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Compensation & Re-housing Policies Acquisition Principles The acquisition principles adopted by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) are based on the revised Home Purchase Allowance (HPA) and ex-gratia allowance for commercial properties endorsed by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council in March 2001. According to the existing policy, the URA's acquisition offer for an owner-occupied domestic property is the market value of the property plus an ex-gratia allowance (i.e. HPA). The assessment of HPA is based on the value of a seven-year-old notional flat. Independent community leaders including the President of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors or his representatives and the related District Council Chairperson and members will be invited to select by ballot seven qualified professional surveyor firms for the valuation of HPA. For the tenanted and vacant domestic properties, the acquisition offer is the market value of the property plus a supplementary allowance (a percentage of HPA). Owners of non-domestic properties will be offered the market value of the property plus an ex-gratia allowance (EGA). The EGA of owner-occupied non-domestic properties is 35% of its market value or 4 times its Rateable Value (RV) , whichever is higher. The EGA for tenanted or vacant non-domestic properties is 10% of its market value or one time the RV, whichever is higher. Please refer to the Principles Adopted by the URA in Property Acquisition for Kwun Tong Town Centre Development Scheme for more details. Re-housing and Ex-gratia Payment Principles According the existing URA's policy, domestic tenants (affected by the ex-LDC redevelopment projects) who meet the eligibility criteria for public rental housing of the Hong Kong Housing Authority and Hong Kong Housing Society may opt for re-housing in lieu of cash compensation if they has occupied the subject property under valid tenancies before 9 July 2004. Compassionate re-housing will be considered for those tenants who do not meet the normal eligibility criteria but face genuine hardship. 《The Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Amendment) Ordinance》took effect on 9 July 2004. Eligible domestic tenants who are not allocated re-housing due to various reasons or who decline re-housing will receive ex-gratia payments. Moreover, eligible non-domestic tenants are entitled to an ex-gratia allowance which is 3 times the RV of the affected premises. Please refer to the Principles Adopted by the URA for Tenant Re-housing and Ex-gratia Payment for Kwun Tong Town Centre Development Scheme for more details. This web page is issued for the purpose of general reference only. The information contained herein is with reference to the principles and practice of the Urban Renewal Authority prevailing at the date of issue of this web page. It shall not constitute any representation on the part of the Urban Renewal Authority or give rise to any expectation whatsoever and shall not be relied on as such. Each case will be considered on its own merits having regard to all factors and circumstances. The terms of acquisition to be offered are subject to the principles and practice of the Urban Renewal Authority prevailing at the time the offer of acquisition is made and are subject to review from time to time as the Urban Renewal Authority shall at its absolute discretion consider appropriate. The Urban Renewal Authority's right to add to, amend or delete the whole or any part of this web page is hereby reserved. January 2011 back
Urban Renewal Authority - Compensation & Re-housing Policies
Available in Chinese version only.
Urban Renewal Authority - Kwun Tong Bulletin
Please click on the question for the answerAs the acquisition goes smoothly, most of the residents of the affected areas have already moved out. What measures does the URA take to ensure the safety of the residents?How can the KTTC residents know the commencement of land resumption?Will the URA take over the duties of Incorporated Owners (I.O) if the I.O of the buildings in KTTC redevelopment boundary no longer operates?How does the URA plan and design the Kwun Tong Town Centre project?Will Kwun Tong Town Centre become a "dead area" during the redevelopment period?What are the details of the Master Layout Plans?What is the development density for the Kwun Tong Centre project? Will it be a problem?Will the Kwun Tong Town Centre project be carried out in phases?What are the guidelines for the URA's property acquisition?What was the assessment method for the value of seven-year-old flat? I have rented out a domestic property located within the Kwun Tong Town Centre project for many years. Please tell me the difference in compensation for a vacant and tenanted unit.《The Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Amendment) Ordinance 2004》has removed the security of tenure provisions for domestic tenancies. How will the URA compensate the domestic tenants affected by the Kwun Tong Town Centre project?How does the URA calculate the ex-gratia payments for the domestic tenants affected by the Kwun Tong Town Centre project? The information contained herein is with reference to the principles and practice of the Urban Renewal Authority. Each case will be considered on its own merits having regard to all factors and circumstances. The terms of compensation to be offered are subject to the principles and practice of URA prevailing at the time the offer of compensation is made, and are subject to review from time to time as URA shall at its absolute discretion consider appropriate. Last updated at: 2012.01.05-->
Urban Renewal Authority - FAQ
The master layout plans of the Yuet Wah Street Site and Main Site prepared by Urban Renewal Authority (URA), were approved with conditions by Town Planning Board (TPB) on 5 December 2008 and 23 January 2009 respectively. Kwun Tong Town Centre project : People's Choice2007.04.23zoom in Artist's ImpressionArtist's ImpressionArtist's ImpressionArtist's ImpressionArtist's ImpressionArtist's ImpressionArtist's ImpressionArtist's ImpressionArtist's Impression                     Video on Kwun Tong Town Centre project design var galleryArray = [ {img:'/media/88316/apbd_kwuntong_arti_01_lrg_253x253.jpg', imgLarge:'/media/88316/apbd_kwuntong_arti_01_lrg_768x768.jpg'} , {img:'/media/88348/apbd_kwuntong_arti_03_lrg_253x253.jpg', imgLarge:'/media/88348/apbd_kwuntong_arti_03_lrg_768x768.jpg'} , {img:'/media/88364/apbd_kwuntong_arti_04_lrg_253x253.jpg', imgLarge:'/media/88364/apbd_kwuntong_arti_04_lrg_768x768.jpg'} , {img:'/media/88380/apbd_kwuntong_arti_05_lrg_253x253.jpg', imgLarge:'/media/88380/apbd_kwuntong_arti_05_lrg_768x768.jpg'} , {img:'/media/88396/apbd_kwuntong_arti_06_lrg_253x253.jpg', imgLarge:'/media/88396/apbd_kwuntong_arti_06_lrg_768x768.jpg'} , {img:'/media/88412/apbd_kwuntong_arti_07_lrg_253x253.jpg', imgLarge:'/media/88412/apbd_kwuntong_arti_07_lrg_768x768.jpg'} , {img:'/media/88428/apbd_kwuntong_arti_08_lrg_253x253.jpg', imgLarge:'/media/88428/apbd_kwuntong_arti_08_lrg_768x768.jpg'} , {img:'/media/88444/apbd_kwuntong_arti_09_lrg_253x253.jpg', imgLarge:'/media/88444/apbd_kwuntong_arti_09_lrg_768x768.jpg'} , {img:'/media/1737696/traditional_r1_rev_253x253.jpg', imgLarge:'/media/1737696/traditional_r1_rev_768x768.jpg'} ]; new genGallery('projectGalleryPart', galleryArray); back
Urban Renewal Authority - Development Planning & Design
URA conducted an Opinion Survey and Roving Exhibition in 6 Kwun Tong Area Committees from July to September in year 2010 for public consultation. For more information, please go to: Kwun Tong Town Centre Redevelopment Project Opinion Survey Report on Road Closure, Traffic Diversion and Interim Traffic & Transport Arrangements upon Redevelopment    /    (Text version) The URA launched a public consultation exercise on the three design concepts of Kwun Tong Town Centre redevelopment from 10 August 2006 to 10 October 2006. Public Consultation Document Design Proposals "Kwun Tong Town Centre Redevelopment" Video Clip(Cantonese only) "Design Concepts" Video Clip The URA has commissioned the Social Work and Social Administration Department of the University of Hong Kong to undertake an opinion survey on the design proposals of Kwun Tong Town Centre project. For details of the report (Chinese version only), please refer to the following: Public Consultation Report (Chinese version only)
Urban Renewal Authority - Public Consultation
Kwun Tong Town Centre Projectzoom inThe Kwun Tong Town Centre project is one of the redevelopment projects announced but not yet commenced by the Land Development Corporation in 1998. Occupying a site area of 570,000 square feet, this multi-billion-dollar project will be the largest single project undertaken by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) affecting about 1,653 property interests and about 5,000 people. The URA commenced the statutory town planning approval process for the project in March 2007. Because of the very large scale and complexity of the project, the URA will work closely with the local community to ensure that the views of all important stakeholders are fully taken into consideration in the project planning process.Project UpdateDAC NewsPublic ConsultationDevelopment Planning & DesignCompensation & Re-housing PoliciesFAQKwun Tong Bulletin
Urban Renewal Authority - Kwun Tong Town Centre Project
Urban Renewal Authority took over the site of Kwun Tong Town Centre Development Areas 2 & 3 from the Lands Department on December 19, 2014 and handed it over the site to the successful contractor for project development. Boarding up works and diversion works for public utilities were carried out in early and mid-March 2015 respectively while the foundation works was commenced in April 2015.  Kwun Tong Town Centre Development Areas 2 & 3Dental Clinic from Department of Health; Occupational Health Clinic and Occupational Safety and Health Centre from Labour Department; Kwun Tong Community Health Centre from Hospital Authority; Maternal and Child Health Centre from Department of Health and Kwun Tong Methadone Clinic are in operation since Q1 2015. Kwun Tong Community Health Centre from Hospital Authority in operation since Q1 2015Due to the re-organisation of the Authority, the Kwun Tong Project Division ceased operation effective from 1 January 2015. All businesses in relation to community engagement, planning and design, works and contract, property and lands, acquisition and clearance and office administration had be taken over by the existing divisions and departments of the Authority.  Kwun Tong Project Division ceased operation  URA handed over the site of Kwun Tong Development Areas 2 & 3 (including part of Fu Yan Street, Yan Shun Lane and Yan Oi Court) to the successful contractor for construction work on 19 December 2014. For the road closure and interim traffic arrangement, please refer to the Gazette Notice issued on 12 December 2014. Proposed Road Works at Fu Yan Street, Yan Shun Lane, Yan Oi Court and Tung Yan Street, Kwun Tong, KowloonTo tie in with the redevelopment of Kwun Tong Town Centre, the terminal points of KMB Routes Nos. 3D, 17 and XHT Route No. 101 were relocated from Yan Oi Court Bus Terminus to Yue Man Square Temporary Bus Terminus on 11 November 2014. Yue Man Square Temporary Bus Terminus12345
Urban Renewal Authority - Project Update
DAC News Terms of Reference for District Advisory Committee: To advise on issues relating to urban renewal, including redevelopment, revitalization, rehabilitation and preservation in the district concerned; To reflect and advise on the concerns and aspirations of the community in the district on urban renewal; To enhance understanding by the community of URA's work; To report to the URA. Membership List of the 9th URA Kwun Tong District Advisory Committee Chairman Mr Timothy MA Kam-wah, JP Members Mr Nelson CHAN Wah-yu, MH Mr Jimmy CHAN Yiu-hung Mr CHONG Yam-ming Mr HSU Hoi-shan Mr Kin HUNG Kam-in Mr KAN Ming-tung Mr KWOK Lit-tung, JP Dr LAM Kin-wah, BBS, MH Mr LAU Ting-on Mrs LEUNG CHAN Siu-hing Ms LEUNG Fu-wing, BBS, MH Mr LI Hung Mr LING Chi-keung Mr Wilson OR Chong-shing, MH Ms SO Lai-chun, MH, JP Mr WONG Kai-ming Kwun Tong District Officer (For the term from 1st May 2014 to 31st March 2016) back
Urban Renewal Authority - DAC News
How does the URA calculate the ex-gratia payments for the domestic tenants affected by the Kwun Tong Town Centre project? With the effect of《The Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Amendment) Ordinance》on 9 July 2004, the URA will compensate the domestic tenants as follows: First Type Domestic Tenants Tenants who commenced occupying the properties under valid tenancies before 9 July 2004 and continued occupying thereafter Cash Compensation A basic ex-gratia payment based on the formula (which is 1 to 7 times Rateable Value) for calculating statutory compensation as stipulated in the《The Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance》immediately effective before the amendment of LTO on 9 July 2004. A cash incentive of 70% of the basic ex-gratia payment (subject to a maximum amount of $200,000). A minimum amount of HK$70,000 for a one-person household and a minimum amount of HK$80,000 for a two-person or larger household (both including basic ex-gratia payment and cash incentive). Remarks Cash incentives and minimum amounts are not applicable to the those tenants: who have alternative accommodation and/or who are not genuinely residing in the properties within the project and/or. who have received any form of cash compensation or ex-gratia payment or re-housing from URA within two years prior to the Occupancy Survey. Second Type Domestic Tenants Tenants who commenced occupying the properties under valid tenancies on or after 9 July 2004 and before the date of Occupancy Survey Cash Compensation A basic ex-gratia payment equal to 3 times the Rateable Value. A cash incentive which equals to 0.5 of the Rateable Value. A minimum amount of $70,000 for one-person household and a minimum of $80,000 for two-person or larger household (both including ex-gratia payment and cash incentive). Remarks An ex-gratia payment equal to 2 times the prevailing ex-gratia allowance offered by the Lands Department (Government EGA) on resumption to tenants who have alternative accommodation and/or who are not genuinely residing in the properties within the project and/or who received any form of cash compensation or ex-gratia payment or re-housing from URA within two years prior to the date of Occupancy Survey of the project. Third Type Domestic Tenants Tenants who commenced occupying the properties under valid tenancies on or after the date of Occupancy Survey Cash Compensation An ex-gratia payment equal to 2 times the Government's EGA. Remarks An ex-gratia payment equal to 1 times the Government's EGA to tenants who have alternative accommodation and/or who are not genuinely residing in the properties within the project and/or who have received any form of cash compensation or ex-gratia payment or re-housing from URA within two yeas prior to the date of Occupancy Survey of the project. back Last updated at: 2011.11.14--> How does the URA calculate the ex-gratia payments for the domestic tenants affected by the Kwun Tong Town Centre project? With the effect of《The Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Amendment) Ordinance》on 9 July 2004, the URA will compensate the domestic tenants as follows: First Type Domestic Tenants Tenants who commenced occupying the properties under valid tenancies before 9 July 2004 and continued occupying thereafter Cash Compensation A basic ex-gratia payment based on the formula (which is 1 to 7 times Rateable Value) for calculating statutory compensation as stipulated in the《The Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance》immediately effective before the amendment of LTO on 9 July 2004. A cash incentive of 70% of the basic ex-gratia payment (subject to a maximum amount of $200,000). A minimum amount of HK$70,000 for a one-person household and a minimum amount of HK$80,000 for a two-person or larger household (both including basic ex-gratia payment and cash incentive). Remarks Cash incentives and minimum amounts are not applicable to the those tenants: who have alternative accommodation and/or who are not genuinely residing in the properties within the project and/or. who have received any form of cash compensation or ex-gratia payment or re-housing from URA within two years prior to the Occupancy Survey. Second Type Domestic Tenants Tenants who commenced occupying the properties under valid tenancies on or after 9 July 2004 and before the date of Occupancy Survey Cash Compensation A basic ex-gratia payment equal to 3 times the Rateable Value. A cash incentive which equals to 0.5 of the Rateable Value. A minimum amount of $70,000 for one-person household and a minimum of $80,000 for two-person or larger household (both including ex-gratia payment and cash incentive). Remarks An ex-gratia payment equal to 2 times the prevailing ex-gratia allowance offered by the Lands Department (Government EGA) on resumption to tenants who have alternative accommodation and/or who are not genuinely residing in the properties within the project and/or who received any form of cash compensation or ex-gratia payment or re-housing from URA within two years prior to the date of Occupancy Survey of the project. Third Type Domestic Tenants Tenants who commenced occupying the properties under valid tenancies on or after the date of Occupancy Survey Cash Compensation An ex-gratia payment equal to 2 times the Government's EGA. Remarks An ex-gratia payment equal to 1 times the Government's EGA to tenants who have alternative accommodation and/or who are not genuinely residing in the properties within the project and/or who have received any form of cash compensation or ex-gratia payment or re-housing from URA within two yeas prior to the date of Occupancy Survey of the project. back
Urban Renewal Authority - How does the URA calculate the ex-gratia payments for the domestic tenants affected by the Kwun Tong Town Centre project?
《The Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Amendment) Ordinance 2004》has removed the security of tenure provisions for domestic tenancies. How will the URA compensate the domestic tenants affected by the Kwun Tong Town Centre project? According to URA's existing policy, the eligible domestic tenants affected by ex-LDC projects which is implemented by the URA (including the Kwun Tong Town Centre project) will get ex-gratia payment or re-housing. Domestic tenants eligible for re-housing will be re-housed in units provided by the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA) or the Hong Kong Housing Society. They will also be offered an ex-gratia removal allowance which is in line with the HKHA's rates. Compassionate re-housing will be considered for those who do not meet the normal eligibility criteria but face genuine hardship arising from factors such as ill health, disability or family circumstances. According to the above Ordinance which took effect on 9 July 2004, upon expiry of the tenancies or Transitional Termination Notice (TTN), the tenant will not be entitled to any compensation if the landlord decides to recover the property. However, the URA will offer ex-gratia payments to those tenants (affected by ex-LDC projects which are not yet commenced) who do not accept re-housing or are not allocated re-housing due to various reasons. Compensations for domestic tenants are classified in three categories according to the date they commenced occupying the properties: Tenants who commenced occupying the properties under valid tenancies before 9 July 2004 and continued occupying thereafter Tenants who commenced occupying the properties under valid tenancies on or after 9 July 2004 but before the date of Occupancy Survey Tenants who commenced occupying the properties under valid tenancies on or after date of Occupancy Survey Please refer to the Principles Adopted by the URA for Tenant Re-housing and Ex-gratia Payment for Kwun Tong Town Centre Development Scheme for more details. back Last updated at: 2011.11.14--> 《The Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Amendment) Ordinance 2004》has removed the security of tenure provisions for domestic tenancies. How will the URA compensate the domestic tenants affected by the Kwun Tong Town Centre project? According to URA's existing policy, the eligible domestic tenants affected by ex-LDC projects which is implemented by the URA (including the Kwun Tong Town Centre project) will get ex-gratia payment or re-housing. Domestic tenants eligible for re-housing will be re-housed in units provided by the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA) or the Hong Kong Housing Society. They will also be offered an ex-gratia removal allowance which is in line with the HKHA's rates. Compassionate re-housing will be considered for those who do not meet the normal eligibility criteria but face genuine hardship arising from factors such as ill health, disability or family circumstances. According to the above Ordinance which took effect on 9 July 2004, upon expiry of the tenancies or Transitional Termination Notice (TTN), the tenant will not be entitled to any compensation if the landlord decides to recover the property. However, the URA will offer ex-gratia payments to those tenants (affected by ex-LDC projects which are not yet commenced) who do not accept re-housing or are not allocated re-housing due to various reasons. Compensations for domestic tenants are classified in three categories according to the date they commenced occupying the properties: Tenants who commenced occupying the properties under valid tenancies before 9 July 2004 and continued occupying thereafter Tenants who commenced occupying the properties under valid tenancies on or after 9 July 2004 but before the date of Occupancy Survey Tenants who commenced occupying the properties under valid tenancies on or after date of Occupancy Survey Please refer to the Principles Adopted by the URA for Tenant Re-housing and Ex-gratia Payment for Kwun Tong Town Centre Development Scheme for more details. back
Urban Renewal Authority - 《The Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Amendment) Ordinance 2004》has removed the security of tenure provisions for domestic tenancies. How will the URA compensate the domestic tenants affected by the Kwun Tong Town Centre project?


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