.VERBUND, through its subsidiary Austrian Power Grid (APG), operates Austria\'s supra-regional high-voltage grid which extends over a distance of 3,500 km (route kilometres) and accommodates lines with a total length of approx. 6,800 kilometres. This grid forms the backbone of Austria\'s electricity supply, enabling the supra-regional, domestic and international exchange of energy between producers and consumers and serves to ensure the stable provision of energy to the underlying distribution grids.VERBUND is also an active trader on the major European electricity markets. Electricity trading within the group forms the interface between generation, distribution and the wholesale market and can be seen as a central hub. Alongside the core business of electricity, VERBUND is also active in the field of environmental products with CO2 certificates and green certificates.In terms of sales VERBUND is operating in the Austrian end-customer segment since July 2005. Currently, VERBUND supplies 100 % clean hydroelectricity to approximately 320,000 private customers. In addition, VERBUND supplies Austrian and German companies with electricity. Germany is the second most important market next to Austria: since April 2013, VERBUND has been in possession of 22 hydropower plants with an annual generation of around 4 TWh in Germany. In 2012 VERBUND also acquired five wind farms in Germany with a total of 86 MW. In addition, VERBUND owns wind farms in Romania and Bulgaria and has a 45% share in "Sorgenia", the largest private electricity and gas company in Italy.',
'head_office_address': u'6 A\xa0Am Hof\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '09571422185-81',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 200000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of EU Representation Office',
'name': 'VERBUND AG',
'networking': u'- Oesterreichs Energie - \xd6sterreichs E-Wirtschaft- WKO - Wirtschaftskammer \xd6sterreich- IV - Industriellenvereinigung \xd6sterreich- IG Windkraft \xd6sterreich- EURELECTRIC- ECT - European Commodities Traders Group- EFET - European Federation of Energy Traders- VGB Power Tech- BdEW - Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '26/08/09 18:04:17',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:09.791285',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0503130',
'update_date': '26/08/14 12:16:32'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'keine - nationale Initiativen f\xfcr Crowdfunding (WKO-Parlament etc.)',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '07/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Der Verein, dessen T\xe4tigkeit nicht auf Gewinn gerichtet ist, bezweckt die F\xf6rderung der Modernisierung des Wirtschaftsstandortes \xd6sterreichs, St\xe4rkung der Zivilgesellschaft, der Wettbewerbsf\xe4higkeit junger Unternehmer, der Innovationskraft von Unternehmen, Vereinen und Gebietsk\xf6rperschaften und der kulturellen Vielfalt, sowie Belebung des Arbeitsmarktes und Unterst\xfctzung der Gleichbehandlung von Frauen, Behinderten, sowie Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund im unternehmerischen Umfeld. Das Ziel ist es, Vorhaben zu f\xf6rdern, die das soziale, private und wirtschaftliche Leben voranbringen.',
'head_office_address': u'24/6\xa0Steinbrechergasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01220\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '950521412472-14',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Vorsitzender',
'name': u'Verein F\xf6rderung des Sozial- und Wirtschaftslebens in Europa',
'networking': u'Wirtschaftskammer \xd6sterreich, JKU-Linz',
'num_natural_members': '5',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '19/12/13 05:34:38',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:10.851138',
'telephone': u'(+43676)\xa09666214',
'update_date': '01/12/14 17:48:12'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Contacted Austrian MEPs regarding protection of intellectual property rights.Completed surveys of EU consultations concerning areas of activity (internet and content protection issues).',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Seit seiner Gr\xfcndung 2003 setzt sich der "Verein f\xfcr Anti-Piraterie der Film- und Videobranche (VAP)" engagiert f\xfcr die Rechte von \xf6sterreichischen Filmverleihern, Home-Entertainment-Unternehmen, Film- und Fernsehproduzenten, Zulieferer der Filmbranche und Kreativen ein. Der VAP versucht, die Filmpiraterie in \xd6sterreich im Wesentlichen auf drei Wegen einzud\xe4mmen. Einerseits wird durch \xd6ffentlichkeitsarbeit und Werbung das Unrechtsbewusstsein der Konsumenten gef\xf6rdert, andererseits wird kommerzielle Film-Piraterie, insbesondere in Form der Server- und Internetpiraterie und in Form des Hard-Good Selling auf Flohm\xe4rkten, usw gerichtlich verfolgt. Schlie\xdflich wird durch Lobbying-Arbeit auf regionaler, nationaler und internationaler Ebene angestrebt den Stellenwert von geistigem Eigentum bei den Politikern und Beh\xf6rden anzuheben.',
'head_office_address': u'63\xa0Wiedner Hauptstra\xdfe 63\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01045\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '385134710440-04',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'8,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Director',
'name': u'Verein f\xfcr Anti-Piraterie der Film- und Videobranche',
'networking': 'Listed in the Connections Gateway of Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy (BASCAP)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '30/01/13 10:35:24',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:11.674299',
'telephone': u'(+43590)\xa09003035',
'update_date': '07/01/14 11:11:38'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Keine',
'area_of_interest': 'national',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '07/2012\r\n - \r\n 06/2013',
'goals': u'Der Verein, dessen T\xe4tigkeit nicht auf Gewinn gerichtet ist, verfolgt ausschlie\xdflich und unmittelbar gemeinn\xfctzige Zwecke im Sinne der \xa7\xa7 34 ff Bundesabgabenordnung. Er bezweckt folgende Ziele: F\xf6rderung des Internet und \xe4hnlicher elektronischer Medien in \xd6sterreich Beteiligung an der Meinungsbildung und an der Entscheidungsfindung im Dialog mit Beh\xf6rden, Internet-Service-Providern (ISPs) und anderen f\xfcr die Benutzbarkeit des Internet bedeutenden Organisationen Sicherung des Rechtes der freien Meinungs\xe4u\xdferung, der Privatsph\xe4re, des Briefgeheimnisses, sowie anderer Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten im Internet Wissenschaftliche Untersuchung, Vorbereitung, Durchf\xfchrung und Unterst\xfctzung von Ma\xdfnahmen, die zu einer F\xf6rderung des Internet und \xe4hnlicher elektronischer Medien beitragen sowie zu einer Sicherung des Rechts der freien Meinungs\xe4u\xdferung, der Privatsph\xe4re, des Briefgeheimnisses, sowie anderer Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten im Internet beitragen k\xf6nnen Aufkl\xe4rung der \xd6ffentlichkeit \xfcber das Internet (M\xf6glichkeiten, Gefahren) Information der \xd6ffentlichkeit \xfcber Entwicklungen, die der Benutzung des Internet gem. Punkt 3. zuwiderlaufen Mitgliedschaft bei Verb\xe4nden (national und international) mit gleichen oder \xe4hnlichen Zielsetzungen',
'head_office_address': u'7/5\xa0Kirchberggasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01070\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '775446412744-85',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Obmann',
'name': u'Verein f\xfcr Internet-Benutzer \xd6sterreichs',
'networking': 'EDRI - European Digital Rights',
'num_natural_members': '60',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '27/01/14 22:09:57',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:12.565771',
'telephone': u'(+43660)\xa04396643',
'update_date': '27/01/14 22:10:15'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Die IV ist in Br\xfcssel in allen Bereichen aktiv, die relevant f\xfcr die \xf6sterreichische Industrie sind. Die aktuell bearbeiteten Themen sind auf der Webseite der IV zu finden:',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': 'Federation of Austrian Industries - Brussels Office 30, Av. Cortenbergh B-1040 Brussels Tel + 32 2 231 18 47 Fax + 32 2 230 95 91',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die Industriellenvereinigung (IV) ist die freiwillige Interessenvertretung der \xf6sterreichischen Industrie mit derzeit rund 4.200 Mitgliedern. Die Organisation der IV setzt sich aus ehrenamtlich agierenden Funktion\xe4ren und hauptberuflichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern zusammen. Neben den neun eigenst\xe4ndigen Landesgruppen werden die IV-Mitglieder von der Bundesorganisation und dem Br\xfcsseler
B\xfcro betreut. Als Lobbyingorganisation verfolgt die Industriellenvereinigung das Ziel, die Interessen ihrer Mitglieder in Europa und \xd6sterreich gezielt und nachhaltig zu vertreten und den Industrie- und Arbeitsstandort \xd6sterreich und Europa zu st\xe4rken. Die \xf6sterreichische Industrie war und ist Vorreiterin in Sachen europ\xe4ischer Integration. Daher orientiert sich die IV auch stark an der Agenda der Europ\xe4ischen Union und ist als Mitglied des Europ\xe4ischen Industrie- und Arbeitgeberverbandes und Sozialpartners BUSINESSEUROPE intensiv auf EU-Ebene t\xe4tig.',
'head_office_address': u'4\xa0Schwarzenbergplatz\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01031\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '89093924456-06',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'250000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 300000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of Brussels Office',
'name': u'Vereinigung der \xf6sterreichischen Industrie - Industriellenvereinigung',
'networking': u'Die IV ist u.a. Mitglied im europ\xe4ischen Dachverband der Industrie- und Arbeitgeberverb\xe4nde BUSINESSEUROPE sowie im Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) der OECD.',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '02/11/10 16:16:31',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:13.406700',
'telephone': u'(+43-1)\xa071135 0',
'update_date': '07/10/14 14:45:51'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'EU-Kaufrecht',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': 'Sekretariat: Mrs. Ute Beneke',
'financial_year': '10/2012\r\n - \r\n 09/2013',
'goals': u'Verein, dem auf freiwilliger Basis alle \xf6sterreichischen Richterinnen und Richter, sowie Richteramtsanw\xe4rter und Richteramtsanw\xe4rterinnen beitreten k\xf6nnen. Ziele: Verteidigung und F\xf6rderung des Rechtsstaates und der richterlichen Unabh\xe4ngigkeit; Mitwirkung an der Ausarbeitung und Umsetzung von Reformen zur Verbesserung der Justiz; Ausbildung und Training der Richterinnen und Richter; Sicherung und F\xf6rderung der beruflichen Stellung der Richterinnen und Richter; internationale Zusammenarbeit und Erfahrungsaustausch.',
'head_office_address': u'11\xa0Schmerlingplatz\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa026\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01011\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '19432535159-54',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other similar organisations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Vizepr\xe4sident',
'name': u'Vereinigung der \xf6sterreichischen Richterinnen und Richter',
'networking': 'Member of International Association of Judges (IAJ);Member of European Association of Judges',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '31/01/11 01:27:26',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:14.257807',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa0521523644',
'update_date': '07/01/14 13:48:33'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '-',
'area_of_interest': 'national',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Erarbeitung von Vorschl\xe4gen f\xfcr die nachhaltige Finanzierung des \xf6ffentlichen Baubedarfs und Mitgestaltung von Grundlagen f\xfcr innovative FinanzierungsmodelleErarbeitung von Vorschl\xe4gen zur Reduktion der Verfahrensb\xfcrokratie und zur Verk\xfcrzung der Vorlaufzeiten bei InfrastrukturprojektenVerhandlungen mit \xf6ffentlichen Auftraggebern \xfcber ausgewogene Vergabe- und Vertragsbedingungen zur wirtschaftlichen und kosteneffizienten Abwicklung von BauprojektenMitwirkung bei baurelevanten Ma\xdfnahmen der Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Normung',
'head_office_address': u'4\xa0Schwarzenbergplatz\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01031\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '33658074164-14',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other similar organisations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrer',
'name': u'Vereinigung Industrieller Bauunternehmungen \xd6sterreichs',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '13/09/10 13:13:29',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:15.096305',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa050415570',
'update_date': '20/08/14 08:18:32'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'2013 we had and 2014 we have many meetings with the MEP\'s in the EU Parliament because reason: Comment,7.Dec.2012: "Information concerning the possible destruction of the principles of the EU."To the EU Parliament, Email to 753 MEP,copy to EU Commission, European Council, Council, European Court of Auditors,OECD,European Central Bank,European Investment Bank,Court of Justice of the European Union,European Court of Human Rights,UNO, World Trade Organization,International Monetary Fund,OSCE,Council of Europe."Dear Members of the European Parliament,as part of our active peace work with many peoples and religious communities, we came across particular processes, which have the potential to destroy the existing order of the European Community.Because we are concerned about the disorder of peace in Europe, we are providing you with the following information:1.We are an internationally recognized peace organization, which is accredited to the UNO, and is committed to the European legal order, to the European system of laws, to the principle of separation of state and religion, to the prohibition of discrimination in the EU, as well as to human rights.2.We came to realize that especially the proposed practice of \u201eHalal" and \u201eIslamic finance" (Islamic banking, Islamic insurances,etc.) is violating EU law, the EU Constitution and the prohibition of discrimination in the EU.3.We are very concerned about the future of the European economy.4.\u201eHalal" and \u201eIslamic finance" discriminate the EU economy, EU food sectors (producing and consumer), the EU financial services sectors (banks, insurances,etc.), EU products, workers, employees and consumers in the EU.5.If there are no immediate EU countermeasures, in our view, chaos in the EU would evolve.6.We inform you also about two recent \u201eHalal\u201d documents of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) in Brussels, Draft BT C43/2012,issue date 2012.04.04,and Draft BT C96/2012,issue date 2012.09.19.7.The background of these \u201eHalal\u201d documents are the Sharia law on one hand, and the distinction and differentiation of \u201eHalal\u201d (clean, pure, allowed) and \u201eHaram\u201d (unclean, impure, not allowed, prohibited) concerning EU products, EU companies, workers, employees and consumers in the EU, on the other hand.Sharia law is intended to cover all areas of life in the EU. There is no separation of state and religion.8.Objects and people that have contact with \u201eHaram" products are \u201eHaram" (see the relevant discourses of one of the most prominent religious leader of the Islamic countries).\u201eHalal" certifications violate European law:a.96 articles of the consolidated version valid from 30.3.2010 of the \u201eTreaty on the Functioning of the European Union" (Official Journal of the European Union C 83/47),in our view, by the admission of \u201eHalal" and \u201eIslamic finance" by all 27 EU states, are being violated.b.15 articles of the consolidated version valid from 30.3.2010 of the \u201eTreaty on European Union" (Official Journal of the European Union C 83/13),in our view, by the admission of \u201eHalal" and \u201eIslamic finance" by all 27 EU member states, are being violated.c.16 articles of the consolidated version valid from 30.3.2010 of the \u201eCharter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union" (Official Journal of the European Union C 83/02), which is an integral part of the EU Treaties,in our view, by the admission of \u201eHalal" and \u201eIslamic finance" by all 27 EU states, are being violated."d.The European Court of Human Rights has established and recognized in its decision of 13.2.2003, that Sharia law and the discrimination derived from the Sharia, are prohibited in Europe.(EGMR decision 13.2.2003, Bsw41340/98, Bsw41342/98, Bsw41343/98, Bsw41344/98)e.The Court of Justice of the EU has repeatedly taken the position, that the discrimination is prohibited in all areas of the EU.(see Court of Justice of the EU,C-303/06,C-54/07,C-43/75,C- 177/88,C-14/83, Council of the EU 2000/43/EG,2000/78/EG,etc',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'The organization is partner organization of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. organization in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of UNITED NATIONS organization which is non-profit, aims at furthering ties between peoples of different nationalities, by means of common activities and events, thereby intensifiying understanding and peace between peoples. Implement CSR as a human management system to improve sustainability worldwide.Additionally the organization is involved and working with 115 members against Racism, xenophobia and related intolerance, Discrimination based on sex,is working in the areas race or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation and against persons belonging to minorities and any combination of these grounds (multiple discrimination), the Rights of the Child, Asylum, immigration and integration of migrants, Participation of the citizens of the Union in the Union\u2019s Democratic functioning, Information society and in particular, respect for private life and protection of personal data, Access to efficient and independent justice, assessments of laws in the European and the Austrian Parliament, etc.Additionally the organization is involved in lecturing, consulting and training of organizations and corporations dealing with CSR, Sustainable Development, measures against corruption in all its forms, and environmental & human (labor) crime. Among other lectures in various UN-NGO committees. As CSR Experts, the members of the organization support collaboration between small farmers and businesses in the cultivation of other crops to replace coca (faire trade).Science distinguishes between three pillars of sustainability (Triple Bottom Line): economy, ecology, and society/social issues. If one of the pillars is changed, it also affects the others. The NGO holds high level experts for economy, ecology, society/social issues, and Crime Prevention.As CSR Experts, the organization identifies synergetic effects between the Rules of Law (which is mandatory) and (global) CSR (which is more voluntary) as a powerful concept which could become a dominant paradigm for social and economic reforms and agendas of organizational policy for multinational institutions and associations of interest groups (NGOs) and Crime Prevention.Additionally areas: Counselling, Education, Prevention, Research, Training, Anti-Corruption, Sustainable Livelihood / Alternative Development.Other:Human Rights, Rule of law, Health, Migration, Governance, Sustainable Development and',
'head_office_address': u'42-44/2/10\xa0Hackinger Stra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01140\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '308947610473-01',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'President/CEO',
'name': u'Verein zur F\xf6rderung der V\xf6lkerverst\xe4ndigung (Society for the Advancement of Global Understanding)',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '115',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '16/01/13 18:30:37',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:15.961083',
'telephone': u'(+43676)\xa09318540',
'update_date': '16/01/14 01:06:25'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'\xd6ffentliche Konsultationen zur \xdcberpr\xfcfung der Regeln zum EU-Urheberrecht',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die Verwertungsgesellschaft f\xfcr audiovisuelle Medien GmbH hat eine Betriebsgenehmigung der \xf6sterreichischen Aufsichtsbeh\xf6rde f\xfcr Verwertungsgesellschaften, um die Rechte an Werken der Filmkunst und Laufbilder kollektiv wahrzunehmen. Sie nimmt insbesondere Verg\xfctungsanspr\xfcche, wie diese im \xf6sterreichischem Urheberrechtsgesetz definiert sind, f\xfcr Filmhersteller und andere vergleichbare Rechteinhaber wahr und verteilt die vereinnahmten Entgelte an ihre Bezugsberechtigten.',
'head_office_address': u'25/1/9\xa0Neubaugasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01070\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '639712612740-87',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'1,500\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'rechtlicher Vertreter',
'name': u'Verwertungsgesellschaft f\xfcr audiovisuelle Medien',
'networking': 'EUROCOPYA',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '27/01/14 18:19:51',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:16.668564',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa0526 43 01',
'update_date': '27/01/14 18:21:21'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Themenbereiche:Tierschutz,Tiergesundheit und ethischer Tierschutz in allen europ\xe4ischen Gesetzgebungsverfahren einschliesslich der Schnittstellen Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik, Handel und Bildung, Regionalpolitik, Verbraucherschutz sowie zu diebez\xfcglichen politischen Strategien, politischen Programmen und Forschungsvorhaben Tierarten: landwirtschaftliche NutztiereWildtiere in menschlicher ObhutTiere in wissenschaftlichen VersuchenHeimtiereMassnahmen neben fachlichen Politikberatung:Parlamentarische Abende, Tierschutz-Fachkonferenzen',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'VIER PFOTEN - Stiftung f\xfcr TierschutzEuropean Policy OfficeAvenue de la Renaissance 19B-1000 Brussels',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'StiftungszweckZweck der Stiftung, deren T\xe4tigkeit nicht auf Gewinn gerichtet ist, ist den Gedanken des Tierschutzes zu verbreiten und bedr\xe4ngten Tieren in Not zu helfen. Die Stiftung organisiert gewaltfreie Kampagnen, um die \xd6ffendlichkeit \xfcber die ethische Verantwortung des Menschen gegen\xfcber den Tieren zu informieren. Ebenso ist die F\xf6rderung von Wissenschaft und Foschung auf dem Gebiet des Tierschutzes Zweck der Stiftung. Die umfasst im besonderen Nutztierhaltung, Artenschutz, Wildtierbiologie und die generelle Abschaffung von Tierversuchen sowie die Entwicklung von Ersatzmethoden. Die gewonnenen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse sollen auch Zwecken der Tierhaltung , der Konsumentenberatung sowie des Umweltschutzes zur Verf\xfcgung gestellt werden. Die Privatstiftung ist berechtigt, alle Gesch\xe4fte zu schliessen und Massnahmen zu setzten, die zur Erreichnung des Stiftungszweckes notwendig oder n\xfctzlich sind. Zuwendungen, die mit Auflagen verbunden sind, darf die Privatstiftung nur annehmen, wenn diese nach Abzug der Auflagen einen positiven Wert haben. Insbesondere ist der Zweck der Stiftung:1)\tTierschutzpolitik zum Schutz der Tiere und ihrer Lebensr\xe4ume vorzunehmen. 2)\teinheitliche Richtlinien f\xfcr das Auftreten anderer VIER PFOTEN Organisationen vorzugeben, das internationale Marketing und den internationalen PR-Auftritt vorzunehmen.3)\tdie Auswahl, Planung und Durchf\xfchrung von internationalen VIER PFOTEN - Projekten und Kampagnen. \u201eVIER PFOTEN International \u2013 gemeinn\xfctzige Privatstiftung\u201c f\xfchrt f\xfcr andere VIER PFOTEN - L\xe4nderorganisationen internationale Projekte und Kampagnen durch und unterst\xfctzt internationale Projekte und Kampagnen von VIER PFOTEN. 4)\tdie Lizenzvergabe, die Lizenzverwaltung und den Lizenzentzug an andere VIER PFOTEN - L\xe4nderorganisationen vorzunehmen. 5)\tdie international von VIER PFOTEN und den Markenschutz von VIER PFOTEN zu gew\xe4hrleisten.',
'head_office_address': u'236\xa0Linke Wienzeile\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa0-\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01150\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '69150873293-75',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'300000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 350000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Director European Policy Office',
'name': 'VIER PFOTEN International',
'networking': u'Eurogroup for Animals (Mitglied sind die VIER PFOTEN- L\xe4nderb\xfcros Bulgarien, \xd6sterreich und Rum\xe4nien)',
'num_natural_members': '500,000',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '01/03/10 13:43:56',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:17.696221',
'telephone': u'(+43-1)\xa054550200',
'update_date': '27/02/14 15:52:17'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Danube Strategy (Environment, Energy and transport policies with special focus on the myths and real world conditions in the field of inland navigation ), consultations to Priority Area 1aCompliance with EIA, SEA, FFH and Water Framework directives',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': u'We are a "civil society organization" working on a free basis - our financial situation described in brief: no employ\xe9es, no regular funding, so no guaranteed budget.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'Establish high levels of "environmental-protection", without neglecting social effects.Successfully fight climate changeTrigger and support a shift towards improved and more sophisticated energy - (not only electricity!) and transport-policies. Highlighting the differences between transport and mobilityKeep or reestablish good hydromorphological status of rivers and aquatic bodies.Protect aquatic ecology and drinking water resourcesNature conservation.Establish open procedures of approval of plans and projects (such as SEA and EIA) including an adequate level of culture when it comes to public participation.Establish transparent procedures of decisionmaking on assigning the label "common interests" to certain projects and undertakings - including participationProper implementation of international conventions(such as Aarhus,Espoo) and EU-directives (such as EIA, public participation, WFD, FFH and bird protection)',
'head_office_address': u'59\xa0Waehringerstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01090\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '89377373434-32',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'One (of four) chair(wo)men',
'name': u'VIRUS - Verein Projektwerkstatt f\xfcr Umwelt und Soziales',
'networking': 'None',
'num_natural_members': '14',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '12/04/10 12:42:21',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:18.580712',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa069912419913',
'update_date': '11/04/14 18:30:09'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Ziele:- Ausbau des dualen Rundfunksystems in \xd6sterreich und Schaffung von fairen Wettbewerbsbedingungen und Chancengleichheit zwischen Privatsendern und dem ORF - Erh\xf6hung der Mittel des Fonds zur F\xf6rderung von Privatsendern ("Privatrundfunkf\xf6rderungsfonds")- Optimierung von Kooperationen mit Partnern der Privatsender durch Neuverhandlung von Rahmenvertr\xe4gen in bestimmten Bereichen und St\xe4rkung der Wirtschaftlichkeit der Privatsender - Aktive Begleitung der technologischen Entwicklung im Sinne und als Berater der Mitglieder - Darstellung der wirtschaftspolitischen und publizistischen Bedeutung der privaten Rundfunkbranche in \xd6sterreich',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u'Der V\xd6P vertritt die fachlichen Interessen der privaten Rundfunkveranstalter in \xd6sterreich und unterst\xfctzt seine Mitglieder durch individuelle Beratung und Information. Der Verband repr\xe4sentiert mittlerweile alle wesentlichen, am \xf6sterreichischen Markt t\xe4tigen privaten Rundfunkunternehmen und ist:- Interessenvertreter der Privatsender in \xd6sterreich- Ansprechpartner f\xfcr seine Mitglieder- Partner der Politik - Kooperationspartner f\xfcr andere Verb\xe4nde (z.B. V\xd6Z, WKO, VPRT) - Ansprechpartner f\xfcr Regulierungsbeh\xf6rde KommAustria und RTR-GmbH- Vertreter und Mitglied im \xd6sterreichischen Werberat \xd6WR, in der Association of European Radios AER, in der International Advertising Association IAA, sowie in der \xd6sterreichischen Public Affairs Vereinigung \xd6PAV',
'head_office_address': u'10\xa0Parkring\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '48155811657-60',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other similar organisations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrerin',
'name': u'V\xd6P - Verband \xd6sterreichischer Privatsender',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '08/05/09 13:28:02',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:19.419279',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa069915811211',
'update_date': '18/04/14 17:17:58'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Europ\xe4ische Spiele ohne GrenzenKommunikation verbessernZusammenarbeit',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': u'F\xfcr das Projekt "Europ\xe4ische Spiele ohne Grenzen"',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '08/2014\r\n - \r\n 10/2014',
'goals': u'Menschen mit und ohne BehinderungEurop\xe4ische Spiele ohne GrenzenRederecht im Parlament',
'head_office_address': u'24\xa0Feldgasxse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa0-\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Dornbirn\xa06850\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '001973014766-26',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Schriftf\xfchrer',
'name': u'Vorarlberger Geh\xf6rlosen Sport- und Kulturverein',
'networking': u'ASK\xd6 Vorarlberg',
'num_natural_members': '23',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '24/10/14 22:09:49',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:21.302880',
'telephone': u'(+05577)\xa086590',
'update_date': '05/11/14 21:46:45'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Erneuerbare Energienrichtlinie (RED) und Treibstoffqualit\xe4tsrichtlinie (FQD),Gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EU (CAP)allgemeine Themen der EU-Entwicklungszusammenarbeit',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Welthaus Di\xf6zese Graz-Seckau ist eine Organisation der Katholischen Kirche in der Steiermark. Im Auftrag der Di\xf6zese f\xf6rdert es in besonderer Weise soziale und pastorale Projekte, um arme und an den Rand gedr\xe4ngte Menschen in Entwicklungsl\xe4ndern und in Ost-/S\xfcdosteuropa zu unterst\xfctzen, ihnen Hoffnung und Zukunft zu vermitteln und f\xfcr Gerechtigkeit einzutreten. In gleicher Weise ist das Welthaus der Di\xf6zese Graz-Seckau bem\xfcht im Rahmen von entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsprojekten und durch Anwaltschaft Verst\xe4ndnis f\xfcr die Probleme der Entwicklungsl\xe4nder zu wecken.In Entwicklungsl\xe4ndern unterst\xfctzt Welthaus vorwiegend Projekte, die die Armut in l\xe4ndlichen Regionen verringern und die Menschenrechtssituation verbessern. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind Frauenf\xf6rderung und Projekte zu Landrechtsfragen. Um eine nachhaltige Entwicklung zu erm\xf6glichen, hat Welthaus in Schwerpunktl\xe4ndern bzw. -regionen langfristige Partnerschaften aufgebaut. In Ost- und S\xfcdosteuropa unterst\xfctzt Welthaus Projekte zur Aus- und Weiterbildung von Jugendlichen, Erwachsenenbildnern und benachteiligten Bev\xf6lkerungsgruppen. Die Erfahrungen der ProjektpartnerInnen von Welthaus sind die Grundlage f\xfcr die Informations- und Bildungsarbeit in der Steiermark. Begegnung, Austausch, voneinander Lernen und das Entwickeln einer globalen Weltsicht sind wesentliche Eckpfeiler der Bildungsarbeit von Welthaus. Das Grundprinzip dabei ist, mit Menschen aus anderen Kulturen in offenen Kontakt zu treten, die Welt aus der Sicht anderer zu betrachten und die Konsequenzen des eigenen Handelns in einem globalen Zusammenhang zu sehen.',
'head_office_address': u'2\xa0B\xfcrgergasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Graz\xa08010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '754557012477-75',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'V - Organisations representing churches and religious communities',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Organisations representing churches and religious communities',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Referent Anwaltschaft',
'name': u'Welthaus Di\xf6zese Graz-Seckau',
'networking': u'Welthaus Di\xf6zese Graz-Seckau ist Mitglied bei der Koordinierungsstelle der \xd6sterreichischen Bischofskonferenz f\xfcr Entwicklung und Mission (KOO, Diese wiederum ist Mitglied im internationalen Netzwerk katholischer EntwicklungsorganisationenCoop\xe9ration Internationale pour le D\xe9veloppement et la Solidarit\xe9 (CIDSE, Weiters ist Welthaus Di\xf6zese Graz-Seckau Mitglied der Dachorganisation GLOBALE VERANTWORTUNG - Arbeitsgemeinschaft f\xfcr Entwicklung und Humanit\xe4re Hilfe ( Diese wiederum ist Mitglied d
es europ\xe4ischen Dachverbandes European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development (CONCORD,',
'num_natural_members': '6',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '19/12/13 15:00:03',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:22.192458',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0316 324556',
'update_date': '24/11/14 10:06:54'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'public health perspective, patient perspective',
'area_of_interest': 'European;global',
'countries': 'AUSTRIA',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Claudia HablHead of Health Economics DepartmentGesundheit \xd6sterreich GmbH1010 Vienna',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': '- To provide scientific advice and technical assistance to WHO and its Member States / regions on performing and interpreting price surveys and comparisons; on understanding, collecting and analyzing pharmaceutical ricing and reimbursement information and on the development of national reporting systems- To further develop and refine the methodological framework for indicators to measure, compare and benchmark pharmaceutical policies, in coordination with the WHO database development process- To assist in the organization of meetings of WHO Member States / regions in the field of pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement allowing for an exchange of information and experiences, to disseminate information on pharmaceutical policies (via websites, studies and network meetings) and to work on a the development and promotion of a common understanding and language on pharmaceutical issues',
'head_office_address': u'6\xa0Stubenring\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01100\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '54082565857-79',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Think tanks and research institutions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of Vienna WHO CC',
'name': u'WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies at Health Economics Department of Gesundheit \xd6sterreich GmbH (Austrian Health Institute)',
'networking': 'PPRI (Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Information) networkPHIS (Pharmaceutical Health Information System) network (today integrated in the PPRI network)WHO/HAI Global Pricing GroupNetwork of WHO Collaborating Centre on pharmaceutical policies',
'num_natural_members': '6',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '17/05/11 13:25:27',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:23.094660',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa051561147',
'update_date': '06/05/14 08:39:28'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Climate action, Consumer affairs, Economic affairs, Energy, Enterprise, Environment, General and institutional affairs, Internal market, Research and technology, Taxation, Trans-European networks',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '10/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'We create the basis for the quality of life and success of our customers every day with intelligent energy and infrastructure-related services, reliability and security of supply. We build on our traditional objective to supply electricity, gas and district heating in an environmentally friendly way. We concentrate our efforts on the Vienna model, both nationally and internationally, and promote both the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency.',
'head_office_address': u'14\xa0Thomas-Klestil-Platz\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01030\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '541969311624-32',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Leitung Public Affairs',
'name': 'Wien Energie GmbH',
'networking': u'Oesterreichs Energie, Fachverband der Gas- und W\xe4rmeversorgungsunternehmungen',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '23/07/13 09:53:34',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:23.931385',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01 4004 0',
'update_date': '30/06/14 09:01:19'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Industriepolitik, Klimaschutz, Erneuerbare Energien, Energieeffizienz, Emissionshandelssystem, Energieeffizienzrichtlinie f\xfcr Geb\xe4ude, Bauprodukteverordnung, Standardisation, Abfallrecht, Industrieemissionsrichtlinie',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Wienerberger ist mit 214 Werken gruppenweit in 30 L\xe4ndern der gr\xf6\xdfte Ziegelproduzent weltweit, Nr. 1 bei Tondachziegeln in Europa und Marktf\xfchrer bei Betonsteinen in Zentral-Osteuropa und bei Rohrsystemen in Europa.',
'head_office_address': u'11\xa0Wienerbergstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01100\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '82041746393-10',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'350,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'European Affairs',
'name': 'Wienerberger AG',
'networking': 'TBE, Cerame Unie, CPE',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '08/08/11 16:41:38',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:24.752000',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01601920',
'update_date': '28/07/14 10:56:08'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Alle Gesetzgebungsverfahren, die auf die Rahmenbedingungen f\xfcr Kapitalm\xe4rkte und deren Funktionsweise Auswirkungen haben.',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die Wiener B\xf6rse AG stellt die Handelsplattform f\xfcr den Handel von Wertpapieren in \xd6sterreich als regulierter Markt zur Verf\xfcgung. Die Wiener B\xf6rse betreibt nicht nur die einzige Wertpapierb\xf6rse \xd6sterreichs, sondern auch die \xf6sterreichische Stromb\xf6rse EXAA und die CEGH Gas Exchange der Wiener B\xf6rse. F\xfcr die reibungslose und effiziente Durchf\xfchrung der B\xf6rsegesch\xe4fte und die Vermittlung zwischen allen Marktteilnehmern stellt die Wiener B\xf6rse state-of-the-art Infrastruktur, Marktdaten und Informationen zur Verf\xfcgung. Zu den Hauptgesch\xe4ftsbereichen z\xe4hlen der Handel am Kassamarkt (equity market, bond market), am Terminmarkt und der Handel mit strukturierten Produkten. Zus\xe4tzliche Leistungen umfassen Datenverkauf, Indexentwicklung und -management sowie finanzmarktspezifische Seminare und Lehrg\xe4nge.Die Wiener B\xf6rse ist Initiator und, ebenso wie die B\xf6rsen Budapest, Laibach und Prag, eine Tochter der CEE Stock Exchange Group (CEESEG), der gr\xf6\xdften B\xf6rsegruppe Zentral- und Osteuropas.',
'head_office_address': u'8\xa0Wallnerstrasse\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01014\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '75637235471-23',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Leiterin Public Affairs',
'name': u'Wiener B\xf6rse AG',
'networking': u'Pflichtmitgliedschaft bei der Wirtschaftskammer \xd6sterreichMitgliedschaft bei der FESE (Federation of European Securities Exchanges)Mitgliedschaft bei der WFE (World Federation of Exchanges)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '10/03/11 16:31:52',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:25.604982',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa0531650',
'update_date': '11/02/14 07:51:11'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '-',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die Wiener Stadtwerke Holding AG steht zu 100 Prozent im Eigentum der Stadt Wien und agiert seit der Ausgliederung der Wiener Stadtwerke aus der Wiener Gemeindeverwaltung im Jahr 1999 als strategische und organisatorische Dachgesellschaft des Konzerns. W\xe4hrend der letzten Jahre wurden die Gesch\xe4ftsfelder des Konzerns laufend erweitert. Seine wirtschaftliche T\xe4tigkeit l\xe4sst sich in die Segmente Energie, Verkehr, Bestattung und Friedhofe sowie Parkraummanagement untergliedern. Das Segment Energie umfasst die Sparten Produktion, Netzbetrieb und Vertrieb, wodurch vor allem eine sichere Versorgung mit Strom, Gas und Warme gew\xe4hrleistet wird. Weiters erbringen die Wiener Stadtwerke umfassende Serviceleistungen in den Bereichen des \xf6ffentlichen Personennahverkehrs (Segment Verkehr: Wiener Linien und AG der Wiener Lokalbahnen), der Garagierung (Segment Parkraummanagement) sowie der Bestattung und Friedhofsverwaltung. Der Wiener Stadtwerke-Konzern bedient mit diesen Gesch\xe4ftsfeldern existenzielle und sensible Bed\xfcrfnisse der Stadt und ist sich der damit verbundenen Verantwortung jederzeit bewusst. Der Wiener Stadtwerke-Konzern ist ein moderner Infrastrukturdienstleister und z\xe4hlt zu den gr\xf6\xdften Mischkonzernen, Investoren und Arbeitgebern Osterreichs. Mit den operativen Gesch\xe4ftsfeldern erzielten die Wiener Stadtwerke 2012 einen Konzernumsatz von rund 3,8 Milliarden Euro. Im Jahresdurchschnitt 2011 waren konzernweit rund 16.000 MitarbeiterInnen besch\xe4ftigt.',
'head_office_address': u'14\xa0Thomas-Klestil-Platz\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01030\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '107033410802-19',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Abteilung f\xfcr Recht, Vergabe- und Gesellschaftsangelegenheiten',
'name': 'WIENER STADTWERKE Holding AG',
'networking': u'FGW - Fachverband der Gas- und W\xe4rmeversorgungsunternehmungenVereinigung der \xd6sterreichischen Industrie (Industriellenvereinigung)\xd6sterreichs E-Wirtschaft (\xd6sterreichs Energie)Verband kommunaler Unternehmen \xd6sterreichs',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '12/03/13 15:48:16',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:26.500335',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa001531230',
'update_date': '28/02/14 14:26:32'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'\u2022Organisation von Diskussionsveranstaltungen\u2022Teilnahme an Konferenzen\u2022Netzwerkaktivit\xe4ten mit Vertreterinnen und Vertretern anderer Regionalb\xfcros und Wirtschaftsvertretrungsorganisationen\u2022Informationsaustausch mit Mitarbeiterinnern und Mitarbeitern der Europ\xe4ischen Kommission und des Europ\xe4ischen Parlaments',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Adresse der Br\xfcsseler Vertretung:Wirtschaftsagentur Wien. Ein Fonds der Stadt Wien.B\xfcro Br\xfcsselAvenue de Tervueren 581040 Br\xfcsselBelgienTelefon: +32 2 743 85 15Fax: +32 2 743 85 05',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die Wirtschaftsagentur Wien. Ein Fonds der Stadt Wien. ist das zentrale wirtschaftspolitisches Instrument der Stadt Wien und hat den Zweck, die Struktur der Wiener Wirtschaft durch Ansiedelung von Betrieben und durch Beratung von Unternehmungen in Wirtschaftsfragen zu f\xf6rdern und die nachhaltige Modernisierung des Wirtschaftsstandortes voranzutreiben und seine internationale Wettbewerbsf\xe4higkeit auszubauen. Die Wirtschaftsagentur Wien unterst\xfctzt aktiv die Entwicklung des Wirtschaftsstandortes Wien. Als erste Anlaufstelle f\xfcr nationale und internationale Unternehmen bietet sie monet\xe4re F\xf6rderungen, Immobilien und Beratung.Um Unternehmen verschiedener Branchen optimal servicieren zu k\xf6nnen, hat die Wirtschaftsagentur Wien zwei Tochterunternehmen gegr\xfcndet: ZIT \u2013 Die Technologieagentur der Stadt Wien unterst\xfctzt forschungs- und technologieaffine Unternehmen sowie die Medienwirtschaft in Wien.departure \u2013 Die Kreativagentur der Stadt Wien ist die F\xf6rderagentur f\xfcr die Wiener Kreativwirtschaft.Gemeinsam bilden die drei Unternehmen die Wirtschaftsagentur Wien Gruppe.',
'head_office_address': u'2\xa0Ebendorferstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '112267011730-27',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Leiterin B\xfcro Br\xfcssel',
'name': 'Wirtschaftsagentur Wien. Ein Fonds der Stadt Wien.',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '20/08/13 11:02:17',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:27.393002',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0140008670',
'update_date': '04/08/14 11:48:15'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Der WK\xd6 obliegt die Vertretung der gemeinsamen wirtschaftlichen und rechtlichen Interessen ihrer Mitglieder. Gem\xe4\xdf \xa7 31(3)Z 2 WKG hat sie diese Interessen in und gegen\xfcber der Europ\xe4ischen Union zu vertreten. Sie ist daher in allen Angelegenheiten aktiv, die von Relevanz f\xfcr die \xf6sterreichische Wirtschaft sind.',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': u'Die Finanzierung erfolgt durch Umlagen. Diese sind von den Mitgliedern nach Ma\xdfgabe des Wirtschaftskammergesetzes 1998 (WKG) zu entrichten.',
'fax_number': u'EU-B\xfcro der Wirtschaftskammer \xd6sterreich St\xe4ndige Vertretung \xd6sterreichs bei der EU Avenue de Cortenbergh 30 1040 Br\xfcssel BelgienTel.: +32 2 286 58 80 Fax: +32 2 286 58 99 E-Mail: Website:',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u'Die Wirtschaftskammer \xd6sterreich (WK\xd6) ist die gesetzliche Interessenvertretung des \xfcberwiegenden Teils der \xf6sterreichischen Wirtschaft. Sie vertritt die Interessen von rund 400.000 \xf6sterreichischen Unternehmen aus allen Sektoren (Industrie, Gewerbe und Handwerk, Handel, Banken und Versicherungen, Verkehr, Tourismus und Freizeitwirtschaft, Information und Consulting). Die WK\xd6 ist eine als Selbstverwaltungsk\xf6rper eingerichtete K\xf6rperschaft \xf6ffentlichen Rechts mit Pflichtmitgliedschaft. Die WK\xd6 ist Sozialpartner auf nationaler Ebene und \xfcber ihren Dachverband UEAPME auch im Europ\xe4ischen Sozialen Dialog vertreten.',
'head_office_address': u'63\xa0Wiedner Hauptstra\xdfe\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01045\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '10405322962-08',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'900000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 1000000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Leiter EU-B\xfcro der WK\xd6',
'name': u'Wirtschaftskammer \xd6sterreich',
'networking': u'Die WK\xd6 ist Mitglied bei folgenden europ\xe4ischen Wirtschaftsdachverb\xe4nden:- EUROCHAMBRES- EuroCommerce- UEAPME',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '07/01/10 14:04:27',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:28.091173',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa0590900',
'update_date': '08/01/14 09:00:47'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Lobbying im Bereich der Finanzdienstleistung;',
'area_of_interest': 'national',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Die Wirtschaftskammern \xd6sterreichs vertreten die Interessen der Unternehmen, f\xf6rdern die Wirtschaft und vermitteln Wissen. Die Fachgruppe Finanzdienstleister der Wirtschaftskammer Wien setzt sich als Interessenvertretung der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche \xd6sterreichs f\xfcr die Schaffung von allgemein g\xfcltigen Qualit\xe4tsstandards auf h\xf6chstem Niveau - unter Wahrung sowie Bem\xfchungen um den Anleger- und Konsumentenschutz - sowie f\xfcr die Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen f\xfcr die Finanzdienstleistungsbranche ein.',
'head_office_address': u'14\xa0Schwarzenbergplatz\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Wien\xa01040\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '4607967111-17',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'45,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Gesch\xe4ftsf\xfchrer',
'name': 'Wirtschaftskammer Wien/Fachgruppe Finanzdienstleister',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '01/07/08 12:04:47',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:28.915643',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa0514503733',
'update_date': '04/06/14 07:41:17'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'UNESCO and UNWTO Silk Road Initiative for Training within Corridors along this Route. ICCAIMEXeTNICTP',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '11/2012\r\n - \r\n 11/2013',
'goals': "To represent the professional qualified tourist guides worldwide including in Europe. To support and improve the quality, services and standards of tourist guides and to add value to the visitor's expierience. To promote tourist guide training and life-long training, as the main factor for cultural and natural heritage interpretation.Within the EU we support Area Specific Qualifications as enshrined in EN 13809 and EN 15565.",
'head_office_address': u'33/12\xa0Franz-Josefs-Kai\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01010\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '66336536137-63',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Executive Board Member',
'name': 'World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations',
'networking': 'UNESCO associate memberUNWTO Affiliate MemberICTPICCAeTN',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '04/07/11 20:05:45',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:29.590409',
'telephone': u'(+431)\xa05323197',
'update_date': '13/07/14 17:56:09'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'WFD, Biodiversity Strategy, Climate Change Adaptation, Fisheries and Agriculture, Trans-European Networks,Environment, Energy, Budget',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '07/2012\r\n - \r\n 06/2013',
'goals': u'WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme (WWF-DCP) was established in 1998 to lead, coordinate and to a considerable extent also implement WWF\u2019s activities to protect and preserve the Danube and Carpathian Ecoregions, an area that includes the territory of 19 countries, from the Black Forest in Germany to the Black Sea in Romania and Ukraine, and Poland in the north to Bulgaria in the south. WWF-DCP works closely with WWF organizations in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Poland, and is directly responsible for implementing WWF activities in Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine and Moldova. Our work is organised into three main programmes: Freshwater; Forests and Protected Areas (including Natura 2000); and Agriculture/Rural Development (including a major focus on EU funding programmes, especially CAP and Regional Funds).The WWF-DCP has played a major role in the development of framework political agreements, including e.g. the Carpathian Convention, and the Lower Danube Green Corridor Agreement. WWF DCP has Observer Status at the ICPDR and participates actively in the most important expert and political meetings. More recently, WWF-DCP has begun developing practical models demonstrating conservation and sustainable livelihoods, e.g. through a range of approaches including development of private-sector, municipal and national payments for ecosystem services in the Maramures region of northern Romania. WWF-DCP has a dedicated Communication team and works with a variety of communication tools, from websites to electronic newsletters and printed materials, and conducts highly successful media relations.The WWF Danube-Carpathian Program presently has a staff of about 70 with a co-ordination office in Vienna and field offices in Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Slovakia, as well as representatives and partner organizations in Croatia, Serbia, and Slovakia.',
'head_office_address': u'114-116\xa0Ottakringer Str.\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vienna\xa01160\r\n AUSTRIA',
'id': '02019258940-59',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of Policy',
'name': 'WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme',
'networking': 'WWF network in Europe and globally',
'num_natural_members': '3',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '08/06/12 18:57:17',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:30.469500',
'telephone': u'(+43)\xa01524547019',
'update_date': '13/06/14 17:25:47'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'All activities of the organisation are under the scope of the Transparency Register.',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': 'Aydan Karimli is the Secretary general of the OrganisationWorld Business Center, 6th floor.Samed Vurgun/Suleyman Rahimov 309AZ1000, Baku, Azerbaijan.Tel.: +994125974886Fax: +994125973056www.GSWyouth.orgE-mail:',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 10/2013',
'goals': u'\u201cGreat Silk Way\u201d IYU is an international non-commercial organization established to coordinate the activities of youth organizations and to represent and protect their common interests. The main aim and the scope of activities of the organization is promoting the intercultural and interreligious dialogue, create mutually beneficial collaboration, as well as to spread the idea of usage of the potential of youth for sustainable development among the Silk Road countries.',
'head_office_address': u'43\xa0Samed Vurgun\xa0World Business Center 6th floor\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Baku\xa0AZ1014\r\n AZERBAIJAN',
'id': '572119612169-50',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 200000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretary General',
'name': u'\u201cGreat Silk Way\u201d International Youth Union',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '2',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '30/10/13 20:04:36',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:32.830088',
'telephone': u'(+994)\xa0125974886',
'update_date': '08/10/14 11:27:09'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'None',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'countries': 'BELGIUM;GERMANY',
'extra_financial_info': 'None',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 06/2014',
'goals': 'Establishing a Center which will offer all possible services and supports, such as, research, network, exposure tours, publications, seminars/conferences/workshops, etc. to help develop mutual understanding and collaboration between nations and/or relevant multi-national agencies in the region.',
'head_office_address': u'9/43\xa0Nobel AVE\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Khatai District, Baku city\xa0AZ 1025\r\n AZERBAIJAN',
'id': '475825813958-48',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Executive Director',
'name': 'International Cooperation Center',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '25',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '11/07/14 15:00:31',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:33.739678',
'telephone': u'(+994)\xa0503415181',
'update_date': '11/07/14 15:03:50'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Global Higher Education minstream with Culture and Suastainability.',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'countries': '',
'extra_financial_info': 'N.A.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'About ICUEveryone knows that Culture is an indispensable and invisible bond, which ties us in the community together. The art, literature, language, religion and the daily activities of the people of a community not only represent its culture, but also its moral values and ethics. The importance of culture lies in its close relationship with the people\u2019s lives. Different cultures have brought diversity in the ways of life of the people inhabiting in different parts of the world. We might make a network of Diversified Cultures through the study of cultural knowledge, strategy and proper implementation.Such an education system is demanded by the future of the multi-cultural world in order to enable professionals of all sectors to be fit for working anywhere in the world. Since culture is related to the development of one\u2019s attitude, learning human culture with all system disciplines of study is essential.The sensed demands mentioned above are the basis of the formation of ICU.VisionThe future generation will honor
the cultural diversity of all nations, as well as the cultural minority, and will play a pivotal role in their protection and promotion through economical, political and development activities.MissionOnline education and venue based evaluation through the International Culture University will produce multi-cultural professionals and ensure the development of cultural leadership and protection and promotion of cultural diversity for all nations. It will also initiate a movement in mainstreaming culture in formal pedagogy as a development approach.',
'head_office_address': u'House-35\xa0Road-4, Block-E, Banasree\xa0Rampura\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Dhaka\xa01219\r\n BANGLADESH',
'id': '97598469114-72',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'50000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Academic institutions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'President & Vice chancellor',
'name': 'International Culture University',
'networking': 'N.A.',
'num_natural_members': '21',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '08/07/12 05:16:11',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:39.067767',
'telephone': u'(+88 02)\xa08399398',
'update_date': '11/06/14 06:46:51'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'ACP Civil Society Forum organisations participated in regional meetings in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific as well in global civil society meetings. ACP CSF and its organizations participated in the study about ACP Civil Society Forum and its organizations ordered by ACP Secretariat and European Commission in 2013. ACP Civil Society Forum participated in the WTO 9th Ministerial Meeting in december 2013 in Bali, Indonesia.ACP Civil Society Forum cooperated with global civil society organizations. ACP Civil Society Forum has been selected as observer to the European Commission CAP Advisory Group meetings on International Aspects of Agriculture ACP Civil Society Forum participated in 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010 and in the following meetings and seminars : European Commission CAP Advisory Group meetings on International Aspects of Agriculture 2012, World Bank Civil Society Consultation meetings, EU Trade Seminars in Warshaw, Poland, 2011, and in Prague, Czech Republic, 2010; in Brussels: DG Trade Civil Society Meetings on EPAs, Asean, USA, China, Canada, Japan, Mercosur, Andean, Climate Change, GPS, Trade and SMEs, Trade and Development etc; furthermore the EIAS seminar with ACP-China-EU on Raw Material Strategy; the regional seminars of CTA in Africa and the Caribbean; the regional seminar of the EESC- ACP-EU Follow UP Committee in Ethiopia in July 2010; the EU Structured Dialogue and the BAMAKO seminar in June 2010 through DAKAR Platforme; EIB CSD Annual Seminar; International CS Forum in Dakar, February 2011.\u2022 ACP CSF has in ACP-EU Facilities and Programmes such as ACP Science and Technology, ACP Migration Observatory, Intra ACP Academic Mobility Scheme, ACP Cultures, ProInvest and Mundus ACP II. University of Porto invited ACP CSF as associate partner institution for the Mundus ACP project.ACP CSF participated in the Seminar on the future of EU-ACP relations in a changing environment organised by the CONCORD Cotonou Working Group, EU NGOs and ACP CSOs from 4 - 5 October 2011 in Brussels. The topics discussed were : what future for the political dialogue between the ACP countries and the EU, what cooperation after the 10th EDF, what do CSOs want; Trade and development; the deadlock of the EPAs? The participants noted that there is no real equal partnership in the ACP- EU relations and dialogue and that there still to much dependency on financial aid. Parliaments, social, economic and civil society stakeholders should be actively involved in the programming of the financial instrument.With regard to the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA), "ACP signatories should abide to the principles of the Cotonou Agreement to drive a trade policy which is coherent to the objective of poverty eradication and partnership, if those countries are to advance their trade policies according to their own needs and circumstances".During a meeting at the ACP Secretariat on Friday 7 October 2011, the challenges for the future of ACP were discussed. These challenges are: the changing EU Architecture, Lisbon Treaty and EEAS, ACP is not longer priority for EU, Aid fatigue in Europe as well in ACP countries and changing geopolitical realities.ACP aims to continue the North-South dialogue as well as the South-South solidarity. "Despite the provisions in the Cotonou Agreement ACP Civil society organizations were not equipped with and have not been abled to access the resources since 2000. Article 6 of the Cotonou Agreement empowers the ACP CSOs to be actively involved in the programming, implementation and review. Although it is there legally, ACP CSOs have not been receiving funding, whereas they are key for the success of all programming. The mid term review now is the right time to make sure that ACP CSOs receive the resources that have been denied since 2001", according to a representative of the ACP Secretariat.',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': 'ACP CSF has no financing resources, receives no financing and no funding from the European Commission and no funding from ACP Secretariat, although ACP CSF was established in 2001 as official ACP CSF Forum for the ACP-EU cooperation with the support of the European Commission and ACP Secretariat, and the provisions in the Cotonou Agreement since 2000 decided that the ACP CSOs have to be actively involved as partners of the ACP EU Cooperation and to be funded for the programming, implementation and review. Although it is legally in the Cotonou Agreement since 2000, ACP CSF and its organizations as official forum of the ACP EU Cooperation have not been involved and have not been receiving funding, were not equipped with and have not been abled to access the resources since 2000. The management team of ACP CSF, existing of Chairman Lawman Lynch, Policy advisor Mr. Roosevelt King in Barbados and Legal Advisor Mrs. Joyce Naar in Brussels, as well as the ACP CSF Bureau Members in Afica, Caribbean and Pacific are working on voluntary basis, pro bono for ACP CSF.',
'fax_number': 'Ms. Joyce NaarAddress: Kleine Wouwer 50/101860, MEISE, 00-32-2-2700750Mob.: 00-32-479 612192Email:',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 01/2014',
'goals': u'Our aims are:\xb7\tTo promote, facilitate and enhance the vital contributions of regional and national grassroots, community based and other civil society organizations, who work for the benefit of the people of the ACP states and regions. \xb7\tTo work together with EU actors and organisations in accordance with article 5 of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement, the Cotonou Agreement, in order to provide more information and create greater awareness of the ACP-EU Partnership, encourage partnership and build links between ACP and EU actors, strengthen networking and exchange of expertise and experience among the ACP-EU actors; . according to the Cotonou Agreement articles 4-7:active involvement of ACP civil society as actors of the ACP-EU cooperation, programming and funding, to be provided with financial resources in order to support local development processes and be involved in the implementation of cooperation project and programmes in areas that concern them or where these actors have a comparative advantage, involving them in the design, implementation and evaluation of development strategies and programmes (articles 4 \u2013 7 Cotonou Agreement).According to the ACP CSF Declaration December 2009: i.\tParticipate in the negotiation, implementation and monitoring of the Economic Partnership Agreement ii.\tParticipate in the discussions and actions addressing Natural Disasters the Environment and Climate Change;iii.\tParticipate in the monitoring and evaluation of attempts to accomplish national indicators;iv.\tParticipate in the promotion of the use of Culture as a means of National, Regional and Human Development;v.\tParticipate in the discussions and actions addressing the present global economic and financial crisis;vi.\tParticipate in fostering sustainable youth development;vii.\tParticipate in policy dialogue and programmes that promote transparency and good governance at all national, regional and all-ACP levels of development; viii.\tParticipate in the promotion of food security and sovereignty; ix.\tParticipate in the monitoring and evaluation of progress on the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals; x.\tParticipate in the promotion of gender equality, human rights, good governance and democratic processes;xi.\tParticipate in the policy dialogue and programmes on Sexual and Reproductive Health and in the fight against HIV and AIDS;xii.\tParticipate in the meetings of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, ACP Parliamentary Assembly, ACP Council of Ministers, ACP Committee of Ambassadors;xiii.\tParticipate in the creation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Civil Society and public policy at all levels.',
'head_office_address': u'10\xa0Garisson\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n St. Michael\xa01\r\n BARBADOS',
'id': '36703913506-85',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Legal Advisor and Brussels Representatve',
'name': 'ACP Civil Society Forum',
'networking': "ACP CSF has 80 member organizations (CSOs/NGOs/networks)in 80 ACP Countries. They are participating in regional and international networks, such as AU ECOSOCC SADC Civil Society International Council for Social Welfare (ICSW)ECOWAS Caribbean Non State Actors PanelsCDPC Caribbean Civil Society Network for Aid Effectiveness Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action www.CAFRA.orgPacific Regional NGOs (PRNGO) Alliance Pacific Network on Globalisation (PANG) Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (PIANGO) CIVICUS China-African People's Forum International Forum of national plat-forms, Our World is not For Sale.",
'num_natural_members': '80',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '26/04/10 16:57:04',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:41.457999',
'telephone': u'(+001)\xa02464318513',
'update_date': '14/04/14 14:23:04'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Regulatory work on food regulatory matters . Repr\xe9sentation on sustainability issues ( debate on resource efficiency)',
'extra_financial_info': '13 % of turnover are conferences and training on EU institutions and policies mainly for the education sector and therefore not mentioned above For Tipik',
'fax_number': 'Bureau de Bruxelles 39 square Vergote 1030 Bruxelles',
'financial_year': '04/2013\r\n - \r\n 03/2014',
'goals': 'helping our clients to be informed on EU Policies to participate in the consultation process of the EU commission to present economic data and facts to follow texts in the legislative process .Government and parliamentary relations .Profiling organizations in view of the EU debate Giving appropriate briefings on the EU decision makingpublishing studies on Eu policies ( sustainability - envi policies)',
'head_office_address': u'61\xa0manypr\xe9\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Corroy le Grand\xa01325\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '38786761555-02',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Self-employed consultants',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'senior consultant',
'name': '2 m communication',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '21/04/09 17:31:11',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:45.436685',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa00495209344',
'update_date': '08/04/14 18:20:26'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u"March\xe9 int\xe9rieurT\xe9l\xe9coms et soci\xe9t\xe9 de l'informationAgenda num\xe9riquePolitique des consommateursPolitique de l'environnementPolitique des transportsPolitique de l'\xe9nergie",
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '09/2014\r\n - \r\n 12/2014',
'goals': u'Repr\xe9sentation des int\xe9r\xeats de diff\xe9rents clients aupr\xe8s des institutions europ\xe9ennes. Notre mission consiste en un suivi en amont des sujets int\xe9ressant nos clients, essentiellement des entreprises et associations professionnelles europ\xe9ennes, nord-am\xe9ricaines et japonaises.',
'head_office_address': u'173\xa0Avenue Winston Churchill\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01180\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '435130314953-28',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Self-employed consultants',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Founder & Managing Director',
'name': u'A\xb2 Policy Advice SPRL',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '19/11/14 12:24:55',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:46.153396',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0473341991',
'update_date': '02/12/14 16:10:43'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Energy Policy, Renewable Energy Sources, TEN-Es, Environment Policy, Climate Action, Research and Development, Regional Policy, Development Aid and Trade Policy, Internal Market, Enterprise Policy, ICT',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 10/2014',
'goals': 'ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact.',
'head_office_address': u'15\xa0Rue Guimard\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '7790041608-14',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'300000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 350000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of EU Representation',
'name': 'ABB',
'networking': 'European Committee for the Associations of Manufacturers of Switchgear and Controlgear equipments (CAPIEL), European manufacturers of electrical machines and power electronics equipment and systems (CEMEP), European Committee for standardisation (CEN), European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC), Desertec Industrial Initiative (Dii), European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE), European Energy Forum (EEF), European Electrical Insulation Manufacturers (EEIM), European Policy Center (EPC), European Powerplant Suppliers Association (EPPSA), European Rail Forum (ERF), European Roundtable of Industrialists (ERT), European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI), European Engine Power Plant Association (EUGINE), European Engineering Industries Association (Eunited), Union of the Electricity Industry in Europe (EURELECTRIC), euRobotics, Europacable, European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA), Friends of the Supergrid (FoSG), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), International Organization for standardization (ISO), Ocean Energy Europe, Organisation of the European Aluminium Recycling Industry (OEA), Orgalime, European Association of the Electricity Transmission and Distribution Equipment and Service Industry (T&D Europe), European Association for Advanced Rechargeable Batteries (RECHARGE),Association of the European Rail Industry (UNIFE)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '04/11/08 15:38:19',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:46.852263',
'telephone': u'(+322)\xa05054151',
'update_date': '22/10/14 13:01:46'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'10 principales iniciativas:* Derechos Humanos* Derecho Penal: Directiva derecho de acceso al abogado en asuntos penales.* Acceso a la Justicia y Justicia Gratuita.* Vigilancia masiva y programas de espionaje / reforma protecci\xf3n de datos.* E-justicia y abogac\xeda (proyectos).* Formaci\xf3n judicial.* Libre circulaci\xf3n de abogados (evaluaci\xf3n directivas sectoriales, en particular la directiva 98/5).* Competencia y regulaci\xf3n. * Assises de la Justice y EU Justice Scoreboard.* Red Judicial Europea en Materia civil y mercantil.',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'countries': 'BELGIUM;SPAIN',
'extra_financial_info': u'Los abogados que colaboran como expertos y miembros de comit\xe9s realizan colaboraciones desinteresadas (no remuneradas). Los \xfanicos gastos relevantes a efectos del registro son por los conceptos de viajes y alojamiento y por la parte del sueldo de la persona en la oficina de Bruselas dedicada a la representaci\xf3n ante las instituciones.Los datos economicos de 2013 se han incluido sobre la base del presupuesto 2013 al no estar auditados en la fecha de registro. Contienen una imputaci\xf3n de ingresos de un proyecto europeo por valor de 49.102\u20ac que fue ejecutado anteriormente pero cuyos ingresos quedaban pendientes de imputaci\xf3n contable. La memoria anual del CGAE, que incluye las cuentas completas auditadas puede accederse a trav\xe9s de la p\xe1gina web . Los datos economicos se actualizar\xe1n en el registro en cuanto se encuentren disponibles. La Abogac\xeda espa\xf1ola ha firmado un acuerdo de colaboraci\xf3n con la ONG Transparencia Internacional a trav\xe9s de los cuales se promueve la asistencia por abogados pro bono en materia de cuestiones de acceso al derecho a la informaci\xf3n.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Misi\xf3nEl Consejo General de la Abogac\xed\xada Espa\xf1ola es el \xf3rgano representativo, coordinador y ejecutivo superior de los 83 Colegios de Abogados de Espa\xf1a y entre sus misiones fundamentales est\xe1 la ordenaci\xf3n del ejercicio profesional de los abogados, velar por el prestigio de la profesi\xf3n, exigir a los Colegios de Abogados y a sus miembros el cumplimiento de los deberes profesionales y deontol\xf3gicos y trabajar para alcanzar una Justicia m\xe1s \xe1gil, moderna y eficaz.Visi\xf3n: Sin abogados no hay justiciaEl Consejo General es la voz de la Abogac\xed\xada Espa\xf1ola, la defensa permanente del derecho de defensa y de los derechos humanos, especialmente de los m\xe1s desfavorecidos, al servicio de los Colegios, de los abogados, de los ciudadanos y de la Justicia, entendida como \u201cdar a cada uno lo suyos\u201d.Una Abogac\xed\xada influyente, l\xedder de opini\xf3n, con proyecci\xf3n social, en vanguardia de la implantaci\xf3n de las nuevas tecnolog\xedas y cercana a los j\xf3venes, futuros clientes y futuros abogados.Responsable y defensora de un servicio p\xfablico como la Justicia Gratuita y el Turno de Oficio que son esenciales en un Estado social y democr\xe1tico y de Derecho para garantizar el acceso a la Justicia y los derechos de los m\xe1s vulnerables.ValoresLos valores principales de la Abogac\xed\xada Espa\xf1ola son: Independencia Secreto profesional Deontolog\xeda Credibilidad Confianza/Tranquilidad Solidez Formaci\xf3nLa Delegaci\xf3n del CGAE en Bruselas se fund\xf3 en 1994 con el objetivo de eliminar las distancias entre el abogado espa\xf1ol y las Instituciones europeas. Con este fin, la Delegaci\xf3n desarrolla diferentes funciones al servicio del abogado, de los Colegios de Abogados y de la profesi\xf3n jur\xeddica a la que representa.Las actividades principales de la Delegaci\xf3n son:\u2022 Someter posicionamientos de la Abogac\xeda Espa\xf1ola a las Instituciones Europeas\u2022 Colaborar con las Abogac\xedas y organizaciones europeas e internacionales\u2022 Gestionar y asesorar en materia de proyectos europeos\u2022 Informar a los Abogados y Colegios de Abogados sobre la actualidad europea\u2022 Responder a consultas de car\xe1cter europeo procedentes de los ciudadanos, de los abogados espa\xf1oles y de los Colegios de Abogados.\u2022 Recibir a grupos de abogados y a miembros de la Escuela de Pr\xe1cticas Jur\xeddicas\u2022 Orientar a los abogados espa\xf1oles que desean prestar servicios en Bruselas y aquellos inscritos en el Barreau de Bruxelles.As\xed, la Delegaci\xf3n trabaja al servicio de la Presidencia y de los consejeros del CGAE, de la Presidencia de la Comisi\xf3n de Relaciones Internacionales y de sus miembros, de la Jefatura y de los miembros nombrados ante CCBE, de la Secretar\xeda T\xe9cnica del CGAE y de todos aquellos Colegios de Abogados, abogados y ciudadanos que requieren su consejo o asistencia.Trabajo en CCBELa Delegaci\xf3n espa\xf1ola ante CCBE est\xe1 presidida por un Jefe de Delegaci\xf3n y compuesta por cinco miembros permanentes, un oficial de enlace y un n\xfamero variable de colaboradores, que acuden cada a\xf1o a una media de dos sesiones plenarias, cinco comit\xe9s permanentes y reuniones peri\xf3dicas de una treintena de Comit\xe9s y grupos de trabajo multilaterales.La Delegaci\xf3n espa\xf1ola contribuye de manera activa al trabajo de CCBE gracias a sus colaboradores, expertos en numerosos campos del Derecho.',
'head_office_address': u'1\xa0Avenue de la Joyeuse Entr\xe9e\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruselas\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '449942813570-96',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'50000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'VI - Organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Delegado UE - Director',
'name': u'Abogac\xeda Espa\xf1ola, Delegaci\xf3n en Bruselas',
'networking': 'Entre las organizaciones internacionales mas importantes, el CGAE es miembro de: CCBE (, UIA ( e IBA ( y FBE (',
'num_natural_members': '135,016',
'num_org_members': '83',
'org_members': u'Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de A Coru\xf1a\xa0(2,078\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Alava\xa0(572\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Albacete\xa0(846\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Alcala de Henares\xa0(463\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Alcoy\xa0(156\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Alicante\xa0(2,983\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Almeria\xa0(1,495\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Alzira\xa0(250\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Antequera\xa0(119\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Avila\xa0(284\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Badajoz\xa0(1,113\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Baleares\xa0(2,664\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Barcelona\xa0(15,165\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Burgos\xa0(671\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Caceres\xa0(611\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Cadiz\xa0(2,022\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Cantabria\xa0(1,205\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Cartagena\xa0(524\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Castellon\xa0(1,134\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Ceuta\xa0(262\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Ciudad Real\xa0(759\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Cordoba\xa0(1,676\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Cuenca\xa0(257\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Elche\xa0(659\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Estella\xa0(42\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Ferrol\xa0(336\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Figueres\xa0(185\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Gij\xf3n\xa0(884\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio Abogados Girona\xa0(1,164\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Granada\xa0(2,674\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Granollers\xa0(440\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Guadalajara\xa0(370\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Guipuzcoa\xa0(1,655\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Huelva\xa0(962\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Huesca\xa0(273\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Jaen\xa0(1,317\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Jerez\xa0(451\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados La Rioja\xa0(633\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Lanzarote\xa0(240\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Las Palmas\xa0(2,619\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Leon\xa0(970\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Lleida\xa0(738\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Lorca\xa0(419\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Lucena\xa0(121\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Lugo\xa0(566\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Madrid\xa0(35,117\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Malaga\xa0(4,912\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Manresa\xa0(259\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Matar\xf3\xa0(354\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Melilla\xa0(190\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Murcia\xa0(2,991\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Orihuela\xa0(561\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Orense\xa0(664\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Oviedo\xa0(2,052\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Palencia\xa0(258\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Pamplona\xa0(1,130\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Pontevedra\xa0(929\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Reus\xa0(300\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Sabadell\xa0(746\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Salamanca\xa0(776\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados San Feliu de LLobregat\xa0(325\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Santiago\xa0(707\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Segovia\xa0(264\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Sevilla\xa0(5,784\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Soria\xa0(128\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Santa Cruz de la Palma\xa0(248\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Santa Cruz de Tenerife\xa0(2,058\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Sueca\xa0(112\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Tafalla\xa0(31\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Talavera de la Reina\xa0(232\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Tarragona\xa0(755\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Terrassa\xa0(608\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Teruel\xa0(131\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Toledo\xa0(726\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Tortosa\xa0(222\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Tudela\xa0(134\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Valencia\xa0(7,111\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Valladolid\xa0(1,243\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Vic\xa0(227\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Vigo\xa0(1,392\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Vizcaya\xa0(3,433\xa0members);Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Zamora\xa0(304\xa0members);Real e Ilustre Colegio de Abogados Zaragoza\xa0(2,585\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '12/05/14 16:48:09',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:47.758521',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa022800526',
'update_date': '03/10/14 15:37:38'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'OUR MISSIONOur mission declares our purpose as a European Economic Interest Grouping and serves as a standard against which we measure our decisions and actions. We want:- to provide our Members and their partners with a top level knowledge of the EU policies in the areas of their interest;- to find synergies between the interests of our Members and the EU policies and programmes;- to asses political as well as economic situation in the candidate countries, the potential candidate countries and the countries benefiting from the European Neighbourhood Policy and recommend potential cooperation between the Access EU! Members and their partners from the respective countries;- to create and sustain a competitive advantage of our Members on the European and International markets;- to respond to the immediate needs of our Members;- to put in place the long term strategies of our Members.',
'extra_financial_info': '',
x_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': "Access EU! - EEIG is a European Economic Interest Grouping established in Brussels in order to:- facilitate economic activities of its Members;- develop partnerships between its Members and their Associates;- improve conditions under which its Members operate; - enable its Members further growth.OUR VISIONOur vision is to become the EEIG of choice for every private and public sector organisation which wants to make its footprint in Brussels.OUR VALUESOur values serve as a guideline of our actions and describe how we act at the EU level and interact with other EU stakeholders.Integrity: we demonstrate commitment to integrity and ethicsProfessionalism: our Members profit from each others' professional experienceReliability: it is our priority to provide our services in the highest quality and in due timeCommunication: both our Members and their partners are continuously informed about latest developments in the EU strategies, which provides basis for further co-operationSuccess: we achieve our goals and goals of our Members.",
'head_office_address': u'21\xa0Square de Mee\xfbs\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '62129867763-07',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Executive Director',
'name': 'Access EU! - EEIG',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '18/01/12 11:25:54',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:48.443178',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa027908828',
'update_date': '25/06/14 16:13:12'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'None.',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'countries': 'NETHERLANDS',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': "Centre: BRAINE-L'ALLEUD, Parc de L'Alliance",
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 11/2014',
'goals': u'L\u2019association a pour but d\u2019am\xe9liorer les services de sant\xe9 en Europe et \xe0 travers des projets europ\xe9ens gr\xe2ce \xe0 un processus d\u2019accr\xe9ditation \xe0 la fine pointe, aux services conseils et aux services de formation.Its long term objects are:a)\tfournir des services d\u2019accr\xe9ditation, de formation et de service-conseil aupr\xe8s des organismes de soins de sant\xe9 en Europe et internationalement \xe0 travers des projets europ\xe9ens; b)\t\xe9tablir des programmes d\u2019accr\xe9ditation, des r\xe9f\xe9rentiels et des pratiques obligatoires requises pour les \xe9tablissements de soins de sant\xe9 en Europe et internationalement \xe0 travers des projets europ\xe9ens, de m\xeame qu\u2019aider les \xe9tablissements \xe0 atteindre et maintenir ces r\xe9f\xe9rentiels;c)\t\xe9valuer la qualit\xe9 des \xe9tablissements et services de soins de sant\xe9 en Europe et internationalement \xe0 travers des projets europ\xe9ens; etd)\tassumer toute autre responsabilit\xe9 et participer \xe0 tout autre projet qui sont compatibles avec les op\xe9rations li\xe9es \xe0 l\u2019accr\xe9ditation, la formation, les services-conseils et le d\xe9veloppement de capacit\xe9 aux syst\xe8mes de sant\xe9 en Europe et internationalement \xe0 travers des projets europ\xe9ens.',
'head_office_address': u"9\xa0Boulevard de France, b\xe2t A\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Braine- l'Alleud\xa01420\r\n BELGIUM",
'id': '342325814970-01',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'CEO, Accreditation Canada International',
'name': 'Accreditation Europe ASBL',
'networking': u'Member of European healthcare consortium with:EURORDIS \u2013 Plateforme Maladies Rares, andEuropean Hospital and Healthcare Federation (HOPE) Hold licencing and IP agreements with:Accreditation Canada International, andAccreditation Canada',
'num_natural_members': '10',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '20/11/14 17:40:09',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:49.182983',
'telephone': u'(+0032)\xa02 389 9757',
'update_date': '01/12/14 18:34:42'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'To represent the voice of African Caribbean Pacific (ACP) local government at key ACP-EU fora',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '10/2012\r\n - \r\n 08/2013',
'goals': u'The objectives of the Platform are to:\u2022\tPromote the political recognition of local governments as a distinct actors in the ACP-EU cooperation;\u2022\tRepresent, promote and protect, the interests of ACP local governments within the context of ACP-EU cooperation;\u2022\tBe recognised by ACP and EU governments to be the (sole) representative and consultative body in respect of all matters concerning local government within the ACP-EU cooperation framework and to make representations to both the ACP Group and the EU in respect of any matter concerning ACP local government;\u2022\tTo be the united voice and representative of ACP local government within the ACP-EU cooperation framework.\u2022\tPromote and support at the ACP-EU level effective dialogue between (still to be completed);\u2022\tPromote integration into ACP-EU cooperation programmes concerns of ACP-LGs;\u2022\tPromote twinning and partnerships;\u2022\tPromote the mainstreaming of decentralisation policy in ACP-EU cooperation;\u2022\tPromote new mechanisms for dialogue and information flow and to this end gather, disseminate and share information on all matters relevant to LG and pursuit of these objectives;\u2022\tStrengthen the capacity of ACP local governments for dialogue;\u2022\tEstablish, improve and strengthen conditions for effective dialogue between the Platform and the European Union;\u2022\tDevelop a policy framework for cooperation between the ACP-EU and the ACP local governments at regional and national levels;\u2022\tPromote the adoption and implementation of policy frameworks.\u2022\tPromote the development and maintenance of systems of elected local government in the ACP States where such systems do not currently exist.\u2022\tObtain and disseminate information on matters of importance to local government authorities.It will seek to achieve these objectives by:\u2022\tDialogue between the partners\u2022\tInformation dissemination\u2022\tProgramming, review and implementation of the Cotonou Agreement\u2022\tCapacity-building for local governments',
'head_office_address': u'8\xa0Avenue Eug\xe8ne Plasky, box 12\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01030\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '95684504645-67',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Coordinator & CEO',
'name': 'ACP Local Government Platform',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '46',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '01/12/10 12:34:59',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:49.931329',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0027328562',
'update_date': '28/11/14 15:18:42'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u"Drawing on ActionAid\u2019s experience working in Asia, Africa and in the Americas, the ActionAid EU office focuses its efforts on optimising the political space for development within the EU. We work with other civil society organisations to seek justice on rights.Our day-to-day work is rooted in the rights based approach to ending poverty, helping poor people to help themselves by claiming their rights, in particular:1. Land rights and sustainable agriculture2. Just and democratic governance3. Education and youth4. Resilience and emergency response5. Women's rights",
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': "The financial information above relates to the Brussels office of ActionAid International. For financial information related to the organisation overall, please see aggregated statement of financial activities on under 'Who We Are' 'How We Work'",
'fax_number': 'ActionAid InternationalEU Office60 Rue du Trone1050 BrusselsBelgium',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 01/2013',
'goals': u'ActionAid is an international anti-poverty agency which takes sides with poor people to end poverty and injustice together.Around the world we work in local communities, listening to poor people and learning about their needs. We help them approach decision makers in their own countries, simultaneously lobbying powerful institutions such as the G8 and the EU to change the international laws and regulations that contribute to the uneven distribution of wealth.The European Union (EU) is the largest multi-lateral donor of aid in the world and the decisions made within it have major implications for the lives of millions of people living in the developing world. ActionAid opened its EU Office in Brussels in 1999. The function of the ActionAid EU Office is to ensure that EU policies place the fight against extreme poverty and global injustice as a central concern. Drawing on ActionAid\u2019s experience working in Asia, Africa, Europe and in the Americas, the ActionAid EU office focuses its efforts on optimising the political space for development within the EU by working with other civil society organisations in favour of human rights',
'head_office_address': u'60\xa0rue du trone\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '85103504511-82',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Advocacy Coordinator',
'name': 'ActionAid',
'networking': 'ActionAid International belongs to a number of non-profit networks and confederations. At European level, we are members of Concord and Eurodad.',
'num_natural_members': '5',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '11/11/10 14:20:51',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:50.674376',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa025032422',
'update_date': '05/11/14 18:11:00'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Renouvellement de la d\xe9cision du conseil concernant le rhum des dom, octroi de mer, programme d\u2019option sp\xe9cifique li\xe9s \xe0 l\u2019insularit\xe9(POSEI),aide d\u2019\xe9tat pour l\u2019agriculture, dispositions sp\xe9cifiques au RUP dans le FEAMP, dans le FEDER, le FEADER et le r\xe8glement de la PAC et des futures aides d\u2019\xe9tat \xe0 finalit\xe9 r\xe9gionale.',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '10/2013\r\n - \r\n 09/2014',
'goals': u'Action Europe \xe0 pour mission de sensibiliser les institutions communautaire s\u2019agissant de pr\xe9occupations collectives de secteur \xe9conomique, organismes, profession, quant \xe0 la prise en compte de ces pr\xe9occupations dans les actes communautaires.',
'head_office_address': u'251\xa0avenue Louise\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n BRUXELLES\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '641821114951-46',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'D\xe9l\xe9gu\xe9 G\xe9n\xe9ral',
'name': 'ACTION EUROPE',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '19/11/14 13:15:55',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:51.538547',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa022821800',
'update_date': '19/11/14 14:20:52'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u"-pr\xe9sentation du projet et sensibilisation des d\xe9put\xe9s europ\xe9ens-contacts r\xe9guliers et individuels avec les d\xe9put\xe9s europ\xe9ens actifs dans le domaine de la sant\xe9 mentale-organisation d'une conf\xe9rence au sein du parlement europ\xe9en",
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u"Action for Teens aisbl est un r\xe9seau europ\xe9en d\u2019experts en adolescence. Action for Teens aisbl est un r\xe9seau de r\xe9flexion ouvert et innovant qui centralise les exp\xe9riences et expertises afin de soutenir et inciter \xe0 la cr\xe9ation de structures d\u2019accueil adapt\xe9es pour les adolescents en crise.Les objectifs d'Action for Teens aisbl sont de soutenir toutes les initiatives susceptibles de contribuer \xe0 un accueil ouvert int\xe9gr\xe9, multidisciplinaire et sp\xe9cifique pour adolescents en crise, de stimuler la coop\xe9ration transfrontali\xe8re et de sensibiliser les gouvernements europ\xe9ens \xe0 cette question. Afin de r\xe9aliser ses objectifs le r\xe9seau d\u2019experts:\u2022\tFacilite les formations, visites d\u2019\xe9tudes et stages pour les membres\u2022\tR\xe9colte, \xe9change, partage et d\xe9veloppe des expertises, exp\xe9riences, connaissances et bonnes pratiques \u2022\tSoutient et offre une aide pratique pour la cr\xe9ation de structures d\u2019accueil adapt\xe9es\u2022\tRecherche des solutions aux lacunes ressenties sur le terrain \u2022\tSensibilise le grand public, les autorit\xe9s r\xe9gionales, nationales et europ\xe9ennes\u2022\tPromeut des sp\xe9cialisations en m\xe9decine sp\xe9cifiques pour adolescents\u2022\tApporte une attention particuli\xe8re \xe0 la d\xe9tection et \xe0 la pr\xe9vention de troubles ou mal-\xeatres des adolescents\u2022\tRepr\xe9sente les membres aupr\xe8s des institutions europ\xe9ennes et internationales",
'head_office_address': u'43\xa0av. J. Pastur\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Uccle\xa01180\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '31587436619-16',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'co-directeur',
'name': 'Action for Teens',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '27',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '08/09/11 16:00:00',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:52.433559',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 375 44 93',
'update_date': '12/08/14 10:51:08'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'none',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'countries': 'BELGIUM',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 01/2014',
'goals': 'To get rid of famine and hunger through the establishment of a World Community for Food Reserves which, by managing a strategic reserve of grain, will keep food at a price that everyone can afford.',
'head_office_address': u'37\xa0General Tombeur\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '982623711334-75',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Think tanks and research institutions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Director',
'name': 'ACTION - World Community for Food Reserves',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '3',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '12/06/13 14:31:52',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:53.165562',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa00479589771',
'update_date': '19/05/14 10:05:05'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Insurance - particularly Solvency II, IMD, Insurance Guarantee Schemes, Cyber riskPensions - particularly IORP, Social Security and sustainabilityShadow BankingMIFiDUCITSInvestment and Financial RiskConsumer protection',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': 'Sole source of income is membership fees (members are national actuarial associations).We are a not-for-profit organisation.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'The AAE brings together the actuarial associations in the European Union to represent the actuarial profession in discussion with the European Union institutions on existing and proposed EU legislation which has an impact on the profession. Advice and comments provided by the AAE on behalf of the European actuarial profession are totally independent of industry interests. The AAE also provides a forum for discussion amongst all actuarial associations throughout Europe. The Groupe currently has thirty-seven member associations in thirty-five European countries, representing about 20,000 actuaries.',
'head_office_address': u'4\xa0Place du Samedi\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa0B-1000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '550855911144-54',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Chief Executive',
'name': 'Actuarial Association of Europe',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '15/05/13 12:58:41',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:53.870023',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa022170121',
'update_date': '04/11/14 10:59:44'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'CAP Reform, Clinical Trials,Cybersecurity StrategyDirective on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes,Eco-design Directive,Energy Efficiency Directive,EU Development Policy,F-Gas Regulation,Food Security, MIFs Regulation, MIFID, NIS Directive,Payment Services Directive, Pharmacovigilance,REACH, Risk Management and Risk Communications,Toy Safety Directive,Transparency Directive,Waste Framework Directive,Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive.',
'extra_financial_info': u'acumen public affairs has tried to take a very responsible approach to its ETI registration. Outlined below are the details of the approach taken.To determine our total turnover linked to lobbying the EU institutions we:1. started with our total fee revenue for 2013:2. deducted all revenue generated by services completely unrelated to the EU institutions or which involved absolutely no contacts with any official or politician of an EU institution3. included work which, while not lobbying, is very closely connected with the EU institutions and which, in pursuit of transparency should be declared The resulting figure became our total lobbying revenue for the purposes of the register. In total our approach has excluded from registration a third of our revenue. Given the absence of detailed rules from the European Commission, we have had to make judgments in many cases about what was and was not EU lobbying \u2013 especially when we do both EU lobbying and other kinds of work for clients. Generally, we have imposed a very wide interpretation of what should be considered lobbying. If we were helping a client to engage with the EU institutions on an issue, we have generally counted all our efforts as lobbying (preparation, intelligence gathering, strategic advice, implementing contacts, preparation of materials, media relations in support of lobbying campaigns etc) even if some aspects of the work could be excluded from registration based on informal guidance provided by the European Commission.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u"acumen public affairs is an independent consultancy set up in 2010 to combine the very best of big agency experience with hands-on senior support. Founding partners Elaine Cruikshanks, Abigail Jones and Giles Keane have an unrivalled track record in public affairs and strategic communications gained over more than 50 years of working for corporations, governments, trade associations, NGOs and international institutions in Brussels, Geneva and beyond. acumen public affairs' philosophy is to provide clients with value adding strategic counsel and high quality execution \u2013 by the same people. When we commit to an assignment, this means personal supervision and implementation by Acumen partners from beginning to end. That way we can ensure that we deliver results and surpass expectations \u2013 and do so at competitive prices that only an independent agency can offer.acumen public affairs believes in the power of taking an integrated approach to advocacy and communication to achieve outcomes that have a tangible impact on business performance. We have a track record of developing winning strategies that are sustainable, by identifying a confluence of interest among key stakeholders. In other words, we are skilled at squaring the circle between the private and public sectors and ordinary citizens by addressing the human aspects of issues in a regulatory or business context.",
'head_office_address': u'227\xa0Rue de la Loi\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa04\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '85679286747-21',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Partner',
'name': 'acumen public affairs',
'networking': "British Chamber of Commerce (BritCham)American European Community Association (AECA)European Public Affairs Consultancies' Association(EPACA)EurActor by EurActiv",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '20/09/11 15:08:11',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:54.697554',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 669 16 00',
'update_date': '09/09/14 09:49:11'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': "EHPAD - Alzheimer - Esquerdes - MusicotherapyInitiative d'information",
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 01/2014',
'goals': 'To change the water contents through efficient and benefics frequencies',
'head_office_address': u'58\xa0Route du Vieux Comte\xa07543 Mourcourt\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa036\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Tournai St Martin\xa07500\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '495890012821-26',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'CEO',
'name': 'ADBIOSYS',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '03/02/14 09:58:17',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:55.396661',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa069810201',
'update_date': '03/02/14 10:29:44'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Lobbying; events; public policy; public relations',
'area_of_interest': 'European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 08/2014',
'goals': 'The company represents clients who want to develop any EU activity.',
'head_office_address': u'2\xa020 Rue Capitaine Crespel\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '856390214287-08',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Associate',
'name': 'ADDL Consulting',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '28/08/14 12:00:31',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:56.089105',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0488153535',
'update_date': '01/09/14 10:55:44'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Organisation of the AD/HD Awareness Week September 2010Participation in events such as: - Advocacy Engagement Workshop (EATG, IFPA and EUFAMI): 16/11/2010 - ADHD Awareness Event "Paying attention: the impact of ADHD in Europe", hosted by Ms Nessa Childers, MEP; our president Myriam Menter spoke for ADHD-Europe: 10/11/2010.- Challenging Poverty \u2013 Creating Hope. Breaking the Cycle of Poverty and Mental Health Problems (Mental Health Europe: 22-23/10/2010- II Foro Social sobre Salud Mental, Barcelona: 18/10/2010',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': 'At the Annual Global Meeting of 2009 the members decided that ADHD-Europe does not accept funding from pharmaceutical companies, but ADHD-Europe will collaborate in the creation of educational materials and projects funded by such companies, provided these are not linked to promotion of a particular product.',
'fax_number': 'Andrea Bilbow, presidentSue Chrysostomou, secretary',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'The purpose of ADHD-Europe ivzw is to advance the rights of, and advocate on every level throughout Europe for, people affected by ADH/HD and co-morbid conditions in order to help them fulfill their full potential. ADHD-Europe shall facilitate the efforts of national and regional AD/HD organisations in Europe to acquire the necessary funding to enable them to implement projects and prodcedures to improve the lives of people with AD/HD. It shall also promote the dissemination of information and support to those who live, or are in contact, with persons who have AD/HD. ADHD-Europe shall promote AD/HD awareness and information on a European level, promoting evidence-based treatment and supporting the efforts of its members throughout Europe, in an effort to combat ignorance, stigma and intolerance with regard to AD/HD. Other fiels of activity shall be in the area of- public and professional education,- rights of individuals and their families, - support for, and participation in, sc
ientific research with particular emphasis on early intervention. As an information center, ADHD-Europe shall encourage discussion, opinion forming and public debate in the area of mental health care.',
'head_office_address': u'13\xa0Avenskouter\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Merelbeke\xa09820\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '51133501289-52',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'president',
'name': 'ADHD-Europe',
'networking': '- World Federation of ADHD- Mental Health Europe- European Public Affairs Directory - European Patient Group Directory- Fundamental Rights Platform',
'num_natural_members': '28',
'num_org_members': '26',
'org_members': u'Adapt Verein\xa0(1\xa0members);ADHD-ASC-Dyslexia Family Resources Brussels\xa0(1\xa0members);TDAH Belgique\xa0(1\xa0members);Hyperactive dreamers\xa0(1\xa0members);ADHD Liitto\xa0(1\xa0members);Hypersupers TDAH France\xa0(1\xa0members);ADHS Deutschland\xa0(1\xa0members);O Kiriakos\xa0(1\xa0members);ADHD Hellas\xa0(1\xa0members);ADHD Hungary\xa0(1\xa0members);HADD\xa0(1\xa0members);INCADDS\xa0(1\xa0members);AIFA Onlus\xa0(1\xa0members);Treffpunkt ADHS\xa0(1\xa0members);ADHD Family Support Group Malta\xa0(1\xa0members);Impuls\xa0(1\xa0members);ADANA Foundation\xa0(1\xa0members);FEAADAH\xa0(1\xa0members);Riksf\xf6rbundet Attention\xa0(1\xa0members);ADHD Norge\xa0(1\xa0members);ADHD Denmark\xa0(1\xa0members);Hiperaktivite\xa0(1\xa0members);ADD-ADHD Cyprus\xa0(1\xa0members);ADDISS UK\xa0(1\xa0members);AdS.e.V. Germany\xa0(1\xa0members);Aandacht ADHD volwassenen\xa0(1\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '03/03/09 19:17:52',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:57.116158',
'telephone': u'(+32473)\xa0617279',
'update_date': '04/03/14 07:06:00'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': "Per the Group's longstanding policy (since 1988), it does not lobby as a Group.",
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': 'The Group operates on an annual basis with a modest budget as necessary to accomplish its objectives.',
'fax_number': "Inquiries may be directed to the Group's Director, Barbara Goldsmith.",
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 04/2014',
'goals': "The Group focuses on policies and practices related to natural resource liability and restoration and related issues worldwide. Among the Group's goals are: to serve as a resource to industry on these matters; to facilitate communication and practice exchange within industry and between industry, government and other practitioners; to work to develop and refine best practices relative to these matters; and to generally advance the state-of-the art. One of the Group's specialties is the ongoing implementation of the European Union Environmental Liability Directive.",
'head_office_address': u'6\xa0Rond Point Schuman - Box 5\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '76326275827-75',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'5,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other similar organisations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Director',
'name': 'Ad-Hoc Industry Natural Resource Management Group',
'networking': "Industrial companies involved with the Group are also members of numerous business and industry associations in all sectors throughout Europe, both Brussels-based and Member State-specific. The Group often involves these entities in our ongoing work, including meetings. Examples may be found on the Group's website.",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '11/05/11 16:03:16',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:57.964787',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 234 6390',
'update_date': '30/04/14 15:06:02'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'EU humanitarian and development policy and implementationEU external relations policy and implementation',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u'The ADRA European Union Liaison Office\u2019s (ADRA EU) purpose is to influence the decision-making processes in the European Institutions, as these processes contribute to the eradication of poverty worldwide. To achieve this mission, the office collaborates with and fosters partnerships within its European network and around the world. ADRA is a faith based organization originally founded by the Seventh Day Adventist church. ADRA EU is part of the ADRA international network operating in 120 countries. Each ADRA office, like ADRA EU, works independently and is governed by its own board and constitution.ADRA strives to identify and address social injustice and deprivation in developing countries. The agency\u2019s work seeks to improve the life of those in need. ADRA advocates and invests in the potential of individuals whilst responding to Emergencies and through community development initiatives targeting: * Health * Food Security * Economic Development * Primary Education * Renewable energy * Water & SanitationADRA develops Volunteer Programs and DEAR \u2013 Development Education and Awareness Rising \u2013 campaigns in Europe, to increase the participation of the public and especially young people, for actions against poverty and fairer relations between countries.',
'head_office_address': u'11\xa0Ernest Allard\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '84615015169-54',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'600000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 700000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Director - ADRA EU',
'name': 'ADRA - Adventist Development and Relief Agency - EU Liaison Office',
'networking': 'CONCORDVOICE',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '31/01/11 13:00:21',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:58.699974',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 514 75 64',
'update_date': '07/01/14 18:18:41'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Activities comprised the full spectrum of public affairs, including monitoring and reporting, events, media relations and communication with EU decision-makers. Key policies addressed on behalf of our clients were in the domain of transport, environment, energy, climate, health and educational policy.',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'ADS Insight is a facilitator of dialogue between public and private entities. We are proud of our reputation as a resource to both.As facilitators and advisers in EU policy, we know that productive negotiation requires a detailed understanding of the subject, as well as an understanding of the objectives and constraints on either side.We analyse the EU\u2019s regulatory activities and provide our clients with information of direct relevance to their activities. Through regular monitoring, we seek to identify threats and opportunities of policy changes. Our services are tailored to the specific needs of each client. An international perspective is a distinctive feature of our work. We believe that advice on any policy area would not be complete without consideration of the social dimension and the international context. We assist our clients in putting these various aspects into perspective, assessing the relative importance of the EU\u2019s activities, and in formulating an appropriate and effective response.',
'head_office_address': u'37-41\xa0RUE DU CONGRES\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa09\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n BRUSSELS\xa0B-1000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '02762144321-07',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Managing Director',
'name': 'ADS Insight',
'networking': 'Member of SEAP, British Chamber of Commerce (Brussels),',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '08/10/10 12:45:45',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:07:59.557327',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa022503210',
'update_date': '22/10/14 16:47:56'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '- Monitoring of the EU legislation- Contribution to public consustations- Conferences and hearing organisations- Annual events- Information of stakeholders about the fields of activity of ASD, in particular, Aeronautics, Space, Security and Defence.',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Eurospace - The Space Group in ASD - has its main office in Paris at 15-17, Avenue S\xe9gur, 75007, France.Phone number 0033 1 44420070e-mail letterbox@eurospace.orgEurospace Brussels office is located in ASD premises.',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'ASD represents the aeronautics, space, defence and security industries of Europe in all matters of common interest with the objective of promoting and supporting the competitive development of these sectors. ASD pursues joint industry actions which have to be dealt with on a European level or which concern issues of an agreed transnational nature, through generating common industry positions. ASD\u2019s overall mission is to enhance the competitive development of the Aeronautics, Space, Defence and Security Industry in Europe in partnership with European institutions and Member associations. To this end, ASD:\u2022\tRepresents the European industry to promote its interests and ensure a high priority for issues affecting this sector in European public policy. The association also provides early warning on policy issues, assess policy impact, initiates and shapes policy as well as developing common positions; \u2022\tOffers a single point of contact between industry and relevant stakeholders in the European institutions; \u2022\tFacilitates the development of SMEs and the Equipment sector within a competitive supply chain; \u2022\tCoordinates at the European level services and activities such as R&T, cooperative European initiatives affecting the environment, standardisation, training/retraining, quality, airworthiness; human resources and skills as well as addressing policies social impact, it promotes trade in coordination with National Associations and sponsors workshops/conferences;\u2022\tPromotes international cooperation, takes the lead in dialogue with International Associations and Organisations and represents the European Aerospace and Defence industry in discussions with the industry of other countries and regions where a European common denominator exists.',
'head_office_address': u'10\xa0Rue Montoyer\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '72699997886-57',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 200000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of European Affairs',
'name': 'AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe',
'networking': 'ASD id member of ICCAIA (International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Association)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '30/01/12 14:55:04',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:00.409379',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 7758110',
'update_date': '24/02/14 13:59:08'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '* Further input provided for the planned revision of the Gas Appliances Directive.* Input to GAD-AC on Guidance sheets and product policies* Interpretation provided for the work on the FAQ document on the RoHS2 Directive.',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Correspondence is mostly done via the Secretariat:General SecretaryDr. Norbert Burgerc/o FIGAWAMarienburger Str. 15D-50968 K\xf6lnK\xf6ln GermanyEmail: drburger@figawa.deTel.: +49(221)37648-30Fax.: +49(221)37648-61',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'AFECOR is a non-profit Association. The objectives of theAssociation are:1* The study of all problems related to energy in all its usual forms and their control and uses on a scientific, technical and institutional level.2* To promote - on a scientific level - the standardisation of the conditions required for instruments, control apparatus and materials generally utilised, or potentially able to be utilised, in relation to the foregoing activities.3* To promote the establishment of uniform codes for theutilisation, testing and the materials of the instruments and control apparatus.4* To promote a uniform code of good practice.5* To undertake all measures, to negotiate and co-operate with all authorities and all bodies, both private and public, which are likely to be in favour of the implementation of the foregoing objectives, to join or merge with these bodies in compliance with Belgian legalprovisions and regulations contained in or taken to apply the Treaty of Rome.',
'head_office_address': u'16\xa0Luchthavenlaan\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Vilvoorde\xa01800\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '18638678159-24',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'President',
'name': 'AFECOR - European Control Manufacturers Association',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '24/02/12 14:43:57',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:01.250010',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa022550904',
'update_date': '21/02/14 12:31:31'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u"Afore Consulting is a team of 9 consultants, with each individual bringing their own area of expertise and experience to offer a targeted and added value service to our clients. This permits us to increase the range of services we provide and have them tailored to each client's specific needs.Afore Consulting\u2019s EU Public Affairs activities range across a number of public affairs services, including monitoring, policy analysis, strategy development, contact programmes, conference and event organisation as well as media communications for companies and organisations.",
'extra_financial_info': 'Afore Consulting also provides services which do not fall within the scope of this Register as they do not involve interest representation to the EU institutions.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '07/2013\r\n - \r\n 06/2014',
'goals': 'Afore Consulting is a European Public Affairs company, based in Brussels with a core strength in financial services and competition policy.Afore Consulting also advises companies and organizationson corporate governance practices, company law, relations with non-EU countries (especially US and Asia), consumer protection, data privacy, information technology, energy policy and trade.Additional services provided by Afore Consulting include assisting clients in their regulatory strategies (including initial and ongoing authorisation), cross-border contract issues, as well as offering specialised training courses.',
'head_office_address': u'14B\xa0Rue de la Science\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '03013154889-05',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Director',
'name': 'Afore Consulting',
'networking': 'American Chamber of Commerce to the EU; Centre for European Policy Studies; American European Community Association (AECA); British Chamber of Commerce to the EU',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '04/01/11 12:52:29',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:02.391441',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa028086769',
'update_date': '02/12/14 14:23:18'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Lobbying and advocacy activities focus on the following issues:-\tAgriculture-\tDevelopment-\tHealth-\tSecurity and arms trade-\tAfrica-\tTrade-\tClimate change-\tSecurity and developmentStaff that work on these issues:Bego\xf1a I\xf1arra ( in charge of external relations, health issues, arms transfer) Thomas Lazzeri (Policy Officer Trade and Corporate Social Responsibility)',
'area_of_interest': 'European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u"AEFJN promotes economic justice and sustainable human development policies between the European Union and Sub-Saharan Africa so that the African population may have a better future.AEFJN's members, many of whom are or have been in Africa, have experience of the reality of life in the continent and maintain close links with its people.AEFJN Mission:Motivated by our Christian Faith, we are present wherever political decisions affecting the relations between African countries and the European Union are taken.We advocate and lobby among our national and European policy makers and Institutions to positively influence the decisions which might affect the African peoples. AEFJN disseminates information about the problems of structural injustice in the European policies that can be harmful to Africa. We join other Church groups, as well as Civil Society groups and NGOs to push forward the building of a world based on respect, love and justice.The work of AEFJN:AEFJN gathers, and shares information about the impact of the EU and international policies on Africa, and on the underlying causes of poverty. Then does campaigns and lobby at national and European levels. The 14 European national groups lobby the governments of the member states, while the Secretariat in Brussels lobbies the European Institutions.AEFJN respond to African crisis situations and offer suggestions for possible action at EU and international level.AEFJN collaborates with African groups working on the same issues.AEFJN\u2019s main themes are:1.\tFood Sovereignty for Africa, including the livelihoods of \u201csmall\u201d farmers; also, the potential harmful effects on food sovereignty of certain EU and international trade and other policies.2.\tTrade policies and its impact on Africa, with a special focus on Economic Partnership agreements (APE).3.\tCorporate Social Responsibility and the Regulation of Transnational Corporations.4.\tAccess to Medicines of quality in Africa.5.\tArms Trade ControlAEFJN believes that this register fails basic transparency standards and that it does not provide EU lobbying transparency. When registering, we have therefore chosen to give all relevant information that we consider necessary for lobbying transparency. A credible EU lobbying transparency register should include names of individual lobbyists and the issues they are trying to influence, provide precise and comparable financial information on lobbying, and have effective sanctions to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed.Our registration is based on the guidelines for transparent registration developed by the Civil Society Contact Group and ALTER-EU (",
'financial_year': '07/2012\r\n - \r\n 06/2013',
'goals': 'To promote economic justice and sustainable human development policies between the EU and African countries and regions.To create awareness among EU and African christians: religious and lay people on structural injustices in the EU that affect Africa.To do advocacy and lobbying so that the EU policies favour sustainable development and trade justice in Africa.',
'head_office_address': u'174\xa0Joseph II\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '03904371831-43',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Executive Secretary',
'name': 'Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network',
'networking': u'Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN)Because HealthPlateforme Action Sant\xe9 et Solidarit\xe9European Trade Network (ETN)Seattle to Brussels (S2B)Action for Global HealthIntellectual Property Health (IP-Health)International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)Food Sovereignty EuropeEuropean Biofuels Coalition',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '59',
'org_members': u"School Sisters of Notre Dame\xa0(3,500\xa0members);ciety of the Sacred Heart\xa0(2,753\xa0members);Society of the Divine Word - Societas Verbi Divini\xa0(6,131\xa0members);Comboni Missionary SistersComboni Missionary Sisters\xa0(6,850\xa0members);Marist Fathers\xa0(840\xa0members);Montfort Brothers of St Gabriel\xa0(2,135\xa0members);Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers)\xa0(2,282\xa0members);Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy SpiritMissionary Sisters Serva\xa0(1,473\xa0members);Society of the Holy Child Jesus\xa0(1,567\xa0members);Bethlehem Mission Society\xa0(379\xa0members);Missionary sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (ICM)\xa0(887\xa0members);St Joseph's Missionary Society (Mill Hill Missionaries)\xa0(214\xa0members);Medical Mission Sisters\xa0(1,850\xa0members);Holy Union Sisters\xa0(2,834\xa0members);(Ursulines of the Roman Union)\xa0(937\xa0members);Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Claretian Mis\xa0(3,004\xa0members);Holy-Family sisters of Bordeaux\xa0(810\xa0members);Carmelite Sisters of Charity\xa0(750\xa0members);Congregation of Christian Brothers\xa0(6,850\xa0members);Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary\xa0(280\xa0members);Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary\xa0(277\xa0members);Daughters of Mary and Joseph\xa0(200\xa0members);Brothers of the Immaculate Conception\xa0(329\xa0members);Franciscan Missionaries of Mary\xa0(19,436\xa0members);Marist Brothers\xa0(6,900\xa0members);Brothers of the Christian Schools\xa0(6,850\xa0members);Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary\xa0(497\xa0members);Consolata Missionaries\xa0(800\xa0members);Consolata Missionaries Sisters\xa0(417\xa0members);Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus\xa0(1,932\xa0members);Missionaries of Mariannhill\xa0(6,298\xa0members);Mercederian Missionaries of Berriz\xa0(909\xa0members);Missionaries of the Sacred Heart\xa0(850\xa0members);Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa\xa0(950\xa0members);Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostles\xa0(3,766\xa0members);Oblates of Mary Immaculate\xa0(1,000\xa0members);Pontifical Institute of Foreign Missions\xa0(617\xa0members);Little Sisters of the Assumption\xa0(380\xa0members);Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good ShepherdSisters of Our Lady\xa0(4,160\xa0members);Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary\xa0(1,534\xa0members);Sisters of Mercy\xa0(1,945\xa0members);Society of African Missions\xa0(1,890\xa0members);Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions\xa0(840\xa0members);Sisters of Notre Dame of Namur\xa0(1,620\xa0members);Sisters of St Paul of Chartres\xa0(360\xa0members);St. Patrick\u2019s Missionary SocietySt. Patrick\u2019s Missionary Society\xa0(789\xa0members);Sisters of St. Louis\xa0(3,313\xa0members);School Sisters of Notre Dame\xa0(680\xa0members);Servants of the Holy Spirit\xa0(1,260\xa0members);Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent of Paul\xa0(9,400\xa0members);Religieuses de Saint Andr\xe9\xa0(320\xa0members);Dominican Misionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart\xa0(155\xa0members);Brothers of Our Lady Mother of Mercy\xa0(760\xa0members);Congrega\xe7\xe3o das Irm\xe3s de Santa Doroteia\xa0(2,095\xa0members);Soci\xe9t\xe9 des Filles du Coeur de Marie\xa0(850\xa0members);Congrega\xe7\xe3o das Irm\xe3s Franciscanas de Nossa Senhora das Vit\xf3rias\xa0(850\xa0members);Congrega\xe7\xe3o das Religiosas do Sagrado Cora\xe7\xe3o de Maria\xa0(1,900\xa0members);Soeurs Hospitali\xe8res de Ste Marthe de Fribourg\xa0(2,650\xa0members);/ Petites S\u0153urs de l'Assomption /\xa0(911\xa0members)",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '11/06/09 16:23:52',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:03.264071',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa022346812',
'update_date': '14/11/14 11:20:33'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'AGC Glass Europe aims to follow the developments in EU legislation that are relevant to the flat glass industry and aims to make timely and constructive input to the different policy-making processes.',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': 'Public Affairs:Niels SchreuderPublic Affairs ManagerPhone:(+32) 02 409 30 02Email:',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u'AGC Glass Europe produces and processes flat glass for the construction industry (exterior glazing and interior decorative glass), the automotive industry, the energy solar industry and for specialised industries. Based in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, it is the European branch of AGC Glass, the world\u2019s largest producer of flat glass.',
'head_office_address': u'4\xa0Avenue Jean Monnet\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Louvain-la-Neuve\xa0B - 1348\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '26640451032-87',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Public Affairs Manager',
'name': 'AGC Glass Europe',
'networking': "AGC Glass Europe is a member of Glass for Europe, the European association for Europe's manufacturers of building, automotive, and energy-solar glass.",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '30/01/09 12:13:01',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:03.935768',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa002 409 3002',
'update_date': '08/04/14 16:29:47'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '-',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2011\r\n - \r\n 12/2011',
'goals': u"L'Agenzia ha il compito di sviluppare, agevolare e promuovere i rapporti economici e commerciali italiani con l'estero, con particolare attenzione alle esigenze delle piccole e medie imprese, dei loro consorzi e raggruppamenti. L'ICE opera al fine di sviluppare l'internazionalizzazione delle impre
se italiane, nonch\xe9 la commercializzazione dei beni e servizi italiani nei mercati internazionali, e di promuovere l'immagine del prodotto italiano nel mondo. L'Agenzia svolge le attivit\xe0 utili al perseguimento dei compiti ad essa affidati e, in particolare, offre servizi di informazione, assistenza e consulenza alle imprese italiane che operano nel commercio internazionale e promuove la cooperazione nei settori industriale, agricolo e agro-alimentare, della distribuzione e del terziario, al fine di incrementare la presenza delle imprese italiane sui mercati internazionali.",
'head_office_address': u'12\xa0Place de la liberte\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '82424738014-34',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Vice direttore',
'name': "Agenzia per la promozione all'estero e l'internazionalisazzione delle imprese italiane",
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '08/02/12 09:31:27',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:04.607333',
'telephone': u'(+0032)\xa022291430',
'update_date': '13/01/14 15:38:11'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'AGE Platform Europe aims to voice and promote the interests of the 150 million senior citizens in the European Union on the issues that concern them most, in particular in the fields of non-discrimination, equality between women and men, employment, lifelong learning, social inclusion, social protection including adequacy of income in old age, health and long term care, the digital divide which excludes older people from the information society, accessibility of the build environment and public transport, research on ageing, etc.AGE is also involved in an awareness-raising campaign for an age-friendly European Union.For more information, please click here:',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 07/2014',
'goals': u'AGE Platform Europe is a European network of organisations of people aged 50+ and directly represents over 28 million older people in Europe. AGE aims to voice and promote the interests of the 150 million inhabitants aged 50+ in the European Union and to raise awareness of the issues that concern them most.AGE\u2019s vision is that of a European society inclusive of all ages and free from all forms of discrimination, where all citizens enjoy equal rights and equal access to fundamental goods and services and where all citizens, regardless of their age, are empowered to participate fully in society. In order to realise this agenda, our members believe that the EU must work in partnership with all relevant stakeholders. Indeed, the scale of these challenges requires full commitment from all actors with a stake in Europe\u2019s success, and AGE believes that civil society has a unique contribution to make in realising this aim and in building a new confidence in the EU as a force for prosperity, solidarity, security and equal opportunity for all in EuropeAGE\u2019s work is mainly targeted at our members as well as external stakeholders such as European institutions, national and local public authorities, European social NGOs and social partners, and other relevant parties working in the field of ageing and human rights.AGE aims to become the key network representing senior citizens across the EU and for that we want to develop our capacity to respond to the rapidly growing request for co-operation from external institutions: public authorities at EU, national regional and local levels, universities, researchers, social partners, industry, and other NGOs. AGE believes that older and/or retired people should be able to speak out on their own behalf. To this end, AGE places great importance on their leadership and active involvement in all of its activities. To implement this principle, our internal structure is developed in a democratic way, with a General Assembly, elected Council and Executive Committee, designated Accreditation Committee and Experts Groups and an appointed Secretariat, to ensure that our members are actively involved in our work. Our main working method is networking and alliance building. AGE works to build a more effective civil dialogue at European, national, regional and local level and seeks to ensure that this dialogue recognises and takes account of the needs and expectations of older people across the EU and of their great social and cultural diversity.',
'head_office_address': u'111\xa0Rue Froissart\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '16549972091-86',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretary General',
'name': 'AGE Platform Europe',
'networking': 'AGE is a member of the following organisations:',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '147',
'org_members': u"50 & pi\xf9\xa0(0\xa0members);50+ Hellas\xa0(0\xa0members);A. C. S. Bull\xa0(0\xa0members);AARP (Global Ageing Programme)\xa0(0\xa0members);ABVV Senioren\xa0(0\xa0members);Action de Coordination de Lieux et d'Accueil aux Personnes \xc2g\xe9es (ACL\xa0(0\xa0members);Action for Ageing\xa0(0\xa0members);Active Retirement Ireland\xa0(0\xa0members);Affirmative Seniors\xa0(0\xa0members);Age & Opportunity\xa0(0\xa0members);Age Action Ireland Ltd\xa0(0\xa0members);Age Northern Ireland\xa0(0\xa0members);AGE Sector Platform\xa0(0\xa0members);Age Stiftung\xa0(0\xa0members);Age UK\xa0(0\xa0members);AGSSE - Highest level Co-federation of Greek retirees\xa0(0\xa0members);Alternativa 50+, o.p.s.\xa0(0\xa0members);ANBO\xa0(0\xa0members);ANCESCAO Coordinamento Provinciale di Latina\xa0(0\xa0members);ANLA \u2013 Associazione Nazionale Seniores D\u2019Azienda\xa0(0\xa0members);Anpecomit - Associazione Nazionale fra Pnsionati ed Esodati della Banc\xa0(0\xa0members);Asociaci\xf2n de Profesores Universitarios Jubilados\xa0(0\xa0members);Association des Retrait\xe9s d'Air France\xa0(0\xa0members);Association des Retrait\xe9s ESSO\xa0(0\xa0members);Association for Social Support\xa0(0\xa0members);Associazione Diritti Anziani (ADA)\xa0(0\xa0members);Associazione Lavoro Over 40\xa0(0\xa0members);Associazione Nazionale Anziani e Pensionati (ANAP)\xa0(0\xa0members);Associazione Nazionale Centri Sociali, Comitati Anziani e Orti (ANCESC\xa0(0\xa0members);Associazione Nazionale Pensionati CIA\xa0(0\xa0members);Associazione Nazionale Terza Et\xe0 Attiva (ANTEAS)\xa0(0\xa0members);ATDAL Over 40\xa0(0\xa0members);British Society of Gerontology\xa0(0\xa0members);Bulgarian Red Cross\xa0(0\xa0members);Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen\xa0(0\xa0members);Catalonian Federation of Elder Associations (FATEC)\xa0(0\xa0members);CD&V-senioren\xa0(0\xa0members);Charity Association Donka Paprikova\xa0(0\xa0members);Civil Service Pensioners Alliance\xa0(0\xa0members);CNA Pensionati\xa0(0\xa0members);Confederac\xedon Espa\xf1ola De Organizaciones De Mayores (CEOMA)\xa0(0\xa0members);Conf\xe9d\xe9ration Fran\xe7aise des Retrait\xe9s\xa0(0\xa0members);Consorzio Anziani e Non Solo\xa0(0\xa0members);Courants d\u2019Ages asbl - R\xe9seau de l\u2019Interg\xe9n\xe9ration\xa0(0\xa0members);CURAVIVA\xa0(0\xa0members);DaneAge - Aeldresagen\xa0(0\xa0members);Design for All Foundation\xa0(0\xa0members);EGEE Entente des G\xe9n\xe9rations pour l'Emploi et l'Entreprise\xa0(0\xa0members);En\xe9o (ex UCP)\xa0(0\xa0members);Envelhecer com Prazer\xa0(0\xa0members);ESO - European Senior Organisation\xa0(0\xa0members);Estonian Association of Pensioners' Societies\xa0(0\xa0members);Et\xe0 Libera - Associazione di Volontariato\xa0(0\xa0members);Europ\xe4ischen Zentrum f\xfcr Arbeitnehmerfragen (EZA)\xa0(0\xa0members);European Association for Directors and Providers of Long-Term Care Se\xa0(0\xa0members);European Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing (EAHSA)\xa0(0\xa0members);European Senior Citizens Union (ESU)\xa0(0\xa0members);FairPensions\xa0(0\xa0members);FAP ACLI\xa0(0\xa0members);Federacion Territorial de Asociaciones provinciales de pensionistas y\xa0(0\xa0members);Federatie Onafhankelijke Senioren (FedOS)\xa0(0\xa0members);F\xe9d\xe9ration des anciens du groupe Rh\xf4ne-Poulenc (FARP)\xa0(0\xa0members);F\xe9deration Internationale des Associations de Personnes \xc2g\xe9es (FIAPA)\xa0(0\xa0members);F\xe9d\xe9ration Nationale des Associations de Retrait\xe9s\xa0(0\xa0members);Federaziona Nazionale Sindacale delle Associazioni dei Pensionati del\xa0(0\xa0members);Federazione Italiana Pensionati Attivit\xe0 Commerciali\xa0(0\xa0members);Federpensionati Coldiretti\xa0(0\xa0members);FIDES (F\xe9d\xe9ration Interr\xe9gionale pour le D\xe9veloppement de l\u2019Emploi des\xa0(0\xa0members);FOCAGG Fed d'Organitzacions Catalanes de Gent Gran, Dones i Fam\xedlia\xa0(0\xa0members);Fondation de l'Arm\xe9e du Salut\xa0(0\xa0members);Fondation Nationale de G\xe9rontologie\xa0(0\xa0members);Forum Pre Pomoc Starsim (Forum for Help to Age, National Network)\xa0(0\xa0members);Fundacja na Rzecz Kobiet JA KOBIETA (Foundation for Women\u2019s Issues)\xa0(0\xa0members);Gerontology Science Coordinatioon Center\xa0(0\xa0members);Groupement Europ\xe9en des Retrait\xe9s des Caisses d'Epargne, Banques et I\xa0(0\xa0members);Homeshare International\xa0(0\xa0members);Information Defense Action Retraite (IDAR)\xa0(0\xa0members);Institut Antona Trstenjaka \u2013 Anton Trstenjak Institute of gerontology\xa0(0\xa0members);Institut europ\xe9en interuniversitaire d'action sociale\xa0(0\xa0members);Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Leicester\xa0(0\xa0members);International Longevity Centre Uk (ILC-UK)\xa0(0\xa0members);Irish Association of Older People\xa0(0\xa0members);Istituto Italiano Per la Qualit\xe0 del Vivere\xa0(0\xa0members);Japan Productive Ageing Research Centre\xa0(0\xa0members);Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe, Wilhelmine-L\xfcbke-Stiftung e.V.\xa0(0\xa0members);Les Ain\xe9s du CdH\xa0(0\xa0members);Les petits fr\xe8res des Pauvres\xa0(0\xa0members);Lithuanian Pensioners Union, \u201cBociai\u201d\xa0(0\xa0members);Mestna zveza upokojencev Ljubljana\xa0(0\xa0members);Nationaal Ouderenfonds (NFE)\xa0(0\xa0members);National Association of Pensioners\xa0(0\xa0members);National Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO)\xa0(0\xa0members);National Council for The Elderly\xa0(0\xa0members);National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE)\xa0(0\xa0members);National Pensioners Convention\xa0(0\xa0members);Nederlandse Vereniging van Organisaties van Gepensioneerden (NVOG)\xa0(0\xa0members);Nordic Older People\u2019s Organisation (NOPO)\xa0(0\xa0members);OKRA, trefpunt 55+\xa0(0\xa0members);Old Up\xa0(0\xa0members);Older People's Commission for Wales\xa0(0\xa0members);Older Women's Network - Europe\xa0(0\xa0members);Open Centre for the Protection of the Elderly (K.A.P.I.)\xa0(0\xa0members);Oudere Vrouwen Netwerk - Nederland\xa0(0\xa0members);Over 50 Della Confeuro\xa0(0\xa0members);Pancyprian Federation for the Welfare of the Elderly (POSEI)\xa0(0\xa0members);Pensionisten Verband\xa0(0\xa0members);Progetto Italia Duemila\xa0(0\xa0members);Protestants Christelijke Ouderen Bond (PCOB)\xa0(0\xa0members);Public Service Pensioner's Council (PSPC)\xa0(0\xa0members);Respect Seniors\xa0(0\xa0members);S-Plus vzw\xa0(0\xa0members);S.a.pens. Sindacato Autonomo Pensionati\xa0(0\xa0members);Senior Help Line\xa0(0\xa0members);Senioren Union der CDU in Niedersachsen\xa0(0\xa0members);Seniors Entrepreneurs\xa0(0\xa0members);Seniors of the European Public Service (SFPE)\xa0(0\xa0members);Sindacato Nazionale Pensionati della Confagricoltura\xa0(0\xa0members);SOLIMAI - societa cooperativa sociale a r.l.\xa0(0\xa0members);Sozialverband VdK Deutschland E.V.\xa0(0\xa0members);Spanish Red Cross\xa0(0\xa0members);Swedish Association of Senior Citizens\xa0(0\xa0members);The Association of Swedish-Speaking Pensioners in Finland\xa0(0\xa0members);The Beth Johnson Foundation\xa0(0\xa0members);The Central Union for the Welfare of the Aged\xa0(0\xa0members);The European Federation of Older People (EURAG)\xa0(0\xa0members);The National Federation of Occupational Pensioners\xa0(0\xa0members);The National Pensioners' Convention of Croatia (NPCC)\xa0(0\xa0members);The Norwegian Center of Senior Policy (SSP)\xa0(0\xa0members);Third Age Foundation\xa0(0\xa0members);Turkish Geriatrics Society\xa0(0\xa0members);T\xdcRK\u0130YE EMEKL\u0130LER DERNE\u011e\u0130 (Turkey Retired Persons Organisation) - TIE\xa0(0\xa0members);UnieKBO\xa0(0\xa0members);UNIFAI- Unidade de Investiga\xe7\xe3o e Forma\xe7\xe3o sobre Adultos e Idosos\xa0(0\xa0members);Uni\xf3n Democr\xe1tica de Pensionistas\xa0(0\xa0members);Union des Anciens du Groupe BP\xa0(0\xa0members);Union F\xe9d\xe9rale des Retrait\xe9s des Banques\xa0(0\xa0members);Union Fran\xe7aise des Retrait\xe9s\xa0(0\xa0members);Union Nationale des Retrait\xe9s (UNAR-CFTC)\xa0(0\xa0members);Union Nationale Interprofessionnelle des Retrait\xe9s U.N.I.R. CFE/CGC\xa0(0\xa0members);Union Nationale Retrait\xe9s Personnes Ag\xe9es\xa0(0\xa0members);UNITRE University of Third Age\xa0(0\xa0members);Universit\xe0 dei 50 & pi\xf9\xa0(0\xa0members);Vlaamse Ouderenraad vzw\xa0(0\xa0members);Wise Owls Employment Agency\xa0(0\xa0members);ZIVOT 90\xa0(0\xa0members);Age Concern Espa\xf1a\xa0(0\xa0members);\xa0(0\xa0members)",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '29/07/09 16:31:26',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:05.843687',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa022801470',
'update_date': '22/07/14 14:40:49'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '- Industrial policy- Environment issues- Internal market directives- Public procurement- Trade issues- Energy policy- Research & Development- Industrial policy- IPR - Digital agenda',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'Agoria is the Belgian federation for the technology industry.The companies represented by Agoria are active in 13 branches of the industry : aerospace, automotive, construction products, contracting & maintenance, electrical engineering, industrial automation, information & commnunication technologies, mechatronical engineering, metals & materials, metal processing, mounting & cranes, plastics & composites, security & defence.The purposes of the federation are to provide companies with information, services & advices and to improve the social-economic climate for companies industry (at local, Belgian & EU level).',
'head_office_address': u'80\xa0Bd reyers Ln\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01030\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '68004524380-10',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'300000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 350000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Advisor',
'name': 'AGORIA - Belgian federation for the technology',
'networking': 'Agoria is member of asd, caef, cecapi, cece, ceced, cecimo, cecof,ceemet, cefacd, ceir, celma, cema, cematex,cemep, clccr, clepa, cocir, colibi/coliped, digitaleurope, eaa, eccs/cecm, ecsa, eeca/esia,effra, ehi, ela, empac, eppa, euchemap, eucia, eupc, eurofeu,euroforge, eurometaux, europgen, europump, eurotrans, eurovent, ewea, faecf, fec, femb, fem-x, gtb, istma, iza-uerope, omnium-cet, orgalime, pneurop, sefa, sefel, T&D Europe, Unife.',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '20/10/10 20:06:29',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:06.553070',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa027067800',
'update_date': '15/10/14 15:00:34'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'PACJeunes Agriculteurs',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u"AgriBrussels:- Organise des rencontres avec des d\xe9cideurs appartenant aux institutions europ\xe9ennes, \xe0 destination de groupes d\u2019agriculteurs, organisations agricoles, \xe9tudiants,... Venir \xe0 Bruxelles- Organise des visites d\u2019exploitations agricoles, des rencontres avec des agriculteurs sur le terrain, pour des fonctionnaires europ\xe9ens, eurod\xe9put\xe9s, lobbyistes, \xe9tudiants,... Visiter des fermes- Organise des stages \xe0 la ferme pour toutes personnes interess\xe9es et motiv\xe9es \xe0 partager la vie d'une famille d'agriculteur,... Stages \xe0 la ferme- Vient vous informer chez vous des actualit\xe9s de Bruxelles ou des campagnes, r\xe9dige des articles pour mieux comprendre Bruxelles,... Rencontrons-nous- Met sur pied et conduit des rencontres entre agriculteurs de diff\xe9rents pays ou des voyages \xe0 th\xe9matiques agricoles,... Rencontrez-vous- Publie les compte-rendus de r\xe9unions, conf\xe9rences, r\xe9flexions ou d\xe9cisions ayant une influence sur l\u2019agriculture,... Actualit\xe9s \xe0 Bruxelles- Etablit le co\xfbt de production moyen de produits agricoles de base et le compare au prix moyen per\xe7u par l'agriculteur,... Vivre des campagnes- Propose des photos et vid\xe9os montrant des agriculteurs au travail, leurs animaux et des paysages \xe9voluant au rythme des saisons,... Images des campagnes- Pr\xe9sente un agenda des activit\xe9s \xe0 Bruxelles ou dans les campagnes,... Agenda",
'head_office_address': u'25\xa0de Fonteny\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Jodoigne\xa01370\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '56343931674-43',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Founder',
'name': 'AgriBrussels',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '3',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '12/05/09 11:13:42',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:07.582685',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0478336313',
'update_date': '15/09/14 09:20:01'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Representing our members and associated members as regards development issues on going, and particularly issues related to food security and agriculture.',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'Created in 2003, AGRICORD is the alliance of agri-agencies, organisations for international cooperation with main objective to support the strengthening of agricultural and rural organisations from developing countries, and with a mandate of agricultural and rural membership organisations in its own country (OCDE countries).Since 2007, AGRICORD operates "Farmers Fighting for Poverty", a programme aiming at strenghtening farmers\' organisations in developing countries.',
'head_office_address': u'8\xa0Minderbroederstraat\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Leuven\xa03000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '02956895166-25',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Charg\xe9e de mission',
'name': 'AGRICORD vzw',
'networking': u'AGRICORD is the alliance of agri-agencies.It is composed of 10 members: Afdi (FNSEA, APCA, JA, CNMCCA), FranceAgriterra (LTO, SSVO, NCR and NAJK), The NetherlandsAsiaDHRRA (Asian Farmers Association), AsiaAsprodeb (29 Farmers organisations from Senegal), SenegalCSA (F\xe9d\xe9ration Wallonne de l\u2019Agriculture), BelgiumFFD (MTK, Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners), FinlandFert (Groupe C\xe9r\xe9aliers de France (AGPB, AGPM, ARVALIS, UNIGRAINS), FranceTRIAS (Boerenbond, Landelijke Gilden, KVLV and KLJ), BelgiumUPA-DI (Union of Agricultural Producers), Quebec, CanadaWE EFFECT (former SCC) (LRF Federation of Swedish Farmers), SwedenAnd of 3 associated members:CIA Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori, ItalyDBV Deutscher Bauernverband, GermanyUPA Union de Peque\xf1os Agricultores y Ganaderos, Spain',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '31/01/11 10:56:46',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:08.472217',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa016242750',
'update_date': '20/01/14 09:51:59'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'AIBI was active in open consultations of the European Union in the area of internal market and unfair trading systems.',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'The Association is a non-profit making organisation whose main purpose is to represent, promote and project the interests of plant bakers in Europe and beyond as appropriate. The Association represent the member interests at the institutions of the European Union and other international institutions and organisations. AIBI aisbl examines and monitors existing and proposed legislation and regulations and provides scientific, technical and consumer oriented information about bakery products. As well AIBI aisbl promotes and enhances the positive image of bread to consumers and to the media.',
'head_office_address': u'10\xa0Grand Place\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '55835028654-55',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretary General',
'name': 'AIBI aisbl',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '24/04/12 11:18:25',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:09.146066',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa023611900',
'update_date': '06/04/14 20:28:10'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Consumer policy and unfair commercial practicesIntellectual property (trade marks, anti-counterfeiting)Sustainability (environment, social, economic)Health and Well-beingDigital Agenda',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': "The costs have been calculated in line with SEAP's ETI Registration Guidelines.www.seap.beAIM subscribes to the SEAP conduct of conduct.",
'fax_number': 'Contact person: Bernadette Bracken, Office Manager at AIM',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u"AIM is the European Brands Association. It represents brand manufacturers in Europe on key issues which affect their ability to design, distribute and market their brands.AIM\u2019s membership groups some 1800 companies of all sizes through corporate members and national associations in 21 countries.In the sole sector of daily branded consumer products such as food, drink, home and personal care consumers spent as much as 640 billion Euro in the EU in 2012. Branding also plays a major role in the success of quality products in the consumer electronics, toys, fashion, sporting goods or automotive sectors. AIM's mission is to create for brands an environment of fair and vigorous competition, fostering innovation and guaranteeing maximum value to consumers now and for generations to come.",
'head_office_address': u'9\xa0Avenue des Gaulois\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '1074382679-01',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'200000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 250000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Senior Public Affairs Manager',
'name': 'AIM European Brands Association',
'networking': "AIM is the secretariat for:The Anti-counterfeiting Committee (the EU's leading network of organisations and companies fighting counterfeiting)",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '26/11/08 14:03:18',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:09.826090',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa027360305',
'update_date': '30/10/14 08:48:34'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '- F-Gas Regulation- Energy Efficiency- Follow-up renewable energy sources Directive- Follow -up Pressure Equipment Directive- Follow-up Regulation on Ozone-Depleting Substances',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': 'AREA is entirely funded by its members and, sporadically and for maximum 10% of its budget, by a partnership agreement with a trade exhibition.AREA is now involved in a Lifelong Learning Programme project (REAL ALternatives - which started in November 2013 and will finish in November 2015.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 11/2014',
'goals': u"AREA is the European federation whose members are the national federations representing refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump contractors.AREA has 20 members from 17 countries with a total membership of some 13,000 companies across Europe and a workforce of 110,000 (2012).AREA\u2019s general mission statement is to \u201csupport and initiate activities to promote the industry and its high standards of quality, in order to serve users' interest in a safe and uninterrupted usage of efficient refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment, and to create and maintain a favourable business climate for European refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump contractors, in terms of quality, safety, employment, fair competition and profitability\u201dAREA\u2019s general objectives are:- Harmonisation of education and training / certification- Promotion of technical evolutions- Environmental protection / tackling climate change / energy efficiency- Recommendations on and promotion of professional techniques and high-level standards",
'head_office_address': u'80\xa0Bd. A. Reyers\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01030\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '03396347383-49',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretary General',
'name': 'Air Conditioning and Refrigeration European Association',
'networking': u'- EPEE (European partnership for Energy and the Environment)- FAIB (F\xe9d\xe9ration des Associations Internationales \xe9tablies en Belgique)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '09/12/11 11:31:26',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:10.525478',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa027068237',
'update_date': '12/11/14 12:32:10'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Further developement of ACI EUROPE activities as regards its knowledge source/expertise network role by enhancing ACI EUROPE:- advisory services (including through studies and reports) and data/statistics services - training services- networking services & conferences activities- technical and management assistance (for example through new programmes such Airport Carbon Accreditation or our joint Action Plans with Eurocontrol)',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u"L'\xe9tude de toutes affaires relatives \xe0 l'industrie du transport et en particulier aux activit\xe9s d'a\xe9roports, aux structures a\xe9roportuaires, aux frais d'a\xe9roports et \xe0 l'am\xe9lioration, la s\xe9curit\xe9, la protection et tous aspects op\xe9rationnels, environnementaux, financiers et commerciaux des a\xe9roports et des soci\xe9t\xe9s qui y travaillent. L'\xe9tablissement de positions communes aupr\xe8s des autorit\xe9s des Etats membres de l'Europe et le promotion des objectifs de l'aviation civile aupr\xe8s des autorit\xe9s europ\xe9ennes.",
'head_office_address': u'6\xa0Square de Mee\xfbs\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '42566063487-73',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'VI - Organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Directeur G\xe9n\xe9ral',
'name': 'Airports Council International - European Region',
'networking': 'ACI WORLD',
'num_natural_members': '677',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '22/04/10 09:22:33',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:11.583785',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 552 09 72',
'update_date': '26/03/14 18:16:03'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '- General: Monitor legislation that is relevant to our products and operations and the chemical industry- REACH- Ecolabels & Green Public Procurement- Water Framework Directive- RoHS',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'Albemarle Europe SPRL is a subsidiary of Albemarle Corporation, which is headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Albemarle is a leading global developer, manufacturer and marketer of highly-engineered specialty chemicals for consumer electronics, petroleum refining, utilities, packaging, construction, automotive/transportation, pharmaceuticals, crop protection, food safety and custom chemistry services. The Company is committed to global sustainability and is advancing its eco-practices and solutions in its two business segments: Performance Chemicals and Catalyst solutions. Albemarle employs over 3.900 people and serves customers in approximately 100 countries. Albemarle Europe SPRL is located in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, and serves as our European headquarters.',
'head_office_address': u'9\xa0Rue du Bosquet\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Louvain-La-Neuve\xa01348\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '45998396398-77',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'200000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 250000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'EU Public Affairs Director',
'name': 'Albemarle Europe',
'networking': 'CEFIC, AmCham EU, BSEF, EFRA, VCI, VNCI, Essenscia, ECMA, Mavesz',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '09/08/11 09:32:43',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:12.457484',
'telephone': u'(+10)\xa0481711',
'update_date': '23/07/14 11:31:59'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'AB-S Consulting is a newly established consulting firm. No EU initiatives were followed in 2013.',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'We are a Brussels-based consulting firm for trade & industry associations and companies seeking to:- strategically engage with the EU Institutions and relevant regulatory and standardisation organisations- stay abreast of new legislation and - expand their network of influential decision makers and business partners.We offer a wide range of high quality, cost-effective services. AB-S Consulting has a strong expertise in consumer goods industries and retail (including textiles & clothing, footwear, furniture & furnishings, luxury goods, sport & wellbeing).Along with association management and EU-funded project management, we are specialised in implementing effective lobbying strategies mainly in the following areas: international trade, environment, internal market & consumer affairs, electronic commerce, SMEs policies, product labelling, IPRs & counterfeiting, product safety & market surveillance, corporate social responsibility, sustainable development and sector-specific legislation.Our team of EU Public Affairs professionals has several years of experience at European and international level and communicates in English, Italian, French, Dutch, German and Spanish.',
'head_office_address': u'183\xa0Avenue de Brugmann\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01190\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '755605912443-18',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Chief Executive',
'name': 'Alberto Bichi Consulting',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '16/12/13 18:06:21',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:13.148621',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0473382851',
'update_date': '26/11/14 17:33:37'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u' is actief doorheen drie essenti\xeble fasen in het leven van een geneesmiddel: research (onder meer klinische studies), het op de markt brengen van het geneesmiddel (volksgezondheid en de vergunning voor het in de handel brengen), prijs en terugbetaling (sociale en economische zaken).',
'area_of_interest': 'national',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u', de Algemene Vereniging van de Geneesmiddelenindustrie, groepeert momenteel 140 farmaceutische ondernemingen met een vestiging in Belgi\xeb. Als volwaardige partner van artsen, apothekers, ziekenhuizen, overheden en andere betrokkenen heeft zij als missie de bevordering van betere gezondheidszorg door therapeutische innovatie in het domein van de geneesmiddelen voor humaan gebruik. Topprioriteit is dan ook dat de pati\xebnt zo snel mogelijk kan beschikken over de "geneesmiddelen van morgen", die voortkomen uit Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling',
'head_office_address': u'166\xa0Terhulpsesteenweg\xa0Chauss\xe9e de La Hulpe\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussel\xa01170\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '25571625843-29',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'225,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Algemeen directeur',
'name': 'Algemene vereniging van de Geneesmiddelenindustrie',
'networking': u' is lid van EFPIA, de Europese is lid van essenscia, een multisectorale koepelorganisatie in Belgi\xeb die de vele activiteitssectoren van de chemie en de life sciences is lid van VBO, het verbond van Belgische ondernemingen.',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '13/05/11 15:03:05',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:13.840473',
'telephone': u'(+0032)\xa02 661 91 26',
'update_date': '16/04/14 15:16:37'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u"Suivi des activit\xe9s et participation \xe0 des \xe9v\xe9nements organis\xe9s par les institutions de l'UE. Rencontre d'\xe9lus et d'administrateurs travaillant sur les secteurs d'activit\xe9s int\xe9ressant nos clients.",
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u"Si\xe8ge d'exploitation: Square de Meu\xfbs, 374\xe8me \xe9tage1000 BruxellesBelgique",
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u"Informer et conseiller nos clients par rapport \xe0 l'\xe9volution de la l\xe9gislation europ\xe9enne.Organiser des \xe9v\xe9nements \xe0 Bruxelles.",
'head_office_address': u'29\xa0du Pr\xe9sident\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Ixelles\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '204793610436-15',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Self-employed consultants',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Associ\xe9e',
'name': u'Ali\xe9norEU',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '10/01/13 15:30:34',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:14.692730',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa027917610',
'update_date': '06/01/14 13:59:26'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': "1. to maintain a community of members (organisations and individuals) who have decided to work on the aims; at present 22 members in 10 countries. 2. to organise regular expert talks at the European Parliament.3. to publish books on expert talks. In 2013 the fourth yearbook 'Improving the Quality of Childhood in Europe 2013' was published. 4. participation in hearings at the invitation of the European Commission and other organisations.",
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'The aim of the organisation is to work on: a good quality childhood, based on principles that the child is respected with his/her aspirations to develop his/her inner potential, and that the quality of relationships of the child with important adults is a key element for his/her growth as a human being.',
'head_office_address': u'214 bus 7\xa0Konkelstraat\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussel\xa01200\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '805062413338-50',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretaris-Generaal',
'name': 'Alliance for Childhood European Network Foundation',
'networking': 'The Alliance for Childhood is lid van Eurochild',
'num_natural_members': '1',
'num_org_members': '22',
'org_members': u'Arge Erziehungsberatung\xa0(1\xa0members);Higher Institute for Family Sciences\xa0(1\xa0members);The Experiential Education Project\xa0(1\xa0members);Saharan & North African Toy and Play Cultures\xa0(1\xa0members);Idee Kids vzw\xa0(1\xa0members);Centre for Relational Competence\xa0(1\xa0members);Haukkala Foundation\xa0(1\xa0members);Le Furet\xa0(1\xa0members);Arbor Verlag\xa0(1\xa0members);Familienforum Havelh\xf6he\xa0(1\xa0members);European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants\xa0(1\xa0members);Legambiente\xa0(1\xa0members);Korczak Foundation\xa0(2\xa0members);Stichting Universele Opvoeding\xa0(1\xa0members);NIVOZ / Het Kind\xa0(2\xa0members);\xa0(1\xa0members);Movium\xa0(1\xa0members);FamilyLab International\xa0(1\xa0members);IASWECE\xa0(1\xa0members);ECSWE\xa0(2\xa0members);Universal Education Foundation\xa0(1\xa0members);ELIANT\xa0(1\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '26/03/14 11:34:03',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:15.578763',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0027622557',
'update_date': '26/03/14 11:36:52'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'With a view to raising the profile of the logistics industry with policymakers, AEL aims to facilitate:-The creation of a permanent high-level EU stakeholders\u2019 group for logistics with a broad-based industry representation.-Closer coordination between industry and the European Commission on key strategic decisions.-The creation of a more integrated longer-term strategy for logistics, based on realistic scenarios for 2020. This necessitates engagement with all the major players in the industry, as well as consideration of broader policies, such as the EU\u2019s Climate Change Strategy, internal market for transport, future of transport policy, industrial policy and information society.',
'area_of_interest': 'European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'The Alliance for European Logistics (AEL) promotes a new policy agenda for European logistics services in Europe. The AEL was launched at the 1st European Logistics Summit in November 2008, and builds on the shared commitment of its members - senior executives from BASF, CEVA Logistics, Deutsche Post DHL, Duisport, Hapag-Lloyd, Hutchison Whampoa, IVECO, Kuehne + Nagel, Michelin, Motorola Solutions and SAP. The aim of AEL is to broaden its membership. It is open to both the major providers of logistics services in Europe as well as global companies that rely on efficient logistics for the successful execution of their business operations.',
'head_office_address': u'52\xa0Rue Defacqz, 52\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '38033128051-39',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 200000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Chair, AEL Executive Committee',
'name': 'Alliance for European Logistics',
'networking': 'European Logistics Platform',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '13/02/12 09:58:28',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:16.394868',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 536 86 67',
'update_date': '11/03/14 14:30:26'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'The main objective of the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation in the EU is to promote transparency of the EU decision-making process and effective ethics regulations for EU decision-makers.The dossiers in which we engaged regarding transparency and ethics regulation include: \u2022 2014/2010(ACI) Inter-Institutional Agreement on the Transparency Register\u2022 Report on the modification of the inter-institutional agreement on the Transparency Register (2014/2010(ACI))/ Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Rapporteur: Roberto Gualtieri\u2022 Code of Conduct for Members of the European Parliament with respect to financial interests and conflicts of interest (2011/2174(REG))\u2022 Review of the Staff Regulations (COM(2011)0890 \u2013 C7-0507/2011 \u2013 2011/0455(COD))\u2022 Framework for Commission\u2019s expert groups:Horizontal Rules and Public Register (C(2005)2817)',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': u'ALTER-EU is a coalition of organisations, and has no staff of its own, except for a coalition coordinator and occasional interns. The organisational budget was administered by a steering committee member and covered salary costs and office expenses of the coordinator in 2013 (a grant of 48,000 from the Isvara Foundation). Lobbying expenditures were covered by voluntary contributions by the members of the Steering Committee and other members of the coalition. Our members contribute in kind (staff time) and share the costs for specific activities (rent of venues, cost of adverts and publications).Following the guidelines of the EU Civil Society Contact Group and ALTER-EU, we have calculated that ALTER-EU spent an estimated 158,240 Euro in 2013 on activities carried out with the objective of influencing the policy formulation and decision-making processes of the European institutions. The estimated contributions from each of the organisations represented in the steering committee was: - AccessInfo \u20ac7192- Corporate Europe Observatory \u20ac73,500- Friends of the Earth Europe \u20ac20,292- Greenpeace \u20ac10,000- LobbyControl \u20ac42,714- SpinWatch \u20ac4542Please note that the above-mentioned organisations have also registered individually and reported in detail about their lobbying expenses (including the amounts declared above for ALTER-EU lobbying activities).The role of the ALTER-EU coalition coordinator is largely focussed on administration and coalition support and outreach tasks, but does include a small amount of external advocacy work, with costs estimated at \u20ac8,884 for 2013.',
'fax_number': "Members of ALTER-EU's Steering Committee (June 2014):- Paul de Clerck (Friends of the Earth Europe)- Helen Darbishire (Access Info Europe)- William Dinan (Spinwatch)- Yuklan Wong (European Federation of Journalists)- Max Bank (LobbyControl) - Jorgo Riss (Greenpeace European Unit)- Erik Wesselius (Corporate Europe Observatory)ALTER-EU Coalition Coordinator: Nicola Freeman",
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) is a coalition of over 200 civil society groups and trade unions concerned with the increasing influence exerted by corporate lobbyists on the political agenda in Europe, the resulting loss of democracy in EU decision-making and the postponement, weakening, or blockage even, of urgently needed progress on social, environmental and consumer-protection reformsALTER-EU is committed to transparency about EU interest representation. ALTER-EU believes that this register fails basic transparency standards and that it does not provide EU lobbying transparency. When registering, we have therefore chosen to give all relevant information that we consider necessary for lobbying transparency. A credible EU lobbying transparency register should include names of individual lobbyists and the issues that they try to influence, provide precise and comparable financial information on lobbying, and have effective sanctions to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed. In an effort to arrive at a more objective way of calculating lobbying expenditures, we follow guidelines that result from consultations with public interest organisations, professionals working on lobby transparency as well as experts of US lobby disclosure legislation. Our registration is therefore providing a more comprehensive calculation of our expenses for activities that aim to influence the policy formulation and decision-making processes of the European institutions, and a list of those who, on behalf of ALTER-EU, carry out such activities.Our registration is based on the guidelines for transparent registration developed by the Civil Society Contact Group and ALTER-EU. Find the guidelines on full list of ALTER-EU members is available here:',
'head_office_address': u"26\xa0Rue d'Edimbourg\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM",
'id': '2694372574-63',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 200000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Member of the Steering Committee',
'name': 'Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '1',
'org_members': u'\xa0(221\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '29/10/08 14:50:22',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:17.284295',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa002 8931062',
'update_date': '16/10/14 10:34:01'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Notice & Action Initiative',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '04/2012\r\n - \r\n 05/2012',
'goals': u'The Alliance for Responsible Trade aims to promote the key role played by intermediaries in facilitating, boosting and growing legitimate trade within and across borders. We aim to develop effective and future-proof means of combating the trade of illicit goods, through cooperation and a proportionate division of tasks between all stakeholders, including online and offline intermediaries, rights owners and law enforcement authorities.As responsible companies, all signatories recognize the following principles:\u2022\tCombating trade in illicit goods, including counterfeits, is important becauseo\tof the numerous adverse societal effects related to this unacceptable behavior.o\tthese activities represent unfair competition, undermining business investment and consumer trust in legitimate trade.o\tsuch activities infringe upon rights owners\u2019 intellectual property rights.\u2022\tEffective action against such illicit activities must:o\ttarget the problem at source, by focusing on the individuals directly engaged in the criminal activity.o\tbe based on cooperation and a proportionate division of tasks between all stakeholders.o\tnot entail the introduction of increased liability for intermediaries, which will only harm legitimate business models without helping the fight against illicit activities.o\tnot interfere in the facilitation of trade for legitimate business enterprises and stakeholders',
'head_office_address': u'44\xa0Avenue des Arts\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '57790418824-07',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'1,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretariat',
'name': 'Alliance for Responsible Trade',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '23/05/12 10:44:20',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:18.108751',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa027889765',
'update_date': '28/04/14 21:45:32'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': "Examples for ARE's EU initiatives inside and beyond the EU in 2012:- ARE organised two workshops in Africa, jointly with the EUEI PDF, Secretariat of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership. - ARE was in regular contact with the European Commission Joint Research Centre in the framework of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership, managed by the EUEI PDF. EC JRC gave a presentation in a workshop that ARE organised at EUPVSEC 2012 in Frankfurt. - ARE organised an online event with the ACP-EU Energy Facility managed by DG DEVCO's C-5 Unit.",
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': 'ARE was also consulting for the ACP-EU Energy Facility NICE Rollout project led by Nice International.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'The Alliance for Rural Electrification is the only international business association in the world focusing on the promotion and the development of off-grid renewable energy solutions for rural electrification in developing countries. ARE serves as a platform for sharing knowledge and best-practices and is a privileged partner of stakeholders in the energy field who want to engage the private sector.Our mission is to:- Attract and unite all relevant actors in order to speak with one voice about rural electrification with off-grid renewable energy systems- Produce and disseminate information about technical and financial solutions for rural electrification- Communicate and advocate for rural electrification using off-grid renewable energy systems to all relevant stakeholders, namely governments, donors, financial institutions, NGOs, international organisations and the broader private sector.- Support our members in the implementation of their projects.',
'head_office_address': u"63-65\xa0Rue d'Arlon\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa0ARE\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM",
'id': '816917410646-51',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'General Secretary',
'name': 'Alliance for Rural Electrification',
'networking': 'ARE has been accepted as a member of the Asian Solar Energy Forum (ASEF) in February 2013.ARE assists developing countries to create and establish networks and platforms to better facilitate the market development for renewable energies.',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '20/02/13 17:58:55',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:18.951565',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0024001053',
'update_date': '21/02/14 11:46:59'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'EU advocacy for the promotion of paraffinic fuels as part of the solution for a cleaner transport in the EU',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2011\r\n - \r\n 01/2012',
'goals': u'The Alliance for Synthetic Fuels in Europe is a unique initiative launched in 2006 bringing together automotive and fuel supply companies to promote the use of synthetic fuels. Neste Oil, Shell and Toyota form the core membership and are further supported by Bosch and Volkswagen.ASFE\u2019S objectives\u2022\tTo promote the usage and development of synthetic fuels in Europe for improved air quality, increased diversity of supply, high quality diesel replacement and in the case of BTL and HVO reduced CO2 emissions.\u2022\tTo raise stakeholder awareness of the multiple benefits of synthetic fuels and their contribution to a more sustainable European transport.\u2022\tTo create a favourable policy environment at both an EU and national level to stimulate the introduction and market penetration of synthetic f uels.',
'head_office_address': u'100\xa0Avenue de Cortenbergh\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '41186039192-02',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': "Member of ASFE's Steering Committee (Toyota)",
'name': 'Alliance for Synthetic Fuels in Europe',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '19/07
/12 18:11:24',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:19.783587',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0894 90 77',
'update_date': '23/06/14 09:23:56'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u"La Direction des Affaires europ\xe9ennes et internationales de l'Alliance Nationale des Mutualit\xe9s Chr\xe9tiennes poursuit trois missions:1. Renforcer les liens entre la Mutualit\xe9s chr\xe9tienne et les diff\xe9rentes instances europ\xe9ennes et d\xe9fendre aupr\xe8s de ces derni\xe8res les int\xe9r\xeats de notre institution;2. Mettre en place des projets de coop\xe9ration \xe0 caract\xe8re mutualiste en partenariat avec diff\xe9rentes organisations nationales ou internationales;3. Stimuler la participation de notre Mutualit\xe9 dans des mati\xe8res qui nous concernent comme, par exemple, la politique de la sant\xe9, la protection sociale et l\u2019assurance maladie.La Direction des Affaires europ\xe9ennes et internationales assure \xe9galement la repr\xe9sentation aupr\xe8s de l\u2019Association Internationale de la mutualit\xe9 (AIM).Nos initiatives li\xe9es \xe0 l'Union Europ\xe9enne sont notamment:\uf02d Ex\xe9cuter le programme Interreg IV \u2013 FWVl (OFBS) ;\uf02d Ex\xe9cuter le programmes Interreg IV \u2013 Grande-R\xe9gion (LUXLORSAN);\uf02d Ex\xe9cuter le programme Interreg IV EMR ; \uf02d Ex\xe9cuter des projets dans le cadre du programme Leonardo ;\uf02d Collaborer avec l'Association Internationale de la Mutualit\xe9 (AIM);\uf02d Suivre et analyser les questions prioritaires en relation avec l'agenda europ\xe9en; \uf02d \xc9laborer des positions et r\xe9pondre aux consultations. Par exemple, la Mutualit\xe9 chr\xe9tienne a r\xe9pondu \xe0 la consultation sur les r\xe9sultats de l\u2019\xe9tude sur la situation actuelle et les perspectives des soci\xe9t\xe9s mutuelles en Europe.",
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': u"L'ann\xe9e d'exercice mentionn\xe9e est 2012 car les r\xe9sultats de l'exercice 2013 ne sont pas encore disponibles.Les subventions ont \xe9t\xe9 obtenues pour des projets men\xe9s dans le cadre du FEDER.",
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': u"Les mutualit\xe9s, selon la loi belge du 6 ao\xfbt 1990, sont des associations de personnes physiques qui ont pour but de promouvoir le bien-\xeatre physique, psychique et social. Elles exercent leurs activit\xe9s sans but lucratif dans un esprit de pr\xe9voyance, d'assistance mutuelle et de solidarit\xe9.Les mutualit\xe9s sont l\xe9galement tenues d\u2019assurer trois types de missions :a. la participation \xe0 l'ex\xe9cution de l'assurance obligatoire soins de sant\xe9 et indemnit\xe9s ;b. l\u2019intervention financi\xe8re pour leurs membres et les personnes \xe0 leur charge, dans les frais r\xe9sultant de la pr\xe9vention et du traitement de la maladie et de l\u2019invalidit\xe9 ou l\u2019octroi d\u2019indemnit\xe9s en cas d\u2019incapacit\xe9 de travail ou lorsque se produit une situation en vertu de laquelle le bien-\xeatre physique, psychique ou social peut \xeatre encourag\xe9 ;c. l'octroi d'aide, d'information, de guidance et d'assistance en vue de promouvoir le bien-\xeatre physique, psychique et social.Une union nationale de mutualit\xe9s est une association d'au moins cinq mutualit\xe9s ayant le m\xeame but et les m\xeames missions que ces mutualit\xe9s. En vertu de la loi belge coordonn\xe9e du 14 juillet 1994, les unions nationales sont autoris\xe9es, en qualit\xe9 d'organismes assureurs, \xe0 contribuer \xe0 l'ex\xe9cution de l'assurance obligatoire soins de sant\xe9 et indemnit\xe9s et sont responsables de la bonne ex\xe9cution des obligations qui leur incombent en vertu de cette loi.L\u2019Alliance Nationale des Mutualit\xe9s Chr\xe9tiennes (A.N.M.C.) se compose de 19 mutualit\xe9s auxquelles plus de 4.500.000 membres sont affili\xe9s.Trois soci\xe9t\xe9s mutualistes \xab ordinaires \xbb (SM) sont \xe9galement affili\xe9es \xe0 l\u2019A.N.M.C., dont la MOB CM-Zorgkas, qui a pour but l\u2019ex\xe9cution de l\u2019assurance d\xe9pendance flamande.Par ailleurs, deux SM d\u2019assurances offrant \xe0 leurs membres des assurances maladies sont affili\xe9es \xe0 l\u2019A.N.M.C.Dans le cadre de ses missions et de ses fonctions, l\u2019Alliance Nationale des Mutualit\xe9s Chr\xe9tiennes (A.N.M.C.) r\xe9unit tout un \xe9ventail de services sp\xe9cifiques (aide et soins \xe0 domicile, centre de service social, \u2026) et dispose d\u2019un r\xe9seau \xe9tendu d\u2019associations ax\xe9es sur des groupes-cibles d\xe9termin\xe9s tels que les seniors, les femmes, les jeunes et les personnes handicap\xe9es. Ces associations sont agr\xe9\xe9es et subventionn\xe9es par la Communaut\xe9 flamande ou par la F\xe9d\xe9ration Wallonie-Bruxelles, vu leurs activit\xe9s de formation permanente pour un public d\xe9favoris\xe9, tant sur le plan social et \xe9conomique que culturel. Elles sont actives \xe0 l\u2019\xe9chelle locale, r\xe9gionale et nationale (communautaires).Par sa place au sein du syst\xe8me de sant\xe9 en Belgique, l\u2019Alliance Nationale des Mutualit\xe9s Chr\xe9tiennes d\xe9veloppe une vision globale de la politique en mati\xe8re de sant\xe9, compte tenu des besoins des citoyens en termes d\u2019accessibilit\xe9 et de qualit\xe9 des soins. Elle dispose \xe9galement du savoir-faire n\xe9cessaire pour une gestion efficace d\u2019un syst\xe8me d\u2019assurance maladie toujours plus complexe, qui fait d\u2019elle un partenaire incontournable pour l\u2019\xe9laboration et la mise en \u0153uvre de la politique de la sant\xe9.Nous disposons d\u2019une Direction des Affaires europ\xe9ennes et internationales qui participe aux d\xe9bats et exprime des positions sur les mati\xe8res qui touchent aux m\xe9canismes de protection sociale afin de maintenir, d\xe9fendre et pr\xe9server leur caract\xe8re solidaire et de promouvoir le concept de \xab mutualit\xe9 \xbb au niveau europ\xe9en et international.",
'head_office_address': u'579\xa0Chauss\xe9e de Haecht\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa040\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01031\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '670961713385-52',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other similar organisations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Directeur Affaires europ\xe9ennes',
'name': u'Alliance Nationale des Mutualit\xe9 Chr\xe9tiennes - Landsbond der Christelijke Mutualiteiten',
'networking': u'Association Internationale de la Mutualit\xe9 (AIM),Association Internationale de la S\xe9curit\xe9 Sociale (AISS),Observatoire Franco-Belge de la Sant\xe9 (OFBS), Observatoire transfrontalier de la Sant\xe9 Wallonie\u2013Lorraine\u2013Luxembourg LUXLORSAN.',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '22/04/14 11:14:21',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:20.635335',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa00246 43 40',
'update_date': '22/04/14 11:15:24'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '- Framework Regulation on type-approval of two- and three-wheel motor vehicles and quadricycles- Regulation on the approval of agricultural or forestry vehicles- Future regulation on Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM)',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': "ATVEA is managed and represented in Brussels by LOGOS Public Affairs. LOGOS is a Public Affairs, Association Management and Stakeholder dialogue company part of the MCI Group, a globally integrated 55 offices in 28 countries. LOGOS is a member of EPACA, the European Public Affairs Consultancies' Association, and is registered in the EU Register of interest representatives.",
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'ATVEA is the All Terrain Vehicle Industry European Association. ATVEA is a non-profit industry association founded in 2003, at a moment when the ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) market began to experience strong growth. ATVEA wants to promote the correct and responsible use of ATVs in Europe, and to enable its members to work more closely together on issues of mutual interest.ATVEA has 4 main objectives, which are:\u2022To promote the correct and responsible use of All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) (and Side-by-Sides) in Europe\u2022To contribute to the development of an appropriate legal and regulatory framework regarding the design and use of ATVs at European and national levels\u2022To contribute to ATV user education and training\u2022To seek to cooperate with other industry stakeholders on an international basis',
'head_office_address': u"9-13\xa0c/o LOGOS\xa0Rue d'Idalie\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM",
'id': '37135513916-07',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretary-General',
'name': 'All Terrain Vehicle Industry European Association',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '26/07/10 11:50:20',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:21.489006',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 739 30 21',
'update_date': '14/07/14 15:33:55'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'nvt',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'To deliver best service and premium flexible packaging products to our customers around the world.',
'head_office_address': u'1060\xa0Europark\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Houthalen\xa03530\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '24822496373-05',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Business Development Manager',
'name': 'Alpagro Plastics NV',
'networking': 'FedPackVKW Limburg',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '05/08/11 10:02:01',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:22.325799',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa011 609 130',
'update_date': '09/07/14 08:57:17'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'horizon 2020endocrine disrupter parliament own initiative reportmedical devicesconsumer safety regulation',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': 'VAT number: BE0843.708.374',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'As a toxicologist by education, I have been working for the last 10 years in toxicology on alternative test methods. My speciality areas cover 3Rs (replacement, reduction and refinement), regulatory toxicology, zebrafish embryo toxicity tests and endocrine disrupters. I am currently hired as a consultant by the university of Konstanz - CAAt (center for alternatives to animal testing) to run the EU policy program.On their behalf, I am in charge of fostering the novel technologies and concepts (Tox21, AOP, 3Rs etc.) at the EU institution level in Brussels. I communicate on cell cultures, in vitro techniques, computer modelling and new concepts in safety testing that are emerging from the scientific community.',
'head_office_address': u'36\xa0av general de gaulle\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n ixelles\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '400309213564-96',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Self-employed consultants',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'manager',
'name': 'ALTERTOX',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '29/04/14 16:36:45',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:23.165309',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0495104037',
'update_date': '29/04/14 16:37:21'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': "Common Agricultural Policy Reform Post 2013Innovation and Risk Management in the Agro-Food ChainDue Process in Competition Law EnforcementDamages Action/Private LitigationExtraterritoriality and the EU's competition policyTechnology Transfer RulesGeneral Product Safety DirectiveAlternative Dispute Resolution Directive and ODR RegulationCommon European Sales LawCustoms valuation MCCIPsUnion Customs Code/Modernised Customs Code recastData Protection RegulationCloud COmputingData RetentionDigital Agenda and EU Telecoms ReviewREACH Scope revisionRoHS/WEEE post-legislative Impact Assessment on ScopeResource Efficiency RoadmapF GasesWater Framework DirectiveEU 2020 Strategy for Jobs and GrowthWorking Time DirectiveEMIRMIFIDShort SellingFinancial Transaction TaxAIFMD Memorandum of Understanding on eHealthActive and Healthy Ageing Innovation PartnershipThe new Comitology Rules Joint Transparency RegisterStandardisation PackageReform of the European Patent System Revision of Community trade mark Regulation and DirectiveSmart BordersAviation and Cargo SecurityBilateral Relationships Energy EfficiencyImplementation of Fuel Quality Directive art 7aFuture of Transport2050 Roadmap to a low carbon economyClimate Change impact assessment Common Consolidated Corporate Tax BaseBanking TaxationEnergy TaxationVATHigh Level Working Group on Jobs and Growth Public ProcurementThe enforcement of the rule of law in EUropeSingle Market Act 1-2",
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': u'AmCham EU estimates that the amount declared above represents the proportion of the overall cost budget of the organisation (3.052.733 \u20ac) associated with the direct lobbying of EU institutions. Further costs are dedicated to activities such as information gathering and distribution, policy monitoring, issuing of studies, preparation and editing of publications, organisation of networking opportunities among our members.',
'fax_number': 'Fax: (+32) 2 513 79 28E-Mail:',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'AmCham EU speaks for American business committed to Europe on trade, investment and competitiveness issues. It aims to ensure a growth-orientated business and investment climate in Europe. AmCham EU facilitates the resolution of transatlantic issues that impact business and plays a role in creating better understanding of EU and US positions on business matters.Our aim is to ensure a growth-oriented business and investment climate in the European Union. We are committed to transparent and open communication and inclusive dialogue between our members and European policy makers. For a full list of our members please visit our web site:',
'head_office_address': u'53\xa0Avenue des Arts\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa0B-1000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '5265780509-97',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'900000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 1000000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Policy Director',
'name': 'American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union',
'networking': 'AmCham EU is member of the following associations: AmChams in Europe (European Council of American Chambers of Commerce), European Policy Centre, US Chamber of Commerce, CEPS.Our member companies engage in further networking activities in their own capacity.',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '14/10/08 10:16:54',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:23.989706',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 513 68 92',
'update_date': '08/10/14 17:08:20'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'AECA is an international, non-partisan forum for senior members of the business, policy-making, diplomatic and academic communities to meet together for high-level, off-the-record discussions on key political, economic and business issues.The association has a long history of friendly and cooperative relations with the European Commission. We were honoured that President Barroso was the Guest Speaker at the AECA Reception on 26th April 2012. Commissioners and Director- Generals find AECA an effective and useful platform for informed dialogue with business leaders and policy-makers, and the discussions at the meetings often provide a valuable sounding-board for the exchange of ideas on key, sometimes emergent, issues within a neutral and supportive environment.For information about our international association a copy of the recent and upcoming AECA programme is enclosed, and further information is available at',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 01/2014',
'goals': u'AECA (the American European Community Association) has as its key mission to encourage and deepen transatlantic cooperation and understanding. AECA achieves this through its important international forum for high-level dialogue and debate in which key current economic, political and social issues are examined and discussed by senior members of the international business, political, government, diplomatic, civic and academic communities. AECA\u2019s programme of high-level round-tables provides opportunities for leaders to meet with their peers and to share their ideas, experience and vision, towards constructive and tangible outcomes. The scope of interest of the association also extends to the global context, including the BRIC countries. The association was founded in the UK in 1981 by Sir David Nicholson, Member of the European Parliament, together with Roy Jenkins, President of the European Commission, and Leo Tindemans, Member of the European Parliament. AECA-Belgium was established in 1985 by Baron Jacques Groothaert and Lucien Le Li\xe8vre. The association is non-partisan, and is politically independent.',
'head_office_address': u'208\xa0Avenue de Messidor\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa02\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01180\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '935446614606-11',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'CEO',
'name': 'American European Community Association',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '7',
'org_members': u'EUROPIA\xa0(1\xa0members);EAA\xa0(1\xa0members);DIGITAL EUROPE\xa0(1\xa0members);DANISH INDUSTRY Confederation\xa0(1\xa0members);EuSalt\xa0(1\xa0members);Motion Picture Association\xa0(1\xa0members);CECCM\xa0(1\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '09/10/14 16:32:25',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:24.919820',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 344 59 49',
'update_date': '09/10/14 16:34:04'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'AMICE is the European representative organisation of the mutual and cooperative insurers in Europe and focuses therefore on issues of particular interest to this sector of the European financial services industry.Currently, the main areas of activity are:- Solvency II- Governance of insurers- Other legal/regulatory issues (e.g. gender, distribution [IMD, MiFID, PRIIPs], insurance guarantee schemes, data protection, ...)- Situation of mutuals in Europe, European-level legal framework (Statute)- Mutual groups - Social agenda (social economy, social dialogue)- Corporate Social ResponsabilityQuestions of insurance contract law are commonly not on the agenda of the association.',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': "AMICE's budget is almost exclusively funded by contributions from members. The association does not receive any funding from national or international public institutions.",
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'AMICE is the strong, united voice of the mutual and cooperative insurance sector in Europe. It was created in January 2008 through the merger of two previously existing associations, ACME and AISAM.Its prime purpose is to ensure that the voice of the mutual and cooperative insurance sector in Europe is heard and that the interest of its members are taken into account in securing a level playing field for all insurers in Europe regardless of their legal form.AMICE provides a platform for mutual and cooperative insurers of all sizes to combine resources and expertise, exchange experiences across national borders and discuss key issues and concerns relating to planned legislative and regulatory changes and developments.The sector accounts for 60% of all insurance undertakings in Europe and some 28% of premiums. with more than 100 direct members and 1.000 additional mutuals represented in AMICE through their national associations, AMICE speaks for a significant part of the insurance sector.',
'head_office_address': u'98\xa0Rue du Tr\xf4ne\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa014\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '62503501759-81',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'600000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 700000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretary General',
'name': 'AMICE - Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe',
'networking': 'Observer status at the IAIS (International Association of Insurance supervisors.Member of the Global Federation of Insurance Associations (GFIA). Member of Social Economy Europe.',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '26/05/09 14:01:53',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:25.740841',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 609 56 40',
'update_date': '07/07/14 10:34:29'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': "The EU Justice AgendaEuropean SecurityRe-Industrializing EuropeThe Health and Safety AgendaSingle Market StatusThe EP Sustainability AgendaA Digital European CouncilThe EIB's Role in strengthening the EUGREECE: Achievements and ChallengesThe Energie-Wende: Europe and GermanyEU Finances - Crisis Management",
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'countries': 'BELGIUM',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'The association intends to promote European political information, education and exchange. To this end it organizes meetings, trips and visits.',
'head_office_address': u'59\xa0Avenue Adolphe Lacombl\xe9 59\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01030\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '646699114665-12',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Pr\xe9sident',
'name': 'AMISA2',
'networking': 'AMISA2 does not belong to any other network or organisation and always operates stand-alone.',
'num_natural_members': '20',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '13/10/14 18:03:01',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:27.749373',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0475 70 94 82',
'update_date': '13/10/14 18:04:01'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Amnesty International\u2019s European Institutions Office in Brussels coordinates and promotes lobbying of the European institutions. Our office aims to ensure that the European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE) put human rights at the heart of all their policies. Amnesty International\u2018s specialists provide comment, background and analysis on the human rights implications of EU and CoE decisions, and monitor the institutions\u2019 performance.The European Institutions Office is at the heart of a wide-reaching advocacy network which includes the national branches of Amnesty International in EU and CoE member states and in countries which have applied to join these bodies.To ensure its independence, Amnesty International does not seek or accept money from governments or political parties for its advocacy work. The Brussels office is funded by national Amnesty International branches across Europe.The European Institutions Office is in regular contact with key EU policy-makers at the European Commission, the European Council, Permanent Representations of EU countries, and Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). In parallel with national sections across Europe lobbying their governments, our office engages with representatives of member states, including rotating EU presidencies, to influence EU agendas and outcomes. Similarly, at the Council of Europe, we have regular contact with policy-makers including the Commissioner for Human Rights, the Committee of Ministers, Parliamentary Assembly, and the European Court of Human RightsThe European Institutions Office works in partnership with other NGOs, and has an active media programme, issuing press releases and briefing the Brussels and Strasbourg press corps.We focus on a range of European policies including:\u2022 Human rights in EU and CoE member states and accession countries\u2022 Human rights in EU foreign policy\u2022 Security and human rights\u2022 Asylum and refugee protection\u2022 Migration policy\u2022 Judicial and police cooperation\u2022 Human rights and the arms trade\u2022 Economic, cultural and social rights\u2022 Corporate accountability',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'Amnesty International is a world-wide campaigning movement that works to promote all the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international standards. In particular, Amnesty International campaigns to free all prisoners of conscience; ensure fair and prompt trials for political prisoners; abolish the death penalty, torture and other cruel treatment of prisoners; end political killings and "disappearances"; and oppose human rights abuses by opposition groups.Amnesty International has around a 2.8 million members and supporters in 162 countries and territories. Activities range from public demonstrations to letter writing, from human rights education to fundraising concerts, from individual appeals on a particular case to global campaigns on a particular issue. Amnesty International is impartial and independent of any government, political persuasion or religious creed. Amnesty International is financed largely by subscriptions and donations from its worldwide membership.',
'head_office_address': u'35\xa0Tr\xe8ves\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa03\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa0B-1040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '11063928073-34',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'900000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 1000000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and netwo
rks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Director',
'name': 'Amnesty International European Institutions Office',
'networking': 'Human Rights Democracy Network',
'num_natural_members': '3',
'num_org_members': '29',
'org_members': u'Amnesty International Austria\xa0(30,000\xa0members);Amnesty International Belgium (Flemish)\xa0(4,200\xa0members);Amnesty International Belgium (Francophone)\xa0(41,500\xa0members);Amnesty International Croatia\xa0(2,500\xa0members);Amnesty International Czech Republic\xa0(24,500\xa0members);Amnesty International Denmark\xa0(103,500\xa0members);Amnesty International Faroe Islands\xa0(1,000\xa0members);Amnesty International Finland\xa0(48,000\xa0members);Amnesty International France\xa0(187,000\xa0members);Amnesty International Germany\xa0(27,000\xa0members);Amnesty International Greece\xa0(5,900\xa0members);Amnesty International Hungary\xa0(1,100\xa0members);Amnesty International International Secretariat (UK)\xa0(350\xa0members);Amnesty International Ireland\xa0(11,200\xa0members);Amnesty International Italy\xa0(45,000\xa0members);Amnesty International Luxemburg\xa0(2,300\xa0members);Amnesty International Moldova\xa0(200\xa0members);Amnesty International Netherlands\xa0(220,000\xa0members);Amnesty International Norway\xa0(70,000\xa0members);Amnesty International Poland\xa0(14,400\xa0members);Amnesty International Portugal\xa0(9,800\xa0members);Amnesty International Slovakia\xa0(1,600\xa0members);Amnesty International Slovenia\xa0(10,000\xa0members);Amnesty International Spain\xa0(64,100\xa0members);Amnesty International Sweden\xa0(91,700\xa0members);Amnesty International Switzerland\xa0(179,000\xa0members);Amnesty International Turkey\xa0(1,400\xa0members);Amnesty International UK\xa0(100,000\xa0members);Amnesty International Ukraine\xa0(100\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '29/02/12 15:34:50',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:28.952704',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa025021966',
'update_date': '04/02/14 13:39:15'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Amway monitors a wide spectrum of issues and legislative developments at EU level concerning our product range, consumer issues, EU-US trade relations and the effective completion of the internal market for goods and services. Examples: Directive 2011/83/EU on Consumer Rights; Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods; Commission Regulation (EU) No 440/2011 of 6 May 2011 on the authorisation and refusal of authorisation of certain health claims made on foods and referring to children\u2019s development and health Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10 June 2002 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food supplements; Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2005 concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 09/2013',
'goals': u"Amway ( is one of the world's largest direct selling businesses offering its products to consumers directly in their homes through a network of three million direct sellers in about 80 countries worldwide. Alticor Inc., parent company of Amway, was founded in 1959 and based in Ada, Michigan (USA) and reported global sales of $10.9 billion in 2011. Amway is a family-owned company with top-selling brands : NUTRILITE\xae vitamin, mineral and dietary supplements, ARTISTRY\xae skincare and colour cosmetics, and eSpring\xae water treatment systems among others.",
'head_office_address': u'50\xa0Avenue des Arts\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '194220411820-41',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'1750000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 2000000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'EU Affairs Head Office and Corporate Affairs Area Manager',
'name': 'Amway',
'networking': "SELDIA & National direct selling associations American Chamber of Commerce to the EU British Chamber of Commerce of Belgium FEDMA Club de l'Europe",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '09/09/13 11:07:41',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:29.776563',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa027229910',
'update_date': '01/09/14 17:39:36'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Democracy support, human rights and humanitarian aid, climate action, economic and financial affairs .',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 02/2014',
'goals': 'Provide expert advice on peace, security and development issues; peace building and post-conflict rehabilitation; security sector reform; electoral processes and democratic governance; etc.',
'head_office_address': u'9\xa0Avenue de Versailles\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Waterloo\xa01410\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '450784410871-08',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Self-employed consultants',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Independent Consultant',
'name': 'Andebrhan Welde Giorgis',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '21/03/13 19:58:11',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:30.602642',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa023512591',
'update_date': '25/07/14 10:44:22'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'STOA Panel Meetings, STOA conferences, Horizon 2020, Digital Agenda for Europe, various Science and Technology Forums, etc.',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'countries': '',
'extra_financial_info': 'This is a newly started venture with the ultimate objective to set up a think tank in Brussels. Currently in research of funding and completing team of experts. Its a start-up phase.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '09/2012\r\n - \r\n 09/2013',
'goals': u'I am a consultant working in ICT with a special focus on how new technologies impact human interactions, improve our lives and create new solutions. Currently, I am working on converging technologies, advancing the combination of nanotechnology, biotechnology, informationtechnology, and new technologies based in cognitive science. With proper attention to ethical issuesand societal needs, converging technologies could achieve a tremendous improvement in human abilities, societal outcomes, the nation\u2019s productivity, and the quality of life. This is a broad, crosscutting, emerging and timely opportunity of interest to individuals, society and humanity in the long term.The phrase \u201cconvergent technologies\u201d refers to the synergistic combination of four major \u201cNBIC\u201d(nano-bio-info-cogno) provinces of science and technology, each of which is currently progressing at arapid rate: (a) nanoscience and nanotechnology; (b) biotechnology and biomedicine, including geneticengineering; (c) information technology, including advanced computing and communications; (d) cognitive science, including cognitive neuroscience.The ultimate objective is to create a Pan-European think tank on Converging Technologies.',
'head_office_address': u'205\xa0Chaussee de Wavre\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '49044199834-60',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Think tanks and research institutions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'FOUNDER',
'networking': 'Building networks with NBIC, singularity, transhumanism organizations.',
'num_natural_members': '1',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '22/10/12 11:10:16',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:31.615802',
'telephone': u'(+44)\xa0471667720',
'update_date': '25/09/14 10:12:35'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '* Participation in the European Alcohol and Health Forum* Occasional contacts with EU officials',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': 'no',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': "Anheuser-Busch InBev is the world's largest beer company motivated by its dream to be the Best Beer Company in a Better World. In essence, AB InBev wants to profitably sell top quality beers to build a strong, sustainable, global enterprise and to apply that strength to actions that will make our world a better place - for the consumers who enjoy our products, the employees and partners who help us grow, the shareholders who have confidence in our prospects, and the community in which we live. Our Better World initiatives are built upon three pillars : promoting responsible drinking, protecting and preserving the environment, and making a difference in our communities.",
'head_office_address': u'1\xa0Brouwerijplein\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Leuven\xa03000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '161157710612-65',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'1250000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 1500000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Companies & groups',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Vice President Legal & Corporate Affairs Western Europe',
'name': 'Anheuser-Busch InBev nv/sa',
'networking': 'AB InBev is an active member of the Brewers of Europe and of the World Federation of Advertisers',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '08/02/13 17:24:45',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:32.622365',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa016276752',
'update_date': '10/02/14 07:41:47'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'TextilkennzeichnungPublic ProcurementEurop\xe4isches VertragsrechtTranseurop\xe4ische NetzeEnergieeffizienzVerbraucherrichtlinieKonzerninterne EntsendungCSRRetailMarkenrechtsrichtlinieGemeinschaftsmarkenverordnungProduktsicherheit\xdcberarbeitung Verpackung',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '08/2013\r\n - \r\n 08/2014',
'goals': u'Interessenvertretung der Kunden gegen\xfcber den Europ\xe4ischen InstitutionenMonitoring von GesetzgebungsvorhabenKontaktanbahnungEvent Management',
'head_office_address': u'21\xa0Rue Fulton\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Br\xfcssel\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '75476386637-51',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Self-employed consultants',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Direktor',
'name': 'Anja Siegemund',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '11/09/11 16:31:02',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:33.631462',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa027366984',
'update_date': '04/09/14 23:44:00'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '- Following the preparation of the EP resolution on Kazakhstan- participation in DROI hearings connected to Central Asia issues- organisation of a conference on Kazakhstan in the European Parliament- participation in CRIM hearings- participation in Sakharov Prize presentation- participation in The Green Week',
'extra_financial_info': 'I started my freelance activity in February 2012. For now, I have been active in the lobbying field only for one of my clients (as stated above - the Open Dialog Foundation). Other clients, to which I provided translation, interpretation or communications services were not involved in the EU activities and, therefore, did not fall under the scope of the Transparency Register.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '02/2012\r\n - \r\n 08/2012',
'goals': 'I am a freelance public affairs and communications specialist. I provide internal and external communications services, as well as EU affairs consultancy services. The goal of my activity is to keep my clients updated on the policy area of their interest (by following hearings, committee and delegation meetings, events), facilitate events organisation in and outseid of the European Parliament, often in collaboration with the MEPs.',
'head_office_address': u'141/23\xa0Avenue des Nerviens\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '40939369330-53',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Self-employed consultants',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Freelance public affairs and communications specialist',
'name': 'Anna Koj',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '14/08/12 12:29:31',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:34.606347',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0470693424',
'update_date': '31/07/14 20:12:31'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': "Promotion of the interests of European railway companies, notably in the area of passenger rights, accessibility for passengers with reduced mobility, and the financing of infrastructureChair of the European platform gathering European railway companies and European passengers' associations",
'extra_financial_info': 'Activity starting on 1st January 2014.Budget related information will be completed at the end of the first year of economic activity.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '12/2013\r\n - \r\n 01/2014',
'goals': 'Transport policy analysisPromotion of the interest of the transport sector',
'head_office_address': u'34\xa0Avenue Nouvelle\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '025096212562-63',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Self-employed consultants',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'European Transport Policy Consultant',
'name': 'Anne-Laure Le Merre',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '07/01/14 13:14:06',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:35.585799',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0479275373',
'update_date': '07/01/14 21:33:13'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'sustainable developmentenvironmental and social justiceUN-governancecivil participation',
'area_of_interest': 'European;global',
'extra_financial_info': 'ANPED merged from 01-01-2014 with the European Environmental Bureau (EEB). The organisation ANPED will be dissolved in 2014.',
'fax_number': 'communication manager: nick@anped.orgadministration:',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'ANPED is an alliance of NGOs that work on Sustainable Development. ANPED works to empower Northern civil society in creating and protecting sustainable communities and societies world-wide.ANPED\u2019s main focus is on sustainable consumption and production, the use of goods and services responding to basic human needs and bringing a better quality of life, while minimizing the use of natural resources, toxic materials and emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle, so as not to jeopardize the needs of future generations. Achieving equity and justice are main drivers for our engagement.We build capacity among Northern civil society organizations through information, knowledge and skill-sharing, and enable their participation in local, national, regional and international decision-making processes on sustainable development.ANPED is co-organising partner for the major group NGO for the UNCSD and UNEP, which means hat we facilitate the NGO input towards those UN bodies.',
'head_office_address': u'77\xa0Fiennesstraat\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01070\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '42343165515-92',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Executive Director',
'name': 'ANPED Northern Alliance for Sustainability',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '18/03/11 10:26:44',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:36.629066',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0494893052',
'update_date': '05/03/14 23:15:22'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Aucune initiative sp\xe9cifique',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': u'Bureau fran\xe7ais :Anton Kern D.I.45 rue Scheffer75116 Paris - France+33 (0)6 23 66 28 41',
'financial_year': '07/2010\r\n - \r\n 06/2011',
'goals': u"ANTON KERN D.I. est une soci\xe9t\xe9 de conseil cr\xe9\xe9e en 2007 sp\xe9cialis\xe9e dans le d\xe9veloppement d\u2019activit\xe9s industrielles et de services, intervenant aupr\xe8s de collectivit\xe9s locales et d\u2019entreprises du secteur priv\xe9, notamment en France et au Portugal.Les principales missions portent sur le marketing institutionnel et le lobbying, les partenariats industriels et commerciaux, et le d\xe9veloppement d\u2019activit\xe9s en particulier dans l'immobilier et les PPP.",
'head_office_address': u'28 Bte 17\xa0avenue Fran\xe7ois Folie\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01180\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '79610548238-80',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Self-employed consultants',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'associ\xe9 - g\xe9rant',
'name': 'ANTON KERN D.I.',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '04/03/12 09:27:45',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:37.489450',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 374 11 09',
'update_date': '05/02/14 14:37:00'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '- Various contacts with MEPs and members of the European Commission through e-mail and physical meetings on two issues (conflict minerals regulation & 4th anti-money-laundering directive).- Regular contacts with the European Commission, who acts as a participant to the Kimberley Process on behalf of the EU and its Member States. The European Commission also chairs the Working Group on Monitoring of the Kimberley Process.- Participation at the meeting with Belgian MEPs, organized by the Federation of Belgian Enterprises (VBO) on 20 January 2014.- Participation at the civil society meeting on the conflict minerals regulation on 7 april 2014.',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'AWDC is intended to stimulate, promote, represent the interests and support the diamond trade in Belgium and in the Antwerp region in particular, as well as the promotion of the international aura of Antwerp as a world centre for diamonds and precious stones. The object of AWDC more specifically comprises:a) acting as a body representing the interests to the Belgian, foreign and international governments (and non-governmental organisations) as regards the diamond trade and diamond industry situated in Belgium;b) the promotion of trade and industry through the dissemination of publication material, promotional material, regardless of the media used, statistics, setting-up exhi-bitions and trade missions, presence at trade shows, all both in Belgium and, to a significant extent, internation-ally; c) all administrative help and advice on a social, economic and financial field and in relation to the import and export of all kinds of diamonds and precious stones via \u201cDiamond Office\u201d, as well as the operational support of the \u201cDiamond office\u201d-activities in close cooperation with the Belgian government; d) the encouragement of scientific and technological research into diamonds and precious stones, as well as co-ordinating and bring together scientific and technical doc-umentation, both as regards decorative and industrial dia-monds and precious stones; e) the promotion of a healthy social policy as regards the acquisition and training of the workforce, according to the financial needs of the industry;',
'head_office_address': u'22\xa0Hoveniersstraat\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Antwerpen\xa02018\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '23256548246-36',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'15,000\xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head Public Affairs',
'name': 'Antwerp World Diamond Centre',
'networking': 'See AWDC Sustainability Report 2014, page 18 (',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '05/03/12 14:41:26',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:38.337554',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa003 222 05 11',
'update_date': '29/07/14 14:51:38'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'A Apex-Brasil Brussels-Europe exerce a sua actividade de representa\xe7\xe3o de interesses atrav\xe9s de contactos directos com funcion\xe1rios da Comiss\xe3o Europeia e do Parlamento Europeu, membros de representa\xe7\xf5es diplom\xe1ticas acreditadas junto \xe0 Uni\xe3o Europeia, membros do Parlamento Europeu, e membros de organismos cong\xe9neres de outros pa\xedses, participa\xe7\xe3o em confer\xeancia e semin\xe1rios, etc.',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'O Apex-Brasil Brussels-Europe \xe9 o escrit\xf3rio em Bruxelas da Ag\xeancia Brasileira de Promo\xe7\xe3o de Exporta\xe7\xf5es e Investimentos (Apex-Brasil). A Apex-Brasil atua para promover os produtos e servi\xe7os brasileiros no exterior e atrair investimentos estrangeiros para setores estrat\xe9gicos da economia brasileira.',
'head_office_address': u'19AD\xa0Avenue des Arts\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '91665214476-01',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'50000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other similar organisations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Executive Manager',
'name': 'Apex-Brasil Brussels-Europe',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '04/11/10 17:19:06',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:39.179598',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa022110530',
'update_date': '08/10/14 12:33:18'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Daguerreobase project (ICT PSP)',
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'countries': '',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'Het FoMu is het expertise- en ontmoetingscentrum in Vlaanderen voor actuele en historische fotografiein al haar vormen. Onze frisse en dynamische aanpak met betrekking tot de vier museale basisfunctiesbevordert de passie voor en de kennis over fotografie bij een breed en divers publiek.Het FoMu inspireert bezoekers. Het stimuleert experiment en creativiteit. Met een duurzaam, kwalitatiefen up-to-date museumbeleid draagt het FoMu zijn collectie, tentoonstellingen en publieksaanbod uit totbuiten de landsgrenzen en versterkt zijn positie, invloed en uitstraling op nationaal en internationaal vlak.',
'head_office_address': u'47\xa0Waalsekaai\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Antwerpen\xa02000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '353054713089-56',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'VI - Organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Local, regional and municipal authorities (at sub-national level)',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Directeur',
'name': 'AP FotoMuseum Provincie Antwerpen',
'networking': 'FoMu is een Landelijk Erkend Vlaams Museum',
'num_natural_members': '42',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '28/02/14 15:34:15',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:40.191109',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0032429300',
'update_date': '28/02/14 15:36:13'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Lobbying and advocacy activities concentrate on the following EU policy domains:- Development - Trade - Budget- Agriculture - Gender policies as these relate to development related policies- Climate change- Security and Development- ENPI- Enlargement- Central America- Middle EastThe following staff persons have worked in these areas:Floris Faber (General Secretary)Susie Wilkinson (Office Manager)Karine Sohet (Policy Officer EU Development Policies)Karin Ulmer (Policy Officer Trade and Gender)Agnes Bertrand (Policy Officer Middle East)Esther Martinez (Junior Policy Officer Middle East)Estela Julieta Gonzalez (Policy Officer Central America)Bruno Nicostrate (Policy Officer Climate Change and Development)Adrian Tunon Jimenez (Junior Policy Officer Central America)Sophie Huguenet (EC project Officer)Of the staff, Esther Martinez did an internship in the European Commission. None of the other staff has previously worked in one of the EU institutions.',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'The mandate of APR
ODEV is to promote sustainable human development polices through the collaboration between development organisations located in different European countries. According to the Statutes:1.\tThe activities of APRODEV include the representation of the interests of its Members with the European Union and its bodies, including the European Commission, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament as well as to carry out all activities directly or indirectly related with these interests and likely to promote them, all this in the widest sense of the word.2.\tAPRODEV will pursue its objectives by, inter alia, carrying out lobby and advocacy activities vis-\xe0-vis bodies of the European Union.APRODEV is committed to transparency about EU interest representation. APRODEV believes that this register fails basic transparency standards and that it does not provide EU lobbying transparency. When registering, we have therefore chosen to give all relevant information that we consider necessary for lobbying transparency. A credible EU lobbying transparency register should include names of individual lobbyists and the issues they are trying to influence, provide precise and comparable financial information on lobbying, and have effective sanctions to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed.Our registration is based on the guidelines for transparent registration developed by the Civil Society Contact Group and ALTER-EU (',
'head_office_address': u'28\xa0Boulevard Charlemagne\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '5189768701-12',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'800000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 900000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'General Secretary',
'name': 'APRODEV',
'networking': 'CONCORDWorld Council of ChurchesLutheran World FederationEcumenical Advocacy AllianceAction by Churches Together(ACT)AllianceClimate Action Network- Europe',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '01/12/08 16:53:56',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:41.081396',
'telephone': u'(+0032)\xa022345660',
'update_date': '18/11/14 12:22:45'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'A variety of issues through CEN related to water and wastewater treatment and recycling; other matters including, liaison with DGs, Env, Entr, Sanco on technical and market-related issues, including BPR, CPR, Drinking Water Directive, Wastewater Treatment Directive; member of the EIP for Water Task Force; observer status at meetings of the BPR Competent Authorities; EU standards relatin to water treatment and supply inside buildings;',
'area_of_interest': 'European;global',
'extra_financial_info': 'Collaborating with several European universities pursuing EU-funded programmes.',
'fax_number': 'Aqua Europa is the representative body for the supply chain of the European water and wastewater industry, representing some 13 national trade bodies with 1 700 companies. Registered under Belgian law with its registered office at the above address. The Director is David Neil-Gallacher.',
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 11/2014',
'goals': 'The association exists to promote the commercial and technical interests at the EU level of the supply chain of the European water and wastewater industry within the EU and globally. It collaborates with other trade bodies representing the interests of sectors with some level of interest in water- and environment-related matters, eg, chemicals, construction, plastics, rubber, resins et al. Aqua Europa is Partner organisation within CEN and participates directly in about a dozen CEN Technical Committees.',
'head_office_address': u'38 - 40\xa0Square de Meeus\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa0B-1000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '957789015001-40',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'50000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Director',
'name': 'Aqua Europa AISBL',
'networking': 'Aqua Europa five years ago established the Brussels Water Alliance, an informal network of trade bodies with interests in the water sector.Member of the Europan Water Alliance and WssTP',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '24/11/14 20:17:13',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:41.942127',
'telephone': u'(+322)\xa04016194',
'update_date': '24/11/14 22:17:17'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '1) Particiaption in the European Commission\'s working gruops related to the "Blueprint initiative on water". This activity represented an opportunity to give the European Commission feedbacks and inputs concerning the policy options envisaged by the European Commission in the forthcoming "Blueprint". Remarks expressed by the Association were based on discussions and analyses carried out by the Association\'s members on European Commission\'s inputs.2)Response to the European Commission\'s public consultation on "water efficiency in buildings"',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': "Aqua Publica Europea's annual accounts are audited by an external and indipendent auditing company.",
'fax_number': u'L\u2019adresse du bureau de repr\xe9sentation correspond \xe0 celui de l\u2019Association',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': "The objective of Aqua Publica Europea is to bring together public operators of water and sanitation services in Europe to promote and develop public management of water. It also aims to represent water public companies within the European institutions. Finally, it strives to promote the performance of public management, by sharing and exchanging good practices in the fields of technical and management services of water and by implementing commons actions.More precisely, Aqua Publica's objectives are:a)\tfostering the public management of water in Europe; b)\tpromoting and supporting exchange of information, expertise and collaboration between its members, public water companies or local authorities within the European Union and in other European countries, and generally any water organizations or protagonists that adhere to the principles laid down in the Founding Charter of the association;c)\t\tfostering and undertaking research on any scientific, technical, economic or administrative problems relating, either directly or indirectly, with water management.d)\trepresenting the interests of its members with regard to the European institutions, and to any other organisations or institutions in other parts of the world which are directly or indirectly involved in water management.e) \tcollaborating in any projects related to this purpose. f) \tand generally conducting any actions or undertakings that may be complementary or related to such purpose insofar as they do not affect the non-profit nature of the association and conform with the principles laid down in the Founding Charter of the association.",
'head_office_address': u"17/19\xa0Boulevard de l'Imp\xe9ratrice\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM",
'id': '81643548590-64',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 200000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Directeur Ex\xe9cutif',
'name': 'Aqua Publica Europea',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '03/05/12 14:52:46',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:42.628384',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 5188058',
'update_date': '16/04/14 15:40:52'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'Consultation publique sur la r\xe9visions des annexes I et II de la Directive eaux souterraines.Consultation publique sur la proposition de r\xe9visions des activit\xe9s soumises \xe0 un taux r\xe9duit de TVA.',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': "Aquawal is the federation of public water operators in Wallonia, Belgium.She defends her members' interests at the regional, national and european level.",
'head_office_address': u'21\xa0Rue F\xe9lix Wodon, 21\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Namur\xa05000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '138286810382-37',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Advisor',
'name': 'AQUAWAL',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '20/12/12 15:14:02',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:43.467784',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa081254234',
'update_date': '24/11/14 11:01:27'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'We have followed the key EP debates in the following fields:environment, energy, internal market, economic affairs, trade, transport, employment.',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'Archimede has been monitoring the activities of the European Parliament (only) since 1989. We seek to inform clients on the passage of legislation and reports from committee to plenary and to report back on key developments inside the EP. We do not seek to lobby or influence decision makers on behalf of our clients and our remit is solely to pass on information.',
'head_office_address': u'54\xa0RUE DE LOMBARDIE\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n BRUSSELS\xa01060\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '72770716604-78',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'MANAGER',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '07/09/11 15:51:08',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:44.154863',
'telephone': u'(+02)\xa0213 13 93',
'update_date': '28/08/14 09:54:25'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '(Non-exhaustive)Ongoing monitoring of the debates on relevant EU policies that affect the built environment and the practice of the architectural profession in Europe. Specific contributions to pertinent legislative developments and their implementation as well as to new policy developments (Qualifications, Services, Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Construction Products Regulation, Ecolabelling, Health & Safety on building sites, EU 2020 Strategy,...)Promotion of the ACE Declaration on Sustainable Architecture.Intense, collaborative activities in connection with the implementation of the Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.Collaboration with the Urban Intergroup of the European Parliament as an external partner.Active involvement in follow up activities for the implementation of the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities, in particular in collaboration with the European Commission and the Urban Development Group.',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': u'Total annual budget less than 700.000 \u20ac',
'fax_number': u'Head of Administration: Caroline Andr\xe9Email: caroline.andre@ace-cae.euFax: +322 543 1141General Email:',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'The Architects\u2019 Council of Europe (ACE-CAE) is the representative organisation for the architectural profession at European level: it aspires to speak with a single voice on its behalf in order to achieve its aims. Its growing membership currently consist of 46 Member Organisations, which are the regulatory and professional representative bodies in all European Union (EU) Member States, Accession Countries, Switzerland and Norway. Through them, the ACE represents the interests of over 520,000 architects from 33 countries in Europe.',
'head_office_address': u'29\xa0Rue Paul Emile Janson\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels (Ixelles)\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '15914681331-83',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'100000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 150000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretary General',
'name': "Architects' Council of Europe",
'networking': 'ACE is a member of the following associations:ECCREDI (European Council for Construction Research, Development and Innovation)ESF (European Sevices Forum) and ESP (European Services Platform)ECTP (European Construction Technology Platform)E2BA AssociationEFAP-FEPA (European Forum for Architectural Policies)EHF- European Housing Forum',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '10/03/09 12:38:48',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:44.840101',
'telephone': u'(+322)\xa05431140',
'update_date': '12/02/14 08:27:25'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '- European Innovation Action Plan (EcoAP)- EU Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)- Enhance (FP7 project)- EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS)- Grid infrastructure development',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'ARCTIK sprl is a Brussels-based public relations, communications and evaluation consultancy, which specialises in European affairs and societal value.Founded in 2011, ARCTIK offers a wide variety of services to meet all communications needs. The company boasts specialist expertise in a range of areas, including: networking activities; designing and producing communication tools; as well as the logistical management and co-ordination of conferences and events.Supported by a dynamic team of professionals, ARCTIK is committed to delivering tailored communication activities that ensure clear and consistent messages that reach the target audience. ARCTIK has a proven track record of delivering tangible results for actors across the European Union.',
'head_office_address': u'100\xa0Gray\xa0100\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa01040\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '113618613092-88',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Managing Director',
'name': 'Arctik S.P.R.L.',
'networking': "To support its work, ARCTIK collaborates with leading communications and public relations consultancies in France, Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. This network of communications professionals allows ARCTIK to engage stakeholders at the local level, improves the quality of the events it organises and provides direct contact with media outlets. This collaboration ensures that the stakeholders are addressed in their own languages and that their cultural and social settings are respected.ARCTIK draws on the support of its network of communication experts to maximise the effectiveness of its public relations efforts. By providing access to local-level stakeholders and a wealth of media contacts, ARCTIK's partners throughout Europe help to increase the exposure of every communication campaign.- Zoitoi (Germany)A Berlin-based IT specialist, Zotoi has created dynamic and innovative online communications tools for numerous European Commission initiatives. Through the design of tailored web facilitates, Zotoi continues to break new ground in terms of developing cutting edge websites and online event management tools.- Aromates (France)Based in Paris, Aromates has been operating in the field of public relations for 25 years. During that period it has become a leading organiser of events, networking activities and communication platforms, particularly in the areas of digital industries, energy and health.- IMS Consulting (United Kingdom)For over twenty years IMS Consulting has helped corporates, NGOs and government agencies to develop sustainability strategies, communicate those strategies effectively and to engage with key stakeholders.",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '28/02/14 17:01:30',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:45.670952',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa026465881',
'update_date': '28/02/14 17:02:10'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u"R\xe9forme de la PACR\xe9vision r\xe9glementation homologation des v\xe9hiculesRefonte cadre r\xe9glementaire propri\xe9t\xe9 intellectuelleR\xe9forme de l'audit comptableDigital Agenda",
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u"ARCTURUS GROUP est un cabinet de conseil en Strat\xe9gie institutionnelle et D\xe9veloppement de march\xe9s qui repr\xe9sente et d\xe9fend les int\xe9r\xeats de ses clients, tant aupr\xe8s des d\xe9cideurs institutionnels qu'aupr\xe8s d'autres grands partenaires \xe9conomiques.",
'head_office_address': u'55/57\xa0Rue De Treves\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '34100356706-23',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'Directeur G\xe9n\xe9ral Ex\xe9cutif',
'networking': u'Cercle des D\xe9l\xe9gu\xe9s Permanents Fran\xe7ais (CDPF)British Chamber of Commerce Confrontations Europe',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '16/09/11 14:51:34',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:46.679625',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 289 67 20',
'update_date': '17/09/14 08:21:27'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Siehe unter Ziele und Aufgaben.',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': u'Die ARD und die in ihr zusammengeschlossenen Landesrundfunkanstalten werden ganz \xfcberwiegend aus Rundfunkgeb\xfchren finanziert, die die Rundfunkteilnehmer in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland entrichten.',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '12/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Das ARD-Verbindungsb\xfcro in Br\xfcssel vertritt unter Leitung des Westdeutschen Rundfunks die Interessen der ARD gegen\xfcber den europ\xe4ischen und weiteren internationalen Institutionen in allen medienpolitischen und -rechtlichen Fragen. Neben der Europ\xe4ischen Kommission, dem Europ\xe4ischen Parlament und dem Rat geh\xf6ren dazu auch z.B. der Europarat, die UNESCO und die WTO.Der Aufgabenbereich des B\xfcros umfasst die Beobachtung, strategische Analyse und pro-aktive Begleitung aller f\xfcr die ARD relevanten rechtlichen und politischen Entwicklungen auf europ\xe4ischer Ebene. Es gibt Impulse f\xfcr Positionierungen der ARD, wirkt an ihrer Entwicklung und Abstimmung mit und \xfcbernimmt deren externe Vermittlung. Zu seiner Arbeit geh\xf6rt auch der st\xe4ndige Kontakt und Informationsaustausch mit Vertretern anderer \xf6ffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunkanstalten in Br\xfcssel, Pressearbeit und die Erstellung eines viertelj\xe4hrlichen Newsletters.',
'head_office_address': u'28\xa0Rue Jacques de Lalaing\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Br\xfcssel\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '6774178922-55',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'400000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 450000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': u'B\xfcroleiter',
'name': u'ARD-Verbindungsb\xfcro Br\xfcssel',
'networking': u'Die ARD und die in ihr zusammengeschlossenen Landesrundfunkanstalten sind Mitglieder der Europ\xe4ischen Rundfunkunion (EBU/UER).',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '06/01/09 10:14:34',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:47.678698',
'telephone': u'(+322)\xa02359666',
'update_date': '10/12/13 13:58:26'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u"- Agenda 21- Aligning with the United Nations and EU's Commemorative Decades, Years and Days- Millennium Development Goals- Sustainable Development Goals- Climate Change- Emission Trading System- Art and Art Projects in, out and for conflict regions and foster the EU\u2019s strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth",
'area_of_interest': 'global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': 'Leadership Development Institute bringing together the EU and EU Diaspora to set-up projects that generate CO2e certificates.Special:- olpc community / One Laptop Per Child - Division- Art and Art projects Division',
'financial_year': '01/2014\r\n - \r\n 10/2014',
'goals': 'Bringing EU and EU Diaspora members together to set-up 1CO2e certificate generating projects.Special:- Leadership Development and Academy- Art and Art Project Division- olpc one laptop per child community division- Youth Division',
'head_office_address': u'23\xa0Ijsvogellaan\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa033\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Watermaal-Brussels\xa01170\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '684213614677-53',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Vice-President 1CO2e Art Leadership Division',
'name': '',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '20',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '14/10/14 14:39:48',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:48.587232',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa027876721',
'update_date': '14/10/14 14:40:31'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Partecipazione a seminari/conferenze/workshop/gruppi di discussione sulle politiche delle istituzioni europee con particolare focus sui temi della cooperazione internazionale, cultura, diritti umani, politiche del lavoro e della formazione professionale, politiche giovanili.',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'countries': 'BELGIUM;ITALY',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'La "ARS for Progress of People\u201d \xe8 un\'organizzazione senza scopo di lucro con sede a Bruxelles (Belgio). Il suo staff \xe8 composto da:- cinque board members: esperti senior negli ambiti della cooperazione internazionale, cultura, diritti umani, governance e cittadinanza attiva; - un segretario generale con esperienza pluriennale nell\'ambito delle politiche giovanili , nella progettazione sociale e nel project management;- quattro project officer che supportano le attivit\xe0 di consulenza dell\'organizzazione. Lo staff permanente conta attualmente di quattro nazionalit\xe0 (Italia, Belgio, Francia, Bulgaria) e lavora quotidianamente in inglese, italiano, francese, portoghese e spagnolo.La ARS for Progress \xe8 organizzazione ospitante per il programma "Erasmus Placement" ed ospita periodicamente giovani tirocinanti da tutta Europa. Promuove lo sviluppo economico, sociale e culturale in tutte le sue forme, ponendo particolare attenzione ai temi legati all\u2019educazione, i diritti umani, la societ\xe0 civile, la parit\xe0 di genere, l\u2019imprenditorialit\xe0, le politiche giovanili. La mission di \u201cARS for Progress of People\u201d \xe8 quella di conferire consulenza e know-how, sui temi in cui tradizionalmente opera, a beneficio di individui, ONG, organizzazioni internazionali, istituzioni intergovernative e comunit\xe0 locali.I servizi di consulenza che la ARS for Progress offre ai suoi clienti sono:Supporto alla progettazione: supporto nella definizione e formulazione dell\u2019idea progettuale. Assistenza tecnica alla scrittura del progetto, in risposta agli inviti a presentare proposte pubblicati da organizzazioni nazionali ed internazionali, in diversi settori: con particolare attenzione ai temi della cultura, societ\xe0 civile, i diritti umani, le politiche giovanili e l\u2019imprenditorialit\xe0. Supporto alla gestione del progetto ed al budget management.Formazione: Seminari, workshop, corsi di formazione, conferenze, riunioni e sessioni di informazione sui seguenti temi: finanziamenti comunitari, ideazione, formulazione, implementazione e valutazione di un intervento progettuale (Project Cycle Management); il quadro logico (Logical Framework): un metodo per la progettazione; parit\xe0 di genere, cultura, tutela dei diritti umani, autoimpiego. La societ\xe0 civile come fattore per promuovere la cooperazione allo sviluppo. L\u2019 identit\xe0 culturale e la sua rilevanza sociale. La cura del patrimonio culturale nel processo di sviluppo sostenibile.',
'head_office_address': u'73\xa0Rue Potagere\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa01021\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01021\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '484645013985-47',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Board Member',
'name': 'ARS for Progress of People',
'networking': 'Culture Action Europe - Member',
'num_natural_members': '4',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '16/07/14 11:49:26',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:49.600370',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa00223503335',
'update_date': '16/07/14 11:50:24'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'aucunes',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'countries': 'BELGIUM;LUXEMBOURG',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '07/2012\r\n - \r\n 09/2012',
'goals': u'L\u2019ASBL Dussard.Vert est charg\xe9e d
e f\xe9d\xe9rer les producteurs d\u2019\xe9nergies renouvelables et les aider dans leurs d\xe9marches administratives. La cr\xe9ation r\xe9cente de l\u2019ASBL fait suite aux multiples changements de la l\xe9gislation belge constituant dor\xe9navant un frein au d\xe9veloppement des \xe9nergies renouvelables et plus particuli\xe8rement du secteur photovolta\xefque. L\u2019ASBL a pour mission principale de comprendre, assister et relayer aupr\xe8s des diverses instances comp\xe9tentes les questions et inqui\xe9tudes des citoyens et des actuels et potentiels producteurs verts.',
'head_office_address': u'17\xa0Rue de Virton\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Etalle\xa06740\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '89234519706-66',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'IV - Think tanks, research and academic institutions',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Think tanks and research institutions',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'fondateur',
'name': 'ASBL Dussard.Vert',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '37',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '26/09/12 15:09:22',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:50.479820',
'telephone': u'(+0032)\xa0496299217',
'update_date': '01/09/14 13:34:12'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Aucune en 2013.',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'POLLINIS is a European independent and non profit citizen movement campaigning to accelerate the transition to a truly sustainable and productive agriculture that respects the environment and pollinators on which it depends on for its production, that should be economically viable, and profitable for the men and women who live from it.POLLINIS aims to bring together experts from agriculture and beekeeping, lawyers and economists who develop innovative and pragmatic proposals of reform to convince politicians and European policy makers to fundamentally reform the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the dominant intensive agricultural model - for the satisfaction of our food needs today, without jeopardizing production and the environment for future generations.Established in 2012 to relay the concerns of citizens, scientists and experts, to the elected and the agricultural world, the association brings together almost 800,000 supporters across Europe, and more than 5,000 donors today (figure 14 November 2013) who guarantee its absolute independence.',
'head_office_address': u'139\xa0Avenue de Fr\xe9\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n P.O. box:\xa0b.53\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01180\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '587081313018-57',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Directrice',
'name': 'ASBL POLLINIS',
'networking': '',
'num_natural_members': '780,000',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '20/02/14 18:37:12',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:51.542228',
'telephone': u'(+0033)\xa0645801695',
'update_date': '20/02/14 18:39:26'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'International and European intellectual property law, media law, data protection, e-commerce, audio-visual regulation, trade and telecommunications.',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'Silvestro is a law firm specialised in international and European intellectual property and media law and policy as well as related issues of interest to our client base in the media and entertainment sectors.',
'head_office_address': u'83\xa0Rue Ducale\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '360495914648-79',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Law firms',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Lawyer',
'name': 'A. Silvestro',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '10/10/14 17:05:38',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:52.406576',
'telephone': u'(+32250)\xa025783',
'update_date': '10/10/14 17:06:53'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'In a public affairs arena that is saturated with trade associations and NGOs, the impact of traditional communications is limited. Aspect brings a new way of thinking to public affairs by combining its know-how of the Brussels political scene with an approach based on strategic corporate communications.Today\u2019s political climate is extremely complex and competitive, and heavily influenced by a range of different (and often competing) interests. Getting yourself heard and consistently understood is no simple task.With extensive experience of European public affairs, lobbying and issues management, and an excellent understanding of international media, Aspect has the expertise to provide support that makes a difference.We approach political communications as it should be done, recognising the range of influences that coalesce to form opinions among decision-makers. We recognise the equal importance of formal and informal channels and influencers, news media and NGOs, commentators and academics as well as elected politicians or officials or civil servants. All contribute to the creation of ideas and attitudes, and all have their place in the strategy.Our areas of expertise include:\u2022 Governmental communications\u2022 Coalition building and campaigning\u2022 Brussels press corps media relations',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Aspect is a strategic consultancy first and foremost. We help our clients relate their business challenges to the world around them, identify the key factors and priority areas for action, and devise strategic approaches thatimprove reputation. We enable our clients to successfully navigate the increasingly complex and challenging communications environment by identifying the most appropriate approaches, tools and tactics to deliver their programme, offline and online, adopting a classic \u2018channel neutral\u2019 approach.While embracing the potential of new communication channels, we believe that intelligent and compelling content is the foundation for successful corporate communications. We translate business strategy into actionable communications campaigns - which often means not just working with client headquarters but also with business units to deliver. We build and manage corporate reputations, protecting them, through the identification and management of issues before they become a crisis.Our areas of expertise include:\u2022Communications strategy development \u2022Messaging and positioning \u2022Issues and crisis preparedness and management \u2022Stakeholder relations\u2022Optimising communication structures\u2022Strategy communication\u2022International implementation\u2022Media relations',
'head_office_address': u'11\xa0rue des sablons\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '15392729381-19',
'lobbying_section': 'I - Professional consultancies/law firms/self-employed consultants',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Professional consultancies',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Consultant',
'name': 'Aspect',
'networking': 'European Association of Communications Directors (EACD)Society of European Affairs Professionals (SEAP)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '22/08/12 11:00:02',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:53.263534',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa002 5150010',
'update_date': '14/08/14 17:37:58'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'\u2022\tParticipating at hearings concerning: telecom, energy, privacy, financial services, food, health and unfair practices.\u2022\tFollow up in collaboration with BEUC from the dossiers concerning the domains named above.\u2022\tDefending the consumer interests by contacting MEP\u2019s and EU-representatives.\u2022\tMember of ECCG and COJEF.',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'countries': 'BELGIUM',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u"We are a Consumer Association. So our goal is to help and defend consumers in all their 'consumer activities'. We are doing this by given them information, by helping them in conflicts with businesses and service providers, by representing them in advisory boards and commissions and by lobbying decision makers at all levels (regional, national, European, \u2026)",
'head_office_address': u'13\xa0rue de Hollande\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01060\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '694466214317-80',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'450000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 500000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Domainhead Policy and Advocay',
'name': 'Association Belge des Consommateurs Test-Achats / Belgische Verbruikersunie Test Aankoop',
'networking': 'BEUCConsumers International (CI)ICRTANECCOJEF',
'num_natural_members': '350,000',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '09/09/14 13:55:05',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:53.992486',
'telephone': u'(+322)\xa05423200',
'update_date': '09/09/14 13:55:50'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '/',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u"Les buts de l'ABSC sont: grouper les soci\xe9t\xe9s dont les titres sont admis aux n\xe9gociations sur les march\xe9s r\xe9glement\xe9s d'Euronext, les f\xe9d\xe9rations interprofessionnelles ou sectorielles repr\xe9sentatives des int\xe9r\xeats des soci\xe9t\xe9s cot\xe9es; cr\xe9er, maintenir et d\xe9velopper l'esprit et des liens de solidarit\xe9 entre elles; repr\xe9senter et d\xe9fendre leurs int\xe9r\xeats communs vis-\xe0-vis des autorit\xe9s; \xe9tudier, encourager et r\xe9aliser tout ce qui peut contribuer \xe0 leur d\xe9veloppement.----De doelstellingen van de BVBV zijn: de vennootschappen waarvan de effecten zijn toegelaten tot de verhandeling op de gereglementeerde markten van Euronext en de interprofessionele of sectorfederaties die de belangen van de beursgenoteerde vennootschappen vertegenwoordigen, groeperen; een geest van solidariteit tussen deze entiteiten cree\xebren, behouden en ontwikkelen; hun gemeenschappelijke belangen ten aanzien van de overheid vertegenwoordigen en verdedigen; alles bestuderen, aanmoedigen en tot stand brengen wat tot hun ontwikkeling kan bijdragen.",
'head_office_address': u'8\xa0rue des Sols / Stuiverstraat\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles / Brussel\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '68453376233-39',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Administrateur/Bestuurder',
'name': u'Association belge des soci\xe9t\xe9s cot\xe9es/Belgische vereniging van beursgenoteerde vennootschappen',
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '18/07/11 11:46:16',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:54.826929',
'telephone': u'(+0032)\xa02 515 08 59',
'update_date': '27/06/14 10:08:00'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'animal health, animal welfare, environment, feed safety, food safety, international trade, product quality, sustainability',
'area_of_interest': 'European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'The mission of the association is to defend the interests of the poultry processors and the poultry export and import trade in the countries of the European Union as well as protecting their rights and functions. Association endeavours to achieve this mission by:- establishing closer relations between the various affiliated organisations;- defining and implementing principles of economic policy relating to the poultry processing and the poultry export and import trade on the basis of the EU treaty;- reinforcing the contacts between the affiliated organisations on one hand and the national authorities and institutions of the European Union and all otherauthorities on the other hand;- defending the interests of its members by any useful procedure.the association does not have any profit making purpose.',
'head_office_address': u'47-51, bp2\xa0Rue du Luxembourg\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '9803788883-16',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'4000000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 4250000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretary General',
'name': "Association de l'Aviculture, de l'Industrie et du Commerce de Volailles dans les Pays de l'Union Europeenne asbl",
'networking': 'member of IPC (International Poultry Council)Round Table Sustainable Consumption and ProductionFederation of European and International Associations established in Belgium (FAIB)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '29/12/08 16:28:39',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:55.648044',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa022381082',
'update_date': '02/12/13 07:22:33'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Involvement of ACE in the following EU initiatives: Transposition of the Orphan Works Directive in the Member States;Cinema Communication / State aid for films: film heritage is included as assessment criteria in the new communication; Member of Licences for Europe, WG3 Audioviusal Heritage: Voluntary agreement between ACE, rights holders and CMOs to facilitate the digitisation and use of cinematographic works; CREATIVE EUROPE: film heritage is covered in the new programmeCouncil Recommendation on Digital Film',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': 'SecretariatKerstin HerltACE c/o Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V.Schaumainkai 4160596 FrankfurtGermanyT: 49 69 961220-621',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': "ACE is an affilation of 44 national and regional preservation film archives from all over Europe. The main aims of ACE are:to guarantee the survival of the European film heritage,to ensure and enhance its visibility on the cinema screen as well as through new moving image technologies,to raise awareness of its cultural and economic value among European decision makers,to promote public interest in European film culture and film history;to coordinate support for the conservation, restoration and digitisation of films deposited in European archives;to raise sufficient funds to preserve analogue and digital film; to initiate joint projects and training measures;to develop European-wide technical and scientific research into conservation, digitisation and restoration of Europe's cinema",
'head_office_address': u'3\xa0Rue Ravenstein\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '45960464757-14',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'600000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 700000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'VI - Organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Other public or mixed entities, etc.',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'President',
'name': u'Association des Cin\xe9math\xe8ques Europ\xe9ennes',
'networking': 'FIAF=Federation International des Archives du FilmAudiovisual ObservatoryEuropeana Foundation, Europeana Network',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '44',
'org_members': u'Eye Film Institute Netherlands, Amsterdam\xa0(0\xa0members);Greek Film Archive, Athens\xa0(0\xa0members);FILMOTECA DE CATALUNYA, Barcelona\xa0(0\xa0members);JUGOSLOVENSKA KINOTEKA, Beograd\xa0(0\xa0members);BUNDESARCHIV-FILMARCHIV,Berlin\xa0(0\xa0members);DEUTSCHE KINEMATHEK - Museum f\xfcr Film und Fernsehen, Berlin\xa0(0\xa0members);LICHTSPIEL - KINEMATHEK BERN\xa0(0\xa0members);CINETECA DEL COMUNE DI BOLOGNA\xa0(0\xa0members);CINEMATHEQUE ROYALE DE BELGIQUE, Brussels\xa0(0\xa0members);ARHIVA NATIONALA DE FILME, Bucuresti\xa0(0\xa0members);HUNGARIAN FILM ARCHIVE, Budapest\xa0(0\xa0members);DEUTSCHES FILMINSTITUT - DIF, Frankfurt\xa0(0\xa0members);CINETECA DEL FRIULI, Gemona\xa0(0\xa0members);NATIONAL AUDIOVISUAL ARCHIVE , Helsinki\xa0(0\xa0members);DFI - ARCHIVE AND CINEMATHEQUE, Kobenhavn\xa0(0\xa0members);CINEMATHEQUE SUISSE , Lausanne\xa0(0\xa0members);CINEMATECA PORTUGUESA - MUSEO DO CINEMA, Lisboa\xa0(0\xa0members);ARHIV REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE - SLOVENSKI FILMSKI ARHIV, Ljubljana\xa0(0\xa0members);SLOVENIAN CINEMATHEQUE - SLOVENSKA KINOTEKA, Ljubljana\xa0(0\xa0members);BFI COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT, London\xa0(0\xa0members);CINEMATHEQUE MUNICIPALE DE LUXEMBOURG\xa0(0\xa0members);FILMOTECA ESPANOLA, Madrid\xa0(0\xa0members);FONDAZIONE CINETECA ITALIANA, Milano\xa0(0\xa0members);GOSFILMOFOND OF RUSSIA, Moskva\xa0(0\xa0members);NORSK FILMINSTITUTT , Oslo\xa0(0\xa0members);CINEMATHEQUE FRANCAISE - MUSEE DU CINEMA, Paris\xa0(0\xa0members);ARCHIVES FRANCAISES DU FILM - CNC, Paris\xa0(0\xa0members);CRNOGORSKA KINOTEKA/ FILM ARCHIVES OF MONTENEGRO, Podgorica\xa0(0\xa0members);NARODNI FILMOVY ARCHIV, Praha\xa0(0\xa0members);FONDAZIONE CENTRO SPERIMENTALE/ CINETECA NAZIONALE, Roma\xa0(0\xa0members);KINOTEKA NA MAKEDONIJA, Skopje\xa0(0\xa0members);CINEMATEKET - SVENSKA FILMINSTITUTET , Stockholm\xa0(0\xa0members);MUSEO NAZIONALE DEL CINEMA, Torino\xa0(0\xa0members);LA CINEMATHEQUE DE TOULOUSE\xa0(0\xa0members);IVAC - INSTITUTO VALENCIANO DE CINEMATOGRAFIA , Valencia\xa0(0\xa0members);FILMOTECA VATICANA\xa0(0\xa0members);FILMOTEKA NARODOWA, Warszawa\xa0(0\xa0members);\xd6STERREICHISCHES FILMMUSEUM, Wien\xa0(0\xa0members);FILMARCHIV AUSTRIA, Wien\xa0(0\xa0members);HRVATSKA KINOTEKA - HRVATSKI DRZAVNI ARHIV, Zagreb\xa0(0\xa0members);Najonalbiblioteket Norway\xa0(0\xa0members);Imperial War Museums\xa0(0\xa0members);Filmmuseum M\xfcnchen\xa0(0\xa0members);Irish Film Institute and Archive\xa0(0\xa0members)',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '13/12/10 15:19:55',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:56.706216',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0255119 02',
'update_date': '04/12/13 13:03:09'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Internal Market (sound levels of motor vehicles, exhaust emissions, weights and dimensions, roadworthiness, ITS)External trade (free trade agreement with South Korea, negotiations with USA, India, Japan, Ukraine, Canada, Mercosur)Climate action (CO 2 emissions from passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, mobile air conditioning systems, alternative fuel infrastructure)Transport policy (White Paper, road infrastructure charging, Connecting Europe Facility)Environment (end-of-life vehicles, resource efficiency, fuel quality, REACH)CARS 2020',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'ACEA represents the common interests of 15 major European motor vehicle manufacturers at EU level. Its members are:- BMW Group- DAF Trucks- Daimler- FIAT SpA- Ford of Europe- General Motors Europe- Hyundai Motor Europe- Iveco- Jaguar Land Rover- PSA Peugeot Citro\xebn- Renault- Toyota Motor Europe- Volkswagen Group- AB Volvo- Volvo Car CorporationThe national associations of motor vehicle manufacturers/importers in the EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey are "associated organisations" of ACEA.ACEA monitors, studies and analyses EU policy developments affecting the automotive industry. It informs its members of these developments and their potential impact on the industry.Where appropriate, it provides information and makes representations to the EU institutions on behalf of its members.',
'head_office_address': u'85\xa0Avenue des Nerviens\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '0649790813-47',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'2000000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 2250000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretary General',
'name': u"Association des Constructeurs Europ\xe9ens d'Automobiles",
'networking': 'ACEA is a member of several organisations including:- ERTICO (European Road Transport Information and Communication Organisation)- ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory Council)- FAS (Forum for the Automobile and Society)- The Alliance for a Competitive European Industry- The Kangaroo Group',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '18/12/08 11:05:11',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:57.695491',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa027325550',
'update_date': '16/12/13 16:52:06'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Type-Approval Regulation 168/2013Urban Mobility PackagePeriodic Technical Inspection PackageClean Power for Transport DirectiveDriving License DirectiveeCallITSFree trade agreementsCARS2020',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'ACEM, the Motorcycle Industry in Europe, is the professional body representing the interests and combined skills of 14 powered two wheeler manufacturers producing a total of more than 30 motorcycle and moped brands, and 18 national associations. PTW manufacturers members of ACEM are: BMW, BRP, DUCATI, HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HONDA, KAWASAKI, KTM, PEUGEOT, PIAGGIO GROUP, RENAULT, SUZUKI, TRIUMPH, VICTORY, YAMAHA.PTW manufacturers/importers/component manufacturers national associations members of ACEM are: AIA, AIMID, AMVIR, APIA, CONFINDUSTRIA ANCMA, ANESDOR, ARGE2RAD, CSIAM, CSNM, EQUAL, FEBIAC, FF\xd6, IVM, MCIA, MCRF, MOTED, PZPM, RAI.ACEM also represents main manufacturers of tricycles and quadricycles.The role of ACEM has expanded with the development of importance of European legislation and activities within all member countries.',
'head_office_address': u'1\xa0Avenue de la Joyeuse Entr\xe9e\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01040\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '02480451230-88',
'lobbying_expenditure': u'250000\r\n \xa0\u20ac - 300000\r\n \xa0\u20ac',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Public Affairs Manager',
'name': u'Association des Constructeurs Europ\xe9ens de Motocycles',
'networking': 'ACEM is a member of IMMA (International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association).ACEM is a member of FAS (Forum for the Automobile and Society), MPE (Mobility for Prosperity in Europe) and MCC (MotorCycle Community in Europe).ACEM is a member of ERTRAC, the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council, and of EGVIA, the European Green Vehicle Initiative Association.',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '25/02/09 12:27:25',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:58.516427',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa022309732',
'update_date': '12/02/14 10:57:41'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '-',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '-',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'AEGEE (Association des Etats G\xe9n\xe9raux des Etudiants de l\u2019Europe / European Students\u2019 Forum) is a student organisation that promotes co-operation, communication and integration amongst young people in Europe. As a non-governmental, politically independent, secular and non-profit organisation AEGEE is open to students and young people from all faculties and disciplines \u2013 today it counts 13.000 members, active in more than 200 university cities in 40 European countries, making it the biggest interdisciplinary student association in Europe.AEGEE, which was founded in 1985 in Paris, puts the idea of a unified Europe into practice. A widely spread student network provides the ideal platform where youth workers and young volunteers from 40 European countries can work together on cross border activities such as conferences, seminars, exchanges, training courses, Summer Universities, Case Study trips and Working Group meetings.By encouraging travelling and mobility, stimulating discussion and organising common projects AEGEE attempts to overcome national, cultural and ethnic divisions and to create a vision of young people\u2019s Europe. The structure is based on an European level (a European Board of Directors working in Brussels and 4 Commissions, 4 Committees, 6 Working Groups and 9 multinational Project Teams) and on a local level (the over 200 Antennae or local groups, forming the Network).The association\u2019s main aims are:Promoting a unified Europe without prejudices,Striving for creating an open and tolerant society of today and tomorrow,Fostering democracy, human rights, tolerance, cross border cooperation, mobility and European dimension in education.All the numerous events and projects run by the organisation are to be focused on our 4 Fields of Action (Cultural Exchange, Active Citizenship, Higher Education, Peace & Stability) and 3 Focus Areas (Youth Participation, Bridging Europe and Inclusion of Minorities).Among AEGEE\u2019s most well-known achievements there are the effective lobbying for the Erasmus Programme, which lead it to develop to its current state of development and recognition, and its longest running project, the Summer University, gathering each summer thousands of volunteers who contribute to open a new perspective to the participants ov
er the multicultural dimension of the European continent, providing high-content, high-quality and low-cost summer courses (ranging from language courses to seminars about political, cultural, environmental issues).',
'head_office_address': u'55\xa0Rue du Noyer\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '14940749113-04',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'President',
'name': "Association des Etats Generaux des Etudiants de l'Europe / European Students' Forum",
'networking': 'AEGEE-Europe is member of different platforms, organisations and alliances:European Youth ForumEuropean Civic ForumEuropean Movement InternationalConferences of INGOs - Council of EuropeEuropean Civil Society Platform on Life Long LearningEuropean Year of Volunteering 2011 AllianceEuropean Year of Citizens 2013 AllianceAdvisory Council on Youth of the Council of EuropeInformal Forum of International Student Organizations',
'num_natural_members': '13,000',
'num_org_members': '',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '08/07/12 00:45:45',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:08:59.561011',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 246 0327',
'update_date': '27/08/14 10:21:43'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'- REGULATION (EU) No 258/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 14 March 2012 implementing Article 10 of the United Nations\u2019 Protocol against the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime (UN Firearms Protocol), and establishing export authorisation, and import and transit measures for firearms, their parts and components and ammunition.- REACH European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use (EC 1907/2006)- Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the Community action in the field of water policy" or, in short, the EU Water Framework Directive',
'area_of_interest': 'sub-national;national;European;global',
'extra_financial_info': 'The only funding AFEMS receives comes from the annual membership fees paid by its members.',
'fax_number': "AFEMS Secretary General: Mr. Mario Ge Viale Allegra, 26 28100 Novara (Italy)Tel: +39 0321 410670Fax: +39 0321 410670AFEMS SecretariatViale dell'Astronomia, 3000144 Rome (Italy)Tel: +39 06 5903510Fax: +39 06 54282691",
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u"It is a non-profit organisation set up in 1951 to continue the work started in 1898 by the International Ammunition Convention. AFEMS is a Europe-wide association. Founded on the principles of cooperation and dialogue, it provides a forum for its network of members, a hub of information on sporting ammunition and a means of responding effectively to technical, scientific and legislative challenges.It represents a network of manufacturers and distributors of ammunition, components, clay targets and machinery, each boasting vast experience and a long history in the industry. Despite their different backgrounds, they all share a common goal: to protect and grow activities related to sporting ammunition.AFEMS is regarded as the sole spokesperson and representative for the entire European ammunition industry. And AFEMS works actively with the European Commission and the European Parliament to influence drafting and implementation of legislation on the production, classification and distribution of related products. AFEMS is also considered the main hub through which its members can obtain information, exchange views and work together to tackle the technical, scientific and legislative challenges.Strengthening dialogue and cooperation among its members, and representing their interests to the relevant decision-making bodies, are therefore clear priorities for AFEMS.The key benefit of AFEMS membership is the opportunity to network. As well as meeting individuals who share a common interest, you will develop many new, professional relationships. Our members particularly value the contacts they make at face to face meetings with their peers, together with the information they gather at these events.The challenges which our sector faces are so many and complex, that no single company can efficiently, or effectively, tackle them alone. AFEMS offers an effective mechanism by which our joint efforts can be coordinated in pursuit of common objectives, to better ensure a positive outcome for our industry.The recent, major report on Lead ammunition, prepared in response to Reach Regulation requirements, is a real example of what AFEMS can accomplish to ensure the adoption of proportionate policies in relation to our sector. Thanks to its long history and experience AFEMS has an excellent reputation and is, today, regarded as the European association of the sporting ammunition sector, able to fully address its challenges.In order to safeguard the collective interests of its members, AFEMS undertakes a range of activities. Working with our members, AFEMS aims to:\u2022gather and exchange information on scientific, technical, institutional, environmental and standardisation issues regarding sporting ammunition and related industries;\u2022participate in working groups, comprising experts from European industry, to study problems and propose solutions;\u2022cooperate with the European Commission during Directive preparatory stages, by being able to provide specific information regarding our industry;\u2022submit papers to the EU Parliament representing our industry's position;\u2022monitor the work of the Committee of United Nations Working Groups and Experts (Transport of Dangerous Goods);\u2022co-operate with CEN (European Committee for Standardization) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) to draft standards to govern our sector;establish and maintain working relations with the main European non-governmental organisations safeguarding and developing hunting and sport shooting;\u2022foster compatibility between the industry's requirements and the expectations of environmental protection bodies;\u2022promote mutual respect, dialogue and shared goals between the hunting and sport shooting community, decision-making bodies and public at large, to improve quality of life and to maximise economic benefits.",
'head_office_address': u'100\xa0Rue Th\xe9odore de Cuyper\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01200\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '131992710104-83',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretary General',
'name': u'Association des Fabricants Europ\xe9ens de Munitions de Sport',
'networking': 'AFEMS is affiliated to CEFIC, the European Chemical Industry Council, whose membership numbers 29,000 large, medium and small chemical companies in Europe, including some of the most high profile. This partnership enables AFEMS to access critical information relevant to our sector and also allows us early access to European Institutions on relevant technical, scientific and legislative matters.AFEMS is member of WFSA, the World Forum on Shooting Activities. WFSA is an association of organisations whose purpose is the promotion and proliferation of hunting and target shooting, and the study of related issues.We are pleased to announce that the United Nations has recognized the WFSA as an NGO (non-governmental organisation), allowing its participation at UN meetings where issues relating to small arms are discussed.The Forum, which is a scientific and research body, is composed of dozens of associations and organisations of national and international relevance.Together they represent the key players from the global community dedicated to the peaceful use of firearms.The ultimate goal of the Forum is the preservation of the traditions of hunting and shooting sports in the world.This goal is pursued through interaction with international organisations, with various national governments and with all relevant national and international regulators.AFEMS is also member of the European Sport Shooting Forum (ESSF).',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '12/11/12 16:56:28',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:09:00.404503',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa027700037',
'update_date': '16/10/14 08:42:13'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '1. DG Trade, request for the application of trade defence measures2. DG Competition3. DG Environment (Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowances and Industrial Emissions)4. DG of Social Affairs (Social Dialogue, Safety at working places)',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'The non-profit objectives of the Association shall be to interact with the European Institutions, Member States and other international organizations, especcially toa) promote the use of the products based on or containing potash with the exception of matters of a commercial nature,b) represent the interests of the European potash producers in the European Union,c) defend the legitimate interests of the European potash producers against unfair trade practices and anti-competitive behaviour of third country potash producers and processors,d) observe the safety, health and environmental legislation in the European Union and act as experienced and competent consultant.',
'head_office_address': u'489\xa0Avenue Louise\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Brussels\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '416092911321-16',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Head of Public Relations & Trade Policy of K+S KALI GmbH',
'name': u'Association des Producteurs Europ\xe9ens de Potasse',
'networking': 'No',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '10/06/13 15:40:16',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:09:01.227952',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 237 6151',
'update_date': '20/05/14 17:07:11'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'ATEB soutient les activit\xe9s de EACT European Association of Corporate Treasurers dont elle est membre',
'area_of_interest': 'national;European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': 'ATEB is the Association of Corporate Treasurers in Belgium, an association of professionals in the field of treasury. It is a not-for-profit organization. Our main goals are sharing experience, practical cases and workable solutions amongst our members based on full trust and confidentiality. We represent the profession in Belgium and offer education programmes together with other associations of the financial sector . Our association has around 190 members. ATEB is member of the European Associations of Corporate Treasurers ( and of the International Group of Treasury Associations (',
'head_office_address': u"324\xa0Chauss\xe9e d'Alsemberg\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01190\r\n BELGIUM",
'id': '67676652527-51',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'President',
'name': u"Association des Tr\xe9soriers d'Entreprise en Belgique",
'networking': 'ATEB is member of the European Associations of Corporate Treasurers ( of the International Group of Treasury Associations (',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '20/10/09 17:43:50',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:09:02.046767',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa0475 700 695',
'update_date': '23/09/14 14:40:54'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'- mise en \u0153uvre d\'un projet cofinanc\xe9 par la Commission europ\xe9enne (programme sp\xe9cifique "Justice civile")',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u"L'Association du R\xe9seau Europ\xe9en des Registres Testamentaires est une association internationale sans but lucratif de droit belge, cr\xe9\xe9e en 2005 par les Notariats belge, fran\xe7ais et slov\xe8ne. L'association poursuit le but non lucratif d'utilit\xe9 internationale suivant: dans le cadre d'activit\xe9s participant \xe0 l'exercice de l'autorit\xe9 publique, faciliter la reconnaissance de tous les \xe9changes d\xe9mat\xe9rialis\xe9s entre notariats europ\xe9ens ou autorit\xe9s publiques afin, notamment de faciliter la reconnaissance mutuelle et l\u2019ex\xe9cution des successions, et, \xe0 cette fin, cr\xe9er un r\xe9seau europ\xe9en entre les gestionnaires de registres nationaux des testaments.Les activit\xe9s que l'association se propose de mettre en \u0153uvre pour atteindre ces buts sont les suivantes:- favoriser la cr\xe9ation d'un r\xe9seau entre les notariats europ\xe9ens ou organismes gestionnaires de registres nationaux permettant des \xe9changes s\xe9curis\xe9s;- promouvoir la constitution de registres de testaments en Europe; assurer dans ce cadre la production de documentation ou d'actions de formation ou d'information relatives aux testaments et aux successions;- promouvoir le r\xe9seau europ\xe9en des registres testamentaires lui-m\xeame, en assurer la gestion et le d\xe9veloppement;- dans le m\xeame esprit, d\xe9velopper et g\xe9rer les techniques de s\xe9curit\xe9 relatives aux consultations du registre et aux inscriptions dans celui-ci;- assurer, en cas de besoin ou si demande en est faite, le d\xe9veloppement et la gestion du registre des testaments;- assurer la gestion financi\xe8re du r\xe9seau, ainsi que le financement des investissements r\xe9alis\xe9s pour le fonctionnement de celui-ci.",
'head_office_address': u'30-34\xa0rue de la montagne\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01000\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '63632009554-70',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Directeur',
'name': u'Association du R\xe9seau Europ\xe9en des Registres Testamentaires / European Network of Registers of Wills Association',
'networking': u"L'ARERT n'est membre d'aucun r\xe9seau ni d'aucune association/f\xe9d\xe9ration/conf\xe9d\xe9ration.",
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '06/09/12 19:44:20',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:09:02.868509',
'telephone': u'(+0033)\xa0445549052',
'update_date': '14/08/14 12:06:07'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'EU Fire Arms Directive',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2012\r\n - \r\n 12/2012',
'goals': 'Represent sport and hunting gun and ammunition retailers.',
'head_office_address': u'82\xa0Rue Fr\xe9d\xe9ric Pelletier\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01030\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '54608658341-02',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'II - In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Trade, business & professional associations',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Secretary',
'name': u"Association Europ\xe9enne de Commerce d'Armes Civiles",
'networking': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '14/03/12 10:56:03',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:09:03.543361',
'telephone': u'(+0034)\xa0932054231',
'update_date': '21/02/14 11:09:35'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': '1. Meeting with the presidents of the EU Parliament, Commission and European Council in the framework of the Dialogue with confessional and non-confessional organisations under article 17 Lisbon Treaty.2.Presidency of the Advisory Board of the European Parliament Platform for Secularism in Politics.3. Participation in the working of the External Action Service drawing up the guidelines for the Defense and promotion of the Freedom of Religion and Beliefs.',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': "Contacts: Mr. Frommer. 32 avenue d'Itale. Bt3, 1050 Brussels GSM 0475616594Mr. Van der heagen at 30 Clos des pommiers, 1310 La Hulpe. GSM: 0473344997Mr.",
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': '1. Promote the European Union project among European citizens2. Ensure that the views and opinions of secular Europeans are heard within the European Union institutions.',
'head_office_address': u'30\xa0Clos des Pommiers\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n La Hulpe\xa01310\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '188133714462-27',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Vice-president',
'name': u'Association Europ\xe9enne de la Pens\xe9e Libre -Europe',
'networking': 'AEPL does not belong to any other organsation or network',
'num_natural_members': '1,400',
'num_org_members': '0',
'org_members': '',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '19/09/14 11:24:14',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:09:04.463155',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa00475616594',
'update_date': '19/09/14 11:26:32'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': u'\u2022l\'\xe9change d\'information sur les strat\xe9gies de d\xe9veloppement r\xe9gional, le soutien aux entreprises et la formation des cadres des agences de d\xe9veloppement;\u2022l\'analyse de l\'impact des politiques communautaires;\u2022le d\xe9veloppement de projets de coop\xe9ration entre agences de d\xe9veloppe\xacment;\u2022la stimulation des techniques innovantes et transf\xe9rables en mati\xe8re de d\xe9veloppement \xe9conomique local et r\xe9gional;\u2022la diffusion d\'informations pertinentes ou de vulgarisation tant en ce qui concerne les politiques communautaires que les "best practices";\u2022une r\xe9flexion relative \xe0 de nouvelles formes d\'\xe9change de savoir-faire entre agences de d\xe9veloppement;\u2022la gestion de projets de coop\xe9ration cofinanc\xe9s par la Commission Europ\xe9enne;\u2022la r\xe9flexion quant \xe0 de nouvelles m\xe9thodes de gestion du d\xe9veloppement r\xe9gional ou des agences de d\xe9veloppement.',
'area_of_interest': 'European',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Eurada a \xe9t\xe9 cr\xe9\xe9 en d\xe9cembre 1991 sous la forme d\'une association sans but lucratif de droit belge en vue de :\u2022favoriser les \xe9changes d\'exp\xe9rience entre membres et encourager les "best practices" en mati\xe8re de d\xe9veloppement \xe9conomique local et r\xe9gional;\u2022promouvoir une reconnaissance des agences de d\xe9veloppement en tant que forces et entit\xe9s \xe9conomiques sp\xe9cifiques;\u2022participer \xe0 l\'\xe9laboration et \xe0 la r\xe9alisation de programmes de d\xe9veloppement territorial et/ou d\'assistance des entreprises et plus particuli\xe8\xacrement des PME;\u2022accentuer et organiser la coop\xe9ration technique avec la Commission Europ\xe9enne et les autres instances communautaires;\u2022aider les agences nouvellement cr\xe9\xe9es dans des pays hors Union Europ\xe9enne;\u2022favoriser l\'\xe9mergence de projets de coop\xe9ration entre agences de d\xe9veloppement de plusieurs pays.',
'head_office_address': u'12\xa0Avenue des Arts\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01210\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '17168656309-84',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Directeur',
'name': u'Association Europ\xe9enne des Agences de D\xe9veloppement',
'networking': 'INED - International Network for Economic Developers',
'num_natural_members': '0',
'num_org_members': '80',
'register_url': '',
'registration_date': '27/07/11 11:42:36',
'retrieved_at': '2014-12-03T06:09:05.222798',
'telephone': u'(+32)\xa02 218 43 13',
'update_date': '07/07/14 15:13:19'}
ALIASES Fields of interest for e-mail alerts on consultations and roadmaps;
{'activities': 'Ecsite deposited amendments to H2020 in 2012.',
'area_of_interest': 'European;global',
'extra_financial_info': '',
'fax_number': '',
'financial_year': '01/2013\r\n - \r\n 12/2013',
'goals': u'Ecsite is the European Network of Science Centres and Museums, with around 330 members in more than 50 countries who connect and engage with over 40 million people per year. Ecsite links science centres, science and natural history museums, zoos, aquaria, universities and research organizations in Europe who participate as active members sharing a strong commitment to public engagement and the communication of science through accessible, interactive exhibits and programmes.Our mission: Ecsite promotes public engagement of science and technology by facilitating cooperation among Europe\u2019s science centres, museums and related institutions throughout Europe: establishing standards, sharing expertise, disseminating best practice, encouraging collaboration and developing training programmes. The organisation has extensive experience in projects with the financial support of Community programmes and initiatives, including several in a coordinating role.Ecsite advocates for the field of science communication by building on the diversity of its membership and strengthening cooperation between the research, education, cultural and media sectors. Ecsite works with its global partners to connect the world with European approaches and values. We collaborate with science communication networks from all other parts of the world in an effort to refresh ideas and pursue international interests.',
'head_office_address': u'89/7\xa0avenue Louise\xa0\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n Bruxelles\xa01050\r\n BELGIUM',
'id': '773173314077-54',
'lobbying_expenditure': '',
'lobbying_section': 'III - Non-governmental organisations',
'lobbying_subsection': 'Non-governmental organisations, platforms and networks and similar',
'lobbyists_contact_position': 'Executive Director',
'name': u'Association Europ\xe9enne des Expositions Scientifiques, Techniques et Industrielles',
'networking': '',
embers': '0',
'num_org_members': '332',
'org_members': u"ACCIONA Producciones y Dise\xf1o, S.A.\xa0(0\xa0members);ADSC - Abu Dhabi Science Center\xa0(0\xa0members);AHHAA Science Centre Foundation\xa0(0\xa0members);AMCSTI\xa0(0\xa0members);Aquis\xa0(0\xa0members);Arctic centre - University of Lapland\xa0(0\xa0members);Ars Electronica Linz GmbH\xa0(0\xa0members);Associa\xe7\xe3o Centro Ci\xeancia Viva de Proen\xe7a-a-Nova\xa0(0\xa0members);Associazione Culturale GOOGOL\xa0(0\xa0members);Associazione Festival della Scienza\xa0(0\xa0members);At-Bristol\xa0(0\xa0members);Atlantis Science Center n.o.\xa0(0\xa0members);AZPI Electronics\xa0(0\xa0members);Balthazar Science Center\xa0(0\xa0members);Barcelona Ci\xe8ncia - Institut de Cultura de Barcelona\xa0(0\xa0members);Bialystok University of Technology\xa0(0\xa0members);Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center Science Centre\xa0(0\xa0members);Biedr\u012bba 'Vidzemes inov\u0101ciju un uz\u0146\u0113m\u0113jdarb\u012bbas centrs' - VIUC Associa\xa0(0\xa0members);Blue cube & kidsmobil\xa0(0\xa0members);BTEK Bizi Teknologia\xa0(0\xa0members);Bursa Science and Technology Center\xa0(0\xa0members);Cap Sciences\xa0(0\xa0members);Carasso Science Park\xa0(0\xa0members);CCSTI La Casemate Grenoble\xa0(0\xa0members);Center for Administration and Operations - Academy of Sciences of the\xa0(0\xa0members);Center for promotion of science\xa0(0\xa0members);Centre des Sciences de Montr\xe9al - Soci\xe9t\xe9 du Vieux-Port de Montr\xe9al in\xa0(0\xa0members);Centre of the Cell\xa0(0\xa0members);Centro Ci\xeancia Viva de Braganca\xa0(0\xa0members);Centro Ci\xeancia Viva de Estremoz\xa0(0\xa0members);Centro Ci\xeancia Viva De Lagos\xa0(0\xa0members);Centro Ci\xeancia Viva de Tavira\xa0(0\xa0members);Centro Ci\xeancia Viva do Lousal\xa0(0\xa0members);CentroScienza Onlus Assoziazione\xa0(0\xa0members);Centrum Hewelianum\xa0(0\xa0members);Centrum Nauki Kopernik\xa0(0\xa0members);CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research\xa0(0\xa0members);Children\u2019s City\xa0(0\xa0members);Children\u2019s Discovery Museum of San Jose\xa0(0\xa0members);Children\u2019s Science Centre \u2018Tehnoannas pagrabi\u2019\xa0(0\xa0members);Cit\xe9 de l\u2019Espace - SEM SEMECCEL\xa0(0\xa0members);Cit\xe9 des Sciences de Tunis\xa0(0\xa0members);Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias\xa0(0\xa0members);CNAM - Conservatoire National des Arts & M\xe9tiers\xa0(0\xa0members);Cogitus soc de anima\xe7\xe3o turistica e cientifica s.a\xa0(0\xa0members);Concepts Plus CJ Boyle\xa0(0\xa0members);Conseil G\xe9n\xe9ral de l\u2019Essonne\xa0(0\xa0members);Continium \u2013 Discovery Center Kerkrade\xa0(0\xa0members);Coru\xf1a City Council - Museos Cientificos Coru\xf1eses\xa0(0\xa0members);Cosmodrome - Kattevennen-Europlanetarium\xa0(0\xa0members);Dal\xe9nium - Science Center\xa0(0\xa0members);Danish Museum of Energy\xa0(0\xa0members);DASA\xa0(0\xa0members);Dataton AB\xa0(0\xa0members);DC-Link, Laboratory of knowledge\xa0(0\xa0members);Department for Image Science - Donau Universitaet Krems\xa0(0\xa0members);Deutsches Museum\xa0(0\xa0members);Dialogue Social Enterprise GmbH\xa0(0\xa0members);Dipartimento di Fisica Citta della Universitaria\xa0(0\xa0members);Direcci\xf3n General de Divulgaci\xf3n de la Ciencia Universum, Museo de las\xa0(0\xa0members);Dolni oblast VITKOVICE / Lower VITKOVICE\xa0(0\xa0members);DMCEM - Banque de France\xa0(0\xa0members);Dundee Science Centre\xa0(0\xa0members);Dynamikum Pirmasens e.V\xa0(0\xa0members);Earth Focus Foundation\xa0(0\xa0members);Edinburgh International Science Festival\xa0(0\xa0members);EFDA - European Fusion Development Agreement\xa0(0\xa0members);Effektschmiede GmbH\xa0(0\xa0members);Electrosonic Systems Ltd\xa0(0\xa0members);Elhuyar Fundazioa\xa0(0\xa0members);Engineered Arts Limited\xa0(0\xa0members);Enrico Fermi Center\xa0(0\xa0members);EPAL Water Museum\xa0(0\xa0members);Eskisehir Science & Experiment Center of Metropolitan Municipality and\xa0(0\xa0members);Espace des Sciences\xa0(0\xa0members);Eugenides Foundation\xa0(0\xa0members);Eureka! The National Children\u2019s Museum\xa0(0\xa0members);Event Communications Ltd\xa0(0\xa0members);Event Marketing Service GmbH - EMS Exhibits\xa0(0\xa0members);experimenta - Science Center der Region Heilbronn-Franken gGmbH\xa0(0\xa0members);Experimentarium\xa0(0\xa0members);EXPERYMENT Science Centre in Gdynia\xa0(0\xa0members);Explorad\xf4me\xa0(0\xa0members);Exploration Station - Irish Childrens Museum Ltd.\xa0(0\xa0members);Explorat\xf3rio Infante D. Henrique\xa0(0\xa0members);Exploratorium\xa0(0\xa0members);Expology AS\xa0(0\xa0members);Fabrica Science Centre - Universidade de Aveiro\xa0(0\xa0members);FECYT - Fundaci\xf3n Espa\xf1ola para la Ciencia y la Tecnolog\xeda\xa0(0\xa0members);Feza G\xfcrsey Bilim Merkezi\xa0(0\xa0members);Fondation Alimentarium - Food Museum\xa0(0\xa0members);Fondazione IDIS - Citt\xe0 della Scienza\xa0(0\xa0members);Fondazione Marino Golinelli\xa0(0\xa0members);Fondazione Muvita srl\xa0(0\xa0members);Fondazione POST - Perugia Officina per la Scienza e la Tecnologia\xa0(0\xa0members);Fonds de dotation Universcience Partenaires\xa0(0\xa0members);formicablu srl\xa0(0\xa0members);Forum d\xe9partemental des sciences\xa0(0\xa0members);Framtidsmuseet\xa0(0\xa0members);FRida & freD - The Graz Children\u2019s Museum\xa0(0\xa0members);Funda\xe7\xe3o da Juventude\xa0(0\xa0members);Funda\xe7\xe3o Museu da Ci\xeancia da Universidade de Coimbra\xa0(0\xa0members);Fundacio \u2018la Caixa\u2019 - CosmoCaixa Barcelona\xa0(0\xa0members);Fundacion \u2018La Caixa\u2019 - CosmoCaixa Madrid\xa0(0\xa0members);Fundaci\xf3n Conjunto Paleontologico de Teruel-Din\xf3polis\xa0(0\xa0members);Fundaci\xf3n Descubre\xa0(0\xa0members);Gemeinn\xfctzige turmdersinne GmbH\xa0(0\xa0members);German Chemistry Museum Merseburg\xa0(0\xa0members);German National Maritime Museum\xa0(0\xa0members);Glasgow Science Centre Limited\xa0(0\xa0members);Gruppo PLEIADI\xa0(0\xa0members);Gustaf and G\xf6sta Serlachius Fine Arts Foundation\xa0(0\xa0members);Haus Der Musik BetriebsgesmbH\xa0(0\xa0members);Hellenic Physical Society\xa0(0\xa0members);Heureka - The Finnish Science Centre\xa0(0\xa0members);Hidrodoe\xa0(0\xa0members);Icelandic Science Center Preparation Group\xa0(0\xa0members);iNANO - Interdisciplinary Nanoscience center, University of Aarhus\xa0(0\xa0members);Innovation Centre Mill of Knowledge\xa0(0\xa0members);Innovatum Science Center AB\xa0(0\xa0members);INSPIRIA science center AS\xa0(0\xa0members);Institute for Plastination e. K. - Body Worlds Exhibition\xa0(0\xa0members);Instytucja Kultury \u201cEC1 \u0141od\u017a - Miasto Kultury\u201d\xa0(0\xa0members);International Centre for Life\xa0(0\xa0members);International Polar Foundation F.u.p.\xa0(0\xa0members);iQlandia Science Centre Liberec\xa0(0\xa0members);Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza-Museo Galileo\xa0(0\xa0members);Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare\xa0(0\xa0members);Jarmuseet\xa0(0\xa0members);K.S.C.C. - The Scientific Center of Kuwait\xa0(0\xa0members);Kayseri Science Center\xa0(0\xa0members);Kindercity AG\xa0(0\xa0members);King\u2019s College London\xa0(0\xa0members);K\xf6lnPUB - Publikum und Biotechnologie - e.V.\xa0(0\xa0members);Kurt H\xfcttinger GmbH& Co. KG\xa0(0\xa0members);L\u2019ideatorio Universita della Svizzera Italiana\xa0(0\xa0members);Lascaux \u2013 l\u2019Exposition Internationale SPL\xa0(0\xa0members);Le Vaisseau\xa0(0\xa0members);LEGO Education Experiences\xa0(0\xa0members);Lithuanian Sea museum\xa0(0\xa0members);LVR-Industriemuseum Oberhausen\xa0(0\xa0members);MadaTech - The Israel National Museum of Science,Technology & Space Sc\xa0(0\xa0members);Malm\xf6 Museums\xa0(0\xa0members);Man and the Living World Museum\xa0(0\xa0members);Marina Bay Sands Pte Ltd\xa0(0\xa0members);Maritiem Museum Rotterdam\xa0(0\xa0members);Maritime Museum & Aquarium\xa0(0\xa0members);Mathematikum e.V.\xa0(0\xa0members);MCI\xa0(0\xa0members);Metropolitan Municipality of Gaziantep\xa0(0\xa0members);Metsahallitus / Pilke Science Centre\xa0(0\xa0members);MHN - Museum d\u2019histoire naturelle de Gen\xe8ve\xa0(0\xa0members);Milla & Partner GmbH\xa0(0\xa0members);Miraikan - National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation\xa0(0\xa0members);Mishkat Interactive Center for Atomic & Renewable Energy\xa0(0\xa0members);MKT AG\xa0(0\xa0members);mmaca-museu de matem\xe0tiques de Catalunya\xa0(0\xa0members);Mobiles Musik Museum\xa0(0\xa0members);Mobilis Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd. - Mobilis Science Center\xa0(0\xa0members);Molekylverkstan Kulturhuset Fregatten\xa0(0\xa0members);Moravian Science Centre Brno\xa0(0\xa0members);MTE Studios FZ-LLC\xa0(0\xa0members);Mudic-VBS-CV\xa0(0\xa0members);MUSE - Museo delle Scienze\xa0(0\xa0members);Musealia Entertainment SL\xa0(0\xa0members);Mus\xe9e national d\u2019histoire naturelle\xa0(0\xa0members);Mus\xe9e Scientastic\xa0(0\xa0members);Musei Scientifici di Roma - Planetarium and Astronomical Museum\xa0(0\xa0members);Museo dei Bambini S.C.S. ONLUS\xa0(0\xa0members);Museo di Scienze Naturali dell\u2019Universit\xe0 di Camerino\xa0(0\xa0members);Museo Elder de la Ciencia y la Tecnologia\xa0(0\xa0members);Museo Interactivo Mirador\xa0(0\xa0members);Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales - CSIC\xa0(0\xa0members);Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia - \u2018Leonardo da Vinci\u2019\xa0(0\xa0members);Museon - Museum voor Cultuur en Wetenschap\xa0(0\xa0members);Museu Agbar de les Aig\xfces\xa0(0\xa0members);Museu de Ciencies Naturals de Barcelona\xa0(0\xa0members);Museum Boerhaave\xa0(0\xa0members);Mus\xe9um de Toulouse\xa0(0\xa0members);Mus\xe9um des Sciences Naturelles d\u2019Orl\xe9ans\xa0(0\xa0members);Museum fur Kommunikation\xa0(0\xa0members);Mus\xe9um National d\u2019Histoire Naturelle\xa0(0\xa0members);Museum of Life/Oswaldo Cruz Fundation\xa0(0\xa0members);National Council of Science Museums\xa0(0\xa0members);National Maritime Museum & Royal Observatory Greenwich\xa0(0\xa0members);National Museum Wales\xa0(0\xa0members);National Museums Liverpool\xa0(0\xa0members);National Museums of Scotland\xa0(0\xa0members);National Science