MichaelPhilippone / AOA_Postmatch

Post-match program availabilities

Contributors MichaelPhilippone

Last run failed with status code 998.

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... [1G [1G-----> Perl/PSGI app detected [1G-----> Bootstrapping cpanm [1G Successfully installed App-cpanminus-1.7043 [1G 1 distribution installed [1G-----> Installing dependencies [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Date-6.02 [1G Successfully installed Encode-Locale-1.05 [1G Successfully installed URI-1.73 [1G Successfully installed IO-HTML-1.001 [1G Successfully installed LWP-MediaTypes-6.02 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Message-6.14 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Negotiate-6.01 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Daemon-6.01 [1G Successfully installed Try-Tiny-0.30 [1G Successfully installed File-Listing-6.04 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Cookies-6.04 [1G Successfully installed WWW-RobotRules-6.02 [1G Successfully installed Net-HTTP-6.17 [1G Successfully installed HTML-Tagset-3.20 [1G Successfully installed HTML-Parser-3.72 [1G Successfully installed libwww-perl-6.31 [1G Successfully installed Test-Fatal-0.014 [1G Successfully installed HTML-Tree-5.07 [1G Successfully installed JSON-2.97001 [1G Successfully installed DBI-1.640 [1G Successfully installed DBD-SQLite-1.54 [1G Successfully installed Sub-Uplevel-0.2800 [1G Successfully installed Test-Exception-0.43 [1G Successfully installed Test-Pod-1.51 [1G Successfully installed Database-DumpTruck-1.2 [1G 25 distributions installed [1G-----> Installing Starman [1G Successfully installed ExtUtils-Helpers-0.026 [1G Successfully installed ExtUtils-Config-0.008 [1G Successfully installed ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.011 [1G Successfully installed Test-Harness-3.39 [1G Successfully installed Module-Build-Tiny-0.039 [1G Successfully installed Data-Dump-1.23 [1G Successfully installed Net-Server-2.009 [1G Successfully installed File-ShareDir-Install-0.11 [1G Successfully installed Test-SharedFork-0.35 [1G Successfully installed IO-Socket-IP-0.39 [1G Successfully installed Test-TCP-2.19 [1G Successfully installed Stream-Buffered-0.03 [1G Successfully installed Cookie-Baker-0.08 [1G Successfully installed Hash-MultiValue-0.16 [1G Successfully installed Cpanel-JSON-XS-4.01 [1G Successfully installed JSON-PP-2.97001 (upgraded from 2.27202) [1G Successfully installed JSON-MaybeXS-1.003010 [1G Successfully installed CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.018 (upgraded from 0.008) [1G Successfully installed CPAN-Meta-2.150010 (upgraded from 2.120921) [1G Successfully installed Module-Build-0.4224 (upgraded from 0.4003) [1G Successfully installed WWW-Form-UrlEncoded-0.24 [1G Successfully installed Test-Deep-1.127 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-MultiPartParser-0.02 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Entity-Parser-0.20 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Tiny-0.070 (upgraded from 0.025) [1G Successfully installed Devel-StackTrace-2.03 [1G Successfully installed POSIX-strftime-Compiler-0.42 [1G Successfully installed Apache-LogFormat-Compiler-0.35 [1G Successfully installed Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.12 [1G Successfully installed Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML-0.15 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Headers-Fast-0.21 [1G Successfully installed Class-Inspector-1.32 [1G Successfully installed File-ShareDir-1.104 [1G Successfully installed Plack-1.0045 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Parser-XS-0.17 [1G Successfully installed Starman-0.4014 [1G 36 distributions installed [1G [1G-----> Discovering process types [1G Procfile declares types -> scraper Injecting scraper and running... Scraper didn't create an SQLite database in your current working directory called data.sqlite. If you've just created your first scraper and not edited the code yet this is to be expected. To fix this make your scraper write to an SQLite database at data.sqlite. However, this could also be related to an intermittent problem which we're working hard to resolve: https://github.com/openaustralia/morph/issues/1064


Total run time: 2 minutes

Total cpu time used: less than 5 seconds

Total disk space used: 20.3 KB


  • Manually ran revision 017b1c09 and failed .
  • Created on morph.io

Scraper code
