Jagger78 / win2day

Gewinner des Tages

This is a scraper that runs on Morph. To get started see the documentation

Contributors Jagger78

Last run completed successfully .

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... [1G [1G-----> Perl/PSGI app detected [1G-----> Bootstrapping cpanm [1G Successfully installed App-cpanminus-1.7047 [1G 1 distribution installed [1G-----> Installing dependencies [1G Successfully installed Sub-Uplevel-0.2800 [1G Successfully installed Test-Exception-0.43 [1G Successfully installed JSON-4.10 [1G Successfully installed DBI-1.643 [1G Successfully installed Test-Pod-1.52 [1G Successfully installed DBD-SQLite-1.74 [1G Successfully installed Database-DumpTruck-1.2 [1G Successfully installed HTML-Tagset-3.24 [1G Successfully installed URI-5.28 [1G Successfully installed Clone-0.46 [1G Successfully installed Encode-3.21 (upgraded from 2.49) [1G Successfully installed LWP-MediaTypes-6.04 [1G Successfully installed Encode-Locale-1.05 [1G Successfully installed Time-Local-1.35 (upgraded from 1.2300) [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Date-6.06 [1G Successfully installed IO-HTML-1.004 [1G Successfully installed Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.212 (upgraded from 2.060) [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Message-6.46 [1G Successfully installed HTML-Parser-3.82 [1G Successfully installed ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.70 (upgraded from 6.66) [1G Successfully installed Try-Tiny-0.31 [1G Successfully installed Test-Fatal-0.017 [1G Successfully installed HTML-Tree-5.07 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Cookies-6.11 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Negotiate-6.01 [1G Successfully installed File-Listing-6.16 [1G Successfully installed Net-HTTP-6.23 [1G Successfully installed WWW-RobotRules-6.02 [1G Successfully installed libwww-perl-6.77 [1G 29 distributions installed [1G-----> Installing Starman [1G Successfully installed ExtUtils-Helpers-0.027 [1G Successfully installed Test-Harness-3.48 [1G Successfully installed ExtUtils-Config-0.009 [1G Successfully installed ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.013 [1G Successfully installed CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.143 [1G Successfully installed ExtUtils-HasCompiler-0.025 [1G Successfully installed CPAN-Requirements-Dynamic-0.001 [1G Successfully installed Module-Build-Tiny-0.048 [1G Successfully installed Net-Server-2.014 [1G Successfully installed Test-SharedFork-0.35 [1G Successfully installed Module-Build-0.4234 (upgraded from 0.4003) [1G Successfully installed IO-Socket-IP-0.42 [1G Successfully installed Test-TCP-2.22 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Parser-XS-0.17 [1G Successfully installed Data-Dump-1.25 [1G Successfully installed File-ShareDir-Install-0.14 [1G Successfully installed Stream-Buffered-0.03 [1G Successfully installed Hash-MultiValue-0.16 [1G Successfully installed WWW-Form-UrlEncoded-0.26 [1G Successfully installed Test-Deep-1.204 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-MultiPartParser-0.02 [1G Successfully installed Cpanel-JSON-XS-4.38 [1G Successfully installed JSON-PP-4.16 (upgraded from 2.27203) [1G Successfully installed JSON-MaybeXS-1.004005 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Entity-Parser-0.25 [1G Successfully installed POSIX-strftime-Compiler-0.46 [1G Successfully installed Apache-LogFormat-Compiler-0.36 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Tiny-0.088 (upgraded from 0.025) [1G Successfully installed Devel-StackTrace-2.05 [1G Successfully installed HTTP-Headers-Fast-0.22 [1G Successfully installed Class-Inspector-1.36 [1G Successfully installed File-ShareDir-1.118 [1G Successfully installed Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.14 [1G Successfully installed Cookie-Baker-0.12 [1G Successfully installed Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML-0.15 [1G Successfully installed Plack-1.0051 [1G Successfully installed Starman-0.4017 [1G 37 distributions installed [1G [1G-----> Discovering process types [1G Procfile declares types -> scraper Injecting scraper and running...


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rows 10 / 107



Average successful run time: 1 minute

Total run time: about 3 hours

Total cpu time used: less than 20 seconds

Total disk space used: 24 KB


  • Auto ran revision 3666aac9 and completed successfully .
    1 record added in the database
  • Auto ran revision 3666aac9 and completed successfully .
    1 record added in the database
  • Auto ran revision 3666aac9 and completed successfully .
    1 record added in the database
  • Auto ran revision 3666aac9 and completed successfully .
    1 record added in the database
  • Auto ran revision 3666aac9 and completed successfully .
    1 record added in the database
  • ...
  • Created on morph.io

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Scraper code


win2day / scraper.pl