MichaelBone / district_council_of_orroroo_carrieton_sa_development_applications

District Council of Orroroo Carrieton (South Australia) Development Applications

Contributors MichaelBone

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Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... [1G [1G-----> Node.js app detected [1G [1G-----> Creating runtime environment [1G [1G NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error [1G NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true [1G NPM_CONFIG_CAFILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt [1G NODE_VERBOSE=false [1G NODE_ENV=production [1G NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 [1G NODE_MODULES_CACHE=true [1G [1G-----> Installing binaries [1G engines.node (package.json): 10.14.1 [1G engines.npm (package.json): unspecified (use default) [1G [1G Resolving node version 10.14.1... [1G Downloading and installing node 10.14.1... [1G Using default npm version: 6.4.1 [1G [1G-----> Restoring cache [1G Skipping cache restore (not-found) [1G [1G-----> Building dependencies [1G Installing node modules (package.json) [1G [1G > sqlite3@4.0.6 install /tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3 [1G > node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build [1G [1G [sqlite3] Success: "/tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/node-v64-linux-x64/node_sqlite3.node" is installed via remote [1G added 493 packages from 346 contributors and audited 497 packages in 17.94s [1G found 0 vulnerabilities [1G [1G [1G-----> Caching build [1G Clearing previous node cache [1G Saving 2 cacheDirectories (default): [1G - node_modules [1G - bower_components (nothing to cache) [1G [1G-----> Build succeeded! [1G [1G-----> Discovering process types [1G Procfile declares types -> scraper Injecting scraper and running... Retrieving page: https://www.orroroo.sa.gov.au/development-and-health/development-register Found 1 PDF file(s). Selecting two to parse. Parsing document: https://www.orroroo.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/706362/Development-Register-as-at-7-July-2020.pdf Reading development applications from https://www.orroroo.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/706362/Development-Register-as-at-7-July-2020.pdf. Reading and parsing applications from page 1 of 4. Found development application 502/001/13. Found development application 502/002/13. Found development application 502/003/13. Found development application 502/004/13. Found development application 502/005/13. Found development application 502/006/13. Found development application 502/007/13. Found development application 502/008/13. Found development application 502/009/13. Found development application 502/010/13. Found development application 502/011/13. Found development application 502/012/13. Ignoring the development application "502/012/13" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Section 103 Hd Yanyarrie Ignoring the development application "502/012/13" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/013/13. Found development application 502/014/13. Found development application 502/015/13. Found development application 502/016/13. Found development application 502/017/13. Found development application 502/018/13. Found development application 502/019/13. Found development application 502/020/13. Found development application 502/021/13. Found development application 502/001/14. Ignoring the development application "502/001/14" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Section 172 Black Rock Plain Ignoring the development application "502/001/14" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/002/14. Found development application 502/003/14. Found development application 502/004/14. Found development application 502/005/14. Ignoring the development application "502/005/14" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Section 283 Oladdie Ignoring the development application "502/005/14" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/006/14. Found development application 502/007/14. Found development application 502/008/14. Ignoring the development application "502/008/14" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Section 172 Black Rock Plain Ignoring the development application "502/008/14" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/009/14. Ignoring the development application "502/009/14" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Section 766 HD Eurelia Ignoring the development application "502/009/14" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/010/14. Found development application 502/011/14. Found development application 502/012/14. Ignoring the development application "502/012/14" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Lot 473 HD Pekina Ignoring the development application "502/012/14" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/013/14. Found development application 502/014/14. Found development application 502/015/14. Found development application 502/016/14. Found development application 502/017/14. Ignoring the development application "502/017/14" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Section 349 HD Walloway Ignoring the development application "502/017/14" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/018/14. Ignoring the development application "502/018/14" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Lot 1 HD Yanyarrie Ignoring the development application "502/018/14" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/019/14. Ignoring the development application "502/019/14" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Section 337 HD Walloway Ignoring the development application "502/019/14" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/020/14. Found development application 502/021/14. Found development application 502/022/14. Reading and parsing applications from page 2 of 4. Found development application 502/023/14. Found development application 502/024/14. Ignoring the development application "502/024/14" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Section 349 HD Walloway Ignoring the development application "502/024/14" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/025/14. Found development application 502/026/14. Ignoring the development application "502/026/14" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Section 349 HD Walloway Ignoring the development application "502/026/14" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/027/14. Found development application 502/028/14. Found development application 502/029/14. Found development application 502/030/14. Found development application 502/001/15. Found development application 502/002/15. Ignoring the development application "502/002/15" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Section 377 & 378 Hd Yanyarrie Ignoring the development application "502/002/15" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/003/15. Found development application 502/004/15. Found development application 502/005/15. Found development application 502/006/15. Ignoring the development application "502/006/15" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Lot 582 Hd Eurelia Ignoring the development application "502/006/15" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/007/15. Ignoring the development application "502/007/15" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Allotment 112 Hd Yanyarrie Ignoring the development application "502/007/15" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/008/15. Found development application 502/009/15. Ignoring the development application "502/009/15" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Sec 362 Hd Walloway Ignoring the development application "502/009/15" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/010/15. Found development application 502/011/15. Found development application 502/012/15. Found development application 502/013/15. Found development application 502/014/15. Found development application 502/015/15. Found development application 502/016/15. Ignoring the development application "502/016/15" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Sect 49W Hd Eurelia Ignoring the development application "502/016/15" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/017/15. Found development application 502/018/15. Found development application 502/019/15. Found development application 502/020/15. Found development application 502/021/15. Found development application 502/022/15. Found development application 502/023/15. Found development application 502/024/15. Found development application 502/001/16. Found development application 502/002/16. Found development application 502/003/16. Found development application 502/004/16. Found development application 502/005/16. Found development application 502/006/16. Found development application 502/007/16. Found development application 502/008/16. Found development application 502/009/16. Found development application 502/010/16. Ignoring the development application "502/010/16" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/011/16. Found development application 502/012/16. Found development application 502/013/16. Found development application 502/014/16. Found development application 502/015/16. Reading and parsing applications from page 3 of 4. Found development application 502/016/16. Ignoring the development application "502/016/16" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/017/16. Found development application 502/018/16. Found development application 502/019/16. Ignoring the development application "502/019/16" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/020/16. Found development application 502/021/16. Found development application 502/022/16. Found development application 502/023/16. Found development application 502/024/16. Found development application 502/025/16. Found development application 502/001/17. Found development application 502/002/17. Found development application 502/003/17. Found development application 502/004/17. Found development application 502/005/17. Found development application 502/006/17. Found development application 502/007/17. Found development application 502/008/17. Found development application 502/009/17. Found development application 502/010/17. Found development application 502/011/17. Found development application 502/012/17. Found development application 502/013/17. Found development application 502/014/17. Found development application 502/015/17. Found development application 502/001/18. Found development application 502/002/18. Found development application 502/003/18. Found development application 502/004/18. Found development application 502/005/18. Found development application 502/006/18. Found development application 502/007/18. Found development application 502/008/18. Found development application 502/009/18. Found development application 502/010/18. Found development application 502/011/18. Found development application 502/012/18. Found development application 502/013/18. Found development application 502/014/18. Reading and parsing applications from page 4 of 4. Found development application 502/015/18. Found development application 502/016/18. Found development application 502/017/18. Found development application 502/018/18. Found development application 502/019/18. Found development application 502/020/18. Found development application 502/021/18. Found development application 502/022/18. Found development application 502/001/19. Found development application 502/002/19. Found development application 502/003/19. Found development application 502/004/19. Found development application 502/005/19. Found development application 502/006/19. Found development application 502/007/19. Found development application 502/008/19. Found development application 502/009/19. Found development application 502/010/19. Found development application 502/011/19. Found development application 502/012/19. Found development application 502/013/19. Found development application 502/014/19. Found development application 502/015/19. Found development application 502/016/19. Found development application 502/017/19. Found development application 502/018/19. Found development application 502/001/20. Found development application 502/002/20. Found development application 502/003/20. Found development application 502/004/20. Found development application 502/005/20. Found development application 502/006/20. Ignoring the development application "502/006/20" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Sect 242 Hd Coomooroo 410 Chapman Road, Orroroo Median Strip of Second Street, Ignoring the development application "502/006/20" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/007/20. Ignoring the development application "502/007/20" because a suburb name could not be determined for the address: Orroroo (opposite 23 Second Street - Medical Centre) Ignoring the development application "502/007/20" because the address is blank. Found development application 502/008/20. Parsed 142 development application(s) from document: https://www.orroroo.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/706362/Development-Register-as-at-7-July-2020.pdf Saving development applications to the database. Saved application "502/001/13" with address "16 EAST TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Verandah" and received date "2013-01-09" to the database. Saved application "502/002/13" with address "Section 544 RADEMAKER ROAD, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "New Dewlling" and received date "2013-02-05" to the database. Saved application "502/003/13" with address "Lot 48 GRAY TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Free Standing Carport" and received date "2013-02-05" to the database. Saved application "502/004/13" with address "15 PARK TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Free Standing Carport" and received date "2013-03-01" to the database. Saved application "502/005/13" with address "48 SIXTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Shed Roof Extension" and received date "2013-03-07" to the database. Saved application "502/006/13" with address "408 PYCROFT ROAD, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Build/Replace Shed" and received date "2013-03-15" to the database. Saved application "502/007/13" with address "48 SIXTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Master Bedroom Extension" and received date "2013-03-18" to the database. Saved application "502/008/13" with address "Lot 9 GRAY TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Garage" and received date "2013-04-04" to the database. Saved application "502/009/13" with address "Lot 9 GRAY TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Single Storey Dwelling" and received date "2013-04-15" to the database. Saved application "502/010/13" with address "14618 R M WILLIAMS WAY, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Rural Shed 3 Bay - Cat 2" and received date "2013-05-03" to the database. Saved application "502/011/13" with address "5 FOURTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Carport" and received date "2013-05-28" to the database. Saved application "502/013/13" with address "Lot 47 GRAY TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Covered Walkway Utility/Garden Area" and received date "2013-06-18" to the database. Saved application "502/014/13" with address "31 SIXTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Tilt Solar System" and received date "2013-07-18" to the database. Saved application "502/015/13" with address "Lot 59 Eurelia Via, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Dwelling, Shed, Roof & Fence" and received date "2013-07-22" to the database. Saved application "502/016/13" with address "52 SEVENTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Transportable Dwelling" and received date "2013-08-19" to the database. Saved application "502/017/13" with address "11 SOUTH TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Shed" and received date "2013-08-22" to the database. Saved application "502/018/13" with address "11 SOUTH TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Dewlling" and received date "2013-11-06" to the database. Saved application "502/019/13" with address "Section 148, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "Rumpus Room" and received date "2013-11-19" to the database. Saved application "502/020/13" with address "9754 R M WILLIAMS WAY, YATINA SA 5422", description "Dog Kennels" and received date "2013-11-20" to the database. Saved application "502/021/13" with address "Lot 51 JERVOISE STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "New Dwelling" and received date "2013-12-09" to the database. Saved application "502/002/14" with address "Lot 67 TENTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Private Dwelling" and received date "2014-01-24" to the database. Saved application "502/003/14" with address "1 SOUTH TERRACE, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "Shed 12m x 7.5m x 3m" and received date "2014-01-30" to the database. Saved application "502/004/14" with address "36 SIXTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Shed 9.15m x 6.151m x 3m" and received date "2014-02-05" to the database. Saved application "502/006/14" with address "26 SIXTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Shed" and received date "2014-02-20" to the database. Saved application "502/007/14" with address "36 FOURTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Removal of Internal Wall" and received date "2014-03-18" to the database. Saved application "502/010/14" with address "10 WEST TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Verandah to Dwelling" and received date "2014-05-01" to the database. Saved application "502/011/14" with address "34 GRAY TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Verandah to dwelling" and received date "2014-04-29" to the database. Saved application "502/013/14" with address "3 SOUTH TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Shed" and received date "2014-06-02" to the database. Saved application "502/014/14" with address "133 WILMINGTON ROAD, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "Domestic Shed" and received date "2014-08-07" to the database. Saved application "502/015/14" with address "2 THIRD STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Domestic Shed 12m x 8m" and received date "2014-08-15" to the database. Saved application "502/016/14" with address "Sect 362, WALLOWAY SA 5431", description "Shelter Shed 6m x 4m" and received date "" to the database. Saved application "502/020/14" with address "23 SECOND STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Carport 6m x 9m" and received date "2014-09-29" to the database. Saved application "502/021/14" with address "Lot 167 FIFTH STREET, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "Storage/Utility Shed" and received date "2014-10-02" to the database. Saved application "502/022/14" with address "896 BULLY ACRE ROAD, PEKINA SA 5431", description "Farm Shed (Class 7)" and received date "2014-10-07" to the database. Saved application "502/023/14" with address "154 RADEMAKER ROAD, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "Verandah" and received date "2014-10-07" to the database. Saved application "502/025/14" with address "Section 184, BELTON SA 5432", description "Carport 6m x 4m" and received date "2014-10-27" to the database. Saved application "502/027/14" with address "Section 337 HD, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Welcome Wall 900 x 650" and received date "2014-11-18" to the database. Saved application "502/028/14" with address "28 SIXTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Extension to House 3.6 x 7.190" and received date "2014-11-26" to the database. Saved application "502/029/14" with address "Lot 23 SIXTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Shed 12m x 6m" and received date "2014-12-01" to the database. Saved application "502/030/14" with address "Lot 3 SOUTH TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Verandah 4.5m x 8.6m" and received date "2014-12-04" to the database. Saved application "502/001/15" with address "46 GOVERNMENT ROAD, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Carport 10m x 3.6m" and received date "2015-01-14" to the database. Saved application "502/003/15" with address "Lot 140 MAIN STREET, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "CAT 2 Shed 7.5m x 9m" and received date "2015-02-10" to the database. Saved application "502/004/15" with address "8 18th STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Shed 15.2m x 9.1m" and received date "2015-02-24" to the database. Saved application "502/005/15" with address "38 SIXTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Extension to rear of house" and received date "2015-02-24" to the database. Saved application "502/008/15" with address "Section 85, CRADOCK SA 5432", description "Verandah 9.6m x 6 m" and received date "2015-02-27" to the database. Saved application "502/010/15" with address "2 FIRST STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Free Standing Car Port" and received date "2015-03-17" to the database. Saved application "502/011/15" with address "Lots 143 & 130 HIGH STREET, EURELIA SA 5431", description "Addition to Residence" and received date "2015-03-18" to the database. Saved application "502/012/15" with address "13 TENTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "(1) Garage 5.6m x 5.5m Colorbond (2) Carport 5m x 4m" and received date "2015-01-22" to the database. Saved application "502/013/15" with address "19 SIXTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Garage 12m x 9m x 3m Colorbond" and received date "2015-04-27" to the database. Saved application "502/014/15" with address "3 FIRST STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Car Garage 7m x 7m" and received date "2015-05-04" to the database. Saved application "502/015/15" with address "11 WEST TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Car Garage 7.5m x 12m x 3.3 Colorbond" and received date "2015-05-12" to the database. Saved application "502/017/15" with address "Lot 375 FP185267 Orroroo 13 WEST TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Single Storey Dwelling" and received date "" to the database. Saved application "502/018/15" with address "Sect 53 Hd Yanyarrie 1009 BELTON ROAD, YANYARRIE SA 5432", description "Shed 18.3m x 9.21m x 5.33m Zinc for storage of hay" and received date "2015-07-13" to the database. Saved application "502/019/15" with address "Lot 4 FP160952 Orroroo 24 FOURTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Fixed wireless telecommunications facility comprising a 40 mtre high monopole, antennas & associated infrastructure" and received date "2015-08-10" to the database. Saved application "502/020/15" with address "Lot 5 DP43342 Orroroo 5 SOUTH TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Shed 12m x 6m x 3m zinc" and received date "2015-08-03" to the database. Saved application "502/021/15" with address "Lot 1 DP95990 Orroroo 1 SCHOOL TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Shed 9m x 7.5m x 3.6m Colorbond" and received date "2015-07-28" to the database. Saved application "502/022/15" with address "Lot 106 Orroroo 22 FIFTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "(1) Dwelling extension including 2 bedrooms & ensuite (2) Carport 3.2m x 6.4m" and received date "2015-09-07" to the database. Saved application "502/023/15" with address "Sect 876 Hd Eurelia 252 WILMINGTON ROAD, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "House Extension (1) Above Ground Swimming Pool" and received date "2015-10-16" to the database. Saved application "502/024/15" with address "Sect 215 Hd Pekina 12 SAMPSON ROAD, PEKINA SA 5431", description "9.36m x 4.56m x 1.8m (2) Pergola (Gable) attached to" and received date "2015-11-24" to the database. Saved application "502/001/16" with address "Sect 198E Hd Black Rock Plain 1481 KUERSCHNER ROAD, BLACK ROCK SA 5431", description "Farm Shearing Shed 27.4m x 12m x 5m" and received date "2015-12-17" to the database. Saved application "502/002/16" with address "Sect 40 Hd Coomooroo 3919 WILLOWIE ROAD, MORCHARD SA 5431", description "Verandah 5.5m x 8.45m" and received date "2016-01-06" to the database. Saved application "502/003/16" with address "Sect 45 Hd Bendleby 370 CROTTA ROAD, BELTON SA 5432", description "Crotta Homestead Bathroom Renovation" and received date "2016-02-03" to the database. Saved application "502/004/16" with address "Lot 413 Orroroo 7 FIRST STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Lean-To off existing shed for purpose of Orroroo Market 12m x 3m" and received date "2016-02-09" to the database. Saved application "502/005/16" with address "Adjacent Lot 3, R M WILLIAMS WAY, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "Carrieton Entrance Sign 6m x 2.3m (at highest point) x 600mm wide" and received date "2016-02-16" to the database. Saved application "502/006/16" with address "Sect 271 Hd Pekina 109 ODEA ROAD, PEKINA SA 5431", description "Farm Machinery Shed 24.1m x 15.1m x 5.4m Zinc" and received date "2016-02-17" to the database. Saved application "502/007/16" with address "Lot 86 Hd Black Rock Plain 36 RAILWAY TERRACE, BLACK ROCK SA 5431", description "Change of use to dwelling and internal and external alterations with sheds" and received date "2016-03-01" to the database. Saved application "502/008/16" with address "Lot 44 DP759 Orroroo 19 THIRTEENTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Shed 12.1m x 6.1m x 4m zinc for dry milling pet products" and received date "2016-02-23" to the database. Saved application "502/009/16" with address "Sect 32 Hd Eurilpa 116 PAMATTA ROAD, BELTON SA 5432", description "Car Shed 6.2m x 9.1m x 2.743m Colorbond" and received date "2016-03-10" to the database. Saved application "502/011/16" with address "Lot 91 FP204014 Hd Walloway 13865 R M WILLIAMS WAY, WALLOWAY SA 5431", description "Implement Shed 24.1m x 16.1m x 5.1m zinc" and received date "2016-04-06" to the database. Saved application "502/012/16" with address "Sect 61 Hd Erskine 6595 ORROROO-PARATOO ROAD, ERSKINE SA 5422", description "Machinery Shed" and received date "2016-03-16" to the database. Saved application "502/013/16" with address "Lot 1 DP84041 Hd Black Rock Plain 98 CIRCUIT ROAD, BLACK ROCK SA 5431", description "Open Front Machinery Storage Shed 12.2m x 6.2m x 3.04m zinc" and received date "2016-04-15" to the database. Saved application "502/014/16" with address "Lot 1 DP95988 Hd Pekina 1266 BOOLEROO ROAD, PEKINA SA 5431", description "Shed 15m x 9.1m x 3m Colorbond" and received date "2016-05-06" to the database. Saved application "502/015/16" with address "Sect 21 Hd Black Rock Plain 503 CLARK ROAD, PEKINA SA 5431", description "Farm Shed 30m x 15m x 6m Zinc" and received date "2016-05-12" to the database. Saved application "502/017/16" with address "Lot 322 FP185214 Orroroo 33 SIXTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Demolish house damaged by fire" and received date "2016-05-30" to the database. Saved application "502/018/16" with address "Sect 13 Hd Coomooroo 480 PRICE MAURICE ROAD, PEKINA SA 5431", description "Implement Shed 27m x 15m x 6m Zinc" and received date "2016-06-06" to the database. Saved application "502/020/16" with address "Lot 448 FP185340 Hd Walloway 54 GOVERNMENT ROAD, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Non-Habitable Sunroom 3.4m x 3.4m x 2.4m" and received date "2016-07-11" to the database. Saved application "502/021/16" with address "Lot 8 DP43342 Orroroo 8 SOUTH TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Extend existing carport 3.3m x 8m x 2.25m" and received date "2016-07-11" to the database. Saved application "502/022/16" with address "Sect 51 Hd Pekina 1884 PRICE MAURICE ROAD, PEKINA SA 5431", description "Carshed 12.2m, x 7.778m x 2.7m" and received date "2016-08-24" to the database. Saved application "502/023/16" with address "Sect 5 Hd Black Rock Plain 719 BULLY ACRE ROAD, PEKINA SA 5431", description "Verandah on dwelling 10m x 2.8m x 3m" and received date "2016-10-11" to the database. Saved application "502/024/16" with address "Lot 1 DP84448 Hd Bendleby 741 CROTTA ROAD, BELTON SA 5432", description "Ablutions Block for campground" and received date "2016-06-27" to the database. Saved application "502/025/16" with address "Sect 81 Hd Bendleby 741 CROTTA ROAD, BELTON SA 5432", description "Guest / Worker Accommodation 9.62m x 6.626m x 2.88m" and received date "2016-10-20" to the database. Saved application "502/001/17" with address "Lot 33 DP759 Orroroo 22 EIGHTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "20 Foot Shipping Container" and received date "2017-02-27" to the database. Saved application "502/002/17" with address "Lot 1 DP84448 Hd Bendleby 741 CROTTA ROAD, BELTON SA 5432", description "Reception and Office for Tourism" and received date "2017-02-06" to the database. Saved application "502/003/17" with address "Sect 81 Hd Bendleby 741 CROTTA ROAD, BELTON SA 5432", description "Staff Accommodation (Secondhand Transportable)" and received date "2017-02-06" to the database. Saved application "502/004/17" with address "Lot 2 FP9054 Orroroo 27 SOUTH TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Carport / Lean-to for small equipment storage (10.45m x 3.6m x 2.9m)" and received date "2017-02-14" to the database. Saved application "502/005/17" with address "Sect 5 Hd Black Rock Plain 719 BULLY ACRE ROAD, PEKINA SA 5431", description "Verandah on dwelling 10m x 2.8m x 3m" and received date "2017-03-08" to the database. Saved application "502/006/17" with address "Lot 367 FP185259 Orroroo 17 FIFTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "(1) Shed 12.1m x 7.625m x 3m Colorbond (2) Demolish old shed" and received date "2017-03-16" to the database. Saved application "502/007/17" with address "Sect 251 Hd Pekina 402 BOUDA HUT ROAD, PEKINA SA 5431", description "(1) Farm Storage Shed 15m x 18.4m x 5m zinc (2) Demolish old shed" and received date "2017-03-21" to the database. Saved application "502/008/17" with address "Lot 355 FP185247 Orroroo 19 SECOND STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Domestic Storage Shed 9.1m x 6.1m x 2.7m Colorbond" and received date "2017-04-18" to the database. Saved application "502/009/17" with address "Sect 52 Hd Pekina 1841 PRICE MAURICE ROAD, ORROROO SA 5431", description "(1) House Extension including verandah & patio (2) Shed 7.1m x 7m x 3m Colorbond" and received date "2017-04-26" to the database. Saved application "502/010/17" with address "Lot 164 DP759 Orroroo 5 FOURTEENTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Private Dwelling including UMR Carport" and received date "2017-05-01" to the database. Saved application "502/011/17" with address "Lot 108 MAIN STREET, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "Attach a 3m extension to both ends of existing shed (for storage) 6.2m x 3m zinc" and received date "2017-05-24" to the database. Saved application "502/012/17" with address "Lot 18 DP759 Orroroo 15 EIGHTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Carport to existing shed 5.775m x 19m" and received date "2017-06-05" to the database. Saved application "502/013/17" with address "Lots 125-128 DP759 Orroroo TENTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Solars Panels on Ground Mounted Framework" and received date "2017-08-07" to the database. Saved application "502/014/17" with address "Lot 366 FP185258 Orroroo 24 SIXTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Verandah on dwelling 10m x 1.7m" and received date "2017-09-15" to the database. Saved application "502/015/17" with address "Lot 101 FP49965 Hd Walloway RAILWAY TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Fixed wireless telecommunications facility comprising a 45 metre high lattice tower, antennas & associated infrastructure" and received date "2017-09-21" to the database. Saved application "502/001/18" with address "Lot 126 & 131 Carrieton FOURTH STREET, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "Freestanding Carport 8m x 3.3m" and received date "2017-12-19" to the database. Saved application "502/002/18" with address "Lot 193 & 194 Orroroo 7 PARK TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Carport 5.9m x 4.5m" and received date "2018-01-03" to the database. Saved application "502/003/18" with address "Sect 81 Hd Bendleby 741 CROTTA ROAD, BELTON SA 5432", description "Alteration and extension of existing workshop 15m x 24m x 4.8m" and received date "2018-01-12" to the database. Saved application "502/004/18" with address "Lot 92 FP163739 Orroroo 27 FOURTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Carport 5.3m x 10.6m" and received date "2018-01-30" to the database. Saved application "502/005/18" with address "Lots 129 - 132 DP759 Hd Walloway Eleventh STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Solar Panels on Ground Mounted Framework" and received date "2018-02-21" to the database. Saved application "502/006/18" with address "Sect 406 Hd Black Rock Plain 37 COZENS ROAD, ORROROO SA 5431", description "(1) Demolish / Removal of existing airport terminal building (2) New terminal building - shed 4m x 4m x 2.4m Colorbond" and received date "2018-03-08" to the database. Saved application "502/007/18" with address "Lot 51 DP87098 Orroroo JERVOISE STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Cubby House / Play Area 3.64m x 3.06m with deck 2.73m x 1.04m. 1.2m from natural ground level" and received date "2018-03-15" to the database. Saved application "502/008/18" with address "Lot 259 Hd Coomooroo R M WILLIAMS WAY, WALLOWAY SA 5431", description "Implement Shed 18m x 12m x 5m zinc" and received date "2018-03-02" to the database. Saved application "502/009/18" with address "Lots 304 & 305 FP185197 Orroroo 48 FOURTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "(1) Carport 5.7m x 10.1m (2) Pergola 5.05m x 7m AMENDED APPPLICATION: Pergola 10m x 4.97m x 3m" and received date "" to the database. Saved application "502/010/18" with address "Sect 224 Hd Walloway 77 MINBURRA ROAD, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Swimming Pool, Temporary pool fence, permanent pool fence" and received date "2018-03-28" to the database. Saved application "502/011/18" with address "Lot 113 Orroroo 27 FIFTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Verandah & deck" and received date "2018-04-11" to the database. Saved application "502/012/18" with address "Lot 8 FP130475 Orroroo 7 WEST TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Colorbond Garage 6m x 6m x 3m" and received date "2018-05-15" to the database. Saved application "502/013/18" with address "Lots 10, 11 & 12 DP1292 Orroroo 6 EAST TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Freestanding Carport to house caravan 9m x 4m x 3m Colorbond" and received date "2018-06-08" to the database. Saved application "502/014/18" with address "Lot 333 FP185225 Orroroo SECOND STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Colorbond Shed 6m x 4m x 2.4m for storage at RSL Room" and received date "2018-06-21" to the database. Saved application "502/015/18" with address "Sect 172 Hd Black Rock Plain 11376 R M WILLIAMS WAY, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Extension to existing dwelling" and received date "2018-06-08" to the database. Saved application "502/016/18" with address "Lot 63 Orroroo 13 TENTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Carport Gable Roof 8m x 18m open sided" and received date "2018-06-15" to the database. Saved application "502/017/18" with address "Lot 10 DP62621 Orroroo 43 FOURTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "De-Register ex-aged care facility" and received date "2018-07-16" to the database. Saved application "502/018/18" with address "Sect 358 Hd Walloway DUMP ROAD, ORROROO SA 5431", description "CWMS Ponds" and received date "2018-07-18" to the database. Saved application "502/019/18" with address "Lot 8 DP88940 Orroroo SEVENTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Extend existing shed and verandah" and received date "2018-11-08" to the database. Saved application "502/020/18" with address "Sect 154 Hd Black Rock Plain NUTT ROAD, BLACK ROCK SA 5431", description "New Home and Attached Carport" and received date "2018-11-17" to the database. Saved application "502/021/18" with address "Lot 80 Orroroo 35 SECOND STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Domestic Shed 15.2m x 7.6m x 3.6m for private storage & vehicles" and received date "2018-12-09" to the database. Saved application "502/022/18" with address "Lot 185 Orroroo 10 WEST TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Shed 7.3m x 4.9m x 2.4m Colorbond" and received date "2018-12-18" to the database. Saved application "502/001/19" with address "Sect 178 Hd Black Rock Plain COZENS ROAD, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Single Storey Dwelling" and received date "2018-12-20" to the database. Saved application "502/002/19" with address "Lot 10 DP43342 Orroroo 10 SOUTH TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Enclose carport into bedroom and ensuite" and received date "2019-01-21" to the database. Saved application "502/003/19" with address "Sect 130 Hd Walloway 1225 JOHNBURGH ROAD, WALLOWAY SA 5431", description "Shearing Shed 18.288m x 7.62m x 3.65m" and received date "2019-01-21" to the database. Saved application "502/004/19" with address "Lot 8 FP130475 Orroroo 7 WEST TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Verandah / Patio 6.11m x 4.46m x 2.4m Colorbond" and received date "2019-02-26" to the database. Saved application "502/005/19" with address "Lot 183 Carrieton FIFTH STREET, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "Shelter 12m x 6m x 2.4 Colorbond" and received date "2019-03-29" to the database. Saved application "502/006/19" with address "Lot 21 DP845 Orroroo 10 RAILWAY TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Gable Shed 6.1m x 18.2m x 3m Colorbond" and received date "2019-04-08" to the database. Saved application "502/007/19" with address "Lot 1 DP15217 Orroroo 45 SIXTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "(1) Removing tiled roof and replacing with corrugated iron (2) Carport / verandah to front of house" and received date "2019-04-08" to the database. Saved application "502/008/19" with address "Sect 286 Hd Walloway 43 SLAUGHTERHOUSE ROAD, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Truck & Trailer Depot / Hook Up Yard" and received date "2019-04-25" to the database. Saved application "502/009/19" with address "46 Sixth Street Orroroo Lot 144, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Dwelling extension of ensuite & alteratives of existing walls" and received date "2019-05-30" to the database. Saved application "502/010/19" with address "Sect 66 Hd Walloway 547 MINBURRA ROAD, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Sheep Holding Shed 12.52m x 9.144m x 4.2m high" and received date "2019-07-10" to the database. Saved application "502/011/19" with address "Sect 130 Hd Pekina 307 OLD TARCOWIE ROAD, TARCOWIE SA 5431", description "Dwelling Extension" and received date "2019-08-02" to the database. Saved application "502/012/19" with address "Lots 382 & 383 FP185274 Orroroo FIRST STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Demolish existing structures on allotment" and received date "2019-09-03" to the database. Saved application "502/013/19" with address "Pt Sect 349 Orroroo EAST TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Extension of verandah at Orroroo Football Clubrooms" and received date "2019-09-06" to the database. Saved application "502/014/19" with address "Sect 178 Hd Black Rock Plain COZENS ROAD, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Car Shed 15.24m x 7.6m x 3.048m Colorbond" and received date "2019-09-26" to the database. Saved application "502/015/19" with address "Lot 346 FP185238 & 347 FP185239 Orroroo 36 FOURTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Rear Pergola 6m x 12m x 2.462m Colorbond" and received date "2019-09-27" to the database. Saved application "502/016/19" with address "Sect 332 Hd Coomooroo - 12 FOURTH STREET, MORCHARD SA 5431", description "Erect 4 secondhand light towers around tennis courts" and received date "2019-10-02" to the database. Saved application "502/017/19" with address "Sect 247 Hd Pekina 141 Brooks ROAD, PEKINA SA 5431", description "Garage / Store Shed 9m x 17.776m x 3.6m Colorbond" and received date "2019-12-03" to the database. Saved application "502/018/19" with address "50 Second Street Lot 94, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Verandah attached to dwelling 4m x 15m x 3.6m Colorbond" and received date "2019-12-07" to the database. Saved application "502/001/20" with address "Lot 10 DP62621 Orroroo 32 FIFTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Shipping Container (20 foot) for storage at Community Home" and received date "2020-01-24" to the database. Saved application "502/002/20" with address "Lot 95 FOURTH STREET, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "Shed 15.24m x 7.6m x 3.658m Zinc" and received date "2020-05-14" to the database. Saved application "502/003/20" with address "Lot 148 MAIN STREET, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "Shed 12.2m x 6.1m x 2.74m Colorbond" and received date "2020-02-10" to the database. Saved application "502/004/20" with address "Sect 572 Hd Eurelia 154 RADEMAKER ROAD, CARRIETON SA 5432", description "Flat Roof Verandah to Dwelling 6m x 9.95m x 3.1m" and received date "2020-03-16" to the database. Saved application "502/005/20" with address "Lot 10 DP43342 Orroroo 10 SOUTH TERRACE, ORROROO SA 5431", description "(1) Back verandah to dwelling 15.65m x 5.25m x 3m (2) Garage 6.15m x 7.2m x 3.8m Colorbond" and received date "2020-05-04" to the database. Saved application "502/008/20" with address "Lot 8 DP88940 Orroroo SEVENTH STREET, ORROROO SA 5431", description "Personal Storage Shed & Carport 9.1m x 7.7m x 3m Colorbond" and received date "2020-06-29" to the database. Complete.


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rows 10 / 142

council_reference address description info_url comment_url date_scraped date_received
New Dewlling
Free Standing Carport
Free Standing Carport
Shed Roof Extension
Build/Replace Shed
Master Bedroom Extension
Single Storey Dwelling
Rural Shed 3 Bay - Cat 2


Average successful run time: 1 minute

Total run time: about 1 hour

Total cpu time used: 8 minutes

Total disk space used: 388 KB


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  • Auto ran revision 2f456897 and completed successfully .
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  • Auto ran revision 2f456897 and completed successfully .
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  • Created on morph.io

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