MichaelBone / district_council_of_lower_eyre_peninsula_sa_development_applications

District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula (South Australia) Development Applications

Contributors MichaelBone

Last run completed successfully .

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... [1G [1G-----> Node.js app detected [1G [1G-----> Creating runtime environment [1G [1G NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error [1G NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true [1G NPM_CONFIG_CAFILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt [1G NODE_VERBOSE=false [1G NODE_ENV=production [1G NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 [1G NODE_MODULES_CACHE=true [1G [1G-----> Installing binaries [1G engines.node (package.json): 10.14.1 [1G engines.npm (package.json): unspecified (use default) [1G [1G Resolving node version 10.14.1... [1G Downloading and installing node 10.14.1... [1G Using default npm version: 6.4.1 [1G [1G-----> Restoring cache [1G Skipping cache restore (not-found) [1G [1G-----> Building dependencies [1G Installing node modules (package.json) [1G [1G > sqlite3@4.0.6 install /tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3 [1G > node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build [1G [1G [sqlite3] Success: "/tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/node-v64-linux-x64/node_sqlite3.node" is installed via remote [1G added 496 packages from 346 contributors and audited 500 packages in 18.145s [1G found 0 vulnerabilities [1G [1G [1G-----> Caching build [1G Clearing previous node cache [1G Saving 2 cacheDirectories (default): [1G - node_modules [1G - bower_components (nothing to cache) [1G [1G-----> Build succeeded! [1G [1G-----> Discovering process types [1G Procfile declares types -> scraper Injecting scraper and running... Retrieving page: https://www.lowereyrepeninsula.sa.gov.au/services/development Found 7 PDF file(s). Selecting two to parse. Parsing document: https://www.lowereyrepeninsula.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/404063/Sec-98-DevRegs-Dev-Register-2014.pdf Reading development applications from https://www.lowereyrepeninsula.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/404063/Sec-98-DevRegs-Dev-Register-2014.pdf. Reading and parsing applications from page 1 of 1. Found development application 932/001/14. Found development application 932/002/14. Found development application 932/003/14. Found development application 932/004/14. Found development application 932/005/14. Found development application 932/006/14. Found development application 932/007/14. Found development application 932/008/14. Found development application 932/009/14. Found development application 932/010/14. Found development application 932/011/14. Found development application 932/012/14. Found development application 932/013/14. Found development application 932/014/14. Found development application 932/015/14. Found development application 932/016/14. Found development application 932/017/14. Found development application 932/018/14. Found development application 932/019/14. Found development application 932/020/14. Found development application 932/021/14. Found development application 932/022/14. Found development application 932/023/14. Found development application 932/024/14. Found development application 932/025/14. Found development application 932/026/14. Found development application 932/027/14. Found development application 932/028/14. Found development application 932/029/14. Found development application 932/030/14. Found development application 932/031/14. Found development application 932/032/14. Found development application 932/033/14. Found development application 932/034/14. Found development application 932/035/14. Found development application 932/036/14. Found development application 932/037/14. Found development application 932/038/14. 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Found development application 932/062/14. Found development application 932/063/14. Found development application 932/064/14. Found development application 932/065/14. Found development application 932/066/14. Found development application 932/067/14. Found development application 932/068/14. Found development application 932/069/14. Found development application 932/070/14. Found development application 932/071/14. Found development application 932/072/14. Found development application 932/073/14. Found development application 932/074/14. Found development application 932/075/14. Found development application 932/076/14. Found development application 932/077/14. Found development application 932/078/14. Found development application 932/079/14. Found development application 932/080/14. Found development application 932/081/14. Found development application 932/082/14. Found development application 932/083/14. Found development application 932/084/14. 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Saved application "932/001/14" with address "BENJAMIN ROAD, POONINDIE SA 5607", description "Verandahs to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 28" and received date "2014-01-07" to the database. Saved application "932/002/14" with address "HIDDEN VALLEY LANE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling", legal description "Lot 41" and received date "2014-01-07" to the database. Saved application "932/003/14" with address "NORTH ESPLANADE, POINT BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling and Carport", legal description "Lot 16" and received date "2014-01-09" to the database. Saved application "932/004/14" with address "NATASHA DRIVE, POONINDIE SA 5607", description "Dwelling and Carport", legal description "Lot 5" and received date "2014-01-14" to the database. Saved application "932/005/14" with address "NATASHA DRIVE, POONINDIE SA 5607", description "Dwelling and Carport", legal description "Lot 6" and received date "2014-01-14" to the database. Saved application "932/006/14" with address "TAPLEY STREET, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Dwelling", legal description "Sec 366" and received date "2014-01-15" to the database. Saved application "932/007/14" with address "HIDDEN VALLEY LANE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Verandah and Deck to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 116" and received date "2014-01-16" to the database. Saved application "932/008/14" with address "FLINDERS AVENUE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Upper Level Bedroom and Verandah to existing Dwelling", legal description "Sec 348" and received date "2014-01-17" to the database. Saved application "932/009/14" with address "PRION COURT, POINT BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling and Carport", legal description "Lot 152" and received date "2014-01-17" to the database. Saved application "932/010/14" with address "HOLLY RISE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 54" and received date "2014-01-20" to the database. Saved application "932/011/14" with address "SOLLY TERRACE, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 91-92" and received date "2014-01-21" to the database. Saved application "932/012/14" with address "SULLIVAN DRIVE, POINT BOSTON SA 5607", description "Solar Panels on Tilt Frame", legal description "Lot 3003" and received date "2014-01-22" to the database. Saved application "932/013/14" with address "DODD ROAD, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 101" and received date "2014-01-22" to the database. Saved application "932/014/14" with address "OLD RACECOURSE ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 500" and received date "2014-01-23" to the database. Saved application "932/015/14" with address "REDGUM ROAD, COULTA SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 112" and received date "2014-01-23" to the database. Saved application "932/016/14" with address "HOWARD AVENUE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Garage", legal description "Lot 11" and received date "2014-01-24" to the database. Saved application "932/017/14" with address "MCFARLANE ROAD, COOMUNGA SA 5607", description "Change of Land Use to Cafe & Market", legal description "Sec 17" and received date "2014-01-28" to the database. Saved application "932/018/14" with address "HOWARD AVENUE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling and Shed", legal description "Lot 1" and received date "2014-01-31" to the database. Saved application "932/019/14" with address "RICHARDSON ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed with Wet Area", legal description "Lot 324" and received date "2014-02-03" to the database. Saved application "932/020/14" with address "LINCOLN HIGHWAY, POONINDIE SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 854" and received date "2014-02-05" to the database. Saved application "932/021/14" with address "BENJAMIN ROAD, POONINDIE SA 5607", description "Dwelling", legal description "Lot 27" and received date "2014-02-05" to the database. Saved application "932/022/14" with address "ALMONTA CLOSE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Carport to existing Dwelling and Shed", legal description "Lot 46" and received date "2014-02-05" to the database. Saved application "932/023/14" with address "MAZDA DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Carport to existing Dwelling and Shed", legal description "Lot 38" and received date "2014-02-05" to the database. Saved application "932/024/14" with address "RICHARDSON ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling", legal description "Lot 22" and received date "2014-02-05" to the database. Saved application "932/025/14" with address "SANCTUARY DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Earthworks, Shed with Wet Area and Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 53" and received date "2014-02-07" to the database. Saved application "932/026/14" with address "TIATUKIA DRIVE, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Dwelling and Swimming Pool", legal description "Lot 75" and received date "2014-02-07" to the database. Saved application "932/027/14" with address "SWALLOW DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling", legal description "Lot 141" and received date "2014-02-10" to the database. Saved application "932/028/14" with address "FLINDERS HIGHWAY, MOUNT DRUMMOND SA 5607", description "Additions to existing Dwelling", legal description "Sec 26" and received date "2014-02-11" to the database. Saved application "932/029/14" with address "HIDDEN VALLEY LANE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling", legal description "Lot 13" and received date "2014-02-12" to the database. Saved application "932/030/14" with address "HYDE ROAD, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Dwelling", legal description "Sec 202" and received date "2014-02-12" to the database. Saved application "932/031/14" with address "WAKELIN ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling", legal description "Lot 11" and received date "2014-02-19" to the database. Saved application "932/032/14" with address "TOD HIGHWAY, EDILLILIE SA 5630", description "Machinery Shed", legal description "Lot 819" and received date "2014-02-20" to the database. Saved application "932/033/14" with address "GRANITE WAY, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed and Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 5" and received date "2014-02-24" to the database. Saved application "932/034/14" with address "CORMORANT DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling", legal description "Lot 57" and received date "2014-02-24" to the database. Saved application "932/035/14" with address "ALMONTA CLOSE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Shed and Carport", legal description "Lot 58" and received date "2014-02-24" to the database. Saved application "932/036/14" with address "BRUCE TERRACE, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 60" and received date "2014-02-25" to the database. Saved application "932/037/14" with address "HENDERSON COURT, MOUNT DUTTON BAY SA 5607", description "Single Storey Detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 60" and received date "2014-02-25" to the database. Saved application "932/038/14" with address "GRANITE WAY, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 2" and received date "2014-03-03" to the database. Saved application "932/039/14" with address "HIDDEN VALLEY LANE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling and Shed", legal description "Lot 13" and received date "2014-03-03" to the database. Saved application "932/040/14" with address "NANCY ROAD, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Infill of Carport", legal description "Lot 52" and received date "2014-03-05" to the database. Saved application "932/041/14" with address "ROBERTS ROAD, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Two Storey Dwelling and Swimming Pool", legal description "Lot 21" and received date "2014-03-06" to the database. Saved application "932/042/14" with address "FORD AVENUE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling", legal description "Lot 52" and received date "2014-03-06" to the database. Saved application "932/043/14" with address "HIDDEN VALLEY LANE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed with Wet Area", legal description "Lot 41" and received date "2014-03-11" to the database. Saved application "932/044/14" with address "INGRID CLOSE, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 9" and received date "2014-03-11" to the database. Saved application "932/045/14" with address "BENJAMIN ROAD, POONINDIE SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 22" and received date "2014-03-12" to the database. Saved application "932/046/14" with address "PENDALE ROAD, DUCK PONDS SA 5607", description "Plastic Tunnel House", legal description "Sec 465" and received date "2014-03-13" to the database. Saved application "932/047/14" with address "COCKATOO ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 119" and received date "2014-03-14" to the database. Saved application "932/048/14" with address "COCKATOO ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling", legal description "Lot 118" and received date "2014-03-17" to the database. Saved application "932/049/14" with address "RICHARDSON ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling and Carport", legal description "Lot 2" and received date "2014-03-19" to the database. Saved application "932/050/14" with address "PONTON GROVE, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Transportable Dwelling", legal description "Lot 137" and received date "2014-03-19" to the database. Saved application "932/051/13" with address "FORD AVENUE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 22" and received date "2014-03-20" to the database. Saved application "932/052/14" with address "TOD HIGHWAY, YEELANNA SA 5632", description "Additions to existing Dwelling", legal description "Sec 85" and received date "2014-03-19" to the database. Saved application "932/053/14" with address "SIVIOUR STREET, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 11" and received date "2014-03-19" to the database. Saved application "932/054/14" with address "WALTER STREET, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Shed and Carport", legal description "Lot 21" and received date "2014-03-20" to the database. Saved application "932/055/14" with address "PANORAMIC DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Carport to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 21" and received date "2014-03-24" to the database. Saved application "932/056/14" with address "PENNY LANE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Verandah to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 27" and received date "2014-03-24" to the database. Saved application "932/057/14" with address "GRANITE WAY, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 4" and received date "2014-03-26" to the database. Saved application "932/058/14" with address "GRANITE WAY, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling", legal description "Lot 4" and received date "2014-03-26" to the database. Saved application "932/059/14" with address "COCKATOO ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single Storey Detached Dwelling and Carport", legal description "Lot 116" and received date "2014-04-01" to the database. Saved application "932/060/14" with address "WALKOM STREET, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 54" and received date "2014-03-31" to the database. Saved application "932/061/14" with address "MORTLOCK STREET, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Relocation of existing Transportable Dwelling", legal description "Lot 46" and received date "2014-03-31" to the database. Saved application "932/062/14" with address "ROBERTS ROAD, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 93" and received date "2014-04-02" to the database. Saved application "932/063/14" with address "WOODS ROAD, DUCK PONDS SA 5607", description "Part Change of Land Use to Tourist Attraction", legal description "Sec 550" and received date "2014-04-03" to the database. Saved application "932/064/14" with address "PENNY LANE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Two Storey Dwelling", legal description "Lot 4" and received date "2014-04-03" to the database. Saved application "932/065/14" with address "MORGAN LANE, WANGARY SA 5607", description "Player/Coach and Timekeeper/Umpire Sheds", legal description "Lot 873" and received date "2014-04-07" to the database. Saved application "932/066/14" with address "EASTON ROAD, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Extension of existing Decking", legal description "Lot 789" and received date "2014-04-07" to the database. Saved application "932/067/14" with address "TUMBY BAY VIEW ROAD, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Remove existing Shed and construct new Shed", legal description "Lot 152" and received date "2014-04-02" to the database. Saved application "932/068/14" with address "TATTLER ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 123" and received date "2014-04-09" to the database. Saved application "932/069/14" with address "MEIKLE STREET, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Wet Area to existing Shed", legal description "Lot 134" and received date "2014-04-09" to the database. Saved application "932/070/14" with address "WOOLSHED DRIVE, MOUNT DUTTON BAY SA 5607", description "Additions to existing Two Storey Dwelling", legal description "Lot 1" and received date "2014-04-10" to the database. Saved application "932/071/14" with address "BRONZE WING DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed and Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 2" and received date "2014-04-11" to the database. Saved application "932/072/14" with address "PEARSON STREET, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Single Storey Detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 6" and received date "2014-04-15" to the database. Saved application "932/073/14" with address "INGRID CLOSE, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Verandah and Deck to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 8" and received date "2014-04-16" to the database. Saved application "932/074/14" with address "FORD AVENUE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Verandah, Garage and Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 52" and received date "" to the database. Saved application "932/075/14" with address "NORTH ESPLANADE, POINT BOSTON SA 5607", description "Two Storey Dwelling and Garage", legal description "Lot 2" and received date "2014-04-16" to the database. Saved application "932/076/14" with address "RICHARDSON ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Relocation of Existing Transportable Dwelling", legal description "Lot 28" and received date "2014-04-17" to the database. Saved application "932/077/14" with address "EASTON ROAD, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 44" and received date "2014-04-22" to the database. Saved application "932/078/14" with address "BENJAMIN ROAD, POONINDIE SA 5607", description "Shed Extension and Verandah to Shed", legal description "Lot 36" and received date "2014-04-22" to the database. Saved application "932/079/14" with address "CORMORANT DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Demolition of existing structure & construction of new Shed", legal description "Lot 57" and received date "2014-04-22" to the database. Saved application "932/080/14" with address "PETREL COURT, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 9" and received date "2014-04-24" to the database. Saved application "932/081/14" with address "BRONZE WING DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single Storey Detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 2" and received date "2014-05-02" to the database. Saved application "932/082/14" with address "HIDDEN VALLEY LANE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single Storey Detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 52" and received date "2014-05-02" to the database. Saved application "932/083/14" with address "SCHWERDT LANE, HAWSON SA 5607", description "Implement Shed", legal description "Lot 95" and received date "2014-05-05" to the database. Saved application "932/084/14" with address "O'MALLEY STREET, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Single Storey Detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 149" and received date "2014-05-05" to the database. Saved application "932/085/14" with address "COCKATOO ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single Storey Detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 119" and received date "2014-05-06" to the database. Saved application "932/086/14" with address "ARCHIE GRIFFITHS ROAD, KARKOO SA 5632", description "Additions to Changerooms & Player/Coach/Timekeeper Box", legal description "Sec 97" and received date "2014-05-09" to the database. Saved application "932/087/14" with address "ESPLANADE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Verandah and Deck to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 41" and received date "2014-05-07" to the database. Saved application "932/088/14" with address "FLINDERS HIGHWAY, COOMUNGA SA 5607", description "Solar Panels on Tilt Frame", legal description "Lot 62" and received date "2014-05-14" to the database. Saved application "932/089/14" with address "DORWARD STREET, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Addition to existing Shed", legal description "Lot 42" and received date "2014-05-16" to the database. Saved application "932/090/14" with address "HOWARD AVENUE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Pergola, Verandah & Swimming Pool to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 112" and received date "2014-05-21" to the database. Saved application "932/091/14" with address "ALMONTA CLOSE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Garage", legal description "Lot 60" and received date "2014-05-21" to the database. Saved application "932/092/14" with address "SANCTUARY DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling and Shed", legal description "Lot 2" and received date "2014-05-26" to the database. Saved application "932/093/14" with address "PENNY LANE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Alteration to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 150" and received date "2014-05-27" to the database. Saved application "932/094/14" with address "OLD RACECOURSE ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Change of Land Use to Dog Boarding Facility", legal description "Lot 500" and received date "2014-05-27" to the database. Saved application "932/095/14" with address "RICHARDSON ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Carport to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 5" and received date "2014-05-23" to the database. Saved application "932/096/14" with address "LINCOLN TERRACE, WANILLA SA 5607", description "Partially enclosed freestanding Carport", legal description "Lot 7 & 8" and received date "2014-05-29" to the database. Saved application "932/097/14" with address "GRANITE WAY, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed with Wet Area", legal description "Lot 3" and received date "2014-05-29" to the database. Saved application "932/098/14" with address "HOWELL ROAD, MITCHELL SA 5632", description "Additions & alterations to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 2" and received date "2014-05-30" to the database. Saved application "932/099/14" with address "CONCORDE ROAD, DUCK PONDS SA 5607", description "Extension to existing Shed", legal description "Sec 83" and received date "2014-05-30" to the database. Saved application "932/100/14" with address "HIDDEN VALLEY LANE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 22" and received date "2014-06-03" to the database. Saved application "932/101/14" with address "ESPLANADE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Alterations and Additions to existing Dwelling and Shed and Swimming Pool", legal description "Lot 51" and received date "2014-06-06" to the database. Saved application "932/102/14" with address "FISHERY BAY ROAD, SLEAFORD SA 5607", description "Lean-to to existing Shed", legal description "Lot 10" and received date "2014-06-10" to the database. Saved application "932/103/14" with address "LINCOLN HIGHWAY, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 2" and received date "2014-06-10" to the database. Saved application "932/104/14" with address "CEA-JAY STREET, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Storage Sheds", legal description "Lot 46" and received date "2014-06-10" to the database. Saved application "932/105/14" with address "MCFARLANE ROAD, GREEN PATCH SA 5607", description "Machinery Shed", legal description "Sec 61" and received date "2014-06-11" to the database. Saved application "932/106/14" with address "SEA EAGLE COURT, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Wet Area to existing Shed", legal description "Lot 64" and received date "2014-06-16" to the database. Saved application "932/107/14" with address "BENSON AVENUE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Carport and Wet Area to existing Shed", legal description "Lot 102" and received date "2014-06-12" to the database. Saved application "932/108/14" with address "HYDE ROAD, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Wet Area to existing Shed", legal description "Lot 6" and received date "2014-06-16" to the database. Saved application "932/109/14" with address "WARROW ROAD, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Swimming Pool", legal description "Sec 7N" and received date "2014-06-16" to the database. Saved application "932/110/14" with address "BRUCE TERRACE, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Bronze Wheat Lumper Statue", legal description "Lot 130" and received date "2014-06-16" to the database. Saved application "932/111/14" with address "BOUNDARY ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 92 Sec 18" and received date "2014-06-17" to the database. Saved application "932/112/14" with address "BENJAMIN ROAD, POONINDIE SA 5607", description "Transportable Dwelling", legal description "Lot 38" and received date "2014-06-19" to the database. Saved application "932/113/14" with address "MCFARLANE ROAD, GREEN PATCH SA 5607", description "Additions and alterations to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 1" and received date "2014-06-19" to the database. Saved application "932/114/14" with address "KELLIDIE BAY ROAD, KELLIDIE BAY SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling", legal description "Sec 24" and received date "2014-06-20" to the database. Saved application "932/115/14" with address "EAST PARADE, POINT BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling and freestanding Garage", legal description "Lot 41" and received date "2014-06-20" to the database. Saved application "932/116/14" with address "LINCOLN TERRACE, WANILLA SA 5607", description "Partially enclosed Carport", legal description "Lot 19-20" and received date "2014-06-23" to the database. Saved application "932/117/14" with address "KOOKABURRA DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Pergola to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 2" and received date "2014-06-23" to the database. Saved application "932/118/14" with address "WAKELIN ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 21" and received date "2014-06-25" to the database. Saved application "932/119/14" with address "LINCOLN HIGHWAY, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Alterations and additions to existing Office Building", legal description "Pieces 21,22,23" and received date "2014-06-25" to the database. Saved application "932/120/14" with address "HOWARD AVENUE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 11" and received date "2014-06-26" to the database. Saved application "932/121/14" with address "TIATUKIA DRIVE, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 128" and received date "2014-06-25" to the database. Saved application "932/122/14" with address "ARTHUR STREET, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Verandahs to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 10" and received date "2014-06-26" to the database. Saved application "932/123/14" with address "FARM BEACH ROAD, WANGARY SA 5607", description "Storage Sheds", legal description "Lot 11" and received date "2014-06-30" to the database. Saved application "932/124/14" with address "SHEOAK ROAD, TULKA SA 5607", description "Studio / Storage Room", legal description "Sec 584" and received date "2014-07-01" to the database. Saved application "932/125/14" with address "HIDDEN VALLEY LANE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Lean-to to existing Shed", legal description "Lot 43" and received date "2014-07-02" to the database. Saved application "932/126/14" with address "FLINDERS HIGHWAY, HAWSON SA 5607", description "Reclassification of Shed to Dwelling", legal description "Lot 247" and received date "2014-07-03" to the database. Saved application "932/127/14" with address "ROE STREET, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Alterations & additions to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 30 Sec 3A" and received date "2014-07-07" to the database. Saved application "932/128/14" with address "HIDDEN VALLEY LANE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Verandah to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 51" and received date "2014-07-08" to the database. Saved application "932/129/14" with address "GLEDSTANES TERRACE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Verandah and deck extension to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 27" and received date "2014-07-09" to the database. Saved application "932/130/14" with address "BENSON AVENUE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling and Shed", legal description "Lot 104" and received date "2014-07-09" to the database. Saved application "932/131/14" with address "BENJAMIN ROAD, POONINDIE SA 5607", description "Verandah and Deck to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 22" and received date "2014-07-10" to the database. Saved application "932/132/14" with address "GREENLY AVENUE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 31 Sec 132" and received date "2014-07-09" to the database. Saved application "932/133/14" with address "POUND LANE, HAWSON SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 103 Sec 56" and received date "2014-07-11" to the database. Saved application "932/134/14" with address "SEA EAGLE COURT, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Dwelling", legal description "Lot 64" and received date "2014-07-11" to the database. Saved application "932/135/14" with address "SHEARWATER DRIVE, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Brick Wall", legal description "Lot 42" and received date "2014-07-16" to the database. Saved application "932/136/14" with address "WESTERN APPROACH ROAD, HAWSON SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 2 Sec 107" and received date "2014-07-17" to the database. Saved application "932/137/14" with address "RAILWAY TERRACE, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Earthworks and roadworks to extend marshalling yard", legal description "Lot 52" and received date "2014-07-17" to the database. Saved application "932/138/14" with address "ROBERTS ROAD, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Shed with Wet Area and Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 2" and received date "2014-07-21" to the database. Saved application "932/139/14" with address "JUBILEE DRIVE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 204 / No 18" and received date "2014-07-23" to the database. Saved application "932/140/14" with address "ESPLANADE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Verandah & Deck to existing Dwelling and Lean-to to existing Shed", legal description "Lot 132" and received date "2014-07-24" to the database. Saved application "932/141/14" with address "HOLLY RISE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 65 / No. 41" and received date "2014-07-25" to the database. Saved application "932/142/14" with address "ROBERTS ROAD, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 22 / No. 238-242" and received date "2014-07-25" to the database. Saved application "932/143/14" with address "BRONZE WING DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Rainwater Tanks", legal description "Lot 131 / No. 34" and received date "2014-07-25" to the database. Saved application "932/144/14" with address "SEA EAGLE COURT, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 76 / No. 15-33" and received date "2014-07-28" to the database. Saved application "932/145/14" with address "KESTREL COURT, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 18 / No. 39-51" and received date "2014-07-30" to the database. Saved application "932/146/14" with address "ROBERTS ROAD, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 62 / No. 86-94" and received date "2014-07-30" to the database. Saved application "932/147/14" with address "BRADLEY COURT, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Two storey Dwelling and freestanding Carport", legal description "Lot 15 / No. 7" and received date "2014-07-31" to the database. Saved application "932/148/14" with address "BRUCE TERRACE, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Shed (Motor Repair Station)", legal description "Lot 13 / No. 40" and received date "2014-07-31" to the database. Saved application "932/149/14" with address "SANCTUARY DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 57 / No. 77-81" and received date "2014-08-01" to the database. Saved application "932/150/14" with address "TIATUKIA DRIVE, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Shed with Lean-to and Swimming Pool", legal description "Lot 52 / No. 100-106" and received date "2014-08-04" to the database. Saved application "932/151/14" with address "ESPLANADE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Addition to existing Dwelling", legal description "Sec 330 / No. 139" and received date "2014-08-01" to the database. Saved application "932/152/14" with address "FLINDERS HIGHWAY, FOUNTAIN SA 5607", description "Storage Shed", legal description "Lot 22 Sec 64" and received date "2014-08-06" to the database. Saved application "932/153/14" with address "KING ROAD, COULTA SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Sec 70" and received date "2014-08-06" to the database. Saved application "932/154/14" with address "CLARKES LANE, GREEN PATCH SA 5607", description "Machinery Shed", legal description "Sec 368" and received date "2014-08-06" to the database. Saved application "932/155/14" with address "STORMBIRD DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Verandah to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 164" and received date "2014-08-12" to the database. Saved application "932/156/14" with address "ESPLANADE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling and Swimming Pool", legal description "Lot 95 Sec 132" and received date "2014-08-13" to the database. Saved application "932/157/14" with address "GREENLY AVENUE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 26 Sec 132" and received date "2014-08-13" to the database. Saved application "932/158/14" with address "STORMBIRD DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 159" and received date "2014-08-18" to the database. Saved application "932/159/14" with address "TIATUKIA DRIVE, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 63 / No. 58-64" and received date "2014-08-19" to the database. Saved application "932/160/14" with address "SANCTUARY DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 2 / No. 34-38" and received date "2014-05-20" to the database. Saved application "932/161/14" with address "FLINDERS STREET, EDILLILIE SA 5630", description "Detached Study, Bathroom and Decking", legal description "Lot 73" and received date "2014-08-21" to the database. Saved application "932/162/14" with address "DOLPHIN DRIVE, MOUNT DUTTON BAY SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Sec 476" and received date "2014-08-25" to the database. Saved application "932/163/14" with address "BORLASE ROAD, PEARLAH SA 5607", description "Detached Dwelling (Granny Flat)", legal description "Lot 6" and received date "2014-08-25" to the database. Saved application "932/164/14" with address "CENTRAL STREET, LOUTH BAY SA 5607", description "Verandahs to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 36 / No. 26" and received date "2014-08-26" to the database. Saved application "932/165/14" with address "HIDDEN VALLEY LANE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed and Excavation Work", legal description "Lot 4 / No. 85-103" and received date "2014-08-26" to the database. Saved application "932/166/14" with address "REDGUM ROAD, COULTA SA 5607", description "Machinery Shed", legal description "Lot 114" and received date "2014-08-27" to the database. Saved application "932/167/14" with address "MAZDA DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed with Wet Area", legal description "Lot 41 / No. 49-52" and received date "2014-09-03" to the database. Saved application "932/168/14" with address "SARAH COURT, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Single storey datached Dwelling and Shed", legal description "Lot 47 / No. 19-21" and received date "2014-09-03" to the database. Saved application "932/169/14" with address "FLINDERS HIGHWAY, COOMUNGA SA 5607", description "Second hand Shearing Shed", legal description "Lot 61-64" and received date "2014-09-05" to the database. Saved application "932/170/14" with address "HOWARD AVENUE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Freestanding Carport", legal description "Lot 115 / No. 34-42" and received date "2014-09-08" to the database. Saved application "932/171/14" with address "SANDPIPER COURT, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Carport to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 16 / No. 18" and received date "2014-09-08" to the database. Saved application "932/172/14" with address "BRONZE WING DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Carport to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 10 / No. 2-12" and received date "2014-09-10" to the database. Saved application "932/173/14" with address "ESPLANADE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Pontoon & Gangway", legal description "Lot 59" and received date "2014-09-08" to the database. Saved application "932/174/14" with address "LORIKEET COURT, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Addition to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 149 / No. 38 - 46" and received date "2014-09-11" to the database. Saved application "932/175/14" with address "FISHERY BAY ROAD, SLEAFORD SA 5607", description "Farm Shed", legal description "Lot 54 / No. 233" and received date "2014-09-12" to the database. Saved application "932/176/14" with address "BRONZE WING DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Transportable Dwelling", legal description "Lot 131 / No. 34" and received date "2014-09-15" to the database. Saved application "932/177/14" with address "SEA EAGLE COURT, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 61 / No. 32-40" and received date "2014-09-15" to the database. Saved application "932/178/14" with address "LINCOLN HIGHWAY, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Aircraft Hangar", legal description "Pce 22" and received date "2014-09-17" to the database. Saved application "932/179/14" with address "HOLLY RISE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Shed with Wet Area", legal description "Lot 12 / No. 9" and received date "2014-09-16" to the database. Saved application "932/180/14" with address "GRANITE WAY, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 1 / No. 2 - 20" and received date "2014-09-18" to the database. Saved application "932/181/14" with address "ESPLANADE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Refurbishment and additions to existing Restaurant & Outdoor Dining Areas", legal description "Lot 72 / No. 61" and received date "2014-09-18" to the database. Saved application "932/182/14" with address "ESPLANADE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Shed & Retaining Wall", legal description "Lot 155 Sec 132" and received date "2014-09-19" to the database. Saved application "932/183/14" with address "EASTON ROAD, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Shed with Wet Area", legal description "Lot 15 / No. 81" and received date "2014-09-22" to the database. Saved application "932/184/14" with address "HOWARD AVENUE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Verandah to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 64 Sec 30 No. 74-84" and received date "2014-09-23" to the database. Saved application "932/185/14" with address "LINCOLN HIGHWAY, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Verandah to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 15 / No. 1103-1105" and received date "2014-09-23" to the database. Saved application "932/186/14" with address "HAIGH DRIVE, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling and Garage", legal description "Lot 572 / No 33" and received date "2014-09-23" to the database. Saved application "932/187/14" with address "RICHARDSON ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Stand alone Solar Panels & Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 2 / No. 207-213" and received date "2014-09-24" to the database. Saved application "932/200/14" with address "LINCOLN HIGHWAY, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 13" and received date "2014-10-14" to the database. Saved application "932/201/14" with address "LIMESTONE LANE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Secondhand Transportable Dwelling, Verandah & Carport", legal description "Lot 101" and received date "2014-10-14" to the database. Saved application "932/202/14" with address "JUBILEE DRIVE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Concrete pad and modular skate park", legal description "Lot 166 Sec 132" and received date "2014-10-15" to the database. Saved application "932/203/14" with address "SHEARWATER DRIVE, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 2 / No. 68-84" and received date "2014-10-15" to the database. Saved application "932/204/14" with address "ROBERTS ROAD, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Reclassification of Shed to Dwelling and additions", legal description "Lot 7 / No. 28-38" and received date "2014-10-16" to the database. Saved application "932/205/14" with address "LAPWING COURT, POINT BOSTON SA 5607", description "Alterations & Additions to existing two storey Dwelling", legal description "Lot 137 / No 1" and received date "2014-10-20" to the database. Saved application "932/206/14" with address "FISHERY BAY ROAD, SLEAFORD SA 5607", description "Water storage Tank for fire fighting purposes", legal description "Lot 263 / No. 328" and received date "2014-10-23" to the database. Saved application "932/207/14" with address "LINCOLN HIGHWAY, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Demolition of existing Dwelling and Outbuildings", legal description "Lot 25 / No. 1422" and received date "2014-10-23" to the database. Saved application "932/208/14" with address "RICHARDSON ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Carport to existing Shed and Verandahs to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 400 Sec 20 / No. 62-64" and received date "2014-10-27" to the database. Saved application "932/209/14" with address "SERENA STREET, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Carport to existing Shed", legal description "Lot 20 / No. 5" and received date "2014-10-27" to the database. Saved application "932/210/14" with address "INGRID CLOSE, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 8 / No. 13" and received date "2014-10-27" to the database. Saved application "932/211/14" with address "MORGAN LANE, WANGARY SA 5607", description "Alterations & additions to existing Changerooms", legal description "Lot 873 / No. 4" and received date "2014-10-27" to the database. Saved application "932/212/14" with address "ESPLANADE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling and Garage", legal description "Lot 123 / No. 5" and received date "2014-10-29" to the database. Saved application "932/213/14" with address "RICHARDSON ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Verandah to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 101 / No. 51-57" and received date "2014-10-29" to the database. Saved application "932/214/14" with address "PONTON GROVE, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Verandah to existing Dwelling and Sheds", legal description "Lot 142 / No. 13" and received date "2014-10-21" to the database. Saved application "932/215/14" with address "FLINDERS AVENUE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Sec 383 / No. 45" and received date "2014-10-29" to the database. Saved application "932/216/14" with address "BRIGETTE AVENUE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 35 Sec 272 / No. 5" and received date "2014-10-30" to the database. Saved application "932/217/14" with address "TIATUKIA DRIVE, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Wet Area to existing Shed", legal description "Lot 33 / No. 111-117" and received date "2014-10-31" to the database. Saved application "932/218/14" with address "GRANITE WAY, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Wet Area to existing Shed", legal description "Lot 2 / No. 21" and received date "2014-11-03" to the database. Saved application "932/219/14" with address "THORNBILL ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Verandah to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 125 / No. 36-42" and received date "2014-11-04" to the database. Saved application "932/220/14" with address "MOONLIGHT BAY ROAD, WHITES RIVER SA 5607", description "Dog Boarding Kennel", legal description "Sec 404" and received date "2014-11-05" to the database. Saved application "932/221/14" with address "HULL ROAD, LITTLE DOUGLAS SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 30" and received date "2014-11-05" to the database. Saved application "932/222/14" with address "KOOKABURRA DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed and Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 3 / No. 9-13" and received date "2014-11-07" to the database. Saved application "932/223/14" with address "SARAH COURT, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Infill of existing Carport", legal description "Lot 2 / No. 29" and received date "2014-11-07" to the database. Saved application "932/224/14" with address "LYLE DRIVE, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606", description "Shed", legal description "Sec 428 / No. 113" and received date "2014-11-07" to the database. Saved application "932/225/14" with address "RICHARDSON ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Alteration & Addition to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 3 / No. 21-29" and received date "2014-11-11" to the database. Saved application "932/226/14" with address "RAILWAY TERRACE, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Detached addition to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 102 / No. 20A" and received date "2014-11-11" to the database. Saved application "932/227/14" with address "FLINDERS AVENUE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Retail Building", legal description "Sec 360 No. 2" and received date "2014-11-14" to the database. Saved application "932/228/14" with address "FIRST STREET, WANGARY SA 5607", description "Verandah to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 1" and received date "2014-11-14" to the database. Saved application "932/229/14" with address "HOLLY RISE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Wet Area to existing Shed", legal description "Lot 14 / No. 13" and received date "2014-11-18" to the database. Saved application "932/230/14" with address "SHEARWATER DRIVE, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 2 / 68-84" and received date "2014-11-18" to the database. Saved application "932/231/14" with address "FLINDERS STREET, EDILLILIE SA 5630", description "Carport / Verandah", legal description "Lot 70-71" and received date "2014-11-18" to the database. Saved application "932/232/14" with address "KATHAI DRIVE, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606", description "Single storey detached Dwelling and Shed", legal description "Lot 2" and received date "2014-11-19" to the database. Saved application "932/233/14" with address "FLINDERS AVENUE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Sec 363 / No. 13" and received date "2014-11-21" to the database. Saved application "932/234/14" with address "HULL ROAD, LITTLE DOUGLAS SA 5607", description "Shed with Wet Area", legal description "Lot 36" and received date "2014-11-21" to the database. Saved application "932/235/14" with address "GLEDSTANES TERRACE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed extension", legal description "Lot 10 Sec 20 / No. 10" and received date "2014-11-24" to the database. Saved application "932/236/14" with address "LITTLE SWAMP LANE, HAWSON SA 5607", description "Additions to existing Two Storey Dwelling", legal description "Lot 94 Sec 142 / No. 243" and received date "2014-11-25" to the database. Saved application "932/237/14" with address "SANCTUARY DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling and Swimming Pool", legal description "Lot 54 / No. 59" and received date "2014-11-26" to the database. Saved application "932/238/14" with address "PANORAMIC DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 104 / NO. 112-120" and received date "2014-11-26" to the database. Saved application "932/239/14" with address "BRUCE TERRACE, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Carport", legal description "Lot 101 / 60B" and received date "2014-12-02" to the database. Saved application "932/240/14" with address "PANORAMIC DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 104 / 112-120" and received date "2014-12-02" to the database. Saved application "932/241/14" with address "GRANITE WAY, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 4 / No. 11" and received date "2014-12-03" to the database. Saved application "932/242/14" with address "PINE CRESCENT, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Demolition of building and vegetation", legal description "Lot 42 / No. 26" and received date "2014-11-28" to the database. Saved application "932/243/14" with address "VICTORIA AVENUE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Retaining Wall and Fence", legal description "Lot 3 / No. 7-11" and received date "2014-12-08" to the database. Saved application "932/244/14" with address "WAKELIN ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 1 / No. 42" and received date "2014-12-09" to the database. Saved application "932/245/14" with address "COFFIN BAY ROAD, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Tourist Sign", legal description "Sec 675" and received date "2014-12-09" to the database. Saved application "932/246/14" with address "TIATUKIA DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Single storey detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 126 / No. 131" and received date "2014-12-11" to the database. Saved application "932/247/14" with address "HIDDEN VALLEY LANE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Rainwater Tank", legal description "Lot 52 / No. 57A" and received date "2014-12-15" to the database. Saved application "932/248/14" with address "LINCOLN HIGHWAY, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Two Sheds", legal description "Lot 1 & 2 / No. 954-1002" and received date "2014-12-15" to the database. Saved application "932/249/14" with address "ESPLANADE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Demolition of existing Shed and new Shed", legal description "Lot 18 Sec 272 / No. 35" and received date "2014-12-16" to the database. Saved application "932/250/14" with address "ROE STREET, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 31 Sec 3A / No. 14" and received date "2014-12-12" to the database. Saved application "932/251/14" with address "SEA EAGLE COURT, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Verandah and Deck to existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 76 / No. 15-33" and received date "2014-12-22" to the database. Parsing document: https://www.lowereyrepeninsula.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0033/539808/Sec-98-DevRegs-Dev-Register-2020.pdf Reading development applications from https://www.lowereyrepeninsula.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0033/539808/Sec-98-DevRegs-Dev-Register-2020.pdf. Reading and parsing applications from page 1 of 1. Found development application 932/001/20. Found development application 932/002/20. Found development application 932/003/20. Found development application 932/004/20. Found development application 932/005/20. Found development application 932/006/20. Found development application 932/007/20. Found development application 932/008/20. Found development application 932/009/20. Found development application 932/010/20. Found development application 932/011/20. Found development application 932/012/20. Found development application 932/013/20. Found development application 932/014/20. Found development application 932/015/20. Found development application 932/016/20. Found development application 932/017/20. Found development application 932/018/20. Found development application 932/019/20. Found development application 932/020/20. Found development application 932/21/2020. Found development application 932/22/2020. Found development application 932/23/2020. Parsed 23 development applications from document: https://www.lowereyrepeninsula.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0033/539808/Sec-98-DevRegs-Dev-Register-2020.pdf Inserting development applications into the database. Saved application "932/001/20" with address "ARTHUR STREET, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 24" and received date "2020-01-07" to the database. Saved application "932/002/20" with address "PROPER BAY ROAD, TULKA SA 5607", description "Extension to Existing Shed", legal description "Sec 576" and received date "2020-01-07" to the database. Saved application "932/003/20" with address "ESPLANADE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Demolition of Existing and Construction of New Shed", legal description "Lot 14" and received date "2020-01-10" to the database. Saved application "932/004/20" with address "THORNBILL ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Carport to Existing Shed", legal description "Lot 127" and received date "2020-01-17" to the database. Saved application "932/005/20" with address "TIATUKIA DRIVE, TIATUKIA SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 126" and received date "2020-01-17" to the database. Saved application "932/006/20" with address "HIDDEN VALLEY LANE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 42" and received date "2020-01-17" to the database. Saved application "932/007/20" with address "PONTON GROVE, CUMMINS SA 5631", description "Carport - Freestanding", legal description "Lot 129" and received date "2020-01-17" to the database. Saved application "932/008/20" with address "CONCORDE ROAD, PORT LINCOLN SA 5606", description "Above Ground Swimming Pool", legal description "Lot 42" and received date "2020-01-20" to the database. Saved application "932/009/20" with address "HENDERSON COURT, MOUNT DUTTON BAY SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 67" and received date "2020-01-22" to the database. Saved application "932/010/20" with address "NEWELL DRIVE, LOUTH BAY SA 5607", description "Change of use of an existing outbuilding to a dwelling", legal description "Lot 61" and received date "2020-01-28" to the database. Saved application "932/011/20" with address "GRIMM ROAD, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "Single Storey Detached Dwelling", legal description "Lot 200" and received date "2020-02-03" to the database. Saved application "932/012/20" with address "SHEOAK ROAD, TULKA SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Sec 621" and received date "2020-02-07" to the database. Saved application "932/013/20" with address "COLES POINT ROAD, COULTA SA 5607", description "Tourist Accommodation", legal description "Sec 199" and received date "2020-02-10" to the database. Saved application "932/014/20" with address "STANTON ROAD, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "Two Rainwater Tanks (2 X 90,000 litres)", legal description "Block 1" and received date "" to the database. Saved application "932/015/20" with address "COCKATOO ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Verandah To Existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 135" and received date "2020-02-11" to the database. Saved application "932/016/20" with address "COCKATOO ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "No Description Provided", legal description "Lot 158" and received date "2020-02-12" to the database. Saved application "932/017/20" with address "ESPLANADE, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "No Description Provided", legal description "Lot 27" and received date "2020-02-12" to the database. Saved application "932/018/20" with address "DOUGLAS STREET, COFFIN BAY SA 5607", description "No Description Provided", legal description "Lot 165" and received date "2020-02-14" to the database. Saved application "932/019/20" with address "CORNISH COURT, BOSTON SA 5607", description "No Description Provided", legal description "Lot 7" and received date "2020-02-17" to the database. Saved application "932/020/20" with address "STANTON ROAD, NORTH SHIELDS SA 5607", description "No Description Provided", legal description "Block 1" and received date "2020-02-18" to the database. Saved application "932/21/2020" with address "RICHARDSON ROAD, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Verandah To Existing Dwelling", legal description "Lot 61" and received date "2020-02-20" to the database. Saved application "932/22/2020" with address "OLD CEMETERY ROAD, COULTA SA 5607", description "Shed", legal description "Lot 15" and received date "2020-02-19" to the database. Saved application "932/23/2020" with address "SANCTUARY DRIVE, BOSTON SA 5607", description "Addition to existing dwelling", legal description "Lot 102" and received date "2020-02-25" to the database. Complete.


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rows 10 / 978

council_reference address description info_url comment_url date_scraped date_received legal_description
Sec 127
Swimming pool (above ground)
Sec 92
Farm building
Sec 178
Demolition of existing buildings & new clubrooms/amenities
Single storey detached dwelling
Lot 23
Swimming pool (in ground)
Lot 885
Freestanding pergola
Lot 55
Single storey detached dwelling
Lot 201
Single storey detached dwelling and shed
Lot 12
Wet area to existing shed
Lot 67


Average successful run time: 1 minute

Total run time: about 1 hour

Total cpu time used: 4 minutes

Total disk space used: 565 KB


  • Manually ran revision f2d9ae90 and completed successfully .
    262 records added, 239 records removed in the database
  • Manually ran revision d4b6c4e0 and completed successfully .
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    nothing changed in the database
  • Auto ran revision 16784f40 and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
  • Auto ran revision 16784f40 and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
  • ...
  • Created on morph.io

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