MichaelBone / copper_coast_council_sa_development_applications

Copper Coast Council (South Australia) Development Applications

Contributors MichaelBone mlandauer

Last run completed successfully .

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... Injecting scraper and running... Retrieving page: https://www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au/services/planning-and-development/development-register Parsing document: https://www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/710143/DA-REGISTER-01.04.20-TO-30.06.20.pdf Reading and parsing applications from page 1 of 130. Found "340/245/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 2 of 130. Found "340/124/20". Found "340/214/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 3 of 130. Found "340/D014/14". Found "340/003/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 4 of 130. Found "340/093/20". Found "340/183/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 5 of 130. Found "340/543/18". Found "340/152/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 6 of 130. Found "340/D014/20". Found "340/242/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 7 of 130. Found "340/031/20". Found "340/121/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 8 of 130. Found "340/211/20". Found "340/090/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 9 of 130. Found "340/270/19". Found "340/180/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 10 of 130. Found "340/270/20". Found "340/149/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 11 of 130. Found "340/D011/20". Found "340/239/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 12 of 130. Found "340/118/20". Found "340/208/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 13 of 130. Found "340/208/20". Found "340/655/06". Reading and parsing applications from page 14 of 130. Found "340/177/20". Found "340/357/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 15 of 130. Found "340/267/20". Found "340/146/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 16 of 130. Found "340/326/19". Found "340/236/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 17 of 130. Found "340/115/20". Found "340/205/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 18 of 130. Found "340/174/20". Found "340/264/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 19 of 130. Found "340/264/20". Found "340/444/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 20 of 130. Found "340/D005/18". Found "340/143/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 21 of 130. Found "340/D005/20". Found "340/233/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 22 of 130. Found "340/022/20". Found "340/202/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 23 of 130. Found "340/171/20". Found "340/261/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 24 of 130. Found "340/050/20". Found "340/140/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 25 of 130. Found "340/230/20". Found "340/199/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 26 of 130. Found "340/078/19". Found "340/078/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 27 of 130. Found "340/168/20". Found "340/258/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 28 of 130. Found "340/047/20". Found "340/137/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 29 of 130. Found "340/196/18". Found "340/106/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 30 of 130. Found "340/196/20". Found "340/165/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 31 of 130. Found "340/255/20". Found "340/044/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 32 of 130. Found "340/224/19". Found "340/134/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 33 of 130. Found "340/224/20". Found "340/404/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 34 of 130. Found "340/193/20". Found "340/460/09". Reading and parsing applications from page 35 of 130. Found "340/072/20". Found "340/162/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 36 of 130. Found "340/252/20". Found "340/131/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 37 of 130. Found "340/221/20". Found "340/010/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 38 of 130. Found "340/100/20". Found "340/190/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 39 of 130. Found "340/190/20". Found "340/069/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 40 of 130. Found "340/159/20". Found "340/249/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 41 of 130. Found "340/429/19". Found "340/038/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 42 of 130. Found "340/128/20". Found "340/218/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 43 of 130. Found "340/097/20". Found "340/187/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 44 of 130. Found "340/066/20". Found "340/156/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 45 of 130. Found "340/246/20". Found "340/035/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 46 of 130. Found "340/125/20". Found "340/215/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 47 of 130. Found "340/063/20". Found "340/153/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 48 of 130. Found "340/D015/20". Found "340/243/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 49 of 130. Found "340/122/19". Found "340/122/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 50 of 130. Found "340/212/20". Found "340/181/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 51 of 130. Found "340/060/20". Found "340/240/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 52 of 130. Found "340/150/20". Found "340/D012/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 53 of 130. Found "340/240/20". Found "340/D012/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 54 of 130. Found "340/420/19". Found "340/119/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 55 of 130. Found "340/209/20". Found "340/178/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 56 of 130. Found "340/268/20". Found "340/147/18". Reading and parsing applications from page 57 of 130. Found "340/358/19". Found "340/057/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 58 of 130. Found "340/147/20". Found "340/D009/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 59 of 130. Found "340/237/20". Found "340/296/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 60 of 130. Found "340/206/20". Found "340/085/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 61 of 130. Found "340/175/19". Found "340/175/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 62 of 130. Found "340/265/20". Found "340/445/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 63 of 130. Found "340/234/19". Found "340/144/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 64 of 130. Found "340/D006/20". Found "340/234/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 65 of 130. Found "340/203/20". Found "340/172/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 66 of 130. Found "340/051/20". Found "340/141/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 67 of 130. Found "340/231/20". Found "340/200/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 68 of 130. Found "340/380/19". Found "340/169/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 69 of 130. Found "340/169/20". Found "340/259/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 70 of 130. Found "340/048/20". Found "340/138/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 71 of 130. Found "340/228/20". Found "340/107/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 72 of 130. Found "340/197/20". Found "340/467/18". Reading and parsing applications from page 73 of 130. Found "340/076/20". Found "340/166/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 74 of 130. Found "340/256/20". Found "340/135/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 75 of 130. Found "340/225/20". Found "340/014/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 76 of 130. Found "340/194/20". Found "340/073/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 77 of 130. Found "340/163/20". Found "340/253/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 78 of 130. Found "340/132/20". Found "340/222/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 79 of 130. Found "340/101/20". Found "340/191/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 80 of 130. Found "340/160/20". Found "340/250/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 81 of 130. Found "340/340/19". Found "340/129/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 82 of 130. Found "340/219/20". Found "340/008/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 83 of 130. Found "340/188/20". Found "340/067/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 84 of 130. Found "340/247/19". Found "340/157/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 85 of 130. Found "340/247/20". Found "340/427/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 86 of 130. Found "340/126/19". Found "340/126/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 87 of 130. Found "340/216/20". Found "340/306/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 88 of 130. Found "340/185/20". Found "340/064/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 89 of 130. Found "340/154/20". Found "340/244/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 90 of 130. Found "340/033/20". Found "340/123/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 91 of 130. Found "340/213/20". Found "340/092/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 92 of 130. Found "340/182/20". Found "340/272/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 93 of 130. Found "340/061/20". Found "340/151/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 94 of 130. Found "340/241/20". Found "340/D013/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 95 of 130. Found "340/030/20". Found "340/210/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 96 of 130. Found "340/089/20". Found "340/179/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 97 of 130. Found "340/269/20". Found "340/148/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 98 of 130. Found "340/238/20". Found "340/027/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 99 of 130. Found "340/D010/20". Found "340/027/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 100 of 130. Found "340/117/20". Found "340/207/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 101 of 130. Found "340/176/20". Found "340/266/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 102 of 130. Found "340/235/19". Found "340/145/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 103 of 130. Found "340/D007/20". Found "340/235/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 104 of 130. Found "340/204/20". Found "340/263/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 105 of 130. Found "340/173/20". Found "340/263/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 106 of 130. Found "340/443/19". Found "340/052/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 107 of 130. Found "340/142/20". Found "340/232/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 108 of 130. Found "340/291/19". Found "340/201/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 109 of 130. Found "340/080/20". Found "340/170/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 110 of 130. Found "340/260/20". Found "340/139/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 111 of 130. Found "340/C008/20". Found "340/229/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 112 of 130. Found "340/018/20". Found "340/198/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 113 of 130. Found "340/167/17". Found "340/378/18". Reading and parsing applications from page 114 of 130. Found "340/077/20". Found "340/167/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 115 of 130. Found "340/257/20". Found "340/136/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 116 of 130. Found "340/226/20". Found "340/105/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 117 of 130. Found "340/105/20". Found "340/195/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 118 of 130. Found "340/164/20". Found "340/254/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 119 of 130. Found "340/133/20". Found "340/223/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 120 of 130. Found "340/192/19". Found "340/102/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 121 of 130. Found "340/192/20". Found "340/071/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 122 of 130. Found "340/161/20". Found "340/251/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 123 of 130. Found "340/431/19". Found "340/130/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 124 of 130. Found "340/220/20". Found "340/009/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 125 of 130. Found "340/189/20". Found "340/158/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 126 of 130. Found "340/248/20". Found "340/127/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 127 of 130. Found "340/127/20". Found "340/217/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 128 of 130. Found "340/276/17". Found "340/096/20". Reading and parsing applications from page 129 of 130. Found "340/186/20". Found "340/366/19". Reading and parsing applications from page 130 of 130. Found "340/155/20". Parsed 258 development application(s) from document: https://www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/710143/DA-REGISTER-01.04.20-TO-30.06.20.pdf Inserting development applications into the database. Saved application "340/245/20" with address "1 FARRELL ROAD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-06-24" to the database. Saved application "340/124/20" with address "12 BRUCE COURT, KADINA SA 5554", description "DWELLING ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS" and received date "2020-03-24" to the database. Saved application "340/214/20" with address "31 CHAPPLE STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-06-02" to the database. Saved application "340/D014/14" with address "1 CHARLES TERRACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "LAND DIVISION" and received date "2014-06-26" to the database. Saved application "340/003/20" with address "2 BAYVIEW PARADE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE" and received date "2020-01-09" to the database. Saved application "340/093/20" with address "8 POMMERN WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDAH AND GARAGE" and received date "2020-03-05" to the database. Saved application "340/183/20" with address "23 POMMERN WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-05-14" to the database. Saved application "340/543/18" with address "746 THRINGTON ROAD, BOORS PLAIN SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2018-12-10" to the database. Saved application "340/152/20" with address "25 GEORGE STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-04-24" to the database. Saved application "340/D014/20" with address "7 MILNE TERRACE, MOONTA SA 5558", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 2)" and received date "2020-07-13" to the database. Saved application "340/242/20" with address "50 NEWLAND TERRACE, EAST MOONTA SA 5558", description "DEMOLITION OF PORTION OF EXISTING VERANDAH AND CONSTRUCTION OF NEW VER" and received date "2020-06-22" to the database. Saved application "340/031/20" with address "7 IVY PLACE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-01-29" to the database. Saved application "340/121/20" with address "66 KADINA ROAD, NORTH YELTA SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-03-20" to the database. Saved application "340/211/20" with address "145 VERRAN TERRACE, MOONTA MINES SA 5558", description "ROOF REPAIRS (MOONTA MINES MUSEUM)" and received date "2020-06-02" to the database. Saved application "340/090/20" with address "8 FORD STREET, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "DECK" and received date "2020-03-04" to the database. Saved application "340/270/19" with address "4 ELPHICK STREET, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2019-08-06" to the database. Saved application "340/180/20" with address "SEC 378 MARTINGA ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "4.911MW SOLAR FARM AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT AND FENCING" and received date "2020-05-13" to the database. Saved application "340/270/20" with address "17 CLAYTON DRIVE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "CARPORT" and received date "2020-07-09" to the database. Saved application "340/149/20" with address "10A EMU STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING AND DETACHED GARAGE" and received date "2020-04-24" to the database. Saved application "340/D011/20" with address "158 COAST ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 2)" and received date "2020-05-26" to the database. Saved application "340/239/20" with address "LOT 20 CRESCO ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "Replacement of one weighbridge & one weighbridge extension (27m to 40m" and received date "2020-06-19" to the database. Saved application "340/118/20" with address "3 CORMAC STREET, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "OUTBUILDING" and received date "2020-03-24" to the database. Saved application "340/208/19" with address "65 MOONTA ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING" and received date "2019-06-18" to the database. Saved application "340/208/20" with address "34 STATELY WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "PONTOON" and received date "2020-06-01" to the database. Saved application "340/655/06" with address "2A-4 MARDEN STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "DWELLING & GARAGE - (Fire Reinstatement)" and received date "2006-11-15" to the database. Saved application "340/177/20" with address "31 DALY STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-05-11" to the database. Saved application "340/357/19" with address "5 WARING STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "THREE (3) ROW DWELLINGS" and received date "2019-10-03" to the database. Saved application "340/267/20" with address "42 BAY ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "DWELLING" and received date "2020-07-08" to the database. Saved application "340/146/20" with address "12 CLARKE STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SHED & CARPORT" and received date "2020-04-21" to the database. Saved application "340/326/19" with address "25 MOONTANA AVENUE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2019-09-13" to the database. Saved application "340/236/20" with address "13 OWEN TERRACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "CANNING ROOM/STOREROOM - ADDITION TO MICROBREWERY" and received date "2020-06-18" to the database. Saved application "340/115/20" with address "5 FIRST STREET, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "SHED EXTENSION" and received date "2020-03-20" to the database. Saved application "340/205/20" with address "1A FRANCE STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-05-27" to the database. Saved application "340/174/20" with address "32 HAYNES STREET, JERUSALEM SA 5554", description "CARPORT" and received date "2020-05-08" to the database. Saved application "340/264/19" with address "8 POMMERN WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2019-08-01" to the database. Saved application "340/264/20" with address "71 GEORGE STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "ROOF REPAIRS AND INTERNAL WORKS" and received date "2020-07-07" to the database. Saved application "340/444/19" with address "10 FREEMAN COURT, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING VERANDAH DECK & GARAGE" and received date "2019-12-18" to the database. Saved application "340/D005/18" with address "1 CHARLES TERRACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 7)" and received date "2018-04-24" to the database. Saved application "340/143/20" with address "2 BAYVIEW PARADE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "DEMOLITION" and received date "2020-04-15" to the database. Saved application "340/D005/20" with address "5 HAYLOCK ROAD, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 2)" and received date "2020-03-25" to the database. Saved application "340/233/20" with address "33 POMMERN WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-06-17" to the database. Saved application "340/022/20" with address "23 AGERY ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "ATCO HUT" and received date "2020-01-17" to the database. Saved application "340/202/20" with address "19 BRAY STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CARPORT & VERANDAH" and received date "2020-05-26" to the database. Saved application "340/171/20" with address "18 RANDOLPH STREET, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "DEMOLITION OF EXISTING GARAGE AND CONSTRUCTION OF NEW GARAGE & VERANDA" and received date "2020-05-06" to the database. Saved application "340/261/20" with address "35 HILLS ROAD, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-07-07" to the database. Saved application "340/050/20" with address "53 RYAN STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "VARIATION TO DA 340/278/19" and received date "2020-02-20" to the database. Saved application "340/140/20" with address "116 PORT ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-04-07" to the database. Saved application "340/230/20" with address "20 CAMBRIDGE STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CARPORT & SHED EXTENSION" and received date "2020-06-17" to the database. Saved application "340/199/20" with address "31A HIGHVIEW GROVE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "OUTBUILDING" and received date "2020-05-25" to the database. Saved application "340/078/19" with address "10 JAMES STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2019-03-07" to the database. Saved application "340/078/20" with address "25 MUDDY LANE, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-02-27" to the database. Saved application "340/168/20" with address "37 GRAVES STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "Internal Alterations And Fitout Work to Office" and received date "2020-05-05" to the database. Saved application "340/258/20" with address "49 HAYLOCK ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CARPORT" and received date "2020-07-09" to the database. Saved application "340/047/20" with address "ALBYN PLACE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-02-06" to the database. Saved application "340/137/20" with address "5 SPRY COURT, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-04-06" to the database. Saved application "340/196/18" with address "26 INVERNESS WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2018-05-04" to the database. Saved application "340/106/20" with address "90 PORT ROAD, WALLAROO MINES SA 5554", description "RELOCATION OF EXISTING SIGN" and received date "2020-03-11" to the database. Saved application "340/196/20" with address "5 BRIDGMAN COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "GARAPORT" and received date "2020-05-20" to the database. Saved application "340/165/20" with address "120A WOODFORDE DRIVE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-05-01" to the database. Saved application "340/255/20" with address "2 HALL STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-07-02" to the database. Saved application "340/044/20" with address "44 FURNER CRESCENT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-02-04" to the database. Saved application "340/224/19" with address "7 WILLARD STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING" and received date "2019-07-02" to the database. Saved application "340/134/20" with address "41 GILL STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING" and received date "2020-04-03" to the database. Saved application "340/224/20" with address "4 DRAIN ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "INTERNAL ALTERATIONS" and received date "2020-06-23" to the database. Saved application "340/404/19" with address "11 IRWINE STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2019-11-18" to the database. Saved application "340/193/20" with address "74 CHAMPION STREET, JERUSALEM SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-05-25" to the database. Saved application "340/460/09" with address "BARBARY COURT, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "RETIREMENT VILLAGE" and received date "2009-07-22" to the database. Saved application "340/072/20" with address "110A PORT ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "GARAPORT" and received date "2020-02-20" to the database. Saved application "340/162/20" with address "4 DIMOND ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-05-15" to the database. Saved application "340/252/20" with address "5 BOWYER COURT, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-07-01" to the database. Saved application "340/131/20" with address "5 TIPARA COURT, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & ASSOCIATED 1.5M HIGH RETAINING WALL" and received date "2020-04-02" to the database. Saved application "340/221/20" with address "23 STATELY WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-06-04" to the database. Saved application "340/010/20" with address "184 MARTIN TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-01-13" to the database. Saved application "340/100/20" with address "16 DIGBY STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-03-06" to the database. Saved application "340/190/19" with address "113 STATELY WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2019-06-04" to the database. Saved application "340/190/20" with address "18 CHARLES STREET, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SWIMMING POOL & SAFETY FENCE" and received date "2020-05-15" to the database. Saved application "340/069/20" with address "30 HAY STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "GARAPORT" and received date "2020-02-19" to the database. Saved application "340/159/20" with address "112 MOONTA ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-04-29" to the database. Saved application "340/249/20" with address "55 DAVID STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-06-29" to the database. Saved application "340/429/19" with address "309 BUTE ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "SHED EXTENSION" and received date "2019-12-04" to the database. Saved application "340/038/20" with address "99 WEDGE ROAD, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "GARAGE & RAINWATER TANK" and received date "2020-02-05" to the database. Saved application "340/128/20" with address "71 GRAVES STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING GARAGE UMR & ASSOCIATED FENCE & RETAI" and received date "2020-03-31" to the database. Saved application "340/218/20" with address "100 GILMORE CRESCENT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "PONTOON" and received date "2020-06-03" to the database. Saved application "340/097/20" with address "55 ROSSITERS ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-03-06" to the database. Saved application "340/187/20" with address "23 GEORGE STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "2 x CARPORTS" and received date "2020-05-13" to the database. Saved application "340/066/20" with address "128 BAY ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CONVERSION OF CARPORT TO CLASS 1A" and received date "2020-02-20" to the database. Saved application "340/156/20" with address "4 MOONTANA AVENUE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "BALCONY EXTENSION" and received date "2020-04-27" to the database. Saved application "340/246/20" with address "12 QUINTRELL STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAPORT" and received date "2020-06-24" to the database. Saved application "340/035/20" with address "12 CALLAWAY COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING" and received date "2020-01-30" to the database. Saved application "340/125/20" with address "11 NARANGGA TERRACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE & VERANDAH" and received date "2020-03-27" to the database. Saved application "340/215/20" with address "16 STATELY WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "PONTOON" and received date "2020-06-02" to the database. Saved application "340/063/20" with address "120A WOODFORDE DRIVE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-02-17" to the database. Saved application "340/153/20" with address "3 MOONTANA AVENUE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-04-24" to the database. Saved application "340/D015/20" with address "16 CORNISH TERRACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 3)" and received date "2020-07-13" to the database. Saved application "340/243/20" with address "23 GILMORE CRESCENT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-06-22" to the database. Saved application "340/122/19" with address "21 CALSTOCK STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2019-04-08" to the database. Saved application "340/122/20" with address "26 MEASDAY CRESCENT, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-03-24" to the database. Saved application "340/212/20" with address "24 DALY STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-06-02" to the database. Saved application "340/181/20" with address "13 MURRIN STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "OUTBUILDING" and received date "2020-05-14" to the database. Saved application "340/060/20" with address "4 WINDJAMMER LANE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-02-14" to the database. Saved application "340/240/19" with address "25 MOONTANA AVENUE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2019-07-11" to the database. Saved application "340/150/20" with address "74 HARBISON ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-04-23" to the database. Saved application "340/D012/19" with address "1 CHARLES TERRACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 4)" and received date "2019-09-19" to the database. Saved application "340/240/20" with address "20 LAMSHED STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-06-19" to the database. Saved application "340/D012/20" with address "18 IRELAND STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "LAND DIVISION (2 INTO 4)" and received date "2020-05-26" to the database. Saved application "340/420/19" with address "5A PARK TERRACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "CARPORT" and received date "2019-11-29" to the database. Saved application "340/119/20" with address "100 GILMORE CRESCENT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-03-20" to the database. Saved application "340/209/20" with address "3 HAYLOCK ROAD, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "2 x SHIPPING CONTAINERS" and received date "2020-06-22" to the database. Saved application "340/178/20" with address "10218 SPENCER HIGHWAY, WALLAROO PLAIN SA 5556", description "IMPLEMENT SHED" and received date "2020-05-11" to the database. Saved application "340/268/20" with address "25 NORTH TERRACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDA" and received date "2020-07-09" to the database. Saved application "340/147/18" with address "7 IVY PLACE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "DWELLING ALTERATIONS PATIO AND FRONT AND SIDE BALCONIES" and received date "2018-04-04" to the database. Saved application "340/358/19" with address "16 TAYLOR STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "CHANGE OF USE TO TAKEAWAY SHOP 2 NEW VERANDAHS REPLACEMENT OF EXIST" and received date "2019-10-03" to the database. Saved application "340/057/20" with address "27 KEEN STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING AND DETACHED GARAGE" and received date "2020-02-12" to the database. Saved application "340/147/20" with address "8 GILL STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "DWELLING ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS & VERANDAH" and received date "2020-04-24" to the database. Saved application "340/D009/20" with address "SECT 444 MARTIN TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 3)" and received date "2020-04-28" to the database. Saved application "340/237/20" with address "14 AMBROSE CRESCENT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-06-18" to the database. Saved application "340/296/19" with address "8B YOUNG STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING GARAGE UMR & GARAPORT" and received date "2019-08-26" to the database. Saved application "340/206/20" with address "ROSSITERS ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "STAGED GROUP DWELLING DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 195 RESIDENTIAL DWELLI" and received date "2020-05-28" to the database. Saved application "340/085/20" with address "1564 BUTE ROAD, WILLAMULKA SA 5554", description "FARM SHED" and received date "2020-02-26" to the database. Saved application "340/175/19" with address "65 MOONTA ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2019-05-24" to the database. Saved application "340/175/20" with address "3 WOODWARD STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CARPORT" and received date "2020-05-08" to the database. Saved application "340/265/20" with address "MUDDY LANE, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "WAREHOUSE / STORAGE SHED" and received date "2020-07-08" to the database. Saved application "340/445/19" with address "13 CHAPMAN ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2019-12-18" to the database. Saved application "340/234/19" with address "1B NORTH TERRACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING GARAGE UMR SHED & CARPORT" and received date "2019-07-09" to the database. Saved application "340/144/20" with address "746 THRINGTON ROAD, BOORS PLAIN SA 5554", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-04-15" to the database. Saved application "340/D006/20" with address "LOT 639 GENOA PLACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "LAND DIVISION (BOUNDARY REALIGNMENT 2 INTO 2)" and received date "2020-03-26" to the database. Saved application "340/234/20" with address "9 OSPREY BOULEVARD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "GARAPORT" and received date "2020-06-17" to the database. Saved application "340/203/20" with address "1 CAROLINE STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-05-27" to the database. Saved application "340/172/20" with address "19 DALY STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-05-06" to the database. Saved application "340/051/20" with address "52 EAST TERRACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "CARPORT" and received date "2020-02-07" to the database. Saved application "340/141/20" with address "88 GEORGE STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-04-08" to the database. Saved application "340/231/20" with address "13 BRAY STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-06-18" to the database. Saved application "340/200/20" with address "14 RECYCLE WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "OFFICE" and received date "2020-05-25" to the database. Saved application "340/380/19" with address "127 WEDGE ROAD, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE" and received date "2019-10-28" to the database. Saved application "340/169/19" with address "88 GEORGE STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "DWELLING" and received date "2019-05-17" to the database. Saved application "340/169/20" with address "51 MUDDY LANE, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "CHANGE IN USE FROM STORE TO STORE AND OFFICE" and received date "2020-05-05" to the database. Saved application "340/259/20" with address "1 RYAN STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "SIGNAGE" and received date "2020-07-03" to the database. Saved application "340/048/20" with address "15 PATRICK STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-02-10" to the database. Saved application "340/138/20" with address "15 WEST TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-04-07" to the database. Saved application "340/228/20" with address "7 WILLARD STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-06-18" to the database. Saved application "340/107/20" with address "97 GILMORE CRESCENT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "PONTOON" and received date "2020-03-12" to the database. Saved application "340/197/20" with address "11 MEASDAY CRESCENT, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-05-22" to the database. Saved application "340/467/18" with address "P/S 2670B BURNSIDE TERRACE, MOONTA MINES SA 5558", description "FENCING" and received date "2018-10-30" to the database. Saved application "340/076/20" with address "22 RUPARA ROAD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-02-25" to the database. Saved application "340/166/20" with address "11 ESPLANADE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "SHED EXTENSION" and received date "2020-05-01" to the database. Saved application "340/256/20" with address "15 HINDMARSH PARADE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CARPORT EXTENSION" and received date "2020-07-08" to the database. Saved application "340/135/20" with address "11 JETTY ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "5 TWO STOREY AND 1 SINGLE STOREY TOURIST ACCOMMODATION UNITS (11 UNI" and received date "2020-04-03" to the database. Saved application "340/225/20" with address "54 OTAGO ROAD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "REMOVAL OF TRANSPORTABLE DWELLING" and received date "2020-06-11" to the database. Saved application "340/014/20" with address "1 KENNETT STREET NORTH, JERUSALEM SA 5554", description "FREESTANDING SIGN" and received date "2020-01-16" to the database. Saved application "340/194/20" with address "35 ABBOTT DRIVE, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-05-20" to the database. Saved application "340/073/19" with address "15 GEORGE STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2019-03-04" to the database. Saved application "340/163/20" with address "4 WORRALL STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-04-30" to the database. Saved application "340/253/20" with address "46 BRAY STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-07-02" to the database. Saved application "340/132/20" with address "50 POMMERN WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDA" and received date "2020-03-31" to the database. Saved application "340/222/20" with address "LOT 201 WEST TERRACE, PASKEVILLE SA 5552", description "CHANGE OF USE" and received date "2020-06-05" to the database. Saved application "340/101/20" with address "5 BOWYER COURT, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-03-11" to the database. Saved application "340/191/20" with address "29 CLARA STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "DWELLING ADDITIONS & ALTERATIONS & VERANDAH" and received date "2020-05-18" to the database. Saved application "340/160/20" with address "23 STATELY WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "PONTOON AND GANGWAY" and received date "2020-04-29" to the database. Saved application "340/250/20" with address "153 BAY ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DWELLING & CARPORT" and received date "2020-06-30" to the database. Saved application "340/340/19" with address "28 HALLETT STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "CHANGE OF USE FROM SHED TO DEPENDENT ACCOMMODATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF" and received date "2019-09-23" to the database. Saved application "340/129/20" with address "13 TIPARA COURT, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-03-30" to the database. Saved application "340/219/20" with address "SEC 46 LEHMAN ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "CHANGE OF USE FROM RESIDENTIAL TO RESIDENTIAL AND BED AND BREAKFAST" and received date "2020-06-04" to the database. Saved application "340/008/20" with address "20 IRWINE STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SOLAR PANELS" and received date "2020-01-10" to the database. Saved application "340/188/20" with address "110A PORT ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-05-14" to the database. Saved application "340/067/20" with address "93 GILMORE CRESCENT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-02-28" to the database. Saved application "340/247/19" with address "2 GEORGE STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS & REPLACEMENT OF UNDERGROUND FUEL STO" and received date "2019-07-19" to the database. Saved application "340/157/20" with address "SEC 859 PARK TERRACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-05-01" to the database. Saved application "340/247/20" with address "7 MARILYN STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-06-30" to the database. Saved application "340/427/19" with address "12 HILLS ROAD, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "OFFICE" and received date "2019-12-09" to the database. Saved application "340/126/19" with address "1 DEER COURT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2019-04-10" to the database. Saved application "340/126/20" with address "128 BAY ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDAH & GARAGE EXTENSION" and received date "2020-03-27" to the database. Saved application "340/216/20" with address "3 CHAPPLE STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CARPORT" and received date "2020-06-03" to the database. Saved application "340/306/19" with address "121 GILMORE CRESCENT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2019-09-04" to the database. Saved application "340/185/20" with address "13 EAST TERRACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-05-18" to the database. Saved application "340/064/20" with address "12 BAYVIEW DRIVE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-02-18" to the database. Saved application "340/154/20" with address "14 QUINTRELL STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-04-24" to the database. Saved application "340/244/20" with address "9A HAMILTON STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-06-25" to the database. Saved application "340/033/20" with address "6 INVESTIGATOR BOULEVARD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-01-30" to the database. Saved application "340/123/20" with address "162 FAIRFIELD ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-03-23" to the database. Saved application "340/213/20" with address "COPPER LANE, WALLAROO MINES SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-06-11" to the database. Saved application "340/092/20" with address "1 RYAN STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS TO FRONT FACADE" and received date "2020-03-03" to the database. Saved application "340/182/20" with address "11 CALLAWAY COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-05-12" to the database. Saved application "340/272/19" with address "15 MOYLE STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2019-08-06" to the database. Saved application "340/061/20" with address "19 STATELY WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-02-17" to the database. Saved application "340/151/20" with address "52A COAST ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-04-30" to the database. Saved application "340/241/20" with address "16 MILNE STREET, MOONTA MINES SA 5558", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 340/018/18 (GARAGE)" and received date "2020-06-19" to the database. Saved application "340/D013/20" with address "5 LEARMOND COURT, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 3)" and received date "2020-07-07" to the database. Saved application "340/030/20" with address "205 HOPGOOD ROAD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-01-29" to the database. Saved application "340/210/20" with address "SEC 543 TICKERA ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "FARM BUILDING" and received date "2020-06-03" to the database. Saved application "340/089/20" with address "3 ESPLANADE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "CARPORT" and received date "2020-03-04" to the database. Saved application "340/179/20" with address "11 DIMOND COURT, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-05-11" to the database. Saved application "340/269/20" with address "8 PAMIR COURT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-07-10" to the database. Saved application "340/148/20" with address "40 MINES ROAD, MATTA FLAT SA 5554", description "VARIATION TO DA340/242/19" and received date "2020-04-20" to the database. Saved application "340/238/20" with address "41 NARANGGA TERRACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "OUTBUILDING & VERANDAH" and received date "2020-06-26" to the database. Saved application "340/027/19" with address "SEC 1598 MAGAZINE ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & CARPORT UMR" and received date "2019-02-05" to the database. Saved application "340/D010/20" with address "93 KOCHS ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 3)" and received date "2020-05-19" to the database. Saved application "340/027/20" with address "LIBERATOR WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "TEMPORARY SALES OFFICE AND TEMPORARY DWELLING" and received date "2020-01-28" to the database. Saved application "340/117/20" with address "4 WILLARD STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-03-20" to the database. Saved application "340/207/20" with address "10218 SPENCER HIGHWAY, WALLAROO PLAIN SA 5556", description "2 SHEDS" and received date "2020-05-29" to the database. Saved application "340/176/20" with address "SEC789 PHILLIPS ROAD, HD. WALLAROO", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-05-14" to the database. Saved application "340/266/20" with address "11 LYNDON AVENUE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "DWELLING" and received date "2020-07-08" to the database. Saved application "340/235/19" with address "19 BUNKER COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2019-07-09" to the database. Saved application "340/145/20" with address "24 PERCY STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CARPORT" and received date "2020-04-16" to the database. Saved application "340/D007/20" with address "21 SHARPLES ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 3)" and received date "2020-04-28" to the database. Saved application "340/235/20" with address "25 MOONTA ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SWIMMING POOL & SAFETY FENCE" and received date "2020-06-17" to the database. Saved application "340/204/20" with address "5 TIMARU WAY, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING" and received date "2020-05-27" to the database. Saved application "340/263/19" with address "18 CHARLES STREET, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "DWELLING ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS (STAGE 2 )" and received date "2019-08-01" to the database. Saved application "340/173/20" with address "14 PRINCE STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-05-06" to the database. Saved application "340/263/20" with address "58 NEWLAND TERRACE, EAST MOONTA SA 5558", description "FREESTANDING CARPORT" and received date "2020-07-10" to the database. Saved application "340/443/19" with address "13 CLIPPER COURT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR OUTBUILDING AND ASSOC" and received date "2019-12-17" to the database. Saved application "340/052/20" with address "48 CHARLES TERRACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "DEMOLITION OF EXISTING SHED & CONSTRUCTION OF GARAGE & VERANDAH" and received date "2020-02-10" to the database. Saved application "340/142/20" with address "11 MATCHPLAY COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR (STAGE 2 - REMAINDER OF W" and received date "2020-04-14" to the database. Saved application "340/232/20" with address "60 TRELAWNEY STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-06-18" to the database. Saved application "340/291/19" with address "6 INVESTIGATOR BOULEVARD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2019-08-20" to the database. Saved application "340/201/20" with address "97 PORT ROAD, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-05-27" to the database. Saved application "340/080/20" with address "18 CHARLES STREET, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "VARIATION TO DA 340/263/19" and received date "2020-02-25" to the database. Saved application "340/170/20" with address "26 ENGLAND STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-05-05" to the database. Saved application "340/260/20" with address "52-54 BRITTAIN ROAD, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-07-06" to the database. Saved application "340/139/20" with address "3 INGLIS STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "PATIO" and received date "2020-04-15" to the database. Saved application "340/C008/20" with address "SHOP 1 4 DRAPER STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "COMMUNITY DIVISION (1 INTO 2)" and received date "2020-04-28" to the database. Saved application "340/229/20" with address "5 OLD HORSE TRAMWAY, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SWIMMING POOL" and received date "2020-06-16" to the database. Saved application "340/018/20" with address "34 OTAGO ROAD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "DEMOLITION OF EXISTING SHEDS & CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO STOREY DETACHED D" and received date "2020-01-16" to the database. Saved application "340/198/20" with address "5 OLD HORSE TRAMWAY, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-05-22" to the database. Saved application "340/167/17" with address "329 HAYNES ROAD, THRINGTON SA 5552", description "EXTENSION OF RUMPUS ROOM AND VERANDAH" and received date "2017-04-24" to the database. Saved application "340/378/18" with address "413 MYPONIE POINT DRIVE SOUTH, WALLAROO PLAIN SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE" and received date "2018-09-12" to the database. Saved application "340/077/20" with address "80 PORT ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "WORKSHOP EXTENSION & OFFICE" and received date "2020-03-18" to the database. Saved application "340/167/20" with address "11 CHRISTIE STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "CARPORT" and received date "2020-05-06" to the database. Saved application "340/257/20" with address "108 NORTH TERRACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-07-02" to the database. Saved application "340/136/20" with address "4684 COPPER COAST HIGHWAY, KADINA SA 5554", description "Garage" and received date "2020-04-06" to the database. Saved application "340/226/20" with address "12 BRUCE COURT, KADINA SA 5554", description "CARPORT EXTENSION & VERANDAH" and received date "2020-06-12" to the database. Saved application "340/105/19" with address "87 POMMERN WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING" and received date "2019-03-28" to the database. Saved application "340/105/20" with address "117 ARTHURTON ROAD, EAST MOONTA SA 5558", description "DEMOLITION OF PORTION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN I" and received date "2020-03-11" to the database. Saved application "340/195/20" with address "38 MUDDY LANE, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "VARIATION TO 340/264/18" and received date "2020-05-21" to the database. Saved application "340/164/20" with address "116 PORT ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "CARPORT EXTENSION" and received date "2020-05-08" to the database. Saved application "340/254/20" with address "5 DOVENBY STREET, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-07-02" to the database. Saved application "340/133/20" with address "37 GILL STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-04-06" to the database. Saved application "340/223/20" with address "86 GEORGE STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-06-09" to the database. Saved application "340/192/19" with address "20 SWIFT WINGS ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2019-06-04" to the database. Saved application "340/102/20" with address "812 POINT RILEY ROAD, WALLAROO PLAIN SA 5556", description "2 x CARPORTS AND VERANDAH" and received date "2020-03-11" to the database. Saved application "340/192/20" with address "25 MOONTANA AVENUE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VARIATION TO DA 340/240/19" and received date "2020-05-25" to the database. Saved application "340/071/20" with address "4 CLIPPER COURT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-02-20" to the database. Saved application "340/161/20" with address "5 HALL WAY, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-05-01" to the database. Saved application "340/251/20" with address "153 BAY ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "3 x SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLINGS WITH CARPORTS UMR" and received date "2020-06-26" to the database. Saved application "340/431/19" with address "3 NORTH TERRACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2019-12-11" to the database. Saved application "340/130/20" with address "21 ROSE AVENUE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING" and received date "2020-04-02" to the database. Saved application "340/220/20" with address "12 MEASDAY CRESCENT, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-06-10" to the database. Saved application "340/009/20" with address "39 HERITAGE DRIVE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2020-01-10" to the database. Saved application "340/189/20" with address "61 HASELGROVE ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2020-05-14" to the database. Saved application "340/158/20" with address "FAIRFIELD ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "FARM BUILDING" and received date "2020-04-29" to the database. Saved application "340/248/20" with address "4 GILMORE CRESCENT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "2 x VERANDAHS" and received date "2020-06-29" to the database. Saved application "340/127/19" with address "3 CORMAC STREET, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2019-04-11" to the database. Saved application "340/127/20" with address "16 DIEDRICH STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-03-26" to the database. Saved application "340/217/20" with address "MAGAZINE ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "SHED EXTENSION" and received date "2020-06-03" to the database. Saved application "340/276/17" with address "SEC 46 LEHMAN ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR & 3 SHEDS" and received date "2017-07-03" to the database. Saved application "340/096/20" with address "35 HILLS ROAD, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2020-03-06" to the database. Saved application "340/186/20" with address "25 KEEN STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2020-05-15" to the database. Saved application "340/366/19" with address "22 POLGLASE STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING & GARAGE & CARPORT UMR" and received date "2019-10-21" to the database. Saved application "340/155/20" with address "53 PATRICK STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "VERANDAH & GARAPORT" and received date "2020-04-27" to the database. Parsing document: https://www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0028/249247/DA-REGISTER-01.07.17-TO-30.09.17.pdf Reading and parsing applications from page 1 of 147. Found "340/214/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 2 of 147. Found "340/304/17". Found "340/394/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 3 of 147. Found "340/183/17". Found "340/273/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 4 of 147. Found "340/363/17". Found "340/121/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 5 of 147. Found "340/152/17". Found "340/D014/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 6 of 147. Found "340/332/17". Found "340/422/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 7 of 147. Found "340/211/17". Found "340/391/16". Reading and parsing applications from page 8 of 147. Found "340/301/17". Found "340/391/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 9 of 147. Found "340/180/17". Found "340/270/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 10 of 147. Found "340/360/17". Found "340/239/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 11 of 147. Found "340/D011/17". Found "340/329/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 12 of 147. Found "340/419/17". Found "340/298/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 13 of 147. Found "340/388/17". Found "340/025/12". Reading and parsing applications from page 14 of 147. Found "340/51/17". Found "340/177/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 15 of 147. Found "340/267/17". Found "340/357/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 16 of 147. Found "340/447/16". Found "340/146/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 17 of 147. Found "340/385/12". Found "340/D008/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 18 of 147. Found "340/326/17". Found "340/506/16". Reading and parsing applications from page 19 of 147. Found "340/416/17". Found "340/084/15". Reading and parsing applications from page 20 of 147. Found "340/205/17". Found "340/295/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 21 of 147. Found "340/385/17". Found "340/174/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 22 of 147. Found "340/264/17". Found "340/143/15". Reading and parsing applications from page 23 of 147. Found "340/354/17". Found "340/143/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 24 of 147. Found "340/323/17". Found "340/413/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 25 of 147. Found "340/292/17". Found "340/382/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 26 of 147. Found "340/V003/17". Found "340/171/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 27 of 147. Found "340/261/17". Found "340/C009/16". Reading and parsing applications from page 28 of 147. Found "340/351/17". Found "340/140/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 29 of 147. Found "340/320/17". Found "340/410/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 30 of 147. Found "340/469/14". Found "340/289/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 31 of 147. Found "340/379/17". Found "340/258/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 32 of 147. Found "340/348/17". Found "340/227/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 33 of 147. Found "340/317/17". Found "340/407/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 34 of 147. Found "340/286/17". Found "340/376/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 35 of 147. Found "340/165/17". Found "340/255/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 36 of 147. Found "340/345/17". Found "340/525/16". Reading and parsing applications from page 37 of 147. Found "340/224/17". Found "340/314/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 38 of 147. Found "340/404/17". Found "340/67/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 39 of 147. Found "340/283/17". Found "340/001/16_V1". Reading and parsing applications from page 40 of 147. Found "340/373/17". Found "340/162/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 41 of 147. Found "340/252/17". Found "340/342/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 42 of 147. Found "340/311/17". Found "340/280/14". Reading and parsing applications from page 43 of 147. Found "340/401/16". Found "340/401/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 44 of 147. Found "340/280/17". Found "340/370/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 45 of 147. Found "340/33/17". Found "340/159/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 46 of 147. Found "340/249/17". Found "340/429/16". Reading and parsing applications from page 47 of 147. Found "340/339/17". Found "340/308/16". Reading and parsing applications from page 48 of 147. Found "340/308/17". Found "340/398/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 49 of 147. Found "340/277/17". Found "340/367/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 50 of 147. Found "340/C025/16". Application number 340/C025/16 will be ignored because an address was not found or parsed (there is no street name). Elements: [08/02/2017][Approved][12/12/2016][Application Date][ Planning Approval][ Application No][340/C025/16][Not Applicable][19/12/2016][Application Received][ Building Approval][DISTRICT COUNCIL OF COPPER COAST][ Applicants Name][08/02/2017][Approved][ Land Division Approval][C/- MOSEL SURVEYORS][ Applicants Address][ Development Approval][08/02/2017][Approved][6 GRAVES STREET][Conditions available on request][KADINA SA 5554][ 1][ Planning Conditions ][Development Commenced][ 0][ Building Conditions][0][ Property House No][Development Completed][ 0][ Land Division Conditions][Concurrence Required][13][ Lot][ Private Certifier Conditions][ 0][F S 2209][ Section][Date Appeal Lodged][2][ DAC Conditions][C23472][ Plan][Appeal Decision][0][ Property Street][ Fees][Amount Due][Amount Distributed][0][ Property Suburb][$0.00][$0.00][5987568][ Title][$0.00][$0.00][WALLAROO][ Hundred][$0.00][$0.00][$0.00][$0.00][Development Description][Council - Delegated Officer][ Relevant Authority][COMMUNITY DIVISION (1 INTO 1)][ Referred to] Found "340/426/15". Reading and parsing applications from page 51 of 147. Found "340/336/17". Found "340/426/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 52 of 147. Found "340/305/17". Found "340/395/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 53 of 147. Found "340/274/16". Found "340/274/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 54 of 147. Found "340/364/17". Found "340/27/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 55 of 147. Found "340/153/17". Found "340/243/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 56 of 147. Found "340/D015/17". Found "340/333/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 57 of 147. Found "340/513/16". Found "340/423/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 58 of 147. Found "340/302/17". Found "340/392/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 59 of 147. Found "340/271/17". Found "340/361/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 60 of 147. Found "340/D012/17". Found "340/240/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 61 of 147. Found "340/330/17". Found "340/420/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 62 of 147. Found "340/83/17". Found "340/299/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 63 of 147. Found "340/389/17". Found "340/178/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 64 of 147. Found "340/268/17". Found "340/358/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 65 of 147. Found "340/327/17". Found "340/417/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 66 of 147. Found "340/80/17". Found "340/296/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 67 of 147. Found "340/386/17". Found "340/175/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 68 of 147. Found "340/265/17". Found "340/355/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 69 of 147. Found "340/324/17". Found "340/414/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 70 of 147. Found "340/203/17". Found "340/293/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 71 of 147. Found "340/473/16". Found "340/383/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 72 of 147. Found "340/V004/17". Found "340/172/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 73 of 147. Found "340/352/17". Found "340/321/15". Reading and parsing applications from page 74 of 147. Found "340/532/16". Found "340/321/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 75 of 147. Found "340/411/17". Found "340/200/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 76 of 147. Found "340/290/17". Found "340/380/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 77 of 147. Found "340/259/17". Found "340/349/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 78 of 147. Found "340/312/15_V1". Found "340/138/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 79 of 147. Found "340/318/17". Found "340/498/16". Reading and parsing applications from page 80 of 147. Found "340/408/17". Found "340/197/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 81 of 147. Found "340/287/17". Found "340/166/15". Reading and parsing applications from page 82 of 147. Found "340/377/17". Found "340/256/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 83 of 147. Found "340/346/16". Found "340/346/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 84 of 147. Found "340/315/17". Found "340/405/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 85 of 147. Found "340/194/17". Found "340/284/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 86 of 147. Found "340/374/17". Application number 340/374/17 will be ignored because an address was not found or parsed (there is no street name). Elements: [04/09/2017][Application Date][ Planning Approval][ Application No][340/374/17][04/09/2017][Application Received][ Building Approval][GARY DAILY][ Applicants Name][ Land Division Approval][82 WINDSOR AVENUE][ Applicants Address][ Development Approval][WOODVILLE PARK SA 5011][Conditions available on request][ 0][ Planning Conditions ][Development Commenced][ 0][ Building Conditions][0][ Property House No][Development Completed][ 0][ Land Division Conditions][Concurrence Required][ Lot][ Private Certifier Conditions][ 0][17121713][ Section][Date Appeal Lodged][0][ DAC Conditions][ Plan][Appeal Decision][0][ Property Street][ Fees][Amount Due][Amount Distributed][0][ Property Suburb][Sch 6 1 (1)(b)(i) Lodgement over $5000][$133.00][$0.00][6015710][ Title][Sch 6(1)(2)(c) Development Plan Ass Fee][$107.00][$5.35][ Hundred][Sch 6 1 (8)(a) Building Fees][$68.00][$4.33][$0.00][$0.00][Development Description][Council - Delegated Officer][ Relevant Authority][ANNEX AND PATIO][ Referred to] Found "340/253/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 87 of 147. Found "340/343/17". Found "340/312/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 88 of 147. Found "340/101/17". Found "340/402/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 89 of 147. Found "340/492/16". Found "340/371/16". Reading and parsing applications from page 90 of 147. Found "340/281/17". Found "340/371/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 91 of 147. Found "340/250/17". Found "340/430/16". Reading and parsing applications from page 92 of 147. Found "340/340/17". Found "340/219/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 93 of 147. Found "340/309/17". Found "340/399/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 94 of 147. Found "340/489/16". Found "340/306/09". Reading and parsing applications from page 95 of 147. Found "340/188/17". Found "340/278/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 96 of 147. Found "340/368/17". Found "340/157/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 97 of 147. Found "340/247/17". Found "340/337/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 98 of 147. Found "340/427/17". Found "340/306/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 99 of 147. Found "340/095/16". Found "340/396/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 100 of 147. Found "340/275/17". Found "340/365/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 101 of 147. Found "340/28/17". Found "340/334/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 102 of 147. Found "340/424/17". Found "340/303/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 103 of 147. Found "340/393/17". Found "340/483/16". Reading and parsing applications from page 104 of 147. Found "340/272/17". Found "340/362/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 105 of 147. Found "340/D013/17". Found "340/331/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 106 of 147. Found "340/421/17". Found "340/210/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 107 of 147. Found "340/300/17". Found "340/390/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 108 of 147. Found "340/269/17". Found "340/359/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 109 of 147. Found "340/449/16". Found "340/238/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 110 of 147. Found "340/328/17". Found "340/418/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 111 of 147. Found "340/297/17". Found "340/387/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 112 of 147. Found "340/477/16". Found "340/266/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 113 of 147. Found "340/356/17". Found "340/19/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 114 of 147. Found "340/145/17". Found "340/235/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 115 of 147. Found "340/325/17". Found "340/415/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 116 of 147. Found "340/294/17". Found "340/384/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 117 of 147. Found "340/47/17". Found "340/173/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 118 of 147. Found "340/263/17". Found "340/353/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 119 of 147. Found "340/232/17". Found "340/322/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 120 of 147. Found "340/412/17". Found "340/201/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 121 of 147. Found "340/291/17". Found "340/381/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 122 of 147. Found "340/V002/17". Found "340/260/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 123 of 147. Found "340/350/17". Found "340/229/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 124 of 147. Found "340/409/16". Found "340/319/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 125 of 147. Found "340/409/17". Found "340/378/16". Reading and parsing applications from page 126 of 147. Found "340/288/17". Found "340/378/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 127 of 147. Found "340/167/17". Found "340/257/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 128 of 147. Found "340/347/17". Found "340/226/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 129 of 147. Found "340/316/17". Found "340/406/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 130 of 147. Found "340/285/17". Found "340/375/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 131 of 147. Found "340/254/17". Found "340/344/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 132 of 147. Found "340/524/16". Found "340/313/16". Reading and parsing applications from page 133 of 147. Found "340/223/17". Found "340/313/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 134 of 147. Found "340/403/17". Found "340/66/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 135 of 147. Found "340/372/16". Application number 340/372/16 will be ignored because an address was not found or parsed (there is no street name). Elements: [14/09/2016][Approved][08/09/2016][Application Date][ Planning Approval][ Application No][340/372/16][27/10/2016][Approved][08/09/2016][Application Received][ Building Approval][ROSSDALE HOMES PTY LTD][ Applicants Name][ Land Division Approval][300 GLEN OSMOND RD][ Applicants Address][ Development Approval][27/10/2016][Approved][FULLARTON SA 5063][Conditions available on request][ 9][ Planning Conditions ][Development Commenced][ 0][ Building Conditions][28/07/2017][0][ Property House No][Development Completed][ 0][ Land Division Conditions][Concurrence Required][10][ Lot][ Private Certifier Conditions][ 2][FS 207][ Section][Date Appeal Lodged][0][ DAC Conditions][D93122][ Plan][Appeal Decision][0][ Property Street][ Fees][Amount Due][Amount Distributed][0][ Property Suburb][Sch 6 1 (1)(b)(i) Lodgement over $5000][$130.00][$0.00][CANCELLED][ Title][Sch 6(1)(2)(c) Development Plan Ass Fee][$256.25][$12.81][KADINA][ Hundred][EFFLUENT DISPOSAL-Res. Tanks up to 5000l][$446.00][$0.00][Sch 6 1 (11) Staged Consents Fee][$61.00][$20.40][Development Description][Council - Delegated Officer][ Relevant Authority][SINGLE STOREY DWELLING][ Referred to] Found "340/282/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 136 of 147. Found "340/372/17". Found "340/35/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 137 of 147. Found "340/341/17". Found "340/220/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 138 of 147. Found "340/310/17". Found "340/400/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 139 of 147. Found "340/189/17". Found "340/279/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 140 of 147. Found "340/369/17". Found "340/158/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 141 of 147. Found "340/338/17". Found "340/428/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 142 of 147. Found "340/217/17". Found "340/307/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 143 of 147. Found "340/397/17". Found "340/186/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 144 of 147. Found "340/366/16". Found "340/276/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 145 of 147. Found "340/366/17". Found "340/245/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 146 of 147. Found "340/335/17". Found "340/124/17". Reading and parsing applications from page 147 of 147. Found "340/425/17". Parsed 289 development application(s) from document: https://www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0028/249247/DA-REGISTER-01.07.17-TO-30.09.17.pdf Inserting development applications into the database. Saved application "340/214/17" with address "17 BOWER STREET, MOONTA MINES SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-05-18" to the database. Saved application "340/304/17" with address "28 LAWRENCE STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-07-24" to the database. Saved application "340/394/17" with address "42 OLIVE PARADE, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "COLORBOND GARAGE" and received date "2017-09-08" to the database. Saved application "340/183/17" with address "45 GILMORE CRESCENT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-04-28" to the database. Saved application "340/273/17" with address "25 RUPARA ROAD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-07-03" to the database. Saved application "340/363/17" with address "BOWMAN ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR AND COLORBOND SHED" and received date "2017-08-30" to the database. Saved application "340/121/14" with address "42 DOSWELL TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "3 X DETACHED SINGLE STOREY DWELLINGS" and received date "2014-03-17" to the database. Saved application "340/152/17" with address "20 KEEN STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-04-10" to the database. Saved application "340/D014/17" with address "LOT 997 PATRICK STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 232)" and received date "2017-09-20" to the database. Saved application "340/332/17" with address "37 ERRINGTON STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "FREESTANDING CARPORT" and received date "2017-08-15" to the database. Saved application "340/422/17" with address "19 PAR COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-09-26" to the database. Saved application "340/211/17" with address "28 CHAPPLE STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING WITH CARPORT AND FREESTANDING GARAGE" and received date "2017-05-15" to the database. Saved application "340/391/16" with address "5 DUNSTONE PLACE, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2016-09-14" to the database. Saved application "340/301/17" with address "3 BRIDGMAN COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-07-18" to the database. Saved application "340/391/17" with address "13 MOONTA ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-09-08" to the database. Saved application "340/180/17" with address "64 ELLIS ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "COLORBOND SHED" and received date "2017-04-28" to the database. Saved application "340/270/17" with address "46 DRAIN ROAD, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "GARAGE & CARPORT" and received date "2017-06-29" to the database. Saved application "340/360/17" with address "84 WOODFORDE DRIVE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "COLORBOND GARAGE" and received date "2017-08-30" to the database. Saved application "340/239/17" with address "8 WOODFORDE DRIVE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "GARAGE & REMOVAL OF EXISTING GARDEN SHED" and received date "2017-06-09" to the database. Saved application "340/D011/17" with address "5 IRELAND STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 2)" and received date "2017-06-23" to the database. Saved application "340/329/17" with address "152 HELSTON ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "SHED" and received date "2017-08-11" to the database. Saved application "340/419/17" with address "22 FARRELL ROAD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-09-25" to the database. Saved application "340/298/17" with address "ROSSLYN ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & VERANDAH" and received date "2017-07-17" to the database. Saved application "340/388/17" with address "21 BUTLER CRESCENT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-09-06" to the database. Saved application "340/025/12" with address "123 STATELY WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "2x SEMI DETACHED THREE STOREY DWELLINGS" and received date "2012-01-20" to the database. Saved application "340/51/17" with address "4 STOCKER STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & DETACHED SHED" and received date "2017-02-13" to the database. Saved application "340/177/17" with address "PATRICK STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-04-10" to the database. Saved application "340/267/17" with address "19 FRANCES TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "REFURBISHMENT OF INTEGRATED SERVICE STATION COMPLEX INCLUDING NEW CONT" and received date "2017-06-28" to the database. Saved application "340/357/17" with address "20 ROSE AVENUE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY TRANSPORTABLE DWELLING" and received date "2017-08-29" to the database. Saved application "340/447/16" with address "35 POMMERN WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2016-10-27" to the database. Saved application "340/146/17" with address "30 NORTH TERRACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "RELOCATE TRANSPORTABLE NEW VERANDAH & INTERNAL REFIT" and received date "2017-04-07" to the database. Saved application "340/385/12" with address "HALLAM CRESCENT, JERUSALEM SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY TIMBER FRAMED DWELLING ON CONCRETE SLAB" and received date "2012-09-26" to the database. Saved application "340/D008/17" with address "RUPARA ROAD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 7)" and received date "2017-04-05" to the database. Saved application "340/326/17" with address "964 BEARE ROAD, WILLAMULKA SA 5554", description "SWIMMING POOL & SAFETY FENCE" and received date "2017-08-09" to the database. Saved application "340/506/16" with address "1074 BUTE ROAD, WILLAMULKA SA 5554", description "DWELLING EXTENSION" and received date "2016-12-01" to the database. Saved application "340/416/17" with address "28-30 CHAMPION STREET, JERUSALEM SA 5554", description "100000L RAINWATER TANK" and received date "2017-09-25" to the database. Saved application "340/084/15" with address "38 HAYNES STREET, JERUSALEM SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2015-03-03" to the database. Saved application "340/205/17" with address "137 VERRAN TERRACE, MOONTA MINES SA 5558", description "DWELLING EXTENSION (LOUNGE & GAMES ROOM) PERGOLA AND SHED" and received date "2017-05-11" to the database. Saved application "340/295/17" with address "5 ROY COURT, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-07-14" to the database. Saved application "340/385/17" with address "12 HAY STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "DEMOLITION OF GARAGE" and received date "2017-09-06" to the database. Saved application "340/174/17" with address "PATRICK STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-04-10" to the database. Saved application "340/264/17" with address "11 MINNIPA DRIVE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-06-27" to the database. Saved application "340/143/15" with address "60 HUGHES AVENUE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2015-04-21" to the database. Saved application "340/354/17" with address "24 EAST TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "INGROUND SWIMMING POOL & SAFETY FENCE" and received date "2017-08-25" to the database. Saved application "340/143/17" with address "7 TRELAWNEY STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "FREESTANDING CARPORT and DEMOLITION OF STONE SHED" and received date "2017-04-06" to the database. Saved application "340/323/17" with address "CHAPMAN ROAD, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-09" to the database. Saved application "340/413/17" with address "80 WOODFORDE DRIVE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-09-20" to the database. Saved application "340/292/17" with address "5 DIEDRICH STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-07-12" to the database. Saved application "340/382/17" with address "15 CHRISTIE STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "SHED EXTENSION (REPLACE EXISTING)" and received date "2017-09-06" to the database. Saved application "340/V003/17" with address "LT 276 HUGHES STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "PROPOSED COLORBOND BUS SHED GARAGE" and received date "2017-08-23" to the database. Saved application "340/171/17" with address "PATRICK STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-04-10" to the database. Saved application "340/261/17" with address "51 BEARE STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "FIBREGLASS SWIMMING POOL" and received date "2017-06-23" to the database. Saved application "340/C009/16" with address "47 MOONTA ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "COMMUNITY DIVISION (1 into 4)" and received date "2016-09-16" to the database. Saved application "340/351/17" with address "6 CAROLINE STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "DEMOLITION AND RESIDENTIAL ADDITION" and received date "2017-08-23" to the database. Saved application "340/140/17" with address "1 KEMP PLACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-04-06" to the database. Saved application "340/320/17" with address "9 WOODWARD STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-08-04" to the database. Saved application "340/410/17" with address "6 NORTH BEACH ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "FREESTANDING CARPORT" and received date "2017-09-20" to the database. Saved application "340/469/14" with address "35-37 CRUTCHETT ROAD, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "INDUSTRIAL SHED" and received date "2014-10-01" to the database. Saved application "340/289/17" with address "41 TAYLOR STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "OFFICE FIT OUT" and received date "2017-07-10" to the database. Saved application "340/379/17" with address "31 CAROLINE STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "DWELLING ADDITION & DECK" and received date "2017-09-06" to the database. Saved application "340/258/17" with address "18-20 TRENWITH STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "DWELLING EXTENSION & GARAGE" and received date "2017-06-22" to the database. Saved application "340/348/17" with address "111 STATELY WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-21" to the database. Saved application "340/227/17" with address "27 RUPARA ROAD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-05-24" to the database. Saved application "340/317/17" with address "52 BRAY STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-22" to the database. Saved application "340/407/17" with address "PT 1713 LINDSAY TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "FREESTANDING CARPORT" and received date "2017-09-19" to the database. Saved application "340/286/17" with address "SEC 1375 ROACH STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "2.4M FENCE" and received date "2017-07-05" to the database. Saved application "340/376/17" with address "12 JONES STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "GARAGE VERANDAH AND PERGOLA" and received date "2017-09-04" to the database. Saved application "340/165/17" with address "SEC 475 BRITTAIN ROAD, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-04-20" to the database. Saved application "340/255/17" with address "4 MEASDAY CRESCENT, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-06-22" to the database. Saved application "340/345/17" with address "29 ERRINGTON STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "CHANGE OF USE - RESIDENTIAL/BED & BREAKFAST" and received date "2017-08-21" to the database. Saved application "340/525/16" with address "5 HOSKING PLACE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2016-12-13" to the database. Saved application "340/224/17" with address "44 BEARE STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR AND LIGHT INDUSTRY" and received date "2017-05-29" to the database. Saved application "340/314/17" with address "4 BOASE CRESCENT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-03" to the database. Saved application "340/404/17" with address "5 FREEMAN COURT, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-09-18" to the database. Saved application "340/67/17" with address "27 HUGHES AVENUE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-02-20" to the database. Saved application "340/283/17" with address "7 SANDERS STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-07-05" to the database. Saved application "340/001/16_V1" with address "19 TAYLOR STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "VARIATION TO DA 340/001/16 - VERANDAH (FUNCTION AREA) & CARPORT" and received date "2017-06-08" to the database. Saved application "340/373/17" with address "79 TAYLOR STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-09-04" to the database. Saved application "340/162/17" with address "PLYMOUTH PLACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CONSTRUCTION OF ROCK SEAWALL STAIRS & TEMPORARY LOADING RAMP" and received date "2017-04-07" to the database. Saved application "340/252/17" with address "6 SEAVIEW ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CARPORT" and received date "2017-06-21" to the database. Saved application "340/342/17" with address "3 CARLETON CRESCENT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR VERANDAH DECK RETAINING WALLS &" and received date "2017-08-21" to the database. Saved application "340/311/17" with address "50A GEORGE STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "CHANGE OF USE FROM SHOP TO INTEGRATED CAFE & SHOP DEVELOPMENT WITH ASS" and received date "2017-08-02" to the database. Saved application "340/280/14" with address "10 GEORGE STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "2 X CLASSROOMS" and received date "2014-06-11" to the database. Saved application "340/401/16" with address "4 HAGUE COURT, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & DETACHED SHED" and received date "2016-09-22" to the database. Saved application "340/401/17" with address "1-4 WEST TERRACE, CUNLIFFE SA 5554", description "STORAGE SHED" and received date "2017-09-15" to the database. Saved application "340/280/17" with address "21 CAMBRIDGE STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-07-05" to the database. Saved application "340/370/17" with address "6 REYNOLDS STREET, JERUSALEM SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-08-31" to the database. Saved application "340/33/17" with address "112 BAY ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CARPORT" and received date "2017-01-27" to the database. Saved application "340/159/17" with address "15 STATELY WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-04-13" to the database. Saved application "340/249/17" with address "305 MARTIN TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-06-20" to the database. Saved application "340/429/16" with address "51 GILMORE CRESCENT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "2 x TWO STOREY SEMI-DETACHED DWELLINGS" and received date "2016-10-19" to the database. Saved application "340/339/17" with address "15 MINES ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "PERGOLA" and received date "2017-08-18" to the database. Saved application "340/308/16" with address "84 WOODFORDE DRIVE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING" and received date "2016-07-27" to the database. Saved application "340/308/17" with address "4 EVANS ROAD SOUTH, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-07-28" to the database. Saved application "340/398/17" with address "68 VERCO STREET, MOONTA MINES SA 5558", description "CARPORT" and received date "2017-09-14" to the database. Saved application "340/277/17" with address "16 KARATTA STREET, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-07-03" to the database. Saved application "340/367/17" with address "18 PRINCE STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "DWELLING" and received date "2017-08-31" to the database. Saved application "340/426/15" with address "2 GLORIA AVENUE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2015-11-04" to the database. Saved application "340/336/17" with address "41 ALEXANDER STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-16" to the database. Saved application "340/426/17" with address "18 PRANKERD STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR AND SHED" and received date "2017-09-29" to the database. Saved application "340/305/17" with address "HASELGROVE ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & SHED" and received date "2017-07-24" to the database. Saved application "340/395/17" with address "SEC 594 ELLIS ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "IMPLEMENT SHED" and received date "2017-09-12" to the database. Saved application "340/274/16" with address "90 PORT ROAD, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "SHOP (ALDI STORE) WITH ASSOCIATED SIGNAGE PARKING & LANDSCAPING" and received date "2016-07-05" to the database. Saved application "340/274/17" with address "23 RUPARA ROAD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-07-03" to the database. Saved application "340/364/17" with address "164 BAY ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GAMES ROOM CARPORT & GARAGE" and received date "2017-08-30" to the database. Saved application "340/27/17" with address "29 SCOTLAND STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DWELLING & CONSTRUCTION OF NEW DWELLING" and received date "2017-01-30" to the database. Saved application "340/153/17" with address "17 MURRIN STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-04-11" to the database. Saved application "340/243/17" with address "43 FARRELL ROAD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR AND FREESTANDING GARAGE" and received date "2017-06-15" to the database. Saved application "340/D015/17" with address "4 WHARTON STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 2)" and received date "2017-09-20" to the database. Saved application "340/333/17" with address "STEVENS DRIVE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-08-16" to the database. Saved application "340/513/16" with address "11 PORT ROAD, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2016-12-05" to the database. Saved application "340/423/17" with address "11A RICHARDS TERRACE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-09-28" to the database. Saved application "340/302/17" with address "269 MOONTA-WALLAROO ROAD, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-07-21" to the database. Saved application "340/392/17" with address "4 ELLERY COURT, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "DECK AND ENCLOSE EXISTING VERANDAH" and received date "2017-09-08" to the database. Saved application "340/271/17" with address "6 DANIEL DRIVE, KADINA SA 5554", description "SWIMMING POOL & SAFETY FENCE" and received date "2017-06-30" to the database. Saved application "340/361/17" with address "6 MANOORA WAY, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "FREESTANDING CARPORT" and received date "2017-08-30" to the database. Saved application "340/D012/17" with address "4676 COPPER COAST HIGHWAY, KADINA SA 5554", description "LAND DIVISION (1 INTO 2)" and received date "2017-07-05" to the database. Saved application "340/240/17" with address "53 MUDDY LANE, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-06-13" to the database. Saved application "340/330/17" with address "PLYMOUTH PLACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SEAWALL & UNLOADING RAMP" and received date "2017-08-11" to the database. Saved application "340/420/17" with address "SEC 1898 MINNIE TERRACE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "DECK" and received date "2017-09-25" to the database. Saved application "340/83/17" with address "35 WARING STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "TWO x UNITS" and received date "2017-02-27" to the database. Saved application "340/299/17" with address "106 ANTHONY TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "FREESTANDING CARPORT" and received date "2017-07-18" to the database. Saved application "340/389/17" with address "6 CHAPPLE STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-09-08" to the database. Saved application "340/178/17" with address "PATRICK STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-04-13" to the database. Saved application "340/268/17" with address "8 CALSTOCK STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-06-29" to the database. Saved application "340/358/17" with address "7 STEVENS DRIVE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY TRANSPORTABLE DWELLING" and received date "2017-08-29" to the database. Saved application "340/327/17" with address "8 MILFORD STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "LEAN TO CARPORT & VERANDAH" and received date "2017-08-10" to the database. Saved application "340/417/17" with address "33 TONKIN WAY, MOONTA MINES SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-09-25" to the database. Saved application "340/80/17" with address "108 MOONTA ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-02-27" to the database. Saved application "340/296/17" with address "33 VICTORIA STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "FREESTANDING CARPORT" and received date "2017-07-17" to the database. Saved application "340/386/17" with address "28 GENOA PLACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SWIMMING POOL & RETAINING WALL" and received date "2017-09-06" to the database. Saved application "340/175/17" with address "PATRICK STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-04-10" to the database. Saved application "340/265/17" with address "12 KEEN STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-06-26" to the database. Saved application "340/355/17" with address "9 MATCHPLAY COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-28" to the database. Saved application "340/324/17" with address "34 STOCKER STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR AND CONVERSION OF SHED TO SECOND D" and received date "2017-08-09" to the database. Saved application "340/414/17" with address "11 WEARN STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "FREESTANDING CARPORT" and received date "2017-09-22" to the database. Saved application "340/203/17" with address "11 DEEBLE STREET, EAST MOONTA SA 5558", description "CARPORT" and received date "2017-05-10" to the database. Saved application "340/293/17" with address "16 ORIENTAL COURT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-07-13" to the database. Saved application "340/473/16" with address "125 POMMERN WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2016-11-14" to the database. Saved application "340/383/17" with address "9 GILBERT STREET, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "COLOURBOND SHED EXTENSION" and received date "2017-09-06" to the database. Saved application "340/V004/17" with address "SEC 1842 LIPSON AVENUE, KADINA SA 5554", description "EXTENSION BETWEEN TWO EXISTING CLASSROOM BUILDINGS" and received date "2017-09-26" to the database. Saved application "340/172/17" with address "PATRICK STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-04-10" to the database. Saved application "340/352/17" with address "237 MAGAZINE ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & CARPORT" and received date "2017-08-23" to the database. Saved application "340/321/15" with address "19 PRANKERD STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING SWIMMING POOL AND ALFRESCO" and received date "2015-08-20" to the database. Saved application "340/532/16" with address "6 MARINE PARADE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "RELOCATION OF DWELLING ON SAME ALLOTMENT NEW DECKING PERGOLA AND GAR" and received date "2016-12-20" to the database. Saved application "340/321/17" with address "ROSSLYN ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDAH CARPORT & GARAGE" and received date "2017-08-08" to the database. Saved application "340/411/17" with address "42 EAST TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "CARPORT EXTENSION" and received date "2017-09-20" to the database. Saved application "340/200/17" with address "10A WILDMAN STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SHOP EXTENSION & VERANDAH" and received date "2017-05-04" to the database. Saved application "340/290/17" with address "286 MARTIN TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "SOLAR PANELS" and received date "2017-07-11" to the database. Saved application "340/380/17" with address "109 CORNISH TERRACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-09-06" to the database. Saved application "340/259/17" with address "1 GEORGE STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "AMENDMENT TO CONDITION 1 OF DA 340/491/00" and received date "2017-06-22" to the database. Saved application "340/349/17" with address "CHAPMAN ROAD, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-21" to the database. Saved application "340/312/15_V1" with address "109 STATELY WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "AMENDMENT TO DA 340/312/15" and received date "2017-08-04" to the database. Saved application "340/138/17" with address "8 CALSTOCK STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-04-03" to the database. Saved application "340/318/17" with address "1 BOASE CRESCENT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING AND SHEDS" and received date "2017-08-04" to the database. Saved application "340/498/16" with address "87 GEORGE STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "VARIATION TO DA340/338/16 FOR A DWELLING EXTENSION & VERANDAH" and received date "2016-11-28" to the database. Saved application "340/408/17" with address "14 RECYCLE WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SHED" and received date "2017-09-20" to the database. Saved application "340/197/17" with address "17 MURRIN STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "COLORBOND SHED" and received date "2017-05-08" to the database. Saved application "340/287/17" with address "2 CLAYTON STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CARPORT" and received date "2017-07-06" to the database. Saved application "340/166/15" with address "6 GILL STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2015-05-08" to the database. Saved application "340/377/17" with address "15 MONMOUTH STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "TWO VERANDAHS" and received date "2017-09-05" to the database. Saved application "340/256/17" with address "6 DANIEL DRIVE, KADINA SA 5554", description "COLOUBOND GARAGE" and received date "2017-06-22" to the database. Saved application "340/346/16" with address "20 EAST TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2016-08-22" to the database. Saved application "340/346/17" with address "25 ENGLAND STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-08-21" to the database. Saved application "340/315/17" with address "115 MAGAZINE ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-03" to the database. Saved application "340/405/17" with address "111 STATELY WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "PONTOON" and received date "2017-09-19" to the database. Saved application "340/194/17" with address "50 KARKARILLA ROAD, MOONTA MINES SA 5558", description "CONVERSION OF SHED TO SECOND DWELLING" and received date "2017-05-04" to the database. Saved application "340/284/17" with address "1077 POINT RILEY ROAD, WALLAROO PLAIN SA 5556", description "SHED" and received date "2017-07-05" to the database. Saved application "340/253/17" with address "86 WOODFORDE DRIVE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-06-22" to the database. Saved application "340/343/17" with address "2 DEER COURT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-08-21" to the database. Saved application "340/312/17" with address "24 RAMSEY STREET, JERUSALEM SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-02" to the database. Saved application "340/101/17" with address "6 STROKE COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-03-14" to the database. Saved application "340/402/17" with address "28 FARRELL ROAD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & CARPORT UMR" and received date "2017-09-15" to the database. Saved application "340/492/16" with address "ROSSITERS ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "STAGED GROUP DWELLING DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 195 RESIDENTIAL DWELLI" and received date "2016-11-24" to the database. Saved application "340/371/16" with address "14 BIRDIE STREET, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING AND GARAGE UMR" and received date "2016-09-07" to the database. Saved application "340/281/17" with address "43 JOHN OLSEN DRIVE, KADINA SA 5554", description "ENCLOSED LEAN TO ATTACHED TO SHED" and received date "2017-07-05" to the database. Saved application "340/371/17" with address "25 LYDIA TERRACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SHIPPING CONTAINER SWITCH ROOM" and received date "2017-09-01" to the database. Saved application "340/250/17" with address "CHAPMAN ROAD, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-06-20" to the database. Saved application "340/430/16" with address "PALMER ESPLANADE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2016-10-20" to the database. Saved application "340/340/17" with address "4 CHAMPION STREET, JERUSALEM SA 5554", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-08-18" to the database. Saved application "340/219/17" with address "10 ESPLANADE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-05-22" to the database. Saved application "340/309/17" with address "73 NORTH TERRACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SHIPPING CONTAINER" and received date "2017-08-01" to the database. Saved application "340/399/17" with address "15 SYMONS STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-09-14" to the database. Saved application "340/489/16" with address "77/79 PORT ROAD, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "FREESTANDING OPENSIDED PERGOLA" and received date "2016-11-23" to the database. Saved application "340/306/09" with address "52 TAYLOR STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "4 COMMUNITY TITLE HOUSING UNITS" and received date "2009-05-18" to the database. Saved application "340/188/17" with address "30 RANDOLPH STREET, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-04-24" to the database. Saved application "340/278/17" with address "15 MINNIPA DRIVE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "BOAT GARAGE" and received date "2017-07-03" to the database. Saved application "340/368/17" with address "22 PRINCE STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "DWELLING" and received date "2017-08-31" to the database. Saved application "340/157/17" with address "16 DIAGONAL ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SWIMMING POOL AND SAFETY FENCE" and received date "2017-04-13" to the database. Saved application "340/247/17" with address "11 STEVENS PLACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-06-19" to the database. Saved application "340/337/17" with address "14 HAVEN ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "DWELLING" and received date "2017-08-16" to the database. Saved application "340/427/17" with address "16 VICTORIA STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "STORM DAMAGE REPAIRS" and received date "2017-09-29" to the database. Saved application "340/306/17" with address "29 SOUTH TERRACE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TOILET" and received date "2017-07-27" to the database. Saved application "340/095/16" with address "64 THOMAS STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE" and received date "2016-03-04" to the database. Saved application "340/396/17" with address "4 STROKE COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-09-12" to the database. Saved application "340/275/17" with address "16 ALBATROSS DRIVE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-07-03" to the database. Saved application "340/365/17" with address "17 HOSKING PLACE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-30" to the database. Saved application "340/28/17" with address "2A WILLIAM STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "VERANDAH GARAGE & POOL" and received date "2017-01-31" to the database. Saved application "340/334/17" with address "19 MILNE TERRACE, MOONTA SA 5558", description "ABOVE GROUND SWIMMING POOL" and received date "2017-08-16" to the database. Saved application "340/424/17" with address "17 BUNKER COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-09-28" to the database. Saved application "340/303/17" with address "50 HIGHVIEW GROVE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-07-21" to the database. Saved application "340/393/17" with address "3 SUSANNE STREET, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "COLORBOND GARAGE" and received date "2017-09-08" to the database. Saved application "340/483/16" with address "80 NORTH TERRACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CARPORT PATIO AND SHED" and received date "2016-11-11" to the database. Saved application "340/272/17" with address "21 NANCARROW STREET, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "VERANDAH ASSOCIATED OFFICE SMOKING AREA" and received date "2017-06-30" to the database. Saved application "340/362/17" with address "4 TREMBATH STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-30" to the database. Saved application "340/D013/17" with address "SEC 1174 CHAPMAN ROAD, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "LAND DIVISION (2 INTO 4)" and received date "2017-08-01" to the database. Saved application "340/331/17" with address "167 BAY ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "RETAINING WALL" and received date "2017-08-15" to the database. Saved application "340/421/17" with address "7 TRELAWNEY STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "TWO VERANDAHS" and received date "2017-09-26" to the database. Saved application "340/210/17" with address "24A HAY STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "FREESTANDING CARPORT" and received date "2017-05-16" to the database. Saved application "340/300/17" with address "24 CLARKE STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "CARPORT" and received date "2017-07-18" to the database. Saved application "340/390/17" with address "CHAPMAN ROAD, NORTH MOONTA SA 5558", description "RAINWATER TANK" and received date "2017-09-08" to the database. Saved application "340/269/17" with address "27 SCOTLAND STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "CARPORT" and received date "2017-06-29" to the database. Saved application "340/359/17" with address "12 CAMBRIDGE STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "PERGOLA" and received date "2017-08-30" to the database. Saved application "340/449/16" with address "1 BRIDGMAN COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2016-10-28" to the database. Saved application "340/238/17" with address "36-40 KITTO ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE & VERANDAH" and received date "2017-06-09" to the database. Saved application "340/328/17" with address "15 SPINNAKER COURT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-11" to the database. Saved application "340/418/17" with address "33 TIMARU WAY, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR & FREESTANDING SHED" and received date "2017-09-25" to the database. Saved application "340/297/17" with address "15 SNELL AVENUE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "DECK" and received date "2017-07-17" to the database. Saved application "340/387/17" with address "29 SANDERS STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-09-21" to the database. Saved application "340/477/16" with address "54 THOMAS STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2016-11-16" to the database. Saved application "340/266/17" with address "33 NORTH TERRACE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING CARPORT & FREESTANDING GARAGE" and received date "2017-06-26" to the database. Saved application "340/356/17" with address "MARTIN TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & CARPORT UMR" and received date "2017-08-29" to the database. Saved application "340/19/17" with address "9 BLANCHE TERRAC, MOONTA SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & DEMOLITION OF PORTION OF BOUNDARY WALL FOR DR" and received date "2017-01-23" to the database. Saved application "340/145/17" with address "307 WHITE ROAD, BOORS PLAIN SA 5554", description "GRAIN SHED" and received date "2017-04-06" to the database. Saved application "340/235/17" with address "10 KAINTON ROAD, PASKEVILLE SA 5552", description "TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY" and received date "2017-06-07" to the database. Saved application "340/325/17" with address "1/36 TAYLOR STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "DISABLED TOILET AND SHADE SAIL" and received date "2017-08-09" to the database. Saved application "340/415/17" with address "16 INVERNESS WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-09-25" to the database. Saved application "340/294/17" with address "59 MORCOMBE ROAD, MOONTA MINES SA 5558", description "SHED" and received date "2017-07-13" to the database. Saved application "340/384/17" with address "115 MAGAZINE ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "COLORBOND GARAGE" and received date "2017-09-06" to the database. Saved application "340/47/17" with address "LOT 1 RUSSELL STREET, WALLAROO MINES SA 5554", description "INDUSTRIAL SHED CARPORT SIGNAGE & FENCE" and received date "2017-02-10" to the database. Saved application "340/173/17" with address "PATRICK STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-04-10" to the database. Saved application "340/263/17" with address "9 WILLIAM STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "CARPORT & VERANDAH" and received date "2017-06-26" to the database. Saved application "340/353/17" with address "2 HARRISON STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-25" to the database. Saved application "340/232/17" with address "129 POMMERN WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-06-06" to the database. Saved application "340/322/17" with address "WILLARD STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "ANCILLARY INDOOR RECREATION HALL & SWIMMING POOL" and received date "2017-08-08" to the database. Saved application "340/412/17" with address "54 DOWLING DRIVE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-09-20" to the database. Saved application "340/201/17" with address "26 OSPREY BOULEVARD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-05-08" to the database. Saved application "340/291/17" with address "3 TUCKER PARADE, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "FIBREGLASS SWIMMING POOL" and received date "2017-07-11" to the database. Saved application "340/381/17" with address "52 MOONTA ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDAH & GARAGE" and received date "2017-09-06" to the database. Saved application "340/V002/17" with address "5 DOSWELL TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING TRANSPORT BUILDING WITH NEW" and received date "2017-07-24" to the database. Saved application "340/260/17" with address "19 THOMPSON STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-06-23" to the database. Saved application "340/350/17" with address "105 BAY ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-08-23" to the database. Saved application "340/229/17" with address "45 STOCKER STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "DWELLING" and received date "2017-06-01" to the database. Saved application "340/409/16" with address "SEC 203 GOLDSWORTHY ROAD, MOONTA SA 5558", description "TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY" and received date "2016-09-29" to the database. Saved application "340/319/17" with address "68A CAROLINE STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-04" to the database. Saved application "340/409/17" with address "55 TONKIN WAY, MOONTA MINES SA 5558", description "SHED EXTENSION" and received date "2017-09-20" to the database. Saved application "340/378/16" with address "19 PAR COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2016-09-09" to the database. Saved application "340/288/17" with address "15 DALY STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-07-10" to the database. Saved application "340/378/17" with address "14 LYNDON AVENUE, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "CARPORT" and received date "2017-09-05" to the database. Saved application "340/167/17" with address "329 HAYNES ROAD, THRINGTON SA 5552", description "EXTENSION OF RUMPUS ROOM AND VERANDAH" and received date "2017-04-24" to the database. Saved application "340/257/17" with address "23 THYER STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-06-22" to the database. Saved application "340/347/17" with address "28 DOWLING DRIVE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TWO X 2 STOREY ATTACHED DWELLINGS" and received date "2017-08-21" to the database. Saved application "340/226/17" with address "7 ESPLANADE, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-05-30" to the database. Saved application "340/316/17" with address "LOT 381 MINNIE TERRACE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "STORMWATER MANAGEMENT" and received date "2017-08-03" to the database. Saved application "340/406/17" with address "5 LEARMOND COURT, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "FIBREGLASS SWIMMING POOL" and received date "2017-09-19" to the database. Saved application "340/285/17" with address "LEHMAN ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SHED AND RAINWATER TANK" and received date "2017-07-05" to the database. Saved application "340/375/17" with address "42 OLIVE PARADE, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-09-04" to the database. Saved application "340/254/17" with address "63 LAWRENCE STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-06-22" to the database. Saved application "340/344/17" with address "17 ALEXANDER STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-08-21" to the database. Saved application "340/524/16" with address "2 INVERNESS WAY, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING AND ASSOCIATED SITEWORKS AND RETAINING WALLS" and received date "2016-12-13" to the database. Saved application "340/313/16" with address "62 LEHMAN ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2016-07-29" to the database. Saved application "340/223/17" with address "4 MYRA STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "GARAPORT" and received date "2017-05-26" to the database. Saved application "340/313/17" with address "12 KEEN STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-08-03" to the database. Saved application "340/403/17" with address "4 RANDOLPH STREET, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "DWELLING ADDITION" and received date "2017-09-15" to the database. Saved application "340/66/17" with address "10 SYMONS STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "DWELLING & GARAGE" and received date "2017-02-20" to the database. Saved application "340/282/17" with address "35 ISLESWORTH STREET, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-07-05" to the database. Saved application "340/372/17" with address "17 ORIENTAL COURT, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE" and received date "2017-09-01" to the database. Saved application "340/35/17" with address "17 HOSKING PLACE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-02-07" to the database. Saved application "340/341/17" with address "35 SCHILLING STREET, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-08-18" to the database. Saved application "340/220/17" with address "2 PRINCE STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-05-24" to the database. Saved application "340/310/17" with address "14 HAVEN ROAD, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "DEMOLITION OF DWELLING & GRANNY FLAT" and received date "2017-08-01" to the database. Saved application "340/400/17" with address "23 PRANKERD STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "RESIDENTIAL BUILDING REPAIRS" and received date "2017-09-15" to the database. Saved application "340/189/17" with address "2-4 GULF STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-05-01" to the database. Saved application "340/279/17" with address "30 CHAPPLE STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "GARAGE" and received date "2017-07-03" to the database. Saved application "340/369/17" with address "14 BUNKER COURT, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE & CARPORT UMR" and received date "2017-08-31" to the database. Saved application "340/158/17" with address "FAIRFIELD ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-04-13" to the database. Saved application "340/338/17" with address "38C GEORGE STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "CHANGE OF USE & SIGNAGE" and received date "2017-08-17" to the database. Saved application "340/428/17" with address "28 GENOA PLACE, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "PERGOLA" and received date "2017-10-03" to the database. Saved application "340/217/17" with address "6 WOODWARD STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-05-18" to the database. Saved application "340/307/17" with address "SEC 2210 RAILWAY TERRACE, KADINA SA 5554", description "4 COMMUNITY SHELTERS" and received date "2017-07-28" to the database. Saved application "340/397/17" with address "3 TRENERRY PLACE, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "TWO STOREY DWELLING & GARAGE UMR" and received date "2017-09-13" to the database. Saved application "340/186/17" with address "54 HASELGROVE ROAD, KADINA SA 5554", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR AND SHED" and received date "2017-05-03" to the database. Saved application "340/366/16" with address "21-27 GEORGE STREET, MOONTA SA 5558", description "ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS TO EXISTING SUPERMARKET" and received date "2016-09-05" to the database. Saved application "340/276/17" with address "SEC 684 RUCIOCH ROAD, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING WITH GARAGE UMR & 3 SHEDS" and received date "2017-07-03" to the database. Saved application "340/366/17" with address "10 PRINCE STREET, WALLAROO SA 5556", description "DWELLING" and received date "2017-08-31" to the database. Saved application "340/245/17" with address "44 GEORGE STREET, NEW TOWN SA 5554", description "VERANDAH" and received date "2017-06-16" to the database. Saved application "340/335/17" with address "20 KEEN STREET, MOONTA BAY SA 5558", description "COLOURBOND GARAGE" and received date "2017-08-16" to the database. Saved application "340/124/17" with address "5 OTAGO ROAD, NORTH BEACH SA 5556", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING" and received date "2017-03-20" to the database. Saved application "340/425/17" with address "4 EMERSON STREET, PORT HUGHES SA 5558", description "SINGLE STOREY DWELLING & CARPORT UMR" and received date "2017-09-29" to the database. Complete.


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Average successful run time: 1 minute

Total run time: about 3 hours

Total cpu time used: 19 minutes

Total disk space used: 1.56 MB


  • Manually ran revision 35d573f6 and completed successfully .
    545 records added, 545 records removed in the database
  • Manually ran revision 9ce3bf8b and completed successfully .
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  • Manually ran revision a43815aa and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
  • Auto ran revision 3adf7b79 and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
  • Auto ran revision 3adf7b79 and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
  • ...
  • Created on morph.io

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