MichaelBone / city_of_tea_tree_gully_sa_development_applications

City of Tea Tree Gully (South Australia) Development Applications

Contributors MichaelBone

Last run completed successfully .

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... [1G [1G-----> Node.js app detected [1G [1G-----> Creating runtime environment [1G [1G NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error [1G NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true [1G NPM_CONFIG_CAFILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt [1G NODE_VERBOSE=false [1G NODE_ENV=production [1G NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 [1G NODE_MODULES_CACHE=true [1G [1G-----> Installing binaries [1G engines.node (package.json): 10.6.0 [1G engines.npm (package.json): unspecified (use default) [1G [1G Resolving node version 10.6.0... [1G Downloading and installing node 10.6.0... [1G Using default npm version: 6.1.0 [1G [1G-----> Restoring cache [1G Skipping cache restore (not-found) [1G [1G-----> Building dependencies [1G Installing node modules (package.json) [1G [1G > sqlite3@4.2.0 install /tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3 [1G > node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build [1G [1G [sqlite3] Success: "/tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/node-v64-linux-x64/node_sqlite3.node" is installed via remote [1G added 143 packages from 116 contributors and audited 143 packages in 6.898s [1G found 0 vulnerabilities [1G [1G [1G-----> Caching build [1G Clearing previous node cache [1G Saving 2 cacheDirectories (default): [1G - node_modules [1G - bower_components (nothing to cache) [1G [1G-----> Build succeeded! [1G [1G-----> Discovering process types [1G Procfile declares types -> scraper Injecting scraper and running... Retrieving page: https://www.ecouncil.teatreegully.sa.gov.au/eservice/dialog/daEnquiryInit.do?nodeNum=131612 Retrieving search results for: https://www.ecouncil.teatreegully.sa.gov.au/eservice/dialog/daEnquiry.do?number=&lodgeRangeType=on&dateFrom=27%2F06%2F2020&dateTo=27%2F07%2F2020&detDateFromString=&detDateToString=&streetName=&suburb=0&unitNum=&houseNum=0%0D%0A%09%09%09%09%09&searchMode=A&submitButton=Search Inserted: application "119176/2020" with address "25 Altola Road MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Demolition of dwelling, carport and swimming pool" into the database. Inserted: application "118816/2020" with address "25 Altola Road MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Single storey detached dwelling, retaining walls and fencing" into the database. Inserted: application "119355/2020" with address "46 Amber Road HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Verandah and Shed" into the database. Inserted: application "119230/2020" with address "12 Andrea Street HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Outbuilding (Garage)" into the database. Skipped: application "119230/2020" with address "12 Andrea Street HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Outbuilding (Garage)" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119023/2020" with address "12 Andrea Street HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Verandahs and Carport" into the database. Inserted: application "119183/2020" with address "7 Apalie Drive MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Four Two Storey Dwellings, Landscaping and Fencing" into the database. Inserted: application "119186/2020" with address "2-6 Ardtornish Street HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Storage Shed" into the database. Skipped: application "119186/2020" with address "2-6 Ardtornish Street HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Storage Shed" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119238/2020" with address "5 Aurama Street HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Land Division New Allotments" into the database. Inserted: application "118377/2020" with address "43B Australia Avenue MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Single storey detached dwelling with garage" into the database. Inserted: application "118465/2020" with address "43A Australia Avenue MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Single storey detached dwelling with garage" into the database. Inserted: application "119161/2020" with address "53 Awoonga Road HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Addition of Bedroom and Rumpus Room to exisitng dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119382/2020" with address "4 Ayles Court GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119382/2020" with address "4 Ayles Court GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119320/2020" with address "3 Baker Street HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119320/2020" with address "3 Baker Street HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119365/2020" with address "Balmoral Road DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Secton 49 Referral - Upgrades to an existing reservoir, including earthworks to lower spillway and temporary removal and replacement of local heritage listed stone kerbing" into the database. Inserted: application "119315/2020" with address "14 Barrett Court GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119315/2020" with address "14 Barrett Court GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "118777/2020" with address "35A Beckman Avenue HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Dwelling Additions" into the database. Inserted: application "119258/2020" with address "13 Bendigo Crescent MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119258/2020" with address "13 Bendigo Crescent MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119305/2020" with address "6 Berryman Drive MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Demolition of existing dwelling and carport" into the database. Inserted: application "119197/2020" with address "28 Berryman Drive MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Land Division (1 into 3 Torrens Title)" into the database. Inserted: application "119328/2020" with address "8 Birch Grove DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Single Storey Dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119265/2020" with address "4 Bonaparte Place GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119265/2020" with address "4 Bonaparte Place GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "117263/2019" with address "10 Boronia Drive HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Alterations and Additions to an Existing Dwelling and Carport - STAGE 1 - Alterations and Additions to an existing dwelling ONLY" into the database. Inserted: application "119164/2020" with address "22 Brabham Avenue HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Carport and Deck" into the database. Skipped: application "119164/2020" with address "22 Brabham Avenue HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Carport and Deck" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119256/2020" with address "18A Brigalow Avenue MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119318/2020" with address "35 Buckley Crescent FAIRVIEW PARK SA 5126" and reason "Land Division New Allotments" into the database. Inserted: application "119223/2020" with address "36 Canis Avenue HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Dwelling and Verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119180/2020" with address "7 Caspar Street FAIRVIEW PARK SA 5126" and reason "Outbuilding" into the database. Inserted: application "119275/2020" with address "10 Cobbler Drive GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119275/2020" with address "10 Cobbler Drive GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119246/2020" with address "13 Cowra Avenue GILLES PLAINS SA 5086" and reason "Demolition of existing dwelling, verandah, carport and shed" into the database. Inserted: application "119184/2020" with address "16A Cremin Street FAIRVIEW PARK SA 5126" and reason "Single Storey Dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119206/2020" with address "34 Delange Avenue BANKSIA PARK SA 5091" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119206/2020" with address "34 Delange Avenue BANKSIA PARK SA 5091" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119195/2020" with address "15 Diamond Avenue GILLES PLAINS SA 5086" and reason "Land Division (1 Allotment into 2)" into the database. Inserted: application "119339/2020" with address "15 Diamond Avenue GILLES PLAINS SA 5086" and reason "Demolition of dwelling, carport, sheds, verandahs and garage" into the database. Inserted: application "119158/2020" with address "9 Dordoy Street HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Single Storey Detached Dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119257/2020" with address "13 Dynasty Court GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Conversion of garage to living area and carport" into the database. Skipped: application "119257/2020" with address "13 Dynasty Court GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Conversion of garage to living area and carport Dwelling Additions/Alterations" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119199/2020" with address "29 Elinga Road FAIRVIEW PARK SA 5126" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119199/2020" with address "29 Elinga Road FAIRVIEW PARK SA 5126" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119168/2020" with address "18 Faulkner Street MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Two Storey Detached Dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "118738/2020" with address "2 Finsterwald Way FAIRVIEW PARK SA 5126" and reason "Single Storey Detached Dwelling, Retaining Walls and Fencing" into the database. Inserted: application "119302/2020" with address "4 Gentilly Street HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Row Dwellings" into the database. Inserted: application "119244/2020" with address "9 Gill Court HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Demolition of existing dwelling and two sheds" into the database. Inserted: application "119343/2020" with address "4 Gloucestershire Avenue GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119260/2020" with address "Unit 4 1669 Golden Grove Road GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119260/2020" with address "Unit 4 1669 Golden Grove Road GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119344/2020" with address "1002-1014 Grand Junction Road HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Office showroom storage" into the database. Inserted: application "118201/2019" with address "1211-1213 Grand Junction Road HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Dwelling/class 5-9" into the database. Inserted: application "119353/2020" with address "100 Green Valley Drive GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119367/2020" with address "10-18 Greenwith Road GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Shipping Container and Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119367/2020" with address "10-18 Greenwith Road GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Shipping Container and Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119259/2020" with address "20 Grenache Avenue MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Verandahs" into the database. Skipped: application "119259/2020" with address "20 Grenache Avenue MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Verandahs" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119162/2020" with address "114 Haines Road BANKSIA PARK SA 5091" and reason "Partial demolition of dwelling and two storey dwelling additon" into the database. Inserted: application "119322/2020" with address "8 Hancock Road HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119322/2020" with address "8 Hancock Road HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119227/2020" with address "6 Harold Street HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Demolition of all structures (dwelling, carport, shed and verandah)" into the database. Inserted: application "119209/2020" with address "Unit 3 3 Harrison Avenue MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Single storey dwelling and retaining walls" into the database. Skipped: application "119209/2020" with address "Unit 3 3 Harrison Avenue MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Single storey dwelling and retaining walls" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119217/2020" with address "5 Highbury Drive HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Free Standing Carport" into the database. Skipped: application "119217/2020" with address "5 Highbury Drive HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Free Standing Carport" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119177/2020" with address "1 Hollick Crescent BANKSIA PARK SA 5091" and reason "Demolition of dwelling and shed" into the database. Inserted: application "119292/2020" with address "6 Honey Lane GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Dwelling and Retaining Wall" into the database. Inserted: application "119325/2020" with address "17 Honeysuckle Drive HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Demolition of existing dwelling, carport shed and verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119366/2020" with address "17 Honeysuckle Drive HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Land Division New Allotments" into the database. Inserted: application "119294/2020" with address "27 Honeysuckle Drive HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Carport" into the database. Inserted: application "119362/2020" with address "2 Hudson Lowe Drive GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Fence replacement (brush to colourbond)" into the database. Inserted: application "119295/2020" with address "21 Humewood Place GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119273/2020" with address "1 Iberis Court GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119273/2020" with address "1 Iberis Court GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "118829/2020" with address "4A Judith Avenue HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Dwelling and Verandah and Garage" into the database. Inserted: application "118903/2020" with address "21 Karina Crescent HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Single storey dwelling, retaining walls and fencing" into the database. Inserted: application "119346/2020" with address "23 Karri Drive DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Demolition of dwelling, verandah, rumpus room, carport and sheds" into the database. Inserted: application "119224/2020" with address "28 Karri Drive DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Demolition of dwelling, verandah, garage and shed" into the database. Inserted: application "118749/2020" with address "28 Karri Drive DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Dwelling and Verandah and Garage and Retaining Wall and Fencing" into the database. Inserted: application "119249/2020" with address "37 Kennington Road HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Swimming Pool and Safety Barrier" into the database. Skipped: application "119249/2020" with address "37 Kennington Road HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Swimming Pool and Safety Barrier" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119299/2020" with address "3 Kent Road HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Shed" into the database. Skipped: application "119299/2020" with address "3 Kent Road HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Shed" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119239/2020" with address "5 Kincraig Crescent MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Land Division (1 into 3 Torrens Title)" into the database. Inserted: application "119267/2020" with address "1 Kingston Avenue HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Two Dwellings" into the database. Inserted: application "119214/2020" with address "26 Leeds Avenue HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Land Division New Allotments" into the database. Inserted: application "119167/2020" with address "38 Leeds Avenue HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119210/2020" with address "1 Leonard Street HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Extension to Verandah at Rear of Dwelling" into the database. Skipped: application "119210/2020" with address "1 Leonard Street HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Extension to Verandah at Rear of Dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119338/2020" with address "893 Lower North East Road DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Tree Removal" into the database. Inserted: application "119290/2020" with address "27-31 Lutana Grove DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Retrospective Tree Removal" into the database. Inserted: application "119207/2020" with address "74 Mahogany Avenue HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Demolition of existing dwelling, construction of two storey detached dwelling with swimming pool" into the database. Inserted: application "119316/2020" with address "1 Malbec Avenue HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "118802/2020" with address "6 Marengo Court GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah and Carport" into the database. Inserted: application "119188/2020" with address "2 Margaret Avenue HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Removal of One Regulated Tree" into the database. Inserted: application "119301/2020" with address "53 Martindale Avenue GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Garage" into the database. Skipped: application "119301/2020" with address "53 Martindale Avenue GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Garage" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119383/2020" with address "4 Marvin Avenue GILLES PLAINS SA 5086" and reason "Dwelling and Verandah and Garage" into the database. Inserted: application "119298/2020" with address "1A Mayfred Avenue HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Single Storey Detached Dwelling, Fencing and Retaining Walls" into the database. Inserted: application "119237/2020" with address "5 Mayfred Avenue HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119291/2020" with address "13 Mayfred Avenue HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Demolition for Class 1A Demolition for Class 10A" into the database. Inserted: application "119172/2020" with address "14 Mayfred Avenue HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Land Division New Allotments & Street Tree Removal" into the database. Inserted: application "118901/2020" with address "9-11 McCann Place GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Shed and Verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119263/2020" with address "2 McCullough Court GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Swimming Pool and Safety Barrier" into the database. Inserted: application "119312/2020" with address "12A Myrtle Road DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119274/2020" with address "11 Newcombe Drive GILLES PLAINS SA 5086" and reason "Land Division New Allotments" into the database. Inserted: application "119330/2020" with address "16 Newcombe Drive GILLES PLAINS SA 5086" and reason "Carport" into the database. Inserted: application "119243/2020" with address "21 Newcombe Drive GILLES PLAINS SA 5086" and reason "Land Division New Allotments (1 into 2)" into the database. Inserted: application "119262/2020" with address "10 Ninnis Court GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119262/2020" with address "10 Ninnis Court GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "117107/2019" with address "30 Nioka Road DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Alterations and additions to existing dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119278/2020" with address "736 North East Road HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Solar Panels" into the database. Inserted: application "119321/2020" with address "931 North East Road MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Additions and Alteratons to Service Station" into the database. Inserted: application "119282/2020" with address "39 Oakridge Circuit GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119282/2020" with address "39 Oakridge Circuit GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119359/2020" with address "5 Otama Road FAIRVIEW PARK SA 5126" and reason "Carport" into the database. Inserted: application "119349/2020" with address "13 Oxford Crescent MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Row Dwellings" into the database. Inserted: application "119233/2020" with address "8 Paradise Grove HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Demolition of existing dwelling, sheds, verandahs" into the database. Inserted: application "119253/2020" with address "8 Paradise Grove HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119182/2020" with address "16 Paradise Grove HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Carport" into the database. Skipped: application "119182/2020" with address "16 Paradise Grove HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Carport" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119215/2020" with address "34 Parkinson Avenue DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Land Division (1 into 2 Torrens Title)" into the database. Inserted: application "118711/2020" with address "35 Parsons Road DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "STAGE 2 - REMAINDER OF WORKS -Variation to Original Approval DA 117511 for an additional upper level bedroom to each dwelling 070/117511/2019: Two x Two-Storey Detached Dwellings, Verandahs and Garages" into the database. Inserted: application "119204/2020" with address "1D Payton Avenue DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Single storey detached dwelling with garage and alfresco" into the database. Inserted: application "119190/2020" with address "43 Pegasi Avenue HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Land Division (1 Alloment into 2)" into the database. Inserted: application "117235/2019" with address "12 Peregrine Way GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Variation to Original Approval 070/111184/2016 (retaining wall, fence and shed dimensions, and two new 3000L rainwater tanks)" into the database. Inserted: application "119221/2020" with address "18 Peregrine Way GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Swimming Pool and Safety Barrier" into the database. Inserted: application "119229/2020" with address "Unit 7 20 Persimmon Grove GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Single storey detached dwelling with garage and retaining walls" into the database. Inserted: application "119216/2020" with address "28 Pleasant Grove HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Storage Shed in association with Recycling Depot" into the database. Skipped: application "119216/2020" with address "28 Pleasant Grove HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Storage Shed in association with Recycling Depot" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119225/2020" with address "11A Pompoota Road HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119225/2020" with address "11A Pompoota Road HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119175/2020" with address "72 Reids Road DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Demolition of dwelling, carport, verandah and shed" into the database. Inserted: application "119159/2020" with address "3 Reynolds Avenue DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Two Single Storey Dwellings" into the database. Inserted: application "119354/2020" with address "16A Richmond Road HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Two Single Storey Dwellings" into the database. Inserted: application "119369/2020" with address "17 Riddell Road HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Dwelling Additions" into the database. Inserted: application "119174/2020" with address "27 Sassafras Drive HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Tree Removal" into the database. Inserted: application "119187/2020" with address "16 Sellar Court GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah attached to rear of dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119360/2020" with address "6 Shannon Rise BANKSIA PARK SA 5091" and reason "Demolition of dwelling, sheds, carport and verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119364/2020" with address "3 Slate Road GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Spa and Safety Barrier (retrospective)" into the database. Skipped: application "119364/2020" with address "3 Slate Road GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Spa and Safety Barrier (retrospective)" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119329/2020" with address "4 Snead Crescent FAIRVIEW PARK SA 5126" and reason "Dwelling Additions Garage Verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119313/2020" with address "3B Southern Terrace HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119240/2020" with address "19 Southern Terrace HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119181/2020" with address "8 Staffan House Lane GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Removal of internal structural walls" into the database. Inserted: application "119245/2020" with address "6A Stanley Way GILLES PLAINS SA 5086" and reason "Single Storey Detached Dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119272/2020" with address "10 Stanley Way GILLES PLAINS SA 5086" and reason "Land Division New Allotments and Tree Removal" into the database. Inserted: application "119297/2020" with address "11 Stillwell Court GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "119297/2020" with address "11 Stillwell Court GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119235/2020" with address "7 Sunbird Court GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119284/2020" with address "1 Tamala Crescent GILLES PLAINS SA 5086" and reason "Dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119311/2020" with address "3 Tamar Crescent BANKSIA PARK SA 5091" and reason "Shed" into the database. Inserted: application "119350/2020" with address "183 Target Hill Road GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Double Storey Dwelling Addition" into the database. Inserted: application "119276/2020" with address "24 Tarton Road HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Land Division (1 into 2)" into the database. Inserted: application "119306/2020" with address "2 Tasman Avenue GILLES PLAINS SA 5086" and reason "Land Division (1 into 3)" into the database. Inserted: application "119348/2020" with address "22 Tatiara Drive BANKSIA PARK SA 5091" and reason "Carport" into the database. Skipped: application "119348/2020" with address "22 Tatiara Drive BANKSIA PARK SA 5091" and reason "Carport" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119066/2020" with address "1 Taworri Road FAIRVIEW PARK SA 5126" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119247/2020" with address "9 Tomatin Court GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Freestanding Outbuilding" into the database. Inserted: application "119370/2020" with address "8 Turtur Court GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Variation to DA 117960" into the database. Inserted: application "118713/2020" with address "58 Valiant Road HOLDEN HILL SA 5088" and reason "Single storey dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119379/2020" with address "8 Vinall Road MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Land Division New Allotments" into the database. Inserted: application "119317/2020" with address "15 Waikerie Avenue HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Garage" into the database. Inserted: application "119377/2020" with address "24A Waikerie Avenue HOPE VALLEY SA 5090" and reason "Single Storey Detached Dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119283/2020" with address "6 Waterford Avenue DERNANCOURT SA 5075" and reason "Dwelling Additions" into the database. Inserted: application "118800/2020" with address "29 Williamson Terrace GREENWITH SA 5125" and reason "Verandah" into the database. Inserted: application "119307/2020" with address "2 Winchester Crescent GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Carport" into the database. Skipped: application "119307/2020" with address "2 Winchester Crescent GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125" and reason "Carport" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "119202/2020" with address "457 Wright Road MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Carport forward of the dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119280/2020" with address "479 Wright Road MODBURY SA 5092" and reason "Internal Alterations" into the database. Inserted: application "119251/2020" with address "8 Yarramie Avenue BANKSIA PARK SA 5091" and reason "Demolition of existing dwelling and carport" into the database. Inserted: application "119363/2020" with address "10 Zircon Crescent HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Single storey detached dwelling" into the database. Inserted: application "119371/2020" with address "25 Zircon Crescent HIGHBURY SA 5089" and reason "Shed" into the database. Complete.


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council_reference address description info_url comment_url date_scraped date_received on_notice_from on_notice_to
25 Arcowie Road DERNANCOURT SA 5075
33 Australia Avenue MODBURY SA 5092
Dwelling and Verandah and Garage
10 Avocet Street HOLDEN HILL SA 5088
Two Single Storey Dwellings
53 Awoonga Road HIGHBURY SA 5089
Fence Carport
30 Beaufort Avenue GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125
Variation to Original Approval
15-23 Bendigo Crescent MODBURY SA 5092
Shade/Sails Structure
1A Berri Road HOPE VALLEY SA 5090
Two Storey Dwelling and Verandah and Garage
20 Berryman Drive MODBURY SA 5092
Land Division New Allotments
2 Blair Court GREENWITH SA 5125
Swimming Pool with Safety Barrier and Decking
4 Blamey Court HIGHBURY SA 5089
Dwelling Additions


Average successful run time: 1 minute

Total run time: about 4 hours

Total cpu time used: 8 minutes

Total disk space used: 469 KB


  • Manually ran revision 277806c6 and completed successfully .
    146 records added in the database
  • Auto ran revision 277806c6 and completed successfully .
    1 record added in the database
  • Auto ran revision 277806c6 and completed successfully .
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  • Auto ran revision 277806c6 and completed successfully .
    2 records added in the database
  • Auto ran revision 277806c6 and completed successfully .
    10 records added in the database
  • ...
  • Created on morph.io

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