MichaelBone / city_of_mount_gambier_sa_development_applications

City of Mount Gambier (South Australia) Development Applications

Contributors MichaelBone

Last run completed successfully .

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... [1G [1G-----> Node.js app detected [1G [1G-----> Creating runtime environment [1G [1G NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL=error [1G NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true [1G NPM_CONFIG_CAFILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt [1G NODE_VERBOSE=false [1G NODE_ENV=production [1G NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 [1G NODE_MODULES_CACHE=true [1G [1G-----> Installing binaries [1G engines.node (package.json): 10.6.0 [1G engines.npm (package.json): unspecified (use default) [1G [1G Resolving node version 10.6.0... [1G Downloading and installing node 10.6.0... [1G Using default npm version: 6.1.0 [1G [1G-----> Restoring cache [1G Skipping cache restore (not-found) [1G [1G-----> Building dependencies [1G Installing node modules (package.json) [1G [1G > sqlite3@4.0.6 install /tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3 [1G > node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build [1G [1G [sqlite3] Success: "/tmp/build/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/node-v64-linux-x64/node_sqlite3.node" is installed via remote [1G added 143 packages from 115 contributors and audited 274 packages in 7.365s [1G found 0 vulnerabilities [1G [1G [1G-----> Caching build [1G Clearing previous node cache [1G Saving 2 cacheDirectories (default): [1G - node_modules [1G - bower_components (nothing to cache) [1G [1G-----> Build succeeded! [1G [1G-----> Discovering process types [1G Procfile declares types -> scraper Injecting scraper and running... Retrieving page: https://ecouncil.mountgambier.sa.gov.au/eservice/daEnquiryInit.do?nodeNum=21461 Retrieving search results for: https://ecouncil.mountgambier.sa.gov.au/eservice/daEnquiry.do?number=&lodgeRangeType=on&dateFrom=19%2F03%2F2019&dateTo=19%2F04%2F2019&detDateFromString=&detDateToString=&streetName=&suburb=0&unitNum=&houseNum=0%0D%0A%09%09%09%09%09&planNumber=&strataPlan=&lotNumber=&propertyName=&searchMode=A&submitButton=Search Skipped: application "103/2019" with address "17-19 Anniefield Lane MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "Garage Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "88/2019" with address "5 Arthur Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To construct a detached garage in association with an existing residential dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "98/2019" with address "16-18 Avey Road MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "No description provided" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "97/2019" with address "67 Bay Road MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "Portico" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "84/2019" with address "Unit 1 37 Bertha Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To change the use of the three (3) existing residential units to that of a Tourist Accommodation Complex for the provision of short term accommodation" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "102/2019" with address "6 Boucaut Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To demolish an existing garage and to construct a detached garage with attached carport in association with the existing residential dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "111/2019" with address "1 Candlewood Court MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "No description provided" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "101/2019" with address "16-18 Collins Drive SUTTONTOWN SA 5291" and description "To construct a detached dwelling and associated freestanding garage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "104/2019" with address "Unit 2 206 Commercial Street East MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To change the use of the existing residential unit to that of short term accommodation" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "112/2019" with address "391-397 Commercial Street West MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "No description provided" into the database. Skipped: application "93/2019" with address "27 Crouch Street South MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To change the use from an existing retail showroom to that of offices and associated signage" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "86/2019" with address "85 Crouch Street South MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To construct a verandah and deck in association with an existing dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "105/2019" with address "10 DeGaris Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To demolish an existing garage and to construct a new garage in association with an existing dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "107/2019" with address "1 Jessie Place MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To construct a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "87/2019" with address "38 John Powell Drive MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To construct a single storey detached dwelling with garage, portico and verandah under main roofline, and a detached residential outbuilding" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "99/2019" with address "260 Jubilee Highway West SUTTONTOWN SA 5291" and description "No description provided" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "110/2019" with address "Unit 1 6 Lansell Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To change the use of the property from residential dwelling to short term accommodation" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "90/2019" with address "42 Lorikeet Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "No description provided" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "100/2019" with address "13 McDonald Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "No description provided" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "92/2019" with address "154-180 Penola Road MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To contruct a shop and associated drive thru, signage, car parking and landscaping" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "85/2019" with address "179 Penola Road MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To change the use from a dwelling and associated garaging to that of a dwelling and a dance studio and associated car parking" because it was already present in the database. Inserted: application "113/2019" with address "46 Pinehurst Drive WORROLONG SA 5291" and description "Garage Portico Verandah" into the database. Skipped: application "106/2019" with address "49 Pinehurst Drive WORROLONG SA 5291" and description "To construct a detached residential outbuilding (garage) in association with a residential dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "96/2019" with address "52 Pinehurst Drive WORROLONG SA 5291" and description "Garage Verandah" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "109/2019" with address "17 Ramsay Avenue MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "No description provided" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "95/2019" with address "22 Stiles Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To construct a carport in association with an existing dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "108/2019" with address "71 Suttontown Road MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "No description provided" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "94/2019" with address "33-35 White Avenue MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To construct a undercover canopy in association with the existing storage shed use" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "91/2019" with address "1 Wills Court MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To construct a detached dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Skipped: application "89/2019" with address "2A Winston Terrace MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290" and description "To construct solar panels on an existing dwelling" because it was already present in the database. Complete.


Downloaded 5 times by MichaelBone

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rows 10 / 316

council_reference address description info_url comment_url date_scraped date_received on_notice_from on_notice_to
13 Fairlie Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290
No description provided
SP030/ 21 Helen Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290
No description provided
7 John Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290
To construct a verandah and carport in association with an existing dwelling
6 Oakmont Court WORROLONG SA 5291
To construct a single storey detached dwelling with garage, verandah and pergola under main roofline
12 Perriam Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290
No description provided
40 Umpherston Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290
No description provided
16 Wireless Road East MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290
To construct office addition to an existing office and workshop
2 Skyline Place MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290
No description provided
4 Keegan Street MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290
To construct dwelling additions and alterations including a garage, lounge and dining
11 Longmire Terrace MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290
Proposed dwelling extension to an existing single storey freestanding dwelling, including office and enclosed entertainment area


Average successful run time: less than a minute

Total run time: about 3 hours

Total cpu time used: 6 minutes

Total disk space used: 157 KB


  • Auto ran revision d545a65b and completed successfully .
    2 records added in the database
  • Auto ran revision d545a65b and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
  • Auto ran revision d545a65b and completed successfully .
    1 record added in the database
  • Auto ran revision d545a65b and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
  • Auto ran revision d545a65b and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
  • ...
  • Created on morph.io

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