MichaelBone / town_of_walkerville_sa_development_applications

Town of Walkerville (South Australia) Development Applications

Contributors MichaelBone

Last run completed successfully .

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... [1G [1G-----> Node.js app detected [1G [1G-----> Creating runtime environment [1G [1G NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error [1G NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true [1G NPM_CONFIG_CAFILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt [1G NODE_VERBOSE=false [1G NODE_ENV=production [1G NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 [1G NODE_MODULES_CACHE=true [1G [1G-----> Installing binaries [1G engines.node (package.json): 10.14.1 [1G engines.npm (package.json): unspecified (use default) [1G [1G Resolving node version 10.14.1... [1G Downloading and installing node 10.14.1... [1G Using default npm version: 6.4.1 [1G [1G-----> Restoring cache [1G Skipping cache restore (not-found) [1G [1G-----> Building dependencies [1G Installing node modules (package.json) [1G [1G > sqlite3@4.0.6 install /tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3 [1G > node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build [1G [1G [sqlite3] Success: "/tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/node-v64-linux-x64/node_sqlite3.node" is installed via remote [1G added 493 packages from 346 contributors and audited 497 packages in 17.552s [1G found 0 vulnerabilities [1G [1G [1G-----> Caching build [1G Clearing previous node cache [1G Saving 2 cacheDirectories (default): [1G - node_modules [1G - bower_components (nothing to cache) [1G [1G-----> Build succeeded! [1G [1G-----> Discovering process types [1G Procfile declares types -> scraper Injecting scraper and running... Retrieving page: https://www.walkerville.sa.gov.au/development/development-register Found 14 PDF file(s). Selecting two to parse. Parsing document: https://www.walkerville.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/461402/DA-Register-January-June-2020.pdf Reading development applications from https://www.walkerville.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/461402/DA-Register-January-June-2020.pdf. Reading and parsing applications from page 1 of 60. Found "200/003/20". Found "200/004/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 2 of 60. Found "200/005/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 3 of 60. Found "200/006/20". Found "200/007/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 4 of 60. Found "200/008/20". Found "200/010/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 5 of 60. Found "200/011/20". Found "200/012/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 6 of 60. Found "200/013/20". Found "200/014/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 7 of 60. Found "200/015/20". Found "200/016/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 8 of 60. Found "200/017/20". Found "200/019/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 9 of 60. Found "200/020/20". Found "200/022/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 10 of 60. Found "200/023/20". Found "200/024/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 11 of 60. Found "200/025/20". Found "200/026/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 12 of 60. Found "200/027/20". Found "200/028/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 13 of 60. Found "200/029/20". Found "200/030/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 14 of 60. Found "200/031/20". Found "200/032/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 15 of 60. Found "200/033/20". Found "200/034/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 16 of 60. Found "200/035/20". Found "200/036/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 17 of 60. Found "200/037/20". Found "200/038/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 18 of 60. Found "200/039/20". Found "200/040/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 19 of 60. Found "200/041/20". Found "200/042/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 20 of 60. Found "200/043/20". Found "200/044/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 21 of 60. Found "200/045/20". Found "200/046/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 22 of 60. Found "200/047/20". Found "200/048/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 23 of 60. Found "200/049/20". Found "200/050/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 24 of 60. Found "200/051/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 25 of 60. Found "200/052/20". Found "200/053/20". Application number 200/053/20 will be ignored because an address was not found or parsed (there is no street name). Elements: [19/03/2020][Approved][ Planning Approval][13/03/2020][ Application Date][ Application No][200/053/20][25/05/2020][Approved][ Building Approval][13/03/2020][ Application received][PAUL UGO MARCUCCITTI AND A BRADLEY][ Applicants Name][ Land Division Approval][ Building received][6 OXENBOULD STREET][ Applicants Address][13/03/2020][Land Division Clearance][ Planning received][PARKSIDE SA 5063][Development Approval][25/05/2020][Approved][Conditions available on request][Development Commenced][ 0][ Planning Conditions ][Development Completed][0][ Property House No][ 0][ Building Conditions][Concurrence Required][ Lot][ 0][ Land Division Conditions][Appeal Lodged][ Section][ Private Certifier Conditions][ 2][ Appeal Effective Date][ Plan][ Appeal Decision][0][ Property street][ Fees][Amount Due][Amount Distributed][0][ Property suburb][Lodgement Fee (base fee)][$0.00][$67.00][ Title][Lodgement Fee (base fee)][$0.00][$41.75][ Hundred][Lodgement Fee (base fee)][$0.00][$33.75][$0.00][$0.00][Council Delegated][Development Description][ Relevant Authority][Construction of a Dwelling under Res-Code][ Referred to] Reading and parsing applications from page 26 of 60. Found "200/054/20". Found "200/055/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 27 of 60. Found "200/056/20". Found "200/057/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 28 of 60. Found "200/058/20". Found "200/059/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 29 of 60. Found "200/060/20". Found "200/061/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 30 of 60. Found "200/062/20". Found "200/063/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 31 of 60. Found "200/064/20". Found "200/065/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 32 of 60. Found "200/066/20". Found "200/067/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 33 of 60. Found "200/068/20". Found "200/069/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 34 of 60. Found "200/070/20". Found "200/071/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 35 of 60. Found "200/072/20". Found "200/073/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 36 of 60. Found "200/074/20". Found "200/075/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 37 of 60. Found "200/076/20". Found "200/077/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 38 of 60. Found "200/078/20". Found "200/079/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 39 of 60. Found "200/080/20". Found "200/081/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 40 of 60. Found "200/082/20". Found "200/083/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 41 of 60. Found "200/085/20". Found "200/088/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 42 of 60. Found "200/089/20". Found "200/090/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 43 of 60. Found "200/091/20". Found "200/092/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 44 of 60. Found "200/093/20". Found "200/094/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 45 of 60. Found "200/095/20". Found "200/096/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 46 of 60. Found "200/097/20". Found "200/098/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 47 of 60. Found "200/099/20". Found "200/100/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 48 of 60. Found "200/101/20". Found "200/102/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 49 of 60. Found "200/103/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 50 of 60. Found "200/104/20". Found "200/105/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 51 of 60. Found "200/106/20". Found "200/107/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 52 of 60. Found "200/108/20". Found "200/109/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 53 of 60. Found "200/110/20". Found "200/111/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 54 of 60. Found "200/112/20". Found "200/113/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 55 of 60. Found "200/115/20". Found "200/116/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 56 of 60. Found "200/117/20". Found "200/118/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 57 of 60. Found "200/120/20". Found "200/121/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 58 of 60. Found "200/122/20". Found "200/123/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 59 of 60. Found "200/124/20". Found "200/125/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 60 of 60. Parsed 114 development application(s) from document: https://www.walkerville.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/461402/DA-Register-January-June-2020.pdf Inserting development applications into the database. Saved application "200/003/20" with address "35 DUTTON TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Variation to 200/011/18 - Change to Tennis Court Lighting and Remove Shields", legal description "Lot 6, Section 460, Plan F107225, Title 5181/301, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-01-06" to the database. Saved application "200/004/20" with address "2B CLARKE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "No Description Provided", legal description "Lot 17, Section 476, Plan F137168, Title 5731/763, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-01-06" to the database. Saved application "200/005/20" with address "131 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Construct enclosed verandah to the rear of existing single storey detached dwelling with alterations to convert existing verandah into habitable area", legal description "Lot 3, Section 476, Plan F121725, Title 5214/798, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-01-07" to the database. Saved application "200/006/20" with address "12A THE AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Internal renovations and refurbishment of existing stables and repairs to stoneworks/painting and new carport", legal description "Lot 31, Section 460, Plan D85709, Title 6072/408, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-01-09" to the database. Saved application "200/007/20" with address "1 VICTORIA AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Demolition of existing verandah and construction of alfresco to the rear of a Contributory Item.", legal description "Lot 8, Section 460, Plan F137059, Title 5559/711, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-01-09" to the database. Saved application "200/008/20" with address "7 FREDERICK STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Construction of front boundary pedestrian and driveway gate to a height of 1.8m", legal description "Lot 1, Section 475, Plan F6048, Title 5090/186, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-01-10" to the database. Saved application "200/010/20" with address "18 JEFFERY ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Construction of a two-storey detached dwelling", legal description "Lot 32, Section 478, Plan D86679, Title 6076/680, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-01-14" to the database. Saved application "200/011/20" with address "20 DEVONSHIRE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Land Division (1 into 2 lots)", legal description "Lot 87, Section 477, Plan F137338, Title 5350/858, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-01-15" to the database. Saved application "200/012/20" with address "19 ST ANDREWS STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Variation to DA 200/010/18", legal description "Lot 47, Section 477, Plan F137398, Title 5941/828, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-01-15" to the database. Saved application "200/013/20" with address "16 AVENEL GARDENS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Alterations to existing ensuite on the side of existing Contributory Item", legal description "Lot 14, Section 460, Plan 1578, Title 5962/372, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-01-15" to the database. Saved application "200/014/20" with address "2 MCARTHUR STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Construction of a single storey dwelling under Res Code", legal description "Lot 11, Section 478, Plan 5541, Title 5655/978, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-01-16" to the database. Saved application "200/015/20" with address "19 DEVONSHIRE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Two Storey Detached Dwelling with integrated garage and Tree Damaging Activity to Regulated Tree (Golden Elm on adjoining site)", legal description "Lot 38, Section 476, Plan F137389, Title 5751/61, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-01-23" to the database. Saved application "200/016/20" with address "23 GEORGE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Front Fence - Rendered Brick Piers and Plinth with Aluminium Vertical Wedges maximum height 1.8m.", legal description "Lot 17, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5668/369, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-03" to the database. Saved application "200/017/20" with address "12 CLISBY STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Construction of a Two-Storey Dwelling under Res-Code", legal description "Lot 76, Section 478, Plan F137527, Title 5697/822, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-05" to the database. Saved application "200/019/20" with address "21 CAMBRIDGE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Excavation and Installation of Fibreglass Swimming Pool - Minor variation: revised location of pump station. Endorsed: 25 March 2020.", legal description "Lot 1, Section 478, Plan D90276, Title 6102/34, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-05" to the database. Saved application "200/020/20" with address "50 HARRIS ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Two Two Storey Dwellings - Residential Code", legal description "Lot 70, Section 479, Plan F127704, Title 5815/679, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-05" to the database. Saved application "200/022/20" with address "6 ALFRED STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Internal refurbishment and fitout to existing outbuilding - Contributory Item", legal description "Lot 11, Section 476, Plan 758, Title 5348/858, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-07" to the database. Saved application "200/023/20" with address "12 WASHINGTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Two Storey Dwelling", legal description "Lot 56, Section 479, Plan F127690, Title 5579/361, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-07" to the database. Saved application "200/024/20" with address "18 VIEW ROAD, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Construction of one two storey detached dwelling and two two storey dwellings with integrated garages associated driveway and landscaping", legal description "Lot 802, Section 474, Plan C41860, Title 6233/730, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-07" to the database. Saved application "200/025/20" with address "17 ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Verandah", legal description "Lot 59, Section 478, Plan F137510, Title 5817/65, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-10" to the database. Saved application "200/026/20" with address "17 BURLINGTON STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Construction of front rendered fence > 2.1m above the lower ground level.", legal description "Lot 70, Section 477, Plan D23470, Title 5302/226, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-10" to the database. Saved application "200/027/20" with address "33 WILSDEN STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Variation to DA 200/104/19 - Increase of roof height of the extension to the existing dwelling by 240mm", legal description "Lot 110, Section 477, Plan 1157, Title 5469/396, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-11" to the database. Saved application "200/028/20" with address "2 WALLACE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Construction of 2 x two-storey semi-detached dwellings under Res-Code", legal description "Lot 18, Section 459, Plan F127652, Title 5819/227, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-14" to the database. Saved application "200/029/20" with address "8 TENNYSON STREET, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Partial demolition of Contributory Item roof with construction of hipped Carport to the side of the dwelling", legal description "Lot 1, Section 460, Plan F110051, Title 5197/863, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-14" to the database. Saved application "200/030/20" with address "27 MAIN NORTH ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Change of use - Retrospectively convert an abandoned service trade premises (used car yard) into an office (building maintenance company)", legal description "Lot 3, Section 460, Plan 817, Title 6128/380, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-17" to the database. Saved application "200/031/20" with address "8 GEORGE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Construction of a carport forward of the associated dwelling enclosure of a carport to form a shed and front boundary vehicle and pedestrian gate >1.95m above ground level.", legal description "Lot 7, Section 476, Plan F13759, Title 5482/571, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-14" to the database. Saved application "200/032/20" with address "9 ROBE TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Demolish existing front fence and construct front fence with masonry pillars and cast iron infills (retrospective)", legal description "Lot 7, Section 460, Plan D119131, Title 6212/689, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-17" to the database. Saved application "200/033/20" with address "17 GEORGE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Front fence with masonry pillars and infill", legal description "Lot 20, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5442/23, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-18" to the database. Saved application "200/034/20" with address "34 ST ANDREWS STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Land Division (1 into 2 lots)", legal description "Lot 20, Section 477, Plan 6964, Title 5738/598, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-21" to the database. Saved application "200/035/20" with address "3 PHILIP STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Single Storey Detached Dwelling with integrated garage associated swimming pool pump and fencing. Regulation 47A: Staged approvals. Endorsed: 17 April 2020", legal description "Lot 83, Section 478, Plan D43264, Title 5310/248, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-24" to the database. Saved application "200/036/20" with address "3 PHILIP STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Demolition of a Single Storey Dwelling", legal description "Lot 83, Section 478, Plan D43264, Title 5310/248, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-24" to the database. Saved application "200/037/20" with address "2 WALLACE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Withdrawn 27 March 2020 - Construction of a Two-Storey Detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 18, Section 459, Plan F127652, Title 5819/227, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-24" to the database. Saved application "200/038/20" with address "43 ST ANDREWS STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Demolition of the existing verandah with alterations and additions to an existing single storey dwelling", legal description "Lot 101, Section 477, Plan D29647, Title 5164/857, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-25" to the database. Saved application "200/039/20" with address "27 MILNE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Demolition of a dwelling", legal description "Lot 52, Section 478, Plan 3609, Title 5711/78, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-27" to the database. Saved application "200/040/20" with address "27 MILNE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Two x Single Storey Semi-detached Dwellings", legal description "Lot 52, Section 478, Plan 3609, Title 5711/78, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-27" to the database. Saved application "200/041/20" with address "4 WATERMAN AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Construction of 2 Dwellings under Res-Code", legal description "Lot 14, Section 478, Plan 8036, Title 5599/808, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-27" to the database. Saved application "200/042/20" with address "41 FIFE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Demolition of a Single Storey Brick Dwelling with Concrete Floor", legal description "Lot 4, Section 479, Plan 8229, Title 5191/38, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-02-28" to the database. Saved application "200/043/20" with address "18B NORTHCOTE TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Two Storey Group Dwelling", legal description "Lot 201, Section 475, Plan C40672, Title 6182/15, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-02" to the database. Saved application "200/044/20" with address "18 BURLINGTON STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Single Storey Detached Dwelling with integrated garage in-ground swimming pool and front masonry fence", legal description "Lot 500, Section 477, Plan D119140, Title 6213/467, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-03" to the database. Saved application "200/045/20" with address "50 HARRIS ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Land Division (1 into 2 lots)", legal description "Lot 70, Section 479, Plan F127704, Title 5815/679, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-03" to the database. Saved application "200/046/20" with address "29 TENNYSON STREET, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Outdoor entertaining area addition to an existing dwelling", legal description "Lot 77, Section 460, Plan F137028, Title 5341/125, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-05" to the database. Saved application "200/047/20" with address "5 CHASE GROVE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Demolition of a dwelling and all associated structures", legal description "Lot 5, Section 479, Plan 6300, Title 5446/459, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-06" to the database. Saved application "200/048/20" with address "15B GEORGE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Verandah", legal description "Lot 21, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5666/128, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-06" to the database. Saved application "200/049/20" with address "15A GEORGE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Verandah", legal description "Lot 2, Section 479, Plan D96209, Title 6157/738, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-06" to the database. Saved application "200/050/20" with address "11 EDWIN TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "No Description Provided", legal description "Lot 4, Section 475, Plan D34309, Title 5079/439, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-11" to the database. Saved application "200/051/20" with address "2A VICTORIA AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Tennis Court Lights", legal description "Lot 1, Section 460, Plan D123487, Title 6236/561, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-11" to the database. Saved application "200/052/20" with address "14 DOREEN STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Replacing tile roof with colorbond steel sheets", legal description "Lot 12, Section 479, Plan 4569, Title 5535/820, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-12" to the database. Saved application "200/054/20" with address "7 FREDERICK STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Land Division (Two into Two – Realignment)", legal description "Lot 1, Section 475, Plan F6048, Title 5090/186, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-16" to the database. Saved application "200/055/20" with address "2 WALLACE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Stage 1: Land Division (One into three lots) and Stage 2: Construct a two storey detached dwelling with integrated garage. Total: $3150 + GST - Tree removal replacement and establishment of a new street tree(s)", legal description "Lot 18, Section 459, Plan F127652, Title 5819/227, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-16" to the database. Saved application "200/056/20" with address "18 NORTH EAST ROAD, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Internal alterations to the existing building", legal description "Lot 500, Section 474, Plan D63389, Title 6134/753, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-16" to the database. Saved application "200/057/20" with address "10 BRUNSWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Extension to an existing verandah", legal description "Lot 19, Section 477, Plan F137370, Title 5553/368, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-19" to the database. Saved application "200/058/20" with address "55 HAWKERS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Verandah and alfresco with integrated vergola to he rear of the exising Contributory Item", legal description "Lot 24, Section 460, Plan F137075, Title 5824/568, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-23" to the database. Saved application "200/059/20" with address "120 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Shop Fitout", legal description "Lot 61, Section 476, Plan F136112, Title 5776/343, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-24" to the database. Saved application "200/060/20" with address "T/C PL/G WARWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Construction of a shade sail structure over the playground for the Town of Walkerville", legal description "Lot 92, Section 476, Plan F216212, Title 5813/684, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-25" to the database. Saved application "200/061/20" with address "6 CHASE GROVE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Variation to DA 200/174/19 – Relocate laundry and reduce overall length", legal description "Lot 10, Section 479, Plan 6300, Title 5627/729, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-03-27" to the database. Saved application "200/062/20" with address "4 WATERMAN AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Land Division (One into Two)", legal description "Lot 14, Section 478, Plan 8036, Title 5599/808, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-04-02" to the database. Saved application "200/063/20" with address "7 ARUNDEL STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Construction of a Two-Storey Dwelling under Res-Code", legal description "Lot 29, Section 478, Plan F127663, Title 5267/856, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-04-03" to the database. Saved application "200/064/20" with address "3 DUTTON TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Shed - Contributory Item", legal description "Lot 5, Section 460, Plan F102086, Title 5116/414, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-04-03" to the database. Saved application "200/065/20" with address "39 DUTTON TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Land Division (One into Two)", legal description "Lot 39, Section 460, Plan F136990, Title 5737/492, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-04-06" to the database. Saved application "200/066/20" with address "12 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Variation to DA 200/198/19 - Increase in ensuite and boundary wall construction", legal description "Lot 102, Section 475, Plan D56628, Title 5847/189, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-04-06" to the database. Saved application "200/067/20" with address "33 WILSDEN STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Tennis Court Lights to Local Heritage item", legal description "Lot 110, Section 477, Plan 1157, Title 5469/396, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-04-07" to the database. Saved application "200/068/20" with address "1 TONKIN STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Freestanding Carport", legal description "Lot 17, Section 479, Plan 6927, Title 5172/40, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-04-17" to the database. Saved application "200/069/20" with address "32 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Replacing the existing front fence with masonry fence < 2.2m", legal description "Lot 2, Section 475, Plan 761, Title 5270/928, Hundred YALATA" and received date "2020-04-17" to the database. Saved application "200/070/20" with address "10 DUTTON TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Swimming Pool and Safety Fence in association with existing dwelling (Contributory Item)", legal description "Lot 6, Section 460, Plan F136957, Title 5806/794, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-04-20" to the database. Saved application "200/071/20" with address "1 WILSDEN STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "New Outbuildings Fencing Landscaping", legal description "Lot 301, Section 477, Plan D118751, Title 6209/617, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-04-24" to the database. Saved application "200/072/20" with address "10B CLISBY STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "In-ground swimming pool in association with approved dwelling", legal description "Lot 702, Section 478, Plan D121199, Title 6223/988, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-04-23" to the database. Saved application "200/073/20" with address "4 WARWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Stratco Patio", legal description "Lot 3, Section 476, Plan F137254, Title 5804/837, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-04-24" to the database. Saved application "200/074/20" with address "8 WILLIAM ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "3 x double storey dwellings on torrens title lots (Schedule 4 - Residential Code )", legal description "Lot 7, Section 479, Plan 5717, Title 5405/626, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-04-30" to the database. Saved application "200/075/20" with address "20 DEVONSHIRE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Outbuilding (Shade Structure) in association with existing dwelling (Local Heritage Item)", legal description "Lot 87, Section 477, Plan F137338, Title 5350/858, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-01" to the database. Saved application "200/076/20" with address "20 DEVONSHIRE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Variation to DA 200/079/19 – Increase in size and height of the Outbuildings (Gazebo and Change Room) and increased retaining and garden beds", legal description "Lot 87, Section 477, Plan F137338, Title 5350/858, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-01" to the database. Saved application "200/077/20" with address "9 ROBE TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Pavillion", legal description "Lot 65, Section 460, Plan D57874, Title 6024/987, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-07" to the database. Saved application "200/078/20" with address "8 WILLIAM ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Land Division (One into Three)", legal description "Lot 7, Section 479, Plan 5717, Title 5405/626, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-08" to the database. Saved application "200/079/20" with address "3 GARNET STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Carport Extension - Contributory Item", legal description "Lot 51, Section 475, Plan D117629, Title 6204/220, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-08" to the database. Saved application "200/080/20" with address "11 DOREEN STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Carport", legal description "Lot 8, Section 478, Plan 3178, Title 5151/12, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-08" to the database. Saved application "200/081/20" with address "1 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Installation of LED Advertising trailer visula on the corner of Walkerville Terrace and Northcote Terrace", legal description "Lot 6, Section 475, Plan 1458, Title 5164/460, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-08" to the database. Saved application "200/082/20" with address "7 ARUNDEL STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Demolition of a single storey dwelling", legal description "Lot 29, Section 478, Plan F127663, Title 5267/856, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-11" to the database. Saved application "200/083/20" with address "32 DOREEN STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Construction of 3 two-storey detached dwellings with garages under Res-Code", legal description "Lot 16, Section 479, Plan 6927, Title 5605/68, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-12" to the database. Saved application "200/085/20" with address "24 ROBE TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Dwelling additions Verandah Spa and underground Garaging to a Contributory Item", legal description "Lot 31, Section 460, Plan F136882, Title 5512/402, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-18" to the database. Saved application "200/088/20" with address "5 EDWIN TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Variation to DA 200/205/19 - Addition of a basement to a Contributory Item", legal description "Lot 93, Section 475, Plan F137144, Title 5496/573, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-19" to the database. Saved application "200/089/20" with address "12 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Variation to DA 200/198/19 and DA 200/066/20 – Reduced length of boundary wall and increase in size of verandah", legal description "Lot 102, Section 475, Plan D56628, Title 5847/189, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-19" to the database. Saved application "200/090/20" with address "32 HARRIS ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Decking and Pool Fence Surrounding Swim Spa on the site of Local Heritage Place", legal description "Lot 10, Section 479, Plan F13464, Title 5486/910, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-19" to the database. Saved application "200/091/20" with address "66 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Removal of existing Solar PV system and installation of solar PV array with associated infrastructure", legal description "Lot 4, Section 475, Plan D41018, Title 6167/935, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-20" to the database. Saved application "200/092/20" with address "20 DEVONSHIRE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Removal of two regulated trees and demolition of a swimming pool", legal description "Lot 87, Section 477, Plan F137338, Title 5350/858, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-25" to the database. Saved application "200/093/20" with address "35 DUTTON TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Screen on East Boundary - Contributory Item", legal description "Lot 6, Section 460, Plan F107225, Title 5181/301, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-25" to the database. Saved application "200/094/20" with address "15 GILBERT STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Removal and installation of brush fence with pedestrian gate to front boundary maximum height < 1.8m", legal description "Lot 96, Section 475, Plan F136847, Title 5408/28, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-26" to the database. Saved application "200/095/20" with address "16A BURLINGTON STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Variation to DA 200/044/20 - Front facade design - changes and additional area added into the house rear yard deceased", legal description "Lot 110, Section 477, Plan D123486, Title 6236/121, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-05-27" to the database. Saved application "200/096/20" with address "32 DOREEN STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Land Division (One into Three)", legal description "Lot 16, Section 479, Plan 6927, Title 5605/68, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-02" to the database. Saved application "200/097/20" with address "5 CHASE GROVE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Construction of a TWO Storey Detached Dwelling with a Double Garage", legal description "Lot 5, Section 479, Plan 6300, Title 5446/459, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-02" to the database. Saved application "200/098/20" with address "18 NORTH EAST ROAD, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Refurbishment & Building works to Allied Health Consulting Rooms gym and office spaces", legal description "Lot 500, Section 474, Plan D63389, Title 6134/753, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-04" to the database. Saved application "200/099/20" with address "1 PALM STREET, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Double Garage with Store and Loft Studio Swimming Pool and new Masonry Boundary Fence and removal of a tree", legal description "Lot 55, Section 460, Plan 1620, Title 5170/621, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-05" to the database. Saved application "200/100/20" with address "40 NORTH EAST ROAD, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Building Upgrade - New Verandahs Covered Entry Modified Carpark Additional Landscaping Signage", legal description "Lot 9, Section 476, Plan F137360, Title 6144/864, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-09" to the database. Saved application "200/101/20" with address "27 FIFE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Verandah and Carport", legal description "Lot 2, Section 479, Plan F8172, Title 5070/621, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-09" to the database. Saved application "200/102/20" with address "53 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "No Description Provided", legal description "Lot 89, Section 475, Plan F137140, Title 5278/883, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-09" to the database. Saved application "200/103/20" with address "12 WASHINGTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Demolition of a single storey dwelling with solid brick walls timber floor and tiled roof", legal description "Lot 56, Section 479, Plan F127690, Title 5579/361, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-12" to the database. Saved application "200/104/20" with address "43A MAIN NORTH ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Demolition of buildings", legal description "Lot 99, Section 460, Plan 137050, Title 5761/569, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-12" to the database. Saved application "200/105/20" with address "76-80 NORTH EAST ROAD, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Change of Use - From Shop to Office (Realestate Sales)", legal description "Lot 7, Section 476, Plan F128744, Title 6035/676, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-12" to the database. Saved application "200/106/20" with address "77 ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Installation of a Vergola", legal description "Lot 21, Section 478, Plan 8036, Title 5221/112, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-12" to the database. Saved application "200/107/20" with address "7 MELLOR/ JAMES STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Demolition of 37 Freestanding Carports", legal description "Lot 78, Section 475, Plan F137129, Title 5877/351, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-15" to the database. Saved application "200/108/20" with address "42A BURLINGTON STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Reinstating heritage verandah posts lacework and heritage convex verandah roof shape", legal description "Lot 791, Section 477, Plan D79377, Title 6026/632, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-16" to the database. Saved application "200/109/20" with address "9 FREDERICK STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "New Alfresco Verandah (Replacing the existing one) New Swimming Pool (Replacing the existing one)", legal description "Lot 25, Section 477, Plan D644, Title 5325/831, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-16" to the database. Saved application "200/110/20" with address "12 WASHINGTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Swimming Pool pump and fencing in association with an existing dwelling", legal description "Lot 56, Section 479, Plan F127690, Title 5579/361, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-19" to the database. Saved application "200/111/20" with address "3 BURLINGTON STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Verandah and Carport", legal description "Lot 3, Section 477, Plan F112726, Title 5204/324, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-22" to the database. Saved application "200/112/20" with address "8 WILLIAM ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Demolition of a dwelling and all associated structures", legal description "Lot 7, Section 479, Plan 5717, Title 5405/626, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-22" to the database. Saved application "200/113/20" with address "12 ALMOND COURT, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Partial demolition with alterations and single storey addition to an existing dwelling", legal description "Lot 10, Section 478, Plan 9996, Title 5531/588, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-22" to the database. Saved application "200/115/20" with address "12 WARE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Construction of one dwelling under Res-Code", legal description "Lot 7, Section 478, Plan 4575, Title 5679/464, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-22" to the database. Saved application "200/116/20" with address "9 WILLIAM ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Demolition of shed and construct a freestanding outbuilding (shed) in association with existing dwelling", legal description "Lot 39, Section 479, Plan F127673, Title 5803/775, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-23" to the database. Saved application "200/117/20" with address "12 WARE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Construction of Dwellings under Res-Code (Lot 72)", legal description "Lot 7, Section 478, Plan 4575, Title 5679/464, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-22" to the database. Saved application "200/118/20" with address "40-56 ASCOT AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 10, Section 478, Plan F127644, Title 6183/148, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-24" to the database. Saved application "200/120/20" with address "75 CHURCH TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Variation to DA 200/136/19", legal description "Lot 21, Section 477, Plan F137372, Title 5301/794, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-23" to the database. Saved application "200/121/20" with address "21 LANSDOWNE TERRACE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Garage Extension", legal description "Lot 100, Section 478, Plan D19427, Title 5299/723, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-25" to the database. Saved application "200/122/20" with address "27 TENNYSON STREET, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Carport Extension - Contributory Item", legal description "Lot 74, Section 460, Plan F137025, Title 5850/803, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-29" to the database. Saved application "200/123/20" with address "143 STEPHEN TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Demolition of a Dwelling", legal description "Lot 300, Section 476, Plan F252399, Title 6202/380, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-29" to the database. Saved application "200/124/20" with address "24 CHURCH TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Land Division (One into Two)", legal description "Lot 19, Section 476, Plan F137270, Title 5731/650, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-30" to the database. Saved application "200/125/20" with address "42 ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Construction of a Two-Storey Detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 301, Section 478, Plan D122000, Title 6228/282, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2020-06-30" to the database. Parsing document: https://www.walkerville.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0027/318069/DA-Register-2014.pdf Reading development applications from https://www.walkerville.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0027/318069/DA-Register-2014.pdf. Reading and parsing applications from page 1 of 137. Found "200/001/14". Found "200/002/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 2 of 137. Found "200/003/14". Found "200/005/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 3 of 137. Found "200/006/14". Found "200/007/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 4 of 137. Found "200/008/14". Found "200/009/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 5 of 137. Found "200/010/14". Found "200/011/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 6 of 137. Found "200/012/14". Found "200/013/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 7 of 137. Found "200/014/14". Application number 200/014/14 will be ignored because an address was not found or parsed (there is no street name). Elements: [Not Applicable][ Planning Approval][28/01/2014][ Application Date][ Application No][200/014/14][29/01/2014][Approved][ Building Approval][28/01/2014][ Application received][LUCIA IADONOLA][ Applicants Name][ Building received][ Land Division Approval][62 GALWAY AVENUE][ Applicants Address][Land Division Clearance][ Planning received][BROADVIEW SA 5083][Development Approval][29/01/2014][Approved][Conditions available on request][Development Commenced][ 0][ Planning Conditions ][Development Completed][0][ Property House No][ 0][ Building Conditions][Concurrence Required][11][ Lot][ 0][ Land Division Conditions][Appeal Lodged][476][ Section][ Private Certifier Conditions][ 0][ Appeal Effective Date][F137362][ Plan][ Appeal Decision][0][ Property street][ Fees][Amount Due][Amount Distributed][0][ Property suburb][Lodgement Fee (base fee)][$0.00][5410/813][$57.00][ Title][Lodgement Fee - Schedule 1A][$0.00][YATALA][$47.75][ Hundred][$0.00][$0.00][$0.00][$0.00][Development Description][ Relevant Authority][ERECT INTERNAL WALLS AND DOORS TO CREATE NEW ][ Referred to][OFFICES AND OPEN AREA] Found "200/015/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 8 of 137. Found "200/016/14". Found "200/017/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 9 of 137. Found "200/018/14". Found "200/019/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 10 of 137. Found "200/020/14". Found "200/021/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 11 of 137. Found "200/022/14". Found "200/023/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 12 of 137. Found "200/024/14". Found "200/025/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 13 of 137. Found "200/026/14". Found "200/027/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 14 of 137. Found "200/028/14". Found "200/029/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 15 of 137. Found "200/030/14". Found "200/031/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 16 of 137. Found "200/032/14". Found "200/033/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 17 of 137. Found "200/034/14". Found "200/035/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 18 of 137. Found "200/036/14". Found "200/037/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 19 of 137. Found "200/038/14". Found "200/039/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 20 of 137. Found "200/040/14". Found "200/041/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 21 of 137. Found "200/042/14". Found "200/043/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 22 of 137. Found "200/044/14". Found "200/045/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 23 of 137. Found "200/046/14". Found "200/047/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 24 of 137. Found "200/048/14". Found "200/049/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 25 of 137. Found "200/050/14". Found "200/051/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 26 of 137. Found "200/052/14". Found "200/053/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 27 of 137. Found "200/054/14". Found "200/055/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 28 of 137. Found "200/056/14". Found "200/057/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 29 of 137. Found "200/058/14". Found "200/059/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 30 of 137. Found "200/060/14". Found "200/061/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 31 of 137. Found "200/062/14". Found "200/063/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 32 of 137. Found "200/064/14". Found "200/065/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 33 of 137. Found "200/066/14". Found "200/067/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 34 of 137. Found "200/068/14". Found "200/069/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 35 of 137. Found "200/070/14". Found "200/071/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 36 of 137. Found "200/072/14". Found "200/073/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 37 of 137. Found "200/074/14". Found "200/075/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 38 of 137. Found "200/076/14". Found "200/077/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 39 of 137. Found "200/078/14". Found "200/079/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 40 of 137. Found "200/080/14". Found "200/081/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 41 of 137. Found "200/082/14". Found "200/083/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 42 of 137. Found "200/084/14". Found "200/085/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 43 of 137. Found "200/086/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 44 of 137. Found "200/087/14". Found "200/088/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 45 of 137. Found "200/089/14". Found "200/090/14". Application number 200/090/14 will be ignored because an address was not found or parsed (there is no street name). Elements: [04/08/2014][Approved][ Planning Approval][09/05/2014][ Application Date][ Application No][200/090/14][ Building Approval][09/05/2014][ Application received][KRIS SKRODZKI][ Applicants Name][ Land Division Approval][ Building received][04/08/2014][Approved][C/- PYPER LEAKER][ Applicants Address][09/05/2014][Land Division Clearance][ Planning received][65 GOODWOOD ROAD][Development Approval][04/08/2014][Approved][Conditions available on request][WAYVILLE SA 5034][Development Commenced][ 0][ Planning Conditions ][Development Completed][0][ Property House No][ 0][ Building Conditions][Concurrence Required][ Lot][ 1][ Land Division Conditions][Appeal Lodged][ Section][ Private Certifier Conditions][ 0][ Appeal Effective Date][ Plan][ Appeal Decision][0][ Property street][ Fees][Amount Due][Amount Distributed][0][ Property suburb][DAC Lodgement Land division][$0.00][$42.75][ Title][Land Division][$0.00][$157.70][ Hundred][Statement of Requirements][$0.00][$168.00][$0.00][$0.00][Council Delegated][Development Description][ Relevant Authority][LAND DIVISION][ Referred to] Reading and parsing applications from page 46 of 137. Found "200/091/14". Found "200/092/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 47 of 137. Found "200/093/14". Found "200/094/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 48 of 137. Found "200/095/14". Found "200/096/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 49 of 137. Found "200/097/14". Found "200/098/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 50 of 137. Found "200/099/14". Found "200/100/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 51 of 137. Found "200/101/14". Found "200/102/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 52 of 137. Found "200/103/14". Found "200/104/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 53 of 137. Found "200/105/14". Found "200/106/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 54 of 137. Found "200/107/14". Found "200/108/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 55 of 137. Found "200/109/14". Found "200/110/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 56 of 137. Found "200/111/14". Found "200/112/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 57 of 137. Found "200/113/14". Found "200/114/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 58 of 137. Found "200/115/14". Found "200/116/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 59 of 137. Found "200/117/14". Found "200/118/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 60 of 137. Found "200/119/14". Found "200/120/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 61 of 137. Found "200/121/14". Found "200/122/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 62 of 137. Found "200/123/14". Found "200/124/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 63 of 137. Found "200/125/14". Found "200/126/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 64 of 137. Found "200/127/14". Found "200/128/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 65 of 137. Found "200/129/14". Found "200/130/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 66 of 137. Found "200/131/14". Found "200/132/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 67 of 137. Found "200/133/14". Found "200/134/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 68 of 137. Found "200/135/14". Found "200/136/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 69 of 137. Found "200/137/14". Found "200/138/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 70 of 137. Found "200/139/14". Found "200/140/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 71 of 137. Found "200/141/14". Found "200/142/14". Application number 200/142/14 will be ignored because an address was not found or parsed (there is no street name). Elements: [19/08/2014][Approved][ Planning Approval][23/07/2014][ Application Date][ Application No][200/142/14][ Building Approval][23/07/2014][ Application received][DAVID BILUSICH][ Applicants Name][ Land Division Approval][ Building received][148 SANCTUARY DRIVE][ Applicants Address][23/07/2014][Land Division Clearance][ Planning received][MAWSON LAKES SA 5095][Development Approval][19/08/2014][Approved][Conditions available on request][Development Commenced][ 1][ Planning Conditions ][Development Completed][0][ Property House No][ 0][ Building Conditions][Concurrence Required][ Lot][ 0][ Land Division Conditions][Appeal Lodged][ Section][ Private Certifier Conditions][ 0][ Appeal Effective Date][ Plan][ Appeal Decision][0][ Property street][ Fees][Amount Due][Amount Distributed][0][ Property suburb][Lodgement Fee (base fee)][$0.00][$58.50][ Title][Complying Consent < $10000][$0.00][$36.50][ Hundred][$0.00][$0.00][$0.00][$0.00][Council Delegated][Development Description][ Relevant Authority][REPAINT FACADE OF BUILDING AND REPLACE SIGNAGE ][ Referred to][AND ADDITION OF DOME AWNING OVER DOOR] Reading and parsing applications from page 72 of 137. Found "200/143/14". Found "200/144/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 73 of 137. Found "200/145/14". Found "200/146/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 74 of 137. Found "200/147/14". Found "200/148/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 75 of 137. Found "200/149/14". Found "200/150/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 76 of 137. Found "200/151/14". Found "200/152/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 77 of 137. Found "200/153/14". Found "200/154/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 78 of 137. Found "200/155/14". Found "200/156/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 79 of 137. Found "200/157/14". Found "200/158/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 80 of 137. Found "200/159/14". Found "200/160/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 81 of 137. Found "200/161/14". Found "200/162/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 82 of 137. Found "200/163/14". Found "200/164/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 83 of 137. Found "200/165/14". Found "200/166/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 84 of 137. Found "200/167/14". Found "200/168/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 85 of 137. Found "200/169/14". Found "200/170/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 86 of 137. Found "200/171/14". Found "200/172/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 87 of 137. Found "200/173/14". Found "200/174/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 88 of 137. Found "200/175/14". Found "200/176/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 89 of 137. Found "200/177/14". Found "200/178/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 90 of 137. Found "200/179/14". Found "200/180/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 91 of 137. Found "200/181/14". Found "200/182/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 92 of 137. Found "200/183/14". Found "200/184/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 93 of 137. Found "200/185/14". Found "200/186/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 94 of 137. Found "200/187/14". Found "200/188/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 95 of 137. Found "200/189/14". Found "200/190/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 96 of 137. Found "200/191/14". Found "200/192/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 97 of 137. Found "200/193/14". Application number 200/193/14 will be ignored because an address was not found or parsed (there is no street name). Elements: [Not Applicable][ Planning Approval][11/09/2014][ Application Date][ Application No][200/193/14][Approved][ Building Approval][11/09/2014][ Application received][WOOLWORTHS LTD][ Applicants Name][11/09/2014][ Building received][ Land Division Approval][ATTENTION: RICHARD HINDLE][ Applicants Address][Land Division Clearance][ Planning received][1 WOOLWORTHS WAY][Development Approval][17/09/2014][Approved][Conditions available on request][BELLA VISTA NSW 2153][Development Commenced][ 0][ Planning Conditions ][Development Completed][0][ Property House No][ 0][ Building Conditions][Concurrence Required][ Lot][ 0][ Land Division Conditions][Appeal Lodged][ Section][ Private Certifier Conditions][ 0][ Appeal Effective Date][ Plan][ Appeal Decision][0][ Property street][ Fees][Amount Due][Amount Distributed][0][ Property suburb][Lodgement Fee (base fee)][$0.00][$58.50][ Title][Lodgement Fee - Schedule 1A][$0.00][$49.00][ Hundred][Lodgement Fee Planning > $5000][$0.00][$66.50][$0.00][$0.00][Development Description][ Relevant Authority][SUSHI KIOSK TO EXISTING SUPERMARKET (WOOLWORTHS)][ Referred to] Found "200/194/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 98 of 137. Found "200/195/14". Found "200/196/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 99 of 137. Found "200/197/14". Found "200/198/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 100 of 137. Found "200/199/14". Found "200/200/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 101 of 137. Found "200/201/14". Found "200/202/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 102 of 137. Found "200/203/14". Found "200/204/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 103 of 137. Found "200/205/14". Found "200/206/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 104 of 137. Found "200/207/14". Found "200/208/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 105 of 137. Found "200/209/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 106 of 137. Found "200/210/14". Found "200/211/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 107 of 137. Found "200/212/14". Found "200/213/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 108 of 137. Found "200/214/14". Found "200/215/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 109 of 137. Found "200/216/14". Found "200/217/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 110 of 137. Found "200/218/14". Found "200/219/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 111 of 137. Found "200/220/14". Found "200/221/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 112 of 137. Found "200/222/14". Found "200/223/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 113 of 137. Found "200/224/14". Found "200/225/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 114 of 137. Found "200/226/14". Found "200/227/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 115 of 137. Found "200/228/14". Found "200/229/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 116 of 137. Found "200/230/14". Found "200/231/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 117 of 137. Found "200/232/14". Found "200/234/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 118 of 137. Found "200/235/14". Found "200/236/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 119 of 137. Found "200/237/14". Found "200/238/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 120 of 137. Found "200/239/14". Found "200/240/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 121 of 137. Found "200/241/14". Found "200/242/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 122 of 137. Found "200/243/14". Application number 200/243/14 will be ignored because an address was not found or parsed (there is no street name). Elements: [25/03/2015][Approved][ Planning Approval][12/11/2014][ Application Date][ Application No][200/243/14][10/06/2015][Approved][ Building Approval][12/11/2014][ Application received][METRO (SA HOUSING) PTY LTD][ Applicants Name][ Building received][ Land Division Approval][PO BOX 23][ Applicants Address][12/11/2014][Land Division Clearance][ Planning received][KENT TOWN DC SA 5071][Development Approval][Conditions available on request][Development Commenced][ 9][ Planning Conditions ][Development Completed][0][ Property House No][ 0][ Building Conditions][Concurrence Required][102][ Lot][ 0][ Land Division Conditions][Appeal Lodged][478][ Section][ Private Certifier Conditions][ 0][ Appeal Effective Date][D3650][ Plan][ Appeal Decision][0][ Property street][ Fees][Amount Due][Amount Distributed][0][ Property suburb][Lodgement Fee (base fee)][$0.00][$58.50][ Title][Lodgement Fee Planning > $5000][$0.00][YATALA][$66.50][ Hundred][Compying Consent > $100000][$0.00][$2,500.00][Lodgement Fee - Staged Consent Building][$0.00][$58.50][Council Delegated][Development Description][ Relevant Authority][Construction of two group dwellings (mews) and a residential flat ][ Referred to][building comprising seven dwellings and a residential flat building ][comprising four dwellings with ancillary car parking landscaping ][and retaining walls and fencing exceeding 2.1m in height] Found "200/244/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 123 of 137. Found "200/245/14". Found "200/246/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 124 of 137. Found "200/247/14". Found "200/248/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 125 of 137. Found "200/249/14". Found "200/250/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 126 of 137. Found "200/251/14". Found "200/252/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 127 of 137. Found "200/253/14". Found "200/255/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 128 of 137. Found "200/256/14". Found "200/257/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 129 of 137. Found "200/258/14". Found "200/259/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 130 of 137. Found "200/260/14". Found "200/261/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 131 of 137. Found "200/262/14". Found "200/263/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 132 of 137. Found "200/264/14". Found "200/265/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 133 of 137. Found "200/266/14". Found "200/267/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 134 of 137. Found "200/268/14". Found "200/269/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 135 of 137. Found "200/270/14". Found "200/271/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 136 of 137. Found "200/272/14". Found "200/273/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 137 of 137. Found "200/274/14". Parsed 266 development application(s) from document: https://www.walkerville.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0027/318069/DA-Register-2014.pdf Inserting development applications into the database. Saved application "200/001/14" with address "35B ASCOT AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING", legal description "Lot 1, Section 478, Plan 9996, Title 5384/514, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-06" to the database. Saved application "200/002/14" with address "28A ASCOT AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION", legal description "Lot 78 79, Section 478, Plan 3609, Title 5726/347, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-06" to the database. Saved application "200/003/14" with address "38 ST ANDREWS STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF DWELLING SHED AND TREES AND VEGETATION", legal description "Lot 22, Section 477, Plan 6964, Title 5621/373, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-06" to the database. Saved application "200/005/14" with address "13 WARE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "PERGOLA", legal description "Lot 151, Section 478, Plan D52741, Title 5696/349, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-13" to the database. Saved application "200/006/14" with address "5 ELM STREET, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 6, Section 460, Plan F106577, Title 5173/724, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-16" to the database. Saved application "200/007/14" with address "19 MIMOSA DRIVE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 9, Section 479, Plan 7691, Title 5401/940, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-13" to the database. Saved application "200/008/14" with address "1C BURLINGTON STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF OUTBUILDINGS (GARAGE & SHED ONLY)", legal description "Lot 80, Section 477, Plan 1157, Title 5808/436, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-13" to the database. Saved application "200/009/14" with address "11A WILSDEN STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "DWELLING ADDITIONS AND CARPORT", legal description "Lot 6, Section 476, Plan F104941, Title 5153/99, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-13" to the database. Saved application "200/010/14" with address "17 PARK TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "REMOVAL OF REGULATED TREE", legal description "Lot 95, Section 475, Plan F136746, Title 5524/650, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-16" to the database. Saved application "200/011/14" with address "28 ROBE TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "STAGE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 200/023/12 (STAGE 1 - ARTHUR STREET FENCE) (STAGE 2 - BALANCE OF WORKS)", legal description "Lot 80, Section 460, Plan D84563, Title 6066/345, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-16" to the database. Saved application "200/012/14" with address "11B LINDSAY STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SHED", legal description "Lot 17, Section 479, Plan F127751, Title 5669/291, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-20" to the database. Saved application "200/013/14" with address "2-4 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "REMOVAL OF REGULATED TREE", legal description "Lot 30, Section 475, Plan D13628, Title 5286/329, Hundred YALATA" and received date "2014-01-21" to the database. Saved application "200/015/14" with address "48 WILPENA AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING", legal description "Lot 14, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5664/367, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-23" to the database. Saved application "200/016/14" with address "48 WILPENA AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING", legal description "Lot 14, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5664/367, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-23" to the database. Saved application "200/017/14" with address "8 HORROCKS STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "FRONT FENCE", legal description "Lot 5, Section 477, Plan F137356, Title 5319/93, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-01-28" to the database. Saved application "200/018/14" with address "25 TENNYSON STREET, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/211/13 - RELOCATION OF CARPORT", legal description "Lot 73, Section 460, Plan F137024, Title 5310/835, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-03" to the database. Saved application "200/019/14" with address "8 NORTH EAST ROAD, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "FRONT FENCE", legal description "Lot 50, Section 474, Plan D18796, Title 5674/340, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-05" to the database. Saved application "200/020/14" with address "34 BRIAR AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/147/13", legal description "Lot 34, Section 460, Plan D59043, Title 5691/873, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-07" to the database. Saved application "200/021/14" with address "7 NOTTAGE TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY ADDITION", legal description "Lot 37, Section 460, Plan F137088, Title 5812/801, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-12" to the database. Saved application "200/022/14" with address "16A LINDSAY STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 106, Section 479, Plan D85893, Title 6074/45, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-14" to the database. Saved application "200/023/14" with address "23 FULLER STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "VERANDAH AND DECK", legal description "Lot PT 87, Section 476, Plan SP1113, Title 5049/268, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-14" to the database. Saved application "200/024/14" with address "3 EVELYN STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "FRONT FENCE", legal description "Lot 3, Section 478, Plan D70786, Title 5967/264, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-17" to the database. Saved application "200/025/14" with address "8 REDFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING AND DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DWELLING", legal description "Lot 57, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 6066/429, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-19" to the database. Saved application "200/026/14" with address "10 BUCKINGHAM STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "PERGOLA", legal description "Lot 12, Section 475, Plan 1539, Title 5331/306, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-19" to the database. Saved application "200/027/14" with address "104 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "SHOP FITOUT", legal description "Lot 201, Section 476, Plan D86678, Title 6136/487, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-19" to the database. Saved application "200/028/14" with address "25 ARUNDEL STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "CONVERT AN OUTBUILDING TO A DETACHED DWELLING AND CONSTRUCT A CARPORT", legal description "Lot 14, Section 478, Plan 5862, Title 5163/2, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-19" to the database. Saved application "200/029/14" with address "31 DUTTON TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "LAUNDRY ADDITION", legal description "Lot 41, Section 460, Plan F136992, Title 5832/438, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-20" to the database. Saved application "200/030/14" with address "21A WATERMAN AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISION", legal description "Lot 2, Section 478, Plan 8072, Title 5594/697, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-20" to the database. Saved application "200/031/14" with address "28 HUTTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 741, Section 475, Plan D62254, Title 5899/115, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-21" to the database. Saved application "200/032/14" with address "6 SEVERN STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "DETACHED DEPENDENT STUDIO AND POOL", legal description "Lot 64, Section 475, Plan 761, Title 5596/937, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-24" to the database. Saved application "200/033/14" with address "16 ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 8, Section 478, Plan 2930, Title 5639/404, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-25" to the database. Saved application "200/034/14" with address "4 HORROCKS STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "STAGE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION (STAGE 1 GARAGE) (STAGE 2 GARAGE VERANDAH AND EXTENSION TO EXISTING FRONT VERANDAH) (STAGE 3 REAR ADDITION) AND AMENDMENT TO GARAGE ROOF HEIGH TO 4.79m", legal description "Lot 2, Section 477, Plan F137353, Title 5731/723, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-25" to the database. Saved application "200/035/14" with address "2 BUCKINGHAM STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS", legal description "Lot 17, Section 475, Plan 1241, Title 5155/399, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-26" to the database. Saved application "200/036/14" with address "1 DEVONSHIRE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "REMOVAL OF REGULATED TREE", legal description "Lot 80, Section 477, Plan F137331, Title 5535/245, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-28" to the database. Saved application "200/037/14" with address "30 HAWKERS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT", legal description "Lot 66, Section 460, Plan F136917, Title 5799/783, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-02-28" to the database. Saved application "200/038/14" with address "44 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 8, Section 475, Plan D761, Title 5854/419, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-03" to the database. Saved application "200/039/14" with address "4 THE AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "SWIMMING POOL FENCE AND ALTERATIONS TO GARAGE AND SHED", legal description "Lot 7, Section 460, Plan F105238, Title 5156/918, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-03" to the database. Saved application "200/040/14" with address "132 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "ALTERATIONS TO DETACHED DWELLING INCLUDING EXISTING MEZZANINE FLOOR AND ATTACHED ROOFLINE", legal description "Lot 25, Section 476, Plan F136176, Title 5350/494, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-04" to the database. Saved application "200/041/14" with address "45 PARK TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "GABION RETAINING WALL", legal description "Lot 238, Section 475, Plan D20643, Title 5114/927, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-05" to the database. Saved application "200/042/14" with address "45 PARK TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "TO VARY CONDITION 2 AS DIRECTED BY DPTI PURSUANT TO SECTION 33(1)(a) IN RESPECT OF DEVELOPMENT AUTHORISATION GRANTED FOR DA 200/097/13", legal description "Lot 238, Section 475, Plan D20643, Title 5114/927, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-05" to the database. Saved application "200/043/14" with address "CEMETERY SMITH STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Heritage wall restoration", legal description "Lot 93, Section 476, Plan F207215, Title 5874/230, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-12" to the database. Saved application "200/044/14" with address "31 DUTTON TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "CONCRETE INGROUND SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 41, Section 460, Plan F136992, Title 5832/438, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-18" to the database. Saved application "200/045/14" with address "29 BRUNSWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/183/12 - ADDITION OF FENCE", legal description "Lot 3, Section 477, Plan D45635, Title 5384/546, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-18" to the database. Saved application "200/046/14" with address "T/C PL/G WARWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "REMOVAL OF IRON BARK REGULATED TREE", legal description "Lot 79, Section 476, Plan F137230, Title 5785/445, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-20" to the database. Saved application "200/047/14" with address "12A ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "ALFRESCO VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 60, Section 478, Plan D90171, Title 6103/247, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-24" to the database. Saved application "200/048/14" with address "125 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "REROOF LOCAL HERITAGE PLACE", legal description "Lot 90, Section 476, Plan F137241, Title 5828/349, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-24" to the database. Saved application "200/049/14" with address "10 ROBE TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/224/11 TO INCLUDE A LARGER VERANDAH AND CARPORT", legal description "Lot 7, Section 460, Plan F 100897, Title 5107/70, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-24" to the database. Saved application "200/050/14" with address "42 FULLER STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Transportable buildings (with an associated deck and verandah) to be used for the purposes of an office and store in connection with the operations of a Council Works Depot toilets and change room facilities.", legal description "Lot 28, Section 476, Plan F137279, Title 5651/912, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-24" to the database. Saved application "200/051/14" with address "3B PONDER AVENUE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Verandah", legal description "Lot 2, Section 475, Plan D81657, Title 6044/472, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-24" to the database. Saved application "200/052/14" with address "68 HAWKERS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "INGROUND CONCRETE SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 7, Section 460, Plan F125447, Title 5221/702, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-26" to the database. Saved application "200/053/14" with address "13 CLUNY AVENUE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "VARIATION TO DA 200/199/12 - PROPOSED NEW GARAGE LOCATION", legal description "Lot 5, Section 476, Plan F108984, Title 5196/642, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-26" to the database. Saved application "200/054/14" with address "28 REDFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISION", legal description "Lot 67, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5384/208, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-26" to the database. Saved application "200/055/14" with address "2 WILSDEN STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISION", legal description "Lot 27, Section 477, Plan F137378, Title 5350/423, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-26" to the database. Saved application "200/056/14" with address "4 EDWIN TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 1, Section 475, Plan 1241, Title 6076/197, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-26" to the database. Saved application "200/057/14" with address "16A LINDSAY STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING", legal description "Lot 106, Section 479, Plan D85893, Title 6074/45, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-25" to the database. Saved application "200/058/14" with address "33A FULLER STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "VERANDAH", legal description "Lot PT 89 PT 90, Section 476, Plan S11243, Title 5011/411, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-27" to the database. Saved application "200/059/14" with address "17 BURLINGTON STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/003/13 - REVISED ROOF PLAN TO BBQ AREA", legal description "Lot 70, Section 477, Plan D23470, Title 5302/226, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-28" to the database. Saved application "200/060/14" with address "33 WARWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO 200/156/13 INCLUDES CHANGE OF USE OF ALL HOTEL ROOMS TO DWELLINGS", legal description "Lot 103, Section 476, Plan D69916, Title 6122/56, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-03-28" to the database. Saved application "200/061/14" with address "35 FULLER STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH ANCILLARY CAR PARKING ACCESSED FROM COMMON DRIVEWAY", legal description "Lot 11, Section 476, Plan D89843, Title 6101/813, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-01" to the database. Saved application "200/062/14" with address "35A FULLER STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Residential Flat Building Comprising Two Dwellings and Garage Two Group Dwellings with Ancillary Garages and Landscaping", legal description "Lot 12, Section 476, Plan D89843, Title 6101/814, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-01" to the database. Saved application "200/063/14" with address "19 LANSDOWNE TERRACE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISION", legal description "Lot 52, Section 478, Plan 2930, Title 5702/828, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-01" to the database. Saved application "200/064/14" with address "8 REDFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION", legal description "Lot 57, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 6066/429, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-02" to the database. Saved application "200/065/14" with address "99 LANSDOWNE TERRACE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "ENCLOSURE OF CARPORT AND BEDROOM EXTENSION", legal description "Lot 25, Section 478, Plan D17411, Title 5770/985, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-02" to the database. Saved application "200/066/14" with address "130 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "ATERATION TO EXISTING SHED AND INSERTION OF TWO WINDOWS TO DWELLING", legal description "Lot 24, Section 476, Plan F136175, Title 5818/178, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-04" to the database. Saved application "200/067/14" with address "59 ILFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING", legal description "Lot 62, Section 479, Plan F127696, Title 5657/2, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-08" to the database. Saved application "200/068/14" with address "24 AVENEL GARDENS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Partial demolition of Contributory Item and Alterations and Additions to dwelling - Stage 1: Garage Stage 2: Alterations and additions to carport Stage 3: Alterations and additions to dwelling.", legal description "Lot 74, Section 460, Plan F136925, Title 5501/530, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-08" to the database. Saved application "200/069/14" with address "16 WARWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS", legal description "Lot 66, Section 476, Plan F137217, Title 5637/752, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-08" to the database. Saved application "200/070/14" with address "105 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CHANGE OF USE FROM SHOP TO CONSULTING ROOMS INCLUDING PILATES AND GYM", legal description "Lot 2, Section 476, Plan D758, Title 5326/927, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-09" to the database. Saved application "200/071/14" with address "59 DUTTON TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "SWIMMING POOL AND FENCE", legal description "Lot 1, Section 460, Plan D49944, Title 5560/344, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-10" to the database. Saved application "200/072/14" with address "59 DUTTON TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "ECLIPSE GABLE OPENING ROOF", legal description "Lot 1, Section 460, Plan D49944, Title 5560/344, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-14" to the database. Saved application "200/073/14" with address "15 REDFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION", legal description "Lot 46, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5691/242, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-15" to the database. Saved application "200/074/14" with address "7 ARUNDEL STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SHED", legal description "Lot 29, Section 478, Plan F127663, Title 5267/856, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-16" to the database. Saved application "200/075/14" with address "26 BRIAR AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "VARIATION TO DA 200/075/12 - SWIMMING POOL PAVILION AND ASSOCIATED SITE WORKS", legal description "Lot 12, Section 460, Plan D14462, Title 5108/237, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-17" to the database. Saved application "200/076/14" with address "5A GEORGE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE", legal description "Lot 6, Section 476, Plan 780, Title 5764/187, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-22" to the database. Saved application "200/077/14" with address "12B ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SWIMMING POOL WITH SAFETY FENCE", legal description "Lot 61, Section 478, Plan D90171, Title 6103/248, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-28" to the database. Saved application "200/078/14" with address "3 PAECH MEWS, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "SECOND STOREY ADDITION AND ANCILLARY VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 15, Section 476, Plan G361/57, Title 5384/834, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-29" to the database. Saved application "200/079/14" with address "5 ROBE TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 4, Section 460, Plan 449, Title 5070/122, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-04-30" to the database. Saved application "200/080/14" with address "82 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "REPLACEMENT OF SHOPFRONT AND BALCONY SIGNAGE", legal description "Lot 1, Section 476, Plan D73372, Title 5987/408, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-06" to the database. Saved application "200/081/14" with address "34 BRIAR AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "SOLAR PANELS", legal description "Lot 1 2, Section 460, Plan 2156, Title 5064/594, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-08" to the database. Saved application "200/082/14" with address "12 AVENEL GARDENS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING ADDITION AND IN GROUND SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 2, Section 460, Plan FP131724, Title 5239/961, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-01" to the database. Saved application "200/083/14" with address "19 DOREEN STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF DWELLING", legal description "Lot 12, Section 478, Plan 3178, Title 5823/948, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-02" to the database. Saved application "200/084/14" with address "10 ILFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING", legal description "Lot 851, Section 479, Plan D93310, Title 6133/986, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-02" to the database. Saved application "200/085/14" with address "4 ARTHUR STREET, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "No Description Provided", legal description "Lot 38, Section 460, Plan F136889, Title 6137/561, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-05" to the database. Saved application "200/086/14" with address "19 DOREEN STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE AND VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 12, Section 478, Plan 3178, Title 5823/948, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-05" to the database. Saved application "200/087/14" with address "96 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/107/13 TO ADD ADDITIONAL OUTDOOR SEATING AND UMBRELLAS", legal description "Lot 202, Section 476, Plan D86678, Title 6078/924, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-08" to the database. Saved application "200/088/14" with address "12B HUTTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING", legal description "Lot 151, Section 479, Plan D93179, Title 6134/820, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-08" to the database. Saved application "200/089/14" with address "39 FULLER STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/175/10 - CHANGE IN THE FACADE", legal description "Lot 33, Section 476, Plan F137284, Title 5787/834, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-08" to the database. Saved application "200/091/14" with address "35A FULLER STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Land Division (Community Title - One into four)", legal description "Lot 12, Section 476, Plan D89843, Title 6101/814, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-09" to the database. Saved application "200/092/14" with address "1E MILNE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISION", legal description "Lot 48, Section 478, Plan 3650, Title 5290/819, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-12" to the database. Saved application "200/093/14" with address "11 BRIAR AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "FENCE IN ASSOCIATION WITH STATE HERITAGE ITEM", legal description "Lot 2, Section 460, Plan F11127, Title 5810/713, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-14" to the database. Saved application "200/094/14" with address "3 YORK STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURES ANCILLARY TO EXISTING DWELLING CONSTRUCTION OF CARPORT ANCILLARY TO EXISTING DWELLING ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW CROSSOVER AND CONSTRUCTION OF NEW DWELLING WITH ANCILLARY CAR PARKING", legal description "Lot 101, Section 478, Plan C40689, Title 6182/924, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-16" to the database. Saved application "200/095/14" with address "38 ST ANDREWS STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/160/13 INCLUDES AMENDMENTS TO DWELLING AND STAGING APPLICATION - STAGE 1 FOOTINGS AND SITEWORKS STAGE 2 - REMAINDER OF WORKS", legal description "Lot 22, Section 477, Plan 6964, Title 5621/373, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-16" to the database. Saved application "200/096/14" with address "6 VALE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "INGROUND SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 1, Section 478, Plan D52208, Title 5857/983, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-22" to the database. Saved application "200/097/14" with address "9 MEDINDIE LANE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "INCREASE EXISTING 2.0m FENCE WITH 600mm SLATS", legal description "Lot 1, Section 460, Plan D38218, Title 5898/741, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-23" to the database. Saved application "200/098/14" with address "28 DEVONSHIRE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING ADDITION", legal description "Lot 208, Section 477, Plan D1157, Title 6043/505, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-26" to the database. Saved application "200/099/14" with address "4 MARGARET STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS", legal description "Lot 6, Section 476, Plan 1299, Title 5707/251, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-26" to the database. Saved application "200/100/14" with address "2 HARRIS ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING DWELLING ANCILLARY OUTDOOR DECK AND PERGOLA", legal description "Lot 19, Section 478, Plan 8036, Title 5339/379, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-26" to the database. Saved application "200/101/14" with address "1C MILNE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING", legal description "Lot 100, Section 478, Plan D91567, Title 6113/136, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-27" to the database. Saved application "200/102/14" with address "12B ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 61, Section 478, Plan D90171, Title 6103/248, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-28" to the database. Saved application "200/103/14" with address "35A WILSDEN STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING SWIMMING POOL AND RESIDENTIAL OUTBUILDING", legal description "Lot 1, Section 477, Plan D89249, Title 6093/833, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-05-28" to the database. Saved application "200/104/14" with address "59 ILFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SWIMMING POOL AND FENCE", legal description "Lot 62, Section 479, Plan F127696, Title 5657/2, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-02" to the database. Saved application "200/105/14" with address "25 ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISION (BOUNDARY REALIGNMENT)", legal description "Lot 1, Section 478, Plan D93103, Title 6148/830, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-03" to the database. Saved application "200/106/14" with address "58 ASCOT AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SHED", legal description "Lot 1, Section 478, Plan 5862, Title 5630/80, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-03" to the database. Saved application "200/107/14" with address "45 PARK TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH INTEGRATED GARAGE", legal description "Lot 39, Section 475, Plan D93695, Title 6136/467, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-05" to the database. Saved application "200/108/14" with address "45 PARK TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH INTEGRATED GARAGE", legal description "Lot 39, Section 475, Plan D93695, Title 6136/467, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-05" to the database. Saved application "200/109/14" with address "45 PARK TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH INTEGRATED GARAGE", legal description "Lot 39, Section 475, Plan D93695, Title 6136/467, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-05" to the database. Saved application "200/110/14" with address "67-71 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 13, Section 476, Plan F137164, Title 5714/596, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-06" to the database. Saved application "200/111/14" with address "12 BRANSTON COURT, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 502, Section 478, Plan D34014, Title 5171/374, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-05" to the database. Saved application "200/112/14" with address "16 DOREEN STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DWELLING ADDITION", legal description "Lot 1, Section 479, Plan FP2207, Title 5159/210, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-11" to the database. Saved application "200/113/14" with address "59 ILFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION", legal description "Lot 62, Section 479, Plan F127696, Title 5657/2, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-11" to the database. Saved application "200/114/14" with address "3 EDWIN TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/219/12 - GARAGE ADDITIONS TENNIS COURT AND POOL SURROUND ALTERATIONS", legal description "Lot 10, Section 475, Plan F108454, Title 5194/904, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-11" to the database. Saved application "200/115/14" with address "2A VICTORIA AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "ADDITION OF WIC - LOCATED IN LAUNDRY AREA", legal description "Lot 75, Section 460, Plan F137026, Title 5897/460, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-12" to the database. Saved application "200/116/14" with address "2A VICTORIA AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL OUTBUILDING", legal description "Lot 75, Section 460, Plan F137026, Title 5897/460, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-12" to the database. Saved application "200/117/14" with address "149 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/078/14 - TWO STOREY DWELLING", legal description "Lot 39, Section 477, Plan F137290, Title 5804/566, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-10" to the database. Saved application "200/118/14" with address "33 WARWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CHANGE IN LAND USE FROM 24 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS TO HOTEL ROOMS", legal description "Lot 103, Section 476, Plan D69916, Title 6122/56, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-13" to the database. Saved application "200/119/14" with address "11B LINDSAY STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "BOUNDARY FENCING", legal description "Lot 17, Section 479, Plan F127751, Title 5669/291, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-16" to the database. Saved application "200/120/14" with address "13 ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION", legal description "Lot 20, Section 478, Plan 4575, Title 5690/305, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-16" to the database. Saved application "200/121/14" with address "13 ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH INTEGRATED GARAGE", legal description "Lot 20, Section 478, Plan 4575, Title 5690/305, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-16" to the database. Saved application "200/122/14" with address "83 CHURCH TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF BARN STRUCTURE AND CONTRUCTION OF BOUNDARY FENCE", legal description "Lot 151, Section 477, Plan 1157, Title 5325/183, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-16" to the database. Saved application "200/123/14" with address "1E MILNE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE STOREY DWELLING AND ANCILLARY CAR PARKING", legal description "Lot 48, Section 478, Plan 3650, Title 5290/819, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-19" to the database. Saved application "200/124/14" with address "14 REDFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION", legal description "Lot 60, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5602/67, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-26" to the database. Saved application "200/125/14" with address "47 DEVONSHIRE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 19, Section 477, Plan F137470, Title 5741/135, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-23" to the database. Saved application "200/126/14" with address "11A HARRIS ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISION", legal description "Lot 6, Section 478, Plan 6925, Title 5473/719, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-24" to the database. Saved application "200/127/14" with address "1 DEVONSHIRE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "VARIATION TO DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 200/101/13", legal description "Lot 80, Section 477, Plan F137331, Title 5535/245, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-25" to the database. Saved application "200/128/14" with address "4 WASHINGTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "CARPORT AND VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 19, Section 478, Plan 5647, Title 5400/400, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-23" to the database. Saved application "200/129/14" with address "11A LINDSAY STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING RETAINING WALL EXCEEDING 1m FENCE EXCEEDING 2.1m", legal description "Lot 202, Section 479, Plan D92683, Title 6126/34, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-06-30" to the database. Saved application "200/130/14" with address "7 HAMILTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Removal of two (2) significant trees", legal description "Lot 9, Section 479, Plan 5472, Title 5652/954, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-03" to the database. Saved application "200/131/14" with address "105 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "BOUNDARY FENCES", legal description "Lot 2, Section 476, Plan D758, Title 5326/927, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-03" to the database. Saved application "200/132/14" with address "9 DEVONSHIRE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/082/12 - REMOVAL OF CONDITION 4 AND TO INCLUDE FROSTED GLASS", legal description "Lot 194, Section 477, Plan D88264, Title 6088/226, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-04" to the database. Saved application "200/133/14" with address "1 EDWIN TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "ANNEXE TO DWELLING RESIDENTIAL OUTBUILDING VERANDAH AND PERGOLA AND ADDITION TO EXISTING MASONRY FENCE", legal description "Lot 1, Section 475, Plan F17734, Title 5688/908, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-07" to the database. Saved application "200/134/14" with address "19 DOREEN STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SWIMMING POOL AND FENCE", legal description "Lot 12, Section 478, Plan 3178, Title 5823/948, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-07" to the database. Saved application "200/135/14" with address "2 GAWLER TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "DOUBLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH ANCILLARY GARAGING", legal description "Lot 98, Section 476, Plan F137249, Title 5274/386, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-08" to the database. Saved application "200/136/14" with address "23 MILNE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO DETACHED DWELLING", legal description "Lot 50, Section 478, Plan 3609, Title 5665/4, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-14" to the database. Saved application "200/137/14" with address "6 WARWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF TWO STOREY GROUP DWELLING WITH ANCILLARY GARAGING", legal description "Lot 6, Section 476, Plan C22388, Title 5924/138, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-10" to the database. Saved application "200/138/14" with address "35B WILSDEN STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/168/13", legal description "Lot 2, Section 477, Plan D89249, Title 6093/834, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-11" to the database. Saved application "200/139/14" with address "14 REDFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING", legal description "Lot 60, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5602/67, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-14" to the database. Saved application "200/140/14" with address "18 ILFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "REMOVAL OF INTERNAL WALL", legal description "Lot 81, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5479/519, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-16" to the database. Saved application "200/141/14" with address "48 GILBERT STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF DECK CARPORT AND CLEAR ROOF CLADDING AND INCREASE IN HEIGHT FOR PORTION OF EXISTING FENCE", legal description "Lot 16, Section 475, Plan F136767, Title 5688/967, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-18" to the database. Saved application "200/143/14" with address "33 WARWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CHANGE IN LAND USE FROM OFFICES TO CONSULTING ROOMS", legal description "Lot 103, Section 476, Plan D69916, Title 6122/56, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-21" to the database. Saved application "200/144/14" with address "48 WILPENA AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION", legal description "Lot 14, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5664/367, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-23" to the database. Saved application "200/145/14" with address "47-51 WILPENA AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "REMOVAL OF 5 REGULATED TREES", legal description "Lot 69, Section 479, Plan F127703, Title 5576/203, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-23" to the database. Saved application "200/146/14" with address "15B GEORGE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "TWO STOREY SEMI-DETACHED DWELLINGS", legal description "Lot 21, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5666/128, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-24" to the database. Saved application "200/147/14" with address "16 EDWIN TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 79, Section 475, Plan F137130, Title 5635/337, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-24" to the database. Saved application "200/148/14" with address "40 BRUNSWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF TWO PERGOLAS AND THE REPLACEMENT OF A FLAT ROOF CARPORT AND MASONRY WALL", legal description "Lot 96, Section 477, Plan 1157, Title 5853/728, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-30" to the database. Saved application "200/149/14" with address "13 CLUNY AVENUE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "VARIATION TO DA 200/199/12 (LOWER GARAGE FLOOR & WIDEN GARAGE)", legal description "Lot 5, Section 476, Plan F108984, Title 5196/642, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-30" to the database. Saved application "200/150/14" with address "140A NORTH EAST ROAD, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Construction of a Residential Flat Building comprising two Dwellings and garaging and Two Group Dwellings and Garaging", legal description "Lot 51, Section 477, Plan F137502, Title 5352/420, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-30" to the database. Saved application "200/151/14" with address "1-11 MAIN NORTH ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS AND SIGNAGE", legal description "Lot 50, Section 460, Plan D68752, Title 6015/242, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-28" to the database. Saved application "200/152/14" with address "6 DYSON ROAD, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "SHED", legal description "Lot 20, Section 477, Plan 3767, Title 5492/681, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-25" to the database. Saved application "200/153/14" with address "73 LANSDOWNE TERRACE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "PART DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DWELLING AND STRUCTURES ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING DWELLING CONSTRUCTION OF DETACHED CARPORT AND ANCILLARY LANDSCAPING AND FRONT FENCE", legal description "Lot 23, Section 478, Plan D7499, Title 5834/764, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-29" to the database. Saved application "200/154/14" with address "13 MERSEY STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE STOREY DWELLING WITH INTEGRATED GARAGE", legal description "Lot 7, Section 475, Plan D93695, Title 6136/435, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-29" to the database. Saved application "200/155/14" with address "11 MERSEY STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "CONTRUCTION OF DOUBLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH INTEGRATED GARAGE", legal description "Lot 6, Section 475, Plan D93695, Title 6136/434, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-29" to the database. Saved application "200/156/14" with address "33 WARWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF THREE RESIDENTIAL APARTMENTS IN DEVELOPMENT LOT 3000", legal description "Lot 103, Section 476, Plan D69916, Title 6122/56, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-29" to the database. Saved application "200/157/14" with address "14 AVENEL GARDENS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "Part demolition of existing structures alterations and alterations to existing dwelling with ancillary carport", legal description "Lot 86, Section 460, Plan F136937, Title 6069/683, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-31" to the database. Saved application "200/158/14" with address "200 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Carport forward of the dwelling", legal description "Lot 1, Section 477, Plan D23822, Title 5451/798, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-07-31" to the database. Saved application "200/159/14" with address "9 VICTORIA AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS AND FRONT FENCE", legal description "Lot 10, Section 460, Plan F137061, Title 5747/415, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-01" to the database. Saved application "200/160/14" with address "24 EDWIN TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Demolition involving a Contributory Item additions and alterations to existing dwelling and new garaging. Section 47A Minor Variation to balcony screening approved 3 May 2017.", legal description "Lot 50, Section 475, Plan D61898, Title 5895/460, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-06" to the database. Saved application "200/161/14" with address "22A HUTTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION", legal description "Lot 55, Section 479, Plan 5277, Title 5667/754, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-08" to the database. Saved application "200/162/14" with address "45A ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 1, Section 478, Plan D81833, Title 6049/435, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-12" to the database. Saved application "200/163/14" with address "103 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CHANGE OF LAND USE AND EXTERNAL PAINTING", legal description "Lot 3, Section 476, Plan 758, Title 5373/219, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-13" to the database. Saved application "200/164/14" with address "28B ASCOT AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING", legal description "Lot 101, Section 478, Plan D94266, Title 6142/659, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-11" to the database. Saved application "200/165/14" with address "15A ARTHUR STREET, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DWELLING AND OUTBUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING AND ASSOCIATED LANDSCAPING", legal description "Lot 53, Section 460, Plan F136904, Title 5659/441, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-11" to the database. Saved application "200/166/14" with address "45 PARK TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "APPLICATION TO STAGE - STAGE 1 (FOOTINGS) AND STAGE 2 (SUPERSTRUCTURE)", legal description "Lot 39, Section 475, Plan D93695, Title 6136/467, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-12" to the database. Saved application "200/167/14" with address "45 PARK TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCT FOUR RESIDENTIAL FLAT BUILDINGS WITH ANCILLARY CAR PARKING LANDSCAPING AND PEDESTRIAN BOULEVARD", legal description "Lot 39, Section 475, Plan D93695, Title 6136/467, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-13" to the database. Saved application "200/168/14" with address "58 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "EXTENSION TO VERANDAH AND RENOVATION TO EXISITING OUTBUILDING AND SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 3, Section 475, Plan 1056, Title 5099/148, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-15" to the database. Saved application "200/169/14" with address "48 BURLINGTON STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "TENNIS COURT LIGHTS AND FENCE EXCEEDING 2.1m IN HEIGHT", legal description "Lot 43, Section 474, Plan F137294, Title 6141/693, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-15" to the database. Saved application "200/170/14" with address "149 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION", legal description "Lot 39, Section 477, Plan F137290, Title 5804/566, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-15" to the database. Saved application "200/171/14" with address "79 CHURCH TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CARPORT", legal description "Lot 43, Section 477, Plan F137394, Title 5811/247, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-14" to the database. Saved application "200/172/14" with address "126 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CARPORT", legal description "Lot PT 2, Section 476, Plan SP1441, Title 5053/628, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-14" to the database. Saved application "200/173/14" with address "126 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CARPORT", legal description "Lot PT 2, Section 476, Plan SP1441, Title 5053/627, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-14" to the database. Saved application "200/174/14" with address "22A HUTTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISION", legal description "Lot 551, Section 479, Plan D95495, Title 6151/645, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-22" to the database. Saved application "200/175/14" with address "33 WARWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE (LOCAL GRIND RESTAURANT)", legal description "Lot 103, Section 476, Plan D69916, Title 6122/56, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-26" to the database. Saved application "200/176/14" with address "28A ASCOT AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING", legal description "Lot 78 79, Section 478, Plan 3609, Title 5726/347, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-22" to the database. Saved application "200/177/14" with address "11 ROBE TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS", legal description "Lot 61, Section 460, Plan D21247, Title 5104/231, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-25" to the database. Saved application "200/178/14" with address "12 BURLINGTON STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "MASONRY FRONT FENCE", legal description "Lot 6, Section 477, Plan 4440, Title 5695/694, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-25" to the database. Saved application "200/179/14" with address "37 MERSEY STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF THREE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH INTEGRATED GARAGE", legal description "Lot 19, Section 475, Plan D93695, Title 6136/447, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-08-22" to the database. Saved application "200/180/14" with address "23 HAWKERS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF CARPORT AND GARAGE ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING DWELLING CONSTRUCTION OF GARAGE WITH ANCILLARY STORE REPLACEMENT FENCING RELOCATION OF EXISTING CROSSOVER POOL AND POOL FENCE POOL PUMP EQUIPMENT", legal description "Lot 15, Section 460, Plan F136966, Title 5565/187, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-05" to the database. Saved application "200/181/14" with address "122 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 62, Section 476, Plan F136113, Title 5596/673, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-09" to the database. Saved application "200/182/14" with address "55 HAWKERS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF ANCILLARY STRUCTURES ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING DWELLING AND ANCILLARY GARAGE", legal description "Lot 24, Section 460, Plan F137075, Title 5824/568, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-02" to the database. Saved application "200/183/14" with address "105 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "SIGNAGE REPLACEMENT AND NEW SIGNAGE", legal description "Lot 2, Section 476, Plan D758, Title 5326/927, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-05" to the database. Saved application "200/184/14" with address "16 WARWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/069/14", legal description "Lot 66, Section 476, Plan F137217, Title 5637/752, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-03" to the database. Saved application "200/185/14" with address "21 ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS AND NEW FRONT FENCE", legal description "Lot 91, Section 478, Plan 3609, Title 5724/450, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-05" to the database. Saved application "200/186/14" with address "49 ILFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION", legal description "Lot 58, Section 479, Plan F127692, Title 5735/117, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-05" to the database. Saved application "200/187/14" with address "15 REDFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DETACHED DWELLING WITH ANCILLARY DWELLING", legal description "Lot 46, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5691/242, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-08" to the database. Saved application "200/188/14" with address "27B ILFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISON", legal description "Lot 14, Section 479, Plan F127748, Title 5791/941, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-09" to the database. Saved application "200/189/14" with address "59 WILPENA AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISION", legal description "Lot 97, Section 479, Plan F215653, Title 5812/219, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-09" to the database. Saved application "200/190/14" with address "27B ILFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "COMMUNITY LAND DIVISION", legal description "Lot 14, Section 479, Plan F127748, Title 5791/941, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-09" to the database. Saved application "200/191/14" with address "13 CLISBY STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "Land Division (Create one new allotment and maintain existing dwelling)", legal description "Lot 65, Section 478, Plan F137516, Title 5687/446, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-10" to the database. Saved application "200/192/14" with address "21 MILNE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISIONIS FOR A VARIATION TO A BOUNDARY REALIGNMENT CREATING ONE INTO TWO ALLOTMENTS", legal description "Lot 49, Section 478, Plan 3609, Title 5263/834, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-15" to the database. Saved application "200/194/14" with address "33 WARWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CHANGE IN LAND USE FROM OFFICE TO PERSONAL SERVICES ESTABLISHMENT", legal description "Lot 103, Section 476, Plan D69916, Title 6122/56, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-12" to the database. Saved application "200/195/14" with address "15B GEORGE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "TWO TWO STOREY SEMI DETACHED DWELLINGS", legal description "Lot 21, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5666/128, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-17" to the database. Saved application "200/196/14" with address "7 HAMILTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS AND SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 9, Section 479, Plan 5472, Title 5652/954, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-17" to the database. Saved application "200/197/14" with address "3 EDWIN TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Tennis Court Lights", legal description "Lot 10, Section 475, Plan F108454, Title 5194/904, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-22" to the database. Saved application "200/198/14" with address "6 TENNYSON STREET, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "FENCE EXCEEDING 2.1m IN HEIGHT", legal description "Lot 93, Section 460, Plan F137044, Title 5883/438, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-25" to the database. Saved application "200/199/14" with address "1 DEVONSHIRE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "FRAME MOUNTED SOLAR PANELS", legal description "Lot 80, Section 477, Plan F137331, Title 5535/245, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-26" to the database. Saved application "200/200/14" with address "35 DEVONSHIRE STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Demolition of existing structures construction of two storey detached dwelling undercroft garage swimming pool and pool pump equipment enclosure swimming pool fence retaining wall and fence exceeding 2.1m in height and landscaping", legal description "Lot 51, Section 477, Plan F137402, Title 5382/728, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-25" to the database. Saved application "200/201/14" with address "17 BRIAR AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "PART DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DWELLING INTERNAL ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING STRUCTURE AND ADDITIONS TO DWELLING", legal description "Lot 14, Section 460, Plan F136965, Title 5681/659, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-23" to the database. Saved application "200/202/14" with address "15B GEORGE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISION", legal description "Lot 21, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5666/128, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-09-29" to the database. Saved application "200/203/14" with address "19 DOREEN STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "MASONRY FENCE EXCEEDING 1.8m IN HEIGHT", legal description "Lot 12, Section 478, Plan 3178, Title 5823/948, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-01" to the database. Saved application "200/204/14" with address "21A WATERMAN AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DWELLING", legal description "Lot 2, Section 478, Plan 8072, Title 5594/697, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-02" to the database. Saved application "200/205/14" with address "30 HAWKERS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "REMOVAL OF REGULATED TREE", legal description "Lot 66, Section 460, Plan F136917, Title 5799/783, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-02" to the database. Saved application "200/206/14" with address "15C FIFE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING AND ANCILLARY GARAGING AND LANDSCAPING", legal description "Lot 1, Section 479, Plan D94394, Title 6144/513, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-02" to the database. Saved application "200/207/14" with address "1A CLISBY STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE", legal description "Lot 2, Section 478, Plan D93103, Title 6148/831, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-03" to the database. Saved application "200/208/14" with address "72 CHURCH TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "No Description Provided", legal description "Lot 50, Section 477, Plan D15431, Title 5750/127, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-03" to the database. Saved application "200/209/14" with address "65B ASCOT AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "TWO STOREY SEMI-DETACHED DWELLINGS", legal description "Lot 4, Section 478, Plan D5541, Title 5303/124, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-07" to the database. Saved application "200/210/14" with address "59 ILFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "VARIATION TO DA 200/067/14", legal description "Lot 62, Section 479, Plan F127696, Title 5657/2, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-07" to the database. Saved application "200/211/14" with address "49 ILFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND CONSTRUCTION OF DETACHED DWELLING AND ANCILLARY GARAGING", legal description "Lot 58, Section 479, Plan F127692, Title 5735/117, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-03" to the database. Saved application "200/212/14" with address "37 SMITH STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Part demolition of existing dwelling and construction of additions of internal alterations", legal description "Lot 31, Section 476, Plan F14603, Title 5211/453, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-07" to the database. Saved application "200/213/14" with address "4 WASHINGTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "RESIDENTIAL OUTBUILDING (POOL SHELTER) ON NORTHERN BOUNDARY", legal description "Lot 19, Section 478, Plan 5647, Title 5400/400, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-13" to the database. Saved application "200/214/14" with address "16 ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 8, Section 478, Plan 2930, Title 5639/404, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-15" to the database. Saved application "200/215/14" with address "5 FREDERICK STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "PART DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING DWELLING AND SWIMMING POOL WITH FENCING", legal description "Lot 3, Section 475, Plan F11935, Title 5506/987, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-15" to the database. Saved application "200/216/14" with address "160-176 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "ALTERATIONS TO PART OF FACADE AND REPLACEMENT SIGNAGE", legal description "Lot 5, Section 477, Plan D80436, Title 6034/532, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-14" to the database. Saved application "200/217/14" with address "44 CHURCH TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS", legal description "Lot 81, Section 477, Plan F137332, Title 5641/479, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-15" to the database. Saved application "200/218/14" with address "28 AVENEL GARDENS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "SOUTH EASTERN 2.4m HIGH BOUNDARY MASONRY FENCE", legal description "Lot 53, Section 460, Plan 1620, Title 5546/982, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-20" to the database. Saved application "200/219/14" with address "28 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "VERANDAH", legal description "Lot 85, Section 475, Plan F136836, Title 5393/489, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-20" to the database. Saved application "200/220/14" with address "40-56 ASCOT AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SECTION 49 APPLICATION - SIGNAGE WALL FACING ASCOT AVENUE AT VALE PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL", legal description "Lot 10, Section 478, Plan F127644, Title 6183/148, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-13" to the database. Saved application "200/221/14" with address "7 BELT STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "ADDITIONS TO REAR OF DWELLING THAT COMPRISES TWO BEDROOMS WITH VERANDAH AND GARAGE FORWARD OF DWELLING", legal description "Lot 24, Section 476, Plan 4440, Title 5690/72, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-22" to the database. Saved application "200/222/14" with address "20 NORTHCOTE TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS WITH FRONT FENCE AND DRIVEWAY", legal description "Lot 67, Section 475, Plan F137118, Title 5399/332, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-23" to the database. Saved application "200/223/14" with address "5 SMITH STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "WITHDRAWN - SIX GROUP DWELLINGS", legal description "Lot 101, Section 476, Plan D74998, Title 5995/257, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-23" to the database. Saved application "200/224/14" with address "140B NORTH EAST ROAD, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISON", legal description "Lot 2, Section 477, Plan C40023, Title 6159/409, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-24" to the database. Saved application "200/225/14" with address "9-11 ILFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "REMOVAL OF REGULATED TREE", legal description "Lot 7, Section 479, Plan D4569, Title 5193/222, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-24" to the database. Saved application "200/226/14" with address "21 LINDSAY STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "PART DEMOLITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING DWELLING", legal description "Lot 20, Section 479, Plan F127754, Title 5426/280, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-24" to the database. Saved application "200/227/14" with address "5 MERSEY STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF TWO 2 STOREY SEMI-DETACHED DWELLINGS", legal description "Lot 3, Section 475, Plan D93695, Title 6136/431, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-24" to the database. Saved application "200/228/14" with address "11 MERSEY STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF TWO 2 STOREY SEMI-DETACHED DWELLINGS", legal description "Lot 6, Section 475, Plan D93695, Title 6136/434, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-24" to the database. Saved application "200/229/14" with address "6 NORTH EAST ROAD, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO STOREY RESIDENTIAL FLAT BUILDING COMPRISING SIX DWELLINGS WITH ANCILLARY CAR PARKING AND LANDSCAPING", legal description "Lot 24, Section 474, Plan F110732, Title 5757/34, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-27" to the database. Saved application "200/230/14" with address "30B ASCOT AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING", legal description "Lot 103, Section 478, Plan D94266, Title 6142/661, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-29" to the database. Saved application "200/231/14" with address "55 CHURCH TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH INTEGRATED GARAGE ALFRESCO POOL AND POOL SAFETY FENCING AND POOL PUMP AND MASONRY FENCE", legal description "Lot 13, Section 477, Plan 4440, Title 6145/916, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-29" to the database. Saved application "200/232/14" with address "52 DUTTON TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF EXISITING DWELLING AND CONSTRUCTION OF DOUBLE STOREY DWELLING WITH INTEGRATED GARAGE POOL AND FENCING", legal description "Lot 52, Section 460, Plan F137003, Title 5667/341, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-29" to the database. Saved application "200/234/14" with address "65B ASCOT AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISION", legal description "Lot 4, Section 478, Plan D5541, Title 5303/124, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-05" to the database. Saved application "200/235/14" with address "36A WARWICK STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "ADDITION OF DECK AND SCREENING AND REPLACEMENT OF REAR FENCE", legal description "Lot 17, Section 476, Plan D78199, Title 6021/921, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-05" to the database. Saved application "200/236/14" with address "5A HUTTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION", legal description "Lot 88, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5524/869, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-10-31" to the database. Saved application "200/237/14" with address "13 FIFE STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/047/12", legal description "Lot 15, Section 479, Plan 6300, Title 5605/222, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-12" to the database. Saved application "200/238/14" with address "22A HUTTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING", legal description "Lot 55, Section 479, Plan 5277, Title 5667/754, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-05" to the database. Saved application "200/239/14" with address "22A HUTTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING", legal description "Lot 55, Section 479, Plan 5277, Title 5667/754, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-05" to the database. Saved application "200/240/14" with address "13 ANGAS AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "FENCE EXCEEDING 2.1M IN HEIGHT ON SOUTHERN AND EASTERN BOUNDARY", legal description "Lot 20, Section 478, Plan 4575, Title 5690/305, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-06" to the database. Saved application "200/241/14" with address "50-52 NORTHCOTE TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "CARPORT", legal description "Lot 1, Section 475, Plan 729, Title 5465/503, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-11" to the database. Saved application "200/242/14" with address "30A ASCOT AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING", legal description "Lot 102, Section 478, Plan D94266, Title 6142/660, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-12" to the database. Saved application "200/244/14" with address "30 HAWKERS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "SECTION 49 APPLICATION - WILDERNESS SCHOOL - ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO THREE EXISTING SCHOOL BUILDINGS", legal description "Lot 66, Section 460, Plan F136917, Title 5799/783, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-12" to the database. Saved application "200/245/14" with address "8 VICTORIA AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "CARPORT ON NORTHERN BOUNDARY", legal description "Lot 6, Section 460, Plan F137057, Title 5537/208, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-17" to the database. Saved application "200/246/14" with address "140 STEPHEN TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "WITHDRAWN - ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS AND SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 9, Section 475, Plan F137160, Title 5778/163, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-18" to the database. Saved application "200/247/14" with address "11 JEFFERY ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING DWELLING SWIMMING POOL POOL FENCE AND POOL PUMP (IN SOUND ATTENUATED ENCLOSURE)", legal description "Lot 6, Section 478, Plan 7499, Title 5330/227, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-19" to the database. Saved application "200/248/14" with address "53B HARRIS ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "TWO STOREY SEMI-DETACHED DWELLINGS", legal description "Lot 5, Section 479, Plan 7032, Title 5338/977, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-19" to the database. Saved application "200/249/14" with address "37 MERSEY STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/179/14 - STAGED APPLICATION - STAGE ONE FOOTINGS AND STAGE TWO BUILT FORM", legal description "Lot 19, Section 475, Plan D93695, Title 6136/447, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-19" to the database. Saved application "200/250/14" with address "16A LINDSAY STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "VERANDAH AT REAR OF DWELLING", legal description "Lot 106, Section 479, Plan D85893, Title 6074/45, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-20" to the database. Saved application "200/251/14" with address "70 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "INTERNAL OFFICE FITOUT", legal description "Lot PT 11, Section 476, Plan S7810, Title 5141/493, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-20" to the database. Saved application "200/252/14" with address "125C STEPHEN TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "VARIATION TO DA 200/169/13: REMOVAL OF GARAGE FROM STEPHEN TERRACE MINOR ALTERATIONS TO DWELLING DESIGN AND FAÇADE CHANGE", legal description "Lot 5, Section 476, Plan FP561, Title 5075/662, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-20" to the database. Saved application "200/253/14" with address "6 & 8 EDWIN TERRACE, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "SITE WORKS PATIO SWIMMING POOL AND ANCILLARY POOL FENCE RETAINING WALLS 2.4m HIGH FENCE 3.6m HIGH POST AND WIRE FENCE STORE ROOM AND POOL PUMP EQUIPMENT", legal description "Lot 100, Section 475, Plan F219168, Title 6042/989, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-20" to the database. Saved application "200/255/14" with address "99 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "Change of land use from retail to a restaurant and licensed premises excluding live entertainment", legal description "Lot 6, Section 476, Plan F106653, Title 5173/812, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-21" to the database. Saved application "200/256/14" with address "41 CHURCH TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "FORMALISATION OF CAR PARKING AREA SHED GARAGE LANDSCAPING AND PAVING", legal description "Lot 441, Section 476, Plan F250068, Title 6188/134, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-21" to the database. Saved application "200/257/14" with address "1 HARRIS ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DWELLING AND SHEDS", legal description "Lot 1, Section 478, Plan 6925, Title 5623/785, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-24" to the database. Saved application "200/258/14" with address "1 HARRIS ROAD, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "DETACHED DWELLING WITH ANCILLARY GARAGING", legal description "Lot 1, Section 478, Plan 6925, Title 5623/785, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-28" to the database. Saved application "200/259/14" with address "58 GILBERT STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT (CONVERSION OF STRATA TITLE TO COMMUNITY TITLE)", legal description "Lot PT 4 PT 5, Section 475, Plan S10300, Title 5003/511, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-01" to the database. Saved application "200/260/14" with address "2 GAWLER TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DWELLING", legal description "Lot 98, Section 476, Plan F137249, Title 5274/386, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-01" to the database. Saved application "200/261/14" with address "22 BRIAR AVENUE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "INTERNAL ALTERATIONS INCLUDING ADDITION OF ENSUITE", legal description "Lot 102, Section 460, Plan F209526, Title 5681/606, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-03" to the database. Saved application "200/262/14" with address "1 NORTHCOTE TERRACE, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "ADVERTISING SIGNAGE IN RELATION TO BUSINESS (ASSURED)", legal description "Lot 24, Section 460, Plan F136875, Title 5334/639, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-04" to the database. Saved application "200/263/14" with address "13 ST ANDREWS STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "RESIDENTIAL OUTBUILDING (VERANDAH)", legal description "Lot 50, Section 477, Plan D48070, Title 5446/630, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-05" to the database. Saved application "200/264/14" with address "68 ASCOT AVENUE, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISION", legal description "Lot 6, Section 478, Plan 5862, Title 5617/803, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-08" to the database. Saved application "200/265/14" with address "149 WALKERVILLE TERRACE, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 200/117/14 - TWO STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE", legal description "Lot 39, Section 477, Plan F137290, Title 5804/566, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-09" to the database. Saved application "200/266/14" with address "5 SMITH STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "COMMUNITY DIVISION", legal description "Lot 101, Section 476, Plan D74998, Title 5995/257, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-27" to the database. Saved application "200/267/14" with address "5 SMITH STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "LAND DIVISION", legal description "Lot 101, Section 476, Plan D74998, Title 5995/257, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-11-27" to the database. Saved application "200/268/14" with address "14 REDFORD STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "RETAINING WALL AND FENCE EXCEEDING 2.1M (SOUTH-WESTERN BOUNDARY)", legal description "Lot 60, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5602/67, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-10" to the database. Saved application "200/269/14" with address "5A HUTTON STREET, VALE PARK SA 5081", description "TWO DOUBLE STOREY SEMI - DETACHED DWELLINGS (Staged consent stage 1 retaining walls and site works and stage 2 superstructure)", legal description "Lot 88, Section 479, Plan 4544, Title 5524/869, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-12" to the database. Saved application "200/270/14" with address "51 ST ANDREWS STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "CONSTRUCTION OF SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH ANCILLARY GARAGING LANDSCAPING AND SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 11, Section 477, Plan 3767, Title 5220/41, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-12" to the database. Saved application "200/271/14" with address "35A FULLER STREET, WALKERVILLE SA 5081", description "DEMOLITION OF EXISITING DWELLING AND CONSTRUCTION OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF FOUR GROUP DWELLINGS", legal description "Lot 12, Section 476, Plan D89843, Title 6101/814, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-22" to the database. Saved application "200/272/14" with address "4 GILBERT STREET, GILBERTON SA 5081", description "Privacy slatting above fence between 4 Gilbert St and 2 Garnet St", legal description "Lot 107, Section 475, Plan D83761, Title 6058/634, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-22" to the database. Saved application "200/273/14" with address "33 HAWKERS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "CONCRETE SWIMMING POOL", legal description "Lot 54, Section 460, Plan F137005, Title 5291/724, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-15" to the database. Saved application "200/274/14" with address "30 HAWKERS ROAD, MEDINDIE SA 5081", description "ALTERATIONS AND ADDITION TO SCHOOL BUILDING INCORPORATING A MINOR LAUNDRY ADDITION", legal description "Lot 66, Section 460, Plan F136917, Title 5799/783, Hundred YATALA" and received date "2014-12-23" to the database. Complete.


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council_reference address description info_url comment_url date_scraped date_received legal_description
Land Division (One into Two)
Lot 300, Section 476, Plan F252399, Title 6202/380, Hundred YATALA
2 storey detached dwelling and pool
Lot 1, Section 477, Plan D80436, Title 6034/528, Hundred YATALA
Construction of a three-storey detached dwelling with garage deck and balconies under main roof
Lot 14, Section 475, Plan D93695, Title 6136/442, Hundred YATALA
Alterations to existing dwelling pool fencing and extension to deck
Lot 76, Section 460, Plan F137027, Title 5518/135, Hundred YATALA
Single storey addition to dwelling with fire rating of existing brush fence
Lot 54, Section 460, Plan F137005, Title 5291/724, Hundred YATALA
Masonry boundary wall associated with Contributory Item
Lot 1, Section 460, Plan F251832, Title 6188/663, Hundred YATALA
Two-storey detached dwelling with integrated garage
Lot 10, Section 475, Plan D93695, Title 6136/438, Hundred YATALA
Demolition of existing single storey dwelling and all associated structures
Lot 24, Section 474, Plan F110732, Title 5757/34, Hundred YATALA
Two storey detached dwelling with garage and alfresco under main roof
Lot 61, Section 479, Plan F127695, Title 5656/999, Hundred YATALA
Garage to the rear of an existing dwelling
Lot 60, Section 478, Plan F137511, Title 5823/189, Hundred YATALA


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Total disk space used: 1.45 MB


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