chadskelton / recalls



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Injecting configuration and compiling... Injecting scraper and running... 2015 No detail text found {'url': ' sroom/food-r ecall-warnings/ complete-listing/ 2015-07-21-r9 956/eng/14375947 84419/ 14375947867 00', 'distributi on': u'Ontario', 'date': u'July 21, 2015' , 'refnumber': u'9956', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classif ication ': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Notification - Quality Super Tasty brand Puffed Amaranth Brittle recalled due to extraneous material', 'r eason': u'Extraneous Material', ' company-fi rm': u'Quality Natural Foods CanadaInc.', 'u niqueid': '2015-07-24 17:02:28.3512 53'} {'url': 'http://insp /eng/1437335564276/1437335568766', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'July 19, 2015', 'ref number': u'9955', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, July 19, 2015 - The Healthy Butcher is voluntarily recalling smoked fish from the marketplace because it may permit the growth ofClostridium botulinum. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The affected products were sold in variable weight packages at The Healthy Butcher retail locations in Ontario.Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased the affected products are advised to contact their retailer.', 'classificatio n': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - The Healthy Butcher brand smoked fish voluntarily recalled due to potential presence of dangerous bacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Clostridium botulinum', 'company-firm': u'The Healthy Butcher', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:02:35. 680875'} {'url': 'http://inspection. /1437284017578/14 37284022361', 'distrib ution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'July 18, 2015', ' refnumber': u'9954', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, July 18, 2015 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume the products described below because they may permit the growth ofClostridium botulinum.The affected products were sold in variable weight packages, with or without a label, at The Healthy Butcher retail locations in Ontario.', 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'titl e': u'Food Safety Warning - The Healthy Butcher brand smoked fish may be unsafe due to potential presence of dangerous bacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Clostridium botulinum', 'co mpany-firm': u'N/A', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-2 4 17:02:41.574411'} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found { 'url': 'http://in sroom/food-recall- warnings/complete -listing/2015-07 -17-r9930/eng/143 7407873065/14374078 75756', 'distribution': u'National' , 'date': u'July 17, 2015' , 'refnumber': u'9930', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classi fication': u'Class 2', 'titl e': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Wild Garden brand hummus products recalled due to undeclared sesame seeds', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds' , 'company-firm': u'Tree of Life Canada' , 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 17:02:51.673207'} {'url': 'http://in e-listing/2015-07-16/eng/1437073146254/143707 3152712', 'distri bution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'dat e': u'July 16, 2015', 'refnumbe r': u'9947', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, July 16, 2015 - KNV Food Corporation is recalling biscuits from the marketplace because they contain egg, milk, and wheat which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to egg, milk, or wheat, or sensitivity to gluten should not consume the recalled products described below.', ' classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Biscuits recalled due to undeclared egg, milk, and wheat', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'KNV Food Corporation', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:02:58.505831'} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url ': ' fia/newsroom/food -recall-warnings /complete-listin g/2015-07-14-r9 929/eng/1436976 594297/143697659 7081', 'distrib ution': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia', 'date ': u'July 14, 2015', 'refnumber ': u'9929', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', ' classific ation': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Circle K brand products recalled due to undeclared egg, fish, milk and soy', 'reason' : u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Fish, Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Soy', 'company-fi rm': u'Couche-TardInc.', 'unique id': '2015-07-2 4 17:03:08.332 086'} {'url': 'h ttp://', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'July 14, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9945', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, July 14, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on July 13, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information as well as corrected information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation. The corrections are marked by an asterisk (*) below.Industry is recalling Barber Foods brand uncooked stuffed chicken products from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume and distributors, retailers and food service establishments such as hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, hospitals and nursing homes should not sell or use the recalled products described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Barber Foods brand uncooked stuffed chicken products recalled due toSalmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm': u'Costco Wholesale CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:03:14.419487'} {'url': 'http://ins', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'July 13, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9945', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, July 13, 2015 - Industry is recalling No Name and Barber Foods brands uncooked stuffed chicken products from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume and distributors, retailers and food service establishments such as hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, hospitals and nursing homes should not sell or use the recalled products described below.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - No Name and Barber Foods brands uncooked stuffed chicken products recalled due toSalmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm': u'Costco Wholesale CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:03:21.240750'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://insp e-listing/2015-07-13-r9924 /eng/143699 6334007/143699633639 5', 'distribution': u'Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec', 'date ': u'July 13, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9924', 'extent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Nutri-Qual brandBBQMeats Party (Combo) Pack with Probiotic recalled due to undeclared wheat', 're ason': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-f irm': u'Giant Tiger WholesaleLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:03:26.81 5886'} {'url': 'ht tp:// ete-listing/2015-07-10/eng/1436580002 023/14365 80004757', 'distributio n': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'July 10, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9939', 'ex tent': u'Retail, Warehouse', 'detail text': u"Recall detailsOttawa, July 10, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on July 4, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. The additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.HQ Fine Foods is recalling Gloria's, Oven Pride Kitchen, Quality Fast Foods brands and Lunch Box sandwich products from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'cl assification': u'Class 1', 'tit le': u"Updated Food Recall Warning - Gloria's, Oven Pride Kitchen, Quality Fast Foods brands and Lunch Box sandwich products recalled due toListeria monocytogenes", 'reason' : u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'HQ Fine Foods' , 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:03:33.98 4470'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection. -warnings/complet e-listing/2015- 07-07-r9906/eng /1436365438621/1436365440 989', 'distribu tion': u'Ontario', 'date' : u'July 7, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9906', ' extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification ': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - H and A brand Natural Bar - Almond Bar recalled due to undeclared sesame seeds', 're ason': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds', 'company-firm': u'H&A; Natural BarInc.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 1 7:03:41.483728' } No detail text found {'url': ' sroom/food-recall-warnin gs/complet e-listing/2015-07- 06-r9923/eng/14 36219874811/143 6219877227', 'dis tribution': u'Ontario' , 'date': u'July 6, 2015', 'r efnumb er': u'9923', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Lollipop Candy recalled due to undeclared milk', 're ason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'AJ International Trading (2372761 Ontario Inc.)', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:03:4 7.267154'} {'url': 'http://i g/2015-07-04/eng/1436060067984/1436060071528', 'di stribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan', 'date' : u'July 4, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9922', 'ext ent': u'Retail, Warehouse', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, July 4, 2015 - HQ Fine Foods is recalling Gloria's brand and Lunch Box Roast beef sandwich products from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning - Gloria's brand and Lunch Box Roast beef sandwich products recalled due toListeria monocytogenes", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company -firm': u'HQ Fine Foods', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:0 3:53.039884 '} No detail text found {'url' : ' cfia/newsroom/ food-recall-warn ings/complete-l isting/2015-07 -04-r9918/eng/14 36366740764/14 36366743307', 'distribution ': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia', 'date': u'July 4, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9918', ' extent': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'c lassificat ion': u'Class 2', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Circle K brand products recalled due to undeclared milk, mustard, soy and wheat', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Mustard, Allergen - Soy, Allergen - Wheat', 'company- firm': u'Couche-TardInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 17:03:58.9278 95'} {'url': 'h ttp:// lete-listing/2015-07-03/eng/1435975307825/1435 975313089', 'distr ibution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Possibly National, Saskatchewan, Yukon', 'date': u'July 3, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9926', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, July 3, 2015 - FG Deli recalling Grimm's Fine Foods brand Home Style Roast Beef from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning - Grimm's Fine Foods brand Home Style Roast Beef recalled due toListeria monocytogenes", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'FG Deli GroupLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:04: 04.642640'} No detail text found {'url': ' ll-warnings/complete-listing/2015-07-03-r9902/eng/ 1436450373643/1436450375 903', 'distribution': u'Quebec', 'date ': u'July 3, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9902', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classification': u'Class 3', ' title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) -Boulangerie Boutinbrand surprise cookies recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', ' company-firm': u'Boulangerie Boutin - Coop\xe9rative de travailleurs', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17:04:09.897503'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspect -warnings/complete -listing/2015-07-0 3-r9919/eng/143630 4403112/143630440 5664', 'distributi on': u'British Columbia, Ontario', 'date': u'July 3, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9919', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 2', ' title': u'Notification - Fanny Bay Oysters brand oysters recalled due toVibrio parahaemolyticus', 'rea son': u'Microbiological - Other', 'company- firm': u'Taylor Shellfish Canada ULC dba Fanny Bay Oysters Ltd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 1 7:04:15.168716'} No detail text found {'url': 'http: // 5-07-03- r9920/eng/1436 280042117/14362800443 05', 'distribution': u'Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec', ' date': u'July 3, 2015', 'refnumber' : u'9920', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Hempola brand hemp powder recalled due to undeclared gluten', 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten', 'company-firm': u'Hempola Valley Farms', 'un iqueid': '2015 -07-24 17:04:20.453089 '} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. {'url': 'http:/ / ngs/complete-listing/2015-07-01/eng/ 143579 1777168/14 3579177979 0', 'distr ibution': u'Possibly National', 'date': u'July 1, 2015', ' refnumber': u'9916', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detail text': u'Recall detailsOttawa, July 1, 2015 - Sofina recalling no name and Compliments brands frozen uncooked breaded chicken products from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold nationally.', 'cl assification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - no name and Compliments brands frozen uncooked breaded chicken products recalled due toSalmonella', 'rea son': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm': u'Sofina FoodsInc.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-2 4 17:04:27.745383'} {'url': ' t-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-06-30/eng/14357053230 40/1435705326376', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'June 30, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9897', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u'Recall detailsOttawa, June 30, 2015 - Choice Canning recalling Tastee Choice brand Shrimp Sorrentino and Shrimp Fried Rice from the marketplace because they may contain milk and gluten which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk or sensitivity to gluten should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Tastee Choice brand Shrimp Sorrentino and Shrimp Fried Rice recalled due to undeclared milk and gluten', 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Milk', 'compan y-firm': u'Choice Canning CompanyInc.', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:04:32.8 15645'} No detail text found {'url' : ' room/food-recall -warnings/complet e-listing/2015- 06-30-r9908/en g/1435943139633/143594314 2170', 'dis tribution': u'Ontario', ' date': u'June 30, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9908', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional' , 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2' , 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Delmare Quality FoodsInc.brand products recalled due to undeclared mustard', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-fi rm': u'Delmare Quality FoodsInc.', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:04:38 .386472'} No detail text found {'url ': ' -the-cfia/news room/food-rec all-warnings/ complete-list ing/2015-06- 30-r9907/eng /1435942550461/1435942552 751', ' distribution': u'Alberta', 'date': u'June 30, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9907', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Going Nuts brand products recalled due to undeclared sulphites', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-fi rm': u'Going NutsInc.', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 17:04:44. 528406' } {'url': 'http://ins nings/complete-listing/2015-06-29/eng/14356222 25351/1435 622228452', 'd istribution': u'Alberta' , 'date': u'June 29, 2015', 're fnumber': u'9913', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': u'Recall detailsOttawa, June 29, 2015 - Old Fashioned Meat & recalling Polish dried sausage from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product was sold at Old Fashioned Meat & DeliLtd., 532 Cleveland CrescentS.E., Calgary, Alberta.', 'classification ': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Polish dried sausage sold at Old Fashioned Meat & DeliLtd.recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria' , 'company-firm': u'Old Fashioned Meat & DeliLtd.', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:04:50 .112242'} {'url': 'ht tp:// ood-recall-warnings/complete-lis ting/2015-06-26/eng/1 435361250216/1435361253147 ', 'distri bution': u'Quebec', 'd ate': u'June 26, 2015', 'refn umber': u'9912', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, June 26, 2015 - Loblaw Companies Limited is recalling Loblaws (store-made) brand Spaghetti Sauce from the marketplace due to possible glass contamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products were made and sold at LoblawsLongueuil, 1150rueKing-George,Longueuil, Quebec.', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning - Loblaws (store-made) brand Spaghetti Sauce recalled due to pieces of glass', 'r eason': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-f irm': u'Loblaw Companies Limited', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07 -24 17:04:55.351 850'} No detail text found {'u rl': ' a/newsroom/ food-recall-warn ings/complet e-listing/20 15-06-26-r9745/ eng/1435 683889040/1435 683891632', 'dis tribution': u'Ontario', 'da te': u'June 26, 2015', 'refnumber' : u'9909', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'NO D ETAIL T EXT FOUND', 'classifica tion': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Sunripe brand Caesar dressing products recalled due to undeclared mustard', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm' : u'Sunripe Farms Produce (509334 Ontario Inc.)', 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 17:05:00.654964'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://insp nings/comple te-listing/2015-06- 26-r9914/eng/14356 84506192/1435684508581', 'dis tribution': u'Quebec', 'date': u'June 26, 2015' , 'refnumbe r': u'9914', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': 'NO DET AIL TEX T FOUND', 'c lassificatio n': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Girard's brand Classic Chunky Bleu Cheese Dressing recalled due to undeclared mustard", 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-fi rm': u'GFS - Montreal', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:05:06. 402232'} No detail text found {'url': ' /newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-06-2 4-r9904/eng/143559 0283722/1435590285900', 'distributi on': u'Manitoba', 'date': u'June 24, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9904', 'ex tent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Notification - Winkler's Farmer Sausage Crumble - Naturally Smoked recalled due toListeria monocytogenes", 'reaso n': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'Winkler MeatsLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 17: 05:12.447077'} {'url': ' he-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-06-23/eng/1435109203200/1435109145070', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date': u'June 23, 2015', ' refnumber': u'9899', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u'Recall detailsOttawa, June 23, 2015 -Les D\xe9pendancesis recallingLa Cigognebrand "Munster G\xe9rom\xe9" cheese from the marketplace because it may contain the toxin produced byStaphylococcusbacteria. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.These products may have been sold in smaller packages, cut and wrapped by some retailers. Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased affected products should check with their retailer.', 'class ification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning -La Cigognebrand "Munster G\xe9rom\xe9" cheese recalled due to a toxin produced byStaphylococcusbacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'co mpany-firm': u'Les D\xe9pendances', 'uniqueid': '2015-07- 24 17:05:18.147779'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://i ings/complete- listing/2015-06-23-r9 903/eng/143558817154 3/1435588173937', 'distri bution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'June 23, 2015', 'refn umber': u'9903', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3' , 'title': u'Notification - Swanson brand Stuffing Baked Turkey recalled due to undeclared monosodium glutamate', 'r eason': u'Labelling', 'company- firm': u'Pinnacle Foods Canada Corporation', 'uniqueid': '2015- 07-24 17:05:24.5365 37'} {'url': 'http://inspection. g/1435007892634/1435007895808', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'June 22, 2015', 'refnumbe r': u'9900', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u"Recall detailsOttawa, June 22, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on June 19, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Mixtura recalling Mixtura LatinaCo.brand Mote Blanco Pelado / Peeled White Hominy from the marketplace because it may contain sulphites which are not declared on the label. People with a sensitivity to sulphites should not consume the recalled product described below.", 'class ification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Mixtura LatinaCo.brand Mote Blanco Pelado / Peeled White Hominy recalled due to undeclared sulphites', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-firm': u'Mixtura LatinaCo.', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:05:30.581655'} No detail text found {'url ': ' room/foo d-recall-warning s/complete-listing/ 2015-06-22-r9894/eng/ 1436290807317/1436 290809305', 'distribut ion': u'Ontario', 'date': u'June 22, 2015', 'r efnumber': u'9894', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 't itle': u'Notification - Gay Lea brand 1% Chocolate Milk recalled due to high aerobic colony count', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)' , 'company-firm': u'Gay Lea Foods Co-Operative Limited', 'uni queid': '2015-07-24 17:05:36.221 554'} {'url': 'http://insp arnings/complete-listing/2015-06-19/eng/14 34769476932/14347694 77772', 'distribution ': u'National', 'date ': u'June 19, 2015', 'refnum ber': u'9895', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, June 19, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on June 17, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Industry is recalling Papillon brand Roquefort Cheese from the marketplace because it may contain the toxin produced byStaphylococcusbacteria. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below. Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased affected product should check with their retailer.", 'clas sification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Papillon brand Roquefort cheese recalled due to a toxin produced byStaphylococcusbacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Staphylococcus aureus' , 'compa ny-firm': u'SaputoInc.' , 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 17:05: 42.693124'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Alberta, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario', 'date': u'June 19, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9893', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Girard's brand mayonnaise, dressings and tartar sauce recalled due to undeclared mustard", 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm': u'JL International', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:05:48.048795'} {'url': 'h ttp:// 06-19/eng/1434762100830/1434762102122', 'distribution': u'Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'June 19, 2015', 'refnum ber': u'9901', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, June 19, 2015 - Industry is recalling Phoebe brand Mote Blanco / White Corn products from the marketplace because they may contain sulphites which are not declared on the label. People with a sensitivity to sulphites should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Phoebe brand Mote Blanco / White Corn products recalled due to undeclared sulphites', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-firm': u'Aliments Candesa Foods', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:06:00.282462'} { 'url': ' e-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings /complete-lis ting/2015-06- 18/eng/143464 2104145/14346 42097839', 'd istribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Possibly National', ' date': u'June 18, 2015', 'ref number': u'9896', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, June 18, 2015 - HG Holdings (International)Corpis recalling Santan brand instant coconut milk powder and instant coconut cream powder from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.' , 'classificati on': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Santan brand coconut milk powder and instant coconut cream powder recalled due to undeclared milk' , 'reason ': u'Allergen - Milk', 'compan y-firm': u'HG Holdings (International)Corp', 'uniq ueid': '2015- 07-24 17:06: 05.666729'} {'url': 'http://inspection.g ng/2015-06-17/eng/1434581520520/1434581504 412', 'distribution': u'National', 'd ate': u'June 17, 2015', 'r efnumber': u'9895', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : u'Recall detailsOttawa, June 17, 2015 - recalling Papillon brand Roquefort Cheese products from the marketplace because they may contain the toxin produced byStaphylococcusbacteria. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Papillon brand Roquefort cheese recalled due to a toxin produced byStaphylococcusbacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Staphylococcus aureus', 'company-firm' : u'SaputoInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-2 4 17:06:11.119043'} No detail text found {'u rl': ' ia/newsroo m/food-recall- warnings/complete-l isting/2 015-06-16-r988 6/eng/1435079859 395/1435079808149', 'distribu tion': u'British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario', 'date': u'June 16, 2015', ' refnumber': u'9886', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Hempola brand "100% Hemp Powder, Protein & Fibre Powder" recalled due to undeclared gluten', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Gluten', 'compa ny-firm': u'Hempola Valley Farms', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07 -24 17:06:17.96 9628'} {'url': 'http://in 34508761798', ' distribution': u'British Columbia, Possibly National', 'date': u'June 16, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9890', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, June 16, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on June 7, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Champ's Mushrooms is recalling sliced mushroom products from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classifi cation': u'Class 1', 'title ': u"Updated Food Recall Warning - Champ's Mushrooms and President's Choice brand sliced mushroom products recalled due toListeria monocytogenes", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u"Champ's Mushrooms", 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:06:23.4 70248'} No detail text found {'url': ' call-warnings/comple te-listing/2015-06-1 2-r9888/eng/14351699 15810/143516991919 2', 'distribution' : u'Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'June 12, 2015' , 'refnumber': u'9888', 'ext ent': u'Warehouse', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', ' classification ': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Processed by Pacific Northwest Shellfish brand "Fresh Pacific Oyster Miyagi, Farm Raised" recalled due toVibrio parahaemolyticus', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'company-firm' : u'Pacific Northwest ShellfishCo.Ltd.', 'uniqueid': '2015- 07-24 17:06:29. 332150'} {'url': 'htt p:// gs/complete-listing/2015-06-11/eng/143 4041522520/14 34041534792', 'd istribution': u'Ontario', 'd ate': u'June 11, 2015', 'refnumber' : u'9882', 'extent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, June 11, 2015 - Kam Wah Resources recalling lollipop candy from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'clas sification': u'Class 1' , 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Lollipop Candy recalled due to undeclared milk' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Kam Wah ResourcesCo.Ltd.', 'u niqueid': '2015-07-24 17:06: 34.672800'} No detail text found {'url': 'htt p:// te-listing/2015-06- 11-r9891/eng/143 4646993852/14346 46996519', 'dis tribution': u'Quebec', 'date': u'June 11, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9891', 'extent': u'Warehouse', ' detailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Atkins &Fr\xe8resbrand Cold Smoked Salmon recalled due to nutrition labelling', 'r eason': u'Labelling', 'company- firm': u'Atkins & Fr\xe8resInc.', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17 :06:40.126830'} {'url': 'http://insp 015-06-10/eng/1433966296901/1433966296331' , 'distribution': u'Ontario' , 'date': u'June 10, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9876', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detail text': u'Recall detailsOttawa, June 10, 2015 - Can-Roxy recalling Roxy brand Unsweetened Coconut Cream Powder from the marketplace because it contains milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'tit le': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Roxy brand Unsweetened Coconut Cream Powder recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Can Roxy TradingInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 17:06:45.340714'} No detail text found {'url ': ' ting/2015-06-10-r9 852/eng/143438 5304516/14343 85272914', 'distr ibution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'June 10, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9852', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificat ion': u'Class 3', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Wong's brand Wangjiadu Dry Pan or Spicy Condiment recalled due to undeclared peanuts", ' reason': u'Allergen - Peanut', 'company-firm': u'Kam Wah ResourcesCo.Ltd.', 'u niqueid': '2015-07-24 17:06:50.267111 '} {'url': ' about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-06-09/eng/1433902520301/1433902519456', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'June 9, 2015', 'ref number': u'9879', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, June 9, 2015 - Live Organic Food recalling Live Organic Raw brand Garden Vegetable Crackers from the marketplace because they contain soy which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to soy should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classificat ion': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Live Organic Raw brand Garden Vegetable Crackers recalled due to undeclared soy', 'reason' : u'Allergen - Soy', 'company-firm': u'Live Organic Food ProductsLtd.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 17:06:5 5.349290'} {'url': 'http://i -listing/2015-06-07/eng/1433730032098/143 3730071945', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Possibly National, Saskatchewan', 'date ': u'June 7, 2015', 'refnumber' : u'9872', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, June 7, 2015 - Champ's Mushrooms is recalling Champ's Mushrooms brand Sliced Mini Bella Mushrooms from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning - Champ's Mushrooms brand Sliced Mini Bella Mushrooms recalled due toListeria monocytogenes", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'compan y-firm': u"Champ's Mushrooms", 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:07:00.945917'} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url': ' /1433536583018', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'June 4, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9867', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 2', 't itle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Juliang brand Goji Berry recalled due to undeclared sulphites', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-firm': u'Juliang Healthy FoodLtd.', 'uni queid': '2015-07-24 17:07:0 9.480320' } No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection gs/complete-listing/2015-06-03-r9865/eng /1433351066522/1433351067554', 'distributi on': u'Ontario', 'date': u'June 3, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9865', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 2' , 'title': u'Notification - Kirkland Signature brand Peanut Butter recalled due to pieces of plastic', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'c ompany-firm': u'Costco #159 (Ajax)', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17 :07:15.003743'} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url ': ' ewsroom/food-recall-warni ngs/compl ete-listing/2015- 05-29-r9762/eng /1433278710744/1 433278712938' , 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'May 29, 2015', 'r efnumber': u'9762', 'ex tent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 3' , 'title': u"Notification - Strub's brand Pickled Diced Sweet Pimentos recalled due to pesticide residues", 'r eason': u'Chemical', 'compa ny-firm': u"Whyte's", 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:07:22.58247 2'} No detail text found {'url': ' t-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/compl ete-listing/2015-0 5-29-r9862/eng/14 33257788413/14332 57791383', 'distri bution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date ': u'May 29, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9862', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOU ND', 'classif ication': u'Class 2', 'title': u"Food Safety Warning (Allergen) - Schneider's brand All Beef Bologna recalled due to undeclared milk and wheat", 'reason ': u'Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm' : u'Maple Leaf Foods', 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 17:07:28 .037231'} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'ur l': ' out-the-cf ia/newsroom/f ood-recall-warni ngs/complete-listing /2015-0 5-29-r9861/ eng/143326 0316955/143 3260319258', 'di stribu tion': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Saskatchewan', 'd ate': u'May 29, 2015', 'refnum ber': u'9861', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND' , 'classific ation': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Willow Creek brand Certified Organic Curry Powder recalled due to undeclared mustard', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'c ompany-firm ': u'Willow Creek Organic Grain CompanyInc.', 'un iqueid': '2 015-07-24 17: 07:37.3 06134'} No detail text found {'url': ' ut-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/comple te-listing/2015-05 -29-r9839/eng/14 33345921289/14 33345924895', 'distr ibution': u'National', 'date' : u'May 29, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9839' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND', 'classi fication': u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Notification - Cadbury Dairy Milk Brand Coconut Cashew chocolate product and related Cadbury Family Variety Packs recalled due to errors in nutritional labelling', 'reaso n': u'Labelling, Nutrition', 'company-firm ': u'Mondelez CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:07:4 3.007050'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection.gc .ca/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall -warnings/complete -listing/2015-05-29 -r9856/eng/143353 6182391/1433536185 687', 'distributio n': u'Nova Scotia', 'date': u'May 29, 2015', 'r efnumber': u'9856', 'ext ent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classification': u'Class 2', 't itle': u'Notification - Bay EnterprisesLtd.brand American Oysters recalled due to generic E. coli', 'r eason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'compa ny-firm': u'Bay Enterprises Limited', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17:07 :48.748321 '} No detail text found {'url': 'http: // /food-recall-warnin gs/complete-listi ng/2015-05-29-r98 58/eng/14333592186 16/1433359221668' , 'distribution': u'Nova Scotia', 'date': u'May 29, 2015', 'r efnumber': u'9858', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'class ification': u'Class 3', ' title': u'Notification - Sobeys brand Lean Ground Beef recalled due to pieces of wood', 'reason' : u'Extraneous Material', 'company-firm': u'Sobeys store #594 (Truro,NS)', 'u niqueid': '2015-07-24 17:0 7:55.035547'} {'url': ' bout-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/20 15-05-28/eng/1432860938074/1432860941805', 'di stribution': u'National', 'date ': u'May 28, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9863' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, May 28, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on May 25, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Loblaw Companies Limited is recalling President's Choice brand hummus and dip products from the marketplace because they may contain the toxin produced byStaphylococcusbacteria. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'cla ssification': u'Class 2', 'title': u"Updated Food Recall Warning - President's Choice brand hummus and dip products recalled due to a toxin produced byStaphylococcusbacteria", ' reason': u'Microbiological - Staphylococcus aureus', 'comp any-firm': u'Loblaw Companies Limited', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17: 08:01.126958'} No detail text found {'url': ' food-recall -warnings/complete- listing/2015-05-27-r 9846/eng/14329169572 96/1432916962072', 'dist ribution': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'May 27, 2015', 'refnu mber': u'9846', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classification ': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Vinh Thuan brand Instant Coconut Powder recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-fi rm': u'Wealth Dragon Trading Co.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 1 7:08:06.763737'} No detail text found {'url' : ' ia/newsroom/food -recall-warning s/complete-listin g/2015-05-27-r9855/e ng/143334 1837376/143334 1839837', 'dist ribution': u'British Columbia', 'date' : u'May 27, 2015', 'refn umber': u'9855', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Maple Leaf Spices brand Curious Curry Refill recalled due to undeclared mustard', 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'c ompany-firm': u'Maple Leaf Spices' , 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:08:13.00 4737'} {'url': 'http: // ng/2015-05-25/e ng/1432597365714/1432 597368671', 'distr ibution': u'National', 'd ate': u'May 25, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9849', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, May 25, 2015 - Loblaw Companies Limited is recalling President's Choice brand Moroccan-Style Hummus from the marketplace because it may contain the toxin produced byStaphylococcusbacteria. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.", 'classif ication': u'Class 2' , 'title': u"Food Recall Warning - President's Choice brand Moroccan-Style Hummus recalled due to a toxin produced byStaphylococcusbacteria", ' reason': u'Microbiological - Staphylococcus aureus', 'comp any-firm': u'Loblaw Companies Limited', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 17:08 :19.109517'} No detail text found {'url': ' about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings /complete-l isting/2015-0 5-25-r9841/ eng/143333989 6859/143333990010 6', 'dis tribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'May 25, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9841', ' extent' : u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FO UND', 'classifica tion': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Maple Leaf Spices brand spice products recalled due to undeclared mustard and sulphites', 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard, Allergen - Sulphites' , 'compan y-firm': u'Maple Leaf Spices', ' uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 1 7:08:25.322 052'} {'url': 'http://ins g/2015-05-22/eng/1432351831552/1432351834957', 'distribution ': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island', 'date': u'May 22, 2015', 'ref number': u'9844, 9847', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u"Recall detailsOttawa, May 22, 2015 - Loblaw Companies Limited and Strang's ProduceInc.are voluntarily recalling certain Farmer's Market and Strang's Produce brands of Russet Potatoes from the marketplace due to possible food tampering with nails and needles. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classifi cation': u'Class 3', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning - Farmer's Market brand and Strang's Produce brand Russet Potatoes recalled due to possible tampering", 'reason': u'Tampering', 'com pany-firm': u"Loblaw Companies Limited, Strang's ProduceInc.", ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:08:31.139418' } Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'May 21, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9843', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Compliments brand Beef Sausages recalled due to undeclared mustard and wheat', 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'Vantage FoodsInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:08:39.282625'} No detail text found {'url': 'http :// 05-20-r9836/eng/1 432245027397/14 32245030485', ' distribution': u'National', 'date': u'May 20, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9836', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'det ailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Quality Super Tasty brand Rajgira Laddu - Puffed Amaranth Dumplings recalled due to extraneous material', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'com pany-firm': u'Quality Natural Foods CanadaInc.', 'un iqueid': '2015- 07-24 17: 08 :45.046905'} No detail text found {'url ': ' -cfia/newsroom/foo d-recall-war nings/complete-listing /2015-05- 20-r9834/en g/1432309934642/14323 09940466', 'distribution ': u'Ontario', 'date': u'May 20, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9834', 'ex tent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL T EXT FO UND', 'class ification': u'Class 2', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Glico Double Pretz and Glico Pretz brand Biscuit Sticks recalled due to undeclared milk', 're ason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Kam Wah ResourcesCo.Ltd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 17:08:50.5983 22'} No detail text found {'url': ' d-recall-warni ngs/complete -listing/2015 -05-20-r9774/eng/ 14325636 98717/143256370 1774', 'distr ibution': u'National' , 'date': u'May 20, 2015', ' refnumber': u'9774', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Strux brand Build & Bite recalled due to presence of lead', 'reason' : u'Chemical', 'company -firm': u'Exclusive Candy & Novelty DistributionLtd.', 'uniquei d': '2015 -07-24 17:08 :56.306244'} {'url': ' od-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-05-19/eng/1432089450614/1432089456218', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'May 19, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9838', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : u'Recall detailsOttawa, May 19, 2015 - Industry is recalling Vasco Da Gama brand canned seafood products from the marketplace because they may be contaminated with dangerous bacteria. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Vasco Da Gama brand canned seafood products recalled due to potential presence of dangerous bacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'company-firm': u'Tavora Holding Co. Ltd.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07 -24 17:09:02.299204 '} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspect all-warnings/complete-lis ting/2015-0 5-19-r9837/eng/1 432158762295/143 2158765702', 'dist ribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec', 'd ate': u'May 19, 2015', 'refnumbe r': u'9837', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': 'NO DETA IL TEXT F OUND', 'classific ation': u'Class 2', 'title' : u'Notification - Charles Arnaud brand "Morbier au lait cru" Semi Firm Ripened Cheese recalled due toStaphylococcus aureus', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Staphylococcus aureus', 'company-firm': u'Les D\xe9pendances', ' uniqueid': '2015-0 7-24 17:09:07.600 154'} No detail text found {'url ': ' /newsroom/food-recall-w arnings/complete-l isting/2015-05-19 -r9833/eng/143282 3727456/1432823730 822', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'May 19, 2015', 'r efnumber': u'9833', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 3', ' title': u'Notification - Pepper products recalled by Altius Spices and SeasoningsInc.due to presence of sand', 're ason': u'Extraneous Material', 'company- firm': u'Altius Spices and SeasoningsInc.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 17:09:12.4 00059'} {'url': 'http://inspe 015-05-15/eng/1431721503847/1431721507058', 'd istribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Possibly National' , 'date': u'May 15, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9831', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u'Recall detailsOttawa, May 15, 2015 - Bedessee recalling Brown Betty brand Coconut Milk Powder Mix from the marketplace because it contains milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'c lassificatio n': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Brown Betty brand Coconut Milk Powder Mix recalled due to undeclared milk', ' reason': u'Allergen - Milk' , 'company-f irm': u'Bedesee ImportLtd.', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:09:17.537 985'} {'url': 'http://insp complete-listing/2015-05-15b/eng/143173 1285435/1431731289073', 'd istribu tion': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Possibly National, Saskatchewan', 'da te': u'May 15, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9832', 'ex tent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, May 15, 2015 - Seoul Trading Corporation is recalling Orion Ball from the marketplace because it contains squid, crab, and shrimp which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to squid, crab, or shrimp should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classificatio n': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Orion Ball recalled due to undeclared squid, crab, and shrimp', 'r eason': u'Allergen - Crustacean/Shellfish', 'company -firm': u'Seoul TradingCorp.', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17:09:22.492289'} {'url': ' call-warnings/complete-listing/2015-05-14/eng/1431644118436/1431644121141', 'd istribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'May 14, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9835', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u'Recall detailsOttawa, May 14, 2015 - Daehsan recalling DXN brand instant coffee products from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume and distributors, retailers and food service establishments such as hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, hospitals and nursing homes should not sell or use the recalled products described below.', 'classif ication': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - DXN brand instant coffee products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company -firm': u'Daehsan CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid ': '2015 -07-24 17:09:28.1 52993'} {'url': ' e-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-05-13/eng/1431566401047/1431566403986', 'distribution': u'New Brunswick', 'date': u'May 13, 2015', 'refnumbe r': u'9830', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, May 13, 2015 - The Soup Boy is recalling Carrot Soup from the marketplace because it may permit the growth ofClostridium botulinum. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classification' : u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - The Soup Boy brand Carrot Soup recalled due to potential presence of dangerous bacteria', 'r eason': u'Microbiological - Clostridium botulinum', 'company-fir m': u'The Soup Boy', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:09:33.534078'} {'url': 'http://inspection.gc. ca/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listin g/2015-05-11/eng/1431410673179/1431410677952', 'distrib ution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'May 11, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9828', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, May 11, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on May 09, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information.Killarney Market is voluntarily recalling Killarney Market brand ground beef, pork and turkey from the marketplace due to possibleE.coliO157:H7 contamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products were sold from Killarney Market, 2611 East 49thAve., Vancouver, British Columbia.' , 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Killarney Market brand ground beef, pork and turkey recalled due toE.coliO157:H7', 'reas on': u'Microbiological - E. coli O157:H7', 'company-fir m': u'Killarney Market', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 17:09:38.4419 00'} {'url': 'http :// food-recall-warnings/complete-li sting/2015-05 -09/eng/1431 200297984/143120 0306365' , 'distributi on': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'May 9, 2015' , 'refnumber': u'9825', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext ': u'Recall detailsOttawa, May 9, 2015 - Killarney Market is voluntarily recalling Killarney Market brand ground beef from the marketplace due to possibleE.coliO157:H7 contamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products were sold from Killarney Market, 2611 East 49thAve., Vancouver, British Columbia.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'ti tle': u'Food Recall Warning - Killarney Market brand ground beef recalled due toE.coliO157:H7', 'reason': u'Microbiological - E. coli O157:H7', 'compa ny-firm': u'Killarney Market' , 'unique id': '201 5-07-24 17:09:43.666288'} No detail text found {'url': 'http:// od-recall-warning s/complete-listing /2015-05-06-r97 97/eng/1431354 483116/1431354 486453', 'distrib ution': u'Ontario, Possibly National', 'date': u'May 7, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9797', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification' : u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Unico and Primo brand Red Kidney Beans recalled due to container integrity issues', 'reason' : u'Microbiological - Other', 'company-fi rm': u'Unico Inc.', 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 17 :09:48.69537 3'} No detail text found {'url': 'h ttp:// /newsroom/food-recal l-warnings/compl ete-listing/2015-05- 07-r9799/ eng/143137906 7698/143137907039 2', 'distribut ion': u'Ontario', 'date': u'May 7, 2015', ' refnumber' : u'9799', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', ' classificatio n': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Raw MilkSt.Jorge Cheese recalled by Portuguese Cheese Company Limited due toStaphylococcus aureus', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Staphylococcus aureus', ' company-fir m': u'Portuguese Cheese Company Limited', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:09:5 4.291931'} No detail text found {'url' : ' a/newsroom/food -recall-wa rnings/complete -listin g/2015-0 5-05-r977 7/eng/143103 3106556/14310331 09898', 'distribu tion': u'National', 'date ': u'May 5, 2015', 'ref number': u'9777' , 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', ' classification' : u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Notification - Clic brand Eston Green Lentils recalled due to extraneous material' , 'reason ': u'Extraneous Material', 'company- firm': u'AGT Clic' , 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:09 :59.269522'} No detail text found {'url': ' about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-r ecall-warnings/comple te-listing/2015-0 5-05-r9816/eng/143 0927605028/143 0927608071', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date' : u'May 5, 2015', 'refnumber' : u'9816', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': 'NO DET AIL TEX T FOUND', 'class ification': u'Class 2', ' title': u'Notification - Kirkland Signature brand Peanut Butter recalled due to pieces of plastic', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'compan y-firm': u'Costco Wholesale CanadaLtd.', 'un iqueid': '2015-07 -24 17:10:04.4 34157'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection.gc. ca/about-the-cfia/newsroo m/food- recall-warn ings/complete -listing/2015- 05-05-r9803/eng/1 431631773156/14316 31775644', 'distributio n': u'Ontario', 'date': u'May 5, 2015', 'r efnumber': u'9803', ' extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND' , 'classific ation': u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Provitus brand vegetable products and Olza Prince Polo brand wafers recalled due to undeclared allergens', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Mustard, Allergen - Wheat', 'compan y-firm': u'Polish Trade Centre', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 17:10: 09.276137'} No detail text found {'url': 'ht tp:// d-recall-warnings/co mplete-listing/2015-05-05 -r9776/eng /1431099613997/1431 099621217', 'distri bution': u'Quebec', 'date' : u'May 5, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9776' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND', 'classificat ion': u'Class 3', 't itle': u'Notification -Boulangerie Lemieuxbrand "Moisson Sant\xe9Multigrain" recalled due to nutrition labelling', 'reason': u'Labelling, Nutrition', 'company-firm': u'Boulangerie Lemieux', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:10:14.24 9858'} {'url': 'http://ins ngs/complete-listing/2015-05-01b/eng/143 0542910351/143054 2921906', 'distri bution': u'Alberta, Possibly National', 'dat e': u'May 1, 2015', 'refnumber ': u'9808', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, May 1, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on April 29, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Simple Simon Pies is recalling Simple Simon Soups brand Lobster Chowder from the marketplace because it contains egg which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to egg should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1' , 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Simple Simon Soups brand Lobster Chowder recalled due to undeclared egg', 'r eason': u'Allergen - Egg', 'company-fi rm': u'Simple Simon Pies', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 17: 10:19.754814'} {'url': 'http://inspection e-listing/2015-05-01/eng/143052947154 1/1430529475349' , 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Possibly National' , 'date': u'May 1, 2015' , 'refnumber': u'9813, 9815', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, May 1, 2015 - Industry is recalling various Ezaki Glico brand Pretz from the marketplace because they may contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classifica tion': u'Class 1', 'title' : u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Certain Ezaki Glico brand Pretz recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'c ompany-fir m': u'Henry TradingCo., Top Choice Import and Services', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-2 4 17:10:25.14 0311'} No detail text found {'url': ' ecall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-05 -01-r9805/eng/143 0776728058/143077 6731571', 'dis tribution': u'Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario', 'date': u'May 1, 2015', ' refnumber ': u'9805', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classificati on': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Lasco brand Coconut Cream Powder recalled due to undeclared milk', 'r eason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-f irm': u'Afribbean Foods', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:10:3 0.607363'} {'url': ' rnings/complete-listing/2015-04-30/e ng/1430431517170/143 0431518530', 'distrib ution': u'Possibly National', 'da te': u'April 30, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9810', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, April 30, 2015 - The Food Recall warning issued on April 29, 2015 has been amended to correctly identify the products recalled by Sun Rich Fresh FoodsInc.The corrections for these products are marked by an asterisk (*) below. Please note that the Starbucks product has been removed from this recall.Sun Rich Fresh recalling sliced apples and products containing sliced apples produced in its Brampton, Ontario facility from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume and distributors, retailers and food service establishments such as hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, hospitals and nursing homes should not sell or use the recalled products described below.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'titl e': u'Correction - Food Recall Warning - Sliced apples and products containing sliced apples recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reason' : u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'Sun Rich Fresh FoodsInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015- 07-24 17:10:36.781725' } Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. {'url': 'http://inspec mplete-listing/2015-04-29/eng/1430352037209/ 1430352041220', 'distribu tion': u'Alberta, Possibly National', ' date': u'April 29, 2015', 'refnumbe r': u'9802', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, April 29, 2015 - Simple Simon Pies is recalling Simple Simon Meals brand LobsterMac-n-Cheesefrom the marketplace because it contains egg which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to egg should not consume the recalled products described below.' , 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Simple Simon Meals brand Lobster Mac-n-Cheese recalled due to undeclared egg', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg', 'company- firm': u'Simple Simon Pies', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 17:1 0:45.671177'} {'url': 'http://i call-warnings/complete-listing/2 0150429b/eng/ 1430375161334/1430 3751672 58', 'distrib ution': u'Possibly National', 'd ate': u'April 29, 2015', 'ref number': u'9810', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, April 29, 2015 - Sun Rich Fresh recalling sliced apples and products containing sliced apples produced in its Brampton, Ontario facility from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume and distributors, retailers and food service establishments such as hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, hospitals and nursing homes should not sell or use the recalled products described below.', 'class ification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Sliced apples and products containing sliced apples recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reas on': u'Microbiological - Listeria', ' company-firm' : u'Sun Rich Fresh FoodsInc.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07- 24 17:10:52.4801 16'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection.gc.c a/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-list ing/2015-04- 27-r9798/eng/1430762 457947/1430762461264 ', 'distribution': u'Newfoundland and Labrador' , 'date': u'April 27, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9798', 'extent': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', ' classificat ion': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Smith Snacks brand Pizza Subs recalled due to undeclared fish', 'reason': u'Allergen - Fish', 'comp any-firm': u'Smith Snacks Service', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:10:58.916 917'} {'url': 'http://i mplete-listing/2015-04-25/eng/1430002432643/1430 002436726', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'April 25, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9785', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, April 25, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on April 15, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Heinz Canada is recalling Heinz brand Sweet Potato & Beef Medley from the marketplace due to potential loss of seal, which could cause spoilage. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold nationally.", 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Heinz brand Sweet Potato and Beef Medley infant food recalled due to potential for spoilage', 'r eason': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)', 'company-firm': u'Heinz Canada', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17:11:05.768867'} No detail text found {'url': ' ecall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-04-24-r9791/en g/1430327456759/1 430327459514', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date ': u'April 24, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9791', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOU ND', 'classificat ion': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Lazar Gourmet Foods brand Beef Samosas recalled due to undeclared mustard', 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm' : u'Lazar Gourmet Foods', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-2 4 17:11:12.052085'} No detail text found {'url': 'http :// food-recall-warni ngs/complete-list ing/2015-04-20-r 9792/eng/1429642 619995/14296426222 85', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'April 20, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9792' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classificat ion': u'Class 3', 'title': u"Notification - Pinty's Eatwell brand chicken products recalled due to presence of pieces of rubber", 'reason': u'Extraneous Material' , 'company-firm': u"Pinty's Delicious FoodsInc." , 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:11:18 .979389'} No detail text found {'url': ' ia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-lis ting/2015-04-17-r97 72/eng/142954302 7564/1429543035 491', 'distributi on': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'April 17, 2015' , 'refnumber': u'9772', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'N O DETAIL T EXT FOUND', 'clas sification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Gourmet Chef brand Creamy Coleslaw with Greek Yogurt recalled due to undeclared sunflower seeds', ' reason': u'Allergen - Other', 'company- firm': u'FGC Foods Ltd.', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17:11:2 5.263663'} No detail text found {'url': 'http: // sroom/food-reca ll-warnings/com plete-listing /2015-04-17-r 9779/eng/14298 17075166/14298 17077226', 'di stribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'April 17, 2015', 'ref number': u'9779', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Nature Valley brand Sweet & Salty Dark Chocolate Nut Bars recalled due to pieces of wood' , 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'comp any-firm' : u'General Mills Canada Corporation', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 17:11:31.318402'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date': u'April 16, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9787', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u"Notification - Earth's Choice brand Organic Virgin Coconut Oil recalled due to mould", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)', 'company-firm': u'Canadian Choice WholesalersLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:11:37.469968'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'April 16, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9778', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Market Town brand Cabbage Rolls recalled due to undercooking', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'company-firm': u'El Molino Foods of Canada (1972)Ltd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:11:43.543731'} {'url': 'http://', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'April 15, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9741', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, April 15, 2015 - Heinz Canada is recalling Heinz brand Chicken with Broth from the marketplace due to potential loss of seal, causing spoilage. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Heinz brand Chicken with Broth infant food recalled due to potential for spoilage', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'company-firm': u'Heinz Canada' , 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 17:11:49.19 7509'} No detail text found {' url': 'http://inspection.gc.c a/about-the-cfia/newsroom/ food-recall-war nings/complete- listing/2015-04- 15-r9786/en g/1429293719566/142929 3720269', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'April 15, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9786', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classification': u'Class 2', 't itle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Rashad brand Baklawa Mix recalled due to undeclared cashews', 'reason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut', 'c ompany-firm': u'Greenworld Food ExpressInc.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 17:11:55.22 2400'} No detail text found {'url': 'ht tp:// s/complete-listing /2015-04-14-r9783 /eng/142973532 3777/14297353265 70', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'April 14, 2015', 'refnu mber': u'9783, 9790, 9793', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', 'clas sification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Whole Foods Market brandLa Guadalupana Tamale Salsa Verderecalled due to undeclared egg', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg' , 'company-firm': u'Whole Foods Market (Lansdowne Park), Whole Foods Market (Square One Drive), Whole Foods Market (Yonge/Sheppard)', 'un iqueid': '2015-07 -24 17:12:01.91660 5'} No detail text found {'url': ' ood-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-04-10- r9773/eng/142963166 0433/1429631662863' , 'di stribution': u'Ontario, Quebec', ' date': u'April 10, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9773', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'de tailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Notification - Pickled products recalled by Cibona FoodsInc.due to spoilage', 'r eason': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)', 'compan y-firm': u'Cibona FoodsInc.', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17:12:08 .508983'} No detail text found {'ur l': ' -cfia/newsr oom/food-r ecall-warni ngs/complete-listing/201 5-04-1 0-r9775/eng /14292138552 01/1429213 856612', 'distributi on': u'National', ' date': u'April 10, 2015', 're fnumber': u'9775' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'class ification': u'Class 2', 'title' : u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Rashad brand Baklawa Mix recalled due to undeclared cashews', 'reason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut', 'company-firm': u'Greenworld Food ExpressInc.', 'u niqueid': '2015-0 7-24 17:12:14.9 26699'} No detail text found {'url': ' fia/news room/food- recall-war nings/com plete-list ing/2015-04 -10-r9750/e ng/1428934899 617/14289349 03062', 'distr ibutio n': u'New Brunswick', 'd ate': u'April 10, 2015', 'r efnumber': u'9750', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'cl assifi cation': u'Class 3' , 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - East Coast Beef Jerky brand Beef Jerky recalled due to undeclared allergens', 'r eason' : u'Allergen - Fish, Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Mustard, Allergen - Wheat', 'comp any-firm': u'East Coast Beef Jerky', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17 :12:21.46769 0'} {'url': 'http://ins 5-04-03/eng/1428079332555/1428079333664', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan' , 'date': u'April 3, 2015', 'refnu mber': u'9765', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, April 3, 2015 - recalling various in-store prepared salads from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold in Sobeys and IGA retail locations in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.', 'classificat ion': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Various Sobeys in-store prepared salads containing fully cooked sliced chicken breast recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company -firm': u'SobeysInc.', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 17:12:28.114310'} {'url': 'http: // sting/2015-04-03/eng/1428074098053/14280741022 58', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'April 3, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9764', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u'Recall detailsOttawa, April 3, 2015 - Costco Wholesale recalling Kirkland Signature brand roasted chicken salad from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'cl assification': u'Class 1', 'title' : u'Food Recall Warning - Kirkland Signature brand roasted chicken salad containing fully cooked sliced chicken breast recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'com pany-firm': u'Costco Wholesale CanadaInc.', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17:1 2:35.781371'} No detail text found {'url' : ' -cfia/newsroom/food-re call-warning s/complete-l isting/2015- 04-02-r9758 /eng/14286126 83915/142861 2687053', 'd istribution': u'National', 'date': u'April 2, 2015', 'refnumbe r': u'9758', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classific ation': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u"Notification - Pinty's Pub & Grill brand Chicken Parmesan recalled due to pieces of plastic", 're ason': u'Extraneous Material', 'com pany-firm': u"Pinty's Delicious FoodsInc.", 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 1 7:12:42.494905'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://insp -recall-warnings/complet e-listing/2015-04-01-r9705 /eng/14285253124 16/1428525315 521', 'dist ribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'April 1, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9705' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Korean curry products recalled by Seoul TradingCorp.due to undeclared mustard', 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm': u'Seoul TradingCorp.' , 'unique id': '2015-0 7-24 17:12:48.81 5407'} {'u rl': ' rnings/complete-listing/2015-04-01/e ng/1427947160734/142794716 4796', 'dist ribution': u'National', 'date': u'April 1, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9766', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, April 1, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on March 25, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Lilydale is voluntarily recalling Lilydale brand Oven Roasted Carved Chicken Breast and Oven Roasted Carved Turkey Breast from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classificat ion': u'Class 1', 'title' : u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Lilydale brand Oven Roasted Carved Chicken Breast and Oven Roasted Carved Turkey Breast recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'co mpany-firm': u'Lilydale', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 17:12:55 .572472'} No detail text found { 'url': ' /newsroom/food-recall- warnings/complet e-listing/ 2015-04-02- r9751/eng/1428951778685/1 42895178226 5', 'distribution': u'Saskatchewan', 'date': u'April 1, 2015', 're fnumber': u'9751', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classification' : u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Recall of Homestyle Meats brand sausages due to undeclared wheat', 'reason': u'Allergen - Wheat', 'company- firm': u'Homestyle Meats', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 17 :13:03.524465'} No detail text found {'url': 'h ttp:// ings/complete-listi ng/2015-03-31-r97 54/eng/1428503451 846/1428503454662' , 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'March 31, 2015', 'ref number': u'9754', 'extent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classificatio n': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Farm Boy brand Coconut Curry Lentil Soup recalled due to pieces of plastic', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material' , 'company-firm': u'Farm Boy 2012Inc.', 'unique id': '2015 -07-24 17:13:09 .864175'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspect ete-listing/2015-03-31-r97 8/eng/1430254212820/143025 4215533', 'distribution': u'Quebec', 'dat e': u'March 31, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9788', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classific ation': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Dalisa brand Pork Roast recalled due to undeclared sulphites', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sulphites', ' company-firm': u'Multi-PortionsInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17: 13:16.251200'} No detail text found Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. {'url': ' bout-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-03-27/eng/14 27504245811/1427504250901', 'distribution': u'Saskatchewan', 'date': u'March 27, 2015', 'refnum ber': u'9756', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, March 27, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on March 25, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Steep Hill Food Co-op is recalling organic garlic powder from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The following product has been sold from the Steep Hill Food Co-op located at 730 Broadway Avenue, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan from January 5, 2015 to March 20, 2015.", 'c lassification': u'Class 2', 't itle': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Organic garlic powder recalled due toSalmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'c ompany-f irm': u'Steep Hill Food Co-op', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:1 3:24.609105'} No detail text found {'url': ' -cfia/newsroom /food-recall-warn ings/co mplete-listi ng/2015-03-26 -r9748/eng/14 30323304960/ 1430323307906', 'd istribu tion': u'Alberta', 'da te': u'March 26, 2015', 'refn umber': u'9748', 'ex tent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'de tailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'cl assification' : u'Class 1', 'title': u'Notification - Liquid Whole Egg recalled by Egg Processing Innovations Cooperative due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reason' : u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'Egg Processing Innovations Cooperative', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:1 3:30.016656' } No detail text found {'url': ' he-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/comple te-listing/2015-03-26 -r9745/eng/14277401767 14/1427740180030', 'd istribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario', 'd ate': u'March 26, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9745', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Adamba brand Polish Style Krupnik Mushroom with Barley Soup recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm ': u'European Fine Foods', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 17:13:35.812531'} {'url': ' e-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-03-25b/eng/1427335863164/14273358 67856', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'March 25, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9747', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 25, 2015 - recalling Lilydale brand Oven Roasted Carved Chicken Breast from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.' , 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning - Lilydale brand Oven Roasted Carved Chicken Breast recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'rea son': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'LilydaleInc.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-0 7-24 17:13:41.292577'} {'url': 'http://ins s/complete-listing/2015-03-25/eng/14273 24829468/1427324 833597', 'dist ribution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'March 25, 2015', 'refnum ber': u'9752', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, March 25, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on March 23, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Simple Remedies Herbal Solutions is recalling organic vegetarian chicken broth powder from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold from a bulk bin at Simple Remedies Herbal Solutions located at 1111 Fort Street, Victoria, British Columbia from March 4, 2015 to March 20, 2015.", 'classification': u'Class 2', 'titl e': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Organic vegetarian chicken broth powder recalled due toSalmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-fir m': u'Simple Remedies Herbal Solutions', 'uni queid': '2015-07 -24 17:13:47.075706'} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. {'url': 'http://ins 27137392199/142 7137399498', 'dis tribution': u'Ontario', 'd ate': u'March 23, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9739', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, March 23, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on March 19, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Industry is recalling various products containing garlic powder from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classifi cation': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Various products containing garlic powder recalled due toSalmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella' , 'company-firm': u'Organic ConnectionsLtd.' , 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 17:13:55.800967 '} {'url': ' about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-03-23/eng/1427154314841/1427154318788', 'distributio n': u'National', 'date': u'March 23, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9742, 9744', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detail text': u"Recall detailsOttawa, March 23, 2015 - Industry is recalling Amy's brand frozenentr\xe9eproducts from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'class ification': u'Class 1', 'title ': u"Food Recall Warning - Amy's brand frozen entr\xe9e products recalled due toListeria monocytogenes", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'co mpany-firm': u'Horizon DistributorsLtd., PSC Natural FoodsLtd.', 'uni queid': '2015-07-24 1 7:14:02.012321'} {'url': 'http://inspecti 03-22/eng/1427053021407/1427053025008', 'd istribution': u'National', 'da te': u'March 22, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9733', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, March 22, 2015 -  Ottawa, April 30, 2015 - The food recall warnings issued on March 20 and 22, 2015 have been rescinded.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is advising the public that there is no longer evidence to indicate that the cumin and cumin-containing products described below contain almond. Consequently, based on the information presently available, there is no evidence that these products could pose a risk to individuals allergic to almond.The food recall warning issued on March 20, 2015, has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety recalling cumin-containing products from the marketplace because they contain almond which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to almond should not consume the recalled products described below.", ' classification': u'Class 1', 't itle': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Rescinded - Cumin-containing products recalled due to undeclared almond', 'reason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut', 'com pany-firm': u'NadorInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:14:10. 046668'} {'url': 'http://inspection.gc. ca/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-list ing/2015-03-21/eng/1426990654389/142699065783 1', 'distribution ': u'National', 'date': u'March 21, 2015', ' refnumber': u'9749', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detail text': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, March 21, 2015 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume and retailers not to sell the Aurora brand Cranberry Health Mix described below due toSalmonella.The following product may have been sold from Winners, HomeSense and Marshalls stores nationally.', 'cla ssification': u'Class 2', 't itle': u'Food Safety Warning - Aurora brand Cranberry Health Mix may be unsafe due toSalmonella', 'reason' : u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm ': u'TJX Canada', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 17:14 :15.936341'} {'url': 'http ://', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'March 20, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9686', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 20, 2015 -Ottawa, April 30, 2015 - The food recall warnings issued on March 20 and 22, 2015 have been rescinded.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is advising the public that there is no longer evidence to indicate that the cumin and cumin-containing products described below contain almond. Consequently, based on the information presently available, there is no evidence that these products could pose a risk to individuals allergic to recalling Ground Cumin from the marketplace because it contains almond which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to almond should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Rescinded - Ground Cumin recalled due to undeclared almond', 'reason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut', 'company-firm': u'NadorInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:14:22 .377290'} {'url': ' ut-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-03-20/eng/1426882401918/1426882406654', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'March 20, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9721', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 20, 2015 - Mondelez voluntarily recalling select 300gand 500gChristie brand Golden Oreo Cookies from the marketplace due to an incorrect carbohydrate declaration on the Nutrition Facts table. Affected products declare 8gof carbohydrate per serving, but contain 17gof carbohydrate per serving. Impacted Best Before dates are set out below; all other Best Before dates are unaffected. People who are monitoring blood glucose levels and carbohydrate consumption should be aware that the amount of carbohydrate in a serving is 17g, not 8gas indicated on the label, or should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold nationally in Canada only.', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Christie brand Golden Oreo Cookies recalled due to incorrect carbohydrate declaration', 'reason': u'Labelling, Nutrition', 'c ompany-firm': u'Mondelez CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 17:14:28.63557 3'} No detail text found {'url': 'htt p:// ecall-warnings/complete-l isting/2015 -03-20-r9740/eng/ 1427827251557/1427827254962', 'd istribution': u'National', ' date': u'March 20, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9740', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND', 'class ification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Quality Super Tasty brand Rajgira Laddu - Puffed Amaranth Dumplings recalled due to extraneous material', 'rea son': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-f irm': u'Quality Natural Foods CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 17: 14:35.743299'} No detail text found {'ur l': ' -cfia/newsroom/food- recall-warnings/complete-lis ting/2015-0 3-20-r9723/eng/142722 0274173/142722027548 6', 'distribution' : u'Ontario', 'date': u'March 20, 2015', 'refnumber' : u'9723', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'classificati on': u'Class 2', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Tinnel's brand Jamaican Style Patties recalled due to undeclared sesame", 'rea son': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds', 'co mpany-firm': u'1376357 OntarioLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 1 7:14:42.234649'} {'url': ' out-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-03-19/eng/1426800420137/1426800424454', 'distribution': u'British Columbia, Quebec', 'date': u'March 19, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9731, 9732', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, March 19, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on March 17, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Industry is recalling organic garlic powder from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.;", 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Organic garlic powder recalled due toSalmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm': u'Accomodation Bio, Country Grocer (Salt Spring)', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:14:49.340131'} No detail text found {'url': 'h ttp:// newsroom/food-recall-w arnings/c omplete-listing /2015-03-19-r97 08/eng/1427219 822127/142721982529 5', 'distr ibution': u'Ontario', 'd ate': u'March 19, 2015', 'refnu mber': u'9708', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2' , 'title': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Tinnel's brand Jamaican Style Patties recalled due to undeclared sesame", 'reason': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds', 'company-firm' : u'1376357 OntarioLtd.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 1 7:14:56.148003'} {'url': ' a/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-03-17b/eng/1426653187210/1426653191026' , 'distribution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'March 17, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9717', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, March 17, 2015 - Transilvania Trading is recalling Trader Joe's brand walnuts from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products may have been sold at Pirate Joe's, located at 2348 West 4thAvenue, Vancouver, British Columbia.", 'classificati on': u'Class 2', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning - Trader Joe's brand walnuts recalled due toSalmonella", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', ' company-firm': u'Transilvania Trading', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:15:02 .305169'} {'url': 'http://ins omplete-listing/2015-03-17/eng/14266 44706393/1426644710 345', 'distribution ': u'National', 'date': u'March 17, 2015', ' refnumber': u'9724, 9725, 9726, 9727, 9728, 9729, 9730, 9734, 9735, 9736, 9737, 9738', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 17, 2015 - Industry is recalling various products containing garlic powder from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold nationally and through Internet sales.', 'classificatio n': u'Class 2', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning - Various products containing garlic powder recalled due toSalmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-fir m': u'Corwin Distribution Limited, Horizon DistributorsLtd., Indigo Natural FoodsInc., Loblaw Companies Limited, Ontario Natural Food Co-Op, Organic ConnectionsLtd., PSC Natural FoodsLtd., PuresourceInc., SatauInc., SobeysInc., UNFI Canada Central Region, UNFI Canada Grocery West', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:15 :08.436791'} {'url': 'http://inspecti sting/2015-03-13/eng/1426290081140/142629 0097102', 'distributio n': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'March 13, 2015', ' refnumber': u'9710', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : u"Recall detailsOttawa, March 13, 2015 - Transilvania Trading is recalling Trader Joe's brand Cinnamon Almonds from the marketplace because they may contain peanut which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to peanut should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold at Pirate Joe's, located at 2348 West 4thAve, Vancouver, British Columbia from November 12, 2014 to March 13, 2015 inclusively.", 'classific ation': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Trader Joe's brand Cinnamon Almonds recalled due to undeclared peanut", 'reason': u'Allergen - Peanut', 'co mpany-firm': u'Transilvania Trading', 'u niqueid': '2015-07- 24 17:15:14.500210' } {'url': 'http://inspecti', 'distribution': u'Alberta, Ontario, Possibly National', 'date': u'March 13, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9679', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, March 13, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on March 10, 2015 has been updated to include additional distribution information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Elite Salads International is recalling Elite Salads brand schmaltz herring products from the marketplace because they may permit the growth ofClostridium botulinum. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Elite Salads brand schmaltz herring products recalled due to potential presence of dangerous bacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Clostridium botulinum', 'company-firm': u'Elite Salads International', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:15:20.323709'} No detail text found {'url': ' m/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-03-13-r97 11/eng/1426533722165/142653 3738675', 'distribution': u'Alberta, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'March 13, 2015', 'refnumbe r': u'9711', 'extent': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificati on': u'Class 3', 'title ': u'Notification - Monticello brand deli meats are recalled', 'reason': u'Other', 'company- firm': u'996660 OntarioLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:15:26.427 644'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspe all-warnings/complete-listi ng/2015-03-13-r9713/eng/1427738888898 /1427738893108', 'distribu tion': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'March 13, 2015', 'ref number': u'9713', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'titl e': u'Notification - Compliments Balance brand Fruit Cocktail recalled due to presence of tin', 'reason': u'Chemical', 'company-firm': u'SobeysInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:15:32.267910'} No detail text found {'url': 'h ttp:// ia/newsroom/ food-recall -warnings/c omplete-listi ng/2015-03-13-r9681/eng/14 2677703714 2/142677704 0930', 'distr ibution': u'Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan', ' date': u'March 13, 2015', ' refnumber' : u'9681, 9718, 9719', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Santa Julia brand Pinot Grigio recalled due to presence of copper', ' reason': u'Chemical', 'company-fir m': u'Manitoba Liquor Control Commission , Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority, The Bacchus GroupInc.', 'uniqueid ': '2015 -07-24 17:15 :38.087049' } {'url': 'http://inspe omplete-listing/2015-03-12/eng/142620632 5978/1426206329564' , 'distribution': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'March 12, 2015', 'r efnumber': u'9707', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 12, 2015 - 996660 recalling Monticello brand Cooked Ham, product of Italy, from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume and retailers, restaurants and institutions should not to sell or use the recalled product described below.The following product was sold in Ontario and Quebec.Starting on November 13, 2014, this product was sold clerk-served from deli counters with or without a label or coding, and some product packages may not bear the same brand or product name as described below, or a brand at all. Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased the affected product are advised to contact their retailer.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning - Monticello brand Cooked Ham recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'rea son': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company -firm': u'996660 OntarioLtd.', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-2 4 17:15:43.694740 '} No detail text found {'url': ' sting/2015-03-11-r9676/eng/1426525123860/1426525141153', ' distribution': u'National', 'date': u'March 11, 2015', 'ref number': u'9676', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Notification - Subway brand House Ranch Dressing recalled due to spoilage', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)', 'company- firm': u'Richardson Foods - A Division of HJ Heinz Canada Company', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 17:1 5:49.315985'} No detail text found {'u rl': ' room/food-recall- warnings/complete-lis ting/2015- 03-10-r9669/eng/1 426130631481/142 6130636895', 'dis tribution': u'Ontario', 'd ate': u'March 10, 2015', 'refnumbe r': u'9669', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Tinnel\'s brand "Tasty Jamaican Patties! Beef Patties" recalled due to undeclared sesame and milk', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Sesame Seeds', 'compa ny-firm': u"Tinnel's West Indian Take-Out", 'un iqueid': '2015-07-2 4 17:15:54.68148 6'} {'url': 'http:// rnings/complete-listing/2015-03-10/eng/14 26040582461/1426040 586315', 'distri bution': u'Ontario', 'dat e': u'March 10, 2015', 'refnumber' : u'9679', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, March 10, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on February 20, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Elite Salads International is recalling Elite Salads brand schmaltz herring products from the marketplace because they may permit the growth ofClostridium botulinum. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1' , 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Elite Salads brand schmaltz herring products recalled due to potential presence of dangerous bacteria', 'r eason': u'Microbiological - Clostridium botulinum', 'company- firm': u'Elite Salads International', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17:16:00.648152' } {'url': 'http://i g/2015-03-06/eng/1425692639322/14256926 42708', 'distribution' : u'Alberta', 'date ': u'March 6, 2015', 'refnumber' : u'9692', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 6, 2015 - Juici Patties (Canada) is recalling Juici Patties brand Jamaican Style unbaked Chicken Patty from the marketplace due to possibleE.coliO157:H7 contamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Juici Patties brand Jamaican Style unbaked Chicken Patty recalled due toE.coliO157:H7', 'reaso n': u'Microbiological - E. coli O157:H7', 'company-firm': u'Juici Patties (Canada)', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:1 6:06.602418'} No detail text found {'url': ' a/newsroom/food-rec all-warnin gs/complete-list ing/2015-03-06-r9700/eng/1 4262161 80239/1426216183000' , 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'March 6, 2015', 'refnumber ': u'9700', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Red Rain brand and Inked brand Energy Drinks recalled due to undeclared walnut', 'reason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut', 'c ompany-firm': u'Cott Beverages Inc.', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17 :16:11.973076'} No detail text found {'url': ' e-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-l isting/2015-03-05 -r9699/eng /1425958105 303/1426520 110253', ' distribution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'March 5, 2015', 're fnumber': u'9699', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 2' , 'titl e': u'Notification - Recall of Paradise Oysters brand Pacific Oysters due to genericE.coli', 're ason': u'Microbiological - Other', ' company-firm': u'Paradise Oysters', 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 17:16:17 .788891'} {'url': 'http://inspec ngs/complete-listing/2015-03-04-r9656/eng/1 425953530413/14 26089772027' , 'distributio n': u'Ontario', 'dat e': u'March 4, 2015', 'refnum ber': u'9656', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detail text': u'Recall details', 'cl assification' : u'Class 2', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Tinnel's Brand Jamaican Style Patties recalled due to undeclared sesame", 'reason': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds', 'company-firm': u'1376357 OntarioLtd.', 'un iqueid': '2015- 07-24 17:16:2 3.339915'} {'url': ' omplete-listing/2015-03-03/eng/142542 8103818/14254281 06298' , 'distributio n': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Possibly National, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'March 3, 2015' , 'refnumber': u'9687, 9689, 9694, 9695, 9697, 9698', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u"Recall detailsOttawa, March 3, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on February 21, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Industry is recalling Salish Seafoods brand Candy Smoked Salmon from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers, food service establishments, retailers, and distributors should not consume, serve, use, or sell the recalled product, sold refrigerated, described below.The following product has been sold in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan and may have been sold in other provinces and territories.Please note that some product packages may not bear the same brand, product name or lot code as the product described below, or a brand at all. Also, this product may have been sold clerk-served from deli counters with or without a label or coding. Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased the affected product are advised to contact their retailer.", 'c lassification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Refrigerated Candy Smoked Salmon recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reaso n': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-f irm': u'City Fish, Fanny Bay Oysters Seafood Shop, Hay River Northmart Food, IGA Lakeview, Leduc Co-op GroceryLtd., Sandyview Farms, Sobeys Country Hills, Whitecourt IGA', 'unique id': '2015- 07-24 17:16:29.046168'} No detail text found {'url': ' the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complet e-listing/2015-03-02 -r9673/eng/14254011 07669/142540111038 3', 'distribution': u'Alberta', 'date': u'March 2, 2015', 'refnum ber': u'9673', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u'Notification - Ground beef products from Safeway Lloydminster, Alberta recalled due to pieces of plastic', 'reason' : u'Extraneous Material', 'company-firm': u'SobeysInc.(Safeway Operations)', 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 17:16:34.907536' } No detail text found {'url': ' oom/food-r ecall-warnings/c omplete-listing/ 2015-03-02-r9675 /eng/1425396113983/1425 396116419 ', 'distrib ution': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date' : u'March 2, 2015', 'refnumber' : u'9675', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Mia ChungCo.Ltd.brand products recalled due to non-permitted colours', 'reason' : u'Chemical', 'company-fi rm': u'Merilin International TradingInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07- 24 17:16:4 1.09 4641'} {'url': 'http://inspecti e-listing/2015-02-28/eng/1425134149310/14 25134187395', 'dis tribution': u'Ontario', 'd ate': u'February 28, 2015', 'refnumber ': u'9678', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 28, 2015 - The food recall warning issued February 25, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the ongoing food borne illness outbreak investigation in Ontario.Lady York Foods is recalling sliced Mortadella products from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.If other high-risk products are recalled, theCFIAwill notify the public through updated Food Recall Warnings.The following products were sold from Lady York Foods, 2939 DufferinSt., North York, Ontario.This recall applies to all Mortadella products sliced and sold from the deli counter at Lady York Foods fromDecember 2, 2014toFebruary 24, 2015. Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased an affected product are advised to contact the retailer.', 'classifica tion': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Sliced Mortadella products sold at Lady York Foods recalled due toListeria monocytogenes' , 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'compa ny-firm': u'Lady York Foods', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17:16:46. 921272'} {'url' : ' call-warnings/complete-listing/2015-0 2-28b/eng/1425 185060318/14251851 19920', 'distribution': u'National', ' date': u'February 28, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9674', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detail text': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 28, 2015 - Shah Brothers Imports is recalling Shabros brand Kalonji Whole from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold nationally.', 'class ification': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u'Food Recall Warning - Shabros brand Kalonji Whole recalled due toSalmonella', 're ason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'co mpany-firm' : u'Shah Brothers Imports', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17:16:53.079562 '} No detail text found {'url' : ' newsroom/f ood-recall-warnin gs/com plete-list ing/2015-02- 27-r9672/en g/14253249620 69/142 5324964391 ', 'distri bution': u'Alberta, Ontario, Quebec', 'da te': u'February 27, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9672' , 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND', ' classificati on': u'Class 2', 't itle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Confetti Crispo and Crispo brand chocolate products recalled due to undeclared milk and peanut' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Peanut' , 'company-f irm': u'Aliments PatiboulInc.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 17:16:58 .837094'} {'url': 'http://insp complete-listing/2015-02-27/eng/142509 4547222/14250945716 17', 'distributio n': u'Alberta, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date': u'February 27, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9671', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 27, 2015 - 996660 recalling Monticello brand Mortadella, product of Italy, from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume and retailers, restaurants and institutions should not to sell or use the recalled product described below.Starting on November 13, 2014, this product was sold clerk-served from deli counters with or without a label or coding, and some product packages may not bear the same brand or product name as described above, or a brand at all. Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased the affected product are advised to contact their retailer.', 'classifi cation': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Monticello brand Mortadella recalled due toListeria monocytogenes' , 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'compa ny-firm': u'996660 OntarioLtd.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 17:17:04.944684'} No detail text found {'url ': ' out-the-cfia/n ewsroom/food-reca ll-warni ngs/complete- listing/2015- 02-26-r9664/e ng/14249832 48969/1424983250 281', 'd istribution ': u'Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan', 'date' : u'February 26, 2015', 'refnumbe r': u'9664', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DETAI L TEXT F OUND', 'class ification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Badshah brand Punjabi Chhole Masala recalled due to undeclared sesame' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds', 'c ompany-firm': u'Laxmi House of Spice CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:1 7:11.253933' } {'url': 'http://inspection.gc.c a/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-02-26b/eng /1425003293657/1425003332035', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'February 26, 2015', 're fnumber': u'9667', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 26, 2015 - Amira recalling Amira brand Tahini Sauce from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Amira brand Tahini Sauce recalled due toSalmonella', 're ason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm': u'Amira EnterprisesInc.', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17:17:17. 708418'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Quebec', 'date': u'February 26, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9668', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Garden Lites brand Southwestern Souffle recalled due to undeclared peanut', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Peanut', 'company-firm': u'Big UpsInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:17:23.821432'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'February 26, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9663', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificati on': u'Class 2', 'title': u"Notification - President's Choice brand Shepherd's Pies recalled due to presence of bone fragments", 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-fir m': u'Loblaw Companies Limited', 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 17:17:30 .021818'} {'url': 'http://i gs/complete-listing/2015-02-25b/eng/1424907145 342/1424907151489', 'distribu tion': u'National', 'date ': u'February 25, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9661' , 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 25, 2015 - Loblaw Companies Limited is voluntarily recallingPCBlue Menu brand Bran Flakes Cereal from the marketplace due to possible plastic contamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'clas sification': u'Class 2', ' title': u'Food Recall Warning -PCBlue Menu brand Bran Flakes Cereal recalled due to pieces of plastic', 're ason': u'Extraneous Material', 'com pany-firm': u'Loblaw Companies Limited' , 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:17:36.2 14873'} {'url': 'http://inspection.gc.c a/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-02-25/eng/1424902127687/1424902140490 ', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 25, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9662', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 25, 2015 - Lady York Foods is recalling sliced Mortadella, product of Italy, sold on February 11, 2015 from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.If other high-risk products are recalled, theCFIAwill notify the public through updated Food Recall Warnings.The following products were sold from Lady York Foods, 2939 DufferinSt., North York, Ontario.This recall applies to Italian Mortadella products sliced and sold from the deli counter at Lady York Foods on February 11, 2015. Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased the affected products are advised to contact the retailer.', 'c lassification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Sliced Mortadella, product of Italy, sold on February 11, 2015 at Lady York Foods recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'Lady York Foods', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:17: 42.6775 08'} {'url': 'http://in omplete-listing/2015-02-25c/eng/1424927809 663/1424927824576', 'di stribution ': u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 25, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9665', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 25, 2015 - The food recall warning issued earlier today has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the ongoing food borne illness outbreak investigation in Ontario.Lady York Foods is recalling San Danielle Mortadella \u2013 Regular or Lean sold on February 18, 2015 from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.If other high-risk products are recalled, theCFIAwill notify the public through updated Food Recall Warnings.The following product was sold from Lady York Foods, 2939 DufferinSt., North York, Ontario.This recall applies to San Danielle Spicy Mortadella sliced and sold from the deli counter at Lady York Foods on February 18, 2015 but labelled as "San Danielle Mortadella - Regular or Lean". Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased the affected product are advised to contact the retailer.', 'classification ': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - San Danielle Mortadella - Regular or Lean sold on February 18, 2015 at Lady York Foods recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', ' reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'Lady York Foods', 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 17:17:49.243227'} {'url': 'http://inspection.gc. ca/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-02-23/eng/1424729 641949/1424729678195', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario', 'date': u'February 23, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9655', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 23, 2015 - S & F Food recalling Pride of Szeged brand Hungarian Paprika from the marketplace because it may contain peanut which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to peanut should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classifi cation': u'Class 1', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Pride of Szeged brand Hungarian Paprika recalled due to undeclared peanut', 'reason': u'Allergen - Peanut', 'company-fi rm': u'S & F Food ImportersInc.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 17:1 7:56.053290'} {'url': 'http://inspec 015-02-23b/eng/1424734600867/1424734614 681', 'distribution ': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Ontario', 'date': u'February 23, 2015', 'ref number': u'9660' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, February 23, 2015 recalling Streit's brand Kids Dark Chocolate Coins from the marketplace because they may contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.", 'class ification': u'Class 1', 'tit le': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Streit's brand Kids Dark Chocolate Coins recalled due to undeclared milk", 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'UNFI CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:18:02.756 540'} No detail text found {'url ': ' ia/newsroom/food-r ecall-warnings/com plete-listing/2015-02- 23-r9642/e ng/1425951792138/1 426166717020', 'di stribution': u'Ontario', 'd ate': u'February 23, 2015', 'refnumbe r': u'9642', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOU ND', 'classification': u'Class 2' , 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - MD brand products recalled due to undeclared mustard and sulphites', 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard, Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-firm': u'Caaveri EnterpriseInc.', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 17:18:09.1 12909'} {'url': 'http://ins omplete-listing/2015-02-21/eng/142454632 2508/142454636 4297', 'distribution ': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan', 'd ate': u'February 21, 2015', 'refn umber': u'9658', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 21, 2015 - City Fish is recalling Salish Seafoods brand Candy Smoked Salmon from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers, food service establishments, retailers, and distributors in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan should not consume, serve, use, or sell the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan from February 7, up to and including February 15, 2015.Please note that some product packages may not bear the same brand or product name as described below, or a brand at all. Also, these products may have been sold clerk-served from deli counters with or without a label or coding. Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased the affected product are advised to contact their retailer.', 'c lassification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Candy Smoked Salmon recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'City Fish', 'unique id': '2015 -07-24 17:18:15.3 86422'} {'url': ' the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-02-20/eng/1424471266835/1424471309124' , 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 20, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9653', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, February 20, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on February 10, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Elite Salads International is recalling Elite Salads brand White Fish from the marketplace because it may permit the growth ofClostridium botulinum. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.", 'classificati on': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Elite Salads brand White Fish recalled due to potential presence of dangerous bacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Clostridium botulinum', 'company- firm': u'Elite Salads International', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 17: 18:21.971079'} {'url': ' /about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-list ing/2015-02-19/eng/1424375785492/142437580 9878', 'distributi on': u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 19, 2015' , 'refnumber': u'9650', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 19, 2015 - Lake Land Meats & Farm Market is recalling smoked trout and smoked arctic char from the marketplace because they may permit the growth ofClostridium botulinum. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The affected products were sold in variable weight packages at the following retail locations in Ontario during the periods shown below.Retail LocationAddressDates SoldLake Land Meats Farm & Market Retail Store1226St.PaulSt.WestSt.CatharinesONUp to and including February 13, 2015.Cheese Shoppe on Locke190 LockeSt.SouthHamiltonONUp to and including February 13, 2015.Upper Canada Cheese Company4159 JordanRd.Jordan StationONUp to and including February 13, 2015.Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased the affected product are advised to contact their retailer.', 'classificat ion': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Smoked trout & smoked arctic char recalled due to potential presence of dangerous bacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Clostridium botulinum', 'c ompany-firm': u'Lake Land Meats & Farm Market', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17:18: 28.862316'} No detail text found {'url ': ' ting/2015-02-18-r964 7/eng/142436059 3962/142436062586 0', 'distribution ': u'Alberta, Nova Scotia, Ontario', 'date': u'February 18, 2015', ' refnumber': u'9647', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classifica tion': u'Class 2', 'titl e': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Badshah brand Punjabi Chhole Masala recalled due to undeclared sesame', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds', 'company- firm': u'Deep CanadaInc.', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17:18:36.781811'} No detail text found {'url': ' 2015-02-16-r9638/eng/1424194733490/1424194771578', 'distributio n': u'Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'February 16, 2015', ' refnumber': u'9638', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', ' title': u'Notification - Compliments brand Fruit Cocktail in Light Syrup recalled due to presence of tin', 'reason': u'Chemical', 'company-firm' : u'SobeysInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:18:43.613727'} {'url': 'http://insp arnings/complete-listing/2015-02-1 3/eng/142386382 2817/142386382 3817', 'dist ribution': u'Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date': u'February 13, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9639, 9654', 'ex tent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, February 13, 2015 - Industry is recalling Jack 'N Jill brand Chicharron products from the marketplace because they contain wheat which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to wheat or sensitivity to gluten should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classific ation': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Jack 'N Jill brand Chicharron products recalled due to undeclared wheat", 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Wheat', 'c ompany-firm': u'APO ProductsLtd., Shiny Star CanadaLtd.', ' uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 17:18:5 0.578837'} No detail text found {'url ': ' a/newsroom/food-rec all-warnings/complete- listing/2015-02-13-r964 1/eng/1424 102607210/14241 02887114', 'distribution': u'Alberta, Ontario', 'date' : u'February 13, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9641', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 't itle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Bart brand Ground Cumin recalled due to undeclared almond', 'reason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut', 'com pany-firm': u'Dovetail Collections', ' uniqueid': '2015- 07-24 17:18:57.73 6338'} {'url': 'http://inspe complete-listing/2015-02-10/eng/1423614 432992/1423614936 343', 'distributi on': u'Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date': u'February 10, 2015' , 'refnumber': u'9753', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detail text': u"Recall detailsOttawa, February 10, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on February 5, 2015 has been updated to include additional product and distribution information. This information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Atkins et Fr\ recallingAtkins & Fr\xe8resbrand Smoked Salmon and Coriander Rillettes from the marketplace because they contain mustard and egg which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to mustard or egg should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'cla ssification': u'Class 1', 't itle': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) -Atkins & Fr\xe8resbrand Smoked Salmon and Coriander Rillettes recalled due to undeclared mustard and egg', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm': u'Atkins & Fr\xe8resInc.', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17 :19:03.955163'} {'url': 'http://inspection.gc.c a/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015- 02-10b/eng/1423620688430/1423620944162', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 10, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9631', 'extent ': u'Retail and Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext' : u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 10, 2015 - Mountainoak recalling Mountainoak Cheese brand Farmstead Premium Dutch Semi-soft cheese products from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.Please note that some product packages may not bear the same brand or product name as described above, or a brand at all. Also, these products may have been sold clerk-served from deli counters with or without a label or coding. Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased the affected product are advised to contact their retailer.', 'classif ication': u'Class 2', 'tit le': u'Food Recall Warning - Mountainoak Cheese brand Farmstead Premium Dutch Semi-soft cheese products recalled due toSalmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm': u'Mountainoak CheeseLtd.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 17 :19:10.636325'} {'url': ' -cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-02-10c/eng/1423625380 193/1423625461625', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 10, 2015', 'ref number': u'9627', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 10, 2015 - Elite Salads International is recalling Elite Salads brand White Fish from the marketplace because it may permit the growth ofClostridium botulinum. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classifica tion': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Elite Salads brand White Fish recalled due to potential presence of dangerous bacteria', ' reason': u'Microbiological - Clostridium botulinum', ' company-firm': u'Elite Salads International', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:19:17.2641 99'} {'url': 'http://inspectio 2015-02-06/eng/1423271313297/1423272624655', 'distr ibution': u'National', 'date': u'February 6, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9615', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, February 6, 2015 - Peter The Chef Fine Food Limited is recalling Compliments brand Traditional Cannelloni, Longo's brand Meat Cannelloni and Our Finest brand Cheese Tortellini from the marketplace because they may contain sesame which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to sesame should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classification' : u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Compliments brand Traditional Cannelloni, Longo's brand Meat Cannelloni and Our Finest brand Cheese Tortellini recalled due to undeclared sesame", 'reason': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds', 'company-firm' : u'Peter The Chef Fine Food Limited', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-2 4 17:19:2 3.847910'} No detail text found {'url ': ' /about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-reca ll-warnings/complete-listin g/2015-02-06-r96 26/eng/1423506958135/14 2350813074 9', 'distributi on': u'National', 'date': u'February 6, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9626', 'ext ent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'classifica tion': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Frontier Soup brand Mushroom Barley Soup Mix recalled due to labelling', 'reaso n': u'Labelling', 'company-firm': u'Gourmet Trading CompanyLtd.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 17:19:29.857234 '} {'url': ' wsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-02-05b/eng/1423186609922/1423188 101863', 'distribution': u'Quebec', 'date': u'February 5, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9619', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 5, 2015 -Atkins & Fr\ recallingAtkins & Fr\xe8resbrand Smoked Salmon and Coriander Rillettes from the marketplace because they contain mustard and egg which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to mustard or egg should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'c lassification': u'Class 1', 'ti tle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) -Atkins & Fr\xe8resbrand Smoked Salmon and Coriander Rillettes recalled due to undeclared mustard and egg', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Mustard', 'c ompany-firm' : u'Atkins & Fr\xe8resInc.', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 17:19: 36.592597'} No detail text found {'url': ' ia/newsroom/fo od-recall-warn ings/complete-list ing/2015-02-0 5-r9620/eng/1 423173852635/1 423173903564 ', 'distribut ion': u'Ontario', 'date' : u'February 5, 2015', 'refnumber ': u'9620', 'ext ent': u'Retail', ' detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', ' classification ': u'Class 2', 'titl e': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Olza Prince Polo brandChoc.Covered Wafers recalled due to undeclared milk', 're ason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'com pany-firm': u'Premier PolmarexInc.', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:19 :43.301942'} {'url': 'http: // gs/complete-listing/2015-02-04/e ng/142 3090232667/ 1423090513531', 'd istribution' : u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 4, 2015', 'ref number': u'9618', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detail text': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 4, 2015 - Taste of Country is recalling Taste of Country brand Chicken Pie from the marketplace because it contains milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classif ication': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Taste of Country brand Chicken Pie recalled due to undeclared milk' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-fi rm': u'Taste of Country', 'un iqueid': ' 2015-07-24 1 7:19:49.20355 3'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspectio ings/complete -listing/201 5-02-03/eng/ 1423152582112/ 1423152668022 ', 'distrib ution': u'National', 'date': u'February 3, 2015', 'refnumber' : u'9611, 9612', 'extent ': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUN D', 'classifica tion': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Flavoured teas recalled by The Metropolitan Tea CompanyLtd.due to undeclared milk and sulphites', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-firm': u'The Metropolitan Tea CompanyLtd.', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-2 4 17:19:55.408 841'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Saskatchewan', 'date': u'February 3, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9583', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificatio n ' : u'Class 3' , ' t i t l e ' : u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - JB's Sausage Supplies brand Chicken Breading recalled due to undeclared soy and wheat" , ' r e a s o n ' : u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Soy, Allergen - Wheat' , ' c o m p a n y - f i r m ' : u"JB's Sausage Maker SuppliesLtd." , ' u n i q u e i d ' : ' 2 0 1 5 - 0 7 -24 17:20:02.256853'} No detail text found {'url': ' ll-warnings/complete-listing/2015-02-03-r9614/eng /1423521778 335/14235218 40073', ' distribution' : u'Alberta', 'date': u'February 3, 2015' , 'refnumber ': u'9614', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', ' classificatio n': u'Class 2', 'title' : u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Totally Gluten Free Bakery brand pizzas recalled due to undeclared mustard', 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm': u'Totally Gluten Free Bakery', 'uniqueid': '2015-0 7-24 17:20 :08.78645 2'} No detail text found {'url': ' mplete-listing/2015-02-02-r9601/eng/1422906915409/1422 907105453', 'distribu tion': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'February 2, 2015', 'r efnumber': u'9601', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Masala Maza brand Korma Simmer Sauce recalled due to undeclared peanuts' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Peanut', 'com pany-firm': u'TJX Canada', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 17:20:15.53708 0'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspec /2015-01-28-r9607/eng/1 422485244469/142 2544020267', 'dist ribution': u'Ontario', 'da te': u'January 28, 2015', 'refnumber' : u'9607', 'extent': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - MD brand Sinhalese Pickle recalled due to undeclared mustard', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm ': u'Caaveri EnterpriseInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:20:21.924 830'} {'url': ' ing/2015 -01-28/eng /14224850 84740/1422 485259989', 'dist ribution' : u'National', 'date': u'January 28, 2015', 'refnumbe r': u'9610', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, January 28, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on January 15, 2015 has been updated to include additional product information.Ecomax Nutrition is recalling Go Raw brand 100% Organic Sprouted Sunflower Seeds from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'cl assification ': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Go Raw brand 100% Organic Sprouted Sunflower Seeds recalled due toSalmonella' , 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'co mpany-firm': u'Ecomax Nutrition', 'uniq ueid': '201 5-07-24 17 :20:28.19 7721'} No detail text found {'url': ' listing/2015-0 1-28-r9603/e ng/142254459193 0/142254485 0184', 'dis tribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'January 28, 2015', 'refnumbe r': u'9603', 'ex tent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classificati on': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Hi-Protein Oatmeal recalled by Healthcare Food Services due to pieces of plastic', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', ' company-firm': u'HFSExperts In Healthcare Food', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:20 :34.426098'} No detail text found {'url ': ' -the-cfia/newsroo m/food-recall-warnings/co mplete-lis ting/2015-01-23-r9 599/eng/14220384225 66/1422038459818' , 'distribution': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia', 'date': u'January 23, 2015', 'refnumb er': u'9599', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classificat ion': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Atlantic Sprout Farm brand Chinese Mung Bean Sprouts recalled due to faecal coliforms' , 'reason': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)', 'company-firm': u'Atlantic Sprout Farm', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 17:20:40 .406092'} No detail text found {'url': 'ht tp:// ngs/complete-listing/201 5-01-21-r9586/eng/14 22030000308/142203 0006231', 'distr ibution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario', 'd ate': u'January 21, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9586', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classificati on': u'Class 2', 'title' : u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Olza Prince Polo brand wafer products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Omega Food ImportersCo.Ltd.', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 17:20 :46.428222'} No detail text found { 'url': ' fia/newsroom/food-recall-w arnings/comp lete-listing/2015-0 1-21-r9584/eng/142 2027388317/14220274 05529', 'distributi on': u'Quebec', 'date': u'January 21, 2015' , 'refnumber': u'9584', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 3', ' title': u'Notification -Canards du Lac BromeLt\xe9ebrand Canada A Whole Duck Fr 6x1 are recalled', 'reaso n': u'Other', 'company-firm' : u'Brome Lake DucksLtd.', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 17:20:52.654291' } No detail text found {'url': ' he-cfia/new sroom/food -recall-wa rnings/complete- listin g/2015-01-2 1-r9585/eng/14219 496500 52/142194 9680149', 'distr ibution': u'British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'January 21, 2015', 'refn umber' : u'9585', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND ', 'classif ication': u'Class 3' , 'title': u'Notification - Te Chang Food brand bean curd products recalled due to non-permitted colours', ' reason': u'Chemical', 'compan y-firm': u"Chuang's CompanyLtd." , 'uniqueid': '2015-07-2 4 17:20:58 .959526'} {'url': 'http://inspection. /1421730513089/1421730556698', 'distributio n': u'National', 'date' : u'January 19, 2015', 'refnumbe r': u'9596, 9600', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, January 19, 2015 - Industry is recalling Mann's brand Mediterranean Style Snap Pea Sensations from the marketplace because it contains mustard, sesame, soy, and wheat which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to mustard, sesame, soy, or wheat or sensitivity to gluten should not consume the recalled product described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Mann's brand Mediterranean Style Snap Pea Sensations recalled due to undeclared mustard, sesame, soy, and wheat", 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard, Allergen - Sesame Seeds, Allergen - Soy, Allergen - Wheat', 'company -firm': u'SobeysInc., Walmart CanadaCorp.', 'un iqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:21:06.01213 2'} {'url': 'http://i gs/complete-listing/2015-01-18/eng/1421645635156/ 1421645680 221', 'distribu tion': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan', 'dat e': u'January 18, 2015', 'refnumber' : u'9590', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, January 18, 2015 - Costco Wholesale recalling Rader Farms Fresh Start Smoothie Blend from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination surrounding the spinach and kale contained in the fruit and veggie blend. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.' , 'classification ': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Rader Farms Fresh Start Smoothie Blend recalled due toListeria monocytogenes' , 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', ' company-firm': u'Costco Wholesale CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 17:21:1 2.260760'} No detail text found {'url': ' m/food-recall-warnings/compl ete-listing/ 2015-01-16-r9597/eng /1421955032415/14219 55062417', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'January 16, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9597' , 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classif ication': u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - MD brand Mango Nectar recalled due to undeclared sulphites', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-firm': u'M&M; Twins Limited', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17:21 :18.361074'} {'url': 'http://inspection.gc .ca/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-01 -15/eng/1421378961244/1421379001661', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'January 15, 2015' , 'refnumber': u'9589', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, January 15, 2015 - Ecomax Nutrition is recalling Go Raw brand Organic Spicy Seed Mix from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'tit le': u'Food Recall Warning - Go Raw brand Organic Spicy Seed Mix recalled due toSalmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'com pany-firm': u'Ecomax Nutrition', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 17:21: 24.829568'} No detail text found {'url': ' arnings/complete-listing/2015-01-15-r9515/eng/1421422 648995/1421422654739' , 'distribution': u'British Columbia' , 'date': u'January 15, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9515', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classifica tion': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Black Cat Confections brand oatcake products recalled due to undeclared gluten', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Gluten', 'company-firm ': u'Black Cat Confections', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:2 1:31.509728'} No detail text found {'u rl': 'http://inspection.gc .ca/about-the -cfia/newsroom/food-re call-warnings/complete -listing/2015-01-14-r 9581/eng/1421797237 880/1421797263895' , 'distribut ion': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario', 'date': u'January 14, 2015' , 'refnumbe r': u'9581', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 2', 'titl e': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - MD brand Mature Jak Curry recalled due to undeclared mustard', 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'c ompany-firm ': u'M&M; Twins Limited', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17:21:37.830015'} No detail text found {'url': ' 1-13-r9556/eng/1422896595000/1422901019445', 'distribu tion': u'Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan', 'date ': u'January 13, 2015', 'refnum ber': u'9556', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'c lassifica tion': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Notification - Compliments brand Scrumptious Seafood Pie recalled due to pieces of plastic', 'reas on': u'Extraneous Material', 'company -firm': u'Inovata FoodsCorp.', 'uni queid': '201 5-07-24 17:21:43.57 6835'} No detail text found {'url': ' wsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2 015-01-12-r9580/ eng/142142141508 4/1421421430 294', 'distributi on': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario', 'date': u'January 12, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9580', 'ext ent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Wei Hsin and Yu Hsiang brand bean curd products recalled due to non-permitted colours', 'rea son': u'Chemical', 'company-firm': u'Uncle T FoodLtd.', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17 :21:49.321310'} No detail text found {'url': 'h ttp:// recall-war nings/complete-li sting/2015-01-12-r 9503/eng/1423247483 192/142325215267 0', 'distribution' : u'Ontario', 'date': u'January 12, 2015', ' refnumber': u'9503', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', 'classi fication': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Notification - Sante brand "Wheaten Bran" recalled due to deoxynivalenol', 'reason': u'Chemical', 'company-firm': u'Kaspol TradingInc.', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 17:21:54.96923 6'} {'url': 'http://i sting/2015-01-10/eng/1420948370970/1420948 411134', 'distribut ion': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island', 'date': u'January 10, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9574', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, January 10, 2015 - Scotian Gold Co-operative Limited is recalling Scotian Gold brand apple slices that used apples sourced from the United States (US) that are now recalled from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'titl e': u'Food Recall Warning - Scotian Gold brand apple slices recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'Scotian Gold Co-operative Limited' , 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17: 22:00.794002 '} No detail text found {'url': ' d-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-01-09-r9571/e ng/1420831275950/14 20831291427', 'distri bution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'January 9, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9571', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', 'clas sification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Thrifty Kitchens brand Veggie Quiche recalled due to undeclared soy', 'reason': u'Allergen - Soy', 'comp any-firm': u'Thrifty Foods', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:22:06.022970'} {'url': 'http://insp gs/complete-listing/2015-01-09/eng/14208 66088394/14208661 09319', 'distribu tion': u'Newfoundland and Labrador', 'date ': u'January 9, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9579', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, January 9, 2015 - Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, St. John's,NL, is recalling caramel apples that used recalled apples sourced from the United States (US) from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products were sold at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, 23 RowanSt., St. John's,NL.", ' classification': u'Class 1', 't itle': u"Food Recall Warning - Caramel apples from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, St. John's,NL, recalled due toListeria monocytogenes", 'reason' : u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm' : u'Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory', 'uniqueid': '2015-07- 24 17:22:1 1.150272'} {'url': 'http:// /2015-01-09/eng/1420849646175/14208496 47112', 'distribu tion': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec', 'date': u'January 9, 2015', 're fnumber': u'9575, 9576, 9577, 9578', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, January 9, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on January 8, 2015 has been updated to include additional information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Industry is recalling Granny Smith apples and Gala apples exported by the United States (US) from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Identified importers of the recalled products includeBeauvaisLtee., Courchesne Larose, Coosemans MontrealInc.andFruits et L\xe9gumes Ga\xe9tan BonoInc.Consumers should not consume and retailers, restaurants and institutions should not sell or use the recalled products described below.", 'cl assification': u'Class 1', 'title ': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Granny Smith Apples and Gala Apples from BidartBros.recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria' , 'company-firm': u'BeauvaisLtee.,Courchesne Larose,Fruits et L\xe9gumes Ga\xe9tan BonoInc., Coosemans MontrealInc.', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17:22:16.451714'} No detail text found {'url': 'http:// ll-warnings/complete -listing/2015-01-09-r9591 /eng/142177 2849217/142177288 6435', 'distributio n': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date' : u'January 9, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9591' , 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificati on': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - MorningStar Farms brand Spicy Black Bean Burgers recalled due to undeclared peanuts', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Peanut', 'comp any-firm': u'Kellogg CanadaInc.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 17 :22:21.657246'} No detail text found {'url': 'http: // /newsroom/food-r ecall-warnings/ complete-listin g/2015-01-09-r95 72/eng/142125345 2901/1421253486289', 'di stributio n': u'National', 'date': u'January 9, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9572' , 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classific ation': u'Class 2', 'titl e': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) -Cucina Grandebrand Deli Pizza - Meat Trio recalled due to undeclared mustard', 'reason' : u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm': u'Arytza Limited', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 17:22:27.136080'} {'url': 'http://inspection.gc. ca/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2015-01-08/eng/142076758 9885/1420767590666', 'distribution': u'Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'January 8, 2015', 'refnum ber': u'9575, 9576, 9577', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, January 8, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on January 7, 2015 has been updated to include additional information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigationIndustry is recalling Granny Smith apples and Gala apples exported by the United States (US) from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Identified importers of the recalled products includeBeauvaisLtee., Courchesne Laroseand Coosemans MontrealInc.Consumers should not consume and retailers, restaurants and institutions should not sell or use the recalled products described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1' , 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Granny Smith Apples and Gala Apples from BidartBros.recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reas on': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company- firm': u'BeauvaisLtee.,Courchesne Larose, Coosemans MontrealInc.', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 1 7:22:32.628442'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'January 8, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9568', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Omega Mango brand Yogurt Topping - Mangoes and Cranberries recalled due to insect infestation', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-firm': u'Everyday SuperfoodsInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:22:38.454461'} No detail text found {'url': ' 818021043', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'January 8, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9570', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classi fication': u'Class 2', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Trung Nguyen G7 brand Black Instant Coffee 2-in-1 recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk' , 'company-firm': u'Uncle T FoodLtd.', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 17: 22:44.400004'} No detail text found {'url': '', ' distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'January 8, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9562', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND', 'classifica tion': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Te Chang Food brand bean curd products recalled due to non-permitted colours', 'reason': u'Chemical', 'company-firm': u'Canda Six Fortune EnterpriseCo.Ltd.', 'un iqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:22:50.0354 69'} No detail text found { 'url': ' cfia/newsroom/food- recall-warnings/co mplete-listing/20 15-01-08-r9569/eng/142082101 9355/1420821024680', 'distribution' : u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec', 'dat e': u'January 8, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9569', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 3', 'title' : u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Clic Royal brand Couscous Spices recalled due to undeclared sesame seeds', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds', 'company-firm': u'AGT Clic FoodsInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:22:55.999481'} No detail text found {'url': ' plete-listing/2015-01-07-r9560/eng/1420653572567/1420653583603 ', 'distribu tion': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'January 7, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9560', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FO UND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u"Notification - Umi's Kitchen brand Butter Chicken Simmer Sauce recalled due to pieces of glass" , 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-f irm': u'Taste Culinary SolutionsInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:23 :02.284191'} {'url': 'http://i ngs/complete-listing/2015-01-07/eng/14 20699143396/14206 99156813', 'dist ribution': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'da te': u'January 7, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9575, 9576', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detail text': u'Recall detailsOttawa, January 7, 2015 - The food recall warning issued on December 24, 2014 has been updated to include additional product information.Industry is recalling Granny Smith apples and Gala apples exported by the United States (US) from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Identified importers of the recalled products includeBeauvaisLtee.andCourchesne Larose. Consumers should not consume and retailers, restaurants and institutions should not sell or use the recalled products described below.Furthermore, recalled products were imported by and sold at Coosemans MontrealInc., located at 1605rue de Beauharnois Ouest, Montr\xe9al,QC.', 'c lassification': u'Class 1', 'title ': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Granny Smith Apples and Gala Apples from BidartBros.recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'rea son': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'BeauvaisLtee.,Courchesne Larose', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 17:23:08.170300'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://insp ll-warnings/complete -listing/20 15-01-07-r9284/en g/1420755488452/1420 755500165', 'dist ribution': u'National', 'da te': u'January 7, 2015', 'refnum ber': u'9284', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classif ication': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u"Notification - Palme d'Or brand duck products recalled due to container integrity issues", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'c ompany-firm ': u'\xc9levages P\xe9rigord (1993)Inc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:23:14. 286896 '} No detail text found {'url': 'htt p:// -listing/20150102-r95 58/eng/14204889643 40/1420488992985', 'd istribution': u'National', 'date': u'January 2, 2015', 'refnumber': u'9558', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classification ': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Cuisines Adventures brand Mini Sausages recalled due to pieces of metal', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'comp any-firm': u'Les Plats du ChefInc.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07- 24 17:23:20.80475 5'} 2014 {'url': 'http://inspection.gc .ca/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014 -12-24/eng/1419471967201/141947196 9092', 'di stribution': u'National', 'dat e': u'December 24, 2014', 're fnumber': u'9563, 9564, 9565, 9566', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, December 24, 2014 - Industry is recalling Happy Apples brand Caramel Apples from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products, made in the United States (US), are known to have been sold in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan and may have also been distributed in other provinces and territories. These products may also have been purchased in theUS.', ' classificatio n': u'Class 1', 'tit le': u'Food Recall Warning - Happy Apples brand Caramel Apples recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', ' company-firm': u'Buy Low FoodsLtd., Overwaitea Food Group, Star ProduceLtd., The Lid Company', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17 :23:32.843813 '} No detail text found {'url': ' t-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnin gs/com plete-list ing/2014-1 2-23-r954 6/eng/1419355976 181/14 19355989302' , 'distribu tion': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'December 23, 2014', 'refnum ber': u'9546', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND', ' classi fication ': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Arctic Meat & Sausage and Okanagan Falls brand Chorizo products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Milk' , 'company- firm': u'Arctic Meat & SausageLtd.' , 'uniquei d': '2015 -07-24 1 7:23:39.1 99976'} {'url': ' about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-12-19b/eng/1419045292278/141904 5292872', 'distribution': u'British Columbia, National, Ontario', 'date': u'December 19, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9545' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, December 19, 2014 - Nossack Gourmet recalling chicken sausage rolls from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold in British Columbia and Ontario and may have been distributed in other provinces or territories.' , 'classification' : u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Chicken sausage rolls from Nossack Gourmet FoodsLtd.recalled due to undeclared milk', 're ason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'c ompany-firm' : u'Nossack Gourmet FoodsLtd.', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 17: 23:45.293 529'} No detail text found {'url': ' listing/2014-12-18-r9492/eng/141988355108 4/1419883557095', ' distribution': u'National', 'd ate': u'December 18, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'9492', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detail text': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND', ' classificati on': u'Class 2', 'tit le': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Classic Sysco and David Roberts brand chocolate chip products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company- firm' : u'David Roberts Food Corporation', 'uniq ueid': '20 15-07-24 17:23:51.3 16557 '} No detail text found {'url': 'http://insp ecall-warnings/co mplete-listing/2 014-12-17-r9534 /eng/1418941599 648/14189416112 37', 'distribu tion': u'Quebec', 'date ': u'December 17, 2014', 'refnumber ': u'9534', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) -Boulangerie du Royaumebrand breads recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company- firm': u'Boulangerie Coop du Royaume', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17:23:57.957313'} No detail text found {'url' : ' e-cfia/newsroo m/food-recal l-warnings/com plete-listin g/20141217-r9540/eng/1418933 661287/1418 933667514', 'distribu tion': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec', 'd ate': u'December 17, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9540', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND', 'classi fication': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Distribution SL brand chicken products recalled due to Salmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'com pany-firm': u'9013-2382Qu\xe9becInc.', 'u niqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:24:04.95 2956'} {'url': 'http://inspection. ete-listing/2014-12-16b/eng/141879487749 3/1418794894321' , 'distribution': u'Ontario', ' date': u'December 16, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'9537', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : u'Recall detailsOttawa, December 16, 2014 - Franz Roessl Holdings Limited is recalling ready-to-eat meat products from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classific ation': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning - Franz's brand ready-to-eat meat products recalled due toListeria monocytogenes", 're ason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'com pany-firm': u'Franz Roessl Holdings Limited', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 1 7:24:11.273734'} {'url': 'http://inspection.gc .ca/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-lis ting/2014-12-16/eng/1418775057329/14187 75097491', 'distri bution': u'Ontario', 'dat e': u'December 16, 2014', 'refnumber' : u'9538', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, December 16, 2014 - Shoppers Drug Mart is recalling From Our Chefs brand meat products sold at the Shoppers Drug Mart located at 1630 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario from the marketplace due to possible improper refrigeration. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold at the Shoppers Drug Mart located at 1630 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario between December 12, 2014 and December 15, 2014.', 'c lassificat ion': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - From Our Chefs brand meat products sold at Shoppers Drug Mart, 1630 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario recalled due to possible improper refrigeration', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', ' company-firm': u'Shoppers Drug Mart' , 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 17:24:17 .508485'} No detail text found {'ur l': ' a/newsroom/food-reca ll-warnings/comple te-listing/2014-1 2-11-r9519/eng/141 8410948183/141841 1009129', 'distribution' : u'British Columbia', 'date': u'December 11, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'9519', 'exte nt': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificati on': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Beverage powders imported bySei YingTrading CompanyLtd.recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'co mpany-firm': u'Sei Ying Trading CompanyLtd.', 'uni queid': '2015-07-24 17:24:23.586061'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection. rnings/complete-list ing/2014-12-10/eng/14 1831635233 3/1418316389516', 'distribution': u'British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'December 10, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'9339', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'classificat ion': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification -D\xe9liciabrand Artichoke Quarters recalled due to presence of tin', 'reason': u'Chemical' , 'company-firm': u'D\xe9lices de la For\xeat Valli', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 17:24:29.5 58319'} No detail text found {'url': 'http :// oom/food-recal l-warnings/comp lete-listing/2014-12-0 9-r9502/en g/14181514397 12/1418151477138' , 'distributi on': u'Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario', 'da te': u'December 9, 2014', 'refnu mber': u'9502', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND ', 'classificat ion': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Notification - Greaves brand jam and marmalade products recalled due to mould', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)', 'company -firm': u'Greaves Jams & MarmaladesLtd.', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07- 24 17:24:35.442926' } {'url': 'http :// -listing/2014-12-05/eng/1417844379352/14 17844425116', 'distribution ': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'December 5, 2014', 're fnumber': u'9495', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, December 5, 2014 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning people with an allergy to sesame or almond not to consume the products described below because they may contain sesame or almond which is not declared on the label.', 'classificati on': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Expanded Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Certain Macau Honghong brand Cracker products may contain undeclared sesame and almond', 'reason' : u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds, Allergen - Tree Nut', 'company-firm': u'Loc-Sky TradingCo.Ltd.', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17:24:41.6 47769'} No detail text found {'url': ' bout-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-war nings/comp lete-listing/20 14-12-0 3-r9501/eng/1 417708483417/14177085 11594', 'distr ibution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'December 3, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'9501' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cl assification ': u'Class 3', 'title ': u'Notification - Dan-D Pak brand "Brittle - Sesame" recalled due to off-flavour', 'reason': u'Other', 'company -firm': u'Dan-D-FoodsLtd.', ' uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 17:24:47.0 66268'} {'url': 'http:// ll-warnings/complete-listin g/2014-11-28b /eng/1 417214448 025/1417214 454259', 'dist ribution' : u'Alberta, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'dat e': u'November 28, 2014', 'r efnumber' : u'9493', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, November 28, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on November 20, 2014 has been updated to include an additional product. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Universal recalling Cool Runnings brand Curry Powder from the marketplace because it may contain peanut and almond which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to peanut or almond should not consume the recalled product described below.", 'classificatio n': u'Class 1', 'title' : u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Cool Runnings brand Curry Powder recalled due to undeclared peanut and almond', 'reason': u'Allergen - Peanut, Allergen - Tree Nut', 'c ompany-fir m': u'Universal ImpexCorp.', 'uni queid': '2015- 07-24 17:24:52. 187729'} No detail text found {'url': 'htt p:// om/food-recall-w arnings/complete -listing/2014-1 1-28-r9480/en g/141745717868 6/141745719193 2', 'distributi on': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date' : u'November 28, 2014', 'refnumber ': u'9480', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Indican brand Corriander + Cumin Powder recalled due to undeclared gluten' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten', 'company-fir m': u'Fruiticana ProduceLtd.', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 17 :24:57.617614 '} No detail text found {' url': ' out-the-cfia/n ewsroo m/food-reca ll-warnings/com plete-listing/2014-11-25 -r9477/eng/141 6938767605/14169387771 32', ' distributi on': u'National', 'd ate': u'November 25, 2014', ' refnumber': u'9477', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DET AIL TE XT FOUND' , 'classif ication': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Dole Live Right brand Double Dark Chocolate Bites recalled due to mould' , 'reason': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)', 'company-fir m': u'Dole Packaged Foods Company', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 1 7:25:02 .839192'} No detail text found {'url': ' ia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-list ing/2014-11-25-94 89/eng/1416944437 502/141694446535 6', 'distribution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'November 25, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9489' , 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Notification - Fried Onion recalled by Canada Tong Enterprises due to unsuitable ingredients', 'reas on': u'Other', 'company-f irm': u'Canada Tong Enterprises', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07 -24 17:25:08.249 304'} No detail text found {'url': ' 16929527203/1416929564796', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'November 24, 2014', 'refn umber': u'9485', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Dimpflmeier brand Pumpernickel Roggenbrot recalled due to undeclared milk', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Dimpflmeier BakeryLtd.', ' uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 17:25:1 4.020803'} {'url': 'http://ins s/complete-listing/2014-11-22/eng/ 1416693132378/14166931 89554', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Yukon', ' date': u'November 22, 2014', 'refn umber': u'9481', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, November 22, 2014 - Federated Co-operatives Limited is recalling CO-OP The Marketplace brand Smokey SweetBBQmeat products from the marketplace because they contain mustard which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to mustard should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classificat ion': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - CO-OP The Marketplace brand Smokey SweetBBQmeat products recalled due to undeclared mustard', 'r eason': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm': u'Federated Co-OperativesLtd.', 'uniq ueid': '2015- 07-24 17:25:19.8591 41'} {'url': 'http://inspection', 'distribution': u'Alberta, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date': u'November 20, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9478', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, November 20, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on October 31, 2014 has been updated to include additional products. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Universal recalling Cool Runnings brand Curry Powder and Jamaican Style Curry Powder from the marketplace because they may contain peanut and almond which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to peanut or almond should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Cool Runnings brand Curry Powder and Jamaican Style Curry Powder recalled due to undeclared peanut and almond', 'reason': u'Allergen - Peanut, Allergen - Tree Nut', 'compa ny-firm': u'Universal ImpexCorp.', 'u niqueid': '2015-07-24 1 7:25:26.208448'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario', 'date': u'November 19, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'9475', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificati on': u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Notification - Crisp rolls and crackers recalled by Uncle T FoodLtd.due to unsuitable ingredients', 'reason' : u'Other', 'company-firm ': u'Uncle T FoodLtd.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 17:25 :32.424456'} No detail text found {'url': ' ting/2014-11-19-r9414/eng/1417204113646/1417204147 521', 'distrib ution': u'Nova Scotia', 'da te': u'November 19, 2014', 'refn umber': u'9414', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND ', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Notification - Fox Hill brand gelato recalled due to underprocessing', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other' , 'company-firm': u'Fox Hill Cheese House' , 'uniqu eid': '2015-0 7-24 17:25:39.21 5685'} No detail text found {'url': 'http:// warnings/complete-l isting/2014-11- 18-r9434/eng/14175595 73111/1417 559651107', 'distribution ': u'Quebec', 'date': u'November 18, 2014', ' refnumber': u'9434', ' extent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification -Duhaime Chocolat\xe9brand Spreads recalled due to pieces of metal', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'c ompany-firm': u'Verger DuhaimeInc.', 'un iqueid': '2015-07- 24 17:25:46.074 818'} {'url': ' ng/2014-11-07/eng/1415390854472/1415390897814', ' distribution': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'dat e': u'November 7, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9424', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, November 7, 2014 - Tonsell InternationalInc., is recalling Krakus brand Red Borscht Soup from the marketplace because it contains milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Krakus brand Red Borscht Soup recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk' , 'company-firm': u'Tonsell InternationalInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015- 07-24 17:25:53.226047' } {'url': ' -the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-11-06/eng/1415307887204/1 415307888720', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date': u'November 6, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9422', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, November 6, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on November 4, 2014 has been updated to include additional distribution information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency\u2019s (CFIA) food safety investigation.Aki\u2019s Fine recalling certain Aki\u2019s brand pickle and chutney products from the marketplace because they contain mustard which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to mustard should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Certain Aki's brand pickle and chutney products recalled due to undeclared mustard", 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm': u"Aki's Fine FoodsLtd.", 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:26:00.025936'} No detail text found {'url': ' recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-11-06-r941 2/eng/14162 51780053/1416251 811620' , 'distribut ion': u'British Columbia', 'da te': u'November 6, 2014', 'ref number': u'9412', 'e xtent': u'Warehouse', 'd etailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classifi cation': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Beehive brand Corn Syrup recalled due to pieces of plastic' , 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'co mpany-fi rm': u'ACH Food Companies,Inc.', 'uniq ueid': '2015- 07-24 17:26:15 .728561'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspe ll-warnings/comple te-listing/2014 -11-05-r9409/eng/1416 415380626/1416415416 875', 'distributi on': u'Nova Scotia', 'date': u'November 5, 2014', 'refnumber ': u'9409', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND', ' classification': u'Class 3' , 'title': u'Notification - Fox Hill Cheese House brand quark recalled due to underprocessing', 're ason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'company- firm': u'Fox Hill Cheese House', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:26:22.652 923'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://i d-recall-warn ings/complete-li sting/ 2014-11-04-r93 82/eng/14158255 54238/ 1415825562015' , 'distribution': u'British Columbia, Ontario', ' date': u'November 4, 2014', 'refnumb er': u'9382', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classificatio n': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - 3:15 PM brand coffee products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'com pany-fi rm': u'Kuo Hua Trading CompanyLtd.', 'un iqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:26:29.911 392'} {'url': ' -the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-03-31/eng/1396319875632/139631 9886479', 'distribution': u'Possibly National', 'date': u'March 31, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8747, 8755, 8760' , 'extent': u'Consumer', ' detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 31, 2014 - Industry is recalling Alprose and Chocolat Alprose brand dark chocolate products from the marketplace because they may contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products may have been sold in Canada and these products may have been sold as part of gift baskets.', 'classif ication': u'Class 1', 'title ': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Alprose and Chocolat Alprose brand dark chocolate products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company- firm': u'Altra FoodsInc., Candy & Chocolate Creations, Vancouver Judaica Group', 'u niqueid': ' 2015-07-24 17:2 6:36.539874'} {'url': 'http://inspection -listing/2014-02-26/eng/1393406910692/ 1393406919303', 'di stribution': u'Quebec', 'date': u'February 26, 2014', 'refnu mber': u'8662', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 26, 2014 - Aquafuchsia recalling Aquafuchsia brand Salad plus Alfalfa with a touch of radish! from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold in Quebec.', 'classific ation': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Aquafuchsia brand Salad plus Alfalfa sprout with a touch of radish! recalled due toSalmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', ' company-firm': u'Aquafuchsia FoodsInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07- 24 17:26:4 3.117812'} {'url': 'http://ins warnings/complete-listing/2014-04-01/eng/1396 401549769/13964015595 97', 'distributi on': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'April 1, 2014', 'r efnumber' : u'8756, 8757', 'extent': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, April 1, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on March 26, 2014 has been updated to include additional product information identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation. The following products are being recalled because they were made from or contain shredded cheese products voluntarily recalled by Castle CheeseInc.due toListeria.Industry is recalling Belich's Market and Creekside Market brands Breakfast Wraps from the marketplace due to possibleListeriacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'cl assification': u'Class 1', 'ti tle': u"Updated Food Recall Warning - Belich's Market and Creekside Market brands Breakfast Wraps recalled due toListeria", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'c ompany-firm': u'Creekside Market, Super Valu', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 17 :26:49.669479'} {'url': ' /about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-11-04d/eng/141515 4005540/1415154017452', 'distribution': u'Alberta, Ontario, Quebec', 'date' : u'November 4, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9422', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u"Recall detailsOttawa, November 4, 2014 - Aki's Fine recalling certain Aki's brand pickle and chutney products from the marketplace because they contain mustard which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to mustard should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classifi cation': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Certain Aki's brand pickle and chutney products recalled due to undeclared mustard", 'reason ': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'comp any-firm': u"Aki's Fine FoodsLtd.", 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17:26:56.179173'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://ins plete-listing/2014-10-31-r93 45/eng/1415117842039/1415117 854058', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'd ate': u'October 31, 2014', 'refnumber ': u'9345', 'extent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Bonn brand biscuits and cookies recalled due to undeclared sulphites and non-permitted colours', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sulphites, Chemical', 'company-firm': u'Quality International FoodsLtd.', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17:27:02.788109'} No detail text found {'url': ' ut-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/comple te-listing/2014-10- 29-r9405/eng/141477312351 1/14147731 29369', 'distribu tion': u'Alberta', 'date': u'October 29, 2014', 're fnumber': u'9405' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', ' classification': u'Class 2', ' title': u'Notification - Baraka brand gelatin desserts recalled due to non-permitted colours', 'reason': u'Chemical', 'company-fi rm': u'Basha International Foods', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 17:27: 09.767784'} No detail text found { 'url': ' about-the-cfia/new sroom/food-recall-w arnings/complete- listing/2014-10-24 -r9364/eng/141511 9711408/141511971 7863', 'distributi on': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec', 'date': u'October 24, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9364', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOUND', ' classification': u'Class 3', ' title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Barbours Nuts About brand Almond Butter Smooth recalled due to undeclared peanuts', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Peanut', 'company-fir m': u'G.E. BarbourInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:27:16.815 925'} No detail text found {'url' : ' a/newsroom/food-re call-warnings/comp lete-listing/2014 -10-18-r9343/e ng/141392438567 5/1413924410895', 'dis tribution' : u'Ontario', 'date': u'October 18, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'9343', 'ext ent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 1' , 'title': u'Notification - Bavarian Link Meat ProductsLtd.brand Cooked Roast Beef recalled due toListeria monocytogenes', 'rea son': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-f irm': u'Bavarian Link Meat ProductsLtd.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 17 :27:24.517297'} No detail text found {'url': ' sroom/food-recall-war nings/complete-listing/ 2014-10-14 -r9326/eng/1413310 754838/1413310 760790', 'distribution': u'British Columbia, Ontario' , 'date': u'October 14, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9326', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': 'NO DETA IL TEXT F OUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - 3:15 PM brand products recalled due to undeclared milk', ' reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company -firm': u'Kuo Hua Trading CompanyLtd.', 'uniq ueid': '201 5-07-24 17 :27:32.084 950'} {'url': ' /about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-01-30/eng/1391138950239/139113897468 3', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'January 30, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8568', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, January 30, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on January 29, 2014 has been updated to correct some product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Care Bakery is recalling Care Bakery brand bread products from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold in Alberta and British Columbia.", 'classification ': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Care Bakery brand bread products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-fi rm': u'Care Bakery', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-2 4 17:27:40.029 812'} {'url': ' bout-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-01-29/eng/1391048173762/1391048197973', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'January 29, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8568', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, January 29, 2014 - This recall warning has been rescinded as the recalled products were not correctly identified. Corrected product information and product labels can be found within theupdated food recall warning issued on January 30, 2014.', 'clas sification': u'Class 1', 'title' : u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Care brand bread products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason' : u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-f irm': u'Care Bakery', 'uni queid': '2015- 07-24 17:27:47 .976293'} No detail text found {'url': ' e-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing /2014-02-28-r8676/eng/1 393872414702/1393872419744', 'di stribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'February 28, 2014', 'refnumb er': u'8676', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'd etailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Notification - Certain cheese products from Castle CheeseInc.may containListeria monocytogenes', 'r eason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'Castle CheeseInc.', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 17:27:55.88 6083'} No detail text found {'url': ' m/food-recall-war nings/complete-l isting/2014-02-27-r8665/eng/ 139385683 2425/13938568635 60', 'distribution' : u'Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'February 27, 2014', 'refnu mber': u'8665', ' extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND ', 'classificatio n': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Notification - Certain cheese products from Castle CheeseInc.may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'c ompany-firm': u'Castle CheeseInc.', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:28:03.69 3710'} No detail text found {'url': ' isting/2014-02-27-r8673/eng/1393870988346/1393870998565 ', 'distributi on': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'da te': u'February 27, 2014', 'refnu mber': u'8673', 'exte nt': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'titl e': u'Notification - Certain cheese products from Castle CheeseInc.may containListeria monocytogenes', 'rea son': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'com pany-firm': u'Castle CheeseInc.', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 17:28:2 8.069462'} No detail text found {'url ': ' rnings/complete-listing/2014 -03-27-r8741/eng/1 396382003730 /13963820132 12', 'distribut ion': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'March 27, 2014', 'refn umber': u'8741', ' extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext ': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOU ND', 'classificat ion': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Notification - Certain DZ and Vanderpol's Eggs brand wraps may containListeria monocytogenes", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', ' company-firm': u"Daniel's Kitchen", 'uniqu eid': '2015- 07-24 17:28:36.6 17046'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://ins s/complete-listing/2 014-04-03-r8713/eng/1396 558675933/1396558695299', 'd istribution' : u'Ontario', 'date': u'April 3, 2014', 'ref number': u'8713', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Finest Sausage brand Mustard Seed Salami may containListeria monocytogenes', 'rea son': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm ': u'Finest Sausage and MeatLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 17:28:44.0027 55'} {'url': 'http://inspecti 9805526/1394379825591', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'March 9, 2014', 'refn umber': u'8681', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, March 9, 2014 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is informing the public that Heinz Canada has conducted a voluntary recall. The products may contain a packaging defect that may allow the entry of spoilage microorganisms.Health Canada has reviewed the information related to these products and conducted a health risk assessment.\xa0Health Canada concluded that the health risk associated with the consumption of these products is very low to remote.' , 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title' : u'Consumer Advisory - Certain Heinz brand infant food may contain packaging defects that may allow the entry of spoilage microorganisms', 'reason ': u'Other', 'company-firm': u'Heinz Canada' , 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 17:28: 51.036683'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspectio all-warnings/co mplete-listing/ 2014-02-07-r8601/ eng/13921350999 42/13921351098 09', 'distribut ion': u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 7, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8601', 'e xtent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Jensen Cheese brand Old Cheddar Cheese may contain Listeria monocytogenes', 'reason ': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'compan y-firm': u'A.M. JensenLtd.', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17 :28:57.923912'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection. 87310848', 'distribution': u'Quebec', 'date': u'March 21, 2014', 'refnumber ': u'8724', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND', ' classification' : u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - CertainLe Fleurmier de Carlevoixbrand Soft Surface Ripened Cheese may contain Staphylococcus aureus bacteria' , 'reason': u'Microbiological - Staphylococcus aureus', 'compan y-firm': u'Laiterie CharlevoixInc.', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 17:29:04.483858'} No detail text found { 'url': ' om/food-recall-wa rnings/complete-listi ng/2014 -02-24-r8622/en g/1393456479476/1 393456486907', ' distribution': u'Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan' , 'date': u'February 24, 2014', 'ref number': u'8622', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', 'class ification': u'Class 3', 't itle': u'Notification - Certain Lipton Brisk brand Lemon Iced Tea is recalled', 'reason ': u'Labelling', 'company-fi rm': u'Pepsico Beverages Canada', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:29:11.664129' } No detail text found {'url': ' t-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete- listing/2014-02-25-r 8658/eng/1393446941425/1393446954698', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan' , 'date': u'February 25, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8658' , 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOU ND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Nacho Mix from Castle Cheese may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason' : u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-fir m': u'Castle CheeseInc.', ' uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 17:2 9:18.706022'} No detail text found { 'url': ' ut-the-cfia/newsr oom/food-recall-warnings /complete-li sting/2014-02-25 -r8674/eng/1393619623670/139361 9637449', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba', 'date': u'February 25, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'8674', 'ext ent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'classification' : u'Class 1', 'title ': u'Notification - Certain Sun Valley Fresh Foods brand Caesar salad kits may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'co mpany-firm': u'Sun Valley Fresh Foods', 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 17:29:25.76 0145'} No detail text found {'url': ' about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-03-07-r8684/eng/1394 566663063/139 4566692945' , 'distri bution': u'Ontario, Quebec' , 'date': u'March 7, 2014', 'refnumber' : u'8684', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classifi cation': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Chocolat Alprose brand 52% Cacao Premium Dark Chocolate recalled due to undeclared milk' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Altra FoodsInc.', 'u niqueid': '2015-07- 24 17:29:32.832579 '} {'url': 'http://inspect 7/eng/1394260286797/1394260313793', 'distribution': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'March 8, 2014', 'refnumber ': u'8691', 'exten t': u'Consumer', 'detailtext ': u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 8, 2014 - Altra recalling Chocolat Alprose brand 52% Cacao Premium Dark Chocolate from the marketplace because it contains milk. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classification': u'Class 1', ' title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Chocolat Alprose brand 52% Cacao Premium Dark Chocolate recalled due to undeclared milk' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Altra FoodsInc.', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 1 7:29:40.384432'} {'url': 'http://inspecti 4-02-19c/eng/1392869652205/1392869660355', ' distribution': u'National', 'date ': u'February 19, 2014', 'ref number': u'8633', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 19, 2014 - Magid Brothers recalling Club Supreme brand snack foods from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold nationally.', 'classifica tion': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Club Supreme brand snack foods recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'co mpany-firm': u'Magid Brothers DistributionInc.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 17:29:47.660760'} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. {'url': 'http://inspection. -26/eng/1390788509388/1390788537385', 'distributio n': u'Ontario', 'date': u'January 26, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8576' , 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, January 26, 2014 - recalling Compliments brand Stir-Fry Style Vegetables from the marketplace due to possibleListeriacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold in Ontario.', ' classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Compliments brand Stir-Fry Style Vegetables recalled due toListeria', 'reason' : u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm' : u'SobeysInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015- 07-24 17:29:58.775800'} No detail text found {'url' : ' newsroom/food-rec all-warnings/comple te-listing/2014- 11-04-r9425/eng/ 1415827275527/14 15827290224', 'di stribution': u'Quebec' , 'date': u'November 4, 2014', 'ref number': u'9425', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOU ND', 'class ification': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Notification -Les Aliments UnifoodInc.brand Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast recalled due to pieces of wood', 'reaso n': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-firm': u'Les Aliments UnifoodInc.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 1 7:30:05.801845'} {'url': 'http://inspectio isting/2014-11-04c/eng/1415147693865/1415147705512' , 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'November 4, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'9426, 9427', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, November 4, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on October 31, 2014, has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Industry is recalling Jack 'N Jill brand Chicharron products from the marketplace because they contain wheat which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to wheat or sensitivity to gluten should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1', ' title': u"Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Jack 'N Jill brand Chicharron products recalled due to undeclared wheat", 'reason': u'Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'AfodLtd., Corinthian DistributorsLtd.', 'u niqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:30: 13.118751'} No detail text found {'url': ' ood-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-11-04-r9404/eng/1415120753873/14151 20760579', 'distributio n': u'Quebec', 'date': u'November 4, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9404', 'exte nt': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND', 'classif ication': u'Class 3', 'title' : u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) -Coq R\xf4tibrand Bolognese Meat Sauce recalled due to undeclared mustard', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm': u'Les Aliments O Sole MioInc.', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17:30:19.980 956'} No detail text found {'url': ' recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-11-03-r9390/e ng/1415824339524/141 5824349093', 'distr ibution': u'Ontario', 'date' : u'November 3, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9390', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detail text': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND', 'class ification': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Hommus products recalled by Oskar Specialty Foods due to undeclared sesame seeds', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds', 'company-firm' : u'Oskar Specialty Foods', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:30:27 .496298'} {'url': 'http://inspecti 31/eng/1414798449454/1414798485787', 'distributi on': u'National', 'date': u'October 31, 2014', 're fnumber': u'9402, 9403, 9416, 9417', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, October 31, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on October 24, 2014, has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Industry is recalling Jack 'N Jill brand snack foods from the marketplace because they contain milk and wheat which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk or wheat or sensitivity to gluten should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classifica tion': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Jack 'N Jill brand snack foods recalled due to undeclared milk and wheat" , 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Wheat', 'compan y-firm': u'APO ProductsLtd., Diwa ProductsLtd., UNO FoodsLtd., Wilby Commercial Limited', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 17:30:36.208433'} {'url': 'http://inspecti ete-listing/2013-10-31c/eng/141481381 7676/1414813823156' , 'distribution': u'Alberta, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date': u'October 31, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'9353', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': u'Recall detailsOttawa, October 31, 2014 - Universal recalling Cool Runnings brand Jamaican Style Curry Powder from the marketplace because it may contain peanut and almond which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to peanut or almond should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classif ication': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Cool Runnings brand Jamaican Style Curry Powder recalled due to undeclared peanut and almond', 'reason': u'Allergen - Peanut, Allergen - Tree Nut' , 'company-firm': u'Universal ImpexCorp.', 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 17:30:43.340091 '} {'url': ' e-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/201 4-03-21/eng/1395456066871/1395456090254', ' distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan', 'da te': u'March 21, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8723', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 21, 2014 - Federated recalling Co-op and Market Town Co-op brands bakery products from the marketplace due to possibleListeriacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'title' : u'Food Recall Warning - Co-op and Market Town Co-op brands bakery products recalled due toListeria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'Federated Co-OperativesLtd.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 17:30 :50.578186 '} No detail text found {'url': ' newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete -listing/20 14-10-27-r9383 /eng/1415132248948 /1415132277017', 'distribution ': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'dat e': u'October 27, 2014', 'refnumber' : u'9383', 'ex tent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'd etailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classificat ion': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Cosine brand Coffee Mate recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Milk', 'c ompany-firm' : u'LordfordInc.', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17:30:57 .754699 '} {'url': 'http://inspecti 4-03-12/eng/1 394692964357/139 4692975163', ' distribution': u'New Brunswick, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date': u'March 12, 2014', 'refnum ber': u'8697', ' extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 12, 2014 - Dole Fresh recalling Dole brand Italian Blend salad from the marketplace due to possibleListeriacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product is known to have been distributed in Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick and may have been also been distributed in other provinces.' , 'classification' : u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Dole brand Italian Blend Salad recalled due toListeria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'Dole Fresh VegetablesInc.' , 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 17:31:04.622824 '} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection.gc.c a/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/ complete-listing/2 014-10-27-r9392/eng/1 414526504132/14145265749 88', 'dist ribution': u'Ontario' , 'date': u'October 27, 2014', 'refnumber ': u'9392', 'exte nt': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailt ext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classif ication': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Eel Lake Oyster Farm brand Live Oysters recalled due toSalmonella', 'reason ': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'compan y-firm': u'Eel Lake Oyster FarmLtd.' , 'uniqueid ': '2015-07- 24 17:31:11.559727'} {'url': 'htt p://', 'distribution': u'British Columbia, Ontario', 'date ': u'October 24, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9385', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, October 24, 2014 - Kevin's Food GroupInc., is recalling Kevin's brand taiyaki and waffle products from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Kevin's brand Taiyaki and Waffle products recalled due to undeclared milk", 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u"Kevin's Food GroupInc.", 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:31:30.217308'} {'url': 'http://inspection.g te-listing/2014-10-24c/eng/1414205121787 /14142051275 74', 'distributi on': u'National', 'date': u'October 24, 2014' , 'refnumber' : u'9370, 9377, 9380, 9386, 9387', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, October 24, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on October 22, 2014, has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Industry is recalling Jack 'N Jill brand barbecue flavor potato chip products from the marketplace because they contain mustard and wheat which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to mustard or wheat or sensitivity to gluten should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Jack 'N Jill brand barbecue flavor potato chip products recalled due to undeclared mustard and wheat", 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Mustard, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'AFODLtd., APO ProductsLtd., Corinthian DistributorsLtd., UNO FoodsLtd., Wilby Commercial Limited' , 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 17 :31:37.368814'} No detail text found {'url' : ' a/newsroom/food -recall-warnings/c omplete-listing/ 2014-10-24-r93 69/eng/14145108 43436/1414510 862100', 'distribu tion': u'Ontario' , 'date': u'October 24, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'9369', 'e xtent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND', ' classification' : u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Jiano Foods brand Beef Tortellini and Beef Ravioli recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company -firm': u'Jiano Foods', 'uniqueid' : '2015-0 7-24 17:31:44.7 50299'} No detail text found {'url': ' m/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-10- 22-r9289/eng/14 14091277268/ 1414093565313', 'distrib ution': u'New Brunswick, Nova Scotia', ' date': u'October 22, 2014', 'refnumber' : u'9289', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Country Cookhouse Bakery brand baked goods recalled due to undeclared allergens', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Mustard, Allergen - Soy, Allergen - Sulphites, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'Country Cookhouse Bakery', 'uniqueid': '2015-07- 24 17:31:52.106914' } {'url': 'http://i complete-listing/2014-10-22/eng/1 414019274676/14140 19301123', 'distri bution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Yukon', 'd ate': u'October 22, 2014', 'refnumb er': u'9278, 9360, 9362, 9363, 9365', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, October 22, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on October 21, 2014, has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Industry is recalling Chippy brand and Jack 'N Jill Chippy brand Barbecue Flavored Corn Chips from the marketplace because they contain wheat which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to wheat or sensitivity to gluten should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classifica tion': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Chippy brand and Jack 'N Jill Chippy brand Barbecue Flavored Corn Chips recalled due to undeclared wheat", 'rea son': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Wheat', 'co mpany-firm': u'AFODLtd., APO ProductsLtd., Corinthian DistributorsLtd., Diwa ProductsLtd., Wilby Commercial Limited', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 17:31:59.473036 '} No detail text found {' url': ' complete-listin g/2014-10-22- r9352/eng/ 141 4423217762/1 41442324778 2', 'distributi on': u'Quebec', 'date': u'October 22, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9352' , 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classifica tion': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) -Le S\xe9lect - L. Fortinbrand Cooked Bacon recalled due to undeclared soy', 'r eason': u'Allergen - Soy', 'c ompany-firm ': u'Charcuterie L. FortinLt\xe9e', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17:32: 06.405056'} {'url': 'http://insp s/complete-listing/2014-10-21/eng/1413 914852303/1413914865899' , 'distribu tion': u'Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Possibly National, Prince Edward Island, Quebec', 'date': u'October 21, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9278, 9359, 9360, 9362, 9371', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, October 21, 2014 - Industry is recalling Chippy brand and Jack 'N Jill Chippy brand Barbecue Flavored Corn Chips from the marketplace because they contain wheat which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to wheat or sensitivity to gluten should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'class ification': u'Class 1', 'title' : u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Chippy brand and Jack 'N Jill Chippy brand Barbecue Flavored Corn Chips recalled due to undeclared wheat", 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'AFODLtd., APO ProductsLtd., Corinthian DistributorsLtd., UNO FoodsLtd., Wilby Commercial Limited' , 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:32 :13.562289 '} No detail text found {'url': 'ht tp:// arnings/complet e-listing/20 14-10-20- r9347/eng/ 14165991 08575/1416599126594 ', 'dist ribution': u'Alberta' , 'date': u'October 20, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'9347', ' extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'clas sifica tion': u'Class 3' , 'title': u"Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Fiasco Gelato brand Toasted Campfire S'Mores Premium Artisan Gelato recalled due to undeclared gluten", 'reas on': u'Allergen - Gluten', 'co mpany-firm': u'Fiasco Gelato', 'uniquei d': '2015-07 -24 17:32:20 .224422'} No detail text found { 'url': ' ll-warnings/complete- listing/2014-10-20- r9336/eng/1415823701561 /1415823709 272', 'distribution' : u'Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'October 20, 2014', 'refnu mber': u'9336', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Growers brand peanut products recalled due to undeclared wheat', 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Wheat', 'comp any-firm': u'APO ProductsLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17: 32:26.779755'} No detail text found { 'url': ' ut-the-cfia/ne wsroom/food-recall -warnings /complete-li sting/2014-10 -17-r9330/eng /14138191519 94/1413819157 455', 'distr ibution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan' , 'date': u'October 17, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'9330', ' extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 3', 'title' : u'Notification - Chimei brand Fluffy Green Onion Waffle recalled due to unsuitable ingredients', 'reason': u'Other', 'company-firm': u'Canada Volumes Import/ExportInc.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-0 7-24 17:32:33.3181 77'} No detail text found {'url': ' sroom/food -recall-warnings /complete-listin g/2014-10-17-r93 23/eng/141391944 9436/141391946508 2', 'distributio n': u'Quebec', 'date': u'October 17, 2014' , 'refnumber': u'9323' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', ' classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Glicks Finest brand Apricot Preserves recalled due to undeclared sulphites' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'com pany-firm': u'KT Supermarket', 'uniqueid': '2015-0 7-24 17:32:39.9078 97'} No detail text found Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url': ' fia/newsroom/f ood-recall-wa rnings/complete-l isting/2 014-10-07-r93 10/eng/14127 79369053/1412 779395324', ' distribution': u'National', 'date': u'October 7, 2014', 'refnumber' : u'9310', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtext' : 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOU ND', 'classif ication': u'Class 2', ' title': u'Notification - Kraft brand Double Cheddar Shredded Natural Cheese recalled due to presence of plastic pieces', 'reason' : u'Extraneous Material', 'compan y-firm': u'Kraft CanadaInc.', 'unique id': '2015-07-2 4 17:32:50.8912 68'} No detail text found {'url': ' m/food-recall-warnin gs/complete-listing/2 014-10-07-r9296/eng/1413470 258671/14 13470299700', 'distribution': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'October 7, 2014', ' refnumber': u'9296' , 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification' : u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) -La Ferme PousseMenu brand products recalled due to undeclared mustard and soy', 're ason': u'Allergen - Mustard, Allergen - Soy', 'compan y-firm': u'La Ferme Pousse-Menu', 'u niqueid': '2015-0 7-24 17:32:57 .381906'} No detail text found {'u rl': ' t-the-cfia/newsroom /food-recall-war nings/complete- listing/2014-10- 03-r9309/eng/14127 05351707/14127053 52316', 'distrib ution': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia' , 'date': u'October 3, 2014', 'ref number': u'9309', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND' , 'classificati on': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Circle K brand Confetti Square Chocolate Chip Cookies recalled due to undeclared peanut' , 'reason ': u'Allergen - Peanut', 'company-fir m': u'Couche-TardInc.', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:33:03 .866194'} No detail text found {'url': ' ia/newsroom/fo od-recall-warnings/co mplete-list ing/2014-10-01-r928 5/eng/141219190 4415/141219 1911192', ' distribut ion': u'National', 'dat e': u'October 1, 2014', 'refnumb er': u'9285', 'extent': u'Warehouse', 'de tailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', ' classifica tion': u'Class 2', ' title': u'Notification -Aliments Prolimerbrand Seafood Stuffing recalled due to pieces of metal', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'comp any-firm': u'Aliments ProlimerInc.', 'un iqueid': '2015-07 -24 17:33:10.617 115'} No detail text found {'url': ' recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-09-29-r9292/eng/1412 099650599/141 2099679074', 'dis tributi on': u'Ontario', 'date ': u'September 29, 2014', 'refnumb er': u'9292', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 2', 'titl e': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - EBM Brands Click Cumin Biscuit recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-fir m': u'Super Asia Foods & SpicesLtd.', ' uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:33: 18.435927'} {'url': 'http://in l-warnings/complete-listing/20 14-09-26/eng/ 1411774119826/ 1411774120545', ' distribu tion': u'Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Possibly National', 'da te': u'September 26, 2014', 'refnu mber': u'9303', 'exte nt': u'Consumer', 'detai ltext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, September 26, 2014 - Industry is recalling MD brand Sinhalese Pickle from the marketplace because it contains mustard which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to mustard should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'clas sificatio n': u'Class 1', 'title' : u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - MD brand Sinhalese Pickle recalled due to undeclared mustard', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company -firm': u'M&M; Twins Limited', 'uniqueid ': '2015 -07-24 17:33: 25.795130'} No detail text found {'url ': ' a/newsroom/food-reca ll-warnings/compl ete-listing/2014-09 -26-r9286/eng/1412702370 365/141270 2412125', 'distribu tion': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia', 'date': u'September 26, 2014' , 'refnumber': u'9286', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'clas sification': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Circle K brand squares recalled due to undeclared peanut', 'reason': u'Allergen - Peanut', 'company-firm ': u'Couche-TardInc.', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:33:32 .674996'} No detail text found {'url': ' -cfia/newsroom /food-recall-w arnings/comp lete-listing/2014- 09-24/en g/14116803716 25/1411680394 904', 'distribu tion': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'da te': u'September 24, 2014', 'refnumber ': u'9262', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 3', 'title' : u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Almond Shoyo recalled due to undeclared soy and wheat', 're ason': u'Allergen - Soy, Allergen - Wheat', 'compa ny-firm': u'Sat Distribution', ' uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:33 :39.306057'} {'url': 'http://inspectio isting/2014-02-18/eng/1392782312668/139278233 8680', 'distribution ': u'National', 'date': u'February 18, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'8637, 8642, 8643, 8641, 8640, 8647, 8645, 8644, 8634, 8649, 8648, 8652, 8650, 8651', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 18, 2014 - Industry is recalling El Monterey brand Taquitos and Tornados® from the marketplace because they are believed to pose a risk. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The recall was initiated by Ruiz Food Products, Dinuba,CA,USA. The manufacturer used some of the beef products which wererecalledby Rancho Feeding Corporation, Petalama, California,USAon February 8, 2014 "because it processed diseased and unsound animals and carried out these activities without the benefit or full benefit of federal inspection." Therefore, these products are considered unsound, unwholesome or otherwise unfit for human consumption.The following products have been sold nationally.', 'classificatio n': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - El Monterey brand Taquitos and Tornados\xae recalled', ' reason': u'Other', 'company -firm': u'Associated Grocers, Co-Op Atlantic, Federated Co-OperativesLtd., Giant Tiger WholesaleLtd., H. Y. Louie, Inform Food BrokerageInc., Island Independent Buying GroupLtd., Loblaw Companies Limited, MacDonalds Consolidated, Overwaitea Food Group LP, Quality Foods Caseco, SobeysInc., The North West Company, Wilson Foods Warehouse', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 1 7:33:46.218850'} {'url': 'http://inspe plete-listing/2014-04-08/eng/13969982357 78/1396998258486', 'distribution': u'Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec', 'da te': u'April 8, 2014', 're fnumber': u'8778', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, April 8, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on February 20, 2014 has been updated to include an additional lot code. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Foodfest International recalling Elite Bittersweet Chocolate from the marketplace because it contains milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.", 'cla ssification': u'Class 1', ' title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Elite brand Bittersweet Chocolate recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk' , 'company- firm': u'Foodfest International 2000Inc.', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17 :33:52.818884'} {'url': 'http://inspect', 'distribution': u'Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'February 20, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8653', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 20, 2014 - Foodfest International 2000 Inc. is recalling Elite brand Bittersweet Chocolate from the marketplace because it contains milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been distributed in Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Elite brand Bittersweet Chocolate recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Foodfest International 2000Inc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:33:59.435253'} {'url': 'http://inspect', 'distribution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'February 18, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8630', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 18, 2014 - Oh Green recalling Ferme Sunshine brand Almond Powder from the marketplace because it contains milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been distributed in British Columbia.', 'clas sification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Ferme Sunshine brand Almond Powder recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Oh Green BiotechLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:34:0 6.392361'} {'url': 'http:/ / recall-warnings/complete-listing /2014-02-19b/e ng/1392863644953/13928636 66998', 'distributio n': u'British Columbia', 'date' : u'February 19, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'8636', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, February 19, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on February 18, 2014 has been updated to include additional lot codes. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) Food Safety Investigation.Oh Green recalling Ferme Sunshine brand Almond Powder from the marketplace because it contains milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been distributed in British Columbia.", 'classific ation': u'Class 1' , 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Ferme Sunshine brand Almond Powder recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', ' company-firm' : u'Oh Green BiotechLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 17:34:13 .309496'} {'url': ' cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-02-20/eng/1392963753317/1392963768220', 'distribution' : u'British Columbia', 'date': u'February 20, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8639', 'extent': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, February 20, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on February 19, 2014 has been updated to include additional products. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) Food Safety Investigation.Oh Green recalling Ferme Sunshine brand drink mix powders from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been distributed in British Columbia.", 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Ferme Sunshine brand drink mix powders recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'com pany-firm': u'Oh Green BiotechLtd.', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 17:34:21.083437'} {'url': ' isting/2014-10-01/eng/1412187190536/141218 7205522', 'distribution': u'Alberta, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date': u'October 1, 2014', ' refnumber': u'9287', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, October 1, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on September 26, 2014, has been updated to include additional distribution information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Rich Products of recalling Gelato fino brand Tartufo products from the marketplace because they may contain almonds and wheat which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to almonds or wheat should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Gelato fino brand Tartufo products recalled due to undeclared almonds and wheat', 'reason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'Rich Products of CanadaLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:34:27.845 255'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://in d-recall-warni ngs/complete- listing/2014-10 -01-r9301/eng/ 1412185362861 /1412185380389', 'distri bution': u'National', ' date': u'October 1, 2014', 'refn umber': u'9301', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'cl assification ': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Kirkland Signature brand Stuffed Salmon recalled due to metal fragments', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'compa ny-firm': u'Costco Wholesale CanadaInc.', 'u niqueid': '201 5-07-24 17:34:34.83 3417'} {'url': 'http:/ / 65/14117912731 34', 'distribution ': u'Alberta, Ontario', 'date': u'September 26, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'9287', 'extent': u'Consumer', 'detailtex t': u'Recall detailsOttawa, September 26, 2014 - Rich Products of recalling Gelato fino brand Tartufo products from the marketplace because they may contain almonds and wheat which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to almonds or wheat should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Gelato fino brand Tartufo products recalled due to undeclared almonds and wheat', 'reason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'Rich Products of CanadaLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 1 7:34:42.429226'} No detail text found {'url': ' /newsroom/food-rec all-warnings/ complete-listi ng/2014-09-26/eng /1412001973349/1 412001974162', 'distri bution': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'September 26, 2014', 're fnumber': u'9287', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Gelato fino brand Tartufo products recalled due to undeclared almonds and wheat', 'reason' : u'Allergen - Tree Nut, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'Rich Products of CanadaLtd.', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 17: 34:49.478811'} {'url': 'http://inspection.gc .ca/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-04-02b/eng/1396502845 795/1396502851 634', 'distribution' : u'National', 'date': u'April 2, 2014', ' refnumber': u'8758', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detail text': u"Advisory detailsOttawa, April 2, 2014 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume Grandma's perogies brand Potato & Bacon Perogies described below because they contain soy which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to soy should not consume the recalled product described below.", 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Safety Warning (Allergen) - Grandma's Perogies brand Potato & Bacon Perogies contain undeclared soy", 'reason': u'Allergen - Soy', 'company -firm': u"S & A Grandma's FoodInc.", 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 17:34 :57.298394'} No detail text found { ' u r l ' : ' h t t p : / / arnings/complete-listing/2014-09-25/eng/1411742499910/141174251748 1', 'distribu tion': u'National', 'date': u'September 25, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9283', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificati on': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Laura Secord brand chocolate products recalled due to labelling', ' reason': u'Labelling', 'company-firm': u'Laura Secord', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 17:35:05.013452'} No detail text found {'url': ' arnings/complete-listi ng/2014-09-23-r9261/ eng/1412183212544 /1412183251690', ' distribution': u'Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'September 23, 2014', 'refn umber': u'9261', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classif ication': u'Class 2', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) -Gull\xf3nbrand products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'World to World TradingInc.', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 17:35:1 2.805493'} {'url': 'http://inspection.g 56450681/141125 6463644', 'distri bution': u'Ontario, Quebec' , 'date': u'September 20, 2014', ' refnumber': u'9275', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, September 20, 2014 - Conan Foods is recalling Ellada brand Greek Oregano Leaves from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'class ification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Ellada brand Greek Oregano Leaves recalled due toSalmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'co mpany-firm': u'Conan Foods', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17: 35:20.650790'} No detail text found {'url': ' warnings/complete -listing/2014-09 -19-r9258/eng/1 412187221762/141 2187228585', 'dis tribution': u'Quebec', 'dat e': u'September 19, 2014', 'refnumber ': u'9258', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'classific ation': u'Class 3', 'title' : u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Crousset brand Ground Coriander Seeds recalled due to undeclared gluten', 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten', 'company-firm ': u'CroussetInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:35:28.042695'} No detail text found Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url': 'http:/ / ete-listing/2014-0 9-16-r9213/eng/1 411495456103/141149 5466589', 'dist ribution': u'Ontario', 'dat e': u'September 16, 2014', 'refnumber': u'9213', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Dry apricots imported by Farah ImpexLtd.recalled due to undeclared sulphites', 'r eason': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-firm': u'Farah ImpexLtd.', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 17:35:39.28 7400'} {'url': 'h ttp:// ood-recall-warnings/complete-listi ng/2014-01-14/eng /1389758388952/1 389758426006', 'd istribution': u'Nova Scotia' , 'date': u'January 14, 2014', 'refn umber': u'8553', 'extent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, January 14, 2014 - Webbers Food is recalling "Hausmacher" liverpâtéfrom the marketplace because it may permit the growth ofClostridium botulinum. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold in glass jars with no label only from November 13, 2013 to December 5, 2013, inclusively, at the following locations in Nova Scotia:Hammonds Plains Farmers\' Market, Hammonds Plains, Nova ScotiaLunenburg Farmers\' Market, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia', 'c lassification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - "Hausmacher" liverp\xe2t\xe9recalled due to potential presence of dangerous bacteria' , 'reason': u'Microbiological - Clostridium botulinum', 'com pany-firm': u'Webbers Food', 'uniqueid': '2015-07- 24 17:35:46.678778 '} {'url': ' -the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-03-20/eng/1395377652773/1395377672 498', 'distribution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'March 20, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8722', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, March 20, 2014 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume the products described below due to possibleListeriacontamination.The following products have been sold in British Columbia.', 'classifi cation': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Food Safety Warning - Helados La Tapatia brand Frozen Novelties may be unsafe due toListeria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'La VillitaDistributors', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 17:35:53.87 7701'} No detail text found {' url': ' a/newsroom/food-recall-war nings/compl ete-listing/2014-09 -17-r9178/eng/1411 510894742/141151090 3240', 'distributi on': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'September 17, 2014', ' refnumber': u'9178', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classifica tion': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Highfly brand "Datte Deglet Nour of Tunisia" recalled due to insect infestation', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', ' company-firm': u'Les Entreprises AmiraInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 17:36:01.219176'} No detail text found {'url ': ' a/newsroom/food-r ecall-warnings/complet e-listing/2 014-04-10-r8792/ eng/139724049113 6/1397240501387' , 'distribution' : u'National', 'date': u'April 10, 2014', 're fnumber': u'8792', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Improperly declared milk in Your Fresh Market brand Beef Tortellini', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Milk', 'c ompany-firm': u'Walmart CanadaCorp.', ' uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 17:36:07.848 202'} No detail text found {'url ': ' cfia/newsroom/food-reca ll-warnin gs/complete-lis ting/2014-03-17-r870 4/eng/13 95152931949/139515 2943070', 'dis tribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario', 'date': u'March 17, 2014', 'refn umber': u'8704', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Insects in Fragranti Dolcezze brand Soft Sicilian Traditional Almond Pastries', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material' , 'company-firm': u'TJX Canada', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 17:36:15.34145 5'} No detail text found {'url': 'http :// ut-the-cf ia/newsroom/food- recall-warnings/com plete-listing/20 14-03-19-r8707/en g/1395341247109/ 1395341256446', 'distribution': u'British Columbia', 'da te': u'March 19, 2014', 'refn umber': u'8708', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classific ation': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Notification - Insects in Gagan brand Punjabi Wadi - Spicy Lentil Chunks', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-f irm': u'Gagan Foods International Limited', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 17:36:22.813445' } {'url': 'http :// ll-warnings/complete-listing/2014-0 2-10/eng/1392088 512833/13920885 13942', 'distrib ution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 10, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'8606', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, February 10, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on February 7, 2014 has been updated to include additional product and distribution information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.A.M. recalling Jensen Cheese brand Old Cheddar Cheese (white) from the marketplace due to possibleListeriacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The affected product, Jensen Cheese brand Old Cheddar Cheese (white), was sold in variable weight packages at the following retail locations in Ontario during the periods shown below.Retail LocationAddressDates soldCousin's Market1215 Hurontario Street, MississaugaJan30 –Feb  7, inclusiveMarilu's Market4025 New Street, BurlingtonJan16 –Feb  7, inclusivePusateri's Fine Foods2901 Bayview  Avenue, TorontoJan28 –Feb  7, inclusivePusateri's Fine Foods57 Yorkville Avenue, TorontoFeb4 – 7, inclusiveValeriote's Market204 Yorkshire RoadN, GuelphJan24 –Feb  7, inclusiveFiesta Farms200 Christie Street, TorontoJan29 –Feb  7, inclusiveHarvest Wagon1103 Yonge Street, TorontoJan21 –Feb  7, inclusiveLocke Street Meats &Deli205 Locke StreetS, HamiltonJan16 –Feb  7, inclusiveMarket Fresh10 Paisley Street, GuelphJan31 –Feb  7, inclusivePicone Fine Food34 King StreetW, DundasJan16 –Feb  7, inclusiveThe Mustard Seed460 YorkBlvd, HamiltonJan23 –Feb  7, inclusiveWhole Foods Market - Yorkville87 Avenue Road, YorkvilleJan21 –Feb  7, inclusiveSome product packages may not bear a code or indicate the Jensen Cheese brand name. This product may also have been sold clerk-served from deli counters with or without a label or coding. Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased the affected product are advised to contact their retailer.", 'classification ': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Jensen Cheese brand Old Cheddar Cheese (white) recalled due toListeria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-fir m': u'A.M. JensenLtd.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 17:3 6:29.937356 '} No detail text found {'url': ' wsroom/food-reca ll-warnings /complete-listing/2 014-09-22 -r9295/eng/141218743696 1/1412187442431 ', 'distribution ': u'New Brunswick', 'date': u'September 22, 2014', 'refnumber ': u'9295', 'extent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOU ND', 'classification': u'Class 3' , 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Keswick Kitchen brand baked goods recalled due to undeclared allergens', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Peanut, Allergen - Soy, Allergen - Sulphites, Allergen - Tree Nut, Allergen - Wheat', 'company- firm': u'Keswick Kitchen', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 17:36:38. 407291'} {'ur l': ' -cfia/newsroom/f ood-recall-warnings/complete -listin g/2014-04-25-r 8817/eng/139869997 8079/13986999840 36', 'distribu tion': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'dat e': u'April 25, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'8817', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classif ication': u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Coffeeking and Super brand 3 in 1 Coffee Mix', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-fir m': u'Wycen Foods (Canada)Inc.', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 18:15:08.290173 '} No detail text found { 'url': ' ewsroom/food-re call-warnings /complete-list ing/2014-04-25- r8789/eng/13987 02848253/1398 702854287', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'April 25, 2014', 'ref number': u'8789', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classification': u'Class 3', 't itle': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared wheat in Empire Bakery brand Cherry Cake', 'reason': u'Allergen - Wheat', 'c ompany-firm': u'Empire Bakery', 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 18:15:17.469289'} No detail text found { 'url': ' -the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warni ngs/comple te-listing/2014-0 4-25-r8819/eng/139870175 3627/139870 1758907', 'distr ibution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario', 'da te': u'April 25, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8819', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classific ation': u'Class 3', 'title' : u"Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk inNescaf\xe9brand 3 in 1 Brown 'n Creamy", 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'com pany-firm' : u'Uncle T FoodLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:1 5:24.304070'} No detail text found {'ur l': ' cfia/newsroom/food -recall-warnings /complete-listin g/2014-04-25- r8825/eng/139 8707217824/1398707229 046', 'di stribution': u'Alberta', 'date': u'April 25, 2014', 're fnumber': u'8825', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', 'clas sification': u'Class 2' , 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared egg in Hearts Choices brand products', 'r eason': u'Allergen - Egg', 'company-fi rm': u'Hearts Choices', ' uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 18:15:31.4329 10'} {'url' : ' complete-listing/2014-04-25/eng/13984626 05880/1398462617220 ', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Possibly National, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'April 25, 2014', 'ref number': u'8820', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, April 25, 2014 - HG Holding (International)dbaHung Gay recalling TenTen brand Ten Cereal 4 in 1 from the marketplace because it contains milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - TenTen brand Ten Cereal 4 in 1 recalled due to undeclared milk' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Hung Gay EnterprisesLtd.', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-2 4 18:15:38.970523'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection.gc .ca/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/201 4-04-24-r8814/eng/1 398435811089/13 98435824036', 'd istribution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'April 24, 2014', 'refnu mber': u'8814', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classi fication': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u'Notification - Certain Royal Gourmet Foods brand hummus may contain pieces of metal', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material' , 'company-f irm': u'Royal Gourmet FoodsLtd.', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 18:15:46.836287 '} No detail text found {'url' : ' /newsroom/food-recal l-warnings/complete-lis ting/2014-04-24-r881 2/eng/1398877452038/139 8877479675 ', 'distribut ion': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'April 24, 2014', 'refn umber': u'8812', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared allergens in Empire Bakery brand baked goods' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Sulphites, Allergen - Tree Nut, Allergen - Wheat', 'comp any-firm': u'Empire Bakery', 'uni queid': '2015-07- 24 18:15:54.65954 2'} No detail text found {'url ': ' wsroom/food-reca ll-warnings/co mplete-li sting/2014-04-24-r8 810/eng/1398397 947452/139839795 3427', ' distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario' , 'date': u'April 24, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8810' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classi fication': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared almond and sesame in certain Papagena Fine Bakeries brand Waferballs', ' reason': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds, Allergen - Tree Nut', 'comp any- firm': u'Omega Food ImportersCo.Ltd.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07- 24 18:16:01.623064'} {'url': 'http:/ /', 'distribution': u'National' , 'date': u'April 24, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8818, 8821, 8823, 8824', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, April 24, 2014 - Industry is recalling Rice Porridge products from the marketplace because they contain shellfish, milk and/or sesame seeds which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to shellfish, milk or sesame should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classific ation': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Rice Porridge products recalled due to undeclared shellfish, milk and sesame', ' reason': u'Allergen - Crustacean/Shellfish, Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Sesame Seeds', 'company- firm': u'Han-Ka Export ImportLtd., Korea Food TradingLtd., Natusoy FoodsLtd., Pan Asia FoodCo.Ltd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18 :16:08.874737' } No detail text found {'url': '', 'distributi on': u'New Brunswick, Ontario', 'date': u'April 17, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8822', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title' : u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared sesame in Rice Porridge with Tuna', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds', 'com pany-firm': u'Korea Food TradingLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:16 :16.492331'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Alberta', 'date': u'April 17, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8827', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared Egg, Gluten and Wheat in DSI brand Chicken Ham Soya Style Product', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'DSI Food Corporation', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:16:23.825321'} No detail text found {'url' : ' ewsroom/food-recall-warn ings/compl ete-listing/2014-04-17-r8721/eng/139 8781011317/1398781 024274', 'distribution ': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date ': u'April 17, 2014', 'refnumber' : u'8721', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classification': u'Class 3' , 'title': u'Notification - Extraneous material in certain Moringa LeavesC/S', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'c ompany-firm': u'Gourmet Nutrition F.B.Inc.', 'u niqueid': '2015-0 7-24 18:16:30.97 6477'} {'url': 'http://insp rnings/complete-listing/2014-04- 17/eng/1397786109 952/1397786130929' , 'distr ibution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'April 17, 2014', 're fnumber': u'8826', ' extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, April 17, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on April 5, 2014 has been updated to include additional product information.Noah's Natural Foods is recalling organic black peppercorns from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold from bulk at the Noah's Natural Foods locations indicated in the table below.", 'class ification': u'Class 2', ' title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Organic black peppercorns recalled due toSalmonella', 'r eason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'co mpany-firm': u"Noah's Natural Foods", ' uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18:16:38.393 343'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection.gc. ca/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/compl ete-listing/2014-04-16-r8811/en g/1398177108041/139817712773 6', 'distribution': u'British Columbia', ' date': u'April 16, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8811', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared sesame and/or soy in certain Tao Organics brand food products', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds, Allergen - Soy', 'comp any-firm': u'Tao Organics Raw CuisineInc.' , 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 18:16:46.044317'} {'url': 'http://inspectio isting/2014-04-08b/eng/1397004974227/139 7004980154', 'distr ibution': u'National', 'date': u'April 8, 2014', 'refnumber' : u'8738', 'extent' : u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, April 8, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on March 27, 2014 has been updated to include additional distribution. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Aliments recallingProlimerand Waterfront Bistro brand fish and seafood products from the marketplace because they contain mustard which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to mustard should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classification ': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) -Prolimerand Waterfront Bistro brand fish and seafood products recalled due to undeclared mustard', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm': u'Aliments ProlimerInc.' , 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 18:16:54.324990 '} No detail text found {'url': ' /food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-04 -04-r8765 /eng/1398266240 214/1398266261487', 'distribu tion': u'Quebec', 'dat e': u'April 4, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'8765', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'det ailtext ': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FO UND', 'cl assifica tion': u'Class 2', ' title': u'Notification - CertainFromagerie Champ\xeatrebrand swiss cheese may contain genericE.colibacteria', 'reason ': u'Microbiological - Other', 'company -firm' : u'Fromagerie Champ\xeatreInc.', 'uniq ueid': '20 15-07-24 18 :17:02.092 297'} No detail text found {'url': ' complete-listing/2014-04-01/eng/1396534330882/1396534342534', 'distribution': u'British Columbia', 'date ': u'April 1, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8750', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Asiago & Artichoke Dip from Arbutus Ridge FarmsLtd.may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason ': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'Arbutus Ridge FarmsLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 18:17:11.6565 51'} {'url': 'ht tp:// omplete-listing/20140326b/eng/139589699975 1/139589701 0582', 'dist ribution': u'Quebec', 'date': u'March 26, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8727', 'extent': u'Retail and Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtex t': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, March 26, 2014 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning distributors, retailers and food service establishments such as hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, hospitals and nursing homes not to sell or use the products described below due to possibleListeriacontamination.', 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'title ': u'Food Safety Warning - All FruitsLtd.and Restaurant Maman Fournier brands fruit salad products may be unsafe due toListeria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria' , 'company-firm': u'All FruitsLtd.', 'uniq ueid': '201 5-07-24 18:17 :25.447565' } No detail text found {'url' : ' out-the-cfia/newsr oom/foo d-recall-wa rnings/comp lete-listin g/2014-03-20-r8699/eng/1 395430931794 /1395430974954' , 'distribut ion': u'Ontario', 'd ate': u'March 20, 2014', 'ref number': u'8699', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared almonds, pecans, gluten and sulphites in The Chocolate Factory brand Our Ever Famous Assorted Chocolates', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Sulphites, Allergen - Tree Nut', 'company-firm': u'The Chocolate Factory', 'u niqueid': '2 015-07-24 18:17:32. 657665'} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found { 'url': ' /about-the-c fia/newsroom /food-recal l-warnings/c omplete-listin g/2014-03-20-r8 714/eng /1395347550341/1395 347559143', 'dist ributio n': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'dat e': u'March 20, 2014', 'refnum ber': u'8714', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOU ND', 'class ificatio n': u'Class 2', 'titl e': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared almonds and peanuts in Imei brand cookies', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Peanut, Allergen - Tree Nut', 'comp any-firm': u'Allcity ImportersLtd.', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 1 8:17:43.166415' } No detail text found {'url ': ' wsroom/food-recal l-warnings/compl ete-listing/2014- 03-19-r8712/eng/ 1395337828384/1 395337848313', 'd istribution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'March 19, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'8712', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Allergy Alert - Certain Sweet & Salty Mandarin Peel may contain undeclared sulphites', 'r eason': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'compan y-firm': u'Charmsun TradingInc.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-2 4 18:17:52.987853'} No detail text found {'url': 'http: // ewsroom/food-reca ll-warnings/complete -listing/2014-03 -18-r8698/eng/1 395178398499/13 95178404578', 'di stribution': u'British Columbia', 'date' : u'March 18, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'8698', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'c lassifica tion': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Allergy Alert - Certain Hsinjhu Rice Noodles may contain undeclared wheat and gluten', 're ason': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'Kuo Hua Trading CompanyLtd.' , 'uniqueid': '2015-07-2 4 18:18:0 2.204936'} No detail text found {'u rl': ' -cfia/newsroom/foo d-recall-warnings/co mplete-listing/2014- 03-18-r8706/eng/13951772370 80/1 395177246939', ' distribution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'March 18, 2014', ' refnumber': u'8706', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Famous Foods recalling certain Chocolate Almonds Pure Semi Sweet due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'com pany-firm': u'Famous Foods', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 18:1 8:08.778391'} {'url': 'http://inspection. listing/2014-03-17/eng/1395091471822/13950 91480655' , 'distributio n': u'National', 'date': u'March 17, 2014', 'ref number': u'8703', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, March 17, 2014 - Castle recalling Meddo Belle and Okanagan's Choice Cheese brands shredded cheese products from the marketplace due to possibleListeriacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classific ation': u'Class 1', 'tit le': u"Food Recall Warning - Meddo Belle and Okanagan's Choice Cheese brands shredded cheese products recalled due toListeria", 'reaso n': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-fi rm': u'Castle CheeseInc.', 'u niqueid': '2015 -07-24 18:18:1 5.835252'} No detail text found {'url': ' d-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-03-13 -r8695/eng/1395166318602/ 1395166345 768', 'distributio n': u'Ontario', 'date': u'March 13, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8695', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classification' : u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared mustard in Pepper Tree SpiceCo.brand spice blends', ' reason': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company- firm': u'Pepper Tree SpiceCo.', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 18:1 8:22.167282'} No detail text found {'ur l': ' ia/newsroom/food-r ecall-warnings/ complete-listing /2014-03-13-r867 7/eng/1395078046 807/139507805638 2', 'distributi on': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'March 13, 2014', ' refnumber': u'8677', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classificati on': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Contimax brand Herring Fillets Maties may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'Tonsell InternationalInc.', 'uniq ueid': '20 15-07-24 18:18:28. 910579'} No detail text found {'url ': ' /food-recal l-warnings/complete -listing/2014-02-28- r8679/eng/13950709 36449/13950709652 44', 'distribution ': u'New Brunswick, Quebec', 'date': u'February 28, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8679', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared gluten and wheat inLe MeilleurEnr.brand Healthy Mix', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-fi rm': u'Jacques Lemieux (Grossiste)Inc.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18: 18:35.837956'} {'url': 'http:/ / -listing/2014-02-26/eng/1393469388658/1393 469396974', 'distr ibution': u'British Columbia', 'date ': u'February 26, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8675', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': u"Recall detailsOttawa, February 26, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on February 18, 2014 has been updated to include an additional product. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Medallion Plus recalling Tekki Shomen brand Noodles in a Cup from the marketplace because it contains milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.", 'classificat ion': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Tekki Shomen brand Noodles in a Cup recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-fir m': u'Medallion Plus ImportsLtd.', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 18 :18:43.607897'} No detail text found {'url' : ' e-cfia/newsr oom/food-reca ll-warnings/co mplete-listi ng/2014-02-2 6-r8659/eng/1 393455357627 /13934553682 43', 'distri bution': u'National', ' date': u'February 26, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'8659', ' extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', ' classificati on': u'Class 3', 'title ': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared sulphites in Quality brand candy', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'company- firm': u'Quality Natural Foods CanadaInc.', 'uni queid': '2015-07-2 4 18:18 :51.355004' } {'url': 'http://ins', 'distribution': u'Alberta', 'date': u'February 26, 2014', 'refnumb er': u'8668', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, February 26, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on February 13, 2014 has been updated to include additional products. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.1196110ABLtd. operating as Malley's Seafood is recalling Malley's brand Dry Garlic Ribs from the marketplace because they contain mustard and soy which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to mustard or soy should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Malley's brand Dry Garlic Ribs recalled due to undeclared mustard and soy", 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard, Allergen - Soy', 'company-fir m': u'1196110ABLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:18:58.782102'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Alberta', 'date': u'February 20, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8638', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Reddi Foods brand Beef Trim 50/50 is recalled', 'reason': u'Other', 'company-firm': u'Reddi Food GroupInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:19:06.487121'} {'url': 'http://inspection.', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'January 10, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8552', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, January 10, 2014 - Kinnikinnick Foods is recalling the Kinnikinnick Foods brand products listed below from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold nationally.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Various Kinnikinnick Foods Brand products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Kinnikinnick FoodsInc.', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:19:1 3.949481'} No detail text found {'url': 'h ttp:// cfia/newsro om/food-rec all-warnings/complete-lis ting/2014-01- 10-r8548/e ng/1389884448767/138 988446 4137', 'di stribution': u'Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec', 'dat e': u'January 10, 2014', 're fnumber': u'8548', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared peanuts in Detskie brand Waffles', 'reason': u'Allergen - Peanut', 'company-firm': u'Wonderberry North America', ' uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 18:19:20. 735209'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspe a/newsroom/f ood-recall-warnings/complet e-listing/2014-01-08- r8537/eng/1389219 367792/1389219392149', 'dist ribution': u'British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'January 8, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8537', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classific ation': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in certain Alprose brand Swiss Baking Chocolate', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'c ompany-firm': u'UNFI Canada Central Region', 'uniqueid': '2015-07- 24 18:19:27.815610'} {'url': 'http://inspection.gc .ca/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2 014-01-07/eng/1389146783980/1389146796679', 'dis tribution': u'Quebec', 'd ate': u'January 7, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'8542', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, January 7, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on January 6, 2014 has been updated to include an additional product. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety recalling Andalos brand Kaak Muhalla from the marketplace because it contains milk and egg which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk or egg should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold fromBoulangerieAndalos located at 350Lebeau, VilleSt-Laurent, Québec.", 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Andalos brand Kaak Muhalla recalled due to undeclared milk and egg', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm ': u'Boulangerie AndalosInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:19:34.356728'} No detail text found {'url': ' oom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-01-07 -r8527/eng/1389129 359012/1389129391869' , 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan' , 'date': u'January 7, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8527, 8544, 8551, 8561', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', 'clas sification': u'Class 3', 't itle': u'Notification - Non-permitted food colours in certain Nika-S brand Pomegranate Juice', 'reason': u'Chemical', 'company-fir m': u'Golden Bright EnterprisesLtd., London Drugs Limited, N&A; Import/Export Company, Parthenon Food ImportersLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:19:40.83 9184'} {'url': 'http://in 2014-01-06/eng/1389062078893/1389062080097', 'distribu tion': u'Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'd ate': u'January 6, 2014', 'refnumber' : u'8541', 'extent': u'Consumer', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, January 6, 2014 - Boulangerie recalling Andalos brand Anis Cookies from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.', ' classification': u'Class 1' , 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Andalos Brand Anis Cookies Recalled Due to Undeclared Milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'com pany-firm': u'Boulangerie AndalosInc.', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 18:19:47.733889'} {'url': 'http :// lete-listing/2014-01-04/eng/138887746 2644/138887 7493105', 'd istributio n': u'British Columbia', 'd ate': u'January 4, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8540', 'exten t': u'Consumer', 'detai ltext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, January 4, 2014 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Thrifty Foods Port Place are warning the public not to consume the products described below due to possible chemical contamination.The affected products have been sold at Thrifty Foods - Port Place, 650 South Terminal Avenue, Nanaimo, British Columbia, on January 3, 2014, between 3-6p.m.only.' , 'classificat ion': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Safety Warning - Thrifty Foods Port Place Nanaimo Hot Barbecue Chicken products may be unsafe due to chemical contamination', 'reason ': u'Chemical', 'company-firm': u'Thrifty Foods', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 18:1 9:54.431015' } {'url': 'http://ins 09689097', 'dist ribution': u'National', 'date ': u'January 3, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8538', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': u'Recall detailsOttawa, January 3, 2014 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Leese Enterprises InternationalInc.are warning people with allergy to milk not to consume certain Simply Lite brand Dark Chocolate described below. The affected product contains milk protein which is not declared on the label.The following product has been distributed in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, and may have been further distributed in other provinces.', 'classificat ion': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Simply Lite brand Dark Chocolate recalled due to undeclared milk', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-fi rm': u'Leese Enterprises InternationalInc.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18:20:01.456897'} No detail text found {'url': ' cfia/newsr oom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-01-02-r8536/eng/1388763232598/1388763271645', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'January 2, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8536', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Gluten in "gluten free" Grande Harvest brand 12 Grain Blended Rice', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Gluten', 'company-firm': u'Western Rice MillsLtd.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07- 24 18:20:08.54136 2'} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. {'url': 'http :// mplete-listing/2014-02-25/eng/1393 399347517/1393399360130 ', 'distributio n': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'February 25, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8663, 8664', 'extent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, February 25, 2014 - Safeway and Buy-Low Foods are recalling Caesar salad products from the marketplace due to possibleListeriacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold in Alberta and British Columbia (Buy-Low Foods and Nesters Market) and in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Saskatchewan (Safeway andSt.Martin's Family Foods).", 'clas sification': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning - Signature Cafe, Fresh 'n Delicious and Nester's Own brand Caesar Salad products recalled due toListeria", 'rea son': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'com pany-firm' : u'Buy Low FoodsLtd., Safeway', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18: 20:45.777 712'} {'url': 'htt p:// /2014-02-24/eng/139330760617 1/1393307607 062', 'distribution' : u'British Columbia', 'dat e': u'February 24, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'8624', 'extent': u'Consumer' , 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 24, 2014 - Castle recalling Sun Valley and Castle brand shredded cheese products from the marketplace due to possibleListeriacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.' , 'class ification' : u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Sun Valley and Castle brand shredded cheese products recalled due toListeria', 'r eason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'Castle CheeseInc.', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 18:20:51.109041'} {'url': 'http: // sting/2014-01-17/eng/13900180 74377/139001 8090760', 'dist ributio n': u'Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Yukon', ' date': u'January 17, 2014', ' refnumber': u'8565', 'e xtent': u'Consumer', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, January 17, 2014 - The Produce recalling Sunkist Blends brand Chocolate Banana & Mango Premium Fruit & Nuts from the marketplace because it contains pistachios and hazelnuts which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to pistachios or hazelnuts should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Sunkist Blends Brand Chocolate Banana & Mango Premium Fruits & Nuts Recalled Due to Undeclared Pistachios and Hazelnuts', 'reason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut', 'c ompany-firm': u'Produce PeopleLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015- 07-24 1 8:20:56.250 083'} {'url': ' om/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-03- 31b/eng/1396321660798/13963 21666939', 'distri bution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Possibly National, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'March 31, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8748' , 'extent': u'Consumer', 'det ailtext' : u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 31, 2014 - Sunrise recalling Sunrise Bakery brand Macaroon Cookies from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 't itle': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Sunrise Bakery brand Macaroon Cookies recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Sunrise BakeryLtd.', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 18 :21:01.729662' } {'url': 'ht tp:// complete-listing/2014-02-18b/eng/1392 789002910/13927890 20051', 'distribution' : u'British Columbia', 'date': u'February 18, 2014', 're fnumber': u'8629', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 18, 2014 - Medallion Plus recalling Tekki Shomen brand Noodles in a Cup from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold in British Columbia.', 'class ification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Tekki Shomen brand Noodles in a Cup recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'com pany-firm': u'Medallion Plus ImportsLtd.' , 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 18:21:07.0 66014'} {'url': ' bout-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-04-04/eng/1396661465611/1396661471183', 'distributio n': u'National', 'date': u'April 4, 2014' , 'refnumber': u'8763', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': u'Recall detailsOttawa, April 4, 2014 - La Cie McCormick Canada is voluntarily recalling Thai Kitchen brand Thai Peanut Microwave Rice Noodles & Sauce as the product may contain a packaging defect or may have been processed in a manner that allows the presence of spoilage microorganisms.', 'classi fication': u'Class 3', ' title': u'Food Recall Warning - Thai Kitchen Brand Thai Peanut Microwave Rice Noodles & Sauce recalled as it may contain spoilage microorganisms', 're ason': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)', 'comp any-firm': u'La Cie McCormick Canada' , 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-2 4 18:21:12.120396 '} {'url': 'http:/ / ing/2014-04-0 2/eng/13964973521 35/13964973 60989', ' distribut ion': u'Ontario', 'date': u'April 2, 2014', 'refnumb er': u'8759', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u'Recall detailsOttawa, April 2, 2014 - The French Oven is recalling The French Oven brand Scoop & Eat Dessert Cup Carrot from the marketplace because it contains milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'cla ssification ': u'Class 1', 'tit le': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - The French Oven brand Dessert Cup Carrot recalled due to undeclared milk', ' reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm' : u'The French Oven', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18:21 :19.7 29384'} {'url': 'htt p:// recall-warnings/complete-listing/ 2014-03-21b/eng/1 395463765525/139546378 5947', ' distribution' : u'Alberta', 'date': u'March 21, 2014', ' refnumber': u'8726', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 21, 2014 - The Meat recalling The Meat Shoppe brand shredded cheese products from the marketplace due to possibleListeriacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classificatio n': u'Class 1', 'titl e': u'Food Recall Warning - The Meat Shoppe Brand shredded cheese products recalled due toListeria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'The Meat ShoppeInc.', ' uniqueid': '2015-07- 24 18:21:25.448322' } {'url': 'http://inspectio -listing/2014-02-05/eng/1391 667003185/13916670 31405', 'dist ribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 5, 2014', 'refnu mber': u'8588', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 5, 2014 - Meat Pies Plus is recalling various The Pie Guy brand fresh and frozen meat pie and poutine products from the marketplace because they contain milk, wheat, and gluten which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk, wheat, or gluten should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold in Ontario.', 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - The Pie Guy brand fresh and frozen meat pie and poutine products recalled due to undeclared milk, wheat, and gluten', 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Wheat', ' company-firm': u'Meat Pies Plus', 'un iqueid': '2015 -07-24 18:21:3 2.003790'} {'url': 'http://inspec 2/139216945258 5', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'd ate': u'February 11, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8617', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, February 11, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on February 5, 2014 has been updated to include additional products. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Meat Pies Plus is recalling various pie products from the marketplace because they contain milk, wheat, and gluten. People with an allergy to milk, wheat, or gluten should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products, sold fresh and frozen, have been sold in Ontario.", 'classification ': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - The Pie Guy brand Pies recalled due to undeclared milk, wheat, and gluten', 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-fi rm': u'Meat Pies Plus', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-2 4 18:21:38.102113'} {'url': 'http:// ecall-warnings/complete-listing/ 2014-04-01/eng/13 96332500 676/13963325 09410', 'distribut ion': u'Ontario' , 'date': u'April 1, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'8749', 'exten t': u'Consumer', 'd etailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, April 1, 2014 - The Pie Place is recalling various cookie products from the marketplace because they contain milk, wheat and soy which are not declared on the label. People with allergies to milk, wheat, or soy should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classific ation': u'Class 1', 'tit le': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - The Pie Place brand cookie products recalled due to undeclared milk, wheat and soy', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Soy, Allergen - Wheat', 'compa ny-firm': u'The Pie Place', 'un iqueid': '2015 -07-24 18:21:44.3 98233'} No detail text found {'url': ' fia/newsroom/foo d-recall-warnings/co mplete-listing/2014- 01-21-r8569/en g/1391010981352/1391011008968 ', 'distri bution': u'National', 'da te': u'January 21, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'8569', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 2', ' title': u'Allergy Alert - Undecalred egg and peanuts in certain Tago brand wafers', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Peanut', 'company-f irm': u'Omega Food ImportersCo.Ltd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:21 :50.395204'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'February 17, 2014', 'refn umber': u'8613', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared allergens and non-permitted colours in Master Kong brand noodle products', 'reason': u'Allergen - Crustacean/Shellfish, Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Fish, Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Sesame Seeds, Allergen - Soy, Chemical', 'compa ny-firm': u'JC Bunny Bunny TradingCo.Ltd.', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:21:56.724816'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Alberta', 'date': u'January 30, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8580', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared allergens in 2 Greek Gals products', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Mustard, Allergen - Sesame Seeds, Allergen - Sulphites, Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'2 Greek Gals', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:22:03.999368'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Saskatchewan', 'date ': u'April 5, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8769', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared allergens in The Marketplace Bakery and Pioneer Coop Bakery brand bread products', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Soy', 'c ompany-firm': u'Pioneer Co-operative AssociationLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 18:22: 11.79172 2'} No detail text found {'url': ' oom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-02-0 4-r8590/eng/13917064 75964/1391706820081', 'd istribution ': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'February 4, 2014', 'ref number': u'8590', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT FOU ND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared allergens in Xufuji brand Crispy Candy', ' reason': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Peanut, Allergen - Sesame Seeds, Allergen - Tree Nut', 'com pany-firm': u'Allied Pioneer EnterprisesCo.Ltd.', 'uni queid': '2015-07-2 4 18:22:22.055152' } No detail text found Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url': ' sroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-01-30/eng/139144 3215650/13914 43231464', 'distribu tion': u'Ontario', 'date': u'January 30, 2014', ' refnumber': u'8587', 'extent' : u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classification': u'Class 1', 'ti tle': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared almonds in Sicilian Ice Cream brand Bacio Tartufo', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Tree Nut', 'company-firm ': u'Sicilian Ice CreamCo.Ltd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 1 8:22:34.0267 35'} No detail text found {'url': ' /newsroom/food-recall-warn ings/compl ete-listing/2014-03- 19-r8707/eng/1395 671744542/13956717 70191', 'distributio n': u'New Brunswick, Quebec', 'date': u'March 19, 2014', ' refnumber': u'8707', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classif ication': u'Class 3' , 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared almonds, cashews, gluten, peanuts, pecans, sesame and wheat in Le Meilleur Enr. brand Trail Mix' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Peanut, Allergen - Sesame Seeds, Allergen - Tree Nut, Allergen - Wheat', 'com pany-firm': u'Jacques Lemieux (Grossiste)Inc.', 'uni queid': '2015-07-2 4 18:22:40.489929'} No detail text found {'url': ' a/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014 -01-31-r8579/eng/13915 42122100/1391542146791', ' distribution ': u'Alberta, Ontario', 'date': u'January 31, 2014', 'ref number': u'8579', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'classifica tion': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared egg and non-permitted colours in Bulik brand Jelly Cubes' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg, Chemical', 'company-f irm': u'Polfood TradingCo.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07- 24 18:22:4 6.625967'} No detail text found {'url': ' bout-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/c omplete-listing/2014-02-2 4-r8608/ eng/1393273378887/139 3273386397', 'distribu tion': u'Alberta', 'date': u'February 24, 2014', 'r efnumber': u'8608', 'extent' : u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared eggs and milk in AHS brand mini-muffins', 're ason': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm ': u'WBS Wholesale Bakery SpecialitiesLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 18:22:53.15530 0'} No detail text found {'url': ' oom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-03-18-r8700/eng/ 139525588299 0/1395255891963', 'd istribution': u'National', 'date': u'March 18, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8700', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title ': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared eggs in Ganong Delecto brand Seasonal Truffle Assortment', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg', 'company- firm': u'GanongBros.Ltd.', 'uni queid': '2015-07-24 18:22:59.789366'} No detail text found {'url': 'ht tp:// food-recall-war nings/complet e-listing/201 4-04-11-r879 7/eng/1397504 380112/13975 04390530', 'dis tribution': u'Quebec', 'date': u'April 11, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8797', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification' : u'Class 2', 'title' : u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared eggs inLa Maison du Painbrand Molded Easter Chocolate Products with Candy Eyes', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Egg', 'company-firm': u'2164-2061Qu\xe9becInc.', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 18:2 3:06.765564' } No detail text found {'url': 'h ttp:// a/newsroom/food-r ecall-warnings/co mplete-listing/2014-03-28- r8743/eng/ 1396367828126/13963678 49531', 'distri bution': u'Alberta', 'date ': u'March 28, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8743', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared eggs, gluten and wheat in DSI brand Ham Style Product Veggie', ' reason': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Wheat', 'compa ny-firm': u'DSI Food Corporation', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 1 8:23:14.808522'} No detail text found {'url': ' -cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complet e-listing/2 014-03-12- r8692/eng/139 5151099506/139 5151112381', ' distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'March 12, 2014', ' refnumber': u'8692', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classi fication': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared gluten and milk in Lenovers brand Veggie Burgers', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Gluten, Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Lenovers Quality Meats & SeafoodsLtd.', 'uniqu eid': '2015 -07-24 18:23:22.383232 '} No detail text found {'url' : ' he-cfia/newsroom/f ood-recall-warnings /complete-listing/2014-01 -28-8577/en g/1391014571915/1391 014580241', 'distrib ution': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'January 28, 2014', 'refnumber' : u'8577', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 3', 't itle': u"Allergy Alert - Undeclared gluten in certain Zara's Pasta brand products", 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten' , 'company-firm': u"Zara's Pasta ProductionLtd.", 'uniqueid': '2015-07- 24 18:23:30.24587 4'} No detail text found {'url': ' omplete-listing/2014-01-17-r8547/eng/13902 38615929/13902 38633671', ' distribution ': u'Alberta, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'January 17, 2014', 'refnum ber': u'8547', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND' , 'classific ation': u'Class 3', ' title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared hazelnuts in certain Dandar brand cookies', 'reason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut', 'compan y-firm': u'Wonderberry North America', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 18: 23:38.2 05800'} No detail text found {'u rl': 'http://inspection.gc. ca/about-the- cfia/newsroom/ food-recall-wa rnings/complete-l isting/2 014-02-12-r8611 /eng/13923189 62886/13923189 87724', 'dist ribution': u'National', ' date': u'February 12, 2014', 'ref number': u'8611', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classi fication': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk and peanuts in Archer Farms brand Hickory Smoked Almonds', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Peanut', 'co mpany-firm': u'Trophy FoodsInc.' , 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 18 :23:45.988011 '} No detail text found {'url' : ' listing/2014-04-03-r8 754/eng/1396891634885/139 6891658969' , 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'April 3, 2014', 'refn umber': u'8754', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk and sulphites in El Peto ProductsLtd.Gluten Free Hot Cross Buns', ' reason': u'Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Sulphites', 'company -firm': u'El Peto ProductsLtd.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 18:23:54.2023 34'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection ood-recall-warnings/com plete-lis ting/2014-02-27-r 8672/eng/13935997942 51/13935 99818091', 'distr ibution': u'Ontario', ' date': u'February 27, 2014', 'ref number': u'8672', 'ex tent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detail text': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND' , 'classification ': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Burnbrae Farms brand Dried Whole Eggs', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk' , 'company-firm': u'Burnbrae FarmsLtd.' , 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 1 8:24:02.097230' } No detail text found {'url': 'http:/ / /newsroom/foo d-recall-warning s/complete-listing/2014-01- 17-r8564/ eng/13899885 54140/138 998855540 5', 'dist ribution' : u'Alberta, Ontario', 'date ': u'January 17, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'8564', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'class ificat ion': u'Class 2', 'titl e': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Burnbrae Farms brand Dried Whole Eggs', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'comp any-firm': u'Burnbrae FarmsLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 18:24: 09.708205'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection rnings/complete-listin g/2014-01-13-r8554/ eng/138979898682 8/1389799009 772', 'distribution' : u'Alberta, Ontario', 'date': u'January 13, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8554', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 2', ' title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Burnbrae Farms brand Dried Whole Eggs', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk' , 'company-firm': u'Burnbrae FarmsLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-0 7-24 18:24:18.60259 8'} No detail text found {'url': ' ood-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-0 4-01-r87 53/eng/1396458 566454/139645857 1820', 'distrib ution': u'Alberta, Ontario', 'date' : u'April 1, 2014', 'refnumb er': u'8753', 'exten t': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classifica tion': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Burnbrae Farms brand Dried Whole Eggs', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company- firm': u'Burnbrae FarmsLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 1 8:24:27.213855 '} No detail text found Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Quebec', 'date': u'March 26, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8732', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in certain Chocolat Alprose brand confections', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Candy & Chocolate Creations', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:24:42.295369'} No detail text found {'url': 'http: // od-recall-warnings/c omplete-listing/20 14-01-24-r8572/e ng/139118286029 4/139118288704 2', 'distribution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'January 24, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'8572', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classification ': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in certain INNO Specialty FoodsCo.brand products', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'INNO Bakery', 'uniqueid': '2015-0 7-24 18:24:49.967985'} No detail text found {'ur l': ' sroom/foo d-recall-warning s/complete-listing /2014-03- 06-r8683/eng/13 94643975538/13946 44004915', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date' : u'March 6, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8683', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in certain New Century Food brand Sesame Cookies', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk' , 'company-firm ': u'New Century FoodInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 18:24: 56.311314'} No detail text found { ' u r l ' : ' h t t p : / / i n s p e c t i o n . g c . c a / a b o u t - t h e -cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2 014-02-06-r8567/eng/1392007461275/1392007476623', 'distrib ution': u'National', 'date': u'February 6, 2014', 'refnum ber': u'8567', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', ' title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared Milk in Certain PC Organics brand Soy Infant Formula with Iron' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Loblaw Companies Limited', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18: 25:02.84606 6'} No detail text found {'url': ' warnings/complete-listing/2014-03-07-r8685/eng/1394648539317/13 94648551072', 'dist ribution': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'March 7, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8685', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 3', ' title': u"Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Dandy's Brand Cheese crackers and undeclared sulphites in Dong Ming Da Qiao (Chinese characters only) Dried bean curd stick", 'rea son': u'Allergen - Milk, Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-firm' : u'New World ImportsLtd.', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 18:25 :09.178080'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection nings/complete-lis ting/2014-04-09-r 8794/eng/1397489366333/13 97489371887 ', 'distribution ': u'National', 'date': u'April 9, 2014', 'refn umber': u'8794', 'extent': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title' : u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in El Peto Products brand bread products', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'El Peto ProductsLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 18:25:15 .923709'} No detail text found {'ur l': ' /newsroom/food-recal l-warnings/complete-listi ng/2014-02 -14-r8605/eng/139 2663960145/1392663 989974', 'distribution' : u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 14, 2014', 're fnumber': u'8605', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 2' , 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Lajkonik brand crackers', 're ason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company -firm': u'European Fine Foods', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 1 8:25:22.234179'} No detail text found {'ur l': ' newsroo m/food-reca ll-warning s/complete-li sting/2 014-04-04 -r8767/eng/ 1397142089 864/139714 2113332', 'distr ibutio n': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Yukon', 'd ate': u'April 4, 2014', 'ref number': u'8767', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'clas sification ': u'Class 2', 'titl e': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Nutty Club brand Karamel Korn', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company -firm' : u'Scott BathgateLtd.', 'unique id': '2015- 07-24 18:2 5:27.8493 16'} No detail text found { 'url': 'http://inspection.gc. ca/about-the-c fia/newsroom/food-r ecall-warnings/co mplete-listing/20 14-02-27- r8669/eng/1395242 991461/13952430023 20', 'distributi on': u'British Columbia', 'dat e': u'February 27, 2014', 'refn umber': u'8669', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO D ETAIL T EXT FOUND', ' classification ': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Oh Green brand beverage products', ' reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company -firm': u'Oh Green BiotechLtd.', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07- 24 18:25:33 .744546'} No detail text found {'url': ' ewsroom/food-recal l-warnings/co mplete-listing/2 014-04-03-r8751 /eng/1396645814 594/1396645837746', 'distribu tion': u'National', 'date ': u'April 3, 2014', 'refnumber ': u'8751', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classif ication': u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Organic Traditions brand Dark Chocolate Golden Berries', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'comp any-firm': u'Advantage Health MattersInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18: 25:39.347249'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://in od-recall-warn ings/complete-listing/201 4-02-07/eng/1392133915854/13921339399 82', 'distribution': u'British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'February 7, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8594', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 3', 'title': u"Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Schmerling's of Switzerland brand 72% Cocoa Finest Bittersweet Swiss Chocolate", 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg', 'c ompany-firm': u'UNFI Canada Central Region', 'uni queid': '2015-07-24 18:25: 45.117153'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspe ll-warnings/complete -listing/2014-03-27 -r8734/eng/1396452651349 /1396452657 369', 'distributio n': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'March 27, 2014', 're fnumber': u'8734', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification ': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Shufra Chocolate brand Mocha Fudge', 'r eason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'compa ny-firm': u'Altra FoodsInc.', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 18: 25:51.288505'} No detail text found {' url': ' fia/newsroom/food -recall-warnings/comp lete-listi ng/2014-02-25/en g/1393379605929/1 393379614236', 'distributi on': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'd ate': u'February 25, 2014', 'refnum ber': u'8635', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'classi fication': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Yao Ji brand Frozen Fish Dumpling Fish Ball Package', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-fi rm': u'Uncle T FoodLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:25:57.182798' } No detail text found {'url': ' about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warning s/complete-listing/2 014-04-11 -r8800/eng/13 97486577852/1 397486610104' , 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'April 11, 2014', 'refnu mber': u'8800' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 3', 't itle': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Zing brand Dark Chocolate Hazelnut bars', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Milk', 'comp any-firm': u'Karma Nutritionals', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:26:03 .221733'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection.g mplete-listing/2014- 01-10-r8550/eng/138 9721404106/1389721420234', 'distributio n': u'Alberta', 'date': u'January 10, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8550', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOU ND', 'classification ': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared mustard in certain Kitchen by Brad Smoliak brand Bacon Spread', 'r eason': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company -firm': u'Kitchen by Brad Smoliak', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07 -24 18:26:09.974 139'} No detail text found {'url ': ' recall-warnings/comp lete-listing/2014-03-19-r 8705/eng/1395266050545/1395266059 672', 'di stribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan' , 'date': u'March 19, 2014', 're fnumber': u'8705', 'ex tent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'deta iltext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', ' classific ation': u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared mustard in Kitchen Pak brand Montreal Steak Spice', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'compan y-firm': u'Institutional Food SupplyLtd.', 'uni queid': '2015-07-24 18:26:16.379492'} No detail text found {'url': 'h ttp:// warnings/complete-listin g/2014-03 -21-r8739/eng/139 6026201578/1396 026227406', 'dis tribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date ': u'March 21, 2014', 're fnumber': u'8739', 'ex tent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared mustard in Kitchen Pak brand Montreal Steak Spice Ground', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'co mpany-firm': u'Institutional Food SupplyLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-2 4 18:26:2 4.444641'} No detail text found Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url': ' a/newsroom/food-reca ll-warni ngs/complete- listing/2014-0 3-07-r8686/eng/13 9457295 5612/1394572 966914', 'di stribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'March 7, 2014', ' refnumber': u'8686', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title ': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared peanuts and almonds in certain Imei brand Sesame Fried Cookies', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Peanut, Allergen - Tree Nut', 'company- firm': u'Allcity ImportersLtd.', 'uni queid': '20 15-07-24 18:2 6:34.275165'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspe t-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warning s/complete-li sting/2014-03-28-r8690/ eng/1396457560120/1 396457576260', 'distr ibution' : u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'March 28, 2014', ' refnumber': u'8690', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classification ': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared peanuts in certain cookie products imported by Miraco Euro Food Ltd.', 'reason': u'Allergen - Peanut', ' company-firm': u'Miraco Euro FoodLtd.', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:2 6:40.887837'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://i complete-listing/2014-0 1-16-r8562/eng/1389973067911/13899 73095426', 'distr ibution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec', 'date' : u'January 16, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8562', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared peanuts in certain F brand waffle products', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Peanut', 'company-firm': u'Wonderberry North America', 'uniqueid': '2015- 07-24 18:26:47.20507 7'} No detail text found {'url': 'ht tp:// room/food-recall-w arnings/complete-listi ng/2014-0 1-14-r8555/eng/1 389884881671/13 89884882624', 'distri bution': u'Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'January 14, 2014', 'ref number': u'8555', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND', 'classifica tion': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared peanuts in Detskie brand Waffles', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Peanut', 'company -firm': u'Wonderberry North America', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 18:26:53.871016' } No detail text found Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'ur l': ' he-cfia/newsroom /food-recall-wa rnings/complete-listi ng/2014-02 -15-r8623/eng/1 392757603947/1 392757612769', ' distribution': u'British Columbia' , 'date': u'February 15, 2014', 'ref number': u'8623', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared sesame in Master Kong brand Hot Beef Noodle - Instant Noodles', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sesame Seeds', 'company-firm': u'New World ImportsLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18: 27:04.376258'} No detail text found { ' u r l ' : ' h t t p : / / i n s p e c t i o n . g c . c a / a b o u t - t h e - c f i a / n e w s r o o m / f o o d - r e c a l l - w a r n i n g s / c o m p l e t e - l i s t i n g / 2 0 1 4 0 4 0 2 - r 8 7 7 3 / e n g / 1 3 9 6 8 9 6 5 4 1 6 7 2 / 1 3 9 6 8 9 6 5 4 7 3 4 4 ', 'distribution': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'April 2, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8773', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared soy in I Heart Keenwah brand products', 'reason': u'Allergen - Soy', 'company-firm': u'Les Aliments Colinex', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:27:11.105003'} No detail text found {'url': ' wsroom/food-recall- warnings/compl ete-listing/201404 04-r8772/ eng/1396901352 477/139690137 0313', 'distri bution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan', 'da te': u'April 4, 2014', 're fnumber': u'8772', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOU ND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared soy in I Heart Keenwah brand products', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Soy', 'company-firm ': u'Winners Merchants International LP', 'uni queid': '2015-07- 24 18:27:17.5 16312'} No detail text found {'url ': ' od-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-02-11-r860 7/eng/139 2156287207/1392156295370 ', 'distribution ': u'British Columbia', 'date': u'February 11, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8607', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared sulphites in E-Touch Food brand Pineapple Short Cake', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-firm': u'Green4U ProductsLtd.', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 18:27:23.698078'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Alberta, Quebec', 'date': u'February 5, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8596', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared walnuts in Maison de Savoie brand Pure Pork Dry Sausage', 'reason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut', 'company-firm': u'Diffusion TGV', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:27:29.962328'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'January 20, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8558', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared wheat and non-permitted colour in Knorr and New Touch brand products', 'reason': u'Allergen - Wheat, Chemical', 'company-firm': u'Fukuda TradingCo.Ltd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:27:36.785178'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection.g arnings/ complete-li sting/2014- 02-26-r8661/en g/1393860268 659/1393860 275478', 'dis tribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Saskatchewan', 'date ': u'February 26, 2014', 're fnumber': u'8661' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classific ation': u'Class 2', 'title': u"Allergy Alert - Undeclared wheat in D.L. Jardine's brand Queso Loco Cheese Salsa & Dip", 'reason': u'Allergen - Wheat' , 'company-firm': u'TJX Canada' , 'uniq ueid': '201 5-07-24 18:27:4 2.97920 2'} No detail text found {'url ': ' -the-cfia/newsroom /food-re call-warning s/complete-li sting/2014-02-27- r8670/en g/1393600911325/139 3600919442' , 'distribut ion': u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 27, 2014', 'refnu mber': u'8670', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classif ication': u'Class 2', 'tit le': u"Allergy Alert - Undeclared wheat in Jardine's and D.L. Jardine's brand products", 'reason': u'Allergen - Wheat', ' company-firm ': u'BuckstoneInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:27:50.856084'} No detail text found {' url': ' ut-the-cfia/news room/f ood-recall -warnings /complete-l isting/201 4-03-28-r8740/eng/ 1396475 757544/1396 475765583', ' distributi on': u'Alberta', 'dat e': u'March 28, 2014', 'refnumbe r': u'8740', 'ex tent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOU ND', 'clas sification ': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared Wheat in Kwiki Mart Salina Store brand Injera', 'reason': u'Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'Kwiki Mart', 'unique id': '2015 -07-24 18:28:0 0.614077'} No detail text found {'url ': ' cfia/newsroom/food-recal l-warnings/complet e-listing/2014-02-2 1-r8646/eng/1393379 278015/139337930168 7', 'distribution' : u'Quebec', 'date': u'February 21, 2014', 're fnumber': u'8646', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared wheat in various Patisserie Noisette Cedarland brand products', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Wheat', 'company-firm': u'NoisettineInc.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 18:28:11.147 962'} {'url': ' fia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-01-15/eng/1389841308392/1389841322319', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'January 15, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8556', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u"Recall detailsOttawa, January 15, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on January 13, 2014 has been updated to include additional codes. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Kinnikinnick Foods is recalling the Kinnikinnick Foods brand products listed below from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold nationally.", 'classific ation': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Various Kinnikinnick Foods brand products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'com pany-firm': u'Kinnikinnick FoodsInc.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18:28:18.265289'} {'url': 'http://in complete-listing/2014-01-13/eng/1389652842049/ 1389652843190', 'dist ribution': u'National', 'date': u'January 13, 2014', ' refnumber': u'8563', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, January 13, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on January 10, 2014 has been updated to include additional codes. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Kinnikinnick Foods is recalling the Kinnikinnick Foods brand products listed below from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold nationally.", ' classification': u'Class 1', 't itle': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Various Kinnikinnick Foods Brand products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason' : u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm' : u'Kinnikinnick FoodsInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:2 8:24.094891'} {'url': ' -warnings/complete-listing/2014-01-23/eng/1390523540077/1390523541124', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'January 23, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8574', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : u"Recall detailsOttawa, January 23, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on January 15, 2014 has been updated to include additional codes. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Kinnikinnick Foods is recalling the Kinnikinnick Foods brand products listed below from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold nationally.", 'classifi cation': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Various Kinnikinnick Foods Brand products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company -firm': u'Kinnikinnick FoodsInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-2 4 18:28:30.365326'} {'url': ' about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-02-13/eng/1392349333528/13923493 42290', 'distribution': u'Alberta', 'date': u'February 13, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8614', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 13, 2014 - Starpac Meat recalling various meat products from the marketplace because they contain eggs, mustard and/or soy which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to eggs, mustard or soy should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold in Alberta.' , 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Various meat products from Starpac Meat ProcessorsInc.recalled due to undeclared egg, mustard and soy', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Mustard, Allergen - Soy', 'company-firm': u'Starpac Meat Processors', 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 18:28:36.671419'} {'url': 'http://inspection', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'April 5, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8771, 8774, 8777, 8779, 8780, 8783, 8784, 8786, 8787, 8795, 8796', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, April 5, 2014 - Industry is recalling various products containing Organic Black Peppercorns from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Various organic black peppercorns recalled due toSalmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm': u'Corwin Distribution Limited, Frontier Natural Products Co-op, Horizon DistributorsLtd., Indigo Natural FoodsInc., Olympic Wholesale, Ontario Natural Food Co-Op, Organic ConnectionsLtd., PSC Natural FoodsLtd., PuresourceInc., SatauInc., UNFI CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:28:43.325815'} {'url': 'http://insp ng/2014-03-04/ eng/139398909243 1/1393989133834 ', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Possibly National, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'March 4, 2014', 'refnumber' : u'8680', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 4, 2014 - Lucerne Foods is recalling various sandwich products from the marketplace due to possibleSalmonellacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and may have been sold in other provinces.', 'classifica tion': u'Class 2', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning - Various sandwich products recalled due to Salmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm': u'Lucerne Foods', 'un iqueid': ' 2015-07-24 18: 28:49.123188'} {'url': 'http://inspection omplete-listing/20140326/eng/1395886680 937/139588670 4532', 'distr ibution': u'British Columbia' , 'date': u'March 26, 2014', 'ref number': u'8735, 8736, 8737', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': u"Recall detailsOttawa, March 26, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on March 17, 2014 has been updated to include additional product information identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation. The following products are being recalled because they were made from or contain shredded cheese products voluntarily recalled by Castle CheeseInc.due toListeria.Industry is recalling various shredded cheese, pasta, and salad products from the marketplace due to possibleListeriacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'c lassification ': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Various shredded cheese, pasta, and salad products recalled due toListeria', 'reason ': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company- firm': u'Garlic Seed Deli & Market, Lucky Meats, Potluck Caf\xe9 and CateringInc.', 'u niqueid': '2 015-07-24 1 8:28:55.3922 49'} {'url': 'http: // e-listing/2014-02-17/eng/1392692683945/139269268 5102', 'distributio n': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'February 17, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8625, 8626', 'ext ent': u'Consumer', 'detailte xt': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 17, 2014 - Crown Star Food DistributorsLtd.and Wallace & CareyLtd., are recalling various Tillamook Country Smoker brand beef  jerky products from the marketplace because they are believed to pose a risk. Consumers should not consume the recalled products described below.The recall was initiated by Tillamook Country Smoker, Bay City,OR,USA. The manufacturer used some of the beef products which wererecalledby Rancho Feeding Corporation, Petalama, California,USAon February 8, 2014 "because it processed diseased and unsound animals and carried out these activities without the benefit or full benefit of federal inspection". Therefore, these products are considered unsound, unwholesome or otherwise unfit for human consumption.', 'cla ssification': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u'Food Recall Warning - Various Tillamook Country Smoker brand beef jerky products recalled', 'reason': u'Other', ' company-firm': u'Crown Star Food DistributorsLtd., Wallace & CareyLtd.', ' uniqueid': '2015- 07-24 18:29:01. 815755'} {'url': 'http://inspe nings/complete-listing/2014-02-07/e ng/1391771141778 /1391771156482' , 'distributio n': u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 7, 2014', 'refnumber' : u'8598', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext' : u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 7, 2014 - A.M. JensenLtdis recalling Wilton Cheese Factory brand Old Cheddar Cheese from the marketplace due to possibleListeriacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold from Wilton Cheese Factory, 287 SimmonsRd, (Wilton),RR#2 Odessa, Ontario.', 'classif ication': u'Class 1', 'tit le': u'Food Recall Warning - Wilton Cheese Factory brand Old Cheddar Cheese recalled due toListeria', 'reason ': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company -firm': u'A.M. JensenLtd.', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 18:29:07 .467792'} {'url': 'http://inspection listing/2014-02-07/eng/1391827393965/1391 827395027', 'distribu tion': u'Ontario' , 'date': u'February 7, 2014', 'ref number': u'8598', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, February 7, 2014 - The food recall warning issued earlier today has been updated to include additional distribution information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.A.M. recalling Wilton Cheese Factory brand Old Cheddar Cheese from the marketplace due to possibleListeriacontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold at multiple locations in Ontario.", 'c lassification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning - Wilton Cheese Factory brand Old Cheddar Cheese recalled due toListeria' , 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'compa ny-firm': u'A.M. JensenLtd.' , 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:29:1 3.234749'} {'url': ' oom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2014-02-07/eng/1391838792162/139183882231 9', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'February 7, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8595', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, February 7, 2014 - Uncle T recalling Yao Ji brand frozen fish products from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold by T & T Supermarkets inBCand Alberta.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Yao Ji brand frozen fish products recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm' : u'Uncle T FoodLtd.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18:29:1 9.176609'} {'url': 'http://inspec complete-listing/2014-03-28/eng/13960394 52238/139 6039462473', 'd istribution': u'National', 'date': u'March 28, 2014', 'refnumber': u'8744, 8745', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, March 28, 2014 - The food recall warning issued on March 20, 2014 has been updated to include additional codes.Industry is recalling Zing brand snack bars from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classifica tion': u'Class 1', 'titl e': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Zing brand snack bars recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-fir m': u'Horizon DistributorsLtd., Karma Nutritionals', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 18:29:24.85822 3'} 2013 {'url': ' -warnings/complete-listing/2013-12-18/en g/1387421062398/ 1387421089387', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date': u'December 18, 2013', 'r efnumber': u'8515', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detail text': u'Recall detailsOttawa, December 18, 2013 - The Food Recall Warning issued on December 9, 2013 has been updated to include additional codes and products. This additional information was identified during a food safety investigation.Aurora Importing & recalling Aurora brand Corn Gnocchi and Rice Gnocchi because they may contain gluten which is not declared on the label. People with sensitivities to gluten should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Alberta and Manitoba, but may have also have been sold in other provinces.', 'cl assification': u'Class 2', ' title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Aurora brand Corn Gnocchi and Rice Gnocchi recalled due to undeclared gluten', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Gluten', 'company-fir m': u'Aurora Importing & DistributingLtd.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18: 29:43.372770'} {'url': 'http://insp ng/2013-12-19/eng/1387503540926/1387503571936 ', 'distribution': u'National', ' date': u'December 19, 2013' , 'refnumber': u'8525', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': u'Recall detailsOttawa, December 19, 2013 - Incredible NoveltiesInc., is recalling Candy Sweet Spots from the marketplace because they contain egg which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to egg should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classific ation': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Candy Sweet Spots recalled due to undeclared egg', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg', 'company-fi rm': u'Incredible NoveltiesInc.', 'uni queid': '2015-07-2 4 18:29:51.39959 9'} {'url': 'http://inspectio -listing/2013-12-09/eng/1386646103475/13866461 05819', 'distributi on': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date' : u'December 9, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8497', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, December 9, 2013 - Aurora Importing & recalling Aurora brand Corn Gnocchi because it may contain gluten which is not declared on the label. People with sensitivities to gluten should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'class ification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Aurora Brand Corn Gnocchi Recalled Due to Undeclared Gluten', 're ason': u'Allergen - Gluten', 'company-firm': u'Aurora Importing & DistributingLtd.', ' uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 18:29:57.221570'} {'url': ' he-cfia/newsroom/food-recall- warnings/complete-listing/2013-11-11/eng/1384217078629/13842 17094104', 'dist ribution': u'National', ' date': u'November 11, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8459', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, November 11, 2013 - The Food Recall Warning issued on November 8, 2013 has been updated to include additional codes. This additional information was identified during a food safety investigation.Loblaw Companies Limited (Loblaw) is recalling Bella Tavola brand pastas from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classificati on': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Bella Tavola brand pastas recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'co mpany-firm': u'Loblaw Companies Limited', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:30:0 3.518990'} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url': ' 82/eng/1385409735278/1385409753288', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'November 22, 2013', 'ref number': u'8482', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND', 'classif ication': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Aguirre Honey Farms brand Goldenrod Honey may contain lead', 'reason': u'Chemical', 'company-firm': u'Aguirre Honey Farms', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:30:11.715 246'} {'url': 'http://i', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'May 10, 2013', 'refnumber ': u'7977', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, May 10, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume certain almond butter, peanut butter and tahini sold in bulk or repackaged at the various locations described below because the products may be contaminated withSalmonellaor other harmful bacteria.The affected products were sold at some time during the period indicated below.Consumers who are unsure if they have affected product are advised to check with their retailer.Affected Products1. Natural Crunchy Peanut Butter, Tootsi ImpexInc., 10kg, Lots: JM12 164 and JM12 086, available from May 2012Store nameLocationDates Sold Up ToMother Natures331 Columbia Avenue, Castelgar,BCApril 19, 2013Les Pères Nature St-Georges10735, 1E Avenue, St-Georges,QCJanuary 15, 2013Pères Nature (Ste-Marie)Inc.590Boul.Vachon Nord, Ste-Marie-de Beauce,QCFebruary 9, 2013Le Vrac du marché Atwater138 Avenue Atwater, Montreal,QCDecember 15, 2012Le Garde-manger chez Gail103rue Châteauguay, Huntingdon,QCNovember 30, 2012Foodsmiths106 Wilson Street W., Perth,ONDecember 31, 2012Yarmouth Natural Food3 Jenkins Street, Yarmouth,NSSeptember 25 – October 25, 2012Herb & Spice375 Bank Street, Ottawa,ONSeptembre 30, 2012Frenco3985Boul.St-Laurent, Montreal,QCDecember 15, 20122.Organic Peanut Butter, Tootsi ImpexInc., 10kg, Lots: JM12 164 and JM12 086, available from May 2012Store nameLocationDates Sold Up ToPenticton Whole Food Emporium1771 Main Street # 103, Penticton,BCApril 19, 2013Nutter’s Prince Albert365, 36th Street W, Prince Albert,SKApril 19, 2013CRMR at Home330-17 Avenue, SW, Calgary,ABMay 24, 2012 - April 19, 2013Going NutsCalgary Farmer’s Market, 510- 77th Avenue SE, Calgary,ABJuly 10 - December 31, 2012Market Organics126 YorkSt., Ottawa,ONApril 19, 2013Kredl’s Corner Market1171 Main Street, Hampton,NBMay 23 - July 31, 2012Pour l’amour d’une planète507Brue du sud, Cowansville,QCJanuary 15, 2013Noah’s Natural Foods322 Bloor Street W., Toronto,ONApril 19, 2013Cedars &Co.Food Market1255 Bank Street, Ottawa,ONApril 19, 2013Country BulkInc.845 Weber Street North, Waterloo,ONApril 19, 20133.Natural Creamy Peanut Butter, Tootsi ImpexInc., 10kg, Lots: JM12 164 andJM12 086, available from March 2012Store nameLocationDates Sold Up ToSunripe744 AdelaideSt.N., London,ONAugust 3, 2012 - April 19, 2013Le Vrac du marché Atwater138 Avenue Atwater, Montreal,QCDecember 15, 2012Herb & Spice375 Bank Street, Ottawa, OnSeptember 30, 2012Yarmouth Natural Food3 Jenkins Street, Yarmouth,NSSeptember 25 – October 25, 2012Foodsmiths106 Wilson Street W., Perth,ONDecember 31, 2012Le Garde-Manger chez Gail103rue Chateauguay, Huntingdon,QCNovember 30, 2012Les Pères Nature St-Georges10735, 1E Avenue, St-Georges,QCJanuary 15, 2013Pères Nature (Ste-Marie)Inc.590Boul.Vachon Nord, Ste-Marie-de Beauce,QCFebruary 9, 2013Frenco3985Boul.St-Laurent, Montreal,QCDecember 15, 2012Cedars &Co.Food Market1255 Bank Street, Ottawa,ONApril 19, 20134.Natural Almond Butter, Tootsi ImpexInc., 10kg, Lots: 1027R and 12 164, available from May 2012Store nameLocationDates Sold Up ToSunripe744 AdelaideSt.N., London,ONSeptember 6, 2012 -April 19, 2013Foodsmiths106 Wilson Steet W, Perth,ONDecember 31, 2012Yarmouth Natural Food3 Jenkins Street, Yarmouth,NSSeptember 25 – October 25, 2012Frenco3985Boul.St-Laurent, Montreal,QCDecember 15, 2012FoodstuffsInc.89 Main South, Georgetown,ONApril 19, 2013Pour l’amour d’une planète507Brue du sud, Cowansville,QCJanuary 15, 20135.Organic Tahini (Bulk),Tootsi ImpexInc., 10kg, Lots: JM12 164 and JM12 086, available from April 2012Store nameLocationDates Sold Up ToKredl’s Corner Market1171 Main Street, Hampton,NBJuly 31, 2012 – May 6, 2013Pour l’amour d’une planète507Brue du sud, Cowansville,QCJanuary 15, 2013There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.Consumption of the affected almond butter, peanut butter and tahini could result in a wide range of symptoms that may include vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fever, headache and body ache. In rare cases, chronic, severe, or even life-threatening symptoms may occur.The manufacturer, distributor, and retailers are voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'classifi cation': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Consumer Advisory - Certain almond butter, peanut butter and tahini sold in bulk or repackaged at various retailers may containSalmonellaor other harmful bacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other, Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm': u'Tootsi ImpexInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:30:17.904301'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://ins /complete-listing/2013-06- 18-r8114/e ng/1372270255954/13 72270267582', 'dis tribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'd ate': u'June 18, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8114', ' extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional' , 'detailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title ': u'Notification - Certain cheese products from Castle Cheese (West)Inc.may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reas on': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company -firm': u'Castle Cheese (West)Inc.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 18:30:33.695406 '} {'url': 'http://inspection 820/1376719294854', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'August 16, 2013', 'refnu mber': u'8249, 8257', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, August 16, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public, food service establishments, and retailers, not to consume, serve, use, or sell the tahina products described below because they may be contaminated withSalmonella.Some of the affected product was sold in bulk and may have been repacked at retail. Consumers who cannot determine the original product identity are advised to check with their retailer to determine if they have one of the affected products.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.TheCFIAis working with the Canadian importers to remove all affected products from the market place. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.All Tahina products, manufactured by Al NakhilCo, of Lebanon between September 5, 2012 and April 21, 2013, are affected by this alert. At this time, the following products have been identified:', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain Clic, Al Nakhil and Al Koura brand Tahina products may containSalmonellabacteria', 'reaso n': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-f irm': u'Les Entreprises AmiraInc., Clic InternationalInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18: 30:39.644565'} No detail text found {'url': ' ete-listing/201 3-08-09-r8243 /eng/13764294655 55/1376429473403 ', 'distribution ': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'da te': u'August 9, 2013', 're fnumber': u'8243' , 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 1', 'ti tle': u'Notification - Certain Clover Leaf Cheese brand Gorgonzola cheese may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', ' company-firm' : u'Clover Leaf Cheese (1978)Ltd.', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 18:30: 45.827300'} No detail text found {'u rl': ' ia/newsroom/food-recal l-warnings /complete-listi ng/2013-11-15- r8470/eng/138479 0164943/1384790177722 ', 'distribution' : u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'November 15, 2013' , 'refnumber': u'8470' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - CertainFromagerie du Presbyt\xe8rebrand Brie Paysan may containE.coli', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'com pany-firm': u'9140-5621Qu\xe9becInc.(Fromagerie du Presbyt\xe8re)', 'u niqueid': '2015-07-24 18:30:52.5 90501'} No detail text found {'url': 'ht tp:// recall-warnings/complete-list ing/2013-11- 14-r8400/en g/13845312 11528/13845 31219838', 'd istribution': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'November 14, 2013', 'refnumber' : u'8400', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 3', 'title ': u'Notification - CertainGioiabrand biscuits are recalled', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)', 'company-firm': u'Molisana Imports', 'uniqueid': '2015-0 7-24 18:30:59.694373' } No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection omplete-listing/2013-11 -01-r8430/eng/1383677 422358/138367743694 3', 'distribution': u'New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'November 1, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8430', 'extent': u'Retail, Warehouse', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'classificati on': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Certain bulk dehydrated garlic granule may containB.cereus', 'reaso n': u'Microbiological - Other', 'co mpany-firm': u'Ludi TradingCo.Ltd.', 'uni queid': '2015-07-24 18:31:0 6.612207'} {'url': 'http://in warnings/complete-listing/2013 -10-22/eng/138245 8034083 /13824583036 53', 'distribu tion': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan', ' date': u'October 22, 2013', 're fnumber': u'8412', ' extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, October 22, 2013 - The public warning issued on October 20, 2013 has been updated to include additional products.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Belmont MeatsLtd.(Est.112) are warning the public not to consume the beef burgers described below because they may be contaminated withE.coliO157:H7.This recall is the result of an ongoing food safety investigation initiated as a result of a recent outbreak investigation. There may be recalls of additional products or best before dates as the food safety investigation at this facility continues.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.The manufacturer, Belmont MeatsLtd., Toronto, Ontario, is voluntarily recalling all affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.The following products, sold frozen, are affected by this alert.', 'cla ssification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain Frozen Beef Burgers may containE.coliO157:H7 bacteria' , 'reason': u'Microbiological - E. coli O157' , 'company-fir m': u'Belmont MeatsLtd.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-0 7-24 18:31:13.2 19647'} No detail text found {'url': 'h ttp:// ngs/complete-listing/2013 -10-11-r839 1/eng/1382455436596/1 382455444762', 'dist ribution': u'New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'October 11, 2013', 'ref number': u'8391', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classification ': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Giant Value brand Garlic Powder may containBacillus cereusbacteria' , 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'company-firm': u'Giant Tiger WholesaleLtd.' , 'uniqueid': '2015-0 7-24 18:31:20.363596' } {'url': 'http:// ing/2013-10-08b/eng/138129008989 6/138129009976 1', 'distributi on': u'National', 'date': u'October 8, 2013', 'r efnumbe r': u'8386', 'ex tent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail, Warehouse', 'd etailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, October 8, 2013 - The public warning issued on October 2, 2013 has been updated to include additional products.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Belmont MeatsLtd.(Est.112) are warning the public not to consume the beef burgers described below because they may be contaminated withE.coliO157:H7.This recall is the result of an ongoing food safety investigation initiated as a result of a recent outbreak investigation. There may be recalls of additional products or best before dates as the food safety investigation at this facility continues.The manufacturer, Belmont MeatsLtd., Toronto, Ontario, is voluntarily recalling all affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'classif ication': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain frozen beef burgers may containE.coliO157:H7 bacteria' , 'reason': u'Microbiological - E. coli O157' , 'company- firm': u'Belmont MeatsLtd.', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-2 4 18:31:26.478 434'} No detail text found {'url': ' d-recall-w arnings/compl ete-listin g/2013-10- 07-r8366/e ng/138125 4122117/13 81254137375' , 'distr ibution': u'Ontario' , 'date' : u'October 7, 2013', 'refnum ber': u'8366', 'exten t': u'Warehouse', 'd etailtext': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOU ND', 'clas sification' : u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Euro Mediterranean Foods brand Herbed Hummus may containSalmonellabacteria', 'r eason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company -firm': u'Euro Mediterranean Foods', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 18:31:32. 717372'} {'url': 'http://inspection. te-listing/2013-10-02/eng/1380771187099/13 80771224774', ' distribution': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island', 'date': u'October 2, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8361', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, October 2, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Belmont MeatsLtd.(Est.112) are warning the public not to consume certain Compliments brand Super 8 Beef Burgers described below because they may be contaminated withE.coliO157:H7.This recall is the result of an ongoing food safety investigation initiated as a result of a recent outbreak investigation. There may be recalls of additional products or best before dates as the food safety investigation at this facility continues.This product has been distributed in Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador in Sobeys banner stores, which might include Sobeys, Foodland, FreshCo, and Price Chopper.There have been reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.The manufacturer, Belmont MeatsLtd., Toronto, Ontario, is voluntarily recalling all affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.All best before dates of the following product, sold frozen, are affected by this alert:', 'classifica tion': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain Compliments brand Super 8 Beef Burgers may containE.coliO157:H7 bacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - E. coli O157', 'company -firm': u'Belmont MeatsLtd.' , 'uniqueid': '2015- 07-24 18:31:41. 744232'} No detail text found {'url': 'http: // ewsroom/food-reca ll-warnings/complete-listi ng/2013-09- 30-r8356/eng/1380895 903648/1380895917666 ', 'distr ibution': u'Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'da te': u'September 30, 2013', 'refnumbe r': u'8356', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificat ion': u'Class 3', ' title': u'Notification - Certain Cortas brand canned mallow products are recalled', 'r eason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'co mpany-firm': u'Phoenicia GroupInc.', 'uni queid': '2015- 07-24 18:31:48.970971 '} No detail text found {'url': ' om/food-re call-warnings/ complete-listin g/2013-08-13-r8 226/eng/137753 1214923/13775312 22908', 'distri bution': u'Alberta, Ontario, Quebec', ' date': u'August 13, 2013', 'ref number': u'8226', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classification': u'Class 3' , 'title': u'Notification - Certain Facos brand Beans and Smoked Sausages are recalled', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'company-firm': u'ABC Euro Delicatessen', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 18:31:54.71320 9'} No detail text found {'url': ' recall-warnings/complete-listing/2013-11-21 -r8481/eng/13854036 86096/1385403722500' , 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'November 21, 2013', 'refnum ber': u'8481', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classi fication ': u'Class 3', 'title' : u'Notification - Certain Flora brand Organic Double Ginger Herbal Tea Blend may contain Salmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'compa ny-firm': u'Flora Manufacturing & DistributingLtd.', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 1 8:32:00.967247'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://in ecall-warnings/complete -listing/ 2013-11-29-r8407/ eng/1386197279586 /1386197296080 ', 'distribution ': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'November 29, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8407', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'class ification': u'Class 2', ' title': u'Notification - Certain Fresh and Healthy brand fresh mozzarella cheese may contain genericE.colibacteria', 'rea son': u'Microbiological - Other', 'comp any-firm': u'Gevinoth Yisroel Dairy Products', 'uniqu eid': '2 015-07-24 18:3 2:06.686428'} {'url': 'http://inspection.g te-listing/2013-09-23/eng/138000076022 0/1380000789193', 'di stributio n': u'Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date': u'September 23, 2013', 'refnumber' : u'8348', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': u"Advisory detailsOttawa, September 23, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Ippolito Fruit and ProduceLtd., are warning the public not to consume the Frisco's, Queen Victoria and Metro brands spinach described below because they may be contaminated withSalmonella.These products have been distributed in Ontario and Quebec. These products may also have been distributed to other provinces.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.The manufacturer, Ippolito Fruit and ProduceLtd., Burlington, Ontario, is voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.", 'classi fication': u'Class 2', 'title': u"Health Hazard Alert - Certain Frisco's, Queen Victoria and Metro brands spinach may containSalmonellabacteria", 'reas on': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'compan y-firm': u'Ippolito Fruit & ProduceLtd.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-0 7-24 18:32:13.2 89256'} No detail text found {'url' : ' oom/food-recall-w arnings/complete-l isting/2013-08-13/e ng/1377014524853 /1377014538462', 'distr ibution': u'Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'August 13, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8244', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classification': u'Class 3' , 'title': u'Notification - Certain Gogo Quinoa brand Quinoa Flour may contain insects', 'reason' : u'Extraneous Material', 'company-fir m': u'Cie 2 AmeriksInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:32:19. 513854'} {'url': 'http://inspecti te-listing/2013-10-04b/eng/138094021285 6/1380940225452' , 'distribution ': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'October 4, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8371' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u"Advisory detailsOttawa, October 4, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Direct Plus Food Group, a division of Premium Brands Operating Limited Partnership, are warning the public not to consume the Grimm's Fine Foods brand Pizza Pack described below because it may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.This product was sold at the following two stores:Pemberton Valley Supermarket, Pemberton, British ColumbiaThree HillsIGA, Three Hills, AlbertaThere has been no reported illness associated with the consumption of this product.The manufacturer, Freybe Gourmet FoodsLtd., Langley,BC, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.", 'classif ication': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Health Hazard Alert - Certain Grimm's Fine Foods brand Pizza Pack may containListeria monocytogenes", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', ' company-firm': u'Direct Plus Food Group, a division of Premium Brands Operating Limited Partnership', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18 :32:26.252296' } {'url': 'http://in 43832966/1379643865571', 'distribution': u'British Columbia, Possibly National', 'date': u'September 19, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8342', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Advisory detailsOttawa, September 19, 2013 - The public warning issued on September 17, 2013 has been updated to include an additional product.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Gort's Gouda Cheese Farm (EST4478) are warning the public not to consume the Mild Gouda Cheese described below because it may be contaminated withE.coliO157:H7.This recall is the result of an ongoing food safety investigation initiated as a result of a recent outbreak investigation. There may be recalls of additional products as the investigation at this facility continues.Lot codes 122 to 138 are affected by this recall.Some product packages may not bear a lot code or indicate that the cheese was made with raw milk. This product may also have been sold clerk-served from deli counters with or without a label or coding. Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased the affected product are advised to contact their retailer.There have been reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.The manufacturer, Gort's Gouda Cheese Farm, Salmon Arm,BCis voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.", 'classif ication': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain Gort's Gouda Cheese Farm brand Mild Gouda may containE.coliO157:H7 bacteria", 'reason': u'Microbiological - E. coli O157' , 'company-fir m': u"Gort's Gouda Cheese Farm (EST4478)", 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 18:32:32.577697'} {'url': 'htt p:// /eng/1379466612985 /1379466625512', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Possibly National', 'date': u'September 17, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8340', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detail text': u"Advisory detailsOttawa, September 17, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Gort’s Gouda Cheese Farm (EST 4478) are warning the public not to consume cheese products described below because they may be contaminated withE.coliO157:H7.This recall is the result of an ongoing food safety investigation initiated as a result of a recent outbreak investigation. There may be recalls of additional products as the investigation at this facility continues.All sizes of the raw milk cheeses listed below are affected by this recall.These affected products were sold at the manufacturer's outlet, at retail stores in Alberta and British Columbia, and through internet sale from May 27 to September 14, 2013, inclusive.Lot codes 122 to 138 are affected by this recall.Some product packages may not bear a lot code or indicate that the cheese was made with raw milk. These products were also sold clerk-served from deli counters with or without a label or coding. Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased the affected product are advised to contact their retailer.There have been reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.The manufacturer, Gort's Gouda Cheese Farm, Salmon Arm,BCis voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.", 'classification': u'Class 1', 'tit le': u"Health Hazard Alert - Certain Gort's Gouda Cheese Farm brand raw milk cheeses may containE.coliO157:H7 bacteria", 're ason': u'Microbiological - E. coli O157', 'company-firm': u"Gort's Gouda Cheese Farm (EST4478)", 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 18:32:39.6 78419'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspectio sting/2013-09-16-r 8307/eng/1379 518449499/1379 518459249', 'dist ribution': u'National', ' date': u'September 16, 2013', 'ref number': u'8307', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classific ation': u'Class 3', 'title ': u'Notification - Certain Encore Gourmet brand Ground Cinnamon is recalled', 'reason' : u'Other', 'company-fi rm': u'Altius Spices and SeasoningsInc.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 1 8:32:47.411449 '} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection.g arning s/co mplete-listing/ 2013-09-06-r8293 /eng/137908701693 4/13790870289 83', 'dist ribution': u'New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec' , 'date ': u'September 6, 2013', 'refnumber ': u'8293', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Notification - Certain Fresh Sprouts brand Fresh Bean Sprouts are recalled', 'rea son': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)', 'company-f irm': u'Fresh Sprouts', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:3 2:52.957097'} {'url': 'http://inspecti lete-listing/2013-08-31a/eng/1378007947 849/137800796369 7', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date ': u'August 31, 2013', 'refn umber': u'8298', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detail text': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, August 31, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Phoenicia GroupInc.are warning the public, food service establishments, and retailers, not to consume, serve, use, or sell the Tahini products described below because they may be contaminated withSalmonella.The following Tahini products, sold commencing February 1, 2013 with no lot code indicated on the package, are affected by this alert. This alert does not include Cedar brand Tahini products where a lot code appears on the package.Some of the affected products were sold in bulk and may have been repacked at retail. Consumers who cannot determine the original product identity are advised to check with their retailer to determine if they have one of the affected products.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.The distributor, Phoenicia GroupInc.,St-Laurent, Quebec, is voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'class ification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain Cedar brand Tahina products may containSalmonellabacteria', 'reason' : u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm ': u'Phoenicia GroupInc.', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 18: 32:58.25516 6'} No detail text found {'url': ' 1378498530915/1378498548132', 'distribution': u'Ontario, Possibly National', 'date': u'August 30, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8299', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Canada Garden brand Tahini may containSalmonella', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm': u'Clic InternationalInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:33:03.650340'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'British Columbia, Ontario', 'date': u'August 23, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8283', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Baynes Sound OysterCo.Ltd.brand pacific oysters may contain marine biotoxin', 'reason': u'Marine Biotoxin', 'company-firm': u'Baynes Sound OysterCo.Ltd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:33:09.030786'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspec rnings/complete-li sting/2013-08-22 -r8259/eng/137726 6745154/1377266753189', 'distr ibution': u'Ontario', 'date ': u'August 22, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8259', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Al Khaleej brand dates may contain insects' , 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-firm': u'A & O International' , 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:33:15 .502972'} No detail text found {'url': ' t-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete -listing /2013-08-17 -r8261/eng/13770 2393264 1/1377023940 366', 'distr ibution': u'New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island' , 'date': u'August 17, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8261', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtext' : 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FO UND', 'class ification': u'Class 2', 'title': u"Notification - Certain Ben's brand bread products may contain glass fragments", 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-firm ': u'Canada BreadCo.Ltd.', 'u niqueid': '20 15-07-24 18: 33:24.547251'} {'url': 'http://inspe sting/2013-08-08/eng/1375994321677/13759 94331676', 'distribut ion': u'National', 'date': u'August 8, 2013' , 'refnumber': u'8229', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtex t': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, August 8, 2013 - The public warning issued on August 2, 2013 has been updated to include additional Best Before date codes of the affected product.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Jan K OverweelLtd.are warning the public not to consume the Ballarini brand Gorgonzola cheese products described below because the products may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.The following Ballarini brand Gorgonzola cheese, product of Italy, is affected by this alert.Also affected by this alert are the above products which may have been sold in smaller packages, cut and wrapped by some retailers. Consumers are advised to contact the retailer to determine if they have the affected products.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.The importer, Jan K OverweelLtd., Woodbridge,ON, is voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'cl assification': u'Class 1', 'title ': u'Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain Ballarini brand gorgonzola cheese may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'c ompany-firm': u'Jan K OverweelLtd.', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-2 4 18:33:30.392732'} {'url': 'http://inspect te-listing/2013-08-08b/eng/1376015852983/1376015864391 ', 'distrib ution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'August 8, 2013' , 'refnumber': u'8228', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, August 8, 2013 - The health hazard alert issued on August 7, 2013 has been updated to include additional distribution information.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume the clams described below because they may be contaminated withVibrio parahaemolyticus.Consumers who are unsure if they have purchased affected clams should contact their retailer.The Canadian importers are voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recalls.The Connecticut Department of Agriculture announced a recall of oysters and clams from certain harvest areas, reporting that they were implicated in a number of illnesses in theUS. There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these oysters and clams in Canada.More information on theUSrecallis available at following clams, sold in various weights and counts, are affected by this alert:', 'classificati on': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain clams from Connecticut (USA) may containVibrio parahaemolyticusbacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'company-firm': u'Allseas FisheriesCorp.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-0 7-24 18:33:36.075287'} {'url': 'http://inspectio mplete-listing/2013-08-06/eng/13758407070 04/1375840709 489', 'distrib ution': u'Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'da te': u'August 6, 2013', 'refnum ber': u'8218', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, August 6, 2013 - The public warning issued on July 29, 2013 has been updated to include an additional product.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume the Clic brand Tahina described below because it may be contaminated withSalmonella.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.TheCFIAis working with the importer to remove the affected product from the marketplace.  TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.The following product, imported from Lebanon, is affected by this alert.' , 'classifica tion': u'Class 2' , 'title ': u'Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain Clic brand Tahina products may containSalmonellabacteria', 're ason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'com pany-firm ': u'Clic InternationalInc.', 'uniqu eid': '2015 -07-24 18: 33:42.1640 50'} {'url': 'http://inspection lete-listing/2013-08-05/eng/1375743188722/1375 743189909 ', 'distributio n': u'Ontario', 'date': u'August 5, 2013', 'refnumber' : u'8217', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext' : u'Advisory detailsOttawa, August 5, 2013 - The public warning issued on August 2, 2013 has been updated to include additional product information.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Whole Foods Market are warning the public not to consume the Gorgonzola Verdi Dolce Italian cheese described below because it may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.This product was sold from Whole Foods Market, 3997 Hwy 7, Markham, Ontario.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.The retailer, Whole Foods Market, Markham, ON, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'tit le': u'Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain Gorgonzola Verdi Dolce Italian Cheese from Whole Foods Market may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason' : u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-fi rm': u'Whole Foods Market (Markham)', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 18:33:48.624 720'} {'url': 'http :// mplete-listing/2013-08-02/eng/13754 94238348/137549424 8748', 'di stribution': u'National', 'date': u'August 2, 2013', 'refnum ber': u'8200', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext ': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, August 2, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Jan K OverweelLtd.are warning the public not to consume the Ballarini brand Gorgonzola cheese products described below because the products may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.Also affected by this alert are the below products which may have been sold in smaller packages, cut and wrapped by some retailers. Consumers are advised to contact the retailer to determine if they have the affected products.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.The importer, Jan K OverweelLtd., Woodbridge,ON, is voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', ' classificati on': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain Ballarini brand Gorgonzola cheese may containListeria monocytogenes', 'rea son': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company- firm': u'Jan K OverweelLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:33:5 4.630225'} No detail text found {'url': ' the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/20 13-08-01-r 8205/eng/1375455817 707/1375455833654' , 'distribution': u'Newfoundland and Labrador', 'dat e': u'August 1, 2013', 'ref number': u'8205', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Country Ribbon brand Salami and Pepperoni may contain bone fragments', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-firm': u'Country RibbonInc.', ' uniqueid': '2015-0 7-24 18:34:00.269 849'} No detail text found {'url': ' omplete-listing/2013-07-31-r8337/eng/1380332594775/138033 2617075', 'distribution ': u'Ontario', 'date': u'July 31, 2013', 'ref number': u'8337', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND', ' classification': u'Class 1', ' title': u"Notification - Certain Bib's (Wholesale) Meats brand blue cheese may containListeria monocytogenes", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u"Bib's Wholesale Meats", 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 18:34:06.083046'} {'url': 'http: // /2013-07-15/e ng/1373941026526 /1373941027870' , 'distribution': u'Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', ' date': u'July 15, 2013' , 'refnumber': u'8170', 'extent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, July 15, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Agropur are warning the public not to consume the Il Villaggio brand Gorgonzola Dolce Cheese described below because it may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.The importer, Agropur,St-Hubert, Quebec, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'c lassification': u'Class 1', ' title': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain Il Villaggio brand Gorgonzola Dolce Cheese may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'compan y-firm': u'Agropur', 'uni queid': '2015-07- 24 18:34:12.57437 2'} No detail text found {'url': ' 7-06-r8141/eng/1373659558171/1373659566731', 'distribution': u'New Brunswick, Quebec', ' date': u'July 6, 2013', 'refn umber': u'8141', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u'Notification - CertainGrande Entr\xe9e Aquaculturebrand andCulti-Merbrand blue mussels may contain marine biotoxin', 'reason': u'Marine Biotoxin', 'company-firm': u'Grande Entr\xe9e Aquaculture', 'uniqu eid': '2015-0 7-24 18:34:18.72308 7'} {'url': 'http://inspec 1875406723/1371875437111', 'distribution': u'Nova Scotia', 'da te': u'June 21, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8112', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, June 21, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) andRatinaudFrench Cuisine are warning the public not to consume certainCharcuterie RatinaudFrench Cuisine brand Confit Tomatoes because they may be contaminated withClostridium botulinum. Toxins produced by these bacteria may cause botulism, a life-threatening illness.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.The manufacturer,RatinaudFrench Cusine, Halifax,NS, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Health Hazard Alert - CertainCharcuterie RatinaudFrench Cuisine brand Confit Tomatoes may contain dangerous bacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Clostridium botulinum', 'comp any-firm': u'Ratinaud French Cuisine', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18:34:24. 381219'} No detail text found { 'url': ' ia/newsroom/food-rec all-warnings/comp lete-listing/2013- 05-23-r8020/eng/1 373902836757/137 3902845047', 'dis tribution': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'da te': u'May 23, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8020' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classificati on': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Cortas brand Foul Medammas are recalled', 'reason' : u'Microbiological - Other', 'company-firm': u'Akhavan Food', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 18:34:30.5 26277'} No detail text found {'url ': ' ia/newsroom/food- recall-warnings/ complete-listing/201 3-05-11-r7972/en g/1368680614512/1368680622772', ' distributi on': u'National', 'date': u'May 11, 2013', 'refnumber': u'7972', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classificati on': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Ghana Fresh brand Palmnut Cream Concentrate may contain harmful bacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'c ompany-firm': u'Xpress Tropical Foods & Meat', 'uniqu eid': '201 5-07-24 18:34:3 6.528168'} No detail text found {'ur l': ' sroom/food-recall-w arnings/complete- listing/2013-05-10 -r8006/eng/136863974 2350/13686397537 01', 'distributio n': u'Newfoundland and Labrador', 'date': u'May 10, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8006', 'e xtent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 3', 'title ': u'Notification - Bone fragments in certain Country Ribbon brand salami', 'rea son': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-fi rm': u'Country RibbonInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:34:42.45 1831'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://ins 2013-05-10-r7 961/eng/13682101 39984/136821015074 1', 'distribution': u'New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Possibly National, Prince Edward Island, Quebec', 'date': u'May 10, 2013', ' refnumber': u'7961', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classific ation': u'Class 2', 'title ': u'Notification - Bone fragments in certainSt-Hubert brand pork back ribs', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'comp any-firm': u'Ma\xeetre Saladier, S.E.C.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:3 4:48.420193'} No detail text found {'url' : ' /newsroom /food-recall-w arnings/compl ete-listing/201 3-05-04- r8003/eng/13 68737672830/136 8737680876', 'dis tributio n': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'dat e': u'May 4, 2013', 'refnumber' : u'8003', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FO UND', 'class ification': u'Class 2' , 'title': u'Notification - Certain Black River Juice brand Organic Sweet Apple Cider may contain patulin' , 'reason': u'Chemical', 'c ompany-firm' : u'Black River JuiceCo.Ltd.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 1 8:34:55.0150 54'} No detail text found {'url': ' ia/newsroom/food-r ecall-w arnings/compl ete-listing/ 2013-04-30-r 7965/eng/1368 196491788/136819650336 0', 'dis tribution': u'Quebec' , 'date': u'April 30, 2013', 'r efnumber': u'7965', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'det ailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'class ification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Certain flours fromAliments TrigoneInc.are recalled', 'reason': u'Other', 'company-firm': u'Aliments TrigoneInc.', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 18: 35:00.794203 '} No detail text found {'url': ' -recall-warnings/complete-listing/2013-04-10/eng/136 5707254503/13657072 75206', 'distribution': u'National', 'date' : u'April 10, 2013', 'refnumber': u'7927', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FO UND', 'classificati on': u'Class 3', 'title': u"Notification - Certain Bick's Pickled Bean Salad is recalled", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'c ompany-firm': u'Smucker Foods Of CanadaCo.', 'u niqueid': '2015-07 -24 18:35:06.87981 8'} No detail text found {'ur l': ' newsroom/food-rec all-warnings/com plete-listing/2013- 04-09-r7918/eng/136562613 8296/136 5626159168' , 'distribution' : u'National', 'date': u'April 9, 2013', 'r efnumber ': u'7918', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOU ND', 'classif ication': u'Class 3', 'title ': u'Notification - Certain Great Value brand Ground Cinnamon Spice is recalled', 'r eason': u'Other', 'compa ny-firm': u'Walmart CanadaCorp.', 'u niqueid': '2015 -07-24 18:35:14.427848' } {'url': 'http://inspect 4-05/eng/1365216112658/1365216156535', 'distributio n': u'Ontario', 'date': u'April 5, 2013', 'refn umber': u'7950', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, April 5, 2013 - The public warning issued on April 3, 2013 has been expanded to include additional products because they may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.Previously identified productsincluded in this recall can be found on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) website.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Central-Epicure Food ProductsLtd.are warning the public not to consume the Central-Epicure brand Smoked Atlantic Salmon products described below because they may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.These products are distributed in Ontario.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.The manufacturer, Central-Epicure Food ProductsLtd., Toronto, Ontario, is voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 't itle': u'Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain Central-Epicure brand Smoked Atlantic Salmon may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'Central-Epicure Food ProductsLtd.', 'uni queid': '2015-07-24 1 8:35:21.100389'} {'url': ' 2013-04-03c/en g/1365068502873/ 1365068518258', ' distribution': u'Ontario' , 'date ': u'April 3, 2013', 'refnumbe r': u'7943', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', ' detailt ext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, April 3, 2013 - The public warning issued on March 22, 2013 has been expanded to include additional products because they may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.Previously identified productsincluded in this recall can be found on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) website at Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Central-Epicure Food ProductsLtd.are warning the public not to consume the Central-Epicure brand Smoked Salmon products described below because they may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.The manufacturer, Central-Epicure Food ProductsLtd., Toronto, Ontario, is voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', ' classification': u'Class 1' , 'title': u'Expanded Health Hazard Alert - Certain Central-Epicure brand smoked salmon products may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-f irm': u'Central-Epicure Food ProductsLtd.', 'un iqueid': '20 15-07-24 18:3 5:28.3 32367'} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. {'url': 'http://insp omplete-listing/2013-03-22c/eng/1364017174156/1364 017222851', 'dis tribution': u'Ontario, Quebec', ' date': u'March 22, 2013', 'refn umber': u'7913', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, March 22, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Central-Epicure Food ProductsLtd.are warning the public not to consume Central-Epicure brand Smoked Atlantic Salmon because it may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.The manufacturer, Central-Epicure Food ProductsLtd., Toronto, Ontario, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'class ification': u'Class 1', 'titl e': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain Central-Epicure brand Smoked Atlantic Salmon may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria' , 'company-firm': u'Central-Epicure Food ProductsLtd.', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 1 8:35:38.497692'} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. {'url': 'http://inspection.gc.c a/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2013-0 3-12/eng/1363130427497/1363130442919', 'distribution': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec' , 'date': u'March 12, 2013', 'refnumber': u'7890', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, March 12, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Costco Wholesale CanadaLtd.are warning the public not to consume Formaggio brand Artisan Wraps Italian Style Meats around Fresh Mozzarella because it may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.The Importer, Costco Wholesale CanadaLtd., Ottawa, Canada is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', ' classificat ion': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain Formaggio brand Artisan Wraps Italian Style Meats around Fresh Mozzarella may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'com pany-firm': u'Costco Wholesale CanadaLtd.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 18:3 5:47.862570'} {'url': 'http://inspect ecall-warnings/complete-listing/2013-02-25/eng/1 361853184464/136185321 6394', 'd istribution': u'National', 'date': u'February 25, 2013', 'r efnumber': u'7856', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detail text': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, February 25, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Clic International, are warning the public not to consume certain Clic brand Sesame Paste Tahina because it may be contaminated withSalmonella.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.The importer, Clic International, Laval, Quebec, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'classifi cation': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain Clic brand Sesame Paste Tahina may containSalmonellabacteria', 'reason' : u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-fir m': u'Clic InternationalInc.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18:35: 53.977217'} No detail text found Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url' : ' newsroom/food-recall -warnings/complete -listing/2013-02-1 8/eng/1361312596285/136 131260476 0', 'distribution ': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'February 18, 2013', 'refnumber': u'7827', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Notification - Certain Gogo Quinoa brand Amaranth and Kaniwa Cream are recalled', 're ason': u'Other', 'company- firm': u'Cie 2 AmeriksInc.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 18:36:05. 628511'} No detail text found {'url': ' 7815/eng/1360810228420/1360810236389', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 8, 2013', 'ref number': u'7815', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', 'clas sificati on': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Farm Boy brand Leek and Potato Soup may contain extraneous material', 'reason ': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-firm': u'Farm BoyInc.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 18:36: 12.353330'} No detail text found {'url': ' /food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2013-02-05-r7796/eng/1360 21009470 7/1360210102 219', 'distributio n': u'Ontario', 'date': u'February 5, 2013', 'r efnumber': u'7796', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional' , 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classifica tion': u'Class 1', 't itle': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain GNG Food ServiceInc.brand hummous may containListeria monocytogenes', ' reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company- firm': u'GNG Food ServiceInc.', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 18:36:2 0.529566'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'January 29, 2013', 'refnumber': u'7786', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain GNG food ServiceInc.brand Hummous may containListeria monocytogenes', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm': u'GNG Food ServiceInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:36:27.552310'} No detail text found {'ur l': ' cfia/newsroo m/food-recall -warnin gs/complet e-listing/201 3-01-25/eng/135 9410981 455/13594 10989929' , 'distribu tion': u'National', 'da te': u'January 25, 2013' , 'refnumbe r': u'7693', 'ex tent': u'Retail', ' detailtext ': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FO UND', 'cla ssificati on': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Notification - Certain Dainty brand cooked rice is being recalled', 'rea son': u'Other', 'company -firm': u'Dainty Foods,Div.of MRRM (CANADA)Inc.' , 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18:36: 34.096094 '} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection.gc .ca/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listi ng/2012-01-16-r769 5/eng/1358473777236/1 358473785973', 'distribut ion': u'Quebec', 'd ate': u'January 16, 2013', 'refnu mber': u'7695', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'clas sificatio n': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Health Hazard Alert - CertainFromagerie Bergeronbrand cheese may contain pieces of metal', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'co mpany-firm': u'Fromagerie BergeronInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 18:36:40 .032030'} No detail text found {'url': ' newsroom/food-rec all-warnings/compl ete-listing/2013 -01-11-r7684/en g/1357974974207/135797 4982687', 'distribution': u'Alberta, New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec' , 'date': u'January 11, 2013', 're fnumber': u'7684', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 2' , 'title': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain Dubon brand snails may contain extraneous material', ' reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'comp any-firm': u'Les Aliments TousainInc.', 'uniquei d': '2015- 07-24 18:36:45.99 2593'} No detail text found {'url' : ' od-recall-warni ngs/complete-list ing/20 14-01-15-r853 9/eng/13898 05184896/13898 05200623', 'distr ibution ': u'Ontario', 'date' : u'December 30, 2013', 'refnumbe r': u'8539', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classific ation': u'Class 3', ' title': u'Notification - Certain ground beef products may contain pieces of plastic', 'r eason': u'Extraneous Material', 'c ompany-firm' : u'Vantage Foods (ON)Inc.', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-2 4 18:36:51.6 28072'} No detail text found {'url': ' fia/newsroom/foo d-recall-warnings/com plete-listing/2 013-11-27-r8478/eng/1 385740724177/13 85740743534', 'dist ribution' : u'Nunavut, Ontario', 'date': u'November 27, 2013' , 'refnumber': u'8478' , 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', ' detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 2', 'title ': u'Notification - Certain Healthcare Food Services brand Chicken Rice Soup may contain pieces of plastic', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-firm': u'Healthcare Food Services OntarioInc.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 18 :36:57.582516' } {'url': 'http://inspectio -listing/2013-05-16/eng/1368751324890/136875133 2861', 'di stribution': u'New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'May 16, 2013', 'ref number': u'8019, 8535', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, May 16, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume certain in shell hazelnuts described below because the products may be contaminated withSalmonella.The following products were sold in packages of various weights or in bulk at the locations indicated below. Consumers who are unsure if they have affected product are advised to check with their retailer.Product nameStore nameLocationDates Sold Up ToFilbertsLuciano Foods114 Preston Street, Ottawa,ONNov 24, 2012 to May 14, 2013Hazelnuts in ShellsIl Negozio Nicastro792 BankSt., Ottawa,ONNov 22, 2012 to May 14, 2013"Avelines en écales"Le Crac Aliments SainsInc.690rueSt-Jean, Quebec,QCApril 3, 2013 to May 13, 2013"Avelines en écales(Jumbo)"Cananut1565 ChabanelO., Montreal,QCNov 5, 2012 to January 31, 2013"Avelines en écales(Jumbo)"Cananut6858Jean-Talon Est, Montreal,QCNov 5, 2012 to January 31, 2013"Avelines en écales(Jumbo)"Cananut2995DagenaisO., Laval,QCNov 5, 2012 to January 31, 2013"Avelines en écales(Jumbo)"Cananut4913St-Jean, Pierrefonds,QCNov 5, 2012 to January 31, 2013The following hazelnut product was distributed in Quebec and New Brunswick byLe MeilleurEnr., Montmagny,QC.Brand nameProduct nameSizeUPCProduct codeLMFilberts in the shell375g0 66577 50450 112317 to 13112There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.These recalls are part of an on-going food safety investigation associated with a recall of bulk hazelnuts fromUSA. TheCFIAis working with the recalling firms and distributors to identify all affected products.The importer, distributers, and retailers are voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain in shell hazelnuts may containSalmonellabacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'c ompany-fir m': u'Jacques Lemieux (Grossiste)Inc., Various retailers', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:37: 03.536501'} {'url': 'http://inspection.', 'distribu tion': u'Quebec', 'date': u'May 29, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8019, 8535', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, May 29, 2013 - The public warning issued on May 23, 2013 has been updated to include additional product and distribution information.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume certain in shell hazelnuts described below because the products may be contaminated withSalmonella.The following products were sold in packages of various weights or in bulk at the locations indicated below. Consumers who are unsure if they have affected product are advised to check with their retailer.Product nameStore nameLocationDates Sold"Avelines"D.F.RouleauInc.241,Principale, Les Hauteurs,QCApril 18, 2013 to May 10, 2013"Avelines"UPCcode 200330800923MarchéSt-Laurent NouvelleInc.142,Rte112, Nouvelle,QCMarch 11, 2013 to May 14, 2013"Avelines"Épicerie Simon Rioux133,rue Thériault, Padoue,QCMarch 29, 2013 to May 14, 2013"Avelines"UPCcode 200003506244Toit des Magasineux (1988)Inc.40,Principale Ouest, La-Trinité-des-Monts,QCApril 18, 2013 to May 13, 2013"Avelines naturelles"AlimentationN.M.228,rue Gendron,St-Léon-le-Grand,QCApril 10, 2013 to May 10, 2013"Avelines en écailles"UPCcode 200524102260Coopérative de Solidarité deSt-Vianney1040-C, Route 195,St-Vianney,QCMarch 28, 2013 to May 14, 2013"Avelines"ÉpicerieSt-FrançoisInc.430,Chemin Central,St-François-d\'Assise,QCMarch 7, 2013 to May 14, 2013There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.These recalls are part of an on-going food safety investigation associated with a recall of bulk hazelnuts fromUSA. TheCFIAis working with the recalling firms and distributors to identify all affected products.The importer, distributers, and retailers are voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.' , 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain in shell hazelnuts may containSalmonellabacteria', 'reaso n': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm': u'Various retailers', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:37:11.257274'} {'url': ' ut-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2 013-05-21/eng/1369174989770/136917499061 4', 'distribution' : u'Quebec', 'date': u'May 21, 2013', 'r efnumber': u'8019, 8535', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, May 21, 2013 - The public warning issued on May 16, 2013 has been updated to include additional product and distribution information.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume certain in shell hazelnuts or mixed nuts in shell described below because the products may be contaminated withSalmonella.The following products were sold in packages of various weights or in bulk at the locations indicated below.  Consumers who are unsure if they have affected product are advised to check with their retailer.Product nameStore nameLocationDates Sold Up To"Avelines jumbo en écales"SuperMarchéPistilli2105,rue Sauvé Est, Montréal,QCNovember 6, 2012 to May 16, 2013"Avelines"Charcuterie et Fromagerie La Petite Italie (1990)Inc.8278,boul.Maurice-Duplessis, Montréal,QCApril 11, 2013 to May 15, 2013"Avelines en écales jumbo"BoulangerieMariano (Old Country Bakery)8870,rue Verville, Montréal,QCNovember 6, 2012 to February 10, 2013"Noix mélange en écail"S.BourassaMt-TremblantLtée.1109,deSt-Jovite, Mont-Temblant,QCNovember 27, 2012 to May 15, 2013"Avelines écail"S.Bourassa (Ste-Agathe)Ltée.680,rue Principale Sud,St-Agathe,QCNovember 6, 2012 to May 15, 2013"Noix mélange en écail"S.Bourassa (Ste-Agathe)Ltée.680,rue Principale Sud,St-Agathe,QCNovember 6, 2012 to May 15, 2013"Noix mélange"S.Bourassa (St-Sauveur)Ltée.105 Guidon B,RR6,St-Sauveur,QCFebruary 2, 2013 to May 15, 2013"Aveline en écales"Les Aliments Merci4661,Boul.des Grandes Prairies, Montréal,QCNovember 6, 2012 to February 28, 2013"Aveline en écales"Les Aliments Merci282,place du Marché Nord, Montréal,QCNovember 6, 2012 to February 28, 2013"Aveline en écales"Les Aliments Merci4445,rue Ontario Est, Montréal,QCNovember 6, 2012 to February 28, 2013"Aveline en écales"Les Aliments Merci3623,rue Ontario Est, Montréal,QC November 6, 2012 to February 28, 2013"Aveline en écales"Les Aliments Merci2815,Boul.Masson, Montréal,QCNovember 6, 2012 to February 28, 2013"Avelines en écalesjumbo"Frutta Si International (IGA)1255, Shevchenko,Montréal,QCNovember 27, 2012 to May 14, 2013"Avelines en écales"Charcuterie du Village3550,rue Ontario Est, Montréal,QCNovember 8, 2012 to May 15, 2013There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.These recalls are part of an on-going food safety investigation associated with a recall of bulk hazelnuts fromUSA. TheCFIAis working with the recalling firms and distributors to identify all affected products.Food contaminated withSalmonellamay not look or smell spoiled.  Consumption of food contaminated with these bacteria may cause salmonellosis, a foodborne illness.  In young children, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems, salmonellosis may cause serious and sometimes deadly infections.  In otherwise healthy people, salmonellosis may cause short-term symptoms such as high fever, severe headache, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhoea.  Long-term complications may include severe arthritis.The importer, distributers, and retailers are voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace.  TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'c lassification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain in shell hazelnuts or mixed nuts in shell may containSalmonellabacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', ' company-firm': u'Various retailers', 'u niqueid': '2015-07-24 18: 37:17.218617 '} {'url': 'http://ins complete-listing/2013-05-23/eng/1369369496 266/1369369504381', ' distribution': u'New Brunswick, Quebec', ' date': u'May 23, 2013', 'refnumbe r': u'8019, 8535', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, May 23, 2013 - The public warning issued on May 22, 2013 has been updated to include additional product and distribution information.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume certain in shell hazelnuts or mixed nuts in shell described below because the products may be contaminated withSalmonella.The following products were sold in packages of various weights or in bulk at the locations indicated below. Consumers who are unsure if they have affected product are advised to check with their retailer.Product nameStore nameLocationDates Sold“Avelines en écales”Fruiterie Potager Saint-Eustache539Boul.Arthur-Sauvé,St-Eustache,QCApril 10, 2013 to May 15, 2013“Noisettes en écale”L’Intermarché Bellerose134Boul.Bellerose Est,Laval,QCNovember 13, 2012 to February 13, 2013“Avelines”Club Coopératif de Consommation de la Vallée88Avenue du Parc,Amqui,QCMarch 20, 2013 to May 10, 2013“Avelines”Magasin CO-OP de St-Fabien15, 7eAvenue,St-Fabien,QCApril 9, 2013 to May 10, 2013Hazelnuts (PLUcode 4929)La Coopérative de Caraquet121Boul.St. Pierre WestCaraquet,NBMarch 27, 2013 to May 14, 2013Mixed nuts (PLUcode 4929)La Coopérative de Caraquet121Boul.St. Pierre WestCaraquet,NBMarch 27, 2013 to May 22, 2013The following hazelnut product, packaged in clear plastic bags, was distributed in New Brunswick by Coop St-Quentin, St-Quentin,NB.Product nameSizeProduct codeDates SoldHazelnutsvariable4924April 4, 2013 to May 13, 2013There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.These recalls are part of an on-going food safety investigation associated with a recall of bulk hazelnuts fromUSA. TheCFIAis working with the recalling firms and distributors to identify all affected products.The importer, distributers, and retailers are voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain in shell hazelnuts or mixed nuts in shell may containSalmonellabacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'comp any-firm': u'Various retailers' , 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18 :37:24.394169'} {'url': 'http://inspection. eng/1369268220937/1369268236196', 'distribution': u'Quebec' , 'date': u'May 22, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8019, 8535', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, May 22, 2013 - The public warning issued on May 21, 2013 has been updated to include additional product and distribution information.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning the public not to consume certain in shell hazelnuts or mixed nuts in shell described below because the products may be contaminated withSalmonella.The following products were sold in packages of various weights or in bulk at the locations indicated below. Consumers who are unsure if they have affected product are advised to check with their retailer.Product nameStore nameLocationDates Sold“Avelines écail”S. Bourassa Mt-TremblantLtée.1109,de St-Jovite, Mont-Tremblant,QCNovember 27, 2012 to May 15, 2013“Avelines en écales”Jardin du Mont252,Denison Est, Granby,QCApril 7, 2013 to May 7, 2013“Noix mélangées en écale”“La Vieille Dépense”145,St-Joseph, St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu,QCApril 16, 2013 to May 13, 2013“Noisette écale““La Vieille Dépense”145,St-Joseph, St-Jean-Sur-Richelieu,QCApril 16, 2013 to May 13, 2013“Aveline écalée crue”L’Intermarché Lagoria5915,rue Bélanger, Montréal,QCApril 16, 2013 to May 15, 2013“Noix mélange en écaille”Fruiterie MilanoInc.6862,St-Laurent, Montréal,QCNovember 13, 2012 to May 15, 2013“Aveline en écales”Fruiterie MilanoInc.6862,St-Laurent, Montréal,QCNovember 28, 2012 to December 28, 2012“Noix aveline (sac)”Avril Supermarché Santé Brossard8600,boulevard Leduc (Dix30), Brossard,QCApril 19, 2013 to May 15, 2013“Avelines en écales”Intermarché Palumbo2710,Désormeaux, Montréal,QCMarch 8, 2013 to May 17, 2013“Avelines en écales”Charcuterie Noël5733,boulevard Léger, Montréal-Nord,QCNovember 9, 2012 to January 31, 2013“Avelines”MarchéBonanza Lalumière6852,Jean-Talon Est, Montréal,QCNovember 5, 2012 to February 8, 2013“Avelines en écales”Intermarché DeRisi8520,boulevard Lacordaire, Montréal,QCDecember 3, 2012 to January 31, 2013“Avelines naturelles écales”Fruiterie Papaye & Mangue3429,Ontario Est, Montréal,QCNovember 27, 2012 to May 15, 2013“Noix mélangées”Fruiterie Papaye & Mangue3429,Ontario Est, Montréal,QCNovember 27, 2012 to May 15, 2013“Noix aveline (sac)”Avril Supermarché Santé1195,chemin du Tremblay, Longueuil,QCDecember 19, 2012 to May 15, 2013The following hazelnut product was distributed in Quebec by Distribution Yvan NadeauInc.,St-Léon-de-Standon,QC.Brand nameProduct nameSizeUPCDates SoldLes Distributions Yvan NadeauInc."Aveline écales"375g6 21001 01813 1November 26, 2012 to May 14, 2013There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.These recalls are part of an on-going food safety investigation associated with a recall of bulk hazelnuts fromUSA. TheCFIAis working with the recalling firms and distributors to identify all affected products.The importer, distributers, and retailers are voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'classification': u'Class 2' , 'title': u'Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain in shell hazelnuts or mixed nuts in shell may containSalmonellabacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-firm': u'Various retailers', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 18:37: 31.234464'} No detail text found {'url': ' e-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete- listing/2013-12-0 2-r8485/eng/13861 90047485/1386190083 739', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'd ate': u'December 2, 2013', 're fnumber': u'8485', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND' , 'classification' : u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Lotus Foods brand noodles may contain mould', 're ason': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)', 'company-fi rm': u'Left Coast Naturals', 'uniqueid': '2015- 07-24 18:37:37. 403210'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection.g arnings/complete-list ing/2013-11-19-r844 9/eng /138496 5590190/13849656 05146', 'distribut ion': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'November 19, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8449', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional' , 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', 'class ification': u'Class 2', 't itle': u'Notification - CertainMr.Sub brand Spicy Chicken Bites may contain Salmonella or Campylobacter bacteria due to undercooking', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other, Microbiological - Salmonella', 'co mpany-firm': u'Maple Leaf Consumer Foods', 'un iqueid': '2015-07 -24 18:37:43.897157'} No detail text found {'url' : ' wsroom/food-recall-w arnings/com plete-listing/2 013-12-27-r8 533/eng/13884 15750703/13884 15776054', 'd istribution ': u'Alberta, Manitoba', 'da te': u'December 27, 2013', 'refnum ber': u'8533', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FOU ND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Notification - Non-permitted food colours in Titsi brand Fruit Jelly', 'reason': u'Chemical', 'company-fir m': u'Dong Phuong Oriental MarketLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07- 24 18:37:50.715039 '} No detail text found {'url': 'h ttp:// ings/complete-listin g/2013-12-24-r84 80/en g/1388 515164002/138851518570 2', 'distribution': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'd ate': u'December 24, 2013', 'r efnumber': u'8480' , 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Motha brand Wattalappan Pudding Mix', ' reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'com pany-firm': u'MTI GroupsInc.', 'u niqueid': '2015-0 7-24 18:37:58.4 29031'} No detail text found {'url ': ' room/food-recall-w arnings/complete -listing/2013-12-20 -r8486/eng/13890264 85514/1389026502159' , 'distribution': u'National' , 'date': u'December 20, 2013', 'refnum ber': u'8486', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classi fication': u'Class 3' , 'title': u'Notification - Certain Similac brand Human Milk Fortifier is recalled', 'reason ': u'Other', 'company-firm' : u'Abbott Laboratories', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:38:08.99 7855'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspecti warnings/complete-listing/ 2013-12-19 -r8517/eng/1387576 372603/138757638916 9', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'December 20, 2013', 'refn umber': u'8517', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cl assificatio n': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Certain no name brand Tomato Condensed Soup is recalled', ' reason': u'Nutrition', 'company-firm ': u'Loblaw Companies Limited', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 18:38:15.769950'} No detail text found {'url': ' /newsroo m/food-recall- warnings/comp lete-listing/ 2013-12-19-r8 524/eng/138755 5629493/1387555663 815', 'di stribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'December 19, 2013', ' refnumber': u'8524', 'exte nt': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'detailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT FOU ND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared cashews in Sicilian Ice Cream brand Pistachio Nut Ice Cream' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut', 'company-firm ': u'Sicilian Ice CreamCo.Ltd.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18:3 8:22.029 542'} No detail text found {'ur l': ' bout-the-cfi a/newsroom/food-recal l-warnings/ complete-list ing/2013-12- 16-r8503/eng/ 1387220660 275/13872 20690747' , 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'December 16, 2013', ' refnumber': u'8503, 8506, 8507, 8508, 8509, 8510, 8511, 8512, 8516', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 3', 'title' : u'Notification - Certain Healthy Times brand Oatmeal cereal products are recalled for rancidity', 'reason': u'Other' , 'company-fi rm': u'Horizon DistributorsLtd., Indigo Natural FoodsInc., Loblaw Companies Limited, Nationwide Natural Foods, PSC Natural FoodsLtd., PuresourceInc., SatauInc., UNFI Canada Central Region, UNFI Canada Grocery West', ' uniqueid': '2015-07-24 1 8:38:29.8244 41'} No detail text found {'url': ' 87222987970/1387223006762', 'distribution': u'Ontario' , 'date': u'December 12, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8513', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classi fication': u'Class 2', 'tit le': u'Notification - Certain Organic Girl brand green onions may containE.colibacteria', 're ason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'com pany-firm': u'Fresh AdvancementsInc.', 'uniquei d': '2015-07- 24 18:38:37.386899'} {'url' : ' /1386717517499/1386717535000', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'December 10, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8501', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, December 10, 2013 - The Food Recall Warning issued on December 6, 2013 has been updated to include additional codes. This additional information was identified during a food safety investigation.Advantage Health Matters is recalling Organic Traditions brand Dark Chocolate Hazelnuts and Dark Chocolate Almonds from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold nationally.', 'classification': u'Class 1', ' title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Organic Traditions brand Dark Chocolate Hazelnuts and Dark Chocolate Almonds recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Advantage Health MattersInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:38:45.752788'} No detail text found {'url': 'http:/ / plete-listing/201 3-12-09-r8499/eng/ 1386781445411/1386781478528', 'dis tribution': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Quebec', 'date': u'December 9, 2013', 'r efnumber': u'8499', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailtext ': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classifi cation': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared mustard in certain Comeau brand salmon products', 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm': u"Comeau's Sea Foods Limited", 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 18:38:52. 332710'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://i /food-r ecall-warni ngs/compl ete-listin g/2013-12-06-r8 472/en g/1386617077283/1386 617090745' , 'distribut ion': u'Quebec', 'date ': u'December 6, 2013', ' refnumber' : u'8472', 'exte nt': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'd etailtext': 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', 'classifica tion': u'Class 3', ' title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared mustard in Prepared for Normandin brand Marinated Chicken Souvlaki (Continental Sauce)' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'company -firm': u'Viande DunhamInc.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18 :38:58.112 738'} {'url': 'http:/ / 386537687', 'distribution ': u'Ontario', 'date': u'December 6, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8498', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, December 6, 2013 - Eurotrade Import-Export is recalling Edelweiss brand Fine Dark Chocolate from the marketplace because it contains milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold in Ontario.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Edelweiss Brand Fine Dark Chocolate Recalled Due to Undeclared Milk', 'reason' : u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Eurotrade Import-Export', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 18:39:03.167118'} {'url': ' -the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2013-12-06c/eng/1386403043522/138640307 3914', 'distribution': u'Possibly National', 'date': u'December 6, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8501', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, December 6, 2013 - Advantage Health Matters is recalling Organic Traditions brand Dark Chocolate Hazelnuts and Dark Chocolate Almonds from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold nationally.', 'classif ication': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Organic Traditions Brand Dark Chocolate Hazelnuts and Dark Chocolate Almonds Recalled Due to Undeclared Milk', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Advantage Health MattersInc.', 'un iqueid': '2015-07- 24 18:39:12.986747' } No detail text found Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspecti call-warnings/complete-li sting/2013-12- 06-r8496/eng/1 386613654168 /138661367 8558', 'distribu tion': u'New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec', 'd ate': u'December 6, 2013', 'refnu mber': u'8496', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': 'NO D ETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared mustard inSt-Hubert brand\xc0 LaKing Sauce', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Mustard', 'co mpany-firm' : u'Meilleures Marques Limit\xe9e', 'unique id': '2015-07-2 4 18:39:23.313001'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://insp /1386614780677/138661479 3870', 'distrib ution': u'New Brunswick, Quebec', 'da te': u'December 6, 2013', 'refnumber ': u'8495', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classifica tion': u'Class 2', 'title ': u"Notification - Glass in Dublin's Pub brand Cider products", 'reason': u'Extraneous Material' , 'company-firm': u'Vins Arista', 'u niqueid ': '2015-07-24 1 8:39:28.781808'} No detail text found {'url ': ' fia/newsroom/food- recall-warnings/comple te-listing/201 3-12-05-8494/eng /1386608585428/13 86608607261', 'di stribution': u'Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan', 'da te': u'December 5, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8494', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DE TAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classification' : u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in Sir Charles brand Schoko Bananen', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Milk', 'co mpany-firm': u'Omega Food ImportersCo.Ltd.', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 18:39:34 .631433'} No detail text found {'url': ' a/newsroom/fo od-recall-war nings/comple te-listing/2 013-11-18-r846 9/eng/138487 5903917/13848 75905089', 'd istribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia' , 'date' : u'November 18, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8469', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'cla ssification' : u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared almonds in certain Takovo brand Eurocrem Spread', 'r eason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut' , 'company-firm': u'Miraco Euro FoodLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18: 39:40.235 973'} {'url': 'http://inspection.gc.c a/about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-lis ting/2013-11-18/eng/1384837485412/1384837 518363', 'distri bution': u'Quebec', 'date': u'November 18, 2013' , 'refnumb er': u'8477', 'extent' : u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, November 18, 2013 - Groupe recalling ground beef from the marketplace due to possibleE.coli O157:H7contamination. Hotels, restaurants, institutions and daycare facilities should not use, serve or distribute the recalled products described below.The following products have been sold to hotels, restaurants, institutions and daycare facilities in Quebec.', 'classi fication': u'Class 1', 'tit le': u'Food Recall Warning - Ground Beef FromViandes Lauzon(EST. 111) Recalled due toE.coli O157:H7', 'reason': u'Microbiological - E. coli O157' , 'company-firm' : u'Groupe ColaborInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:39:46.1 51511'} No detail text found {'ur l': ' a/newsroom/food-rec all-warnings/com plete-listing/2013 -11-15-r8458/eng/1 384801831108/13848 01845992', 'dist ribution': u'National', 'da te': u'November 15, 2013', 'refnumbe r': u'8458', 'extent': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classification': u'Class 3' , 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared gluten in Comensoli brand Muffin Mix', 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten', 'c ompany-firm': u'Comensoli HoldingsInc.' , 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:39:51.85 2294'} No detail text found {' url': 'http ://ins call-warnin gs/complete-listin g/2013-11-15-r8 467/eng/13 8478688221 3/13847869 11318', ' distributio n': u'New Brunswick', 'date': u'November 15, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8467', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', ' classifica tion': u'Class 3', 'title ': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in certain Caissie Meat & Grocery brand bakery products', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'c ompany-firm': u'Caissie Grocery & MeatLtd.' , 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 18: 39:57.44916 4'} {'url': 'http://in 384556446828', 'distribution': u'Nova Scotia, Ontario, Possibly National, Quebec', 'date': u'November 15, 2013', 're fnumber': u'8419', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, November 15, 2013 - The Food Recall Warning issued on November 13, 2013 has been updated to include additional distribution information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Les Salaisons recalling Schwartz's At Home brand Smoked Meat from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia, but may also have been sold in other provinces.", 'classificati on': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Updated Food Recall Warning - Schwartz's At Home brand Smoked Meat recalled due toListeria monocytogenes", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company- firm': u'Les Salaisons DescoInc.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18:40: 03.042442'} No detail text found {'url': ' cfia/newsroom/foo d-recall-warning s/complete-list ing/2013-11-15 -r8460/eng/13850 49577316/138504 9605890', 'distr ibution': u'National', 'da te': u'November 15, 2013', 'refnumbe r': u'8460', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classif ication': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Certain no name brand Chicken Hot Dogs may contain pieces of cellulose casing', 'reaso n': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-firm': u'Loblaw Companies Limited', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07-24 18:40:08.538322' } {'url': ' a/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2013-11-14/eng/1384459674730/13844596888 47', 'distribution': u'British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'November 14, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8464', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'deta iltext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, November 14, 2013 - Ecoideas recalling Ethnoscience brand Dark Chocolate GOJI Berries from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product has been sold in Ontario and possibly in British Columbia and Quebec.', 'clas sification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Ethnoscience brand Dark Chocolate GOJI Berries recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk' , 'company-firm': u'Ecoideas InnovationsInc.' , 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 18:40:14. 175188'} No detail text found {'url ': ' he-cfia/new sroom/food- recall-war nings/compl ete-listin g/2013-11-1 4-r8398/en g/138444859794 1/1384 448607370' , 'distrib ution': u'Quebec' , 'date': u'November 14, 2013' , 'refnumb er': u'8398', 'ext ent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailt ext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classif ication': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Notification - CertainQu\xe9bonbrand 2% milk is recalled', 'reason' : u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)', 'company -firm': u'Agropur Coop\xe9rative', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18 :40:20 .250906'} No detail text found Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url': ' e-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/comple te-listing/2013-11-14-r8 448/eng/138 4530141799/13845301 55737', 'distribution' : u'Alberta', 'date': u'November 14, 2013', 're fnumber': u'8448', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETA IL TEXT FOUND' , 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Extraneous material in certain Kirkland Signature brand bakery products', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-f irm': u'Costco #251 (Calgary South)', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 1 8:40:31.075419'} {'url': 'h ttp:// 2013-11-13/en g/1384330302924/ 1384330316911', 'distributio n': u'Quebec', 'date': u'November 13, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8450', 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, November 13, 2013 - 9207-7130 recalling Sani brand cakes from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.', ' classifica tion': u'Class 1', 'title ': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Sani brand cakes recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason' : u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-f irm': u'9207-7130 Qu\xe9becInc.', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 18:40:3 7.449259' } {'url': ' /about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2013-11-13b/eng/138436654283 9/1384366560792', 'distribution': u'Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'November 13, 2013' , 'refnumber': u'8419', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, November 13, 2013 -Les Salaisons recalling Schwartz's At Home brand Smoked Meat from the marketplace due to possibleListeria monocytogenescontamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below." , 'classificatio n': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Food Recall Warning - Schwartz's At Home brand Smoked Meat recalled due toListeria monocytogenes", 're ason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', ' company-firm': u'Les Salaisons DescoInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07- 24 18:40:43.076339'} No detail text found {'url': ' all-warnings/compl ete-listing/2013-1 1-13-r8454/eng/138 4447897305/138444 7918834', 'dis tribution': u'Alberta, Ontario', 'date': u'November 13, 2013', 'refnumber' : u'8454', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 2' , 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in certain Lotte brand Milkis Soft Drink', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm ': u'PK TradingInc.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18:40: 48.531246 '} No detail text found Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. {'url': 'http :// g/2013-11-09/eng/1383982899317/1383982915274', 'distribution ': u'National', 'date': u'November 9, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8457', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, November 9, 2013 - The Food Recall Warning issued on October 29, 2013 has been updated to include additional products. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Tritap Food Brokers is recalling Minuet brand snack products from the marketplace because they contain egg and milk which are not declared on the label. People with an allergy to egg and/or milk should not consume the recalled products described below." , 'classificatio n': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Various Minuet brand snack products recalled due to undeclared egg and milk' , 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Tritap Food Brokers', ' uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 18:40:56. 324358'} {'url': 'http:/ / 74041159/1383974073108', 'distribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec', 'date' : u'November 8, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8453', 'ext ent': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : u'Recall detailsOttawa, November 8, 2013 - Happy Veggie World is recalling Forever Health brand Imitation Ham products from the marketplace because they contain wheat which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to wheat should not consume the recalled products described below.', 'classificati on': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Forever Health brand Imitation Ham recalled due to undeclared wheat', 'reason': u'Allergen - Wheat', ' company-firm ': u'Happy Veggie WorldLtd.', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 18:41:01. 770448'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection. 39/eng/138392412 5134/1383924158 346', 'distribution': u'Quebec', 'date': u'November 7, 2013', 're fnumber': u'8439', 'exten t': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classification': u'Class 2', 't itle': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared mustard and fish in certainLes AlimentsRose Hill FoodsInc.brand Bouillon Mix', 'reason': u'Allergen - Fish, Allergen - Mustard', 'company-firm': u'Les AlimentsRose Hill FoodsInc.', 'un iqueid': '2015-0 7-24 18:41: 07.223777'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspectio mplete-listing/2013-11-06- r8447/eng/13 83838847176/138383887 7926', 'distribution ': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'November 6, 2013', 'r efnumber': u'8447', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classification' : u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared almonds in certain Takovo brand Eurocrem Blok', ' reason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut', 'company -firm': u'Miraco Euro FoodLtd.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 18:41: 12.734504'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspection.g s/complete-listing /2013-11-05-r8444/en g/1384375493593/13 84375507302', 'dist ribution': u'Quebec', 'date ': u'November 5, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8444' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOUND', 'classificat ion': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in certainLa Petit Charcutierbrand turkey breast products', 'reason ': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Olymel S.E.C. / L.P.', 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 18:41:18.77 5442'} {'url': 'http ://', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'November 4, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8442', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, November 4, 2013 - Orange Blossom Farm is recalling Hot Dog Relish from the marketplace because it may permit the growth ofClostridium botulinum. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described below.', 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Food Recall Warning - Hot Dog Relish recalled due to potential presence of dangerous bacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Clostridium botulinum', 'company-firm': u'Orange Blossom Farm', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:41:24.381135'} {'url': 'htt p://', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'November 1, 2013', 'refnu mber': u'8440', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u"Recall detailsOttawa, November 1, 2013 - The Allergy Alert issued on October 26, 2013 has been updated to include additional products and codes. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) food safety investigation.Clic recalling various flavoured marshmallows from the marketplace because they may contain milk. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled products described below.", 'classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Various Clic brand flavoured marshmallows recalled due to undeclared milk', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Clic InternationalInc.', 'unique id': '2015-07-24 18:41:30.70 9823'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'October 31, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8394', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in certain Glosette brand Raisins', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-firm': u'Hershey CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:41:36.793175'} No detail text found {'url': ' t-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-lis ting/2013-10-29-r8425/eng/1383325757964/ 138332575927 6', 'distribution' : u'Quebec', 'date': u'October 29, 2013', 're fnumber': u'8425', 'exten t': u'Retail', 'detailtext' : 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared sulphites in certain Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Champagne', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-firm': u'Société des Alcools Du Québec' , 'uniqueid': '2015 -07-24 18:41:44. 215424'} No detail text found {'url ': ' cfia/newsroom/f ood-recall-war nings/complete-list ing/2013- 10-29-r8436/eng /1383325831120/ 1383325832042', 'di stribution ': u'Ontario', 'date': u'October 29, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8436' , 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', ' classification ': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared sulphites in certain Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Champagne', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-firm ': u'Liquor Control Board Of Ontario', 'uniqueid': '2015-0 7-24 18:41 :51.234083'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://i om/food-recall-wa rnings/complete-lis ting/2013-10-29-r8435/eng /13833258576 98/1383325858792', ' distribution': u'Alberta', 'd ate': u'October 29, 2013', 'refnumber' : u'8435', 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtext': ' NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classificati on': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared sulphites in certain Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Champagne', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'c ompany-firm': u'Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:41: 59.032116'} No detail text found {'u rl': ' -cfia/newsroom/foo d-recall-wa rnings/c omplete-list ing/2013-10-2 9-r8431/eng/138 3325782542/13833257 83964', 'distr ibution': u'Manitoba', 'date ': u'October 29, 2013', 'ref number': u'8431', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FO UND', 'c lassificati on': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared sulphites in certain Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Champagne', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-fi rm': u'Manitoba Liquor Control Commission', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:42:0 6.323792'} No detail text found {'url': ' 10-29-r8434/eng/13833 25721058/13833257220 42', 'distribution': u'Nova Scotia', 'date': u'October 29, 2013', 'refn umber': u'8434', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUND ', 'classification': u'Class 3' , 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared sulphites in certain Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Champagne', 'rea son': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-firm': u'Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07- 24 18:42:16.472325 '} {'url': 'http:// mplete-listing/2013-10-29/eng/138 3103456408/13831 03465736', 'dis tribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Possibly National', 'd ate': u'October 29, 2013', ' refnumber': u'8429', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Recall detailsOttawa, October 29, 2013 - Tritap Food Brokers is recalling Tiffany brand Strawberry Banana Sandwich Cookies from the marketplace because they contain milk which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to milk should not consume the recalled product described below.The following product, Product of Turkey, has been distributed in Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario; however, it may have been distributed in other provinces and territories.', 'class ification': u'Class 1', ' title': u'Food Recall Warning (Allergen) - Tiffany brand Strawberry Banana Sandwich Cookies recalled due to undeclared milk', 're ason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'comp any-firm': u'Tritap Food Brokers', 'un iqueid': '2015-07-24 18 :42:23.773 976'} No detail text found {'url': ' ewsroom/foo d-recall-warnings/c omplete-listin g/2013-10-2 9-r8432/en g/13833258 78448/1383325 879245 ', 'distrib ution': u'British Columbia', 'date' : u'October 29, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8432', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': 'N O DETAIL TEXT FOUND' , 'classifi cation': u'Class 3' , 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared sulphites in certain Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Champagne', 'reason': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'company-firm': u'British Columbia Liquor Distribution Branch', 'uniq ueid': '201 5-07-24 18:42:30 .795387'} No detail text found {'url': ' omplete-listing/201 3-10-29-r8433/eng /1383321496683/13833215 23354', 'dis tribution': u'Newfoundland and Labrador', 'da te': u'October 29, 2013', 'refnumber' : u'8433', 'extent': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': 'NO DETAI L TEXT FOUND', 'c lassification': u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared sulphites in certain Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Champagne', ' reason': u'Allergen - Sulphites', 'comp any-firm': u'NFLDLiquor Corporation', 'uni queid': '2015-07-2 4 18:42:37.736921'} No detail text found {'url' : ' wsroom/food-recall -warnings/complet e-listing/2013-10-28-r84 24/eng/138 3689786065/1383 689801991', 'dis tribution': u'National', 'date': u'October 28, 2013', 'refnumber ': u'8424', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUN D', 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Wasa brand Crispbread is recalled' , 'reason': u'Labelling', 'compa ny-firm': u'I-D Foods Corporation', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 18:42:44.887071'} {'url': ' ia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2013-10-26/eng/1382809101752/1382809117917', 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'October 26, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8423', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, October 26, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Clic InternationalInc.are warning people with allergies to milk not to consume certain Clic brand Strawberry Flavored Marshmallow described below. The affected product may contain milk which is not declared on the label.There has been one reported illness associated with the consumption of this product.Consumption of this product may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction in persons with allergies to milk.The importer, Clic InternationalInc., Montreal, Quebec, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.The following Clic brand product, Product of China, is affected by this alert:', 'classifi cation': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in certain Clic brand strawberry flavored marshmallow', 'reas on': u'Allergen - Milk', 'company-f irm': u'Clic InternationalInc.', 'uniqu eid': '2015-07 -24 18:42:51.8 97902'} Recall page scrape failed. Probably advisory page. No detail text found {'url': ' /newsroom/food-r ecall-warnings /complete-list ing/2013-10-2 5-r8415/eng/13829835 03034/138 2983504424', 'd istribution': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island', 'date': u'October 25, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8415', 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': 'NO DETA IL TEXT F OUND', 'classif ication': u'Class 3', 'ti tle': u'Notification - CertainVergerBelliveau Orchard brand cider may contain patulin', 'reaso n': u'Chemical', 'company-fir m': u'Verger BelliveauOrchard', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 18:43:03.3796 52'} {'url': 'http:/ / -24/eng/1382660985287/1382661013326', 'distribution' : u'National', 'date': u'October 24, 2013', 'ref number': u'8420', 'extent': u'Retail', 'd etailtext' : u"Advisory detailsOttawa, October 24, 2013 - The public warning issued on October 23, 2013 has been updated to correct some product information.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Reser's Fine FoodsInc.are warning the public not to consume the salad products described below, because they may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.The manufacturer, Reser's Fine FoodsInc., Beaverton, Oregon,USA, is voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.The following products, marked with a Best Before Date followed by a plant identifier code of 20, are affected by this alert:", 'classif ication': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain salad products from Reser's Fine Foods (Topeka,KS) may containListeria monocytogenes", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company-firm' : u"Reser's Fine FoodsInc.", 'uniquei d': '2015-07-24 18:4 3:11.137188'} No detail text found {'url': ' l-warnings/comple te-listing/2013-10-2 4-r8383/eng/13827193 19565/1382719337215', 'distrib ution': u'National', 'dat e': u'October 24, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8383', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'title': u"Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in certainMrs.Crimble's macaroons", 'rea son': u'Allergen - Milk', 'c ompany-firm': u'Canadian Natural & Specialty Brands' , 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 18:43:17.4000 97'} No detail text found {'url': ' recall-warnings/complete-listing/2013-10-24-r8414/eng/13 82981800748/1 382981814174', 'distrib ution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'October 24, 2013', ' refnumber': u'8414', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DET AIL TEXT FOUND', 'cl assification': u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared gluten in certain Aslan Chocolate brand Golbon Hazelnut', 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten', ' company-firm': u'ITFC Importers & Distributors', 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 18:43:23.703229'} No detail text found {'url ': ' -recall-warnin gs/complete-l isting/2013-1 0-24-r8401/eng /1382735417 743/13827354 36833', 'dist ribution': u'National' , 'date': u'October 24, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8401' , 'extent': u'Retail' , 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUN D', 'classifi cation': u'Class 3', 't itle': u'Notification - Certain Seaquest brand Frozen Bay Scallops are recalled', 're ason': u'Labelling', 'company-firm ': u'Loblaw Companies Limited', 'uniqueid ': '2015-0 7-24 18:43:2 9.947186'} {'url': 'http:/ / call-warnings/complete-listing/2 013-10-23/eng/ 1382579714164 /138257973861 6', 'distribu tion': u'National', 'date': u'October 23, 2013' , 'refnu mber': u'8420', 'ext ent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional, Retail', 'deta iltext ': u"Advisory detailsOttawa, October 23, 2013 - The public warning issued on October 21, 2013 has been updated to include additional products.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Reser's Fine FoodsInc.are warning the public not to consume the products described below, because they may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.The manufacturer, Reser's Fine FoodsInc., Beaverton, Oregon,USA, is voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.The following products, marked with a Best Before Date followed by a plant identifier code of 20, are affected by this alert:", 'classifi cation': u'Class 1' , 'title': u"Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain salad products from Reser's Fine Foods (Topeka, KS) may containListeria monocytogenes", 'r eason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'co mpany-firm': u"Reser's Fine FoodsInc.", 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18 :43:37.032915 '} {'url': 'http:// s/complete-listing/20131021/eng/1382415031 592/1382415046134' , 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'd ate': u'October 21, 2013', 'r efnumber': u'8411', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, October 21, 2013 - The public warning issued on October 16, 2013 has been updated to include additional products.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Regal SnacksInc.are warning people with allergies to eggs not to consume the KCB and RFP brand products described below. The affected products may contain egg which is not declared on the labels.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.Consumption of these products may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction in persons with allergies to egg.The importer, Regal SnacksInc., Etobicoke,ON, is voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'class ification': u'Class 1', 'titl e': u'Updated Allergy Alert - Undeclared egg in various KCB and RFP brand baked goods', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg', 'company-firm': u'Regal SnacksInc.' , 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 18:43:44 .108432'} {'url': 'http:/ / ecall-warnings/complete-listing /2013-10-21/eng/1382 3978689 69/1382397886 770', 'distrib ution': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec', 'date': u'October 21, 2013', 'refn umber': u'8410', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'det ailtext': u"Advisory detailsOttawa, October 21, 2013 - The public warning issued on October 5, 2013 has been updated to include an additional product.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Reser's Fine FoodsInc.are warning the public not to consume certain Reser's Fine Foods brand Cheesy Macaroni salad, described below, because it may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.This product has been distributed in Walmart stores.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.The manufacturer, Reser's Fine FoodsInc., Beaverton, Oregon,USA, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.", 'classif ication': u'Class 1', 'title': u"Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain Reser's Fine Foods brand Cheesy Macaroni Salad may contain Listeria monocytogenes", 'reaso n': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'compa ny-firm': u"Reser's Fine FoodsInc.", ' uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 18 :43:50.863461 '} {'url': ' t-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2013-10-20/eng/1382323477834/1 382323505673' , 'distribution': u'National', 'date': u'October 20, 2013', 'r efnumber': u'8408', 'e xtent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, October 20, 2013 - The public warning issued on October 8, 2013 has been updated to include an additional product.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Belmont MeatsLtd.(Est.112) are warning the public not to consume the uncooked lean ground beef described below because it may be contaminated withE.coliO157:H7.This recall is the result of an ongoing food safety investigation initiated as a result of a recent outbreak investigation. There may be recalls of additional products or best before dates as the food safety investigation at this facility continues.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.The manufacturer, Belmont MeatsLtd., Toronto, Ontario, is voluntarily recalling all affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.This product may have been distributed nationally at Loblaw banner stores.The following product, sold frozen, is affected by this alert.', 'c lassification': u'Class 1', 'title ': u'Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain Uncooked Lean Ground Beef may containE.coliO157:H7 bacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - E. coli O157' , 'company-firm': u'Belmont MeatsLtd.', 'uniqueid': ' 2015-07-24 18:4 3:57.576715'} No detail text found {'url': ' food-recall-warnings/comp lete-listin g/20131018-r8404/ eng/1384878372632/1 384878391011', 'distribut ion': u'New Brunswick, Ontario', 'd ate': u'October 18, 2013', 'refnumber' : u'8404', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DETAIL TE XT FOUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Quality Sheep Milk brand Greek Style Yogurt is recalled', 'reaso n': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)', 'company-fir m': u'Quality Sheep Milk', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 18:44:0 7.331297'} No detail text found {'url': '', 'distribution': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'October 18, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8374', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Kirkland Signature brand sausages may contain pieces of plastic', 'reason': u'Extraneous Material', 'company-firm': u'Produits Alimentaires ViauInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:44:15.320897'} {'u rl': '', 'distribution': u'Alberta', 'date': u'October 16, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8403', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, October 16, 2013 - The public warning issued on October 11th, 2013 has been updated to include an additional product which was sold at only one Costco store location.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Costco Wholesale CanadaLtd.are warning the public not to consume the Kirkland Signature brand Lean Ground Beef described below because it may be contaminated with pathogenicE.colibacteria.This product has been sold from the Costco warehouse in Lethbridge, Alberta.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.The retailer, Costco Wholesale CanadaLtd., Ottawa, Ontario, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Updated Health Hazard Alert - Certain Kirkland Signature brand Lean Ground Beef may contain pathogenicE.colibacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Other', 'company-firm': u'Costco Wholesale CanadaLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:44:21.964038'} {'url': 'htt p:// ecall-warnings/complete-listing/ 2013-10-16/eng/138197280 6466/1381972836135', 'distrib ution': u'Ontario', 'd ate': u'October 16, 2013', 'refnumber' : u'8402', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailt ext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, October 16, 2013 - The public warning issued on October 9, 2013 has been updated to include additional products.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Regal SnacksInc.are warning people with allergies to eggs not to consume the KCB and RFP brand products described below. The affected products may contain egg which is not declared on the labels.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.Consumption of these products may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction in persons with allergies to egg.The importer, Regal SnacksInc., Etobicoke,ON, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'classifi cation': u'Class 1', 'title' : u'Updated Allergy Alert - Undeclared egg in various KCB and RFP brand baked goods', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg', 'c ompany-firm': u'Regal SnacksInc.', 'uniq ueid': '2015-0 7-24 18:44:29.417 670'} No detail text found {'url': '' , 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'October 16, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8395', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtex t': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', ' classification': u'Class 3', 'titl e': u"Allergy Alert - Undeclared gluten in certain Molly B's Gluten Free Kitchen brand Belgian Waffle & Pancake Mix", 'reason': u'Allergen - Gluten', 'com pany-firm': u"Molly B's Gluten Free Kitchen", 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:44:36.34257 6'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspecti l-warnings/complete-listi ng/2013-10-1 5-r8388/eng/138204 7580692/1382047588208', 'distributi on': u'New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island', 'date': u'October 15, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8388', ' extent': u'Retail', 'detail text': 'NO DETAIL TEXT FOUND', 'clas sification': u'Class 3', 'tit le': u'Notification - CertainVerger BelliveauOrchard brand cider may contain patulin', 'reason': u'Chemical', 'comp any-firm': u'Verger BelliveauOrchard', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 18:44:42. 448005'} {'url': 'http://insp /eng/1381542 757427/13815427884 22', 'distribution' : u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan', 'date': u'October 11, 2013', ' refnumber': u'8392', 'ex tent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, October 11, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Costco Wholesale CanadaLtd.are warning the public not to consume the Kirkland Signature brand Organic Lean Ground Beef described below because it may be contaminated with pathogenicE.colibacteria.This product has been sold from Costco warehouses inBC, Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.The importer, Costco Wholesale CanadaLtd., Ottawa, Ontario, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.The following Kirkland Signature brand product, Product ofUSA, is affected by this alert:', 'cl assification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain Kirkland Signature brand Organic Lean Ground Beef, Product ofUSA, may contain pathogenicE.colibacteria', 'reason ': u'Microbiological - Other', 'company-firm': u'Costco Wholesale CanadaLtd.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:44 :49.098144'} {'url': 'http://i sting/2013-10-09/eng/1381372520140/1381 372533160', 'distribution': u'Ontario', 'date ': u'October 9, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8387', 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, October 9, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Regal Snacks are warning people with allergies to eggs not to consume the KCB brand Pista Khatie described below. The affected product may contain egg which is not declared on the label.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.Consumption of this product may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction in persons with allergies to egg.The importer, Regal Snacks, Etobicoke,ON, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', ' classification': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared egg in certain KCB brand Pista Khatie', 'reaso n': u'Allergen - Egg', 'company-fi rm': u'Regal Snacks', 'uniqueid': '2 015-07-24 18:44:55.16295 2'} No detail text found {'url': ' ia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-lis ting/2013-10-08-r8379 /eng/1381333214197 /1381333221841', ' distribution': u'Ontario', 'date': u'October 8, 2013', 'refnu mber': u'8379', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL T EXT FOU ND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 3', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in certain Kujawianka brand Raisins in Chocolate', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'co mpany-firm': u'Luna Trading', 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-2 4 18:45:01.516302' } {'url': 'http://i ngs/complete-listing/2013-10-08/eng/138128 2648749/13812826 61238', 'distri bution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Possibly National, Saskatchewan', ' date': u'October 8, 2013', 'refnu mber': u'8382', 'exte nt': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u"Advisory detailsOttawa, October 8, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Norma's BakeryLtd.are warning people with allergies to milk not to consume the banana bread and cookies described below. The affected products contain milk which is not declared on the label.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.Consumption of these products may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction in persons with allergies to milk.The manufacturer, Norma's BakeryLtd., Chilliwack,BC, is voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.", ' classification': u'Class 1', 'tit le': u"Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in certain Norma's Wholesome Bakery Goods brand banana bread and certain The Goodyman brand cookies", 'r eason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'comp any-firm': u"Norma's BakeryLtd.", 'u niqueid': '2015 -07-24 18:45:07.90702 9'} {'url': 'http://insp ings/complete-listing/2013-10-07 /eng/13811993 07676/1381199331827 ', 'dist ribution': u'Alberta' , 'date': u'October 7, 2013', ' refnumber': u'8378' , 'extent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u"Advisory detailsOttawa, October 7, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Incan GlobalCorp., are warning the public not to consume the Nirapara brand Chutney Powder described below because it may be contaminated withSalmonella.This product has been sold at Kairali's Thousand Spices in Edmonton, Alberta.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.The importer, Incan GlobalCorp., Edmonton, Alberta, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.", 'classif ication': u'Class 2', 'ti tle': u'Health Hazard Alert - Certain Nirapara brand Chutney Powder may containSalmonellabacteria', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'comp any-firm': u'Incan GlobalCorp', ' uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 18:4 5:14.149896'} No detail text found {'url': ' he-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-l isting/2013-10-07-r8347/en g/13813311 86072/138133120118 9', 'distribution ': u'Ontario', 'date': u'October 7, 2013', 'r efnumber': u'8347', 'extent' : u'Retail', 'detailtext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classification': u'Class 3', 'title' : u'Notification - Certain MD brand Pineapple Marmalade may contain mould', 'reason': u'Microbiological - Non harmful (Quality/Spoilage)' , 'company-firm': u'M&M; Twins Limited', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 18:45:20.260625' } No detail text found {'url': ' 381257109015/1381257116720', 'distribution': u'British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec', 'date': u'October 7, 2013', 'refnumb er': u'8381', 'extent': u'Hotel/Restaurant/Institutional', 'detai ltext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'classificatio n': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Notification - Certain Jeanie Marshal Foods brand products may containSalmonella' , 'reason': u'Microbiological - Salmonella', 'company-f irm': u'Jeanie Marshal Foods CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid' : '2015-07-24 1 8:45:26.29896 2'} {'url': 'http: // 204825347/138 1204835358', 'distribution ': u'National', 'date': u'October 7, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8380', 'ex tent': u'Retail', ' detailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, October 7, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Kellogg CanadaInc.are warning people with allergies to milk not to consume certain Pringles* brand Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips described below. The affected product contains milk which is not declared on the label.All lot codes and best before dates of the following product where milk is not declared on the list of ingredients are affected by this alert.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.Consumption of this product may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction in persons with allergies to milk.The importer, Kellogg CanadaInc., is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace.  TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'classifica tion': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared milk in certain Pringles* brand Salt & Vinegar potato chips', 'reason': u'Allergen - Milk', 'comp any-firm': u'Kellogg CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid': '20 15-07-24 18:45:32.392355'} {'url': 'http://inspection. 5b/eng/1381004288343/1381004303493', 'distribu tion': u'National', 'date': u'October 5, 2013', 'ref number': u'8372' , 'extent': u'Retail', 'de tailtext': u"Advisory detailsOttawa, October 5, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Reser's Fine FoodsInc.are warning the public not to consume certain Reser's Fine Foods brand Cheesy Macaroni Salad, described below, because it may be contaminated withListeria monocytogenes.These products have been distributed in Walmart stores located in Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and nationally in Loblaw banner stores.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.The manufacturer, Reser's Fine FoodsInc., Beaverton, Oregon,USA, is voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.", 'classification': u'Class 1' , 'title': u"Health Hazard Alert - Certain Reser's Fine Foods brand cheesy macaroni salad may containListeria monocytogenes", 'reason': u'Microbiological - Listeria', 'company- firm': u"Reser's Fine FoodsInc.", 'uniqueid ': '2015-07-24 1 8:45:38.861975'} {'url': 'http://ins /complete-listing/2013-10-05/eng/1380961397723/1 380961380650', 'dis tribution': u'Alberta, British Columbia', 'date': u'October 5, 2013', ' refnumber': u'8357', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detai ltext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, October 5, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Saman Bakery are warning people with allergies to eggs not to consume the crackers described below. The affected products contain egg which is not declared on the label.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of these products.Consumption of these products may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction in persons with allergies to egg.The manufacturer, Saman Bakery, North Vancouver,BC, is voluntarily recalling the affected products from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.', 'cl assification': u'Class 1', 'tit le': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared egg in certain Saman Bakery brand crackers', 'reason': u'Allergen - Egg', 'company- firm': u'Saman Bakery', 'uniq ueid': '2015-07-24 18:45:45.117109' } {'url': 'http://i nings/complete-listing/2013-10-04/eng/138 0932315237/138093 2330272', 'distr ibution': u'National', 'da te': u'October 4, 2013', 'refnumber ': u'8385', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailtext': u'Advisory detailsOttawa, October 4, 2013 - The public warning issued on September 25th, 2013 has been updated to include an additional product.The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and DollaramaInc.are warning people with allergies to almonds not to consume the Armella Duo brand Hazelnut Spread with Milk and Cocoa described below. The affected product may contain almonds which are not declared on the label.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.Consumption of this product may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction in persons with allergies to almonds.The importer, DollaramaInc., Montreal,QC, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.All batch numbers and best before dates of the following product, imported from Turkey, are affected by this alert:', 'classific ation': u'Class 1', 'title': u'Updated Allergy Alert - Undeclared almonds in Armella Duo brand Hazelnut Spread with Milk and Cocoa', 're ason': u'Allergen - Tree Nut', 'c ompany-firm': u'DollaramaInc.', 'uniqueid': '2015-07-24 18:45:51.1 25220'} No detail text found {' url': ' ut-the- cfia/news room/food-reca ll-warnings/complete-l isting/2 013-10-04-r8 377/eng/138117 1875847/13811719 02781' , 'distrib ution': u'Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario', 'd ate': u'October 4, 2013', 'r efnumber': u'8377' , 'extent ': u'Retail', 'detai ltext' : 'NO DETAIL TEX T FOUND', 'classification': u'Class 2', 'title': u'Allergy Alert - Undeclared egg and milk in certain Sanritsu brand products', 're ason': u'Allergen - Egg, Allergen - Milk', 'compan y-firm ': u'T&T; SupermarketInc.', 'uni queid': '2015 -07-24 18 :45:57.372 492'} No detail text found {'url': 'http://inspe 4-r8367/eng/138245427 0575/1382454286449' , 'distribution': u'Saskatchewan' , 'date': u'October 4, 2013', 'refnumber': u'8367', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailt ext': 'NO DETAIL TEXT F OUND', 'cla ssification': u'Class 3', 'title': u"Allergy Alert - Undeclared gluten in certain Ottenbreit's Meats brand sausages", 'rea son': u'Allergen - Gluten', 'company-firm': u"Ottenbreit's MeatsLtd." , 'uniqueid': '2015-07 -24 18:46:03.6384 37'} {'url': ' about-the-cfia/newsroom/food-recall-warnings/complete-listing/2013-10-04c/eng/13809 54641568/1380954644856', 'distribution ': u'National', 'date': u'October 4, 2013', 're fnumber': u'8373', 'extent': u'Retail', 'detailte xt': u"Advisory detailsOttawa, October 4, 2013 - The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Kraft CanadaInc.are warning people with allergies to mustard not to consume Kraft brand Shake'n Bake CAJUN coating mix. The affected product contains mustard which is not declared on the label.There have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of this product.Consumption of this product may cause a serious or life-threatening reaction in persons with allergies to mustard.The importer, Kraft CanadaInc., Don Mills, Ontario, is voluntarily recalling the affected product from the marketplace. TheCFIAis monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.", 'clas sification': u'Class 1', 'titl e': u"Allergy Alert - Undeclared mustard in Kraft brand Shake'n Bake Cajun Coating Mix", 'reason' : u'Allergen - Mustard', 'compan y-firm': u'Kraft CanadaInc.', 'uniqueid': '201 5-07-24 18:46: 09.911820'} No detail text found {'url': '