TheRealCreamCheesus / AEC-associated-entity-donation-scraper

Scrapes donations declared by Australian associated entities


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Injecting configuration and compiling... Injecting scraper and running... Scraper first run Loading data for 1998-1999 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2681 Entity: 2HD Broadcasters Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Peterson Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd Scraper first run Loading data for 1998-1999 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2681 Entity: 2HD Broadcasters Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Peterson Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd Scraper first run Loading data for 1998-1999 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2681 Entity: 2HD Broadcasters Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Peterson Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1131 Entity: Labour Unity Political Fund There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW) Ryde Forum 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Mallens Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 1108 Entity: Monash Forum There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1129 Entity: NSW Liberal Women's Forum A/C There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd Scraper first run Loading data for 1998-1999 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2681 Entity: 2HD Broadcasters Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Peterson Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1131 Entity: Labour Unity Political Fund There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW) Ryde Forum 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Mallens Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 1108 Entity: Monash Forum There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1129 Entity: NSW Liberal Women's Forum A/C There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 2724 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Ltd 1106 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Trust 2866 Entity: Perry Securities Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association There have been no receipts reported 20684 Entity: Softgoods Sales Association There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Splinter Creek Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 2724 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Ltd 1106 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Trust 2866 Entity: Perry Securities Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association There have been no receipts reported 20684 Entity: Softgoods Sales Association There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Splinter Creek Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 2724 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Ltd 1106 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Trust 2866 Entity: Perry Securities Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association There have been no receipts reported 20684 Entity: Softgoods Sales Association There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Splinter Creek Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 2724 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Ltd 1106 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Trust 2866 Entity: Perry Securities Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association There have been no receipts reported 20684 Entity: Softgoods Sales Association There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Splinter Creek Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane Future Committee 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club Loading data for 1999-2000 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust There have been no receipts reported 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: ASU - Qld Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane Future Committee 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club Loading data for 1999-2000 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust There have been no receipts reported 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: ASU - Qld Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane Future Committee 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club Loading data for 1999-2000 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust There have been no receipts reported 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: ASU - Qld Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5858 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 1108 Entity: Monash Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1129 Entity: NSW Liberal Women's Forum Account There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane Future Committee 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club Loading data for 1999-2000 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust There have been no receipts reported 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: ASU - Qld Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5858 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 1108 Entity: Monash Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1129 Entity: NSW Liberal Women's Forum Account There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2000-2001 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIMPE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 5827 Entity: Cook FEC There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2000-2001 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIMPE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 5827 Entity: Cook FEC There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2001-2002 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM & PE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union Services There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 6552 Entity: Berwick 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 23245 Entity: CFMEU There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 27913 Entity: Eros Foundation There have been no receipts reported 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2001-2002 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM & PE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union Services There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 6552 Entity: Berwick 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 23245 Entity: CFMEU There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 27913 Entity: Eros Foundation There have been no receipts reported 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2001-2002 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM & PE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union Services There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 6552 Entity: Berwick 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 23245 Entity: CFMEU There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 27913 Entity: Eros Foundation There have been no receipts reported 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Mallens Colac Hotel There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2001-2002 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM & PE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union Services There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 6552 Entity: Berwick 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 23245 Entity: CFMEU There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 27913 Entity: Eros Foundation There have been no receipts reported 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Mallens Colac Hotel There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 7544 Entity: The Great Australians Ltd 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2002-2003 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Union of Employees Qld There have been no receipts reported 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 10192 Entity: CEC Group Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 9378 Entity: Green and Gold Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 7544 Entity: The Great Australians Ltd 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2002-2003 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Union of Employees Qld There have been no receipts reported 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 10192 Entity: CEC Group Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 9378 Entity: Green and Gold Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 7544 Entity: The Great Australians Ltd 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2002-2003 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Union of Employees Qld There have been no receipts reported 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 10192 Entity: CEC Group Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 9378 Entity: Green and Gold Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Limited 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 9982 Entity: Page Research Centre Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 7544 Entity: The Great Australians Ltd 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2002-2003 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Union of Employees Qld There have been no receipts reported 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 10192 Entity: CEC Group Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 9378 Entity: Green and Gold Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Limited 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 9982 Entity: Page Research Centre Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 9175 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 8589 Entity: Queensland First Pty Ltd 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The Goldstein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19917 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (SA) There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union Queensland Branch There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club 10312 Entity: Yarra Ranges 200 Club (Formerly Yarra Valley) There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2003-2004 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB There have been no receipts reported 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMP There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU NSW & ACT Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 19108 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18831 Entity: CEPU (Communications Division) There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Energy Division QLD District Branch There have been no receipts reported 23350 Entity: CFMEU F&FPD There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 12843 Entity: CLP The Territory Party There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18922 Entity: FSU NSW & ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 12867 Entity: Gippsland TLC There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 12823 Entity: Holland Park MEC There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program There have been no receipts reported 12963 Entity: Lang Holdings Aust Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 12961 Entity: Liberal Lord Mayor of Brisbane There have been no receipts reported 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 12984 Entity: Max Christmas Camp There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Limited 12835 Entity: Millennium Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 12979 Entity: National Free Enterprise Foundation (WA) Ltd 12868 Entity: North East TLC There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 12830 Entity: NT CLP There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 9175 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 8589 Entity: Queensland First Pty Ltd 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The Goldstein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19917 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (SA) There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union Queensland Branch There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club 10312 Entity: Yarra Ranges 200 Club (Formerly Yarra Valley) There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2003-2004 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB There have been no receipts reported 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMP There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU NSW & ACT Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 19108 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18831 Entity: CEPU (Communications Division) There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Energy Division QLD District Branch There have been no receipts reported 23350 Entity: CFMEU F&FPD There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 12843 Entity: CLP The Territory Party There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18922 Entity: FSU NSW & ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 12867 Entity: Gippsland TLC There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 12823 Entity: Holland Park MEC There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program There have been no receipts reported 12963 Entity: Lang Holdings Aust Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 12961 Entity: Liberal Lord Mayor of Brisbane There have been no receipts reported 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 12984 Entity: Max Christmas Camp There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Limited 12835 Entity: Millennium Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 12979 Entity: National Free Enterprise Foundation (WA) Ltd 12868 Entity: North East TLC There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 12830 Entity: NT CLP There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 9175 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 8589 Entity: Queensland First Pty Ltd 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The Goldstein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19917 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (SA) There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union Queensland Branch There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club 10312 Entity: Yarra Ranges 200 Club (Formerly Yarra Valley) There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2003-2004 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB There have been no receipts reported 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMP There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU NSW & ACT Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 19108 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18831 Entity: CEPU (Communications Division) There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Energy Division QLD District Branch There have been no receipts reported 23350 Entity: CFMEU F&FPD There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 12843 Entity: CLP The Territory Party There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18922 Entity: FSU NSW & ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 12867 Entity: Gippsland TLC There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 12823 Entity: Holland Park MEC There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program There have been no receipts reported 12963 Entity: Lang Holdings Aust Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 12961 Entity: Liberal Lord Mayor of Brisbane There have been no receipts reported 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 12984 Entity: Max Christmas Camp There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Limited 12835 Entity: Millennium Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 12979 Entity: National Free Enterprise Foundation (WA) Ltd 12868 Entity: North East TLC There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 12830 Entity: NT CLP There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 9175 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 8589 Entity: Queensland First Pty Ltd 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The Goldstein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19917 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (SA) There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union Queensland Branch There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club 10312 Entity: Yarra Ranges 200 Club (Formerly Yarra Valley) There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2003-2004 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB There have been no receipts reported 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMP There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU NSW & ACT Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 19108 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18831 Entity: CEPU (Communications Division) There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Energy Division QLD District Branch There have been no receipts reported 23350 Entity: CFMEU F&FPD There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 12843 Entity: CLP The Territory Party There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18922 Entity: FSU NSW & ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 12867 Entity: Gippsland TLC There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 12823 Entity: Holland Park MEC There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program There have been no receipts reported 12963 Entity: Lang Holdings Aust Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 12961 Entity: Liberal Lord Mayor of Brisbane There have been no receipts reported 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 12984 Entity: Max Christmas Camp There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Limited 12835 Entity: Millennium Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 12979 Entity: National Free Enterprise Foundation (WA) Ltd 12868 Entity: North East TLC There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 12830 Entity: NT CLP There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 9175 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 12834 Entity: Richmond FEC There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) Injecting configuration and compiling... Injecting scraper and running... Scraper first run Loading data for 1998-1999 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2681 Entity: 2HD Broadcasters Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Peterson Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd Scraper first run Loading data for 1998-1999 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2681 Entity: 2HD Broadcasters Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Peterson Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd Scraper first run Loading data for 1998-1999 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2681 Entity: 2HD Broadcasters Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Peterson Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd Scraper first run Loading data for 1998-1999 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2681 Entity: 2HD Broadcasters Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Peterson Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1131 Entity: Labour Unity Political Fund There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW) Ryde Forum 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Mallens Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 1108 Entity: Monash Forum There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1129 Entity: NSW Liberal Women's Forum A/C There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 2724 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Ltd 1106 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Trust 2866 Entity: Perry Securities Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association There have been no receipts reported 20684 Entity: Softgoods Sales Association There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Splinter Creek Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane Future Committee 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club Loading data for 1999-2000 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust There have been no receipts reported 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: ASU - Qld Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5858 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 1108 Entity: Monash Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1129 Entity: NSW Liberal Women's Forum Account There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2000-2001 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIMPE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 5827 Entity: Cook FEC There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2001-2002 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM & PE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union Services There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 6552 Entity: Berwick 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 23245 Entity: CFMEU There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 27913 Entity: Eros Foundation There have been no receipts reported 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Mallens Colac Hotel There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 7544 Entity: The Great Australians Ltd 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2002-2003 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Union of Employees Qld There have been no receipts reported 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 10192 Entity: CEC Group Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 9378 Entity: Green and Gold Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 2724 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Ltd 1106 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Trust 2866 Entity: Perry Securities Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association There have been no receipts reported 20684 Entity: Softgoods Sales Association There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Splinter Creek Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane Future Committee 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club Loading data for 1999-2000 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust There have been no receipts reported 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: ASU - Qld Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5858 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 1108 Entity: Monash Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1129 Entity: NSW Liberal Women's Forum Account There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2000-2001 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIMPE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 5827 Entity: Cook FEC There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2001-2002 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM & PE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union Services There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 6552 Entity: Berwick 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 23245 Entity: CFMEU There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 27913 Entity: Eros Foundation There have been no receipts reported 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Mallens Colac Hotel There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 7544 Entity: The Great Australians Ltd 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2002-2003 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Union of Employees Qld There have been no receipts reported 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 10192 Entity: CEC Group Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 9378 Entity: Green and Gold Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 2724 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Ltd 1106 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Trust 2866 Entity: Perry Securities Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association There have been no receipts reported 20684 Entity: Softgoods Sales Association There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Splinter Creek Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane Future Committee 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club Loading data for 1999-2000 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust There have been no receipts reported 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: ASU - Qld Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5858 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 1108 Entity: Monash Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1129 Entity: NSW Liberal Women's Forum Account There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2000-2001 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIMPE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 5827 Entity: Cook FEC There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2001-2002 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM & PE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union Services There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 6552 Entity: Berwick 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 23245 Entity: CFMEU There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 27913 Entity: Eros Foundation There have been no receipts reported 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Mallens Colac Hotel There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 7544 Entity: The Great Australians Ltd 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2002-2003 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Union of Employees Qld There have been no receipts reported 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 10192 Entity: CEC Group Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 9378 Entity: Green and Gold Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Limited 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 9982 Entity: Page Research Centre Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 2724 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Ltd 1106 Entity: Pauline Hanson's One Nation Trust 2866 Entity: Perry Securities Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association There have been no receipts reported 20684 Entity: Softgoods Sales Association There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Splinter Creek Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane Future Committee 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club Loading data for 1999-2000 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust There have been no receipts reported 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM and PE QLD There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: ASU - Qld Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18751 Entity: CEPU (SA) There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1153 Entity: Committee for a Better Australia There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 1146 Entity: Deakin Blue Ribbon Forum There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU (NSW/ACT Branch) There have been no receipts reported 222 Entity: Goshawk Gear There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5858 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 1108 Entity: Monash Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1129 Entity: NSW Liberal Women's Forum Account There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1158 Entity: South East 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1141 Entity: Workers Weekly Herald Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2000-2001 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 718 Entity: AD Properties Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIMPE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass Coast 2000/Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 5827 Entity: Cook FEC There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 8166 Entity: Labor West 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1120 Entity: Link 2000 There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2001-2002 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club 22982 Entity: AIM & PE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: AMIEU (QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU - Hobart There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU (NSW and ACT) Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union Services There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 6552 Entity: Berwick 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 23245 Entity: CFMEU There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 27913 Entity: Eros Foundation There have been no receipts reported 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: FSU State Bank of NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Pty Ltd 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 1131 Entity: Labor Unity There have been no receipts reported 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 8754 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Mallens Colac Hotel There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Ltd 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 2866 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The GoldStein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 7544 Entity: The Great Australians Ltd 22715 Entity: The Green Institute 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Range 200 Club There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2002-2003 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Union of Employees Qld There have been no receipts reported 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Legacies and Gifts Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: Australian Workers Union (Port Kembla) There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union (WA) There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 10192 Entity: CEC Group Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 2931 Entity: Dendy Forum There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 20689 Entity: Donations Club (Kefford Corporation) There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 9378 Entity: Green and Gold Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 825 Entity: Labor Dinner Club There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Limited 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1147 Entity: NPA Foundation 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd 9982 Entity: Page Research Centre Ltd 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 9175 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 8589 Entity: Queensland First Pty Ltd 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The Goldstein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19917 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (SA) There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union Queensland Branch There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club 10312 Entity: Yarra Ranges 200 Club (Formerly Yarra Valley) There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2003-2004 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB There have been no receipts reported 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMP There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU NSW & ACT Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 19108 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18831 Entity: CEPU (Communications Division) There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Energy Division QLD District Branch There have been no receipts reported 23350 Entity: CFMEU F&FPD There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 12843 Entity: CLP The Territory Party There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18922 Entity: FSU NSW & ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 12867 Entity: Gippsland TLC There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 12823 Entity: Holland Park MEC There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program There have been no receipts reported 12963 Entity: Lang Holdings Aust Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 12961 Entity: Liberal Lord Mayor of Brisbane There have been no receipts reported 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 12984 Entity: Max Christmas Camp There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Limited 12835 Entity: Millennium Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 12979 Entity: National Free Enterprise Foundation (WA) Ltd 12868 Entity: North East TLC There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 12830 Entity: NT CLP There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 9175 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 12834 Entity: Richmond FEC There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club There have been no receipts reported 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 12866 Entity: Victoria Trades Hall There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Ranges 200 Club (Formerly Yarra Valley) There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2004-2005 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB There have been no receipts reported 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMPE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 23171 Entity: ASU National Office There have been no receipts reported 19721 Entity: ASU North Queensland There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU NSW & ACT Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 19108 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 20476 Entity: AWU (Newcastle Branch) There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18831 Entity: CEPU (Communications Division) There have been no receipts reported 20048 Entity: CEPU (Communications) There have been no receipts reported 19947 Entity: CEPU (E & E) There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction & General There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU Construction & General Division There have been no receipts reported 19149 Entity: CFMEU-Mining & Energy Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18814 Entity: Friends of Indi 18922 Entity: FSU NSW & ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 16802 Entity: Indi Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Limited 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 19053 Entity: National Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The Goldstein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1113 Entity: The Menzies Research Centre Limited 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19903 Entity: Transport Workers Union (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 16722 Entity: True Blue Club There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd Loading data for 2005-2006 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMPE - Aust Inst of Marine & Power Eng There have been no receipts reported 22370 Entity: ALP Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Nctle & Northern There have been no receipts reported 18919 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - NSW Branch 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 18859 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine - Power Engineers There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 18736 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union NSW Branch 18737 Entity: Australian Rail,Tram & Bus Industry - TAS Branch 21231 Entity: Australian Services Union There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: Australian Services Union of NSW & ACT (Services) Branch There have been no receipts reported 18743 Entity: Australian Services Union SA-NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19816 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 20476 Entity: AWU Newcastle Branch There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 19947 Entity: CEPU (E & E) There have been no receipts reported 18831 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - Tasmania Branch There have been no receipts reported 18860 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 18867 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T - WA Branch 18861 Entity: CEPU Communications Division T & S - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 18750 Entity: CEPU Communications Division T & S WA There have been no receipts reported 18748 Entity: CEPU Electrical Division QLD & NT Divisional Branch 18751 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Engergy & Services Divsion - SA There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU Construction & General Division There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - NSW 23350 Entity: CFMEU F & FP Division There have been no receipts reported 18797 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy Division - NSW There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd 18756 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Australia (NSW Branch) 18760 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Employees Queensland There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18921 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Aust - Commonwealth Bank Officers Assoc There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Australia - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18814 Entity: Friends of Indi 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Goldedge Holdings Pty Ltd T/as Mallens Colac Hotel Pty Ltd 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 18761 Entity: Health Services Union There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 16802 Entity: Indi Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Limited 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 18864 Entity: Labor Business Roundtable There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 18846 Entity: LHMU Union - Liquor & Hospitality Division (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor, Hospitality & Miscellaneous Union - National Office 17323 Entity: LPPH Pty Ltd 18763 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia There have been no receipts reported 18832 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia - Sydney Branch There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 18854 Entity: National Union of Workers - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 18833 Entity: National Union of Workers - Queensland Branch There have been no receipts reported 20467 Entity: National Union of Workers (Western Australian Branch) 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 18764 Entity: NSW Local Govt, Clerical Admin, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Uni 17401 Entity: One Nation Western Australia Incorporated There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 18746 Entity: Rail Tram & Bus Union SA-NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 18816 Entity: SDA Union - NSW Deductions Account Office 18784 Entity: Shop Assist's & W/House Employees' Fed of Aust-N'cle & Nthn NSW There have been no receipts reported 18776 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Assoc - SA 18778 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employee's Assoc - QLD 18825 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - National There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 17554 Entity: Supporters for Re-Electing Kotsiras 18869 Entity: TCFUA - Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Aust - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 19108 Entity: The Australian Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 18785 Entity: The Australian Workers' Union - Greater NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: The Australian Workers Union - West Australian Branch There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 19898 Entity: The Food Preservers' Union of Western Australia, Union of Worker There have been no receipts reported 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club 17862 Entity: The Jim Killen Young Liberal Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1113 Entity: The Menzies Research Centre Limited 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 20031 Entity: The Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Assoc of Western Aust There have been no receipts reported 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19903 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - Canberra Branch There have been no receipts reported 20455 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - National Office There have been no receipts reported 19902 Entity: Transport Workers Union of NSW 16722 Entity: True Blue Club There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd Loading data for 2006-2007 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 20841 Entity: AG - Rich Foods Pty Ltd 19095 Entity: Agenda Mangement & Solutions Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMPE - Aust Inst of Marine & Power Eng There have been no receipts reported 20213 Entity: AK Frogley & Sons 22370 Entity: ALP Investment Trust 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19098 Entity: Arthur Macartney Family Trust 19138 Entity: ASU Victorian Private Sector Branch 20216 Entity: Aust Municipal Admin Clerical & Services Union - TAS There have been no receipts reported 19515 Entity: Aust. Building Const. Employees & Builders Labour Fed. (QLD Br) 19885 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Serv Union - Cent & South. QLD There have been no receipts reported 19886 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Serv. Union-Cent & S'thrn QLD 19873 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Services Union - National Exec There have been no receipts reported 19888 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Services Union - WA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19714 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Federal Council 18747 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Nctle & Northern There have been no receipts reported 18919 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - NSW Branch 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - QLD Branch 19610 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (Tasmania) There have been no receipts reported 19455 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (WA Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19454 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19713 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union Victorian Branch 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees 19811 Entity: Australian Inst of Marine & Power Engineers Union of Emp. QLD There have been no receipts reported 18859 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine - Power Engineers 19051 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19052 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union There have been no receipts reported 20050 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union (QLD) 18736 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union NSW Branch 18737 Entity: Australian Rail,Tram & Bus Industry - TAS Branch There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union - QLD Services Branch 19721 Entity: Australian Services Union NQ & Admin Branch 18799 Entity: Australian Services Union of NSW & ACT (Services) Branch There have been no receipts reported 18743 Entity: Australian Services Union SA-NT Branch 19894 Entity: Australian Services Union, Vic Authorities & Services Branch 19833 Entity: Australian Workers Union - National Office 19810 Entity: Australian Workers Union Greater SA Branch 19816 Entity: Australian Workers' Union of Employees Queensland 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union Victorian Branch 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union WA Branch 20054 Entity: Australian Workers Union, Greater NSW Branch 19806 Entity: Automotive Food Metals Engineering Printing & Kindred Ind. Union 19108 Entity: AWU - Australian Workers Union (Tasmanian Branch) 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 20495 Entity: AWU Taps & Gas Industry Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 19111 Entity: Bell Carroll Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19112 Entity: Biggs & Sons Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 19113 Entity: Blair Mount Pastl Co 19064 Entity: Blind Workers Union of Victoria There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 19115 Entity: Bowen Pastoral Company 19443 Entity: Browning Family Investment Trust There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 20424 Entity: Campbell & Jones Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 20217 Entity: Carellan Pastoral Co 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club There have been no receipts reported 19943 Entity: CEPU - Communications Division - T & S Branch (SA/NT) There have been no receipts reported 18831 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - Tasmania Branch There have been no receipts reported 20048 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - WA There have been no receipts reported 18860 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 19946 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T SA/NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 18861 Entity: CEPU Communications Division T & S - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 20055 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Energy & Serv. Div. Qld & NT Divisional Branch 18751 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Engergy & Services Divsion - SA There have been no receipts reported 19947 Entity: CEPU Engineering & Electrical Division There have been no receipts reported 20475 Entity: CEPU P & T Branch WA There have been no receipts reported 20246 Entity: CEPU P & T Victorian Branch There have been no receipts reported 23158 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Division NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20652 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Division, Queensland Branch 22425 Entity: CEPU Plumbing, Victoria Branch There have been no receipts reported 19149 Entity: CFMEU - Mining and Energy Division - Tas There have been no receipts reported 21332 Entity: CFMEU - Mining Division (North NSW District) 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU C & G Division (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - NSW 20642 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - VIC Branch There have been no receipts reported 23341 Entity: CFMEU FFPD National Office 20924 Entity: CFMEU FFPD South Australia Branch 23350 Entity: CFMEU FFPD Victorian No. 2 Branch 20695 Entity: CFMEU Forestry & Furnishing Division (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 23245 Entity: CFMEU Forestry & Furnishing Products Division (Tas Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 18797 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy Division - NSW 20480 Entity: CFMEU Pulp & Paper Br, Forestry & Furn. Prod. Div.- Millicent There have been no receipts reported 20932 Entity: CFMEU Pulp & Paper Workers' Branch No. 7 28834 Entity: Chinese Liberal Association There have been no receipts reported 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 20367 Entity: Coal Miners Industrial Union of Workers of WA Collie 21220 Entity: Communication Electrical Plumbing Union There have been no receipts reported 19948 Entity: Communications Electrical Plumbing Union NSW P & T Branch 19135 Entity: Conomos Bros There have been no receipts reported 19986 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Indust. Union of Emp. QLD 19956 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union -ACT 19975 Entity: Construction Forrestry Mining & Energy Union - WA 19611 Entity: Coombe Nut Farm 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 19151 Entity: Cullane Pastoral Co 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 21763 Entity: DB Scott & Co 20583 Entity: Deakin Executive Forum There have been no receipts reported 20762 Entity: Decorama Blinds Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19431 Entity: DeMoor Real Estate There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd 20689 Entity: Donations Club There have been no receipts reported 19740 Entity: Doonkami Pastoral Company Pty Ltd 20752 Entity: Dromgarriff Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported 20219 Entity: E R Cheers & Sons There have been no receipts reported 18756 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Australia (NSW Branch) 18760 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Employees Queensland 20248 Entity: Electrical Trades Union-Southern States Branch 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19037 Entity: Enterprise 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 21917 Entity: Eulie Pastoral Company 20754 Entity: F H Moses & Sons Pty Ltd 21945 Entity: Faircloth & Reynolds Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 9175 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 8589 Entity: Queensland First Pty Ltd 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The Goldstein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19917 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (SA) There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union Queensland Branch There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club 10312 Entity: Yarra Ranges 200 Club (Formerly Yarra Valley) There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2003-2004 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB There have been no receipts reported 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMP There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU NSW & ACT Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 19108 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18831 Entity: CEPU (Communications Division) There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Energy Division QLD District Branch There have been no receipts reported 23350 Entity: CFMEU F&FPD There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 12843 Entity: CLP The Territory Party There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18922 Entity: FSU NSW & ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 12867 Entity: Gippsland TLC There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 12823 Entity: Holland Park MEC There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program There have been no receipts reported 12963 Entity: Lang Holdings Aust Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 12961 Entity: Liberal Lord Mayor of Brisbane There have been no receipts reported 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 12984 Entity: Max Christmas Camp There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Limited 12835 Entity: Millennium Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 12979 Entity: National Free Enterprise Foundation (WA) Ltd 12868 Entity: North East TLC There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 12830 Entity: NT CLP There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 9175 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 12834 Entity: Richmond FEC There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club There have been no receipts reported 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 12866 Entity: Victoria Trades Hall There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Ranges 200 Club (Formerly Yarra Valley) There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2004-2005 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB There have been no receipts reported 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMPE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 23171 Entity: ASU National Office There have been no receipts reported 19721 Entity: ASU North Queensland There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU NSW & ACT Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 19108 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 20476 Entity: AWU (Newcastle Branch) There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18831 Entity: CEPU (Communications Division) There have been no receipts reported 20048 Entity: CEPU (Communications) There have been no receipts reported 19947 Entity: CEPU (E & E) There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction & General There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU Construction & General Division There have been no receipts reported 19149 Entity: CFMEU-Mining & Energy Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18814 Entity: Friends of Indi 18922 Entity: FSU NSW & ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 16802 Entity: Indi Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Limited 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 19053 Entity: National Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The Goldstein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1113 Entity: The Menzies Research Centre Limited 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19903 Entity: Transport Workers Union (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 16722 Entity: True Blue Club There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd Loading data for 2005-2006 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMPE - Aust Inst of Marine & Power Eng There have been no receipts reported 22370 Entity: ALP Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Nctle & Northern There have been no receipts reported 18919 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - NSW Branch 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 18859 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine - Power Engineers There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 18736 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union NSW Branch 18737 Entity: Australian Rail,Tram & Bus Industry - TAS Branch 21231 Entity: Australian Services Union There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: Australian Services Union of NSW & ACT (Services) Branch There have been no receipts reported 18743 Entity: Australian Services Union SA-NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19816 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 20476 Entity: AWU Newcastle Branch There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 19947 Entity: CEPU (E & E) There have been no receipts reported 18831 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - Tasmania Branch There have been no receipts reported 18860 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 18867 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T - WA Branch 18861 Entity: CEPU Communications Division T & S - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 18750 Entity: CEPU Communications Division T & S WA There have been no receipts reported 18748 Entity: CEPU Electrical Division QLD & NT Divisional Branch 18751 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Engergy & Services Divsion - SA There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU Construction & General Division There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - NSW 23350 Entity: CFMEU F & FP Division There have been no receipts reported 18797 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy Division - NSW There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd 18756 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Australia (NSW Branch) 18760 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Employees Queensland There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18921 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Aust - Commonwealth Bank Officers Assoc There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Australia - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18814 Entity: Friends of Indi 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Goldedge Holdings Pty Ltd T/as Mallens Colac Hotel Pty Ltd 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 18761 Entity: Health Services Union There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 16802 Entity: Indi Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Limited 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 18864 Entity: Labor Business Roundtable There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 18846 Entity: LHMU Union - Liquor & Hospitality Division (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor, Hospitality & Miscellaneous Union - National Office 17323 Entity: LPPH Pty Ltd 18763 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia There have been no receipts reported 18832 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia - Sydney Branch There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 18854 Entity: National Union of Workers - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 18833 Entity: National Union of Workers - Queensland Branch There have been no receipts reported 20467 Entity: National Union of Workers (Western Australian Branch) 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 18764 Entity: NSW Local Govt, Clerical Admin, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Uni 17401 Entity: One Nation Western Australia Incorporated There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 18746 Entity: Rail Tram & Bus Union SA-NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 18816 Entity: SDA Union - NSW Deductions Account Office 18784 Entity: Shop Assist's & W/House Employees' Fed of Aust-N'cle & Nthn NSW There have been no receipts reported 18776 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Assoc - SA 18778 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employee's Assoc - QLD 18825 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - National There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 17554 Entity: Supporters for Re-Electing Kotsiras 18869 Entity: TCFUA - Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Aust - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 19108 Entity: The Australian Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 18785 Entity: The Australian Workers' Union - Greater NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: The Australian Workers Union - West Australian Branch There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 19898 Entity: The Food Preservers' Union of Western Australia, Union of Worker There have been no receipts reported 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club 17862 Entity: The Jim Killen Young Liberal Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1113 Entity: The Menzies Research Centre Limited 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 20031 Entity: The Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Assoc of Western Aust There have been no receipts reported 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19903 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - Canberra Branch There have been no receipts reported 20455 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - National Office There have been no receipts reported 19902 Entity: Transport Workers Union of NSW 16722 Entity: True Blue Club There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd Loading data for 2006-2007 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 20841 Entity: AG - Rich Foods Pty Ltd 19095 Entity: Agenda Mangement & Solutions Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMPE - Aust Inst of Marine & Power Eng There have been no receipts reported 20213 Entity: AK Frogley & Sons 22370 Entity: ALP Investment Trust 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19098 Entity: Arthur Macartney Family Trust 19138 Entity: ASU Victorian Private Sector Branch 20216 Entity: Aust Municipal Admin Clerical & Services Union - TAS There have been no receipts reported 19515 Entity: Aust. Building Const. Employees & Builders Labour Fed. (QLD Br) 19885 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Serv Union - Cent & South. QLD There have been no receipts reported 19886 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Serv. Union-Cent & S'thrn QLD 19873 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Services Union - National Exec There have been no receipts reported 19888 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Services Union - WA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19714 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Federal Council 18747 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Nctle & Northern There have been no receipts reported 18919 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - NSW Branch 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - QLD Branch 19610 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (Tasmania) There have been no receipts reported 19455 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (WA Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19454 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19713 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union Victorian Branch 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees 19811 Entity: Australian Inst of Marine & Power Engineers Union of Emp. QLD There have been no receipts reported 18859 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine - Power Engineers 19051 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19052 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union There have been no receipts reported 20050 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union (QLD) 18736 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union NSW Branch 18737 Entity: Australian Rail,Tram & Bus Industry - TAS Branch There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union - QLD Services Branch 19721 Entity: Australian Services Union NQ & Admin Branch 18799 Entity: Australian Services Union of NSW & ACT (Services) Branch There have been no receipts reported 18743 Entity: Australian Services Union SA-NT Branch 19894 Entity: Australian Services Union, Vic Authorities & Services Branch 19833 Entity: Australian Workers Union - National Office 19810 Entity: Australian Workers Union Greater SA Branch 19816 Entity: Australian Workers' Union of Employees Queensland 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union Victorian Branch 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union WA Branch 20054 Entity: Australian Workers Union, Greater NSW Branch 19806 Entity: Automotive Food Metals Engineering Printing & Kindred Ind. Union 19108 Entity: AWU - Australian Workers Union (Tasmanian Branch) 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 20495 Entity: AWU Taps & Gas Industry Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 19111 Entity: Bell Carroll Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19112 Entity: Biggs & Sons Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 19113 Entity: Blair Mount Pastl Co 19064 Entity: Blind Workers Union of Victoria There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 19115 Entity: Bowen Pastoral Company 19443 Entity: Browning Family Investment Trust There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 20424 Entity: Campbell & Jones Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 20217 Entity: Carellan Pastoral Co 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club There have been no receipts reported 19943 Entity: CEPU - Communications Division - T & S Branch (SA/NT) There have been no receipts reported 18831 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - Tasmania Branch There have been no receipts reported 20048 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - WA There have been no receipts reported 18860 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 19946 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T SA/NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 18861 Entity: CEPU Communications Division T & S - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 20055 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Energy & Serv. Div. Qld & NT Divisional Branch 18751 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Engergy & Services Divsion - SA There have been no receipts reported 19947 Entity: CEPU Engineering & Electrical Division There have been no receipts reported 20475 Entity: CEPU P & T Branch WA There have been no receipts reported 20246 Entity: CEPU P & T Victorian Branch There have been no receipts reported 23158 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Division NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20652 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Division, Queensland Branch 22425 Entity: CEPU Plumbing, Victoria Branch There have been no receipts reported 19149 Entity: CFMEU - Mining and Energy Division - Tas There have been no receipts reported 21332 Entity: CFMEU - Mining Division (North NSW District) 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU C & G Division (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - NSW 20642 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - VIC Branch There have been no receipts reported 23341 Entity: CFMEU FFPD National Office 20924 Entity: CFMEU FFPD South Australia Branch 23350 Entity: CFMEU FFPD Victorian No. 2 Branch 20695 Entity: CFMEU Forestry & Furnishing Division (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 23245 Entity: CFMEU Forestry & Furnishing Products Division (Tas Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 18797 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy Division - NSW 20480 Entity: CFMEU Pulp & Paper Br, Forestry & Furn. Prod. Div.- Millicent There have been no receipts reported 20932 Entity: CFMEU Pulp & Paper Workers' Branch No. 7 28834 Entity: Chinese Liberal Association There have been no receipts reported 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 20367 Entity: Coal Miners Industrial Union of Workers of WA Collie 21220 Entity: Communication Electrical Plumbing Union There have been no receipts reported 19948 Entity: Communications Electrical Plumbing Union NSW P & T Branch 19135 Entity: Conomos Bros There have been no receipts reported 19986 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Indust. Union of Emp. QLD 19956 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union -ACT 19975 Entity: Construction Forrestry Mining & Energy Union - WA 19611 Entity: Coombe Nut Farm 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 19151 Entity: Cullane Pastoral Co 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 21763 Entity: DB Scott & Co 20583 Entity: Deakin Executive Forum There have been no receipts reported 20762 Entity: Decorama Blinds Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19431 Entity: DeMoor Real Estate There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd 20689 Entity: Donations Club There have been no receipts reported 19740 Entity: Doonkami Pastoral Company Pty Ltd 20752 Entity: Dromgarriff Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported 20219 Entity: E R Cheers & Sons There have been no receipts reported 18756 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Australia (NSW Branch) 18760 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Employees Queensland 20248 Entity: Electrical Trades Union-Southern States Branch 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19037 Entity: Enterprise 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 21917 Entity: Eulie Pastoral Company 20754 Entity: F H Moses & Sons Pty Ltd 21945 Entity: Faircloth & Reynolds Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 9175 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 8589 Entity: Queensland First Pty Ltd 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The Goldstein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19917 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (SA) There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union Queensland Branch There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club 10312 Entity: Yarra Ranges 200 Club (Formerly Yarra Valley) There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2003-2004 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB There have been no receipts reported 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMP There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU NSW & ACT Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 19108 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18831 Entity: CEPU (Communications Division) There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Energy Division QLD District Branch There have been no receipts reported 23350 Entity: CFMEU F&FPD There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 12843 Entity: CLP The Territory Party There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18922 Entity: FSU NSW & ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 12867 Entity: Gippsland TLC There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 12823 Entity: Holland Park MEC There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program There have been no receipts reported 12963 Entity: Lang Holdings Aust Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 12961 Entity: Liberal Lord Mayor of Brisbane There have been no receipts reported 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 12984 Entity: Max Christmas Camp There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Limited 12835 Entity: Millennium Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 12979 Entity: National Free Enterprise Foundation (WA) Ltd 12868 Entity: North East TLC There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 12830 Entity: NT CLP There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 9175 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 12834 Entity: Richmond FEC There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club There have been no receipts reported 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 12866 Entity: Victoria Trades Hall There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Ranges 200 Club (Formerly Yarra Valley) There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2004-2005 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB There have been no receipts reported 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMPE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 23171 Entity: ASU National Office There have been no receipts reported 19721 Entity: ASU North Queensland There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU NSW & ACT Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 19108 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 20476 Entity: AWU (Newcastle Branch) There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18831 Entity: CEPU (Communications Division) There have been no receipts reported 20048 Entity: CEPU (Communications) There have been no receipts reported 19947 Entity: CEPU (E & E) There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction & General There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU Construction & General Division There have been no receipts reported 19149 Entity: CFMEU-Mining & Energy Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18814 Entity: Friends of Indi 18922 Entity: FSU NSW & ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 16802 Entity: Indi Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Limited 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 19053 Entity: National Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The Goldstein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1113 Entity: The Menzies Research Centre Limited 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19903 Entity: Transport Workers Union (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 16722 Entity: True Blue Club There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd Loading data for 2005-2006 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMPE - Aust Inst of Marine & Power Eng There have been no receipts reported 22370 Entity: ALP Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Nctle & Northern There have been no receipts reported 18919 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - NSW Branch 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 18859 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine - Power Engineers There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 18736 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union NSW Branch 18737 Entity: Australian Rail,Tram & Bus Industry - TAS Branch 21231 Entity: Australian Services Union There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: Australian Services Union of NSW & ACT (Services) Branch There have been no receipts reported 18743 Entity: Australian Services Union SA-NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19816 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 20476 Entity: AWU Newcastle Branch There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 19947 Entity: CEPU (E & E) There have been no receipts reported 18831 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - Tasmania Branch There have been no receipts reported 18860 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 18867 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T - WA Branch 18861 Entity: CEPU Communications Division T & S - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 18750 Entity: CEPU Communications Division T & S WA There have been no receipts reported 18748 Entity: CEPU Electrical Division QLD & NT Divisional Branch 18751 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Engergy & Services Divsion - SA There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU Construction & General Division There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - NSW 23350 Entity: CFMEU F & FP Division There have been no receipts reported 18797 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy Division - NSW There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd 18756 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Australia (NSW Branch) 18760 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Employees Queensland There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18921 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Aust - Commonwealth Bank Officers Assoc There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Australia - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18814 Entity: Friends of Indi 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Goldedge Holdings Pty Ltd T/as Mallens Colac Hotel Pty Ltd 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 18761 Entity: Health Services Union There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 16802 Entity: Indi Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Limited 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 18864 Entity: Labor Business Roundtable There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 18846 Entity: LHMU Union - Liquor & Hospitality Division (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor, Hospitality & Miscellaneous Union - National Office 17323 Entity: LPPH Pty Ltd 18763 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia There have been no receipts reported 18832 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia - Sydney Branch There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 18854 Entity: National Union of Workers - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 18833 Entity: National Union of Workers - Queensland Branch There have been no receipts reported 20467 Entity: National Union of Workers (Western Australian Branch) 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 18764 Entity: NSW Local Govt, Clerical Admin, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Uni 17401 Entity: One Nation Western Australia Incorporated There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 18746 Entity: Rail Tram & Bus Union SA-NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 18816 Entity: SDA Union - NSW Deductions Account Office 18784 Entity: Shop Assist's & W/House Employees' Fed of Aust-N'cle & Nthn NSW There have been no receipts reported 18776 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Assoc - SA 18778 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employee's Assoc - QLD 18825 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - National There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 17554 Entity: Supporters for Re-Electing Kotsiras 18869 Entity: TCFUA - Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Aust - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 19108 Entity: The Australian Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 18785 Entity: The Australian Workers' Union - Greater NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: The Australian Workers Union - West Australian Branch There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 19898 Entity: The Food Preservers' Union of Western Australia, Union of Worker There have been no receipts reported 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club 17862 Entity: The Jim Killen Young Liberal Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1113 Entity: The Menzies Research Centre Limited 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 20031 Entity: The Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Assoc of Western Aust There have been no receipts reported 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19903 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - Canberra Branch There have been no receipts reported 20455 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - National Office There have been no receipts reported 19902 Entity: Transport Workers Union of NSW 16722 Entity: True Blue Club There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd Loading data for 2006-2007 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 20841 Entity: AG - Rich Foods Pty Ltd 19095 Entity: Agenda Mangement & Solutions Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMPE - Aust Inst of Marine & Power Eng There have been no receipts reported 20213 Entity: AK Frogley & Sons 22370 Entity: ALP Investment Trust 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19098 Entity: Arthur Macartney Family Trust 19138 Entity: ASU Victorian Private Sector Branch 20216 Entity: Aust Municipal Admin Clerical & Services Union - TAS There have been no receipts reported 19515 Entity: Aust. Building Const. Employees & Builders Labour Fed. (QLD Br) 19885 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Serv Union - Cent & South. QLD There have been no receipts reported 19886 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Serv. Union-Cent & S'thrn QLD 19873 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Services Union - National Exec There have been no receipts reported 19888 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Services Union - WA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19714 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Federal Council 18747 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Nctle & Northern There have been no receipts reported 18919 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - NSW Branch 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - QLD Branch 19610 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (Tasmania) There have been no receipts reported 19455 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (WA Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19454 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19713 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union Victorian Branch 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees 19811 Entity: Australian Inst of Marine & Power Engineers Union of Emp. QLD There have been no receipts reported 18859 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine - Power Engineers 19051 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19052 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union There have been no receipts reported 20050 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union (QLD) 18736 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union NSW Branch 18737 Entity: Australian Rail,Tram & Bus Industry - TAS Branch There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union - QLD Services Branch 19721 Entity: Australian Services Union NQ & Admin Branch 18799 Entity: Australian Services Union of NSW & ACT (Services) Branch There have been no receipts reported 18743 Entity: Australian Services Union SA-NT Branch 19894 Entity: Australian Services Union, Vic Authorities & Services Branch 19833 Entity: Australian Workers Union - National Office 19810 Entity: Australian Workers Union Greater SA Branch 19816 Entity: Australian Workers' Union of Employees Queensland 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union Victorian Branch 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union WA Branch 20054 Entity: Australian Workers Union, Greater NSW Branch 19806 Entity: Automotive Food Metals Engineering Printing & Kindred Ind. Union 19108 Entity: AWU - Australian Workers Union (Tasmanian Branch) 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 20495 Entity: AWU Taps & Gas Industry Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 19111 Entity: Bell Carroll Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19112 Entity: Biggs & Sons Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 19113 Entity: Blair Mount Pastl Co 19064 Entity: Blind Workers Union of Victoria There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 19115 Entity: Bowen Pastoral Company 19443 Entity: Browning Family Investment Trust There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 20424 Entity: Campbell & Jones Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 20217 Entity: Carellan Pastoral Co 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club There have been no receipts reported 19943 Entity: CEPU - Communications Division - T & S Branch (SA/NT) There have been no receipts reported 18831 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - Tasmania Branch There have been no receipts reported 20048 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - WA There have been no receipts reported 18860 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 19946 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T SA/NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 18861 Entity: CEPU Communications Division T & S - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 20055 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Energy & Serv. Div. Qld & NT Divisional Branch 18751 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Engergy & Services Divsion - SA There have been no receipts reported 19947 Entity: CEPU Engineering & Electrical Division There have been no receipts reported 20475 Entity: CEPU P & T Branch WA There have been no receipts reported 20246 Entity: CEPU P & T Victorian Branch There have been no receipts reported 23158 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Division NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20652 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Division, Queensland Branch 22425 Entity: CEPU Plumbing, Victoria Branch There have been no receipts reported 19149 Entity: CFMEU - Mining and Energy Division - Tas There have been no receipts reported 21332 Entity: CFMEU - Mining Division (North NSW District) 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU C & G Division (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - NSW 20642 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - VIC Branch There have been no receipts reported 23341 Entity: CFMEU FFPD National Office 20924 Entity: CFMEU FFPD South Australia Branch 23350 Entity: CFMEU FFPD Victorian No. 2 Branch 20695 Entity: CFMEU Forestry & Furnishing Division (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 23245 Entity: CFMEU Forestry & Furnishing Products Division (Tas Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 18797 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy Division - NSW 20480 Entity: CFMEU Pulp & Paper Br, Forestry & Furn. Prod. Div.- Millicent There have been no receipts reported 20932 Entity: CFMEU Pulp & Paper Workers' Branch No. 7 28834 Entity: Chinese Liberal Association There have been no receipts reported 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 20367 Entity: Coal Miners Industrial Union of Workers of WA Collie 21220 Entity: Communication Electrical Plumbing Union There have been no receipts reported 19948 Entity: Communications Electrical Plumbing Union NSW P & T Branch 19135 Entity: Conomos Bros There have been no receipts reported 19986 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Indust. Union of Emp. QLD 19956 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union -ACT 19975 Entity: Construction Forrestry Mining & Energy Union - WA 19611 Entity: Coombe Nut Farm 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 19151 Entity: Cullane Pastoral Co 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 21763 Entity: DB Scott & Co 20583 Entity: Deakin Executive Forum There have been no receipts reported 20762 Entity: Decorama Blinds Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19431 Entity: DeMoor Real Estate There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd 20689 Entity: Donations Club There have been no receipts reported 19740 Entity: Doonkami Pastoral Company Pty Ltd 20752 Entity: Dromgarriff Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported 20219 Entity: E R Cheers & Sons There have been no receipts reported 18756 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Australia (NSW Branch) 18760 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Employees Queensland 20248 Entity: Electrical Trades Union-Southern States Branch 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19037 Entity: Enterprise 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 21917 Entity: Eulie Pastoral Company 20754 Entity: F H Moses & Sons Pty Ltd 21945 Entity: Faircloth & Reynolds Pty Ltd 21941 Entity: Fat Systems Pty Ltd 19504 Entity: Fed. Ironworkers Assoc. of Aust (QLD Br) Union of Employees There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Australia - NSW Branch 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18814 Entity: Friends of Indi There have been no receipts reported 19446 Entity: Gatenby Investment Trust There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Goldedge Holdings Pty Ltd T/as Mallens Colac Hotel Pty Ltd 20783 Entity: Golden West Services Pty Ltd 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22182 Entity: Gruber (Yass) Pty Ltd 22410 Entity: Gundibri Estate Co P/L There have been no receipts reported 19753 Entity: GV & WJ Rollings T/A Exchange Hotel There have been no receipts reported 20220 Entity: H E Lancaster Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 21816 Entity: Hastings Business Lawyers P/L 19166 Entity: Health & Community Services Union Vic#2 HSU There have been no receipts reported 18761 Entity: Health Services Union There have been no receipts reported 21396 Entity: Health Services Union of Australia Victoria No. 3 Branch There have been no receipts reported 20683 Entity: Health Services Union SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 20375 Entity: Health Services Union Victoria No. 5 Branch There have been no receipts reported 20373 Entity: Health Services Union Victorian Branch There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20047 Entity: HSUA NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 16802 Entity: Indi Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 19464 Entity: Inverell Power Farm Co 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 9175 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 8589 Entity: Queensland First Pty Ltd 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The Goldstein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19917 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (SA) There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union Queensland Branch There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club 10312 Entity: Yarra Ranges 200 Club (Formerly Yarra Valley) There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2003-2004 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 382 Entity: 250 Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB There have been no receipts reported 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMP There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Unit Trust 18747 Entity: AMIEU (Newcastle and Northern Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU NSW & ACT Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 19108 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18831 Entity: CEPU (Communications Division) There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Energy Division QLD District Branch There have been no receipts reported 23350 Entity: CFMEU F&FPD There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 12843 Entity: CLP The Territory Party There have been no receipts reported 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19898 Entity: Food Preservers' Union of WA There have been no receipts reported 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18922 Entity: FSU NSW & ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 12867 Entity: Gippsland TLC There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 12823 Entity: Holland Park MEC There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Ltd 1150 Entity: John Hancock Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program There have been no receipts reported 12963 Entity: Lang Holdings Aust Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 12961 Entity: Liberal Lord Mayor of Brisbane There have been no receipts reported 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 8188 Entity: Lotus Club There have been no receipts reported 12984 Entity: Max Christmas Camp There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 1113 Entity: Menzies Research Centre Limited 12835 Entity: Millennium Forum There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 12979 Entity: National Free Enterprise Foundation (WA) Ltd 12868 Entity: North East TLC There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 12830 Entity: NT CLP There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association 9175 Entity: Queensland Enterprise Forum There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 457 Entity: Queensland Research Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 12834 Entity: Richmond FEC There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 1122 Entity: The Brisbane's Future Committee There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club There have been no receipts reported 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 12866 Entity: Victoria Trades Hall There have been no receipts reported 1127 Entity: Wyndham 2000 Club There have been no receipts reported 10312 Entity: Yarra Ranges 200 Club (Formerly Yarra Valley) There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2004-2005 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 1111 Entity: ADD LIB There have been no receipts reported 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMPE There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 21231 Entity: ASU There have been no receipts reported 23171 Entity: ASU National Office There have been no receipts reported 19721 Entity: ASU North Queensland There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: ASU NSW & ACT Services Branch There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 19108 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 20476 Entity: AWU (Newcastle Branch) There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 10887 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 18831 Entity: CEPU (Communications Division) There have been no receipts reported 20048 Entity: CEPU (Communications) There have been no receipts reported 19947 Entity: CEPU (E & E) There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction & General There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU Construction & General Division There have been no receipts reported 19149 Entity: CFMEU-Mining & Energy Division There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18814 Entity: Friends of Indi 18922 Entity: FSU NSW & ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 2099 Entity: Hellenic 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 16802 Entity: Indi Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Limited 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 8756 Entity: Labour Movement Work Experience Program There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 19053 Entity: National Club Ltd There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 221 Entity: The Goldstein 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1113 Entity: The Menzies Research Centre Limited 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19903 Entity: Transport Workers Union (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 16722 Entity: True Blue Club There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd Loading data for 2005-2006 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 2938 Entity: Agri-Arena Australia Club There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMPE - Aust Inst of Marine & Power Eng There have been no receipts reported 22370 Entity: ALP Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19806 Entity: AMWU There have been no receipts reported 18747 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Nctle & Northern There have been no receipts reported 18919 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - NSW Branch 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 18859 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine - Power Engineers There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 18736 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union NSW Branch 18737 Entity: Australian Rail,Tram & Bus Industry - TAS Branch 21231 Entity: Australian Services Union There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: Australian Services Union of NSW & ACT (Services) Branch There have been no receipts reported 18743 Entity: Australian Services Union SA-NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19816 Entity: AWU There have been no receipts reported 20476 Entity: AWU Newcastle Branch There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 19947 Entity: CEPU (E & E) There have been no receipts reported 18831 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - Tasmania Branch There have been no receipts reported 18860 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 18867 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T - WA Branch 18861 Entity: CEPU Communications Division T & S - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 18750 Entity: CEPU Communications Division T & S WA There have been no receipts reported 18748 Entity: CEPU Electrical Division QLD & NT Divisional Branch 18751 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Engergy & Services Divsion - SA There have been no receipts reported 20681 Entity: CEPU Telecommunications & Services There have been no receipts reported 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU Construction & General Division There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - NSW 23350 Entity: CFMEU F & FP Division There have been no receipts reported 18797 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy Division - NSW There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd 18756 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Australia (NSW Branch) 18760 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Employees Queensland There have been no receipts reported 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 18921 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Aust - Commonwealth Bank Officers Assoc There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Australia - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18814 Entity: Friends of Indi 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Goldedge Holdings Pty Ltd T/as Mallens Colac Hotel Pty Ltd 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1143 Entity: Green and Gold Property Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 18761 Entity: Health Services Union There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 16802 Entity: Indi Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Limited 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 18864 Entity: Labor Business Roundtable There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 6549 Entity: Labor West There have been no receipts reported 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. 18846 Entity: LHMU Union - Liquor & Hospitality Division (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 1160 Entity: Liberal Club Ltd 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1114 Entity: Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division) Ryde Forum There have been no receipts reported 11324 Entity: Liberal Properties (Northern Metropolitan Region) Limited 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd 18834 Entity: Liquor, Hospitality & Miscellaneous Union - National Office 17323 Entity: LPPH Pty Ltd 18763 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia There have been no receipts reported 18832 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia - Sydney Branch There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 287 Entity: National Club Ltd 18854 Entity: National Union of Workers - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 18833 Entity: National Union of Workers - Queensland Branch There have been no receipts reported 20467 Entity: National Union of Workers (Western Australian Branch) 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 18764 Entity: NSW Local Govt, Clerical Admin, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Uni 17401 Entity: One Nation Western Australia Incorporated There have been no receipts reported 1133 Entity: Outer Eastern 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association Inc 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 18746 Entity: Rail Tram & Bus Union SA-NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 18816 Entity: SDA Union - NSW Deductions Account Office 18784 Entity: Shop Assist's & W/House Employees' Fed of Aust-N'cle & Nthn NSW There have been no receipts reported 18776 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Assoc - SA 18778 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employee's Assoc - QLD 18825 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - National There have been no receipts reported 18824 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 17554 Entity: Supporters for Re-Electing Kotsiras 18869 Entity: TCFUA - Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Aust - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 19108 Entity: The Australian Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 18785 Entity: The Australian Workers' Union - Greater NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 19861 Entity: The Australian Workers Union - West Australian Branch There have been no receipts reported 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 19898 Entity: The Food Preservers' Union of Western Australia, Union of Worker There have been no receipts reported 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club 17862 Entity: The Jim Killen Young Liberal Foundation 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1113 Entity: The Menzies Research Centre Limited 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 20031 Entity: The Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Assoc of Western Aust There have been no receipts reported 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19903 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - Canberra Branch There have been no receipts reported 20455 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - National Office There have been no receipts reported 19902 Entity: Transport Workers Union of NSW 16722 Entity: True Blue Club There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd Loading data for 2006-2007 9176 Entity: 250 Club Limited There have been no receipts reported 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 20841 Entity: AG - Rich Foods Pty Ltd 19095 Entity: Agenda Mangement & Solutions Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: AIMPE - Aust Inst of Marine & Power Eng There have been no receipts reported 20213 Entity: AK Frogley & Sons 22370 Entity: ALP Investment Trust 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19098 Entity: Arthur Macartney Family Trust 19138 Entity: ASU Victorian Private Sector Branch 20216 Entity: Aust Municipal Admin Clerical & Services Union - TAS There have been no receipts reported 19515 Entity: Aust. Building Const. Employees & Builders Labour Fed. (QLD Br) 19885 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Serv Union - Cent & South. QLD There have been no receipts reported 19886 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Serv. Union-Cent & S'thrn QLD 19873 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Services Union - National Exec There have been no receipts reported 19888 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Services Union - WA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19714 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Federal Council 18747 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Nctle & Northern There have been no receipts reported 18919 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - NSW Branch 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - QLD Branch 19610 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (Tasmania) There have been no receipts reported 19455 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (WA Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19454 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19713 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union Victorian Branch 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees 19811 Entity: Australian Inst of Marine & Power Engineers Union of Emp. QLD There have been no receipts reported 18859 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine - Power Engineers 19051 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19052 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union There have been no receipts reported 20050 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union (QLD) 18736 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union NSW Branch 18737 Entity: Australian Rail,Tram & Bus Industry - TAS Branch There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union - QLD Services Branch 19721 Entity: Australian Services Union NQ & Admin Branch 18799 Entity: Australian Services Union of NSW & ACT (Services) Branch There have been no receipts reported 18743 Entity: Australian Services Union SA-NT Branch 19894 Entity: Australian Services Union, Vic Authorities & Services Branch 19833 Entity: Australian Workers Union - National Office 19810 Entity: Australian Workers Union Greater SA Branch 19816 Entity: Australian Workers' Union of Employees Queensland 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union Victorian Branch 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union WA Branch 20054 Entity: Australian Workers Union, Greater NSW Branch 19806 Entity: Automotive Food Metals Engineering Printing & Kindred Ind. Union 19108 Entity: AWU - Australian Workers Union (Tasmanian Branch) 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 20495 Entity: AWU Taps & Gas Industry Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 19111 Entity: Bell Carroll Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19112 Entity: Biggs & Sons Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 19113 Entity: Blair Mount Pastl Co 19064 Entity: Blind Workers Union of Victoria There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 19115 Entity: Bowen Pastoral Company 19443 Entity: Browning Family Investment Trust There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 20424 Entity: Campbell & Jones Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 20217 Entity: Carellan Pastoral Co 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club There have been no receipts reported 19943 Entity: CEPU - Communications Division - T & S Branch (SA/NT) There have been no receipts reported 18831 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - Tasmania Branch There have been no receipts reported 20048 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - WA There have been no receipts reported 18860 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 19946 Entity: CEPU Communications Division P & T SA/NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 18861 Entity: CEPU Communications Division T & S - QLD Branch There have been no receipts reported 20055 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Energy & Serv. Div. Qld & NT Divisional Branch 18751 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Engergy & Services Divsion - SA There have been no receipts reported 19947 Entity: CEPU Engineering & Electrical Division There have been no receipts reported 20475 Entity: CEPU P & T Branch WA There have been no receipts reported 20246 Entity: CEPU P & T Victorian Branch There have been no receipts reported 23158 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Division NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20652 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Division, Queensland Branch 22425 Entity: CEPU Plumbing, Victoria Branch There have been no receipts reported 19149 Entity: CFMEU - Mining and Energy Division - Tas There have been no receipts reported 21332 Entity: CFMEU - Mining Division (North NSW District) 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU C & G Division (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - NSW 20642 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - VIC Branch There have been no receipts reported 23341 Entity: CFMEU FFPD National Office 20924 Entity: CFMEU FFPD South Australia Branch 23350 Entity: CFMEU FFPD Victorian No. 2 Branch 20695 Entity: CFMEU Forestry & Furnishing Division (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 23245 Entity: CFMEU Forestry & Furnishing Products Division (Tas Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy (QLD) There have been no receipts reported 18797 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy Division - NSW 20480 Entity: CFMEU Pulp & Paper Br, Forestry & Furn. Prod. Div.- Millicent There have been no receipts reported 20932 Entity: CFMEU Pulp & Paper Workers' Branch No. 7 28834 Entity: Chinese Liberal Association There have been no receipts reported 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 20367 Entity: Coal Miners Industrial Union of Workers of WA Collie 21220 Entity: Communication Electrical Plumbing Union There have been no receipts reported 19948 Entity: Communications Electrical Plumbing Union NSW P & T Branch 19135 Entity: Conomos Bros There have been no receipts reported 19986 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Indust. Union of Emp. QLD 19956 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union -ACT 19975 Entity: Construction Forrestry Mining & Energy Union - WA 19611 Entity: Coombe Nut Farm 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 19151 Entity: Cullane Pastoral Co 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 21763 Entity: DB Scott & Co 20583 Entity: Deakin Executive Forum There have been no receipts reported 20762 Entity: Decorama Blinds Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19431 Entity: DeMoor Real Estate There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd 20689 Entity: Donations Club There have been no receipts reported 19740 Entity: Doonkami Pastoral Company Pty Ltd 20752 Entity: Dromgarriff Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported 20219 Entity: E R Cheers & Sons There have been no receipts reported 18756 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Australia (NSW Branch) 18760 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Employees Queensland 20248 Entity: Electrical Trades Union-Southern States Branch 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19037 Entity: Enterprise 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 21917 Entity: Eulie Pastoral Company 20754 Entity: F H Moses & Sons Pty Ltd 21945 Entity: Faircloth & Reynolds Pty Ltd 21941 Entity: Fat Systems Pty Ltd 19504 Entity: Fed. Ironworkers Assoc. of Aust (QLD Br) Union of Employees There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Australia - NSW Branch 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 18814 Entity: Friends of Indi There have been no receipts reported 19446 Entity: Gatenby Investment Trust There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Goldedge Holdings Pty Ltd T/as Mallens Colac Hotel Pty Ltd 20783 Entity: Golden West Services Pty Ltd 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22182 Entity: Gruber (Yass) Pty Ltd 22410 Entity: Gundibri Estate Co P/L There have been no receipts reported 19753 Entity: GV & WJ Rollings T/A Exchange Hotel There have been no receipts reported 20220 Entity: H E Lancaster Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 21816 Entity: Hastings Business Lawyers P/L 19166 Entity: Health & Community Services Union Vic#2 HSU There have been no receipts reported 18761 Entity: Health Services Union There have been no receipts reported 21396 Entity: Health Services Union of Australia Victoria No. 3 Branch There have been no receipts reported 20683 Entity: Health Services Union SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 20375 Entity: Health Services Union Victoria No. 5 Branch There have been no receipts reported 20373 Entity: Health Services Union Victorian Branch There have been no receipts reported 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 20047 Entity: HSUA NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 16802 Entity: Indi Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 19464 Entity: Inverell Power Farm Co 19619 Entity: Irvine Sisters There have been no receipts reported 20908 Entity: J H Relf There have been no receipts reported 19630 Entity: JA Bradley & Sons 20423 Entity: Jarcot Farming Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20910 Entity: JJ & JV Robertson There have been no receipts reported 19757 Entity: John Brown & Sons 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Limited 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 21809 Entity: Jones-Darriwell Partners There have been no receipts reported 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 20753 Entity: KHJ & EM Davis & Sons There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1132 Entity: Labor Centenary House Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. There have been no receipts reported 18834 Entity: LHMU - National Council and State Branches 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 19899 Entity: Liberal Asset Management (Custodians) Limited There have been no receipts reported 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 19117 Entity: Liberal Club Limited There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd There have been no receipts reported 17323 Entity: LPPH Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 22368 Entity: Manga Singh & Sons There have been no receipts reported 18763 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia There have been no receipts reported 18832 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia - Sydney Branch There have been no receipts reported 19760 Entity: McBean & Son Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20747 Entity: McClymont Holdings Pty Ltd 20280 Entity: Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 19893 Entity: MG Carter & CO There have been no receipts reported 21906 Entity: Milpose Pastoral Company 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 19053 Entity: National Club Limited 19170 Entity: National Union of Workers - Central Branch There have been no receipts reported 19171 Entity: National Union of Workers - National Office 18854 Entity: National Union of Workers - NSW Branch 18833 Entity: National Union of Workers - Queensland Branch 19938 Entity: National Union of Workers - Victorian Branch 19068 Entity: National Union of Workers (Western Australia Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19136 Entity: National Union of Workers SA Branch 19761 Entity: Newgrove Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22374 Entity: Nowley Pastoral Co 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20005 Entity: NSW Local Gov't Clerical Admin. Energy Air & Utilities T/A USU 18764 Entity: NSW Local Govt, Clerical Admin, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Uni 20056 Entity: NTN Services Pty Ltd 20904 Entity: P & P Flanagan and Blauvelt Pastoral Company 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 19765 Entity: Parraweena Pastoral Company There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 20921 Entity: Peter James & Robin Leahy There have been no receipts reported 21915 Entity: Petrie Brothers 20645 Entity: Platinum Forum There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association Inc 19941 Entity: Qld Services Industrial Union of Employees - Rail Division 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 19072 Entity: Queensland Nurses Union of Employees 19768 Entity: R Hardman & Son Pty Ltd 19771 Entity: R M Carroll & Sons There have been no receipts reported 18746 Entity: Rail Tram & Bus Union SA-NT Branch 19770 Entity: Ritter Partnership There have been no receipts reported 20782 Entity: Roger Moore Pty Ltd 21810 Entity: S. Johnstone and Sons 19369 Entity: SA Progressive Business Incorporated There have been no receipts reported 20684 Entity: SA Wholesale Soft Goods Salesman & Warehousemens Assoc There have been no receipts reported 28830 Entity: Scoresby City Club There have been no receipts reported 18816 Entity: SDA Union - NSW Deductions Account Office 20771 Entity: Shields Partnership 18784 Entity: Shop Assist's & W/House Employees' Fed of Aust-N'cle & Nthn NSW 18776 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Assoc - SA 20019 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Association - VIC Branch 20031 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees' Association of WA 20041 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Association-Federal 18778 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employee's Assoc - QLD 18825 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - National 18824 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20760 Entity: Southern District Panel Beaters Pty Ltd 21824 Entity: Springvale Pastoral Company There have been no receipts reported 17554 Entity: Supporters for Re-Electing Kotsiras There have been no receipts reported 21808 Entity: T F Kerin Agricultural Co 20770 Entity: Tattersalls Development Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18869 Entity: TCFUA - Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Aust - NSW Branch 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 20249 Entity: Textiles, Clothing & Footwear Union of Australia (Vic Branch) 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) There have been no receipts reported 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 19143 Entity: The Australian Rail Tram and Bus Industry Union of Employees WA 20476 Entity: The Australian Workers Union - Newcastle & Northern Regions Br There have been no receipts reported 19460 Entity: The Breweries & Bottleyards Employees Industrial Union of Worker 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 19898 Entity: The Food Preservers' Union of WA, Union of Workers There have been no receipts reported 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club There have been no receipts reported 17862 Entity: The Jim Killen Young Liberal Foundation There have been no receipts reported 17362 Entity: The Lady Wilson Foundation There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1113 Entity: The Menzies Research Centre Limited 20603 Entity: The Monash Club There have been no receipts reported 20911 Entity: The Nebea Pastoral Company Pty There have been no receipts reported 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 19026 Entity: The Violet Bobin Trust 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19904 Entity: Transport Workers Union 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union (Vic/Tas) 19160 Entity: Transport Workers Union (WA Branch) 19903 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - Canberra Branch 19900 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - Federal Council 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (Queensland Branch) 19917 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia SA/NT Branch 19902 Entity: Transport Workers Union of New South Wales 20955 Entity: Trisleys Electrical Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 16722 Entity: True Blue Club There have been no receipts reported 20560 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia 19736 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia - ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 19737 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia - WA Branch There have been no receipts reported 20685 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia TAS Branch There have been no receipts reported 19440 Entity: United Firefighters Union of SA Inc. There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 19795 Entity: W Tanner & Son Partnership 19814 Entity: Wass Bros Pty Ltd 20746 Entity: Wattle Grove Partnership There have been no receipts reported 19735 Entity: Western Australian Prison Officers' Union of Workers There have been no receipts reported 19741 Entity: Western Australian Railway Officers' Union There have been no receipts reported 19851 Entity: Western Plains Automotive There have been no receipts reported 22312 Entity: Wildav Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20221 Entity: Willow Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2007-2008 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 21367 Entity: AADB Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20844 Entity: AG - Rich Foods Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19095 Entity: Agenda Mangement & Solutions Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19098 Entity: Arthur Macartney Family Trust 21786 Entity: Aust Rail Tram and Bus Industry Union of Employees WA Branch 19515 Entity: Aust. Building Const. Employees & Builders Labour Fed. (QLD Br) 19885 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Serv Union - Cent & South. QLD 19888 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Services Union - WA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19714 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Federal Council 18747 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Nctle & Northern 18919 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - NSW Branch 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - QLD Branch 19610 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (Tasmania) 19455 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (WA Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19454 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union SA Branch 19713 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union Victorian Branch There have been no receipts reported 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees 19811 Entity: Australian Inst of Marine & Power Engineers Union of Emp. QLD There have been no receipts reported 19051 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers - NSW There have been no receipts reported 21585 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Federal Business Forum There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19052 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union There have been no receipts reported 20050 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union (QLD) 18736 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union NSW Branch 18746 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Union SA/NT 18737 Entity: Australian Rail,Tram & Bus Industry - TAS Branch There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union - QLD Services Branch 21231 Entity: Australian Services Union - Tasmania There have been no receipts reported 19721 Entity: Australian Services Union NQ, Clerical & Admin Branch There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: Australian Services Union of NSW & ACT (Services) Branch There have been no receipts reported 18743 Entity: Australian Services Union SA-NT Branch 21068 Entity: Australian Services Union Victorian Private Sector Branch 19894 Entity: Australian Services Union, Vic Authorities & Services Branch 19833 Entity: Australian Workers Union - National Office 20768 Entity: Australian Workers Union - TAS Branch 19810 Entity: Australian Workers Union Greater SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19816 Entity: Australian Workers' Union of Employees Queensland 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union Victorian Branch 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union WA Branch 20054 Entity: Australian Workers Union, Greater NSW Branch 19806 Entity: Automotive Food Metals Engineering Printing & Kindred Ind. Union 21587 Entity: AWU - Technical Admin Professional Staff & Gas Industry Br There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 19111 Entity: BellCarroll Pty Ltd 19112 Entity: Biggs & Sons Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 19113 Entity: Blair Mount Pastl Co 19064 Entity: Blind Workers Union of Victoria There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 19443 Entity: Browning Family Investment Trust 28844 Entity: Bulleen Supporters Group There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 20217 Entity: Carellan Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club There have been no receipts reported 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 20681 Entity: CEPU (T&S) NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 18831 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - Tasmania Branch There have been no receipts reported 20048 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - WA There have been no receipts reported 20696 Entity: CEPU Communications Division (CWU QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19946 Entity: CEPU Communications Division SA/NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 18748 Entity: CEPU Electrical Division QLD & NT Divisional Branch 18751 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Energy & Services Divsion - SA There have been no receipts reported 19947 Entity: CEPU Engineering & Electrical Division There have been no receipts reported 20246 Entity: CEPU P & T Victorian Branch There have been no receipts reported 23158 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Division (NSW) There have been no receipts reported 20652 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Division, Queensland Branch 22425 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Divison Vitoria There have been no receipts reported 21220 Entity: CEPU T & S Victoria Branch There have been no receipts reported 19149 Entity: CFMEU - Mining and Energy Division - Tas There have been no receipts reported 21332 Entity: CFMEU - Mining Division (Nth NSW District) 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU C & G Division (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - NSW 23341 Entity: CFMEU FFPD - National Office 23350 Entity: CFMEU FFPD - Victorian No 2 Branch 23245 Entity: CFMEU FFPD Tasmania Branch There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy (QLD) 18797 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy Division - NSW Energy 20480 Entity: CFMEU Pulp & Paper Br, Forestry & Furn. Prod. Div.- Millicent There have been no receipts reported 28834 Entity: Chinese Liberal Association There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 20367 Entity: Coal Miners Industrial Union of Workers of WA Collie There have been no receipts reported 19948 Entity: Communications Electrical Plumbing Union NSW P & T Branch 21541 Entity: Community and Public Sector Union (PSU Group) 19135 Entity: Conomos Bros There have been no receipts reported 19986 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Indust. Union of Emp. QLD There have been no receipts reported 21020 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Union SA 19956 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union -ACT 19975 Entity: Construction Forrestry Mining & Energy Union - WA 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 21763 Entity: DB Scott & Co 20583 Entity: Deakin Executive Forum There have been no receipts reported 20763 Entity: Decorama Blinds Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 21563 Entity: Denyer Partnership 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club 19740 Entity: Doonkami Pastoral Company Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20751 Entity: Dromgarriff Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported 21842 Entity: Dunkley Blue Ribbon Club There have been no receipts reported 20219 Entity: E R Cheers & Sons There have been no receipts reported 18756 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Australia (NSW Branch) 18760 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Employees Queensland 20248 Entity: Electrical Trades Union-Southern States Branch 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19037 Entity: Enterprise 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 21864 Entity: Eulie Pastoral Co 19504 Entity: Fed. Ironworkers Assoc. of Aust (QLD Br) Union of Employees 22429 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Aust - SA/NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 22431 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Aust QLD Industrial Union of Employees There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Australia - NSW Branch 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 21735 Entity: Free Enterprise Foundation 18814 Entity: Friends of Indi There have been no receipts reported 19446 Entity: Gatenby Investment Trust There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22174 Entity: Gruber (Yass) Pty Limited 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 19166 Entity: Health & Community Services Union Vic#2 HSU There have been no receipts reported 18761 Entity: Health Services Union There have been no receipts reported 21234 Entity: Health Services Union (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 20683 Entity: Health Services Union SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 21396 Entity: Health Services Union Victoria No. 3 Branch There have been no receipts reported 20375 Entity: Health Services Union Victoria No. 5 Branch There have been no receipts reported 20373 Entity: Health Services Union Victorian Branch 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 21370 Entity: Higgins 200 Foundation Ltd 20047 Entity: HSUA NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 16802 Entity: Indi Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 19464 Entity: Inverell Power Farm Co 20909 Entity: J H Relf There have been no receipts reported 22033 Entity: Jewish Labor Forum There have been no receipts reported 20912 Entity: JJ & JV Robertson There have been no receipts reported 19757 Entity: John Brown & Sons There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Limited 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 21272 Entity: Jones-Darriwell Partners There have been no receipts reported 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 20759 Entity: KH & EM Davis & Sons There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 18864 Entity: Labor Business Roundtable There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. There have been no receipts reported 18846 Entity: LHMU Union - Liquor & Hospitality Division (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 19899 Entity: Liberal Asset Management (Custodians) Limited There have been no receipts reported 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 19117 Entity: Liberal Club Limited 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18834 Entity: Liquor, Hospitality & Miscellaneous Union - National Office 17323 Entity: LPPH Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Mallens Colac Hotel Pty Ltd 22369 Entity: Manga Singh & Sons There have been no receipts reported 18763 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia There have been no receipts reported 18832 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia - Sydney Branch There have been no receipts reported 21044 Entity: McBean & Son Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 5847 Entity: McKell Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 20280 Entity: Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 21828 Entity: Milpose Pastoral Company 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 19053 Entity: National Club Limited 19170 Entity: National Union of Workers - Central Branch There have been no receipts reported 19171 Entity: National Union of Workers - National Office 18854 Entity: National Union of Workers - NSW Branch 18833 Entity: National Union of Workers - Queensland Branch 19938 Entity: National Union of Workers - Victorian Branch 19067 Entity: National Union of Workers (Western Australia Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19068 Entity: National Union of Workers (Western Australia Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19136 Entity: National Union of Workers SA Branch 19761 Entity: Newgrove Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22392 Entity: Nowley Pastoral Co 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 21359 Entity: NSW Labor Campaign Investment Pty Ltd 21397 Entity: NSW Local Gov't Clerical, Admin, Energy, Airlines & Ut (Nat) 18764 Entity: NSW Local Govt, Clerical Admin, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Uni 20056 Entity: NTN Services 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 19765 Entity: Parraweena Pastoral Company There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 20922 Entity: Peter James & Robin Leahy There have been no receipts reported 21897 Entity: Petrie Brothers 20645 Entity: Platinum Forum There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association Inc 19941 Entity: Qld Services Industrial Union of Employees - Rail Division There have been no receipts reported 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 19072 Entity: Queensland Nurses Union of Employees 19771 Entity: R M Carroll & Sons There have been no receipts reported 21224 Entity: S Johnstone and Son 19369 Entity: SA Progressive Business Incorporated There have been no receipts reported 28830 Entity: Scoresby City Club There have been no receipts reported 18816 Entity: SDA Union - NSW Deductions Account Office 20810 Entity: Shields Partnership 18784 Entity: Shop Assist's & W/House Employees' Fed of Aust-N'cle & Nthn NSW 18776 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Assoc - SA 22426 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Assoc TAS 20019 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Association - VIC Branch 20031 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees' Association of WA 20041 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Association-Federal 18778 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employee's Assoc - QLD 18825 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - National 18824 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 21823 Entity: Springvale Pastoral Company There have been no receipts reported 17554 Entity: Supporters for Re-Electing Kotsiras There have been no receipts reported 21256 Entity: T F Kerin Agricultural Co There have been no receipts reported 21999 Entity: Taree Lands Pty Ltd, ATF Taree Lands Pty Ltd Trust 20805 Entity: Tattersalls Development Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18869 Entity: Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Aust - NSW, TAS, SA Br 20249 Entity: Textiles, Clothing & Footwear Union of Australia (Vic Branch) 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) There have been no receipts reported 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 20476 Entity: The Australian Workers Union - Newcastle & Northern Regions Br 19460 Entity: The Breweries & Bottleyards Employees Industrial Union of Worker 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 19898 Entity: The Food Preservers' Union of WA, Union of Workers There have been no receipts reported 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 17862 Entity: The Jim Killen Young Liberal Foundation There have been no receipts reported 17362 Entity: The Lady Wilson Foundation There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1113 Entity: The Menzies Research Centre Limited 20603 Entity: The Monash Club There have been no receipts reported 20913 Entity: The Nebea Pastoral Company Pty There have been no receipts reported 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 19026 Entity: The Violet Bobin Trust 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union (Vic/Tas) 19159 Entity: Transport Workers Union (Wa Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19160 Entity: Transport Workers Union (WA Branch) 19903 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - Canberra Branch 19900 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - Federal Council 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (Queensland Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19917 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia SA/NT Branch 19902 Entity: Transport Workers Union of New South Wales 20956 Entity: Trisleys Electrical Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19736 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia - ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 19737 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia - WA Branch There have been no receipts reported 20685 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia TAS Branch There have been no receipts reported 20560 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia Union of Employees Qld 22428 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia VIC There have been no receipts reported 19440 Entity: United Firefighters Union of SA Inc. 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 19795 Entity: W Tanner & Son Partnership 19814 Entity: Wass Bros Pty Ltd 19735 Entity: Western Australian Prison Officers' Union of Workers There have been no receipts reported 19741 Entity: Western Australian Railway Officers' Union There have been no receipts reported 19851 Entity: Western Plains Automotive There have been no receipts reported 20221 Entity: Willow Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2008-2009 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 21367 Entity: AADB Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 22370 Entity: ALP Investment Trust 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 23171 Entity: ASU - NSW Local Govt Clerical Admin Energy Airlines & Utilities 19138 Entity: ASU Victorian Private Sector Branch 19515 Entity: Aust. Building Const. Employees & Builders Labour Fed. (QLD Br) 19885 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Serv Union - Cent & South. QLD 19888 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Services Union - WA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19714 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Federal Council 18747 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Nctle & Northern There have been no receipts reported 18919 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - NSW Branch 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - QLD Branch 19610 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (Tasmania) There have been no receipts reported 19455 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (WA Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19454 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union SA Branch 19713 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union Victorian Branch 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees 19811 Entity: Australian Inst of Marine & Power Engineers Union of Emp. QLD There have been no receipts reported 22982 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 22453 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Queensland Branch There have been no receipts reported 22450 Entity: Australian Manufacturing Workers Union Metals Division There have been no receipts reported 19052 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union There have been no receipts reported 20050 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union (QLD) 18736 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union NSW Branch 18746 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Union SA/NT 18737 Entity: Australian Rail,Tram & Bus Industry - TAS Branch There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union - QLD Services Branch 21231 Entity: Australian Services Union - Tasmania There have been no receipts reported 19721 Entity: Australian Services Union NQ, Clerical & Admin Branch There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: Australian Services Union of NSW & ACT (Services) Branch 18743 Entity: Australian Services Union SA-NT Branch 19894 Entity: Australian Services Union, Vic Authorities & Services Branch 19833 Entity: Australian Workers Union - National Office 21019 Entity: Australian Workers Union - Whyalla Branch There have been no receipts reported 19810 Entity: Australian Workers Union Greater SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19816 Entity: Australian Workers' Union of Employees Queensland 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union Victorian Branch 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union WA Branch 19806 Entity: Automotive Food Metals Engineering Printing & Kindred Ind. Union 19108 Entity: AWU - Australian Workers Union (Tasmanian Branch) 22447 Entity: AWU - Port Kembla, South Coast & Southern Highlands Branch 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 28679 Entity: Bendigo 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 28831 Entity: Berwick Ranges 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 19064 Entity: Blind Workers Union of Victoria There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 19460 Entity: Breweries & Bottleyards Employees Industrial Union WA 28844 Entity: Bulleen Supporters Group There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 28826 Entity: Business First There have been no receipts reported 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club There have been no receipts reported 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 20681 Entity: CEPU (T&S) NSW Branch 18831 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - Tasmania Branch There have been no receipts reported 20048 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - WA There have been no receipts reported 20696 Entity: CEPU Communications Division (CWU QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19946 Entity: CEPU Communications Division SA/NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 18748 Entity: CEPU Electrical Division QLD & NT Divisional Branch 18751 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Energy & Services Divsion - SA There have been no receipts reported 19947 Entity: CEPU Engineering & Electrical Division There have been no receipts reported 20246 Entity: CEPU P & T Victorian Branch There have been no receipts reported 20652 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Division, Queensland Branch 22425 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Divison Victoria There have been no receipts reported 21220 Entity: CEPU T & S Victoria Branch There have been no receipts reported 22440 Entity: CFMEU - Construction and General Division (NT) 19149 Entity: CFMEU - Mining and Energy Division - Tas There have been no receipts reported 21332 Entity: CFMEU - Mining Division (Nth NSW District) 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU C & G Division (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - NSW 23350 Entity: CFMEU F&FPD There have been no receipts reported 23341 Entity: CFMEU FFPD Division 20695 Entity: CFMEU Forestry & Furnishing Division (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy (QLD) 18797 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy Division - NSW Energy 28834 Entity: Chinese Liberal Association There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 20367 Entity: Coal Miners Industrial Union of Workers of WA Collie There have been no receipts reported 19948 Entity: Communications Electrical Plumbing Union NSW P & T Branch 21541 Entity: Community and Public Sector Union (PSU Group) 19956 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union -ACT 19975 Entity: Construction Forrestry Mining & Energy Union - WA 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 20583 Entity: Deakin Executive Forum There have been no receipts reported 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 21842 Entity: Dunkley Blue Ribbon Club There have been no receipts reported 18756 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Australia (NSW Branch) 18760 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Employees Queensland 20248 Entity: Electrical Trades Union-Victorian Branch 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia There have been no receipts reported 19037 Entity: Enterprise 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 19504 Entity: Fed. Ironworkers Assoc. of Aust (QLD Br) Union of Employees 22429 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Aust - SA/NT Branch 22431 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Aust QLD Industrial Union of Employees 18922 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Australia - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 21735 Entity: Free Enterprise Foundation 18814 Entity: Friends of Indi There have been no receipts reported 19446 Entity: Gatenby Investment Trust There have been no receipts reported 28835 Entity: Goulburn 100 Club There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 19166 Entity: Health & Community Services Union Vic No. 2 HSU 18761 Entity: Health Services Union 20683 Entity: Health Services Union SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 21396 Entity: Health Services Union Victoria No. 3 Branch There have been no receipts reported 20373 Entity: Health Services Union Victorian Branch 1145 Entity: Higgins 200 Club 21370 Entity: Higgins 200 Foundation Ltd 20047 Entity: HSUA NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 16802 Entity: Indi Foundation Inc There have been no receipts reported 20639 Entity: Industrial Staff Union There have been no receipts reported 20912 Entity: JJ & JV Robertson There have been no receipts reported 1116 Entity: John Curtin House Limited 275 Entity: John McEwen House Pty Ltd 17377 Entity: Kaye Sutherland Memorial Bequest Fund There have been no receipts reported 1155 Entity: Kooyong 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 8808 Entity: Labor Campaign Pty Ltd 1156 Entity: Labor Holdings Pty Ltd 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. There have been no receipts reported 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 19899 Entity: Liberal Asset Management (Custodians) Limited There have been no receipts reported 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 19117 Entity: Liberal Club Limited 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd There have been no receipts reported 22449 Entity: Liquor Hopitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union, NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 18834 Entity: Liquor, Hospitality & Miscellaneous Union - National Office 22445 Entity: Liquor, Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union - Victoria There have been no receipts reported 23136 Entity: Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union - WA Branch There have been no receipts reported 17323 Entity: LPPH Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 14855 Entity: Mallens Colac Hotel Pty Ltd 18763 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia There have been no receipts reported 20280 Entity: Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance 29781 Entity: Mehring Books Pty Ltd 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 19053 Entity: National Club Limited 19170 Entity: National Union of Workers - Central Branch There have been no receipts reported 19171 Entity: National Union of Workers - National Office 18854 Entity: National Union of Workers - NSW Branch 18833 Entity: National Union of Workers - Queensland Branch 19938 Entity: National Union of Workers - Victorian Branch 19067 Entity: National Union of Workers (Western Australia Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19136 Entity: National Union of Workers SA Branch 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 21359 Entity: NSW Labor Campaign Investment Pty Ltd 18764 Entity: NSW Local Govt, Clerical Admin, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Uni 20056 Entity: NTN Services 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 20645 Entity: Platinum Forum There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association Inc 19941 Entity: Qld Services Industrial Union of Employees - Rail Division There have been no receipts reported 19072 Entity: Queensland Nurses Union of Employees 19369 Entity: SA Progressive Business Incorporated 20684 Entity: SA Wholesale Soft Goods Salesman & Warehousemens Assoc There have been no receipts reported 28830 Entity: Scoresby City Club There have been no receipts reported 18816 Entity: SDA Union - NSW Deductions Account Office 18784 Entity: Shop Assist's & W/House Employees' Fed of Aust-N'cle & Nthn NSW 18776 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Assoc - SA 22426 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Assoc TAS 20019 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Association - VIC Branch 20031 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees' Association of WA 20041 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Association-Federal 18778 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employee's Assoc - QLD 18825 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - National 18824 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 21999 Entity: Taree Lands Pty Ltd, ATF Taree Lands Pty Ltd Trust There have been no receipts reported 20805 Entity: Tattersalls Development Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18869 Entity: Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Aust - NSW, TAS, SA Br 20249 Entity: Textiles, Clothing & Footwear Union of Australia (Vic Branch) 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) There have been no receipts reported 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 19143 Entity: The Australian Rail Tram and Bus Industry Union of Employees WA 18785 Entity: The Australian Workers' Union - Greater NSW Branch 20476 Entity: The Australian Workers Union - Newcastle & Northern Regions Br 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 29777 Entity: The Federation of Hunting Clubs Inc There have been no receipts reported 19898 Entity: The Food Preservers' Union of WA, Union of Workers There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: The Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 22715 Entity: The Green Institute Ltd 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 17862 Entity: The Jim Killen Young Liberal Foundation There have been no receipts reported 17362 Entity: The Lady Wilson Foundation There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1113 Entity: The Menzies Research Centre Limited 20603 Entity: The Monash Club There have been no receipts reported 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 19026 Entity: The Violet Bobin Trust 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19904 Entity: Transport Workers Union There have been no receipts reported 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union (Vic/Tas) 19160 Entity: Transport Workers Union (WA Branch) 19900 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - Federal Council 19903 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - NSW Branch 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (Queensland Branch) 19917 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia SA/NT Branch 19902 Entity: Transport Workers Union of New South Wales 20956 Entity: Trisleys Electrical Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19736 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia - ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 19737 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia - WA Branch 20685 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia TAS Branch There have been no receipts reported 20560 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia Union of Employees Qld 22428 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia VIC There have been no receipts reported 19440 Entity: United Firefighters Union of SA Inc. 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 19735 Entity: Western Australian Prison Officers' Union of Workers There have been no receipts reported 19741 Entity: Western Australian Railway Officers' Union There have been no receipts reported 28828 Entity: Yarra Plenty Womens Group There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2009-2010 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 21367 Entity: AADB Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 22370 Entity: ALP Investment Trust 28666 Entity: Altum ATF The HQ Trust 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 23171 Entity: ASU - NSW Local Govt Clerical Admin Energy Airlines & Utilities 19138 Entity: ASU Victorian Private Sector Branch 19515 Entity: Aust. Building Const. Employees & Builders Labour Fed. (QLD Br) 19885 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Serv Union - Cent & South. QLD 19714 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Federal Council 18747 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Nctle & Northern 18919 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - QLD Branch 19610 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (Tasmania) There have been no receipts reported 19454 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19713 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union Victorian Branch 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees 22982 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19052 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union There have been no receipts reported 20050 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union (QLD) 18736 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union NSW Branch 18746 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Union SA/NT 19143 Entity: Australian Rail Tram and Bus Industry Union Western Australian B 18737 Entity: Australian Rail,Tram & Bus Industry - TAS Branch There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union - QLD Services Branch 21231 Entity: Australian Services Union - Tasmania There have been no receipts reported 19721 Entity: Australian Services Union NQ, Clerical & Admin Branch There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: Australian Services Union of NSW & ACT (Services) Branch There have been no receipts reported 18743 Entity: Australian Services Union SA-NT Branch 19894 Entity: Australian Services Union, Vic Authorities & Services Branch 19833 Entity: Australian Workers Union - National Office 19810 Entity: Australian Workers Union Greater SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19816 Entity: Australian Workers' Union of Employees Queensland 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union Victorian Branch 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union WA Branch 19806 Entity: Automotive Food Metals Engineering Printing & Kindred Ind. Union 1154 Entity: Labor Resources Pty Ltd 12035 Entity: Labour Movement Education Association Inc. There have been no receipts reported 18834 Entity: LHMU - National Council and State Branches 1118 Entity: Libco Pty Ltd 19899 Entity: Liberal Asset Management (Custodians) Limited There have been no receipts reported 1161 Entity: Liberal Building Foundation There have been no receipts reported 19117 Entity: Liberal Club Limited There have been no receipts reported 1163 Entity: Liberal Foundation Inc 1102 Entity: Liberal Properties Ltd There have been no receipts reported 17323 Entity: LPPH Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 22368 Entity: Manga Singh & Sons There have been no receipts reported 18763 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia There have been no receipts reported 18832 Entity: Maritime Union of Australia - Sydney Branch There have been no receipts reported 19760 Entity: McBean & Son Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20747 Entity: McClymont Holdings Pty Ltd 20280 Entity: Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance 10482 Entity: Menzies 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 19893 Entity: MG Carter & CO There have been no receipts reported 21906 Entity: Milpose Pastoral Company 3384 Entity: Murray 250 Club There have been no receipts reported 19053 Entity: National Club Limited 19170 Entity: National Union of Workers - Central Branch There have been no receipts reported 19171 Entity: National Union of Workers - National Office 18854 Entity: National Union of Workers - NSW Branch 18833 Entity: National Union of Workers - Queensland Branch 19938 Entity: National Union of Workers - Victorian Branch 19068 Entity: National Union of Workers (Western Australia Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19136 Entity: National Union of Workers SA Branch 19761 Entity: Newgrove Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported 17298 Entity: North West 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22374 Entity: Nowley Pastoral Co 455 Entity: NPA Nominees Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20005 Entity: NSW Local Gov't Clerical Admin. Energy Air & Utilities T/A USU 18764 Entity: NSW Local Govt, Clerical Admin, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Uni 20056 Entity: NTN Services Pty Ltd 20904 Entity: P & P Flanagan and Blauvelt Pastoral Company 1109 Entity: Parakeelia Pty Ltd 5857 Entity: Parliamentary Liberal Party Communication Committee (Victoria) There have been no receipts reported 19765 Entity: Parraweena Pastoral Company There have been no receipts reported 1112 Entity: Perth Trades Hall Inc 20921 Entity: Peter James & Robin Leahy There have been no receipts reported 21915 Entity: Petrie Brothers 20645 Entity: Platinum Forum There have been no receipts reported 2865 Entity: Progressive Business Association Inc 19941 Entity: Qld Services Industrial Union of Employees - Rail Division 1123 Entity: Queensland Environmental Consumer Organisation Inc There have been no receipts reported 19072 Entity: Queensland Nurses Union of Employees 19768 Entity: R Hardman & Son Pty Ltd 19771 Entity: R M Carroll & Sons There have been no receipts reported 18746 Entity: Rail Tram & Bus Union SA-NT Branch 19770 Entity: Ritter Partnership There have been no receipts reported 20782 Entity: Roger Moore Pty Ltd 21810 Entity: S. Johnstone and Sons 19369 Entity: SA Progressive Business Incorporated There have been no receipts reported 20684 Entity: SA Wholesale Soft Goods Salesman & Warehousemens Assoc There have been no receipts reported 28830 Entity: Scoresby City Club There have been no receipts reported 18816 Entity: SDA Union - NSW Deductions Account Office 20771 Entity: Shields Partnership 18784 Entity: Shop Assist's & W/House Employees' Fed of Aust-N'cle & Nthn NSW 18776 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Assoc - SA 20019 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Association - VIC Branch 20031 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees' Association of WA 20041 Entity: Shop Distributive & Allied Employees Association-Federal 18778 Entity: Shop Distributive and Allied Employee's Assoc - QLD 18825 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - National 18824 Entity: Shop, Distributive & Allied Employees' Association - NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 20760 Entity: Southern District Panel Beaters Pty Ltd 21824 Entity: Springvale Pastoral Company There have been no receipts reported 17554 Entity: Supporters for Re-Electing Kotsiras There have been no receipts reported 21808 Entity: T F Kerin Agricultural Co 20770 Entity: Tattersalls Development Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 18869 Entity: TCFUA - Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Aust - NSW Branch 20538 Entity: Team 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 20249 Entity: Textiles, Clothing & Footwear Union of Australia (Vic Branch) 1157 Entity: The 500 Club (VIC) There have been no receipts reported 1159 Entity: The 500 Club (WA) 19143 Entity: The Australian Rail Tram and Bus Industry Union of Employees WA 20476 Entity: The Australian Workers Union - Newcastle & Northern Regions Br There have been no receipts reported 19460 Entity: The Breweries & Bottleyards Employees Industrial Union of Worker 2937 Entity: The Chifley Research Centre Ltd 19898 Entity: The Food Preservers' Union of WA, Union of Workers There have been no receipts reported 21735 Entity: The Free Enterprise Foundation 1142 Entity: The Greenfields Foundation 12990 Entity: The Hawkesbury Club There have been no receipts reported 17862 Entity: The Jim Killen Young Liberal Foundation There have been no receipts reported 17362 Entity: The Lady Wilson Foundation There have been no receipts reported 9914 Entity: The Liberal Party of Western Australia Pty Ltd 1113 Entity: The Menzies Research Centre Limited 20603 Entity: The Monash Club There have been no receipts reported 20911 Entity: The Nebea Pastoral Company Pty There have been no receipts reported 9982 Entity: The Page Research Centre Ltd 19026 Entity: The Violet Bobin Trust 10674 Entity: The Warringah Club There have been no receipts reported 19904 Entity: Transport Workers Union 19933 Entity: Transport Workers Union (Vic/Tas) 19160 Entity: Transport Workers Union (WA Branch) 19903 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - Canberra Branch 19900 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia - Federal Council 19924 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia (Queensland Branch) 19917 Entity: Transport Workers Union of Australia SA/NT Branch 19902 Entity: Transport Workers Union of New South Wales 20955 Entity: Trisleys Electrical Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 16722 Entity: True Blue Club There have been no receipts reported 20560 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia 19736 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia - ACT Branch There have been no receipts reported 19737 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia - WA Branch There have been no receipts reported 20685 Entity: United Firefighters Union of Australia TAS Branch There have been no receipts reported 19440 Entity: United Firefighters Union of SA Inc. There have been no receipts reported 1115 Entity: Vapold Pty Ltd 19795 Entity: W Tanner & Son Partnership 19814 Entity: Wass Bros Pty Ltd 20746 Entity: Wattle Grove Partnership There have been no receipts reported 19735 Entity: Western Australian Prison Officers' Union of Workers There have been no receipts reported 19741 Entity: Western Australian Railway Officers' Union There have been no receipts reported 19851 Entity: Western Plains Automotive There have been no receipts reported 22312 Entity: Wildav Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20221 Entity: Willow Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported Loading data for 2007-2008 685 Entity: 500 Club of New South Wales Inc There have been no receipts reported 1137 Entity: 6 St Paul's Terrace Trust 21367 Entity: AADB Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20844 Entity: AG - Rich Foods Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 19095 Entity: Agenda Mangement & Solutions Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 2618 Entity: Altum Property Trust 19098 Entity: Arthur Macartney Family Trust 21786 Entity: Aust Rail Tram and Bus Industry Union of Employees WA Branch 19515 Entity: Aust. Building Const. Employees & Builders Labour Fed. (QLD Br) 19885 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Serv Union - Cent & South. QLD 19888 Entity: Aust. Municipal Admin. Clerical & Services Union - WA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19714 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Federal Council 18747 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union - Nctle & Northern 18919 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - NSW Branch 18830 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union - QLD Branch 19610 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (Tasmania) 19455 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (WA Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19454 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union SA Branch 19713 Entity: Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union Victorian Branch There have been no receipts reported 19028 Entity: Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees 19811 Entity: Australian Inst of Marine & Power Engineers Union of Emp. QLD There have been no receipts reported 19051 Entity: Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers - NSW There have been no receipts reported 21585 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Federal Business Forum There have been no receipts reported 1149 Entity: Australian Labor Party - Holdings Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1117 Entity: Australian Labor Party (Legacies and Gifts) Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1162 Entity: Australian Labor Party (NSW) Gifts Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1130 Entity: Australian Labor Party Sisterhood There have been no receipts reported 19052 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union There have been no receipts reported 20050 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union (QLD) 18736 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Industry Union NSW Branch 18746 Entity: Australian Rail Tram & Bus Union SA/NT 18737 Entity: Australian Rail,Tram & Bus Industry - TAS Branch There have been no receipts reported 19716 Entity: Australian Services Union - QLD Services Branch 21231 Entity: Australian Services Union - Tasmania There have been no receipts reported 19721 Entity: Australian Services Union NQ, Clerical & Admin Branch There have been no receipts reported 18799 Entity: Australian Services Union of NSW & ACT (Services) Branch There have been no receipts reported 18743 Entity: Australian Services Union SA-NT Branch 21068 Entity: Australian Services Union Victorian Private Sector Branch 19894 Entity: Australian Services Union, Vic Authorities & Services Branch 19833 Entity: Australian Workers Union - National Office 20768 Entity: Australian Workers Union - TAS Branch 19810 Entity: Australian Workers Union Greater SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 19816 Entity: Australian Workers' Union of Employees Queensland 19844 Entity: Australian Workers Union Victorian Branch 19861 Entity: Australian Workers Union WA Branch 20054 Entity: Australian Workers Union, Greater NSW Branch 19806 Entity: Automotive Food Metals Engineering Printing & Kindred Ind. Union 21587 Entity: AWU - Technical Admin Professional Staff & Gas Industry Br There have been no receipts reported 22447 Entity: AWU Port Kembla Branch There have been no receipts reported 16918 Entity: Bass 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 17410 Entity: Bayside Forum 19111 Entity: BellCarroll Pty Ltd 19112 Entity: Biggs & Sons Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 1103 Entity: Bjelke Petersen Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 19113 Entity: Blair Mount Pastl Co 19064 Entity: Blind Workers Union of Victoria There have been no receipts reported 1151 Entity: Blue and White Committee There have been no receipts reported 19443 Entity: Browning Family Investment Trust 28844 Entity: Bulleen Supporters Group There have been no receipts reported 1062 Entity: Bunori Pty Ltd 1073 Entity: Canberra Labor Club Ltd 20217 Entity: Carellan Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported 11299 Entity: Casey Business Briefing Club There have been no receipts reported 1148 Entity: CEC Australia (Services) Pty Ltd 20681 Entity: CEPU (T&S) NSW Branch There have been no receipts reported 18831 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - Tasmania Branch There have been no receipts reported 20048 Entity: CEPU Communications Division - WA There have been no receipts reported 20696 Entity: CEPU Communications Division (CWU QLD Branch) There have been no receipts reported 19946 Entity: CEPU Communications Division SA/NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 18748 Entity: CEPU Electrical Division QLD & NT Divisional Branch 18751 Entity: CEPU Electrical, Energy & Services Divsion - SA There have been no receipts reported 19947 Entity: CEPU Engineering & Electrical Division There have been no receipts reported 20246 Entity: CEPU P & T Victorian Branch There have been no receipts reported 23158 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Division (NSW) There have been no receipts reported 20652 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Division, Queensland Branch 22425 Entity: CEPU Plumbing Divison Vitoria There have been no receipts reported 21220 Entity: CEPU T & S Victoria Branch There have been no receipts reported 19149 Entity: CFMEU - Mining and Energy Division - Tas There have been no receipts reported 21332 Entity: CFMEU - Mining Division (Nth NSW District) 20643 Entity: CFMEU (VIC) Construction and General Division There have been no receipts reported 20682 Entity: CFMEU C & G Division (TAS) There have been no receipts reported 18752 Entity: CFMEU Construction and General Division - NSW 23341 Entity: CFMEU FFPD - National Office 23350 Entity: CFMEU FFPD - Victorian No 2 Branch 23245 Entity: CFMEU FFPD Tasmania Branch There have been no receipts reported 19973 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy (QLD) 18797 Entity: CFMEU Mining & Energy Division - NSW Energy 20480 Entity: CFMEU Pulp & Paper Br, Forestry & Furn. Prod. Div.- Millicent There have been no receipts reported 28834 Entity: Chinese Liberal Association There have been no receipts reported 1152 Entity: Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd 2919 Entity: CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd 20367 Entity: Coal Miners Industrial Union of Workers of WA Collie There have been no receipts reported 19948 Entity: Communications Electrical Plumbing Union NSW P & T Branch 21541 Entity: Community and Public Sector Union (PSU Group) 19135 Entity: Conomos Bros There have been no receipts reported 19986 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Indust. Union of Emp. QLD There have been no receipts reported 21020 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining & Energy Union SA 19956 Entity: Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union -ACT 19975 Entity: Construction Forrestry Mining & Energy Union - WA 1140 Entity: Cormack Foundation Pty Ltd 1144 Entity: Curlew Nominee Trust There have been no receipts reported 1104 Entity: Dame Pattie Menzies Foundation Trust There have been no receipts reported 21763 Entity: DB Scott & Co 20583 Entity: Deakin Executive Forum There have been no receipts reported 20763 Entity: Decorama Blinds Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 21563 Entity: Denyer Partnership 8588 Entity: Don Chipp Foundation Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20689 Entity: Donations Club 19740 Entity: Doonkami Pastoral Company Pty Ltd There have been no receipts reported 20751 Entity: Dromgarriff Pastoral Co There have been no receipts reported 21842 Entity: Dunkley Blue Ribbon Club There have been no receipts reported 20219 Entity: E R Cheers & Sons There have been no receipts reported 18756 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Australia (NSW Branch) 18760 Entity: Electrical Trades Union of Employees Queensland 20248 Entity: Electrical Trades Union-Southern States Branch 1081 Entity: Emily's List Australia 19037 Entity: Enterprise 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 21864 Entity: Eulie Pastoral Co 19504 Entity: Fed. Ironworkers Assoc. of Aust (QLD Br) Union of Employees 22429 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Aust - SA/NT Branch There have been no receipts reported 22431 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Aust QLD Industrial Union of Employees There have been no receipts reported 18922 Entity: Finance Sector Union of Australia - NSW Branch 13122 Entity: Forward Brisbane Leadership 21735 Entity: Free Enterprise Foundation 18814 Entity: Friends of Indi There have been no receipts reported 19446 Entity: Gatenby Investment Trust There have been no receipts reported 10297 Entity: Geelong 500 Club There have been no receipts reported 223 Entity: Greater Eastern Network 200 Club There have been no receipts reported 22174 Entity: Gruber (Yass) Pty Limited 1105 Entity: Harold Nelson Holdings Pty Ltd 19166 Entity: Health & Community Services Union Vic#2 HSU There have been no receipts reported 18761 Entity: Health Services Union There have been no receipts reported 21234 Entity: Health Services Union (NSW Branch) There have been no receipts reported 20683 Entity: Health Services Union SA Branch There have been no receipts reported 21396 Entity: Health Services Union Victoria No. 3 Branch There have been no receipts reported 20375 Entity: Health Services Union Victoria No. 5 Branch There have been no receipts reported 20373