BrianOB / google_news_scrape_1

google news scrape


Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over the world by Google News.

Contributors BrianOB

Last run completed successfully .

Console output of last run

Injecting configuration and compiling... Injecting scraper and running... (u'This RSS feed URL is deprecated', ' ', u'') (u'In its third year, Coda.Br conference democratizes discussion on data journalism in Brazil - Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas (blog)', ' ', u'') (u'The needle and the damage done: Another election night ruined by garbage \u201cdata journalism\u201d - Salon', ' ', u'') (u"The Economist's print edition launches a dedicated data journalism page for better visual storytelling -", ' ', u'') (u'Follow the Data? Investigative Journalism in the Age of Algorithms - Singularity Hub', ' ', u'') (u'Quartz forms Quartz AI Studio with $250k grant from Knight Foundation - Digiday', ' ', u'') (u'Fact-checking and data journalism: register now for our free online course with Laura Zommer - Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas', ' ', u'') (u'Registration open for third edition of Coda.Br, Brazilian conference on data journalism - Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas (blog)', ' ', u'') (u"Q and A: Matt Carroll on 'Spotlight' the movie, future of data journalism - Rappler", ' ', u'') (u'Data journalist -', ' ', u'')


Average successful run time: less than 5 seconds

Total run time: less than 20 seconds

Total cpu time used: less than 5 seconds

Total disk space used: 23.2 KB


  • Manually ran revision c58d1382 and completed successfully .
    nothing changed in the database
    2 pages scraped
  • Manually ran revision fe3ddfda and failed .
    nothing changed in the database
    2 pages scraped
  • Manually ran revision f4945df0 and failed .
    nothing changed in the database
    2 pages scraped
  • Created on

Scraper code
