TheRealCreamCheesus / aec_party

Scraper for AEC donations declared by the parties


Home - Annual Returns

Contributors TheRealCreamCheesus nickjevershed

Last run completed successfully .

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... Injecting scraper and running... Scraper first run Loading data for 2015-2016 <POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded <HiddenControl(__EVENTTARGET=) (readonly)> <HiddenControl(__EVENTARGUMENT=) (readonly)> <HiddenControl(__LASTFOCUS=) (readonly)> <HiddenControl(__VIEWSTATE=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(readonly)> <SelectControl(ctl00$dropDownListPeriod=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 23, 24, 48, 49, 51, 55, 56, *60])> <SubmitControl(ctl00$buttonGo=Go) (readonly)> <SelectControl(ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderBody$dropDownListParties=[*27917, 32999, 28769, 217, 34000, 29723, 28906, 33259, 33989, 33350, 32, 158, 137, 205, 138, 27964, 55, 4, 50, 64, 54, 52, 27, 51, 53, 34001, 30425, 33968, 34724, 33997, 30393, 191, 1098, 506, 231, 188, 34705, 132, 24, 34718, 210, 216, 213, 209, 27965, 28, 37169, 37170, 37171, 37172, 34719, 30413, 152, 175, 178, 29764, 29765, 16724, 202, 176, 177, 174, 29763, 33991, 33000, 27916, 33980, 33982, 28910, 183, 211, 41, 6, 40, 36, 44, 43, 46, 34717, 19, 37, 39, 42, 49, 30410, 194, 189, 187, 30419, 30420, 154, 30356, 186, 34712, 29739, 30414, 215, 33973, 184, 30431, 190, 197, 503, 33251, 34701, 34709, 31, 97, 2874, 30409, 34713])> <SelectControl(ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderBody$analysisControl$dropDownListReceiptType=[* , D, N, U, P, S])> <SelectControl(ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderBody$analysisControl$dropDownListValue=[*, < 20000, BETWEEN 20000 and 50000, > 50000])> <SelectControl(ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderBody$analysisControl$dropDownListState=[*, ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA, OS])> <SubmitControl(ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderBody$analysisControl$buttonAnalyse=Analyse) (readonly)> <SubmitControl(ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderBody$analysisControl$buttonExport=Export) (readonly)>> Entity: #Sustainable Australia 26 Summers Pty Ltd 26 Summers Pty Ltd 26 Summers Pty Ltd 26 Summers Pty Ltd 26 Summers Pty Ltd Empire State Holdings Pty Ltd Empire State Holdings Pty Ltd Empire State Holdings Pty Ltd Gainsdale Pty Ltd Gainsdale Pty Ltd James Management Services Pty Ltd Rufolo Pty Ltd Entity: 21st Century Australia No donations Entity: Animal Justice Party No donations Entity: Australia First Party (NSW) Incorporated No donations Entity: Australian Antipaedophile Party No donations Entity: Australian Christians Personnel Contracting (PETER WIESKE DIRECTOR) Entity: Australian Country Party No donations Entity: Australian Cyclists Party NSW Electoral Commission Entity: Australian Defence Veterans Party No donations Entity: Australian Equality Party (Marriage) Intermine Pty Ltd Entity: Australian Greens ACT Greens Dept Finance Estate of Aina Ranke Estate of Louise Crossley Greens WA John Whitehead NSW Greens Queensland Greens South Australian Greens Victorian Greens Entity: Australian Greens (South Australia) Andrew Payne Australian Electoral Commission Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Daniel McMichael David Arkins David Arkins Stuart James Johnson Entity: Australian Greens, Australian Capital Territory Branch No donations Entity: Australian Greens, Northern Territory Branch No donations Entity: Australian Greens, Tasmanian Branch AUSTRALIAN GREENS AUSTRALIAN GREENS AUSTRALIAN GREENS AUSTRALIAN GREENS AUSTRALIAN GREENS AUSTRALIAN GREENS ESTATE OF DAVID LEICESTER GRAEME WOOD JOANA CUBILLOS - CANTINA LATINA TASMANIA Entity: Australian Greens, Victorian Branch No donations Entity: Australian Labor Party (ACT Branch) 1973 Foundation Pty Ltd ATF 1973 Foundation 1973 Foundation Pty Ltd ATF 1973 Foundation 1973 Foundation Pty Ltd ATF 1973 Foundation 1973 Foundation Pty Ltd ATF 1973 Foundation ACT Electoral Commission ACT Electoral Commission ACT Electoral Commission ACT Electoral Commission CPSU Vero Insurance Vero Insurance Entity: Australian Labor Party (ALP) AbbVie Pty Ltd AbbVie Pty Ltd Abhimanyu Kumar ACT Branch ALP Advanced Personnel Management Alan Ide ANZ Banking Group Ltd (Aust) Asciano Limited ASU - National Office ASU National Office ASU Victorian Private Sector Branch ASX Group Aust Manufacturing Workers Union Austal Limited Austral Fisheries Pty Ltd Australian Electoral Commission Australian Hotels Association Australian Hotels Association Australian Labor Party Isaacs 2016 Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union Australian Salary Packaging Industry Assoc Limited Australian Taxation Office Australian Taxation Office Australian Taxation Office AWU National Office AWU National Office AWU National Office Beck Corporation Benny Chen BFJ Pty Ltd Bluescope Steel Limited Boehringer Ingelheim Pty Ltd Boehringer Ingelheim Pty Ltd Brian P O'Farrell Brighton Australia Pty Ltd Brighton Australia Pty Ltd BUPA Australia Careers Australia CEPU - Plumbing Division VIC CFMEU (National Office) CFMEU (National Office) Chifley Research Centre Clubs NSW CMAX Advisory Coles Group Ltd Commercial Radio Australia Commonwealth Bank of Australia CPSU CropLife Australia Daniel Casey Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Department of Finance Department of Finance Echo Entertainment Group Limit Ellerston Capital Eric Forday Eric Forday Facebook Australia Pty Ltd. Federal Chamber Automotive Industries Financial Services Council Fiona Reynolds Fiona Reynolds Fox Group Holdings Pty Ltd Gareth Evans Genworth Glencore Australia Holdings Goh and Tan P/L Greencorp Magnetics Pty Ltd Greenstone Winery Greenstone Winery Greenstone Winery Greenstone Winery Gregory Perry Gregory Perry Gregory Perry Haileybury Hall and Prior Hamish Sharp Hamish Sharp Hamish Sharp Henroth Investments Pty Ltd HIRMAA Home Nursing Group Hong Kong Kingson Ian McAUley Ikon Communication Pty Ltd Industry Super Holdings Pty Lt Insurance Australia Group Ltd Insurance Council of Australia Jacob Varghese James McCaughey Jamie Gardiner Jeannette Dores Jefferson Investments Pty Limited Jim brander John Cameron John Curtin House Ltd John Curtin House Ltd John Eager Ken Coghill Kevin Greenhatch KPMG Labor Holdings Lion Nathan Limited Lion Nathan Limited Macquarie Group Services Australia Macquarie Group Services Australia Pty Ltd Macquarie Telecom Macquarie Telecom Mandarin International Investments Pty Ltd Maritime Union of Australia Master Builders Australia Maurice Blackburn Lawyers Maurice Blackburn Lawyers Maurice Blackburn Pty Ltd Medicines Australia Melic Pty Ltd Michael Kingston Mr John Kirby Mr John Kirby MSD National Australia Bank Limited National Automotive Leasing &amp; Salary Packaging Association National Automotive Leasing &amp; Salary Packaging Association Network Ten Pty Limited Nine Network Australia Novartis Pharmaceuticals Austr NRMA Limited NSW Branch ALP NSW Branch ALP NSW Branch ALP NSW Branch ALP NSW Branch ALP NSW Branch ALP NSW Branch ALP NSW Branch ALP NSW Branch ALP Optus Panpan Xu Pathology Australia Paul O'Shea Perth Airport Peter Hanlon Peter Hanlon Peter Staples Pfizer Aust Pty Limited PricewaterhouseCoopers Primary Health Care Limited PTEU (Plumbing Trades Employee Union) QBE Australia &amp; New Zealand Rail Tram &amp; Bus Union (National Office) Richard Stiles Roche Australia Royal Exchange Sydney SA Branch ALP SA Branch ALP Sanofi Santos Limited Scullin FEA Sean Tomlinson Sharnie Wu Shop Distributors &amp; Allied Employees Assoc Shop Distributors &amp; Allied Employees Assoc Shop Distributors &amp; Allied Employees Assoc Shop Distributors &amp; Allied Employees Assoc Shop Distributors &amp; Allied Employees Assoc Shop Distributors &amp; Allied Employees Assoc Shop Distributors &amp; Allied Employees Assoc Shop Distributors &amp; Allied Employees Assoc Shop Distributors &amp; Allied Employees Assoc Shop, Distributive &amp; Allied Em Shop, Distributive &amp; Allied Em Shop, Distributive &amp; Allied Em SingTel Optus Pty Ltd Slater &amp; Gordon Slater &amp; Gordon Lawyers Sonic Healthcare Sportsbet Stuart Harridge Suncorp Swisse Wellness Pty Ltd Swisse Wellness Pty Ltd Tabcorp Thales Australia The Gandel Group Pty Ltd The Gandel Group Pty Ltd The Pharmacy Guild of Australia The Strategic Counsel Toga Pty Limited Top Education Institute Transport Workers Union of Australia UMR Research Pty Ltd United Services Union NSW United Voice National Office United Voice National Office United Voice National Office United Voice National Office VIC Branch ALP VIC Branch ALP VIC Branch ALP VIC Branch ALP Village Roadshow Limited VISA AP (Australia) Pty Ltd WA Branch ALP WCL Management Pty Ltd Westpac Westpac Westpac Banking Corp Westpac Banking Corp Westpac Banking Corp Woodside Energy Ye Shao Zoe Davis Entity: Australian Labor Party (N.S.W. Branch) AGSX Investables Group Pty Ltd AGSX PTY LTD AMIEU NSW BRANCH AMWU - Australian Manufacturing Workers Union-NSW AMWU - Australian Manufacturing Workers Union-NSW AMWU - Australian Manufacturing Workers Union-NSW AMWU - Australian Manufacturing Workers Union-NSW ASU - AUSTRALIAN SERVICES UNION OF NSW &amp; ACT AUGS Markets Pty Ltd AWU GREATER NSW BRANCH AWU GREATER NSW BRANCH AWU GREATER NSW BRANCH AWU GREATER NSW BRANCH AWU PORT KEMBLA BRANCH AWU PORT KEMBLA BRANCH BALLYFORCE ENGINEERING &amp; EXCAVATIONS PTY LTD BFJ PTY LTD BOSSY BLUE PTY LTD CFMEU CONSTRUCTION &amp; GENERAL DIVISION CFMEU CONSTRUCTION &amp; GENERAL DIVISION CFMEU CONSTRUCTION &amp; GENERAL DIVISION CFMEU CONSTRUCTION &amp; GENERAL DIVISION CFMEU CONSTRUCTION &amp; GENERAL DIVISION CFMEU Construction &amp; General Division, VIC/TAS Divisional Branch CFMEU NATIONAL OFFICE CFMEU NORTHERN MINING &amp; NSW ENERGY DISTRICT BRANCH CHAOSHAN NO.1 CLUBS NSW CPSU - COMMUNITY &amp; PUBLIC SECTOR UNION ETU - ELECTRICAL TRADES UNION NSW ETU - ELECTRICAL TRADES UNION NSW ETU - ELECTRICAL TRADES UNION NSW FSU OF AUSTRALIA NSW/ACT BRANCH Gold and Silver Exchange Sydney Pty ltd HONG KONG KINGSON INVESTMENT LTD HSU - HEALTH SERVICES UNION- NSW HSU - HEALTH SERVICES UNION- NSW HYRISE PTY LTD JJW GOLD PTY LTD LINFOX AUSTRALIA PTY LTD LUO, CHUANGXIONG MANILDRA GROUP MEAA MEDIA ENTERTAINMT &amp; ARTS ALLIANCE MUA - MARITIME UNION OF AUSTRALIA NATIONAL SECRETARIAT NATIONAL SECRETARIAT NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Parliament of Australia House of Representatives Parliament of Australia House of Representatives PARLIAMENT OF NSW PARLIAMENT OF NSW PARLIAMENT OF NSW PARLIAMENT OF NSW PARLIAMENT OF NSW PARLIAMENT OF NSW PARLIAMENT OF NSW PARLIAMENT OF NSW PARLIAMENT OF NSW PARLIAMENT OF NSW PARLIAMENT OF NSW PARLIAMENT OF NSW PAYCE MANAGEMENT PTY LTD RANDWICK LABOR CLUB REVESBY WORKERS CLUB RTBU RAIL, TRAM &amp; BUS UNION (NSW BRANCH) RTBU RAIL, TRAM &amp; BUS UNION (NSW BRANCH) RTBU RAIL, TRAM &amp; BUS UNION (NSW BRANCH) RTBU RAIL, TRAM &amp; BUS UNION (NSW BRANCH) RTBU RAIL, TRAM &amp; BUS UNION (NSW BRANCH) RTBU RAIL, TRAM &amp; BUS UNION NATIONAL OFFIC SANTO RAPISARDA SDA NATIONAL OFFICE SDA NATIONAL OFFICE SDA NEWCASTLE &amp; NORTHN NSW for 00044871 SDA NSW - SHOP, DISTRIBUTIVE ALLIED EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION SDA NSW - SHOP, DISTRIBUTIVE ALLIED EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION SUTHERLAND DISTRICT TRADE UNION CLUB SUTHERLAND DISTRICT TRADE UNION CLUB UNIONS NSW UNITED VOICE NSW BRANCH UNITED VOICE NSW BRANCH UNITED VOICE NSW BRANCH UNITED VOICE NSW BRANCH UNITED VOICE NSW LIQUOR DIVISION UNITED VOICE NSW LIQUOR DIVISION USU - UNITED SERVICES UNION USU - UNITED SERVICES UNION USU - UNITED SERVICES UNION USU - UNITED SERVICES UNION YING ZHOU YING ZHOU Entity: Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory) Branch Halikos Pty Ltd Randazzo C &amp; G Developments Pty Ltd Randazzo C&amp;G Developments Pty Lt Randazzo C&amp;G Developments Pty Lt Randazzo C&amp;G Developments Pty Ltd Randazzo Properties Pty Ltd Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association SA Branch Trepang Services Pty Ltd Entity: Australian Labor Party (South Australian Branch) Australian Manufacturing Worker's Union SA Branch Australian Taxation Office SA Officers Fund SA Progressive Business Inc SA Progressive Business Inc Shop Distributive Association SA Branch Shop Distributive Association SA Branch Statewide Superannuation Transport Workers Union SA Branch United Voice SA Branch United Voice SA Branch Entity: Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland) A Bevis A Chisholm A F U L E A M I E U A M W U A M W U A M W U A M W U A M W U A M W U A M W U Adam Obeid AEG Ogden AEG Ogden (BCEC) Pty Ltd AEG Ogden (BCEC) Pty Ltd AFTA Ltd AFULE AFULE Alison Butler Allianz Australia Insurance Allianz Australia Insurance AMIEU AMIEU Qld AMIEU Qld AMIEU Qld AMIEU Qld AMWU AMWU Anthony John Fraser ANZ ANZ Bank ANZ Bank ANZ Bank ANZ Bank ANZ Capital Notes ANZ Capital Notes ANZ Capital Notes APA APA Group APA Group APA Group Architechus Brisbane Pty Ltd Aria Property Group Aria Property Group Arrow Energy Limited Arthur Liu ASF Group Ltd ASF Group of Companies ASF Group of Companies Assetlink ATEC Rail Group ATEC Rail Group Limited Aurizon Aurizon Auscript Aust Council for Private Education a Austn Services Union - Services Austn Services Union QLD Services Austn Services Union QLD Services Austn Services Union QLD Together Austn Workers Union Austn Workers Union Austn Workers Union Austn Workers Union Austn Workers Union Austn Workers Union Austn Workers Union Austn Workers Union Austn Workers Union Austn Workers Union Austn Workers Union (NSW) Australian Foundation Investment Company Australian Foundation Investment Company Australian Foundation Investment Company Australian Hotel Association Australian Hotel Association Australian Hotel Association Australian Hotel Association Australian Hotel Association Australian Sugar Milling Council Australian Sugar Milling Council Australian Workers Union QLD Branch Australian Workers Union QLD Branch Australian Workers Union QLD Branch Australian Workers Union QLD Branch AWU National AWU National Barcaldine Regional Council Bartons Motors Beazley Income Protection Bernard Sweet Bernard Sweet BERT Training BERT Training Bill Farnsworth Bill Robertson Bindor Development Pty Ltd Bishopp Outdoor Advertising BKI Investment BKI Investment BKI Investment BKI Investment BKI Investment BKI Investment Black &amp; White Cabs Black and White Cabs Blackmores Blackmores Blackmores BMD Group BMD Group Bowen Tugs Brian Wilson Brisbane Airport Brisbane Airport Brisbane Convention &amp; Exhibition Ce BT Australia Group BUSY At Work C E P U - Communication Worker's Union C E P U - Communication Worker's Union Calibre Consulting Calibre Consulting Cameron Clyne Cameron Crowther Careers Australia Careers Australia Careers Australia Group Casinos Operating Cate Hartigan Catherine Charlton Catherine Charlton Cavcorp Qld Pty Ltd Cavcorp Qld Pty Ltd CBA CBA CBA CBA CBA CEPU - Communications CEPU - Electrical Division CEPU - Electrical Division CEPU - Electrical Division CEPU - Electrical Division CEPU - Electrical Division CEPU - Electrical Division CEPU - Electrical Division CEPU - Electrical Division CEPU - Electrical Division CEPU - Electrical Division CEPU - Electrical Division CEPU - Electrical Division CEPU - Plumbing Division CEPU - Plumbing Division CEPU - Plumbing Division CEPU - Plumbing Division CEPU - Plumbing Division CEPU - Plumbing Division via Admin CFMEU CFMEU CFMEU CFMEU CFMEU CFMEU National CFMEU National CFMEU National CFMEU QLD Branch CFMEU QLD Branch Charlton Brown Charlton Brown Charlton Brown Charter Hall Charter Hall Chen Yao Li &amp; Li Wen Shen Chin Hong Investments Corp CIPQ Clayton Utz Clubs Queensland Clubs Queensland Clubs Queensland Commonwealth Bank Commonwealth Bank Commonwealth Bank Commonwealth Bank Commonwealth Bank Commonwealth Bank Commonwealth Bank Commonwealth Bank Community and Public Sector Union Consolidated Properties Group Pty L Cotton Australia Cotton Australia Craig Emerson Craig Wallace CropLife Australia CSL CSL D Power D Power D van Brunschot D van Brunschot Damarcon Damien Griffiths Darren Zanow David Begg David Cassells David Lyons David Porter Consulting Davidson Recruitment Davidson Recruitment Deloitte Finance Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Donna Marshall DV Battams Echo Entertainment Group Echo Entertainment Group Electoral Commission of QLD Electoral Commission of Queensland Electoral Commission of Queensland Electoral Commission of Queensland Electrical Trades Union Electrical Trades Union Queensland Elenberg Fraser QLD Pty Ltd Elizabeth Zussino Emane El-Mezin Empower Pty Ltd Empower Pty Ltd Energy Developments Engage Us Pty Ltd ERM Power Pty Ltd Ernst &amp; Young Ernst &amp; Young Ernst &amp; Young (Syd) ETU ETU Qld &amp; NT Everald Compton Everald Compton Finance Sector Union of Australia Finance Services Council Financial Services Council Financial Services Council Francis Gilbert Future Skills Ganra Pty Ltd Ganra Pty Ltd Ganra Pty Ltd George Group George Vahlis Gerry Pennisi Gilbert, Francis Gilbert, Francis Gilbert, Francis Glenn Walker Glentworth GOA Billboards Goodyear Govstrat Pty Ltd Govstrat Pty Ltd Govstrat Pty Ltd Govstrat Pty Ltd Govstrat Pty Ltd Govstrat Pty Ltd Govstrat Pty Ltd GRACOSWAY Grant Thornton Grants Real Estate GTW Gumdale Demolition Halcyon Hall Payne Lawyers Halycon Hanrick Curran Harcourts Inner East Harmeet Singh Harmeet Singh Harold Mitchell Hatia Property Corporation Hawker Britton Hawker Britton Hawker Britton Hawker Britton Hawker Britton Hawker Britton Holding Redlich Holding Redlich Holding Redlich Holding Redlich Hopgood Ganim Hopgood Ganim Lawyers Hopgood Ganim Lawyers Hugh O'Donnell Hunter Hall Hutchinson Builders IAG IAG IanScholes IFAA Incitec Pivot Limited Initiative Capital Initiative Capital Insurance Australia Group Insurance Council IR21 Ltd IR21 Ltd Islamic Educational Trust of Qld J J Richards &amp; Sons Pty Ltd J Ostroburski Jackie Trad Jackie Trad Jackie Trad James Chalmers James Joseph Kennedy Janice Mayes Jeff Townsend Jeff Townsend JimMac Pty Ltd John Kirby John Kirby John Olsen John Pollitt Julienne &amp; Peter Bellas Juxgold Group Kedron Wavell Services Club Kerry Flanders Kerryn Loose Jones Kilcoy Pastoral Company KPMG KPMG KPMG KTQ Developments Pty Ltd Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Holdings Labor Legacies Labor Legacies Labor Legacies Labor Legacies Labor Legacies Lance Griffin Lance Griffin LGAQ Liam Culverhouse Liming International Pty Ltd Linda Lavarch Lives Lived Well Local Government Association Local Government Association Longevity Forum - paid by Everald C M Appea Mackway Developments Mackwey Developments Pty Ltd Macquarie Group Services Australia Macquarie Group Services Australia Mantle Group Marion Elliott Maritime Union of Australia Maritime Union of Australia Maritime Union of Australia Martin Currie Investment Management Master Builders Association Master Builders Association Master Electricians Master Plumbers' Association of Quee MATES in Construction Maurice Blackburn Maurice Blackburn Maurice Blackburn Maurice Blackburn Maurice Blackburn Maurice Blackburn Maurice Blackburn Maurice Blackburn Maurice Blackburn Maurice Blackburn Maurice Blackburn Lawyers (VIC) Maurice Blackburn Lawyers (VIC) MAX Solutions MAX Solutions MAX Solutions ME Bank ME Bank ME Bank ME Bank ME Bank ME Bank ME Bank ME Bank ME Bank ME Bank Meriton Premier Apartments Metro Property Development Metro Property Development Metro Property Development Metro Property Development Milner Strategic Services Milroy, Joshua MMPCU MMPCU Morgans Financial Mushroom Music Nat Association of Aust Apprenticesh National Automotive and Salary Pac National Retail Association Limited National Union of Workers General B Nick Martin Nikki Boyd Nikki Jermyn Nikki Jermyn Nora Scheinkestel Northeast Business Park Northeast Business Park NuGrow Optimum Media Direction Pty Ltd Optimum Media Direction Pty Ltd Origin Energy Outdoor Media Association Owen Doogan PA Binsted PA Binsted Parmac Property Group Parmac Property Group Paul Lucas Peabody Energy Australia Peter Sherwood Peter Stewart Place Group Plenary Group Plenary Group Plenary Group Holdings Pty Ltd Plenary Group Holdings Pty Ltd Plenary Group Pty Ltd Plencove Pty Ltd Plencove Pty Ltd Plumbers Union Plumbers Union Plumbers Union Plumbing and Pipes Trades Employe Pricewaterhouse Coopers Pricewaterhouse Coopers Pricewaterhouse Coopers Pricewaterhouse Coopers Services PricewaterhouseCoopers Services PricewaterhouseCoopers Services Primary Health Care Limited Pumbers Union QBE QCU QCU QER Pty Ltd Qld Bus Industry Council (QBIC) Qld Council of Unions QLD Newspapers News Limited Qld Resources Council Qld Services Union Rail Division Qld Trucking Association Qld Trucking Association R E &amp; J A Schwarten Rachel Boden Rail, Bus &amp; Tram Union QLD Branc Rail, Bus &amp; Tram Union QLD Branc Rail, Bus &amp; Tram Union QLD Branc Rail, Bus &amp; Tram Union QLD Branc Rail, Bus &amp; Tram Union QLD Branc Rail, Bus &amp; Tram Union QLD Branc Rail, Bus &amp; Tram Union QLD Branc Ray Wilson RBC Business Solutions Recoveries and Reconstruction RemServ Pty Ltd Remuneration Services (Qld) Pty Ltd Remuneration Services (Qld) Pty Ltd Remuneration Services (Qld) Pty Ltd Retail Guild of Australia Robert Walters Robina Projects Australia Pty Ltd Robina Projects Australia Pty Ltd S.D.A.E. Qld S.D.A.E. 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Tas Auth and Services Vic Branch Australian Hotel &amp; Hospitality Association Australian Labor Party National Secretariat Australian Labor Party National Secretariat Australian Manufacturing Workers Union Australian Taxation Office Australian Workers Union Vic Branch Australian Workers Union Vic Branch CBD Development Group CEPU Plumbing Division Vic Branch CFMEU Const &amp; Gen Vic &amp; Tas Branch CFMEU Construction &amp; Gen Division Vic Branch Electrical Trades Union Victoria Electrical Trades Union Victoria Harold Mitchell Holding Redlich Labor Services &amp; Holdings Pty Ltd ATF Labor Services &amp; Holdings Labor Services &amp; Holdings Pty Ltd ATF Labor Services &amp; Holdings National Union of Workers Vic Branch National Union of Workers Vic Branch Progressive Business Shop Distributive &amp; Allied Employees' Association Vic Branch The Civic Group Transport Workers Union Vic Branch United Voice Vic Branch United Voice Vic Branch Village Roadshow Zaparas Lawyers Entity: Australian Labor Party (Western Australian Branch) Australian Manufacturing Workers Union Australian Manufacturing Workers Union Australian Manufacturing Workers Union Australian Manufacturing Workers Union Australian Workers Union CEPU - ETU CEPU - ETU CEPU - ETU CFMEU (Construction &amp; General Div) CFMEU (Construction &amp; General Div) CFMEU (Construction &amp; General Div) CFMEU (Construction &amp; General Div) CFMEU (Construction &amp; General Div) Chevron Australia Pty Ltd Crown Perth Janine Freeman Jason McLellan Margaret Quirk Matthew Keogh Matthew Keogh Perron Investments Pty Ltd Perth Trades Hall TA Labor Business Roundtable Shop, Distributive &amp; Allied Employees Association WA Shop, Distributive &amp; Allied Employees Association WA Shop, Distributive &amp; Allied Employees Association WA Shop, Distributive &amp; Allied Employees Association WA Shop, Distributive &amp; Allied Employees Association WA Shop, Distributive &amp; Allied Employees Association WA Shop, Distributive &amp; Allied Employees Association WA Transport Workers Union of Australia Transport Workers Union of Australia Transport Workers Union of Australia Transport Workers Union of Australia Unions NSW United Voice United Voice United Voice United Voice United Voice United Voice United Voice Woodside Energy Ltd Entity: Australian Liberty Alliance Anthony &amp; Deborah Robinson Anthony James Robinson JJ Richards &amp; Sons Pty Ltd Entity: Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party No donations Entity: Australian Progressives No donations Entity: Australian Recreational Fishers Party CFMEU National CFMEU Vic/Tas Branch ETU National / CEPU Entity: Australian Sex Party INTERMINE.COM.AU PTY LTD Entity: Bullet Train For Australia No donations Entity: Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) Electoral Commission of NSW Electoral Commission of NSW Electoral Commission of NSW Electoral Commission of NSW Electoral Commission of NSW Electoral Commission of NSW Electoral Commission of NSW Electoral Commission of NSW Nella Hall Nella Hall Nella Hall Nella Hall Nella Hall Nella Hall Nella Hall Silvana Nero-Nile Entity: Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) - ACT No donations Entity: Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) - TAS No donations Entity: Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) - WA No donations Entity: Citizens Electoral Council of Australia CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd Craig Isherwood Craig Isherwood Entity: Consumer Rights & No-Tolls No donations Entity: Country Labor Party Electoral Commission NSW Entity: Country Liberals (Northern Territory) Homer Pty Ltd Kalhmera Pty Ltd Mousellis &amp; Sons Pty Ltd Northwake Pty Ltd P.Marks Investments Pty Ltd Entity: CountryMinded No donations Entity: Democratic Labor Party (DLP) - Queensland Branch No donations Entity: Democratic Labor Party (DLP) - Victorian Branch No donations Entity: Democratic Labor Party (DLP) - WA Branch No donations Entity: Democratic Labor Party (DLP) NSW Branch No donations Entity: Democratic Labor Party (DLP) of Australia SA Branch No donations Entity: Democratic Labour Party No donations Entity: Democratic Labour Party - Queensland Branch No donations Entity: Democratic Labour Party - Victorian Branch No donations Entity: Democratic Labour Party - WA Branch No donations Entity: Democratic Labour Party NSW Branch No donations Entity: Derryn Hinch's Justice Party Derryn Nigel Hinch Ross Garnaut Entity: Drug Law Reform Australia No donations Entity: Family First Party Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd Ian Plimer Son Holdings Entity: Family First Party No donations Entity: Family First Party No donations Entity: Family First Party No donations Entity: Family First Party No donations Entity: Family First Party - QLD No donations Entity: Family First Party - QLD Simon Green Simon Green Simon Green Simon Green Simon Green Simon Green Entity: Family First Party - SA No donations Entity: Family First Party - VIC No donations Entity: Family First Party (SA) No donations Entity: Family First Party (SA) No donations Entity: Glenn Lazarus Team Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers Queensland Council of Unions Entity: Health Australia Party No donations Entity: Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party Nimbin HEMP Entity: Jacqui Lambie Network AIMPE Electrical Trades Union Golden Lineage Island Optical Optical Superstore Optom Admin Entity: John Madigan's Manufacturing and Farming Party CFMEU NATIONAL OFFICE Entity: Katter's Australian Party CFMEU National ECQ ECQ ECQ Electoral Commission of Queensland Manildra SSAA(Q) Entity: Liberal Democratic Party Alliance of Australia Retailers Cormack Foundation Ian Plimer NIOA Pty Ltd Philip Morris Ltd Roostan Sadri Sam Kennard Senator David Leyonhjelm Siesta Holdings Australia Pty Ltd Sporting Shooters Association of Australia W Kennard Yea-Sayer Pty Ltd Entity: Liberal National Party of Queensland 900 Ann Street Pty Ltd Adam Dando Adco Constructions Pty Ltd Alan Gascoyne ASF Corporate Pty Ltd Ausbuild Pty Ltd Ausbuild Pty Ltd Australian Taxation Office Bernard Ponting and Co Trust Account Billbergia Group Brazil Farming Pty Ltd BSE Maritime Solutions Capital [b] Pty Ltd Capital B Pty Ltd Chalk on Stanley P/L ATF The Chalk Trust City Lodge Pty Ltd Consolidated Properties Group Coopers Plain Project Coronis HQ Cr Ian McKenzie Darren Pearson DBC Enterprises Pty Ltd Denmac Nominees Denmac Nominees Denmac Nominees DibCorp Dr Roger Welch Dublin Street Investments Pty Ltd ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF QUEENSLAND ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF QUEENSLAND Epic Pharmacy Management Pty Ltd FAMILY CARE MEDICAL SERVICES G.James Australia Pty Ltd GPG Management Pty Ltd Gulf Coast Aviation Pty Ltd Gulf Coast Pty Ltd Gulf Coast Pty Ltd Gulf Coast Pty Ltd Ian Macfarlane JJ Richards &amp; Sons Pty Limited John O'Shea John O'Shea Justa Pty Ltd Kern Group Pty Ltd Kooyong 200 Club Kooyong 200 Club Kostas Constantinou Kostas Constantinou KPMG Kwok Keung Sze and Nan Ni Lancini Property &amp; Development Mantle Group Maplecourt P/L McInnes Wilson Lawyers MERITON PROPERTY SERVICE P/L Meriton Property Services Pty Limited Metro Property Development Pty Ltd Michael Ribot MORGANS FINANCIAL LIMITED Mr Ian McCauley Nan Xin Investment Brisbane Pty Ltd Nicole Shambrook Paul Darrouzet Paul Darrouzet Paul Darrouzet Peter O' Shea Peter O' Shea Pointcorp Holdings Pty Ltd Prestige Packing Company Pty Ltd Rainrose Pty Ltd Retail Guild of Australia Incorporated Robert Bryan Robert Bryan Rochedale C4 Pty Ltd Ron Baldwin Saint Hotels &amp; Resorts Pty Ltd Senator Mathias Cormann Liberal Campaign SITA Australia Spring Trust SPRINGFIELD LAND CORPORATION St Baker Enterprise Pty Ltd Suez Recycling &amp; Recovery Suez Recyling &amp; Recovery Australia Superior Production Company Pty Ltd TESABAY INVESTMENT The Johkil Trust The Star Entertainment Group Limited The Village Retirement Group Pty Ltd The Village Retirement Group Pty Ltd VG Projects Pty Ltd VG Projects Pty Ltd VG Projects Pty Ltd Wanda Ridong Gold Coast Development Zupp Property Group Entity: Liberal Party (W.A. Division) Inc Austal Ltd Austal Ltd Australian Gypsum Industries Pty Ltd Australian Gypsum Industries Pty Ltd Australian Gypsum Industries Pty Ltd Australian Gypsum Industries Pty Ltd Australian Gypsum Industries Pty Ltd BGC Residential Pty Ltd BGC Residential Pty Ltd BGC Residential Pty Ltd Burswood Nominees Ltd Burswood Nominees Ltd Burswood Nominees Ltd CHC (St Louis) Pty Ltd Contura Mining Coogee Chemicals DFD Rhodes Pty Ltd Ertech Holdings Pty Ltd Freshfields Aged Care Pty Ltd Freshfields Aged Care Pty Ltd Gabor Holdings Pty Ltd Glencore Goldtime Holdings Pty Ltd Hanssen Pty Ltd Intuit Corporation Jandakot Airport Holdings John Hughes Group John Hughes Group Jon Fogarty Jon Fogarty Jon Fogarty Kingold Group Liberal National Party Queensland Liberal Party of Australia Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Liberal Party of Australia (Vic Division) - Kooyong 200 Club Liberal Party of Australia (Vic Division) - Kooyong 200 Club Liberal Party of Australia (Vic Division) - Kooyong 200 Club Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd Macquarie Bank Marylyn New Mineral Resources Mulloway Pty Ltd Northern Star Resources Ltd Northern Star Resources Ltd Pepstock II Pty Ltd Perdaman Chemicals &amp; Fertilisers Pty Ltd Perth Airports Pty Ltd Peter Canaway Piacentini &amp; Son Ramsay Health Care Ltd Ramsay Health Care Ltd Satterley Property Group Schaffer Corporation Strzelecki Holdings Pty Ltd The 500 Club The 500 Club The 500 Club The 500 Club The 500 Club The 500 Club The 500 Club Tim Roberts Wellard Limited Wellard Limited Wesfarmers Ltd Wesfarmers Ltd William Packer Woodside Energy Ltd Xavier Group Pty Ltd Entity: Liberal Party of Australia Advanced Personnel Management AHL Administration Pty Ltd ANZ Banking Group Limited Arnold Vitocco ASX Limited Aus Gold Mining Group Pty Ltd Australian Electoral Commission Australian Electoral Commission Australian Hotels Association Australian Taxation Office Balmoral Pastoral Pty Ltd Bertocchi Smallgoods Pty Ltd Bertocchi Smallgoods Pty Ltd Bertocchi Smallgoods Pty Ltd Bespoke Approach Bespoke Approach Bickham Court Group Birmingham, Senator Simon Bruce Corlett Bupa Burnewang Pastoral Company Burnewang Pastoral Company Capitalb Pty Ltd Century Plaza Group of Companies Commonwealth Bank of Australia Consolidated Travel Pty Ltd Consolidated Travel Pty Ltd Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd Cormann LP Campaign Committee, Cormann LP Campaign Committee, Crown Limited Curtin Liberal Federal Campaign Curtin Liberal Federal Campaign Curtin Liberal Federal Campaign Danny Wallis Department of Finance Department of Finance Department of Finance Department of Finance Ernst &amp; Young Partnership Fidelity Investments (Gresham Partners Fidelity Investments (Gresham Partners Flinders Electorate Council Geemac Pty Ltd GJJ Family Trust Goldstein Fighting Fund Graham &amp; Robyn Burke Grollo Group Henroth Investments Pty Ltd Higgins Electorate Committee - Liberal Holmes Colleges Australia Holmes Institute Holmes Institute Hong Kong Kingson Investment Ltd (red Hong Kong Kingson Investment Ltd (red J &amp; G Investments Australia P/L Jayco Corporation Jefferson Investments Pty Ltd Kooyong Electorate Council Kooyong Electorate Council KPMG LHC Capital Liberal Party of Australia - VIC Division Liberal Party of Australia - WA Division Liberal Party of Australia, Vic Division Lion Ltd Macquarie Group Services Australia Pty Ltd Manildra Group Manildra Group Mark Moran Vaucluse Mead, Rohan Meerkat 31 Pty Ltd Meriton Pty Ltd Michael J Crouch AO Midas Touch Investments Milstern Health Care Ltd Mr A J Myers AC QC Mr A J Myers AC QC Mr Ervin Vidor -Toga Group Mr G John Pizzey Mr Garry Rothwell Mr John Calvert-Jones Mr Marcus C Blackmore AM Mr Michael Gazal Mr Ray Stack OAM National Automotive Leasing &amp; Salary Pack National Automotive Leasing &amp; Salary Pack Omnioffices Pty Ltd Omnioffices Pty Ltd Optus Parakeelia Pty Ltd Parakeelia Pty Ltd Parakeelia Pty Ltd Parakeelia Pty Ltd Parakeelia Pty Ltd Paul Marks Pengana Holdings Perron Group Perron Group Peter &amp; Sharon Ivany Peter Dutton MP Philip Bacon Galleries Pratt Holdings Pty Ltd Pratt Holdings Pty Ltd Pratt Holdings Pty Ltd PWC Ramsay Health Care Aust P/L Santos Limited Servecorp Australian Holdings Pty Ltd Simplot Australia (Holdings) Pty Ltd Sir Michael Hintze Sonic Healthcare Sovori Pty Limited Sportsbet Sturt FEC Sturt FEC Sturt FEC The Gandel Group Pty. Ltd. The Nationals Velcara Pty Ltd Velcara Pty Ltd Village Roadshow Limited Village Roadshow Limited Village Roadshow Limited Virgin Australia Visy Vocus Communications Walker Group Holdings Pty Ltd Walker Group Holdings Pty Ltd Westfield Limited Westpac Banking Corporation WGK Investments Pty Ltd Whitehaven Coal William Hill Australia Woodside Energy Ltd Yellow Brick Road Entity: Liberal Party of Australia - ACT Division Andrew Sykes Andrew Sykes Australian Forensic Services Elections ACT Giulia Jones Liberal Party (Victoria Division) Kooyong 200 Club Paul Marks Investment Trust Steve Doszpot Steve Doszpot Taipei Economic and Cultural Office Australia Vicki Dunne Entity: Liberal Party of Australia - Tasmanian Division Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketers Association Australian Retailers Association Caravan Industry Association of Australia Ltd Jade Fisheries Pty Ltd Kooyong 200 Club Liberal Party of Australia - Tasmania Division as trustee for Ga Midgeon Holdings Pty Ltd Midgeon Holdings Pty Ltd Nicholas Curtis AM P Marks Investment Pty Ltd Pathology Australia Trident Security Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (S.A. Division) Accolade Wines Aus Gold Mining Group Pty Ltd Australian Hotels Association Dr Tim Cooper AM Hon Ian McLachlan AO Hugh G MacLachlan Jason Karas Mr Ian Wall OAM Mrs Pam Wall OAM P Marks Investments Pty Ltd Robert Gerard AO Robert Stobbe The Liberal Foundation Inc Tony Wojciechowski Viterra Operations Pty Ltd Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division) AKS Industries Aust Pty Ltd Andrew Abercrombie Aust. Hotel &amp; Hospitality Assocn. Aust. Hotel &amp; Hospitality Assocn. Australian Aged Care Group Propietary Ltd Ausvigor Global Pty Ltd Bayside Forum Bertocchi Smallgoods Berwick Ranges 500 Club BrighSun New Energy BUPA Australia Chaoshan No1 Pty Ltd Cormack Foundation Cormack Foundation Crown Limited Damien Mantach Dunkley Blue Ribbon Club DWS Limited Epworth Healthcare Greg Mirabella Grollo Group Harold Mitchell Health Insurance Restricted Membership Association Higgins 200 Club Higgins 200 Foundation Huifeng Liu J &amp; W Cameron John R Ayre John W Knowles Joseph Walsh Kooyong 200 Club Macquarie Finance Macquarie Telecom Marshall Ma Master Builders Association Vic Menzies 200 Club Michael Yates Mr Eli Goldfinger Mr Patrick Flannigan Ms Gladys Liu National Australia Bank Parklea Pty Ltd Paul Marks Peter Jermyn Pharmacy Guild VIC Phillip Allison QBE Limited Raphael Geminder Sadath Business Group Sandhurst Capital SportsBet Pty Ltd Swisse Wellness Tabcorp Holdings Ltd Team 200 Club Terry Chen The Civic Group The Gandel Group Vapold Pty Ltd Victorian Electoral Commission Village Roadshow Villawood Management Visa Australia Wallis Nominees Entity: Liberal Party of Australia, NSW Division AUSTRALIAN HOTELS ASSOCIATION NSW AUSTRALIAN HOTELS ASSOCIATION NSW AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE AUTOMOTIVE INVEST PTY LIMITED AUTOMOTIVE INVEST PTY LIMITED BECKWITH, MICHAEL BLACKMORE, MARCUS BLACKMORE, MARCUS CAPITAL HILL ADVISORY PTY LTD CLUBSNSW CROSSING, PETER INTERNATIONAL SOS (AUSTRALASIA) PTY LTD IVE GROUP IVE GROUP JADE FISHERIES PTY LTD KODER, MATTHEW LARGO INVESTMENT CONSULTING GROUP PTY LTD LIBERAL PARTY - FEDERAL SECRETARIAT LIBERAL PARTY - FEDERAL SECRETARIAT LIBERAL PARTY - FEDERAL SECRETARIAT LIBERAL PARTY - FEDERAL SECRETARIAT LIBERAL PARTY - FEDERAL SECRETARIAT LIBERAL PARTY - VICTORIA DIVISION (KOOYONG 200 CLUB) LIBERAL PARTY - VICTORIA DIVISION (KOOYONG 200 CLUB) MEDICINES AUSTRALIA MEDICINES AUSTRALIA NATIONAL ROADS &amp; MOTORISTS' ASSOCIATION LIMITED NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION NSW ELECTORAL COMMISSION PAYCE MANAGEMENT PTY LTD. PROFILE CONSULTING (AUST) PTY LTD SUNCORP TEN NETWORK HOLDINGS LIMITED THALES AUSTRALIA THE STAR ENTERTAINMENT GROUP THE TRUSTEE FOR JR ENTERPRISES UNIT TRUST THE TRUSTEE FOR MERC SHOPPINGTOWN UNIT TRUST THE TRUSTEE FOR P. MARKS INVESTMENT TRUST THE TRUSTEE FOR SEGI HOLDINGS TRUST VISA AP (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD WARATAH GROUP (AUSTRALIA) PTY LIMITED WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION WONG, KAI-BUN YIN, ANDY YIN. ANDY YUHU GROUP (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD Entity: Mature Australia Party No donations Entity: National Party of Australia ATO Bespoke Approach Croplife Gulf Coast Gulf Coast Jefferson Investments John McEwen House Pty Ltd Liberal National Party of Queensland Liberal Party of Australia (WA Division) Macquarie Group Services Australia Limited Manildra Group of Companies Mibro Pty Ltd Mowburn Nominees Pty Ltd Mr Marcus Blackmore Northwake Pty Ltd Pharmacy Guild Queensland Coal Investments Pty Ltd Ramsay Health Care Rex Airlines ROCHE Group The Nationals NSW The Nationals Victoria Trepang Entity: National Party of Australia - N.S.W. Australian Hotels Association Australian Taxation Office Bindaree Beef Group Pty Ltd BSREP 32 Carrington Landowner Pty Ltd Gerry Pennisi Idwall Richards Mandarin International Investment Pty Ltd Manildra Group Manildra Group National Building Foundation National Party of Australia National Party of Australia NSW Electoral Commission NSW Electoral Commission NSW Electoral Commission NSW Electoral Commission NSW Electoral Commission NSW Electoral Commission NSW Electoral Commission NSW Electoral Commission NSW Electoral Commission NSW Electoral Commission Ognis Pty Ltd Ramsay Health Care Investments Pty Ltd Ruralco Holdings Limited Southern Oil Refining Pty Ltd TabCorp Holdings Limited Westpac Banking Corporation Entity: National Party of Australia - Victoria National Party of Australia National Party of Australia Pilliwinks Pty Ltd Victorian Electoral Commission Entity: National Party of Australia (S.A.) Inc. No donations Entity: National Party of Australia (WA) Inc Brendon Grylls Colin de Grussa Colin Holt David Grills Finbar Group Ltd Jacqui Boydell Martin Aldridge Mia Davies Parliamentary National Party Paul Brown Peter Rundle Richard Noble &amp; Co Richard Noble &amp; Co Shane Love Terry Redman Tony Crook Vince Catania Entity: Nick Xenophon Team Golden Lineage Pty Ltd Nick Xenophon Nick Xenophon Nick Xenophon WRIGHT STREET NOMINEES PTY LTD Entity: Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting) No donations Entity: One Nation Queensland Division No donations Entity: Online Direct Democracy - (Empowering the People!) No donations Entity: Outdoor Recreation Party (Stop The Greens) No donations Entity: Palmer United Party Clive Palmer Electoral Comission Mineralogy Pty Ltd Mineralogy Pty Ltd QN Metals Pty Ltd QN Metals Pty Ltd QN Resources Pty Ltd QN Resources Pty Ltd S Wrightson Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Pauline Hanson (Loan) Pauline Hanson (Loan) Pauline Hanson (Loan) Pauline Hanson (Loan) Pauline Hanson (Loan) Pauline Hanson (Loan) Pauline Hanson (Loan) Pauline Hanson (Loan) Queensland Electoral Commission Queensland Electoral Commission Queensland Electrol Commission Queensland Electrol Commission Entity: Pirate Party Australia No donations Entity: Queensland Greens Australian Greens Inc. Bradley Russell Smith Bree Smith Electoral Commission of Queensland Electoral Commission of Queensland Electoral Commission of Queensland Electoral Commission of Queensland Energreen Nutrition Australia Frederick Allen Hunt Jayde Smith Matthew McCauley Ruth Greble Entity: Renewable Energy Party No donations Entity: Rise Up Australia Party Peter and Angela DORIAN Entity: Science Party No donations Entity: Secular Party of Australia No donations Entity: Seniors United Party of Australia No donations Entity: Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party Federation of Hunting Clubs Inc Federation of Hunting Clubs Inc Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party (NSW) Inc Shooting Industry Foundation of Australia Shooting Industry Foundation of Australia Shooting Industry Foundation of Australia Entity: Smokers Rights Party No donations Entity: Socialist Alliance Electrical Trades Union (ETU) Entity: Socialist Equality Party No donations Entity: Tasmanian Greens - NATIONAL No donations Entity: The Arts Party No donations Entity: The Australian Greens - Victoria Angela Palombo Australian Greens Babon, Andrea D Derek Campbell Electrical Trades Union Hackett, Anna Ian Bolton Jeremy Burke Kemran Mestan Marian Smedley Minax Uriel Pl Norman Rothfield Peace And Justice Trust Purdy, Richard Trauer, Barbara L Turpie, Duncan Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association Wolfgang Sievers Trust (Trust) Wood, Graeme Entity: The Australian Mental Health Party No donations Entity: The Greens (WA) Inc Andrew Woodroffe Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Chilla Bulbeck Chilla Bulbeck Clare Nunan Conor Murray David and Lesley Letham David Glance Fred Woollard Griff Morris Hans Hug Harley Lacy Harley Lacy Harley Lacy Harley Lacy Heather &amp; Neil Barrett James Mumme Jan Currie Jan Knight and Peter Wilmot Jay Birnbrauer Jean Le Quesne John Dravnieks Jude Cullity Lewis Tyndall Lewis Tyndall Linda Selvey Linda Selvey Lucy Cowcher-Guthrie Nic Cowcher-Guthrie Pater Investments Peter Wilmot Phil Jenkins Police and Nurses Bank Rachel Siewert Robert Guthrie Roger King Ross Le Quesne Ruth Greble Ruth Greble Ruth Greble Scott Ludlam Scott Ludlam Scott Ludlam Trish Cowcher Trish Cowcher Vicki Foster Entity: The Greens NSW Aina Matlida Ranke Australian Electoral Commission Australian Electoral Commission Australian Electoral Commission Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Greens Australian Tax Office Australian Tax Office Australian Tax Office Australian Tax Office Australian Tax Office Australian Tax Office Australian Tax Office Australian Tax Office Australian Tax Office David Shoebridge David Shoebridge David Shoebridge David Shoebridge David Shoebridge David Shoebridge David Shoebridge David Shoebridge David Shoebridge David Shoebridge David Shoebridge David Shoebridge David Shoebridge Jamie Thomas Parker Jamie Thomas Parker Jamie Thomas Parker Jamie Thomas Parker Jamie Thomas Parker Jan Barham Jan Barham Jan Barham Jan Barham Jan Barham Jan Barham Jan Barham Jan Barham Jan Barham Jan Barham Jan Barham Jan Barham Jan Barham Jeremy Buckingham Jeremy Buckingham Jeremy Buckingham Jeremy Buckingham Jeremy Buckingham Jeremy Buckingham Jeremy Buckingham Jeremy Buckingham Jeremy Buckingham Jeremy Buckingham Jeremy Buckingham Jeremy Buckingham Jeremy Buckingham Mehreen Faruqi Mehreen Faruqi Mehreen Faruqi Mehreen Faruqi Mehreen Faruqi Mehreen Faruqi Mehreen Faruqi Mehreen Faruqi Mehreen Faruqi Mehreen Faruqi Mehreen Faruqi Mehreen Faruqi Mehreen Faruqi NSW Electoral commission NSW Electoral commission NSW Electoral commission NSW Electoral commission NSW Electoral commission NSW Electoral commission NSW Electoral commission Roland John Kaye Roland John Kaye Roland John Kaye Roland John Kaye Roland John Kaye Roland John Kaye Roland John Kaye Roland John Kaye Roland John Kaye Roland John Kaye Roland John Kaye Tamara Smith Tamara Smith Tamara Smith Tamara Smith Tamara Smith Tamara Smith Tamara Smith Tamara Smith Tamara Smith Tamara Smith Tamara Smith Entity: The Territory Green Party No donations Entity: Voluntary Euthanasia Party No donations Entity: VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy! Guy King The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd The Flux Startup Pty Ltd


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240 Queen Street
Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland)
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240 Queen Street
Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland)
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41 Peel Street
Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland)
CEPU - Communications
41 Peel Street
Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland)
Other Receipt
CEPU - Electrical Division
41 Peel Street
Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland)
CEPU - Electrical Division
41 Peel Street
Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland)
CEPU - Electrical Division
41 Peel Street
Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland)
CEPU - Electrical Division
41 Peel Street
Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland)
CEPU - Electrical Division
41 Peel Street
Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland)
CEPU - Electrical Division
41 Peel Street
Australian Labor Party (State of Queensland)
CEPU - Electrical Division

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